The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Book of Husbandry, by Anthony Fitzherbert This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: The Book of Husbandry Author: Anthony Fitzherbert Editor: Walter William Skeat Release Date: July 7, 2018 [EBook #57457] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE BOOK OF HUSBANDRY *** Produced by MWS, John Campbell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/Canadian Libraries)
There were many quite different printings of this Book of Husbandry. As the editor of this printing, Rev. Walter Skeat, notes in his Introduction: “The present volume contains a careful reprint of Berthelet’s edition of 1534” collated throughout “with the curious edition of 1598” that was authored by “I. R.”—his actual name is unknown.
This “careful reprint” retains all the spelling variations and inconsistencies of those original editions, and so does this etext. The Notes and Sidenotes produced by Skeat are of course in modern (1882) English. He has inserted some corrections to the reprinted text; these are shown in [brackets]. Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors in his Notes and Sidenotes have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.
Some minor changes are listed at the end of the book.
Footnote anchors are denoted by [number], and the footnotes have been placed at the end of each major section of the book.
The line numbering on each section of the reprinted 1534 text has been retained and is shown as a number (4, 8, 12 etc) on the left side of the etext. Original line-breaks in the 1534 text have not been retained.
>The line numbering on each section of the reprinted 1534 text has been retained and is shown as a number (4, 8, 12 etc) on the right side of the etext. Original line-breaks in the 1534 text have not been retained.
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Book of Husbandry,
Reprinted from the Edition of 1534,
PAGE | |
Introduction | vii |
The Author’s Prologue | 1 |
The Table (which see) | 3 |
The Book of Husbandry | 9 |
Notes | 127 |
Glossarial Index | 149 |
One question of chief interest respecting the volume here printed is—who was the author? We know that his name was “Mayster Fitzherbarde” (see p. 125), and the question that has to be settled is simply this—may we identify him with Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, judge of the Common Pleas, the author of the Grand Abridgment of the Common Law, the New Natura Brevium, and other legal works?
The question has been frequently discussed, and, as far as I have been able to discover, the more usual verdict of the critics is in favour of the supposed identity; and certainly all the evidence tends very strongly in that direction, as will, I think, presently appear.
Indeed, when we come to investigate the grounds on which the objections to the usually received theory rest, they appear to be exceedingly trivial; nor have I been very successful in discovering the opposed arguments. Bohn’s edition of Lowndes’ Bibliographer’s Manual merely tells us that “the treatises on Husbandry and Surveying are by some attributed to the famous lawyer Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, by others to his brother John Fitzherbert.”
In the Catalogue of the Huth Library, we find this note: “The Rev. Joseph Hunter was the first person to point out that the author of this work [Fitzherbert’s Husbandry] and the book on Surveying was a different person from the judge of the same name.” It will be at once observed that this[viii] note is practically worthless, from the absence of the reference. After considerable search, I have been unable to discover where Hunter’s statement is to be found, so that the nature of his objections can only be guessed at.
In Walter Harte’s Essays on Husbandry (ii. 77) we read—“How Fitzherbert could be a practitioner of the art of agriculture for 40 years, as he himself says in 1534, is pretty extraordinary. I suppose it was his country amusement in the periodical recesses between the terms.” We are here presented with a definite objection, grounded, as is alleged, upon the author’s own words; and it is most probable that Harte is here stating the objection which has weighed most strongly with those who (like Hunter) have objected to the current opinion. The answer to the objection is, I think, not a little remarkable, viz. that the alleged statement is not the author’s at all. By turning to p. 125, it will be seen that it was Thomas Berthelet the printer who said that the author “had exercysed husbandry, with greate experyence, xl. years.” But the author’s own statement, on p. 124, is differently worded; and the difference is material. He says: “and, as touchynge the poyntes of husbandry, and of other artycles conteyned in this present boke, I wyll not saye that it is the beste waye and wyll serue beste in all places, but I saye it is the best way that euer I coude proue by experyence, the whiche haue ben an housholder this xl. yeres and more, and haue assaied many and dyuers wayes, and done my dyligence to proue by experyence which shuld be the beste waye.” The more we weigh these words, the more we see a divergence between them and the construction which might readily be put upon the words of Berthelet; a construction which, in all probability, Berthelet did not specially intend. Any reader who hastily glances at Berthelet’s statement would probably deduce from it that the author was a farmer merely, who had[ix] had forty years’ experience in farming. But this is not what we should deduce from the more careful statement of the author. We should rather notice these points.
1. The author does not speak of husbandry only, but of other points. The other points are the breeding of horses (not a necessary part of a farmer’s business), the selling of wood and timber, grafting of trees, a long discourse upon prodigality, remarks upon gaming, a discussion of “what is riches,” and a treatise upon practical religion, illustrated by Latin quotations from the fathers, and occupying no small portion of the work. This is not the work of a practical farmer, in the narrow acceptation of the term, meaning thereby one who farms to live; but it is clearly the work of a country gentleman, rich in horses and in timber, acquainted with the extravagant mode of life often adopted by the wealthy, and at the same time given to scholarly pursuits and to learned and devout reading. Indeed, the prominence given to religious teaching can hardly fail to surprise a reader who expects to find in the volume nothing more than hints upon practical agriculture. One chapter has a very suggestive heading, viz. “A lesson made in Englysshe verses, that a gentylmans seruaunte shall forget none of his gere in his inne behynde hym” (p. 7). This is obviously the composition of a gentleman himself, and of one accustomed to take long journeys upon horseback, and to stay at various inns on the way.[1]
2. Again he says, “it is the best way that euer I coude proue by experyence, the whiche ... haue assaied many and dyuers wayes, and done my dyligence to proue by experyence which shuld be the beste waye.” Certainly this is not the language of one who farmed for profit, but of[x] the experimental farmer, the man who could afford to lose if things went wrong, one to whom farming was an amusement and a recreation, and who delighted in trying various modes that he might benefit those who, unlike himself, could not afford to try any way but that which had long been known.
3. We must note the language in which he describes himself. He does not say that he had “exercised husbandry” for forty years, but that he had “been a householder” during that period. The two things are widely different. His knowledge of agriculture was, so to speak, accidental; his real employment had been to manage a household, or, as we should rather now say, to “keep house.” This, again, naturally assigns to him the status of a country gentleman, who chose to superintend everything for himself, and to gain a practical acquaintance with everything upon his estate, viz. his lands, his cattle, his horses, his bees, his trees, his felled timber, and the rest; not forgetting his duties as a man of rank in setting a good example, discouraging waste, giving attention to prayer and almsgiving, and to his necessary studies. “He that can rede and vnderstande latyne, let hym take his booke in his hande, and looke stedfastely vppon the same thynge that he readeth and seeth, that is no trouble to hym,” etc. (p. 115). Are we to suppose that it could be said generally, of farmers in the time of Henry VIII., that Latin was “no trouble to them”? If so, things must have greatly changed.
I have spoken of the above matter at some length, because I much suspect that the words used by Berthelet are the very words which have biassed, entirely in the wrong direction, the minds of such critics as have found a difficulty where little exists. It ought to be particularly borne in mind that Berthelet’s expression, though likely to mislead now, was not calculated to do so at the time, when the authorship of the[xi] book was doubtless well known. And we shall see presently that Berthelet himself entirely believed Sir Anthony to have been the author of this Book on Husbandry.
Another objection that has been raised is founded upon the apparent strangeness of the title “Mayster Fitz-herbarde” as applied to a judge. The answer is most direct and explicit, viz. that the printer who uses this title did so wittingly, for he is the very man who helps us to identify our author with the great lawyer. It is therefore simply impossible that he could have seen any incongruity in it, and any objection founded upon it must be wholly futile. The title of master was used in those days very differently to what it is now. Foxe, in his Actes and Monuments, ed. 1583, p. 1770, tells us how “maister Latymer” encouraged “maister Ridley,” when both were at the stake; and, chancing to open Holinshed’s History (ed. 1808, iii. 754), I find a discourse between Wolsey and Sir William Kingston, Constable of the Tower, in which the latter is called “master Kingston” throughout.
I cannot find that there is any reason for assigning the composition of the Book of Husbandry to John Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony’s brother. It is a mere guess, founded only upon the knowledge that Sir Anthony had such a brother. It looks as though the critics who wish to deprive Sir Anthony of the honour of the authorship think they must concede somewhat, and therefore suggest his brother’s name by way of compensation.
We have no proof that John Fitzherbert ever wrote anything, whilst Sir Anthony was a well-known author. All experience shows that a man who writes one book is likely to write another.
When we leave these vague surmises and come to consider the direct evidence, nearly all difficulties cease. And first, as to external evidence.
The author of the Book of Husbandry was also author of the Book of Surveying, as has always been seen and acknowledged.[2] The first piece of distinct evidence on the subject is the statement of Thomas Berthelet. He prefixed some verses to Pynson’s edition of the Book of Surveying (1523), addressing the reader as follows:
“ This worthy man / nobly hath done his payne
I meane hym / that these sayde bokes[3] dyd deuyse.
He sheweth to husbandes / in right fruteful wyse
The manyfolde good thynges / in brefe sentence
Whiche he hath well proued / by long experyence.
¶ And this[4] I leaue hym / in his good wyll and mynde
That he beareth / vnto the publyke weale.
Wolde god noblemen / coude in their hertes fynde
After such forme / for the cōmons helth to deale;
It is a true token / of hyghe loue and zeale
Whan he so delyteth / and taketh pleasure
By his busy labour / mens welth to procure.”
This cannot well be mistaken. It is obvious that Berthelet believed the author to be a nobleman, one who “shewed things to husbands” which he had gained by his own “long experience;” one who wrote out of the “good will and mind that he bare unto the public weal,” thereby proving his “high love and zeal,” in that he delighted “to procure men’s wealth,” i.e. the welfare of others, not his own riches, by means of his “busy labour.” We hence conclude that Berthelet knew perfectly well who the author was; and indeed it would have been strange if he did not, since he was writing in 1523 (while the author was still alive), and subsequently printed both the books of which he is here speaking. He plainly tells us that the author was a nobleman, and merely wrote to benefit others out of pure love and zeal.
But this is not Berthelet’s only allusion to these books. In an edition of the Book of Surveying, printed by Berthelet,[5] there are some remarks by him at the back of the title-page to the following effect. “To the reder. Whan I had printed the boke longyng to a Justice of the peace, togither with other small bokes very necessary, I bethought me vpon this boke of Surueyenge, compyled sometyme by master Fitzherbarde, how good and howe profitable it is for all states, that be lordes and possessioners of landes, ... or tenauntes of the same, ... also how well it agreeth with the argument of the other small bokes, as court-baron, court-hundred, and chartuary, I went in hande and printed it in the same volume that the other be, to binde them al-togither. And haue amended it in many places.”
The mention of “the boke longyng to a Justice of the peace” is interesting, as bringing us back again to Sir Anthony Fitzherbert. “In 1538,” says Mr. Wallis,[6] Robert Redman printed “The newe Boke of Justices of the Peas, by A. F. K. [Anthony Fitzherbert, Knight], lately translated out of French into English, In the yere of our Lord God, M.D.xxxviii. The 29 day of December, Cum priuilegio.”[7] Mr. Hobson’s list (Hist. Ashborne, p. 234) mentions this as “the first work on the subject ever printed,” but this is not the case. Wynkyn de Worde and Copland both printed, as early as 1515, “The Boke of Justices of the Peas, the charge, with al [xiv]the proces of the Cessyons, Warrants, Superseders, wyth al that longyth to ony justice, &c.” It is not pretended that this was our author’s work; but he improved upon it, as he did also upon the Natura Brevium. In his preface to La Novel Natura Brevium (Berthelet, 1534), he says that the original book was written by a learned man, whom he does not name: and that it was esteemed as a fundamental book for understanding the law. In the course of its translations, and of the alteration of the laws, many things had been retained which were unnecessary, and much desirable matter was omitted. This was what induced him to compose the new one.
Upon this I have to remark, that it is incredible that Berthelet should mention a work which he knew to be by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert in one line, and in the next should proceed to speak of “Master Fitzherbarde” without a word of warning that he was speaking of a different person. The obvious inference is that the author of the Book on Surveying was, in his belief, the same person as the “A. F. K.” who wrote “the boke longyng to a Justice of the peace.” As it is, he takes no trouble about the matter; for he could hardly foresee that any difficulty would thence arise. It is remarkable how frequently writers just stop short of being explicit, because they think that, at the moment of writing, a fact is too notorious to be worth mentioning.
Here the direct external evidence ceases. We now come to consider the internal evidence, which is interesting enough.
In the first place, the author of the Book of Husbandry was also the author of the Book of Surveying, as he tells us explicitly in his prologue to the latter book. But whoever wrote the Book of Surveying must have been a considerable lawyer. It is of a far more learned and technical character than the Book on Husbandry, and abounds with quotations[xv] from Latin statutes, which the author translates and explains. In Chap. 1 he says of a certain statute, that, in his opinion, it was made soon after the Battle of Evesham, in the time of Henry III.; and he frequently interprets statutes with the air of one whose opinion was worth having. In Chap, xi., he enlarges upon the mistakes made by lords, knights, squires, and gentlemen who know but little of the law. “They come to the court or sende their clerkes, that can [know] as litle law as their maister or lasse, but that he vnderstandeth a lytell latyn.” At the end of the same chapter, he is deep in law-terms, court-roll, fee simple, fee tayle, franke tenement, and all the rest of it. He then gives numerous forms, all in Latin, to be used by owners who wish to lease, grant, or surrender lands; but only a good lawyer would venture to recommend forms suitable for such important purposes.
Some other points of internal evidence have already been incidentally noticed, such as the author’s familiarity with the mode of life of the rich; his lesson made for “a gentylmans seruaunte”; his readiness to try many ways of farming as an experimentalist who could afford to lose money; and his statement that Latin was no trouble to him. I proceed to notice a few more.
Something further can be inferred from the author’s mention of places. He speaks of so many counties, as Cornwall, Devon, Essex, Kent, Somerset, Buckinghamshire, Yorkshire, and Lancashire, that we can at first obtain no definite result. But there is an express allusion to “the peeke countreye” at p. 44; whilst at p. 81 he alludes to the parts about London by using the adverb “there,” as if it were not his home. Yet that he was perfectly familiar with London is obvious from his allusions to it in chap. xix. of the Book on Surveying. But there are two more explicit references which are worth notice. At p. 27, he speaks of “the farther syde of Darbyshyre, called[xvi] Scaresdale, Halomshyre, and so northewarde towarde Yorke and Ryppon.” Now Scarsdale is one of the six “hundreds” of Derbyshire, and includes the country about Dronfield and Chesterfield; whilst Hallamshire is a name given to a part of Yorkshire lying round and including Sheffield. We hence fairly deduce the inference that the author lived on the western side of Derbyshire, in the neighbourhood of Ashborne, so that he looked upon Chesterfield as lying on the farther side of the country, and at the same time northward, which is precisely the fact. We are thus led to locate the author in the very neighbourhood of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert’s home.
Again, at p. 65, he says that if he were to say too much about the faults of horses, he would break the promise that he made “at Grombalde brydge,” the first time that he went to Ripon to buy colts. After some search as to the place here intended, I found, in Allen’s History of Yorkshire, that one of the bridges over the Nidd near Knaresborough is called “Grimbald bridge;”[8] and, seeing that Knaresborough is exactly due south of Ripon, it follows that the author came from the south of Knaresborough. We seem, in fact, to trace the general direction of his first ride to Ripon, viz. from his home to the farther side of Derbyshire, through the northwest corner of Scarsdale to Sheffield, and “so northward” through Leeds and Knaresborough. Nothing can be more satisfactory.
A very interesting point is the author’s love of farming and of horses. As to horses, he tells us how he first went to Ripon to buy colts (p. 65); how many secrets of horse-dealing he could tell; how, in buying horses, he had been[xvii] beguiled a hundred times and more (p. 63); how he used to say to his customers that, if ever they ventured to trust any horse-dealer, they had better trust himself (p. 73); and how he had in his possession at one time as many as sixty mares, and five or six horses (p. 60). In this connection, it becomes interesting to inquire if Sir Anthony Fitzherbert was fond of horses likewise.
It so happens that this question can certainly be answered in the affirmative; and I have here to acknowledge, with pleasure and gratitude, the assistance which I have received from one of the family,[9] the Rev. Reginald Fitzherbert, of Somersal Herbert, Derbyshire. He has been at the trouble of transcribing Sir Anthony’s will, a complete copy of which he contributed to “The Reliquary,” No. 84, vol. xxi. April, 1881, p. 234. I here insert, by his kind permission, his remarks upon the subject, together with such extracts from the will as seem most material for our present purpose.
“The following will of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, of Norbury, is transcribed from the Office Copy at Somerset House (Dingley, fol. 20), and is now printed, as I believe, for the first time. The contractions have been written out in extenso.
“Sir Anthony married, secondly, the co-heir of Richard Cotton, and with her he acquired the estate of Hampstall Ridware, which he probably kept in his own hands, and farmed himself. He succeeded his brother John at Norbury in 1531, and died there in 1538, aged 68.
“Fuller, in his Worthies, says that Sir Anthony Fitzherbert’s books are ‘monuments which will longer continue his Memory than the flat blew marble stone in Norbury Church under which he lieth interred.’ Camden (Gibson’s ed. 1753, vol. i. p. 271) calls him Chief Justice of the Common[xviii] Pleas; but Thoroton (Notts., ed. 1677, p. 344) says, ‘I do not find that Anthony Fitzherbert was ever Chief Justice;’ and it does not appear that he was more than, as he describes himself, ‘oon of the kings Justices.’”
Extracts from
Testamentum Anthonii Fitzherbert.
“In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti Amen.”
“I Anthony ffitzherbert oon of the kings Justices being hole in body and of parfite remembraunce thankes to almighty god make my last will and testament the xii day of October in the xxixth yere of the Reign of king Henry the eight[10] in fourme folowing ffirst I bequeth my soule to almighty god my saviour criste my Redemer and to our blissed Lady his mother and to Mighel my patron and to all the holy company of hevyn....
And I bequethe XLs to amende the high wayes[11] bitwixt Abbottes Bromley [and] Vttaxather. And to sir Thomas ffitzwilliam Lord Admyrall fyve markes and the best horsse or gelding that I haue. And to Humfrey Cotton V markes to ffraunces Cotton fyve markes and a gelding or a horsse of XLs price. And to euery of my housholde seruentes a quarter wagis besides their wagis due. And to euery of my seruentes that be used to Ryde with me[12] oon heyffer of two yere olde and vpward or ellse oon felde Colt of that age.
And to sir Henry Sacheuerell and to sir William Basset to euery of them oon horsse Colt of twoo yeres olde and aboue....
And tenne kyne and a bull and VIII oxen and a wayn and the ploez and other thinges longing to a wayne, to remayn at Rydwar for heire Lomes. And XII mares, and a stallande, and VI. fetherbeddes and VI mattresses and Couerynges blankettes shetes and Counterpoyntes thereunto to logge honest gentilmen, and to remain at Rydwar for heire lomes to the heires males of ffitzherbert....
And I will that Kateryn my doughter haue foure bullockes and four heiffers and twoo ffetherbeddes and twoo bolsters and twoo mattresse and bolsters for them and shetes blankettes and other stuffe to make hir twoo good beddis yf I geve hir non by my life....
[xix]And where I caused Thomas ffitzherbert to surrendre the Indenture of the fferme of the parsonage of Castelton in the Peeke to the Abbot of Vayll Royal to the intent, to thentent (sic) that I and he shulde haue fourty yeres terme therin more then was in the olde Indenture, And to take a newe leesse for terme of threscore and tenne yeres which olde leesse the same Thomas had by the mariage of the doughter and heire of sir Arthur Eyre whiche sir Arthur Eyre willed that his bastard sonne shulde haue fyve markes yerely of the profites of the same fferme as apperith by his wille wherfor I will that the same bastard sonne haue the same fyve markes according to the same will And the Residue of the profites of the same fferme I will and require the same Thomas my sonne that John ffitzherbert his brother may haue the profites therof during his lyfe And after his decesse Richard ffitzherbert his brother And I will that my fferme at Caldon And the fferme that I haue of the King And the howe Grange Remain to my heires males of Norbury And I will that the lande that I purchased at Whittington besides Lichefelde goo foreuer to kepe the obite at North wynfelde for my brother doctour soule according to his will and to be made sure—therfor as moche as may reasonably be devised therfor to stande with the lawe yf I do not assigne other landes therfor hereafter....
And I will that my Cosyn Richard Coton haue one good amblyng Colt or oon good horsse of myn to Ryde on by the discrecion of my wife and my son Thomas to be deliuered And to my Cosyn Alice his wyfe oon of my best habites with the Cloke and Hood and the Lynyng and the furr of the same. Written the day and yere abouesaid.”
The will was proved at Lichfield, August 26, 1538.
I may add that the will mentions his wife dame Maude, his son Thomas, his three younger sons John, Richard, and William, and his daughter Kateryn; also his cousin Richard Coton and his wife Alice. Thomas Fitzherbert married the daughter of Sir Arthur Eyre.
It hence appears that Sir Anthony had no less than three farms, one at Castleton in the Peak, one at Caldon in Staffordshire, near Dove Dale, and a farm which he held of the King; besides the How Grange and some land at Whittington near Lichfield, as also some purchased lands and[xx] tenements in the counties of Stafford, Northampton, and Warwick, mentioned in a part of the will which I have not quoted. There was also the estate of Hampstall Ridware in Staffordshire, to which he attached considerable importance, directing his heir-looms to be kept there. He also makes mention, in all, of six horses (including a stallion and two geldings), twelve mares, three colts, one bull, four bullocks, five heifers, eight oxen, and ten cows, though it is obvious that these by no means include all his stock, but merely a selection from it. All this precisely agrees with the statements in the Book of Husbandry.
I do not think it necessary to pursue the subject further, but a word must be added as to the chronology. Not having seen the first edition of the Book of Husbandry printed by Pynson in 1523, I cannot certainly say whether the statement that the author had “been a householder for 40 years” occurs there. It occurs, however, in an undated edition by Peter Treuerys,[13] which is certainly the second edition, and printed between 1521 and 1531, as Treuerys is only known to have printed books during that period. Now this edition professes to have corrections and additions, the title being—“Here bygynneth a newe tracte or treatis moost profytable for all husbande men / and very [frutefu]ll for all other persones to rede / newly cor[rected] & amended by the auctour with to dyuerse other thynges added thervnto;” and it agrees very closely with the copy here printed. The date assigned for Sir Anthony Fitzherbert’s birth is 1470. If we suppose him to have begun housekeeping at 21, a period of 40 years will[xxi] bring us to 1531, which is not inconsistent with his statement, if such be the date of the copy above mentioned. If, however, it should appear that the statement exists even in the first edition printed in 1523, then the “forty years” would lead us to suppose that, if the assigned date of his birth be correct, Sir Anthony began to be a householder, in his own estimation, at the early age of twelve or thirteen. This is of course a difficulty, but not an insuperable one, for the phrase “have been a householder” is somewhat vague, and the phrase “forty years or more” has rather the air of a rhetorical flourish.
It may here be noticed that Berthelet’s first edition (here reprinted) has nothing on the title-page but the words “The Boke of Hvsbandry,” with the date 1534 below. Later reprints which follow Berthelet have accordingly no statement as to the book being “newly corrected and amended by the auctour,” etc.; whilst those which follow Treuerys naturally copy it. This accounts for the fact that the later editions are, to the best of my belief, all very much the same, and that the claim to possess “corrections and amendments” means practically nothing, except with reference to the first edition only.
Of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, one of the best accounts seems to be that given in the Biographia Britannica, 1750, vol. iii. p. 1935, where Camden’s statement as to his being “Chief Justice” is refuted. Briefly recapitulated, this account tells us that he was born in 1470, and was the younger son of Ralph Fitzherbert, Esq., of Norbury in Derbyshire; that he went to Oxford, and thence to the Inns of Court; was made a serjeant-at-law, Nov. 18, 1511; was knighted in 1516; was made one of his majesty’s serjeants-at-law, and finally one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas in 1523. He died May 27, 1538, and was buried at Norbury. “Two things are mentioned in reference to his conduct; first, that, without fear[xxii] of his power, he openly opposed Cardinal Wolsey in the heighth of his favour; the other, that, when he came to lie upon his death-bed, foreseeing the changes that were like to happen in the Church as well as State, he pressed his children in very strong terms to promise him solemnly, neither to accept grants, nor to make purchases of abbey-lands; which it is said they did, and adhered constantly to that promise, though much to their own loss.” The authorities referred to are Pits, De Illustribus Angliæ Scriptoribus, p. 707; Wood, Athenæ Oxonienses, i. col. 50; Fuller, Worthies, Derbyshire, p. 233; Tanner, Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, p. 283; Chronica Juridicialia, pp. 153, 155., etc.
The number of editions of the Book of Husbandry is so large, and many of these are nevertheless so scarce, that I do not suppose the list here subjoined is exhaustive; nor have I much information about some of them. I merely mention what I have found, with some authorities.
