Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

Version published 1913

by the C. & G. Merriam Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Under the direction of
Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D.


R (är). R, the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal consonant. It is sometimes called a semivowel, and a liquid. See Guide to Pronunciation, §§ 178, 179, and 250-254. "R is the dog's letter and hurreth in the sound." B. Jonson.

In words derived from the Greek language the letter h is generally written after r to represent the aspirated sound of the Greek "r, but does not affect the pronunciation of the English word, as rhapsody, rhetoric.

The English letter derives its form from the Greek through the Latin, the Greek letter being derived from the Phœnician, which, it is believed, is ultimately of Egyptian origin. Etymologically, R is most closely related to l, s, and n; as in bandore, mandole; purple, L. purpura; E. chapter, F. chapitre, L. capitulum; E. was, were; hare, G. hase; E. order, F. ordre, L. ordo, ordinis; E. coffer, coffin.

The three Rs, a jocose expression for reading, (w)riting, and (a)rithmetic, -- the fundamentals of an education.

Ra (rä), n. A roe; a deer. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ra-. A prefix, from the Latin re and ad combined, coming to us through the French and Italian. See Re-, and Ad-.

Raash (räsh), n. [Cf. Ar. ra'ash trembling, tremor.] (Zoöl.) The electric catfish. [Written also raasch.]

Rab (rb), n. A rod or stick used by masons in mixing hair with mortar.

Rab"at (rb"t), n. [See Rabot.] A polishing material made of potter's clay that has failed in baking.

Ra*bate" (r*bt"), v. t. [F. rabattre to beat down; pref. re- + abattre. See Abate, and cf. Rebate, v.] (Falconry) To recover to the fist, as a hawk. [Obs.]

Rab"a*tine (rb"*tn), n. [See Rabato.] A collar or cape. [Obs.] Sir W. Scott.

Ra*ba"to (r*b"t), n. [F. rabat, fr. rabattre. See Rabate.] A kind of ruff for the neck; a turned-down collar; a rebato. [Obs.] Shak.

Rab*bate" (rb*bt"), v. t. [See Rabate.] To abate or diminish. [Obs.] -- n. Abatement. [Obs.]

Rab"bet (rb"bt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rabbeted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rabbeting.] [F. raboter to plane, plane down,rabot a plane; pref. re- re- + OF. abouter, aboter. See Abut, and cf. Rebut.] 1. To cut a rabbet in; to furnish with a rabbet.

2. To unite the edges of, as boards, etc., in a rabbet joint.

Rab"bet, n. [See Rabbet, v., and cf. Rebate, n.]

1. (Carp.) A longitudinal channel, groove, or recess cut out of the edge or face of any body; especially, one intended to receive another member, so as to break or cover the joint, or more easily to hold the members in place; thus, the groove cut for a panel, for a pane of glass, or for a door, is a rabbet, or rebate.

2. Same as Rabbet joint, below.

Rabbet joint (Carp.), a joint formed by fitting together rabbeted boards or timbers; -- called also rabbet. -- Rabbet plane, a joiner's plane for cutting a rabbet. Moxon.

Rab"bi (rb"b or -b; 277), n.; pl. Rabbis (-bz or -bz) or Rabbies. [L., fr. Gr. "rabbi`, Heb. rab my master, from rab master, lord, teacher, akin to Ar. rabb.] Master; lord; teacher; -- a Jewish title of respect or honor for a teacher or doctor of the law. "The gravest rabbies." Milton.

Be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren.

Matt. xxiii. 8.

Rab"bin (rb"bn), n. [F.] Same as Rabbi.

{ Rab*bin"ic (rb*bn"k), Rab*bin"ic*al (-*kal), } a. [Cf. F. rabbinique.] Of or pertaining to the rabbins or rabbis, or pertaining to the opinions, learning, or language of the rabbins. "Comments staler than rabbinic." Lowell.

We will not buy your rabbinical fumes.


Rab*bin"ic (rb*bn"k), n. The language or dialect of the rabbins; the later Hebrew.

Rab*bin"ic*al*ly, adv. In a rabbinical manner; after the manner of the rabbins.

Rab"bin*ism (rb"bn*z'm), n. [Cf. F. rabbinisme.] 1. A rabbinic expression or phraseology; a peculiarity of the language of the rabbins.

2. The teachings and traditions of the rabbins.

Rab"bin*ist, n. [Cf. F. rabbiniste.] One among the Jews who adhered to the Talmud and the traditions of the rabbins, in opposition to the Karaites, who rejected the traditions.

Rab"bin*ite (-t), n. Same as Rabbinist.

Rab"bit (rb"bt), n. [OE. rabet, akin to OD. robbe, robbeken.] (Zoöl.) Any of the smaller species of the genus Lepus, especially the common European species (Lepus cuniculus), which is often kept as a pet, and has been introduced into many countries. It is remarkably prolific, and has become a pest in some parts of Australia and New Zealand.

The common American rabbit (L. sylvatica) is similar but smaller. See Cottontail, and Jack rabbit, under 2d Jack. The larger species of Lepus are commonly called hares. See Hare.

Angora rabbit (Zoöl.), a variety of the domestic rabbit having long, soft fur. -- Rabbit burrow, a hole in the earth made by rabbits for shelter and habitation. -- Rabbit fish. (Zoöl.) (a) The northern chimæra (Chimæra monstrosa). (b) Any one of several species of plectognath fishes, as the bur fish, and puffer. The term is also locally applied to other fishes. -- Rabbits' ears. (Bot.) See Cyclamen. -- Rabbit warren, a piece of ground appropriated to the breeding and preservation of rabbits. Wright. -- Rock rabbit. (Zoöl.) See Daman, and Klipdas. -- Welsh rabbit, a dish of which the chief constituents are toasted bread and toasted cheese, prepared in various ways. The name is said to be a corruption of Welsh rare bit, but perhaps it is merely a humorous designation.

Rab"bit*ing, n. The hunting of rabbits. T. Hughes.

Rab"bit*ry (-r), n. A place where rabbits are kept; especially, a collection of hutches for tame rabbits.

Rab"ble (rb"b'l), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Iron Manuf.) An iron bar, with the end bent, used in stirring or skimming molten iron in the process of puddling.

Rab"ble, v. t. To stir or skim with a rabble, as molten iron.

Rab"ble, v. i. [Akin to D. rabbelen, Prov. G. rabbeln, to prattle, to chatter: cf. L. rabula a brawling advocate, a pettifogger, fr. rabere to rave. Cf. Rage.] To speak in a confused manner. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

Rab"ble, n. [Probably named from the noise made by it (see Rabble, v. i.); cf. D. rapalje rabble, OF. & Prov. F. rapaille.] 1. A tumultuous crowd of vulgar, noisy people; a mob; a confused, disorderly throng.

I saw, I say, come out of London, even unto the presence of the prince, a great rabble of mean and light persons.


Jupiter, Mercury, Bacchus, Venus, Mars, and the whole rabble of licentious deities.

Bp. Warburton.

2. A confused, incoherent discourse; a medley of voices; a chatter.

The rabble, the lowest class of people, without reference to an assembly; the dregs of the people. "The rabble call him ‘lord.'" Shak.

Rab"ble, a. Of or pertaining to a rabble; like, or suited to, a rabble; disorderly; vulgar. [R.] Dryden.

Rab"ble, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rabbled (-b'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Rabbling (-blng).] 1. To insult, or assault, by a mob; to mob; as, to rabble a curate. Macaulay.

The bishops' carriages were stopped and the prelates themselves rabbled on their way to the house.

J. R. Green.

2. To utter glibly and incoherently; to mouth without intelligence. [Obs. or Scot.] Foxe.

3. To rumple; to crumple. [Scot.]

Rab"ble*ment (rb"b'l*ment), n. A tumultuous crowd of low people; a rabble. "Rude rablement." Spenser.

And still, as he refused it, the rabblement hooted.


Rab"bler (-blr), n. [See 2d Rabble.] (Mech.) A scraping tool for smoothing metal.

Rab"ble-rout` (-b'l-rout`), n. A tumultuous crowd; a rabble; a noisy throng.

Rab*doid"al (rb*doid"al), a. [Gr. "ra`bdos a rod + -oid + - al.] (Anat.) See Sagittal. [Written also rhabdoidal.]

Rab*dol"o*gy (-dl"*j), n. [Gr. "ra`bdos rod, stick + - logy: cf. F. rabdologie.] The method or art of performing arithmetical operations by means of Napier's bones. See Napier's bones. [Written also rhabdology.]

Rab"do*man`cy (rb"d*mn`s), n. [Gr. "ra`bdos rod + -mancy.] Divination by means of rods or wands. [Written also rhabdomancy.] Sir T. Browne.

Rab"id (rb"d), a. [L. rabidus, from rabere to rave. See Rage, n.] 1. Furious; raging; extremely violent.

The rabid flight
Of winds that ruin ships.


2. Extreme, unreasonable, or fanatical in opinion; excessively zealous; as, a rabid socialist.

3. Affected with the distemper called rabies; mad; as, a rabid dog or fox.

4. (Med.) Of or pertaining to rabies, or hydrophobia; as, rabid virus.

Ra*bid"i*ty (r*bd"*t), n. Rabidness; furiousness.

Rab"id*ly (rb"d*l), adv. In a rabid manner; with extreme violence.

Rab"id*ness, n. The quality or state of being rabid.

||Ra"bi*es (r"b*z), n. [L. See Rage, n.] Same as Hydrophobia (b); canine madness.

Rab"i*net (rb"*nt), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Mil.) A kind of small ordnance formerly in use. [Written also rabanet.] Ainsworth.

Ra"bi*ous (r"b*s), a. Fierce. [Obs.] Daniel.

Ra"bot (r"bt), n. [F.] A rubber of hard wood used in smoothing marble to be polished. Knight.

||Ra"ca (r"k), a. [Gr. "raka`, from Chaldee rk.] A term of reproach used by the Jews of our Savior's time, meaning "worthless."

Whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council.

Matt. v. 22.

||Ra`ca`hout" (r`k`"), n. [F. racahout, probably fr. Ar. rqaut.] A preparation from acorns used by the Arabs as a substitute for chocolate, and also as a beverage for invalids.

Rac*coon" (rk*kn"), n. [F. raton, prop., a little rat, fr. rat rat, perhaps of German origin. See Rat.] (Zoöl.) A North American nocturnal carnivore (Procyon lotor) allied to the bears, but much smaller, and having a long, full tail, banded with black and gray. Its body is gray, varied with black and white. Called also coon, and mapach.

Raccoon dog (Zoöl.), the tanate. -- Raccoon fox (Zoöl.), the cacomixle.

Race (rs), v. t. To raze. [Obs.] Spenser.

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Race (rs), n. [OF. raïz, L. radix, -icis. See Radix.] A root. "A race or two of ginger." Shak.

Race ginger, ginger in the root, or not pulverized.

Race, n. [F. race; cf. Pr. & Sp. raza, It. razza; all from OHG. reiza line, akin to E. write. See Write.]

1. The descendants of a common ancestor; a family, tribe, people, or nation, believed or presumed to belong to the same stock; a lineage; a breed.

The whole race of mankind.


Whence the long race of Alban fathers come.


Naturalists and ethnographers divide mankind into several distinct varieties, or races. Cuvier refers them all to three, Pritchard enumerates seven, Agassiz eight, Pickering describes eleven. One of the common classifications is that of Blumenbach, who makes five races: the Caucasian, or white race, to which belong the greater part of the European nations and those of Western Asia; the Mongolian, or yellow race, occupying Tartary, China, Japan, etc.; the Ethiopian, or negro race, occupying most of Africa (except the north), Australia, Papua, and other Pacific Islands; the American, or red race, comprising the Indians of North and South America; and the Malayan, or brown race, which occupies the islands of the Indian Archipelago, etc. Many recent writers classify the Malay and American races as branches of the Mongolian. See Illustration in Appendix.

2. Company; herd; breed.

For do but note a wild and wanton herd,
Or race of youthful and unhandled colts,
Fetching mad bounds.


3. (Bot.) A variety of such fixed character that it may be propagated by seed.

4. Peculiar flavor, taste, or strength, as of wine; that quality, or assemblage of qualities, which indicates origin or kind, as in wine; hence, characteristic flavor; smack. "A race of heaven." Shak.

Is it [the wine] of the right race ?


5. Hence, characteristic quality or disposition. [Obs.]

And now I give my sensual race the rein.


Some . . . great race of fancy or judgment.

Sir W. Temple.

Syn. -- Lineage; line; family; house; breed; offspring; progeny; issue.

Race, n. [OE. ras, res, rees, AS. rs a rush, running; akin to Icel. rs course, race. √118.] 1. A progress; a course; a movement or progression.

2. Esp., swift progress; rapid course; a running.

The flight of many birds is swifter than the race of any beasts.


3. Hence: The act or process of running in competition; a contest of speed in any way, as in running, riding, driving, skating, rowing, sailing; in the plural, usually, a meeting for contests in the running of horses; as, he attended the races.

The race is not to the swift.

Eccl. ix. 11.

I wield the gauntlet, and I run the race.


4. Competitive action of any kind, especially when prolonged; hence, career; course of life.

My race of glory run, and race of shame.


5. A strong or rapid current of water, or the channel or passage for such a current; a powerful current or heavy sea, sometimes produced by the meeting of two tides; as, the Portland Race; the Race of Alderney.

6. The current of water that turns a water wheel, or the channel in which it flows; a mill race.

The part of the channel above the wheel is sometimes called the headrace, the part below, the tailrace.

7. (Mach.) A channel or guide along which a shuttle is driven back and forth, as in a loom, sewing machine, etc.

Race cloth, a cloth worn by horses in racing, having pockets to hold the weights prescribed. -- Race course. (a) The path, generally circular or elliptical, over which a race is run. (b) Same as Race way, below. -- Race cup, a cup given as a prize to the victor in a race. -- Race glass, a kind of field glass. -- Race horse. (a) A horse that runs in competition; specifically, a horse bred or kept for running races. (b) A breed of horses remarkable for swiftness in running. (c) (Zoöl.) The steamer duck. (d) (Zoöl.) A mantis. -- Race knife, a cutting tool with a blade that is hooked at the point, for marking outlines, on boards or metals, as by a pattern, -- used in shipbuilding. -- Race saddle, a light saddle used in racing. -- Race track. Same as Race course (a), above. -- Race way, the canal for the current that drives a water wheel.

Race, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Raced (rst); p. pr. & vb. n. Racing (r"sng).] 1. To run swiftly; to contend in a race; as, the animals raced over the ground; the ships raced from port to port.

2. (Steam Mach.) To run too fast at times, as a marine engine or screw, when the screw is lifted out of water by the action of a heavy sea.

Race, v. t. 1. To cause to contend in a race; to drive at high speed; as, to race horses.

2. To run a race with.

Ra*ce"mate (r*s"mt), n. (Chem.) A salt of racemic acid.

Rac`e*ma"tion (rs`*m"shn), n. [L. racematio a gleaning, fr. racemari to glean, racemus a cluster of grapes. See Raceme.] 1. A cluster or bunch, as of grapes. Sir T. Browne.

2. Cultivation or gathering of clusters of grapes. [R.] Bp. Burnet.

Ra*ceme" (r*sm"; 277), n. [L. racemus a bunch of berries, a cluster of grapes. See Raisin.] (Bot.) A flower cluster with an elongated axis and many one-flowered lateral pedicels, as in the currant and chokecherry.

Compound raceme, one having the lower pedicels developed into secondary racemes.

Ra*cemed" (r*smd"), a. (Bot.) Arranged in a raceme, or in racemes.

Ra*ce"mic (r*s"mk), a. [Cf. F. racémique. See Raceme.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid found in many kinds of grapes. It is also obtained from tartaric acid, with which it is isomeric, and from sugar, gum, etc., by oxidation. It is a sour white crystalline substance, consisting of a combination of dextrorotatory and levorotatory tartaric acids. Gregory.

Rac`e*mif"er*ous (rs`*mf"r*s), a. [L. racemifer bearing clusters; racemus cluster + ferre to bear: cf. F. racémifère.] (Bot.) Bearing racemes, as the currant.

Ra*cem"i*form (r*sm"*fôrm), a. Having the form of a raceme. Gray.

Rac"e*mose` (rs"*ms`), a. [L. racemosus full of clusters.] Resembling a raceme; growing in the form of a raceme; as, (Bot.) racemose berries or flowers; (Anat.) the racemose glands, in which the ducts are branched and clustered like a raceme. Gray.

Rac"e*mous (rs"*ms or r*s"-; 277), a. [Cf. F. racémeux.] See Racemose.

Rac"e*mule (rs"*ml), n. (Bot.) A little raceme.

Ra*cem"u*lose` (r*sm"*ls`), a. (Bot.) Growing in very small racemes.

Ra"cer (r"sr), n. 1. One who, or that which, races, or contends in a race; esp., a race horse.

And bade the nimblest racer seize the prize.


2. (Zoöl.) The common American black snake.

3. (Mil.) One of the circular iron or steel rails on which the chassis of a heavy gun is turned.

{ Rach, Rache (rch) }, n. [AS. ræcc; akin to Icel. rakki.] (Zoöl.) A dog that pursued his prey by scent, as distinguished from the greyhound. [Obs.]

||Ra`chi*al"gi*a (r`k*l"j*), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`chis backbone + 'a`lgos pain.] (Med.) A painful affection of the spine; especially, Pott's disease; also, formerly, lead colic.

Ra*chid"i*an (r*kd"*an), a. [See Rachis.] (Anat. & Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the rachis; spinal; vertebral. Same as Rhachidian.

||Ra*chil"la (r*kl"l), n. [NL.] (Bot.) Same as Rhachilla.

Ra"chi*o*dont (r"k**dnt), a. (Zoöl.) Same as Rhachiodont.

||Ra"chis (r"ks), n.; pl. E. Rachises (-z), L. Rachides (rk"*dz). [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`chis, -ios.] [Written also rhachis.] 1. (Anat.) The spine; the vertebral column.

2. (Bot. & Zoöl.) Same as Rhachis.

Ra*chit"ic (r*kt"k), a. [Cf. F. rachitique. See Rachitis.] (Med.) Of or pertaining to rachitis; affected by rachitis; rickety.

||Ra*chi"tis (r*k"ts), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "rachi^tis (sc. nosos), fr. "ra`chis, -ios, the spine.] [Written also rhachitis.] 1. (Med.) Literally, inflammation of the spine, but commonly applied to the rickets. See Rickets.

2. (Bot.) A disease which produces abortion in the fruit or seeds. Henslow.

Ra"chi*tome (r"k*tm), n. [F., fr. Gr. "ra`chis, - ios, the spine + te`mnein to cut.] A dissecting instrument for opening the spinal canal. [Written also rachiotome.]

Ra"cial (r"shal), a. Of or pertaining to a race or family of men; as, the racial complexion.

Ra"ci*ly (r"s*l), adv. In a racy manner.

Ra"ci*ness (r"s*ns), n. The quality of being racy; peculiar and piquant flavor.

The general characteristics of his [Cobbett's] style were perspicuity, unequaled and inimitable; . . . a purity always simple, and raciness often elegant.

London Times.

Ra"cing (r"sng), a. & n. from Race, v. t. & i.

Racing crab (Zoöl.), an ocypodian.

Rack (rk), n. Same as Arrack.

Rack, n. [AS. hracca neck, hinder part of the head; cf. AS. hraca throat, G. rachen throat, E. retch.] The neck and spine of a fore quarter of veal or mutton.

Rack, n. [See Wreck.] A wreck; destruction. [Obs., except in a few phrases.]

Rack and ruin, destruction; utter ruin. [Colloq.] -- To go to rack, to perish; to be destroyed. [Colloq.] "All goes to rack." Pepys.

Rack, n. [Prob. fr. Icel. rek drift, motion, and akin to reka to drive, and E. wrack, wreck. √282.] Thin, flying, broken clouds, or any portion of floating vapor in the sky. Shak.

The winds in the upper region, which move the clouds above, which we call the rack, . . . pass without noise.


And the night rack came rolling up.

C. Kingsley.

Rack, v. i. To fly, as vapor or broken clouds.

Rack, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Racked (rkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Racking.] [See Rack that which stretches, or Rock, v.] To amble fast, causing a rocking or swaying motion of the body; to pace; -- said of a horse. Fuller.

Rack, n. A fast amble.

Rack, v. t. [Cf. OF. vin raqué wine squeezed from the dregs of the grapes.] To draw off from the lees or sediment, as wine.

It is in common practice to draw wine or beer from the lees (which we call racking), whereby it will clarify much the sooner.


Rack vintage, wine cleansed and drawn from the lees. Cowell.

Rack, n. [Probably fr. D. rek, rekbank, a rack, rekken to stretch; akin to G. reck, reckbank, a rack, recken to stretch, Dan. række, Sw. räcka, Icel. rekja to spread out, Goth. refrakjan to stretch out; cf. L. porrigere, Gr. 'ore`gein. √115. Cf. Right, a., Ratch.] 1. An instrument or frame used for stretching, extending, retaining, or displaying, something. Specifically: (a) An engine of torture, consisting of a large frame, upon which the body was gradually stretched until, sometimes, the joints were dislocated; -- formerly used judicially for extorting confessions from criminals or suspected persons.

During the troubles of the fifteenth century, a rack was introduced into the Tower, and was occasionally used under the plea of political necessity.


(b) An instrument for bending a bow. (c) A grate on which bacon is laid. (d) A frame or device of various construction for holding, and preventing the waste of, hay, grain, etc., supplied to beasts. (e) A frame on which articles are deposited for keeping or arranged for display; as, a clothes rack; a bottle rack, etc. (f) (Naut.) A piece or frame of wood, having several sheaves, through which the running rigging passes; -- called also rack block. Also, a frame to hold shot. (g) (Mining) A frame or table on which ores are separated or washed. (h) A frame fitted to a wagon for carrying hay, straw, or grain on the stalk, or other bulky loads. (i) A distaff.

2. (Mech.) A bar with teeth on its face, or edge, to work with those of a wheel, pinion, or worm, which is to drive it or be driven by it.

3. That which is extorted; exaction. [Obs.] Sir E. Sandys.

Mangle rack. (Mach.) See under Mangle, n. -- Rack block. (Naut.) See def. 1 (f), above. -- Rack lashing, a lashing or binding where the rope is tightened, and held tight by the use of a small stick of wood twisted around. -- Rack rail (Railroads), a toothed rack, laid as a rail, to afford a hold for teeth on the driving wheel of a locomotive for climbing steep gradients, as in ascending a mountain. -- Rack saw, a saw having wide teeth. -- Rack stick, the stick used in a rack lashing. -- To be on the rack, to suffer torture, physical or mental. -- To live at rack and manger, to live on the best at another's expense. [Colloq.] -- To put to the rack, to subject to torture; to torment.

A fit of the stone puts a king to the rack, and makes him as miserable as it does the meanest subject.

Sir W. Temple.

Rack (rk), v. t. 1. To extend by the application of force; to stretch or strain; specifically, to stretch on the rack or wheel; to torture by an engine which strains the limbs and pulls the joints.

He was racked and miserably tormented.


2. To torment; to torture; to affect with extreme pain or anguish.

Vaunting aloud but racked with deep despair.


3. To stretch or strain, in a figurative sense; hence, to harass, or oppress by extortion.

The landlords there shamefully rack their tenants.


They [landlords] rack their rents an ace too high.


Grant that I may never rack a Scripture simile beyond the true intent thereof.


Try what my credit can in Venice do;
That shall be racked even to the uttermost.


4. (Mining) To wash on a rack, as metals or ore.

5. (Naut.) To bind together, as two ropes, with cross turns of yarn, marline, etc.

To rack one's brains or wits, to exert them to the utmost for the purpose of accomplishing something.

Syn. -- To torture; torment; rend; tear.

Rack"a*bones` (rk"*bnz`), n. A very lean animal, esp. a horse. [Colloq. U. S.]

Rack"er (rk"r), n. 1. One who racks.

2. A horse that has a racking gait.

Rack"et (rk"t), n. [F. raquette; cf. Sp. raqueta, It. racchetta, which is perhaps for retichetta, and fr. L. rete a net (cf. Reticule); or perh. from the Arabic; cf. Ar. rha the palm of the hand (used at first to strike the ball), and OF. rachette, rasquette, carpus, tarsus.] [Written also racquet.] 1. A thin strip of wood, having the ends brought together, forming a somewhat elliptical hoop, across which a network of catgut or cord is stretched. It is furnished with a handle, and is used for catching or striking a ball in tennis and similar games.

Each one [of the Indians] has a bat curved like a crosier, and ending in a racket.


2. A variety of the game of tennis played with peculiar long-handled rackets; -- chiefly in the plural. Chaucer.

3. A snowshoe formed of cords stretched across a long and narrow frame of light wood. [Canada]

4. A broad wooden shoe or patten for a man or horse, to enable him to step on marshy or soft ground.

Racket court, a court for playing the game of rackets.

Rack"et, v. t. To strike with, or as with, a racket.

Poor man [is] racketed from one temptation to another.


Rack"et, n. [Gael. racaid a noise, disturbance.]

1. Confused, clattering noise; din; noisy talk or sport.

2. A carouse; any reckless dissipation. [Slang]

Rack"et, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Racketed; p. pr. & vb. n. Racketing.] 1. To make a confused noise or racket.

2. To engage in noisy sport; to frolic. Sterne.

3. To carouse or engage in dissipation. [Slang]

Rack"et*er (-r), n. One who makes, or engages in, a racket.

Rack"ett (-t), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Mus.) An old wind instrument of the double bassoon kind, having ventages but not keys.

Rack"et-tail` (-tl`), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of humming birds of the genus Steganura, having two of the tail feathers very long and racket-shaped.

Rack"et-tailed` (-tld`), a. (Zoöl.) Having long and spatulate, or racket-shaped, tail feathers.

Rack"et*y (-), a. Making a tumultuous noise.

Rack"ing, n. (Naut.) Spun yarn used in racking ropes.

Rack"-rent` (-rnt`), n. A rent of the full annual value of the tenement, or near it; an excessive or unreasonably high rent. Blackstone.

Rack"-rent`, v. t. To subject to rack-rent, as a farm or tenant.

Rack"-rent`er (-r), n. 1. One who is subjected to paying rack- rent.

2. One who exacts rack-rent.

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Rack"tail` (rk"tl`), n. (Horol.) An arm attached to a swinging notched arc or rack, to let off the striking mechanism of a repeating clock.

Rack"work` (-wûrk`), n. Any mechanism having a rack, as a rack and pinion.

Ra"cle (rä"k'l), a. See Rakel. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ra"cle*ness, n. See Rakelness. [Obs.] Chaucer.

||Ra`con`teur" (r`kôN`tr"), n. [F.] A relater; a storyteller.

||Ra*coon"da (r*kn"d), n. [From a native name.] (Zoöl.) The coypu.

Ra*co"vi*an (r*k"v*an), n. [From Racow.] (Eccl. Hist.) One of a sect of Socinians or Unitarians in Poland.

Rac"quet (rk"kt), n. See Racket.

Ra"cy (r"s), a. [Compar. Racier (-s*r); superl. Raciest.] [From Race a tribe, family.] 1. Having a strong flavor indicating origin; of distinct characteristic taste; tasting of the soil; hence, fresh; rich.

The racy wine,
Late from the mellowing cask restored to light.


2. Hence: Exciting to the mental taste by a strong or distinctive character of thought or language; peculiar and piquant; fresh and lively.

Our raciest, most idiomatic popular words.

M. Arnold.

Burns's English, though not so racy as his Scotch, is generally correct.

H. Coleridge.

The rich and racy humor of a natural converser fresh from the plow.

Prof. Wilson.

Syn. -- Spicy; spirited; lively; smart; piquant. -- Racy, Spicy. Racy refers primarily to that peculiar flavor which certain wines are supposed to derive from the soil in which the grapes were grown; and hence we call a style or production racy when it "smacks of the soil," or has an uncommon degree of natural freshness and distinctiveness of thought and language. Spicy, when applied to style, has reference to a spirit and pungency added by art, seasoning the matter like a condiment. It does not, like racy, suggest native peculiarity. A spicy article in a magazine; a spicy retort. Racy in conversation; a racy remark.

Rich, racy verses, in which we
The soil from which they come, taste, smell, and see.


Rad (rd), obs. imp. & p. p. of Read, Rede. Spenser.

Rad"de (rd"de), obs. imp. of Read, Rede. Chaucer.

Rad"dle (rd"d'l), n. [Cf. G. räder, rädel, sieve, or perhaps E. reed.] 1. A long, flexible stick, rod, or branch, which is interwoven with others, between upright posts or stakes, in making a kind of hedge or fence.

2. A hedge or fence made with raddles; -- called also raddle hedge. Todd.

3. An instrument consisting of a wooden bar, with a row of upright pegs set in it, used by domestic weavers to keep the warp of a proper width, and prevent tangling when it is wound upon the beam of the loom.

Rad"dle, v. t. To interweave or twist together.

Raddling or working it up like basket work.

De Foe.

Rad"dle, n. [Cf. Ruddle.] A red pigment used in marking sheep, and in some mechanical processes; ruddle. "A raddle of rouge." Thackeray.

Rad"dle, v. t. To mark or paint with, or as with, raddle. "Whitened and raddled old women." Thackeray.

Rad"dock (-dk), n. (Zoöl.) The ruddock. [Prov. Eng.]

Rade (rd), n. A raid. [Scot.]

||Ra`deau" (r`d"), n. [F.] A float; a raft.

Three vessels under sail, and one at anchor, above Split Rock, and behind it the radeau Thunderer.

W. Irving.

Ra"di*al (r"d*al), a. [Cf. F. radial. See Radius.] Of or pertaining to a radius or ray; consisting of, or like, radii or rays; radiated; as, (Bot.) radial projections; (Zoöl.) radial vessels or canals; (Anat.) the radial artery.

Radial symmetry. (Biol.) See under Symmetry.

||Ra`di*a"le (r`d*"l), n.; pl. Radialia (- l*) [NL. See Radial.] 1. (Anat.) The bone or cartilage of the carpus which articulates with the radius and corresponds to the scaphoid bone in man.

2. pl. (Zoöl.) Radial plates in the calyx of a crinoid.

Ra"di*al*ly (r"d*al*l), adv. In a radial manner.

Ra"di*an (-an), n. [From Radius.] (Math.) An arc of a circle which is equal to the radius, or the angle measured by such an arc.

{ Ra"di*ance (-ans), Ra"di*an*cy (- an*s), } n. The quality of being radiant; brilliancy; effulgence; vivid brightness; as, the radiance of the sun.

Girt with omnipotence, with radiance crowned.


What radiancy of glory,
What light beyond compare !


Syn. -- Luster; brilliancy; splendor; glare; glitter.

Ra"di*ant (-ant), a. [L. radians, -antis, p. pr. of radiare to emit rays or beams, fr. radius ray: cf. F. radiant. See Radius, Ray a divergent line.] 1. Emitting or proceeding as from a center; resembling rays; radiating; radiate.

2. Especially, emitting or darting rays of light or heat; issuing in beams or rays; beaming with brightness; emitting a vivid light or splendor; as, the radiant sun.

Mark what radiant state she spreads.


3. Beaming with vivacity and happiness; as, a radiant face.

4. (Her.) Giving off rays; -- said of a bearing; as, the sun radiant; a crown radiant.

5. (Bot.) Having a raylike appearance, as the large marginal flowers of certain umbelliferous plants; -- said also of the cluster which has such marginal flowers.

Radiant energy (Physics), energy given out or transmitted by radiation, as in the case of light and radiant heat. -- Radiant heat, heat proceeding in right lines, or directly from the heated body, after the manner of light, in distinction from heat conducted or carried by intervening media. -- Radiant point. (Astron.) See Radiant, n., 3.

Ra"di*ant, n. 1. (Opt.) The luminous point or object from which light emanates; also, a body radiating light brightly.

2. (Geom.) A straight line proceeding from a given point, or fixed pole, about which it is conceived to revolve.

3. (Astron.) The point in the heavens at which the apparent paths of shooting stars meet, when traced backward, or whence they appear to radiate.

