Editorial Committee
THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SCIENCE SERIES, established by the Trustees of the University, owes its origin to a belief that there should be a medium of publication occupying a position between the technical journals with their short articles and the elaborate treatises which attempt to cover several or all aspects of a wide field. The volumes of the series will differ from the discussions generally appearing in technical journals in that they will present the complete results of an experiment or series of investigations which previously have appeared only in scattered articles, if published at all. On the other hand, they will differ from detailed treatises by confining themselves to specific problems of current interest, and in presenting the subject in as summary a manner and with as little technical detail as is consistent with sound method. They will be written not only for the specialist but for the educated layman.
Robert Andrews Millikan
Formerly Professor of Physics, the University of Chicago
Director Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics
California Institute of Technology
All Rights Reserved
Published August 1917
Second Impression February 1918
Third Impression November 1918
Fourth Impression December 1910
Fifth Impression February 1921
Second Edition October 1924
Composed and Printed By
The University of Chicago Press
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
It is hoped that this volume may be of some interest both to the physicist and to the reader of somewhat less technical training. It has been thought desirable for the sake of both classes of readers, not to break the thread of the discussion in the body of the book with the detailed analyses which the careful student demands. It is for this reason that all mathematical proofs have been thrown into appendixes. If, in spite of this, the general student finds certain chapters, such as VII and VIII, unintelligible, it is hoped that without them he may yet gain some idea of certain phases at least of the progress of modern physics.
May 18, 1917
In the present edition of this book I have endeavored to present a simple treatment of all the developments in physics to date which have caused a modification or extension of any of the viewpoints expressed just seven years ago. In its preparation I have been very much impressed to find how uniformly the changes represent additions rather than subtractions—a striking illustration of the great truth that science, like a plant, grows in the main by the process of accretion. If I have succeeded in interesting some old friends and making a few new ones for one of the most fascinating of subjects, I shall be content.
MAY 18, 1924
PAGE | ||
OF |
45 |
90 |
APPENDIX A. | 262 | |
265 |
272[Pg xiii] |
INDEXES. | 287[Pg xiv] |
[Pg 1]
Perhaps it is merely a coincidence that the man who first noticed that the rubbing of amber would induce in it a new and remarkable state now known as the state of electrification was also the man who first gave expression to the conviction that there must be some great unifying principle which links together all phenomena and is capable of making them rationally intelligible; that behind all the apparent variety and change of things there is some primordial element, out of which all things are made and the search for which must be the ultimate aim of all natural science. Yet if this be merely a coincidence, at any rate to Thales of Miletus must belong a double honor. For he first correctly conceived and correctly stated, as far back as 600 B.C., the spirit which has actually guided the development of physics in all ages, and he also first described, though in a crude and imperfect way, the very phenomenon the study of which has already linked together several of the erstwhile isolated departments of physics, such as radiant heat, light, magnetism, and electricity, and has very recently brought us nearer to the primordial element than we have ever been before.
Whether this perpetual effort to reduce the complexities of the world to simpler terms, and to build up the infinite variety of objects which present themselves to our senses out of different arrangements or motions of the least possible number of elementary substances, is a [Pg 2] modern heritage from Greek thought, or whether it is a native instinct of the human mind may be left for the philosopher and the historian to determine. Certain it is, however, that the greatest of the Greeks aimed at nothing less than the complete banishment of caprice from nature and the ultimate reduction of all her processes to a rationally intelligible and unified system. And certain it is also that the periods of greatest progress in the history of physics have been the periods in which this effort has been most active and most successful.
Thus the first half of the nineteenth century is unquestionably a period of extraordinary fruitfulness. It is at the same time a period in which for the first time men, under Dalton’s lead, began to get direct, experimental, quantitative proof that the atomic world which the Greeks had bequeathed to us, the world of Leucippus and Democritus and Lucretius, consisting as it did of an infinite number and variety of atoms, was far more complex than it needed to be, and that by introducing the idea of molecules built up out of different combinations and groupings of atoms the number of necessary elements could be reduced to but about seventy. The importance of this step is borne witness to by the fact that out of it sprang in a very few years the whole science of modern chemistry.
And now this twentieth century, though but twenty-four years old, has already attempted to take a still bigger and more significant step. By superposing upon the molecular and the atomic worlds of the nineteenth century a third electronic world, it has sought to reduce the number of primordial elements to not more than two, namely, positive and negative electrical charges. Along with this effort has come the present period [Pg 3] of most extraordinary development and fertility—a period in which new viewpoints and indeed wholly new phenomena follow one another so rapidly across the stage of physics that the actors themselves scarcely know what is happening—a period too in which the commercial and industrial world is adopting and adapting to its own uses with a rapidity hitherto altogether unparalleled the latest products of the laboratory of the physicist and the chemist. As a consequence, the results of yesterday’s researches, designed for no other purpose than to add a little more to our knowledge of the ultimate structure of matter, are today seized upon by the practical business world and made to multiply tenfold the effectiveness of the telephone or to extract six times as much light as was formerly obtained from a given amount of electric power.
It is then not merely a matter of academic interest that electricity has been proved to be atomic or granular in structure, that the elementary electrical charge has been isolated and accurately measured, and that it has been found to enter as a constituent into the making of all the seventy-odd atoms of chemistry. These are indeed matters of fundamental and absorbing interest to the man who is seeking to unveil nature’s inmost secrets, but they are also events which are pregnant with meaning for the man of commerce and for the worker in the factory. For it usually happens that when nature’s inner workings have once been laid bare, man sooner or later finds a way to put his brains inside the machine and to drive it whither he wills. Every increase in man’s knowledge of the way in which nature works must, in the long run, increase by just so much man’s ability to control nature and to turn [Pg 4] her hidden forces to his own account.
The purpose of this volume is to present the evidence for the atomic structure of electricity, to describe some of the most significant properties of the elementary electrical unit, the electron, and to discuss the bearing of these properties upon the two most important problems of modern physics: the structure of the atom and the nature of electromagnetic radiation. In this presentation I shall not shun the discussion of exact quantitative experiments, for it is only upon such a basis, as Pythagoras asserted more than two thousand years ago, that any real scientific treatment of physical phenomena is possible. Indeed, from the point of view of that ancient philosopher, the problem of all natural philosophy is to drive out qualitative conceptions and to replace them by quantitative relations. And this point of view has been emphasized by the far-seeing throughout all the history of physics clear down to the present. One of the greatest of modern physicists, Lord Kelvin, writes:
When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it, and when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind. It may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thought advanced to the stage of a science.
Although my purpose is to deal mostly with the researches of which I have had most direct and intimate knowledge, namely, those which have been carried on during the past fifteen years in this general field, first in the Ryerson Laboratory at the University of Chicago, and later at the Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics at the California Institute [Pg 5] at Pasadena, I shall hope to be able to give a correct and just review of the preceding work out of which these researches grew, as well as of parallel work carried on in other laboratories. In popular writing it seems to be necessary to link every great discovery, every new theory, every important principle, with the name of a single individual. But it is an almost universal rule that developments in physics actually come about in a very different way. A science, like a plant, grows in the main by a process of infinitesimal accretion. Each research is usually a modification of a preceding one; each new theory is built like a cathedral through the addition by many builders of many different elements. This is pre-eminently true of the electron theory. It has been a growth, and I shall endeavor in every case to trace the pedigree of each research connected with it.
[Pg 6]
There is an interesting and instructive parallelism between the histories of the atomic conception of matter and the atomic theory of electricity, for in both cases the ideas themselves go back to the very beginnings of the subject. In both cases too these ideas remained absolutely sterile until the development of precise quantitative methods of measurement touched them and gave them fecundity. It took two thousand years for this to happen in the case of the theory of matter and one hundred and fifty years for it to happen in the case of electricity; and no sooner had it happened in the case of both than the two domains hitherto thought of as distinct began to move together and to appear as perhaps but different aspects of one and the same phenomenon, thus recalling again Thales’ ancient belief in the essential unity of nature. How this attempt at union has come about can best be seen by a brief review of the histories of the two ideas.
The conception of a world made up of atoms which are in incessant motion was almost as clearly developed in the minds of the Greek philosophers of the School of Democritus (420 B.C.), Epicurus (370 B.C.), and Lucretius (Roman, 50 B.C.) as it is in the mind of the modern physicist, but the idea had its roots in one case in a mere speculative philosophy; in the other case, like most of our [Pg 7] twentieth-century knowledge, it rests upon direct, exact, quantitative observations and measurement. Not that the human eye has ever seen or indeed can ever see an individual atom or molecule. This is forever impossible, and for the simple reason that the limitations on our ability to see small objects are imposed, not by the imperfections of our instruments, but by the nature of the eye itself, or by the nature of the light-wave to which the eye is sensitive. If we are to see molecules our biological friends must develop wholly new types of eyes, viz., eyes which are sensitive to waves one thousand times shorter than those to which our present optic nerves can respond.
But after all, the evidence of our eyes is about the least reliable kind of evidence which we have. We are continually seeing things which do not exist, even though our habits are unimpeachable. It is the relations which are seen by the mind’s eye to be the logical consequences of exact measurement which are for the most part dependable. So far as the atomic theory of matter is concerned, these relations have all been developed since 1800, so that both the modern atomic and the modern kinetic theories of matter, in spite of their great antiquity, are in a sense less than one hundred years old. Indeed, nearly all of our definite knowledge about molecules and atoms has come since 1851, when Joule[1] in England made the first absolute determination of a molecular magnitude, namely, the average speed with which gaseous molecules of a given kind are darting hither and thither at ordinary temperatures. This result was as surprising as [Pg 8] many others which have followed in the field of molecular physics, for it showed that this speed, in the case of the hydrogen molecule, has the stupendous value of about a mile a second. The second molecular magnitude to be found was the mean distance a molecule of a gas moves between collisions, technically called the mean free path of a molecule. This was computed first in 1860 by Clerk Maxwell.[2] It was also 1860 before anyone had succeeded in making any sort of an estimate of the number of molecules in a cubic centimeter of a gas. When we reflect that we can now count this number with probably greater precision than we can attain in determining the number of people living in New York, in spite of the fact that it has the huge value of 27.05 billion billion, one gains some idea of how great has been our progress in mastering some at least of the secrets of the molecular and atomic worlds. The wonder is that we got at it so late. Nothing is more surprising to the student brought up in the atmosphere of the scientific thought of the present than the fact that the relatively complex and intricate phenomena of light and electromagnetism had been built together into moderately consistent and satisfactory theories long before the much simpler phenomena of heat and molecular physics had begun to be correctly understood. And yet almost all the qualitative conceptions of the atomic and kinetic theories were developed thousands of years ago. Tyndall’s statement of the principles of Democritus, whom Bacon considered to be “a man of mightier metal than Plato or Aristotle, though their philosophy was noised and [Pg 9] celebrated in the schools amid the din and pomp of professors,” will show how complete an atomic philosophy had arisen 400 years B.C. “That it was entirely destroyed later was not so much due to the attacks upon it of the idealistic school, whose chief representatives were Plato and Aristotle, as to the attacks upon all civilization of Genseric, Attila, and the barbarians.” That the Aristotelian philosophy lasted throughout this period is explained by Bacon thus: “At a time when all human learning had suffered shipwreck these planks of Aristotelian and Platonic Philosophy, as being of a lighter and more inflated substance, were preserved and came down to us, while things more solid sank and almost passed into oblivion.”
Democritus’ principles, as quoted by Tyndall, are as follows:
1. From nothing comes nothing. Nothing that exists can be destroyed. All changes are due to the combination and separation of molecules.
2. Nothing happens by chance. Every occurrence has its cause from which it follows by necessity.
3. The only existing things are the atoms and empty space; all else is mere opinion.
4. The atoms are infinite in number and infinitely various in form; they strike together and the lateral motions and whirlings which thus arise are the beginnings of worlds.
5. The varieties of all things depend upon the varieties of their atoms, in number, size, and aggregation.
6. The soul consists of fine, smooth, round atoms like those of fire. These are the most mobile of all. They interpenetrate the whole body and in their motions the phenomena of life arise.
These principles with a few modifications and omissions might almost pass muster today. The great advance which has been made in modern times is not so much in the conceptions themselves as in the kind of [Pg 10] foundation upon which the conceptions rest. The principles enumerated above were simply the opinions of one man or of a school of men. There were scores of other rival opinions, and no one could say which was the better. Today there is absolutely no philosophy in the field other than the atomic philosophy, at least among physicists. Yet this statement could not have been made even as much as twenty years ago. For in spite of all the multiple relationships between combining powers of the elements, and in spite of all the other evidences of chemistry and nineteenth-century physics, a group of the foremost of modern thinkers, until quite recently, withheld their allegiance from these theories. The most distinguished of this group was the German chemist and philosopher, Wilhelm Ostwald. However, in the preface to the last edition of his Outlines of Chemistry he now makes the following clear and frank avowal of his present position. He says:
I am now convinced that we have recently become possessed of experimental evidence of the discrete or grained nature of matter for which the atomic hypothesis sought in vain for hundreds and thousands of years. The isolation and counting of gaseous ions on the one hand ... and on the other the agreement of the Brownian movements with the requirements of the kinetic hypothesis ... justify the most cautious scientist in now speaking of the experimental proof of the atomic theory of matter. The atomic hypothesis is thus raised to the position of a scientifically well-founded theory.
The granular theory of electricity, while unlike the atomic and kinetic theories of matter in that it can boast no great antiquity in any [Pg 11] form, is like them in that the first man who speculated upon the nature of electricity at all conceived of it as having an atomic structure. Yet it is only within very recent years—thirty at the most—that the modern electron theory has been developed. There are no electrical theories of any kind which go back of Benjamin Franklin (1750). Aside from the discovery of the Greeks that rubbed amber had the power of attracting to itself light objects, there was no knowledge at all earlier than 1600 A.D., when Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth’s surgeon, and a scientist of great genius and insight, found that a glass rod and some twenty other bodies, when rubbed with silk, act like the rubbed amber of the Greeks, and he consequently decided to describe the phenomenon by saying that the glass rod had become electrified (amberized, electron being the Greek word for amber), or, as we now say, had acquired a charge of electricity. In 1733 Dufay, a French physicist, further found that sealing wax, when rubbed with cat’s fur, was also electrified, but that it differed from the electrified glass rod, in that it strongly attracted any electrified body which was repelled by the glass, while it repelled any electrified body which was attracted by the glass. He was thus led to recognize two kinds of electricity, which he termed “vitreous” and “resinous.” About 1747 Benjamin Franklin, also recognizing these two kinds of electrification, introduced the terms “positive” and “negative,” to distinguish them. Thus, he said, we will arbitrarily call any body positively electrified if it is repelled by a glass rod which has been rubbed with silk, and we will call any body negatively electrified if it is repelled by sealing wax which has been rubbed with cat’s fur. These are [Pg 12] today our definitions of positive and negative electrical charges. Notice that in setting them up we propose no theory whatever of electrification, but content ourselves simply with describing the phenomena.
In the next place it was surmised by Franklin and indeed asserted by him in the very use of the terms “positive” and “negative,” although the accurate proof of the relation was not made until the time of Faraday’s ice-pail experiment in 1837, that when glass is positively electrified by rubbing it with silk, the silk itself takes up a negative charge of exactly the same amount as the positive charge received by the glass, and, in general, that positive and negative electrical charges always appear simultaneously and in exactly equal amounts.
So far, still no theory. But in order to have a rational explanation of the phenomena so far considered, particularly this last one, Franklin now made the assumption that something which he chose to call the electrical fluid or “electrical fire” exists in normal amount as a constituent of all matter in the neutral, or unelectrified state, and that more than the normal amount in any body is manifested as a positive electrical charge, and less than the normal amount as a negative charge. Aepinus, professor of physics at St. Petersburg and an admirer of Franklin’s theory, pointed out that, in order to account for the repulsion of two negatively electrified bodies, it was necessary to assume that matter, when divorced from Franklin’s electrical fluid, was self-repellent, i.e., that it possessed properties quite different from those which are found in ordinary unelectrified matter. In order, however, to leave matter, whose independent existence was thus threatened, endowed with its familiar old properties, and in order to [Pg 13] get electrical phenomena into a class by themselves, other physicists of the day, led by Symmer, 1759, preferred to assume that matter in a neutral state shows no electrical properties because it contains as constituents equal amounts of two weightless fluids which they called positive and negative electricity, respectively. From this point of view a positively charged body is one in which there is more of the positive fluid than of the negative, and a negatively charged body is one in which the negative fluid is in excess.
Thus arose the so-called two-fluid theory—a theory which divorced again the notions of electricity and matter after Franklin had taken a step toward bringing them together. This theory, in spite of its intrinsic difficulties, dominated the development of electrical science for one hundred years and more. This was because, if one did not bother himself much with the underlying physical conception, the theory lent itself admirably to the description of electrical phenomena and also to mathematical formulation. Further, it was convenient for the purposes of classification. It made it possible to treat electrical phenomena in a category entirely by themselves, without raising any troublesome questions as to the relation, for example, between electrical and gravitational or cohesive forces. But in spite of these advantages it was obviously a makeshift. For the notion of two fluids which could exert powerful forces and yet which were absolutely without weight—the most fundamental of physical properties—and the further notion of two fluids which had no physical properties whatever, that is, which disappeared entirely when they were mixed in equal proportions—these notions were in a high degree non-physical. Indeed, Sir J. J. Thomson [Pg 14] remarked in his Silliman Lectures in 1903 that
the physicists and mathematicians who did most to develop the fluid theories confined their attention to questions which involved only the law of forces between electrified bodies and the simultaneous production of equal quantities of plus and minus electricity, and refined and idealized their conception of the fluids themselves until any reference to their physical properties was considered almost indelicate.
From the point of view of economy in hypothesis, Franklin’s one-fluid theory, as modified by Aepinus, was the better. Mathematically the two theories were identical. The differences may be summed up thus. The modified one-fluid theory required that matter, when divorced from the electrical fluid, have exactly the same properties which the two-fluid theory ascribed to negative electricity, barring only the property of fluidity. So that the most important distinction between the theories was that the two-fluid theory assumed the existence of three distinct entities, named positive electricity, negative electricity, and matter, while the one-fluid theory reduced these three entities to two, which Franklin called matter and electricity, but which might perhaps as well have been called positive electricity and negative electricity, unelectrified matter being reduced to a mere combination of these two.
Of course, the idea of a granular structure for electricity was foreign to the two-fluid theory, and since this dominated the development of electrical science, there was seldom any mention in connection with it of an electrical atom, even as a speculative entity. But with Franklin the case was different. His theory was essentially a material one, and [Pg 15] he unquestionably believed in the existence of an electrical particle or atom, for he says: “The electrical matter consists of particles extremely subtle, since it can permeate common matter, even the densest, with such freedom and ease as not to receive any appreciable resistance.” When Franklin wrote that, however, he could scarcely have dreamed that it would ever be possible to isolate and study by itself one of the ultimate particles of the electrical fluid. The atomic theory of electricity was to him what the atomic theory of matter was to Democritus, a pure speculation.
The first bit of experimental evidence which appeared in its favor came in 1833, when Faraday found that the passage of a given quantity of electricity through a solution containing a compound of hydrogen, for example, would always cause the appearance at the negative terminal of the same amount of hydrogen gas irrespective of the kind of hydrogen compound which had been dissolved, and irrespective also of the strength of the solution; that, further, the quantity of electricity required to cause the appearance of one gram of hydrogen would always deposit from a solution containing silver exactly 107.1 grams of silver. This meant, since the weight of the silver atom is exactly 107.1 times the weight of the hydrogen atom, that the hydrogen atom and the silver atom are associated in the solution with exactly the same quantity of electricity. When it was further found in this way that all atoms which are univalent in chemistry, that is, which combine with one atom of hydrogen, carry precisely the same quantity of electricity, and all atoms which are bivalent carry twice this amount, and, in general, [Pg 16] that valency, in chemistry, is always exactly proportional to the quantity of electricity carried by the atom in question, it was obvious that the atomic theory of electricity had been given very strong support.
But striking and significant as were these discoveries, they did not serve at all to establish the atomic hypothesis of the nature of electricity. They were made at the very time when attention began to be directed strongly away from the conception of electricity as a substance of any kind, and it was no other than Faraday himself who, in spite of the brilliant discoveries just mentioned, started this second period in the development of electrical theory, a period lasting from 1840 to about 1900. In this period electrical phenomena are almost exclusively thought of in terms of stresses and strains in the medium which surrounds the electrified body. Up to this time a more or less definite something called a charge of electricity had been thought of as existing on a charged body and had been imagined to exert forces on other charged bodies at a distance from it in quite the same way in which the gravitational force of the earth acts on the moon or that of the sun on the earth. This notion of action at a distance was repugnant to Faraday, and he found in the case of electrical forces experimental reasons for discarding it which had not then, nor have they as yet, been found in the case of gravitational forces. These reasons are summed up in the statement that the electrical force between two charged bodies is found to depend on the nature of the intervening medium, while gravitational pulls are, so far as is known, independent of intervening bodies. Faraday, therefore, pictured to himself the [Pg 17] intervening medium as transmitting electrical force in quite the same way in which an elastic deformation started at one end of a rod is transmitted by the rod. Further, since electrical forces act through a vacuum, Faraday had to assume that it is the ether which acts as the transmitter of these electrical stresses and strains. The properties of the ether were then conceived of as modified by the presence of matter in order to account for the fact that the same two charges attract each other with different forces according as the intervening medium is, for example, glass, or ebonite, or air, or merely ether. These views, conceived by Faraday and put into mathematical form by Maxwell, called attention away from the electrical phenomena in or on a conductor carrying electricity and focused it upon the stresses and strains taking place in the medium about the conductor. When in 1886 Heinrich Hertz in Bonn, Germany, proved by direct experiment that electrical forces are indeed transmitted in the form of electric waves, which travel through space with the speed of light exactly as the Faraday-Maxwell theory had predicted, the triumph of the ether-stress point of view was complete. Thereupon textbooks were written by enthusiastic, but none too cautious, physicists in which it was asserted that an electric charge is nothing more than a “state of strain in the ether,” and an electric current, instead of representing the passage of anything definite along the wire, corresponds merely to a continuous “slip” or “breakdown of a strain” in the medium within the wire. Sir Oliver Lodge’s early book, Modern Views of Electricity, was perhaps the most influential disseminator and expounder of this point of view.
[Pg 18]
Now what had actually been proved was not that electricity is a state of strain, but that when any electrical charge appears upon a body the medium about the body does indeed become the seat of new forces which are transmitted through the medium, like any elastic forces, with a definite speed. Hence it is entirely proper to say that the medium about a charged body is in a state of strain. But it is one thing to say that the electrical charge on the body produces a state of strain in the surrounding medium, and quite another thing to say that the electrical charge is nothing but a state of strain in the surrounding medium, just as it is one thing to say that when a man stands on a bridge he produces a mechanical strain in the timbers of the bridge, and another thing to say that the man is nothing more than a mechanical strain in the bridge. The practical difference between the two points of view is that in the one case you look for other attributes of the man besides the ability to produce a strain in the bridge, and in the other case you do not look for other attributes. So the strain theory, although not irreconcilable with the atomic hypothesis, was actually antagonistic to it, because it led men to think of the strain as distributed continuously about the surface of the charged body, rather than as radiating from definite spots or centers peppered over the surface of the body. Between 1833 and 1900, then, the physicist was in this peculiar position: when he was thinking of the passage of electricity through a solution, he for the most part, following Faraday, pictured to himself definite specks or atoms of electricity as traveling through the solution, each atom of matter carrying an exact multiple, which might be anywhere between one and eight, of a definite elementary electrical atom, while, when he was [Pg 19] thinking of the passage of a current through a metallic conductor, he gave up altogether the atomic hypothesis, and attempted to picture the phenomenon to himself as a continuous “slip” or “breakdown of a strain” in the material of the wire. In other words, he recognized two types of electrical conduction which were wholly distinct in kind—electrolytic conduction and metallic conduction; and since more of the problems of the physicist dealt with metallic than with electrolytic conduction, the atomic conception, as a general hypothesis, was almost, though not quite, unheard of. Of course it would be unjust to the thinkers of this period to say that they failed to recognize and appreciate this gulf between current views as to the nature of electrolytic and metallic conduction, and simply ignored the difficulty. This they did not do, but they had all sorts of opinions as to the causes. Maxwell himself in his text on Electricity and Magnetism, published in 1873, recognizes, in the chapter on “Electrolysis,”[3] the significance of Faraday’s laws, and even goes so far as to say that “for convenience in description we may call this constant molecular charge (revealed by Faraday’s experiments) one molecule of electricity.” Nevertheless, a little farther on he repudiates the idea that this term can have any physical significance by saying that “it is extremely improbable that when we come to understand the true nature of electrolysis we shall retain in any form the theory of molecular charges, for then we shall have obtained a secure basis on which to form a true theory of electric currents and so become independent of these provisional hypotheses.”
[Pg 20]
And as a matter of fact, Faraday’s experiments had not shown at all that electrical charges on metallic conductors consist of specks of electricity, even though they had shown that the charges on ions in solutions have definite values which are always the same for univalent ions. It was entirely logical to assume, as Maxwell did, that an ion took into solution a definite quantity of electricity because of some property which it had of always charging up to the same amount from a charged plate. There was no reason for assuming the charge on the electrode to be made up of some exact number of electrical atoms.
On the other hand, Wilhelm Weber, in papers written in 1871,[4] built up his whole theory of electromagnetism on a basis which was practically identical with the modified Franklin theory and explained all the electrical phenomena exhibited by conductors, including thermo-electric and Peltier effects, on the assumption of two types of electrical constituents of atoms, one of which was very much more mobile than the other. Thus the hypothetical molecular current, which Ampere had imagined fifty years earlier to be continually flowing inside of molecules and thereby rendering these molecules little electromagnets, Weber definitely pictures to himself as the rotation of light, positive charges about heavy negative ones. His words are:
The relation of the two particles as regards their motions is
determined by the ratio of their masses and
, on the
assumption that in
are included the masses of the
ponderable atoms which are attached to the electrical atoms. Let
be the positive electrical particle. Let the negative be exactly equal
and opposite and therefore denoted by
(instead of
[Pg 21]
But let a ponderable atom be attracted to the latter so that its mass
is thereby so greatly increased as to make the mass of the positive
particle vanishingly small in comparison. The particle
may then
be thought of as at rest and the particle
as in motion about the
. The two unlike particles in the condition described
constitute then an Amperian molecular current.
It is practically this identical point of view which has been elaborated and generalized by Lorentz and others within the past three decades in the development of the modern electron theory, with this single difference, that we now have experimental proof that it is the negative particle whose mass or inertia is negligible in comparison with that of the positive instead of the reverse. Weber even went so far as to explain thermo-electric and Peltier effects by differences in the kinetic energies in different conductors of the electrical particles.[5] Nevertheless his explanations are here widely at variance with our modern conceptions of heat.
Again, in a paper read before the British Association at Belfast in
1874, G. Johnstone Stoney not only stated clearly the atomic theory
of electricity, but actually went so far as to estimate the value of
the elementary electrical charge, and he obtained a value which was
about as reliable as any which had been found until within quite recent
years. He got, as will be more fully explained in the next chapter,
, and he got this result
from the amount of electricity necessary to separate from a solution
one gram of hydrogen, combined with kinetic theory estimates as to the
number of atoms of hydrogen in two grams, i.e., in one gram molecule
[Pg 22]
of that element. This paper was entitled, “On the Physical Units of
Nature,” and though read in 1874 it was not published in full until
1881.[6] After showing that all physical measurements may be expressed
in terms of three fundamental units, he asserts that it would be
possible to replace our present purely arbitrary units (the centimeter,
the gram, and the second) by three natural units, namely, the velocity
of light, the coefficient of gravitation, and the elementary electrical
charge. With respect to the last he says:
Finally nature presents us with a single definite quantity of
electricity which is independent of the particular bodies acted on.
To make this clear, I shall express Faraday’s law in the following
terms, which, as I shall show, will give it precision, viz.: For
each chemical bond which is ruptured within an electrolyte a certain
quantity of electricity traverses the electrolyte which is the same
in all cases. This definite quantity of electricity I shall call
. If we make this our unit of electricity, we shall probably
have made a very important step in our study of molecular phenomena.
Hence we have very good reason to suppose that in ,
, we have three of a series of systematic units that in
an eminent sense are the units of nature, and stand in an intimate
relation with the work which goes on in her mighty laboratory.
Take one more illustration from prominent writers of this period. In his Faraday lecture delivered at the Royal Institution in 1881, Helmholtz spoke as follows:
Now the most startling result of Faraday’s law is perhaps this, if we accept the hypothesis that the elementary substances are composed of atoms, we cannot avoid concluding that electricity also, positive as well as negative, is divided into definite elementary portions which behave like atoms of electricity.[7]
[Pg 23]
This looks like a very direct and unequivocal statement of the atomic theory of electricity, and yet in the same lecture Helmholtz apparently thinks of metallic conduction as something quite different from electrolytic when he says:
All these facts show that electrolytic conduction is not at all limited to solutions of acids or salts. It will, however, be rather a difficult problem to find out how far the electrolytic conduction is extended, and I am not yet prepared to give a positive answer.
The context shows that he thought of extending the idea of electrolytic conduction to a great many insulators. But there is no indication that he thought of extending it to metallic conductors and imagining these electrical atoms as existing as discrete individual things on charged metals or as traveling along a wire carrying an electrical current. Nevertheless, the statement quoted above is one of the most unequivocal which can be found anywhere up to about 1899 as to the atomic nature of electricity.
The foregoing quotations are sufficient to show that the atomic theory of electricity, like the atomic theory of matter, is not at all new so far as the conception alone is concerned. In both cases there were individuals who held almost exactly the modern point of view. In both cases, too, the chief new developments have consisted in the appearance of new and exact experimental data which has silenced criticism and compelled the abandonment of other points of view which up to about 1900 flourished along with, and even more vigorously than, the atomic conception. Even in 1897 Lord Kelvin, with a full knowledge of all the new work which was appearing on X-rays and cathode rays, could seriously raise the question whether electricity might not be a [Pg 24] “continuous homogeneous liquid.” He does it in these words:
Varley’s fundamental discovery of the cathode rays, splendidly confirmed and extended by Crookes, seems to me to necessitate the conclusion that resinous electricity, not vitreous, is The Electric Fluid, if we are to have a one-fluid theory of electricity. Mathematical reasons prove that if resinous electricity is a continuous homogeneous liquid it must, in order to produce the phenomena of contact electricity, which you have seen this evening, be endowed with a cohesional quality. It is just conceivable, though it does not at present seem to me very probable, that this idea may deserve careful consideration. I leave it, however, for the present and prefer to consider an atomic theory of electricity foreseen as worthy of thought by Faraday and Clerk-Maxwell, very definitely proposed by Helmholtz in his last lecture to the Royal Institution, and largely accepted by present-day workers and teachers. Indeed Faraday’s laws of electrolysis seem to necessitate something atomic in electricity....[8]
What was the new experimental work which already in 1897 was working this change in viewpoint? Much of it was at first little if at all more convincing than that which had been available since Faraday’s time. Nevertheless it set physicists to wondering whether stresses and strains in the ether had not been a bit overworked, and whether in spite of their undoubted existence electricity itself might not after all be something more definite, more material, than the all-conquering Maxwell theory had assumed it to be.
The result of the past twenty-five years has been to bring us back very close to where Franklin was in 1750, with the single difference that our modern electron theory rests upon a mass of very direct and convincing evidence, which it is the purpose of the next chapters to present.
[Pg 25]
The word “electron” was first suggested in 1891 by Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney as a name for the “natural unit of electricity,” namely, that quantity of electricity which must pass through a solution in order to liberate at one of the electrodes one atom of hydrogen or one atom of any univalent substance. In a paper published in 1891 he says:
Attention must be given to Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis, which is
equivalent to the statement that in electrolysis a definite quantity
of electricity, the same in all cases, passes for each chemical bond
that is ruptured. The author called attention to this form of the law
in a communication made to the British Association in 1874 and printed
in the Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society of
February, 1881, and in the Philosophical Magazine for May, 1881,
pp. 385 and 386 of the latter. It is there shown that the amount of
this very remarkable quantity of electricity is about the twentiethet
of the usual electromagnetic unit
of electricity, i.e., the unit of the Ohm series. This is the same
as 3 eleventhets
of the much smaller C.G.S.
electrostatic unit of quantity. A charge of this amount is associated
in the chemical atom with each bond. There may accordingly be several
such charges in one chemical atom, and there appear to be at least
two in each atom. These charges, which it will be convenient to call
“electrons,” cannot be removed from the atom, but they become disguised
when atoms chemically unite. If an electron be lodged at the point
[Pg 26]
of the molecule which undergoes the motion described in the last
chapter, the revolution of this charge will cause an electromagnetic
undulation in the surrounding ether.[9]
It will be noticed from this quotation that the word “electron” was introduced to denote simply a definite elementary quantity of electricity without any reference to the mass or inertia which may be associated with it, and Professor Stoney implies that every atom must contain at least two electrons, one positive and one negative, because otherwise it would be impossible that the atom as a whole be electrically neutral. As a matter of fact the evidence is now altogether convincing that the hydrogen atom does indeed contain just one positive and one negative electron.
It is unfortunate that all writers have not been more careful to retain
the original significance of the word introduced by Professor Stoney,
for it is obvious that a word is needed which denotes merely the
elementary unit of electricity and has no necessary implication as to
where that unit is found, to what it is attached, with what inertia it
is associated, or whether it is positive or negative in sign; and it is
also apparent that the word “electron” is the logical one to associate
with this conception. Further, there is no difficulty in retaining
this original and derivative significance of the word “electron,” and
at the same time permitting its common use as a convenient abridgment
for “the free negative electron.” In other words, in view of the
omnipresence of the negative electron in experimental physics and
the extreme rarity of the isolated positive electron, it may be
[Pg 27]
generally agreed that the negative is understood unless the positive
is specified. The case is then in every way identical with that found
in the use of the word “man,” which serves admirably both to designate
the genus “homo” and also to denote the male representative of that
genus, the female being then differentiated by the use of a prefix. The
terms “electron” and “positive electron” would then be used altogether
conveniently precisely as are the terms “man” and “woman.” Indeed, the
most authoritative writers—Thomson, Rutherford, Campbell, Richardson,
etc.—have in fact retained the original significance of the word
“electron” instead of using it to denote solely the free
negative electron, the mass of which is of that of
the hydrogen atom. All of these writers in books or articles written
since 1913[10] have treated of positive as well as negative electrons,
although the mass associated with the former is never less than that
of the hydrogen atom. Nor is this altogether logical use confined at
all to English. Prenin has approved it, and Nernst in the 1921 edition
of his Theoritische Chemie, on pp. 197 and 456, definitely and
unambiguously defines the positive and negative electrons, precisely as
has been done above, as the elementary positive and negative electrical
charges, respectively.
Faraday’s experiments had of course not furnished the data for determining anything about how much electricity an electron represents [Pg 28] in terms of the standard unit by which electrical charges are ordinarily measured in the laboratory. This is called the coulomb, and represents the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by one ampere. Faraday had merely shown that a given current flowing in succession through solutions containing different univalent elements like hydrogen or silver or sodium or potassium would deposit weights of these substances which are exactly proportional to their respective atomic weights. This enabled him to assert that one and the same amount of electricity is associated in the process of electrolysis with an atom of each of these substances. He thought of this charge as carried by the atom, or in some cases by a group of atoms, and called the group with its charge an “ion,” that is, a “goer,” or “traveler.” Just how the atoms come to be charged in a solution Faraday did not know, nor do we know now with any certainty. Further, we do not know how much of the solvent an ion associates with itself and drags with it through the solution. But we do know that when a substance like salt is dissolved in water many of the neutral NaCl molecules are split up by some action of the water into positively charged sodium (Na) ions and negatively charged chlorine (Cl) ions. The ions of opposite sign doubtless are all the time recombining, but others are probably continually forming, so that at each instant there are many uncombined ions. Again, we know that when a water solution of copper sulphate is formed many of the neutral CuSO₂ molecules are split up into positively charged Cu ions and negatively charged SO₄ ions. In this last case too we find that the same current which will deposit in a given time from a silver solution [Pg 29] a weight of silver equal to its atomic weight will deposit from the copper-sulphate solution in the same time a weight of copper equal to exactly one-half its atomic weight. Hence we know that the copper ion carries in solution twice as much electricity as does the silver ion, that is, it carries a charge of two electrons.
But though we could get from Faraday’s experiments no knowledge about
the quantity of electricity, , represented by one electron, we
could get very exact information about the ratio of the ionic charge
to the mass of the atom with which it is associated in a given
For, if the whole current which passes through a solution is carried
by the ions—and if it were not we should not always find the deposits
exactly proportional to atomic weights—then the ratio of the total
quantity of electricity passing to the weight of the deposit produced
must be the same as the ratio of the charge on each ion to the
of that ion. But by international agreement one absolute
unit of electricity has been defined in the electromagnetic system of
units as the amount of electricity which will deposit from a silver
solution 0.01118 grams of metallic silver. Hence if
refers to the
silver ion and E means the charge on the ion, we have
[Pg 30]
or if
refers to the hydrogen ion, since the atomic weight of
silver is times
that of hydrogen,
which is about
Thus in electrolysis varies from ion to ion, being
for univalent ions, for which
is the same and equal to one
, inversely proportional to the atomic-weight of the ion.
For polivalent ions
may be 2, 3, 4, or 5 electrons, but since
hydrogen is at least 7 times lighter than any other ion which is ever
found in solution, and its charge is but one electron, we see that the
largest value which
ever has in electrolysis is its
value for hydrogen, namely, about
Although varies with the nature of the ion, there is
a quantity which can be deduced from it which is a universal constant.
This quantity is denoted by
, where
means as before an
electron and
is the Avogadro constant or the number of molecules
in 16 grams of oxygen, i.e., in one gram molecule. We can get this at
once from the value of
by letting
refer to the
mass of that imaginary univalent atom which is the unit of our atomic
weight system, namely, an atom which is exactly
heavy as oxygen or
as heavy as silver. For such
an atom
Multiplying both numerator and denominator by
and remembering
that for this gas one gram molecule means 1 gram, that is
we have
[Pg 31]
and since the electromagnetic unit is equivalent to
, we have
Further, since a gram molecule of an ideal gas under standard
conditions, i.e., at 0° C. 76 cm. pressure, occupies 22412 c.c., if
represents the number of molecules of such a gas per cubic
centimeter at 0° C., 76 cm., we have
Or if
represent the number of molecules per cubic centimeter at
15° C. 76 cm., we should have to multiply the last number by the ratio
of absolute temperatures, i.e., by
and should
obtain then
Thus, even though the facts of electrolysis give us no information at
all as to how much of a charge one electron
represents, they do
tell us very exactly that if we should take
as many times as
there are molecules in a gram molecule we should get exactly 9,650
absolute electromagnetic units of electricity. This is the amount of
electricity conveyed by a current of 1 ampere in 10 seconds. Until
quite recently we have been able to make nothing better than rough
guesses as to the number of molecules in a gram molecule, but with the
aid of these guesses, obtained from the Kinetic Theory, we have, of
course, been enabled by (1) to make equally good guesses about
Those guesses, based for the most part on quite uncertain computations
as to the average radius of a molecule of air, placed
[Pg 32]
. It was in this
way that G. Johnstone Stoney in 1874 estimated
In O. E. Meyer’s Kinetische Theorie der
Gase (p. 335; 1899),
, the number of molecules in a cubic
centimeter, is given as
. This would correspond to
. In all this
is the charge carried by a
univalent ion in solution and
is a pure number, which is
a characteristic gas constant, it is true, but the analysis has nothing
whatever to do with gas conduction.
The question whether gases conduct at all, and if so, whether their conduction is electrolytic or metallic or neither, was scarcely attacked until about 1895. Coulomb in 1785 had concluded that after allowing for the leakage of the supports of an electrically charged conductor, some leakage must be attributed to the air itself, and he explained this leakage by assuming that the air molecules became charged by contact and were then repelled—a wholly untenable conclusion, since, were it true, no conductor in air could hold a charge long even at low potentials, nor could a very highly charged conductor lose its charge very rapidly when charged above a certain potential and then when the potential fell below a certain critical value cease almost entirely to lose it. This is what actually occurs. Despite the erroneousness of this idea, it persisted in textbooks written as late as 1900.
Warburg in 1872 experimented anew on air leakage and was inclined to attribute it all to dust particles. The real explanation of gas conduction was not found until after the discovery of X-rays in 1895. [Pg 33] The convincing experiments were made by J. J. Thomson, or at his instigation in the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge, England. The new work grew obviously and simply out of the fact that X-rays, and a year or two later radium rays, were found to discharge an electroscope, i.e., to produce conductivity in a gas. Theretofore no agencies had been known by which the electrical conductivity of a gas could be controlled at will.
Thomson and his pupils found that the conductivity induced in gases by X-rays disappeared when the gas was sucked through glass wool.[11] It was also found to be reduced when the air was drawn through narrow metal tubes. Furthermore, it was removed entirely by passing the stream of conducting gas between plates which were maintained at a sufficiently large potential difference. The first two experiments showed that the conductivity was due to something which could be removed from the gas by filtration, or by diffusion to the walls of a metal tube; the last proved that this something was electrically charged.
When it was found, further, that the electric current obtained from air existing between two plates and traversed by X-rays rose to a maximum as the P.D. between the plates increased, and then reached a value which was thereafter independent of this potential difference; and, further, that this conductivity of the air died out slowly through a period of several seconds when the X-ray no longer acted, it was evident that the qualitative proof was complete that gas conduction must be due to charged particles produced in the air at a definite [Pg 34] rate by a constant source of X-rays, and that these charged particles, evidently of both plus and minus signs, disappear by recombination when the rays are removed. The maximum or saturation currents which could be obtained when a given source was ionizing the air between two plates whose potential difference could be varied were obviously due to the fact that when the electric field between the plates became strong enough to sweep all the ions to the plates as fast as they were formed, none of them being lost by diffusion or recombination, the current obtained could, of course, not be increased by further increase in the field strength. Thus gas conduction was definitely shown about 1896 to be electrolytic in nature.
But what sort of ions were these that were thus formed? We did
not know the absolute value of the charge on a univalent ion in
electrolysis, but we did know accurately . Could this be found
for the ions taking part in gas conduction? That this question was
answered affirmatively was due to the extraordinary insight and
resourcefulness of J. J. Thomson and his pupils at the Cavendish
Laboratory in Cambridge, both in working out new theoretical relations
and in devising new methods for attacking the new problems of gaseous
conduction. These workers found first a method of expressing the
in terms of two measurable constants, called (1) the
mobility of gaseous ions and (2) the coefficient of diffusion of these
ions. Secondly, they devised new methods of measuring these two
[Pg 35]
constants—constants which had never before been determined. The theory
of the relation between these constants and the quantity
will be
found in Appendix A. The result is
in which
is the pressure existing in the gas and
are the mobility and the diffusion coefficients
respectively of the ions at this pressure.