1. A newe tracte or treatyse moost profytable for all Husbandemen, and very frutefull for all other persons to rede. London: by Rycharde Pynson. 4to. (1523). See Typographical Antiquities, by Ames and Herbert, ed. Dibdin, ii. 503. This is the first edition, and very rare. It was described by Dibdin from Heber’s copy, supposed to be unique. See Heber’s Catalogue, part ix. p. 61. The note in Hazlitt that a copy of this edition is in the Bodleian Library is a mistake, as I have ascertained. It is not dated, but the Book on Surveying, printed just afterwards, is dated 1523; and there is no doubt as to the date. It is remarkable for an engraving upon the title-page, representing two oxen drawing a plough, with drivers.
2. “Here begynneth a newe tracte,” etc. (See p. xx.) London, Southwark; by P. Treuerys, 4to. (No date; but between 1521 and 1531). In the Camb. Univ. Library. This[xxiii] is the only other edition which (as far as I know) has the picture of ploughing upon the title-page.[14]
3. By Thomas Berthelet, in 1532 (Lowndes). It is “12mo in size, but in eights by signatures,” and therefore 8vo. (A. Wallis; Derby Mercury, Nov. 1869).
4. By Thomas Berthelet; 8vo.; the edition here reprinted from the copy in the Cambridge University Library. There are also two copies of it in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. The title-page has merely the words: “The | Boke of | Hvs- | bandry;” printed within a border bearing the date 1534. The reverse of the title-page is blank. On the second leaf, marked A ij, begins “The aucthors prologue.” The rest of sheet A (which contains in all only six leaves) is occupied with the Prologue and “the Table;” and is not foliated. Then follow sheets B to M, all of eight leaves, and sheet N, of two leaves only. Sheets B to H have the folios numbered from 1 to 56; sheets I, K, L have the folios numbered from 51 to 75; and sheets M and N, from 81 to 90. Thus the six numbers 51–56 occur twice over, and the five numbers 76–80 do not occur at all. It is not quite certain that the apparent date is also the real one; for at the end of Berthelet’s print of Xenophon’s treatise of Housholde, which has 1534 within the same border upon the title-page, there is a colophon giving the date as 1537. This border was evidently in use for at least three years. See Dibdin, iii. 287.
5. By Berthelet; 1546. This edition also contains the Treatise on Surveying. (Lowndes; compare Dibdin, iii. 348.)
6. By Berthelet; 1548. (Lowndes; Dibdin, iii. 334, where it is described as 12mo.) A copy of this is noticed in the Catalogue of the Huth Library.
7. By Thomas Marshe; (1560). This edition is said to be “newly corrected and amended by the author, Fitzherbarde;” but is, of course, a mere reprint. See remarks upon this above. (Lowndes; Dibdin, iv. 534.) In Arber’s Transcript of the Stationers’ Registers, i. 128, we find—“Recevyd of Thomas Marshe for his lycense for pryntinge of a boke Called the boke of husbondry, graunted the xx of June [1560] ... iiij. d.” Hence the date, which is not given, may be inferred.
8. By John Awdeley; 16mo. 1562; “wyth diuers addicions put ther-vnto.” (Dibdin, iv. 566.)
9. By John Awdeley; 8vo. 1576; “with diuers additions put therunto.” (Dibdin, iv. 568.)
10. Fitzharbert’s | Booke of | Husbandrie. | Devided Into foure seuerall Bookes, very ne | cessary and profitable for all sorts | of people. And now newlie corrected, amended, and reduced into a more pleasing forme of English then before. Ecclesiast. 10. ver. 28. Better is he that laboureth, and hath plentiousnesse of all thinges, then hee that is gorgious | and wanteth bread. At London, | Printed by J. R. for Edward White, and are | to be sold at his shoppe, at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne. | Anno Dom. 1598. Dedicated “To the Worshipfull Maister Henrie Iackman Esquire” ... by “Your Worships in affection I. R.” Of this book I shall say more below. I have used the copy in the Douce Collection in the Bodleian Library.[15]
11. etc. There are numerous other editions. Hazlitt mentions one by R. Kele (no date), “newlye corrected and amended by the auctor Fitzherbarde, with dyuers additions put therunto.” Lowndes says: “London, by Richard Kele, 16mo. There are two editions, one containing H, the other I,[xxv] in eights.” Dibdin (iii. 533) mentions one by John Wayland, 8vo. (no date), Lowndes mentions an edition printed at London “in the Hovs of Tho. Berthelet,” 16mo.; eighty leaves; also—another edition, slightly differing in orthography, and having at the end “Cum privilegio;” also another “in the House of Thomas Berthelet,” 16mo. A, 6 leaves, B—M, in eights, N, 2 leaves, with the date of 1534 on the title-page; but this can be nothing else than the very book here reprinted, and it is not clear why he mentions it again. Lowndes also notices undated editions by John Walley, Robert Toye, Jugge, and Myddylton.
It hence appears that the book was frequently reprinted between 1523 and 1598, but the last of these editions was such as to destroy its popularity, and I am not aware that it was ever again reprinted except in 1767, when the Books on Husbandry and Surveying were reprinted together[16] in a form strongly resembling the edition of 1534.[17] The title of this book is—“Certain Ancient Tracts concerning the management of Landed Property reprinted. London, printed for C. Bathurst and J. Newbery; 1767.” This is a fairly good reprint, with the old spelling carefully preserved; but has neither note nor comment of any kind. A copy of it kindly lent me by Mr. Furnivall has proved very useful.
The editions of the Book on Surveying are almost as numerous as those of the Book on Husbandry, though this was hardly to be expected, considering its more learned and technical character. It is not necessary to speak here particularly of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert’s acknowledged works. [xxvi]The most important are the Grand Abridgment of the Common Law (1514, folio), Office of Justices of the Peace (1538), Diversity of Courts (1539), and the New Natura Brevium, of which the ninth edition, with a commentary by Lord Hale, appeared in 1794. The first edition of the Grand Abridgment was printed by Pynson, who was also the printer of the first edition of the Book of Husbandry. The New Natura Brevium was printed in 1534 by Berthelet, who reprinted the Book of Husbandry in the same year. In a bookseller’s catalogue, March, 1880, I chanced to see the following. “Early English Printing; Black Letter; Law Books in Latin and Norman-French (1543–51). Natura Brevium; newely and most trewely corrected with diverse additions of statutes bokes cases plees in abatements, etc.; London, Wyllyam Powel, 1551.—Articuli ad Narrationes novas; London, W. Powel, 1547.—Diuersite de courtz et lour jurisdiccions, et alia necessaria et utilia, London, W. Myddylton, 1543. The three works in 1 vol., sm. 8vo., old calf neat, quite perfect and very rare, 21s.”
The present volume contains a careful reprint of Berthelet’s edition of 1534, which is a fairly good one. I have collated it throughout with the curious edition of 1598, which abounds with “corrections,” some of them no improvements, and with additional articles. It is a very curious book, and I have given all the more interesting variations in the notes, with a description of the additions. The author, who only gives his initials “I. R.” (by which initials I have been often obliged to quote him[18]) has the effrontery to tell us that he has reduced Fitzherbert’s work “into a more pleasing forme of English then before;” and says that he has “labored to purge the same from the barbarisme of the former times.” Again he addresses the reader, saying—“Gentle Reader, being vrged[xxvii] by the consideration of the necessitie of this worke, and finding it almost cast into perpetuall obliuion, I haue purged it from the first forme of missounding termes to our daintie eares.” This means, of course, that he has altered terms which he did not understand, and occasionally turns sense into nonsense; yet he seems to have taken considerable pains with his author, and his additions are frequently to the point. Whether his discourses upon the keeping of poultry (p. 145, note to sect. 144) were really due to his “owne experience in byrds and foules,” or whether he copied much of it from some of his predecessors, I have not been curious to discover. His references to Virgil, to the fable of Cynthia and Endymion, the Cinyphian goats, and the rest, are in the worst possible taste, and he was evidently far too staunch a Protestant to be able to accept all Fitzherbert’s religious views, though modestly and unobtrusively introduced. After carefully reading his production, I infinitely prefer Fitzherbert’s “barbarisme” to I. R.’s pedantic mannerism, and I find the patronising tone of his occasionally stupid amendments to be almost insufferable; but he may be forgiven for his zeal. The art of sinking in poetry has rarely been so well exemplified as in the verses which are printed at pp. 145 and 148.
The reader can best understand what I. R. conceives to be elegance of style by comparing the following extract with section 1 at p. 9.
“Chapter 2. ¶ By what a Husbandman cheefely liueth.
The most generall and commonest experienst liuing that the toyle-imbracing Husbandman liueth by, is either by plowing and sowing of his Corne, or by rearing and breeding of Cattell, and not the one without the other, because they be adjuncts, and may not be disceuered. Then sithens that the Plough is the first good instrument, by which the Husband-men[xxviii] rips from the Earths wombe a well-pleasing liuing, I thinke it is most conuenient first to speake of the forme, fashion, and making therof.”
The words italicised (except in the title) are all his own.
The Glossarial Index, a very full one, was almost entirely prepared, in the first instance, by my eldest daughter, though I have since added a few explanations in some cases, and have revised the whole, at the same time verifying the references. As to the meaning of a few terms, I am still uncertain.
Fitzherbert’s general style is plain, simple, and direct, and he evidently has the welfare of his reader at heart, to whom he offers kindly advice in a manner least calculated to give offence. He is in general grave and practical, but there are a few touches of quiet humour in his remarks upon horse-dealing. “Howe be it I saye to my customers, and those that bye any horses of me, and [if] euer they wil trust any hors-master or corser whyle they lyue, truste me.” I would have trusted him implicitly.
The difficulties of his language arise almost entirely from the presence of numerous technical terms; and it is, indeed, this fact that renders his book one of considerable philological interest, and adapts it for publication by the English Dialect Society. By way of a small contribution to English etymology, I beg leave to take a single instance, and to consider what he has to tell us about the word peruse.
The whole difficulty as to the etymology of this word arises from the change of sense; it is now used in such a way that the derivation from per- and use is not obvious; nor does it commend itself to such as are unacquainted with historical method. For this reason, some etymologists, including Webster, have imagined that it arose from peruise = pervise to see thoroughly, the i being dropped, and the u (really v) being mistaken for the vowel. This is one of those wholly[xxix] unscrupulous fictions to which but too many incline, as if the cause of truth could ever be helped forward by means of deliberate invention. But there is no such word as peruise, nor any French perviser. Fitzherbert is one of the earliest authorities for peruse, though it also occurs in Skelton, Philip Sparrow, l. 814. Investigation will show that, at the commencement of the sixteenth century, there was a fashion of using words compounded with per-, a number of which I have given in my Dictionary, s. v. peruse. The old sense was ‘to use up, to go through thoroughly, to attend to one by one;’ and the word was sometimes spelt with a v, because vse (use) was generally so spelt. Examples are:—
“Let hym [i.e. the husbandman who wants to reckon the tithe of his corn] goo to the ende of his lande, and begynne and tell [i.e. count] .ix. sheues, and let hym caste out the .x. shefe in the name of god, and so to pervse from lande to lande, tyll he have trewely tythed all his corne;” sect. 30, l. 4.
“And thus [let the shepherd] peruse them all tyll he haue doone;” sect. 40, l. 23.
“Than [let the surveyor who is surveying property go] to the second howse on the same east side in lyke maner, and so to peruse from house to house tyll he come to St. Magnus churche;” Book of Surveying (1767), chap. xix.
“Begyn to plowe a forowe in the middes of the side of the land, and cast it downe as yf thou shulde falowe it, and so peruse both sydes tyl the rygge be cast down,” etc.; Book of Surveying (1767); chap. xxiv.
The special application to a book may be seen in Baret’s Alvearie: “To ouerlooke and peruse a booke againe, Retractare librum.” And accordingly it need not surprise us that Levins, in 1570, translated to peruse by peruti.
There is just one more suggestion which I venture to make, though I fear, like most conjectures which are made with[xxx] respect to Shakespeare, it is probably valueless. When King Lear appears, in Act iv. sc. 4—
“Crowned with rank fumiter and furrow-weeds,
With hor-docks, hemlock, nettles, cuckoo-flowers,
Darnel, and all the idle weeds that grow
In our sustaining corn”—
I cannot help being reminded of Fitzherbert’s list of weeds in sect. 20 (p. 29), in which he includes haudoddes, i.e. corn blue-bottles, as is obvious from his description; see also Britten and Holland’s English Plant-names. It is certainly remarkable that the haudod is precisely one of “the idle weeds that grow in corn,” and that its bright colour would be particularly attractive to the gatherer of a wild garland. We must not, however, overlook the form hardhake, which Mr. Wright has found in a MS. herbal as a name for the knapweed; see his note upon the passage. The two results do not, however, greatly differ, and it is conceivable that the same name could be applied at different times to both these flowers, the latter being Centaurea nigra, and the former Centaurea Cyanus. We also find the term hardewes, occurring as a name for the wild succory; see Hawdod in the Glossarial Index, p. 156. In any case, the proposal of Dr. Prior to explain hordock by the burdock (Arctium lappa), merely because he thinks the burs were sometimes entangled with flax, and so formed lumps in it called hards, is a wild guess that should be rejected. Hards are simply the coarse parts of flax, without any reference to burdocks whatever.
The wood-cut on the title-page is copied from the edition of 1598. The longer handle of the plough is on the left. See the description on p. 128.
[1] “And [I give] to euery of my seruentes that be used to Ryde with me,” etc.; Sir A. Fitzherbert’s Will, quoted below at p. xviii.
[2] “Of late by experience I contriued, compyled, and made a Treatyse, ... and callyd it the booke of husbandrye;” Prol. to Book of Surveying.
[3] I.e. the Books on Husbandry and Surveying.
[4] Read thus.
[5] The date is 1539; the words here quoted appear also in Berthelet’s edition of 1546.
[6] I am quoting from an article by Mr. A. Wallis entitled “Relics of Literature,” which appeared in the Derby Mercury, Nov. 1869. It contains some useful information about the editions of Fitzherbert’s works. It should be observed that 1538 was the very year of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert’s death, which took place on May 27.
[7] In an edition printed by T. Petit in 1541, a copy of which is in the Cambridge University Library, the title is—“The Newe Booke of Justyces of Peas, made by Anthony Fitzherbard Judge, lately translated out of Frenche into Englyshe, The yere of our Lord God MDXLI.”
[8] Canon Simmons kindly tells me—“I find from the Ordnance Map that Grimbald Bridge is the one over the Nidd below the town, i.e. a mile or a mile and a quarter from the town. There are two crossing to the town. The upper one is on the Harrogate Road, a second ‘Low Bridge,’ and then the third, ‘Grimbald bridge’.”
[9] It is the family tradition (which should go for something), that the author of the Book of Husbandry was Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, and no other.
[10] The date is, therefore, October 12, 1537.—W.W.S.
[11] See p. 81.—W.W.S.
[12] See p. 93.—W.W.S.
[13] This early edition, clearly the second, and using Pynson’s woodcut, was kindly pointed out to me by Mr. Bradshaw. It is not noticed in the usual books upon early printing, but a copy of it exists in the Cambridge University Library. The woodcut on the title-page is (as I have just said) the same as that on the title-page of the first edition.
[14] Probably printed in 1531, as it professes to be “amended, with dyuerse other thynges added thervnto;” for observe, that after this date, editions follow in quick succession.
[15] Mr. Wallis (see p. xiii, note 2) mentions also an undated edition, printed by James Roberts for E. White.
[16] The volume also contains a translation of Xenophon’s Treatise of Household (Λόγος οἰκονομικός), written by “Gentian Heruet.”
[17] The colophon is the same. The Book on Surveying is dated 1539. The copy in the Cambridge Univ. Library contains the Husbandry (1534); Surveying (1539); and Xenophon (1537); all bound together.
[18] Possibly James Roberts; see p. xxiv, note 1.
In the first side-note on p. 18, for Beating read Beeting. See Beate in the Glossary, p. 150.
P. 120, sect. 169, l. 36. For a ut read aut.
P. 136. Headline. For Notes (34. 1–43) read Notes (34. 1–43).
P. 140, last line. For Hellebor read Hellybor.
PAGE | ||
1. | First wherby husbande-men do lyue. fo. i.[19] | 9 |
2. | Of dyuers maner of plowes. fol. eod. | 9 |
3. | To knowe the names of all the partes of the ploughe. fol. ii. | 10 |
4. | The temprynge of plowes. fo. iii. | 12 |
5. | ¶ The necessary thynges that belonge to a plowe, carte, or wayne. fol. iiii. | 14 |
6. | ¶ Whether is better, a plowe of oxen or a plowe of horses. fol. v. | 15 |
7. | ¶ The dylygence and the attendaunce that a husbande shulde gyue to his warke, in maner of an other prologue, and a specyall grounde of all this treatyse. fol. vi. | 16 |
8. | ¶ Howe a manne shulde plowe all maner of landes all tymes of the yere. fo. vii. | 17 |
9. | To plowe for pees and beanes. fol. viii. | 18 |
10. | Howe to sowe bothe pees and beanes. fol. viii. | 18 |
11. | Sede of Discrecyon. fol. ix. | 20 |
12. | Howe all maner of corne shulde be sowen. folio eodem | 21 |
13. | To sowe barley. fol. x. | 22 |
14. | To sowe otes. fol. xi. | 23 |
15. | To harowe all maner of cornes. fol. xii. | 24 |
16. | To falowe. fol. xiii. | 25 |
17. | To carry out donge or mucke, and to sprede it. fol. xiiii. | 27 |
18. | To set out the shepe-folde. fol. xv. | 28 |
19. | To cary wode and other necessaries. fol. xvi. | 29 |
20. | To knowe dyuers maner of wedes. fol. eod. | 29 |
21. | To wede corne. fol. xvii. | 31 |
22. | The fyrste sturrynge: and (23) to mowe grasse. foli. xviii. | 32 |
24. | How forkes and rakes shuld be made. fo. xix. | 33 |
25. | To tedde and make hey. fol. eod. | 33 |
26. | Howe rye shulde be shorne. fol. xx. | 35 |
27. | Howe to shere whete. fol. xxi. | 35 |
28. | To mowe or shere barley and otes. fol. eod. | 36 |
[4] 29. | To repe or mowe pees and beanes. fol. xxii. | 36 |
30. | Howe all maner of corne shoulde be tythed. folio eodem | 37 |
31. | Howe all maner of corne shoulde be couered. fol. xxiii. | 38 |
32. | To lode corne and mowe it. fol. eod. | 38 |
33. | The seconde sturrynge. fo. xxiiii. | 39 |
34. | To sowe whete and rye. fol. eodem | 39 |
35. | To thresshe and wynowe corne. fol. xxv. | 41 |
36. | To seuer beanes, pees, and fetches. fol. eod. | 41 |
37. | Of shepe, and what tyme of the yere the rammes shulde be put to the ewes. fol. xxvi. | 42 |
38. | To make a ewe to loue her lambe. fol. xxvii. | 43 |
39. | What tyme lambes shulde be wayned. fo. eod. | 44 |
40. | To drawe shepe and seuer them in dyuerse partes. fol. xxviii. | 44 |
41. | To belte shepe. fol. xxix. | 45 |
42. | To grece shepe. fol. eod. | 46 |
43. | To medle terre. fol. eodem | 46 |
44. | To make brome salue. fol. eod. | 46 |
45. | If a shepe haue mathes. fol. xxx. | 47 |
46. | Blyndenes of shepe and other dyseases, and remedyes therfore. fo. eod. | 47 |
47. | The worme in a shepes fote, and helpe therfore. fol. xxxi. | 48 |
48. | The bloudde, and remedye if he comme betyme. fol. eodem | 48 |
49. | The pockes, and remedy therfore. fol. eod. | 49 |
50. | The wode euyl, and remedy therfore. fol. xxxii. | 49 |
51. | To washe shepe. fol. eod. | 49 |
52. | To shere shepe. fol. eod. | 50 |
53. | To drawe and seuer the bad shepe frome the good. fol. eod. | 50 |
54. | What thynge rotteth shepe. fol. xxxiii. | 50 |
55. | To knowe a rotten shepe dyuerse maner ways, wherof some of them wyll not fayle. fol. xxxiiii. | 51 |
56. | To by leane cattell. fol. eod. | 52 |
57. | To bye fatte cattell. fol. xxxv. | 53 |
58. | Dyuerse sickenesses of cattell, and remedies therfore, and fyrste of murren. fol. eod. | 53 |
59. | Long sought, and remedy therfore. fo. xxxvi. | 54 |
60. | Dewbolue,[20] and the harde remedye therfore. fol. eod. | 55 |
61. | Ryson vppon, and the remedye therfore. fol. xxxvii. | 55 |
62. | The turne, and remedy therfore. fol. eod. | 56 |
63. | The warribred, & remedy therfore. fol. xxxviii. | 56 |
[5] 64. | The foule, and remedy therfore. fol. eod. | 57 |
65. | The goute without remedy. fol. eod. | 57 |
66. | To rere calues. fol. eod. | 57 |
67. | To gelde calues. fol. xxxix. | 58 |
68. | Horses and mares to drawe. fol. xl. | 59 |
69. | ¶ The losse of a lambe, a calfe, or a foole. fol. xli. | 61 |
70. | What cattell shulde go together in oone pasture. fol. xlii. | 62 |
71. | The properties of horses. fol. xliii. | 63 |
72. | The two propertyes that a horse hath of a man. fol. eod. | 63 |
73. | The ii. propertyes of a bauson. fol. eod. | 64 |
74. | The iiii. properties of a lyon. fol. eod. | 64 |
75. | The ix. properties of an oxe. fol. xliiii. | 64 |
76. | The ix. properties of an hare. fol. eod. | 64 |
77. | The ix. properties of a foxe. fol. eod. | 64 |
78. | The ix. properties of an asse. fol. eod. | 65 |
79. | The x. properties of a woman. fol. eod. | 65 |
80. | The diseases and soraunce of horses. fol. xlv. | 65 |
81. | The lampas. fol. eod. | 65 |
82. | The barbes. fo. eod. | 66 |
83. | Mournynge on the tonge. fol. eod. | 66 |
84. | Pursye. fo. eod. | 66 |
85. | Broken wynded. fol. eod. | 66 |
86. | Glaunders. fo. eod. | 66 |
87. | Mournynge on the chynne. fol. eod. | 66 |
88. | Stranguelyon. fol. eod. | 67 |
89. | The hawe. fol. eod. | 67 |
90. | Blyndnesse. fol. xlvi. | 67 |
91. | Uyues. fol. eod. | 67 |
92. | The cordes. fol. eod. | 67 |
93. | ¶ The farcyon. fol. eod. | 67 |
94. | ¶ A malander. fol. eod. | 68 |
95. | ¶ A salander. fol. eod. | 68 |
96. | ¶ A serewe. fol. eod. | 68 |
97. | ¶ A splent. fo. eod. | 68 |
98. | ¶ A ryngebone. fol. xlvii. | 69 |
99. | ¶ Wyndgall. fol. eod. | 69 |
100. | ¶ Morfounde. fol. eod. | 69 |
101. | ¶ The coltes euyll. fol. eod. | 69 |
102. | ¶ The bottes. fo. eod. | 70 |
103. | ¶ The wormes. fol. eod. | 70 |
[6] 104. | ¶ Affrayd. fo. eod. | 70 |
105. | ¶ Nauylgall. fo. eod. | 70 |
106. | ¶ A spauen. fol. eod. | 70 |
107. | ¶ A curbe. fol. eod. | 71 |
108. | ¶ The strynge-halte. fol. eod. | 71 |
109. | ¶ Enterfyre. fo. eod. | 71 |
110. | ¶ Myllettes. fol. eod. | 71 |
111. | ¶ The paynes. fol. eod. | 71 |
112. | ¶ Cratches. fol. eod. | 72 |
113. | ¶ Attaynt. fol. xlix. | 72 |
114. | ¶ Grauelynge. fol. eod. | 72 |
115. | ¶ Acloyd. fol. eod. | 72 |
116. | ¶ The scabbe. fol. eod. | 72 |
117. | ¶ Lowsy. fol. eod. | 72 |
118. | ¶ Wartes. fol. eod. | 73 |
119. | ¶ The sayenge of the frenche man. fo. eod. | 73 |
120. | ¶ The dyuersitie bytwene a horse mayster, a corser, and a horse leche. fol. l. | 74 |
121. | ¶ Of swyne. fo. eod. | 74 |
122. | ¶ Of bees. fol. li. | 75 |
123. | ¶ How to kepe beastes & other catel. fol. lii. | 76 |
124. | ¶ To get settes and set them. fol. liii. | 78 |
125. | ¶ To make a dyche. fol. liiii. | 79 |
126. | ¶ To make a hedge. fol. eod. | 79 |
127. | ¶ To plasshe and pleche a hedge. fol. eod. | 80 |
128. | ¶ To mende a hye waye. fo. lv. | 81 |
129. | ¶ To remoue and sette trees. fo. lvi. | 82 |
130. | ¶ Trees to be sette without rootes and growe. fol. lvii. | 83 |
131. | ¶ To fell woode for houssholde or to sell. fol. eodem. | 83 |
132. | ¶ To shrede, lop, or crop trees. fol. lviii. | 84 |
133. | Howe a man shoulde shrede loppe or croppe trees. fol. eod. | 85 |
134. | To sell woode or tymbre. fol. lix. | 85 |
135. | To kepe sprynge woode. fo. lx. | 86 |
136. | Necessary thynges belongynge to graffynge. fol. eod. | 87 |
137. | What fruyte shulde be first graffed. fol. lxi. | 88 |
138. | Howe to graffe. fol. eod. | 88 |
139. | To graffe bytwene the barke and the tree. fol. lxii. | 89 |
140. | To nourysshe all maner of stone fruyte and nuttes. fol. lxiii. | 90 |
141. | A shorte information for a yonge gentyllman that entendeth to thryue. fol. eod. | 90 |
[7] 142. | A lesson made in Englysshe verses, that a gentylmans seruaunte shall forget none of his gere in his inne behynde hym. fo. lxv. | 93 |
143. | A prologe for the wyues occupation. fo. eod. | 93 |
144. | A lesson for the wyfe. fol. eod. | 94 |
145. | What thynges the wyfe of ryghte is bounde to do. fol. lxvi. | 94 |
146. | What warkes the wyfe oughte to doo generally. fo. eod. | 95 |
147. | To kepe measure in spendynge. fo. lxvii. | 98 |
148. | To eate within thy tedure. fo. lxviii. | 99 |
149. | A shorte lesson vnto the husbande. fol. lxix. | 101 |
150. | Howe menne of hye degree do kepe measure. fol. eodem | 101 |
151. | Prodygalytie in outragyous and costelye araye. fol. lxx. | 102 |
152. | Of delycyous meates and drynkes. fol. eod. | 103 |
153. | Of outragious playe and game. fo. lxxi. | 104 |
154. | A prologue of the thyrde sayinge of the philosopher. fo. lxxii. | 105 |
155. | A dyuersytie bytwene predycation and doctryne. fol. eodem | 105 |
156. | What is rychesse. fo. lxxiii. | 106 |
157. | What is the propertie of a rych man. fo. lxxiiii. | 108 |
158. | What ioyes & pleasures are in heuen. fo. lxxv. | 109 |
159. | What thynge pleaseth god most. fol. lxxvi. | 109 |
160. | What be goddes commaundementes. fo. eod. | 110 |
161. | Howe a man shulde loue god and please hym. fol. eodem | 110 |
162. | Howe a man shoulde loue his neyghbour. fol. lxxvii. | 111 |
163. | Of prayer that pleaseth god verye moche. folio lxxviii. | 112 |
164. | What thynge letteth prayer. fol. eod. | 112 |
165. | Howe a man shulde praye. fo. lxxix. | 113 |
166. | A mean to put away ydle thoughtes in prayenge. fol. lxxx. | 115 |
167. | A meane to auoyde temptation. fol. lxxxi. | 116 |
168. | Almes-dedes pleaseth god moche. fo. lxxxii. | 118 |
169. | The fyrst maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiii. | 119 |
170. | The ii. maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiiii. | 120 |
171. | The iii. maner of almes dede. fol. lxxxv. | 121 |
172. | What is the greattest offence that a man maye doo and offende god in. fo. lxxxvi. | 122 |
Thus endeth the table.