Ra"di*ant*ly (r"d*ant*l), adv. In a radiant manner; with glittering splendor.

Ra"di*a*ry (-*r), n. [Cf. F. radiaire.] (Zoöl.) A radiate. [Obs.]

||Ra`di*a"ta (-"t), n. pl. [NL., fr. radiatus, p. p. See Radiate.] (Zoöl.) An extensive artificial group of invertebrates, having all the parts arranged radially around the vertical axis of the body, and the various organs repeated symmetrically in each ray or spheromere.

It includes the cœlenterates and the echinoderms. Formerly, the group was supposed to be a natural one, and was considered one of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom.

Ra"di*ate (r"d*t), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Radiated (- `td); p. pr. & vb. n. Radiating.] [L. radiatus, p. p. of radiare to furnish with spokes or rays, to radiate, fr. radius ray. See Radius, Ray a divergent line.] 1. To emit rays; to be radiant; to shine.

Virtues shine more clear
In them [kings], and radiate like the sun at noon.


2. To proceed in direct lines from a point or surface; to issue in rays, as light or heat.

Light radiates from luminous bodies directly to our eyes.


Ra"di*ate, v. t. 1. To emit or send out in direct lines from a point or points; as, to radiate heat.

2. To enlighten; to illuminate; to shed light or brightness on; to irradiate. [R.]

Ra"di*ate (-t), a. [L. radiatus, p. p.] 1. Having rays or parts diverging from a center; radiated; as, a radiate crystal.

2. (Bot.) Having in a capitulum large ray florets which are unlike the disk florets, as in the aster, daisy, etc.

3. (Zoöl.) Belonging to the Radiata.

Ra"di*ate, n. (Zoöl.) One of the Radiata.

Ra"di*a`ted (-`td), a. 1. Emitted, or sent forth, in rays or direct lines; as, radiated heat.

2. Formed of, or arranged like, rays or radii; having parts or markings diverging, like radii, from a common center or axis; as, a radiated structure; a radiated group of crystals.

3. (Zoöl.) Belonging to the Radiata.

Ra"di*ate*ly (-t*l), adv. In a radiate manner; with radiation or divergence from a center.

Ra"di*ate-veined` (-vnd`), a. (Bot.) Having the principal veins radiating, or diverging, from the apex of the petiole; -- said of such leaves as those of the grapevine, most maples, and the castor-oil plant.

Ra`di*at"i*form (-t"*fôrm), a. (Bot.) Having the marginal florets enlarged and radiating but not ligulate, as in the capitula or heads of the cornflower. Gray.

Ra`di*a"tion (-"shn), n. [L. radiatio: cf. F. radiation.] 1. The act of radiating, or the state of being radiated; emission and diffusion of rays of light; beamy brightness.

2. The shooting forth of anything from a point or surface, like the diverging rays of light; as, the radiation of heat.

Ra"di*a*tive (r"d**tv), a. Capable of radiating; acting by radiation. Tyndall.

Ra"di*a`tor (-`tr), n. That which radiates or emits rays, whether of light or heat; especially, that part of a heating apparatus from which the heat is radiated or diffused; as, a steam radiator.

Rad"i*cal (rd"*kal), a. [F., fr. L. radicalis having roots, fr. radix, -icis, a root. See Radix.] 1. Of or pertaining to the root; proceeding directly from the root.

2. Hence: Of or pertaining to the root or origin; reaching to the center, to the foundation, to the ultimate sources, to the principles, or the like; original; fundamental; thorough-going; unsparing; extreme; as, radical evils; radical reform; a radical party.

The most determined exertions of that authority, against them, only showed their radical independence.


3. (Bot.) (a) Belonging to, or proceeding from, the root of a plant; as, radical tubers or hairs. (b) Proceeding from a rootlike stem, or one which does not rise above the ground; as, the radical leaves of the dandelion and the sidesaddle flower.

4. (Philol.) Relating, or belonging, to the root, or ultimate source of derivation; as, a radical verbal form.

5. (Math.) Of or pertaining to a radix or root; as, a radical quantity; a radical sign. See below.

Radical axis of two circles. (Geom.) See under Axis. -- Radical pitch, the pitch or tone with which the utterance of a syllable begins. Rush. -- Radical quantity (Alg.), a quantity to which the radical sign is prefixed; specifically, a quantity which is not a perfect power of the degree indicated by the radical sign; a surd. -- Radical sign (Math.), the sign √ (originally the letter r, the initial of radix, root), placed before any quantity, denoting that its root is to be extracted; thus, √a, or √(a + b). To indicate any other than the square root, a corresponding figure is placed over the sign; thus, a, indicates the third or cube root of a. -- Radical stress (Elocution), force of utterance falling on the initial part of a syllable or sound. -- Radical vessels (Anat.), minute vessels which originate in the substance of the tissues.

Syn. -- Primitive; original; natural; underived; fundamental; entire. -- Radical, Entire. These words are frequently employed as interchangeable in describing some marked alteration in the condition of things. There is, however, an obvious difference between them. A radical cure, reform, etc., is one which goes to the root of the thing in question; and it is entire, in the sense that, by affecting the root, it affects in an appropriate degree the entire body nourished by the root; but it may not be entire in the sense of making a change complete in its nature, as well as in its extent. Hence, we speak of a radical change; a radical improvement; radical differences of opinion; while an entire change, an entire improvement, an entire difference of opinion, might indicate more than was actually intended. A certain change may be both radical and entire, in every sense.

Rad"i*cal (rd"*kal), n. 1. (Philol.) (a) A primitive word; a radix, root, or simple, underived, uncompounded word; an etymon. (b) A primitive letter; a letter that belongs to the radix.

The words we at present make use of, and understand only by common agreement, assume a new air and life in the understanding, when you trace them to their radicals, where you find every word strongly stamped with nature; full of energy, meaning, character, painting, and poetry.


2. (Politics) One who advocates radical changes in government or social institutions, especially such changes as are intended to level class inequalities; -- opposed to conservative.

In politics they [the Independents] were, to use the phrase of their own time, "Root-and-Branch men," or, to use the kindred phrase of our own, Radicals.


3. (Chem.) (a) A characteristic, essential, and fundamental constituent of any compound; hence, sometimes, an atom.

As a general rule, the metallic atoms are basic radicals, while the nonmetallic atoms are acid radicals.

J. P. Cooke.

(b) Specifically, a group of two or more atoms, not completely saturated, which are so linked that their union implies certain properties, and are conveniently regarded as playing the part of a single atom; a residue; -- called also a compound radical. Cf. Residue.

4. (Alg.) A radical quantity. See under Radical, a.

An indicated root of a perfect power of the degree indicated is not a radical but a rational quantity under a radical form.

Davies & Peck (Math. Dict.)

5. (Anat.) A radical vessel. See under Radical, a.

Rad"i*cal*ism (-z'm), n. [Cf. F. radicalisme.] The quality or state of being radical; specifically, the doctrines or principles of radicals in politics or social reform.

Radicalism means root work; the uprooting of all falsehoods and abuses.

F. W. Robertson.

Rad`i*cal"i*ty (-kl"*t), n. 1. Germinal principle; source; origination. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.

2. Radicalness; relation to a root in essential nature or principle.

Rad"i*cal*ly (rd"*kal*l), adv. 1. In a radical manner; at, or from, the origin or root; fundamentally; as, a scheme or system radically wrong or defective.

2. Without derivation; primitively; essentially. [R.]

These great orbs thus radically bright.


Rad"i*cal*ness, n. Quality or state of being radical.

Rad"i*cant (-kant), a. [L. radicans, p. pr.: cf. F. radicant. See Radicate, a.] (Bot.) Taking root on, or above, the ground; rooting from the stem, as the trumpet creeper and the ivy.

Rad"i*cate (-kt), a. [L. radicatus, p. p. of radicari to take root, fr. radix. See Radix.] Radicated.

Rad"i*cate (-kt), v. i. To take root; to become rooted. Evelyn.

Rad"i*cate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Radicated (-k`td); p. pr. & vb. n. Radicating.] To cause to take root; to plant deeply and firmly; to root.

Time should . . . rather confirm and radicate in us the remembrance of God's goodness.


Rad"i*ca`ted (-k`td), a. Rooted; specifically: (a) (Bot.) Having roots, or possessing a well-developed root. (b) (Zoöl.) Having rootlike organs for attachment.

Rad`i*ca"tion (-k"shn), n. [Cf. F. radication.] 1. The process of taking root, or state of being rooted; as, the radication of habits.

2. (Bot.) The disposition of the roots of a plant.

Rad"i*cel (rd"*sl), n. [Dim. of radix.] (Bot.) A small branch of a root; a rootlet.

Ra*dic`i*flo"rous (r*ds`*fl"rs), a. [L. radix, -icis, root + flos, floris, a flower.] (Bot.) Rhizanthous.

Ra*dic"i*form (r*ds"*fôm), a. (Bot.) Having the nature or appearance of a radix or root.

Rad"i*cle (rd"*k'l), n. [L. radicula, dim. of radix, -icis, root: cf. F. radicule. See Radix.] (Bot.) (a) The rudimentary stem of a plant which supports the cotyledons in the seed, and from which the root is developed downward; the stem of the embryo; the caulicle. (b) A rootlet; a radicel.

Ra*dic"u*lar (r*dk"*lr), a. Of or pertaining to roots, or the root of a plant.

Rad"i*cule (rd"*kl), n. (Bot.) A radicle.

Ra*dic"u*lose` (r*dk"*ls`), a. (Bot.) Producing numerous radicles, or rootlets.

Ra"di*i (r"d*), n., pl. of Radius.

Ra"di*o- (r"d*-). A combining form indicating connection with, or relation to, a radius or ray; specifically (Anat.), with the radius of the forearm; as, radio-ulnar, radio- muscular, radio-carpal.

||Ra`di*o-flag`el*la"ta (- flj`l*l"t), n. pl. [NL. See Radiate, and Flagellata.] (Zoöl.) A group of Protozoa having both flagella and pseudopodia.

Ra"di*o*graph (r"d**grf), n. [Radio- + -graph.] (Phys.) A picture produced by the Röntgen rays upon a sensitive surface, photographic or fluorescent, especially a picture of opaque objects traversed by the rays.

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||Ra`di*o*la"ri*a (r`d**l"r*), n. pl. [NL. See Radioli.] (Zoöl.) Order of rhizopods, usually having a siliceous skeleton, or shell, and sometimes radiating spicules. The pseudopodia project from the body like rays. It includes the polycystines. See Polycystina.

Ra`di*o*la"ri*an (r`d**l"r*an), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the Radiolaria. -- n. One of the Radiolaria.

||Ra*di"o*li (r*d"*l), n. pl.; sing. Radiolus (-ls). [NL., dim. of L. radius radius: cf. L. radiolus a feeble sunbeam.] (Zoöl.) The barbs of the radii of a feather; barbules.

Ra"di*o*lite (r"d**lt), n. [L. radius ray + -lite: cf. F. radiolithe.] (Paleon.) A hippurite.

Ra`di*om"e*ter (-m"*tr), n. [L. radius radius + -meter: cf. F. radiomètre.] 1. (Naut.) A forestaff.

2. (Physics) An instrument designed for measuring the mechanical effect of radiant energy.

It consists of a number of light disks, blackened on one side, placed at the ends of extended arms, supported on a pivot in an exhausted glass vessel. When exposed to rays of light or heat, the arms rotate.

Ra`di*o*mi*crom"e*ter (- *m*krm"*tr), n. [Radio- + micrometer.] (Physics) A very sensitive modification or application of the thermopile, used for indicating minute changes of radiant heat, or temperature.

Ra"di*o*phone (r"d**fn), n. [Radio- + Gr. fwnh` sound.] (Physics) An apparatus for the production of sound by the action of luminous or thermal rays. It is essentially the same as the photophone.

Ra`di*oph"o*ny (-f"*n), n. (Physics) The art or practice of using the radiophone.

Ra"di*ous (r"d*s), a. [L. radiosus.] 1. Consisting of rays, as light. [R.] Berkeley.

2. Radiating; radiant. [Obs.] G. Fletcher.

Rad"ish (rd"sh), n. [F. radis; cf. It. radice, Pr. raditz; all fr. L. radix, -icis, a root, an edible root, especially a radish, akin to E. wort. See Wort, and cf. Eradicate, Race a root, Radix.] (Bot.) The pungent fleshy root of a well-known cruciferous plant (Raphanus sativus); also, the whole plant.

Radish fly (Zoöl.), a small two- winged fly (Anthomyia raphani) whose larvæ burrow in radishes. It resembles the onion fly. -- Rat-tailed radish (Bot.), an herb (Raphanus caudatus) having a long, slender pod, which is sometimes eaten. -- Wild radish (Bot.), the jointed charlock.

Ra"di*us (r"d*s), n.; pl. L. Radii (- ); E. Radiuses (-s*z). [L., a staff, rod, spoke of a wheel, radius, ray. See Ray a divergent line.] 1. (Geom.) A right line drawn or extending from the center of a circle to the periphery; the semidiameter of a circle or sphere.

2. (Anat.) The preaxial bone of the forearm, or brachium, corresponding to the tibia of the hind limb. See Illust. of Artiodactyla.

The radius is on the same side of the limb as the thumb, or pollex, and in man it is so articulated that its lower end is capable of partial rotation about the ulna.

3. (Bot.) A ray, or outer floret, of the capitulum of such plants as the sunflower and the daisy. See Ray, 2.

4. pl. (Zoöl.) (a) The barbs of a perfect feather. (b) Radiating organs, or color-markings, of the radiates.

5. The movable limb of a sextant or other angular instrument. Knight.

Radius bar (Mach.), a bar pivoted at one end, about which it swings, and having its other end attached to a piece which it causes to move in a circular arc. -- Radius of curvature. See under Curvature.

||Ra"di*us vec"tor (vk"tr). 1. (Math.) A straight line (or the length of such line) connecting any point, as of a curve, with a fixed point, or pole, round which the straight line turns, and to which it serves to refer the successive points of a curve, in a system of polar coördinates. See Coördinate, n.

2. (Astron.) An ideal straight line joining the center of an attracting body with that of a body describing an orbit around it, as a line joining the sun and a planet or comet, or a planet and its satellite.

Ra"dix (r"dks), n.; pl. L. Radices (rd"*sz), E. Radixes (r"dks*z). [L. radix, -icis, root. See Radish.] 1. (Philol.) A primitive word, from which spring other words; a radical; a root; an etymon.

2. (Math.) (a) A number or quantity which is arbitrarily made the fundamental number of any system; a base. Thus, 10 is the radix, or base, of the common system of logarithms, and also of the decimal system of numeration. (b) (Alg.) A finite expression, from which a series is derived. [R.] Hutton.

3. (Bot.) The root of a plant.

||Rad"u*la (rd"*l), n.; pl. Radulæ (- l). [L., a scraper, fr. radere to scrape.] (Zoöl.) The chitinous ribbon bearing the teeth of mollusks; -- called also lingual ribbon, and tongue. See Odontophore.

Ra*du"li*form (r*d"l*fôrm), a. [L. radula a scraper + -form.] Rasplike; as, raduliform teeth.

Raff (rf), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Raffed (rft); p. pr. & vb. n. Raffing.] [OF. raffer, of German origin; cf. G. raffen; akin to E. rap to snatch. See Rap, and cf. Riffraff, Rip to tear.] To sweep, snatch, draw, or huddle together; to take by a promiscuous sweep. [Obs.]

Causes and effects which I thus raff up together.


Raff, n. 1. A promiscuous heap; a jumble; a large quantity; lumber; refuse. "A raff of errors." Barrow.

2. The sweepings of society; the rabble; the mob; -- chiefly used in the compound or duplicate, riffraff.

3. A low fellow; a churl.

Raff merchant, a dealer in lumber and odd refuse. [Prov. Eng.]

Raf`fa*el*esque" (rf`f*l*sk"), a. Raphaelesque.

Raf"fi*a (rf"f*), n. (Bot.) A fibrous material used for tying plants, said to come from the leaves of a palm tree of the genus Raphia. J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants).

Raf"fi*nose` (rf"f*ns`), n. [F. raffiner to refine.] (Chem.) A colorless crystalline slightly sweet substance obtained from the molasses of the sugar beet.

Raff"ish (rf"sh), a. Resembling, or having the character of, raff, or a raff; worthless; low.

A sad, raffish, disreputable character.


Raf"fle (rf"f'l), n. [F. rafle; faire rafle to sweep stakes, fr. rafler to carry or sweep away, rafler tout to sweep stakes; of German origin; cf. G. raffeln to snatch up, to rake. See Raff, v.] 1. A kind of lottery, in which several persons pay, in shares, the value of something put up as a stake, and then determine by chance (as by casting dice) which one of them shall become the sole possessor.

2. A game of dice in which he who threw three alike won all the stakes. [Obs.] Cotgrave.

Raf"fle, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Raffled (-f'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Raffling (-flng).] To engage in a raffle; as, to raffle for a watch.

Raf"fle, v. t. To dispose of by means of a raffle; -- often followed by off; as, to raffle off a horse.

Raf"fler (rf"flr), n. One who raffles.

||Raf*fle"si*a (rf*fl"zh*), n. [NL. Named from its discoverer, Sir S. Raffles.] (Bot.) A genus of stemless, leafless plants, living parasitically upon the roots and stems of grapevines in Malaysia. The flowers have a carrionlike odor, and are very large, in one species (Rafflesia Arnoldi) having a diameter of two or three feet.

Raft (rft), obs. imp. & p. p. of Reave. Spenser.

Raft, n. [Originally, a rafter, spar, and fr. Icel. raptr a rafter; akin to Dan. raft, Prov. G. raff a rafter, spar; cf. OHG. rfo, rvo, a beam, rafter, Icel. rf roof. Cf. Rafter, n.] 1. A collection of logs, boards, pieces of timber, or the like, fastened together, either for their own collective conveyance on the water, or to serve as a support in conveying other things; a float.

2. A collection of logs, fallen trees, etc. (such as is formed in some Western rivers of the United States), which obstructs navigation. [U.S.]

3. [Perhaps akin to raff a heap.] A large collection of people or things taken indiscriminately. [Slang, U. S.] "A whole raft of folks." W. D. Howells.

Raft bridge. (a) A bridge whose points of support are rafts. (b) A bridge that consists of floating timbers fastened together. -- Raft duck. [The name alludes to its swimming in dense flocks.] (Zoöl.) (a) The bluebill, or greater scaup duck; -- called also flock duck. See Scaup. (b) The redhead. -- Raft port (Naut.), a large, square port in a vessel's side for loading or unloading timber or other bulky articles; a timber or lumber port.

Raft, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rafted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rafting.] To transport on a raft, or in the form of a raft; to make into a raft; as, to raft timber.

Raf"te (rf"te), obs. imp. of Reave. Chaucer.

Raft"er (rft"r), n. A raftsman.

Raft"er, n. [AS. ræfter; akin to E. raft, n. See Raft.] (Arch.) Originally, any rough and somewhat heavy piece of timber. Now, commonly, one of the timbers of a roof which are put on sloping, according to the inclination of the roof. See Illust. of Queen-post.

[Courtesy] oft is sooner found in lowly sheds,
With smoky rafters, than in tapestry halls.


Raft"er, v. t. 1. To make into rafters, as timber.

2. To furnish with rafters, as a house.

3. (Agric.) To plow so as to turn the grass side of each furrow upon an unplowed ridge; to ridge. [Eng.]

Raft"ing, n. The business of making or managing rafts.

Rafts"man (rfts"man), n.; pl. Raftsmen (-men). A man engaged in rafting.

Raf"ty (rf"t), a. [Perhaps akin to G. reif hoarfrost.] Damp; musty. [Prov. Eng.]

Rag (rg), v. t. [Cf. Icel. rægja to calumniate, OHG. ruogen to accuse, G. rügen to censure, AS. wrgan, Goth. wrhjan to accuse.] To scold or rail at; to rate; to tease; to torment; to banter. [Prov. Eng.] Pegge.

Rag, n. [OE. ragge, probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. rögg a tuft, shagginess, Sw. ragg rough hair. Cf. Rug, n.] 1. A piece of cloth torn off; a tattered piece of cloth; a shred; a tatter; a fragment.

Cowls, hoods, and habits, with their wearers, tossed.
And fluttered into rags.


Not having otherwise any rag of legality to cover the shame of their cruelty.


2. pl. Hence, mean or tattered attire; worn-out dress.

And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm.


3. A shabby, beggarly fellow; a ragamuffin.

The other zealous rag is the compositor.

B. Jonson.

Upon the proclamation, they all came in, both tag and rag.


4. (Geol.) A coarse kind of rock, somewhat cellular in texture.

5. (Metal Working) A ragged edge.

6. A sail, or any piece of canvas. [Nautical Slang]

Our ship was a clipper with every rag set.


Rag bolt, an iron pin with barbs on its shank to retain it in place. -- Rag carpet, a carpet of which the weft consists of narrow strips of cloth sewed together, end to end. -- Rag dust, fine particles of ground-up rags, used in making papier-maché and wall papers. -- Rag wheel. (a) A chain wheel; a sprocket wheel. (b) A polishing wheel made of disks of cloth clamped together on a mandrel. -- Rag wool, wool obtained by tearing woolen rags into fine bits; shoddy.

Rag (rg), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ragged (rgd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ragging (-gng).] To become tattered. [Obs.]

Rag, v. t. 1. To break (ore) into lumps for sorting.

2. To cut or dress roughly, as a grindstone.

{ Rag"a*bash` (-*bsh`), Rag"a*brash` (-brsh`), } n. An idle, ragged person. Nares. Grose.

Rag`a*muf"fin (-mf"fn), n. [Cf. Ragamofin, the name of a demon in some of the old mysteries.] 1. A paltry or disreputable fellow; a mean wretch. Dryden.

2. A person who wears ragged clothing. [Colloq.]

3. (Zoöl.) The long-tailed titmouse. [Prov. Eng.]

Rage (rj), n. [F., fr. L. rabies, fr. rabere to rave; cf. Skr. rabh to seize, rabhas violence. Cf. Rabid, Rabies, Rave.] 1. Violent excitement; eager passion; extreme vehemence of desire, emotion, or suffering, mastering the will. "In great rage of pain." Bacon.

He appeased the rage of hunger with some scraps of broken meat.


Convulsed with a rage of grief.


2. Especially, anger accompanied with raving; overmastering wrath; violent anger; fury.

Torment, and loud lament, and furious rage.


3. A violent or raging wind. [Obs.] Chaucer.

4. The subject of eager desire; that which is sought after, or prosecuted, with unreasonable or excessive passion; as, to be all the rage.

Syn. -- Anger; vehemence; excitement; passion; fury. See Anger.

Rage, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Raged (rjd); p. pr. & vb. n. Raging (r"jng).] [OF. ragier. See Rage, n.]

1. To be furious with anger; to be exasperated to fury; to be violently agitated with passion. "Whereat he inly raged." Milton.

When one so great begins to rage, he is hunted
Even to falling.


2. To be violent and tumultuous; to be violently driven or agitated; to act or move furiously; as, the raging sea or winds.

Why do the heathen rage?

Ps. ii. 1.

The madding wheels
Of brazen chariots raged; dire was the noise.


3. To ravage; to prevail without restraint, or with destruction or fatal effect; as, the plague raged in Cairo.

4. To toy or act wantonly; to sport. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Syn. -- To storm; fret; chafe; fume.

Rage, v. t. To enrage. [Obs.] Shak.

Rage"ful (-fl), a. Full of rage; expressing rage. [Obs.] "Rageful eyes." Sir P. Sidney.

Ra"ger*y (r"jr*), n. Wantonness. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rag"ged (rg"gd), a. [From Rag, n.] 1. Rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken; as, a ragged coat; a ragged sail.

2. Broken with rough edges; having jags; uneven; rough; jagged; as, ragged rocks.

3. Hence, harsh and disagreeable to the ear; dissonant. [R.] "A ragged noise of mirth." Herbert.

4. Wearing tattered clothes; as, a ragged fellow.

5. Rough; shaggy; rugged.

What shepherd owns those ragged sheep?


Ragged lady (Bot.), the fennel flower (Nigella Damascena). -- Ragged robin (Bot.), a plant of the genus Lychnis (L. Flos- cuculi), cultivated for its handsome flowers, which have the petals cut into narrow lobes. -- Ragged sailor (Bot.), prince's feather (Polygonum orientale). -- Ragged school, a free school for poor children, where they are taught and in part fed; -- a name given at first because they came in their common clothing. [Eng.]

-- Rag"ged*ly, adv. -- Rag"ged*ness, n.

{ Rag"gie (rg"g), or Rag"gy }, a. Ragged; rough. [Obs.] "A stony and raggie hill." Holland.

||Ragh`u*van"sa (rg`*vn"s), n. [Skr. Raguvaça.] A celebrated Sanskrit poem having for its subject the Raghu dynasty.

Ra"ging (r"jng), a. & n. from Rage, v. i. -- Ra"ging*ly, adv.

Ra"gious (r"js), a. Raging; furious; rageful. [Obs.] -- Ra"gious*ness, n. [Obs.]

Rag"lan (rg"lan), n. A loose overcoat with large sleeves; -- named from Lord Raglan, an English general.

Rag"man (-man), n.; pl. Ragmen (-men). A man who collects, or deals in, rags.

Rag"man, n. [See Ragman's roll.] A document having many names or numerous seals, as a papal bull. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

Rag"man's roll` (-manz rl`). [For ragman roll a long list of names, the devil's roll or list; where ragman is of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. ragmenni a craven person, Sw. raggen the devil. Icel. ragmenni is fr. ragr cowardly (another form of argr, akin to AS. earg cowardly, vile, G. arg bad) + menni (in comp.) man, akin to E. man. See Roll, and cf. Rigmarole.] The rolls of deeds on parchment in which the Scottish nobility and gentry subscribed allegiance to Edward I. of England, A. D. 1296. [Also written ragman- roll.]

Ra*gout" (r*g"), n. [F. ragoût, fr. ragoûter to restore one's appetite, fr. L. pref. re- re- + ad to + gustare to taste, gustus taste. See Gust relish.] A dish made of pieces of meat, stewed, and highly seasoned; as, a ragout of mutton.

Rag"pick`er (rg"pk`r), n. One who gets a living by picking up rags and refuse things in the streets.

{ Ra*guled" (r*gld"), Rag*guled" (rg-), } a. [Cf. F. raguer to chafe, fret, rub, or E. rag.] (Her.) Notched in regular diagonal breaks; -- said of a line, or a bearing having such an edge.

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Rag"weed` (rg"wd`), n. (Bot.) A common American composite weed (Ambrosia artemisiæfolia) with finely divided leaves; hogweed.

Great ragweed, a coarse American herb (Ambrosia trifida), with rough three-lobed opposite leaves.

Rag"work` (-wûrk`), n. (Masonry) A kind of rubblework. In the United States, any rubblework of thin and small stones.

Rag"wort` (-wûrt`), n. (Bot.) A name given to several species of the composite genus Senecio.

Senecio aureus is the golden ragwort of the United States; S. elegans is the purple ragwort of South Africa.

||Ra"ia (r"y), n. [L., a ray. Cf. Ray the fish.] (Zoöl.) A genus of rays which includes the skates. See Skate.

||Ra"iæ (r"y), n. pl. [NL. See Raia.] (Zoöl.) The order of elasmobranch fishes which includes the sawfishes, skates, and rays; -- called also Rajæ, and Rajii.

Raid (rd), n. [Icel. reið a riding, raid; akin to E. road. See Road a way.] 1. A hostile or predatory incursion; an inroad or incursion of mounted men; a sudden and rapid invasion by a cavalry force; a foray.

Marauding chief! his sole delight
The moonlight raid, the morning fight.

Sir W. Scott.

There are permanent conquests, temporary occupations, and occasional raids.

H. Spenser.

A Scottish word which came into common use in the United States during the Civil War, and was soon extended in its application.

2. An attack or invasion for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering; as, a raid of the police upon a gambling house; a raid of contractors on the public treasury. [Colloq. U. S.]

Raid, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Raided; p. pr. & vb. n. Raiding.] To make a raid upon or into; as, two regiments raided the border counties.

Raid"er (-r), n. One who engages in a raid. [U.S.]

Rail (rl), n. [OE. reil, reel, AS. hrægel, hrægl, a garment; akin to OHG. hregil, OFries. hreil.] An outer cloak or covering; a neckerchief for women. Fairholt.

Rail, v. i. [Etymol. uncertain.] To flow forth; to roll out; to course. [Obs.]

Streams of tears from her fair eyes forth railing.


Rail, n. [Akin to LG. & Sw. regel bar, bolt, G. riegel a rail, bar, or bolt, OHG. rigil, rigel, bar, bolt, and possibly to E. row a line.] 1. A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to another, as in fences, balustrades, staircases, etc.

2. (Arch.) A horizontal piece in a frame or paneling. See Illust. of Style.

3. (Railroad) A bar of steel or iron, forming part of the track on which the wheels roll. It is usually shaped with reference to vertical strength, and is held in place by chairs, splices, etc.

4. (Naut.) (a) The stout, narrow plank that forms the top of the bulwarks. (b) The light, fencelike structures of wood or metal at the break of the deck, and elsewhere where such protection is needed.

Rail fence. See under Fence. -- Rail guard. (a) A device attached to the front of a locomotive on each side for clearing the rail of obstructions. (b) A guard rail. See under Guard. -- Rail joint (Railroad), a splice connecting the adjacent ends of rails, in distinction from a chair, which is merely a seat. The two devices are sometimes united. Among several hundred varieties, the fish joint is standard. See Fish joint, under Fish. -- Rail train (Iron & Steel Manuf.), a train of rolls in a rolling mill, for making rails for railroads from blooms or billets.

Rail, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Railed (rld); p. pr. & vb. n. Railing.] 1. To inclose with rails or a railing.

It ought to be fenced in and railed.


2. To range in a line. [Obs.]

They were brought to London all railed in ropes, like a team of horses in a cart.


Rail, n. [F. râle, fr. râler to have a rattling in the throat; of German origin, and akin to E. rattle. See Rattle, v.] (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of limicoline birds of the family Rallidæ, especially those of the genus Rallus, and of closely allied genera. They are prized as game birds.

The common European water rail (Rallus aquaticus) is called also bilcock, skitty coot, and brook runner. The best known American species are the clapper rail, or salt-marsh hen (Rallus longirostris, var. crepitans); the king, or red-breasted, rail (R. elegans) (called also fresh-water marsh-hen); the lesser clapper, or Virginia, rail (R. Virginianus); and the Carolina, or sora, rail (Porzana Carolina). See Sora.

Land rail (Zoöl.), the corncrake.

Rail, v. i. [F. railler; cf. Sp. rallar to grate, scrape, molest; perhaps fr. (assumed) LL. radiculare, fr. L. radere to scrape, grate. Cf. Rally to banter, Rase.] To use insolent and reproachful language; to utter reproaches; to scoff; -- followed by at or against, formerly by on. Shak.

And rail at arts he did not understand.


Lesbia forever on me rails.


Rail (rl), v. t. 1. To rail at. [Obs.] Feltham.

2. To move or influence by railing. [R.]

Rail the seal from off my bond.


Rail"er (-r), n. One who rails; one who scoffs, insults, censures, or reproaches with opprobrious language.

Rail"ing, a. Expressing reproach; insulting.

Angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them.

2 Pet. ii. 11.

Rail"ing, n. 1. A barrier made of a rail or of rails.

2. Rails in general; also, material for making rails.

Rail"ing*ly, adv. With scoffing or insulting language.

Rail"ler*y (rl"lr* or rl"-; 277), n. [F. raillerie, fr. railler. See Rail to scoff.] Pleasantry or slight satire; banter; jesting language; satirical merriment.

Let raillery be without malice or heat.

B. Jonson.

Studies employed on low objects; the very naming of them is sufficient to turn them into raillery.


||Rail`leur" (r`lyr" or r`yr"), n. [F.] A banterer; a jester; a mocker. [R.] Wycherley.

{ Rail"road` (rl"rd`), Rail"way` (- w`), } n. 1. A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to be tracks for the wheels of vehicles, and suitably supported on a bed or substructure.