If then we can find a way of measuring the mobilities
of atmospheric ions and also the diffusion coefficients
, we can
find the quantity
, in which
is a mere number, viz., the
number of molecules of air per cubic centimeter at 15° C., 76 cm.
pressure, and
is the average charge on an atmosphere ion. We
shall then be in position to compare this with the product we found
in (2) on p. 31, in which
had precisely the same significance
as here, but e meant the average charge carried by a univalent ion in
The methods devised in the Cavendish Laboratory between 1897 and 1903 for measuring the mobilities and the diffusion coefficients of gaseous ions have been used in all later work upon these constants. The mobilities were first determined by Rutherford in 1897,[12] then more accurately by another method in 1898.[13] Zeleny devised a quite distinct method in 1900,[14] and Langevin still another method in 1903.[15] These observers all agree closely in finding the average mobility (velocity in unit field) of the negative ion in dry air about [Pg 36] 1.83 cm. per second, while that of the positive ion was found but 1.35 cm. per second. In hydrogen these mobilities were about 7.8 cm. per second and 6.1 cm. per second, respectively, and in general the mobilities in different gases, though not in vapors, seem to be roughly in the inverse ratio of the square roots of the molecular weights.
The diffusion coefficients of ions were first measured in 1900 by
Townsend, now professor of physics in Oxford, England,[16] by a
method devised by him and since then used by other observers in such
measurements. If we denote the diffusion coefficient of the positive
ion by and that of the negative by
, Townsend’s results in
dry air may be stated thus:
These results are interesting in two respects. In the first place,
they seem to show that for some reason the positive ion in air is
more sluggish than the negative, since it travels but about 0.7
as fast in a given electrical field and
since it diffuses through air but about 0.7
as rapidly. In the second place, the results of Townsend show that
an ion is very much more sluggish than is a molecule of air, for the
coefficient of diffusion of oxygen through air is 0.178, which is four
times the rate of diffusion of the negative ion through air and five
times that of the positive ion. This sluggishness of ions as compared
with molecules was at first universally considered to mean that the
gaseous ion is not a single molecule with an attached electrical
charge, but a cluster of perhaps from three to twenty molecules held
[Pg 37]
together by such a charge. If this is the correct interpretation, then
for some reason the positive ion in air is a larger cluster than is the
negative ion.
It has been since shown by a number of observers that the ratio of the mobilities of the positive and negative ions is not at all the same in other gases as it is in air. In carbon dioxide the two mobilities have very nearly the same value, while in chlorine, water vapor, and the vapor of alcohol the positive ion apparently has a slightly larger mobility than the negative. There seems to be some evidence that the negative ion has the larger mobility in gases which are electro-positive, while the positive has the larger mobility in the gases which are strongly electro-negative. This dependence of the ratio of mobilities upon the electro-positive or electro-negative character of the gas has usually been considered strong evidence in favor of the cluster-ion theory.
Very recently, however, Loeb,[17] who has worked at the Ryerson Laboratory on mobilities in powerful electric fields, and Wellish,[18] who, at Yale, has measured mobilities at very low pressures, have concluded that their results are not consistent with the cluster-ion theory, but must rather be interpreted in terms of the so-called Atom-ion Theory. This theory seeks to explain the relative sluggishness of ions, as compared with molecules, by the additional resistance which the gaseous medium offers to the motion of a molecule through it when that molecule is electrically charged. According to [Pg 38] this hypothesis, the ion would be simply an electrically charged molecule.
So far as the negative ion is concerned, the situation at the moment seems to be in favor of the atom-ion theory. There has recently developed strong evidence[19] that although in some very pure gases, such as helium, argon, and even nitrogen, the negative electron cannot find attachment at all, when it does attach so as to form ions of the mobility mentioned above, it carries with it thereafter but a single molecule.
On the other hand, Erikson[20] and Wahlin[21] have apparently shown quite conclusively that if the mobility of the positive ion in air is measured within .03 second of the time of its formation, its value is identical with that of the negative, namely, 1.8 cm. per second, while a short time thereafter it has sunk to about 1.4 cm. per second because of the addition of one more molecule, thus forming a very stable two-molecule-ion group.
Fortunately, the quantitative evidence for the electrolytic nature of
gas conduction is in no way dependent upon the correctness of either
one of the theories as to the nature of the ion. It depends simply
upon the comparison of the values of obtained from electrolytic
measurements, and those obtained from the substitution in equation (3)
of the measured values of
for gaseous ions.
As for these measurements, results obtained by Franck and Westphal,[22]
who in 1908 repeated in Berlin both measurements on diffusion
[Pg 39]
coefficients and mobility coefficients, agree within 4 or 5 per cent
with the results published by Townsend in 1900. According to both of
these observers, the value of for the negative ions produced in
gases by X-rays, radium rays, and ultra-violet light came out, within
the limits of experimental error, which were presumably 5 or 6 per
cent, the same as the value found for univalent ions in solutions,
. This
result seems to show with considerable certainty that the negative ions
in gases ionized by X-rays or similar agencies carry on the average
the same charge as that borne by the univalent ion in electrolysis.
When we consider the work on the positive ion, our confidence in
the inevitableness of the conclusions reached by the methods under
consideration is perhaps somewhat shaken. For Townsend found that the
value of
for the positive ion came out about 14 per cent higher
than the value of this quantity for the univalent ion in electrolysis,
a result which he does not seem at first to have regarded as
inexplicable on the basis of experimental uncertainties in his method.
In 1908, however,[23] he devised a second method of measuring the ratio
of the mobility and the diffusion coefficient and obtained this time,
as before, for the negative ion,
, but for
the positive ion twice that amount, namely,
From these last experiments he concluded that the positive ions in
gases ionized by X-rays carried on the average twice the charge carried
by the univalent ion in electrolysis. Franck and Westphal, however,
found in their work that Townsend’s original value for
for the
[Pg 40]
positive ions was about right, and hence concluded that only about 9
per cent of the positive ions could carry a charge of value
Work which will be described later indicates that neither Townsend’s
nor Franck and Westphal’s conclusions are correct, and hence point to
errors of some sort in both methods. But despite these difficulties
with the work on positive ions, it should nevertheless be emphasized
that Townsend was the first to bring forward strong quantitative
evidence (1) that the mean charge carried by the negative ions in
ionized gases is the same as the mean charge carried by univalent ions
in solutions, and (2) that the mean charge carried by the positive ions
in gases has not far from the same value.
But there is one other advance of fundamental importance which came with the study of the properties of gases ionized by X-rays. For up to this time the only type of ionization known was that observed in solution and here it is always some compound molecule like sodium chloride (NaCl) which splits up spontaneously into a positively charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chlorine ion. But the ionization produced in gases by X-rays was of a wholly different sort, for it was observable in pure gases like nitrogen or oxygen, or even in monatomic gases like argon and helium. Plainly, then, the neutral atom even of a monatomic substance must possess minute electrical charges as constituents. Here we had the first direct evidence (1) that an atom is a complex structure, and (2) that electrical charges enter into its make-up. With this discovery, due directly to the use of the new agency, X-rays, the atom as an ultimate, indivisible thing was gone, and the era of the study of the constituents of the atom began. [Pg 41] And with astonishing rapidity during the past twenty-five years the properties of the subatomic world have been revealed.
Physicists began at once to seek diligently and to find at least partial answers to questions like these:
1. What are the masses of the constituents of the atoms torn asunder by X-rays and similar agencies?
2. What are the values of the charges carried by these constituents?
3. How many of these constituents are there?
4. How large are they, i.e., what volumes do they occupy?
5. What are their relations to the emission and absorption of light and heat waves, i.e., of electromagnetic radiation?
6. Do all atoms possess similar constituents? In other words, is there a primordial subatom out of which atoms are made?
The partial answer to the first of these questions came with the study of the electrical behavior of rarefied gases in so-called vacuum tubes.
This field had been entered and qualitatively explored with amazing insight as early as 1879 by Sir William Crookes, who in describing in that year some of his experiments said:
The phenomena in these exhausted tubes reveal to physical science a new world—a world where matter exists in a fourth state.... In studying this fourth state of matter we seem at length to have within our grasp and obedient to our control the little indivisible particles which with good warrant are supposed to constitute the physical basis of the universe.[24]
[Pg 42]
Further, by 1890 Sir Arthur Schuster[25] had gone a step farther
and shown how the ratio of the charge to the mass
of these same hypothetical particles
might be determined. Indeed he had experimentally evaluated this
ratio, obtaining, however, a value very much too small, namely,
But it was J. J. Thomson[26] who in 1897 first introduced a more
reliable method of determining this ratio, namely, one which combines
a measurement of the magnetic deflectability of a beam of cathode rays
with the electrostatic deflectability of the same beam. The value which
he obtained, namely, electromagnetic units, was
nearly a thousand times the value of
for the hydrogen
ion in solutions. Also since the approximate equality of
gases and solutions meant that
was at least of the same order
in both, the only possible conclusion was that the negative ion which
appears in discharges in exhausted tubes has a mass, i.e., an inertia,
only one-thousandth of the mass of the lightest-known atom, namely,
the atom of hydrogen. Later more accurate experiments have fixed the
correct value of
for cathode rays at
Furthermore, J. J. Thomson and after him other experimenters showed
that for the negative carrier is always the same
whatever be the nature of the residual gas in the discharge tube.
This was an indication of an affirmative answer to the sixth question
above—an indication which was strengthened by Zeeman’s discovery in
[Pg 43]
1897 of the splitting by a magnetic field of a single spectral line
into two or three lines; for this, when worked out quantitatively,
pointed to the existence within the atom of a negatively charged
particle which had approximately the same value of
The study of for the positive ions in
exhausted tubes was first carried out quantitatively by Wien,[27] and
was later most elaborately and most successfully dealt with by J. J.
Thomson[28] and his pupils at the Cavendish Laboratory. The results of
the work of all observers up to date seem to show quite conclusively
for a positive ion in gases is never larger than
its value for the hydrogen ion in electrolysis, and that it varies
with different sorts of residual gases just as it is found to do in
In a word, then, the act of ionization in gases appears to consist in the detachment from a neutral atom of one or more negatively charged particles, called by Thomson corpuscles. The residuum of the atom is of course positively charged, and it always carries practically the whole mass of the original atom. The detached corpuscle must soon attach itself, in a gas at ordinary pressure, to a neutral atom, since otherwise we could not account for the fact that the mobilities and the diffusion coefficients of negative ions are usually of the same order of magnitude as those of the positive ions. It is because of this tendency of the parts of the dissociated atom to form new attachments [Pg 44] in gases at ordinary pressure that the inertias of these parts had to be worked out in the rarefied gases of exhausted tubes.
The foregoing conclusions as to the masses of the positive and negative constituents of atoms had all been reached before 1900, mostly by the workers in the Cavendish Laboratory, and subsequent investigation has not modified them in any essential particulars.
The history of the development of our present knowledge of the charges carried by the constituents will be detailed in the next chapters.
[Pg 45]
Although the methods sketched in the preceding chapters had been
sufficient to show that the mean charges carried by ions in gases are
the same or nearly the same as the mean charges carried by univalent
ions in solution, in neither case had we any way of determining what
the absolute value of that mean charge is, nor, indeed, had we any
proof even that all the ions of a given kind, e.g., silver or hydrogen,
carry the same charge. Of course, the absolute value of could
be found from the measured value of
if only
, the number
of molecules in 1 c.c. of gas under standard conditions, were known.
But we had only rough guesses as to this number. These guesses varied
tenfold, and none of them were based upon considerations of recognized
accuracy or even validity.
The first attempt at a direct determination of was published by
Townsend in a paper read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society on
February 8, 1897.[29] Townsend’s method was one of much novelty and of
no little ingenuity. It is also of great interest because it contains
all the essential elements of some of the subsequent determinations.
[Pg 46]
It had been known, even to Laplace and Lavoisier a hundred years
before, that the hydrogen gas evolved when a metal dissolves in an
acid carries with it an electrical charge. This “natural method” of
obtaining a charge on a gas was scarcely studied at all, however, until
after the impulse to the study of the electrical properties of gases
had been given by the discovery in 1896 that electrical properties can
be artificially imparted to gases by X-rays. Townsend’s paper appeared
within a year of that time. Enright[30] had indeed found that the
hydrogen given off when iron is dissolving in sulphuric acid carries
with it a positive charge, but Oliver Lodge[31] had urged that it was
not the gas itself which carries the charge but merely the spray, for
the frictional electrification of spray was a well-known phenomenon.
Indeed, it has always been assumed that the gas molecules which rise
from the electrodes in electrolysis are themselves neutral. Townsend,
however, first showed that some of these molecules are charged,
although there are indeed a million million neutral ones for every one
carrying a charge. He found that both the oxygen and the hydrogen which
appear at the opposite electrodes when sulphuric acid is electrolyzed
are positively charged, while when the electrolyte is caustic potash
both the oxygen and the hydrogen given off are negative. Townsend’s
electrolyzing currents were from 12 to 14 amperes. He got in this way
many more ions per cubic centimeter than he could produce with X-rays,
the total charge per cubic centimeter being as large as
[Pg 47]
When these charged gases were bubbled through water they formed a cloud. This cloud could be completely removed by bubbling through concentrated sulphuric acid or any drying agent, but when the gas came out again into the atmosphere of the room it again condensed moisture and formed a stable cloud. Townsend says that “the process of forming the cloud in positive or negative oxygen by bubbling through water, and removing it again by bubbling through sulphuric acid, can be gone through without losing more than 20 or 25 per cent of the original charge on the gas.” This means simply that the ions condense the water about them when there is an abundance of moisture in the air, but when the cloud is carried into a perfectly dry atmosphere, such as that existing in a bubble surrounded on all sides by concentrated sulphuric acid, the droplets of water evaporate and leave the charge on a molecule of air as it was at first. The 20 or 25 per cent loss of charge represents the fraction of the droplets with their charges which actually got into contact with and remained in the liquids through which the gas was being bubbled.
In order to find the charge on each ion, Townsend took the following five steps:
1. He assumed that in saturated water vapor each ion condensed moisture about it, so that the number of ions was the same as the number of droplets.
2. He determined with the aid of a quadrant electrometer the total electrical charge per cubic centimeter carried by the gas.
3. He found the total weight of the cloud by passing it through drying tubes and determining the increase in weight of these tubes.
[Pg 48]
4. He found the average weight of the water droplets constituting the cloud by observing their rate of fall under gravity and computing their mean radius with the aid of a purely theoretical law known as Stokes’s Law.
5. He divided the weight of the cloud by the average weight of the
droplets of water to obtain the number of droplets which, if assumption
1 is correct was the number of ions, and he then divided the total
charge per cubic centimeter in the gas by the number of ions to find
the average charge carried by each ion, that is, to find .
A brief description of the way in which these experiments were carried out is contained in Appendix B.
One of the interesting side results of this work was the observation that clouds from negative oxygen fall faster than those from positive oxygen, thus indicating that the negative ions in oxygen act more readily than do the positive ions as nuclei for the condensation of water vapor. This observation was made at about the same time in another way by C. T. R. Wilson,[32] also in the Cavendish Laboratory, and it has played a rather important rôle in subsequent work. Wilson’s discovery was that when air saturated with water vapor is ionized by X-rays from radioactive substances and then cooled by a sudden expansion, a smaller expansion is required to make a cloud form about the negative than about the positive ions. Thus when the expansion increased the volume in a ratio between 1.25 and 1.3, only negative ions acted as nuclei for cloudy condensation, while with expansions greater than 1.3 both negatives and positives were brought down.
[Pg 49]
Townsend first obtained by the foregoing method, when he worked with
positive oxygen,
and when he worked with negative oxygen,
In later experiments[33] he obtained 2.4 and 2.9, respectively, in
place of the numbers given above, but in view of the unavoidable
errors, he concluded that the two charges might be considered equal
and approximately
. Thus
he arrived at about the same value for
as that which was then
current because of the kinetic theory estimates of
, the number of
molecules in a cubic centimeter of a gas.
The weak points in this first attempt at a direct determination of
consisted in: (1) the assumption that the number of ions is
the same as the number of drops; (2) the assumption of Stokes’s Law
of Fall which had never been tested experimentally, and which from
a theoretical standpoint might be expected to be in error when the
droplets were small enough; (3) the assumption that the droplets were
all alike and fell at a uniform rate wholly uninfluenced by evaporation
or other causes of change; (4) the assumption of no convection currents
in the gas when the rate of fall of the cloud was being measured.
This first attempt to measure was carried out in Professor J.
J. Thomson’s laboratory. The second attempt was made by Professor
Thomson himself[34] by a method which resembled Townsend’s very
[Pg 50]
closely in all its essential particulars. Indeed, we may set down for
Professor Thomson’s experiment precisely the same five elements which
are set down on p. 45 for Townsend’s. The differences lay wholly in
step 2, that is, in the way in which the electrical charge per cubic
centimeter carried by the gas was determined, and in step 3, that is,
in the way in which the total weight of the cloud was obtained. Thomson
produced ions in the space
(Fig. 1) by an X-ray bulb which ran
at a constant rate, and measured first the current which, under the
influence of a very weak electromotive force
, flows through
between the surface of the water and the aluminum plate which closes
the top of the vessel. Then if
is the whole number of ions of
fine sign per cubic centimeter,
the velocity of the positive and
that of the negative ion under unit electric force, i.e., if
are the mobilities of the positive and negative ions,
respectively, then the current
per unit area is evidently given by
were easily measured in any experiment;
already known from Rutherford’s previous work, so that
, the
charge of one sign per cubic centimeter of gas under the ionizing
action of a constant source of X-rays, could be obtained at once
from (4). This then simply replaces Townsend’s method of obtaining
the charge per cubic centimeter on the gas, and in principle the two
methods are quite the same, the difference in experimental arrangements
being due to the fact that Townsend’s ions are of but one sign while
Thomson’s are of both signs.
[Pg 51]
Having thus obtained of equation (4), Thomson had only to find
and then solve for
. To obtain
he proceeded exactly
as Townsend had done in letting the ions condense droplets of water
about them and weighing the cloud thus formed.
Fig. 1
But in order to form the cloud, Thomson utilized C. T. R. Wilson’s
discovery just touched upon above, that a sudden expansion and
consequent cooling of the air in (Fig. 1) would cause the ions
to act as nuclei for the formation of water droplets. To
produce this expansion the piston
is suddenly pulled down so as
to increase the volume of the space above it. A cloud is thus formed
about the ions in
. Instead of measuring the weight of this cloud
directly, as Townsend had done, Thomson computed it by a theoretical
consideration of the amount of cooling produced by the expansion and
[Pg 52]
the known difference between the densities of saturated water vapor
at the temperature of the room and the temperature resulting from the
expansion. This method of obtaining the weight of the cloud was less
direct and less reliable than that used by Townsend, but it was the
only one available with Thomson’s method of obtaining an ionized gas
and of measuring the charge per cubic centimeter on that gas. The
average size of the droplets was obtained precisely as in Townsend’s
work by applying Stokes’s Law to the observed rate of fall of the top
of the cloud in chamber
[Pg 53]
The careful consideration of Thomson’s experiment shows that it contains the theoretical uncertainties involved in Townsend’s work, while it adds some very considerable experimental uncertainties. The most serious of the theoretical uncertainties arise from (1) the assumption of Stokes’s Law, and (2) the assumption that the number of ions is equal to the number of droplets. Both observers sought for some experimental justification for the second and most serious of these assumptions, but subsequent work by H. A. Wilson, by Quincke, and by myself has shown that clouds formed by C. T. R. Wilson’s method consist in general of droplets some of which may carry one, some two, some ten, or almost any number of unit charges, and I have never been able, despite quite careful experimenting, to obtain conditions in which it was even approximately true that each droplet carried but a single unit charge. Quincke has recently published results from which he arrives at the same conclusion.[35]
Again, when we compare the experimental uncertainties in Townsend’s and
Thomson’s methods, it is at once obvious that the assumption that the
clouds are not evaporating while the rate of fall is being determined
is even more serious in Thomson’s experiment than in Townsend’s, for
the reason that in the former case the clouds are formed by a sudden
expansion and a consequent fall in temperature, and it is certain
that during the process of the return of the temperature to initial
conditions the droplets must be evaporating. Furthermore, this sudden
expansion makes the likelihood of the existence of convection currents,
which would falsify the computations of the radius of the drop from
the observed rate of fall, more serious in Thomson’s work than in
Townsend’s. The results which Thomson attained in different experiments
gave values ranging from to
He published as his final value
In 1903, however,[36] he published some new work on
in which
he had repeated the determination, using the radiation from radium
in place of that from X-rays as his ionizing agent and obtained the
. He explained the difference by the
assumption that in his preceding work the more active negative ions
had monopolized the aqueous vapor available and that the positive ions
had not been brought down with the cloud as he had before assumed was
the case. He now used more sudden expansions than he had used before,
and concluded that the assumption made in the earlier experiments that
the number of ions was equal to the number of particles, although
shown to be incorrect for the former case, was correct for these
[Pg 54]
second experiments. As a matter of fact, if he had obtained only half
the ions in the first experiments and all of them in the second, his
second result should have come out approximately one-half as great as
the first, which it actually did. Although Thomson’s experiment was an
interesting and important modification of Townsend’s, it can scarcely
be said to have added greatly to the accuracy of our knowledge of
The next step in advance in the attempt at the determination of
was made in 1903 by H. A. Wilson,[37] also in the Cavendish Laboratory.
Wilson’s modification of Thomson’s work consisted in placing inside
the chamber A two horizontal brass plates 3½ cm. in diameter and
from 4 to 10 mm. apart and connecting to these plates the terminals
of a 2,000-volt battery. He then formed a negative cloud by a sudden
expansion of amount between 1.25 and 1.3, and observed first the rate
of fall of the top surface of this cloud between the plates when no
electrical field was on; then he repeated the expansion and observed
the rate of fall of the cloud when the electrical field as well as
gravity was driving the droplets downward. If represents the
force of gravity acting on the droplets in the top surface of the
cloud and
the force of gravity plus the electrical force
arising from the action of the field
on the charge
, and if
is the velocity of fall under the action of gravity alone,
the velocity when both gravity and the electrical field
are acting, then, if the ratio between the force acting and the
[Pg 55]
velocity produced is the same when the particle is charged as when it
is uncharged, we have
Combining this with the Stokes’s Law equation which runs
in which
is the radius,
the density,
velocity of the drop under gravity
, and
is the viscosity
of the air, and then eliminating
in by means of
Wilson obtained after substituting for
appropriate values (not accurately known, it is true, for saturated air
at the temperature existing immediately after the expansion),
Wilson’s method constitutes a real advance in that it eliminates the
necessity of making the very awkward assumption that the number of
droplets is equal to the number of negative ions, for since he observes
only the rate of fall of the top of the cloud, and since the more
heavily charged droplets will be driven down more rapidly by the field
than the less heavily charged ones, his actual measurements would
always be made upon the least heavily charged droplets. All of
the other difficulties and assumptions contained in either Townsend’s
or Thomson’s experiments inhere also in Wilson’s, and in addition one
fresh and rather serious assumption is introduced, namely, that the
[Pg 56]
clouds formed in successive expansions are identical as to size of
droplets. For we wrote down the first equation of Wilson’s method as
though the
were measurements made upon the
same droplet, when as a matter of fact the measurements are actually
made on wholly different droplets. I have myself found the duplication
of cloud conditions in successive expansions a very uncertain matter.
Furthermore, Wilson’s method assumes uniformity in the field between
the plates, an assumption which might be quite wide of the truth.
Although the elimination of the assumption of equality of the number of
droplets and the number of ions makes Wilson’s determination of
more reliable as to method than its predecessors, the accuracy actually
attained was not great, as can best be seen from his own final summary
of results. He made eleven different determinations which varied from
. His eleven
results are:
In 1906, being dissatisfied with the variability of these results,
the author repeated Wilson’s experiment without obtaining any
greater consistency than that which the latter had found. Indeed,
the instability, distortion, and indefiniteness of the top surface
of the cloud were somewhat disappointing, and the results were not
[Pg 57]
considered worth publishing. Nevertheless, it was concluded from these
observations that the accuracy might be improved by using radium
instead of X-rays for the ionizing agent, by employing stronger
electrical fields, and thus increasing the difference between
, which in Wilson’s experiment had been quite small,
and by observing the fall of the cloud through smaller distances and
shorter times in order to reduce the error due to the evaporation of
the cloud during the time of observation. Accordingly, a 4,000-volt
storage battery was built and in the summer of 1908 Mr. Begeman
and the author, using radium as the ionizing agent, again repeated
the experiment and published some results which were somewhat more
consistent than those reported by Wilson.[38] We gave as the mean of
ten observations which varied from 3.66 to 4.37 the value
. We stated at the time that although we had not
eliminated altogether the error due to evaporation, we thought that
we had rendered it relatively harmless, and that our final result,
although considerably larger than either Wilson’s or Thomson’s (3.1 and
3.4, respectively), must be considered an approach at least toward the
correct value.
Feeling, however, that the amount of evaporation of the cloud was still a quite unknown quantity, I next endeavored to devise a way of eliminating it entirely. The plan now was to use an electrical field which was strong enough, not merely to increase or decrease slightly the speed of fall under gravity of the top surface of the cloud, as [Pg 58] had been done in all the preceding experiments, but also sufficiently strong to hold the top surface of the cloud stationary, so that the rate of its evaporation could be accurately observed and allowed for in the computations.
This attempt, while not successful in the form in which it had been
planned, led to a modification of the cloud method which seemed at
the time, and which has actually proved since, to be of far-reaching
importance. It made it for the first time possible to make all
the measurements on individual droplets, and thus not merely
to eliminate ultimately all of the questionable assumptions and
experimental uncertainties involved in the cloud method of determining
, but, more important still, it made it possible to examine the
properties of individual isolated electrons and to determine whether
different ions actually carry one and the same charge. That is to
say, it now became possible to determine whether electricity in gases
and solutions is actually built up out of electrical atoms, each of
which has exactly the same value, or whether the electron which had
first made its appearance in Faraday’s experiments on solutions and
then in Townsend’s and Thomson’s experiments on gases is after all
only a statistical mean of charges which are themselves greatly
divergent. This latter view had been strongly urged up to and even
after the appearance of the work which is now under consideration. It
will be given further discussion presently.
The first determination which was made upon the charges carried by individual droplets was carried out in the spring of 1909. A report of it was placed upon the program of the British Association meeting at Winnipeg in August, 1909, as an additional paper, was printed in [Pg 59] abstract in the Physical Review for December, 1909, and in full in the Philosophical Magazine for February, 1910, under the title “A New Modification of the Cloud Method of Determining the Elementary Electrical Charge and the Most Probable Value of That Charge.”[39] The following extracts from that paper show clearly what was accomplished in this first determination of the charges carried by individual droplets.
My original plan for eliminating the evaporation error was to obtain, if possible, an electric field strong enough exactly to balance the force of gravity upon the cloud and then by means of a sliding contact to vary the strength of this field so as to hold the cloud balanced throughout its entire life. In this way it was thought that the whole evaporation-history of the cloud might be recorded, and that suitable allowances might then be made in the observations on the rate of fall to eliminate entirely the error due to evaporation. It was not found possible to balance the cloud, as had been originally planned, but it was found possible to do something much better: namely, to hold individual charged drops suspended by the field for periods varying from 30 to 60 seconds. I have never actually timed drops which lasted more than 45 seconds, although I have several times observed drops which in my judgment lasted considerably longer than this. The drops which it was found possible to balance by an electrical field always carried multiple charges, and the difficulty experienced in balancing such drops was less than had been anticipated.
The procedure is simply to form a cloud and throw on the field
immediately thereafter. The drops which have charges of the same sign
as that of the upper plate or too weak charges of the opposite sign
rapidly fall, while those which are charged with too many multiples of
the sign opposite to that of the upper plate are jerked up against
[Pg 60]
gravity to this plate. The result is that after a lapse of 7 or 8
seconds the field of view has become quite clear save for a relatively
small number of drops which have just the right ratio of charge to mass
to be held suspended by the electric field. These appear as perfectly
distinct bright points. I have on several occasions obtained but one
single such “star” in the whole field and held it there for nearly a
minute. For the most part, however, the observations recorded below
were made with a considerable number of such points in view. Thin,
flocculent clouds, the production of which seemed to be facilitated by
keeping the water-jackets , and
(Fig. 2) a degree or
two above the temperature of the room, were found to be particularly
favorable to observations of this kind.
Furthermore, it was found possible so to vary the mass of a drop by varying the ionization, that drops carrying in some cases two, in some three, in some four, in some five, and in some six, multiples could be held suspended by nearly the same field. The means of gradually varying the field which had been planned were therefore found to be unnecessary. If a given field would not hold any drops suspended it was varied by steps of 100 or 200 volts until drops were held stationary, or nearly stationary. When the P.D. was thrown off it was often possible to sec different drops move down under gravity with greatly different speeds, thus showing that these drops had different masses and correspondingly different charges.
The life-history of these drops is as follows: If they are a little too heavy to be held quite stationary by the field they begin to move slowly down under gravity. Since, however, they slowly evaporate, their downward motion presently ceases, and they become stationary for a considerable period of time. Then the field gets the better of gravity and they move slowly upward. Toward the end of their life in the space between the plates, this upward motion becomes quite rapidly accelerated and they are drawn with considerable speed to the upper plate. This, taken in connection with the fact that their whole life between plates only 4 or 5 mm. apart is from 35 to 60 seconds, will make it obvious that during a very considerable fraction of this time their motion must be exceedingly slow. I have often held drops through a period of from 10 to 15 seconds, during which it [Pg 61] was impossible to see that they were moving at all. Shortly after an expansion I have seen drops which at first seemed stationary, but which then began to move slowly down in the direction of gravity, then become stationary again, then finally began to move slowly up. This is probably due to the fact that large multiply charged drops are not in equilibrium with smaller singly charged drops near them, and hence, instead of evaporating, actually grow for a time at the expense of their small neighbors. Be this as it may, however, it is by utilizing the experimental fact that there is a considerable period during which the drops are essentially stationary that it becomes possible to make measurements upon the rate of fall in which the error due to evaporation is wholly negligible in comparison with the other errors of the experiment. Furthermore, in making measurements of this kind the observer is just as likely to time a drop which has not quite reached its stationary point as one which has just passed through that point, so that the mean of a considerable number of observations would, even from a theoretical standpoint, be quite free from an error due to evaporation.
The observations on the rate of fall were made with a short-focus
telescope (see Fig. 2) placed about 2 feet away from the plates.
In the eyepiece of this telescope were placed three equally spaced
cross hairs, the distance between those at the extremes corresponding
to about one-third of the distance between the plates. A small section
of the space between the plates was illuminated by a narrow beam from
an arc light, the heat of the arc being absorbed by three water cells
in series. The air between the plates was ionized by 200 mg. of radium,
of activity 20,000, placed from 3 to 10 cm. away from the plates. A
second or so after expansion the radium was removed, or screened oil
with a lead screen, and the field thrown on by hand by means of a
double-throw switch. If drops were not found to be held suspended by
the field, the P.D. was changed or the expansion varied until they were
so held. The cross-hairs were set near the lower plate, and as soon as
a stationary drop was found somewhere above the upper cross-hair, it
was watched for a few seconds to make sure that it was not moving, and
[Pg 62]
then the field was thrown off and the plates short-circuited by means
of the double-throw switch, so as to make sure that they retained no
Fig. 2
The drop was then timed by means of an accurate stop watch as it passed across the three cross-hairs, one of the two hands of the watch being stopped at the instant of passage across the middle cross-hair, the other at the instant of passage across the lower one. It will be seen that this method of observation furnishes a double check upon evaporation; for if the drop is stationary at first, it is not evaporating sufficiently to influence the reading of the rate of fall, and if it begins to evaporate appreciably before the reading is completed, the time required to pass through the second space should be greater than that required to pass through the first space. It will be [Pg 63] seen from the observations which follow that this was not, in general, the case.
It is an exceedingly interesting and instructive experiment to watch one of these drops start and stop, or even reverse its direction of motion, as the field is thrown off and on. I have often caught a drop which was just too light to remain stationary and moved it back and forth in this way four or five times between the same two cross-hairs, watching it first fall under gravity when the field was thrown off and then rise against gravity when the field was thrown on. The accuracy and certainty with which the instants of passage of the drops across the cross-hairs can be determined are precisely the same as that obtainable in timing the passage of a star across the cross-hairs of a transit instrument.
Furthermore, since the observations upon the quantities occurring in equation (4) [see (8) p. 55 of this volume] are all made upon the same drop, all uncertainties as to whether conditions can be exactly duplicated in the formation of successive clouds obviously disappear. There is no theoretical uncertainty whatever left in the method unless it be an uncertainty as to whether or not Stokes’s Law applies to the rate of fall of these drops under gravity. The experimental uncertainties are reduced to the uncertainty in a time determination of from 3 to 5 seconds, when the object being timed is a single moving bright point. This means that when the time interval is say 5 seconds, as it is in some of the observations given below, the error which a practiced observer will make with an accurate stop watch in any particular observation will never exceed 2 parts in 50. The error in the mean of a considerable number of concordant observations will obviously be very much less than this.
Since in this form of observation the of equation (5) [(8) of
this volume] is zero, and since
is negative in sign, equation (5)
reduces to the simple form:[40]
[Pg 64]
It will perhaps be of some interest to introduce two tables from this paper to show the exact nature of these earliest measurements on the charges carried by individual particles.
Distance between plates .545 cm.
Measured distance of fall .155 cm.
Volts | Time 1 space |
Time 2 spaces |
2,285 | 2.4 sec. | 4.8 sec. |
2,285 | 2.4 | 4.8 |
2,275 | 2.4 | 4.8 |
2,325 | 2.4 | 4.8 |
2,235 | 2.6 | 4.8 |
2,325 | 2.2 | 4.8 |
2,365 | 2.4 | 4.8 |
2,312 | 2.4 | 4.8 |
Distance between plates .545 cm.
Measured distance of fall .155 cm.
Volts | Time 1 space |
Time 2 spaces |
2,365 | 1.8 sec. | 4.0 sec. |
2,365 | 1.8 | 4.0 |
2,365 | 2.2 | 3.8 |
2,365 | 1.8 | 4.0 |
2,395 | 2.0 | 4.0 |
2,395 | 2.0 | 4.0 |
2,395 | 2.0 | 3.8 |
2,365 | 1.8 | 4.0 |
2,365 | 1.8 | 4.0 |
2,365 | 1.8 | 4.0 |
2,374 | 1.90 | 3.96 |
Series | Charge | Value of | Weight Assigned |
1 | 3 |
4.59 | 7 |
2 | 4 |
4.56 | 7 |
3 | 2 |
4.64 | 6 |
4 | 5 |
4.83 | 4 |
5 | 2 |
4.87 | 1 |
6 | 6 |
4.69 | 3 |
[Pg 65]
In connection with these experiments I chanced to observe a phenomenon which interested me very much at the time and suggested quite new possibilities. While working with these “balanced drops” I noticed on several occasions on which I had failed to screen off the rays from the radium that now and then one of them would suddenly change its charge and begin to move up or down in the field, evidently because it had captured in the one case a positive, in the other a negative, ion. This opened up the possibility of measuring with certainty, not merely the charges on individual droplets as I had been doing, but the charge carried by a single atmospheric ion. For by taking two speed measurements on the same drop, one before and one after it had caught an ion, I could obviously eliminate entirely the properties of the drop and of the medium and deal with a quantity which was proportional merely to the charge on the captured ion itself.
Accordingly, in the fall of 1909 there was started the series of experiments described in the succeeding chapter.
The problem had already been so nearly solved by the work with the water droplets that there seemed no possibility of failure. It was only necessary to get a charged droplet entirely free from evaporation into the space between the plates of a horizontal air condenser and then, by alternately throwing on and off an electrical field, to keep this droplet pacing its beat up and down between the plates until it could catch an atmospheric ion in just the way I had already seen the water droplets do. The change in the speed in the field would then be exactly proportional to the charge on the ion captured.
[Pg 66]
Although the “balanced-droplet method” just described had eliminated
the chief sources of uncertainty which inhered in preceding work on
and had made it possible to assert with much confidence that the
unit charge was a real physical entity and not merely a “statistical
mean,” it was yet very far from an exact method of studying the
properties of gaseous ions. The sources of error or uncertainty which
still inhered in it arose from (1) the lack of stagnancy in the air
through which the drop moved; (2) the lack of perfect uniformity of
the electrical field used; (3) the gradual evaporation of the drops,
rendering it impossible to hold a given drop under observation for more
than a minute or to time a drop as it fell under gravity alone through
a period of more than five or six seconds; and (4) the assumption of
the validity of Stokes’s Law.
The method which was devised to replace it was not only entirely free
from all of these limitations, but it constituted an entirely new way
of studying ionization and one which at once yielded important results
in a considerable number of directions. This chapter deals with some
of these by-products of the determination of which are of even
more fundamental interest and importance than the mere discovery of the
exact size of the electron.
[Pg 67]
In order to compare the charges on different ions, the procedure
adopted was to blow with an ordinary commercial atomizer an oil spray
into the chamber (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
The air with which this spray was blown was first rendered dust-free
by passage through a tube containing glass wool. The minute droplets
of oil constituting the spray, most of them having a radius of the
order of a one-thousandth of a millimeter, slowly fell in the chamber
, and occasionally one of them would find its way through
[Pg 68]
the minute pinhole
in the middle of the circular brass plate
, 22 cm. in diameter, which formed one of the plates of the air
condenser. The other plate,
, was held 16 mm. beneath it by three
ebonite posts
. By means of the switch
these plates could
be charged, the one positively and the other negatively, by making
them the terminals of a 10,000-volt storage battery
, while
throwing the switch the other way (to the left) short-circuited them
and reduced the field between them to zero. The oil droplets which
entered at
were illuminated by a powerful beam of light which
passed through diametrically opposite windows in the encircling ebonite
. As viewed through a third window in
on the side
toward the reader, it appeared as a bright star on a black background.
These droplets which entered
were found in general to have been
strongly charged by the frictional process involved in blowing the
spray, so that when the field was thrown on in the proper direction
they would be pulled up toward
. Just before the drop under
observation could strike
the plates would be short-circuited and
the drop allowed to fall under gravity until it was close to
when the direction of motion would be again reversed by throwing on
the field. In this way the drop would be kept traveling back and forth
between the plates. The first time the experiment was tried an ion was
caught within a few minutes, and the fact of its capture was signaled
to the observer by the change in the speed with which it moved up
when the field was on. The significance of the experiment can best be
appreciated by examination of the complete record of one of the early
experiments when the timing was done merely with a stop watch.
[Pg 69]
The column headed gives the successive times which the
droplet required to fall between two fixed cross-hairs in the observing
telescope whose distance apart corresponded in this case to an actual
distance of fall of .5222 cm. It will be seen that these numbers are
all the same within the limits of error of a stop-watch measurement.
13.6 | 12.5 | |
13.8 | 12.4 | |
13.4 | 21.8 | |
13.4 | 34.8 | |
13.6 | 84.5 | |
13.6 | 85.5 | |
13.7 | 34.6 | |
13.5 | 34.8 | |
13.5 | 16.0 | |
13.8 | 34.8 | |
13.7 | 34.6 | |
13.8 | 21.9 | |
13.6 | ||
13.5 | ||
13.4 | ||
13.8 | ||
13.4 | ||
Mean | 13.595 |
The column marked gives the successive times which the
droplet required to rise under the influence of the electrical field
produced by applying in this case 5,051 volts of potential difference
to the plates
. It will be seen that after the second
trip up, the time changed from 12.4 to 21.8, indicating, since in
this case the drop was positive, that a negative ion had been caught
from the air. The next time recorded under
, namely, 34.8,
indicates that another negative ion had been caught. The next time,
84.5, indicates the capture of still another negative ion. This charge
[Pg 70]
was held for two trips, when the speed changed back again to 34.6,
showing that a positive ion had now been caught which carried precisely
the same charge as the negative ion which before caused the inverse
change in time, i.e., that from 34.8 to 84.5.
In order to obtain some of the most important consequences of this and
other similar experiments we need make no assumption further than this,
that the velocity with which the drop moves is proportional to the
force acting upon it and is independent of the electrical charge which
it carries. Fortunately this assumption can be put to very delicate
experimental test, as will presently be shown, but introducing it for
the time being as a mere assumption, as Townsend, Thomson, and Wilson
had done before, we get
The negative sign is used in the denominator because
for convenience be taken as positive when the drop is going up in the
direction of
, while
will be taken as positive when it
is going down in the direction of
denotes the charge
on the drop, and must not be confused with the charge on an ion. If now
by the capture of an ion the drop changes its charge from
, then the value of the captured charge
and since
constant for this drop, any charge
which it may capture will always be proportional to (
) that
[Pg 71]
is, to the change produced in the velocity in the field
by the
captured ion. The successive values of
and of
), these latter being obtained by subtracting
successive values of the velocities given under
, are shown
in Table V.
It will be seen from the last column that within the limits of error of a stop-watch measurement, all the charges captured have exactly the same value save in three cases. In all of these three the captured charges were just twice as large as those appearing in the other changes. Relationships of exactly this sort have been found to hold absolutely without exception, no matter in what gas the drops have been suspended or what sort of droplets were used upon which to catch the ions. In many cases a given drop has been held under observation for [Pg 72] five or six hours at a time and has been seen to catch not eight or ten ions, as in the experiment above, but hundreds of them. Indeed, I have observed, all told, the capture of many thousands of ions in this way, and in no case have I ever found one the charge of which, when tested as above, did not have either exactly the value of the smallest charge ever captured or else a very small multiple of that value. Here, then, is direct, unimpeachable proof that the electron is not a “statistical mean,” but that rather the electrical charges found on ions all have either exactly the same value or else small exact multiples of that value.
The foregoing experiment leads, however, to results of much more
fundamental importance than that mentioned in the preceding section.