Hostis non ledit, nisi cum temptatus obedit.
Est leo si sedit, si stat quasi musca recedit. 20
¶ Go, lyttell quere, and recommende me
To all that this treatyse shall se, here, or rede;
Prayenge them therwith content to be
And to amende it in places, where as is nede:4
Of eloquence, they may perceyue I want the sede,
And rethoryke, in me doth not abounde,
Wherfore I have sowen, such sedes as I found.
[19] The references are to the folios of the original edition. That the reader may find his place more readily, I have numbered each section. The numbers in thick type are, accordingly, not in the original.
[20] Read Dewbolne.
[21] Misprinted ‘blough-mal.’
[22] Sic; ed. 1598 has ‘worme’.
[23] ‘slotes’?
[24] Misprinted ‘flote.’
[25] Misprinted fyrst.
[26] Note that the symbol “C.” here does not mean 100, but the great hundred, i.e. 120.
[27] Printed ewe, which gives no sense.
[28] Misprinted Dewbolue, dewbolue.
[29] Misprinted or horse; but the catchwords are a horse.
[30] Misprinted shorte.
[31] Printed abherebit.
[32] Printed secle.
[33] Misprinted suker.
[34] Misprinted diabolis.
[35] Printed dominus; but the right reading is Fæneratur domino.
These Notes are principally concerned with the numerous variations exhibited in the edition printed by I. R. in 1598. See the Preface.
The references are to the Sections and lines, as numbered.
Prologue; lines 2, 6. See Job, v. 7; 2 Thess. iii. 10.
15. The allusion is to Caxton’s Book of the Chess; see the description of it in Ames’ Typographical Antiquities, ed. Dibdin, i. 36, where woodcuts will be found representing the several pieces.
20. iudges. Caxton calls them rooks, as at present, but he describes them as being vicars and legates of the king, i.e. as occupying the position of judges.
yomenne, pawns. In Caxton, we find the division of pawns into eight classes (answering to the eight pawns on each side), in which the king’s rook’s pawn represents the husbandman. The next in order, the king’s knight’s pawn, is the smith; after which, in due order, we find the notary, merchant, physician, taverner, guard (or watchman), and the ribald or dice-player, whose character is not well spoken of. This eight-fold division seems to me to have suggested the well-known formula which divides men into the eight classes of ‘soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, gentleman, apothecary, ploughboy, thief;’ which is sometimes otherwise varied. The German formula is. ‘Edelmann, Bettelman, Amtmann, Pastor, Kaufmann, Laufmann, Maler, Major;’ also, be it observed, eight-fold. Our soldier, tinker, tailor, apothecary, ploughboy, and thief, may be imagined to correspond, with sufficient exactitude, to Caxton’s guard, smith, merchant, physician, husbandman, and ribald.
27. Remytte, leave. A word is evidently omitted; we must supply to after as, or else substitute to for as. In the Book of Surveying, ch. ix, we find, “I remytte that to menne of lawe;” and again, in ch. xii, “I remytte all those poyntes to menne of lawe.” See also sect. 7, l. 14.
1. 1. For the manner in which I. R. rewrites this section, see the Preface.
2. 5. Chylturne. As to the sense, we find, in the Book of Surveying, c. 37, the following. “Chylturne grounde and flyntye grounde be light groundes and drye, and full of small stones, and chalke grounde is moche of the same nature, and they wyll weare and washe awaye with water.”
6. Meane erthe, earth of ordinary character. Mean is moderate, ordinary. I. R. alters it to ‘maine earth,’ which was probably not intended. After marle, he inserts—“some neither Sand nor Clay, but like a mixture of both, yet neither, which is called a Hassell ground.”
9. I. R. has—“In Sommerset-shiere, Dawset-shiere, and Gloster-shiere.”
Zelcester. The old character Ʒ, which had the force of y at the beginning of a word,[36] was often printed as Z, by confusion. Bishop Percy used to print such ludicrous forms as zow, zour, instead of yow, your. I conclude that Zelcester = Yelcester, i.e. Ilchester. The form occurs again in sect. 27, l. 17.
16. many other places. J. R. says—“in some parte of Hartford-shiere, Sussex, and Cornwall.”
24. aslope] I. R. has a flote, gyue out, i.e. spread out, are too obtuse.
26. I. R. says—“In Cambridge-shiere, Huntington-shiere, Bedford-shiere, and for the most part of Northamton-shiere, theyr Ploughes haue but one hale. In Leister-shiere, Lankishiere, Yorkshiere, Lincolnshiere, and Notingham-shiere, they haue two; for all other Countries [counties] vnnamed, there is none of them but plow with some of these Ploughes before-mentioned.”
3. 1. The parts of a plough are enumerated in Gervase Markham’s Complete Husbandman (1614), which is quoted at length in Rogers’s Hist. of Agriculture and Prices, vol. i. p. 534. It is probable that the plough, as described by Fitzherbert, did not materially differ from that in use in 1614.
The principal parts, according to Markham, are as follows.
(1). ‘The ploughbeam, a large and long piece of timber, which forms an arch for the other parts of the plough.’ It is, says Fitzherbert, the long beam above, which is slightly bent. The plough-sheath, the coulter, and the plough-foot, are all mortised into it, pointing downwards.
(2). ‘The skeath (i.e. sheath), a piece of wood two and a half feet long, eight inches broad, and two inches thick, which is mortised into the beam, and sloping forwards below it.’ Fitzherbert says it is a thin piece of dry oak, fixed both in the plough-beam and the share-beam, and is the chief ‘band,’ i.e. strengthening piece or support, of the whole plough. By ‘thin,’ he must mean that it is thin (2 inches) in proportion to its breadth (8 inches); it is necessary that it should be very strong, as it holds the implement together.
(3). ‘The plough’s principal hale on the left hand, a long bent piece of wood, somewhat strong in the midst, and so slender at the upper end that a man may easily gripe it.’ This is Fitzherbert’s plough-tail (l. 16), which he says is mortised into the sharebeam behind, and pinned to the ploughbeam behind also. The ploughman holds it in his left hand. It is also called the ploughstart; where start means tail, as in red-start.
(4). ‘The plough-head, which is fixed with the skeath and the hale, all at one instant, into two several mortise-holes; a flat piece of timber, about three feet in length, seven inches in breadth, and two and a half in thickness, and having two nicks towards the head of the plough.’ This is the same as what Fitzherbert calls the sharebeam; see the explanation in sect. 2, l. 10.
(5). ‘The plough-spindles, two round pieces of wood which couple the hales [handles] together.’ These are what Fitzherbert calls the rough staves; see l. 35.
(6). ‘The right-hand hale, through which the other end of the spindles run, much more slender than the left-hand hale, because no force is put on it.’ This is Fitzherbert’s plough-stilt; see l. 21.
(7). The plough-rest, a small piece of wood, fixed at one end in the further nick[129] of the plough-head, and on the other end to the right-hand hale.’ ‘In the Middle Ages,’ says Prof. Rogers, ‘it appears that this part was made of iron, and that it was occasionally double.’ We must remember that plough-head means the sharebeam.
(8). ‘The shelboard [i.e. shield-board], a board of more than an inch thick, covering the right side of the plough, and fastened with two strong wooden pins to the skeath and right-hand hale.’
(9). ‘The coulter, a long piece of iron made sharp at one end, passing on one side by a mortise-hole through the beam, and held in place by an iron ring which winds round the beam and strengthens it.’ Fitzherbert’s description is slightly different; see l. 48. The use of the coulter is to make the first incision into the earth; it precedes the share, which follows it and completes its work.
(10). ‘The share. If this be needed for a mixed earth, it is made without a wing, or with a small one only: if, however, it be needed for a deep or stiff clay, it should be made with a large wing or an outer point.’
(11). ‘The plough-foot. This is an iron implement, passed through a mortise-hole, and fastened at the farther end of the beam by a wedge or two, so that the husbandman may at his discretion set it higher or lower; the use being to give the plough earth or to put it from the earth, for the more it is driven downward the more it raises the beam from the ground and makes the irons forsake the earth, and the more it is driven upward, the more it lets down the beam and makes the irons bite the ground.’ Fitzherbert well describes it as ‘a stay to order of what deepness the plough shall go.’ The word ploughfote occurs in Piers Plowman, B. vi. 105; see my notes to that poem, vol. iv. p. 161. This part of the plough was also called a plough-shoe (in Latin, ferripedalis); see Rogers (as above), p. 538. In a modern plough, the plough-foot is generally replaced by small wheels. I may remark that it was placed in front, before the coulter.
If we compare the preceding account with that given by Fitzherbert, we shall see that the two nearly agree. Fitzherbert’s plough-beam, plough-sheath, and plough-tail are Nos. 1, 2, and 3 above; his stilt, rest, and shieldboard are Nos. 6, 7, and 8; his rough staves, plough-foot, share, and coulter, are Nos. 5, 11, 10, and 9. But he has three additional terms, viz. the sharebeam, which is the wooden frame for the share, and is called by Markham the plough-head (No. 4). Secondly, the fen-board, i.e. mud-board, covering the left side of the plough, and fastened to the left of the sheath and the left hale, much as the shield-board is fastened to the right of the sheath and the right hale. Lastly, the plough-ear, defined as ‘three pieces of iron, nailed fast to the right side of the plough-beam,’ for which poor men substituted ‘a crooked piece of wood pinned fast to the plough-beam.’ What was the use of this appendage we are not expressly told; but it seems to have been used for fastening the trace to, for draught; see 4. 34.
Fitzherbert also notices the plough-mal, i.e. plough-mall or plough-mallet (l. 55), which seems to have consisted of a head of hard wood and a ‘pynne,’ or handle, and to have been loosely stuck into the plough-beam by passing the handle through ‘an augurs bore,’ i.e. through a hole bored in the beam by an augur for this especial purpose. This was no real part of the plough, but only a tool conveniently kept at hand. He does not, however, mention the plough-staff (or akerstaff), which was ‘a pole shod with a flat iron, the purpose of which[130] was to clear the mould-board from any stiff earth which might cling to it while the plough was at work’; Rogers, as above, p. 539. This was originally held in the right hand (see my notes to P. Plowman); but I think it likely that, when a second handle, or stilt, came into use, the plough-staff was given up. Wright’s Prov. Glossary gives “mell, mellet, a square piece of wood fitted with a handle, a mallet.”
10. I. R. says of the sharbeame, that “in some Countries it is called the plough-head.” Fitzherbert has already said this, see 2. 10.
12. Oke] Oake or Ashe; I.R.
15. I. R. says of the plough-tayle, that “in many Countries [it is] called the Plough-hale, of which they haue two, but the other is fastened to the rough staues and the shelboard.” The other hale is the plough-stilt.
25. sheldbrede] Shelboard; I. R.
27. fenbrede] Senbred; I. R. This is wrong.
32. to come past] compasse; I. R.
34. roughe] long; I. R.
49. bende, i.e. bent] broad; I. R. This is inappropriate, for it is somewhat narrow, viz. of the breadth of three inches; see line 52.
55. plough-mal] Plough Maule; I. R. As to the parts of a plough, cf. Tusser’s Husbandry, 17. 10, 11; and see above, note to 3. 1.
4. 14. slot-wedges] flote wedges; I. R. I. R. does not seem to have understood it, as he alters slote to flatte in the two lines following.
19. After erthe, I. R. has—“so that it may, as the best experienced Plow-men say, kill a worme, or els it goeth not truly.” Worme is clearly right. He further inserts—“The poynt of your Culture, and the poynt of your Share, must runne both in one leuell, so that they may cutte both in one instant, chiefely if the ground be stiffe and tough; but if it be in a light land, then if the point of your Culture be a little longer it shall be so much the better, and in such light groundes, let your Culture be somwhat sickell-wise bowed, for the finer cutting, but in tough Clay ground it ought to be as straight as may be.”
26. payreth] hurteth; I. R. This is a gloss.
29. practyue] practise; I. R.[37]
33. bende] band. But bende probably means ‘bent piece.’
35. he] you (throughout). This shews that this idiomatic use of he was obsolescent in 1598.
46. coke] Cocke.
58. I. R. adds—“In diuers Countries, as namely in Cambridgshiere, Huntington, Hartford, Bedford, and Northamton, the share is alwayes nayled with certaine nayles vnto the shelboard, to which I am not so well affected, because by that meanes the shelboard can neuer be turnd, or after he is once worne be [sic] for other purpose, whereas in the Northerne partes of this Land, the share being only fastned in his socket to the Plough-head, which may at ease be done with a crooked horne of a Ramme, which being put ouer the poynt of the share, may be knocked fast at ones pleasure, the shelboard being worne at the one end may be taken off, and the other end set forward, which will as sufficiently serue as euer it did before, yeelding to the Plough-man a double profit.”
5. 1. But or he] Before we.
2. geare] implements. A genteel improvement! So again in l. 45.
4. stylkynges, wrethyng-temes] stilting wrethen teames.
6. sleues] cleuisse. pykforke] Pitchforke.
9. fellyes] follies (!). 10. fettred] fettered or tyed.
17. soule] sole.
19. lyn-pinnes] limpins.
23. pikstaues] pickstaues, all which are best of Ashe.
24. hombers] humbers. holmes whyted, tresses] holmes, withed traces.
29. or kyddes, or suche other] faggots, or Kids.
6. 5. I. R. adds—“yet in all Virgils writing the Oxe-plough is most preferred.” There are other unimportant variations here.
17. teddered] teathered.
18. hades] hadds.
24. gere that they shal] harnes and tyer they.
27. hey] hay mingled, which Plough-men call bendfoder.
28. and they haue, &c.] and for shooes for the most part that cost in them is saued, except it be for some long iourney, or in stony wayes for feare of surbayting.
30. lyttell worthe] worth nothing, except for a kennell of noyse-begetting Hounds.
32. ii. s.] tenne shillings.
7. I. R. omits this section altogether.
8. I. R. greatly expands this section, after the following manner.
Chapter 8. ¶ How a man should plough all manner of Lands all times of the yeare.
Now that I haue prescribed the manner to make and temper the most or all the sorts of Ploughs, it shall next seeme expedient for me to show the manner and time of the yeare in which a man ought to Plough, and for the better vnderstanding of the ignorant, I will begin at the beginning of the yeare, and so succeede downe-ward: After the feast of Epiphanie it is time for a Husbandman to goe to Plough, to wit, if your ground be a stiffe and a tough clay, then shall you begin and Plough your Pease-earth, which is, where you had your Wheate, Rye, and Barley, the yeere before: this ground being ploughed, you shall let it so lye, which is called bayting some fiue or sixe dayes, that it may receaue a frost or two, which frost will so lighten and deuide the earth, that when you shall come to harrow it, it will runne to a very good mold, that otherwise it would neuer doe. If your ground be naturally light and sandy, then may you immediatly vpon your ploughing sowe without giuing your ground any bayte at all. When your Pease earth is sowne, and the Spring is creeping on: then if you will follow Virgils famous principles, begin to fallow your ground which must rest that yeare. In the beginning of Lent sow your Barley upon clay grounds, but in hote sandy grounds, if you stay a moneth or more longer it will be much the better. At mid-sommer stirre vp a-new, that is, Plow againe your fallow ground: & before the rising of the North-starre, which is eleuen dayes before the Æquinoctial Autumnal, or the thirteenth of September, then sow your Wheate and Rye, and these be the seasons and the graynes to sow, except Oates, which is alwayes to be vsed in like manner as Barley is. If you haue any ley ground to fallow or breake vp for to sowe Oates vpon, then let that be the first thing you take in hand, that[132] the grasse and the mosse may be rot in it, and let your Plough runne a deepe square furrow, and in all manner of ploughing, see that your eye, your hand, and your foote agree, and be alwaies ready one to serue another, and to turne vp so much mold and to lay it flatte that it reare not an edge: for if it stand vp vpon an edge, the grasse and mosse can neuer kindly rotte, which being vsed as it should, is an excellent manuring.
If you sowe Winter-corne, as eyther Wheate or Rye vpon swarth ground, looke how much Corne toucheth the mosse, so much will be drowned and cannot spring, the mosse in his owne nature dooth keepe so much wette in it selfe. In some Countries, if a man plow deepe, hee shal plough past the good ground, and so haue little Corne, but that Country in my iudgement is not fitte for tyllage, but rather thereto to reare and breede Cattell, as Oxen, Kine, or Sheepe, or els they must goe beate their lands with Mattocks, as they doo in many places of Cornwall, and in some places of Deuonshiere. The manner of plowing land is in three formes: eyther they be great Lands, as with high ridges and deepe furrowes, as in all the North parts of this Land, and in some sotherne parts also, or els flatte and plaine, without ridge or furrow, as in most parts of Cambridge-shiere: or els in little Lands, no Land containing aboue two or three furrowes, as in Midlesex, Essex, and Hartfordshiere.
For the first, it is needfull, where the grounde is stife, tough, and binding, beeing alwaies capable of much wette, that if the Lands did not lie hie, not onely would the fatnesse choake the Corne ere it could come foorth, but also the colde soaking wette, would confound the vigor and strengthe of the seede. For the second, that is good where the ground is somewhat light, and giuen to barrennesse: so that what forcst [read forct] vertue soeuer you thrust into the ground, either by manure or otherwise, the Land lying flatte and plaine, shall still retaine it, not suffering it as els it would to wash away with euery shower. For the last, that is, where the grounde is both barren, cold, and stiffe: if there you plough in large Lands, the wether and season will so binde it together, that the seede shall burst, but not finde any passage to sproute. Againe, such ground is subiect to much weede, besides, if your lands should be any greater, you should neuer possibly come to weede them, eyther as they would or they should be done.
9. I. R. alters this section, noting—“Neuer sowe Pease or Beanes on a light, hote sand ground, for that will neuer beare them, but for the Beane, the extreamest and the stiffest ground is the best. If it bee lesse stiffe, then the mingled ware[38] is best, as Pease and Beanes well sorted. If it bee neither stiffe nor light, then cleane Pease is the best, for they wil prosper most kindliest.”
13. I. R. adds—“Pease are an excellent seede, and inrich ground as much as the light manuring: which is the reason, that in many places of Lincoln-shiere, and els where, sowing their inam Wheate where theyr Pease grew, they haue the finest Corne.”
10. 1–9. Varied by I. R.
13. kedlokes] Kellocks (but elsewhere Kedlocks).
41. I. R. adds—“because the freshnes of the molde is to the seede very comfortable.”
11. 11. wonders] wonderous (which is the later form). The whole of this[133] section is re-written, merely to alter the language. Fitzherbert speaks again of ‘the seed of discretion’ in the Book of Surveying, c. 39.
12. 8. strykes in other places] two Northerne strikes. And as the measure Northward is greater, so are their Akers larger.
13. quarter] quarter, or halfe a seame.
31. Christmasse] Christmas, as for the most part Northward, or generally vpon fat clay grounds.
13. 7. landes] land and the balke.
18. sprot-barleye] sport-Barley. So also in l. 19.
28. lyke pecke-whete] like to an eare of Wheate.
40. I. R. adds—“but how so euer the season of the yeare is, that Barley naturally of it selfe is a withered, deepe, yellow Corne, that yeldeth much bran, & but litle flower. Barley for the most part chiefly in clay grounds would be sown vnder furrow, that is, a cast or two about the Land, then ploughed, then sowne agayne, and so harrowed.”
14. 15. I. R. adds—“These are for the most barranest Heath or forrest ground that may be, as in Darbishiere, where they call them Skeyggs, and not Oates.”
After section 14, I. R. introduces section 34, to bring all the kinds of
sowing together.
15. This is section 17 in the edition of 1598.
7. moche] bigge (which is a gloss). So also in l. 24.
8. shotes] flores. But this can hardly be right. See below.
11. slote] slope. But this can hardly be right. It is clear that the right word is slote, with the sense of ‘cross-bar,’ the bulls being the thicker bars of the harrow.
13. withe] withy.
24. sloted and tinded] floted and tyned.
27. about Ryppon] in Notinghamshire and more Northward.
28. bulder-stones] bolder-stones. Also spelt bulder-stones in the Book on Surveying, c. 40.
41. hombers] humbers. withed] writhed.
42. tresses] traces (in both places).
50. after a shoure, &c.] with great roles of wood, which Virgill much commends, and doubtless is very good after a shower of raine, to make the ground euen to mow. And note that the dryer your Lands be when you clot them, the sooner wil your clots break, and the more mold you shall haue.
16. 3. for whete, &c.] on which fallowes the next yeare following, you shall sow your Rye, Wheat and Barly.
24. stere] stirre (which is a later form).
35. I. R. adds—“To fallow withall, sixe Oxen, or sixe Horses are no more then sufficient.”
17. 29. I. R. adds—“Also let not your heapes stand too long ere they be spread, for if they doo, the goodnesse of your manure, chiefely if it take a shower of raine, will runne into the ground where the heape stands, and the rest when it is spread will little profit.”
29–35. I. R. makes a new section of this, headed “Chapter 20. Of the diuers kindes of Manure, and which is the best.” It is as follows.
There be diuers sorts of Manures, and first of those that bee worst, as Swines dunge, which Manure breedeth and bringeth vp thistles; the scourings of Hay-barnes or Corne barnes, which bringeth vp sundry weedes and quirks [quicks?];[134] and rotten Chaffe, which diuers vse, but brings little good. The shoueling of highwayes and streetes is very good, chiefely for Barley. Horse-dunge is reasonable. The dunge of all maner of Cattel that chew the cudde is most excellent. Doues dunge for colde ground is best of all, but it must be spred very thinne. For grounds that are giuen to riue and chap, ashes is excellent, for they will binde and knit together. Also for such grounds it is most singular to burne the stubble on the ground, which is worth tenne manurings: for it fatneth (saith Virgill) the soyle, and yeeldeth a secrete force of nourishment vnto the seede. Also, euery euill is tryed out by the fire, and the vnprofitable moisture is forced to sweat out, it giueth a vent and passage for the iuyce that quickeneth the Corne, and it closeth the gaping vaines and holes of the earth, through which, eyther extreame moysture, extreame heate, or wind, would blast the Corne. Also in Cheshiere, Lankishiere, and other Countreys, they vse for manure a kinde of blewe Marble-like earth, which they call Marle. This is for those Countries an excellent manure, and though it be exceeding chargeable, yet through good neighbour-hood it quiteth the cost: for if you manure your groundes once in seauen or twelue yeares, it is sufficient, and look how many yeares he beareth Corne, so many yeares he will beare grasse, and that plenty. Straw layd to rot in the Winter, is good dung.