The modern railroad is a development and adaptation of the older tramway.

2. The road, track, etc., with all the lands, buildings, rolling stock, franchises, etc., pertaining to them and constituting one property; as, a certain railroad has been put into the hands of a receiver.

Railway is the commoner word in England; railroad the commoner word in the United States.

In the following and similar phrases railroad and railway are used interchangeably: --

Atmospheric railway, Elevated railway, etc. See under Atmospheric, Elevated, etc. -- Cable railway. See Cable road, under Cable. -- Ferry railway, a submerged track on which an elevated platform runs, for carrying a train of cars across a water course. -- Gravity railway, a railway, in a hilly country, on which the cars run by gravity down gentle slopes for long distances after having been hauled up steep inclines to an elevated point by stationary engines. -- Railway brake, a brake used in stopping railway cars or locomotives. -- Railway car, a large, heavy vehicle with flanged wheels fitted for running on a railway. [U.S.] -- Railway carriage, a railway passenger car. [Eng.] -- Railway scale, a platform scale bearing a track which forms part of the line of a railway, for weighing loaded cars. -- Railway slide. See Transfer table, under Transfer. -- Railway spine (Med.), an abnormal condition due to severe concussion of the spinal cord, such as occurs in railroad accidents. It is characterized by ataxia and other disturbances of muscular function, sensory disorders, pain in the back, impairment of general health, and cerebral disturbance, -- the symptoms often not developing till some months after the injury. -- Underground railroad or railway. (a) A railroad or railway running through a tunnel, as beneath the streets of a city. (b) Formerly, a system of coöperation among certain active antislavery people in the United States, by which fugitive slaves were secretly helped to reach Canada. [In the latter sense railroad, and not railway, was used.] "Their house was a principal entrepôt of the underground railroad." W. D. Howells.

Rail"road`ing, n. The construction of a railroad; the business of managing or operating a railroad. [Colloq. U. S.]

Rai"ment (r"ment), n. [Abbrev. fr. arraiment. See Array.] 1. Clothing in general; vesture; garments; -- usually singular in form, with a collective sense.

Living, both food and raiment she supplies.


2. An article of dress. [R. or Obs.] Sir P. Sidney.

Rain (rn), n. & v. Reign. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rain (rn), n. [OE. rein, AS. regen; akin to OFries. rein, D. & G. regen, OS. & OHG. regan, Icel., Dan., & Sw. regn, Goth. rign, and prob. to L. rigare to water, to wet; cf. Gr. bre`chein to wet, to rain.] Water falling in drops from the clouds; the descent of water from the clouds in drops.

Rain is water by the heat of the sun divided into very small parts ascending in the air, till, encountering the cold, it be condensed into clouds, and descends in drops.


Fair days have oft contracted wind and rain.


Rain is distinguished from mist by the size of the drops, which are distinctly visible. When water falls in very small drops or particles, it is called mist; and fog is composed of particles so fine as to be not only individually indistinguishable, but to float or be suspended in the air. See Fog, and Mist.

Rain band (Meteorol.), a dark band in the yellow portion of the solar spectrum near the sodium line, caused by the presence of watery vapor in the atmosphere, and hence sometimes used in weather predictions. -- Rain bird (Zoöl.), the yaffle, or green woodpecker. [Prov. Eng.] The name is also applied to various other birds, as to Saurothera vetula of the West Indies. -- Rain fowl (Zoöl.), the channel-bill cuckoo (Scythrops Novæ-Hollandiæ) of Australia. -- Rain gauge, an instrument of various forms for measuring the quantity of rain that falls at any given place in a given time; a pluviometer; an ombrometer. -- Rain goose (Zoöl.), the red-throated diver, or loon. [Prov. Eng.] -- Rain prints (Geol.), markings on the surfaces of stratified rocks, presenting an appearance similar to those made by rain on mud and sand, and believed to have been so produced. -- Rain quail. (Zoöl.) See Quail, n., 1. -- Rain water, water that has fallen from the clouds in rain.

Rain, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rained (rnd); p. pr. & vb. n. Raining.] [AS. regnian, akin to G. regnen, Goth. rignjan. See Rain, n.] 1. To fall in drops from the clouds, as water; -- used mostly with it for a nominative; as, it rains.

The rain it raineth every day.


2. To fall or drop like water from the clouds; as, tears rained from their eyes.

Rain (rn), v. t. 1. To pour or shower down from above, like rain from the clouds.

Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you.

Ex. xvi. 4.

2. To bestow in a profuse or abundant manner; as, to rain favors upon a person.

Rain"bow` (-b`), n. [AS. regenboga, akin to G. regenbogen. See Rain, and Bow anything bent.] A bow or arch exhibiting, in concentric bands, the several colors of the spectrum, and formed in the part of the hemisphere opposite to the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in drops of falling rain.

Besides the ordinary bow, called also primary rainbow, which is formed by two refractions and one reflection, there is also another often seen exterior to it, called the secondary rainbow, concentric with the first, and separated from it by a small interval. It is formed by two refractions and two reflections, is much fainter than the primary bow, and has its colors arranged in the reverse order from those of the latter.

Lunar rainbow, a fainter arch or rainbow, formed by the moon. -- Marine rainbow, or Sea bow, a similar bow seen in the spray of waves at sea. -- Rainbow trout (Zoöl.), a bright-colored trout (Salmo irideus), native of the mountains of California, but now extensively introduced into the Eastern States, Japan, and other countries; -- called also brook trout, mountain trout, and golden trout. -- Rainbow wrasse. (Zoöl.) See under Wrasse. -- Supernumerary rainbow, a smaller bow, usually of red and green colors only, sometimes seen within the primary or without the secondary rainbow, and in contact with them.

Rain"bowed` (-bd`), a. Formed with or like a rainbow.

Rain"deer` (-dr`), n. (Zoöl.) See Reindeer. [Obs.]

Rain"drop` (-drp`), n. A drop of rain.

Rain"fall` (rn"fl`), n. A fall or descent of rain; the water, or amount of water, that falls in rain; as, the average annual rainfall of a region.

Supplied by the rainfall of the outer ranges of Sinchul and Singaleleh.


Rain"i*ness (-*ns), n. The state of being rainy.

Rain"less, a. Destitute of rain; as, a rainless region.

Rain"-tight` (-tt`), a. So tight as to exclude rain; as, a rain-tight roof.

Rain"y (-), a. [AS. regenig.] Abounding with rain; wet; showery; as, rainy weather; a rainy day or season.

Raip (rp), n. [Cf. Icel. reip rope. Cf. Rope.] A rope; also, a measure equal to a rod. [Scot.]

Rais (rs), n. Same as 2d Reis.

Rais"a*ble (rz"*b'l), a. Capable of being raised.

Raise (rz), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Raised (rzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Raising.] [OE. reisen, Icel. reisa, causative of rsa to rise. See Rise, and cf. Rear to raise.]

1. To cause to rise; to bring from a lower to a higher place; to lift upward; to elevate; to heave; as, to raise a stone or weight. Hence, figuratively: --

(a) To bring to a higher condition or situation; to elevate in rank, dignity, and the like; to increase the value or estimation of; to promote; to exalt; to advance; to enhance; as, to raise from a low estate; to raise to office; to raise the price, and the like.

This gentleman came to be raised to great titles.


The plate pieces of eight were raised three pence in the piece.

Sir W. Temple.

(b) To increase the strength, vigor, or vehemence of; to excite; to intensify; to invigorate; to heighten; as, to raise the pulse; to raise the voice; to raise the spirits or the courage; to raise the heat of a furnace.

(c) To elevate in degree according to some scale; as, to raise the pitch of the voice; to raise the temperature of a room.

2. To cause to rise up, or assume an erect position or posture; to set up; to make upright; as, to raise a mast or flagstaff. Hence: --

(a) To cause to spring up from a recumbent position, from a state of quiet, or the like; to awaken; to arouse.

They shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.

Job xiv. 12.

(b) To rouse to action; to stir up; to incite to tumult, struggle, or war; to excite.

He commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind.

Ps. cvii. 25.

Æneas . . . employs his pains,
In parts remote, to raise the Tuscan swains.


(c) To bring up from the lower world; to call up, as a spirit from the world of spirits; to recall from death; to give life to.

Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead ?

Acts xxvi. 8.

3. To cause to arise, grow up, or come into being or to appear; to give rise to; to originate, produce, cause, effect, or the like. Hence, specifically: --

(a) To form by the accumulation of materials or constituent parts; to build up; to erect; as, to raise a lofty structure, a wall, a heap of stones.

I will raise forts against thee.

Isa. xxix. 3.

(b) To bring together; to collect; to levy; to get together or obtain for use or service; as, to raise money, troops, and the like. "To raise up a rent." Chaucer.

(c) To cause to grow; to procure to be produced, bred, or propagated; to grow; as, to raise corn, barley, hops, etc.; toraise cattle. "He raised sheep." "He raised wheat where none grew before." Johnson's Dict.

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In some parts of the United States, notably in the Southern States, raise is also commonly applied to the rearing or bringing up of children.

I was raised, as they say in Virginia, among the mountains of the North.


(d) To bring into being; to produce; to cause to arise, come forth, or appear; -- often with up.

I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee.

Deut. xviii. 18.

God vouchsafes to raise another world
From him [Noah], and all his anger to forget.


(e) To give rise to; to set agoing; to occasion; to start; to originate; as, to raise a smile or a blush.

Thou shalt not raise a false report.

Ex. xxiii. 1.

(f) To give vent or utterance to; to utter; to strike up.

Soon as the prince appears, they raise a cry.


(g) To bring to notice; to submit for consideration; as, to raise a point of order; to raise an objection.

4. To cause to rise, as by the effect of leaven; to make light and spongy, as bread.

Miss Liddy can dance a jig, and raise paste.


5. (Naut.) (a) To cause (the land or any other object) to seem higher by drawing nearer to it; as, to raise Sandy Hook light. (b) To let go; as in the command, Raise tacks and sheets, i. e., Let go tacks and sheets.

6. (Law) To create or constitute; as, to raise a use, that is, to create it. Burrill.

To raise a blockade (Mil.), to remove or break up a blockade, either by withdrawing the ships or forces employed in enforcing it, or by driving them away or dispersing them. -- To raise a check, note, bill of exchange, etc., to increase fraudulently its nominal value by changing the writing, figures, or printing in which the sum payable is specified. -- To raise a siege, to relinquish an attempt to take a place by besieging it, or to cause the attempt to be relinquished. -- To raise steam, to produce steam of a required pressure. -- To raise the wind, to procure ready money by some temporary expedient. [Colloq.] -- To raise Cain, or To raise the devil, to cause a great disturbance; to make great trouble. [Slang]

Syn. -- To lift; exalt; elevate; erect; originate; cause; produce; grow; heighten; aggravate; excite.

Raised (rzd), a. 1. Lifted up; showing above the surroundings; as, raised or embossed metal work.

2. Leavened; made with leaven, or yeast; -- used of bread, cake, etc., as distinguished from that made with cream of tartar, soda, etc. See Raise, v. t., 4.

Raised beach. See under Beach, n.

Rais"er (rz"r), n. One who, or that which, raises (in various senses of the verb).

Rai"sin (r"z'n), n. [F. raisin grape, raisin, L. racemus cluster of grapes or berries; cf. Gr. "ra`x, "rago`s, berry, grape. Cf. Raceme.] 1. A grape, or a bunch of grapes. [Obs.] Cotgrave.

2. A grape dried in the sun or by artificial heat.

Raisin tree (Bot.), the common red currant bush, whose fruit resembles the small raisins of Corinth called currants. [Eng.] Dr. Prior.

Rais"ing (rz"ng), n. 1. The act of lifting, setting up, elevating, exalting, producing, or restoring to life.

2. Specifically, the operation or work of setting up the frame of a building; as, to help at a raising. [U.S.]

3. The operation of embossing sheet metal, or of forming it into cup-shaped or hollow articles, by hammering, stamping, or spinning.

Raising bee, a bee for raising the frame of a building. See Bee, n., 2. [U.S.] W. Irving. -- Raising hammer, a hammer with a rounded face, used in raising sheet metal. -- Raising plate (Carp.), the plate, or longitudinal timber, on which a roof is raised and rests.

||Rai`son`né" (r`z`n"), a. [F. raisonné, p. p. of raisonner to reason.] Arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects; as, a catalogue raisonné. See under Catalogue.

Rai"vel (r"vel), n. (Weaving) A separator. [Scot.]

||Raj (räj), n. [See Rajah.] Reign; rule. [India]

||Ra"ja (rä"jä or r"j), n. Same as Rajah.

Ra"jah (rä"jä or r"j), n. [Hind. rj, Skr. rjan, akin to L. rex, regis. See Regal, a.] A native prince or king; also, a landholder or person of importance in the agricultural districts. [India]

Ra"jah*ship, n. The office or dignity of a rajah.

{ ||Raj`poot", ||Raj`put" } (räj`pt"), n. [Hind. rj- pt, Skr. rja-putra king's son.] A Hindoo of the second, or royal and military, caste; a Kshatriya; especially, an inhabitant of the country of Rajpootana, in northern central India.

Rake (rk), n. [AS. race; akin to OD. rake, D. reek, OHG. rehho, G. rechen, Icel. reka a shovel, and to Goth. rikan to heap up, collect, and perhaps to Gr. 'ore`gein to stretch out, and E. rack to stretch. Cf. Reckon.] 1. An implement consisting of a headpiece having teeth, and a long handle at right angles to it, -- used for collecting hay, or other light things which are spread over a large surface, or for breaking and smoothing the earth.

2. A toothed machine drawn by a horse, -- used for collecting hay or grain; a horserake.

3. [Perhaps a different word.] (Mining) A fissure or mineral vein traversing the strata vertically, or nearly so; -- called also rake-vein.

Gill rakes. (Anat.) See under 1st Gill.

Rake, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Raked (rkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Raking.] [AS. racian. See 1st Rake.] 1. To collect with a rake; as, to rake hay; -- often with up; as, he raked up the fallen leaves.

2. Hence: To collect or draw together with laborious industry; to gather from a wide space; to scrape together; as, to rake together wealth; to rake together slanderous tales; to rake together the rabble of a town.

3. To pass a rake over; to scrape or scratch with a rake for the purpose of collecting and clearing off something, or for stirring up the soil; as, to rake a lawn; to rake a flower bed.

4. To search through; to scour; to ransack.

The statesman rakes the town to find a plot.


5. To scrape or scratch across; to pass over quickly and lightly, as a rake does.

Like clouds that rake the mountain summits.


6. (Mil.) To enfilade; to fire in a direction with the length of; in naval engagements, to cannonade, as a ship, on the stern or head so that the balls range the whole length of the deck.

To rake up. (a) To collect together, as the fire (live coals), and cover with ashes. (b) To bring up; to search out and bring to notice again; as, to rake up old scandals.

Rake (rk), v. i. 1. To use a rake, as for searching or for collecting; to scrape; to search minutely.

One is for raking in Chaucer for antiquated words.


2. To pass with violence or rapidity; to scrape along.

Pas could not stay, but over him did rake.

Sir P. Sidney.

Rake, n. [Cf. dial. Sw. raka to reach, and E. reach.] The inclination of anything from a perpendicular direction; as, the rake of a roof, a staircase, etc.; especially (Naut.), the inclination of a mast or funnel, or, in general, of any part of a vessel not perpendicular to the keel.

Rake, v. i. To incline from a perpendicular direction; as, a mast rakes aft.

Raking course (Bricklaying), a course of bricks laid diagonally between the face courses in a thick wall, to strengthen it.

Rake, n. [OE. rakel rash; cf. Icel. reikall wandering, unsettled, reika to wander.] A loose, disorderly, vicious man; a person addicted to lewdness and other scandalous vices; a debauchee; a roué.

An illiterate and frivolous old rake.


Rake, v. i. 1. [Icel. reika. Cf. Rake a debauchee.] To walk about; to gad or ramble idly. [Prov. Eng.]

2. [See Rake a debauchee.] To act the rake; to lead a dissolute, debauched life. Shenstone.

To rake out (Falconry), to fly too far and wide from its master while hovering above waiting till the game is sprung; -- said of the hawk. Encyc. Brit.

Rake"hell` (rk"hl`), n. [See Rakel.] A lewd, dissolute fellow; a debauchee; a rake.

It seldom doth happen, in any way of life, that a sluggard and a rakehell do not go together.


{ Rake"hell`, Rake"hell`y (-), } a. Dissolute; wild; lewd; rakish. [Obs.] Spenser. B. Jonson.

Ra"kel (rä"kl), a. [OE. See Rake a debauchee.] Hasty; reckless; rash. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- Ra"kel*ness, n. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rak"er (rk"r), n. [See 1st Rake.] 1. One who, or that which, rakes; as: (a) A person who uses a rake. (b) A machine for raking grain or hay by horse or other power. (c) A gun so placed as to rake an enemy's ship.

2. (Zoöl.) See Gill rakers, under 1st Gill.

Rak"er*y (-), n. Debauchery; lewdness.

The rakery and intrigues of the lewd town.

R. North.

Rake"shame` (rk"shm`), n. [Cf. Rakehell, Ragabash.] A vile, dissolute wretch. [Obs.] Milton.

Rake"stale` (-stl`), n. [Rake the instrument + stale a handle.] The handle of a rake.

That tale is not worth a rakestele.


Rake"-vein` (-vn`), n. See Rake, a mineral vein.

Rak"ing (rk"ng), n. 1. The act or process of using a rake; the going over a space with a rake.

2. A space gone over with a rake; also, the work done, or the quantity of hay, grain, etc., collected, by going once over a space with a rake.

Rak"ish, a. Dissolute; lewd; debauched.

The arduous task of converting a rakish lover.


Rak"ish, a. (Naut.) Having a saucy appearance indicative of speed and dash. Ham. Nav. Encyc.

Rak"ish*ly, adv. In a rakish manner.

Rak"ish*ness, n. The quality or state of being rakish.

||Ra"ku ware` (rä"k wâr`). A kind of earthenware made in Japan, resembling Satsuma ware, but having a paler color.

||Râle (räl), n. [F. râle. Cf. Rail the bird.] (Med.) An adventitious sound, usually of morbid origin, accompanying the normal respiratory sounds. See Rhonchus.

Various kinds are distinguished by pathologists; differing in intensity, as loud and small; in quality, as moist, dry, clicking, whistling, and sonorous; and in origin, as tracheal, pulmonary, and pleural.

||Ral`len*tan"do (räl`ln*tän"d), a. [It.] (Mus.) Slackening; -- a direction to perform a passage with a gradual decrease in time and force; ritardando.

Ral"li*ance (rl"l*ans), n. [Cf. OF. raliance. See Rally to reunite.] The act of rallying.

Ral"li*er (-r), n. One who rallies.

Ral"line (-ln), a. (Zoöl.) Pertaining to the rails.

Ral"ly (rl"l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rallied (-ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Rallying.] [OF. ralier, F. rallier, fr. L. pref. re- + ad + ligare to bind. See Ra-, and 1st Ally.] To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion; to gather again; to reunite.

Ral"ly, v. i. 1. To come into orderly arrangement; to renew order, or united effort, as troops scattered or put to flight; to assemble; to unite.

The Grecians rally, and their powers unite.


Innumerable parts of matter chanced just then to rally together, and to form themselves into this new world.


2. To collect one's vital powers or forces; to regain health or consciousness; to recuperate.

3. To recover strength after a decline in prices; -- said of the market, stocks, etc.

Ral"ly, n.; pl. Rallies (-lz). 1. The act or process of rallying (in any of the senses of that word).

2. A political mass meeting. [Colloq. U. S.]

Ral"ly, v. t. [F. railler. See Rail to scoff.] To attack with raillery, either in good humor and pleasantry, or with slight contempt or satire.

Honeycomb . . . rallies me upon a country life.


Strephon had long confessed his amorous pain,
Which gay Corinna rallied with disdain.


Syn. -- To banter; ridicule; satirize; deride; mock.

Ral"ly (rl"l), v. i. To use pleasantry, or satirical merriment.

Ral"ly, n. Good-humored raillery.

Ralph (rlf), n. A name sometimes given to the raven.

Ral"ston*ite (rl"stn*t), n. [So named after J. G. Ralston of Norristown, Penn.] (Min.) A fluoride of alumina and soda occurring with the Greenland cryolite in octahedral crystals.

Ram (rm), n. [AS. ramm, ram; akin to OHG. & D. ram, Prov. G. ramm, and perh. to Icel. ramr strong.]

1. The male of the sheep and allied animals. In some parts of England a ram is called a tup.

2. (Astron.) (a) Aries, the sign of the zodiac which the sun enters about the 21st of March. (b) The constellation Aries, which does not now, as formerly, occupy the sign of the same name.

3. An engine of war used for butting or battering. Specifically: (a) In ancient warfare, a long beam suspended by slings in a framework, and used for battering the walls of cities; a battering-ram. (b) A heavy steel or iron beak attached to the prow of a steam war vessel for piercing or cutting down the vessel of an enemy; also, a vessel carrying such a beak.

4. A hydraulic ram. See under Hydraulic.

5. The weight which strikes the blow, in a pile driver, steam hammer, stamp mill, or the like.

6. The plunger of a hydraulic press.

Ram's horn. (a) (Fort.) A low semicircular work situated in and commanding a ditch. [Written also ramshorn.] Farrow. (b) (Paleon.) An ammonite.

Ram, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rammed (rmd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ramming.] 1. To butt or strike against; to drive a ram against or through; to thrust or drive with violence; to force in; to drive together; to cram; as, to ram an enemy's vessel; to ram piles, cartridges, etc.

[They] rammed me in with foul shirts, and smocks, socks, foul stockings, greasy napkins.


2. To fill or compact by pounding or driving.

A ditch . . . was filled with some sound materials, and rammed to make the foundation solid.


||Ram`a*dan" (rm`*dn"), n. [Ar. raman, or ramazn, properly, the hot month.] [Written also Ramadhan, Ramadzan, and Rhamadan.] 1. The ninth Mohammedan month.

2. The great annual fast of the Mohammedans, kept during daylight through the ninth month.

Ram"age (rm"j; 48), n. [F., fr. L. ramus a branch.]

1. Boughs or branches. [Obs.] Crabb.

2. Warbling of birds in trees. [Obs.] Drummond.

Ra*mage" (r*mj"), a. Wild; untamed. [Obs.]

Ra*ma"gi*ous (-m"j*s), a. Wild; not tame. [Obs.]

Now is he tame that was so ramagious.

Remedy of Love.

Ra"mal (r"mal), a. [L. ramus branch.] Of or pertaining to a ramus, or branch; rameal.

||Ra*ma"ya*na (rä*mä"y*n), n. [Skr. Rmyaa.] The more ancient of the two great epic poems in Sanskrit. The hero and heroine are Rama and his wife Sita.

Ram"berge (rm"brj), n. [F., fr. rame oar + barge barge.] Formerly, a kind of large war galley.

Ram"ble (rm"b'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rambled (-b'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Rambling (-blng).] [For rammle, fr. Prov. E. rame to roam. Cf. Roam.] 1. To walk, ride, or sail, from place to place, without any determinate object in view; to roam carelessly or irregularly; to rove; to wander; as, to ramble about the city; to ramble over the world.

He that is at liberty to ramble in perfect darkness, what is his liberty better than if driven up and down as a bubble by the wind?


2. To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way.

3. To extend or grow at random. Thomson.

Syn. -- To rove; roam; wander; range; stroll.

Ram"ble, n. 1. A going or moving from place to place without any determinate business or object; an excursion or stroll merely for recreation.

Coming home, after a short Christmas ramble.


2. [Cf. Rammel.] (Coal Mining) A bed of shale over the seam. Raymond.

Ram"bler (-blr), n. One who rambles; a rover; a wanderer.

Ram"bling (-blng), a. Roving; wandering; discursive; as, a rambling fellow, talk, or building.

Ram"bling*ly, adv. In a rambling manner.

Ram"booze (-bz), n. A beverage made of wine, ale (or milk), sugar, etc. [Obs.] Blount.

Ram*bu"tan (rm*b"tn), n. [Malay rambtan, fr. rambut hair of the head.] (Bot.) A Malayan fruit produced by the tree Nephelium lappaceum, and closely related to the litchi nut. It is bright red, oval in shape, covered with coarse hairs (whence the name), and contains a pleasant acid pulp. Called also ramboostan.

Ra"me*al (r"m*al), a. Same as Ramal. Gray.

Ra"me*an (-an), n. A Ramist. Shipley.

Ramed (rmd), a. Having the frames, stem, and sternpost adjusted; -- said of a ship on the stocks.

Ram"ee (rm"), n. (Bot.) See Ramie.

Ram"e*kin (rm"*kn), n. See Ramequin. [Obs.]

Ram"ent (rm"ent), n. [L. ramenta, pl.] 1. A scraping; a shaving. [Obs.]

2. pl. (Bot.) Ramenta.

||Ra*men"ta (r*mn"t), n. pl. [L., scrapings.] (Bot.) Thin brownish chaffy scales upon the leaves or young shoots of some plants, especially upon the petioles and leaves of ferns. Gray.

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Ram`en*ta"ceous (rm`n*t"shs), a. (Bot.) Covered with ramenta.

Ra"me*ous (r"m*s), a. [L. rameus, from ramus branch, bough.] (Bot.) Ramal.

Ram"e*quin (rm"*kn), n. [F.] (Cookery) A mixture of cheese, eggs, etc., formed in a mold, or served on bread. [Written also ramekin.]

Ram"ie (rm"), n. [From Malay.] (Bot.) The grass-cloth plant (Bœhmeria nivea); also, its fiber, which is very fine and exceedingly strong; -- called also China grass, and rhea. See Grass-cloth plant, under Grass.

Ram`i*fi*ca"tion (rm`*f*k"shn), n. [Cf. F. ramification. See Ramify.] 1. The process of branching, or the development of branches or offshoots from a stem; also, the mode of their arrangement.

2. A small branch or offshoot proceeding from a main stock or channel; as, the ramifications of an artery, vein, or nerve.

3. A division into principal and subordinate classes, heads, or departments; also, one of the subordinate parts; as, the ramifications of a subject or scheme.

4. The production of branchlike figures. Crabb.

Ram`i*flo"rous (-fl"rs), a. [L. ramus branch + flos, floris, flower.] (Bot.) Flowering on the branches.

Ram"i*form (rm"*fôrm), a. [L. ramus branch + -form.] (Bot.) Having the form of a branch.

Ram"i*fy (rm"*f), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ramified (rm"*fd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ramifying (rm"*f`ng).] [F. ramifier, LL. ramificare, fr. L. ramus a branch + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See -fy.] To divide into branches or subdivisions; as, to ramify an art, subject, scheme.

Ram"i*fy, v. i. 1. To shoot, or divide, into branches or subdivisions, as the stem of a plant.

When they [asparagus plants] . . . begin to ramify.


2. To be divided or subdivided, as a main subject.

Ra*mig"er*ous (r*mj"r*s), a. [L. ramus a branch + -gerous.] (Bot.) Bearing branches; branched.

Ra*mip"a*rous (r*mp"*rs), a. [L. ramus + parere to bear.] (Bot.) Producing branches; ramigerous.

Ra"mist (r"mst), n. A follower of Pierre Ramé, better known as Ramus, a celebrated French scholar, who was professor of rhetoric and philosophy at Paris in the reign of Henry II., and opposed the Aristotelians.

Ram"line (rm"ln), n. A line used to get a straight middle line, as on a spar, or from stem to stern in building a vessel.

Ram"mel (rm"ml), n. Refuse matter. [Obs.]

Filled with any rubbish, rammel and broken stones.


Ram"mer (-mr), n. One who, or that which, rams or drives. Specifically: (a) An instrument for driving anything with force; as, a rammer for driving stones or piles, or for beating the earth to more solidity. (b) A rod for forcing down the charge of a gun; a ramrod. (c) (Founding) An implement for pounding the sand of a mold to render it compact.

Ram"mish (-msh), a. Like a ram; hence, rank; lascivious. "Their savor is so rammish." Chaucer.

Ram"mish*ness, n. The quality of being rammish.

Ram"my (-m), a. Like a ram; rammish. Burton.

Ram`ol*les"cence (rm`l*ls"sens), n. [F. ramollir to make soft, to soften; pref. re- re- + amollir to soften; a (L. ad) + mollir to soften, L. mollire, fr. mollis soft.] A softening or mollifying. [R.]

Ra*moon" (r*mn"), n. (Bot.) A small West Indian tree (Trophis Americana) of the Mulberry family, whose leaves and twigs are used as fodder for cattle.

Ra*mose" (r*ms"), a. [L. ramosus, from ramus a branch.] Branched, as the stem or root of a plant; having lateral divisions; consisting of, or having, branches; full of branches; ramifying; branching; branchy.

Ra"mous (r"ms), a. Ramose.

Ramp (rmp), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ramped (rmt; 215); p. pr. & vb. n. Ramping.] [F. ramper to creep, OF., to climb; of German origin; cf. G. raffen to snatch, LG. & D. rapen. See Rap to snatch, and cf. Romp.]

1. To spring; to leap; to bound; to rear; to prance; to become rampant; hence, to frolic; to romp.

2. To move by leaps, or as by leaps; hence, to move swiftly or with violence.

Their bridles they would champ,
And trampling the fine element would fiercely ramp.


3. To climb, as a plant; to creep up.

With claspers and tendrils, they [plants] catch hold, . . . and so ramping upon trees, they mount up to a great height.


Ramp, n. 1. A leap; a spring; a hostile advance.

The bold Ascalonite
Fled from his lion ramp.


2. A highwayman; a robber. [Prov. Eng.]

3. A romping woman; a prostitute. [Obs.] Lyly.

4. [F. rampe.] (Arch.) (a) Any sloping member, other than a purely constructional one, such as a continuous parapet to a staircase. (b) A short bend, slope, or curve, where a hand rail or cap changes its direction.

5. [F. rampe.] (Fort.) An inclined plane serving as a communication between different interior levels.

Ram*pa"cious (rm*p"shs), a. High-spirited; rampageous. [Slang] Dickens.

Ramp"age (rmp"j; 48), n. [See Ramp, v.] Violent or riotous behavior; a state of excitement, passion, or debauchery; as, to be on the rampage. [Prov. or Low] Dickens.

Ramp"age, v. i. To leap or prance about, as an animal; to be violent; to rage. [Prov. or Low]

Ram*pa"geous (rm*p"js), a. Characterized by violence and passion; unruly; rampant. [Prov. or Low]

In the primitive ages of a rampageous antiquity.


Ram*pal"lian (-pl"yan), n. [Cf. ramp a prostitute, or rabble.] A mean wretch. [Obs.] Shak.

Ramp"an*cy (rmp"an*s), n. The quality or state of being rampant; excessive action or development; exuberance; extravagance. "They are come to this height and rampancy of vice." South.

Ramp"ant (rmp"ant), a. [F., p. pr. of ramper to creep. See Ramp, v.] 1. Ramping; leaping; springing; rearing upon the hind legs; hence, raging; furious.

The fierce lion in his kind
Which goeth rampant after his prey.


[The] lion . . . rampant shakes his brinded mane.


2. Ascending; climbing; rank in growth; exuberant.

The rampant stalk is of unusual altitude.

I. Taylor.

3. (Her.) Rising with fore paws in the air as if attacking; -- said of a beast of prey, especially a lion. The right fore leg and right hind leg should be raised higher than the left.

Rampant arch. (a) An arch which has one abutment higher than the other. (b) Same as Rampant vault, below. -- Rampant gardant (Her.), rampant, but with the face turned to the front. -- Rampant regardant, rampant, but looking backward. -- Rampant vault (Arch.), a continuous wagon vault, or cradle vault, whose two abutments are located on an inclined plane, such as the vault supporting a stairway, or forming the ceiling of a stairway.

Ramp"ant*ly, adv. In a rampant manner.

Ram"part (rm"pärt), n. [F. rempart, OF. rempar, fr. remparer to fortify, se remparer to fence or intrench one's self; pref. re- re- + pref. en- (L. in) + parer to defend, parry, prepare, L. parare to prepare. See Pare.]