The charge which the droplet had when it first came under observation
had been acquired, not by the capture of ions from the air, but by
the ordinary frictional process involved in blowing the spray. If
then ordinary static charges are built up of electrons, this charge
should be found to be an exact multiple of the ionic charge which had
been found from the most reliable measurement shown in Table V to be
proportional to the velocity .00891. This initial charge on
the drop is seen from equations (9) and (10) to bear the same relation
to (
) which the ionic charge
bears to (
). Now,
. Dividing
this by 9 we obtain .008931, which is within about one-fifth of 1
[Pg 73]
per cent of the value found in the last column of Table V as the
smallest charge carried by an ion. Our experiment has then given
us for the first time a means of comparing a frictional charge with
the ionic charge, and the frictional charge has in this instance
been found to contain exactly 9 electrons. A more exact means of
making this comparison will be given presently, but suffice it to
say here that experiments like the foregoing have now been tried on
thousands of drops in different media, some of the drops being made of
non-conductors like oil, some of semi-conductors like glycerin, some
of excellent metallic conductors like mercury. In every case, without
a single exception, the initial charge placed upon the drop by the
frictional process, and all of the dozen or more charges which have
resulted from the capture by the drop of a larger or smaller number
of ions, have been found to be exact multiples of the smallest charge
caught from the air. Some of these drops have started with no charge
at all, and one, two, three, four, five, and six elementary charges or
electrons have been picked up. Others have started with seven or eight
units, others with twenty, others with fifty, others with a hundred,
others with a hundred and fifty elementary units, and have picked up in
each case a dozen or two of elementary charges on either side of the
starting-point, so that, in all, drops containing every possible number
of electrons between one and one hundred and fifty have been observed
and the number of electrons which each drop carried has been accurately
counted by the method described. When the number is less than fifty
there is not a whit more uncertainty about this count than there is
in counting one’s own fingers and toes. It is not found possible to
[Pg 74]
determine with certainty the number of electrons in a charge containing
more than one hundred or two hundred of them, for the simple reason
that the method of measurement used fails to detect the difference
between 200 and 201, that is, we cannot measure
with an accuracy greater than one-half of 1 per cent. But it is quite
inconceivable that large charges such as are dealt with in commercial
applications of electricity can be built up in an essentially different
way from that in which the small charges whose electrons we are able
to count are found to be. Furthermore, since it has been definitely
proved that an electrical current is nothing but the motion of an
electrical charge over or through a conductor, it is evident that the
experiments under consideration furnish not only the most direct and
convincing of evidence that all electrical charges are built up out
of these very units which we have been dealing with as individuals in
these experiments, but that all electrical currents consist merely in
the transport of these electrons through the conducting bodies.
In order to show the beauty and precision with which these multiple
relationships stand out in all experiments of this kind, a table
corresponding to much more precise measurements than those given
heretofore is here introduced (Table VI). The time of fall and
rise shown in the first and second columns were taken with a Hipp
chronoscope reading to one-thousandth of a second. The third column
gives the reciprocals of these times. These are used in place of the
velocities in the field, since distance of fall and rise is
always the same. The fourth column gives the successive changes in
speed due to the capture of ions. These also are expressed merely
[Pg 75]
as time reciprocals. For reasons which will be explained in the next
section, each one of these changes may correspond to the capture of not
merely one but of several distinct ions.
Sec. |
Sec. |
11.848 | 80.708 | .01236} | .09655 | 18 | .005366 | |||
11.890 | 22.366} | .03234 | 6 | |||||
11.908 | 22.390} | .04470} | .12887 | 24 | .005371 | |||
11.904 | 22.368} | .03751 | 7 | .005358 | ||||
11.882 | 140.565} | .007192} | 0.09138 | 17 | .005375 | |||
11.906 | 79.600} | .01254} | .005348 | 1 | .005348 | 4.09673 | 18 | .005374 |
11.838 | 34.748} | 0.01616 | 3 | .005387 | ||||
11.816 | 34.762} | .02870} | .011289 | 21 | .005376 | |||
11.776 | 34.846} | |||||||
11.840 | 29.286} | .11833 | 22 | .05379 | ||||
11.904 | 29.236} | .03414} | 0.26872 | 5 | .005375 | |||
11.870 | 137.308 | .007268} | .09146 | 17 | .05380 | |||
11.952 | 34.638 | .02884} | .021572 | 4 | .005393 | .11303 | 21 | .005382 |
11.860 | .01623 | 3 | .005410 | |||||
11.846 | 22.104} | .012926 | 24 | .005386 | ||||
11.912 | 22.268} | .04507} | .04307 | 8 | .005384 | |||
11.910 | 500.1 | .002000} | .08619 | 16 | .005387 | |||
11.918 | 19.704} | .04879 | 9 | .005421 | ||||
11.870 | 19.668 | .05079} | .13498 | 25 | .05399 | |||
11.888 | 77.630} | .03794 | 7 | .005420 | ||||
11.894 | 77.806} | .01285} | .09704 | 18 | .05399 | |||
11.878 | 42.302 | .02364} | .01079 | 2 | .005395 | .10783 | 20 | .05392 |
11.880 | Means | .005386 | .005384 |
The numbers in the fifth column represent simply the small integer by
which it is found that the numbers in the fourth column must be divided
in order to obtain the numbers in the sixth column. These will be seen
to be exactly alike within the limits of error of the experiment.
The mean value at the bottom of the sixth column represents, then,
the smallest charge ever caught from the air, that is, it is the
[Pg 76]
elementary ionic charge. The seventh column gives the successive
values of expressed as reciprocal times. These
numbers, then, represent the successive values of the total
charge carried by the droplet. The eighth column gives the integers by
which the numbers in the seventh column must be divided to obtain the
numbers in the last column. These also will be seen to be invariable.
The mean at the bottom of the last column represents, then, the
electrical unit out of which the frictional charge on the droplet
was built up, and it is seen to be identical with the ionic charge
represented by the number at the bottom of the sixth column.
It may be of interest to introduce one further table (Table VII) arranged in a slightly different way to show how infallibly the atomic structure of electricity follows from experiments like those under consideration.
Observed Charge |
Observed Charge |
1 | 4.917 | ----- | 10 | 49.17 | 49.41 |
2 | 9.834 | ----- | 11 | 54.09 | 53.91 |
3 | 14.75 | ----- | 12 | 59.00 | 59.12 |
4 | 19.66 | 19.66 | 13 | 63.92 | 63.68 |
5 | 24.59 | 24.60 | 14 | 68.84 | 68.65 |
6 | 29.50 | 29.62 | 15 | 73.75 | ----- |
7 | 34.42 | 34.47 | 16 | 78.67 | 78.34 |
8 | 39.34 | 39.38 | 17 | 83.59 | 83.22 |
9 | 44.25 | 44.42 | 18 | 88.51 | ----- |
In this table 4.917 is merely a number obtained precisely as above
from the change in speed due to the capture of ions and one which is
proportional in this experiment to the ionic charge. The column headed
contains simply the whole series of exact multiples
[Pg 77]
of this number from 1 to 18. The column headed “Observed Charge” gives
the successive observed values of (
). It will be
seen that during the time of observation, about four hours, this drop
carried all possible multiples of the elementary charge from 4 to 18,
save only 15. No more exact or more consistent multiple relationship
is found in the data which chemists have amassed on the combining
powers of the elements and on which the atomic theory of matter rests
than is found in the foregoing numbers.
Such tables as these—and scores of them could be given—place beyond all question the view that an electrical charge wherever it is found, whether on an insulator or a conductor, whether in electrolytes or in metals, has a definite granular structure, that it consists of an exact number of specks of electricity (electrons) all exactly alike, which in static phenomena are scattered over the surface of the charged body and in current phenomena are drifting along the conductor. Instead of giving up, as Maxwell thought we should some day do, the “provisional hypothesis of molecular charges,” we find ourselves obliged to make all our interpretations of electrical phenomena, metallic as well as electrolytic, in terms of it.
All of the changes of charge shown in Table IV were spontaneous changes, and it has been assumed that all of these changes were produced by the capture of ions from the air. When a negative drop suddenly increases its speed in the field, that is, takes on a larger charge of its own kind than it has been carrying, there seems to be no other conceivable way in which the change can be produced. But when [Pg 78] the charge suddenly decreases there is no a priori reason for thinking that the change may not be due as well to the direct loss of a portion of the charge as to the neutralization of this same amount of electricity by the capture of a charge of opposite sign. That, however, the changes do actually occur, when no X-rays or radioactive rays are passing between the plates, only by the capture of ions from the air, was rendered probable by the fact that drops not too heavily charged showed the same tendency on the whole to increase as to decrease in charge. This should not have been the case if there were two causes tending to decrease the charge, namely, direct loss and the capture of opposite ions, as against one tending to increase it, namely, capture of like ions. The matter was very convincingly settled, however, by making observations when the gas pressures were as low as 2 or 3 mm. of mercury. Since the number of ions present in a gas is in general directly proportional to the pressure, spontaneous changes in charge should almost never occur at these low pressures; in fact, it was found that drops could be held for hours at a time without changing. The frequency with which the changes occur decreases regularly with the pressure, as it should if the changes are due to the capture of ions. For the number of ions formed by a given ionizing agent must vary directly as the pressure.
Again, the changes do not, in general, occur when the electrical field is on, for then the ions are driven instantly to the plates as soon as formed, at a speed of, say, 10,000 cm. per second, and so do not have any opportunity to accumulate in the space between them. When the field is off, however, they do so accumulate, until, in ordinary [Pg 79] air, they reach the number of, say, 20,000 per cubic centimeter. These ions, being endowed with the kinetic energy of agitation characteristic of the temperature, wander rapidly through the gas and become a part of the drop as soon as they impinge upon it. It was thus that all the changes recorded in Table IV took place.
It is possible, however, so to control the changes as to place electrons of just such sign as one wishes, and of just such number as one wishes, within limits, upon a given drop. If, for example, it is desired to place a positive electron upon a given drop the latter is held with the aid of the field fairly close to the negative plate, say the upper plate; then an ionizing agent—X-rays or radium—is arranged to produce uniform ionization in the gas between the plates. Since now all the positive ions move up while the negatives move down, the drop is in a shower of positive ions, and if the ionization is intense enough the drop is sure to be hit. In this way a positive charge of almost any desired strength may be placed upon the drop.
Similarly, in order to throw a negative ion or ions upon the drop it is held by the field close to the lower, i.e., to the positive, plate in a shower of negative ions produced by the X-rays. It was in this way that most of the changes shown in Table VI were brought about. This accounts for the fact that they correspond in some instances to the capture of as many as six electrons.
When X-rays are allowed to fall directly upon the drop itself the change in charge may occur, not merely because of the capture of ions, but also because the rays eject beta particles, i.e., negative electrons, from the molecules of the drop. That changes in charge were actually produced in this way in our experiments was proved [Pg 80] conclusively in 1910 by the fact that when the pressure was reduced to a very low value and X-rays were allowed to pass through the air containing the drop, the latter would change readily in the direction of increasing positive or decreasing negative charge, but it could almost never be made to change in the opposite direction. This is because at these low pressures the rays can find very few gas molecules to ionize, while they detach negative electrons from the drop as easily as at atmospheric pressure. This experiment proved directly that the charge carried by an ion in gases is the same as the charge on the beta or cathode-ray particle.
When it was desired to avoid the direct loss of negative electrons by the drop, we arranged lead screens so that the drop itself would not be illuminated by the rays, although the gas underneath it was ionized by them.[41]
I have already remarked that when a drop carries but a small number of electrons it appears to catch ions of its own sign as rapidly as those of opposite signs—a result which seems strange at first, since the ions of opposite sign must be attracted, while those of like sign must be repelled. Whence, then, does the ion obtain the energy which enables it to push itself up against this electrostatic repulsion and attach itself to a drop already strongly charged with its own kind of electricity? It cannot obtain it from the field, since the phenomenon of capture occurs when the field is not on. It cannot obtain it from [Pg 81] any explosive process which frees the ion from the molecule at the instant of ionization, since in this case, too, ions would be caught as well, or nearly as well, when the field is on as when it is off. Here, then, is an absolutely direct proof that the ion must be endowed with a kinetic energy of agitation which is sufficient to push it up to the surface of the drop against the electrostatic repulsion of the charge on the drop.
This energy may easily be computed as follows: Let us take a drop, such
as was used in one of these experiments, of radius .000197 cm. The
potential at the surface of a charged sphere can be shown to be the
charge divided by the radius. The value of the elementary electrical
charge obtained from the best observations of this type, is
. Hence the energy
required to drive an ion carrying the elementary charge
up to the
surface of a charged sphere of radius
, carrying 16 elementary
charges, is
Now, the kinetic energy of agitation of a molecule as deduced from the
value of herewith obtained, and the kinetic theory equation,
, is
According to the Maxwell-Boltzmann Law of the partition of energy,
which certainly holds in gases, this should also be the kinetic energy
of agitation of an ion. It will be seen that the value of this energy
is approximately three times that required to push a single ion up to
the surface of the drop in question. Hence the electrostatic forces
due to 16 electrons on the drop are too weak to exert much influence
upon the motion of an approaching ion. But if it were possible to
[Pg 82]
load up a drop with negative electricity until the potential energy of
its charge were about three times as great as that computed above for
this drop, then the phenomenon here observed of the catching of new
negative ions by such a negatively charged drop should not take place,
save in the exceptional case in which an ion might acquire an energy of
agitation considerably larger than the mean value. Now, as a matter of
fact, it was regularly observed that the heavily charged drops had a
very much smaller tendency to pick up new negative ions than the more
lightly charged drops, and, in one instance, we watched for four hours
another negatively charged drop of radius .000658 cm., which carried
charges varying from 126 to 150 elementary units, and which therefore
had a potential energy of charge (computed as above on the assumption
of uniform distribution) varying from
. In all that time this drop picked up but one single
negative ion when the field was off, and that despite the fact that
the ionization was several times more intense than in the case of the
drop of Table I. Positive ions too were being caught at almost every
trip down under gravity. (The strong negative charge on the drop was
maintained by forcing on negative ions by the field as explained above.)
The idea has at various times been put forth in connection with
attempts to explain chemical and cohesive forces from the standpoint
of electrostatic attractions that the positive and negative charges
in a so-called neutral atom may not after all be exactly equal, in
other words, that there is really no such thing as an entirely
[Pg 83]
neutral atom or molecule. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to find
decisive tests of this hypothesis. The present experiments, however,
make possible the following sort of test. I loaded a given drop first
with negative electrons and took ten or twelve observations of rise
and fall, then with the aid of X-rays, by the method indicated in the
last section, I reversed the sign of the charge on the drop and took a
corresponding number of observations of rise and fall, and so continued
observing first the value of the negative electron and then that of
the positive. Table VIII shows a set of such observations taken in air
with a view to subjecting this point to as rigorous a test as possible.
Similar, though not quite so elaborate, observations have been made
in hydrogen with the same result. The table shows in the first column
the sign of the charge; in the second the successive values of the
time of fall under gravity; in the third the successive times of rise
in the field ; in the fourth the number of electrons carried by
the drop for each value of
; and in the fifth the number,
characteristic of this drop, which is proportional to the charge of one
electron. This number is obtained precisely as in the two preceding
tables by finding the greatest common divisor of the successive values
of (
) and then multiplying this by an arbitrary
constant which has nothing to do with the present experiment and hence
need not concern us here (see chap. V).
It will be seen that though the times of fall and of rise, even when the same number of electrons is carried by the drop, change a trifle because of a very slight evaporation and also because of the fall in the potential of the battery, yet the mean value of the positive electron, namely, 6.697, agrees with the mean value of the negative electron, namely, 6.700, to within less than 1 part in 2,000.
[Pg 84]
Sign of Drop | Sec. |
Sec. |
63.050 | } | |||
63.186 | 41.728} | 8 | ||
63.332 | 41.590} | |||
- | 63.328 | |||
62.728 | 25.740} | |||
62.926 | 25.798 | 11 | ||
62.900 | 25.510 | |||
63.214 | 25.806} | } | ||
Mean = 62.976 | } | |||
63.538 | 22.694} | 12} | ||
63.244 | 22.830} | |||
63.114 | 25.870} | |||
63.242 | 25.876 | 11 | ||
+ | 63.362 | 25.484} | ||
63.136 | 10.830} | |||
63.226 | 10.682 | |||
63.764 | 10.756 | 22 | ||
63.280 | 10.778 | |||
63.530 | 10.672 | |||
63.268 | 10.646} | } | ||
Mean = 63.325 | } | |||
63.642 | } | |||
63.020 | 71.664} | 6 | ||
62.820 | 71.248} | |||
63.514 | 52.668} | |||
+ | 63.312 | 52.800 | 7 | |
63.776 | 52.496 | |||
63.300 | 52.860} | |||
63.156 | 71.708 | 6 | ||
63.126 | ||||
Mean = 63.407 | } | |||
63.228 | 42.006} | } | ||
63.294 | 41.920 | 8 | ||
63.184 | 42.108} | |||
63.260 | 53.210} | |||
63.478 | 52.922 | 7 | ||
- | 63.074 | 53.034 | ||
63.306 | 53.438} | |||
63.414 | 12.888} | |||
63.450 | 12.812 | 19 | ||
63.446 | 12.748 | |||
63.556 | 12.824} | |||
Mean = 63.335 | } |
Duration of experiment 1 hr. 40 min. | Mean |
Initial volts = 1723.5 | Mean |
Final volts = 1702.1 | |
Pressure = 53.48 cm. |
[Pg 85]
[Pg 86]
Since this is about the limit of the experimental error (the probable error by least squares is 1 part in 1,500), we may with certainty conclude that there are no differences of more than this amount between the values of the positive and negative electrons. This is the best evidence I am aware of for the exact neutrality of the ordinary molecules of gases. Such neutrality, if it is actually exact, would seem to preclude the possibility of explaining gravitation as a result of electrostatic forces of any kind. The electromagnetic effect of moving charges might, however, still be called upon for this purpose.
A second and equally important conclusion can be drawn from Table VIII.
It will be seen from the column headed “” that during the whole of
the time corresponding to the observations in the third group from the
top the drop carried either 6 or 7 electrons, while, during the last
half of the time corresponding to the observations in the second group
from the top, it carried three times as many, namely, 22 electrons.
Yet the mean times of fall under gravity in the two groups agree to
within about one part in one thousand. The time of fall corresponding
to the heavier charge happens in this case to be the smaller of the
two. We may conclude, therefore, that in these experiments the
resistance which the medium offers to the motion of a body through it
is not sensibly increased when the body becomes electrically charged.
This demonstrates experimentally the exact validity for this work of
the assumption made on p. 70 that the velocity of the drop is strictly
proportional to the force acting upon it, whether it is charged or
The result is at first somewhat surprising since, according to
Sutherland’s theory of the small ion, the small mobility or diffusivity
of charged molecules, as compared with uncharged, is due to the
additional resistance which the medium offers to the motion through
it of a charged molecule. This additional resistance is due to the
fact that the charge on a molecule drags into collision with it more
molecules than would otherwise hit it. But with oil drops of the sizes
[Pg 87]
here used () the total number of molecular
collisions against the surface of the drop is so huge that even though
the small number of charges on it might produce a few more collisions,
their number would be negligible in comparison with the total number.
At any rate the experiment demonstrates conclusively that the charges
on our oil drops do not influence the resistance of the medium to
the motion of the drop. This conclusion might also have been drawn
from the data contained in Table VI. The evidence for its absolute
correctness has been made more convincing still by a comparison of
drops which carried but 1 charge and those which carried as many as 68
unit charges. Further, I have observed the rate of fall under gravity
of droplets which were completely discharged, and in every case that I
have ever tried I have found this rate precisely the same, within the
limits of error of the time measurements, as when it carried 8 or 10
unit charges.
It was of very great importance for the work, an account of which
will be given in the next chapter to determine whether the drops ever
suffer—either because of their motion through a resisting medium,
or because of the electrical field in which they are placed—any
appreciable distortion from the spherical form which a freely suspended
liquid drop must assume. The complete experimental answer to this
query is contained in the agreement of the means at the bottom of
the last and the third from the last columns in Table VI and in
similar agreements shown in many other tables, which may be found
[Pg 88]
in the original articles.[42] Since is in this
experiment large compared to
, the value of the
greatest common divisor at the bottom of the last column of Table VI
is determined almost wholly by the rate of fall of the particle
under gravity when there is no field at all between the plates, while
the velocity at the bottom of the third from the last column is a
difference between two velocities in a strong electrical field. If,
therefore, the drop were distorted by the electrical field, so that it
exposed a larger surface to the resistance of the medium than when it
had the spherical form, the velocity due to a given force, that is,
the velocity given at the bottom of the third from the last column,
would be less than that found at the bottom of the last column, which
corresponds to motions when the drop certainly was spherical.
Furthermore, if the drops were distorted by their motion through the medium, then this distortion would be greater for high speeds than for low, and consequently the numbers in the third from the last column would be consistently larger for high speeds than for low. No such variation of these numbers with speed is apparent either in Table VI or in other similar tables.
We have then in the exactness and invariableness of the multiple relations shown by successive differences in speed and the successive sums of the speeds in the third from the last and the last columns of Table VI complete experimental proof that in this work the droplets act under all circumstances like undeformed spheres. It is of interest that Professor Hadamard,[43] of the University of Paris, [Pg 89] and Professor Lunn,[44] of the University of Chicago, have both shown from theoretical considerations that this would be the case with oil drops as minute as those with which these experiments deal, so that the conclusion may now be considered as very firmly established both by the experimentalist and the theorist.
[Pg 90]
Although complete evidence for the atomic nature of electricity is
found in the fact that all of the charges which can be placed upon
a body as measured by the sum of speeds , and all
the changes of charge which this body can undergo as measured by
the differences of speed (
) are invariably found
to be exact multiples of a particular speed, yet there is something
still to be desired if we must express this greatest common divisor
of all the observed series of speeds merely as a velocity which is a
characteristic constant of each particular drop but which varies from
drop to drop. We ought rather to be able to reduce this greatest common
divisor to electrical terms by finding the proportionality factor
between speed and charge, and, that done, we should, of course, expect
to find that the charge came out a universal constant independent of
the size or kind of drop experimented upon. The attempt to do this by
the method which I had used in the case of the water drops (p. 55),
namely, by the assumption of Stokes’s Law, heretofore taken for granted
by all observers, led to the interesting discovery that this law is not
valid.[45] According to this law the rate of fall of a spherical drop
[Pg 91]
under gravity, namely,
is given by
in which
is the viscosity of the medium,
the radius
the density of the drop, and
the density of the
medium. This last quantity was neglected in (6), p. 55, because, with
the rough measurements there possible, it was useless to take it into
account, but with our oil drops in dry air all the other factors could
be found with great precision.
When we assume the foregoing equation of Stokes and combine it with
equation (5) on p. 55, an equation whose exact validity was proved
experimentally in the last chapter, we obtain, after substitution of
the purely geometrical relation
the following expression for the charge
carried by a drop
loaded with
electrons which we will assume to have been counted
by the method described:
According to this equation the elementary charge
should be
obtained by substituting in this the greatest common divisor of all
the observed series of values of (
) or (
Thus, if we call this (
we have
But when this equation was tested out upon different drops, although it
yielded perfectly concordant results so long as the different drops
[Pg 92]
all fell with about the same speed, when drops of different speeds,
and, therefore, of different sizes, were used, the values of
obtained were consistently larger the smaller the velocity under
gravity. For example, ex for one drop for which
per second came out
, while for another of
almost the same speed, namely,
, it came out 5.482;
but for two drops whose speeds were five times as large, namely, .0536
and .0553,
came out 5.143 and 5.145, respectively. This
could mean nothing save that Stokes’s Law did not hold for drops of
the order of magnitude here used, something like
(see Section IV below), and it was surmised that the reason for its
failure lay in the fact that the drops were so small that they could no
longer be thought of as moving through the air as they would through
a continuous homogeneous medium, which was the situation contemplated
in the deduction of Stokes’s Law. This law ought to begin to fail as
soon as the inhomogeneities in the medium—i.e., the distances between
the molecules—began to be at all comparable with the dimensions of
the drop. Furthermore, it is easy to see that as soon as the holes
in the medium begin to be comparable with the size of the drop, the
latter must begin to increase its speed, for it may then be thought of
as beginning to reach the stage in which it can fall freely through
the holes in the medium. This would mean that the observed speed of
fall would be more and more in excess of that given by Stokes’s Law
the smaller the drop became. But the apparent value of the electronic
charge, namely,
is seen from equation (13) to vary directly
with the speed (
imparted by a given force.
[Pg 93]
should come out larger and larger the smaller the
radius of the drop, that is, the smaller its velocity under gravity.
Now, this was exactly the behavior shown consistently by all the oil
drops studied. Hence it looked as though we had discovered, not merely
the failure of Stokes’s Law, but also the line of approach by means of
which it might be corrected.
In order to be certain of our ground, however, we were obliged to initiate a whole series of new and somewhat elaborate experiments.
These consisted, first, in finding very exactly what is the coefficient of viscosity of air under conditions in which it may be treated as a homogeneous medium, and second, in finding the limits within which Stokes’s Law may be considered valid.
The experiments on the coefficient of viscosity of air were carried out
in the Ryerson Laboratory by Dr. Lachen Gilchrist,[46] and Dr. I. M.
Rapp.[47] Dr. Gilchrist used a method which was in many respects new
and which may fairly be said to be freer from theoretical uncertainties
than any method which has ever been used. He estimated that his results
should not be in error by more than .1 or .2 of 1 per cent. Dr. Rapp
used a form of the familiar capillary-tube method, but under conditions
which seemed to adapt it better to an absolute evaluation of
for air than capillary-tube arrangements have ordinarily been.
[Pg 94]
These two men, as the result of measurements which were in progress for more than two years, obtained final means which were in very close agreement with one another as well as with the most careful of preceding determinations.
.00018227 | Rapp, Capillary-tube method, 1913 (Phys. Rev., II, 363). |
.00018257 | Gilchrist, Constant deflection method, 1913 (Phys. Rev., I, 124). |
.00018229 | Hogg, Damping of oscillating cylinders, 1905 (Proc. Am. Acad., XL, 611) |
.00018258 | Tomlinson, Damping of Swinging Pendulum, 1886 (Phil. Trans., CLXXVII, 767). |
.00018232 | Grindley and Gibson, Flow through pipe, 1908 (Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXX, 114). |
Mean | .00018240 |
It will be seen from Table IX that every one of the five different
methods which have been used for the absolute determination of
for air leads to a value that differs by less than one part in one
thousand from the following mean value,
It was concluded, therefore, that we could depend upon the value
for the viscosity of air under the conditions of our
experiment to at least one part in one thousand. Very recently Dr. E.
Harrington[48] has improved still further the apparatus designed by Dr.
Gilchrist and the author and has made with it in the Ryerson Laboratory
a determination of
which is, I think, altogether unique in
its reliability and precision. I give to it alone greater weight than
[Pg 95]
to all the other work of the past fifty years in this field taken
together. The final value is
and the error can scarcely be more than one part in two thousand.
In the theoretical derivation of Stokes’s Law the following five assumptions are made: (1) that the inhomogeneities in the medium are small in comparison with the size of the sphere; (2) that the sphere falls as it would in a medium of unlimited extent; (3) that the sphere is smooth and rigid; (4) that there is no slipping of the medium over the surface of the sphere; (5) that the velocity with which the sphere is moving is so small that the resistance to the motion is all due to the viscosity of the medium and not at all due to the inertia of such portion of the media as is being pushed forward by the motion of the sphere through it.
If these conditions were all realized then Stokes’s Law ought to hold. Nevertheless, there existed up to the year 1910 no experimental work which showed that actual experimental results may be accurately predicted by means of the unmodified law, and Dr. H. D. Arnold accordingly undertook in the Ryerson Laboratory to test how accurately the rates of fall of minute spheres through water and alcohol might be predicted by means of it.
His success in these experiments was largely due to the ingenuity which he displayed in producing accurately spherical droplets of rose-metal. This metal melts at about 82° C. and is quite fluid at the temperature of boiling water. Dr. Arnold placed some of this metal in a glass [Pg 96] tube drawn to form a capillary at one end and suspended the whole of the capillary tube in a glass tube some 70 cm. long and 3 cm. in diameter. He then filled the large tube with water and applied heat in such a way that the upper end was kept at about 100° C., while the lower end was at about 60°. He then forced the molten metal, by means of compressed air, out through the capillary into the hot water. It settled in the form of spray, the drops being sufficiently cooled by the time they reached the bottom to retain their spherical shape. This method depends for its success on the relatively slow motion of the spheres and on the small temperature gradient of the water through which they fall. The slow and uniform cooling tends to produce homogeneity of structure, while the low velocities allow the retention of very accurately spherical shape. In this way Dr. Arnold obtained spheres of radii from .002 cm. to .1 cm., which, when examined under the microscope, were found perfectly spherical and practically free from surface irregularities. He found that the slowest of these drops fell in liquids with a speed which could be computed from Stokes’s Law with an accuracy of a few tenths of 1 per cent, and he determined experimentally the limits of speed through which Stokes’s Law was valid.
Of the five assumptions underlying Stokes’s Law, the first, third, and
fourth were altogether satisfied in Dr. Arnold’s experiment. The second
assumption he found sufficiently realized in the case of the very
smallest drops which he used, but not in the larger ones. The question,
however, of the effect of the walls of the vessel upon the motion of
drops through the liquid contained in the vessel had been previously
[Pg 97]
studied with great ability by Ladenburg,[49] who, in working with an
exceedingly viscous oil, namely Venice turpentine, obtained a formula
by which the effects of the wall on the motion might be eliminated.
If the medium is contained in a cylinder of circular cross-section of
radius and of length
, then, according to Ladenburg, the
simple Stokes formula should be modified to read
Arnold found that this formula held accurately in all of his
experiments in which the walls had any influence on the motion. Thus he
worked under conditions under which all of the first four assumptions
underlying Stokes’s Law were taken care of. This made it possible for
him to show that the law held rigorously when the fifth assumption was
realized, and also to find by experiment the limits within which this
last assumption might be considered as valid. Stokes had already found
from theoretical considerations[50] that the law would not hold unless
the radius of the sphere were small in comparison with
, in which
is the density of the medium,
its viscosity, and
the velocity of the sphere. This
radius is called the critical radius. But it was not known how near it
was possible to approach to the critical radius. Arnold’s experiments
showed that the inertia of the medium has no appreciable effect upon
the rate of motion of a sphere so long as the radius of that sphere is
[Pg 98]
less than .6 of the critical radius.
Application of this result to the motion of our oil drops established the fact that even the very fastest drops which we ever observed fell so slowly that not even a minute error could arise because of the inertia of the medium. This meant that the fifth condition necessary to the application of Stokes’s Law was fulfilled. Furthermore, our drops were so small that the second condition was also fulfilled, as was shown by the work of both Ladenburg and Arnold. The third condition was proved in the last chapter to be satisfied in our experiments. Since, therefore, Arnold’s work had shown very accurately that Stokes’s Law does hold when all of the five conditions are fulfilled, the problem of finding a formula for replacing Stokes’s Law in the case of our oil-drop experiments resolved itself into finding in just what way the failure of assumptions 1 and 4 affected the motion of these drops.
The first procedure was to find how badly Stokes’s Law failed in
the case of our drops. This was done by plotting the apparent value
of the electron against the observed speed under gravity.
This gave the curve shown in Fig. 4, which shows that though for very
small speeds
varies rapidly with the change in speed, for
speeds larger than that corresponding to the abscissa marked 1,000
there is but a slight dependence of
on speed. This abscissa
corresponds to a speed of .1 cm. per second. We may then conclude that
for drops which are large enough to fall at a rate of 1 cm. in ten
[Pg 99]
seconds or faster, Stokes’s Law needs but a small correction, because
of the inhomogeneity of the air.
Fig. 4
To find an exact expression for this correction we may proceed as
follows: The average distance which a gas molecule goes between two
collisions with its neighbors, a quantity well known and measured with
some approach to precision in physics and called “the mean free path”
[Pg 100]
of a gas molecule, is obviously a measure of the size of the holes in
a gaseous medium. When Stokes’s Law begins to fail as the size of the
drops diminish, it must be because the medium ceases to be homogeneous,
as looked at from the standpoint of the drop, and this means simply
that the radius of the drop has begun to be comparable with the mean
size of the holes—a quantity which we have decided to take as measured
by the mean free path . The increase in the speed of fall over
that given by Stokes’s Law, when this point is reached, must then
be some function of
. In other words, the correct
expression for the speed
of a drop falling through a gas,
instead of being
as Arnold showed that it was when the holes were negligibly small—as
the latter are when the drop falls through a liquid—should be of the
If we were in complete ignorance of the form of the function
could still express it in terms of a series of undetermined constants
, etc., thus
and so long as the departures from Stokes’s Law were small as Fig. 4
showed them to be for most of our drops, we could neglect the
[Pg 101]
second-order terms in
and have therefore
Using this corrected form of Stokes’s Law to combine with (9) (p. 20),
we should obviously get the charge
in just the form in which
it is given in (13), save that wherever a velocity appears in (13) we
should now have to insert in place of this velocity
. And since the velocity of the drop
appears in the ³⁄₂ power in (13), if we denote now by e the absolute
value of the electron and by
as heretofore, the apparent
value obtained from the assumption of Stokes’s Law, that is, from the
use of (13), we obtain at once
In this equation
can always be obtained from (13), while
is a known constant, but
, and
are all
unknown. If
can be found our observations permit at once of the
determination of both
, as will be shown in detail under
Section VI (see p. 105).
However, the possibility of determining if we know
can be
seen in a general way without detailed analysis. For the determination
of the radius of the drop is equivalent to finding its weight, since
its density is known. That we can find the charge on the drop as soon
as we can determine its weight is clear from the simple consideration
that the velocity under gravity is proportional to its weight, while
the velocity in a given electrical field is proportional to the charge
[Pg 102]
which it carries. Since we measure these two velocities directly, we
can obtain either the weight, if we know the charge, or the charge, if
we know the weight. (See equation 9, p. 70.)
The way which was first used for finding the weight of the drop was
simply to solve Stokes’s uncorrected equation (11) (p. 91) for a in the
case of each drop. Since the curve of Fig. 4 shows that the departures
from Stokes’s Law are small except for the extremely slow drops, and
since appears in the second power in (11), it is clear that,
if we leave out of consideration the very slowest drops, (11) must
give us very nearly the correct values of
. We can then find the
approximate value of
by the method of the next section, and after
it is found we can solve (15) for the correct value of
. This is
a method of successive approximations which theoretically yields
with any desired degree of precision. As a matter of fact the
whole correction term,
is a small one, so that it is
never necessary to make more than two approximations to obtain
with much more precision than is needed for the exact evaluation of
As soon as was fairly accurately known it became possible, as
indicated above, to make a direct weighing of extraordinarily minute
bodies with great certainty and with a very high degree of precision.
For we have already shown experimentally that the equation
[Pg 103]
is a correct one and it involves no assumption whatever as to the
shape, or size, or material of the particle. If we solve this equation
for the weight
of the particle we get
In this equation
is known with the same precision as
for we have learned how to count
. It will presently be shown that
is probably now known with an accuracy of one part in a thousand,
can now be determined with the same accuracy for any body
which can be charged up with a counted number
of electrons and
then pulled up against gravity by a known electrical field, or, if
preferred, simply balanced against gravity after the manner used in
the water-drop experiment and also in part of the oil-drop work.[51]
This device is simply an electrical balance in place of a mechanical
one, and it will weigh accurately and easily to one ten-billionth of a
Fifty years ago it was considered the triumph of the instrument-maker’s
art that a balance had been made so sensitive that one could weigh a
piece of paper, then write his name with a hard pencil on the paper
and determine the difference between the new weight and the old—that
is, the weight of the name. This meant determining a weight as small
as one-tenth or possibly one-hundredth of a milligram (a milligram is
about ¹⁄₃₀₀₀₀ of an ounce). Some five years ago Ramsay and Spencer,
in London, by constructing a balance entirely out of very fine quartz
fibers and placing it in a vacuum, succeeded in weighing objects as
small as one-millionth of a milligram, that is, they pushed the limit
[Pg 104]
of the weighable down about ten thousand times. The work which we are
now considering pushed it down at least ten thousand times farther
and made it possible to weigh accurately bodies so small as not to be
visible at all to the naked eye. For it is only necessary to float
such a body in the air, render it visible by reflected light in an
ultra-microscope arrangement of the sort we were using, charge it
electrically by the capture of ions, count the number of electrons in
its charge by the method described, and then vary the potential applied
to the plates or the charge on the body until its weight is just
balanced by the upward pull of the field. The weight of the body is
then exactly equal to the product of the known charge by the strength
of the electric field. We made all of our weightings of our drops
and the determination of their radii in this way as soon as we had
located with a sufficient degree of precision to warrant it.[52]
Indeed, even before
is very accurately known it is possible to
use such a balance for a fairly accurate evaluation of the radius of a
spherical drop. For when we replace
in (18) by
and solve for a we obtain
The substitution in this equation of an approximately correct value
with an error but one-third as great as that
contained in the assumed value of
, for
is seen from this
equation to vary as the cube root of
. This is the method which,
in view of the accurate evaluation of
, it is now desirable to
[Pg 105]
use for the determination of the weight or dimensions of any minute
body, for the method is quite independent of the nature of the body
or of the medium in which it is immersed. Indeed, it constitutes as
direct and certain a weighing of the body as though it were weighed on
a mechanical balance.
With and
known, we can easily determine
from the equation
for if we write this equation in the form
[Pg 106]
and then plot the observed values of
as ordinates and the
corresponding values of
as abscissae we should get a
straight line, provided our corrected form of Stokes’s Law (15) (p. 101)
is adequate for the correct representation of the phenomena of
fall of the droplets within the range of values of
which the experiments lie. If no such linear relation is found, then
an equation of the form of (15) is not adequate for the description of
the phenomena within this range. As a matter of fact, a linear relation
was found to exist for a much wider range of values of
than was anticipated would be the case.
[Pg 107]
Fig. 5
[Pg 108]
Fig. 6
The intercept of this line on the axis of ordinates, that is, the
value of when
is seen from (20) to be
and we have but to raise this to the ³⁄₂ power to
obtain the absolute value of
. Again,
is seen from (20)
to be merely the slope of this line divided by the intercept on the
In order to carry this work out experimentally it is necessary to vary
and find the corresponding values of
. This
can be done in two ways. First, we may hold the pressure constant
and choose smaller and smaller drops with which to work, or we may
work with drops of much the same size but vary the pressure of the
gas in which our drops are suspended, for the mean free path
evidently inversely proportional to the pressure.
[Pg 109]
Both procedures were adopted, and it was found that a given value of
always corresponded to a given value of
no matter whether
was kept constant and
reduced to,
say, one-tenth of its first value, or
kept about the same
multiplied tenfold. The result of one somewhat elaborate
series of observations which was first presented before the Deutsche
physikalische Gesellschaft in June, 1912, and again before the British
Association at Dundee in September, 1912,[53] is shown in Figs. 5
and 6. The numerical data from which these curves are plotted are
given fairly fully in Table X. It will be seen that this series of
observations embraces a study of 58 drops. These drops represent all of
those studied for 60 consecutive days, no single one being omitted.