30. sholynges; i.e. shovellings. Note “the shoueling of highwayes” in the extract given just above.
18. 3. flyte] shift (which is a gloss). So also in l. 28.
10. kelles begonne] kells be gone. This shews that the reading begonne in the original is a misprint for be gone.
17. appeyreth them sore] abateth them much.
23. goynge vppon] treading or going upon with their feete.
31. appeyre] abate or diminish.
33. for] from. This shews that the old idiomatic use of for (= against) was obsolescent in 1598.
19. 5. charte] Cart. And perhaps we should read carte in the text; the meaning of charte is, of course, cart.
8. Here I. R. inserts—“And for this purpose of carrying, I take the Horse-Cart to be best, because they be most nimble, and goe with best speede; & if the Horses be good, they will not at any time loose company with his neighbours.”
20. 3. cocledrake] Cockell, Drake. And such should be the reading; for see ll. 13, 17.
4. darnolde] Darnell. gouldes] Golds. haudoddes] Hadods.
6. roughe] tough.
23. sterte] stalke (a gloss).
32. is] are. Fitzherbert makes is agree with one.
47. dee-nettles] Dee, Nettels (wrongly).
21. 15. in the reane] away. I. R. omits the rest, down to wyddre.
22. 10. at-after none] in the after-noone. But at-after is an old form, signifying much the same as after. See Glossary.
12. beytynge] resting. At the end of the section, I. R. adds—“For this stirring foure horses are sufficient.”
23. 8. wyddrynge] withering (the later form).
11. chowe] chewe.
16. swathe] swaithe.
17. mane] man (!). The sense is, I suppose, a ridge of grass, which is likened to a horse’s mane.
20. moldywarpe-hilles] Mole-hills. styckes] sticks and stones.
In the Book on Surveying, c. 25, we are told that the best way to spread mouldy-warpe hilles] is by bush-harrowing.
24. 3. beyked] keyked (which I suspect to be nonsense). In line 12, beykyng is altered to baking.
15. hasell and withee] Hassell or Withy.
19. and let his warke] wherby he shall hinder his worke.
21. and] if (a gloss of an obsolescent conjunction). So again in sect 25, 1. 16.
25. 7. ouer] vpper. See the Glossary.
22. crofote] Crow-foote.
27. After wyll, I. R. inserts “as they say.”
32. twon] twined (the weak form).
26. 5. I. R. alters this so as to give a different sense—“when it is mowne, it will be so fast bound that no man can gather it so cleane but there wil be great losse.” This is contradictory, and probably he missed the word not.
27. 17. I. R. omits the phrase—“about Zelcestre and Martok.”
28. 13. And whan the barley, &c.] and when the Barley is lead away, the Land must be raked with a great Rake with yron teeth, made fast about a mans necke with a string, and so drawne vp and downe the Lande, or els much Barley wil be lost. If Barley or Oates be layd through winde or ill weather, then it must needes be shorne, els not. The binding of barley in sheaues is very profitable, yet many that haue great crops will not attend so great trouble, but as soone as it is mowne make it in cocks like hay, and so carry it home: yet must they haue good respect vnto it, for if it bee full of weede and greeues (sic, for greenes), then must it lye till they be withered, or els it will burne in the mow.
29. 2. sickles] steeles. After staffe-hokes, I. R. adds—“and some mow downe with Sythes.”
4. on repes] in reaps.
11. codde] codds. This is a better reading.
30. 7. to pervse] peruse. This early use of peruse in the sense of go through, lit. use up thoroughly, should be noted. It occurs again in the Book of Surveying, capp. 19, 24; see note to 33. 7.
18. As to the fall of the tenth part of the angels, see my notes to P. Plowman.
21. After truely, I. R. adds—“but how eyther of the sayings hold with vnconscionable impropriations, adiudge the learned, let me imagine.”
31. 3. halfe-throne] halfe-theame (sic).
32. 5. reke] Reeke, stack, or houell.
6. scaffolde] houell; and in 11. 9, 11.
7. hedged for] hedged or paled from.
11. shepe or catel] Sheep, Cattel, Horse, Carts, Wains, or Ploughs.
33. 3. meane] reasonable.
4. ebbe] shallow.
6. reane] raine of balke.
33. 7. So also in the Book of Surveying, c. 24. “And if it so be, than take thy ploughe, and begyn to plowe a forowe in the myddes of the syde of the land, and cast it downe as yf thou shulde falowe it, and so pervse both sydes tyl the rygge be cast down, and than take thy plough agayn, and begyn to plowe where thou dyddest plowe fyrste, and rygge all the remeynant upwarde, and so shalt thou[136] bothe cast thy landes, and rigge them, and all at one plowyng. And this wyl make the lande to lye rounde, the whyche is good bothe for corne and grasse.”
34. This is Chapter 15 in I. R.’s edition. After rye (l. 2), I. R. adds—“chiefely, if your ground be rich, clayie, and cold, but if it be dry and hote, then may you stay the latter season, as till the latter end of October.”
6. After falowe, I. R. adds—“and plow it vnder without harrowing.”
8. After yere, I. R. adds—“as in other places euery third yeere, for the one haue four fieldes, the other three.”
23. whyte wheate] Oygrane Wheate. So in l. 31 below, he has “Oygrane or white Wheate.”
25. anis] anns; so also in l. 29, and again in ll. 33, 36, 40, 42; we should rather have expected the spelling auns.
33. and wyll make white breed] it yeeldeth the finest flower of all. These three sorts of Wheat must euer bee sowne eyther on the Pease stubble, or on a fallow ground that is not very proud or rich, for too rich ground for these Wheats wil make them mildewe and not prosper.
35. After whyte wheate, I. R. adds—“but they are deceaued.”
38. rudeste] ruddiest. This is clearly the right sense.
43. flyntered] flintred. At the end of the section I. R. adds a long piece, as follows.
Lastly, there is another Wheat, which is called hole-straw Wheat; it hath the largest eare of al Wheats, the boldest Corne, and yeeldeth the most, the finest, though not the whitest floure; it is foure-square, and hath short anns; the straw is not hollow, but hath a strong pith throughout, by reason wherof in his growth no weather whatsoeuer can beare him downe, but still he will stand and prosper; his straw yeeldeth as good thatch as Reeds, a singular profit for a Husbandman: and it is an excellent fewell to bake or brew with, euen as good as Gorsse or Whins: Onely Cattell will not eate it, nor is it good for litter; this of all Wheats is the best: these last named are to be sowne on the fallow ground, and the better the ground is, the better they will prosper.
When you sowe your Rye choose a dry season, for small wet killeth Rye. Rie, as the old husbands say, will drowne in the Hopper, that is, if in the Hopper hee catch a shower, his vigor is slaine. Wherfore the drier his mold, is the better, which is the cause that the hote, dry, and light sand is onely for Rye most excellent: his mold must harrow small like a Garden-bed, for the smallest clot hindereth his comming vp; his sprout is so small and tender.
Here I. R. inserts a whole chapter, as follows.
Chapter 16.
¶ How to make barraine ground bring foorth good Corne.
If thy ground be barraine and hard, yeelding nothing but ill Hay of insuing profit, then shal it be necessary for thee to vse these secrets in Art which is most auaileable. And first for thy Pease, Beanes, Barley, and Oates, if thou sowest any of them: sowe them vpon the eight day of April, which is the Equinoctiall vernall,[39] when Libra[40] draweth the houres of the day and night to an euen and [137]iust proportion, and what Corne is so sowne prospereth greatly: but if thou wilt be assured that no Corne thou sowest shall faile, then take Salt-peeter and mingle with thy Corne, and sow it, and thy labor shall neuer be frustrate. For want of it, take the black dreggs of Oyle, and wette thy seede ere thou sow it, and it shall vndoubtedly spring vp. If thou hast none of these, then take Pigions dunge, and mingle it with thy seede in thy hopper, and sow it: though it be not so good as the other, yet is the profitable vertue wonderfull.
35. 7. Kente] Kent, and Hartfordshiere.
8. gise] vse. Gise = guise, way, manner, plan. I. R. has “great safety for sheding the Corne,” retaining here the old use of for.
12. I. R. adds—For your seede, if you will be aduised by me, you shall change it alway once in two or three yeare. For to sow continually one seede bred in one soyle it will decay & grow ill: and in your exchange draw it alwayes from the harder soyle, and being brought into a better, it must the rather prosper.
36. 3. reed] reeded. This form is wrong, like our use of wonted for wont (= won-ed).
At the end of this section, I. R. closes his First Booke.
37. 6. Here I. R. inserts—Of Sheepe there be two sorts, that is, blacke and white, but the white is the best, for the Wooll they beare there bee of diuers Staples: some long and hairie, as those bredde in barren cold Countries, and that is the worst; some hard, short, and curld, as those bred in woody grounds, and that is better: some long, thicke, soft, and curled, and that is the best of all: and they be bredde vpon fine heathes, where they haue short, dry, and sweet foode. The profit of wooll the world can witnesse, and yeerely your Ewes will bring forth Lambes, which is an other commoditie; and lastly, in some Countries, as in Suffolke, Essex, and Kent, with many other, they milke their Ewes, a gaine equall to the rest. Therfore when you chuse sheepe, elect them big-boand and well-woolld, their colours beeing white. For Virgill faines, that Cynthia, the Goddess of Chastitie, in whose thoughts could neuer enter impuritie, was enamored of Endimion onely through hys flocke of white sheepe. When therfore you haue got a flock of white sheepe, then you must chuse Rams to equall them, for preseruing the breede: your Ram would bee white also, and ouer and beside you must looke in his mouth, and if the roofe thereof be blacke, then is hee not good: for either hee will then get blacke Lambes, or at least staine theyr fleeces with a duskie colour. The greater the homes of your Ram is, the worse; for the pollard is the chiefest Ram.
14. blyssomme or ryde] blossome and arride.
16. at the Exaltation of the holye crosse] in September.
32. I. R. adds—Wherfore be carefull to keepe thy sheepe well, both with hay in Winter as well as with grasse in Sommer. Also in the Winter such Sheepe as thou intendest to fatte and sell, let them either haue straw or fleakes to lie vpon, for the cold earth will both disease them and hinder their feeding.
38. 3. trouse] brouse. See these words in the glossary.
6, 7. The sense is—and if she (the ewe) will not stand sideways beside the lamb; i.e. in such a position that the lamb can approach her side. There is an evident misprint in l. 7, where the original has ewe for lambe. I. R. tries to make sense by turning all into call; thus—“and if she wil not stand side-long, call the Ewe and giue her a little hay.” This is an evident attempt at making sense by falsifying[138] the grammar of the text; for Fitzherbert does not say “and give her,” but “than gyue her,” i.e. then give her. Consequently all that precedes the word than belongs to the clause containing the supposition.
39. 9. After theym, I. R. inserts—Yet Virgill aduiseth you in such a case to haue a leather full of sharp poynted nayles, which being put about the musell of the Lambe, if it offer to sucke, it will so pricke the dugges of the Ewe that she will not suffer it, but by that meanes weane it perforce: and by the same deuise you may weane all maner of Cattell whatsoeuer. See Virg. Georg. iii. 399.
40. 14. steke] shutt (which is a gloss).
24. go belte, grese, i.e. go and belt them, and grease them. As to belting, see the next section. I. R. very stupidly alters the phrase to goe melt grease, though he has to retain the word belt below.
41. 18. It is hard to make an old dog stoop; i.e. it is hard to make him submit to being taught. This occurs in Heywood’s Proverbs, 1562 (Hazlitt). In the most insipid way, I. R. alters to stoupe into for Sheepe, spoiling the whole saying.
43. To medle terre is to mix tar. I. R. alters medle in the rubric to melt, and then substitutes mingled for medled in l. 1. This is very clumsy.
44. In the rubric, I. R. alters brome to browne, which is certainly wrong; see the context.
7. gelly] Ielly. Yet the spelling with g is well enough.
8. pysse] pisse or lye. See lye in the glossary.
14. or of faldynge, &c.] or a folding of some such soft cloth or wooll. It is clear that I. R. did not know the word faldynge, or he would not thus have altered the text.
17. sheydes] sheeds; i.e. partings; see sect. 42, l. 4.
24. for] from (as in other places). For = against, to prevent.
45. 4. fyled] filled. This is wrong; fyled means fouled, defiled.
46. 3. rather] sooner. I. R. adds—There be diuers waters for this purpose, as water made of Sandiuer and burnt Allom, or the iuyce of Housleeke strained and mingled with Rose-water; or the braines of an hatched, as thus: Take a linnen cloth, and burne it vpon the head of a hatchet, then blow away the ashes, and there wilbe on the hatchets head a kind of oyle, that taken and put in a sheepes eye, is most excellent.
47. 3. clese] clawes.
9. clese] clea. Clea is claw; clese = cleas, claws.
15. pece of fleshe] peece of fleame (i.e. phlegm).
48. 12. I. R. adds—to the great hinderance of the sale.
49. 1. pockes] Pox (the modern spelling).
9. I. R. adds—but if you cannot wash them, then let them blood in the roofes of the mouth, and after they haue left bleeding, giue them a supping of milke and Saffron mingled together.
51. 6. murtheryng or ouer-pressyng] smoothering or oppressing. And certainly smothering seems the right word.
10. I. R. adds—Wash your sheepe in running Riuers, for standing Ponds are ill.
52. 4. tarboxe] Tarbox, or bronne salue. Here bronne is a misprint for broune; and broune is a mistake for brome. See note to sect. 44 above.
54. 14. After shepe, I. R. inserts—salt marshes onely excepted.
22. kelles vppon the grasse] kels vpon the grasse like to Spinners webs. (A spinner is a spider.)
31. white snailes] white finells (not clearly printed).
55. 2. stryndes] strings (badly). So also in l. 4.
16. lyttel quikens] a little quicknes (absurdly). flokes] flocks. But flukes are meant.
Here I. R. inserts a chapter on goats, as follows.
Chapter 20.
¶ Of Goates and their profit or vse.
Thus hauing sufficiently debated touching the choosing, cherishing, and curing of sheep, I thinke it good a little to speake of Goates and their vse: a kinde of Cattell which albe heere in England we estimate not to his worth, yet in other places they be of highest valuation: and the excellent poet Virgill in his Countrey muse, draweth them and sheepe to march in one euen equipage. Thus comparing them, the Goate (saith he) yeeldeth in milke three times the quantity a sheepe doth, theyr young ones are more plentifull, for they will haue two or three, and sometimes more, and their beards yearely being shorne and spunne, haue made an excellent during stuffe, which for the continuance, hath made Marriners desirous onely to weare it in their garments, so that though their beards cannot in quantity and fineness be equall with the fleece of the sheepe, yet ioyning their milke and their young ones to their beards, there is no wonderfull difference.
Their manner of keeping, both wintering and sommering, is in the Poets rules the same that the Sheepe hath, onely theyr foulding and feed excepted: for the foulding they are not needfull, and for their feede, Woods are the best, or the toppes of Mountaines: bushie and thorny grounds vnprofitable for any other vse, for the feede of Goates is most excellent. They will obserue custome much better than Sheepe, for beeing but once or twice vsed there-vnto, they will duely euery morning and euening come home, to pay theyr due debt or tribute to the milke-paile. Theyr milk is excellent, and a great restoratiue, principally for a consumption, of what nature soeuer. The fourth howre after the Sun rise, is the best time for Goates to drinke in. For the weaning of young Kidds from their Dams, vse the meanes that you doo with Ewes and Lambes.
Of all Goates that are, Virgil most commends the Cinyphian Goates, bred by the Towne Cinyps, as Cattell of wondrous great commoditie: their disprofit is onely amongst young springs or plants, for they wil crop any young thing that groweth, and hinder the springing thereof, also they wil pill away the barke of Trees, to the spoyle of the trees: yet no more then fallow Deare, or redde Deare will, wherfore where the one is suffered, the other may be tollerated. Cf. Virg. Georg. iii. 306–317.
56. 4. and fools] foales, and pigs.
7. kye] Kine. And so in l. 2 above.
9. After wel I. R. inserts—let thy Cowe be beetle-browed, and sterne of looke, her head and necke big, and from her throate hanging downe to her shanks a large and long dew-lappe; let her sides be proportionlesse and great, and euery part of her, euen her very foote, so bigge as bigge may be. Let her eares be large and hairie, and her taile long, euen to the grounde, and bushie: if she be spotted with white, or shrewd or wicked with her horne, it is an error, but no fault, for it shewes mettle and goodnes; in generall, the more bull-like a Cow is, the better she is. Let thy Cowe be foure yeeres old ere she take the Bull, and at tenne[140] yeeres sell her off, for then is her best caluing-time past. And thus much for thy Kine whose profit must goe to thy paile.
17. I. R. adds—because he is hyde-bound, which is a foule infirmitie.
57. 1. kye] fatte Kine.
2. fore-croppe] fore-crops.
4. hucbone] huckle-bone. nache] natch.
5. I. R. inserts a after cowe; this is an improvement.
58. 20. husbandes] antient Husbandmen. That is, I. R. repudiates the notion as erroneous.
32. I. R. adds—then giue him in a horne to drinke, olde Ale, Saffron, Treakle, and Diascordion, boyled together.
34. by goddes leue] as writeth Chyron, Phillyrides, and Melampus. A singular variation.
59. 11. feitergrasse] Fetter-grasse.
60. 1. dewbolne] dew-boulne. Bolne = bollen, swollen.
14. I. R. adds—and then with a little Tarre and fresh Butter to cure the wound.
61. 4. ronne on water] runne and water. The substitution is needless; to run on water means to run with water.
15. and this, &c.] to chafe him [i.e. to warm him]: and this cure is failelesse, so God be pleased.
62. Rubric. The turne] Of the turne, otherwise called the sturdy.
3. for] of (this use of for being obsolescent).
18. for perysshynge, i.e. to avoid piercing. Perish for pierce occurs in the various readings to P. Plowman, B. xvii. 189, and Wycliffe, Job xl. 19.
24. I. R. inserts—and anoynt it eyther with fresh butter or clarified Hoggs greace.
65. 3. Starkely] stakely (a misprint). Starkly is stiffly.
5. I. R. adds—yet if a poore man shall haue such a beast & cannot spare his worke: if he will euery morning or euening bathe his legs with Lynseede Oyle: it shall make him indure his worke, and keepe the beast from any great paine or swelling.
Here I. R. inserts two chapters, as follows.
Chapter 31.
¶ A soueraigne vnguent to cure the scabbe, itch, botches, or any surfeite whatsoeuer that commeth of heat or pouerty: or by mischance: taken from a most authentique Authour.
Take a good quantitie of the blacke dregges of Oyle, foure penny-worth of Quicksiluer wel killed,[41] as much Brimstone, Pitch, Wax, and Hoggs-grease as will make it thicke like an oyntment: boyle these together, and with it annoynt the beast that is vnsound, and this will vndoubtedly cure him, and that in very short season, if he be diligently tended.
Chapter 32.
¶ Another most excellent receite, to cure all manner of wounds, impostumes,
vlcers, or Fistulaes.
Take the iuyce of the Onion called Scilla, take Hellybor, and Bitumen Iudaicum,[141] mingle these together, and incorporate them in manner of a plaister. The Macedonians and Gelonians to this receit adde the opening of a vaine in the sole of the foote of a beast, and then to giue him to drinke milke and horses blood mingled together, which cureth all inward impostumes, surfeits or poysons, and to the outward griefe to apply the plaister, which was neuer knowne to be frustrate.
66. 27. I. R. has—and it is better to weane thy Calues at grasse then at hard meate, if they went to grasse before.
68. Here I. R. introduces a long flourish about the nobleness of horses, instancing the fabulous brood born to Neptune and Ceres (who transformed herself into a mare), the transformation of Saturn into a horse, and the like.
22. I. R. has—and that shall yee knowe by diuers signes, as by her riding of other Horses, by her flinging about the fieldes, or lastly by her priuie part, for that will twirle open, and shut againe, many times in an houre.
37. lx.] fortie (by misreading lx. as xl.).
63–79. I. R. varies this, and has—put to your white Mares a daple-gray Horse, so shall he gette all daples; to your bright bay mares a blacke bay horse, and so shall you gette all broune bayes; and to your blacke Mares, a blacke Horse, so he haue white feet, white ratch, and white feather; so shall he gette well-marked blacke Colts. But for the Carte it much matters not for colours, but for knowledge sake know that the broune bay, the daple-gray, the bright bay, and the white lyard, are the best colours; all other colours haue defects and are imperfect: of markes one white foote, a white starre, a white snyp, or a white rache is good: and an Ostrige feather in any place where the horse cannot see it, is the best of all the markes that can be for a horse. And thus much for horses or mares to be chosen or vsed.
70. 3. and hygh grasse] and much fogge.
8. flasshes] and flagges.
9. bunnes] bands (wrongly).
32. aftermath] after-croppe.
33. gyrre, &c.] gyre, and to scoure so much that hee wil hardly endure to labour.
39. horse] horses. But horse is the true old plural form, the sb. being neuter; A.S. hors, pl. hors. Nevertheless, Fitzherbert himself has horses in the line following.
42. put] strike and hurte.
73. 1. rase or a ball] starre. A ball is a streak; hence the mod. E. bald, M.E. ball-ed. See bald in my Etym. Dict.
74. 2. to be styffe-docked] a stiffe docke or stearne of his taile.
77. 3. syde-tailed; syde means ‘long.’
78. 2. cressed] crested. And probably cressed is a mere misprint.
5. holowe-foted] hollow-hooued.
79. 7. chowynge] chewing.
80. I. R. expands this chapter and the succeeding chapters so much that it would take up too much space to print all his additions. He gives recipes for the cure of the various diseases, and inserts chapters ‘Of the head-ach or meagrum,’ ‘Of the staggers,’ and ‘Of the Vines.’[42] I can only undertake to give here a few notes to illustrate Fitzherbert’s text.
83. I. R. has—The mourning of the tongue most commonly called the Canker.
86, 87. I. R. considers these two diseases together, and discourses of them at length, saying that he has ‘cured many very sore spent.’
88. I. R. explains ‘Strangulion’ as appearing ‘in a swelling impostume as bigge as a mans fist, iust betweene a horses chaules.’
89–113. I. R. omits nearly all these sections, excepting 91 (which agrees with his ‘Chapter 42. Of the Vines’) and sect. 109 (which is his Chapter 54).
109. I. R. has the rubric—‘Of enterfayring’; and says—‘Enterfairing is a griefe that commeth sometimes by ill shooing, and sometimes naturally, when a Horse trots so narrow that he hewes [knocks] one legge vpon another.’ It is what we now call ‘over-stepping.’ The derivation is from the French form of Lat. inter-ferire; and it is from this term in farriery that we have taken the mod. E. interfere.
116. I. R. omits this section.
118. I. R. introduces here ‘Chapter 55. How to make the pouder of honey and lime.’
119. 2, 6. The French lines are in doggerel rime, and the English translations seem also to be meant for verse, such as it is. The omission of the words or iourneye (in l. 8) would improve the scansion.
8. or nyght, i.e. ere night. Altered by I. R. to out-right.
120. 4. tame] lame (!); an ominous mistake, for which the compositor should have the credit.
121. 4. We may feel sure that this sayinge was originally in verse. Perhaps it ran thus:
“He that hath sheep, and swyne, and hyue,
Slepe he, wake he, he maye thryue.”
Or we might write been (Chaucer’s plural of bee), riming with theen, the usual M. E. word for ‘thrive.’
9. Hogges. As to the exact sense of this word, see the note on it in the ‘Corrections and Additions’ to the larger edition of my Etymological Dictionary.
122. 38. sclatte] slate.
124. Here I. R. begins his third book, relating to timber and distillations.
12. Midsummer-moon is an old phrase; it occurs in the second line of the prologue to the Plowman’s Tale, which is inserted in some editions of Chaucer, though really written by the anonymous author of the Plowman’s Crede.
33. muldes a spade-graffe depe] mould with a spade a foot deepe.
35. peruse] doo still.
39. I. R. adds—or els beeing drowned, not to prosper.
125. 4. fyue fote brod, &c.] fiue foote broad, then it would be set with three chesses or rowes one aboue another, but of what depth or breadth soeuer, it would be double sette, &c.
5. hedge] dead hedge.
126. 2. ellore] Elder (the later form).
6. edderynge] wood; see the glossary. So, in l. 7, I. R. translates eddered by bounde; and again in l. 16, he alters edderinges to byndings.
9. trouse] brouse (as above); see 38. 3.
127. 4. the more halue] more then halfe. But the more halfe, i.e. the greater part, is right enough, and the older phrase. In l. 23, it is left unaltered.
8. in processe] vnwares.
15. slaue] stand (clearly not the right word). In l. 32, I. R. has the spelling sleaue. So also in sect. 133, I. 6.
128. 21. I. R. omits and bolneth; in l. 29, he alters bolne to rise.
129. 10. to leuse] so looseneth.