1. That which fortifies and defends from assault; that which secures safety; a defense or bulwark.

2. (Fort.) A broad embankment of earth round a place, upon which the parapet is raised. It forms the substratum of every permanent fortification. Mahan.

Syn. -- Bulwark; fence; security; guard. -- Rampart, Bulwark. These words were formerly interchanged; but in modern usage a distinction has sprung up between them. The rampart of a fortified place is the enceinte or entire main embankment or wall which surrounds it. The term bulwark is now applied to peculiarly strong outworks which project for the defense of the rampart, or main work. A single bastion is a bulwark. In using these words figuratively, rampart is properly applied to that which protects by walling out; bulwark to that which stands in the forefront of danger, to meet and repel it. Hence, we speak of a distinguished individual as the bulwark, not the rampart, of the state. This distinction, however, is often disregarded.

Ram"part, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ramparted; p. pr. & vb. n. Ramparting.] To surround or protect with, or as with, a rampart or ramparts.

Those grassy hills, those glittering dells,
Proudly ramparted with rocks.


Rampart gun (Fort.), a cannon or large gun for use on a rampart and not as a fieldpiece.

Rampe (rmp), n. [In allusion to its supposed aphrodisiac qualities. See Ramp.] (Bot.) The cuckoopint.

Ram"pier (rm"pr), n. See Rampart. [Obs.]

Ram"pi*on (rm"p*n), n. [Cf. F. raiponce, Sp. ruiponce, reponche, L. raperonzo, NL. rapuntium, fr. L. rapum, rapa, a turnip, rape. Cf. Rape a plant.] (Bot.) A plant (Campanula Rapunculus) of the Bellflower family, with a tuberous esculent root; -- also called ramps.

The name is sometimes given to plants of the genus Phyteuma, herbs of the Bellflower family, and to the American evening primrose (Œnothera biennis), which has run wild in some parts of Europe.

Ram"pire (-pr), n. A rampart. [Archaic]

The Trojans round the place a rampire cast.


Ram"pire, v. t. To fortify with a rampire; to form into a rampire. [Archaic] Chapman. "Rampired walls of gold." R. Browning.

Ram"pler (rm"plr), n. A rambler.

Ram"pler, a. Roving; rambling. [Scot.]

Ram"rod` (-rd`), n. The rod used in ramming home the charge in a muzzle-loading firearm.

Ram"shac*kle (-shk*k'l), a. [Etymol. uncertain.] Loose; disjointed; falling to pieces; out of repair.

There came . . . my lord the cardinal, in his ramshackle coach.


Ram"shac*kle, v. t. To search or ransack; to rummage. [Prov. Eng.]

Ram"son (-z'n), n. [AS. hramsan, pl., akin to G. rams, Sw. rams, ramslök; cf. Gr. kro`myon onion.] (Bot.) A broad-leaved species of garlic (Allium ursinum), common in European gardens; -- called also buckram.

Ram"sted (-std), n. (Bot.) A yellow-flowered weed; -- so named from a Mr. Ramsted who introduced it into Pennsylvania. See Toad flax. Called also Ramsted weed.

Ram"u*lose` (-*ls`), a. [L. ramulosus, fr. ramulus, dim. of ramus a branch.] (Nat. Hist.) Having many small branches, or ramuli.

Ram"u*lous (-ls), a. (Nat. Hist.) Ramulose.

||Ram"u*lus (-ls), n.; pl. Ramuli (-l). (Zoöl.) A small branch, or branchlet, of corals, hydroids, and similar organisms.

||Ra"mus (r"ms), n.; pl. Rami (-m). (Nat. Hist.) A branch; a projecting part or prominent process; a ramification.

Ra*mus"cule (r*ms"kl), n. [L. ramusculus.] (Nat. Hist.) A small ramus, or branch.

Ran (rn), imp. of Run.

Ran, n. [AS. rn.] Open robbery. [Obs.] Lambarde.

Ran, n. (Naut.) Yarns coiled on a spun-yarn winch.

||Ra"na (r"n), n. [L., a frog.] (Zoöl.) A genus of anurous batrachians, including the common frogs.

Ra"nal (r"nal), a. (Bot.) Having a general affinity to ranunculaceous plants.

Ranal alliance (Bot.), a name proposed by Lindley for a group of natural orders, including Ranunculaceæ, Magnoliaceæ, Papaveraceæ, and others related to them.

Rance (rns), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] 1. A prop or shore. [Scot.]

2. A round between the legs of a chair.

Ran*ces"cent (rn*ss"sent), a. [L. rancescens, p. pr. of rancescere, v. incho. from rancere to be rancid.] Becoming rancid or sour.

Ranch (rnch), v. t. [Written also raunch.] [Cf. Wrench.] To wrench; to tear; to sprain; to injure by violent straining or contortion. [R.] Dryden. "Hasting to raunch the arrow out." Spenser.

Ranch, n. [See Rancho.] A tract of land used for grazing and the rearing of horses, cattle, or sheep. See Rancho, 2. [Western U. S.]

||Ran*che"ro (rn*ch"r), n.; pl. Rancheros (- rz). [Sp.] [Mexico & Western U. S.] 1. A herdsman; a peasant employed on a ranch or rancho.

2. The owner and occupant of a ranch or rancho.

Ranch"man (rnch"man), n.; pl. Ranchmen (-men). An owner or occupant of, or laborer on, a ranch; a herdsman. [Western U. S.]

||Ran"cho (rn"ch), n.; pl. Ranchos (-chz). [Sp., properly, a mess, mess room. Cf. 2d Ranch.] 1. A rude hut, as of posts, covered with branches or thatch, where herdsmen or farm laborers may live or lodge at night.

2. A large grazing farm where horses and cattle are raised; -- distinguished from hacienda, a cultivated farm or plantation. [Mexico & California] Bartlett.

Ran"cid (rn"sd), a. [L. rancidus, fr. rancere to be rancid or rank.] Having a rank smell or taste, from chemical change or decomposition; musty; as, rancid oil or butter.

Ran*cid"i*ty (rn*sd"*t), n. [Cf. F. rancidité.] The quality or state of being rancid; a rancid scent or flavor, as of old oil. Ure.

Ran"cid*ly (rn"sd*l), adv. In a rancid manner.

Ran"cid*ness, n. The quality of being rancid.

Ran"cor (r"kr), n. [Written also rancour.] [OE. rancour, OF. rancor, rancur, F. rancune, fr. L. rancor rancidity, rankness; tropically, an old grudge, rancor, fr. rancere to be rank or rancid.] The deepest malignity or spite; deep-seated enmity or malice; inveterate hatred. "To stint rancour and dissencioun." Chaucer.

It would not be easy to conceive the passion, rancor, and malice of their tongues and hearts.


Syn. -- Enmity; hatred; ill will; malice; spite; grudge; animosity; malignity. -- Rancor, Enmity. Enmity and rancor both describe hostile feelings; but enmity may be generous and open, while rancor implies personal malice of the worst and most enduring nature, and is the strongest word in our language to express hostile feelings.

Rancor will out; proud prelate, in thy face
I see thy fury.


Rancor is that degree of malice which preys upon the possessor.


Ran"cor*ous (-s), a. [OF. rancuros.] Full of rancor; evincing, or caused by, rancor; deeply malignant; implacably spiteful or malicious; intensely virulent.

So flamed his eyes with rage and rancorous ire.


Ran"cor*ous*ly, adv. In a rancorous manner.

Rand (rnd), n. [AS. rand, rond; akin to D., Dan., Sw., & G. rand, Icel. rönd, and probably to E. rind.]

1. A border; edge; margin. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

2. A long, fleshy piece, as of beef, cut from the flank or leg; a sort of steak. Beau. & Fl.

3. A thin inner sole for a shoe; also, a leveling slip of leather applied to the sole before attaching the heel.

Rand, v. i. [See Rant.] To rant; to storm. [Obs.]

I wept, . . . and raved, and randed, and railed.

J. Webster.

Ran"dall grass` (rn"dal grs`). (Bot.) The meadow fescue (Festuca elatior). See under Grass.

Ran"dan (-dn), n. The product of a second sifting of meal; the finest part of the bran. [Prov. Eng.]

Ran"dan, n. A boat propelled by three rowers with four oars, the middle rower pulling two.

Rand"ing (rnd"ng), n. 1. (Shoemaking) The act or process of making and applying rands for shoes.

2. (Mil.) A kind of basket work used in gabions.

Ran"dom (rn"dm), n. [OE. randon, OF. randon force, violence, rapidity, à randon, de randon, violently, suddenly, rapidly, prob. of German origin; cf. G. rand edge, border, OHG. rant shield, edge of a shield, akin to E. rand, n. See Rand, n.] 1. Force; violence. [Obs.]

For courageously the two kings newly fought with great random and force.

E. Hall.

2. A roving motion; course without definite direction; want of direction, rule, or method; hazard; chance; -- commonly used in the phrase at random, that is, without a settled point of direction; at hazard.

Counsels, when they fly
At random, sometimes hit most happily.


O, many a shaft, at random sent,
Finds mark the archer little meant!

Sir W. Scott.

3. Distance to which a missile is cast; range; reach; as, the random of a rifle ball. Sir K. Digby.

4. (Mining) The direction of a rake- vein. Raymond.

Ran"dom, a. Going at random or by chance; done or made at hazard, or without settled direction, aim, or purpose; hazarded without previous calculation; left to chance; haphazard; as, a random guess.

Some random truths he can impart.


So sharp a spur to the lazy, and so strong a bridle to the random.

H. Spencer.

Random courses (Masonry), courses of stone of unequal thickness. -- Random shot, a shot not directed or aimed toward any particular object, or a shot with the muzzle of the gun much elevated. -- Random work (Masonry), stonework consisting of stones of unequal sizes fitted together, but not in courses nor always with flat beds.

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Ran"dom*ly (rn"dm*l), adv. In a random manner.

Ran"don (-dn), n. Random. [Obs.] Spenser.

Ran"don, v. i. To go or stray at random. [Obs.]

Rane"deer` (rn"dr`), n. See Reindeer. [Obs.]

||Ra"nee (rä"n), n. Same as Rani.

Ran"force` (rn"frs`), n. [Cf. F. renforcer.] See Reënforce. [Obs.] Bailey.

Rang (rng), imp. of Ring, v. t. & i.

Range (rnj), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ranged (rnjd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ranging (rn"jng).] [OE. rengen, OF. rengier, F. ranger, OF. renc row, rank, F. rang; of German origin. See Rank, n.] 1. To set in a row, or in rows; to place in a regular line or lines, or in ranks; to dispose in the proper order; to rank; as, to range soldiers in line.

Maccabeus ranged his army by bands.

2 Macc. xii. 20.

2. To place (as a single individual) among others in a line, row, or order, as in the ranks of an army; -- usually, reflexively and figuratively, (in the sense) to espouse a cause, to join a party, etc.

It would be absurd in me to range myself on the side of the Duke of Bedford and the corresponding society.


3. To separate into parts; to sift. [Obs.] Holland.

4. To dispose in a classified or in systematic order; to arrange regularly; as, to range plants and animals in genera and species.

5. To rove over or through; as, to range the fields.

Teach him to range the ditch, and force the brake.


6. To sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near; as, to range the coast.

Compare the last two senses (5 and 6) with the French ranger une côte.

7. (Biol.) To be native to, or to live in; to frequent.

Range, v. i. 1. To rove at large; to wander without restraint or direction; to roam.

Like a ranging spaniel that barks at every bird he sees.


2. To have range; to change or differ within limits; to be capable of projecting, or to admit of being projected, especially as to horizontal distance; as, the temperature ranged through seventy degrees Fahrenheit; the gun ranges three miles; the shot ranged four miles.

3. To be placed in order; to be ranked; to admit of arrangement or classification; to rank.

And range with humble livers in content.


4. To have a certain direction; to correspond in direction; to be or keep in a corresponding line; to trend or run; -- often followed by with; as, the front of a house ranges with the street; to range along the coast.

Which way the forests range.


5. (Biol.) To be native to, or live in, a certain district or region; as, the peba ranges from Texas to Paraguay.

Syn. -- To rove; roam; ramble; wander; stroll.

Range, n. [From Range, v.: cf. F. rangée.] 1. A series of things in a line; a row; a rank; as, a range of buildings; a range of mountains.

2. An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree; an order; a class.

The next range of beings above him are the immaterial intelligences.

Sir M. Hale.

3. The step of a ladder; a rung. Clarendon.

4. A kitchen grate. [Obs.]

He was bid at his first coming to take off the range, and let down the cinders.


5. An extended cooking apparatus of cast iron, set in brickwork, and affording conveniences for various ways of cooking; also, a kind of cooking stove.

6. A bolting sieve to sift meal. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

7. A wandering or roving; a going to and fro; an excursion; a ramble; an expedition.

He may take a range all the world over.


8. That which may be ranged over; place or room for excursion; especially, a region of country in which cattle or sheep may wander and pasture.

9. Extent or space taken in by anything excursive; compass or extent of excursion; reach; scope; discursive power; as, the range of one's voice, or authority.

Far as creation's ample range extends.


The range and compass of Hammond's knowledge filled the whole circle of the arts.

Bp. Fell.

A man has not enough range of thought.


10. (Biol.) The region within which a plant or animal naturally lives.

11. (Gun.) (a) The horizontal distance to which a shot or other projectile is carried. (b) Sometimes, less properly, the trajectory of a shot or projectile. (c) A place where shooting, as with cannons or rifles, is practiced.

12. In the public land system of the United States, a row or line of townships lying between two successive meridian lines six miles apart.

The meridians included in each great survey are numbered in order east and west from the "principal meridian" of that survey, and the townships in the range are numbered north and south from the "base line," which runs east and west; as, township No. 6, N., range 7, W., from the fifth principal meridian.

13. (Naut.) See Range of cable, below.

Range of accommodation (Optics), the distance between the near point and the far point of distinct vision, -- usually measured and designated by the strength of the lens which if added to the refracting media of the eye would cause the rays from the near point to appear as if they came from the far point. -- Range finder (Gunnery), an instrument, or apparatus, variously constructed, for ascertaining the distance of an inaccessible object, -- used to determine what elevation must be given to a gun in order to hit the object; a position finder. -- Range of cable (Naut.), a certain length of slack cable ranged along the deck preparatory to letting go the anchor. -- Range work (Masonry), masonry of squared stones laid in courses each of which is of even height throughout the length of the wall; -- distinguished from broken range work, which consists of squared stones laid in courses not continuously of even height. -- To get the range of (an object) (Gun.), to find the angle at which the piece must be raised to reach (the object) without carrying beyond.

Range"ment (rnj"ment), n. [Cf. F. rangement.] Arrangement. [Obs.] Waterland.

Ran"ger (rn"jr), n. 1. One who ranges; a rover; sometimes, one who ranges for plunder; a roving robber.

2. That which separates or arranges; specifically, a sieve. [Obs.] "The tamis ranger." Holland.

3. A dog that beats the ground in search of game.

4. One of a body of mounted troops, formerly armed with short muskets, who range over the country, and often fight on foot.

5. The keeper of a public park or forest; formerly, a sworn officer of a forest, appointed by the king's letters patent, whose business was to walk through the forest, recover beasts that had strayed beyond its limits, watch the deer, present trespasses to the next court held for the forest, etc. [Eng.]

Ran"ger*ship, n. The office of the keeper of a forest or park. [Eng.]

Ran"gle (rn"g'l), v. i. To range about in an irregular manner. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

||Ra"ni (rä"n), n. [Hind. rn, Skr. rjn. See Rajah.] A queen or princess; the wife of a rajah. [Written also ranee.] [India]

Ra"nine (r"nn), a. [L. rana a frog.] 1. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the frogs and toads.

2. (Anat.) Pertaining to, or designating, a swelling under the tongue; also, pertaining to the region where the swelling occurs; -- applied especially to branches of the lingual artery and lingual vein.

Rank (rk), a. [Compar. Ranker (-r); superl. Rankest.] [AS. ranc strong, proud; cf. D. rank slender, Dan. rank upright, erect, Prov. G. rank slender, Icel. rakkr slender, bold. The meaning seems to have been influenced by L. rancidus, E. rancid.] 1. Luxuriant in growth; of vigorous growth; exuberant; grown to immoderate height; as, rank grass; rank weeds.

And, behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good.

Gen. xli. 5.

2. Raised to a high degree; violent; extreme; gross; utter; as, rank heresy. "Rank nonsense." Hare. "I do forgive thy rankest fault." Shak.

3. Causing vigorous growth; producing luxuriantly; very rich and fertile; as, rank land. Mortimer.

4. Strong-scented; rancid; musty; as, oil of a rank smell; rank-smelling rue. Spenser.

5. Strong to the taste. "Divers sea fowls taste rank of the fish on which they feed." Boyle.

6. Inflamed with venereal appetite. [Obs.] Shak.

Rank modus (Law), an excessive and unreasonable modus. See Modus, 3. -- To set (the iron of a plane, etc.) rank, to set so as to take off a thick shaving. Moxon.

Rank, adv. Rankly; stoutly; violently. [Obs.]

That rides so rank and bends his lance so fell.


Rank, n. [OE. renk, reng, OF. renc, F. rang, fr. OHG. hring a circle, a circular row, G. ring. See Ring, and cf. Range, n. & v.] 1. A row or line; a range; an order; a tier; as, a rank of osiers.

Many a mountain nigh
Rising in lofty ranks, and loftier still.


2. (Mil.) A line of soldiers ranged side by side; -- opposed to file. See 1st File, 1 (a).

Fierce, fiery warriors fought upon the clouds,
In ranks and squadrons and right form of war.


3. Grade of official standing, as in the army, navy, or nobility; as, the rank of general; the rank of admiral.

4. An aggregate of individuals classed together; a permanent social class; an order; a division; as, ranks and orders of men; the highest and the lowest ranks of men, or of other intelligent beings.

5. Degree of dignity, eminence, or excellence; position in civil or social life; station; degree; grade; as, a writer of the first rank; a lawyer of high rank.

These all are virtues of a meaner rank.


6. Elevated grade or standing; high degree; high social position; distinction; eminence; as, a man of rank.

Rank and file. (a) (Mil.) The whole body of common soldiers, including also corporals. In a more extended sense, it includes sergeants also, excepting the noncommissioned staff. (b) See under 1st File. -- The ranks, the order or grade of common soldiers; as, to reduce a noncommissioned officer to the ranks. -- To fill the ranks, to supply the whole number, or a competent number. -- To take rank of, to have precedence over, or to have the right of taking a higher place than.

Rank, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ranked (rkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Ranking.] 1. To place abreast, or in a line.

2. To range in a particular class, order, or division; to class; also, to dispose methodically; to place in suitable classes or order; to classify.

Ranking all things under general and special heads.

I. Watts.

Poets were ranked in the class of philosophers.


Heresy is ranked with idolatry and witchcraft.

Dr. H. More.

3. To take rank of; to outrank. [U.S.]

Rank, v. i. 1. To be ranged; to be set or disposed, as in a particular degree, class, order, or division.

Let that one article rank with the rest.


2. To have a certain grade or degree of elevation in the orders of civil or military life; to have a certain degree of esteem or consideration; as, he ranks with the first class of poets; he ranks high in public estimation.

Rank"er (-r), n. One who ranks, or disposes in ranks; one who arranges.

Ran"kle (r"k'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rankled (-k'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Rankling (-klng).] [From Rank, a.] 1. To become, or be, rank; to grow rank or strong; to be inflamed; to fester; -- used literally and figuratively.

A malady that burns and rankles inward.


This would have left a rankling wound in the hearts of the people.


2. To produce a festering or inflamed effect; to cause a sore; -- used literally and figuratively; as, a splinter rankles in the flesh; the words rankled in his bosom.

Ran"kle (r"k'l), v. t. To cause to fester; to make sore; to inflame. [R.] Beau. & Fl.

Rank"ly (rk"l), adv. With rank or vigorous growth; luxuriantly; hence, coarsely; grossly; as, weeds grow rankly.

Rank"ness, n. [AS. rancness pride.] The condition or quality of being rank.

Ran"nel (rn"nl), n. A prostitute. [Obs.]

Ran"ny (-n), n. [L. araneus mus, a kind of small mouse.] (Zoöl.) The erd shrew. [Scot.]

Ran"sack (-sk), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ransacked (-skt); p. pr. & vb. n. Ransacking.] [OE. ransaken, Icel. rannsaka to explore, examine; rann a house (akin to Goth. razn house, AS. ræsn plank, beam) + the root of sækja to seek, akin to E. seek. See Seek, and cf. Rest repose.] 1. To search thoroughly; to search every place or part of; as, to ransack a house.

To ransack every corner of their . . . hearts.


2. To plunder; to pillage completely.

Their vow is made
To ransack Troy.


3. To violate; to ravish; to defiour. [Obs.]

Rich spoil of ransacked chastity.


Ran"sack, v. i. To make a thorough search.

To ransack in the tas [heap] of bodies dead.


Ran"sack, n. The act of ransacking, or state of being ransacked; pillage. [R.]

Even your father's house
Shall not be free from ransack.

J. Webster.

Ran"som (rn"sm), n. [OE. raunson, raunsoun, OF. rançon, raençon, raançon, F. rançon, fr. L. redemptio, fr. redimere to redeem. See Redeem, and cf. Redemption.] 1. The release of a captive, or of captured property, by payment of a consideration; redemption; as, prisoners hopeless of ransom. Dryden.

2. The money or price paid for the redemption of a prisoner, or for goods captured by an enemy; payment for freedom from restraint, penalty, or forfeit.

Thy ransom paid, which man from death redeems.


His captivity in Austria, and the heavy ransom he paid for his liberty.

Sir J. Davies.

3. (O. Eng. Law) A sum paid for the pardon of some great offense and the discharge of the offender; also, a fine paid in lieu of corporal punishment. Blackstone.

Ransom bill (Law), a war contract, valid by the law of nations, for the ransom of property captured at sea and its safe conduct into port. Kent.

Ran"som, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ransomed (-smd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ransoming.] [Cf. F. rançonner. See Ransom, n.] 1. To redeem from captivity, servitude, punishment, or forfeit, by paying a price; to buy out of servitude or penalty; to rescue; to deliver; as, to ransom prisoners from an enemy.

2. To exact a ransom for, or a payment on. [R.]

Such lands as he had rule of he ransomed them so grievously, and would tax the men two or three times in a year.


Ran"som*a*ble (-*b'l), a. Such as can be ransomed.

Ran"som*er (-r), n. One who ransoms or redeems.

Ran"som*less, a. Incapable of being ransomed; without ransom. Shak.

Rant (rnt), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ranted; p. pr. & vb. n. Ranting.] [OD. ranten, randen, to dote, to be enraged.] To rave in violent, high-sounding, or extravagant language, without dignity of thought; to be noisy, boisterous, and bombastic in talk or declamation; as, a ranting preacher.

Look where my ranting host of the Garter comes!


Rant, n. High-sounding language, without importance or dignity of thought; boisterous, empty declamation; bombast; as, the rant of fanatics.

This is a stoical rant, without any foundation in the nature of man or reason of things.


Rant"er (-r), n. 1. A noisy talker; a raving declaimer.

2. (Eccl. Hist.) (a) One of a religious sect which sprung up in 1645; -- called also Seekers. See Seeker. (b) One of the Primitive Methodists, who seceded from the Wesleyan Methodists on the ground of their deficiency in fervor and zeal; -- so called in contempt.

Rant"er*ism (-z'm), n. (Eccl. Hist.) The practice or tenets of the Ranters.

Rant"ing*ly, adv. In a ranting manner.

Rant"i*pole (-*pl), n. [Ranty + pole, poll, head.] A wild, romping young person. [Low] Marryat.

Rant"i*pole, a. Wild; roving; rakish. [Low]

Rant"i*pole, v. i. To act like a rantipole. [Low]

She used to rantipole about the house.


Rant"ism (-z'm), n. (Eccl. Hist.) Ranterism.

Rant"y (-), a. Wild; noisy; boisterous.

||Ran"u*la (rn"*l), n. [L., a little frog, a little swelling on the tongue of cattle, dim. of rana a frog.] (Med.) A cyst formed under the tongue by obstruction of the duct of the submaxillary gland.

Ra*nun`cu*la"ceous (r*n`k*l"shs), a. [See Ranunculus.] (Bot.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Ranunculaceæ), of which the buttercup is the type, and which includes also the virgin's bower, the monkshood, larkspur, anemone, meadow rue, and peony.

Ra*nun"cu*lus (r*n"k*ls), n.; pl. E. Ranunculuses (- z), L. Ranunculi (-l). [L., a little frog, a medicinal plant, perhaps crowfoot, dim. of rana a frog; cf. raccare to roar.] (Bot.) A genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot, buttercups, and the cultivated ranunculi (R. Asiaticus, R. aconitifolius, etc.) in which the flowers are double and of various colors.

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||Ranz" des` vaches" (räNs" d` vsh"). [F., the ranks or rows of cows, the name being given from the fact that the cattle, when answering the musical call of their keeper, move towards him in a row, preceded by those wearing bells.] The name for numerous simple, but very irregular, melodies of the Swiss mountaineers, blown on a long tube called the Alpine horn, and sometimes sung.

Rap (rp), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] A lay or skein containing 120 yards of yarn. Knight.

Rap, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rapped (rpt); p. pr. & vb. n. Rapping.] [Akin to Sw. rappa to strike, rapp stroke, Dan. rap, perhaps of imitative origin.] To strike with a quick, sharp blow; to knock; as, to rap on the door.

Rap, v. t. 1. To strike with a quick blow; to knock on.

With one great peal they rap the door.


2. (Founding) To free (a pattern) in a mold by light blows on the pattern, so as to facilitate its removal.

Rap, n. A quick, smart blow; a knock.

Rap, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rapped (rpt), usually written Rapt; p. pr. & vb. n. Rapping.] [OE. rapen; akin to LG. & D. rapen to snatch, G. raffen, Sw. rappa; cf. Dan. rappe sig to make haste, and Icel. hrapa to fall, to rush, hurry. The word has been confused with L. rapere to seize. Cf. Rape robbery, Rapture, Raff, v., Ramp, v.] 1. To snatch away; to seize and hurry off.

And through the Greeks and Ilians they rapt
The whirring chariot.


From Oxford I was rapt by my nephew, Sir Edmund Bacon, to Redgrove.

Sir H. Wotton.

2. To hasten. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

3. To seize and bear away, as the mind or thoughts; to transport out of one's self; to affect with ecstasy or rapture; as, rapt into admiration.

I 'm rapt with joy to see my Marcia's tears.


Rapt into future times, the bard begun.


4. To exchange; to truck. [Obs. & Low]

To rap and ren, To rap and rend. [Perhaps fr. Icel. hrapa to hurry and ræna plunder, fr. rn plunder, E. ran.] To seize and plunder; to snatch by violence. Dryden. "[Ye] waste all that ye may rape and renne." Chaucer.

All they could rap and rend and pilfer.


-- To rap out, to utter with sudden violence, as an oath.

A judge who rapped out a great oath.


Rap, n. [Perhaps contr. fr. raparee.] A popular name for any of the tokens that passed current for a half-penny in Ireland in the early part of the eighteenth century; any coin of trifling value.

Many counterfeits passed about under the name of raps.


Tie it [her money] up so tight that you can't touch a rap, save with her consent.

Mrs. Alexander.

Not to care a rap, to care nothing. -- Not worth a rap, worth nothing.

||Ra*pa"ces (r*p"sz), n. pl. [NL. See Rapacious.] (Zoöl.) Same as Accipitres.

Ra*pa"cious (-shs), a. [L. rapax, -acis, from rapere to seize and carry off, to snatch away. See Rapid.]

1. Given to plunder; disposed or accustomed to seize by violence; seizing by force. " The downfall of the rapacious and licentious Knights Templar." Motley.

2. Accustomed to seize food; subsisting on prey, or animals seized by violence; as, a tiger is a rapacious animal; a rapacious bird.

3. Avaricious; grasping; extortionate; also, greedy; ravenous; voracious; as, rapacious usurers; a rapacious appetite.

[Thy Lord] redeem thee quite from Death's rapacious claim


Syn. -- Greedy; grasping; ravenous; voracious.

-- Ra*pa"cious*ly, adv. -- Ra*pa"cious*ness, n.

Ra*pac"i*ty (r*ps"*t), n. [L. rapacitas: cf. F. rapacité. See Rapacious.] 1. The quality of being rapacious; rapaciousness; ravenousness; as, the rapacity of pirates; the rapacity of wolves.

2. The act or practice of extorting or exacting by oppressive injustice; exorbitant greediness of gain. "The rapacity of some ages." Sprat.

Rap`a*ree" (rp`*r"), n. See Rapparee.

Rape (rp), n. [F. râpe a grape stalk.] 1. Fruit, as grapes, plucked from the cluster. Ray.

2. The refuse stems and skins of grapes or raisins from which the must has been expressed in wine making.

3. A filter containing the above refuse, used in clarifying and perfecting malt, vinegar, etc.

Rape wine, a poor, thin wine made from the last dregs of pressed grapes.

Rape, n. [Akin to rap to snatch, but confused with L. rapere. See Rap to snatch.] 1. The act of seizing and carrying away by force; violent seizure; robbery.

And ruined orphans of thy rapes complain.


2. (Law) Sexual connection with a woman without her consent. See Age of consent, under Consent, n.

3. That which is snatched away. [Obs.]

Where now are all my hopes? O, never more
Shall they revive! nor death her rapes restore.


4. Movement, as in snatching; haste; hurry. [Obs.]

Rape, v. t. To commit rape upon; to ravish.

To rape and ren. See under Rap, v. t., to snatch.

Rape, v. i. To rob; to pillage. [Obs.] Heywood.

Rape, n. [Icel. hreppr village, district; cf. Icel. hreppa to catch, obtain, AS. hrepian, hreppan, to touch.] One of six divisions of the county of Sussex, England, intermediate between a hundred and a shire.

Rape, n. [L. rapa, rapum, akin to Gr. "ra`pys, "ra`fys, G. rübe.] (Bot.) A name given to a variety or to varieties of a plant of the turnip kind, grown for seeds and herbage. The seeds are used for the production of rape oil, and to a limited extent for the food of cage birds.

These plants, with the edible turnip, have been variously named, but are all now believed to be derived from the Brassica campestris of Europe, which by some is not considered distinct from the wild stock (B. oleracea) of the cabbage. See Cole.

Broom rape. (Bot.) See Broom rape, in the Vocabulary. -- Rape cake, the refuse remaining after the oil has been expressed from the rape seed. -- Rape root. Same as Rape. -- Summer rape. (Bot.) See Colza.

Rape"ful (rp"fl), a. 1. Violent. [Obs.]

2. Given to the commission of rape. Byron.

Rap"ful*ly (rp"fl*l), adv. Violently. [Obs.]

Raph`a*el*esque" (rf`*l*sk"), a. Like Raphael's works; in Raphael's manner of painting.

Raph"a*el*ism (rf"*l*z'm), n. The principles of painting introduced by Raphael, the Italian painter.

Raph"a*el*ite (-t), n. One who advocates or adopts the principles of Raphaelism.

Raph"a*ny (rf"*n), n. [Cf. F. raphanie.] (Med.) A convulsive disease, attended with ravenous hunger, not uncommon in Sweden and Germany. It was so called because supposed to be caused by eating corn with which seeds of jointed charlock (Raphanus raphanistrum) had been mixed, but the condition is now known to be a form of ergotism.

Ra"phe (r"f), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "rafh` a seam or suture, fr. "ra`ptein to sew or stitch together.] 1. (Anat.) A line, ridge, furrow, or band of fibers, especially in the median line; as, the raphe of the tongue.

2. (Bot.) Same as Rhaphe.

||Raph"i*des (rf"*dz), n. pl. [F. raphide.] (Bot.) See Rhaphides.

Rap"id (rp"d), a. [L. rapidus, fr. rapere to seize and carry off, to snatch or hurry away; perhaps akin to Gr. 'arpa`zein: cf. F. rapide. Cf. Harpy, Ravish.]

1. Very swift or quick; moving with celerity; fast; as, a rapid stream; a rapid flight; a rapid motion.

Ascend my chariot; guide the rapid wheels.