No. | Tem. °C | P.D. (Volts) |
cm./Sec. |
1 | 23.00 | 5,168 | 4.363 | .2357 | .003293 | 77-102 | 58.56 |
2 | 23.80 | 5,120 | 8.492 | .1202 | .004670 | 27-36 | 32.64 |
3 | 23.46 | 5,100 | 9.905 | .1032 | .004996 | 22-27 | 30.29 |
4 | 22.85 | 5,163 | 10.758 | .09489 | .005211 | 18-36 | 28.94 |
5 | 23.08 | 5,072 | 10.663 | .09575 | .005176 | 20-30 | 29.14 |
6 | 22.82 | 5,085 | 11.880 | .08584 | .005497 | 17-24 | 27.54 |
7 | 23.79 | 5,090 | 11.950 | .08368 | .005480 | 19-22 | 27.57 |
8 | 23.50 | 5,158 | 12.540 | .08141 | .005623 | 16-19 | 26.90 |
9 | 22.87 | 5,139 | 12.562 | .07375 | .005962 | 19-23 | 25.71 |
10 | 23.25 | 5,015 | 15.380 | .06641 | .006174 | 13-22 | 24.31 |
11 | 23.01 | 5,066 | 15.193 | .06720 | .006087 | 11-14 | 24.36 |
12 | 23.00 | 5,080 | 15.985 | .06375 | .006416 | 12-16 | 23.70 |
13 | 23.00 | 5,024 | 15.695 | .05463 | .006873 | 9-15 | 21.91 |
14 | 23.09 | 5,077 | 18.730 | .05454 | .006988 | 8-16 | 21.85 |
15 | 23.85 | 5,078 | 18.959 | .05274 | .006966 | 8-18 | 21.78 |
16 | 23.70 | 5,103 | 18.738 | .05449 | .007005 | 9-16 | 21.87 |
17 | 23.06 | 5,060 | 18.415 | .05545 | .006890 | 9-18 | 22.06 |
18 | 22.83 | 5,093 | 26.130 | .03907 | .008339 | 5-13 | 18.45 |
19 | 22.95 | 5,033 | 28.568 | .03570 | .008651 | 5-9 | 17.63 |
20 | 23.00 | 5,094 | 9.480 | .10772 | .005058 | 23-32 | 30.54 |
21 | 23.08 | 5,018 | 35.253 | .02893 | .009660 | 4-11 | 15.80 |
22 | 23.22 | 5,005 | 40.542 | .02515 | .010332 | 3-9 | 14.75 |
23 | 22.76 | 5,098 | 39.900 | .02554 | .010510 | 3-6 | 14.85 |
24 | 23.16 | 5,050 | 12.466 | .08189 | .005896 | 15-28 | 26.44 |
25 | 22.98 | 5,066 | 15.157 | .06737 | .006399 | 12-17 | 24.01 |
26 | 23.20 | 4,572 | 7.875 | .12980 | .004324 | 33-40 | 33.07 |
27 | 23.18 | 4,570 | 9.408 | .1085 | .004730 | 23-29 | 30.23 |
28 | 23.00 | 5,145 | 84.270 | .1211 | .01595 | 1-4 | 4.69 |
29 | 22.99 | 5,073 | 23.223 | .04393 | .008488 | 6-12 | 19.06 |
Mean of first 17 numbers in the last column = 61.120
Mean of last 6 numbers in the last column = 61.138
No. | p (cm. Hg) | |||||
1 | 75.80 | 22.52 | .01615 | 4.887 | 61.90 | 61.14 |
2 | 75.00 | 40.85 | .02933 | 4.981 | 62.82 | 61.26 |
3 | 73.71 | 44.88 | .03212 | 4.971 | 62.75 | 61.04 |
4 | 75.20 | 45.92 | .03288 | 5.001 | 63.00 | 61.24 |
5 | 73.25 | 46.85 | 0.3353 | 4.982 | 62.82 | 61.13 |
6 | 75.62 | 48.11 | .03437 | 4.991 | 62.82 | 61.07 |
7 | 75.10 | 48.44 | .03466 | 4.981 | 62.82 | 61.07 |
8 | 75.30 | 49.52 | .03544 | 5.016 | 63.12 | 61.23 |
9 | 75.00 | 51.73 | .03702 | 5.016 | 63.13 | 61.15 |
10 | 76.27 | 54.09 | .03871 | 5.010 | 63.08 | 61.02 |
11 | 73.90 | 55.52 | .03973 | 5.015 | 63.12 | 61.00 |
12 | 75.14 | 56.15 | .04018 | 5.028 | 63.24 | 61.10 |
13 | 76.06 | 59.94 | .04290 | 5.043 | 63.35 | 61.06 |
14 | 75.28 | 60.78 | .04348 | 5.064 | 63.53 | 61.21 |
15 | 75.24 | 61.03 | .04368 | 5.040 | 63.33 | 61.07 |
16 | 74.68 | 61.33 | .04390 | 5.065 | 63.54 | 61.21 |
17 | 73.47 | 61.69 | .04411 | 5.054 | 63.43 | 61.00 |
18 | 75.54 | 71.74 | .05134 | 5.098 | 63.82 | 61.08 |
19 | 75.87 | 74.77 | .05350 | 5.120 | 64.00 | 61.12 |
20 | 41.77 | 78.40 | .05612 | 5.145 | 64.22 | 61.23 |
21 | 74.32 | 85.08 | .06089 | 5.166 | 64.36 | 61.11 |
22 | 76.42 | 88.70 | .06350 | 5.168 | 64.40 | 61.01 |
23 | 75.40 | 89.35 | .06395 | 5.190 | 64.59 | 61.18 |
24 | 37.19 | 101.8 | .07283 | 5.269 | 65.64 | 61.35 |
25 | 38.95 | 107.2 | .07660 | 5.278 | 65.28 | 61.20 |
26 | 24.33 | 124.4 | .08892 | 5.379 | 66.06 | 61.31 |
27 | 25.37 | 130.4 | .09330 | 5.381 | 66.16 | 61.18 |
28 | 75.83 | 130.3 | .09322 | 5.379 | 66.14 | 61.16 |
29 | 33.47 | 156.8 | .1117 | 5.529 | 67.36 | 61.37 |
[Pg 110]
No. | Tem. °C | P.D. (Volts) |
cm./Sec. |
30 | 23.19 | 5,090 | 26.830 | .03801 | .009111 | 5-12 | 17.77 |
31 | 23.89 | 5,098 | 38.479 | .02649 | .011180 | 3-5 | 14.71 |
32 | 23.06 | 5,070 | 14.060 | .07246 | .006762 | 12-17 | 24.29 |
33 | 23.07 | 4,582 | 18.229 | .05601 | .006981 | 10-13 | 21.33 |
34 | 23.06 | 5,061 | 38.010 | .02682 | .011205 | 3-8 | 14.72 |
35 | 23.00 | 4,246 | 9.265 | .11032 | .004653 | 27-34 | 29.84 |
36 | 22.91 | 4,236 | 9.879 | .10340 | .004863 | 24-28 | 28.74 |
37 | 23.06 | 4,236 | 12.040 | .08496 | .005363 | 18-24 | 26.27 |
38 | 22.94 | 2,556 | 10.657 | .09581 | .003109 | 32-43 | 27.49 |
39 | 23.00 | 5,054 | 19.950 | .05115 | .008370 | 8-15 | 20.12 |
40 | 23.09 | 5,058 | 21.130 | .04830 | .008865 | 7-9 | 18.38 |
41 | 23.05 | 5,062 | 24.008 | .04254 | .009496 | 6-8 | 18.16 |
42 | 22.94 | 4,238 | 18.347 | .05564 | .007110 | 9-17 | 20.60 |
43 | 23.18 | 3,254 | 13.909 | .07340 | .004729 | 16-28 | 23.70 |
44 | 23.04 | 4,231 | 29.114 | .03503 | .009273 | 5-9 | 16.16 |
45 | 22.97 | 3,317 | 29.776 | .03425 | .007430 | 5-12 | 15.90 |
46 | 22.81 | 3,401 | 25.909 | .03937 | .007311 | 6-19 | 16.90 |
47 | 22.83 | 2,550 | 12.891 | .07921 | .003935 | 18-42 | 23.80 |
48 | 22.80 | 2,559 | 32.326 | .03150 | .006286 | 7-14 | 15.01 |
49 | 23.02 | 3,370 | 14.983 | .06815 | .011353 | 8-9 | 22.00 |
50 | 23.45 | 2,535 | 11.659 | .08757 | .003783 | 25-30 | 24.88 |
51 | 23.48 | 2,539 | 10.924 | .09346 | .003615 | 27-34 | 25.69 |
52 | 22.98 | 3,351 | 50.400 | .02021 | .010775 | 2-6 | 11.83 |
53 | 23.16 | 2,451 | 33.379 | .03055 | .006623 | 5-10 | 14.39 |
54 | 23.46 | 2,533 | 19.227 | .05347 | .005314 | 11-17 | 18.87 |
55 | 22.90 | 2,546 | 24.254 | .04206 | .006041 | 9-18 | 16.72 |
56 | 23.21 | 1,700 | 5.058 | .20256 | .001861 | 117-136 | 36.53 |
57 | 23.12 | 2,231 | 15.473 | .06599 | .004360 | 18-24 | 20.85 |
58 | 23.03 | 3,388.5 | 24.33 | .04196 | .008183 | 6-10 | 16.62 |
No. | p (cm. Hg) | |||||
30 | 35.18 | 160.2 | .1147 | 5.505 | 67.18 | 61.06 |
31 | 36.51 | 176.5 | .1263 | 5.621 | 68.12 | 61.06 |
32 | 21.12 | 195.0 | .1394 | 5.692 | 68.67 | 61.22 |
33 | 23.86 | 196.6 | .1405 | 5.687 | 68.64 | 61.13 |
34 | 34.01 | 199.8 | .1429 | 5.739 | 69.07 | 61.07 |
35 | 16.00 | 209.5 | .1499 | 5.739 | 69.07 | 61.07 |
36 | 15.67 | 222.0 | .1589 | 5.820 | 69.71 | 61.23 |
37 | 16.75 | 227.5 | .1625 | 5.821 | 69.72 | 61.03 |
38 | 14.70 | 247.5 | .1771 | 5.935 | 70.61 | 61.16 |
39 | 19.73 | 251.8 | .1802 | 5.910 | 70.41 | 60.79 |
40 | 18.54 | 278.3 | .1993 | 6.076 | 71.72 | 61.09 |
41 | 19.01 | 289.6 | .2073 | 6.110 | 72.03 | 60.97 |
42 | 15.72 | 308.8 | .2210 | 6.224 | 73.04 | 61.24 |
43 | 13.55 | 311.0 | .2227 | 6.214 | 72.83 | 60.95 |
44 | 17.17 | 360.6 | .2579 | 6.466 | 7477 | 61.00 |
45 | 17.27 | 364.2 | .2606 | 6.537 | 75.30 | 61.39 |
46 | 14.68 | 403.3 | .2886 | 6.719 | 76.71 | 61.30 |
47 | 9.70 | 432.8 | .3097 | 6.841 | 77.66 | 61.13 |
48 | 15.35 | 433.8 | .3104 | 6.866 | 77.85 | 61.28 |
49 | 10.10 | 448.8 | .3221 | 6.936 | 78.36 | 61.22 |
50 | 8.60 | 466.7 | .3340 | 6.978 | 78.67 | 60.85 |
51 | 8.26 | 470.7 | .3368 | 7.024 | 79.02 | 61.04 |
52 | 16.95 | 498.5 | .3568 | 7.210 | 80.40 | 61.36 |
53 | 12.61 | 551.3 | .3945 | 7.470 | 82.19 | 61.13 |
54 | 9.03 | 587.8 | .4112 | 7.661 | 83.73 | 61.18 |
55 | 10.11 | 591.5 | .4233 | 7.672 | 83.82 | 61.22 |
56 | 4.46 | 614.2 | .4396 | 7.777 | 84.57 | 61.11 |
57 | 7.74 | 619.7 | .4435 | 7.774 | 84.54 | 60.87 |
58 | 9.070 | 620.2 | .4439 | 7.810 | 84.63 | 61.14 |
Mean of all numbers in last column = 61.138
Mean of first 23 numbers = 61.120
[Pg 111]
They represent a thirty-fold variation in
(from .016, drop No. 1, to .444, drop No. 58), a seventeen-fold
variation in the pressure
(from 4.46 cm., drop No. 56, to 76.27
cm., drop No. 10), a twelvefold variation in
cm., drop No. 28, to
cm., drop No. 1), and a variation in
the number of free electrons carried by the drop from 1 on drop
No. 28 to 136 on drop No. 56.
Fig. 7
The experimental arrangements are shown in Fig. 7. The brass vessel
was built for work at all pressures up to 15 atmospheres, but
since the present observations have to do only with pressures from
76 cm. down, these were measured with a very carefully made mercury
, which at atmospheric pressure gave precisely the
[Pg 112]
same reading as a standard barometer. Complete stagnancy of the air
between the condenser plates
was attained, first,
by absorbing all of the heat rays from the arc
by means of a
water cell
, 80 cm. long, and a cupric chloride cell
, and,
secondly, by immersing the whole vessel
in a constant temperature
of gas-engine oil (40 liters), which permitted, in general,
fluctuations of not more than .02° C. during an observation. This
constant-temperature bath was found essential if such consistency of
measurement as is shown here was to be obtained. A long search for
causes of slight irregularity revealed nothing so important as this,
and after the bath was installed all of the irregularities vanished.
The atomizer
was blown by means of a puff of carefully dried and
dust-free air introduced through cock
. The air about the drop
was ionized when desired, or electrons discharged directly from the
drop, by means of Röntgen rays from X, which readily passed through the
glass window
. To the three windows
(two only are shown)
in the brass vessel
correspond, of course, three windows in the
ebonite strip
, which encircles the condenser plates
. Through the third of these windows, set at an angle of about
28° from the line
and in the same horizontal plane, the oil
drop is observed through a short-focus telescope having a scale in the
eyepiece to make possible the exact measurement of the speeds of the
In plotting the actual observations I have used the
reciprocal of the pressure in place of
, for the reason
is a theoretical quantity which is necessarily proportional
, while
is the quantity actually measured.
[Pg 113]
This amounts to writing the correction-term to Stokes’s
Law in the form
of in the form
the undetermined constant which is to be
evaluated, as was
before, by dividing the slope of our
line by its
Nevertheless, in view of the greater ease of visualization of
all the values of this quantity corresponding to
successive values of
are given in Table X. Fig. 5
shows the graph obtained by plotting the values of
for the first 51 drops of Table X, and
Fig. 6 shows the extension of this graph to twice as large values of
. It will be seen that there is not the
slightest indication of a departure from a linear relation between
up to the value
, which corresponds to a value of
of .4439 (see drop No. 58, Table X). Furthermore, the scale used in
the plotting is such that a point which is one division above or below
the line in Fig. 5 represents in the mean an error of 2 in 700. It
will be seen from Figs. 5 and 6 that there is but one drop in the 58
whose departure from the line amounts to as much as 0.3 per cent. It is
to be remarked, too, that this is not a selected group of drops, but
represents all of the drops experimented upon during 60 consecutive
days, during which time the apparatus was taken down several times
and set up anew. It is certain, then, that an equation of the form (15)
holds very accurately up to
. The last drop of
[Pg 114]
Fig. 6 seems to indicate the beginning of a departure from this linear
relationship. Since such departure has no bearing upon the evaluation
, discussion of it will not be entered into here, although it
is a matter of great interest for the molecular theory.
Attention may also be called to the completeness of the answers
furnished by Figs. 5 and 6
to the question raised in chap. IV as to
a possible dependence of the drag which the medium exerts on the
drop upon the amount of the latter’s charge; also, as to a possible
variation of the density of the drop with its radius. Thus drops Nos.
27 and 28 have practically identical values of , but
while No. 28 carries, during part of the time, but 1 unit of charge
(see Table X), drop No. 27 carries 29 times as much and it has about 7
times as large a diameter. Now, if the small drop were denser than the
large one, or if the drag of the medium upon the heavily charged drop
were greater than its drag upon the one lightly charged, then for both
these reasons drop No. 27 would move more slowly relatively to drop No.
28 than would otherwise be the case, and hence
for drop No.
27 would fall below
for drop No. 28. Instead of this the two
fall so nearly together that it is impossible to represent
them on the present scale by two separate dots. Drops Nos. 52 and 56
furnish an even more striking confirmation of the same conclusion, for
both drops have about the same value for
and both are
exactly on the line, though drop No. 56 carries at one time 68 times as
heavy a charge as drop No. 52 and has three times as large a radius. In
general, the fact that Figs. 5 and 6 show no tendency whatever on the
[Pg 115]
part of either the very small or the very large drops to fall above or
below the line is experimental proof of the joint correctness of the
assumptions of constancy of drop-density and independence of drag of
the medium on the charge on the drop.
The values of and
obtained graphically from
-intercept and the slope in Fig. 5 are
being measured, for
the purposes of Fig. 5 and of this computation in centimeters of Hg at
23° C. and
being measured in centimeters. The value of
equations 15 and 16 (p. 101) corresponding to this value of
Instead, however, of taking the result of this graphical evaluation
of , it is more accurate to reduce each of the observations on
by means of the foregoing value of
and the
The results of this reduction are contained in the last column of Table X.
These results illustrate very clearly the sort of consistency
obtained in these observations. The largest departure from the mean
value found anywhere in the table amounts to 0.5 per cent and “the
probable error” of the final mean value computed in the usual way is 16
in 61,000.
Instead, however, of using this final mean value as the most reliable
evaluation of , it was thought preferable to make a considerable
number of observations at atmospheric pressure on drops small enough to
determinable with great accuracy and yet large enough
so that the whole correction term to Stokes’s Law amounted to but a
[Pg 116]
small percentage, since in this case, even though there might be a
considerable error in the correction-term constant
, such error
would influence the final value of
by an inappreciable amount.
The first 23 drops of Table X represent such observations. It will be
seen that they show slightly greater consistency than do the remaining
drops in the table and that the correction-term reductions for these
drops all lie between 1.3 per cent (drop No. 1) and 5.6 per cent (drop
No. 23), so that even though
were in error by as much as 3 per
cent (its error is actually not more than 1.5 per cent),
be influenced by that fact to the extent of but 0.1 per cent. The mean
value of
obtained from the first 23 drops is
, a number which differs by 1 part in 3,400 from the
mean obtained from all the drops.
When correction is made for the fact that the numbers in Table X
were obtained on the basis of the assumption ,
instead of
(see Section II), which was the value of
chosen in 1913 when this work was first published, the
final mean value of
obtained from the first 23 drops
. This corresponds to
I have already indicated that as soon as is known it becomes
possible to find with the same precision which has been attained in its
determination the exact number of molecules in a given weight of any
substance, the absolute weight of any atom or molecule, the average
kinetic energy of agitation of an atom or molecule at any temperature,
[Pg 117]
and a considerable number of other important molecular and radioactive
constants. In addition, it has recently been found that practically all
of the important radiation constants like the wave-lengths of X-rays,
, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
, the Wien
, etc., depend for their most reliable evaluation
upon the value of
. In a word,
is increasingly coming to be
regarded, not only as the most fundamental of physical or chemical
constants, but also the one of most supreme importance for the solution
of the numerical problems of modern physics. It seemed worth while,
therefore, to drive the method herewith developed for its determination
to the limit of its possible precision. Accordingly, in 1914 I built a
new condenser having surfaces which were polished optically and made
flat to within two wave-lengths of sodium light. These were 22 cm. in
diameter and were separated by 3 pieces of echelon plates, 14.9174
mm. thick, and all having optically perfect plane-parallel surfaces.
The dimensions of the condenser, therefore, no longer introduced
an uncertainty of more than about 1 part in 10,000. The volts were
determined after each reading in terms of a Weston standard cell
and are uncertain by no more than 1 part in 3,000. The times were
obtained from an exceptionally fine printing chronograph built by
William Gaertner & Co. It is controlled by a standard astronomical
clock and prints directly the time to hundredths of a second. All the
other elements of the problem were looked to with a care which was the
outgrowth of five years of experience with measurements of this kind.
The present form of the apparatus is shown in diagram in Fig. 8, and in
Fig. 9 is shown a photograph taken before the enclosing oil tank had
been added.
Fig. 8—, atomizer through which the oil spray is blown into the
cylindrical vessel
oil tank to keep the temperature
, circular brass plates, electric field
produced by throwing om 10.009-volt battery
. Light from arc lamp
after heat rays are removed by passage through
enters chamber through glass window
and illuminates droplet
between plates
through the pinhole in
. Additional
ions are produced above
by X-rays from the bulb
[Pg 118]
Fig. 9
[Pg 119]
[Pg 120]
This work was concluded in August, 1916, and occupied the better part
of two years of time. The final table of results and the corresponding
graph are given in Table XI and in Fig. 10. The final value of
computed on the basis
is seen to
be now
instead of 61.085, or .07 per cent
higher than the value found in 1913. But Dr. Harrington’s new value
, namely, .00018226, is more reliable than the old
value and is lower than it by .07 per cent. Since
appears in
the first power in
, it will be seen that the new
value[54] of
, determined with new apparatus and with a completely
new determination of all the factors involved, comes out to the fourth
place exactly the same as the value published in 1913, namely,
The corresponding values of
are now .000617 and .863,
Since the value of the Faraday constant has now been fixed virtually by
international agreement[55] at 9,649.4 absolute electromagnetic units,
and since this is the number of molecules in a gram molecule
times the elementary electrical charge, we have
Although the probable error in this number computed by the method
of least squares from Table XI is but one part in 4,000, it would be
erroneous to infer that
are now known with that degree
of precision, for there are four constant factors entering into all
[Pg 121]
of the results in Table X and introducing uncertainties as follows:
The coefficient of viscosity
which appears in the ³⁄₂ power
introduces into
a maximum possible uncertainty of
less than 0.1 per cent, say 0.07 per cent. The cross-hair distance
which is uniformly duplicatable to one part in two thousand appears
in the ³⁄₂ power and introduces an uncertainty of no more than 0.07
per cent. All the other factors, such as the volts and the distance
between the condenser plates, introduce errors which are negligible
in comparison. The uncertainty in
is then that due to
two factors, each of which introduces a maximum possible uncertainty
of about 0.07 per cent. Following the usual procedure, we may estimate
the uncertainty in
as the square root of the sum of the
squares of these two uncertainties, that is, as about one part in 1000.
We have then:
Perhaps these numbers have little significance to the general reader who is familiar with no electrical units save those in which his monthly light bills are rendered. If these latter seem excessive, it may be cheering to reflect that the number of electrons contained in the quantity of electricity which courses every second through a common sixteen-candle-power electric-lamp filament, and for which we pay ¹⁄₁₀₀₀₀₀ of 1 cent, is so large that if all the two and one-half million inhabitants of Chicago were to begin to count out these electrons and were to keep on counting them out each at the rate of two a second, and if no one of them were ever to stop to eat, sleep, or die, it would take them just twenty thousand years to finish the task.
[Pg 122]
No. | Tem. °C | P.D. (Volts |
cm./Sec. |
1 | 23.07 | 6,650 | 16.50 | .6194 | 7-13 |
2 | 23.00 | 6,100 | 16.76 | .06099 | 8-11 |
3 | 23.05 | 5,308 | 19.73 | .5180 | 7-15 |
4 | 23.08 | 4,132 | 37.82 | .2703 | 4-6 |
5 | 23.06 | 4,661 | 40.09 | .02521 | 3-6 |
6 | 23.12 | 4,111 | 51.53 | .01983 | 3-4 |
7 | 23.08 | 5,299 | 51.48 | .01985 | 2-5 |
8 | 23.01 | 6,661 | 56.06 | .01823 | 2-3 |
9 | 23.00 | 6,082 | 59.14 | .01728 | 1-4 |
10 | 23.10 | 4,077 | 57.46 | .01779 | 3-8 |
11 | 23.13 | 4,663 | 16.58 | .06165 | 10-12 |
12 | 23.21 | 4,661 | 29.18 | .03502 | 5-7 |
13 | 22.98 | 4,687 | 18.81 | .05432 | 8-10 |
14 | 23.12 | 4,651 | 47.65 | .02145 | 2-7 |
15 | 23.10 | 4,658 | 32.72 | .03129 | 4-6 |
16 | 23.15 | 3,393 | 18.34 | .5572 | 12-16 |
17 | 23.12 | 4,669 | 46.82 | .02294 | 2-4 |
18 | 23.12 | 4,691 | 26.62 | .03819 | 5-7 |
19 | 23.10 | 3,339 | 14.10 | .07249 | 15-19 |
20 | 23.14 | 4,682 | 39.24 | .02605 | 3-5 |
21 | 23.14 | 3,350 | 18.30 | .05585 | 10-13 |
22 | 23.00 | 3,370 | 43.88 | .02329 | 3-6 |
23 | 23.00 | 3,370 | 43.88 | .02329 | 3-6 |
24 | 23.09 | 3,345 | 19.65 | .05201 | 9-12 |
25 | 23.15 | 3,344 | 26.76 | .03819 | 6-9 |
No. | p (cm. Hg) | |||||
1 | 23.40 | 74.49 | 57.45 | .04111 | 63.21 | 61.03 |
2 | 23.22 | 75.00 | 57.5 | .04115 | 63.204 | 61.03 |
3 | 21.34 | 74.49 | 63.0 | .04509 | 63.54 | 61.16 |
4 | 15.33 | 75.37 | 86.7 | .06205 | 64.27 | 60.97 |
5 | 14.84 | 75.00 | 90.6 | .06484 | 64.63 | 61.21 |
6 | 13.05 | 75.77 | 101.3 | .06502 | 65.02 | 61.19 |
7 | 13.05 | 74.98 | 102.4 | .07329 | 65.07 | 61.20 |
8 | 12.50 | 75.40 | 106.3 | .07608 | 65.13 | 61.11 |
9 | 12.17 | 75.04 | 109.7 | .07850 | 65.19 | 61.05 |
10 | 12.34 | 75.67 | 107.3 | .07680 | 65.21 | 61.16 |
11 | 22.72 | 29.26 | 150.6 | .1078 | 66.70 | 61.01 |
12 | 17.08 | 36.61 | 160.1 | .1146 | 67.12 | 61.07 |
13 | 21.26 | 30.27 | 155.6 | .1114 | 67.14 | 61.26 |
14 | 13.20 | 36.80 | 206.4 | .1477 | 68.90 | 61.11 |
15 | 15.92 | 31.25 | 200.7 | .1437 | 68.97 | 61.39 |
16 | 21.11 | 20.58 | 227.8 | .1630 | 69.88 | 61.27 |
17 | 13.12 | 29.10 | 262.4 | .1878 | 70.85 | 60.94 |
18 | 17.32 | 20.54 | 281.4 | .2014 | 71.60 | 60.98 |
19 | 23.00 | 13.24 | 321.4 | .2297 | 73.34 | 61.20 |
20 | 14.00 | 20.72 | 345.4 | .2472 | 74.27 | 61.22 |
21 | 20.47 | 13.62 | 359.1 | .2570 | 74.54 | 60.97 |
22 | 13.17 | 20.47 | 371.5 | .2659 | 75.00 | 60.97 |
23 | 12.69 | 20.74 | 380.6 | .2724 | 75.62 | 61.24 |
24 | 19.65 | 13.12 | 388.5 | .2781 | 75.92 | 61.24 |
25 | 16.57 | 13.80 | 438.3 | .3137 | 77.94 | 61.18 |
Mean = 61.126.
[Pg 123]
Fig. 10
[Pg 124]
Let us now review, with Figs. 5 and 10 before us, the essential
elements in the measurement of . We discover, first, that
electricity is atomic, and we measure the electron in terms of a
characteristic speed for each droplet. To reduce these speed units
to electrical terms, and thus obtain an absolute value of
it is necessary to know how in a given medium and in a given field
the speed due to a given charge on a drop is related to the size of
the drop. This we know accurately from Stokes’s theory and Arnold’s
experiments when the holes in the medium, that is, when the values
are negligibly small, but when
is large we know nothing about it. Consequently there is but
one possible way to evaluate e, namely, to find experimentally
how the apparent value of
, namely,
, varies with
, and from the graph of this
relation to find what value
, approaches as
approaches zero. So as to get a linear
relation we find by analysis that we must plot
instead of
We then get
from the intercept of an experimentally determined
straight line on the
-axis of our diagram. This whole procedure
amounts simply to reducing our drop-velocities to what they would be if
the pressure were so large or
so small that the holes
in the medium were all closed up. For this case and for this case
alone we know both from Stokes’s and Arnold’s work exactly the law of
motion of the droplet.
[Pg 125]
Up to the year 1908 the only experiments which threw any light whatever
upon the question as to what the act of ionization of a gas consists
in were those performed by Townsend[56] in 1900. He had concluded from
the theory given on p. 34 and from his measurements on the diffusion
coefficients and the mobilities of gaseous ions that both positive
and negative ions in gases carry unit charges. This conclusion
was drawn from the fact that the value of in the equation
came out about
as it does in the electrolysis of hydrogen.
In 1908, however, Townsend[57] devised a method of measuring directly
the ratio and revised his original conclusions.
His method consisted essentially in driving ions by means of an
electric field from the region between two plates
(Fig. 11), where they had been produced by the direct action of X-rays,
through the gauze in
, and observing what fraction of these ions
was driven by a field established between the plates
the central disk
and what fraction drifted by virtue of diffusion
to the guard-ring
[Pg 126]
By this method Townsend found that for the negative ions was
, but for the positive ions it was
. From these results the conclusion was drawn
that in X-ray ionization all of the positive ions are bivalent, i.e.,
presumably, that the act of ionization by X-rays consists in the
detachment from a neutral molecule of two elementary electrical charges.
Fig. 11
Townsend accounted for the fact that his early experiments had not
shown this high value of for the positive ions by the assumption
that by the time the doubly charged positive ions in these experiments
had reached the tubes in which
was measured, most of them had
become singly charged through drawing to themselves the singly charged
negative ions with which they were mixed. This hypothesis found some
justification in the fact that in the early experiments the mean value
for the positive ions had indeed come out some 15 or 20 per
cent higher than
—a discrepancy which had
at first been regarded as attributable to experimental errors, and
which in fact might well be attributed to such errors in view of the
discordance between the observations on different gases.
Franck and Westphal,[58] however, in 1909 redetermined by a
slight modification of Townsend’s original method, measuring both
independently, and not only found, when the positive
[Pg 127]
and negative ions are separated by means of an electric field so as to
render impossible such recombination as Townsend suggested, that
was of exactly the same value as when they were not so separated, but
also that
for the positive ions produced by X-rays was but
instead of
. Since this was
in fair agreement with Townsend’s original mean, the authors concluded
that only a small fraction—about 9 per cent—of the positive ions
formed by X-rays are doubles, or other multiples, and the rest singles.
In their experiments on the ionization produced by
-rays, and
-rays, they found no evidence for the
existence of doubly charged ions.
In summarizing, then, the work of these observers it could only be said that, although both Townsend and Franck and Westphal drew the conclusion that doubly charged ions exist in gases ionized by X-rays, there were such contradictions and uncertainties in their work as to leave the question unsettled. In gases ionized by other agencies than X-rays no one had yet found any evidence for the existence of ions carrying more than a single charge, except in the case of spark discharges from condensers. The spectra of these sparks revealed certain lines called enhanced lines which were thought to be due to doubly ionized atoms. Whether, however, these multiple charges were produced by a single ionizing act or by successive acts was completely unknown.
The oil-drop method is capable of furnishing a direct and unmistakable answer to the question as to whether the act of ionization of a gas by X-rays or other agencies consists in the detachment of one, of [Pg 128] several, or of many electrons from a single neutral molecule. For it makes it possible to catch the residue of such a molecule practically at the instant at which it is ionized and to count directly the number of charges carried by that residue. The initial evidence obtained from this method seemed to favor the view that the act of ionization may consist in the detachment of quite a number of electrons from a single molecule, for it was not infrequently observed that a balanced oil drop would remain for several seconds unchanged in charge while X-rays were passing between the plates, and would then suddenly assume a speed which corresponded to a change of quite a number of electrons in its charge.
It was of course recognized from the first, however, that it is very difficult to distinguish between the practically simultaneous advent upon a drop of two or three separate ions and the advent of a doubly or trebly charged ion, but a consideration of the frequency with which ions were being caught in the experiments under consideration, a change occurring only once in, say, 10 seconds, seemed at first to render it improbable that the few double, or treble, or quadruple catches observed when the field was on could represent the simultaneous advent of separate ions. It was obvious, however, that the question could be conclusively settled by working with smaller and smaller drops. For the proportion of double or treble to single catches made in a field of strength between 1,000 and 6,000 volts per centimeter should be independent of the size of the drops if the doubles are due to the advent of doubly charged ions, while this proportion should decrease with the square of the radius of the drop if the doubles are due to [Pg 129] the simultaneous capture of separate ions.
Accordingly, Mr. Harvey Fletcher and the author,[59] suspended, by
the method detailed in the preceding chapter, a very small positively
charged drop, in the upper part of the field between and
(Fig. 12), adjusting either the charge upon the drop or the field
strength until the drop was nearly balanced. We then produced beneath
the drop a sheet of X-ray ionization.
Fig. 12
With the arrangement shown in the figure, in which and
the plates of the condenser previously described, and
are thick lead screens, the positive ions are thrown, practically at
the instant of formation, to the upper plate. When one of them strikes
the drop it increases the positive charge upon it, and the amount
of the charge added by the ion to the drop can be computed from the
observed change in the speed of the drop.
For the sake of convenience in the measurement of successive speeds a scale containing 70 equal divisions was placed in the eyepiece of the observing cathetometer telescope, which in these experiments produced a magnification of about 15 diameters. The method of procedure was, [Pg 130] in general, first, to get the drop nearly balanced by shaking off its initial charge by holding a little radium near the observing chamber, then, with a switch, to throw on the X-rays until a sudden start in the drop revealed the fact that an ion had been caught, then to throw off the rays and take the time required for it to move over 10 divisions, then to throw on the rays until another sudden quickening in speed indicated the capture of another ion, then to measure this speed and to proceed in this way without throwing off the field at all until the drop got too close to the upper plate, when the rays were thrown off and the drop allowed to fall under gravity to the desired distance from the upper plate. In order to remove the excess of positive charge which the drop now had because of its recent captures, some radium was brought near the chamber and the field thrown off for a small fraction of a second. As explained in preceding chapters, ions are caught by the drop many times more rapidly when the field is off than when it is on. Hence it was in general an easy matter to bring the positively charged drop back to its balanced condition, or indeed to any one of the small number of working speeds which it was capable of having, and then to repeat the series of catches described above. In this way we kept the same drop under observation for hours at a time, and in one instance we recorded 100 successive captures of ions by a given drop, and determined in each case whether the ion captured carried a single or a multiple charge.
The process of making this determination is exceedingly simple and very
reliable. For, since electricity is atomic in structure, there are
[Pg 131]
only, for example, three possible speeds which a drop can have when it
carries 1, 2, or 3 elementary charges, and it is a perfectly simple
matter to adjust conditions so that these speeds are of such different
values that each one can be recognized unfailingly even without a
stop-watch measurement. Indeed, the fact that electricity is atomic is
in no way more beautifully shown than by the way in which, as reflected
in Table XII, these relatively few possible working speeds recur. After
all the possible speeds have been located it is only necessary to see
whether one of them is ever skipped in the capture of a new ion in
order to know whether or not that ion was a double. Table XII represents
the results of experiments made with very hard X-rays produced by means
of a powerful 12-inch Scheidel coil, a mercury-jet interrupter, and
a Scheidel tube whose equivalent spark-length was about 5 inches. No
attempt was made in these experiments to make precise determinations of
speed, since a high degree of accuracy of measurement was not necessary
for the purpose for which the investigation was undertaken. Table XII is
a good illustration of the character of the observations. The time of
the fall under gravity recorded in the column headed “” varies
slightly, both because of observational errors and because of Brownian
movements. Under the column headed “
” are recorded the various
observed values of the times of rise through 10 divisions of the
scale in the eyepiece. A star (*) after an observation in this column
signifies that the drop was moving with gravity instead of against it.
The procedure was in general to start with the drop either altogether
neutral (so that it fell when the field was on with the same speed as
[Pg 132]
when the field was off), or having one single positive charge, and then
to throw on positive charges until its speed came to the 6.0 second
value, then to make it neutral again with the aid of radium, and to
begin over again.
Plate Distance 1.6 cm. Distance of Fall .0975 cm. Volts 1,015.
Temperature 230 C. Radius of Drop .000063 cm.
No. of Charges on drop |
No. of charges on Ion Caught |
No. of Charges on drop |
No. of charges on Ion Caught |
19.0 | 100.0 | 1 P | 20.0 | 10.0* | 1 N | ||
16.0 | 2 P | 1 P | 20.0* | 0 | 1 P | ||
8.0 | 3 P | 1 P | 100.0 | 1 P | 1 P | ||
20.0* | 0 | 1 P | |||||
20.0 | 16.0 | 2 P | 1 P | 100.0 | 1 P | 1 P | |
8.0 | 3 P | 16.0 | 2 P | 1 P | |||
100.0 | 1 P | ||||||
17.0 | 2 P | 1 P | 104.0 | 1 P | |||
8.2 | 3 P | 1 P | 15.0 | 2 P | 1 P | ||
6.0 | 4 P | 1 P | 9.0 | 3 P | 1 P | ||
6.0 | 4 P | ||||||
7.0* | 2 N | ||||||
9.8* | 1 N | 1 P | 6.5* | 2 N | |||
7.0* | 2 N | 10.0* | 1 N | 1 P | |||
20.0* | 0 | 1 P | |||||
21.0 | 20.0* | 0 | 100.0 | 1 P | 1 P | ||
95.0 | 1 P | 1 P | 15.5 | 2 P | 1 P | ||
16.5 | 2 P | 1 P | 8.0 | 3 P | 1 P | ||
8.0 | 3.P | 1 P | 8.0 | 3 P | 1 P | ||
6.0 | 4 P | ||||||
100.0 | 1 P | 16.5 | 2 P | ||||
16.0 | 2 P | 1 P | |||||
8.4 | 3 P | 20.0* | 0 | ||||
20.0 | 106.0 | 1 P | 16.5 | 2 P | |||
16.0 | 2 P | 1 P | |||||
8.4 | 3 P | 5.7 | 4 P | ||||
10.0* | 1 N | 100.0 | 1 P | ||||
20.0* | 0 | 1 P | 20.0* | 0 | 1 N | ||
100.0 | 1 P | 1 P | 10.0* | 1 N | 1 N | ||
16.0 | 2 P | 10.0* | 1 N | 1 N | |||
100.0 | 1 P | 1 P | |||||
16.0 | 2 P | 1 P | |||||
8.0 | 3 P |
44 catches, all singles
[Pg 133]
It will be seen from Table XII that in 4 cases out of 44 we caught negatives, although it would appear from the arrangement shown in Fig. 12 that we could catch only positives. These negatives are doubtless due to secondary rays which radiate in all directions from the air molecules when these are subjected to the primary X-ray radiation.
Toward the end of Table XII is an interesting series of catches. At the
beginning of this series, the drop was charged with 2 negatives which
produced a speed in the direction of gravity of 6.5 seconds. It caught
in succession 6 single positives before the field was thrown off. The
corresponding times were 6.5*, 10*, 20*, 100, 15.5, 8.0, 6.0. The mean
time during which the X-rays had to be on in order to produce a “catch”
was in these experiments about six seconds, though in some instances it
was as much as a minute. The majority of the times recorded in column
were actually measured with a stop watch as recorded, but
since there could be no possibility of mistaking the 100-second speed,
it was observed only four or five times. It will be seen from Table XII
that out of 44 catches of ions produced by very hard X-rays there is
not a single double. As a result of observing from 500 to 1,000 catches
in the manner illustrated in Table XII, we came to the conclusion that,
although we had entered upon the investigation with the expectation
of proving the existence of valency in gaseous ionization, we
had instead obtained direct, unmistakable evidence that the act of
ionization of air molecules by both primary and secondary X-rays
[Pg 134]
of widely varying degrees of hardness, as well as by
- and
-rays, uniformly consists, under all the conditions which we
were able to investigate, in the detachment from a neutral molecule of
one single elementary electrical charge.
Although Townsend and Franck and Westphal dissented from the foregoing
conclusion, all the evidence which has appeared since has tended to
confirm it. Thus Salles,[60] using a new method due to Langevin of
measuring directly the ratio of the mobility
to the diffusion coefficient, concluded that when the ionization is
produced by
-rays there are no ions bearing multiple charges.
Again, the very remarkable photographs (see plate opposite p. 190)
taken by C. T. R. Wilson in the Cavendish Laboratory of the tracks
made by the passage of X-rays through gases show no indication of a
larger number of negatively than of positively charged droplets. Such
an excess is to be expected if the act of ionization ever consists in
these experiments in the detachment of two or more negative electrons
from a neutral molecule. Further, if the initial act of ionization by
X-rays ever consists in the ejection of two or more corpuscles from a
single atom, there should appear in these Wilson photographs a rosette
consisting of a group of zigzag lines starting from a common point. A
glance at the plate opposite p. 192 shows that this is not the case,
each zigzag line having its own individual starting-point.
[Pg 135]
There are two other types of experiments which throw light on this question.
When in the droplet experiments the X-rays are allowed to fall directly upon the droplet, we have seen that they detach negative electrons from it, and if the gas is at so low a pressure that there is very little chance of the capture of ions by the droplet, practically all of its changes in charge have this cause. Changes produced under these conditions appear, so far as I have yet been able to discover, to be uniformly unit changes. Also, when the changes are produced by the incidence on the droplet of ultra-violet light, so far as the experiments which have been carried out by myself or my pupils go, they usually, though not always, have appeared to correspond to the loss of one single electron. The same seems to have been true in the experiments reported by A. Joffé,[61] who has given this subject careful study.
Meyer and Gerlach,[62] it is true, seem very often to observe changes corresponding to the simultaneous loss of several electrons. It is to be noted, however, that their drops are generally quite heavily charged, carrying from 10 to 30 electrons. Under such conditions the loss of a single electron makes but a minute change in speed, and is therefore likely not only to be unnoticed, but to be almost impossible to detect until the change has become more pronounced through the loss of several electrons. This question, then, can be studied reliably only when the field is powerful enough to hold the droplet balanced with only one or two free electrons upon it. Experiments made under such conditions with my apparatus by both Derieux[63] and [Pg 136] Kelly[64] show quite conclusively that the act of photo-emission under the influence of ultra-violet light consists in the ejection of a single electron at each emission.
Table XIII contains one series of observations of this sort taken with
my apparatus by Mr. P. I. Pierson. The first column gives the volts
applied to the plates of the condenser shown in Fig. 7, p. 111. These
were made variable so that the drop might always be pulled up with a
slow speed even though its positive charge were continually increasing.
The second and third columns give the times required to move 1 cm.
under gravity and under the field respectively. The fourth column
gives the time intervals required for the drop to experience a change
in charge under the influence of a constant source of ultra-violet
light—a quartz mercury lamp. The fifth column gives the total charge
carried by the drop computed from equation (12), p. 91. The sixth
column shows the change in charge computed from equation (10), p. 70.
This is seen to be as nearly a constant as could be expected in view
of Brownian movements and the inexact measurements of volts and times.
The mean value of is seen to be
, which
yields with the aid of equation (16), p. 101, after the value of
found for oil drops has been inserted,
which is in better agreement with the result obtained with oil drops
than we had any right to expect. In these experiments the light was
weak so that the changes come only after an average interval of 29
seconds and it will be seen that they are all unit changes.
Volts | Drop No. 1 |
Sec. per Cm. |
Time Interval between Discharges in Seconds |
Charge in |
No. Electrons Emitted |
2.260 | 11.0 | - 1200} | {49.4} | |||
3.070 | 11.0 | + 32.8} | {50.5} | |||
11 | 4.4 | 1 | ||||
1.960 | + 194 | 54.4 | ||||
12.8 | ||||||
1.960 | + 190 | 60.8 | 6.4 | 1 | ||
23 | ||||||
1.820 | 11.2 | + 220 | 65.0 | 4.2 | 1 | |
40.0 | ||||||
1.690 | + 230 | 69.8 | 4.8 | 1 | ||
15.2 | ||||||
1.550 | + 332 | 75.1 | 5.3 | 1 | ||
3.040 | Drop No. 2 10.4 |
+ 98 | 43.5 | |||
5.6 | ||||||
2.540 | + 200 | 49.4 | 5.9 | 1 | ||
18.6 | ||||||
2.230 | + 300 | 55.2 | 5.8 | 1 | ||
35.0 | ||||||
2.230 | + 76 | 60.7 | 5.5 | 1 | ||
42.0 | ||||||
1.930 | + 200 | 65.0 | 4.3 | 1 | ||
54 | ||||||
1.810 | + 176 | 69.6 | 4.6 | 1 | ||
70 | ||||||
1.650 | + 250 | 75.2 | 5.6 | 1 | ||
45 | ||||||
1.520 | + 500 | 79.4 | 4.2 | 1 | ||
9.8 | ||||||
1.520 | + 119 | 85.1 | 5.5 | 1 | ||
Mean | 29 | Mean | 5.1 |
So long, then, as we are considering the ionization of neutral atoms through the absorption of an ether wave of any kind, the evidence [Pg 137] at present available indicates that the act always consists in the detachment from the atom of one single negative electron, the energy with which this electron is ejected from the atom depending, as we [Pg 138] shall see in chap. X, in a very definite and simple way upon the frequency of the ether wave which ejects it.
When the ionization is due to the passage of -rays through
matter, the evidence of the oil-drop experiments as well as that of C.
T. R. Wilson’s experiments (see chap. IX) on the photographing of the
tracks of the
-rays is that here, too, the act consists in the
detachment of one single electron from a single atom. This experimental
result is easy to understand in the case of the
-rays, when it
is remembered that Wilson’s photographs prove directly the fact, long
known from other types of evidence, that a
-ray, in general,
ionizes but a very minute fraction of the number of atoms through
which it shoots before its energy is expended. If, then, its chance,
in shooting through an atom, of coming near enough to one of the
electronic constituents of that atom to knock it out is only one in one
thousand, or one in one million, then its chance of getting near enough
to two electronic constituents of the same atom to knock them both out
is likely to be negligibly small. The argument here rests, however, on
the assumption that the electrons within the atom are independent of
one another, which is not necessarily the case, so that the matter must
be decided after all solely by experiment.