11. gete] got. But gete is the old form of the pp.; A.S. geten.
130. 4. casses] Kasses. I. R. omits or wydes.
5. slauynges] sleanings (sic). The form popeler reminds me that I have heard the large poplar-tree at ‘Hyde-park Corner’ in Cambridge called ‘the popular tree.’ See l. 23.
12, 16. osyerde wethy] Asiere Withy.
131. 7. kydde] kid or faggot.
9, 16. brenne] burne.
14. to peruse them] persist.
132. 4. I. R. omits ‘and also the yues.’
5. bowe] hewe. But bowe refers to the bending of it before it is cut; the bent piece is called the byghte in the next line. I. R. alters byghte to bough.
18. brede] breadth (which is the later form).
21. xvi.] one and twenty (by misreading xvi. as xxi.).
133. 1. gyse] vse of men.
6. slaue] sleaue; and in l. 16.
10. hym] the seller.
11. an] one (which is the meaning intended).
14. ouer] vpper.
134. 7. garches] garthes. In ed. 1534, it is plainly garches; but confusion between c and t is extremely common, as they were written nearly alike.
18. a greatte] by great. The two phrases have different senses; a greate means ‘in the lump,’ without cutting or dressing the trees, as appears from the next line. But by great means ‘by wholesale’; which contradicts l. 1.
136. 6. graffe] graft (throughout; which is the later form).
10. I. R. omits the narower kyrfe, and; to avoid the word kyrfe.
137. 10. pyrre-stocke] Peare-tree stocke.
14. I. R. says—a Crab-tree stocke is good, but the Apple-tree stocke it-selfe is much better.
138. 1. lanses] branches.
10. nothynge] any thing.
26. marley] marle.
29. cleauynge] place clouen.
30. for chynynge of the claye] for feare the clay through drines should cleaue or riue.
33. clayenge] cleauing (which is clearly wrong).
36. I. R. adds—And three grafts are enough for any stock whatsoeuer, and sooner they will couer the head then foure, fiue, or sixe.
139. 6. tenaunte] tennant.
9. ponch] punch.
10. stop] scope. one syde] other side.
19. clyppe] slip.
20. After growe, I. R. adds—and to fence it close about with some thick-set hedge.
After this section I. R. inserts ‘Chapter 17. Howe to graft by leafe, causing all manner of fruit to grow vpon one tree.’ His method is to insert what we should now call a slip, with a stalk and leaf growing from it.
140. 2. scyences] syens. In fact, scyences (= scions-es) is a double plural, and was probably a provincial term, like nesteses or nesses for nests. So also fairies-es[144] is a country name for fairies, which some lexicographers, not understanding, actually write and print as Pharisees!
6. he wyll] you will. This alteration is made wherever the phrase occurs.
8. lyke] like or prosper in any wise.
Here I. R. inserts a large portion of his own (or perhaps copied from
other sources) without any hint that it is not in his original. The insertion extends
from p. 103 to p. 143, and contains the following chapters.
Chapter 19. Of gardening or planting.
Chapter 20. Of distillation, what it is.
Chapter 21. Of Beanes and the distillation thereof.
Chapter 22. Of Cherries and their distillation.
Chapter 23. Of Walnuts and their distillation.
Chapter 24. Of small Nuts and their distillation.
Chapter 25. Of Honny and the distillation thereof.
Chapter 26. Of Apples and their distillation.
Chapter 27. Of Peaches and their distillation.
Chapter 28. Of Mallowes and their distillation.
Chapter 29. Of Grapes and their distillation.
Chapter 30. Of Quinces and their distillation.
Chapter 31. The distillation of Cardus [sic] benedictus, or the blessed thistle.
Chapter 32. The distillation of Angellica.
Chapter 33. The distillation of Cammomile.
Chapter 34. The distillation of Germander.
Chapters 35–40. The distillation of Eyebright, Hopps, wood Lilly, Balme, Strawberries, and Cinamon.
Chapter 41. Of Nutmegs and their vse.
Chapters 42–44. Of Mace, Pepper, and Cloues.
Chapter 45. An excellent Balme to take away any blemish vppon the skinne.
Chapter 46. A receite to cure any wound or hurt.
Chapter 47. An approved receite for the gowte.
With this Chapter he closes ‘the third booke of Husbandry.’
The fourth book has an introductory chapter, not in Fitzherbert, subdivided into sections with the following headings. The office of a Steward of a houshold. For prouiding of victuals. The Steward and Garniter.[43] The Steward and Miller. The Steward and Baker. The Pantry. The Butler. The Seller.[44] The Ewrie.[45] Of the Cooke. Of the Scullery. Of the Vsher of the Hall. Of the Yeoman of the Wardrop [Wardrobe]. The Slaughter-man. The Cater [caterer]. The Clarke of the Kitchin.
After this, I. R. condescends to return to his original.
141. 36. sherde] breach (which is a gloss).
49. tyne] shut (a gloss). traile] tale (probably a misprint).
59. put it] blot them.
72. loked uppon] attended vnto.
142. This is a most singular section, since it presupposes that a gentleman’s servant would be able to recognise the rhythm of an English hexameter. As an early experiment in hexameters, it is very curious. In the original, it is printed as prose, but each line ends with a full stop, and the next begins with a capital letter. I have therefore printed it as verse. It is, however, of a rather rude character; horne boget hardly comes up to our idea of a dactyl, nor and shoes to that of a spondee. For the reader’s assistance, I may remark that the dactyls are as follows: Purse dagger, -chef shoyng-, horne boget, -ter sadel-, hatte with thy, Bowe arrowes, stringe and thy, Penne paper, -waxe pommes, bokes thou re-, -ble nedle, leste that thy, -gel gyue thy, se he be, Make mery, synge and thou, hede to thy, gere that thou. The rest are spondees.
I. R., not perceiving the law of rhythm, makes wild work of it. He calls it “An excellent rude Lesson in rude ryme.” He divides the lines rightly, and leaves the first three verses untouched. But the rest assume the following fearful forms.
Penne, paper, incke, parchment, redde waxe, punisse (sic),
and bookes doe thou remember,
Penknife, combe, thymble, needle, thred, and poynt,
least that by chaunce thy garth breake.
Bodkin, knyfe, rubber, giue thy horse meate,
See he be shodde well, make merry, sing if thou can,
And take heede to thy needments, that thou loose none.
I think we may fairly put these down as being the worst verses extant in the English language; though this is saying a good deal.
143. 7. The saying doubtless represents a rude couplet in verse. The dative case wyfe (governed by of) was formerly spelt wyue, and rimed with thryue.
144. Salomon, Solomon. But where to find, in his writings, this remarkable sentence, I do not know.
After this section I. R. inserts a quantity of additional matter, which he
tells us (at p. 174) is drawn from his ‘owne experience in byrds and foules.’
The additional chapters treat of choice of cocks, hens for brood, number of
eggs to each hen, chickens, diseases of poultry (especially of the pip), choice
of poultry, how to fat poultry, how to make capons, where to keep poultry,
how to choose, keep, and fatten geese, how to keep ducks, peacocks, ‘ginny or
turkie-cocks,’ pigeons, pheasants, turtles, partridges, and swans; after which
digression he returns to his text. I may remark that he considers it essential
that a hen should sit upon an odd number of eggs, say 19, and that matters
should be so arranged as to provide for the hatching of chickens ‘in the
increase of the Moone.’ The leaves of a bay-tree, ‘or els some Bents or
Grasse,’ will preserve eggs ‘from the hurt of thunder.’ Chickens ought not ‘to
be breathed vpon by any Snake, Toade, or other venomous thing’; if they are,
you must quickly burn amongst them some ‘Galbanum, or womans hayre.’
Those that have the pip should be dieted on Hearbgrace [rue] or garlic. Geese
‘are more watchfull then Doggs.’ ‘You must vse in the time of brooding, to lay
vnder your egges [of geese] the rootes of Nettles, to the end the Gosling may
escape stinging of Nettles, which otherwise many times killeth them.’ If geese
are to have fat livers, feed them on dry figs mingled with water. Ducks chiefly
delight in acorns. If you praise a peacock, ‘he will presently sette vp his taile.’
A turkey-cock ‘is very highly esteemed of, both for his rarenesse and greatnes of
body;’ and we are told that he changes the colour of the wrinkled skin about his[146]
head at pleasure, either to white, red, blue, yellow, ‘or what other colour els hee
list; which thing maketh him seeme wonderfull st[r]ange to them that behold it.’ ... ‘Their
greatest diseases is the Pip and the Squecke.’ As to pigeons, ‘I haue
knowne some that haue builded their Doue-houses vpon high pillars ouer the
midst of some Pond or great water, both because they delight much in water, and
also to keepe them the safer from vermine.’ Swans ‘will, when they waxe olde,
declare the time of their own death to be neere approching, by a sweete and
lamentable note which they then sing.’
145. 15. I. R. has—‘Wherefore it is conuenient (I say) that they loue each other as effectually as loue can in the best sence comprehend: and this worke especiallie, a woman is bound both by law and nature to performe.’ Why so?
146. I. R. omits ll. 2–7; he was certainly a Protestant.
8. redy. This is the old word for dressed, as might be shewn by many examples. It may suffice to say that I. R. explains araye theym in l. 11 by make them ready.
10. socle] suckle. I. R. omits sye vp thy mylke, which he probably did not understand.
13. I. R. omits and take thy parte with theym; and, for serue thy swyne (l. 20) he puts looke to the seruing of thy Swine. Customs were probably changing.
31. the gleyd] Kites. And fullymartes is omitted.
35. After eate, I. R. adds—in Sallets, or otherwise.
42. hecheled] heckled.
43. wrapped] warped.
51. ripeled, i.e. rippled; I. R. has repled. In l. 41 above, I. R. has repealed; yet this is, I suppose, the same word.
53. loken] Locken. It means locked or tightly closed up; for lock was once a strong verb.
57. pulled] culled (which is an ingenious alteration and perhaps right).
104. The Knight of the Tour-Landry is the book here referred to, and was one of the books printed by Caxton. The edition printed by the Early English Text Society, and edited by T. Wright, is so easily accessible that it is needless to say more here than that Fitzherbert’s description of it is perfectly correct.
147. 12. rendit] tendit. This correction may be right, but I am not sure of it. The Leonine (or riming) verses quoted cannot be of any great antiquity, and it is quite possible that rendit is intended as a Low-Latin translation of the French rend, pr. s. of rendre. The true Latin word is, of course reddit; which, however, gives no rime. Fitzherbert’s translation is intended to be in verse.
148. 3. brynke] brim. “Better spare at brim than at bottom”; Hazlitt’s Proverbs. And see note to Tusser, 10. 35.
12. tedure] teathure (not a good spelling.)
15. lees] ground. flytte] shift.
17. tyed] stakt.
26. putteth hym in the pynfolde] impoundes him.
38. ren ryot] runne.
43. it is meruayle] gracious were the stars of thy natiuitie (a fine phrase!).
150, 151, 152, 153. I. R. omits these four sections.
153. 3. This quotation, from Dionysii Catonis Disticha, iii. 7, appears also in P. Plowman, B. xii. 23.
28. I do not know where to find this quotation.
155. 10. behouable] behoouefull (which is a better form).
156. In the rubric, I. R. has—‘what riches are’; but in l. 1, he has—‘It is now requisite to know what riches is.’ Already riches was becoming a plural substantive. It may be remarked that I. R. omits the Latin forms of all the quotations.
157. 19. duetie] debt (which is what is meant). So also in ll. 22, 24.
160. 2. After declare, I. R. inserts—and euery booke of Common prayer dooth containe them. A pertinent remark.
161. 3. I. R. omits the reference to the Athanasian Creed, and says we must ‘beleeue stedfastly the Catholick fayth.’
25. I. R. omits from The fulfyllynge to the end of the section. For a description of the seven works of mercy, see Spenser, F. Q. 1. 10. 36.
163. 3. I. R. has—and hast a stedfast fayth in Christ. He has almost wholly rewritten this section, and says we are bound ‘to come to common prayer;’ and omits the quotation from St. Ambrose.
164. 7. It is remarkable that the author should refer us to the 3rd chapter of Proverbs instead of the 15th. Our forefathers seem to have had no idea either of giving a correct reference or of verifying one.
10. Qui a is printed, in Fitzherbert, as Quia, in one word. The correction being obvious, I have made it.
18. Isodorus] Osorius. Why this alteration is made, I cannot tell. In l. 29 of the next section, I. R. has Isidore, and in l. 37, Isidorus.
165. 39. Hampole] Hanapole (wrongly). Richard Rolle, of Hampole, was the author of the Pricke of Conscience, edited by Dr. Morris for the Philological Society, and of numerous other works, including some Religious Treatises edited by Mr. Perry for the Early English Text Society.
47. I. R. omits this line; he probably did not like the word oratory.
52. The first book of Samuel was formerly called the first book of Kings.
166. I. R. rewrites this section, and avoids any reference to Latin or to the Ave Maria.
167. 19, 20. I. R. gives the Latin lines, and his own translation, as follows.
The ghostly enemy doth not stay
Till tempted persons doe obey:
For yeelding, hee a Lyon is,
Gainestood, a flie: his pray doth misse.
His syntax is as bad as his translation.
34. steke] shutte.
35. styfly] manfully. We have here an idea which is frequently met with in our literature. It may suffice to refer to Grosseteste’s Chastel d’Amour, the sermon called Soules Warde printed in Dr. Morris’s Specimens of English, part i., the extract from the Ayenbite of Inwyt printed in Morris and Skeat’s Specimens, part ii., the Tower of Truth and Castle of Caro described in Piers the Plowman, &c. We are also reminded of Bunyan’s Holy War.
168. 31. Here again Fitzherbert gives us the wrong reference to the Proverbs, viz. to Chap. xiv. instead of Chap. xix. His reading Veneratur dominus] is extraordinary.
169. 11. vnable to be foughten agaynst] inuinsible.
13, 14. slecketh] slacketh. slake] quench.
35. I. R. copies Fitzherbert’s reference to Chap. 35; but read 34.
172. 14. conuerted] conuarted (a peculiar pronunciation).
21. This quotation from St. Augustine appears also in Piers Plowman, B. v. 291.
50. This last paragraph is called by I. R. ‘Fitzherberts protestation;’ yet he actually alters his author’s words, substituting ‘the holy scriptures’ for ‘al holy churche,’ with various other smaller ‘corrections.’
To crown his effrontery, he gives the address of ‘The Authour to his Booke’ in the following extraordinary (amended) form!
Goe grosse fram’d image of a holy saint,
present my loue, though rude my pensill paint;
If any blame thee for deformitie,
say Nature calld thee, and not Oratorie;
If on thy browes be starres of ignorance,
say Fortunes pype did neuer teach thee dance.
Wish them amend which best can iudge thine ill,
so shall both thou and I bee happy still.
[36] Such is the general rule; but in Lowland Scotch, we have Dalziel, Menzies, pronounced as Dalyell, Menyies, i.e. with z for y in the middle of a word, where it usually has the force of gh.
[37] I shall in future drop the initials “I. R.” in these collations. It will be understood that these various readings are all from the same source.
[38] Cf. the name pod-ware, as applied to beans and peas. See Halliwell.
[39] Printed—“Vernall. When.” This cuts the sentence in half, and makes nonsense.
[40] A singular mistake; he means Aries.
[41] I.e. mortified. “Mortify, to change the outward form of a mixt body, as when quicksilver ... is dissolved in an acid menstruum”; Phillips.
[42] Sic; but we commonly find viues or vives. And in fact, Fitzherbert treats of it below, in section 91.
[43] I.e. the servant who had charge of the garners or granaries, and whose business it was to send corn to the mill, the stable, and the poultry-yard.
[44] Cellar.
[45] Ewery; where were kept ‘Napery, Basons, Ewers, sweete waters, Perfumes, Torches, Supper-lights, Prickets, sises of Waxe, and such like;’ also ‘tallow Candles, Candle-sticks, Snuffers, and such other.’
The references are to the sections and lines, as numbered. Besides the usual contractions, note that v. = verb in the infinitive mood, pr. s. = present tense, third person singular, unless 1 p. or 2 p. is added. Proper names are included in this index.
Able, adj. fit, suitable, 121/16.
Abrode, adv. abroad, 10/30.
Abused, pp. ill-suited, 151/13.
Accompte, s. account, inventory, 151/1; A-compte, account, 146/92.
A-cloyde, s. accloyed; a hurt caused by running a nail into a horse’s foot, 115/1. From O. F. cloyer, same as clouer, to nail.
Acre, s. acre, 12/4.
A-crosse, adv. on the cross, crosswise, 61/8.
Affreyd, s. a disease in horses caused by hard riding, 104/1. Cf. E. fray; and see frayer in Cotgrave.
After, prep. according to, 15/22, 121/12; close to, 25/22.
Aftermath, s. a second crop of grass, 70/32.
All-onely, adv. only, 37/23, 65/4. Cf. Lowl. Sc. al-anerly, only.
Almes, s. alms, 168/3.
Almes-dedes, s. alms-deeds, 168/1.
Al-onely, adv. alone, 141/9. See All-onely.
Ambrose, St., 156/23, 163/9, 167/11.
Amended, pp. mended, 141/32.
Amerced, pp. fined, 148/22.
An, num. adj. one, 133/11.
Anastasius, 164/14.
And, conj. if, 6/12, 24/21, 25/16,
68/62, 70/34, 142/7.
Anis, s. pl. awns, 34/25, 29.
Anna, Hannah, 165/53.
Apparell, s. apparel, 151/3.
Appeyre, v. injure, 18/31; appeyreth, pr. s. impairs, injures, 18/17.
Aray, s. array, 151/13.
Araye, imp. s. dress, 146/11.
A-slope, adv. slanting, 2/24.
Assaut, s. assault, 167/37.
At-after, prep. after, 22/10. (Not uncommon.) It occurs in Chaucer, C.T. 11531.
Athanasii, gen. s. of Athanasius, 161/4.
Attempte, v. to tempt, 167/4.
Atteynt, s. attaint, a disease caused by overstepping, 113/1. “Of an upper attaint, or nether attaint, or any hurt by over-reaching.”—G. Markham, Husbandry, b. i. c. 54.
Auctorytie, s. authority, 141/19; auctorytes, pl. powers, prol. 21.
Aue, Ave Maria, 166/12.
Augur, s. auger, tool for boring holes, 41/8; gen. augurs, i.e. made by an auger, 3/57.
Auoyde, v. depart, 167/36.
Austyn, St. Augustine, 156/19, 157/3, 158/1, 164/26,
Auyse, pr. s. advise, 141/1.
Awry, adv. awry, 50/5.
Axil-pynnes, s. pl. axle-pins, 5/20.
Axiltre, s. axle-tree, 5/18.
Backe-syde, s. back side, back, 127/9.
Badger, s. badger, 71/7.
Bagges, s. pl. bags, 141/69.
Bakbandes, s. pl. back-bands for a horse in a cart, 5/28.
Baken, s. bacon, 121/18.
Balkes, s. pl. divisions of land (covered with grass) in an open field, 6/17.
Ball, s. a white streak, 73/1. See Bald in my Etym. Dict.
Band, s. band for barley, 28/8. See below.
Bandes, s. pl. bands, the bands that tie bundles of faggots together, 131/8.
[150]Bargeins, s. pl. transactions, 36/20.
Barbes, s. pl. the barbles, small excrescences of flesh in a horse’s mouth, 82/1. See Lampas.
Baste, s. piece of bast, 138/30; bastes, pl. 136/22.
Bate, v. to lower, abate, 153/16.
Bauson, s. badger, 71/7.
Bayly, or Baylye, s. bailiff, 134/3, 141/57, 148/40.
Bayting. See note to sect. 8 (ch. 8, ll. 9 and 13); p. 131.
Beate, v. improve [not beat], 8/20. Lowl. Sc. beet, A. S. bétan, to better. “Beet-axe,
the instrument used in beeting ground in denshering.”—Wright.
Beetle-browed, having projecting brows, note to 56/9; p. 139.
Begonne, prob. an error for be gone, i.e. are dropped, 18/10. See the note.
Begotten, pp. obtained, 169/30, 42.
Behouable, adj. fitting, 155/10.
Belte, v. to shear the buttocks and tails of sheep, 40/24. Burl is used in the same sense; see belt and burl
in Old Country Words, ed. Britten, pp. 134, 136.
Belybandes, s. pl. belly-bands for a horse in a cart, 5/28.
Bende, adj. bent, 3/49; as s. bent piece, 4/33.
Bendfoder, s. fodder of straw and hay mingled, note to 6/27; p. 131.
Be-pysse hym-selfe, give out moisture, 25/27.
Bere-barleye, s. a kind of barley, 13/26. A reduplicated word. Bere is the same as bar- in bar-ley. A.S. bere, barley.
Bernard, St., 156/25, 164/10.
Best lykinge, adj. superl. goodliest, best in appearance, 48/13.
Besyde, prep. on the one side, sideways out of, 139/17.
Better, adj. compar. 5/12.
Beyked, pp. warmed, dried, 24/23. M.E. beken, answering to an A.S. form bécan* (not found), formed as a secondary verb, by vowel-change,
from A.S. bóc, pt. t. of bacan, to bake. So also lay from lie, set from sit, etc. See beken in Stratmann,
who refers to Le Bone Florence, l. 99, Iwain and Gawain, l. 1459, O.E. Homilies, i. 269, and Test. of Creseyde, 26.
Beykyng, s. warming, drying, 24/12. See above.
Beytynge, pres. pt. feeding, lit. baiting, 22/12.
Bier, s. buyer, 134/30.
Bigge, adj. big, large (with reference to clods), 10/4.
Blacke-thorne, s. blackthorn, 124/14.
Blankettes, s. pl. blankets, 146/79.
Blend-corn, s. wheat mixed with rye, 34/19. (Blend = blended.)
Blesse, v. to bless, 146/2.
Blome, pr. pl. bloom, 24/16.
Bloude, s. blood, 145/8; also the name of a sickness among sheep, 48/2.
Bloud-yren, s. bleeding-iron, lancet, 58/29.
Blyssomme, v. to copulate, said of sheep, 37/14. A ewe is said to be blissom, i.e. blithe-some, eager. Cf. lissom = lithe-some.
Bobbed, pt. pl., struck, 166/29.
Bodkyn, s. bodkin, 142/6.
Boget, s. a budget, wallet, 142/1.
Boke, book, 3/2, etc.; bokes, pl. 142/4.
Bolles, s. pl. pods, 146/50. Lit. “swellings;” see below. Cf. Du. bol, swollen.
Bolne, v. to swell, 128/29; bolneth, pr. s. swells, 128/21. Cf. Swed. bulna, Dan. bulne, to swell.
Bolster, s. place of support, 4/51. The bed of a timber carriage is called a bolster (Wright).
Bord-clothes, s. pl. table-cloths, 146/45.
Borde, s. board, 122/27.
Bores, s. pl. boars, 121/9.
Bottelles, s. pl. bottles, 141/69.
Bottes, s. pl. bots, a kind of worms troublesome to horses, 102/1.
Bowes, s. pl. boughs, 122/21.
Bowes, s. pl. the bent pieces of wood (beneath the yoke) which pass round the necks of yoked oxen, 5/3. Usually called oxbows, as in Tusser.
Bracer, s. bracer, armour for the arms, 142/3. See Chaucer, C.T. 111.
Braked, pp. bruised in a brake or machine for crushing flax, 146/42.
Breade-come, s. corn to be ground to bread meal, for making brown bread, 20/16. See note to P. Plowman, C. ix. 61.
Breake thy faste, phr. breakfast, 149/8.
Breaketh, pr. s. breaks in, 120/3.
Brede, s. breadth, 110/3, 132/18. A.S. brǽdu.
Brekefaste, s. breakfast, 146/12.
[151]Bren, v. burn, 27/10; brenne, 131/2.
Brode, adj. broad, 2/14.
Brodye, adj. ready to lay (as hens), lit. brood-y, 146/24.
Broken-wynded, s. a being broken in the wind (said of a horse), 85/1.
Brome, s. the plant broom, 44/4.
Brouse, s. small sprigs which the cattle eat, 132/3; and see notes to 38/3,
126/9. O. F. broust, a sprig.
Brouse, v. to browze, eat off, 131/3. Derived from the sb. above.
Broyse, imp. s. bruise, 59/12; broysed, pp. 6/30.
Brue, v. to brew, 146/15.
Brumentes, s. pl. inventories, 152/5. Roquefort gives: ‘Brevememt [obviously an error for Brevement], état de dépense, mémoire, agenda, bordereau.’
He also notes breumen, used for brevement, briefly. Hence brument is for brevement, i.e. short list, abstract.
Brused, pp. bruised, 129/4.
Bryckle, adj. brittle, 100/8.
Bryne, s. brine, 44/8.
Brynke, s. brink, brim, top, 148/3.
Bryse, imp. s. bruise, 129/3. See Broyse.
Buddes, s. pl. buds, shoots, 126/11.
Bukler, s. buckler, 142/3.
Bulder-stones, s. pl. smooth large round stones, 15/28.
Bull, s. harrow-bull, 15/9. See Harowe-bulles.
Bulleys, s. pl. bullaces, 136/4, 140/1.