2. Advancing with haste or speed; speedy in progression; in quick sequence; as, rapid growth; rapid improvement; rapid recurrence; rapid succession.

3. Quick in execution; as, a rapid penman.

Rap"id, n. [Cf. F. rapide. See Rapid, a.] The part of a river where the current moves with great swiftness, but without actual waterfall or cascade; -- usually in the plural; as, the Lachine rapids in the St. Lawrence.

Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast,
The rapids are near, and the daylight's past.


Ra*pid"i*ty (r*pd"*t), n. [L. rapiditas: cf. F. rapidité.] The quality or state of being rapid; swiftness; celerity; velocity; as, the rapidity of a current; rapidity of speech; rapidity of growth or improvement.

Syn. -- Rapidness; haste; speed; celerity; velocity; swiftness; fleetness; quickness; agility.

Rap"id*ly (rp"d*l), adv. In a rapid manner.

Rap"id*ness, n. Quality of being rapid; rapidity.

Ra"pi*er (r"p*r), n. [F. rapière, perhaps for raspière, and ultimately of German origin, akin to E. rasp, v.] A straight sword, with a narrow and finely pointed blade, used only for thrusting.

Rapier fish (Zoöl.), the swordfish. [Obs.] Grew.

Ra"pi*ered (-rd), a. Wearing a rapier. "Scarletcoated, rapiered figures." Lowell.

||Ra*pil"li (r*pl"l), n. pl. [It.] (Min.) Lapilli.

Rap"ine (rp"n), n. [F. rapine; cf. Pr. & It. rapina; all fr. L. rapina, fr. rapere to seize and carry off by force. See Rapid, and cf. Raven rapine.] 1. The act of plundering; the seizing and carrying away of things by force; spoliation; pillage; plunder.

Men who were impelled to war quite as much by the desire of rapine as by the desire of glory.


2. Ravishment; rape. [Obs.] Shak.

Rap"ine, v. t. To plunder. Sir G. Buck.

Rap"i*nous (rp"*ns), a. Given to rapine. [Obs.]

Rap"page (-pj; 48), n. (Founding) The enlargement of a mold caused by rapping the pattern.

Rap`pa*ree" (-p*r"), n. A wild Irish plunderer, esp. one of the 17th century; -- so called from his carrying a half-pike, called a rapary. [Written also raparee.]

Rapped (rpt), imp. & p. p. of Rap, to strike.

Rapped, imp. & p. p. of Rap, to snatch away.

Rap*pee" (rp*p"), n. [F. râpé, fr. râper to grate, to rasp. See Rasp, v.] A pungent kind of snuff made from the darker and ranker kinds of tobacco leaves.

Rap"pel (rp"pl or rp*pl"), n. [F. Cf. Repeal.] (Mil.) The beat of the drum to call soldiers to arms.

Rap"per (rp"pr), n. [From Rap.] 1. One who, or that which, raps or knocks; specifically, the knocker of a door. Sterne.

2. A forcible oath or lie. [Slang] Bp. Parker.

Rap*port" (rp*prt"; F. r`pôr"), n. [F., fr. rapporter to bring again or back, to refer; pref. re- re- + apporter to bring, L. apportare. Cf. Report.] Relation; proportion; conformity; correspondence; accord.

'T is obvious what rapport there is between the conceptions and languages in every country.

Sir W. Temple.

||En` rap`port" (äN` r`pôr") [F.], in accord, harmony, or sympathy; having a mutual, especially a private, understanding; in mesmerism, in that relation of sympathy which permits influence or communication.

Rap*scal"lion (rp*skl"yn), n. [See Rascallion.] A rascal; a good- for-nothing fellow. [Colloq.] Howitt.

Rapt (rpt), imp. & p. p. of Rap, to snatch away.

Rapt, a. 1. Snatched away; hurried away or along.

Waters rapt with whirling away.


2. Transported with love, admiration, delight, etc.; enraptured. "The rapt musician." Longfellow.

3. Wholly absorbed or engrossed, as in work or meditation. "Rapt in secret studies." Shak.

Rapt, n. [From F. rapt abduction, rape, L. raptus, fr. rapere to seize and carry off, to transport; or fr. E. rapt, a. See Rapt, a., and Rapid.] 1. An ecstasy; a trance. [Obs.] Bp. Morton.

2. Rapidity. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.

Rapt, v. t. 1. To transport or ravish. [Obs.] Drayton.

2. To carry away by force. [Obs.] Daniel.

Rap"ter (rp"tr), n. A raptor. [Obs.] Drayton.

Rap"tor (rp"tr), n. [L. raptor, from rapere to ravish. See Rapid.] A ravisher; a plunderer. [Obs.]

||Rap*to"res (rp*t"rz), n. pl. [NL. See Raptor.] (Zoöl.) Same as Accipitres. Called also Raptatores.

Rap*to"ri*al (-r*al), a. (Zoöl.) (a) Rapacious; living upon prey; -- said especially of certain birds. (b) Adapted for seizing prey; -- said of the legs, claws, etc., of insects, birds, and other animals. (c) Of or pertaining to the Raptores. See Illust. (f) of Aves.

Rap*to"ri*ous (-s), a. [L. raptorius.] (Zoöl.) Raptorial.

Rap"ture (rp"tr; 135), n. [L. rapere, raptum, to carry off by force. See Rapid.] 1. A seizing by violence; a hurrying along; rapidity with violence. [Obs.]

That 'gainst a rock, or flat, her keel did dash
With headlong rapture.


2. The state or condition of being rapt, or carried away from one's self by agreeable excitement; violence of a pleasing passion; extreme joy or pleasure; ecstasy.

Music, when thus applied, raises in the mind of the hearer great conceptions; it strengthens devotion, and advances praise into rapture.


You grow correct that once with rapture writ.


3. A spasm; a fit; a syncope; delirium. [Obs.] Shak.

Syn. -- Bliss; ecstasy; transport; delight; exultation.

Rap"ture, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Raptured (-trd; 135); p. pr. & vb. n. Rapturing.] To transport with excitement; to enrapture. [Poetic] Thomson.

Rap"tur*ist, n. An enthusiast. [Obs.] J. Spencer.

Rap"tur*ize (-z), v. t. & i. To put, or be put, in a state of rapture. [R.]

Rap"tur*ous (-s), a. Ecstatic; transporting; ravishing; feeling, expressing, or manifesting rapture; as, rapturous joy, pleasure, or delight; rapturous applause.

Rap"tur*ous*ly, adv. In a rapturous manner.

Rare (râr), a. [Cf. Rather, Rath.] Early. [Obs.]

Rude mechanicals that rare and late
Work in the market place.


Rare, a. [Compar. Rarer (râr"r); superl. Rarest.] [Cf. AS. hrr, or E. rare early. √18.] Nearly raw; partially cooked; not thoroughly cooked; underdone; as, rare beef or mutton.

New-laid eggs, which Baucis' busy care
Turned by a gentle fire, and roasted rare.


This word is in common use in the United States, but in England its synonym underdone is preferred.

Rare, a. [Compar. Rarer (râr"r); superl. Rarest.] [F., fr. L. rarus thin, rare.] 1. Not frequent; seldom met with or occurring; unusual; as, a rare event.

2. Of an uncommon nature; unusually excellent; valuable to a degree seldom found.

Rare work, all filled with terror and delight.


Above the rest I judge one beauty rare.


3. Thinly scattered; dispersed.

Those rare and solitary, these in flocks.


4. Characterized by wide separation of parts; of loose texture; not thick or dense; thin; as, a rare atmosphere at high elevations.

Water is nineteen times lighter, and by consequence nineteen times rarer, than gold.

Sir I. Newton.

Syn. -- Scarce; infrequent; unusual; uncommon; singular; extraordinary; incomparable. -- Rare, Scarce. We call a thing rare when but few examples, specimens, or instances of it are ever to be met with; as, a rare plant. We speak of a thing as scarce, which, though usually abundant, is for the time being to be had only in diminished quantities; as, a bad harvest makes corn scarce.

A perfect union of wit and judgment is one of the rarest things in the world.


When any particular piece of money grew very scarce, it was often recoined by a succeeding emperor.


Rare"bit (râr"bt), n. A dainty morsel; a Welsh rabbit. See Welsh rabbit, under Rabbit.

Rar"ee-show` (râr"-sh`), n. [Contr. fr. rarity-show.] A show carried about in a box; a peep show. Pope.

Rar`e*fac"tion (rr`*fk"shn), n. [Cf. F. raréfaction. See Rarefy.] The act or process of rarefying; the state of being rarefied; -- opposed to condensation; as, the rarefaction of air.

Rar"e*fi`a*ble (rr"*f`*b'l), a. [Cf. F. raréfiable.] Capable of being rarefied. Boyle.

Rar"e*fy (rr"*f; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rarefied (- fd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rarefying (- f`ng).] [F. raréfier; L. rarus rare + -ficare (in comp.) to make; cf. L. rarefacere. See -fy.] To make rare, thin, porous, or less dense; to expand or enlarge without adding any new portion of matter to; -- opposed to condense.

Rar"e*fy, v. i. To become less dense; to become thin and porous. "Earth rarefies to dew." Dryden.

Rare"ly (râr"l), adv. 1. In a rare manner or degree; seldom; not often; as, things rarely seen.

2. Finely; excellently; with rare skill. See 3d Rare, 2.

The person who played so rarely on the flageolet.

Sir W. Scott.

The rest of the apartments are rarely gilded.


Rare"ness, n. The state or quality of being rare.

And let the rareness the small gift commend.


Rare"ripe` (-rp`), a. [Rare early + ripe. Cf. Rathripe.] Early ripe; ripe before others, or before the usual season.

Rare"ripe`, n. An early ripening fruit, especially a kind of freestone peach.

Rar`i*fi*ca"tion (rr`*f*k"shn), n. See Rarefaction. [R.] Am. Chem. Journal.

Rar"i*ty (rr"*t; 277), n.; pl. Rarities (- tz). [L. raritas: cf. F. rareté. See Rare.] 1. The quality or state of being rare; rareness; thinness; as, the rarity (contrasted with the density) of gases.

<! p. 1190 pr=vmg !>

2. That which is rare; an uncommon thing; a thing valued for its scarcity.

I saw three rarities of different kinds, which pleased me more than any other shows in the place.


Ras (räs), n. See 2d Reis.

||Ra`sante" (r`zäNt"), a. [F., p. pr. of raser to graze.] (Fort.) Sweeping; grazing; -- applied to a style of fortification in which the command of the works over each other, and over the country, is kept very low, in order that the shot may more effectually sweep or graze the ground before them. H. L. Scott.

Ras"cal (rs"kal), n. [OE. rascaille rabble, probably from an OF. racaille, F. racaille the rabble, rubbish, probably akin to F. racler to scrape, (assumed) LL. rasiculare, rasicare, fr. L. radere, rasum. See Rase, v.]

1. One of the rabble; a low, common sort of person or creature; collectively, the rabble; the common herd; also, a lean, ill-conditioned beast, esp. a deer. [Obs.]

He smote of the people seventy men, and fifty thousand of the rascal.

Wyclif (1 Kings [1 Samuel] vi. 19).

Poor men alone? No, no; the noblest deer hath them [horns] as huge as the rascal.


2. A mean, trickish fellow; a base, dishonest person; a rogue; a scoundrel; a trickster.

For I have sense to serve my turn in store,
And he's a rascal who pretends to more.


Ras"cal, a. Of or pertaining to the common herd or common people; low; mean; base. "The rascal many." Spenser. "The rascal people." Shak.

While she called me rascal fiddler.


Ras"cal*dom (-dm), n. State of being a rascal; rascality; domain of rascals; rascals, collectively. Emerson.

Ras"cal*ess, n. A female rascal. [Humorous]

Ras*cal"i*ty (rs*kl"*t), n.; pl. Rascalities (- tz).

1. The quality or state of being rascally, or a rascal; mean trickishness or dishonesty; base fraud.

2. The poorer and lower classes of people. [Obs.]

The chief heads of their clans with their several rascalities.

T. Jackson.

Ras*cal"lion (rs*kl"yn), n. [From Rascal.] A low, mean wretch. [Written also rascalion.]

Ras"cal*ly (rs"kal*l), a. Like a rascal; trickish or dishonest; base; worthless; -- often in humorous disparagement, without implication of dishonesty.

Our rascally porter is fallen fast asleep.


Rase (rz), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rased (rzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rasing.] [F. raser, LL. rasare to scrape often, v. freq. fr. L. radere, rasum, to scrape, shave; cf. Skr. rad to scratch, gnaw, L. rodere to gnaw. Cf. Raze, Razee, Razor, Rodent.] 1. To rub along the surface of; to graze. [Obsoles.]

Was he not in the . . . neighborhood to death? and might not the bullet which rased his cheek have gone into his head?


Sometimes his feet rased the surface of the water, and at others the skylight almost flattened his nose.


2. To rub or scratch out; to erase. [Obsoles.]

Except we rase the faculty of memory, root and branch, out of our mind.


3. To level with the ground; to overthrow; to destroy; to raze. [In this sense raze is generally used.]

Till Troy were by their brave hands rased,
They would not turn home.


This word, rase, may be considered as nearly obsolete; graze, erase, and raze, having superseded it.

Rasing iron, a tool for removing old oakum and pitch from the seams of a vessel.

Syn. -- To erase; efface; obliterate; expunge; cancel; level; prostrate; overthrow; subvert; destroy; demolish; ruin.

Rase, v. i. To be leveled with the ground; to fall; to suffer overthrow. [Obs.]

Rase, n. 1. A scratching out, or erasure. [Obs.]

2. A slight wound; a scratch. [Obs.] Hooker.

3. (O. Eng. Law) A way of measuring in which the commodity measured was made even with the top of the measuring vessel by rasing, or striking off, all that was above it. Burrill.

Rash (rsh), v. t. [For arace.] 1. To pull off or pluck violently. [Obs.]

2. To slash; to hack; to cut; to slice. [Obs.]

Rashing off helms and riving plates asunder.


Rash, n. [OF. rasche an eruption, scurf, F. rache; fr. (assumed) LL. rasicare to scratch, fr. L. radere, rasum, to scrape, scratch, shave. See Rase, and cf. Rascal.] (Med.) A fine eruption or efflorescence on the body, with little or no elevation.

Canker rash. See in the Vocabulary. -- Nettle rash. See Urticaria. -- Rose rash. See Roseola. -- Tooth rash. See Red-gum.

Rash, n. [Cf. F. ras short-nap cloth, It. & Sp. raso satin (cf. Rase); or cf. It. rascia serge, G. rasch, probably fr. Arras in France (cf. Arras).] An inferior kind of silk, or mixture of silk and worsted. [Obs.] Donne.

Rash, a. [Compar. Rasher (-r); superl. Rashest.] [Probably of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. & Sw. rask quick, brisk, rash, Icel. röskr vigorous, brave, akin to D. & G. rasch quick, of uncertain origin.] 1. Sudden in action; quick; hasty. [Obs.] "Strong as aconitum or rash gunpowder." Shak.

2. Requiring sudden action; pressing; urgent. [Obs.]

I scarce have leisure to salute you,
My matter is so rash.


3. Esp., overhasty in counsel or action; precipitate; resolving or entering on a project or measure without due deliberation and caution; opposed to prudent; said of persons; as, a rash statesman or commander.

4. Uttered or undertaken with too much haste or too little reflection; as, rash words; rash measures.

5. So dry as to fall out of the ear with handling, as corn. [Prov. Eng.] Grose.

Syn. -- Precipitate; headlong; headstrong; foolhardy; hasty; indiscreet; heedless; thoughtless; incautious; careless; inconsiderate; unwary. -- Rash, Adventurous, Foolhardy. A man is adventurous who incurs risk or hazard from a love of the arduous and the bold. A man is rash who does it from the mere impulse of his feelings, without counting the cost. A man is foolhardy who throws himself into danger in disregard or defiance of the consequences.

Was never known a more adventurous knight.


Her rash hand in evil hour
Forth reaching to the fruit, she plucked, she eat.


If any yet be so foolhardy
To expose themselves to vain jeopardy;
If they come wounded off, and lame,
No honor 's got by such a maim.


Rash (rsh), v. t. To prepare with haste. [Obs.] Foxe.

Rash"er (-r), n. [In sense 1, probably fr. rash, a., as being hastily cooked.] 1. A thin slice of bacon.

2. (Zoöl.) A California rockfish (Sebastichthys miniatus).

Rash"ful (-fl), a. Rash; hasty; precipitate. [Obs.]

Rash"ling (-lng), n. A rash person. [Obs.]

Rash"ly, adv. In a rash manner; with precipitation.

He that doth anything rashly, must do it willingly; for he was free to deliberate or not.


Rash"ness, n. The quality or state of being rash.

We offend . . . by rashness, which is an affirming or denying, before we have sufficiently informed ourselves.


Syn. -- Temerity; foolhardiness; precipitancy; precipitation; hastiness; indiscretion; heedlessness; inconsideration; carelessness. See Temerity.

||Ras*kol"nik (rs*kl"nk), n. [Russ. raskolenik' schismatic, heretic.] (Eccl.) One of the separatists or dissenters from the established or Greek church in Russia. [Written also rascolnik.]

||Ra*so"res (r*z"rz), n. pl. [NL., fr. L. radere, rasum, to scratch. See Rase, v. t.] (Zoöl.) An order of birds; the Gallinæ.

Formerly, the word Rasores was used in a wider sense, so as to include other birds now widely separated in classification.

Ra*so"ri*al (-r*al; 277), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the Rasores, or gallinaceous birds, as the peacock, domestic fowl, partridge, quail, and the like.

Ra"sour (rä"sr), n. Razor. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rasp (rsp), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rasped (rspt); p. pr. & vb. n. Rasping.] [OF. rasper, F. râper, to scrape, grate, rasp, fr. OHG. raspn to scrape together, to collect, probably akin to E. rap. Cf. Rap to snatch.]

1. To rub or file with a rasp; to rub or grate with a rough file; as, to rasp wood to make it smooth; to rasp bones to powder.

2. Hence, figuratively: To grate harshly upon; to offend by coarse or rough treatment or language; as, some sounds rasp the ear; his insults rasped my temper.

Rasp, n. [OE. raspe, OF. raspe, F. râpe. See Rasp, v.]

1. A coarse file, on which the cutting prominences are distinct points raised by the oblique stroke of a sharp punch, instead of lines raised by a chisel, as on the true file.

2. The raspberry. [Obs.] "Set sorrel amongst rasps, and the rasps will be the smaller." Bacon.

Rasp palm (Bot.), a Brazilian palm tree (Iriartea exorhiza) which has strong aërial roots like a screw pine. The roots have a hard, rough surface, and are used by the natives for graters and rasps, whence the common name.

||Ras`pa*to"ri*um (rs`p*t"r*m), n. [LL.] See Raspatory.

Rasp"a*to*ry (rsp"*t*r), n. [LL. raspatorium: cf. F. raspatoir. See Rasp, v.] A surgeon's rasp. Wiseman.

Rasp"ber*ry (rz"br*r; 277), n. [From E. rasp, in allusion to the apparent roughness of the fruit.] (Bot.) (a) The thimble-shaped fruit of the Rubus Idæus and other similar brambles; as, the black, the red, and the white raspberry. (b) The shrub bearing this fruit.

Technically, raspberries are those brambles in which the fruit separates readily from the core or receptacle, in this differing from the blackberries, in which the fruit is firmly attached to the receptacle.

Rasp"er (rsp"r), n. One who, or that which, rasps; a scraper.

Ras"pis (rs"ps), n. The raspberry. [Obs.] Langham.

Rasp"y (rsp"), a. Like a rasp, or the sound made by a rasp; grating. R. D. Blackmore.

Rasse (rs), n. [Cf. Malay rsa taste, sensation.] (Zoöl.) A carnivore (Viverricula Mallaccensis) allied to the civet but smaller, native of China and the East Indies. It furnishes a perfume resembling that of the civet, which is highly prized by the Javanese. Called also Malacca weasel, and lesser civet.

Ra"sure (r"zhr; 135), n. [L. rasura, fr. radere, rasum, to scrape, to shave. See Rase, v.] 1. The act of rasing, scraping, or erasing; erasure; obliteration.

2. A mark by which a letter, word, or any part of a writing or print, is erased, effaced, or obliterated; an erasure. Ayliffe.

Rat (rt), n. [AS. ræt; akin to D. rat, OHG. rato, ratta, G. ratte, ratze, OLG. ratta, LG. & Dan. rotte, Sw. råtta, F. rat, Ir. & Gael. radan, Armor. raz, of unknown origin. Cf. Raccoon.] 1. (Zoöl.) One of several species of small rodents of the genus Mus and allied genera, larger than mice, that infest houses, stores, and ships, especially the Norway, or brown, rat (M. decumanus), the black rat (M. rattus), and the roof rat (M. Alexandrinus). These were introduced into America from the Old World.

2. A round and tapering mass of hair, or similar material, used by women to support the puffs and rolls of their natural hair. [Local, U.S.]

3. One who deserts his party or associates; hence, in the trades, one who works for lower wages than those prescribed by a trades union. [Cant]

"It so chanced that, not long after the accession of the house of Hanover, some of the brown, that is, the German or Norway, rats, were first brought over to this country (in some timber as is said); and being much stronger than the black, or, till then, the common, rats, they in many places quite extirpated the latter. The word (both the noun and the verb to rat) was first, as we have seen, leveled at the converts to the government of George the First, but has by degrees obtained a wider meaning, and come to be applied to any sudden and mercenary change in politics." Lord Mahon.

Bamboo rat (Zoöl.), any Indian rodent of the genus Rhizomys. -- Beaver rat, Coast rat. (Zoöl.) See under Beaver, and Coast. -- Blind rat (Zoöl.), the mole rat. -- Cotton rat (Zoöl.), a long-haired rat (Sigmodon hispidus), native of the Southern United States and Mexico. It makes its nest of cotton and is often injurious to the crop. -- Ground rat. See Ground Pig, under Ground. -- Hedgehog rat. See under Hedgehog. -- Kangaroo rat (Zoöl.), the potoroo. -- Norway rat (Zoöl.), the common brown rat. See Rat. -- Pouched rat. (Zoöl.) (a) See Pocket Gopher, under Pocket. (b) Any African rodent of the genus Cricetomys. -- Rat Indians (Ethnol.), a tribe of Indians dwelling near Fort Ukon, Alaska. They belong to the Athabascan stock. -- Rat mole. (Zoöl.) See Mole rat, under Mole. -- Rat pit, an inclosed space into which rats are put to be killed by a dog for sport. -- Rat snake (Zoöl.), a large colubrine snake (Ptyas mucosus) very common in India and Ceylon. It enters dwellings, and destroys rats, chickens, etc. -- Spiny rat (Zoöl.), any South American rodent of the genus Echinomys. -- To smell a rat. See under Smell. -- Wood rat (Zoöl.), any American rat of the genus Neotoma, especially N. Floridana, common in the Southern United States. Its feet and belly are white.

Rat, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ratted; p. pr. & vb. n. Ratting.] 1. In English politics, to desert one's party from interested motives; to forsake one's associates for one's own advantage; in the trades, to work for less wages, or on other conditions, than those established by a trades union.

Coleridge . . . incurred the reproach of having ratted, solely by his inability to follow the friends of his early days.

De Quincey.

2. To catch or kill rats.

Ra"ta (rä"t), n. [Maori.] (Bot.) A New Zealand forest tree (Metrosideros robusta), also, its hard dark red wood, used by the Maoris for paddles and war clubs.

Rat`a*bil"i*ty (rt`*bl"*t), n. The quality or state of being ratable.

Rat"a*ble (rt"*b'l), a. 1. Capable of being rated, or set at a certain value.

Twenty oræ were ratable to [at] two marks of silver.


2. Liable to, or subjected by law to, taxation; as, ratable estate.

3. Made at a proportionate rate; as, ratable payments. -- Rat"a*ble*ness, n. -- Rat"a*bly, adv.

Rat`a*fi"a (rt`*f"), n. [F., fr. Malay arak arrack + tfa a spirit distilled from molasses.] A spirituous liquor flavored with the kernels of cherries, apricots, peaches, or other fruit, spiced, and sweetened with sugar; -- a term applied to the liqueurs called noyau, curaçao, etc. [Written also ratifia and ratafee.]

Ra*tan" (r*tn"), n. See Rattan.

Rat"a*ny (rt"*n), n. (Bot.) Same as Rhatany.

||Ra`ta`plan" (r`t`pläN"), n. [F.] The iterative sound of beating a drum, or of a galloping horse.

Ratch (rch), n. (Zoöl.) Same as Rotche.

Ratch (rch), n. [See Rack the instrument, Ratchet.] A ratchet wheel, or notched bar, with which a pawl or click works.

Ratch"el (-l), n. Gravelly stone. [Prov. Eng.]

Ratch"et (-t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d Ratch, Rack the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc.

2. A mechanism composed of a ratchet wheel, or ratch, and pawl. See Ratchet wheel, below, and 2d Ratch.

Ratchet brace (Mech.), a boring brace, having a ratchet wheel and pawl for rotating the tool by back and forth movements of the brace handle. -- Ratchet drill, a portable machine for working a drill by hand, consisting of a hand lever carrying at one end a drill holder which is revolved by means of a ratchet wheel and pawl, by swinging the lever back and forth. -- Ratchet wheel (Mach.), a circular wheel having teeth, usually angular, with which a reciprocating pawl engages to turn the wheel forward, or a stationary pawl to hold it from turning backward.

In the cut, the moving pawl c slides over the teeth in one direction, but in returning, draws the wheel with it, while the pawl d prevents it from turning in the contrary direction.

<! p. 1191 pr=vmg !>

Rate (rt), v. t. & i. [Perh. fr. E. rate, v. t., to value at a certain rate, to estimate, but more prob. fr. Sw. rata to find fault, to blame, to despise, to hold cheap; cf. Icel. hrat refuse, hrati rubbish.] To chide with vehemence; to scold; to censure violently. Spenser.

Go, rate thy minions, proud, insulting boy!


Conscience is a check to beginners in sin, reclaiming them from it, and rating them for it.


Rate, n. [OF., fr. L. rata (sc. pars), fr. ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Cf. Reason.] 1. Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.

The one right feeble through the evil rate
Of food which in her duress she had found.


2. That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of movement; rate of interest is the ratio of the interest to the principal, per annum.

Heretofore the rate and standard of wit was different from what it is nowadays.


In this did his holiness and godliness appear above the rate and pitch of other men's, in that he was so . . . merciful.


Many of the horse could not march at that rate, nor come up soon enough.


3. Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge; as, high or low rates of transportation.

They come at dear rates from Japan.


4. A tax or sum assessed by authority on property for public use, according to its income or value; esp., in England, a local tax; as, parish rates; town rates.

5. Order; arrangement. [Obs.]

Thus sat they all around in seemly rate.


6. Ratification; approval. [R.] Chapman.

7. (Horol.) The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time; as, daily rate; hourly rate; etc.

8. (Naut.) (a) The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.; as, first rate, second rate, etc. (b) The class of a merchant vessel for marine insurance, determined by its relative safety as a risk, as A1, A2, etc.

Rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rated; p. pr. & vb. n. Rating.] 1. To set a certain estimate on; to value at a certain price or degree.

To rate a man by the nature of his companions is a rule frequent indeed, but not infallible.


You seem not high enough your joys to rate.


2. To assess for the payment of a rate or tax.

3. To settle the relative scale, rank, position, amount, value, or quality of; as, to rate a ship; to rate a seaman; to rate a pension.

4. To ratify. [Obs.] "To rate the truce." Chapman.

To rate a chronometer, to ascertain the exact rate of its gain or loss as compared with true time, so as to make an allowance or computation dependent thereon.

Syn. -- To value; appraise; estimate; reckon.

Rate, v. i. 1. To be set or considered in a class; to have rank; as, the ship rates as a ship of the line.

2. To make an estimate.

Rate"a*ble (-*b'l), a. See Ratable.

Ra"tel (r"tl), n. [F.] (Zoöl.) Any carnivore of the genus Mellivora, allied to the weasels and the skunks; -- called also honey badger.

Several species are known in Africa and India. The Cape ratel (M. Capensis) and the Indian ratel (M. Indica) are the best known. The back is gray; the lower parts, face, and tail are black. They are fond of honey, and rob the nests of wild bees.

Rate"pay`er (-p`r), n. One who pays rates or taxes.

Rat"er (rt"r), n. One who rates or estimates.

Rat"er, n. One who rates or scolds.

Rat"fish` (rt"fsh`), n. (Zoöl.) Same as Rat-tail.

Rath (rth), n. [Ir. rath.] 1. A hill or mound. [Ireland] Spenser.

2. A kind of ancient fortification found in Ireland.

{ Rath, Rathe } (rth), a. [AS. hræð, hræd, quick, akin to OHG. hrad, Icel. hraðr.] Coming before others, or before the usual time; early. [Obs. or Poetic]

Bring the rathe primrose that forsaken dies.


{ Rath, Rathe, } adv. Early; soon; betimes. [Obs. or Poetic]

Why rise ye up so rathe?


Too rathe cut off by practice criminal.


Rath"er (r"r), a. [Compar. of Rath, a.] Prior; earlier; former. [Obs.]

Now no man dwelleth at the rather town.

Sir J. Mandeville.

Rath"er (r"r; 277), adv. [AS. hraðor, compar. of hraðe, hræðe, quickly, immediately. See Rath, a.]

1. Earlier; sooner; before. [Obs.]

Thou shalt, quod he, be rather false than I.


A good mean to come the rather to grace.


2. More readily or willingly; preferably.

My soul chooseth . . . death rather than my life.

Job vii. 15.

3. On the other hand; to the contrary of what was said or suggested; instead.

Was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse.

Mark v. 26.

4. Of two alternatives conceived of, this by preference to, or as more likely than, the other; somewhat.

He sought throughout the world, but sought in vain,
And nowhere finding, rather feared her slain.


5. More properly; more correctly speaking.

This is an art
Which does mend nature, change it rather, but
The art itself is nature.


6. In some degree; somewhat; as, the day is rather warm; the house is rather damp.

The rather, the more so; especially; for better reason; for particular cause.

You are come to me in happy time,
The rather for I have some sport in hand.


-- Had rather, or Would rather, prefer to; prefers to; as, he had, or would, rather go than stay. "I had rather speak five words with my understanding than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." 1 Cor. xiv. 19. See Had rather, under Had.

Rath"ripe` (rth"rp`), a. Rareripe, or early ripe. -- n. A rareripe. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

Such who delight in rathripe fruits.


Rat`i*fi*ca"tion (rt`*f*k"shn), n. [Cf. F. ratification.] The act of ratifying; the state of being ratified; confirmation; sanction; as, the ratification of a treaty.

Rat"i*fi`er (rt"*f`r), n. One who, or that which, ratifies; a confirmer. Shak.

Rat"i*fy (-f), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ratified (-fd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ratifying (- f`ng).] [F. ratifier, fr. L. ratus fixed by calculation, firm, valid + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See Rate, n., and -fy.] To approve and sanction; to make valid; to confirm; to establish; to settle; especially, to give sanction to, as something done by an agent or servant; as, to ratify an agreement, treaty, or contract; to ratify a nomination.

It is impossible for the divine power to set a seal to a lie by ratifying an imposture with such a miracle.


Rat`i*ha*bi"tion (-h*bsh"n), n. [L. ratihabitio; ratus fixed, valid + habere to hold.] Confirmation or approbation, as of an act or contract. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

Ra"ti*o (r"sh* or r"sh), n. [L., fr. reri, ratus, to reckon, believe, think, judge. See Reason.] 1. (Math.) The relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind. It is expressed by the quotient of the division of the first by the second; thus, the ratio of 3 to 6 is expressed by or ½; of a to b by a/b; or (less commonly) the second term is made the dividend; as, a:b = b/a.

Some writers consider ratio as the quotient itself, making ratio equivalent to a number.

The term ratio is also sometimes applied to the difference of two quantities as well as to their quotient, in which case the former is called arithmetical ratio, the latter, geometrical ratio. The name ratio is sometimes given to the rule of three in arithmetic. See under Rule.