The difference between the act of ionization when produced by a
-ray and when produced by an ether wave seems, then, to
consist wholly in the difference in the energy with which the two
agencies hurl the electron from its mother atom. Wilson’s photographs
show that
-rays do not eject electrons from atoms with
appreciable speeds, while ether waves may eject them with tremendous
[Pg 139]
energy. Some of Wilson’s photographs showing the effect of passing
X-rays through air are shown in the most interesting plate opposite
p. 190. The original X-rays have ejected electrons with great speeds
from a certain few of the atoms of the gas, and it is the tracks of
these electrons as they shoot through the atoms of the gas, ionizing
here and there as they go, which constitute the wiggly lines shown in
the photograph. Most of the ionization, then, which is produced by
X-rays is a secondary effect due to the negative electrons, i.e., the
-rays which the X-rays eject. If these
-rays could in
turn eject electrons with ionizing speeds, each of the dots in one of
-ray tracks would be the starting-point of a new wiggly
line like the original one. But such is not the case. We may think,
then, of the
-rays as simply shaking loose electronic dust
from some of the atoms through which they pass while we think of the
X-rays as taking hold in some way of the negative electrons within an
atom and hurling them out with enormous energy.
But what happens to the electronic constituents of an atom when an
-particle, that is, a helium atom, shoots through it?
Some of Bragg’s experiments and Wilson’s photographs show that the
-particles shoot in straight lines through from 3 to 7 cm.
of air before they are brought to rest. We must conclude, then, that
an atom has so loose a structure that another atom, if endowed
with enough speed, can shoot straight through it without doing
anything more than, in some instances, to shake off from that atom an
[Pg 140]
electron or two. The tracks shown in Figs. 14 and 15, facing p. 190,
are Wilson’s photographs of the tracks of the
of radium. They ionize so many of the atoms through which they pass
that the individual droplets of water which form about the ions
produced along the path of the ray, and which are the objects really
photographed, are not distinguishable as individuals. The sharp
changes in the direction of the ray toward the end of the path are
convincing evidence that the
-particle actually goes through
the atoms instead of pushing them aside as does a bullet. For if one
solar system, for example, endowed with a stupendous speed, were to
shoot straight through another similar system, but without an actual
impact of their central bodies, the deflection from its straight path
which the first system experienced might be negligibly small if its
speed were high enough, and that for the simple reason that the two
systems would not be in each other’s vicinity long enough to produce
a deflecting effect. In technical terms the time integral of the
force would be negligibly small. The slower the speed, however, the
longer this time, and hence the greater the deflection. Thus it is
only when the
-particle shown in Fig. 15 has lost most of
its velocity—i.e., it is only toward the end of its path—that the
nuclei of the atoms through which it passes are able to deflect it
from its straight path. If it pushed the molecules aside as a bullet
does, instead of going through them, the resistance to its motion would
be greatest when the speed is highest. Now, the facts are just the
opposite of this. The
-particle ionizes several times more
violently toward the end of its path than toward the beginning, and
it therefore loses energy more rapidly when it is going slowly than
[Pg 141]
when it is going rapidly. Further, it is deflected more readily, then,
as the photograph shows. All of this is just as it should be if the
-particle shoots straight through the molecules in its path
instead of pushing them aside.
These photographs of Wilson’s are then the most convincing evidence
that we have that the atom is a sort of miniature stellar system with
constituents which are unquestionably just as minute with respect
to the total volume occupied by the atom as are the sun and planets
and other constituents of the solar system with respect to the whole
volume inclosed within the confines of this system. When two molecules
of a gas are going as slowly as they are in the ordinary motion of
thermal agitation, say a mile a second, when their centers come to
within a certain distance—about 0.2 . (millionths of a
millimeter)—they repel one another and so the two systems do not
interpenetrate. This is the case of an ordinary molecular collision.
But endow one of these molecules with a large enough energy and it
will shoot right through the other, sometimes doubtless without
so much as knocking out a single electron. This is the case of an
-particle shooting through air
But the question to which we are here seeking an answer is, does an
individual -particle ever knock more than one electron from
a single atom or molecule through which it passes, so as to leave
that atom doubly or trebly charged? The oil-drop method used at low
pressures[65] has given a very definite answer to this question. In
no gas or vapor except helium, which we have as yet tried, is them any
certain evidence that an individual
-ray in shooting through
[Pg 142]
an atom is able to remove from that atom more than one single electron
at a time.
The foregoing result has been obtained by shooting the -rays
from polonium through a rarefied gas in an oil-drop apparatus of
the type sketched in Fig. 12, catching upon a balanced oil drop the
positively charged residue of one of the atoms thus ionized, and
counting, by the change in speed imparted to the droplet, the number of
electrons which were detached from the captured atom by the passage of
-ray through or near it.[66]
This mode of experimenting extended to helium, however, has yielded
the most interesting result[67] that every sixth one on the average of
all the passages, or “shots,” which detached any electrons at all from
the helium atom detached both of the two electrons which the neutral
helium atom possesses. Since some of the ionization produced along
the path of an -ray is probably due to slow-speed secondary
-rays produced by the
-ray, it is probable that the
fraction of the actual passages through helium atoms of
themselves which detach both electrons is greater than the foregoing
one in six. It has been estimated by Fowler at as high as three in four.
The foregoing experimental result of one in six was obtained only at
the very end of the range of the -rays where they have their
maximum ionizing power. When these rays were near the beginning of
their range, and therefore were moving much more rapidly, the fraction
of the number of double catches to total catches was only about half
as much, i.e., the chance of getting both electrons at a single
[Pg 143]
shot is much smaller with a high-speed bullet than with a slow-speed
one. This is to be expected if the two electrons are independent of
each other, i.e., if the removal of one does not carry the other out
with it.
The foregoing is, I think, the only experiment which has yet been devised in which the act of ionization is isolated and studied as an individual thing.
Since 1913, however, very definite evidence has come in from two
different sources that multiply-valent. ions are often produced in
discharge tubes. The most unambiguous proof of this result has been
furnished by the spectroscope. Indeed, Mr. Bowen and the author have
recently found with great definiteness that high-voltage vacuum
sparks give rise to spectral lines which are due to singly-, doubly-,
trebly-, quadruply-, and quintuply- charged atoms of the elements
from lithium to nitrogen, and even to sextuply-charged ones in the
case of sulphur.[68] In view of the foregoing studies with X-rays,
-rays, and
-rays, it is probable that these
spectroscopically discovered multiply-charged ions are produced by
successive ionizations such as might be expected to take place in a
region carrying a very dense electron current, such as must exist in
our “hot-sparks.”
Again, J. J. Thomson has brought forward evidence[69] that the positive residues of atoms which shoot through discharge tubes in a direction opposite to that of the cathode rays have suffered multiple ionization. Indeed, he thinks he has evidence that the act of ionization of atoms of mercury consists either in the detachment of one negative electron or else in the detachment of eight. His evidence for the existence [Pg 144] in the case of mercury of multiple charges from one up to eight is certainly very convincing, and it is possible, also, that under his conditions the act of ionization itself may consist in the detachment either of one or of eight electrons as he suggests. Further evidence upon this point must be sought.
The results of the studies reviewed in this chapter may be summarized thus:
1. The act of ionization by -rays seems to consist in the
shaking off without any appreciable energy of one single electron from
an occasional molecule through which the
-ray passes. The
faster the
-ray the less frequently does it ionize.
2. The act of ionization by ether waves, i.e., by X-rays or light, seems to consist in the hurling out with an energy which may be very large, but which depends upon the frequency of the incident ether wave, of one single electron from an occasional molecule over which this wave passes.
3. The act of ionization by rapidly moving -particles
consists generally in the shaking loose of one single electron from
the atom through which it passes, though in the case of helium, two
electrons are certainly sometimes removed at once. It may be, too, that
a very slow-moving positive ray, such as J. J. Thomson used, may detach
several electrons from a single atom.
[Pg 145]
In 1827 the English botanist, Robert Brown, first made mention of the
fact that minute particles of dead matter in suspension in liquids
can be seen in a high-power microscope to be endowed with irregular
wiggling motions which strongly suggest “life.”[70] Although this
phenomenon was studied by numerous observers and became known as the
phenomenon of the Brownian movements, it remained wholly unexplained
for just fifty years. The first man to suggest that these motions were
due to the continual bombardment to which these particles are subjected
because of the motion of thermal agitation of the molecules of the
surrounding medium was the Belgian Carbonelle, whose work was first
published by his collaborator, Thirion, in 1880,[71] although three
years earlier Delsaulx[72] had given expression to views of this sort
but had credited Carbonelle with priority in adopting them. In 1881
Bodoszewski[73] studied the Brownian movements of smoke particles and
other suspensions in air and saw in them “an approximate image of the
movements of the gas molecules as postulated by the kinetic theory of
gases.” Others, notably Gouy,[74] urged during the next twenty years
[Pg 146]
the same interpretation, but it was not until 1905 that a way was found
to subject the hypothesis to a quantitative test. Such a test became
possible through the brilliant theoretical work of Einstein[75] of
Bern, Switzerland, who, starting merely with the assumption that the
mean kinetic energy of agitation of a particle suspended in a fluid
medium must be the same as the mean kinetic energy of agitation of
a gas molecule at the same temperature, developed by unimpeachable
analysis an expression for the mean distance through which such a
particle should drift in a given time through a given medium because of
this motion of agitation. This distance could be directly observed and
compared with the theoretical value. Thus, suppose one of the wiggling
particles is observed in a microscope and its position noted on a scale
in the eyepiece at a particular instant, then noted again at the end of
(for example, 10) seconds, and the displacement
in that time along one particular axis recorded. Suppose a large number
of such displacements
in intervals all of length
are observed, each one of them squared, and the mean of these squares
taken and denoted by
: Einstein showed that
the theoretical value of
should be
in which
is the universal gas constant per gram molecule, namely,
the temperature on the absolute scale,
the number of molecules
in one gram molecule, and
a resistance factor depending upon
[Pg 147]
the viscosity of the medium and the size of the drop, and representing
the ratio between the force applied to the particle in any way and the
velocity produced by that force. If Stokes’s Law, namely,
, held for the motion of the particle
through the medium, then
would have the value
, so that Einstein’s formula would become
This was the form which Einstein originally gave to his equation, a
very simple derivation of which has been given by Langevin.[76] The
essential elements of this derivation will be found in Appendix C.
The first careful test of this equation was made on suspensions in
liquids by Perrin,[77] who used it for finding the number
of molecules in a gram molecule. He obtained the mean value
, which, in view of the uncertainties in the
measurement of both
, may be
considered as proving the correctness of Einstein’s equation within the
limits of error of Perrin’s measurements, which differ among themselves
by as much as 30 per cent.
Up to 1909 there had been no quantitative work whatever on Brownian
movements in gases. Bodoszewski had described them fully and
interpreted them correctly in 1881. In 1906 Smoluchowski[78] had
[Pg 148]
computed how large the mean displacements in air for particles of
radius ought to be, and in 1907 Ehrenhaft[79] had
recorded displacements of the computed order with particles the sizes
of which he made, however, no attempt to measure, so that he knew
nothing at all about the resistance factor
. There was then
nothing essentially quantitative about this work.
In March, 1908, De Broglie, in Paris,[80] made the following
significant advance. He drew the metallic dust arising from the
condensation of the vapors coming from an electric arc or spark
between metal electrodes (a phenomenon discovered by Hemsalech and
De Watteville[81]) into a glass box and looked down into it through
a microscope upon the particles rendered visible by a beam of light
passing horizontally through the box and illuminating thus the Brownian
particles in the focal plane of the objective. His addition consisted
in placing two parallel metal plates in vertical planes, one on either
side of the particles, and in noting that upon applying a potential
difference to these plates some of the particles moved under the
influence of the field toward one plate, some remained at rest, while
others moved toward the other plate, thus showing that a part of these
particles were positively electrically charged and a part negatively.
In this paper he promised a study of the charges on these particles.
In May, 1909, in fulfilling this promise[82] he made the first
[Pg 149]
quantitative study of Brownian movements in gases. The particles used
were minute droplets of water condensed upon tobacco smoke. The average
rate at which these droplets moved in Broglie’s horizontal electric
field was determined. The equation for this motion was
The mean
was next measured for a great
many particles and introduced into Einstein’s equation:
From these two equations
was eliminated and
in terms of
. Introducing Perrin’s value of
, De Broglie
obtained from one series of measurements
from another series on larger particles he got a mean value several
times larger—a result which he interpreted as indicating multiple
charges on the larger particles. Although these results represent
merely mean values for many drops which are not necessarily all alike,
either in radius or charge, yet they may be considered as the first
experimental evidence that Einstein’s equation holds approximately,
in gases, and they are the more significant because nothing has to
be assumed about the size of the particles, if they are all alike in
charge and radius, or about the validity of Stokes’s Law in gases, the
-factor being eliminated.
[Pg 150]
The development of the oil-drop method made it possible to subject the Brownian-movement theory to a more accurate and convincing experimental test than had heretofore been attainable, and that for the following reasons:
1. It made it possible to hold, with the aid of the vertical electrical field, one particular particle under observation for hours at a time and to measure as many displacements as desired on it alone instead of assuming the identity of a great number of particles, as had been done in the case of suspensions in liquids and in De Broglie’s experiments in gases.
2. Liquids are very much less suited than are gases to convincing tests of any kinetic hypothesis, for the reason that prior to Brownian-movement work we had no satisfactory kinetic theory of liquids at all.
3. The absolute amounts of the displacements of a given particle in air are 8 times greater and in hydrogen 15 times greater than in water.
4. By reducing the pressure to low values the displacements can easily be made from 50 to 200 times greater in gases than in liquids.
5. The measurements can be made independently of the most troublesome
and uncertain factor involved in Brownian-movement work in liquids,
namely, the factor , which contains the radius of the particle and
the law governing its motion through the liquid.
Accordingly, there was begun in the Ryerson Laboratory, in 1910, a series of very careful experiments in Brownian movements in gases. Svedberg,[83] in reviewing this subject in 1913, considers this “the only exact investigation of quantitative Brownian movements in gases.” A brief summary of the method and results was published by the author.[84] A full account was published by Mr. Harvey Fletcher in [Pg 151] May, 1911,[85] and further work on the variation of Brownian movements with pressure was presented by the author the year following.[86] The essential contribution of this work as regards method consisted in the two following particulars:
1. By combining the characteristic and fully tested equation of the
oil-drop method, namely,
with the Einstein Brownian-movement equation, namely,
it was possible to obtain the product
without any reference
to the size of the particle or the resistance of the medium to its
motion. This quantity could then be compared with the same product
obtained with great precision from electrolysis. The experimental
procedure consists in balancing a given droplet and measuring, as in
any Brownian-movement work, the quantity
then unbalancing it and measuring
; the combination of (24) and (25) then gives
Since it is awkward to square each displacement
averaging, it is preferable to modify by substituting from the Maxwell
distribution law, which holds for Brownian displacements as well as
[Pg 152]
for molecular velocities, the relation
We obtain thus
The possibility of thus eliminating the size of the particle and with
it the resistance of the medium to its motion can be seen at once from
the simple consideration that so long as we are dealing with one
and the same particle the ratio between the force acting
and the velocity produced by it must be the same, whether the acting
force is due to gravity or an electrical held, as in the oil-drop
experiments, or to molecular impacts as in Brownian-movement work. De
Broglie might have made such an elimination and calculation of
in his work, had his Brownian displacements and mobilities in electric
fields been made on one and the same particle, but when the two sets of
measurements are made on different particles, such elimination would
involve the very uncertain assumption of identity of the particles
in both charge and size. Although De Broglie did actually make this
assumption, he did not treat his data in the manner indicated, and the
first publication of this method of measuring
as well as the
first actual determination was made in the papers mentioned above.
[Pg 153]
Some time later E. Weiss reported similar work to the Vienna Academy.[87]
2. Although it is possible to make the test of in just the
method described and although it was so made in the case of one or
two drops, Mr. Fletcher worked out a more convenient method, which
involves expressing the displacements
in terms of the
fluctuations in the time required by the particle to fall a given
distance and thus dispenses with the necessity of balancing the drop at
all. I shall present another derivation which is very simple and yet of
unquestionable validity.
In equation (28) let be the time required by the particle, if
there were no Brownian movements, to fall between a series of equally
spaced cross-hairs whose distance apart is
. In view of such
movements the particle will have moved up or down a distance
in the time
. Let us suppose this distance to be up. Then
the actual time of fall will be
, in which
is now the time it takes the particle to fall the distance
If now
is small in comparison with
, that is,
is small in comparison with
(say ⅒ or less), then
we shall introduce a negligible error (of the order ¹⁄₁₀₀ at the most)
if we assume that
in which
the mean velocity under gravity. Replacing then in (28)
, by
is the square of the average
difference between an observed time of fall and the mean time of fall
[Pg 154]
, that is, the square of the average fluctuation in the time
of fall through the distance
, we obtain after replacing the ideal
by the mean time
In any actual work will be kept considerably
less than ⅒ the mean time
if the irregularities due to
the observer’s errors are not to mask the irregularities due to the
Brownian movements, so that (29) is sufficient for practically all
working conditions.[88]
The work of Mr. Fletcher and of the author was done by both of the
methods represented in equations (28) and (29). The 9 drops reported
upon in Mr. Fletcher’s paper in 1911[89] yielded the results shown
below in which is the number of displacements used in each case
in determining
1.68 | 125 |
1.67 | 136 |
1.645 | 321 |
1.695 | 202 |
1.73 | 171 |
1.65 | 200 |
1.66 | 84 |
1.785 | 411 |
1.65 | 85 |
When weights are assigned proportional to the number of observations
taken, as shown in the last column of Table XIV, there results
[Pg 155]
for the weighted mean value which represents an average of 1,735
, as against
the value found in electrolysis. The agreement between theory
and experiment is then in this case about as good as one-half of 1 per
cent, which is well within the limits of observational error.
This work seemed to demonstrate, with considerably greater precision than had been attained in earlier Brownian-movement work and with a minimum of assumptions, the correctness of the Einstein equation, which is in essence merely the assumption that a particle in a gas, no matter how big or how little it is or out of what it is made, is moving about with a mean translatory kinetic energy which is a universal constant dependent only on temperature. To show how well this conclusion has been established I shall refer briefly to a few later researches.
In 1914 Dr. Fletcher, assuming the value of which I had
published[90] for oil drops moving through air, made new and improved
Brownian-movement measurements in this medium and solved for
original Einstein equation, which, when modified precisely as above by
He took, all told, as many as 18,837
’s, not less than
5,900 on a single drop, and obtained
This cannot be regarded as an altogether independent determination
, since it involves my value. Agreeing, however,
[Pg 156] of
as well as it does with my value of
, it does show with much
conclusiveness that both Einstein’s equation and my corrected form of
Stokes’s equation apply accurately to the motion of oil drops of the
size here used, namely, those of radius from
cm. to
In 1915 Mr. Carl Eyring tested by equation (29) the value of on
oil drops, of about the same size, in hydrogen and came out within .6
per cent of the value found in electrolysis, the probable error being,
however, some 2 per cent.
Precisely similar tests on substances other than oils were made by
Dr. E. Weiss[91] and Dr. Karl Przibram.[92] The former worked with
silver particles only half as large as the oil particles mentioned
above, namely, of radii between 1 and . and
instead of 9,650, as in
electrolysis. This is indeed 11 per cent too high, but the limits of
error in Weiss’s experiments were in his judgment quite as large as
this. K. Przibram worked on suspensions in air of five or six different
substances, the radii varying from 200
to 600
and though his results varied among themselves by as much as 100 per
cent, his mean value came within 6 per cent of 9,650. Both of the last
two observers took too few displacements on a given drop to obtain a
reliable mean displacement, but they used so many drops that their mean
still has some significance.
It would seem, therefore, that the validity of Einstein’s
Brownian-movement equation had been pretty thoroughly established
[Pg 157]
in gases. In liquids too it has recently been subjected to much more
precise test than had formerly been attained. Nordlund,[93] in 1914,
using minute mercury particles in water and assuming Stokes’s Law of
fall and Einstein’s equations, obtained .
While in 1915 Westgren at Stockholm[94] by a very large number of
measurements on colloidal gold, silver, and selenium particles, of
diameter from 65
to 130
), obtained a result which
he thinks is correct to one-half of 1 per cent, this value is
, which agrees perfectly
with the value which I obtained from the measurements on the isolation
and measurement of the electron.
It has been because of such agreements as the foregoing that the last trace of opposition to the kinetic and atomic hypotheses of matter has disappeared from the scientific world, and that even Ostwald has been willing to make such a statement as that quoted on p. 10.
[Pg 158]
It would not be in keeping with the method of modern science to make any dogmatic assertion as to the indivisibility of the electron. Such assertions used to be made in high-school classes with respect to the atoms of the elements, but the far-seeing among physicists, like Faraday, were always careful to disclaim any belief in the necessary ultimateness of the atoms of chemistry, and that simply because there existed until recently no basis for asserting anything about the insides of the atom. We knew that there was a smallest thing which took part in chemical reactions and we named that thing the atom, leaving its insides entirely to the future.
Precisely similarly the electron was defined as the smallest quantity
of electricity which ever was found to appear in electrolysis, and
nothing was then said or is now said about its necessary ultimateness.
Our experiments have, however, now shown that this quantity is capable
of isolation and exact measurement, and that all the kinds of charges
which we have been able to investigate are exact multiples of it. Its
value is .
I have presented one way of measuring this charge, but there is an
indirect method of arriving at it which was worked out independently by
Rutherford and Geiger[95]
[Pg 159]
and Regener.[96] The unique feature in this
method consists in actually counting the number of -particles
shot off per second by a small speck of radium or polonium through a
given solid angle and computing from this the number of these particles
emitted per second by one gram of the radium or polonium. Regener
made his determination by counting the scintillations produced on a
diamond screen in the focal plane of his observing microscope. He then
caught in a condenser all the
-particles emitted per second
by a known quantity of his polonium and determined the total quantity
of electricity delivered to the condenser by them. This quantity of
electricity divided by the number of particles emitted per second
gave the charge on each particle. Because the
had been definitely proved to be helium atoms[97] and the value of
found for them showed that if they were helium they
ought to carry double the electronic charge, Regener divided his result
by 2 and obtained
He estimated his error at 3 per cent. Rutherford and Geiger made their
count by letting the
-particles from a speck of radium
shoot into a chamber and produce therein sufficient ionization by
collision to cause an electrometer needle to jump every time one of
them entered. These authors measured the total charge as Regener did
and, dividing by 2 the charge on each
-particle, they obtained
[Pg 160]
All determinations of
from radioactive data involve one or the
other of these two counts, namely, that of Rutherford and Geiger or
that of Regener. Thus, Boltwood and Rutherford[98] measured the total
weight of helium produced in a second by a known weight of radium.
Dividing this by the number of
-particles (helium atoms)
obtained from Rutherford and Geiger’s count, they obtain the mass of
one atom of helium from which the number in a given weight, or volume
since the gas density is known, is at once obtained. They published for
the number
of molecules in a gas per cubic centimeter at 0°76
, which corresponds to
This last method, like that of the Brownian movements, is actually
a determination of
, rather than of
, since
obtained from it only through the relation
Indeed, this is true of all methods of
, so far as I am aware, except the oil-drop method
and the Rutherford-Geiger-Regener method, and of these two the latter
represents the measurement of the mean charge on an immense
number of
-particles. Thus a person who wished to contend
that the unit charge appearing in electrolysis is only a mean charge
which may be made up of individual charges which vary widely among
themselves, in much the same way in which the atomic weight assigned
to neon has recently been shown to be a mean of the weights of
at least two different elements inseparable chemically, could not be
gainsaid, save on the basis of the evidence contained in the oil-drop
[Pg 161]
experiments; for these constitute the only method which has been found
of measuring directly the charge on each individual ion. It is of
interest and significance for the present discussion, however, that the
mean charge on an
-particle has been directly measured and
that it comes out, within the limits of error of the measurement, at
exactly two electrons—as it should according to the evidence furnished
measurements on the
Now, the foregoing contention has actually been made, and evidence has been presented which purports to show that electric charges exist which are much smaller than the electron. Since this raises what may properly be called the most fundamental question of modern physics, the evidence needs very careful consideration. This evidence can best be appreciated through a brief historical review of its origin.
The first measurements on the mobilities in electric fields of swarms
of charged particles of microscopically visible sizes were made by H.
A. Wilson[99] in 1903, as detailed in chap. III. These measurements
were repeated with modifications by other observers, including
ourselves, during the years immediately following. De Broglie’s
modification, published in 1908,[100] consisted in sucking the metallic
clouds discovered by Hemsalech and De Watteville,[101] produced by
sparks or arcs between metal electrodes, into the focal plane of an
[Pg 162]
ultra-microscope and observing the motions of the individual particles
in this cloud in a horizontal electrical field produced by applying
a potential difference to two vertical parallel plates in front
of the objective of his microscope. In this paper De Broglie first
commented upon the fact that some of these particles were charged
positively, some negatively, and some not at all, and upon the further
fact that holding radium near the chamber caused changes in the
charges of the particles. He promised quantitative measurements of
the charges themselves. One year later he fulfilled the promise,[102]
and at practically the same time Dr. Ehrenhaft[103] published similar
measurements made with precisely the arrangement described by De
Broglie a year before. Both men, as Dr. Ehrenhaft clearly pointed
out,[104] while observing individual particles, obtained only a mean
charge, since the different measurements entering into the evaluation
of were made on different particles. So far as concerns
these measurements, as everyone agrees, were essentially cloud
measurements like Wilson’s.
[Pg 163]
In the spring and summer of 1909 I isolated individual water droplets
and determined the charges carried by each one,[105] and in April,
1910, I read before the American Physical Society the full report on
the oil-drop work in which the multiple relations between charges
were established, Stokes’s Law corrected, and accurately
determined.[106] In the following month (May, 1910) Dr. Ehrenhaft,[107]
having seen that a vertical condenser arrangement made possible, as
shown theoretically and experimentally in the 1909 papers mentioned
above, the independent determination of the charge on each individual
particle, read the first paper in which he had used this arrangement
in place of the De Broglie arrangement which he had used theretofore.
He reported results identical in all essential particulars with those
which I had published on water drops the year before, save that where
I obtained consistent and simple multiple relations between charges
carried by different particles he found no such consistency in these
relations. The absolute values of these charges obtained on the
assumption of Stokes’s Law fluctuated about values considerably lower
. Instead, however, of throwing the burden
upon Stokes’s Law or upon wrong assumptions as to the density of his
particles, he remarked in a footnote that Cunningham’s theoretical
correction to Stokes’s Law,[108] which he (Ehrenhaft) had just seen,
would make his values come still lower, and hence that no failure of
Stokes’s Law could be responsible for his low values. He considered
his results therefore as opposed to the atomic theory of electricity
altogether, and in any case as proving the existence of charges much
smaller than that of the electron.[109]
[Pg 164]
The apparent contradiction between these results and mine was explained
when Mr. Fletcher and myself showed[110] experimentally that Brownian
movements produced just such apparent fluctuations as Ehrenhaft
observed when the is computed, as had been done in his work, from
one single observation of a speed under gravity and a corresponding
one in an electric field. We further showed that the fact that his
values fluctuated about too low an average value meant simply that
his particles of gold, silver, and mercury were less dense because
of surface impurities, oxides or the like, than he had assumed. The
correctness of this explanation would be well-nigh demonstrated if the
values of
computed by equations (28) or (29) in chap. VII from a
large number of observations on Brownian movements always came out as
in electrolysis, for in these equations no assumption has to be made as
to the density of the particles. As a matter of fact, all of the nine
particles studied by us and computed by Mr. Fletcher[111] showed the
correct value of
, while only six of them as computed by me fell
on, or close to, the line which pictures the law of fall of an oil drop
through air (Fig. 5, p. 106). This last fact was not published in 1911
because it took me until 1913 to determine with sufficient certainty a
second approximation to the complete law of fall of a droplet through
air; in other words, to extend curves of the sort given in Fig. 5 to
as large values of
as correspond to particles small
enough to show large Brownian movements. As soon as I had done this I
computed all the nine drops which gave correct values of
[Pg 165]
found that two of them fell way below the line, one more fell somewhat
below, while one fell considerably above it. This meant obviously that
these four particles were not spheres of oil alone, two of them falling
much too slowly to be so constituted and one considerably too rapidly.
There was nothing at all surprising about this result, since I had
explained fully in my first paper on oil drops[112] that until I had
taken great precaution to obtain dust-free air “the values of
came out differently, even for drops showing the same velocity under
gravity.” In the Brownian-movement work no such precautions to obtain
dust-free air had been taken because we wished to test the general
validity of equations (28) and (29). That we actually used in this test
two particles which had a mean density very much smaller than that of
oil and one which was considerably too heavy, was fortunate since it
indicated that our result was indeed independent of the material used.
It is worthy of remark that in general, even with oil drops, almost all of those behaving abnormally fall too slowly, that is, they fall below the line of Fig. 5 and only rarely does one fall above it. This is because the dust particles which one is likely to observe, that is, those which remain long in suspension in the air, are either in general lighter than oil or else expose more surface and hence act as though they were lighter. When one works with particles made of dense metals this behavior will be still more marked, since all surface impurities of whatever sort will diminish the density. The possibility, however, of freeing oil-drop experiments from all such sources of error is shown by the fact that although during the year 1915-16 I studied [Pg 166] altogether as many as three hundred drops, there was not one which did not fall within less than 1 per cent of the line of Fig. 5. It will be shown, too, in this chapter, that in spite of the failure of the Vienna experimenters, it is possible under suitable conditions to obtain mercury drops which behave, even as to law of fall, in practically all cases with perfect consistency and normality.
When E. Weiss in Prag and K. Przibram in the Vienna laboratory itself,
as explained in chap. VII, had found that for all the substances
which they worked with, including silver particles like those used by
Ehrenhaft, gave about the right value of
, although yielding
much too low values of
when the latter was computed from the law
of fall of silver particles, the scientific world practically
universally accepted our explanation of Ehrenhaft’s results and ceased
to concern itself with the idea of a sub-electron.[113]
In 1914 and 1915, however, Professor Ehrenhaft[114] and two of his
pupils, F. Zerner[115] and D. Konstantinowsky,[116] published new
evidence for the existence of such a sub-electron and the first of
these authors has kept up some discussion of the matter up to the
present. These experimenters make three contentions. The first is
essentially that they have now determined for their particles
by equation (29); and although in many instances it comes out as in
electrolysis, in some instances it comes out from 20 per cent to 50
[Pg 167]
per cent too low, while in a few cases it is as low as one-fourth or
one-fifth of the electrolytic value. Their procedure is in general to
publish, not the value of
, but, instead, the value of
obtained from
by inserting Perrin’s value of
) in (29) and then solving for
This is their method of determining
“from the Brownian movements.”
Their second contention is the same as that originally advanced,
namely, that, in some instances, when is determined with the aid
of Stokes’s Law of fall (equation 12, p. 91), even when Cunningham’s
correction or my own (equation 15, p. 101) is employed, the result
comes out very much lower than
. Their third claim
is that the value of
, determined as just explained from the
Brownian movements, is in general higher than the value computed from
the law of fall, and that the departures become greater and greater
the smaller the particle. These observers conclude therefore that
we oil-drop observers failed to detect sub-electrons because our
droplets were too big to be able to reveal their existence. The minuter
particles which they study, however, seem to them to bring these
sub-electrons to light. In other words, they think the value of the
smallest charge which can be caught from the air actually is a function
of the radius of the drop on which it is caught, being smaller for
small drops than for large ones.
Ehrenhaft and Zerner even analyze our report on oil droplets and find
that these also show in certain instances indications of sub-electrons,
for they yield in these observers’ hands too low values of ,
whether computed from the Brownian movements or from the law of fall.
[Pg 168]
When the computations are made in the latter way
is found,
according to them, to decrease with decreasing radius, as is the case
in their experiments on particles of mercury and gold.
Now, the single low value of which these authors find in the
oil-drop work is obtained by computing
from some twenty-five
observations on the times of fall, and an equal number on the times of
rise, of a particle which, before we had made any
at all, we reported upon[117] for the sake of showing that the Brownian
movements would produce just such fluctuations as Ehrenhaft had
observed when the conditions were those under which he worked. When I
by equation (29), using merely the twenty-five times of
fall, I find the value of
comes out 26 per cent low, just as
Zerner finds it to do. If, however, I omit the first reading it comes
out but 11 per cent low. In other words, the omission of one single
reading changes the result by 15 per cent. Furthermore, Fletcher[118]
has shown that these same data, though treated entirely legitimately,
but with a slightly different grouping than that used by Zerner, can
be made to yield exactly the right value of
. This brings out
clearly the futility of attempting to test a statistical theorem by
so few observations as twenty-five, which is nevertheless more than
Ehrenhaft usually uses on his drops. Furthermore, I shall presently
show that unless one observes under carefully chosen conditions, his
own errors of observation and the slow evaporation of the drop tend
[Pg 169]
to make
obtained from equation (29) come out too low, and these
errors may easily be enough to vitiate the result entirely. There
is, then, not the slightest indication in any work which we have thus
jar done on oil drops that
comes out too small.
Next consider the apparent variation in when it is
computed from the law of fall. Zerner computes
from my law of
fall in the case of the nine drops published by Fletcher, in which
came out as in electrolysis, and finds that one of them yields
, one
, one
, one
, while
the other five yield about the right value, namely,
In other words (as stated on p. 165 above), five of these
drops fall exactly on my curve (Fig. 5), one falls somewhat above
it, one somewhat below, while two are entirely off and very much too
low. These two, therefore, I concluded were not oil at all, but dust
particles. Since Zerner computes the radius from the rate of fall,
these two dust particles which fall much too slowly, and therefore
yield too low values of
, must, of course, yield correspondingly
low values of
. Since they are found to do so, Zerner concludes
that our oil drops, as well as Ehrenhaft’s mercury particles, yield
decreasing values of
with decreasing radius. His own tabulation
does not show this. It merely shows three erratic values of
two of which are very low and one rather high. But a glance at all
the other data which I have published on oil drops shows the complete
falsity of this position,[119] for these data show that after I had
eliminated dust all of my particles yielded exactly the same value of
” whatever their size[120]. The only possible interpretation
[Pg 170]
then which could be put on these two particles which yielded correct
values of
, but too slow rates of fall, was that which I put upon
them, namely, that they were not spheres of oil.
As to the Vienna data on mercury and gold, Dr. Ehrenhaft publishes,
all told, data on just sixteen particles and takes for his
Brownian-movement calculations on the average fifteen times
of fall and fifteen of rise on each, the smallest number being 6
and the largest 27. He then computes his statistical average
from observations of this sort. Next
he assumes Perrin’s value of
, namely,
which corresponds to
, and obtains instead by the
Brownian-movement method, i.e., the
method, the following
values of
, the exponential term being omitted for the sake of
brevity: 1.43, 2.13, 1.38, 3.04, 3.5, 6.92, 4.42, 3.28, .84. Barring
the first three and the last of these, the mean value of
is just
about what it should be, namely, 4.22 instead of 4.1. Further, the
first three particles are the heaviest ones, the first one falling
between his cross-hairs in 3.6 seconds, and its fluctuations in time
of fall are from 3.2 to 3.85 seconds, that is, three-tenths of a
second on either side of the mean value. Now, these fluctuations
are only slightly greater than those which the average observer will
make in timing the passage of a uniformly moving body across equally
spaced cross-hairs. This means that in these observations two
nearly equally potent causes were operating to produce fluctuations.
The observed
’s were, of course, then, larger than those
due to Brownian movements alone, and might easily, with but a few
observations, be two or three times as large. Since
[Pg 171]
appears in the denominator of equation
(29), it will be seen at once that because of the observer’s timing
errors a series of observed
’s will always tend to be
larger than the
due to Brownian movements alone, and hence
that the Brownian-movement method always tends to yield too low a value
, and accordingly too low a value of
. It is only when
the observer’s mean error is wholly negligible in comparison with the
Brownian-movement fluctuations that this method will not yield too low
a value of
. The overlooking of this fact is, in my judgment,
one of the causes of the low values of
recorded by Dr. Ehrenhaft.
Again, in the original work on mercury droplets which I produced both
by atomizing liquid mercury and by condensing the vapor from boiling
mercury,[121] I noticed that such droplets evaporated for a time even
more rapidly than oil, and other observers who have since worked with
mercury have reported the same behavior.[122] The amount of this effect
may be judged from the fact that one particular droplet of mercury
recently under observation in this laboratory had at first a speed
of 1 cm. in 20 seconds, which changed in half an hour to 1 cm. in 56
seconds. The slow cessation, however, of this evaporation indicates
that the drop slowly becomes coated with some sort of protecting
film. Now, if any evaporation whatever is going on while successive
times of fall are being observed—and as a matter of fact changes
due to evaporation or condensation are always taking place to some
extent—the apparent will be larger than
that due to Brownian movements, even though these movements are large
[Pg 172]
enough to prevent the observer from noticing, in taking twenty or
thirty readings, that the drop is continually changing. These changes
combined with the fluctuations in
due to the observer’s error are
sufficient, I think, to explain all of the low values of e obtained by
Dr. Ehrenhaft by the Brownian-movement method. Indeed, I have myself
repeatedly found
coming out less than half of its proper value
until I corrected for the evaporation of the drop, and this was
true when the evaporation was so slow that its rate of fall changed but
1 or 2 per cent in a half-hour. But it is not merely evaporation which
introduces an error of this sort. The running down of the batteries,
the drifting of the drop out of focus, or anything which causes changes
in the times of passage across the equally spaced cross-hairs tends to
decrease the apparent value of
. There is, then, so far as I
can see, no evidence at all in any of the data published to date that
the Brownian-movement method actually does yield too low a value of
”, and very much positive evidence that it does not was given in
the preceding chapter.
Indeed, the same type of Brownian-movement work which Fletcher and I
did upon oil-drops ten years ago (see preceding chapter) has recently
been done in Vienna with the use of particles of selenium, and with
results which are in complete harmony with our own. The observer,
E. Schmid,[123] takes as many as 1,500 “times of fall” upon a given
particle, the radius of which is in one case as low as
—quite as minute as any used by Dr. Ehrenhaft—and
obtains in all cases values of
by “the Brownian-movement method”
[Pg 173]
which are in as good agreement with our own as could be expected in
view of the necessary observational error. This complete check of our
work in Vienna itself should close the argument so far as the Brownian
movements are concerned.
That and
computed from the law of fall become farther
and farther removed from the values of
computed from
the Brownian movements, the smaller these particles appear to be, is
just what would be expected if the particles under consideration have
surface impurities or non-spherical shapes or else are not mercury at
all.[124] If, further, exact multiple relations hold for them, as at
least a dozen of us, including Dr. Ehrenhaft himself, now find that
they invariably do, there is scarcely any other interpretation possible
except that of incorrect assumptions as to density.[see footnote 124] Again, the fact
that these data are all taken when the observers are working with the
exceedingly dense substances, mercury and gold, volatilized in an
electric arc, and when, therefore, anything not mercury or gold,
but assumed to be, would yield very low values of
, is
in itself a very significant circumstance. The further fact that Dr.
Ehrenhaft implies that normal values of e very frequently appear in
his work,[125] while these low erratic drops represent only a part
of the data taken, is suggestive. When one considers, too, that in
[Pg 174]
place of the beautiful consistency and duplicability shown in the
oil-drop work, Dr. Ehrenhaft and his pupils never publish data on any
two particles which yield the same value of
, but instead find
only irregularities and erratic behavior,[126] just as they would
expect to do with non-uniform particles, or with particles having dust
specks attached to them, one wonders why any explanation other than
the foreign-material one, which explains all the difficulties, has
ever been thought of. As a matter of fact, in our work with mercury
droplets, we have found that the initial rapid evaporation gradually
ceases, just as though the droplets had become coated with some foreign
film which prevents further loss. Dr. Ehrenhaft himself, in speaking
of the Brownian movements of his metal particles, comments on the fact
that they seem at first to show large movements which grow smaller with
time.[127] This is just what would happen if the radius were increased
by the growth of a foreign film.
Now what does Dr. Ehrenhaft say to these very obvious suggestions as
to the cause of his troubles? Merely that he has avoided all oxygen,
and hence that an oxide film is impossible. Yet he makes his metal
[Pg 175]
particle by striking an electric arc between metal electrodes.
This, as everyone knows, brings out all sorts of occluded gases.
Besides, chemical activity in the electric arc is tremendously intense,
so that there is opportunity for the formation of all sorts of higher
nitrides, the existence of which in the gases coming from electric arcs
has many times actually been proved. Dr. Ehrenhaft says further that he
photographs big mercury droplets and finds them spherical and free from
oxides. But the fact that some drops are pure mercury is no reason for
assuming that all of them are, and it is only the data on those which
are not which he publishes. Further, because big drops which he can see
and measure are of mercury is no justification at all for assuming that
sub-microscopic particles are necessarily also spheres of pure mercury.
In a word, Dr. Ehrenhaft’s tests as to sphericity and purity are all
absolutely worthless as applied to the particles in question, which
according to him have radii of the order .—a figure a
hundred times below the limit of sharp resolution.
But let us suppose that these observers do actually work with
particles of pure mercury and gold, as they think they do, and that
the observational and evaporational errors do not account for the low
values of . Then what conclusion could legitimately be drawn
from their data? Merely this and nothing more, that (1) Einstein’s
Brownian-movement equation is not universally applicable, and (2) that
[Pg 176]
the law of motion of their very minute charged particles through
air is not yet fully known.[128] So long as they find exact multiple
relationships, as Dr. Ehrenhaft now does, between the charges carried
by a given particle when its charge is changed by the capture of ions
or the direct loss of electrons, the charges on these ions must be the
same as the ionic charges which I have accurately and consistently
measured and found equal to
for they, in their experiments, capture exactly the same sort of
ions, produced in exactly the same way as those which I captured and
measured in my experiments. That these same ions have one sort of a
charge when captured by a big drop and another sort when captured by a
little drop is obviously absurd. If they are not the same ions which
are caught, then in order to reconcile the results with the existence
of the exact multiple relationship found by Dr. Ehrenhaft as well as
ourselves, it would be necessary to assume that there exist in the air
an infinite number of different kinds of ionic charges corresponding
to the infinite number of possible radii of drops, and that when a
powerful electric field drives all of these ions toward a given drop
this drop selects in each instance just the charge which corresponds
to its particular radius. Such an assumption is not only too
grotesque for serious consideration, but it is directly contradicted
by my experiments, for I have repeatedly pointed out that with a given
value of
I obtain exactly the same value of
whether I work with big drops or with little ones.