Bunnes, s. pl. dry stalks, 70/9. “Bun, a dry stalk;” Wright. Cf. Gael. bun, a root, stock, stump; bunan, stubble.
Burges, pr. s. buds, burgeons, 135/8.
Burthen, s. crop, 12/21.
Bussheles, s. pl. bushels, 12/8.
Busshell-pokes, s. pl. bags or sacks holding a bushel, 141/69.
Bustardes, s. pl. bustards, 146/29.
But, prep. except, 122/1; but and, conj. if, 44/2.
By, v. buy, 56/5; bye, 148/36.
By and by, phr. exactly, distinctly, in order one after the other, 126/15; immediately, 42/8. See Wright’s Gloss.
Byd, v. to bid, invite, 152/18.
Byer, s. buyer, 118/6.
Bygge, s. bigg, the name of a kind of barley, 13/27. Bigg occurs as the name of a kind of barley A.D. 1474–5;
see Rogers, Hist. Agric. vol. iii. Icel. bygg, Dan. byg, barley.
Byghte, s. (bight), bend, 132/6.
Byrdes, s. pl. birds, chickens, 146/30.
Caluary, Calvary, 166/32.
Cambrydge-shyre, 2/27.
Camborell, s. the hock of an animal, 107/3. Usually cambrel or gambrel.
Can, pr. s. knows, 52/7; pr. pl. 147/26.
Candell-lyghte, s. candle-light, 149/5.
Candelmas, s. the day of the purification of the Virgin, Feb. 2, 134/22.
Canker, cancer, a disease of horses, note to 83/1; p. 141.
Cannes, s. pl. cans, 141/68.
Capitayne, s. captain, 167/28.
Carte-ladder, s. a frame-work behind a cart, 5/27. See carte-ladders, 5/30.
Cart-sadel, s. the small saddle placed on a horse in the shafts, 5/27.
Caryage, s. traffic of carts, 128/12.
Caryen, s. carrion, 6/34, 58/10.
Casses, s. pl. the name of a kind of apple, 130/4. Roquefort gives casse, as meaning an oak. Cf. Low Lat. casnus, F. chêne, an oak.
Caste, v. to swarm, as bees, 122/6; caste, pp. thrown over, as ploughed earth, 33/4.
Castynge, s. casting, 13/16. See 13/13.
Cattell, s. cattle, 37/2.
Cayphas, Caiphas, 166/27.
Chafed, pp. heated, over-ridden, 85/5.
Chafynge, pres. pt. growing warm, 88/2.
Chall-bones, s. pl. jawbones, 86/3.
Challes, s. pl. jaws, 75/3. Chall = jowl; see jowl in my Etym. Dict.
Champyon, s. flat, open, said of country, 66/15. (The same as champaign.) See Tusser’s Husbandry.
Chapmannes, s. gen. merchants, purchasers, 118/4.
Chapyter, s. chapter, 141/13; pl. chapyters, 141/3.
Charte, s. cart, 19/5.
Cheape, adj. cheap; better cheape, cheaper (where cheap was orig. a sb.), 5/13.
Chekyns, s. pl. chickens, 146/89.
Chepeth, pr. s. bargains for, 157/27.
Cheryes, s. pl. cherries, 136/3, 140/1.
Chesse, s. chess, prol. 15.
Chesses, s. pl. rows, note to 125/4. A chase is “a row”; see Old Country Words, ed. Britten, p. 59.
Chowe, v. chew, 23/11; chowynge, pr. pt. 79/7.
[152]Chrisostome, St. Chrysostom, 155/16; Crysostome, 156/30.
Churle hempe, s. male hemp (so called), 146/58.
Chylturne, s. the name of a kind of soil, 2/5. See note. We find Ciltern as a place-name in the A. S. Chron. an. 1009.
And see Old Country Words, ed. Britten, p. 11.
Chyne, s. the chine, back, 87/1, 119/4.
Chynynge, s. cracking, 138/30. A. S. cínan, to crack. Cf. E. chine, chink.
Clarkes, s. pl. clerks, scholars, 7/15.
Clayenge, s. putting on the clay, 138/33.
Cleauynge, s. cleft, 138/29.
Cleese, s. pl. claws, 64/2; clese, 47/3, 9. (Properly clees.)
Clerkes, s. pl. scholars, 166/39.
Cley, s. clay, 2/4.
Close, s. an inclosure, 66/17; closes, pl. 123/2.
Clothes, s. pl. cloths, 146/79.
Clothe-makers, s. pl. cloth-makers, 146/81.
Clot, s. clod, 15/47; clottes, pl. 15/14.
Clotty, adj. lumpy, full of clods, 15/45.
Clouen, pp. cloven, divided, 136/20.
Clouen-footed, adj. cloven-footed, 146/27.
Clout, pp. clouted, strengthened with nails or pieces of iron, 5/18.
Cloute, s. rag, 64/9.
Cockole, s. corn-cockle, 20/13.
Cocledrake, an error for cocle, drake, two distinct words; cocle = corn-cockle, 20/3. See Drake; and see above.
Codde, s. cod, 57/5; a pod, 29/11 (where coddes, pl. would be better); coddes, pl. pods, 20/11.
Codde, v. bear fruit (said of peas), 12/38. Cf. peascod = pea-pod; see above.
Coffyns, s. pl. baskets, 166/21.
Cogges, s. pl. cogs, 134/9. “But the cogge-whele in a corne-mylne is a great helper, if it be well pycked [clean cut], well cogged, and well ronged; sixe ronges and xlviii.
cogges are best for a great ryuer;” On Surveying, c. 39. Thus the rungs are the divisions of the smaller, and the cogs of the larger wheel, at the circumference.
Coke, s. another name for the plough-ear, 3/5. Perhaps connected with Cokers, iron rims round clogs, and calkins, cawkins, the parts of a horse-shoe turned up
and sharpened to prevent slipping (Wright; Gloss.)
Coke, s. a piece of iron used instead of a plough-foot, 4/46. See above.
Cole, s. coal, 19/3.
Coltes euyll, s. a disease in colts, 101/1. See G. Markham; Husbandry, b. i. c. 32.
Combe, s. comb, 142/5.
Commons, s. pl. common pasture-grounds, 6/10.
Common weale, s. general advantage, 151/22.
Compasse, adj. circular, encompassing, 136/11.
Conclusion, in, finally, at last, 132/18.
Connynge, s. knowledge, 141/22.
Content, adj. pleased, 120/17.
Conuenyente, adj. fitting, prol. 14, 145/15, 146/75.
Conuocation, s. gathering, 155/3.
Copyoke, s. part of the harness for a waggon, 5/5. Wright gives cop, (1) top ... (7) the part of a waggon which hangs over the thiller-horse,
(8) the beam placed between a pair of drawing oxen. See Yoke.
Cordes, s. pl. cords, a disease in front of a horse’s fore-legs, 92/1. “Cords, or string-halt, is an unnaturall binding of the sinews;” G. Markham, Husbandry, b. i. c. 64.
Corne, s. kind of corn, 32/2; cornes, pl. grains, 15/4.
Corser, s. a horse-dealer, 119/15, 120/4. We also find scorser in the same sense.
Cotes, s. pl. coats, 151/13.
Couer, v. cover, a term applied to collecting sheaves by tens, two of them covering the other eight by being laid across, 31/2.
Couerlettes, s. pl. coverlets, 146/80.
Countre, s. county, 3/7; countreys, s. pl. counties, 2/2, 35/6; countreyes,
2/28, 3/8.
Courbe, s. a curb, a kind of lameness in horses, 107/l.
Cowpers, s. pl. coopers, 134/7.
Crabtree, s. crabtree, 124/5; crabbe-tree, 137/11.
Cranes, s. pl. cranes, 146/29.
Cratches, s. pl. racks, mangers, 70/44. F. crèche.
Cratches, s. pl. scratches, a disease in a horse’s pasterns, 112/1.
Credence, s. credit, belief, 141/18.
[153]Crofote, s. crowfoot, 15/22. A crowfoot is a Ranunculus; see Dict. of E. Plant-names.
Croke, pr. pl. crook, bend, 27/12.
Croked, adj. crooked, 3/39.
Cromely, adj. liable to crumble, 100/6.
Croper, s. the crupper, 105/2.
Croppe, v. to crop, to cut off the top-most shoots or the sprigs, 131/1.
Croppes, s. pl. shoots, sprigs, 44/4.
Crosse, adj. going across, 5/22.
Crume, s. crumb, 11/23.
Cudde, s. cud, 17/33.
Culture, s. coulter, 3/6, 34, 48; 63/4.
Cure, s. endeavour, 146/2.
Currante, adj. running, moving, 128/4; sloping downwards, 128/8.
Customers, s. pl. customers, 119/13.
Damme, s. dam, mother (said of a mare), 68/75.
Dampsons, s. pl. damsons, 136/4, 140/1.
Darbyshyre, 17/21.
Darnolde, s. darnel, 20/4; dernolde, 20/21.
Dauyd, David, 156/34, 168/17.
Deceypt, s. deceit, 146/102.
Declared, pp. explained, 147/28.
Dee-nettylles, s. pl. purple dead-nettles, 20/47.
Defautes, s. pl. defects, faults, 141/54.
Departe, v. to part, separate, 145/15.
Dernolde, s. darnel, 20/21.
Detters, s. pl. debtors, 170/11.
Dettes, s. pl. debts, 170/10.
Deuyded, pp. divided, prol. 18, 11/15.
Dewbolne, s. a disease; lit. “swollen with dew,” 60/1. Bollen = swollen. “Dewboln, a swelling, beginning at the neather part of the dewlap;” G. Markham, Husbandry, c. 37 (bk. ii.).
Dewlappe, s. dewlap, 59/10.
Discretion, s. discernment, wisdom, 11/1; discreation, 146/122.
Displeasure, s. displeasure, offence, 153/22.
Disport, s. sport, 153/11.
Dockes, s. pl. docks, 20/3, 12.
Dodder, s. a kind of weed, 20/47. See Dict. of E. Plant-names, p. 154; and doder in Turner’s Names of Herbes.
Dogfenell, s. stinking chamomile, Anthemis Cotula, 20/4, 32. See Dict. of E. Plant-names.
Domynation, s. dominion, power, 54/22, 152/30.
Dongynge, s. manuring, 13/4.
Dounged, pp. manured, 13/2.
Dout, imp. s. doubt, 151/27.
Douues, s. pl. doves, 17/34.
Dowles, s. pl. tholes, pegs, 5/9. “Doul, a nail or pin sharpened at each end;” Wright. “Tholle, a cart-pynne;” Palsgrave.
Dradde, pp. dreaded, 167/8.
Drake, s. a kind of darnel, 20/17. Also called drawk (Wright); and see E. Plant-names, p. 159.
Draughte, s. a team of horse or oxen, 22/10; a manner of drawing, 15/22.
Dresse, v. to prepare, by cutting off all small twigs, 132/5.
Drone, s. a drone, 122/49.
Duetie, s. debt, 157/19.
Dunne, adj. dun, brown, 34/40.
Dychynge, s. ditching, 124/2.
Dysheryte, v. to disinherit, 153/24.
Dyssheborde, s. dish-board, dresser, 146/9.
Dystaffe, s. distaff, 146/46.
Ebbe, adj. shallow, 33/4.
Ecclesiastici, gen. s. of Ecclesiasticus, 169/35.
Eddered, pp. bound at the top of the stakes, 126/7. See yeather in Ray, Gloss. B. 15, p. 75.
Edderynge, s. the binding at the top of stakes used in making hedges, also called ether, 126/6; edderynges, pl. 126/14.
Eest, s. east, 133/20.
Effectually, adv. sincerely, 145/16.
Ellore, s. the elder tree, 126/2. Usually eller, which also means the alder; see E. Plant-names, p. 168.
Elne, s. an ell, 15/23.
Encreace, v. increase, 17/18.
Endent, v. indent, 23/15.
Endure, v. to last, 148/36.
Enfecte, adj. infected, 58/12.
Enforme, v. inform, 11/29, 155/8; enfourme, teach, tell, 134/26.
Englysshe, English, 166/8.
Ensample, s. example, 36/9.
Entente, s. purpose, 7/11.
Enterfyre, s. interference of the feet, the knocking of one foot against the other, 109/1. See the note. “Enterfayring is hewing one leg on another,
and striking off the skin;” G. Markham, Husbandry, c. 58.
Ere, conj. before, 15/35; er, 36/2.
[154]Eschewe, v. to eschew, 146/107.
Estate, s. state, condition, 70/28; estates, pl. wealthy persons, 153/9.
Euery, adj. every, 127/40.
Ewerie, s. ewery, place for pitchers, etc.; note to 140/8.
Exaltation of the holye crosse, i.e. Sept. 14, 37/16.
Expende, v. to spend, 147/13.
Extende, v. to extend, reach to, 147/14.
Eyen, s. pl. eyes, 48/6; eien, 48/8.
Faculty, s. ability, wealth, 147/18.
Facyons, s. pl. fashions, kinds, 2/3.
Faldynge, s. a kind of frieze, or rough cloth, 44/14. See Chaucer, C. T. 393.
Falowe, v. to plough, 16/3. See below.
Falowynge, s. ploughing land for the first time (for wheat), 4/42. See 16/3.
Fan, v. to winnow corn, 35/6; fande, pp. 35/10.
Farcyon, s. the farcy, a disease of horses, in which swellings appear on his body, 93/1. Cf. F. farcer, to stuff.
Faste, adv. very near, close, 25/32.
Fayne, adj. obliged, compelled, 151/14.
Feitergrasse, s. the name of a kind of grass (spelt fettergrass in ed. 1598), 59/11.
Felle, v. to fell, 131/1.
Felow, s. fellow, i.e. neighbouring furrow, 9/9.
Fellyes, s. pl. pieces of wood joined together to make the circle of a wheel, 5/9.
Felly-fole, s. filly-foal, filly, 68/52.
Female hempe, s. wild hemp, 146/57.
Fenbrede, s. mud-board, or mould-board, 3/4, 27. See note to 3/1. Fen = mud; as commonly in M. E.
Fence, v. to form a fence, 125/5.
Fenel-sedes, s. pl. fennel seeds, 20/18.
Ferny, adj. covered with ferns, 50/10.
Ferre, adv. far, 48/11, 150/6, 164/8.
Ferthermore, adv. furthermore, besides, 151/17.
Fetelockes, s. pl. fetlocks, 99/3.
Fette, pt. s. brought, 166/34.
Fettred, pp. fastened together, bound, 5/10.
Filberdes, s. pl. filberts, 136/3.
Flaine, pp. flayed, 58/21. See Fley.
Flanke, s. flank, 85/4.
Flasshes, s. pl. marshy places, 70/8. The usual sense is “pool.”
Flaxen wheate, s. flaxen wheat, a kind of wheat, 34/23, 25.
Flayle, s. flail, 5/33.
Fley, imp. s. flay, 38/11; spelt flee, 58/8.
Flokes, s. pl. flukes, 56/16.
Floures, s. pl. flowers, 156/6.
Flyntered, pp. said of “small corn wrinkled and dried,” 34/43. Cf. flinders, fragments; and cf. splintered.
Flytte, imp. s. remove, 148/15; flyte, v. 18/3; flytteth, pr. s. 18/28. Lit. “flit.”
Fodered, pp. foddered, fed, 70/40.
Folden, pp. folded, 52/6.
Foled, pp. foaled, 118/10.
Foole, s. foal, 68/7, 11; fools, pl. 56/4.
Fooled, pp. foaled, 68/13.
Foolynge-tyme, s. foaling time, 68/40.
For, prep. against, to prevent, 18/33, 32/8, 35/8, 44/15,
51/9, 52/1, 70/46, 139/19. (Observe this use.)
For nothynge, phr. on no account, 124/14, 138/10.
Forecroppe, s. fore-crop, a part of a cow or bullock, 57/2. I learn that the fore-crop is the upper part of the fore quarter of an ox, and lies between the neck and the sirloin. “... it shews
he is wel tallowed, and so doth the crop behind the shoulders;” Markham, Husbandry, Of Oxen.
Fore-wedge, s. fore-wedge (before the coulter), 4/23.
Forowe, s. a furrow, 4/6.
Forther, adj. front, foremost, 92/2. “Forther-fete, the forefeet;” Wright.
Fortune, v. to chance, happen, 3/1, 120/17, 124/38, 153/24.
Fote, plough-foot, 4/12. See Plough-fote.
Fote-teame, s. (apparently) the end of the drawing-gear which is fastened to a plough or harrow, 4/37, 15/12. See Wrethyng-temes.
Foughten, pp. fought, 169/11.
Foule, s. an ulcer in a cow’s foot, 64/1.
Freeholders, s. pl. freeholders, 130/22.
Freteth, pr. s. eats away, 20/7.
Fretter, s. a corrosive, 43/5.
Fullymartes, s. pl. polecats, 146/31. M.E. fulmart.
Fyfte, adj. num. fifth, 75/3.
Fylberdes, s. pl. filberts, 140/4.
Fyled, pp. defiled, dirtied, 41/1, 45/4.
[155]Fyllettes, s. pl. fillets, 76/6. “Filet, the fillet of a beast;” Cotgrave. “Fillets, in a horse,
are the foreparts of the shoulder next the breast;” Bailey’s Dict. vol. i. ed. 1735.
Fynde, v. to provide with, furnish, 153/20.
Fyre-wodde, s. fire-wood, 132/2.
Fysking, s. fidgeting, roaming about, 45/2. See examples in my note to P. Plowman, C. 10/153.
Fytches, s. pl. vetches, 20/40, 70/8.
Garches, s. pl. an error for garthes, i.e. hoops, 134/7. See Garthe-webbe.
Garniter, the officer who had care of the granary, note to 140/8.
Garthe-webbe, s. webbing for a girth, 10/23. “Garth, a hoop or band;” Wright. See Garches. A girth-web is mentioned A.D. 1502; see Rogers, Hist. Agric. vol. iii.
Geare, s. gear, implements, 5/2; gere, 142/7.
Geld, pr. pl. cut too high (said of beans), 29/9.
Gelly, s. jelly, 44/7.
Gete, pp. gotten, taken up, 129/11; gette, gotten from, taken from, 137/7. A.S. geten, pp.
Gethereth, pr. s. gathers, 28/5.
Gise, s. guise, fashion, way, 35/8.
Glaunder, s. glander, usually in the plural, 87/2. See below.
Glaunders, s. glanders, a disease in the glands, 86/1.
Gleyd, s. kite, 146/31. A S. glida.
Glose, s. gloss, comment, 168/34.
Glotony, s. gluttony, 152/23.
Gloues, s. pl. gloves, 142/3.
Gnappe, v. to bite slightly; gnappe of, rub off with their teeth (said of horses), 93/6. The same as kneppe, to bite slightly, in Best’s Rural Economy in Yorkshire (Surtees Society); mod. E. nip.
Golds, s. pl. corn marigold, 20/25; gouldes, 20/4. See Ray, Gloss. B. 16, p. 83; Tusser, note to 39/21.
Gore, v. to gore, 70/43.
Gostely, adj. spiritual, 167/38.
Goten, pp. gotten, 154/9.
Gouldes, s. pl. corn marigolds, 20/4; golds, 20/25.
Goute, s. gout, 65/1.
Gowty, adj. gouty, 56/6.
Goyng vppon, walking about upon the ground, 18/23.
Graffe, v. to graft, 136/6.
Graffe, s. a graft, slip, 136/17.
Graffynge-sawe, saw for grafting, 136/7.
Grammer-schole, s. grammar-school, 147/11.
Grasier, s. grazier, 40/1.
Grauelynge, s. graveling, caused by gravel in a horse’s foot, 114/1.
Grayned, pp. forked at the top, 41/9. “Grain, a prong of a fork;” Wright. (Common). “Grain-staff,
a quarter-staff with a pair of short tines at the end, which they call grains;” Ray, Gloss. B. 16, p. 84.
Greatte; a greatte, by wholesale, 134/18.
Gregorye, St. Gregory, 162/12; Gregory, 155/24,
161/15, 165/26, 167/6.
Grese, v. to grease, 40/24.
Greued, pp. grieved, 147/15.
Gristell, s. gristle, 89/2.
Grombalde-brydge, Grimbald Bridge, near Knaresborough, 79/10.
Grosse sale, wholesale, 36/25.
Grote, s. groat, 20/15.
Gurthe, s. girth, 142/5.
Gyrre, s. a disease of cattle, probably giddiness, 70/33. Cf. F. girer, to turn.
Gyse, s. guise, way, custom, 133/1.
Hachet, s. hatchet, 127/2.
Hades, s. pl. strips of greensward, 6/17. “Hade, a ridge of land, a small piece of greensward at the end of arable land;” Wright.
Half-throne, v. to cover sheaves in some particular manner, 31/3. It is believed to be the same as the Shropshire hackle,
which is to put four sheaves of wheat into a shock, and then to place another sheaf (upright) with the ears downwards, on the top. This agrees with covering except in the use of 4 sheaves for 8.
Halomshyre, Hallamshire (in which is Sheffield), 17/21.
Halte, v. to go lamely, 98/5.
Halter, s. halter, 142/2.
Halue, s. half, 127/4.
Hamper, s. hamper, basket, 11/23.
Hampole, Richardus de, 165/39.
Handbyll, s. small bill-hook, 127/2.
Handel, v. to handle, 40/24.
[156]Handsome, adj. handy, convenient, 24/22.
Harde, pp. heard, 164/30.
Harde by, phr. close, 129/4.
Harowe-bulles, s. pl. chief pieces of timber composing an ox-harrow, 15/6.
Harowed, pp. harrowed, 15/2.
Harowe-tyndes, s. pl. tines or prongs of a harrow, 15/10.
Hasell, s. hazel, 24/16, 124/5.
Hassell, adj. stiff, said of a soil; see it partially defined in note to 2/6. “Hazle, stiff, as clay; Essex.”—Wright. “A haisel mould, which I count to be one of the best wealdish moulds,
being a compound mould, and very good for marle.”—G. Markham, Inrichment of the Weald, 1649, p. 9.
Hasty, adj. early, 12/39.
Hatched, put for hatchet, note to 46/3. “Brains of a hatchet,” a term for the oily substance obtained by burning linen on the head of a hatchet.
Hatte, s. hat, 142/2.
Haue, v. take, 58/12.
Hawdod, s. corn bluebottle, Centaurea Cyanus, 20/28; haudoddes, pl. 20/4. Cf. hardewes,
a name for the wild succory (Cichorium Intybus) in Turner’s Names of Herbes.
Hawe, s. an excrescence in the eye of a horse, 89/1.
Hearbgrace, s. herb-grace, rue, note to 144.
Heare, s. hair, 64/5, 98/4; heares, pl. 47/5, 11.
Hearynges, s. pl. herrings, 36/10.
Hecheled, pp. heckled, combed, 146/42.
Hedge-rote, s. hedge-root, stump, 132/12.
Hedgyngebyll, s. bill for hedging, 5/32.
Heed, s. head, 47/4, 102/3.
Heed, pr. s. subj. 2 p. behead, cut off the top, crop, 132/9; heeded, pp. 132/15.
Heeth-grounde, s. ground covered with heather, 2/7.
Helewedge, s. heel-wedge (behind the coulter), 4/23.
Helpe, v. mend, cure, 58/2.
Herdman, s. herdsman, 6/10; herdeman, 123/15.
Heringes, s. pl. herrings, 36/12.
Herode, Herod, 166/27.
Hert, s. heart, middle, 100/4; herte, 114/3.
Hey, s. hay, 23/4, 66/14; heye, 146/85.
Hey-cockes, s. pl. haycocks, 25/15.
Hey-rope, s. hay rope, 64/5.
His, pr. gen. its, 9/8.
Hode, s. hood, 142/2.
Hogges, s. pl. hogs, 121/9.
Hole, adj. whole, healthy, 149/13.
Hole-footed, adj. whole-footed, web-footed, 146/26.
Holer, adj. compar. more whole; healthier, 149/13.
Hole-straw wheat, wheat with a whole or solid straw, note to 34/43.
Holmes, s. pl. put for homes = hames, 5/25, 15/41. See Hombers.
Holpen, pp. helped, cured, 61/6, 82/2.
Holsome, adj. wholesome, 25/18.
Holy bread, s. ordinary leavened bread cut into small pieces, blessed, and given to the people, 11/18. See note to P. Plowman, C. xvi. 210.
Holye, s. holly, 124/5.
Holyrode-day, the day of the holy cross, Sept. 14 (see 17/16), 134/21. See Phillips’ Dict. ed. 1706.
Hombers, s. pl. horse-collars, 5/24, 15/41. Also called hamberwes, hamboroughs;
from hame, one of the bent pieces of wood to which the trace is fastened, and A.S. beorgan, to protect. Lit. ‘hame-protectors.’
Honger, s. hunger, 30/14.
Hopper, s. a seed-basket, 10/22, 25; 34/10. M.E. hoper (P. Plowman).
Horne, s. horn, 142/3.
Horse, s. gen. horse’s, 82/1, 91/1.
Horse-harowes, s. pl. harrows drawn by horses, 15/15.
Horse-leche, s. horse-doctor, 120/6.
Horse-mayster, s. horse-master, 120/1.