2. Hence, fixed relation of number, quantity, or degree; rate; proportion; as, the ratio of representation in Congress.

Compound ratio, Duplicate ratio, Inverse ratio, etc. See under Compound, Duplicate, etc. -- Ratio of a geometrical progression, the constant quantity by which each term is multiplied to produce the succeeding one.

Ra`ti*oc"i*nate (rsh`*s"*nt), v. i. [L. ratiocinatus, p. p. of ratiocinari, fr. ratio reason. See Ratio.] To reason, esp. deductively; to offer reason or argument.

Ra`ti*oc`i*na"tion (-n"shn), n. [L. ratiocinatio: cf. F. ratiocination.] The process of reasoning, or deducing conclusions from premises; deductive reasoning.

Ra`ti*oc"i*na*tive (- s"*n*tv), a. [L. ratiocinativus.] Characterized by, or addicted to, ratiocination; consisting in the comparison of propositions or facts, and the deduction of inferences from the comparison; argumentative; as, a ratiocinative process.

The ratiocinative meditativeness of his character.


Ra`ti*oc"i*na*to*ry (-n*t*r), a. Ratiocinative. [R.]

Ra"tion (r"shn or rsh"n), n. [F., fr. L. ratio a reckoning, calculation, relation, reference, LL. ratio ration. See Ratio.] 1. A fixed daily allowance of provisions assigned to a soldier in the army, or a sailor in the navy, for his subsistence.

Officers have several rations, the number varying according to their rank or the number of their attendants.

2. Hence, a certain portion or fixed amount dealt out; an allowance; an allotment.

Ra"tion, v. t. To supply with rations, as a regiment.

Ra"tion*al (rsh"n*al), a. [L. rationalis: cf. F. rationnel. See Ratio, Reason, and cf. Rationale.] 1. Relating to the reason; not physical; mental.

Moral philosophy was his chiefest end; for the rational, the natural, and mathematics . . . were but simple pastimes in comparison of the other.

Sir T. North.

2. Having reason, or the faculty of reasoning; endowed with reason or understanding; reasoning.

It is our glory and happiness to have a rational nature.


3. Agreeable to reason; not absurd, preposterous, extravagant, foolish, fanciful, or the like; wise; judicious; as, rational conduct; a rational man.

4. (Chem.) Expressing the type, structure, relations, and reactions of a compound; graphic; -- said of formulæ. See under Formula.

Rational horizon. (Astron.) See Horizon, 2 (b). -- Rational quantity (Alg.), one that can be expressed without the use of a radical sign, or in exact parts of unity; -- opposed to irrational or radical quantity. -- Rational symptom (Med.), one elicited by the statements of the patient himself and not as the result of a physical examination.

Syn. -- Sane; sound; intelligent; reasonable; sensible; wise; discreet; judicious. -- Rational, Reasonable. Rational has reference to reason as a faculty of the mind, and is opposed to irrational; as, a rational being, a rational state of mind, rational views, etc. In these cases the speculative reason is more particularly referred to. Reasonable has reference to the exercise of this faculty for practical purposes, and means, governed or directed by reason; as, reasonable desires or plans; a reasonable charge; a reasonable prospect of success.

What higher in her society thou find'st
Attractive, human, rational, love still.


A law may be reasonable in itself, although a man does not allow it, or does not know the reason of the lawgivers.


Ra"tion*al, n. A rational being. Young.

Ra`tion*a"le (rsh`n*"l), n. [L. rationalis, neut. rationale. See Rational, a.] An explanation or exposition of the principles of some opinion, action, hypothesis, phenomenon, or the like; also, the principles themselves.

Ra"tion*al*ism (rsh"n*al*z'm), n. [Cf. F. rationalisme.] 1. (Theol.) The doctrine or system of those who deduce their religious opinions from reason or the understanding, as distinct from, or opposed to, revelation.

2. (Philos.) The system that makes rational power the ultimate test of truth; -- opposed to sensualism, or sensationalism, and empiricism. Fleming.

Ra"tion*al*ist, n. [Cf. F. rationaliste.] One who accepts rationalism as a theory or system; also, disparagingly, a false reasoner. See Citation under Reasonist.

{ Ra`tion*al*is"tic (-s"tk), Ra`tion*al*is"tic*al (-t*kal), } a. Belonging to, or in accordance with, the principles of rationalism. -- Ra`tion*al*is"tic*al*ly, adv.

Ra`tion*al"i*ty (-l"*t; 277), n.; pl. -ties (- tz). [F. rationalité, or L. rationalitas.] The quality or state of being rational; agreement with reason; possession of reason; due exercise of reason; reasonableness.

When God has made rationality the common portion of mankind, how came it to be thy inclosure?

Gov. of Tongue.

Well-directed intentions, whose rationalities will never bear a rigid examination.

Sir T. Browne.

Ra`tion*al*i*za"tion (rsh`n*al**z"shn), n. The act or process of rationalizing.

Ra"tion*al*ize (rsh"n*al*z), v. t. 1. To make rational; also, to convert to rationalism.

2. To interpret in the manner of a rationalist.

3. To form a rational conception of.

4. (Alg.) To render rational; to free from radical signs or quantities.

Ra"tion*al*ize, v. i. To use, and rely on, reason in forming a theory, belief, etc., especially in matters of religion: to accord with the principles of rationalism.

Theodore . . . is justly considered the chief rationalizing doctor of antiquity.

J. H. Newman.

Ra"tion*al*ly, adv. In a rational manner.

Ra"tion*al*ness, n. The quality or state of being rational; rationality.

||Ra*ti"tæ (r*t"t), n. pl. [NL., fr. L. ratis a raft; cf. L. ratitus marked with the figure of a raft.] (Zoöl.) An order of birds in which the wings are small, rudimentary, or absent, and the breastbone is destitute of a keel. The ostrich, emu, moa, and apteryx are examples.

Rat"i*tate (rt"*tt), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the Ratitæ.

Rat"ite (rt"t), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the Ratitæ. - - n. One of the Ratitæ.

{ Rat"lines, Rat"lins } (rt"lnz), n. pl. [Of uncertain origin.] (Naut.) The small transverse ropes attached to the shrouds and forming the steps of a rope ladder. [Written also ratlings, and rattlings.] Totten.

Rat"on (rt"n), n. [Cf. Raccoon.] A small rat. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

Ra*toon" (r*tn"), n. 1. Same as Rattoon, n.

2. A rattan cane. [Obs.] Pepys.

Ra*toon", v. i. Same as Rattoon, v. i.

Rats"bane` (rts"bn`), n. [Rat + bane.] Rat poison; white arsenic.

Rats"baned` (-bnd`), a. Poisoned by ratsbane.

Rat"-tail` (rt"tl`), a. Like a rat's tail in form; as, a rat-tail file, which is round, slender, and tapering. See Illust. of File.

Rat"-tail`, n. 1. (Far.) pl. An excrescence growing from the pastern to the middle of the shank of a horse.

2. (Zoöl.) (a) The California chimæra. See Chimæra. (b) Any fish of the genus Macrurus. See Grenadier, 2.

Rat"-tailed` (-tld`), a. (Zoöl.) Having a long, tapering tail like that of a rat.

Rat-tailed larva (Zoöl.), the larva of a fly of the genus Eristalis. See Eristalis. -- Rat-tailed serpent (Zoöl.), the fer- de-lance. -- Rat-tailed shrew (Zoöl.), the musk shrew.

Rat*tan" (rt*tn"), n. [Malay rtan.] [Written also ratan.] (Bot.) One of the long slender flexible stems of several species of palms of the genus Calamus, mostly East Indian, though some are African and Australian. They are exceedingly tough, and are used for walking sticks, wickerwork, chairs and seats of chairs, cords and cordage, and many other purposes.

Rat*teen" (-tn"), n. [F. ratine.] A thick woolen stuff quilled or twilled.

Rat"ten (rt"t'n), v. t. [Prov. E. ratten a rat, hence the verb literally means, to do mischief like a rat.] To deprive feloniously of the tools used in one's employment (as by breaking or stealing them), for the purpose of annoying; as, to ratten a mechanic who works during a strike. [Trades-union Cant] J. McCarthy.

Rat"ter (-tr), n. 1. One who, or that which, rats, as one who deserts his party.

2. Anything which catches rats; esp., a dog trained to catch rats; a rat terrier. See Terrier.

Rat`ti*net" (-t*nt"), n. A woolen stuff thinner than ratteen.

Rat"ting (rt"tng), n. 1. The conduct or practices of one who rats. See Rat, v. i., 1. Sydney Smith.

2. The low sport of setting a dog upon rats confined in a pit to see how many he will kill in a given time.

Rat"tle (-t'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rattled (-t'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Rattling (-tlng).] [Akin to D. ratelen, G. rasseln, AS. hrætele a rattle, in hrætelwyrt rattlewort; cf. Gr. kradai`nein to swing, wave. Cf. Rail a bird.] 1. To make a quick succession of sharp, inharmonious noises, as by the collision of hard and not very sonorous bodies shaken together; to clatter.

And the rude hail in rattling tempest forms.


'T was but the wind,
Or the car rattling o'er the stony street.


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2. To drive or ride briskly, so as to make a clattering; as, we rattled along for a couple of miles. [Colloq.]

3. To make a clatter with the voice; to talk rapidly and idly; to clatter; -- with on or away; as, she rattled on for an hour. [Colloq.]

Rat"tle (rt"t'l), v. t. 1. To cause to make a rattling or clattering sound; as, to rattle a chain.

2. To assail, annoy, or stun with a rattling noise.

Sound but another [drum], and another shall
As loud as thine rattle the welkin's ear.


3. Hence, to disconcert; to confuse; as, to rattle one's judgment; to rattle a player in a game. [Colloq.]

4. To scold; to rail at. L'Estrange.

To rattle off. (a) To tell glibly or noisily; as, to rattle off a story. (b) To rail at; to scold. "She would sometimes rattle off her servants sharply." Arbuthnot.

Rat"tle, n. 1. A rapid succession of sharp, clattering sounds; as, the rattle of a drum. Prior.

2. Noisy, rapid talk.

All this ado about the golden age is but an empty rattle and frivolous conceit.


3. An instrument with which a rattling sound is made; especially, a child's toy that rattles when shaken.

The rattles of Isis and the cymbals of Brasilea nearly enough resemble each other.

Sir W. Raleigh.

Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw.


4. A noisy, senseless talker; a jabberer.

It may seem strange that a man who wrote with so much perspicuity, vivacity, and grace, should have been, whenever he took a part in conversation, an empty, noisy, blundering rattle.


5. A scolding; a sharp rebuke. [Obs.] Heylin.

6. (Zoöl.) Any organ of an animal having a structure adapted to produce a rattling sound.

The rattle of a rattlesnake is composed of the hardened terminal scales, loosened in succession, but not cast off, and so modified in form as to make a series of loose, hollow joints.

7. The noise in the throat produced by the air in passing through mucus which the lungs are unable to expel; -- chiefly observable at the approach of death, when it is called the death rattle. See Râle.

To spring a rattle, to cause it to sound. -- Yellow rattle (Bot.), a yellow-flowered herb (Rhinanthus Crista-galli), the ripe seeds of which rattle in the inflated calyx.

Rat"tle*box` (-bks`), n. 1. A toy that makes a rattling sound; a rattle.

2. (Bot.) (a) An American herb (Crotalaria sagittalis), the seeds of which, when ripe, rattle in the inflated pod. (b) Any species of Crotalaria, a genus of yellow-flowered herbs, with inflated, many-seeded pods.

Rat"tle-brained` (-brnd`), a. Giddy; rattle-headed.

Rat"tle*head` (-hd`), n. An empty, noisy talker.

Rat"tle-head`ed, a. Noisy; giddy; unsteady.

Rat"tle*mouse` (-mous`), n. A bat. [Obs.] Puttenham.

Rat"tle*pate` (-pt`), n. A rattlehead. C. Kingsley.

Rat"tle-pat`ed, a. Rattle- headed. "A noisy, rattle-pated fellow." W. Irving.

Rat"tler (-tlr), n. One who, or that which, rattles.

Rat"tle*snake` (rt"t'l*snk`), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of venomous American snakes belonging to the genera Crotalus and Caudisona, or Sistrurus. They have a series of horny interlocking joints at the end of the tail which make a sharp rattling sound when shaken. The common rattlesnake of the Northern United States (Crotalus horridus), and the diamond rattlesnake of the South (C. adamanteus), are the best known. See Illust. of Fang.

Ground rattlesnake (Zoöl.), a small rattlesnake (Caudisona, or Sistrurus, miliaria) of the Southern United States, having a small rattle. It has nine large scales on its head. -- Rattlesnake fern (Bot.), a common American fern (Botrychium Virginianum) having a triangular decompound frond and a long- stalked panicle of spore cases rising from the middle of the frond. -- Rattlesnake grass (Bot.), a handsome American grass (Glyceria Canadensis) with an ample panicle of rather large ovate spikelets, each one composed of imbricated parts and slightly resembling the rattle of the rattlesnake. Sometimes called quaking grass. -- Rattlesnake plantain. (Bot.) See under Plantain. -- Rattlesnake root (Bot.), a name given to certain American species of the composite genus Prenanthes (P. alba and P. serpentaria), formerly asserted to cure the bite of the rattlesnake. Called also lion's foot, gall of the earth, and white lettuce. -- Rattlesnake's master. (Bot.) (a) A species of Agave (Agave Virginica) growing in the Southern United States. (b) An umbelliferous plant (Eryngium yuccæfolium) with large bristly-fringed linear leaves. (c) A composite plant, the blazing star (Liatris squarrosa). -- Rattlesnake weed (Bot.), a plant of the composite genus Hieracium (H. venosum); -- probably so named from its spotted leaves. See also Snakeroot.

Rat"tle*trap` (-trp`), n. Any machine or vehicle that does not run smoothly. [Colloq.] A. Trollope.

Rat"tle*weed` (-wd`), n. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Astragalus. See Milk vetch.

Rat"tle*wings` (-wngz`), n. (Zoöl.) The golden-eye.

Rat"tle*wort` (-wûrt`), n. [AS. hrætelwyrt.] (Bot.) Same as Rattlebox.

Rat"tlings (rt"tlngz), n. pl. (Naut.) Ratlines.

Rat*toon" (rt*tn"), n. [Sp. retoño.] One of the stems or shoots of sugar cane of the second year's growth from the root, or later. See Plant-cane.

Rat*toon", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rattooned (-tnd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rattooning.] [Cf. Sp. retoñar.] To sprout or spring up from the root, as sugar cane from the root of the previous year's planting.

Rau"cid (r"sd), a. [L. raucus hoarse; cf. LL. raucidus.] Hoarse; raucous. [R.] Lamb.

Rau"ci*ty (r"s*t), n. [L. raucitas, from raucus hoarse: cf. F. raucité.] Harshness of sound; rough utterance; hoarseness; as, the raucity of a trumpet, or of the human voice.

Rau"cous (r"ks), a. [L. raucus.] Hoarse; harsh; rough; as, a raucous, thick tone. "His voice slightly raucous." Aytoun. -- Rau"cous*ly, adv.

Raught (rt), obs. imp. & p. p. of Reach. Shak.

Raught, obs. imp. & p. p. of Reck. Chaucer.

Raunch (rnch), v. t. See Ranch. Spenser.

Raun*soun" (rn*sn"), n. Ransom. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rav"age (rv"j; 48), n. [F., fr. (assumed) L. rapagium, rapaticum, fr. rapere to carry off by force, to ravish. See Rapacious, Ravish.] Desolation by violence; violent ruin or destruction; devastation; havoc; waste; as, the ravage of a lion; the ravages of fire or tempest; the ravages of an army, or of time.

Would one think 't were possible for love
To make such ravage in a noble soul?


Syn. -- Despoilment; devastation; desolation; pillage; plunder; spoil; waste; ruin.

Rav"age, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ravaged (-jd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ravaging (-*jng).] [F. ravager. See Ravage, n.] To lay waste by force; to desolate by violence; to commit havoc or devastation upon; to spoil; to plunder; to consume.

Already Cæsar
Has ravaged more than half the globe.


His lands were daily ravaged, his cattle driven away.


Syn. -- To despoil; pillage; plunder; sack; spoil; devastate; desolate; destroy; waste; ruin.

Rav"a*ger (-*jr), n. One who, or that which, ravages or lays waste; spoiler.

Rave (rv), obs. imp. of Rive.

Rave, n. [Prov. E. raves, or rathes, a frame laid on a wagon, for carrying hay, etc.] One of the upper side pieces of the frame of a wagon body or a sleigh.

Rave (rv), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Raved (rvd); p. pr. & vb. n. Raving.] [F. rêver to rave, to be delirious, to dream; perhaps fr. L. rabere to rave, rage, be mad or furious. Cf. Rage, Reverie.] 1. To wander in mind or intellect; to be delirious; to talk or act irrationally; to be wild, furious, or raging, as a madman.

In our madness evermore we rave.


Have I not cause to rave and beat my breast?


The mingled torrent of redcoats and tartans went raving down the valley to the gorge of Killiecrankie.


2. To rush wildly or furiously. Spenser.

3. To talk with unreasonable enthusiasm or excessive passion or excitement; -- followed by about, of, or on; as, he raved about her beauty.

The hallowed scene
Which others rave of, though they know it not.


Rave, v. t. To utter in madness or frenzy; to say wildly; as, to rave nonsense. Young.

Rave"hook (rv"hk), n. (Shipbuilding) A tool, hooked at the end, for enlarging or clearing seams for the reception of oakum.

Rav"el (rv"'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Raveled (-'ld) or Ravelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Raveling or Ravelling.] [OD. ravelen, D. rafelen, akin to LG. rebeln, rebbeln, reffeln.] 1. To separate or undo the texture of; to take apart; to untwist; to unweave or unknit; -- often followed by out; as, to ravel a twist; to ravel out a stocking.

Sleep, that knits up the raveled sleave of care.


2. To undo the intricacies of; to disentangle.

3. To pull apart, as the threads of a texture, and let them fall into a tangled mass; hence, to entangle; to make intricate; to involve.

What glory 's due to him that could divide
Such raveled interests? has the knot untied?


The faith of very many men seems a duty so weak and indifferent, is so often untwisted by violence, or raveled and entangled in weak discourses!

Jer. Taylor.

Rav"el, v. i. 1. To become untwisted or unwoven; to be disentangled; to be relieved of intricacy.

2. To fall into perplexity and confusion. [Obs.]

Till, by their own perplexities involved,
They ravel more, still less resolved.


3. To make investigation or search, as by picking out the threads of a woven pattern. [Obs.]

The humor of raveling into all these mystical or entangled matters.

Sir W. Temple.

Rav"el*er (-r), n. [Also raveller.] One who ravels.

Rave"lin (rv"ln; 277), n. [F.; cf. Sp. rebellin, It. revellino, rivellino; perhaps fr. L. re- again + vallum wall.] (Fort.) A detached work with two embankments which make a salient angle. It is raised before the curtain on the counterscarp of the place. Formerly called demilune, and half-moon.

Rav"el*ing (rv"'l*ng), n. [Also ravelling.] 1. The act of untwisting or of disentangling.

2. That which is raveled out; esp., a thread detached from a texture.

Ra"ven (r"v'n), n. [AS. hræfn; akin to D. raaf, G. rabe, OHG. hraban, Icel. hrafn, Dan. ravn, and perhaps to L. corvus, Gr. ko`rax. √19.] (Zoöl.) A large black passerine bird (Corvus corax), similar to the crow, but larger. It is native of the northern parts of Europe, Asia, and America, and is noted for its sagacity.

Sea raven (Zoöl.), the cormorant.

Ra"ven, a. Of the color of the raven; jet black; as, raven curls; raven darkness.

Rav"en (rv"'n), n. [OF. raviné impetuosity, violence, F. ravine ravine. See Ravine, Rapine.] [Written also ravin, and ravine.] 1. Rapine; rapacity. Ray.

2. Prey; plunder; food obtained by violence.

Rav"en, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ravened (-'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Ravening.] [Written also ravin, and ravine.]

1. To obtain or seize by violence. Hakewill.

2. To devour with great eagerness.

Like rats that ravin down their proper bane.


Rav"en, v. i. To prey with rapacity; to be greedy; to show rapacity. [Written also ravin, and ravine.]

Benjamin shall raven as a wolf.

Gen. xlix. 27.

||Rav`e*na"la (rv`*nä"l), n. [Malagasy.] (Bot.) A genus of plants related to the banana.

Ravenala Madagascariensis, the principal species, is an unbranched tree with immense oarlike leaves growing alternately from two sides of the stem. The sheathing bases of the leafstalks collect and retain rain water, which flows freely when they are pierced with a knife, whence the plant is called traveler's tree.

Rav"en*er (rv"'n*r), n. 1. One who, or that which, ravens or plunders. Gower.

2. A bird of prey, as the owl or vulture. [Obs.] Holland.

Rav"en*ing, n. Eagerness for plunder; rapacity; extortion. Luke xi. 39.

Rav"en*ing, a. Greedily devouring; rapacious; as, ravening wolves. -- Rav"en*ing*ly, adv.

Rav"en*ous (rv"'n*s), a. [From 2d Raven.] 1. Devouring with rapacious eagerness; furiously voracious; hungry even to rage; as, a ravenous wolf or vulture.

2. Eager for prey or gratification; as, a ravenous appetite or desire.

-- Rav"en*ous*ly, adv. -- Rav"en*ous*ness, n.

Ra"ven's-duck` (r"v'nz-dk`), n. [Cf. G. ravenstuch.] A fine quality of sailcloth. Ham. Nav. Encyc.

Rav"er (rv"r), n. One who raves.

Rav"in (rv"'n), a. Ravenous. [Obs.] Shak.

{ Rav"in, Rav"ine } (rv"'n), n. [See 2d Raven.] Food obtained by violence; plunder; prey; raven. "Fowls of ravyne." Chaucer.

Though Nature, red in tooth and claw
With ravine, shrieked against his creed.


{ Rav"in, Rav"ine, } v. t. & i. See Raven, v. t. & i.

Ra*vine" (r*vn"), n. [F., a place excavated by a torrent, a ravine, fr. ravir to snatch or tear away, L. rapere; cf. L. rapina rapine. See Ravish, and cf. Rapine, Raven prey.] 1. A torrent of water. [Obs.] Cotgrave.

2. A deep and narrow hollow, usually worn by a stream or torrent of water; a gorge; a mountain cleft.

Rav"ing (rv"ng), a. Talking irrationally and wildly; as, a raving lunatic. -- Rav"ing*ly, adv.

Rav"ish (rv"sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ravished (-sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Ravishing.] [OE. ravissen, F. ravir, fr. L. rapere to snatch or tear away, to ravish. See Rapacious, Rapid, and - ish.] 1. To seize and carry away by violence; to snatch by force.

These hairs which thou dost ravish from my chin
Will quicken, and accuse thee.


This hand shall ravish thy pretended right.


2. To transport with joy or delight; to delight to ecstasy. "Ravished . . . for the joy." Chaucer.

Thou hast ravished my heart.

Cant. iv. 9.

3. To have carnal knowledge of (a woman) by force, and against her consent; to rape. Shak.

Syn. -- To transport; entrance; enrapture; delight; violate; deflour; force.

Rav"ish*er (-r), n. One who ravishes (in any sense).

Rav"ish*ing, a. Rapturous; transporting.

Rav"ish*ing*ly, adv. In a ravishing manner.

Rav"ish*ment (-ment), n. [F. ravissement. See Ravish.] 1. The act of carrying away by force or against consent; abduction; as, the ravishment of children from their parents, of a ward from his guardian, or of a wife from her husband. Blackstone.

2. The state of being ravished; rapture; transport of delight; ecstasy. Spenser.

In whose sight all things joy, with ravishment
Attracted by thy beauty still to gaze.


3. The act of ravishing a woman; rape.

Rav"is*sant (rv"s*snt), a. [F.] (Her.) In a half-raised position, as if about to spring on prey.

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Raw (r), a. [Compar. Rawer (-r); superl. Rawest.] [AS. hreáw; akin to D. raauw, LG. rau, G. roh, OHG. r, Icel. hrr, Dan. raa, Sw. , L. crudus, Gr. kre`as flesh, Skr. kravis raw flesh. √18. Cf. Crude, Cruel.] 1. Not altered from its natural state; not prepared by the action of heat; as, raw sienna; specifically, not cooked; not changed by heat to a state suitable for eating; not done; as, raw meat.

2. Hence: Unprepared for use or enjoyment; immature; unripe; unseasoned; inexperienced; unpracticed; untried; as, raw soldiers; a raw recruit.

Approved himself to the raw judgment of the multitude.

De Quincey.

3. Not worked in due form; in the natural state; untouched by art; unwrought. Specifically: (a) Not distilled; as, raw water. [Obs.] Bacon. (b) Not spun or twisted; as, raw silk or cotton. (c) Not mixed or diluted; as, raw spirits. (d) Not tried; not melted and strained; as, raw tallow. (e) Not tanned; as, raw hides. (f) Not trimmed, covered, or folded under; as, the raw edge of a piece of metal or of cloth.

4. Not covered; bare. Specifically: (a) Bald. [Obs.] "With skull all raw." Spenser (b) Deprived of skin; galled; as, a raw sore. (c) Sore, as if by being galled.

And all his sinews waxen weak and raw
Through long imprisonment.


5. Disagreeably damp or cold; chilly; bleak; as, a raw wind. "A raw and gusty day." Shak.

Raw material, material that has not been subjected to a (specified) process of manufacture; as, ore is the raw material used in smelting; leather is the raw material of the shoe industry. -- Raw pig, cast iron as it comes from the smelting furnace.

Raw, n. A raw, sore, or galled place; a sensitive spot; as, to touch one on the raw.

Like savage hackney coachmen, they know where there is a raw.

De Quincey.

Raw"bone` (r"bn`), a. Rawboned. [Obs.] Spenser.

Raw"boned` (-bnd`), a. Having little flesh on the bones; gaunt. Shak.

Raw"head` (r"hd`), n. A specter mentioned to frighten children; as, rawhead and bloodybones.

Raw"hide` (r"hd`), n. A cowhide, or coarse riding whip, made of untanned (or raw) hide twisted.

Raw"ish, a. Somewhat raw. [R.] Marston.

Raw"ly, adv. 1. In a raw manner; unskillfully; without experience.

2. Without proper preparation or provision. Shak.

Raw"ness, n. The quality or state of being raw.

Ray (r), v. t. [An aphetic form of array; cf. Beray.] 1. To array. [Obs.] Sir T. More.

2. To mark, stain, or soil; to streak; to defile. [Obs.] "The filth that did it ray." Spenser.

Ray, n. Array; order; arrangement; dress. [Obs.]

And spoiling all her gears and goodly ray.


Ray, n. [OF. rai, F. rais, fr. L. radius a beam or ray, staff, rod, spoke of a wheel. Cf. Radius.] 1. One of a number of lines or parts diverging from a common point or center, like the radii of a circle; as, a star of six rays.

2. (Bot.) A radiating part of a flower or plant; the marginal florets of a compound flower, as an aster or a sunflower; one of the pedicels of an umbel or other circular flower cluster; radius. See Radius.

3. (Zoöl.) (a) One of the radiating spines, or cartilages, supporting the fins of fishes. (b) One of the spheromeres of a radiate, especially one of the arms of a starfish or an ophiuran.

4. (Physics) (a) A line of light or heat proceeding from a radiant or reflecting point; a single element of light or heat propagated continuously; as, a solar ray; a polarized ray. (b) One of the component elements of the total radiation from a body; any definite or limited portion of the spectrum; as, the red ray; the violet ray. See Illust. under Light.

5. Sight; perception; vision; -- from an old theory of vision, that sight was something which proceeded from the eye to the object seen.

All eyes direct their rays
On him, and crowds turn coxcombs as they gaze.


6. (Geom.) One of a system of diverging lines passing through a point, and regarded as extending indefinitely in both directions. See Half-ray.

Bundle of rays. (Geom.) See Pencil of rays, below. -- Extraordinary ray (Opt.), that one of two parts of a ray divided by double refraction which does not follow the ordinary law of refraction. -- Ordinary ray (Opt.), that one of the two parts of a ray divided by double refraction which follows the usual or ordinary law of refraction. -- Pencil of rays (Geom.), a definite system of rays. -- Ray flower, or Ray floret (Bot.), one of the marginal flowers of the capitulum in such composite plants as the aster, goldenrod, daisy, and sunflower. They have an elongated, strap-shaped corolla, while the corollas of the disk flowers are tubular and five-lobed. -- Ray point (Geom.), the common point of a pencil of rays. -- Röntgen ray (rnt"gn) (Phys.), a kind of ray generated in a very highly exhausted vacuum tube by the electrical discharge. It is capable of passing through many bodies opaque to light, and producing photographic and fluorescent effects by which means pictures showing the internal structure of opaque objects are made, called radiographs, or sciagraphs.. So called from the discoverer, W. C. Röntgen. -- X ray, the Röntgen ray; -- so called by its discoverer because of its enigmatical character, x being an algebraic symbol for an unknown quantity.

Ray, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rayed (rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Raying.] [Cf. OF. raier, raiier, rayer, L. radiare to irradiate. See Ray, n., and cf. Radiate.] 1. To mark with long lines; to streak. [Obs.] Chaucer.

2. [From Ray, n.] To send forth or shoot out; to cause to shine out; as, to ray smiles. [R.] Thomson.

Ray, v. i. To shine, as with rays. Mrs. Browning.

Ray, n. [F. raie, L. raia. Cf. Roach.] (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of numerous elasmobranch fishes of the order Raiæ, including the skates, torpedoes, sawfishes, etc. (b) In a restricted sense, any of the broad, flat, narrow-tailed species, as the skates and sting rays. See Skate.

Bishop ray, a yellow-spotted, long-tailed eagle ray (Stoasodon nàrinari) of the Southern United States and the West Indies. -- Butterfly ray, a short-tailed American sting ray (Pteroplatea Maclura), having very broad pectoral fins. -- Devil ray. See Sea devil. -- Eagle ray, any large ray of the family Myliobatidæ, or Ætobatidæ. The common European species (Myliobatis aquila) is called also whip ray, and miller. -- Electric ray, or Cramp ray, a torpedo. -- Starry ray, a common European skate (Raia radiata). -- Sting ray, any one of numerous species of rays of the family Trygonidæ having one or more large, sharp, barbed dorsal spines on the whiplike tail. Called also stingaree.

||Ra"yah (r"y or rä"y), n. [Ar. ra'iyah a herd, a subject, fr. ra'a to pasture, guard.] A person not a Mohammedan, who pays the capitation tax. [Turkey]

Ray" grass` (r" grs`). [Etymol. of ray is uncertain.] (Bot.) A perennial European grass (Lolium perenne); -- called also rye grass, and red darnel. See Darnel, and Grass.

Italian ray, or rye, grass. See Darnel, and Grass.

Ray"less (r"ls), a. Destitute of rays; hence, dark; not illuminated; blind; as, a rayless sky; rayless eyes.

Ray"on (r"n), n. [F.] Ray; beam. [Obs.] Spenser.

Ray"on*nant (r"n*nnt), a. [F.] (Her.) Darting forth rays, as the sun when it shines out.

Raze (rz), n. [See Race.] A Shakespearean word (used once) supposed to mean the same as race, a root.

Raze, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Razed (rzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Razing.] [F. raser. See Rase, v. t.] [Written also rase.] 1. To erase; to efface; to obliterate.

Razing the characters of your renown.


2. To subvert from the foundation; to lay level with the ground; to overthrow; to destroy; to demolish.

The royal hand that razed unhappy Troy.


Syn. -- To demolish; level; prostrate; overthrow; subvert; destroy; ruin. See Demolish.

Razed (rzd), a. Slashed or striped in patterns. [Obs.] "Two Provincial roses on my razed shoes." Shak.

Ra*zee" (r*z"), n. [F. vaisseau rasé, fr. raser to raze, to cut down ships. See Raze, v. t., Rase, v. t.] (Naut.) An armed ship having her upper deck cut away, and thus reduced to the next inferior rate, as a seventy-four cut down to a frigate. Totten.