[Pg 177]
For the sake of subjecting the constancy of to the most searching
test, I have made new measurements of the same kind as those heretofore
reported, but using now a range of sizes which overlaps that in which
Dr. Ehrenhaft works. I have also varied through wide limits the nature
and density of both the gas and the drops. Fig. 13 (I) contains
new oil-drop data taken in air; Fig. 13 (II) similar data taken in
hydrogen. The radii of these drops, computed by the very exact method
given in the Physical Review[129] vary tenfold, namely, from
.000025 cm. to .00023 cm. Dr. Ehrenhaft’s range is from .000008 cm. to
.000025 cm. It will be seen that these drops fall in every instance on
the lines of Fig. 13, I and II, and hence that they all yield exactly
the same value of
, namely,
The details of the measurements, which are just like those previously
given, will be entirely omitted. There is here not a trace of
an indication that the value of “
” becomes smaller as “
decreases. The points on these two curves represent consecutive
series of observations, not a single drop being omitted in the case of
either the air or the hydrogen. This shows the complete uniformity and
consistency which we have succeeded in obtaining in the work with oil
That mercury drops show a similar behavior was somewhat imperfectly
shown in the original observations which I published on mercury.[130] I
have since fully confirmed the conclusions there reached. That mercury
drops can with suitable precautions be made to behave practically as
[Pg 178]
consistently as oil is shown in Fig. 13 (III), which represents data
obtained by blowing into the observing chamber above the pinhole in
the upper plate a cloud of mercury droplets formed by the condensation
of the vapor arising from boiling mercury. These results have been
obtained in the Ryerson Laboratory with my apparatus by Mr. John B.
Derieux. Since the pressure was here always atmospheric, the drops
progress in the order of size from left to right, the largest having a
diameter about three times that of the smallest, the radius of which
is .00003244 cm. The original data may be found in the Physical
Review, December, 1916. In Fig. 13 (IV) is found precisely similar
data taken with my apparatus by Dr. J. Y. Lee on solid spheres of
shellac falling in air.[131] Further, very beautiful work, of this same
sort, also done with my apparatus, has recently been published by Dr.
Yoshio Ishida (Phys. Rev., May, 1923), who, using many different
gases, obtains a group of lines like those shown in Fig. 13, all of
which though of different slopes, converge upon one and the same value
of “”, namely,
Fig. 13
[Pg 179]
These results establish with absolute conclusiveness the correctness
of the assertion that the apparent value of the electron is not in
general a function of the gas in which the particle falls, of the
materials used, or of the radius of the drop on which it is caught,
even when that drop is of mercury, and even when it is as small as some
of those with which Dr. Ehrenhaft obtained his erratic results.
[Pg 180]
If it appears to be so with his drops, the cause cannot possibly be
found in actual fluctuations in the charge of the electron without
denying completely the validity of my results. But these results have
now been checked, in their essential aspects, by scores of observers,
including Dr. Ehrenhaft himself. Furthermore, it is not my results
alone with which Dr. Ehrenhaft’s contention clashes. The latter is at
variance also with all experiments like those of Rutherford and Geiger
and Regener on the measurement of the charges carried by -
-particles, for these are infinitely smaller than any
particles used by Dr. Ehrenhaft; and if, as he contends, the value
of the unit out of which a charge is built up is smaller and smaller
the smaller the capacity of the body on which it is found, then these
-particle charges ought to be extraordinarily minute in
comparison with the charges on our oil drops. Instead of this, the
charge on the
-particle comes out exactly twice the charge
which I measure in my oil-drop experiments.
While then it would not be in keeping with the spirit or with the
method of modern science to make any dogmatic assertion about the
existence or non-existence of a sub-electron, it can be asserted with
entire confidence that there has not appeared up to the present a scrap
of evidence for the existence of charges smaller than the electron. If
all of Dr. Ehrenhaft’s assumptions as to the nature of his particles
were correct, then his experiments would mean simply that Einstein’s
Brownian-movement equation is not of universal validity and that the
law of motion of minute charged particles is quite different from
that which he has assumed. It is exceedingly unlikely that either of
[Pg 181]
these results can be drawn from his experiments, for Nordlund[132] and
Westgren[133] have apparently verified the Einstein equation in liquids
with very much smaller particles than Dr. Ehrenhaft uses; and, on the
other hand, while I have worked with particles as small as
cm. and with values of
as large as
135, which is very much larger than any which appear in the work of Dr.
Ehrenhaft and his pupils, I have thus far found no evidence of a law of
motion essentially different from that which I published in 1913, and
further elaborated and refined in 1923.
There has then appeared up to the present time no evidence whatever for the existence of a sub-electron. The chapter having to do with its discussion is now considered for the present at least to have been closed,[134] but it constitutes an interesting historical document worthy of study as an illustration on the one hand of the solidity of the foundations upon which the atomic theory of electricity now rests, and on the other hand of the severity of the gauntlet of criticism which new results must run before they gain admission to the body of established truth in physics.
[Pg 182]
We have shown in the preceding chapters how within the last two decades there has been discovered beneath the nineteenth-century world of molecules and atoms a wholly new world of electrons, the very existence of which was undreamed of twenty years ago. We have seen that these electrons, since they can be detached by X-rays from all kinds of neutral atoms, must be constituents of all atoms. Whether or not they are the sole constituents we have thus far made no attempt to determine. We have concerned ourselves with studying the properties of these electrons themselves and have found that they are of two kinds, negative and positive, which are, however, exactly alike in strength of charge but wholly different in inertia or mass, the negative being commonly associated with a mass which is but ¹⁄₁₈₄₅ of that of the lightest known atom, that of hydrogen, while the positive appears never to be associated with a mass smaller than that of the hydrogen atom. We have found how to isolate and measure accurately the electronic charge and have found that this was the key which unlocked the door to many another otherwise inaccessible physical magnitude. It is the purpose of this chapter to consider certain other fields of exact knowledge which have been opened up through the measurement of the electron, and in particular to discuss what the physicist, as he has peered with his newly discovered agencies, X-rays, radioactivity, ultra-violet light, [Pg 183] etc., into the insides of atoms, has been able to discover regarding the numbers and sizes and relative positions and motions of these electronic constituents, and to show how far he has gone in answering the question as to whether the electrons are the sole building-stones of the atoms.
One of the results of the measurement of the electronic charge was to make it possible to find the quantity which is called the diameter of an atom with a definiteness and precision theretofore altogether unattained.
It was shown in chap. V that the determination of gave us at once
a knowledge of the exact number of molecules in a cubic centimeter of
a gas. Before this was known we had fairly satisfactory information as
to the relative diameters of different molecules, for we have known
for a hundred years that different gases when at the same temperature
and pressure possess the same number of molecules per cubic centimeter
(Avogadro’s rule). From this it is at once evident that, as the
molecules of gases eternally dart hither and thither and ricochet
against one another and the walls of the containing vessel, the average
distance through which one of them will go between collisions with its
neighbors will depend upon how big it is. The larger the diameter the
less will be the mean distance between collisions—a quantity which is
technically called “the mean free path.” Indeed, it is not difficult
to see that in different gases the mean free path
is an inverse
measure of the molecular cross-section. The exact relation is easily
deduced (see Appendix E). It is
[Pg 184]
in which
is the molecular diameter and
is the number of
molecules per cubic centimeter of the gas. Now, we have long had
methods of measuring
, for it is upon this that the coefficient of
viscosity of the gas largely depends. When, therefore, we have measured
the viscosities of different gases we can compute the corresponding
’s, and then from equation (31) the relative diameters
is the same for all gases at the same temperature and
pressure. But the absolute value of
can be found only after the
absolute value of
is known. If we insert in equation (31) the
value of
found from
by the method presented in chap. V,
it is found that the average diameter of the atom of the monatomic
gas helium is
, that of the diatomic hydrogen
molecule is a trifle more, while the diameters of the molecules of the
diatomic gases, oxygen and nitrogen, are 50 per cent larger.[135] This
would make the diameter of a single atom of hydrogen a trifle smaller,
and that of a single atom of oxygen or nitrogen a trifle larger than
that of helium. By the average molecular diameter we mean the average
distance to which the centers of two molecules approach one another
in such impacts as are continually occurring in connection with the
motions of thermal agitation of gas molecules—this and nothing more.
As will presently appear, the reason that two molecules thus rebound
from one another when in their motion of thermal agitation their
centers of gravity approach to a distance of about
is presumably that the atom is a system
with negative electrons in its outer regions. When these negative
electrons in two different systems which are coming into collision
[Pg 185]
approach to about this distance, the repulsions between these similarly
charged bodies begin to be felt, although at a distance the atoms are
forceless. With decreasing distance this repulsion increases very
rapidly until it becomes so great as to overcome the inertias of the
systems and drive them asunder.
The first estimates of the volume occupied by a single one of the electronic constituents of an atom were obtained from the electromagnetic theory of the origin of mass, and were therefore to a pretty large degree speculative, but since these estimates are strikingly in accord with results which follow from direct experiments and are independent of any theory, and since, further, they are of extraordinary philosophic as well as historic interest, they will briefly be presented here.
Since Rowland proved that an electrically charged body in motion is an electrical current the magnitude of which is proportional to the speed of motion of the charge, and since an electric current, by virtue of the property called its self-induction, opposes any attempt to increase or diminish its magnitude, it is clear that an electrical charge, as such, possesses the property of inertia. But inertia is the only invariable property of matter. It is the quantitative measure of matter, and matter quantitatively considered is called mass. It is clear, then, theoretically, that an electrically charged pith ball must possess more mass than the same pith ball when uncharged. But when we compute how much the mass of a pith ball is increased [Pg 186] by any charge which we can actually get it to hold, we find that the increase is so extraordinarily minute as to be hopelessly beyond the possibility of experimental detection. However, the method of making this computation, which was first pointed out by Sir J. J. Thomson in 1881,[136] is of unquestioned validity, so that we may feel quite sure of the correctness of the result. Further, when we combine the discovery that an electric charge possesses the distinguishing property of matter, namely, inertia, with the discovery that all electric charges are built up out of electrical specks all alike in charge, we have made it entirely legitimate to consider an electric current as the passage of a definite, material, granular substance along the conductor. In other words, the two entities, electricity and matter, which the nineteenth century tried to keep distinct, begin to look like different aspects of one and the same thing.
But, though we have thus justified the statement that electricity is material, have we any evidence as yet that all matter is electrical—that is, that all inertia is of the same origin as that of an electrical charge? The answer is that we have evidence, but as yet no proof. The theory that this is the case is still a speculation, but one which rests upon certain very significant facts. These facts are as follows:
If a pith ball is spherical and of radius , then the mass
due to a charge
spread uniformly over its surface is given, as is
shown in Appendix D) by,
[Pg 187]
The point of especial interest in this result is that the mass is
inversely proportional to the radius, so that the smaller the sphere
upon which we can condense a given charge
the larger the mass
of that charge. If, then, we had any means of measuring the minute
increase in mass of a pith ball when we charge it electrically with a
known quantity of electricity
, we could compute from equation
(32) the size of this pith ball, even if we could not see it or measure
it in any other way. This is much the sort of a position in which we
find ourselves with respect to the negative electron. We can measure
its mass, and it is found to be accurately ¹⁄₁₈₄₅ of that of the
hydrogen atom. We have measured accurately its charge and hence can
compute the radius
of the equivalent sphere, that is, the
sphere over which
would have to be uniformly distributed to have
the observed mass, provided we assume that the observed mass of the
electron is all due to its charge.
The justification for such an assumption is of two kinds. First, since we have found that electrons are constituents of all atoms and that mass is a property of an electrical charge, it is of course in the interests of simplicity to assume that all the mass of an atom is due to its contained electrical charges, rather than that there are two wholly different kinds of mass, one of electrical origin and the other of some other sort of an origin. Secondly, if the mass of a negative electron is all of electrical origin, then we can show from electromagnetic theory that this mass ought to be independent of the speed with which the electron may chance to be moving unless that speed approaches close to the speed of light. But from one-tenth the speed of light up to that speed the mass ought to vary with speed in a [Pg 188] definitely predictable way.
Now, it is a piece of rare good fortune for the testing of this theory that radium actually does eject negative electrons with speeds which can be accurately measured and which do vary from three-tenths up to ninety-eight hundredths of that of light. It is further one of the capital discoveries of the twentieth century[137] that within these limits the observed rate of variation of the mass of the negative electron with speed agrees accurately with the rate of variation computed on the assumption that this mass is all of electrical origin. Such is the experimental argument for the electrical origin of mass.[138]
Solving then equation (32) for , we find that the radius of the
sphere over which the charge
of the negative electron would
have to be distributed to have the observed mass is but
, or but one fifty-thousandth of the
radius of the atom (
). From this point of view,
then, the negative electron represents a charge of electricity which is
condensed into an exceedingly minute volume. In fact, its radius cannot
be larger in comparison with the radius of the atom than is the radius
of the earth in comparison with the radius of her orbit about the sun.
In the case of the positive electron there is no direct experimental
justification for the assumption that the mass is also wholly of
electrical origin, for we cannot impart to the positive electrons
speeds which approach the speed of light, nor have we as yet found in
nature any of them which are endowed with speeds greater than about
[Pg 189]
one-tenth that of light. But in view of the experimental results
obtained with the negative electron, the carrying over of the same
assumption to the positive electron is at least natural. Further, if
this step be taken, it is clear from equation (32), since for
the positive is nearly two thousand times larger than
for the
negative, that
for the positive can be only ¹⁄₂₀₀₀ of what it is
for the negative. In other words, the size of the positive electron
would be to the size of the negative as a sphere having a two-mile
radius would be to the size of the earth. From the standpoint, then,
of the electromagnetic theory of the origin of mass, the dimensions
of the negative and positive constituents of atoms in comparison with
the dimensions of the atoms themselves are like the dimensions of the
planets and asteroids in comparison with the size of the solar system.
All of these computations, whatever their value, are rendered possible
by the fact that
is now known.
Now we know from methods which have nothing to do with the electromagnetic theory of the origin of mass, that the excessive minuteness predicted by that theory for both the positive and the negative constituents of atoms is in fact correct, though we have no evidence as to whether the foregoing ratio is right.
For at least twenty years we have had direct experimental proof[139]
that the fastest of the -particles, or helium atoms,
[Pg 190]
which are ejected by radium, shoot in practically straight lines
through as much as 7 cm. of air at atmospheric pressure before being
brought to rest. This distance is then called the “range” of these
-rays. Figs. 14 and 15 show actual photographs of the tracks
of such particles. We know too, for the reasons given on p. 139, that
-particles do not penetrate the air after the manner
of a bullet, namely, by pushing the molecules of air aside, but rather
that they actually shoot through all the molecules of air which they
encounter. The number of such passages through molecules which an
-particle would have to make in traversing seven centimeters
of air would be about a hundred and thirty thousand.
Further, the very rapid -particles, or negative electrons,
which are shot out by radium have been known for a still longer time
to shoot in straight lines through much greater distances in air than
7 cm., and even to pass practically undeflected through appreciable
thicknesses of glass or metal.
We saw in chap. VI that the tracks of both the - and the
-particles through air could be photographed because they
ionize some of the molecules through which they pass. These ions then
have the property of condensing water vapor about themselves, so that
water droplets are formed which can be photographed by virtue of the
light which they reflect. Fig. 17 shows the track of a very high-speed
-ray. A little to the right of the middle of the photograph a
straight line can be drawn from bottom to top which will pass through
a dozen or so of pairs of specks. These specks are the water droplets
formed about the ions which were produced at these points.
Fig. 14—Photographs of the Tracks of -Particles
Shooting through Air
Fig. 15—Photographs of the Tracks of -Particles
Shooting through Air
Fig. 16—Photographs of the Tracks of -Particles
Shooting through Air
Fig. 17—Photographs of the Tracks of -Particles
Shooting through Air
[Pg 191]
Since we know the size of a molecule and the number of molecules
per cubic centimeter, we can compute, as in the case of the
-particle, the number of molecules through which a
-particle must pass in going a given distance. The
extraordinary situation revealed by this photograph is that this
particular particle shot through on an average as many as 10,000 atoms
before it came near enough to an electronic constituent of any one of
these atoms to detach it from its system and form an ion. This shows
conclusively that the electronic or other constituents of atoms can
occupy but an exceedingly small fraction of the space inclosed within
the atomic system. Practically the whole of this space must be empty to
an electron going with this speed.
The left panel in the lower half of the plate (Fig. 16) shows the track of a negative electron of much slower speed, and it will be seen, first, that it ionizes much more frequently, and, secondly, that instead of continuing in a straight line it is deflected at certain points from its original direction. The reason for both of these facts can readily be seen from the considerations on p. 139, which it may be worth while to extend to the case in hand as follows.
If a new planet or other relatively small body were to shoot with stupendous speed through our solar system, the tune which it spent within our system might be so small that the force between it and the earth or any other member of the solar system would not have time either to deflect the stranger from its path or to pull the earth out of its orbit. If the speed of the strange body were smaller, however, [Pg 192] the effect would be more disastrous both to the constituents of our solar system and to the path of the strange body, for the latter would then have a much better chance of pulling one of the planets out of our solar system and also a much better chance of being deflected from a straight path itself. The slower a negative electron moves, then, the more is it liable to deflection and the more frequently does it ionize the molecules through which it passes.
This conclusion finds beautiful experimental confirmation in the three
panels of the plate opposite this page, for the speed with which X-rays
hurl out negative electrons from atoms has long been known to be much
less than the speed of -rays from radium, and the zigzag
tracks in these photographs are the paths of these corpuscles. It will
be seen that they bend much more often and ionize much more frequently
than do the rays shown in Figs. 16 and 17.
But the study of the tracks of the -particles (Figs. 14 and
15, opposite p. 190) is even more illuminating as to the structure of
the atom. For the
-particle, being an atom of helium eight
thousand times more massive than a negative electron, could no more be
deflected by one of the latter in an atom through which it passes than
a cannon ball could be deflected by a pea. Yet Figs. 14 and 15 show
that toward the end of its path the
-particle does in general
suffer several sudden deflections. Such deflections could be produced
only by a very powerful center of force within the atom whose mass is
at least comparable with the mass of the helium atom.
Fig. 18—Photographs of the tracks of
-particles ejected by x-rays from molecules of air
Fig. 19—Photographs of the tracks of
-particles ejected by x-rays from molecules of air
Fig. 20—Photographs of the tracks of
-particles ejected by x-rays from molecules of air
[Pg 193]
These sharp deflections, which occasionally amount to as much as 150°
to 180°, lend the strongest of support to the view that the atom
consists of a heavy positively charged nucleus about which are grouped
enough electrons to render the whole atom neutral. But the fact that in
these experiments the -particle goes through 130,000 atoms
without approaching near enough to this central nucleus to suffer
appreciable deflection more than two or three times constitutes the
most convincing evidence that this central nucleus which holds the
negative electrons within the atomic system occupies an excessively
minute volume, just as we computed from the electromagnetic theory
of the origin of mass that the positive electron ought to do.
Indeed, knowing as he did by direct measurement the speed of the
-particle, Rutherford, who is largely responsible for the
nucleus-atom theory, first computed,[140] with the aid of the inverse
square law, which we know to hold between charged bodies of dimensions
which are small compared with their distances apart, how close the
-particle would approach to the nucleus of a given atom
like that of gold before it would be turned back upon its course (see
Appendix F). The result was in the case of gold, one of the heaviest
atoms, about
, and in the case of hydrogen, the
lightest atom, about
. These are merely upper
limits for the dimensions of the nuclei.
However uncertain, then, we may feel about the sizes of positive and negative electrons computed from the electromagnetic theory of the origin of the mass, we may regard it as fairly well established by such direct experiments as these that the electronic constituents of [Pg 194] atoms are as small, in comparison with the dimensions of the atomic systems, as are the sun and planets in comparison with the dimensions of the solar system. Indeed, when we reflect that we can shoot helium atoms by the billion through a thin-walled highly evacuated glass tube without leaving any holes behind, i.e., without impairing in the slightest degree the vacuum or perceptibly weakening the glass, we see from this alone that the atom itself must consist mostly of “hole”; in other words, that an atom, like a solar system, must be an exceedingly loose structure whose impenetrable portions must be extraordinarily minute in comparison with the penetrable portions. The notion that an atom can appropriate to itself all the space within its boundaries to the exclusion of all others is then altogether exploded by these experiments. A particular atom can certainly occupy the same space at the same time as any other atom if it is only endowed with sufficient kinetic energy. Such energies as correspond to the motions of thermal agitation of molecules are not, however, sufficient to enable one atom to penetrate the boundaries of another, hence the seeming impenetrability of atoms in ordinary experiments in mechanics. That there is, however, a portion of the atom which is wholly impenetrable to the alpha particles is definitely proved by experiments of the sort we have been considering; for it occasionally happens that an alpha particle hits this nucleus “head on,” and, when it does so, it is turned straight back upon its course. As indicated above, the size of this impenetrable portion, which may be defined as the size of the nucleus, is in no case larger than ¹⁄₁₀₀₀₀ the diameter of the atom, and yet there may be contained within it, as will presently be [Pg 195] shown, several hundred positive and negative electrons, so that the excessive minuteness of these bodies is established, altogether without reference to any theory as to what they are.
If it be considered as fairly conclusively established by the experiments just described that an atom consists of a heavy but very minute positively charged nucleus which holds light negative electrons in some sort of a configuration about it, then the number of negative electrons outside the nucleus must be such as to have a total charge equal to the free positive charge of the nucleus, since otherwise the atom could not be neutral.
But the positive charge on the nucleus has been approximately
determined as follows: With the aid of the knowledge, already obtained
through the determination of , of the exact number of atoms in a
given weight of a given substance, Sir Ernest Rutherford[141] first
computed the chance that a single helium atom in being shot with a
known speed through a sheet of gold foil containing a known number of
atoms per unit of area of the sheet would suffer a deflection through a
given angle. This computation can easily be made in terms of the known
kinetic energy and charge of the
-particle, the known number
of atoms in the gold foil, and the unknown charge on the nucleus of
the gold atom (see Appendix F). Geiger and Marsden[142] then actually
counted in Rutherford’s laboratory, by means of the scintillations
produced on a zinc-sulphide screen, what fraction of, say, a thousand
[Pg 196]
-particles, which were shot normally into the gold foil, were
deflected through a given angle, and from this observed number and
Rutherford’s theory they obtained the number of free positive charges
on the nucleus of the gold atom.
Repeating the experiment and the computations with foils made from a considerable number of other metals, they found that in every case the number of free positive charges on the atoms of different substances was approximately equal to half its atomic weight. This means that the aluminum atom, for example, has a nucleus containing about thirteen free positive charges and that the nucleus of the atom of gold contains in the neighborhood of a hundred. This result was in excellent agreement with the conclusion reached independently by Barkla[143] from experiments of a wholly different kind, namely, experiments on the scattering of X-rays. These indicated that the number of scattering centers in an atom—that is, its number of free negative electrons—was equal to about half the atomic weight. But this number must, of course, equal the number of free positive electrons in the nucleus.
The foregoing result was only approximate. Indeed, there was internal evidence in Geiger and Marsden’s work itself that a half was somewhat too high. The answer was made very definite and very precise in 1913 through the extraordinary work of a brilliant young Englishman, Moseley, who, at the age of twenty-seven, had accomplished as notable a piece of research in physics as has appeared during the last fifty [Pg 197] years. Such a mind was one of the early victims of the world-war. He was shot and killed instantly in the trenches in Gallipoli in the summer of 1915.
Laue in Munich had suggested in 1912 the use of the regular spacing of
the molecules of a crystal for the analysis, according to the principle
of the grating, of ether waves of very short wave-length, such as
X-rays were supposed to be, and the Braggs[144] had not only perfected
an X-ray spectrometer which utilized this principle, but had determined
accurately the wave-lengths of the X-rays which are characteristic of
certain metals. The accuracy with which this can be done is limited
simply by the accuracy in the determination of , so that the
whole new field of exact X-ray spectrometry is made available through
our exact knowledge of
. Moseley’s discovery,[145] made as a
result of an elaborate and difficult study of the wave-lengths of the
characteristic X-rays which were excited when cathode rays were made
to impinge in succession upon anticathodes embracing most of the known
elements, was that these characteristic wave-lengths of the different
elements, or, better, their characteristic frequencies, are related
in a very simple but a very significant way. These frequencies
were found to constitute the same sort of an arithmetical progression
as do the charges which we found to exist on our oil drops. It
was the square root of the frequencies rather than the frequencies
themselves which showed this beautifully simple relationship, but this
is an unimportant detail. The significant fact is that, arranged
in the order of increasing frequency of their characteristic X-ray
[Pg 198]
spectra, all the known elements which have been examined constitute a
simple arithmetical series each member of which is obtained from its
predecessor by adding always the same quantity.
The plate opposite this page shows photographs of the X-ray spectra
of a number of elements whose atomic numbers—that is, the numbers
assigned them in Moseley’s arrangement of the elements on the basis of
increasing X-ray frequency—are given on the left. These photographs
were taken by Siegbahn.[146] The distance from the “central image”—in
this case the black line on the left—to a given line of the line
spectrum on the right is approximately proportional to the wave-length
of the rays producing this line. The photographs show beautifully,
first, how the atoms of all the elements produce spectra of just the
same type, and, secondly, how the wave-lengths of corresponding lines
decrease, or the frequencies increase, with increasing atomic number.
The photograph on the left shows this progression for the highest
frequency rays which the atoms produce, the so-called series,
while the one on the right shows the same sort of a progression for
the rays of next lower frequency, namely, those of the so-called
series, which have uniformly from seven to eight times the wave-length
of the
series. The plate opposite p. 200 shows some very
beautiful photographs taken by De Broglie in Paris[147] in October,
The upper one is the X-ray emission spectrum of tungsten. It consists of general radiations, corresponding to white light, scattered throughout the whole length of the spectrum as a background and superposed upon these two groups of lines.
The remarkable element in these photographs is the exact similarity of
the spectra produced by the different elements and the step-by-step
shortening of the wave-length (which is proportional to the distance
from the line on the left to the spectral lines) as the atomic number
increases. This is shown both in the
series, which is
produced by stimulating the inmost pair of electrons in each atom, and
series, which is produced by stimulating the group of eight
electrons in the second ring or shell from the center.
[Pg 199]
The two lines are here close to the central image, for the
wave-lengths are here very short, since tungsten has a high atomic
number (74). Farther to the right is the
series of tungsten lines
which will be recognized because of its similarity to the
in the plate opposite p. 198. Between the
and the
lines are
two absorption edges marked
The former represents the frequency above which the silver absorbs
all the general radiation of tungsten but below which it lets it all
through. The latter is the corresponding line for bromine. In a print
from a photograph absorption in the plate itself obviously appears as
a darkening, transmission as a lightening. Just below is the spectrum
obtained by inserting a sheet of molybdenum in the path of the beam,
i.e., before the slit of the spectrometer. Absorption in the molybdenum
will obviously appear as a lightening, transmission as a darkening.
It will be seen that the molybdenum absorbs all the frequencies in
the X-ray emission of tungsten higher than a particular frequency and
lets through all frequencies lower than this value. This remarkable
characteristic of the absorption of X-rays was discovered by Barkla in
1909.[148] The absorption edge at which, with increasing frequency,
absorption suddenly begins is very sharply marked.
This edge coincides with the highest emission frequency of which
molybdenum is theoretically capable, and is a trifle higher than the
highest observed emission frequency. De Broglie has measured accurately
these critical absorption frequencies for all the heavy elements up to
[Pg 200]
thorium, thus extending the series from atomic number
where he found it, to
, a notable advance. The two absorption
edges characteristic of the silver and the bromine in the photographic
plate appear in the same place on all the photographs in which they
could appear. The other absorption edges vary from element to element
and are characteristic each of its particular element. The way in
which this critical absorption edge moves toward the central image as
the atomic number increases in the steps Br 35, Mo 42, Ag 47, Cd 48,
Sb 51, Ba 56, W 74, Hg 80, is very beautifully shown in De Broglie’s
photographs all the way up to mercury, where the absorption edge is
somewhat inside the shortest of the characteristic
of tungsten. There must be twelve more of these edges between mercury
(N = 80) and uranium (
) and De Broglie has measured them
up to thorium (
). They become, however, very difficult to
locate in this
region of frequencies on account of their extreme
closeness to the central image. But the
radiations, which are
of seven times longer wave-length, may then be used, and Fig. 23 of
the plate opposite this page shows the
-ray absorption edges, of
which there are three, as obtained by De Broglie in both uranium and
thorium, so that the position in the Moseley table of each element all
the way to the heaviest one, uranium, is fixed in this way by direct
experiment. Fig. 25 shows the progression of square-root frequencies as
it appears from measurements made on the successive absorption edges of
De Broglie’s photographs and on a particular one of Siegbahn’s emission
lines. It will be noticed that, in going from bromine (35) to uranium
(92), the length of the step does change by a few per cent. The
probable cause of this will be considered later.
Fig. 22—X-ray absorption spectra. series
Fig. 23—X-ray absorption spectra, series
Fig. 24—Hydrogen spectrum from the star Vega
[Pg 201]
Fig. 25
[Pg 202]
According to modern theory an absorption edge appears where the incident energy—which is proportional to the incident frequency—has become just large enough to lift the particular electron which absorbs it entirely out of the atom. If this removed electron should then fall back to its old place in the atom, it would emit in so doing precisely the frequency which was absorbed in the process of removal.
Since these enormously high X-ray frequencies must arise from electrons which fall into extraordinarily powerful fields of force, such as might be expected to exist in the inner regions of the atom close to the nucleus, Moseley’s discovery strongly suggests that the charge on this nucleus is produced in the case of each atom by adding some particular invariable charge to the nucleus of the atom next below it in Moseley’s table. This suggestion gains added weight when it is found that with one or two trifling exceptions, to be considered later, Moseley’s series of increasing X-ray frequencies is exactly the series of increasing atomic weights. It also receives powerful support from the following discovery.
Mendeleéff’s periodic table shows that the progression of chemical
properties among the elements coincides in general with the progression
of atomic weights. Now it was pointed out ten years ago that whenever
a radioactive substance loses a doubly charged -particle it
moves two places to the left in the periodic table, while whenever it
loses a singly charged
-particle it moves one place to the
right,[149] thus showing that the chemical character of a substance
[Pg 203]
depends upon the number of free positive charges in its nucleus.
One of the most interesting and striking characteristics of Moseley’s table is that all the known elements between sodium (atomic number 11, atomic weight 23) and lead (atomic number 82, atomic weight, 207.2) have been fitted into it and there are left but three vacancies within this range. Below sodium there are just 10 known elements, and very recent study[150] of their spectra in the extreme ultra-violet has fixed the place of each in the Moseley progression, though in this region the progression of atomic weights and of chemical properties is also altogether definite and unambiguous. It seems highly probable, then, from Moseley’s work that we have already found all except three of the complete series of different types of atoms from hydrogen to lead, i.e., from 1 to 82, of which the physical world is built. From 82 to 92 comes the group of radioactive elements which are continually transmuting themselves into one another, and above 92 (uranium) it is not likely that any elements exist.
That hydrogen is indeed the base of the Moseley series is rendered
well-nigh certain by the following simple computation. If we write
Moseley’s discovery that the square roots of the highest frequencies,
, etc., emitted by different atoms are proportional
to the nuclear charges,
, etc., in the following
[Pg 204]
and substitute for
the observed wave-length of the
highest frequency line emitted by tungsten—a wave-length which has
been accurately measured and found to be
and, further, if we substitute for
, 74, the atomic number
of tungsten, and for
, 1, if the Moseley law were exact we
should obtain, by solving for the wave-length of the highest frequency
line which can be emitted by the element whose nucleus contains but
one single positive electron. The result of this substitution is
(millionths millimeters). Now the
wave-length corresponding to the highest observed frequency in the
ultra-violet series of hydrogen lines recently discovered by Lyman is
and there is every reason to believe from the form
of this series that its convergence wave-length—this corresponds to
the highest frequency of which the hydrogen atom is theoretically
. The agreement is only approximate, but it
is as close as could be expected in view of the lack of exact equality
in the Moseley steps. It is well-nigh certain, then, that this Lyman
ultra-violet series of hydrogen lines is nothing but the
series of hydrogen. Similarly, it is equally certain that the
X-rays series of hydrogen is the ordinary Balmer series in the visible
region, the head of which is at
In other
words, hydrogen’s ordinary radiations are its X-rays and nothing more.
There is also an series for hydrogen discovered by Paschen in the
ultra-red, which in itself would make it probable that there are series
for all the elements of longer wave-length than the
series, and
that the complicated optical series observed with metallic arcs are
parts of these longer wave-length series. As a matter of fact, an
[Pg 205]
series has been found for a considerable group of the elements of high
atomic number.
Thus the Moseley experiments have gone a long way toward solving the
mystery of spectral lines. They reveal to us clearly and certainly
the whole series of elements from hydrogen to uranium, all producing
spectra of remarkable similarity, at least so far as the and
radiations are concerned, but scattered regularly through the
whole frequency region, from the ultra-violet, where the
for hydrogen are found, all the way up to frequencies
8,464 times as high. There is scarcely a portion of this whole field
which is not already open to exploration. How brilliantly, then, have
these recent studies justified the predictions of the spectroscopists
that the key to atomic structure lay in the study of spectral lines!
Moseley’s work is, in brief, evidence from a wholly new quarter that all these elements constitute a family, each member of which is related to every other member in a perfectly definite and simple way. It looks as if the dream of Thales of Miletus had actually come true and that we have found a primordial element out of which all substances are made, or better two of them. For the succession of steps from one to ninety-two, each corresponding to the addition of an extra free positive charge upon the nucleus, suggests at once that the unit positive charge is itself a primordial element, and this conclusion is strengthened by recently discovered atomic-weight relations. It is well known that Prout thought a hundred years ago that the atomic weights of all elements were exact multiples of the weight of hydrogen, and hence tried to make hydrogen itself the primordial element. But [Pg 206] fractional atomic weights like that of chlorine (35.5) were found, and were responsible for the later abandonment of the theory. Within the past five years, however, it has been shown that, within the limits of observational error, practically all of those elements which had fractional atomic-weights are mixtures of substances, so called isotopes, each of which has an atomic weight that is an exact multiple of the unit of the atomic-weight table, so that Prout’s hypothesis is now very much alive again.
So far as experiments have now gone, the positive electron, the charge of which is of the same numerical value as that of the negative, and which is in fact the nucleus of the hydrogen atom, always has a mass which is about two thousand times that of the negative. In other words, the present evidence is excellent that, to within one part in two thousand, the mass of every atom is simply the mass of the positive electrons contained within its nucleus. Now the atomic weight of helium is four, while its atomic number, the free positive charge upon its nucleus, is only two. The helium atom must therefore contain inside its nucleus two negative electrons which neutralize two of these positives and serve to hold together the four positives which would otherwise fly apart under their mutual repulsions. Into that tiny nucleus of helium, then, that infinitesimal speck not as big as a pin point, even when we multiply all dimensions ten billion fold so that the diameter of the helium atom, the orbit of its two outer negatives, has become a yard, into that still almost invisible nucleus there must be packed four positive and two negative electrons.
[Pg 207]
By the same method it becomes possible to count the exact number of
both positive and negative electrons which are packed into the nucleus
of every other atom. In uranium, for example, since its atomic weight
is 238, we know that there must be 238 positive electrons in its
nucleus. But since its atomic number, or the measured number of free
unit charges upon its nucleus, is but 92, it is obvious that (238 - 92 = 146)
of the 238 positive electrons in the nucleus must be neutralized
by 146 negative electrons which are also within that nucleus; and
so, in general, the atomic weight minus the atomic number gives at
once the number of negative electrons which are contained within the
nucleus of any atom. That these negative electrons are actually
there within the nucleus is independently demonstrated by the facts
of radioactivity, for in the radioactive process we find negative
electrons, so called -rays, actually being ejected from the
nucleus. They can come from nowhere else, for the chemical properties
of the radioactive atom are found to change with every such ejection of
-ray, and change in chemical character always means change
in the free charge contained in the nucleus.
We have thus been able to look with the eyes of the mind, not only inside an atom, a body which becomes but a meter in diameter when looked at through an instrument of ten billion fold magnification, but also inside its nucleus, which, even with that magnification, is still a mere pin point, and to count within it just how many positive and how many negative electrons are there imprisoned, numbers reaching 238 and 146, respectively, in the case of the uranium atom. And let it be remembered, the dimensions of these atomic nuclei are about [Pg 208] one-billionth of those of the smallest object which has ever been seen or can ever be seen and measured in a microscope. From these figures it will be obvious that, for practical purposes, we may neglect the dimensions of electrons altogether and consider them as mere point charges.
But what a fascinating picture of the ultimate structure of matter has been presented by this voyage to the land of the infinitely small! Only two ultimate entities have we been able to see there, namely, positive and negative electrons; alike in the magnitude of their charge but differing fundamentally in mass; the positive being eighteen hundred and forty-five times heavier than the negative; both being so vanishingly small that hundreds of them can somehow get inside a volume which is still a pin point after all dimensions have been swelled ten billion times: the ninety-two different elements of the world determined simply by the difference between the number of positives and negatives which have been somehow packed into the nucleus; all these elements transmutable, ideally at least, into one another by a simple change in this difference. Has nature a way of making these transmutations in her laboratories? She is doing it under our eyes in the radioactive process—a process which we have very recently found is not at all confined to the so-called radioactive elements but is possessed in very much more minute degree by many, if not all, of the elements. Does the process go on in both directions, heavier atoms being continually formed as well as continually disintegrating into lighter ones? Not on the earth so far as we can see. Perhaps in God’s laboratories, the stars. Some day we shall be finding out.
[Pg 209]
Can we on the earth artificially control the process? To a very slight
degree we know already how to disintegrate artificially, but not as
yet how to build up. As early as 1912, in the Ryerson Laboratory at
Chicago, Dr. Winchester and I thought we had good evidence that we were
knocking hydrogen out of aluminum and other metals by very powerful
electrical discharges in vacuo. There may be some doubt about
the character of this evidence now. But, certainly, Rutherford has been
doing just this for three years past by bombarding the nuclei of atoms
with -rays. How much farther can we go in this artificial
transmutation of the elements? This is one of the supremely interesting
problems of modern physics to which there is as yet no answer.
Thus far nothing has been said as to whether the electrons within
the atom are at rest or in motion, or, if they are in motion, as to
the character of these motions. In the hydrogen atom, however, which
contains, according to the foregoing evidence, but one positive and
one negative electron, there is no known way of preventing the latter
from falling into the positive nucleus unless centrifugal forces are
called upon to balance attractions, as they do in the case of the
earth and moon. Accordingly it seems to be necessary to assume that
the negative electron is rotating in an orbit about the positive. But
such a motion would normally be accompanied by a continuous radiation
of energy of continuously increasing frequency as the electron, by
virtue of its loss of energy, approached closer and closer to the
nucleus. Yet experiment reveals no such behavior, for, so far as we
[Pg 210]
know, hydrogen does not radiate at all unless it is ionized, or has its
negative electron knocked, or lifted, from its normal orbit to one of
higher potential energy, and, when it does radiate, it gives rise, not
to a continuous spectrum, as the foregoing picture would demand, but
rather to a line spectrum in which the frequencies corresponding to the
various lines are related to one another in the very significant way
shown in the photograph of Fig. 24 and represented by the so-called
Balmer-Ritz equation,[151] which has the form
[Pg 211]
In this formula
represents frequency,
a constant, and
, for all the lines in the visible region, has the value 2,
takes for the successive lines the values 3, 4, 5, 6,
etc. In the hydrogen series in the infra-red discovered by Paschen[152]
takes the successive values 4, 5, 6,
etc. It is since the development of the Bohr theory that Lyman[153]
discovered his hydrogen series in the ultra-violet in which
, etc. Since 1 is the smallest whole
number, this series should correspond, as indicated heretofore, to
the highest frequencies of which hydrogen is capable, the upper limit
toward which these frequencies tend being reached when
, that is, when
Fig. 26—The original Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
Guided by all of these facts except the last, Niels Bohr, a young
mathematical physicist of Copenhagen, in 1913 devised[154] an atomic
model which has had some very remarkable successes. This model was
originally designed to cover only the simplest possible case of one
single electron revolving around a positive nucleus. In order to
account for the large number of lines which the spectrum of such a
system reveals (see Fig. 24), Bohr’s first assumption was that the
electron may rotate about the nucleus in a whole series of different
orbits, as shown in Fig. 26, and that each of these orbits is governed
by the well-known Newtonian law, which when mathematically stated takes
the form:
in which
is the change of the electron,
that of the
the radius of the orbit,
the orbital frequency,
the mass of the electron. This is merely the assumption
that the electron rotates in a circular orbit which is governed by
the laws which are known, from the work on the scattering of the
[Pg 212]
alpha particles, to hold inside as well as outside the atom. The
radical element in it is that it permits the negative electron to
maintain this orbit or to persist in this so-called “stationary state”
without radiating energy even though this appears to conflict with
ordinary electromagnetic theory. But, on the other hand, the facts of
magnetism[155] and of optics, in addition to the successes of the Bohr
theory which are to be detailed, appear at present to lend experimental
justification to such an assumption.
Bohr’s second assumption is that radiation takes place only when an
electron jumps from one to another of these orbits. If
represents the energy of the electron in one orbit and
in any other orbit, then it is clear from considerations of energy
alone that when the electron passes from the one orbit to the other
the amount of energy radiated must be
; further,
this radiated energy obviously must have some frequency
, and,
in view of the experimental work presented in the next chapter, Bohr
placed it proportional to
, and wrote:
being the so-called Planck constant to be discussed later. It is
to be emphasized that this assumption gives no physical picture of the
way in which the radiation takes place. It merely states the energy
relations which must be satisfied when it occurs. The red hydrogen
is, according to Bohr, due to a jump from orbit
3 to orbit 2 (Fig. 26), the blue line
to a jump from 4
[Pg 213]
to 2,
to a jump from 5 to 2, etc.; while the Lyman
ultra-violet lines correspond to a series of similar jumps into the
inmost orbit 1 (see Fig. 26).
Bohr’s third assumption is that the various possible circular orbits
are determined by assigning to each orbit a kinetic energy such
in which
is a whole number,
the orbital frequency, and
is again Planck’s constant. This value of
is assigned so as
to make the series of frequencies agree with that actually observed,
namely, that represented by the Balmer series of hydrogen.