Houe, s. hoof, 78/6, 98/2.
Hoystynge, s. coughing, 59/3. ‘Hoist, a cough; East.’—Wright.
Hucbone, s. hip-bone, 57/3. More commonly huckle.
Hurdes, s. pl. hards, coarse flax, 146/39.
Hurdels, s. pl. hurdles, 18/35.
Husbandes, s. pl. husbandmen, 3/1.
Huske, s. husk, 14/12.
Huswife, s. housewife, 148/1.
Hyer, higher, prol. 33.
Hynder, adj. latter, 148/11.
Iagged, adj. jagged, 20/26.
James, St., 169/12.
Ielly, s. jelly, 58/23.
[157]Ieoperdy, s. jeopardy, peril, 5/13, 139/2.
Iherome, St. Jerome, 155/1, 161/20; Jerome, 168/7.
In lyke, alike, 25/6.
In regarde, phr. for his part, lit. according to his estimation, 153/6.
Inam, applied to wheat, note to 9/13. Cf. “Innom barley, barley sown the second crop after the ground is fallowed; North.”—Ray, Gloss. B. 15, p. 50.
Infecte, infected, 164/29.
Infydeles, s. pl. infidels, 166/45.
Inke, s. ink, 142/4.
Intend, pr. pl. intend, 148/1.
Inuentorys, s. pl. inventories, 151/2.
Iob, Job, 156/7.
Iohan, John, 165/34.
Isodorus, St. Isidore, 164/18; 165/37, 49; 169/33; Isodore, 165/29.
Judas, 166/25.
Iudges, s. pl. castles (in chess), prol. 20.
Kedlokes, s. pl. charlock, Sinapis arvensis, 10/13, 20/3, 9. Also called cadlock, cadlick, chadlock, chedlock, carlock, charlock, callock, etc.
Kelles, s. pl. cases of maggots, 18/10; gossamer-threads, 54/22. “Kells, cones of silkworms; kell,
a film over the eyes;” Wright. The usual sense is ‘caul.’
Kente, Kent, 2/15.
Kerchef, s. kerchief, handkerchief, 142/1.
Keys, s. pl. part of a cart, 5/22.
Knolles, s. pl. knolls, mounds, lumps, 128/29.
Knowen, pp. known, 8/2.
Knyfe, s. knife, 142/6.
Knytte, pp. joined together as a swarm of bees, 122/9, 22; knytte, v. to join, 122/10.
Kydde, v. to bind up faggots in bundles, 131/7, 132/7. See below.
Kyddes, s. pl. faggots, 5/29. “Kydde, a fagotte;” Palsgrave.
Kyd-wodde, s. faggot-wood, 134/20.
Kye, s. pl. cows, 56/7, 146/10. A. S. cý, pl. of cú.
Kylde, pp. killed, 103/6.
Kynde, s. nature, 128/23.
Kyrfe, s. incision, 136/10. “Kerf, an incision;” Wright. Derived from A.S. ceorfan, to carve, to cut. Spelt kerfe in Ray, Gloss. B. 16, p. 85.
Kyrtels, s. pl. kirtles, skirts, 151/16.
Lampas, s. an excrescence of flesh above the teeth in horses, which often prevents their eating, 81/1. “Hava de bestias, the lampas,
a disease in the mouth of beasts, when such long barbles grow in their mouthes, that they cannot well feed;” Minsheu, Spanish Dict.
Landes, s. pl. 5/4. Evidently some part of the gear for ploughing, but I can find no such word. Perhaps an error for bandes,
i.e. bands. Mr. Peacock, in his Glossary of Manley Words, has—“Lanes, Lains, an iron ring at the end of the beam of a plough to which the horses are yoked.” Perhaps this is it.
Landes, s. gen. field’s, 2/17; landes, s. pl. ridges, 13/7.
Lankesshyre, Lancashire, 2/26.
Lanses, s. pl. shoots, 138/1.
Lathe-legged, pp. slender-legged, 78/4.
Lathes, s. pl. laths, 15/9.
Laude, s. praise, 163/1, 167/17.
Lazare, Lazarus, 166/22.
Ledde, pp. carried, 28/12.
Ledder, s. leather, 10/23.
Lees, s. pl. leas, pastures, 148/18.
Leisshe, s. leash, 142/3.
Lene, v. to lean, 124/35.
Lenger, adj. compar. longer, 3/38, 3/55, 70/13;
adv. 67/4, 128/32.
Lente-corne, s. Lent corn, spring corn, 148/7.
Let hym blode, bleed him, 48/7.
Let, v. hinder, 24/19: lette, pr. pl. 82/2, 164/1.
Lette, s. hindrance, 135/6.
Leue, v. leave off, 41/15.
Leue, s. leave, 143/7.
Leuse, v. to loosen, 126/16, 129/10.
Ley, v. to lay, lay eggs, 146/23.
Leycestershyre, 2/26.
Leye-hey, s. meadow hay, 25/34.
Leys, s. pl. pasture-grounds, 6/17, 8/5.
Leysshe, s. leash, 10/25.
Like, pr. pl. thrive, 53/9.
Linsede, s. linseed, 146/53.
Lockes, s. pl. pieces torn off a fleece, 146/79.
Lode, v. load, carry, 32/2.
Lodynge, s. loading, 22/11.
Loken, pp. locked or closed up, 146/53. See note.
Lollers, s. pl. lollards, 166/45.
[158]Long-eare, s. long-ear, a kind of barley, 13/22.
Longe-rained, pp. long in the reins, 78/2.
Longe-soughte, s. lung disease, 59/2. A.S. suht, disease (Grein).
Loode, v. to carte, 146/87.
Loppe, v. to lop, 132/1.
Lose, adj. loose, 27/4.
Louyngely, adv. lovingly, kindly, 152/16.
Lowe-brawned, pp. strong in the lower muscles, 75/2.
Lower, adj. compar. lower, 125/5.
Lowsy, adj. full of lice, 117/1.
Luke-warme, adj. lukewarm, tepid, 44/12.
Lye, s. urine, note to 44/8. Cf. 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 23. O.F. lie, lees.
Lyfte, adj. left, 28/4.
Lyke, v. to thrive, 57/10, 123/14, 140/8.
Lyncoln, 2/27.
Lyne, s. measuring line, 124/28.
Lyngel, s. a shoemaker’s thread, 142/6. “Lyngell, that souters sowe with, lignier;” Palsgrave.
Lyn-pinnes, s. pl. linch-pins, 5/19. See Linchpin in my Etym. Dict.
Lytter, s. litter, straw for a horse’s bed, 100/3.
Lyuer, s. liver, 55/15.
Malander, s. a sore place on the inside of the fore-leg of a horse, 94/1. “Malandres, the malanders, a horses disease;” Cotgrave. “Malendre,” the same.
Male, s. bag, pack, portmanteau, 142/2.
Mall, s. a mallet or club, 126/14; malles, pl. 15/46.
Mallet, s. mallet, wooden hammer, 136/15.
Malte, s. malt, 146/14.
Mane, s. a piece of grass left unmown, 23/17.
Maple, s. maple, 126/3.
Marke, St. Mark, 170/3.
Marle, s. rich earth used as manure, 2/6; a blue marble-like earth, note to 16/29–35.
Marley, s. marl, 138/26. See above.
Marre, v. mar, spoil, 70/50.
Marreis, adj. marsh, 5/15; marreys, 124/20.
Marreys, s. marsh, 54/13.
Martok, Martock (Somersetshire), 27/17.
Martilmas, Martinmas, St. Martin’s day, Nov. 11, 134/21.
Mathes, s. pl. maggots, 18/8, 45/1. “Cimex, maðu;” Wright’s Vocab. i. 24.
Mathes, s. pl. stinking chamomile, corn chamomile, Anthemis Cotula, 20/4. Called stynkynge maydweede in Turner’s Names of Herbes.
Matter, s. pus in a sore, 87/3.
Mattockes, s. pl. mattocks, tools to dig up roots and weeds, 8/20. See Beate.
Mawe, s. the stomach, 102/2.
May, pr. s. can, is able, 66/20.
Mayn whyte, principally white, 68/70.
Meane, adj. middling, ordinary, 2/6, 124/19; neither very moist nor very dry, 70/27.
Meane, s. means, way, 166, rubric; 167, rubric.
Measure, s. measure, moderation, 147/10.
Meete, imp. s. measure, 146/16.
Medle, v. to mix, 17/16; medled, pp. 2/6, 34/21, 43/1.
Melch kye, s. pl. milch cows, 70/21.
Mete, adj. even, 138/23.
Metelye, adv. meetly, 12/7.
Middes, s. midst, 48/7.
Mo, adj. compar. more (in number), 58/34; 141/50. A.S. má. See Moo.
Moche, adj. large, 47/3, 15.
Moderate, v. lessen, 44/26.
Molde, s. mould, 9/6; moldes, pl. pieces of earth, 45/7.
Molten, pp. melted, 43/4, 45/7.
Moneth, s. month, 93/8.
Moo, adj. compar. more (in number), 40/8, 121/20. See Mo.
Moralytes, s. pl. moral principles, prol. 15.
More, adj. compar. greater, 127/4.
More harder, adj. compar. harder, 137/13.
More hyer, adj. compar. higher, 67/3.
Morfounde, s. a disease in a horse’s feet, occasioned by its taking cold, 100/1. “Se morfondre, to take cold, catch cold;” Cotgrave.
Morteys, s. mortise, 3/13, 20, 39. (It is a hole in a piece of wood made to receive something that can be tightly wedged up in it.)
Mosse, s. moss, 131/3.
Mouldywarpe-hilles, s. pl. mole-hills, 23/20.
[159]Mountenance, s. amount, 58/31.
Mournynge, s. a disease appearing either in the tongue or back of a horse, apparently cancer, 83/1, 87/1,
119/4. See mourrues, mourue in Cotgrave.
Mowen, adj. mown, 70/32.
Mowes, s. pl. stacks, heaps, 32/3.
Mucke, s. manure, 17/2.
Mucke, v. to manure, 17/5.
Muck-wayne, s. manure-cart, 146/86.
Muldes, s. pl. pieces of mould or earth, 41/3, 45/8, 124/23.
Murren, s. murrain, 57/13.
Murtheryng, s. murdering, killing, 51/6.
Musell, s. muzzle, note to 39/9.
Myldewe-grass, s. mildew-grass, 54/17.
Myldewes, s. pl. mildews, 44/24.
Myllettes, s. pl. a disease behind the fetlocks of horses, 110/1.
Mynystratours, s. pl. ministers, 165/5.
Nache, s. the point of the rump, 57/3. See Old Country Words, ed. Britten, p. 105. “A big nach, round and knotty,” said of an ox; G. Markham, Husbandry, Of Oxen.
Narowe, adj. narrow, close, difficult, 4/26.
Nathes, s. pl. naves of a wheel, 5/9.
Nauyll, s. navel, 57/6.
Nauylgall, s. navel-gall, described as a kind of sore on a horse’s back, 105/1.
Necessaryest, adj. superl. most necessary, 1/4. (Used with most preceding).
Nede, s. need, necessity, 44/16.
Nedle, s. needle, 142/5.
Nether, adj. compar. lower, 5/22, 31/7.
Norfolke, 2/27.
Nose-thrilles, s. pl. nostrils, 84/2; nosethrylles, 75/3; sing. nosethryll, 85/3.
Nother, for other; an nother, another, 2/19.
Nourysshe, v. nourish, 130/24.
Nowe-a-dayes, adv. nowadays, 153/5.
Nycked, pp. notched, 21/4.
Nyckes, s. pl. notches, 4/38, 122/41.
Occupy, v. use, 1/5; occupie, 148/10; occupied, pp. used, 15/36.
Of, adv. off, away from it, 136/12; off, 27/7, 139/19.
Of, prep. during, 6/13.
Oke, s. oak, 15/7, 24/10.
Oke-settes, s. pl. young plants or cuttings of oak, 124/8.
Oke-water, s. oak-water, apparently water in which oak-galls have been steeped, 87/2.
Olde, adj. old; the olde of the mone, at full moon, 12/37.
Ones, adv. once, 147/28.
Or, adv. ere, before, 5/1, 119/8.
Oratory, 165/47.
Orchyarde, s. orchard, 122/3.
Order, v. determine, 3/41.
Ordeyne, v. to order, send, 146/14.
Osyerde, s. osier, 130/12.
Otemele, s. oatmeal, 14/10.
Otes, s. pl. oats, 13/26, 14/1.
Other whyle, adv. sometimes, occasionally, 4/16, 48/4, 60/5.
Ouer, adj. upper, 5/22, 91/2, 133/14.
Ouerlay, v. cover by laying over, 127/41.
Ouermoste, adj. superl. uppermost, 131/16.
Ouerplus, s. overplus, surplus, 148/8.
Ouer-rechynge, s. overstepping, 113/1.
Ouerthwarte, adv. across, sideways, 7/21, 112/3, 131/14.
Oughte, pt. s. owed, 146/106.
Outragious, adj. extravagant, 150/6.
Oxe-bowes, s. pl. bent pieces of wood passing round the necks of oxen, and fastened to the yoke, 5/44.
Oygrane wheate, white wheat, note to 34/23.
Oyse, v. to ooze, 111/2.
Pale, s. paling, 40/3.
Paper, s. paper, 142/4.
Parcels, s. pl. parts, divisions, 68/63.
Parchment, s. parchment, 142/4.
Pare, v. to pare, cut, 124/30, 136/16; pared, pp. 136/21.
Partener, s. partner, 134/27, 30.
Paryng, s. paring, 100/12.
Paste, adv. past, over, 13/15.
Pasturnes, s. pl. pasterns, 112/3.
Pastyme, s. pastime, something to pass or fill up leisure time, 146/47.
Pater-noster, 166/12.
Paule, St. Paul, 153/28, 158/6, 161/8, 169/29.
Payle, s. pail, 56/7.
Payre, v. to impair, make worse, 97/3; payreth, pr. s. spoils, 4/26.
Pease, peas, 10/3, 8. Properly a singular form.
[160]Peeke countreye, country round the Peak, in Derbyshire, 39/16.
Peeke-wheate, s. peek-wheat, a kind of poor wheat, 34/41. Cf. peeked, thin.
Pees, s. pease, 10/14. See Pease.
Pees-stubble, s. pea-stubble, 34/5.
Pelte-rotte, s. rot in the fleece, 54/33.
Penknyfe, s. penknife, 142/5.
Penne, s. pen, 142/4.
Pens, s. pl. pence, 54/10.
Peny, s. penny, 36/11.
Peny-grasse, s. a kind of grasse that never bears a flower, 54/8. It must therefore be distinct from Rhinanthus Crista-galli, also called penny-grass by some;
see Old Country Words, ed. Britten, p. 37.
Perche, s. perch, 30¼ sq. yards, 12/5.
Perfyte, adj. perfect, 141/5.
Perseth, pr. s. pierceth, 141/8.
Peruse, v. to go through with, continue, 131/15; imp. s. 124/35; examine, 40/23;
survey, 30/7.
Perysshynge, s. piercing, 62/17. See the note.
Peter, St., 155/13.
Peyhenne, s. peahen, 146/28.
Peynes, s. pains; a disease in a horse’s fetlocks, 111/1.
Pikstaues, s. pl. pikestaves (but here used, apparently, of a part of a cart, possibly the supports of the shafts), 5/23.
Pill, v. to peel, note to 55/16.
Plasshed, pp. plashed, 127/19. See below.
Plasshynge, s. plashing, 124/2. To plash is to lower and close up a broad-spread hedge, by partially cutting off the branches, and entwining them with those left upright.
Playster, s. plaister, 164/22.
Pleched, pp. pleached, plashed, 127/22. See Plasshynge.
Pleytes, s. pl. plaits, folds, 151/17.
Ploughe-beame, s. plough-beam, 3/2, 9. See note to 3/1.
Ploughe-eare, s. plough-ear, 3/5, 42; 4/34. See note to 3/1.
Ploughe-fote, s. plough-foot, 3/5, 38. See note to 3/1.
Plough-geare, s. instruments requisite for ploughing, 5/45.
Ploughehedde, s. the same as the share-beam, 2/10. See Sharbeame.
Ploughe-mal, s. plough-hammer or mallet, 3/6. See note to 3/1.
Ploughe-shethe, s. plough-sheath, 2/3. See note to 3/1.
Plough-stylte, s. the right-hand handle of a plough, 3/21. See note to 3/1.
Ploughetayle, s. the left-hand and longer handle of the plough, 2/23; 3/15, 19.
Ploughe-yren, s. plough-iron, iron part of a plough (share and coulter), 5/2; ploughe-yrons, pl. 2/19.
Plowe, v. plough, 6/14.
Plowes, s. pl. ploughs, 2/1.
Plummes, s. pl. plums, 136/4, 140/1.
Plyenge, pres. pt. bending, 24/14.
Pockes, s. pl. pocks, pustules, a disease in sheep, 49/1.
Pole, 12/5. See Perche.
Polerd wheat, s. coarse wheat, pollard wheat, 34/23. So called because it has no awns: to poll is to clip, etc. See Pollard.
Poleyn, s. pl. poultry, fowls, 146/21.
Pollard, short-horned, said of a ram, note to 37/6. See Polerd.
Pommes, pumice, 142/4; pomis, 100/6.
Ponch, s. punch, 139/9.
Pondre, v. to ponder, consider, 153/28.
Poores, s. pl. pores, 70/26.
Popeler, s. poplar, 130/5.
Potte, s. pot; good for the potte, good for boiling, 146/35.
Pottell, s. a pottle, two quarts, 44/8.
Potycarye, s. an apothecary, 120/8.
Pouertee, s. poverty, 147/15.
Pourpose, v. purpose, intend, 27/19.
Poynte, s. a tagged lace, 142/5.
Practyue, s. practice, 4/29; practiue, 141/21.
Predication, s. preaching, 154/19.
Prefixe, v. to fix beforehand, 157/7.
Processe, s. relation, story, tale, 2/29, 120/13; in processe, in course of time, 127/8.
Profe, s. proof, 161/24.
Proferre, v. to put into, insert, 138/13.
Profytablest, adj. superl. most profitable, 37/5.
Promesse, s. promise, 157/16, 21.
Propertie, s. method, 12/17.
Prouander, s. provender, 23/11.
Proued, pp. tried, 141/22, 23.
Prycke-eared, pp. with sharply pointed erect ears, 77/1. Cf. the phr. ‘to prick up one’s ears.’
Pulled, pp. gathered, 146/41.
Pursy, s. short-windedness (in a horse), 84/1. See Pursy in my Etym. Dict.
Pursynes, s. short-windedness, 87/4.
[161]Put, v. push, 70/42.
Pygges, s. pl. pigs, 146/89.
Pyke, v. pick, 35/3.
Pykforke, s. pitchfork, 5/6, 25/4.
Pyl, v. to peel, 134/23; imp. s. 134/11. See Pill.
Pylate, Pilate, 166/26.
Pyllynge, s. strip of bark, 136/22.
Pymples, s. pl. pimples, 49/2, 93/3.
Pyn-awgur, s. a boring-tool for making holes for pins or pegs, probably a gimlet as distinguished from a rest-awgur, 5/32.
Pynder, s. the petty officer of a manor, whose duty it was to impound all strange cattle straying on the common, 148/25, 39.
Pynfolde, s. pound, 148/26.
Pynte, s. pint, 58/31.
Pypes, s. pl. hollow stalks, 70/9.
Pyrre-stocke, s. a pear-stock, 137/10.
Pysell, s. pizzle, 56/7.
Pytchers, s. pl. pitchers, 141/68.
Quicke, adj. alive; waxe quicke, become alive, 91/5.
Quikens, s. pl. live things, 55/16.
Quiteth, pr. s. requites, repays, 14/13.
Quyche, s. couch-grass, 14/17.
Quyche-hey, s. hay of couch-grass, 25/21.
Quycke, adj. alive, 102/4.
Quycke, s. quicke, sensitive part, 115/2.
Quycke-sande, s. quicksand, 128/24.
Quyckeset, v. make quickset hedges, 123/8.
Quycksettes, s. pl. quickset hedges, 124/3.
Rache, s. a streak or mark on a horse’s forehead (misprinted rathe in ed. 1534), 68/64. See the spelling ratch in the note to the line.
‘Raitch, a white line in a horse’s face; Yorksh.’—Wright. See Rase.
Radel-marke, s. a mark made on sheep with ruddle, or red ochre, 52/5.
Raine, s. gutter, water-course, furrow between ridges, 13/7; rayne, 7/20. See Rean in Wright, and below.
Ranke, adj. rank, strong, 10/10, 12/20; fertile, 17/29.
Ranknes, s. abundance, repletion, 101/1.
Rapes, s. pl. turnips, 20/9. O. F. rabe, rave, ‘a rape or turnep’; Cotgrave.
Rase, s. streak, mark, 73/1. See Rache.
Ratch. See Rache.
Rate, s. rate, 121/12.
Rathe, s. an error, (in ed. 1534) for rache, 68/64. See Rache.
Rather, adv. compar. sooner, quicker, easier, 46/3, 66/22, 133/5.
Rathes, s. pl. frames of wood placed on a cart to make it broader, for carrying hay, 5/22. (Also called raves.)
Raunsome, s. ransom, 148/28.
Raye, pr. s. subj. have diarrhœa, 41/1. “I beray, I fyle ones clothes with spottes of myer, properly aboute the skyrtes, ie crotte;” Palsgrave.
Rayment, s. raiment, apparel, 151/9.
Rayne, furrow, 7/20. See Raine.
Reane, s. gutter; furrow between the ridges of ploughed land to take off the water, 21/15; 33/6, 8, 10. See Raine.
Recheles, adj. reckless, 7/8.
Red wheate, a kind of wheat, 34/35.
Rede, s. reed, 27/21.
Reduce, v. bring back, turn, 7/15.
Redy, adj. dressed, 146/8. See note.
Reed, pp. shaken in a sieve, so that the chaff collects to one place, 36/3. “Ree, to pass corn through a sieve for the purpose of cleaning it from chaff;” Wright. See E.D.S. Gloss. B. 16, p. 89.
Reed, adj. red, 49/1, 55/2, 102/3.
Reedwaxe, s. red wax, sealing-wax, 142/4.
Regum primo, in the first Book of Kings (Samuel), 165/52.
Reke, s. rick, 29/13, 32/5. A.S. hreác.
Relent, v. to melt, 44/16.
Remytte, v. to leave, 7/14; pr. s. 1 p. I pass over, prol. 27. See note.
Ren ryot, phr. to run riot, 148/38.
Renne, v. to run, 138/20; renneth, pr. s. runs, 54/11; rennynge, pres. pt. running, 44/6.
Rennynge, s. running, 85/2.
Reparation, s. repair, 5/8.
Repes, s. pl. handfuls (of corn, also of beans, etc.), 29/4, 7. “Repe, a handful of corn;” Wright. Allied to E. reap.
Repeyled, pp. rippled, 146/41.
Reproued, pp. reprobate, 144/8.
Rere, v. rear, rise, 16/6.
Reson, s. reason; of reson, of course, 12/33.
[162]Rest, s. a plough-rest, 3/4, 22. See note to 3/1.
Rest-awgur, s. perhaps a boring-tool, the head of which rests against a support (?), 5/33. Or, more likely, for wrest-augur, one which resembles a centre-bit, and is wrested round (?).
Rest-balke, pr. s. subj. 2 p. make a rest-balk, 16/31. See below.
Reste-balkes, s. pl. ridges of land between furrows, 4/4.
Retayle, imp. s. sell by retail, 134/1.
Rideled, pp. sifted, 146/51.
Ridge-bone, s. back-bone, 60/12.
Ripeled, pp. rippled, stripped, 146/51.
Role, v. roll, 15/50.
Ronges, s. pl. steps of ladders, rungs, 134/10.
Ronne, v. to run, 41/14. (Perhaps a misprint for renne, q.v.)
Rote, s. root, 127/7; rotes, pl. 91/5, 129/10.
Rounde, adj. in a rounded form, 33/16.
Rowme, s. room, 26/8, 131/10.
Ruddiest, a better reading for rudeste; see note to 34/38. See Rudeste.
Ruddyer, adj. compar. redder, 48/11.
Rudeste, adj. sup. ruddiest, reddest, 34/38. See Ruddiest.
Rut, s. rutting, 37/17.
Ry, s. rye, 8/14.
Rychesse, s. riches, 156/1.
Rydge, s. ridge, 7/20. See Rygge.
Rygge, s. ridge; holowe rygge, the hollow between two ridges, 17/11.
Rygge, v. ridge, 9/7; rygged, pp. ridged, in ridges, 13/2.
Ryggynge, s. edging, 13/3.
Ryghtuousenes, s. justice, 157/36.
Ryghtwysly, adv. righteously, 156/32.
Ryngbone, s. a disease on a horse’s foot, above the hoof, 98/1.
Rysen-vppon, s. a disease; lit. ‘risen upon,’ swollen up, 61/1.
Ryppon, Ripon, 17/22, 79/11.
Sacke, s. sack, 10/26.
Sadelclothe, s. saddlecloth, 142/2.
Sacrament, s. sacrament, 145/7.
Salesman, s. seller, 134/29.