Ra*zee", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Razeed (r*zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Razeeing.] To cut down to a less number of decks, and thus to an inferior rate or class, as a ship; hence, to prune or abridge by cutting off or retrenching parts; as, to razee a book, or an article.

Ra"zor (r"zr), n. [OE. rasour, OF. rasur, LL. rasor: cf. F. rasoir, LL. rasorium. See Raze, v. t., Rase, v. t.] 1. A keen-edged knife of peculiar shape, used in shaving the hair from the face or the head. "Take thee a barber's razor." Ezek. v. 1.


2. (Zoöl.) A tusk of a wild boar.

Razor fish. (Zoöl.) (a) A small Mediterranean fish (Coryphæna novacula), prized for the table. (b) The razor shell. -- Razor grass (Bot.), a West Indian plant (Scleria scindens), the triangular stem and the leaves of which are edged with minute sharp teeth. -- Razor grinder (Zoöl.), the European goat-sucker. -- Razor shell (Zoöl.), any marine bivalve shell belonging to Solen and allied genera, especially Solen, or Ensatella, ensis, ∧ Americana, which have a long, narrow, somewhat curved shell, resembling a razor handle in shape. Called also razor clam, razor fish, knife handle. -- Razor stone. Same as Novaculite. -- Razor strap, or Razor strop, a strap or strop used in sharpening razors.

Ra"zor*a*ble (-*b'l), a. Ready for the razor; fit to be shaved. [R.] Shak.

Ra"zor*back` (-bk`), n. (Zoöl.) The rorqual.

Ra"zor-backed` (-bkt`), a. (Zoöl.) Having a sharp, lean, or thin back; as, a razor-backed hog, perch, etc.

Ra"zor*bill` (-bl`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) A species of auk (Alca torda) common in the Arctic seas. See Auk, and Illust. in Appendix. (b) See Cutwater, 3.

Ra"zure (r"zhr; 135), n. [See Rasure.] 1. The act of erasing or effacing, or the state of being effaced; obliteration. See Rasure. Shak.

2. An erasure; a change made by erasing.

||Raz"zi*a (rä"z*ä), n. [F., fr. Ar. ghza (pron. razia in Algeria).] A plundering and destructive incursion; a foray; a raid.

Re- (r-). [L. re-, older form (retained before vowels) red-: cf. F. re-, ré-.] A prefix signifying back, against, again, anew; as, recline, to lean back; recall, to call back; recede; remove; reclaim, to call out against; repugn, to fight against; recognition, a knowing again; rejoin, to join again; reiterate; reassure. Combinations containing the prefix re- are readily formed, and are for the most part of obvious signification.

Re (r). [It.] (Mus.) A syllable applied in solmization to the second tone of the diatonic scale of C; in the American system, to the second tone of any diatonic scale.

Re`ab*sorb" (r`b*sôrb"), v. t. To absorb again; to draw in, or imbibe, again what has been effused, extravasated, or thrown off; to swallow up again; as, to reabsorb chyle, lymph, etc.; -- used esp. of fluids.

Re`ab*sorp"tion (-sôrp"shn), n. The act or process of reabsorbing.

Re`ac*cess" (r`k*ss" or r*k"ss), n. A second access or approach; a return. Hakewill.

Re`ac*cuse" (r`k*kz"), v. t. To accuse again.

Reach (rch), v. i. To retch. Cheyne.

Reach, n. An effort to vomit. [R.]

Reach, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reached (rcht) (Raught, the old preterit, is obsolete); p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching.] [OE. rechen, AS. rcan, rcean, to extend, stretch out; akin to D. reiken, G. reichen, and possibly to AS. rce powerful, rich, E. rich. √115.] 1. To extend; to stretch; to thrust out; to put forth, as a limb, a member, something held, or the like.

Her tresses yellow, and long straughten,
Unto her heeles down they raughten.

Rom. of R.

Reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side.

John xx. 27.

Fruit trees, over woody, reached too far
Their pampered boughs.


2. Hence, to deliver by stretching out a member, especially the hand; to give with the hand; to pass to another; to hand over; as, to reach one a book.

He reached me a full cup.

2 Esd. xiv. 39.

3. To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something held by one, so as to touch, strike, grasp, or the like; as, to reach an object with the hand, or with a spear.

O patron power, . . . thy present aid afford,
Than I may reach the beast.


4. To strike, hit, or touch with a missile; as, to reach an object with an arrow, a bullet, or a shell.

5. Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut, as far as.

If these examples of grown men reach not the case of children, let them examine.


6. To extend to; to stretch out as far as; to touch by virtue of extent; as, his land reaches the river.

Thy desire . . . leads to no excess
That reaches blame.


7. To arrive at; to come to; to get as far as.

Before this letter reaches your hands.


8. To arrive at by effort of any kind; to attain to; to gain; to be advanced to.

The best account of the appearances of nature which human penetration can reach, comes short of its reality.


9. To understand; to comprehend. [Obs.]

Do what, sir? I reach you not.

Beau. & Fl.

10. To overreach; to deceive. [Obs.] South.

Reach, v. i. 1. To stretch out the hand.

Goddess humane, reach, then, and freely taste!


2. To strain after something; to make efforts.

Reaching above our nature does no good.


3. To extend in dimension, time, amount, action, influence, etc., so as to touch, attain to, or be equal to, something.

And behold, a ladder set upon the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven.

Gen. xxviii. 12.

The new world reaches quite across the torrid zone.


4. (Naut.) To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam.

To reach after or at, to make efforts to attain to or obtain.

He would be in the posture of the mind reaching after a positive idea of infinity.


Reach, n. 1. The act of stretching or extending; extension; power of reaching or touching with the person, or a limb, or something held or thrown; as, the fruit is beyond my reach; to be within reach of cannon shot.

2. The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management; extent of force or capacity.

Drawn by others who had deeper reaches than themselves to matters which they least intended.


Be sure yourself and your own reach to know.


3. Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope.

And on the left hand, hell,
With long reach, interposed.


I am to pray you not to strain my speech
To grosser issues, nor to larger reach
Than to suspicion.


4. An extended portion of land or water; a stretch; a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another; a level stretch, as between locks in a canal; an arm of the sea extending up into the land. "The river's wooded reach." Tennyson.

The coast . . . is very full of creeks and reaches.


5. An artifice to obtain an advantage.

The Duke of Parma had particular reaches and ends of his own underhand to cross the design.


6. The pole or rod which connects the hind axle with the forward bolster of a wagon.

Reach"a*ble (-*b'l), a. Being within reach.

Reach"er (-r), n. 1. One who reaches.

2. An exaggeration. [Obs.] Fuller.

Reach"less, a. Being beyond reach; lofty.

Unto a reachless pitch of praises hight.

Bp. Hall.

Re*act" (r*kt"), v. t. To act or perform a second time; to do over again; as, to react a play; the same scenes were reacted at Rome.

Re*act" (r*kt"), v. i. 1. To return an impulse or impression; to resist the action of another body by an opposite force; as, every body reacts on the body that impels it from its natural state.

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2. To act upon each other; to exercise a reciprocal or a reverse effect, as two or more chemical agents; to act in opposition.

Re*ac"tion (r*k"shn), n. [Cf. F. réaction.] 1. Any action in resisting other action or force; counter tendency; movement in a contrary direction; reverse action.

2. (Chem.) The mutual or reciprocal action of chemical agents upon each other, or the action upon such chemical agents of some form of energy, as heat, light, or electricity, resulting in a chemical change in one or more of these agents, with the production of new compounds or the manifestation of distinctive characters. See Blowpipe reaction, Flame reaction, under Blowpipe, and Flame.

3. (Med.) An action induced by vital resistance to some other action; depression or exhaustion of vital force consequent on overexertion or overstimulation; heightened activity and overaction succeeding depression or shock.

4. (Mech.) The force which a body subjected to the action of a force from another body exerts upon the latter body in the opposite direction.

Reaction is always equal and opposite to action, that is to say, the actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and in opposite directions.

Sir I. Newton (3d Law of Motion).

5. (Politics) Backward tendency or movement after revolution, reform, or great progress in any direction.

The new king had, at the very moment at which his fame and fortune reached the highest point, predicted the coming reaction.


Reaction time (Physiol.), in nerve physiology, the interval between the application of a stimulus to an end organ of sense and the reaction or resulting movement; -- called also physiological time. -- Reaction wheel (Mech.), a water wheel driven by the reaction of water, usually one in which the water, entering it centrally, escapes at its periphery in a direction opposed to that of its motion by orifices at right angles, or inclined, to its radii.

Re*ac"tion*a*ry (-*r), a. Being, causing, or favoring reaction; as, reactionary movements.

Re*ac"tion*a*ry, n.; pl. Reactionaries (-rz). One who favors reaction, or seeks to undo political progress or revolution.

Re*ac"tion*ist, n. A reactionary. C. Kingsley.

Re*act"ive (r*kt"v), a. [Cf. F. réactif.] Having power to react; tending to reaction; of the nature of reaction. -- Re*act"ive*ly, adv. -- Re*act"ive*ness, n.

Read (rd), n. Rennet. See 3d Reed. [Prov. Eng.]

Read (rd), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Read (rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reading.] [OE. reden, ræden, AS. rdan to read, advise, counsel, fr. rd advice, counsel, rdan (imperf. reord) to advise, counsel, guess; akin to D. raden to advise, G. raten, rathen, Icel. rða, Goth. rdan (in comp.), and perh. also to Skr. rdh to succeed. √116. Cf. Riddle.] 1. To advise; to counsel. [Obs.] See Rede.

Therefore, I read thee, get thee to God's word, and thereby try all doctrine.


2. To interpret; to explain; as, to read a riddle.

3. To tell; to declare; to recite. [Obs.]

But read how art thou named, and of what kin.


4. To go over, as characters or words, and utter aloud, or recite to one's self inaudibly; to take in the sense of, as of language, by interpreting the characters with which it is expressed; to peruse; as, to read a discourse; to read the letters of an alphabet; to read figures; to read the notes of music, or to read music; to read a book.

Redeth [read ye] the great poet of Itaille.


Well could he rede a lesson or a story.


5. Hence, to know fully; to comprehend.

Who is't can read a woman?


6. To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc.; to learn by observation.

An armed corse did lie,
In whose dead face he read great magnanimity.


Those about her
From her shall read the perfect ways of honor.


7. To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law.

To read one's self in, to read aloud the Thirty-nine Articles and the Declaration of Assent, -- required of a clergyman of the Church of England when he first officiates in a new benefice.

Read, v. i. 1. To give advice or counsel. [Obs.]

2. To tell; to declare. [Obs.] Spenser.

3. To perform the act of reading; to peruse, or to go over and utter aloud, the words of a book or other like document.

So they read in the book of the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense.

Neh. viii. 8.

4. To study by reading; as, he read for the bar.

5. To learn by reading.

I have read of an Eastern king who put a judge to death for an iniquitous sentence.


6. To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts.

7. To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly.

To read between the lines, to infer something different from what is plainly indicated; to detect the real meaning as distinguished from the apparent meaning.

Read, n. [AS. rd counsel, fr. rdan to counsel. See Read, v. t.] 1. Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel. See Rede. [Obs.]

2. [Read, v.] Reading. [Colloq.] Hume.

One newswoman here lets magazines for a penny a read.


Read (rd), imp. & p. p. of Read, v. t. & i.

Read (rd), a. Instructed or knowing by reading; versed in books; learned.

A poet . . . well read in Longinus.


Read`a*bil"i*ty (rd`*bl"*t), n. The state of being readable; readableness.

Read"a*ble (rd"*b'l), a. Such as can be read; legible; fit or suitable to be read; worth reading; interesting. -- Read"a*ble*ness, n. -- Read"a*bly, adv.

Re`ad*dress" (r`d*drs"), v. t. To address a second time; -- often used reflexively.

He readdressed himself to her.


Re`a*dept" (-*dpt"), v. t. [Pref. re- + L. adeptus, p. p. of adipisci to obtain.] To regain; to recover. [Obs.]

Re`a*dep"tion (-dp"shn), n. A regaining; recovery of something lost. [Obs.] Bacon.

Read"er (rd"r), n. [AS. rdere.] 1. One who reads. Specifically: (a) One whose distinctive office is to read prayers in a church. (b) (University of Oxford, Eng.) One who reads lectures on scientific subjects. Lyell. (c) A proof reader. (d) One who reads manuscripts offered for publication and advises regarding their merit.

2. One who reads much; one who is studious.

3. A book containing a selection of extracts for exercises in reading; an elementary book for practice in a language; a reading book.

Read"er*ship, n. The office of reader. Lyell.

Read"i*ly (rd"*l), adv. 1. In a ready manner; quickly; promptly. Chaucer.

2. Without delay or objection; without reluctance; willingly; cheerfully.

How readily we wish time spent revoked!


Read"i*ness, n. The state or quality of being ready; preparation; promptness; aptitude; willingness.

They received the word with all readiness of mind.

Acts xvii. 11.

Syn. -- Facility; quickness; expedition; promptitude; promptness; aptitude; aptness; knack; skill; expertness; dexterity; ease; cheerfulness. See Facility.

Read"ing (rd"ng), n. 1. The act of one who reads; perusal; also, printed or written matter to be read.

2. Study of books; literary scholarship; as, a man of extensive reading.

3. A lecture or prelection; public recital.

The Jews had their weekly readings of the law.


4. The way in which anything reads; force of a word or passage presented by a documentary authority; lection; version.

5. Manner of reciting, or acting a part, on the stage; way of rendering. [Cant]

6. An observation read from the scale of a graduated instrument; as, the reading of a barometer.

Reading of a bill (Legislation), its formal recital, by the proper officer, before the House which is to consider it.

Read"ing, a. 1. Of or pertaining to the act of reading; used in reading.

2. Addicted to reading; as, a reading community.

Reading book, a book for teaching reading; a reader. -- Reading desk, a desk to support a book while reading; esp., a desk used while reading the service in a church. -- Reading glass, a large lens with more or less magnifying power, attached to a handle, and used in reading, etc. -- Reading man, one who reads much; hence, in the English universities, a close, industrious student. -- Reading room, a room appropriated to reading; a room provided with papers, periodicals, and the like, to which persons resort.

Re`ad*journ" (r`d*jûrn"), v. t. To adjourn a second time; to adjourn again.

Re`ad*journ"ment (-ment), n. The act of readjourning; a second or repeated adjournment.

Re`ad*just" (-jst"), v. t. To adjust or settle again; to put in a different order or relation; to rearrange.

Re`ad*just"er (-r), n. One who, or that which, readjusts; in some of the States of the United States, one who advocates a refunding, and sometimes a partial repudiation, of the State debt without the consent of the State's creditors.

Re`ad*just"ment (-ment), n. A second adjustment; a new or different adjustment.

Re`ad*mis"sion (-msh"n), n. The act of admitting again, or the state of being readmitted; as, the readmission of fresh air into an exhausted receiver; the readmission of a student into a seminary.

Re`ad*mit" (-mt"), v. t. To admit again; to give entrance or access to again.

Whose ear is ever open, and his eye
Gracious to readmit the suppliant.


Re`ad*mit"tance (-tans), n. Allowance to enter again; a second admission.

Re`a*dopt" (r`*dpt"), v. t. To adopt again. Young.

Re`a*dorn" (-dôrn"), v. t. To adorn again or anew.

Re`ad*vance" (r`d*vns"), v. i. To advance again.

Re`ad*vert"en*cy (-vrt"en*s), n. The act of adverting to again, or of reviewing. [R.] Norris.

Read"y (rd"), a. [Compar. Readier (-*r); superl. Readiest.] [AS. rde; akin to D. gereed, bereid, G. bereit, Goth. garáids fixed, arranged, and possibly to E. ride, as meaning originally, prepared for riding. Cf. Array, 1st Curry.] 1. Prepared for what one is about to do or experience; equipped or supplied with what is needed for some act or event; prepared for immediate movement or action; as, the troops are ready to march; ready for the journey. "When she redy was." Chaucer.

2. Fitted or arranged for immediate use; causing no delay for lack of being prepared or furnished. "Dinner was ready." Fielding.

My oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.

Matt. xxii. 4.

3. Prepared in mind or disposition; not reluctant; willing; free; inclined; disposed.

I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Acts xxi. 13.

If need be, I am ready to forego
And quit.


4. Not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception of any kind; dexterous; prompt; easy; expert; as, a ready apprehension; ready wit; a ready writer or workman. "Ready in devising expedients." Macaulay.

Gurth, whose temper was ready, though surly.

Sir W. Scott.

5. Offering itself at once; at hand; opportune; convenient; near; easy. "The readiest way." Milton.

A sapling pine he wrenched from out the ground,
The readiest weapon that his fury found.


6. On the point; about; on the brink; near; -- with a following infinitive.

My heart is ready to crack.


7. (Mil.) A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim.

All ready, ready in every particular; wholly equipped or prepared. "[I] am all redy at your hest." Chaucer. -- Ready money, means of immediate payment; cash. "'T is all the ready money fate can give." Cowley. -- Ready reckoner, a book of tables for facilitating computations, as of interest, prices, etc. -- To make ready, to make preparation; to get in readiness.

Syn. -- Prompt; expeditious; speedy; unhesitating; dexterous; apt; skillful; handy; expert; facile; easy; opportune; fitted; prepared; disposed; willing; free; cheerful. See Prompt.

Read"y (rd"), adv. In a state of preparation for immediate action; so as to need no delay.

We ourselves will go ready armed.

Num. xxxii. 17.

Read"y, n. Ready money; cash; -- commonly with the; as, he was well supplied with the ready. [Slang]

Lord Strut was not flush in ready, either to go to law, or to clear old debts.


Read"y, v. t. To dispose in order. [Obs.] Heywood.

Read"y-made` (-md`), a. Made already, or beforehand, in anticipation of need; not made to order; as, ready-made clothing; ready-made jokes.

Read"y-wit`ted (-wt`td), a. Having ready wit.

Re`af*firm" (r`f*frm"), v. t. To affirm again.

{ Re`af*firm"ance (r`f*frm"ans), Re*af`fir*ma"tion (r*f`fr*m"shn), } n. A second affirmation.

Re`af*for"est (r`f*fr"st), v. t. To convert again into a forest, as a region of country.

Re`af*for`es*ta"tion (-s*t"shn), n. The act or process of converting again into a forest.

Re*a"gent (r*"jent), n. (Chem.) A substance capable of producing with another a reaction, especially when employed to detect the presence of other bodies; a test.

Re*ag`gra*va"tion (- g`gr*v"shn), n. (R. C. Ch.) The last monitory, published after three admonitions and before the last excommunication.

Re`a*gree" (r`*gr"), v. i. To agree again.

Reak (rk), n. [√115. Cf. Wrack seaweed.] A rush. [Obs.] "Feeds on reaks and reeds." Drant.

Reak, n. [Cf. Icel. hrekkr, or E. wreak vengeance.] A prank. [Obs.] "They play such reaks." Beau. & Fl.

Re"al (r"al), n. [Sp., fr. real royal, L. regalis. See Regal, and cf. Ree a coin.] A small Spanish silver coin; also, a denomination of money of account, formerly the unit of the Spanish monetary system.

A real of plate (coin) varied in value according to the time of its coinage, from 12½ down to 10 cents, or from 6½ to 5 pence sterling. The real vellon, or money of account, was nearly equal to five cents, or 2½ pence sterling. In 1871 the coinage of Spain was assimilated to that of the Latin Union, of which the franc is the unit.

Re*al" (r*äl"), a. Royal; regal; kingly. [Obs.] "The blood real of Thebes." Chaucer.

Re"al (r"al), a. [LL. realis, fr. L. res, rei, a thing: cf. F. réel. Cf. Rebus.] 1. Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; as, a description of real life.

Whereat I waked, and found
Before mine eyes all real, as the dream
Had lively shadowed.


2. True; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit, or factitious; often opposed to ostensible; as, the real reason; real Madeira wine; real ginger.

Whose perfection far excelled
Hers in all real dignity.


3. Relating to things, not to persons. [Obs.]

Many are perfect in men's humors that are not greatly capable of the real part of business.


4. (Alg.) Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning; not imaginary.

5. (Law) Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements; as, real property, in distinction from personal or movable property.

Chattels real (Law), such chattels as are annexed to, or savor of, the realty, as terms for years of land. See Chattel. -- Real action (Law), an action for the recovery of real property. -- Real assets (Law), lands or real estate in the hands of the heir, chargeable with the debts of the ancestor. -- Real composition (Eccl. Law), an agreement made between the owner of lands and the parson or vicar, with consent of the ordinary, that such lands shall be discharged from payment of tithes, in consequence of other land or recompense given to the parson in lieu and satisfaction thereof. Blackstone. -- Real estate or property, lands, tenements, and hereditaments; freehold interests in landed property; property in houses and land. Kent. Burrill. -- Real presence (R. C. Ch.), the actual presence of the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist, or the conversion of the substance of the bread and wine into the real body and blood of Christ; transubstantiation. In other churches there is a belief in a form of real presence, not however in the sense of transubstantiation. -- Real servitude, called also Predial servitude (Civil Law), a burden imposed upon one estate in favor of another estate of another proprietor. Erskine. Bouvier.

Syn. -- Actual; true; genuine; authentic. -- Real, Actual. Real represents a thing to be a substantive existence; as, a real, not imaginary, occurrence. Actual refers to it as acted or performed; and, hence, when we wish to prove a thing real, we often say, "It actually exists," "It has actually been done." Thus its reality is shown by its actuality. Actual, from this reference to being acted, has recently received a new signification, namely, present; as, the actual posture of affairs; since what is now in action, or going on, has, of course, a present existence. An actual fact; a real sentiment.

For he that but conceives a crime in thought,
Contracts the danger of an actual fault.


Our simple ideas are all real; all agree to the reality of things.


<! p. 1195 pr=vmg !>

Re"al (r"al), n. A realist. [Obs.] Burton.

Re*al"gar (r*l"gr), n. [F. réalgar, Sp. rejalgar, Ar. rahj al ghr powder of the mine.] (Min.) Arsenic sulphide, a mineral of a brilliant red color; red orpiment. It is also an artificial product.

Re"al*ism (r"al*z'm), n. [Cf. F. réalisme.] 1. (Philos.) (a) As opposed to nominalism, the doctrine that genera and species are real things or entities, existing independently of our conceptions. According to realism the Universal exists ante rem (Plato), or in re (Aristotle). (b) As opposed to idealism, the doctrine that in sense perception there is an immediate cognition of the external object, and our knowledge of it is not mediate and representative.

2. (Art & Lit.) Fidelity to nature or to real life; representation without idealization, and making no appeal to the imagination; adherence to the actual fact.

Re"al*ist, n. [Cf. F. réaliste.] 1. (Philos.) One who believes in realism; esp., one who maintains that generals, or the terms used to denote the genera and species of things, represent real existences, and are not mere names, as maintained by the nominalists.

2. (Art. & Lit.) An artist or writer who aims at realism in his work. See Realism, 2.

Re`al*is"tic (-s"tk), a. Of or pertaining to the realists; in the manner of the realists; characterized by realism rather than by imagination.

Re`al*is"tic*al*ly, adv. In a realistic manner.

Re*al"i*ty (r*l"*t), n.; pl. Realities (- tz). [Cf. F. réalité, LL. realitas. See 3d Real, and cf. 2d Realty.] 1. The state or quality of being real; actual being or existence of anything, in distinction from mere appearance; fact.

A man fancies that he understands a critic, when in reality he does not comprehend his meaning.


2. That which is real; an actual existence; that which is not imagination, fiction, or pretense; that which has objective existence, and is not merely an idea.

And to realities yield all her shows.


My neck may be an idea to you, but it is a reality to me.


3. [See 1st Realty, 2.] Loyalty; devotion. [Obs.]

To express our reality to the emperor.


4. (Law) See 2d Realty, 2.

Re"al*i`za*ble (r"al*`z*b'l), a. Capable of being realized.

Re`al*i*za"tion (-*z"shn), n. [Cf. F. réalisation.] The act of realizing, or the state of being realized.

Re"al*ize (r"al*z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Realized (- zd); p. pr. & vb. n. Realizing (- `zng).] [Cf. F. réaliser.] 1. To make real; to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into the actual; to bring into concrete existence; to effectuate; to accomplish; as, to realize a scheme or project.

We realize what Archimedes had only in hypothesis, weighing a single grain against the globe of earth.


2. To cause to seem real; to impress upon the mind as actual; to feel vividly or strongly; to make one's own in apprehension or experience.

Many coincidences . . . soon begin to appear in them [Greek inscriptions] which realize ancient history to us.


We can not realize it in thought, that the object . . . had really no being at any past moment.

Sir W. Hamilton.

3. To convert into real property; to make real estate of; as, to realize his fortune.

4. To acquire as an actual possession; to obtain as the result of plans and efforts; to gain; to get; as, to realize large profits from a speculation.

Knighthood was not beyond the reach of any man who could by diligent thrift realize a good estate.


5. To convert into actual money; as, to realize assets.

Re"al*ize, v. i. To convert any kind of property into money, especially property representing investments, as shares in stock companies, bonds, etc.

Wary men took the alarm, and began to realize, a word now first brought into use to express the conversion of ideal property into something real.

W. Irving.

Re"al*i`zer (-`zr), n. One who realizes. Coleridge.

Re"al*i`zing (-zng), a. Serving to make real, or to impress on the mind as a reality; as, a realizing view of the danger incurred. -- Re"al*i`zing*ly, adv.

Re`al*lege" (-l*lj"), v. t. To allege again. Cotgrave.

Re`al*li"ance (-l"ans), n. A renewed alliance.

Re"-al*ly" (-l"), v. t. [Pref. re- + ally, v. t.] To bring together again; to compose or form anew. Spenser.

Re"al*ly` (r"äl*l`), adv. Royally. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re"al*ly (r"al*l), adv. In a real manner; with or in reality; actually; in truth.

Whose anger is really but a short fit of madness.


Really is often used familiarly as a slight corroboration of an opinion or a declaration.

Why, really, sixty-five is somewhat old.


Realm (rlm), n. [OE. realme, ream, reaume, OF. reialme, roialme, F. royaume, fr. (assumed) LL. regalimen, from L. regalis royal. See Regal.] 1. A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom.

The absolute master of realms on which the sun perpetually shone.


2. Hence, in general, province; region; country; domain; department; division; as, the realm of fancy.

Realm"less, a. Destitute of a realm. Keats.

Re"al*ness (r"al*ns), n. The quality or condition of being real; reality.

Re"al*ty (-t), n. [OF. réalté, LL. regalitas, fr. L. regalis. See Regal.] 1. Royalty. [Obs.] Chaucer.

2. Loyalty; faithfulness. [R.] Milton.

Re"al*ty, n. [Contr. from 1st Reality.] 1. Reality. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.

2. (Law) (a) Immobility, or the fixed, permanent nature of real property; as, chattels which savor of the realty; -- so written in legal language for reality. (b) Real estate; a piece of real property. Blackstone.

Ream (rm), n. [AS. reám, akin to G. rahm.] Cream; also, the cream or froth on ale. [Scot.]

Ream, v. i. To cream; to mantle. [Scot.]

A huge pewter measuring pot which, in the language of the hostess, reamed with excellent claret.

Sir W. Scott.

Ream, v. t. [Cf. Reim.] To stretch out; to draw out into thongs, threads, or filaments.

Ream, n. [OE. reme, OF. rayme, F. rame (cf. Sp. resma), fr. Ar. rizma a bundle, especially of paper.] A bundle, package, or quantity of paper, usually consisting of twenty quires or 480 sheets.

Printer's ream, twenty-one and a half quires. [Eng.] A common practice is now to count five hundred sheets to the ream. Knight.

Ream, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reamed (rmd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reaming.] [Cf. G. räumen to remove, to clear away, fr. raum room. See Room.] To bevel out, as the mouth of a hole in wood or metal; in modern usage, to enlarge or dress out, as a hole, with a reamer.

Reame (rm), n. Realm. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ream"er (-r), n. One who, or that which, reams; specifically, an instrument with cutting or scraping edges, used, with a twisting motion, for enlarging a round hole, as the bore of a cannon, etc.

Re*am`pu*ta"tion (r*m`p*t"shn), n. (Surg.) The second of two amputations performed upon the same member.

Re*an"i*mate (r*n"*mt), v. t. To animate anew; to restore to animation or life; to infuse new life, vigor, spirit, or courage into; to revive; to reinvigorate; as, to reanimate a drowned person; to reanimate disheartened troops; to reanimate languid spirits. Glanvill.

Re*an`i*ma"tion (-m"shn), n. The act or operation of reanimating, or the state of being reanimated; reinvigoration; revival.

Re`an*nex" (r`n*nks"), v. t. To annex again or anew; to reunite. "To reannex that duchy." Bacon.

Re*an`nex*a"tion (-"shn), n. Act of reannexing.

Re*an"swer (r*n"sr), v. t. & i. To answer in return; to repay; to compensate; to make amends for.

Which in weight to reanswer, his pettiness would bow under.


Reap (rp), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reaped (rpt); p. pr. & vb. n. Reaping.] [OE. repen, AS. rpan to seize, reap; cf. D. rapen to glean, reap, G. raufen to pluck, Goth. raupjan, or E. ripe.] 1. To cut with a sickle, scythe, or reaping machine, as grain; to gather, as a harvest, by cutting.

When ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field.

Lev. xix. 9.

2. To gather; to obtain; to receive as a reward or harvest, or as the fruit of labor or of works; -- in a good or a bad sense; as, to reap a benefit from exertions.

Why do I humble thus myself, and, suing
For peace, reap nothing but repulse and hate?


3. To clear of a crop by reaping; as, to reap a field.

4. To deprive of the beard; to shave. [R.] Shak.

Reaping hook, an implement having a hook- shaped blade, used in reaping; a sickle; -- in a specific sense, distinguished from a sickle by a blade keen instead of serrated.

Reap, v. i. To perform the act or operation of reaping; to gather a harvest.

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

Ps. cxxvi. 5.

Reap, n. [Cf. AS. rp harvest. See Reap, v.] A bundle of grain; a handful of grain laid down by the reaper as it is cut. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Wright.

Reap"er (rp"r), n. 1. One who reaps.

The sun-burned reapers wiping their foreheads.


2. A reaping machine.

Re`ap*par"el (r`p*pr"l), v. t. To clothe again.

Re`ap*pear" (r`p*pr"), v. i. To appear again.

Re`ap*pear"ance (-ans), n. A second or new appearance; the act or state of appearing again.

Re*ap`pli*ca"tion (r*p`pl*k"shn), n. The act of reapplying, or the state of being reapplied.

Re`ap*ply" (r`p*pl"), v. t. & i. To apply again.

Re`ap*point" (-point"), v. t. To appoint again.

Re`ap*point"ment (-ment), n. The act of reappointing, or the state of being reappointed.

Re`ap*por"tion (-pr"shn), v. t. To apportion again.

Re`ap*por"tion*ment (-ment), n. A second or a new apportionment.

Re`ap*proach" (r`p*prch"), v. i. & t. To approach again or anew.

Rear (rr), adv. Early; soon. [Prov. Eng.]

Then why does Cuddy leave his cot so rear?


Rear, n. [OF. riere behind, backward, fr. L. retro. Cf. Arrear.] 1. The back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last in order; -- opposed to front.

Nipped with the lagging rear of winter's frost.


2. Specifically, the part of an army or fleet which comes last, or is stationed behind the rest.

When the fierce foe hung on our broken rear.


Rear, a. Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company.

Rear admiral, an officer in the navy, next in rank below a vice admiral and above a commodore. See Admiral. -- Rear front (Mil.), the rear rank of a body of troops when faced about and standing in that position. -- Rear guard (Mil.), the division of an army that marches in the rear of the main body to protect it; -- used also figuratively. -- Rear line (Mil.), the line in the rear of an army. -- Rear rank (Mil.), the rank or line of a body of troops which is in the rear, or last in order. -- Rear sight (Firearms), the sight nearest the breech. -- To bring up the rear, to come last or behind.

Rear (rr), v. t. To place in the rear; to secure the rear of. [R.]