It is to be noticed that, if circular electronic orbits exist at all, no one of these assumptions is arbitrary. Each of them is merely the statement of the existing experimental situation. It is not surprising, therefore, that they predict the sequence of frequencies found in the hydrogen series. They have been purposely made to do so. But they have not been made with any reference whatever to the exact numerical values of these frequencies.
The evidence for the soundness of the conception of non-radiating electronic orbits is to be looked for, then, first, in the success of the constants involved, and, second, in the physical significance, if any, which attaches to the third assumption. If these constants come out right within the limits of experimental error, then the theory of non-radiating electronic orbits has been given the most crucial imaginable of tests, especially if these constants are accurately determinable.
[Pg 214]
What are the facts? The constant of the Balmer series in hydrogen,
that is, the value of in equation (34), is known with the great
precision attained in all wave-length determinations and is equal to
. From the Bohr theory it is given by the
simplest algebra (Appendix G) as
As already indicated, in 1917 I redetermined[156]
with an
estimated accuracy of one part in 1,000 and obtained for it the value
. As will be shown in the next chapter, I have
also determined
photo-electrically[157] with an error, in the
case of sodium, of no more than one-half of 1 per cent, the value for
sodium, upon which I got the most reliable data, being
The value found by Duane’s X-ray method,[158] which is
thought to yield a result correct to one part in 700, is exceedingly
close to mine, namely,
. Substituting this
in (38), we get with the aid of Bucherer’s value of
), which is probably correct to 0.1 per cent,
, which agrees within a fourth of 1
per cent with the observed value. This agreement constitutes
most extraordinary justification of the theory of non-radiating
electronic orbits. It demonstrates that the behavior of the negative
electron in the hydrogen atom is at least correctly described by the
equation of a circular non-radiating orbit. If this equation can
be obtained from some other physical condition than that of an actual
[Pg 215]
orbit, it is obviously incumbent upon those who so hold to show what
that condition is. Until this is done, it is justifiable to suppose
that the equation of an orbit means an actual orbit.
Again, the radii of the stable orbits for hydrogen are easily found
from Bohr’s assumptions to take the mathematical form (Appendix G)
In other words, since
is a whole number, the radii of these
orbits bear the ratios 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. If normal hydrogen is assumed
to be that in which the electron is in the inmost possible orbit,
namely, that for which
, the diameter of the normal
hydrogen atom, comes out
. The best
determination for the diameter of the hydrogen molecule yields
in extraordinarily close agreement with the
prediction from Bohr’s theory.
[Pg 216]
Further, the fact that normal hydrogen does not absorb at all the Balmer series lines which it emits is beautifully explained by the foregoing theory, since, according to it, normal hydrogen has no electrons in the orbits corresponding to the lines of the Balmer series. Again, the fact that hydrogen emits its characteristic radiations only when it is ionized or excited favors the theory that the process of emission is a process of settling down to a normal condition through a series of possible intermediate states, and is therefore in line with the view that a change in orbit is necessary to the act of radiation.
Another triumph of the theory is that the third assumption, devised to fit a purely empirical situation, viz., the observed relations between the frequencies of the Balmer series, is found to have a very simple and illuminating physical meaning and one which has to do with orbital motion. It is that all the possible values of the angular momentum of the electron rotating about the positive nucleus are exact multiples of a particular value of this angular momentum. Angular momentum then has the property of atomicity. Such relationships do not in general drop out of empirical formulae. When they do, we usually see in them real interpretations of the formulae—not merely coincidences.
Again, the success of a theory is often tested as much by its
adaptability to the explanation of deviations from the behavior
predicted by its most elementary form as by the exactness of the fit
between calculated and observed results. The theory of electronic
orbits has had remarkable successes of this sort. Thus it predicts
the Moseley law (33). But this law, discovered afterward, was found
inexact, and it should be inexact when there is more than one electron
in the atom, as is the case save for atoms and for such He atoms
as have lost one negative charge, and that because of the way in which
the electrons influence one another’s fields. By taking account of
these influences, the inexactnesses in Moseley’s law have been very
satisfactorily explained.
Another very beautiful quantitative argument for the correctness of Bohr’s orbital conception comes from the prediction of a slight difference between the positions in the spectrum of two sets of lines, one due to ionized helium and the other to hydrogen. These two sets of [Pg 217] lines, since they are both due to a single electron rotating about a simple nucleus, ought to be exactly coincident, i.e., they ought to be one and the same set of lines, if it were not for the fact that the helium nucleus is four times as heavy as the hydrogen nucleus.
To see the difference that this causes it is only necessary to reflect that, when an electron revolves about a hydrogen nucleus, the real thing that happens is that the two bodies revolve about their common center of gravity. But since the nucleus is two thousand times heavier than the electron, this center is exceedingly close to the hydrogen nucleus.
When, now, the hydrogen nucleus is replaced by that of helium, which is four times as heavy, the common center of gravity is still closer to the nucleus, so that the helium-nucleus describes a much smaller circle than did that of hydrogen. This situation is responsible for a slight but accurately predictable difference in the energies of the two orbits, which should cause the spectral lines produced by electron-jumps to these two different orbits to be slightly displaced from one another.
This predicted slight displacement between the hydrogen and helium lines is not only found experimentally, but the most refined and exact of recent measurements has shown that the observed displacement agrees with the predicted value to within a small fraction of 1 per cent.
This not only constitutes excellent evidence for the orbit theory, but it seems to be irreconcilable with a ring-electron theory once favored by some authors, since it requires the mass of the electron to be concentrated at a point.
[Pg 218]
The next amazing success of the orbit theory came when Sommerfeld[159] showed that the “quantum” principle underlying the Bohr theory ought to demand two different hydrogen orbits corresponding to the second quantum state—second orbit from the nucleus—one a circle and one an ellipse. And by applying the relativity theory to the change in mass of the electron with its change in speed as it moves through the different portions (perihelion and aphelion) of its orbit, he showed that the circular and elliptical orbits should have slightly different energies, and consequently that both the hydrogen and the helium lines corresponding to the second quantum state should be close doublets.
Now not only is this found to be the fact, but the measured separation of these two doublet lines agrees precisely with the predicted value, so that this again constitutes extraordinary evidence for the validity of the orbit-conceptions underlying the computation.
In Fig. 27 the two orbits which are here in question are those which
are labeled and
; the large numeral denoting the total
quantum number, and the subscript the auxiliary, or azimuthal,
quantum number which determines the ellipticity of the orbit. The
figure is introduced to show the types of stationary orbits which the
extended Bohr theory permits. For total quantum number 1 there is but
one possible orbit, a circle. For total quantum numbers 2, 3, 4, etc.,
there are 2, 3, 4, etc., possible orbits, respectively. The ratio of
the auxiliary to the total quantum number gives the ratio of the minor
and major axes of the ellipse. The fourth quantum state, for example,
[Pg 219]
has four orbits,
, all of which have the
same major axis, but minor axes which increase in the ratios 1, 2, 3,
4 up to equality, in the circle (
), with the major axis. It is
this multiplicity of orbits which predicts with beautiful accuracy the
“fine-structure” of all of the lines due to atomic hydrogen and to
Fig. 27—Bohr-Sommerfeld model of the hydrogen atom with stationary orbits corresponding to principal quantum numbers and auxiliary or azimuthal quantum numbers.
The next quantitative success of the Bohr theory came when Epstein,[160] of the California Institute, applied his amazing grasp of orbit theory to the exceedingly difficult problem of computing the perturbations in electron orbits, and hence the change in energy of each, due to exciting hydrogen and helium atoms to radiate in an electrostatic field. He thus predicted the whole complex character of what we call the “Stark effect,” showing just how many new lines [Pg 220] were to be expected and where each one should fall, and then the spectroscope yielded, in practically every detail, precisely the result which the Epstein theory demanded.
Another quantitative success of the orbit theory is one which Mr. I. S. Bowen and the author,[161] at the California Institute, have just brought to light. Through creating what we call “hot sparks” in extreme vacuum we have succeeded in stripping in succession, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the valence, or outer, electrons from the atoms studied. In going from lithium, through beryllium, boron and carbon to nitrogen, we have thus been able to work with stripped atoms of all these substances.
Now these stripped atoms constitute structures which are all exactly
alike save that the fields in which the single electron is radiating as
it returns toward the nucleus increase in the ratios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as
we go from stripped lithium to stripped nitrogen. We have applied
the relativity-doublet formula, which, as indicated above, Sommerfeld
had developed for the simple nucleus-electron system found in hydrogen
and ionized helium, and have found that it not only predicts everywhere
the observed doublet-separation of the doublet-lines produced by all
these stripped atoms, but that it enables us to compute how many
electrons are in the inmost, or shell, screening the nucleus from
the radiating electron. This number comes out just 2, as we know from
radioactive and other data that it should. (See inset photograph,
Fig. 37, following Fig. 36, opposite p. 260.)
Further, when we examine the spectra due to the stripped atoms of the
group of elements from sodium to sulphur, one electron having been
[Pg 221]
knocked off from sodium, two from magnesium, three from aluminum, four
from silicon, five from phosphorus, and six from sulphur, we ought to
find that the number of screening electrons in the two inmost shells
combined is , and it does come out 10, precisely as
predicted, and all this through the simple application of the
principle of change of mass with speed in elliptical electronic orbits
of the type shown in Fig. 27.
The physicist has thus piled Ossa upon Pelion in his quantitative proof of the existence of electronic orbits within atoms. About the shapes of these orbits he has some little information (Fig. 27) but about their orientations he is as yet pretty largely in the dark. The diagrams[162] on the accompanying pages, Figs. 28, 29, and 31, represent hypothetical conceptions, due primarily to Bohr, of the electronic orbits in a group of atoms. Since, however, these orbits are some sort of space configurations, the accompanying plane diagrams are merely schematic. They may be studied in connection with Fig. 27, Table XV, and Bohr’s diagram[163] of the periodic system of the elements shown in Fig. 30. These contain the most essential additions which Bohr made in 1922 and 1923 to the simple theory developed in 1913.
The most characteristic feature of these additions is the conception of the penetration, in the case of the less simple atoms, of electrons in highly elliptical orbits into the region inside the shells of lower quantum number.
[Pg 222]
Fig. 28—Hypothetical atomic structures
[Pg 223]
This gives, so Bohr believes, these penetrating electron-orbits in some cases a smaller mean potential energy, and therefore a higher stability, than some of the orbits corresponding to the smaller quantum numbers.
A glance at the group of elements beginning with argon, the last
element in shell 3, in both Table XV and Fig. 30, will make clear the
meaning of this statement. The fourth column of Table XV shows that
Bohr assigns to argon four very elliptical orbits of shape
and four of shape
. Glancing down the same column to copper,
or lower, one sees that there are eighteen possible third-shell orbits,
namely, six of shape
six of shape
, and six of shape
, i.e., there are in the third shell in argon ten unfilled
orbits. But when a new electron is added, as we pass from argon to
potassium, it goes, according to Bohr, into the
orbit, thus
giving potassium univalent properties like lithium and sodium (see
Fig. 28). Similarly, calcium is shown in Table XV as taking its two
extra electrons into its
orbits. But as now the nuclear charge
gets stronger and stronger with increasing atomic number, the empty
third-shell orbits gain in stability over the fourth-shell ones, and a
stage of reconstruction sets in with scandium (Fig. 30) and continues
down to copper, all the added electrons now going inside to
fill the ten empty orbits in the third shell, with the result that the
chemical properties, which depend on the outer or valence electrons,
do not change much while this is going on. With copper (see Table XV)
the eighteen third-shell orbits are completely filled and one electron
is in the
orbit (see also Fig. 29), and from there down to
krypton the chemical properties progress normally much as they do from
Mg to Ar.
[Pg 224]
Fig. 29—Hypothetical atomic structures
[Pg 225]
Precisely the same procedure is repeated in the fifth period of eighteen elements between krypton and xenon, the rare-earth group which intervenes between strontium (Sr) and silver (Ag) corresponding to the elements in which, with increasing atomic number, the added electrons are filling up the empty orbits in the fourth shell instead of going into what is now the outer or fifth shell (see Table XV).
Now in considering the sixth period of thirty-two elements from xenon
(Xe) to niton (Nt), a glance at Table XV shows that the fourth shell
in xenon contained only eighteen electrons, whereas in niton there are
thirty-two, i.e., there are fourteen unfilled orbits in xenon in the
fourth shell; and a similar glance at the fifth shell shows
vacant orbits there. The first two elements in this group, viz.,
caesium (Cs) and barium (Ba), take the added electrons in
orbits, then the electrons begin to go inside until gold is reached,
when the fourth and fifth shells become full and from gold (Au) to
niton (Nt), as the added electrons go to the outer shell, the chemical
properties again progress as from sodium to argon, or from copper to
It will be noticed that in Fig. 30 element 72 is hafnium, the element discovered in 1923 by Coster and Hevesy[164] by means of X-ray analysis. It is because its chemical properties resemble so closely those of zirconium that it had not been found earlier by chemical means. Hevesy estimates that it represents one one hundred-thousandth of the earth’s crust, which makes it more plentiful than lead or tin.
[Pg 226]
Fig. 30—Bohr’s form of the periodic table, the most illuminating thus far devised. The elements which are in process of orbital reconstruction, because of the passage of electrons into thus far unfilled inner quantum orbits, are inclosed in frames. Lines connect elements which have similar properties.
[Pg 227]
Period | Z | 1₁ | 2₁ | 2₂ | 3₁ | 3₂ | 3₃ | 4₁ | 4₂ | 4₃ | 4₄ | 5₁ | 5₂ | 5₃ | 5₄ | 5₅ | 6₁ | 6₂ | 6₃ | 6₄ | 6₅ | 6₆ | 7₁ | 7₂ |
1 | 1 H | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2 He | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 Li | 2 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 Be | 2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 B | 2 | 2 | (1) | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 Ne | 2 | 4 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 11 Na | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
12 Mg | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
13 Al | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
18 A | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | 19 K | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
20 Ca | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
21 Sc | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | |||||||||||||||||
22 Ti | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | (2) | |||||||||||||||||
29 Cu | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
30 Zn | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||
31 Ga | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
36 Kr | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | 37 Rb | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | ||||||||||||||
38 Sr | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 2 | |||||||||||||||
39 Y | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | ||||||||||||||
40 Zr | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 2 | (2) | ||||||||||||||
47 Ag | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 1 | ||||||||||||||
48 Cd | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
49 In | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 1 | |||||||||||||
54 Xe | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | |||||||||||||
6 | 55 Cs | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |||||||||||
56 Ba | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 2 | ||||||||||||
57 La | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | |||||||||||
58 Ce | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | ||||||||||
59 Pr | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | ||||||||||
71 Lu | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | ||||||||||
72 Hf | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 2 | (2) | ||||||||||
79 Au | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 1 | ||||||||||
80 Hg | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | ||||||||||
81 Ti | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 1 | |||||||||
86 Nt | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | |||||||||
7 | 87 —— | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |||||||
88 Ra | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | (2) | ||||||||
89 Ac | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | (2) | |||||||
90 Th | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 2 | (2) | |||||||
118 (?) | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 |
[Pg 228]
The seventh period begins (Fig. 30) with an unknown
element of atomic number 87, which, with its single
orbit, should have a valency of 1, then passes to radium
with its two
orbits (see Fig. 31) and valency 2, and
breaks off suddenly with uranium because the nucleus
has here become unstable.
It should be clearly understood that the detailed theory as here presented, and above all the models of complicated atoms, are to a very considerable degree hypothetical and speculative. But it is highly probable that they give a more or less correct general picture of the way electrons behave in atoms. So far as the general conception of orbits which behave in the main, especially in the simpler atoms, in accordance with the Bohr assumptions, is concerned, if the test of truth in a physical theory is large success both in the prediction of new relationships and in correctly and exactly accounting for old ones, the theory of non-radiating orbits is one of the well-established truths of modern physics. For the present at least it is truth, and no other theory of atomic structure need be considered until it has shown itself able to approach it in fertility. I know of no competitor which is as yet even in sight.
I am well aware that the facts of organic chemistry seem to demand that the valence electrons be grouped in certain definite equilibrium positions about the periphery of the atom, and that at first sight this demand appears difficult to reconcile with the theory of electronic orbits. But a little reflection shows that there is here no necessary clash. With a suitable orientation of orbits, these localized valencies of chemistry are about as easy to reconcile with an orbit theory as with a fixed electron theory.
[Pg 229]
Fig. 31—Hypothetical structure of the radium atom
[Pg 230]
It is only for free atoms that spectroscopic evidence has forced us to build up orbit pictures of the foregoing sort. When atoms unite into molecules, or into solid bodies, these orbits will undoubtedly be very largely readjusted under the mutual influence of the two or more nuclei which are now acting simultaneously upon them.
It has been objected, too, that the Bohr theory is not a radiation
theory because it gives us no picture of the mechanism of the
production of the frequency . This is true, and therein lies
its strength, just as the strength of the first and second laws of
thermodynamics lies in the fact that they are true irrespective of
a mechanism. The Bohr theory is a theory of atomic structure; it is
not a theory of radiation, for it merely states what energy relations
must exist when radiation, whatever its mechanism, takes place. It
is the first attempt to determine in the light of well-established
experimental facts what the electrons inside the atom are doing, and
as such a first attempt it must be regarded as, thus far, a success,
though it has by no means got beyond the hypothetical stage. Its
chief difficulty arises from the apparent contradiction involved
in a non-radiating electronic orbit, and there appears to be no
solution to this difficulty save in the denial of the universal
applicability of the classical electromagnetic laws. But why assume the
universal applicability of these laws, even in the hearts of atoms,
when this is the first opportunity which we have had to test them out
in the region of the infinitely small?
There is one other very important relation predicted by the Bohr theory
and beautifully verified by experiment, but not involving at all its
orbital feature. The frequency value of the inmost, or level,
[Pg 231]
can be exactly determined by measuring the
absorption edge so
beautifully shown on the De Broglie photographs opposite p. 200. Let
us call this frequency
. Similarly, to each orbit in the
second or
quantum state, there corresponds a definite absorption
. Two of these are shown clearly in Fig. 23. The
difference between the
absorption frequency and each
absorption frequency should obviously, according to Bohr, correspond
exactly to the frequency
of an emission line in the
X-ray spectrum, i.e.,
This so-called Kossel relation is of course applicable to all X-ray and
optical spectra. Indeed, in the latter field it appeared before the
Bohr theory under the name of the “Ritz combination principle.” It has
been one of the most important keys to the unlocking of the meaning of
spectra and the revealing of atomic structure.
[Pg 232]
The problems thus far discussed have all been in the domain of molecular physics, but the discovery and measurement of the electron have also exerted a powerful influence upon recent developments in the domain of ether physics. These developments are of extraordinary interest and suggestiveness, but they lead into regions in which the physicist sees as yet but dimly—indeed even more dimly than he thought he saw twenty years ago.
But while the beauty of a problem solved excites the admiration and yields a certain sort of satisfaction, it is after all the unsolved problem, the quest of the unknown, the struggle for the unattained, which is of most universal and most thrilling interest. I make no apologies, therefore, for introducing in this chapter one of the great unsolved problems of modern physics, nor for leaving it with but the vaguest of suggestions toward a solution.
The newest of the problems of physics is at the same time the oldest. For nothing is earlier in the experiences either of the child or of the race than the sensation of receiving light and heat from the sun. But how does light get to us from the sun and the stars through the empty interstellar spaces? The Greeks answered this query very simply and very satisfactorily from the standpoint of people who were content with plausible explanations but had not yet learned perpetually to question [Pg 233] nature experimentally as to the validity or invalidity of a conclusion. They said that the sun and all radiators of light and heat must shoot off minute corpuscles whose impact upon the eye or skin produces the sensations of light and warmth.
This corpuscular theory was the generally accepted one up to 1800 A.D. It was challenged, it is true, about 1680 by the Dutch physicist Huygens, who, starting with the observed phenomena of the transmission of water waves over the surface of a pond or of sound waves through the air, argued that light might be some vibratory disturbance transmitted by some medium which fills all interstellar space. He postulated the existence of such a medium, which was called the luminiferous or light-bearing ether.
Partly no doubt because of Newton’s espousal of the corpuscular theory, the ether or wave theory gained few adherents until some facts of interference began to appear about 1800 which baffled explanation from the standpoint of the corpuscular theory, but which were easily handled by its rival. During the nineteenth century the evidence became stronger and stronger, until by its close the corpuscular theory I had been completely eliminated for four different reasons: (1) The facts of interference were not only found inexplicable in terms of it, but they were completely predicted by the wave theory. (2) The fact that the speed of propagation of light was experimentally found to be greater in air than in water was in accord with the demands of the ether theory, but directly contrary to the demands of the corpuscular theory. (3) Wireless waves had appeared and had been shown to be just [Pg 234] like light waves save for wave-length, and they had been found to pass over continuously, with increasing wave-length, into static electrical fields such as could not apparently be explained from a corpuscular point of view. (4) The speed of light had been shown to be independent of the speed of the source as demanded by the ether theory and denied by the corpuscular theory.
By 1900, then, the ether theory had become apparently impregnably intrenched. A couple of years later it met with some opposition of a rather ill-considered sort, as it seems to me, from a group of extreme advocates of the relativity theory, but this theory is now commonly regarded, I think, as having no bearing whatever upon the question of the existence or non-existence of a luminiferous ether. For such an ether was called into being solely for the sake of furnishing a carrier for electromagnetic waves, and it obviously stands or falls with the existence of such waves in vacuo, and this has never been questioned by anyone so far as I am aware.
Up to 1903, then, the theory which looked upon an electromagnetic wave as a disturbance which originated at some point in the ether at which an electric charge was undergoing a change in speed, and was propagated from that point outward as a spherical wave or pulse, the total energy of the disturbance being always spread uniformly over the wave front, had met with no serious question from any source. Indeed, it had been extraordinarily successful, not only in accounting for all the known facts, but in more than one instance in predicting new ones. The first difficulty appeared after the discovery of the electron and [Pg 235] in connection with the relations of the electron to the absorption or emission of such electromagnetic waves. It was first pointed out in 1903 by Sir J. J. Thomson in his Silliman lectures at Yale. It may be stated thus:
X-rays unquestionably pass over all but an exceedingly minute fraction,
say one in a thousand billion, of the atoms contained in the space
traversed without spending any energy upon them or influencing them in
any observable way. But here and there they find an atom from which,
as is shown in the photographs opposite p. 192, they hurl a negative
electron with enormous speed. This is the most interesting and most
significant characteristic of X-rays, and one which distinguishes
them from the - and
-rays just as sharply as does
the property of non-deviability in a magnetic field; for Figs. 14 and
15 and the plate opposite p. 190 show that neither
- nor
-rays ever eject electrons from the atoms through which they
pass, with speeds comparable with those produced by X-rays, else there
would be new long zigzag lines branching out from points all along
the paths of the
- and
-particles shown in these
But this property of X-rays introduces a serious difficulty into the ether theory. For if the electric intensity in the wave front of the X-ray is sufficient thus to hurl a corpuscle with huge energy from one particular atom, why does it not at least detach corpuscles from all of the atoms over which it passes?
Again when ultra-violet light falls on a metal it, too, like X-rays, is
found to eject negative electrons. This phenomenon of the emission of
electrons under the influence of light is called the photo-electric
[Pg 236]
effect. Lenard[165] first made the astonishing discovery that the
energy of ejection of the electron is altogether independent of the
intensity of the light which causes the ejection, no matter whether
this intensity is varied by varying the distance of the light or by
introducing absorbing screens. I have myself[166] subjected this
relation to a very precise test and found it to hold accurately.
Furthermore, this sort of independence has also been established for
the negative electrons emitted by both X- and -rays.
Facts of this sort are evidently difficult to account for on any sort of a spreading-wave theory. But it wall be seen that they lend themselves to easy interpretation in terms of a corpuscular theory, for if the energy of an escaping electron comes from the absorption of a light-corpuscle, then the energy of emission of the ejected electron ought to be independent of the distance of the source, as it is found to be, and furthermore corpuscular rays would hit but a very minute fraction of the atoms contained in the space traversed by them. This would explain, then, both the independence of the energy of emission upon intensity and the smallness of the number of atoms ionized.
In view, however, of the four sets of facts mentioned above, Thomson found it altogether impossible to go back to the old and exploded form of corpuscular theory for an explanation of the new facts as to the emission of electrons under the influence of ether waves. He accordingly attempted to reconcile these troublesome new facts with the wave theory by assuming a fibrous structure in the ether and picturing all electromagnetic energy as traveling along Faraday lines of force [Pg 237] conceived of as actual strings extending through all space. Although this concept, which we shall call the ether-string theory, is like the corpuscular theory in that the energy, after it leaves the emitting body, remains localized in space, and, when absorbed, is absorbed as a whole, yet it is after all essentially an ether theory. For in it the speed of propagation is determined by the properties of the medium—or of space, if one prefers a mere change in name;—and has nothing to do with the nature or condition of the source. Thus the last three of the fatal objections to a corpuscular theory are not here encountered. As to the first one, no one has yet shown that Thomson’s suggestion is reconcilable with the facts of interference, though so far as I know neither has its irreconcilability been as yet absolutely demonstrated.
But interference aside, all is not simple and easy for Thomson’s theory. For one encounters serious difficulties when he attempts to visualize the universe as an infinite cobweb whose threads never become tangled or broken however swiftly the electrical charges to which they are attached may be flying about.
Yet the boldness and the difficulties of Thomson’s “ether-string”
theory did not deter Einstein[167] in 1905 from making it even more
radical. In order to connect it up with some results to which Planck
of Berlin had been led in studying the facts of black-body radiation,
Einstein assumed that the energy emitted by any radiator not only kept
together in bunches or quanta as it traveled through space, as Thomson
[Pg 238]
had assumed it to do, but that a given source could emit and absorb
radiant energy only in units which are all exactly equal to ,
being the natural frequency of the emitter and
a constant
which is the same for all emitters.
I shall not attempt to present the basis for such an assumption, for,
as a matter of fact, it had almost none at the time. But whatever
its basis, it enabled Einstein to predict at once that the energy of
emission of electrons under the influence of light would be governed by
the equation
in which
is tine energy absorbed by the electron from the
light wave or light quantum, for, according to the assumption it was
the whole energy contained in that quantum,
is the work necessary
to get the electron out of the metal, and
is the
energy with which it leaves the surface—an energy evidently measured
by the product of its charge
by the potential difference
against which it is just able to drive itself before being brought to
At the time at which it was made this prediction was as bold as the
hypothesis which suggested it, for at that time there were available no
experiments whatever for determining anything about how the positive
potential necessary to apply to the illuminated electrode to
stop the discharge of negative electrons from it under the influence
of monochromatic light varied with the frequency
of the light,
or whether the quantity
to which Planck had already assigned
a numerical value appeared at all in connection with photo-electric
discharge. We are confronted, however, by the astonishing situation
[Pg 239]
that after ten years of work at the Ryerson Laboratory (1904-15) and
elsewhere upon the discharge of electrons by light this equation of
Einstein’s was found to predict accurately all of the facts which had
been observed.
The method which was adopted in the Ryerson Laboratory for testing the correctness of Einstein’s equation involved the performance of so many operations upon the highly inflammable alkali metals in a vessel which was freed from the presence of all gases that it is not inappropriate to describe the experimental arrangement as a machine-shop in vacuo. Fig. 32 shows a photograph of the apparatus, and Fig. 33 is a drawing of a section which should make the necessary operations intelligible.
One of the most vital assertions made in Einstein’s theory is that the
kinetic energy with which monochromatic light ejects electrons from any
metal is proportional to the frequency of the light, i.e., if violet
light is of half the wave-length of red light, then the violet light
should throw out the electron with twice the energy imparted to it
by the red light. In order to test whether any such linear relation
exists between the energy of the escaping electron and the light which
throws it out it was necessary to use as wide a range of frequencies
as possible. This made it necessary to use the alkali metals, sodium,
potassium, and lithium, for electrons are thrown from the ordinary
metals only by ultra-violet light, while the alkali metals respond in
this way to any waves shorter than those of the red, that is, they
[Pg 240]
respond throughout practically the whole visible spectrum as well
as the ultra-violet spectrum. Cast cylinders of these metals were
therefore placed on the wheel (Fig. 33) and fresh clean surfaces
were obtained by cutting shavings from each metal in an excellent
vacuum with the aid of the knife
, which was operated by an
outside the tube.
Fig. 32
After this the freshly cut surface was turned around by another
electromagnet until it was opposite the point of Fig. 33 and a
beam of monochromatic light from a spectrometer was let in through
and allowed to fall on the new surface. The energy of the
electrons ejected by it was measured by applying to the surface a
positive potential just strong enough to prevent any of the discharged
electrons from reaching the gauze cylinder opposite (shown in dotted
[Pg 241]
lines) and thus communicating an observable negative charge to the
quadrant electrometer which was attached to this gauze cylinder.
Fig. 33
For a complete test of the equation it was necessary also to measure
the contact-electromotive force between the new surface and a
[Pg 242]
test plate . This was done by another electromagnetic device
shown in Fig. 32, but for further details the original paper may be
consulted.[168] Suffice it here to say that Einstein’s equation demands
a linear relation between the applied positive volts and the frequency
of the light, and it also demands that the slope of this line should be
exactly equal to
. Hence from this slope, since
is known, it should be possible to obtain
. How perfect a linear
relation is found may be seen from Fig. 34, which also shows that from
the slope of this line
is found to be
, which
is as close to the value obtained by Planck from the radiation laws
as is to be expected from the accuracy with which the experiments in
radiation can be made. The most reliable value of
obtained from a
consideration of the whole of this work is
[Pg 243]
In the original paper will be found other tests of the Einstein
equation, but the net result of all this work is to confirm in a very
complete way the equation which Einstein first set up on the basis of
his semi-corpuscular theory of radiant energy. And if this equation is
of general validity it must certainly be regarded as one of the most
fundamental and far-reaching of the equations of physics, and one which
is destined to play in the future a scarcely less important rôle than
Maxwell’s equations have played in the past, for it must govern the
transformation of all short-wave-length electromagnetic energy into
heat energy.
[Pg 244]
Fig. 34
The whole of this chapter up to this point has been left practically as it was written for the first edition of this book in 1916. Now the altogether overwhelming proof that Einstein’s equation is an exact equation of very general validity is perhaps the most conspicuous achievement of experimental physics during the past decade. Its history is briefly as follows.
As early as 1900 Planck[169] had been led from theoretical
considerations to the conclusion that atoms radiated energy
discontinuously in units which were equal to, or multiples of, ,
in which
is the natural frequency of the radiator, and
a universal constant which is now called Planck’s
. He
adopted the view that the seat of the discontinuity was in the
radiator, not in the radiation after it had left the radiator,
and in the second edition of his book modified the formulation of his
theory so as to make this appear without any ambiguity.
It was in 1905, as stated above, that Einstein definitely put the
discontinuity into the radiation itself, assuming that light itself
consisted of darts of localized energy, “light-quantas,” of amount
. He further assumed that one of these light-quantas could
transfer its energy undiminished to an electron, so that, in the
photo-electric effect, the electron shot out from the metal with the
, where
represents the work necessary to get
it out of the metal.
In 1913 Bohr, in the development of his theory of spectra, without
accepting Einstein’s view as to the seat of the discontinuity, assumed
an equation which was precisely the inverse of Einstein’s,
[Pg 245]
i.e., he assumed that the energy lost when an electron jumps from one
stationary state to another is wholly transformed into monochromatic
radiation whose frequency is determined by equating the loss in energy
. In other words, Einstein and Bohr
together have set up a reciprocal and reversible relation between
electronic and radiant energy.
Up to 1914 no direct experimental proof had appeared for the
correctness of this relation. In the photo-electric field discussion
was active as to whether any definite maximum velocity of emission
of electrons under the influence of monochromatic light existed,
and although linear relations between energy and frequency had been
reported by Ladenburg, Richardson and Compton, and Hughes, the range of
frequencies available had been so small as to leave uncertainties in
the minds of reviewers[170] and Planck’s had definitely as yet
failed to appear.
The unambiguous experimental proofs of the correctness of the foregoing
theoretical relation began with the publication of the accompanying
photo-electric results[171] which were reported briefly in 1914, and
submitted in extenso in September, 1915. These were in a form
to prove the correctness of the Einstein equation; for monochromatic
light of known frequency fell upon a metal and the maximum energy of
electronic ejection was found to be exactly determined by
[Pg 246]
as Einstein’s equation required.
A year or two later Duane1[172] and his associates had found
unambiguous proof of the inverse effect. A target had been bombarded
by electrons of known and constant energy
and the maximum frequency of the emitted ether waves (general
radiation) was found to be precisely given by
D. L. Webster then proved that the characteristic X-ray frequencies of
atoms begin to be excited at exactly the potential at which the energy
of the stream of electrons which is bombarding the atoms has reached
the value given by in which
is now the frequency of an absorption edge.[173] This checks Bohr’s
formulation of frequency-energy relations, since it shows that when
an electron within an atom receives just enough energy by bombardment
to be entirely removed from the atom, the total energy values of the
frequencies emitted during its return are equal to the electronic
energy of the original bombardment.
De Broglie[174] and Ellis,[175] on the other hand, have measured
with great accuracy, by means of the deviability in a magnetic
field, the velocities of electrons ejected from different sorts of
atoms by monochromatic X-rays, and have completely confirmed by such
photo-electric work in the X-ray field my previous results obtained
with ultra-violet light. They here verify in great detail and with much
[Pg 247]
elaboration the Einstein formulation
now represents the work necessary to lift the electron
out of any particular level in the atom.
Parallel to this very complete establishment of the validity in the X-ray field of the Einstein photo-electric equation, and of its inverse the Bohr equation, has come the rapid working out in the domain of optics of the very large field of ionizing and radiating potentials which has also involved the utilization and verification of the same reciprocal relation. This will be seen at once from the definition of the ionizing potential of an atom as the electronic energy which must be thrown into it by bombardment to just remove from it one of its outer electrons. Through the return of such removed electrons there is in general a whole spectral series emitted. Similarly the radiating potential of an atom is defined as the bombarding energy which must be supplied to it to just lift one of its outer electrons from its normal orbit to the first virtual orbit outside that normal orbit. When this electron drops back there is in general the emission of a single-line spectrum. All this work took its origin in the fundamental experiments of Franck and Hertz[176] on mercury vapor in 1914. From 1916-22 the field was worked out in great detail, especially in America by Foote and Mohler, Wood, McLennan. Davis and Goucher, and others.
Suffice it to say that whether the energy comes in the form of ether
waves which through absorption in an atom lift an electron out of
a normal orbit, so that the atom passes over to an excited or to
an ionized state, or whether the energy enters in the form of a
bombarding electron and reappears as a radiated frequency, the
[Pg 248]
reciprocal relation represented in the Einstein-Bohr equation
has been found fulfilled in the most complete
In view of all these methods and experiments the general validity of the Einstein equation, first proved photo-electrically about ten years ago, is now universally conceded.
In spite of the credentials which have just been presented for Einstein’s equation, the essentially corpuscular theory out of which he got it has not yet met with general acceptance even by physicists of Bohr’s type. There seems to be no possibility, at present, of bringing it into harmony with a whole group of well-established facts of physics.
The recent practically complete bridging of the gap between X-rays and light,[177] as well as that between heat waves and wireless waves,[178] with the perfectly continuous passage of the latter over into static electrical fields, appears to demand that, if we attempt to interpret high frequency electromagnetic waves—X-rays and light—in terms of undulatory “darts of light,” we also interpret wireless waves in the same way, and this in turn requires us to use a similar mechanism in the interpretation of static electrical fields. This brings us back to Thomson’s ether-string theory, which seems to be a necessary part of Einstein’s conception, if it is to have any physical basis whatever.
[Pg 249]
Two very potent objections, however, may be urged against all forms of ether-string theory. The first is that no one has ever yet been able to show that such a theory can predict any one of the facts of interference. The second is that there is direct positive evidence against the view that the ether possesses a fibrous structure. For if a static electrical field has a fibrous structure, as postulated by any form of ether-string theory, “each unit of positive electricity being the origin and each unit of negative electricity the termination of a Faraday tube,”[179] then the force acting on one single electron between the plates of an air condenser cannot possibly vary continuously with the potential difference between the plates. Now in the oil-drop experiments[180] we actually study the behavior in such an electric field of one single, isolated electron and we find, over the widest limits, exact proportionality between the field strength and the force acting on the electron as measured by the velocity with which the oil drop to which it is attached is dragged through the air.
When we maintain the field constant and vary the charge on the drop, the granular structure of electricity is proved by the discontinuous changes in the velocity, but when we maintain the charge constant and vary the field the lack of discontinuous change in the velocity disproves the contention of a fibrous structure in the field, unless the assumption be made that there are an enormous number of ether strings ending in one electron. Such an assumption takes most of the virtue out of an ether-string theory.
[Pg 250]
Despite, then, the apparently complete success of the Einstein equation, the physical theory of which it was designed to be the symbolic expression is thus far so irreconcilable with a whole group of well-established facts that some of the most penetrating of modern physicists cannot as yet accept it, and we are somewhat in the position of having built a very perfect structure and then knocked out entirely the underpinning without causing the building to fall. It stands complete and apparently well tested, but without any visible means of support. These supports must obviously exist, and the most fascinating problem of modern physics is to find them. Experiment has outrun theory, or, better, guided by unacceptable theory, it has discovered relationships which seem to be of the greatest interest and importance, but the reasons for them are as yet not at all understood.
It is possible, however, to go a certain distance toward a solution and
to indicate some conditions which must be satisfied by the solution
when it is found. For the energy , with which the electron is
found by experiment to escape from the atom, must have come either from
the energy stored up inside of the atom or else from the light. There
is no third possibility. Now the fact that the energy of emission is
the same, whether the body from which it is emitted is held within an
inch of the source, where the light is very intense, or a mile away,
where it is very weak, would seem to indicate that the light simply
pulls a trigger in the atom which itself furnishes all the energy with
which the electron escapes, as was originally suggested by Lenard
[Pg 251]
in 1902,[181] or else, if the light furnishes the energy, that light
itself must consist of bundles of energy which keep together as they
travel through space, as suggested in the Thomson-Einstein theory.
Yet the fact that the energy of emission is directly proportional to
the frequency of the incident light spoils Lenard’s form of trigger
theory, since, if the atom furnishes the energy, it ought to make no
difference what kind of a wave-length pulls the trigger, while it ought
to make a difference what kind of a gun, that is, what kind of an atom,
is shot off. But both of these expectations are the exact opposite of
the observed facts. The energy of the escaping electron must come,
then, in some way or other, from the incident light, or from other
light of its frequency, since it is characteristic of that frequency
When, however, we attempt to compute on the basis of a spreading-wave theory how much energy an electron can receive from a given source of light, we find it difficult to find anything more than a very minute fraction of the amount which it actually acquires.
Thus, the total luminous energy falling per second from a standard
candle on a square centimeter at a distance of 3 m. is 1 erg.[182]
Hence the amount falling per second on a body of the size of an atom,
i.e., of cross-section , is
, but
the energy
with which an electron is ejected by light of
(millionths millimeter) is
or four thousand times as much. Since not a third of
the incident energy is in wave-lengths shorter than
a surface of sodium or lithium which is sensitive up to
[Pg 252]
should require, even if all tills energy were in one wave-length,
which it is not, at least 12,000 seconds or 4 hours of illumination
by a candle 3 m. away before any of its atoms could have received,
all told, enough energy to discharge an electron. Yet the electron is
observed to shoot out the instant the light is turned on. It is true
that Lord Rayleigh has shown[183] that an atom may conceivably absorb
wave-energy from a region of the order of magnitude of the square of
a wave-length of the incident light rather than of the order of its
own cross-section. This in no way weakens, however, the cogency of the
type of argument just presented, for it is only necessary to apply the
same sort of analysis to the case of
-rays, the wave-length
of which is sometimes as low as a hundredth of an atomic diameter
cm.), and the difficulty is found still more pronounced.
Thus Rutherford[184] estimates that the total
-ray energy
radiated per second by one gram of radium cannot possibly be more
. Hence at a distance of 100 meters,
where the
-rays from a gram of radium would be easily
detectable, the total
-ray energy falling per second on a
square millimeter of surface, the area of which is ten-thousand
billion times greater than that of an atom, would be
This is very close to the energy with which
-rays are actually
observed to be ejected by these
-rays, the velocity of
ejection being about nine-tenths that of light. Although, then, it
should take ten thousand billion seconds for the atom to gather in
this much energy from the
-rays, on the basis of classical
[Pg 253]
theory, the
-ray is observed to be ejected with this energy
as soon as the radium is put in place. This shows that if we are going
to abandon the Thomson-Einstein hypothesis of localized energy, which
is of course competent to satisfy these energy relations, there is no
alternative but to assume that at some previous time the electron had
absorbed and stored up from light of this wave-length enough energy
so that it needed but a minute addition at the time of the experiment
to be able to be ejected from the atom with the energy
What sort of an absorbing and energy-storing mechanism an atom might
have which would give it the weird property of storing up energy to
the value
, where
is the frequency of the incident
light, and then shooting it all out at once, is terribly difficult to
conceive. Or, if the absorption is thought of as due to resonance it
is equally difficult to see how there can be, in the atoms of a solid
body, electrons having all kinds of natural frequencies so that some
are always found to absorb and ultimately be ejected by impressed light
of any particular frequency.
However, then, we may interpret the phenomenon of the emission of electrons under the influence of ether waves, whether upon the basis of the Thomson-Einstein assumption of bundles of localized energy traveling through the ether, or upon the basis of a peculiar properly of the inside of an atom which enables it to absorb continuously incident energy and emit only explosively, the observed characteristics of the effect seem to furnish proof that the emission of energy by an atom is a discontinuous or explosive process. This was the fundamental assumption of Planck’s so-called quantum theory [Pg 254] of radiation. The Thomson-Einstein theory makes both the absorption and the emission sudden or discontinuous, while the loading theory first suggested by Planck makes the absorption continuous and only the emission explosive.
The new facts in the field of radiation which have been discovered through the study of the properties of the electron seem, then, to require in any case a very fundamental revision or extension of classical theories of absorption and emission of radiant energy. The Thomson-Einstein theory throws the whole burden of accounting for the new facts upon the unknown nature of the ether, and makes radical assumptions about its structure. The loading theory leaves the ether alone and puts the burden of an explanation upon the unknown conditions and laws which exist inside the atom.
In the first edition of this book, finished in 1917, I expressed the view that the chances were in favor of the ultimate triumph of the second alternative. In 1921, however, I presented at the Third Solvay Congress some new photo-electric experiments[185] which seemed at the time to point strongly the other way.