Salomon, Solomon, 157/8, 169/14, 31.
Salue, v. salve, anoint, 18/35.
Sandiuer, s. scoria of glass, note to 46/3. “Suin de verre, sandever, the fatty substance floating on glasse when it is red-hot in the furnace,
and which being cold is as hard as stone, yet brittle and easily broken;” Cotgrave.
Sandy, adj. sandy (said of colour), 68/74.
Sappe-tyme, s. sap-time, 133/22.
Sauegarde, s. safeguard, 18/32, 123/37; saue-garde, 35/8.
Scab, s. sore place, sore, 42/5; scabbe (in horses), 116/2.
Scabbed, afflicted with scab, 18/8, 42/1.
Scaffolde, s. support of a rick, to keep it off the ground, 32/6.
Scape, 2 pr. s. subj. escape, 148/43.
Scarce, adj. sparing, stingy, 150/2.
Scaresdale, Scardale, a hundred of Derbyshire, 17/21.
Sclatte, s. slate, 122/38.
Scote, s. privy part of a colt, 101/2. See colt-evil, explained in Markham’s Husbandry, b. i. c. 32. Cf. sheath in Wright.
Scyences, s. pl. scions, suckers, 140/2. “Sciens of cherry-trees;” W. Lawson, Orchard and Garden, 1648, p. 122. See note.
Seame, used as equivalent to a quarter (of beans), note to 12/13.
Sede-forowe, s. seed-furrow, 4/37.
Selander, s. a disease in the bend of a horse’s leg, 95/1.
Selden, adv. seldom, 54/29.
Semeth, v. impers. appears; me semeth, it appears to me, 34/12.
Seneca, 161/9.
Senewes, s. pl. sinews, 75/3.
Sere, imp. s. sear, 63/7.
Serewe, s. a disease in a horse’s leg, on the inner side, 96/1.
Serue, v. to feed animals, 146/20.
Sethe, v. boil, 44/5; imp. s. 55/18.
Sette, v. to plant, 129/1; pp. set, 129/20.
Settes, pl. slips set in the ground to grow, cuttings, 124/10.
Seuer, v. sever, separate, 53/2.
Seueral, adj. several, separate, 6/6.
Seueraltye, in, phr. separately, 123/28.
Shaken, adj. full of cracks in the wood, 132/11.
Shakyll, s. shackle, 15/13.
Shap, s. privy part of a mare, 68/22.
Sharbeame, s. the wooden frame to which the share of a plough is fixed, 2/10; sharebeame, 3/3.
Share, s. ploughshare, 3/6.
Share-hogges, s. pl. yearling sheep that have been once shorn, 53/4.
[163]Shede, imp. s. part, 42/4; sheede, v. to part, 110/2.
Shedynge, s. spilling, 35/9, 70/46.
Shefe, s. sheaf, 28/6.
Sheldbrede, s. shield-board, 2/23; 3/4, 25. See note to 3/1. And see below.
Sheldbredth, s. the same as sheldbrede, 2/17, 23. The form bredth is corrupt, by confusion of brede (= breadth) with brede (= board).
Sheparde, s. shepherd, 18/24.
Shepe-flekes, s. pl. hurdles for sheep, 10/35.
Shepehoke, s. sheep-hook, 41/12.
Sherde, s. a breach, 141/36.
Shere, v. to reap, 26/2, 146/85; shorne, pp. 26/3.
Sherers, s. pl. reapers, 27/3; sheep-shearers, 52/1.
Sheres, s. pl. shears, 41/12.
Shertes, s. pl. shirts, 146/45.
Sheryffe, s. sheriff, 148/40.
Shete, s. a sheet, 122/15.
Shethe, s. plough-sheath, 2/23, 3/29. See note to 3/1, and see Ploughe-shethe.
Sheydes, s. pl. partings, 44/17. See Shede.
Shifted, pp. moved, 141/43.
Shoke, v. to place sheaves together in rows, to shock, 31/2.
Sholynges, s. pl. shovellings, i.e. road-scrapings, 17/30. See note to 16/29–35.
Shorte-pasturned, pp. having a short pastern, 75/2.
Shote, s. shot, 151/20.
Shotes, s. pl. (put for Slotes), 15/8. See Slote.
Shotte, pp. shot up, grown, 21/19.
Shouell, s. shovel, 5/33, 17/14.
Shough, s. shock, rough hair on a horse’s foot, 114/3.
Showed, pp. shoed, 142/6.
Showynge, s. shoeing, 109/4.
Shoyng-horne, s. shoe-horn, 142/1.
Shrede, v. to cut off the smaller branches of a tree, 132/1; shred, pp. having the smaller branches cut off, 133/2.
Shuld, pt. s. would, 128/34.
Sicle, s. sickle, 27/14; syckle, 28/4.
Sith, s. scythe, 23/15.
Skal, s. a scall or scab, 94/4.
Skeyggs, s. pl. rough oats, note to 14/15. Doubtless so called from the long awns; cf. Icel. skegg, a beard, Dan. skjæg, a beard, barb, awn. Cf. E. shaggy.
Skorfe, s. scurf, 116/2.
Skyppes, s. pl. baskets, 166/21. Usually skeps.
Slake, v. to extinguish, 169/14.
Slaue, v. to bend down, 133/15 (where it seems to mean tear by breaking down); to bend, 133/6; to slant,
127/15, 32. Cf. “I slyue downe, I fall downe sodaynly;” Palsgrave. See below.
Slauynges, s. pl. slips, scions, 130/5. Cf. slive, a slip, slive, to slice, slift, a scion of a plant for propagation, not cut,
but pulled off at a joint; Wright. “I slyue a floure from his braunche or stalke;” Palsgrave.
Slecketh, pr. s. extinguishes, 169/13. See Slake.
Sleues, s. pl. sleeves (but in what sense is uncertain), 5/6.
Slote, s. rod, thin piece of wood, cross-piece of a harrow, 15/11. A slot or slote is, properly, a thin flat bar. See Ray, Gloss. B. 15. See below.
Slote, s. slit? (apparently the same as slyt in 3/17), 4/15. The usual sense of slot is ‘bar.’ See above.
Sloted, pp. furnished with slotes or bars, 15/24.
Slote-wedges, s. pl. wedges fixed in the slote, 4/14. See Slote (= slit?).
Small, s. small part, calf of the leg, 15/8.
Smockes, s. pl. women’s shifts, 146/45.
Socle, imp. s. suckle, cause to suckle, 38/4; give suck, 146/10.
Socket, s. socket, fitted end, 3/47; means of fastening on, 21/8.
Sodeinly, adv. suddenly, 2/24.
Soke, v. suck, 2/13.
Somer, s. rail or support, 5/22. Cf. Bressomer; also “somers, the rails of a cart;” Wright. See sumpter in my Etym. Dict.
Sommersetshyre, Somersetshire, 2/9.
Sonne, s. sun, 9/5; spelt son, 146/54.
Soo, conj. so, provided that, 43/4.
Sophystycallye, adv. sophistically, ambiguously, 68/46.
Sorance, s. sore, injury, disease, 6/29, 89/1; soraunce, 80/1, 119/1.
Sought, s. 57/13. See Longe soughte.
Souketh, pr. s. sucks, 39/11.
Souper, s. supper, 146/12.
Souse, s. pickle, brine, 121/15.
Sowen, pp. sown, 12/33, 35; 141/42.
[164]Sowes, s. pl. sows, 121/9.
Spade-graffe, s. the depth to which a spade will dig, about a foot, 124/33.
Spauen, s. spavin, a kind of lameness, 106/1. Also, the place where spavin appears, 107/4.
Spauen-place, s. place where a horse is subject to spavin, 118/3.
Spere, s. spear, 142/2.
Sperewort, s. spear-wort, a grass, 54/3. “Flamula is the herbe whiche we cal in englishe Sperewurte or
Spergrasse;” Turner’s Names of Herbes. It is the lesser spear-wort, Ranunculus Flammula, as the greater spear-wort, or Ranunculus Lingua, is of larger growth. See Speerworty in Pegge, Gloss. B. 6.
Spinner, s. a spider, note to 54/22. (In Shakespeare.)
Splent, s. disease in a horse’s leg, 96/1; 97/1.
Splente, imp. s. furnish with splents or laths, 122/9. See below.
Splentes, s. pl. laths, 122/10.
Spokes, s. pl. spokes of a wheel, 5/9.
Spon, pp. spun, 146/42.
Spores, s. pl. spurs, 142/2.
Sporte, s. sport, 153/18.
Sprede, v. spread, 10/38.
Sprot-barley, s. sprout-barley, a kind of barley, 13/19.
Sprutteth, v. sprouteth, 13/38.
Sprynge, s. young wood, shoots, 126/11; 135/4, 7, 27.
Spyndel, s. spindle, 103/5.
Spyres, s. pl. shoots, sprigs, 20/12. See note to P. Plowman, C. xiii. 180.
Squecke, s. a disease of turkeys, note to 144.
Stacke, s. stack, 131/11.
Staffe, s. a staff, stick, 41/9; handle, 21/8.
Staffe-hokes, s. pl. staff-hooks; sharp hooks fastened to long handles to cut peas and beans, and trim hedges, 29/3.
Stare, v. to stand on end, bristle up, 56/11, 98/4, 111/3.
Starkely, adv. stiffly, with difficulty, 65/3.
Staues, s. pl. staves, bars, rails, 70/45, 141/48; ‘rough staves,’ 3/5, 35. See note to 3/1.
Staunche, v. to staunch, stop, 58/32.
Staye, s. support, 3/41.
Steeled, pp. steeled, 21/9.
Steke, imp. s. shut, fasten, 40/14, 165/48; v. 167/34.
Stele, s. handle, 24/18. A. S. stel.
Stere, v. stir, 16/24.
Sterte, s. stalk, 20/23. Cf. start = tail.
Steryngtyme, s. time for stirring, 16/26.
Stilt, s. the right-hand handle of a plough, 3/4. See note to 3/1.
Stocke, s. stock, stem, 136/19.
Stocke-heed, s. head or top of the stock, 138/26.
Stole, s. stool, 122/17.
Stooles, s. pl. stools; but, apparently, part of the gear of a plough, 5/44.
Stoupe, v. to stoop, 21/26; to obey, 41/18.
Stranguellyon, s. strangury, retention of urine, 88/1. “Stranguyllyon, a sicknesse, chauldepisse;” Palsgrave. And see Markham, Husbandry, b. i. c. 30.
Streyte, adv. close, 56/17.
Stringe, s. string, 142/3.
Strykes, s. pl. strikes, London bushels, 12/8. (The measure varied.)
Stryndes, s. pl. streaks, 55/2.
Stryng-halte, s. string-halt, a twitching lameness in horses, 108/1.
Stubbes, s. pl. old roots, or stumps, 127/27.
Sturdy, s. ‘the turn,’ i.e. giddiness, note to 62 (rubric).
Sturred, pp. stirred, 17/8, 141/42.
Sturrynge, s. stirring, 4/40.
Styffe-docked, pp. having a stiff stumpy part of the tail, 74/2.
Styffe-eared, pp. having stiff ears, 76/1.
Stylkynges, s. pl. some part of harness for oxen, 5/4.
Styred, pp. stirred, 146/108.
Subleuate, lifted up, 165/43.
Suet, s. suet, 44/7.
Swarth, adj. grassy, note to sect. 8 (ch. 8, l. 30).
Swathe, s. a row of cut grass, 23/16.
Sweate, v. give out moisture, as cut grass, 23/13.
Swyneherde, s. swineherd, 123/16.
Swyngletre, the bar that swings at the heels of the horse when drawing a harrow, 15/42; swyngle-trees, pl. swinging bars to which traces are fixed, 5/25.
Syde, adj. long, trailing, 151/14. A.S. síd, long.
Syde-longe all, close beside, 38/7.
Syde-tailed, pp. longtailed, 77/3. See Syde.
[165]Syde-wedges, s. pl. side-wedges (at the side of the coulter), 4/22.
Sye, imp. s. strain (milk), 146/10. “I sye mylke, or clense, ie coulle du laict. This term is to muche northerne;” Palsgrave.
Symbalo, for symbolo, abl. s. in the creed, 161/3.
Symylytude, s. likeness, 160/9.
Synagoges, s. pl. synagogues, 165/21.
Synge, v. sing (as land), 10/19.
Syre, s. sire (said of a horse), 68/75.
Sythe, conj. since, 157/41.
Syues, s. pl. sieves, 36/3.
Syxte, adj. num. sixth, 75/3.
Tables, s. pl. tablets, 141/31.
Take, pr. s. subj. lay firm hold of, 126/12.
Tancardes, s. pl. tankards, 141/68.
Tarre, s. tar, 47/16. See Terre.
Tawed, pp. dressed, 146/42.
Tayle, s. plough-tail, 3/18.
Tedde, v. to spread or turn hay, 25, rubric; tedded, pp. 25/2. “I teede hey, I tourne it afore it is made in cockes;” Palsgrave.
Teddered, pp. tethered, fastened, 6/17.
Teddynge, s. spreading, 25/4.
Tedure, s. tether, 147/31.
Tedure, v. to tether, 148/14.
Tell, v. count, 30/5.
Temper, s. adjustment, 4/46; tempre, 4/56.
Tempered, pp. adjusted, set, 2/30, 4/3; worked together (as clay), 122/26.
Temporal, adj. worldly, 154/17.
Tenaunte, s. tenant, 123/31.
Tenaunte, s. tenon, 139/6.
Tennes-balles, s. pl. tennis balls, 91/4.
Terre, s. tar, 41/4.
Terre, s. tare, tares, 20/36; ter, 20/4.
Terre-boxe, s. tar-box, 41/10.
Thacke, s. thatch, 27/20. “Thacke of a house, chaume;” Palsgrave.
Thacke, v. thatch, 27/10.
Thacking, s. thatching, 27/24.
Thanke, s. thanks, 169/23.
There-as, conj. where, 33/13, 45/9, 58/9.
Theyues, s. pl. ewes of the first year, 53/4. “Theave, a ewe of a year old (Essex); a sheep of three years old (North);” Wright. See thaive, theave, in Index to Old Country Words, ed. J. Britten (E.D.S.).
Thimble, s. thimble, 142/5.
Thistyls, s. pl. thistles, 20/3; thistyll, s. 20/6.
Thopinion, the opinion, 12/37.
Thorowe, adv. through, 23/16, 44/10, 128/19.
Threde, s. thread, 142/5.
Thresshe, pr. s. subj. 2. p. thresh, 35/2; thresshen, pp. 13/40; thresshed,
pp. 10/9.
Throughe, adj. passing through, continuous, 96/3.
Thryfte, s. thrift, thriving, 129/8.
Thyn-cressed, pp. thin in the crest, 78/2. The crest is ‘the rising part of a horse’s neck;’ Wright.
Tinded, pp. furnished with tines, 15/24. See Tyndes.
To, adv. too, 2/24, 2/29, 43/5, 148/34,
To, prep. in going to, 146/16.
To, frequently inserted in imperative clauses; thus, to fel, i.e. remember to fell, 134/15; to sell, be sure to sell, 134/18; &c.
Togwith, or Togewith, s. part of the draught apparatus of a plough or harrow, to which the swingle-tree was attached, 5/25, 15/43.
Lit. “tug-withe;” cf. “tug-iron, an iron on the shafts of a waggon to hitch the traces to;” Wright.
Tolle, s. toll, 146/17.
Tomblynge, s. tumbling, 102/5.
Toppes, s. tops, 31/12.
Tothe, v. furnish with teeth, 24/7.
Toure, s. tower, 146/104.
Towels, s. pl. towels, 146/45.
Towne-syde. s. farm-yard side, 10/11.
Traile, v. to drag on the ground, 141/49.
Tree, s. piece of wood, 3/9; tre, 3/11.
Trenche, s. trench, 124/30.
Tresses, s. pl. traces (for drawing a plough), 5/25, 15/42.
Trouse, s. the trimmings of a hedge, 38/3, 126/9. “Trouse, to trim hedgings”; Wright.
Tryanglewise, adj. in the form of a triangle, 4/34.
Tucke, v. to tuck up short, 151/14.
Tuell, s. fundament (of a horse), 85/4.
Tuftes, s. pl. tufts, 70/3.
Turne, s. a disease of cattle, giddiness, 62/28.
Twon, pp. twined, 25/32.
Twyche, v. to twitch, 108/2.
[166]Twyrle, v. turn round; twyrle upon, i.e. turn round by pressing upon, 55/1.
Twyse, adv. twice, 147/28.
Twytches, s. pl. jerks, 15/21.
Tyckes, s. pl. ticks, small insects, 135/19.
Tyndes, s. pl. tines, teeth, 15/26.
Tyne, v. to shut, 141/49. A.S. týnan.
Tythes, s. pl. tithes, 30/13.
Vaine, s. vein, 50/11; vaines, pl. 70/26.
Valentynes daye, Feb. 14, 137/4.
Vermynne, s. vermin (said of noxious beasts), 146/32.
Viues, s. pl. “Certaine kirnels growing under the horsses eare;” (Topsell, 1607, p. 360), 91/1. “Vyves, a disease that an horse hath, auiues;” Palsgrave. See Avives in Cotgrave.
Vncomely, adj. unsuitable, prol. 13.
Vnconuenient, adj. unsuitable, unbecoming, unfit, 151/16, 154/16.
Vnderstande, pp. understood, 156/27.
Vnder-wodde, s. underwood, 131/2.
Vndouted, adv. doubtless, 146/48.
Vngiue, v. to give out the damp, 25/16.
Vnhappy, adj. unhappy, unfortunate, 144/20.
Vpholdyng, s. maintaining in repair, 5/38.
Vppe, adj. up, risen, 149/8.
Vppe, adv. up, 13/8.
Vpwarde, adv. upward, 16/17.
Vse, pr. pl. are accustomed, 21/29.
Vtter, adj. compar. outer, 138/12.
Vttermoste, adj. superl. most outward, 4/41.
Waincloutes, s. pl. pieces of iron for strengthening the axle-tree of a waggon, 5/19. On clouts, see J. E. T. Rogers, Hist. of Agriculture, i. 546.
Wained, pp. weaned, 135/14.
Waked, pp. awake, 146/1.
Wallettes, s. pl. wallets, 141/69.
Walnutshell, s. walnut-shell, 94/4.
Walnuttes, s. pl. walnuts, 136/4, 140/4.
Want, v. to lack, 79/12; wante, pr. s. subj. be lacking, 164/27.
Warde, s. management; harde of warde, harde to manage, 79/4.
Wardens, s. pl. large baking pears, 136/2.
Warden-tree, s. a pear-tree, bearing large baking pears, 137/3.
Wardropes, s. pl. wardrobes, 151/2.
Ware, s. ware, merchandise, bargain, 118/4.
Ware, v. to spend, 123/23. See Gloss. B. 15 (E. D. S.), p. 72; Gloss. B. 2, p. 42.
Warke, s. work, 6/9, 21/26; warkes, pl. prol. 22, 143/11.
Warrybredes, s. pl. worms just under the skin, 63/1. “Wary-breeds, or Warnel-worms, worms on the backs of cattle within their skin;” Bailey’s Dict. vol. i. ed. 1735.
Cf. “Warbot, a worme, escarbot;” Palsgrave.
Wartes, s. pl. warts, 118/2.
Washen, pp. washed, 122/15; wasshen, 51/2.
Waspes, s. pl. wasps, 122/47.
Water-bowes, s. pl. smaller boughs or shoots of a tree (probably from their containing much sap), 129/17.
Water-forowed, pp. drained by making furrows, 13/6, 33/5.
Wauerynge, pres. part. wavering, 165/42.
Waxen, pp. grown, 156/36.
Wayne, s. a wain, waggon, 5/6.
Wayne, v. wean, 39/5.
Wayne-rope, s. a cart-rope, 5/6.
Wayters, s. pl. waiters, 152/11.
Weare, v. exhaust, 14/16.
Weate, s. wet, moisture, 124/22.
Wedders, s. pl. wether-sheep, 53/5.
Wede, v. weed, 21/2.
Wedes, s. pl. weeds, 146/37.
Wedynge-hoke, s. weeding-hook, 21/7.
Weike, adj. weak, 53/9. Icel. veikr.
Were, pt. s. subj. would be, 121/2.
Weter, adj. compar. wetter, 14/3.
Wether, weather, 18/29.
Wethy, s. a willow, 126/3, 130/5, 138/31.
Wethy-wode, s. withy-wood, willow-wood, 24/8. [Not osier.]
Weyke, adv. weak, 66/10. See Weike.
What-someuer, whatsoever, 168/10.
Whelpe, s. a young dog, 41/17.
Whereas, adv. where that, where, 6/15.
Whether, adj. which of the two, 40/20, 144/19.
Whyted, pp. (= thwited), cut, whittled down into shape, 5/25. Cf. whittle = thwittle, a knife; from thwite, to cut.
Whyte-thorne, s. whitethorn, 124/4, 126/4, 137/12.
Whyte wheate, s. a kind of wheat, 34/23.
Wiedes, s. pl. weeds, 16/25.
[167]Winowed, pp. winnowed, 146/56.
Winter-corne, s. winter-corn (such as wheat or rye), 8/13.
Withall, with it, 146/15.
Withe, s. withy, 15/13; withee, a twig of willow, 24/15. See Togwith and Wethy.
Withed, pp. bound, wound, 15/41.
Wodde, wood, 3/39; woddes, pl. trees, 131/1.
Wode euyll, s. wood-evil; a disease in sheep, 50/2.
Wolde, pt. s. and pl. ought to (lit. would), 3/31; should, ought, 15/35; must,
15/45; should, 21/20, 122/36, 140/6.
Woll, s. wool, 42/3, 146/77.
Woll-wynder, s. wool-winder, 52/7.
Wonders, adv. wondrously, prol. 24. (This afterwards became an adj., and was turned into the Mod. E. wondrous.) See below.
Wonders, adj. wonderful, 11/11.
Wormes, s. pl. worms, 103/1.
Wouen, pp. woven, 146/43.
Wounden, pp. wound, 146/43.
Wowed, pp. wooed, 146/109.
Wrapped, pp. (probably) warped, drawn out into a warp, 146/43. Spelt warped in ed. 1598.
Wrethynge-temes, s. pl. part of the harness for oxen, 5/4. To wrethe is to twist; a team is ‘an ox-chain, passing from yoke to yoke;’ E. D. S. Gloss. B. 2, p. 40.
Wryncles, s. pl. wrinkles, 100/7.
Wrynge, v. to wring, 146/85.
Wrynkeled, pp. wrinkled, 34/43.
Wrythen, pp. wreathed, twisted, 31/15, 64/6.
Wyddre, v. wither, 21/17, 31/17; wyddred, pp. 25/6.
Wyddrynge, s. withering, 23/8.
Wydes, s. pl. the name of a kind of apple, 130/4.
Wyght, adj. active, swift, 76/4.
Wymble, s. an auger, 24/8.
Wyndgalles, s. pl. wind-galls, swellings or blisters above a horse’s fetlock, 99/1. “Windgalls are little blebs or soft swellings on each side of the fetlock;” G. Markham, Husbandry, b. i. c. 57.
Wyndrowes, s. pl. rows of grass in hay-making, 25/11.
Yeane, v. produce (as a ewe), 37/26.
Yelde, v. yield, 10/9.
Yere, s. pl. years, 67/9.
Ylle, adj. ill, bad, 54/11.
Yokes, s. pl. frames of wood to couple oxen for drawing, 5/3.
Yomen, s. pl. keepers, 151/1; yomenne, yeomen, 152/11; yomenne or yomen, pawns (in chess), prol. 20, prol. 30.
Yorke, York, 17/22.
Yorkeshyre, Yorkshire, 2/26.
Yren, s. iron, 2/2, 3/49; yrens, pl. 3/54.
Yren-gray, adj. iron-gray, 68/75.
Ysaye, Isaiah, 164/3.
Yues, s. pl. ivies, 132/4.
Zelcester = Ʒelcester, i.e. Ilchester, 2/9, 27/17.
Stephen Austin and Sons, Printers, Hertford.
All changes noted in the ERRATA (pg xxxi, after the Introduction) have been applied to the etext, except for the page header (Headline) change which is not applicable for this ebook.
Footnote [28] is referenced twice from page 55.
Numerical values in the original (1534) text are in roman format, usually inside periods as ‘.xxiv.’, but this is not consistent. Some numbers of the form ‘xxiv.’ and ‘.xxiv’ and ‘xxiv’ have been left unchanged.
Pg 3: page number ‘16’ for entry ‘7.’ moved from the first
line of its text to the last line to be consistent with other entries.
Pg 4: ‘fol. 32.’ replaced by ‘fol. xxxii.’ in entry ‘50.’.
Pg 33: ‘M e-hills’ (in Sidenote) replaced by ‘Mole-hills’.
Pg 76: ‘she wyl not not labour’ replaced by ‘she wyl not labour’.
Pg 101: Pilcrow symbol ¶ inserted after ‘149.’.
Pg 110: ‘Nichil retinet’ has not been changed, but perhaps should be
‘Nihil retinet’.
Pg 120: ‘Ecclus.’ (in Sidenote) replaced by ‘Eccles.’.
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