These experiments consisted in showing with greater certainty than
had been possible in earlier years[186] that the stopping potentials
of different metals ,
, when brought in succession
before the same Faraday cylinder
(see Fig. 35) and illuminated
with a given frequency, were strictly identical. The significance of
these results for the theory of quanta lay in the fact that I deduced
[Pg 255]
from them the conclusion that in the photo-electric effect, contrary
to preceding views including my own, the energy “
” is
transferred without loss from the ether-waves to the free, i.e., the
conduction electrons of the metal, and not merely to those bound in
atoms. This seemed to take the absorbing mechanism out of the atom
entirely, and to make the property of imparting the energy
to an electron, whether free or bound, an intrinsic property of light
Fig. 35—Showing how photo-electric stopping potentials
of different metals are compared by rotating and
vacuo into the position of
But a beautiful discovery by Klein and Rosseland[187] a little
later, in Bohr’s Institute, made this conclusion unnecessary. For it
showed that there was an intermediate process, namely, a so-called
collision of the second kind, by means of which the energy
might be transferred without loss, indirectly from the
light-wave to the conduction electron, thus obviating the necessity
of a direct transfer. In other words, the Klein and Rosseland
discovery proved that the energy
could be transferred from
the light-wave to the conduction electron by being absorbed first by
[Pg 256]
an atom, which would thus be changed from the normal to the excited
state, i.e., the state in which one of its electrons has been lifted
from a normal to an outer orbit. This excited atom could then return to
its normal state without radiation by a collision “of the second
kind,” which consists in transferring its whole absorbed energy
to a free or conduction electron. The reality of this phenomenon
has been experimentally checked by Franck and Cario.[188] This
important discovery then left the evidence for localized light-quanta
precisely where it was before.[189]
Within the past year, however, a young American physicist, Dr. A. H. Compton, of the University of Chicago, has discovered another new phenomenon which constitutes perhaps the best evidence yet found in favor of Einstein’s hypothesis of localized light-quanta.
Compton’s procedure is as follows. Assuming, for the sake of obtaining quantitative relations, the correctness of Einstein’s hypothesis, he argues that when such a “light-quanta” collides with a free electron the impact should be governed by the laws which hold for the collision between any material bodies. These are two in number, namely: (1) the principle of the conservation of energy; (2) the principle of the conservation of momentum (Newton’s Third Law).
Now the energy of a light-quanta, as heretofore shown, is .
It moves with the speed of light,
, and if its momentum is taken
, it follows at once from the Einstein relativity relation
[Pg 257]
between energy and mass, namely,
, that its
momentum is
. This is seen by substituting in the
foregoing Einstein relation
for energy. Or, if preferred, the
same expression for momentum may be deduced easily from the established
laws of light-pressure.
The qualitative results of the preceding assumptions are immediately
seen to be as follows. The light-quanta, by colliding with the free
electron necessarily transfers some of its energy to it, and therefore,
if it arrives with the energy , it must recoil from
the impact at some angle
with a smaller energy
and therefore a lower frequency
, than
that with which it impinged. In other words, light waves should be
changed from a higher frequency to a lower—from blue toward red—by
impact with a free electron.
[Pg 258]
A second qualitative result is that, since the mass of the
light-quanta, as defined above, is even for the hardest -rays
), of the order of a tenth
of the mass of the electron, it is impossible from the laws of
elastic impact that it transfer more than a small part of its energy
to it. In other words, if Compton’s assumptions are correct, the
photo-electric effect, in which there certainly is such a complete
transfer, cannot possibly represent the interaction between a
light-wave and a free electron. When the electron is bound
in the atom there is no difficulty of this sort, for the huge mass of
the atom then permits the momentum equation to be satisfied without
forbidding the practically complete transfer of the energy to one
of its electrons. From this point of view, then, the photo-electric
effect represents the interaction between ether-waves and bound
electrons—the Compton effect the interaction between ether-waves and
free electrons.
The quantitative results which can be deduced from Compton’s
assumptions are definite and simple. Combining the energy and momentum
equations in the manner shown in Appendix H he obtains easily the result
in which
represents the increase in wave-length
due to the “scattering” of the incident beam by free electrons, and
is the angle between the original direction of the beam
and the direction at which the scattered waves come to the measuring
Compton then tested this relation experimentally,[190] using as
his incident waves the characteristic -rays from a molybdenum
target, and as his scattering substance the free (or substantially
free) electrons found in graphite. He found indeed that the
-line of molybdenum was shifted toward longer wave-lengths
just as predicted, and in approximately the correct amount. There
was also an unshifted line presumably due to scattering by bound
Compton had used an ionization-chamber spectrometer for locating his
lines. Ross[191] repeated these experiments at Stanford University,
California, using the more accurate photographic plate for locating
his lines, but still using graphite as the scattering substance. His
published photograph shows a line shifted the correct amount and also
an unshifted one, but he commented on the fact that the shifted line
shows no sign of a separation of the and
components while they are clearly separate in the direct picture.
[Pg 259]
Duane and his collaborators repeated the Compton experiments at
Harvard, using again the ionization chamber method, and failed to
obtain any trace of the Compton shift. At the February meeting of the
Physical Society, 1924, they took the view that the Compton effect
did not exist, but that what both Compton and Ross had observed was
the -rays of molybdenum with their energy diminished by the
work necessary to eject electrons from the
shell of the carbon
atom.[192] This would actually produce a “scattered line” from carbon
which would be practically coincident with Ross’s published line,
though it should not give a dependence of
upon angle
such as Compton had observed.
A few weeks before the date of this writing, at the Norman Bridge
Laboratory of Physics at Pasadena, Becker, Watson, and Smythe,[193]
using aluminum as a scatterer, obtained a Compton-effect photograph
which showed both components of the -rays of molybdenum
displaced by an amount which could be measured with an accuracy of
about 1 per cent (as checked by the author) and within this limit
the agreement with the displacement computed by the foregoing
Compton equation was exact. In this case the Duane-effect-line
is completely removed from the Compton-effect-position, and it too
was found upon the photographic plate. This furnishes, I think,
unambiguous evidence for the reality of the Compton effect. Ross
also informs me that he has obtained the Compton shifted line from a
number of other elements besides carbon—elements in which the Duane
effect could not possibly be confused with it.
[Pg 260]
The accompanying plate sinews in Fig. 36 one of the Becker, Watson,
and Smythe recent photographs. This one was not taken with sufficient
resolution to show the -line as a doublet, but is more
reproducible than the one that did. The direct images of both the
- and
-lines of molybdenum are shown, labeled
, and, a short distance to the right of each,
appears the displaced Compton-shifted-line marked
At the moment, then, Einstein’s hypothesis of localized light-quanta is having new and remarkable successes. Duane,[194] Epstein,[195] and Ehrenfest[196] have perhaps made some slight advances also in the direction of accounting for interference in terms of it. But the theory is as yet woefully incomplete and hazy. About all that we can say now is that we seem to be driven by newly discovered relations in the field of radiation to the hypothetical use of a fascinating conception which we cannot as yet reconcile at all with well-established wave-phenomena.
To be living in a period which faces such a complete reconstruction of our notions as to the way in which ether waves are absorbed and emitted by matter is an inspiring prospect. The atomic and electronic worlds have revealed themselves with beautiful definiteness and wonderful consistency to the eye of the modern physicist, but their relation to the world of ether waves is still to him a profound mystery for which the coming generation has the incomparable opportunity of finding a solution.
In conclusion there is given a summary of the most important physical constants the values of which it has become possible to fix,[197] within about the limits indicated, through the isolation and measurement of the electron.
The photograph shows the change of wave-length of ether-waves, from
blue toward red, because of scattering by free electrons,
are the initial characteristic
-ray lines of
these same lines after
suffering scattering in aluminum.
[Pg 261]
The photograph shows the character of the resolution obtained in the recent study by Bowen and Millikan of the fine structure of spectral lines in the extreme ultra-violet. The seven lines in brackets on the left are components of the 834.0 oxygen line. Their total separation is but about two angstroms. The bracketed doublet on the right is one of the many studied, the separation of which is predicted by the theoretical-relativity-doublet formula.
The electron | |
The Avogadro constant | |
Number of gas molecules per cc. at 0° C. 76 cm |
Kinetic energy of translation of a molecule at 0° |
Change of translational molecular energy per 0° C |
Mass of an atom of hydrogen in grams | |
Planck’s element of action | |
Wien constant of spectral radiation | |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant of total radiation |
Grating spacing in calcite |
[Pg 262]
Fig. 38
If we assume that gaseous ions, which are merely charged molecules or
clusters of molecules, act exactly like the uncharged molecules about
them, they will tend to diffuse just as other molecules do and will
exert a partial gas pressure of exactly the same amount as would an
equal number of molecules of any gas. Imagine then the lower part of
the vessel of Fig. 38 to be filled with gas through which ions are
distributed and imagine that these ions are slowly diffusing upward.
Let be the ionic concentration, i.e., the number of ions
per cubic centimeter at any distance
from the bottom of the
vessel. Then the number
of ions which pass per second through
1 sq. cm. taken perpendicular to
at a distance
from the
bottom must be directly proportional to the concentration gradient
and the factor of proportionality in a given gas is
by definition the diffusion coefficient
of the ions through this
gas, i.e.,
But since is also equal to the product of the average velocity
with which the ions are streaming upward at
by the number
[Pg 263]
of ions per cubic centimeter at
, i.e., since
, we have
from equation (42)
The force which is acting on these
-ions to cause this upward
motion is the difference in the partial pressure of the ions at the top
and bottom of a centimeter cube at the point
. It is, therefore,
equal to
dynes, and the ratio between the force
acting and the velocity produced by it is
Now this ratio must be independent of the particular type of force
which is causing the motion. Imagine then the same -ions set in
motion, not by the process of diffusion, but by an electric field of
. The total force acting on the
-ions would then
, and if we take
as the velocity produced, then the
ratio between the force acting and the velocity produced will now
. By virtue then of the fact that this ratio is
constant, whatever kind of force it be which is causing the motion, we
[Pg 264]
Now if
denote the velocity in unit field, a quantity which
is technically called the “ionic mobility,”
Again since the partial pressure
is proportional to
, i.e.,
, it follows that
Hence equation (43) reduces to
But if we assume that, so far as all pressure relations are concerned,
the ions act like uncharged molecules (this was perhaps an uncertain
assumption at the time, though it has since been shown to be correct),
we have in which
is the number
of molecules per cubic centimeter in the air and
is the pressure
produced by them, i.e.,
is atmospheric pressure. We have then
from equation (44)
[Pg 265]
Fig. 39 shows the arrangement of apparatus used. The oxygen rising from
the electrode is first bubbled through potassium iodide in
to remove ozone, then through water in
to enable the ions to form
a cloud.
Fig. 39
This cloud-laden air then passes through a channel in an electrical
insulator—a paraffin block —into the tubes
which contain concentrated sulphuric acid. These drying tubes remove
all the moisture from the air and also such part of the charge as is
held on ions which in the process of bubbling through
have actually touched the sulphuric acid. The dry air containing
the rest of the charge passes out through a channel in the paraffin
into the flask
. (If the gas being studied was
lighter than air, e.g., hydrogen,
was of course inverted.) The
outside of
is covered with tin foil which is connected to one of
the three mercury cups held by the paraffin block
. If the air in
contained at first no charge, then an electrical charge exactly
[Pg 266]
equal to the quantity of electricity which enters the flask
appear by induction on the tin-foil coating which covers this flask
and this quantity
can be measured by connecting the mercury
cup 2 to cup 3 which is connected to the quadrant electrometer
and observing the deflection per minute. Precisely similarly the total
quantity of electricity which is left per minute in the drying tubes
is exactly equal to the quantity which appears by
induction on the outer walls of the hollow metal vessel
, which
surrounds the tubes
. This quantity
be measured by connecting mercury cup 1 to cup 3 and observing the
deflection per minute of the quadrant electrometer. The number of cubic
centimeters of gas which pass through the apparatus per minute is
easily found from the number of amperes of current which are used in
the electrolysis apparatus
and the electro-chemical equivalent of
the gas. By dividing the quantities of electricity appearing per minute
by the number of cubic centimeters of gas generated
per minute we obtain the total charge per cubic centimeter carried by
the cloud.
The increase in weight of the drying tubes ,
cubic centimeter of gas passing, minus the weight per cubic centimeter
of saturated water vapor, gives the weight of the cloud per cubic
centimeter. This completes the measurements involved in (2) and (3),
p. 47.
As to (4), p. 48, the average size of the droplets of water Townsend
found by passing the cloud emerging from into a flask and
observing how long it took for the top of the cloud to settle a
measured number of centimeters. The radius of the drops could then be
[Pg 267]
obtained from a purely theoretical investigation made by Sir George
Stokes,[198] according to which the velocity
of fall of a
spherical droplet through a gas whose coefficient of viscosity was
is given by
in which
is the density of the droplet. From this Townsend
got the average radius
of the droplets and computed their
average weight
by the familiar formula
He was then ready to proceed as in (5), see p. 48.
[Pg 268]
A very simple derivation of this equation of Einstein has been given by
Langevin of Paris[199] essentially as follows: From the kinetic theory
of gases we have in which
is the average of the squares of the velocities
of the molecules,
the number of molecules in a gram molecule,
the mass of each. Hence the mean kinetic energy of agitation
of each molecule is given by
Since in observations on Brownian movements we record only motions
along one axis, we shall divide the total energy of agitation into
three parts, each part corresponding to motion along one of the
three axes, and, placing the velocity along the -axis equal to
, we have
Every Brownian particle is then moving about, according to Einstein’s
assumption, with a mean energy of motion along each axis equal to
This motion is due to molecular
bombardment, and in order to write an equation for the motion at any
instant of a particle subjected to such forces we need only to know (1)
the value
of the
-component of all the blows struck by the
[Pg 269]
molecules at that instant, and (2) the resistance offered by the medium
to the motion of the particle through it. This last quantity we have
set equal to
and have found that in the case of the motion of
oil droplets through a gas
has the value
We may then write the equation of motion of the particle at any instant
under molecular bombardment in the form
Since in the Brownian movements we are interested only in the
absolute values of displacements without regard to their sign, it
is desirable to change the form of this equation so as to involve
. This can be done by multiplying
through by
. We thus obtain, after substituting for
its value
Langevin now considers the mean result arising from applying
this equation at a given instant to a large number of different
particles all just alike.
Writing then for in which
denotes the
mean of all the large number of different values of
, he gets
after substituting
, and remembering that in
[Pg 270]
taking the mean, since the
in the last term is as likely to be
positive as negative and hence that
Separating the variables this becomes
which yields upon integration between the limits
For any interval of time
long enough to measure this takes
the value of the first term. For when Brownian movements are at all
or less, and since
roughly equal to
we see that, taking the density of the
particle equal to unity,
Hence when
is taken greater than about
rapidly approaches zero, so that for any
measurable time intervals
[Pg 271]
and, letting
represent the change in
in the time
This equation means that if we could observe a large number
of exactly similar particles through a time
, square the
displacement which each undergoes along the
-axis in that time,
and average all these squared displacements, we should get the quantity
. But we must obviously obtain the same result if
we observe the same identical particle through
-intervals each
of length
and average these
-displacements. The latter
procedure is evidently the more reliable, since the former must assume
the exact identity of the particles.
[Pg 272]
Fig. 40
If Fig. 40 represents a magnet of pole area , whose two poles are
cm. apart, and have a total magnetization
, a density of
, and a field strength between them of
then the work necessary to carry a unit pole from
, and the work necessary to create the poles
i.e., to carry
units of magnetism across against a mean held
. Hence the total energy
of the magnetic held is given by
but since
or since
is the volume of the held the energy
per unit
volume of the magnetic held is given by
Now the strength of the magnetic held at a distance
from a moving
charge in the plane of the charge is
, if
the charge and
its speed. Also the magnetic field strength at a
point distant
from the charge,
being the angle
[Pg 273]
and the direction of motion, is given by
Hence the total energy of the magnetic field created by the moving
charge is
in which
is an element of volume and the integration is
extended over all space. But in terms of
, and
Since kinetic energy =
, the mass-equivalent
of the moving charge
is given by setting
The radius of the spherical charge which would have a
mass equal to the observed mass of the negative electron
is found by inserting in the last equation
[Pg 274]
This gives
The expression just obtained for obviously holds only so long
as the magnetic field is symmetrically distributed about the moving
charge, as assumed in the integration, that is, so long as
small compared with the velocity of light. When
exceeds .1
the speed of light
, the mass of the charge begins to increase
measurably and becomes infinite at the speed of light. According to
the theory developed by Lorentz, if the mass for slow speeds is called
and the mass at any speed
is called
, then
This was the formula which Bucherer found to hold accurately for the
masses of negative electrons whose speeds ranged from .3 to .8 that of
[Pg 275]
If there is one single molecule at rest in a cubical space 1 cm. on a
side, the chance that another molecule which is shot through the cube
will impinge upon the one contained is clearly
in which
is the mean diameter of the two molecules. If there are
contained molecules the chance is multiplied by
, that is,
it becomes
. But on the average the chance of
an impact in going a centimeter is the number of impacts actually made
in traversing this distance. The mean free path
is the distance
traversed divided by the number of impacts made in going that distance.
This would be the correct expression for the mean free path of a
molecule which is moving through a group of molecules at rest. If,
however, the molecules are all in motion they will sometimes move into
a collision which would otherwise be avoided, so that the collisions
will be more numerous when the molecules are in motion than when at
rest—how much more numerous will depend upon the law of distribution
of the speeds of the molecules. It is through a consideration of the
Maxwell distribution law that the factor
is introduced
[Pg 276]
into the denominator (see Jeans, Dynamical Theory of Gases) so
that equation (54) becomes
[Pg 277]
If represents the number of free positive electrons in the
the electronic charge,
the known charge on the
-particle, namely
, and
known kinetic energy of the
-particle, then, since the
inertias of the negative electrons are quite negligible in comparison
with that of the
-particle, if the latter suffers an
appreciable change in direction in passing through an atom it will
be due to the action of the nuclear charge. If
represents the
closest possible approach of the
-particle to the center of
the nucleus, namely, that occurring when the collision is “head on,”
and the
-particle is thrown straight back upon its course,
then the original kinetic energy
must equal the
work done against the electric field in approaching to the distance
, i.e.,
Suppose, however, that the collision is not “head on,” but that the
original direction of the -particle is such that, if its
direction were maintained, its nearest distance of approach to the
nucleus would be
(Fig. 41). The deflection of the a particle
will now be, not 180°, as before, but some other angle
. If
follows simply from the geometrical properties of the hyperbola and
[Pg 278]
the elementary principles of mechanics that
Fig. 41
For let represent the path of the particle and let
. Also let
= velocity of the particle on entering the
atom and
its velocity at
. Then from the conservation of
angular momentum
[Pg 279]
and from conservation of energy
Since the eccentricity
, and for any conic the
focal distance is the eccentricity times one-half the major axis, i.e.,
, it follows that
But from equations (58) and (59)
and since the angle of deviation
, it
follows that
Now it is evident from the method used in Appendix E that if there are
atoms per cubic centimeter of a metal foil of thickness
and if each atom has a radius
, then the probability
that a
particle of size small in comparison with
will pass through one
of these atoms in shooting through the foil is given by
[Pg 280]
Similarly the probability
that it will pass within a distance
of the center of an atom is
If this probability is small in comparison with unity, it represents
the fraction
of any given number of particles shooting through
the foil which will actually come within a distance
of the
nucleus of an atom of the foil.
The fraction of the total number which will strike within radii
is given by differentiation as
but from equation (57)
Therefore the fraction
which is deflected between the angles
is given by integration as
It was this fraction of a given number of -particles shot
into the foil which Geiger and Marsden found by direct count by the
scintillation method to be deflected through the angles included
between any assigned limits
. Since
are known,
could be at once obtained. It was found to
vary with the nature of the atom, being larger for the heavy atoms
[Pg 281]
than for the lighter ones, and having a value for gold of
This is then an upper limit for the size of the nucleus
of the gold atom.
As soon as has thus been found for any atom, equation (56) can be
solved for
, since
, and
all known. It is thus that the number of free positive electrons in the
nucleus is found to be roughly half the atomic weight of the atom, and
that the size of the nucleus is found to be very minute in comparison
with the size of the atom.
[Pg 282]
The Newtonian equation of a circular orbit of an electron
rotating about a central attracting charge
, at a distance
with a rotational frequency
, is
The kinetic energy of the electron is
The work required to move the electron from its orbit to a position at
rest at infinity is
If we denote this quantity of energy by
, it is seen at once that
If we combine this with (37), p. 213, there results at once
Upon change in orbit the radiated energy must be
[Pg 283]
and, if we place this equal to
, there results the Balmer
formula (34), p. 210,
in which
Since for hydrogen
, we have
and from (60)
[Pg 284]
Imagine, as in Fig. 42A, that an X-ray quantum of frequency
is scattered by an electron of mass
. The momentum of the incident
ray will be
, where
is the velocity of
light and
is Planck’s constant, and that of the scattered ray is
at an angle
with the initial
Fig. 42
The principle of the conservation of momentum accordingly demands
that the momentum of recoil of the scattering electron shall equal
the vector difference between the momenta of these two rays, as in
[Pg 285]
Fig. 42B. The momentum of the electron,
is thus given by the relation
is the ratio of the velocity of recoil of the electron
to the velocity of light. But the energy
in the scattered
quantum is equal to that of the incident quantum
less the
kinetic energy of recoil of the scattering electron, i.e.,
We thus have two independent equations containing the two unknown
quantities and
. On solving the equations we find
or, in terms of wave-length instead of frequency,
Substituting the accepted values of
, and
[Pg 286]
1 H
0 | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII |
2 He 3.99 |
3 Li 6.94 |
4 Be 9.1 |
5 B 11.0 |
6 C 12.00 |
7 N 14.01 |
8 O 16.00 |
9 F 19.0 |
10 Ne 20.2 |
11 Na 23.00 |
12 Mg 24.32 |
13 Al 27.1 |
14 Si 28.3 |
5 P 31.04 |
16 S 32.06 |
17 Cl 35.46 |
18 A 39.88 |
19 K 39.10 |
20 Ca 40.07 |
21 Sc 44.1 |
22 Ti 48.1 |
23 V 51.0 |
24 Cr 52.0 |
25 Mn 54.93 |
26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 55.84 58.97 58.68 |
29 Cu 63.57 |
30 Zn 65.37 |
31 Ga 69.9 |
32 Ge 72.5 |
33 As 74.96 |
34 Se 79.2 |
35 Br 79.92 |
36 Kr 82.92 |
37 Rb 85.45 |
38 Sr 87.63 |
39 Y 88.7 |
40 Zr 90.6 |
41 Nb 93.5 |
42 Mo 96.0 |
43— | 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 101.7 102.9 106.7 |
47 Ag 107.88 |
48 Cd 112.40 |
49 In 114.8 |
50 Sn 118.7 |
51 Sb 120.2 |
52 Te 127.5 |
53 J 126.92 |
54 X 130.2 |
55 Cs 132.81 |
56 Ba 137.37 |
57 La 58 Ce 59 Pr 60 Nd 61—62 Sm 63 Eu 64 Gd 65 Tb 66 Ds 139.0 140.25 140.6 144.3 150.4 152 157.0 159.2 162.5 |
67 Ho 68 Ev 69 Tu 70 Yb 71 Lu 72Hf 163.5 167.7 168.5 173.5 175.0 |
73 Ta 181.5 |
74 W 184.0 |
75— | 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 190.9 193.1 195.2 |
79 Au 197.2 |
80 Hg 200.6 |
81 Tl 204.0 |
82 Pb 207.20 |
83 Bi 208.0 |
84 Po (210.0) |
85— | ||
86 Ni (222.0) |
87— | 88 Ra 226.0 |
89 Ac (227) |
90 Th 232.15 |
91 Pa (234) |
92 U 238.2 |
Elements, the atomic numbers of which are not in the order of atomic weights, are in italics. The numbers corresponding to missing elements are in bold-faced type.
1 Hydrogen | 24 Chromium | 47 Silver | 70 Ytterbium |
2 Helium | 25 Manganese | 48 Cadmium | 71 Lutecium |
3 Lithium | 26 Iron | 49 Indium | 72 Hafnium |
4 Beryllium | 27 Cobalt | 50 Tin | 73 Tantalum |
5 Boron | 28 Nickel | 51 Antimony | 74 Tungsten |
6 Carbon | 29 Copper | 52 Tellurium | 75 —— |
7 Nitrogen | 30 Zinc | 53 Iodine | 76 Osmium |
8 Oxygen | 31 Gallium | 54 Xenon | 77 Iridium |
9 Fluorine | 32 Germanium | 55 Caesium | 78 Platinum |
10 Neon | 33 Arsenic | 56 Barium | 79 Gold |
11 Sodium | 34 Selenium | 57 Lanthanum | 80 Mercury |
12 Magnesium | 35 Bromine | 58 Cerium | 81 Thallium |
13 Aluminium | 36 Krypton | 59 Praseodymium | 82 Lead |
14 Silicon | 37 Rubidium | 60 Neodymium | 83 Bismuth |
15 Phosphorus | 38 Strontium | 61 —— | 84 Polonium |
16 Sulphur | 39 Yttrium | 62 Samarium | 85 —— |
17 Chlorine | 40 Zirconium | 63 Europium | 86 Emanation |
18 Argon | 41 Niobium | 64 Gadolinium | 87 —— |
19 Potassium | 42 Molybdenum | 65 Terbium | 88 Radium |
20 Calcium | 43 —— | 66 Dyprosium | 89 Actinium |
21 Scandium | 44 Rhuthenium | 67 Holmium | 90 Thorium |
22 Titanium | 45 Rhodium | 68 Erbium | 91 Uranium X |
23 Vanadium | 46 Paladium | 69 Thulium | 92 Uranium |
[1] Mem. of the Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc., (1851; 2d series), 107; Phil. Mag. XIV (1857), 211.
[2] Phil. Mag., XIX (1860; 4th series), 28. Clausius had discussed some of the relations of this quantity in 1858 (Pogg. Ann. CV [1858], 239), but Maxwell’s magnificent work on the viscosity of gases first made possible its evaluation.
[3] I, 375-36.
[4] See Werke, IV, 281.
[5] Op. cit., p. 294.
[6] Phil. Mag., XI (1881; 5th series), 384.
[7] Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, III, 69.
[8] Kelvin, “Contact Electricity and Electrolysis,” Nature, LVI (1897), 84.
[9] Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, IV (1891; 11th series), 563.
[10] See particularly Rutherford’s presidential address at the recent Liverpool meeting of the British Association, Science, LVIII (1923), 213.
[11] J. J. Thomson and E. Rutherford, Phil. Mag., XLII (1896), 392.
[12] Phil. Mag., XLIV (1898), 422.
[13] Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., IX, 401.
[14] Phil. Trans., A 195, p. 193.
[15] Annale de Chimie et de Physique, XXVIII, 289.
[16] Phil. Trans., A 193, p. 129.
[17] Leonard B. Loeb, Proc. Nat. Acad., II (1916), 345, and Phys. Rev., 1917.
[18] Wellish, Amer. Jour. of Science, XXXIX (1915), 583.
[19] L. B. Loeb, Jour. Franklin Inst., CXCVII (1924), 45.
[20] H. A. Erikson, Phys. Rev., XX (1922), 118.
[21] H. B. Wahlin, ibid., p. 267.
[22] Verb. der deutsch. phys. Ges., XI (1909), 146 and 276.
[23] Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXX (1908), 207.
[24] Fournier d’Albe, Life of Sir William Crookes, 1924.
[25] Proc. Roy. Soc., XL (1890), 526.
[26] Phil. Mag., XLIV (1897), 298.
[27] W. Wien, Wied. Ann., LXV (1898), 440.
[28] Rays of Positive Electricity. London: Longmans, 1913.
[29] Proceedings, IX (1897), 244.
[30] Phil. Mag., XXIX (1890; 5th series), 56.
[31] Ibid., p. 292; Nature, XXXVI, 412.
[32] Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., IX (1897), 333.
[33] Ibid., p. 345.
[34] Phil. Mag., XLVI (1898), 528.
[35] Verh. der deutsch. phys. Ges., XVI (1914), 422.
[36] Phil. Mag., V (1903; 6th series), 354.
[37] Op. cit., p. 429.
[38] Phys. Rev., XXVI (1908), 198.
[39] Phil. Mag., XIX (1910), 209.
[40] I had changed the constant in Wilson’s equation from 3.1 to 3.422 because of careful measurements on the temperature existing in the cloud chamber about 10 seconds after expansion and because of new measurements on the viscosity of the saturated air.
[41] See Phil. Mag., XXI (1911), 757.
[42] Phys. Rev., Series 1, XXXII (1911), 349; Series 2, II (1913), 109.
[43] Comptes rendus (1911), 1735.
[44] Phys. Rev., XXXV (1912), 227.
[45] Cunningham (Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXXIII [1910], 357) and the author came independently to the conclusion as to the invalidity of Stokes’s Law, he from theoretical considerations developed at about the same time, I from my experimental work.
[46] Phys. Rev., N.S., I, (1913), 124.
[47] Phys. Rev., N.S., II (1913), 363.
[48] Phys. Rev., December, 1916.
[49] Ann. der Phys., XXII (1907), 287; XXIII (1908), 447.
[50] Math. and Phys. Papers, III, 59.
[51] See Phil. Mag., XIX (1910), 216; XXI (1911), 757.
[52] Phys. Rev., II (1913), 117. This paper was read before the Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft in Berlin in June, 1912.
[53] Phys. Rev., II (1913), 136.
[54] For full details see Millikan, Phil. Mag., June, 1917.
[55] At. wt. of Ag. = 107.88; electrochem. eq’t. of Ag. = 0.01188.
[56] Phil. Trans., CXCIII (1900), 129.
[57] Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXX (1908), 207.
[58] Verh. deutsch. phys. Ges., March 5, 1909.
[59] Phil. Mag., XXIII (1911), 753.
[60] Le Radium, X (1913), 113, 119.
[61] Sitzungsber. d. k. Bayerischen Akad. d. Wiss. (1913), p. 19.
[62] Ann. d. Phys., XLV, 177; XLVII, 227.
[63] Phys. Rev., X (1918), 283.
[64] Phys. Rev., XVI (1920), 260.
[65] Rays of Positive Electricity (1913), p. 46.
[66] Millikan, Gottschalk, and Kelly, Phys. Rev., XI (1920), 157.
[67] Millikan, Phys. Rev., XVIII (1921), 456. Wilkins, ibid., XXIV (1922), 210.
[68] Phys. Rev., September or October, 1924.
[69] Rays of Positive Electricity (1913), p. 46.
[70] Phil. Mag., IV (1828), 161.
[71] Revue des questions scientifiques, Louvain, VII (1880), 5.
[72] Ibid., II (1877), 319.
[73] Dinglers polyt. Jour., CCXXXIX (1881), 325.
[74] Jour. de Phys., VII (1888), 561; Comptes rendus, CIX (1889), 102.
[75] Ann. d. Phys. (4), XVII (1905), 549; XIX (1906), 371; XXII (1907), 569.
[76] Comptes rendus, CXLVI (1908), 530.
[77] Ibid., p. 967; CXLVII (1908), 475, 530, 594; CLII (1911), 1380, 1569; see also Perrin, Brownian Movements and Molecular Reality, Engl. tr. by Soddy, 1912.
[78] Ann. der Phys., IV (1906), 21, 756.
[79] Wiener Berichte, CXVI (1907), II, 1175.
[80] Comptes rendus, CXLVI (1908), 624, 1010.
[81] Ibid., CXLIV (1907), 1338.
[82] Ibid., CXLVIII (1909), 1316.
[83] Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik, X (1913), 513.
[84] Science, February 17, 1911.
[85] Phys. Zeitschr., XII (1911), 202-8; see also Phys. Rev., XXXIII (1911), 81.
[86] Phys. Rev., I, N.S. (1913), 218.
[87] It was read before the Academy on July 6: Wiener Berichte, CXX (1911), II, 1021, but appeared first in print in the August 1st number of the Phys. Zeitschr. (1911), p. 63. Fletcher’s article is found in brief in an earlier number of the same volume of the Phys. Zeitschr. p. 203, and was printed in full in the July number of Le Radium, VIII (1911), 279.
No error is introduced here if, as assumed,
is small in comparison with
However for more rigorous equations see Fletcher, Phys. Rev.,
IV (1914), 442; also Smoluchowski, Phys. Zeitschr., XVI (1915),
[89] Le Radium, VIII (1911), 279; Phys. Rev., XXXIII (1911), 107.
[90] Phys. Rev., I (1913), 218.
[91] Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, CXX (1911), II, 1021.
[92] Ibid., CXXI (1912), II, 950.
[93] Ztschr. f. Phys. Chem., LXXXVII (1914), 40.
[94] Die Brownsche Bewegung besonders als Mittel zur Bestimmung der Avogadroschen Konstante, inaugural dissertation. Upsala: Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1915.
[95] Proc. Roy. Soc., A LXXXI (1908), 141, 161.
[96] Sitzungsber. d. k. Preuss. Akad., XXXVIII (1909), 948.
[97] Rutherford and Royds, Phil. Mag., XVII (1909), 281.
[98] Phil. Mag. (6), XXII (1911), 599.
[99] Phil. Mag. (6), V (1903), 429.
[100] Comptes rendus, CXLVI (1908), 624, 1010.
[101] Ibid., CXLIV (1907), 1338.
[102] Ibid., CXLVIII (1909), 1316.
[103] Phys. Zeilschr., X (1909), 308.
[104] Ibid., XI (1910), 619.
[105] This paper was published in abstract in Phys. Rev., XXX (1909), 360, and Phil. Mag., XIX (1910), 209.
[106] This paper was published in abstract in Phys. Rev., XXXI (1910), 92; Science, XXXII (1910), 436; Phys. Zeitschr., XI (1910), 1097.
[107] Wien. Ber., CXIX (1910), II, 809. This publication was apparently not issued before December, 1910, for it is not noted in Naturae Novitates before this date.
[108] Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXXIII (1910), 360.
[109] These results were presented and discussed at great length in the fall of 1910; see Phys. Zeitschr., XI (1910), 619, 940.
[110] Phys. Zeitschr., XII (1911), 161; Phys. Rev., XXXII (1911), 394.
[111] Le Radium, VIII (1911), 279; Phys. Rev., XXXIII (1911), 107.
[112] Phys. Rev., XXXIII (1911), 366, 367.
[113] See R. Pohl, Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik, VII (1912), 431.
[114] Wien. Sitzungsber., CXXIII (1914), 53-155; Ann. d. Phys., XLIV (1914), 657.
[115] Phys. Zeitschr., XVI (1915), 10.
[116] Ann. d. Phys., XLVI (1915), 261.
[117] Phys. Zeitschr., XII (1911), 162.
[118] Ibid., XVI (1915), 316.
[119] Phys. Rev., II (1913), 138.
[120] See Phys. Rev., II (1913), 134-35.
[121] Phys. Rev., XXXII (1911), 389.
[122] See Schidlof et Karpowicz, Comptes rendus, CLVIII (1914), 1912.
[123] E. Schmid, Wien. Akad. Ber., CXXIX (1920), 813, and ZfP, V (1921), 27.
[124] R. Bär, in a series of articles recently summarized in Die Naturwissenschaften, Vols. XIV and XV, 1922, has emphasized this point. His data serve merely as a new check upon the work found in our preceding tables.
[125] “Die bei grösseren Partikeln unter gewissen Umständen bei gleicher Art der Erzeugung häufig wiederkehrenden höheren Quanten waren dann etwa als stabilere räumliche Gleichgewichtsverteilungen dieser Sub-electron anzusehen, die sich unter gewissen Umständen ergeben.”—Wien. Ber., CXXIII, 59.
[126] Their whole case is summarized in the tables in Ann. d. Phys., XLIV (1914), 693, and XLVI (1915), 292, and it is recommended that all interested in this discussion take the time to glance at the data on these pages, for the data themselves are so erratic as to render discussion needless.
[127] “Wie ich in meinen früheren Publikationen erwähnt habe, zeigen die ultramikroskopischen Metallpartikel, unmittelbar nach der Erzeugung beobachtet, eine viel lebhaftere Brownsche Bewegung als nach einer halben Stunde.”—Phys. Zeitschr., XII, 98.
[128] In my own opinion this is a conclusion contrary to fact, since in a recent paper (see Phys. Rev., July, 1923) I have fully established the “Complete Law of Fall.”
[129] II (1913), 117.
[130] Ibid., CCC (1911), 389-90.
[131] The results shown in Fig. 13 do not lay claim to the precision reached in those recorded in Table X and Fig. 10. No elaborate precautions were here taken in the calibration of the Hipp chronoscope and the voltmeter, and it is due to slight errors discovered later in these calibrations that the slope of line 1 in Fig. 13 is not quite in agreement with the slope in Fig. 10.
[132] Zeit. für Phys. Chem., LXXXVII (1914), 40.
[133] Inaugural Dissertation von Arne Westgren, Untersuchungcn über Brownsche Bewegung, Stockholm, 1915.
[134] R. Bär, “Der Streit um das Elektron,” Die Naturwissenschaften, 1922.
[135] R. A. Millikan, Phys. Rev., XXXII (1911), 397.
[136] J. J. Thomson, Phil. Mag., XI (1881), 229.
[137] Bucherer, Annalen der Physik, XXVIII (1900), 513.
[138] The inadequacy in this argument arises from the fact that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity requires that all mass, whether of electromagnetic origin or not, varies in just this way with speed.
[139] Bragg, Phil. Mag., VIII (1904), 719, 726; X (1905), 318; XI (1906), 617.
[140] Phil. Mag., XXI (1911), 669.
[141] Phil. Mag., XXI (1911), 669-88.
[142] Ibid., XXV (1913), 604.
[143] Phil. Mag., XXI (1911), 648.
[144] Bragg, X-Rays and Crystal Structure, 1915.
[145] Phil. Mag., XXVI (1912), 1024; XXVII (1914), 703.
[146] Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität u. Elektronik, XIII (1916), 326.
[147] Comptes rendus, CLXV (1916), 87, 352.
[148] Barkla and Sadler, Phil. Mag., XVII (May, 1909), 749.
[149] Soddy, The Chemistry of the Radioelements, Part II, 1914.
[150] Millikan and Bowen, “Extreme Ultra-Violet Spectra,” Phys. Rev., January, 1924.
Balmer (1885) expressed the formula in wave-lengths.
Ritz (1908) first replaced wave-lengths by wave-numbers, or
frequencies, and thereby saw his “combination-principle,” while Rydberg
discovered the general significance of what is now known as the Rydberg
constant .
[152] Paschen, Ann. d. Phys., XXVII (1908), 565.
[153] Spectroscopy of the Extreme Ultraviolet, p. 78.
[154] N. Bohr, Phil. Mag., XXVI (1913), 1 and 476 and 857; XXIX (1915), 332; XXX (1915), 394; Sommerfeld, Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines. New York: Dutton, 1923.
[155] Einstein and De Haas, Verh, der deutsch. phys. Ges., XVII (1915), 152; also Barnett, Phys. Rev., VI (1915), 239; also Epstein, Science, LVII (1923), 532.
[156] R. A. Millikan, Phil. Mag., XXXIV (1917), 1.
[157] R. A. Millikan, Phys. Rev., VII (1916), 362.
[158] Blake and Duane, ibid., (1917), 624.
[159] A. Sommerfeld, Ann. d. Phys., III (1916), 1. Also Paschen, ibid., p. 901.
[160] P. Epstein, ibid., L (1916), 489.
[161] See Phys. Rev., July, 1924.
[162] These appeared in an article by Kramers in Naturwissenschaften, 1923.
[163] Bohr and Coster, Zeit. f. Physik, XII (1923), 344.
[164] Coster and Hevesy, Nature, III (1923), 79; Ber. d. chem. Ges., LVI (1923), 1503.
[165] Ann. d. Phys. (4), VIII (1903), 149.
[166] Phys. Rev., I (1913), 73.
[167] Ann. d. Phys. (4), XVII (1905), 132; XX (1906), 199.
[168] Phys. Rev., VII (1916), 362.
[169] Warme Strahlung, 1st. ed.
[170] Cf. R. Pohl u. P. Pringsheim, Verh. der deutsch. phys. Ges., XV (1913), 637; Sommerfeld, Atombau, etc. (3d ed. 1922), p. 47; also Phys. Rev., VII (1916), 18, 362.
[171] Phys. Rev., IV (1914), 73; VI (1915), 55; and VII (1916), 362.
[172] Phys. Rev., VI (1915), 166; Proc. Nat. Acad., II (1916), 90; Phys. Rev., VII (1916), 599; IX, 568; X (1917), 93 and 624.
[173] D. L. Webster and H. Clark, Proc. Nat. Acad., III (1917), 18. Also Webster, ibid., VI (1920), 26 and 639.
[174] Paper read before the Third Solvay Congress, 1921.
[175] Proc. Roy. Soc., XCIX (1921), 261. See also the same, January, 1924.
[176] Verh. der deutsch. phys. Ges., XV and XVI, 1914.
[177] Millikan and Bowen, Phys. Rev., January, 1924.
[178] Nichols and Tear, ibid., 1923.
[179] J. J. Thomson, Electricity and Matter, p. 9.
[180] Phys. Rev., II (1913), 109.
[181] Ann. d. Phys. (4), VIII (1902), 149.
[182] Drude, Lehrbuch der Optik (1906), p. 472.
[183] Phil. Mag., XXXII (1916), 188.
[184] Radioactive Substances and Their Radiations, p. 288.
[185] Millikan, Phys. Rev., XVIII (1921), 236.
[186] Page, Amer. Jour. Sci., XXXVI (1913), 501; Hennings and Kadesch, Phys. Rev., VIII (1916), 217.
[187] Zeitschrift für Physik, 4 (1921), 46.
[188] Zeitschrift für Physik, 10 (1922), 185.
[189] This was first called to my attention by Dr. Epstein, of the California Institute.
[190] A. H. Compton, Phys. Rev., XXI (1923), 483, 715; XXII (1923), 409.
[191] P. A. Ross, Proc. Nat. Acad., VII (1923), 246.
[192] Duane and Clark, ibid., February and March, 1924.
[193] Becker et al., Proc. Phys. Soc., April 26, 1924; Phys. Rev., June, 1924.
[194] Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., IX (1923), 158; Compton, ibid., p. 359.
[195] Ibid., 1924.
[196] Ibid.
[197] See Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., III (1917), 236; also Phil. Mag., July, 1917.
[198] Lamb, Hydrodynamics, 1895, p. 533.
[199] Comptes Rendus, CXLVI (1908), 530.
[Pg 287]