Rear, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reared (rrd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rearing.] [AS. rran to raise, rear, elevate, for rsan, causative of rsan to rise. See Rise, and cf. Raise.] 1. To raise; to lift up; to cause to rise, become erect, etc.; to elevate; as, to rear a monolith.

In adoration at his feet I fell
Submiss; he reared me.


It reareth our hearts from vain thoughts.


Mine [shall be] the first hand to rear her banner.

Ld. Lytton.

2. To erect by building; to set up; to construct; as, to rear defenses or houses; to rear one government on the ruins of another.

One reared a font of stone.


3. To lift and take up. [Obs. or R.]

And having her from Trompart lightly reared,
Upon his courser set the lovely load.


4. To bring up to maturity, as young; to educate; to instruct; to foster; as, to rear offspring.

He wants a father to protect his youth,
And rear him up to virtue.


5. To breed and raise; as, to rear cattle.

6. To rouse; to stir up. [Obs.]

And seeks the tusky boar to rear.


Syn. -- To lift; elevate; erect; raise; build; establish. See the Note under Raise, 3 (c).

Rear, v. i. To rise up on the hind legs, as a horse; to become erect.

Rearing bit, a bit designed to prevent a horse from lifting his head when rearing. Knight.

{ Rear"dorse (-dôrs), Rear"doss (- ds) }, n. A reredos.

Rear"er (rr"r), n. One who, or that which, rears.

Re*ar"gue (r*är"g), v. t. To argue anew or again.

Re*ar"gu*ment (-g*ment), n. An arguing over again, as of a motion made in court.

Rear"-horse` (rr"hôrs`), n. [So called because it rears up when disturbed.] (Zoöl.) A mantis.

Rear"ly, adv. Early. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.

Rear"most` (-mst`), a. Farthest in the rear; last.

{ Rear"mouse`, Rere"mouse` (-mous`) }, n. [AS. hrrems; probably fr. hrran to agitate, stir (akin to G. rühren, Icel. hræra) + ms mouse.] (Zoöl.) The leather-winged bat (Vespertilio murinus). [Written also reermouse.]

Re`ar*range" (r`r*rnj"), v. t. To arrange again; to arrange in a different way.

Re`ar*range"ment (-ment), n. The act of rearranging, or the state of being rearranged.

Rear"ward` (rr"wrd`), n. [Rear + ward.] The last troop; the rear of an army; a rear guard. Also used figuratively. Shak.

Rear"ward (-wrd), a. & adv. At or toward the rear.

Re`as*cend" (r`s*snd"), v. i. To rise, mount, or climb again.

Re`as*cend", v. t. To ascend or mount again; to reach by ascending again.

He mounts aloft, and reascends the skies.


Re`as*cen"sion (-sn"shn), n. The act of reascending; a remounting.

Re`as*cent" (-snt"), n. A returning ascent or ascension; acclivity. Cowper.

Rea"son (r"z'n), n. [OE. resoun, F. raison, fr. L. ratio (akin to Goth. raþj number, account, garaþjan to count, G. rede speech, reden to speak), fr. reri, ratus, to reckon, believe, think. Cf. Arraign, Rate, Ratio, Ration.] 1. A thought or a consideration offered in support of a determination or an opinion; a just ground for a conclusion or an action; that which is offered or accepted as an explanation; the efficient cause of an occurrence or a phenomenon; a motive for an action or a determination; proof, more or less decisive, for an opinion or a conclusion; principle; efficient cause; final cause; ground of argument.

I 'll give him reasons for it.


The reason of the motion of the balance in a wheel watch is by the motion of the next wheel.

Sir M. Hale.

This reason did the ancient fathers render, why the church was called "catholic."

Bp. Pearson.

Virtue and vice are not arbitrary things; but there is a natural and eternal reason for that goodness and virtue, and against vice and wickedness.


2. The faculty or capacity of the human mind by which it is distinguished from the intelligence of the inferior animals; the higher as distinguished from the lower cognitive faculties, sense, imagination, and memory, and in contrast to the feelings and desires. Reason comprises conception, judgment, reasoning, and the intuitional faculty. Specifically, it is the intuitional faculty, or the faculty of first truths, as distinguished from the understanding, which is called the discursive or ratiocinative faculty.

We have no other faculties of perceiving or knowing anything divine or human, but by our five senses and our reason.

P. Browne.

In common and popular discourse, reason denotes that power by which we distinguish truth from falsehood, and right from wrong, and by which we are enabled to combine means for the attainment of particular ends.


Reason is used sometimes to express the whole of those powers which elevate man above the brutes, and constitute his rational nature, more especially, perhaps, his intellectual powers; sometimes to express the power of deduction or argumentation.


By the pure reason I mean the power by which we become possessed of principles.


The sense perceives; the understanding, in its own peculiar operation, conceives; the reason, or rationalized understanding, comprehends.


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3. Due exercise of the reasoning faculty; accordance with, or that which is accordant with and ratified by, the mind rightly exercised; right intellectual judgment; clear and fair deductions from true principles; that which is dictated or supported by the common sense of mankind; right conduct; right; propriety; justice.

I was promised, on a time,
To have reason for my rhyme.


But law in a free nation hath been ever public reason; the enacted reason of a parliament, which he denying to enact, denies to govern us by that which ought to be our law; interposing his own private reason, which to us is no law.


The most probable way of bringing France to reason would be by the making an attempt on the Spanish West Indies.


4. (Math.) Ratio; proportion. [Obs.] Barrow.

By reason of, by means of; on account of; because of. "Spain is thin sown of people, partly by reason of the sterility of the soil." Bacon. -- In reason, In all reason, in justice; with rational ground; in a right view.

When anything is proved by as good arguments as a thing of that kind is capable of, we ought not, in reason, to doubt of its existence.


-- It is reason, it is reasonable; it is right. [Obs.]

Yet it were great reason, that those that have children should have greatest care of future times.


Syn. -- Motive; argument; ground; consideration; principle; sake; account; object; purpose; design. See Motive, Sense.

Rea"son (r"z'n), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reasoned (-z'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reasoning.] [Cf. F. raisonner. See Reason, n.] 1. To exercise the rational faculty; to deduce inferences from premises; to perform the process of deduction or of induction; to ratiocinate; to reach conclusions by a systematic comparison of facts.

2. Hence: To carry on a process of deduction or of induction, in order to convince or to confute; to formulate and set forth propositions and the inferences from them; to argue.

Stand still, that I may reason with you, before the Lord, of all the righteous acts of the Lord.

1 Sam. xii. 7.

3. To converse; to compare opinions. Shak.

Rea"son, v. t. 1. To arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine or discuss by arguments; to debate or discuss; as, I reasoned the matter with my friend.

When they are clearly discovered, well digested, and well reasoned in every part, there is beauty in such a theory.

T. Burnet.

2. To support with reasons, as a request. [R.] Shak.

3. To persuade by reasoning or argument; as, to reason one into a belief; to reason one out of his plan.

Men that will not be reasoned into their senses.


4. To overcome or conquer by adducing reasons; -- with down; as, to reason down a passion.

5. To find by logical processes; to explain or justify by reason or argument; -- usually with out; as, to reason out the causes of the librations of the moon.

Rea"son*a*ble (-*b'l), a. [OE. resonable, F. raisonnable, fr. L. rationabilis. See Reason, n.] 1. Having the faculty of reason; endued with reason; rational; as, a reasonable being.

2. Governed by reason; being under the influence of reason; thinking, speaking, or acting rationally, or according to the dictates of reason; agreeable to reason; just; rational; as, the measure must satisfy all reasonable men.

By indubitable certainty, I mean that which doth not admit of any reasonable cause of doubting.

Bp. Wilkins.

Men have no right to what is not reasonable.


3. Not excessive or immoderate; within due limits; proper; as, a reasonable demand, amount, price.

Let . . . all things be thought upon
That may, with reasonable swiftness, add
More feathers to our wings.


Syn. -- Rational; just; honest; equitable; fair; suitable; moderate; tolerable. See Rational.

Rea"son*a*ble, adv. Reasonably; tolerably. [Obs.]

I have a reasonable good ear in music.


Rea"son*a*ble*ness, n. Quality of being reasonable.

Rea"son*a*bly, adv. 1. In a reasonable manner.

2. Moderately; tolerably. "Reasonably perfect in the language." Holder.

Rea"son*er (-r), n. One who reasons or argues; as, a fair reasoner; a close reasoner; a logical reasoner.

Rea"son*ing, n. 1. The act or process of adducing a reason or reasons; manner of presenting one's reasons.

2. That which is offered in argument; proofs or reasons when arranged and developed; course of argument.

His reasoning was sufficiently profound.


Syn. -- Argumentation; argument. -- Reasoning, Argumentation. Few words are more interchanged than these; and yet, technically, there is a difference between them. Reasoning is the broader term, including both deduction and induction. Argumentation denotes simply the former, and descends from the whole to some included part; while reasoning embraces also the latter, and ascends from the parts to a whole. See Induction. Reasoning is occupied with ideas and their relations; argumentation has to do with the forms of logic. A thesis is set down: you attack, I defend it; you insist, I reply; you deny, I prove; you distinguish, I destroy your distinctions; my replies balance or overturn your objections. Such is argumentation. It supposes that there are two sides, and that both agree to the same rules. Reasoning, on the other hand, is often a natural process, by which we form, from the general analogy of nature, or special presumptions in the case, conclusions which have greater or less degrees of force, and which may be strengthened or weakened by subsequent experience.

Rea"son*ist, n. A rationalist. [Obs.]

Such persons are now commonly called "reasonists" and "rationalists," to distinguish them from true reasoners and rational inquirers.


Rea"son*less, a. 1. Destitute of reason; as, a reasonless man or mind. Shak.

2. Void of reason; not warranted or supported by reason; unreasonable.

This proffer is absurd and reasonless.


Re`as*sem"blage (r`s*sm"blj), n. Assemblage a second time or again.

Re`as*sem"ble (-b'l), v. t. & i. To assemble again.

Re`as*sert" (-srt"), v. t. To assert again or anew; to maintain after an omission to do so.

Let us hope . . . we may have a body of authors who will reassert our claim to respectability in literature.


Re`as*ser"tion (-sr"shn), n. A second or renewed assertion of the same thing.

Re`as*sess"ment (-ss"ment), n. A renewed or second assessment.

Re`as*sign" (-sn"), v. t. To assign back or again; to transfer back what has been assigned.

Re`as*sign"ment (-ment), n. The act of reassigning.

Re`as*sim"i*late (-sm"*lt), v. t. & i. To assimilate again. -- Re`as*sim`i*la"tion (-l"shn), n.

Re`as*so"ci*ate (-s"sh*t), v. t. & i. To associate again; to bring again into close relations.

Re`as*sume" (-sm"), v. t. To assume again or anew; to resume. -- Re`as*sump"tion (- smp"shn), n.

Re`as*sur"ance (r`*shr"ans), n. 1. Assurance or confirmation renewed or repeated. Prynne.

2. (Law) Same as Reinsurance.

Re`as*sure" (r`*shr"), v. t. 1. To assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or terror.

They rose with fear, . . .
Till dauntless Pallas reassured the rest.


2. To reinsure.

Re`as*sur"er (-r), n. One who reassures.

Reas"ty (rs"t), a. [Etymol. uncertain.] Rusty and rancid; -- applied to salt meat. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Tusser. -- Reas"ti*ness (-t*ns), n. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

||Re*a"ta (r*ä"t), n. [Sp.] A lariat.

Re`at*tach" (r`t*tch"), v. t. To attach again.

Re`at*tach"ment (-ment), n. The act of reattaching; a second attachment.

Re`at*tain" (-tn"), v. t. To attain again.

Re`at*tain"ment (-ment), n. The act of reattaining.

Re`at*tempt" (-tmt"; 215), v. t. To attempt again.

Re"aume (r"m), n. Realm. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ré`au`mur" (r``mr"), a. Of or pertaining to René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur; conformed to the scale adopted by Réaumur in graduating the thermometer he invented. -- n. A Réaumur thermometer or scale.

The Réaumur thermometer is so graduated that 0° marks the freezing point and 80° the boiling point of water. Frequently indicated by R. Cf. Centigrade, and Fahrenheit. See Illust. of Thermometer.

Reave (rv), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reaved (rvd), Reft (rft), or Raft (rft) (obs.); p. pr. & vb. n. Reaving.] [AS. reáfian, from reáf spoil, plunder, clothing, reófan to break (cf. bireófan to deprive of); akin to G. rauben to rob, Icel. raufa to rob, rjfa to break, violate, Goth. biráubn to despoil, L. rumpere to break; cf. Skr. lup to break. √114. Cf. Bereave, Rob, v. t., Robe, Rove, v. i., Rupture.] To take away by violence or by stealth; to snatch away; to rob; to despoil; to bereave. [Archaic] "To reave his life." Spenser.

He golden apples raft of the dragon.


If the wooers reave
By privy stratagem my life at home.


To reave the orphan of his patrimony.


The heathen caught and reft him of his tongue.


Reav"er (rv"r), n. One who reaves. [Archaic]

Re`a*wake" (r`*wk"), v. i. To awake again.

Re*ban"ish (r*bn"sh), v. t. To banish again.

Re*bap"tism (r*bp"tz'm), n. A second baptism.

Re*bap`ti*za"tion (-t*z"shn), n. [Cf. F. rebaptisation.] A second baptism. [Obs.] Hooker.

Re`bap*tize" (r`bp*tz"), v. t. [Pref. re- + baptize: cf. F. rebaptiser, L. rebaptizare.] To baptize again or a second time.

Re`bap*tiz"er (-tz"r), n. One who rebaptizes.

Re*bar"ba*rize (r*bär"b*rz), v. t. To reduce again to barbarism. -- Re*bar`ba*ri*za"tion (-r*z"shn), n.

Germany . . . rebarbarized by polemical theology and religious wars.

Sir W. Hamilton.

Re*bate" (r*bt"), v. t. [F. rebattre to beat again; pref. re- re- + battre to beat, L. batuere to beat, strike. See Abate.] 1. To beat to obtuseness; to deprive of keenness; to blunt; to turn back the point of, as a lance used for exercise.

But doth rebate and blunt his natural edge.


2. To deduct from; to make a discount from, as interest due, or customs duties. Blount.

Rebated cross, a cross which has the extremities of the arms bent back at right angles, as in the fylfot.

Re*bate", v. i. To abate; to withdraw. [Obs.] Foxe.

Re*bate", n. 1. Diminution.

2. (Com.) Deduction; abatement; as, a rebate of interest for immediate payment; a rebate of importation duties. Bouvier.

Re*bate", n. [See Rabbet.] 1. (Arch.) A rectangular longitudinal recess or groove, cut in the corner or edge of any body; a rabbet. See Rabbet.

2. A piece of wood hafted into a long stick, and serving to beat out mortar. Elmes.

3. An iron tool sharpened something like a chisel, and used for dressing and polishing wood. Elmes.

4. [Perhaps a different word.] A kind of hard freestone used in making pavements. [R.] Elmes.

Re*bate", v. t. To cut a rebate in. See Rabbet, v.

Re*bate"ment (-ment), n. [Cf. OF. rabatement, fr. rabatre to diminish, F. rabattre.] Same as 3d Rebate.

Re*ba"to (r*b"t), n. Same as Rabato. Burton.

Re"bec (r"bk), n. [F., fr. It. ribeca, ribeba, fr. Ar. rabb a musical instrument of a round form.] 1. (Mus.) An instrument formerly used which somewhat resembled the violin, having three strings, and being played with a bow. [Written also rebeck.] Milton.

He turn'd his rebec to a mournful note.


2. A contemptuous term applied to an old woman. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Reb"el (rb"l), a. [F. rebelle, fr. L. rebellis. See Rebel, v. i.] Pertaining to rebels or rebellion; acting in revolt; rebellious; as, rebel troops.

Whoso be rebel to my judgment.


Convict by flight, and rebel to all law.


Reb"el, n. [F. rebelle.] One who rebels.

Syn. -- Revolter; insurgent. -- Rebel, Insurgent. Insurgent marks an early, and rebel a more advanced, stage of opposition to government. The former rises up against his rulers, the latter makes war upon them.

Re*bel" (r*bl"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rebelled (-bld); p. pr. & vb. n. Rebelling.] [F. rebeller, fr. L. rebellare to make war again; pref. re- again + bellare to make war, fr. bellum war. See Bellicose, and cf. Revel to carouse.] 1. To renounce, and resist by force, the authority of the ruler or government to which one owes obedience. See Rebellion.

The murmur and the churls' rebelling.


Ye have builded you an altar, that ye might rebel this day against the Lord.

Josh. xxii. 16.

2. To be disobedient to authority; to assume a hostile or insubordinate attitude; to revolt.

How could my hand rebel against my heart?
How could your heart rebel against your reason?


Reb"el*dom (rb"l*dm), n. A region infested by rebels; rebels, considered collectively; also, conduct or quality characteristic of rebels. Thackeray.

Re*bel"ler (r*bl"lr), n. One who rebels; a rebel.

Re*bel"lion (r*bl"yn), n. [F. rébellion, L. rebellio. See Rebel, v. i. Among the Romans rebellion was originally a revolt or open resistance to their government by nations that had been subdued in war. It was a renewed war.] 1. The act of rebelling; open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government to which one owes obedience, and resistance to its officers and laws, either by levying war, or by aiding others to do so; an organized uprising of subjects for the purpose of coercing or overthrowing their lawful ruler or government by force; revolt; insurrection.

No sooner is the standard of rebellion displayed than men of desperate principles resort to it.


2. Open resistance to, or defiance of, lawful authority.

Commission of rebellion (Eng. Law), a process of contempt issued on the nonappearance of a defendant, -- now abolished. Wharton. Burrill.

Syn. -- Insurrection; sedition; revolt; mutiny; resistance; contumacy. See Insurrection.

Re*bel"lious (r*bl"ys), a. Engaged in rebellion; disposed to rebel; of the nature of rebels or of rebellion; resisting government or lawful authority by force. "Thy rebellious crew." "Proud rebellious arms." Milton. -- Re*bel"lious*ly, adv. -- Re*bel"lious*ness, n.

Re*bel"low (r*bl"l), v. i. To bellow again; to repeat or echo a bellow.

The cave rebellowed, and the temple shook.


Re*bit"ing (r*bt"ng), n. (Etching) The act or process of deepening worn lines in an etched plate by submitting it again to the action of acid. Fairholt.

Re*bloom" (r*blm"), v. i. To bloom again. Crabbe.

Re*blos"som (r*bls"sm), v. i. To blossom again.

Re*bo"ant (r*b"ant), a. [L. reboans, p. pr. of reboare; pref. re- re- + boare to cry aloud.] Rebellowing; resounding loudly. [R.] Mrs. Browning.

Re`bo*a"tion (r`b*"shn), n. Repetition of a bellow. [R.] Bp. Patrick.

Re*boil" (r*boil"), v. t. & i. [Pref. re- + boil: cf. F. rebouillir.] 1. To boil, or to cause to boil, again.

2. Fig.: To make or to become hot. [Obs.]

Some of his companions thereat reboyleth.

Sir T. Elyot.

Re*born" (r*bôrn"), p. p. Born again.

Re*bound" (r*bound"), v. i. [Pref. re- + bound: cf. F. rebondir.] 1. To spring back; to start back; to be sent back or reverberated by elastic force on collision with another body; as, a rebounding echo.

Bodies which are absolutely hard, or so soft as to be void of elasticity, will not rebound from one another.

Sir I. Newton.

2. To give back an echo. [R.] T. Warton.

3. To bound again or repeatedly, as a horse. Pope.

Rebounding lock (Firearms), one in which the hammer rebounds to half cock after striking the cap or primer.

Re*bound", v. t. To send back; to reverberate.

Silenus sung; the vales his voice rebound.


Re*bound", n. The act of rebounding; resilience.

Flew . . . back, as from a rock, with swift rebound.


Re*brace" (r*brs"), v. t. To brace again. Gray.

Re*breathe" (r*brth"), v. t. To breathe again.

Re*bu"cous (r*b"ks), a. Rebuking. [Obs.]

She gave unto him many rebucous words.


Re*buff" (r*bf"), n. [It. ribuffo, akin to ribuffare to repulse; pref. ri- (L. re-) + buffo puff. Cf. Buff to strike, Buffet a blow.] 1. Repercussion, or beating back; a quick and sudden resistance.

The strong rebuff of some tumultuous cloud.


2. Sudden check; unexpected repulse; defeat; refusal; repellence; rejection of solicitation.

Re*buff", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rebuffed (r*bft"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rebuffing.] To beat back; to offer sudden resistance to; to check; to repel or repulse violently, harshly, or uncourteously.

Re*build" (r*bld"), v. t. To build again, as something which has been demolished; to construct anew; as, to rebuild a house, a wall, a wharf, or a city.

Re*build"er (-r), n. One who rebuilds. Bp. Bull.

Re*buk"a*ble (r*bk"*b'l), a. Worthy of rebuke or reprehension; reprehensible. Shak.

Re*buke" (r*bk"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rebuked (-bkt"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rebuking.] [OF. rebouquier to dull, blunt, F. reboucher; perhaps fr. pref. re- re- + bouche mouth, OF. also bouque, L. bucca cheek; if so, the original sense was, to stop the mouth of; hence, to stop, obstruct.] To check, silence, or put down, with reproof; to restrain by expression of disapprobation; to reprehend sharply and summarily; to chide; to reprove; to admonish.

The proud he tamed, the penitent he cheered,
Nor to rebuke the rich offender feared.


Syn. -- To reprove; chide; check; chasten; restrain; silence. See Reprove.

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Re*buke" (r*bk"), n. 1. A direct and pointed reproof; a reprimand; also, chastisement; punishment.

For thy sake I have suffered rebuke.

Jer. xv. 15.

Why bear you these rebukes and answer not?


2. Check; rebuff. [Obs.] L'Estrange.

To be without rebuke, to live without giving cause of reproof or censure; to be blameless.

Re*buke"ful (-fl), a. Containing rebuke; of the nature of rebuke. [Obs.] -- Re*buke"ful*ly, adv. [Obs.]

Re*buk"er (-bk"r), n. One who rebukes.

Re*buk"ing*ly, adv. By way of rebuke.

Re`bul*li"tion (r`bl*lsh"n), n. The act of boiling up or effervescing. [R.] Sir H. Wotton.

Re*bur"y (r*br"r), v. t. To bury again. Ashmole.

Re"bus (r"bs), n.; pl. Rebuses (-z). [L. rebus by things, abl. pl. of res a thing: cf. F. rébus. Cf. 3d Real.] 1. A mode of expressing words and phrases by pictures of objects whose names resemble those words, or the syllables of which they are composed; enigmatical representation of words by figures; hence, a peculiar form of riddle made up of such representations.

A gallant, in love with a woman named Rose Hill, had, embroidered on his gown, a rose, a hill, an eye, a loaf, and a well, signifying, Rose Hill I love well.

2. (Her.) A pictorial suggestion on a coat of arms of the name of the person to whom it belongs. See Canting arms, under Canting.

Re"bus, v. t. To mark or indicate by a rebus.

He [John Morton] had a fair library rebused with More in text and Tun under it.


Re*but" (r*bt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rebutted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rebutting.] [OF. rebouter to repulse, drive back; pref. re- + bouter to push, thrust. See 1st Butt, Boutade.] 1. To drive or beat back; to repulse.

Who him, rencount'ring fierce, as hawk in flight,
Perforce rebutted back.


2. (Law) To contradict, meet, or oppose by argument, plea, or countervailing proof. Abbott.

Re*but", v. i. 1. To retire; to recoil. [Obs.] Spenser.

2. (Law) To make, or put in, an answer, as to a plaintiff's surrejoinder.

The plaintiff may answer the rejoinder by a surrejoinder; on which the defendant may rebut.


Re*but"ta*ble (-t*b'l), a. Capable of being rebutted.

Re*but"tal (-bt"tal), n. (Law) The giving of evidence on the part of a plaintiff to destroy the effect of evidence introduced by the defendant in the same suit.

Re*but"ter (-tr), n. (Law) The answer of a defendant in matter of fact to a plaintiff's surrejoinder.

Re*ca"den*cy (r*k"den*s), n. A falling back or descending a second time; a relapse. W. Montagu.

Re*cal"ci*trant (r*kl"s*trant), a. [L. recalcitrans, p. pr. of recalcitrare to kick back; pref. re- re- + calcitrare to kick, fr. calx heel. Cf. Inculcate.] Kicking back; recalcitrating; hence, showing repugnance or opposition; refractory.

Re*cal"ci*trate (-trt), v. t. To kick against; to show repugnance to; to rebuff.

The more heartily did one disdain his disdain, and recalcitrate his tricks.

De Quincey.

Re*cal"ci*trate, v. i. To kick back; to kick against anything; hence, to express repugnance or opposition.

Re*cal`ci*tra"tion (-tr"shn), n. A kicking back again; opposition; repugnance; refractoriness.

Re*call" (r*kl"), v. t. 1. To call back; to summon to return; as, to recall troops; to recall an ambassador.

If Henry were recalled to life again.


2. To revoke; to annul by a subsequent act; to take back; to withdraw; as, to recall words, or a decree.

Passed sentence may not be recall'd.


3. To call back to mind; to revive in memory; to recollect; to remember; as, to recall bygone days.

Re*call", n. 1. A calling back; a revocation.

'T is done, and since 't is done, 't is past recall.


2. (Mil.) A call on the trumpet, bugle, or drum, by which soldiers are recalled from duty, labor, etc. Wilhelm.

Re*call"a*ble (-*b'l), a. Capable of being recalled.

Re*call"ment (-ment), n. Recall. [R.] R. Browning.

Re*cant" (r*knt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Recanting.] [L. recantare, recantatum, to recall, recant; pref. re- re- + cantare to sing, to sound. See 3d Cant, Chant.] To withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly (opinions formerly expressed); to contradict, as a former declaration; to take back openly; to retract; to recall.

How soon . . . ease would recant
Vows made in pain, as violent and void!


Syn. -- To retract; recall; revoke; abjure; disown; disavow. See Renounce.

Re*cant", v. i. To revoke a declaration or proposition; to unsay what has been said; to retract; as, convince me that I am wrong, and I will recant. Dryden.

Re`can*ta"tion (r`kn*t"shn), n. The act of recanting; a declaration that contradicts a former one; that which is thus asserted in contradiction; retraction.

The poor man was imprisoned for this discovery, and forced to make a public recantation.

Bp. Stillingfleet.

Re*cant"er (r*knt"r), n. One who recants.

Re`ca*pac"i*tate (r`k*ps"*tt), v. t. To qualify again; to confer capacity on again. Atterbury.

Re*ca*pit"u*late (-pt"*lt), v. t. [L. recapitulare, recapitulatum; pref. re- re- + capitulum a small head, chapter, section. See Capitulate.] To repeat, as the principal points in a discourse, argument, or essay; to give a summary of the principal facts, points, or arguments of; to relate in brief; to summarize.

Re`ca*pit"u*late (r`k*pt"*lt), v. i. To sum up, or enumerate by heads or topics, what has been previously said; to repeat briefly the substance.

Re`ca*pit`u*la"tion (-l"shn), n. [LL. recapitulatio: cf. F. recapitulation.] The act of recapitulating; a summary, or concise statement or enumeration, of the principal points, facts, or statements, in a preceding discourse, argument, or essay.

Re`ca*pit"u*la`tor (- pt"*l`tr), n. One who recapitulates.

Re`ca*pit"u*la*to*ry (-l*t*r), a. Of the nature of a recapitulation; containing recapitulation.

Re*cap"per (r*kp"pr), n. (Firearms) A tool used for applying a fresh percussion cap or primer to a cartridge shell in reloading it.

Re*cap"tion (r*kp"shn), n. (Law) The act of retaking, as of one who has escaped after arrest; reprisal; the retaking of one's own goods, chattels, wife, or children, without force or violence, from one who has taken them and who wrongfully detains them. Blackstone.

Writ of recaption (Law), a writ to recover damages for him whose goods, being distrained for rent or service, are distrained again for the same cause. Wharton.

Re*cap"tor (-tr), n. One who recaptures; one who takes a prize which had been previously taken.

Re*cap"ture (-tr; 135), n. 1. The act of retaking or recovering by capture; especially, the retaking of a prize or goods from a captor.

2. That which is captured back; a prize retaken.

Re*cap"ture, v. t. To capture again; to retake.

Re*car"bon*ize (r*kär"bn*z), v. t. (Metal.) To restore carbon to; as, to recarbonize iron in converting it into steel.

Re*car"ni*fy (-n*f), v. t. To convert again into flesh. [Obs.] Howell.

Re*car"riage (r*kr"rj), n. Act of carrying back.

Re*car"ry (-r), v. t. To carry back. Walton.

Re*cast" (r*kst"), v. t. 1. To throw again. Florio.

2. To mold anew; to cast anew; to throw into a new form or shape; to reconstruct; as, to recast cannon; to recast an argument or a play.

3. To compute, or cast up, a second time.

Rec"che (rk"ke), v. i. To reck. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rec"che*les (-ls), a. Reckless. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*cede" (r*sd"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Receded; p. pr. & vb. n. Receding.] [L. recedere, recessum; pref. re- re- + cedere to go, to go along: cf. F. recéder. See Cede.] 1. To move back; to retreat; to withdraw.

Like the hollow roar
Of tides receding from the insulted shore.


All bodies moved circularly endeavor to recede from the center.


2. To withdraw a claim or pretension; to desist; to relinquish what had been proposed or asserted; as, to recede from a demand or proposition.

Syn. -- To retire; retreat; return; retrograde; withdraw; desist.

Re*cede" (r*sd"), v. t. [Pref. re- + cede. Cf. Recede, v. i.] To cede back; to grant or yield again to a former possessor; as, to recede conquered territory.

Re*ceipt" (r*st"), n. [OE. receite, OF. recete, recepte, F. recette, fr. L. recipere, receptum, to receive. See Receive.] 1. The act of receiving; reception. "At the receipt of your letter." Shak.

2. Reception, as an act of hospitality. [Obs.]

Thy kind receipt of me.


3. Capability of receiving; capacity. [Obs.]

It has become a place of great receipt.


4. Place of receiving. [Obs.]

He saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom.

Matt. ix. 9.

5. Hence, a recess; a retired place. [Obs.] "In a retired receipt together lay." Chapman.

6. A formulary according to the directions of which things are to be taken or combined; a recipe; as, a receipt for making sponge cake.

She had a receipt to make white hair black.

Sir T. Browne.

7. A writing acknowledging the taking or receiving of goods delivered; an acknowledgment of money paid.

8. That which is received; that which comes in, in distinction from what is expended, paid out, sent away, and the like; -- usually in the plural; as, the receipts amounted to a thousand dollars.

Gross receipts. See under Gross, a.

Re*ceipt", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Receipted; p. pr. & vb. n. Receipting.] 1. To give a receipt for; as, to receipt goods delivered by a sheriff.

2. To put a receipt on, as by writing or stamping; as, to receipt a bill.

Re*ceipt", v. i. To give a receipt, as for money paid.

Re*ceipt"ment (-ment), n. (O. Eng. Law) The receiving or harboring a felon knowingly, after the commission of a felony. Burrill.

Re*ceipt"or (-r), n. One who receipts; specifically (Law), one who receipts for property which has been taken by the sheriff.

Re*ceit" (r*st"), n. Receipt. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*ceiv`a*bil"i*ty (r*sv`*bl"*t), n. The quality of being receivable; receivableness.

Re*ceiv"a*ble (r*sv"*b'l), a. [Cf. F. recevable.] Capable of being received. -- Re*ceiv"a*ble*ness, n.

Bills receivable. See under 6th Bill.

Re*ceive" (r*sv"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Received (-svd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving.] [OF. receveir, recevoir, F. recevoir, fr. L. recipere; pref. re- re- + capere to take, seize. See Capable, Heave, and cf. Receipt, Reception, Recipe.] 1. To take, as something that is offered, given, committed, sent, paid, or the like; to accept; as, to receive money offered in payment of a debt; to receive a gift, a message, or a letter.

Receyven all in gree that God us sent.


2. Hence: To gain the knowledge of; to take into the mind by assent to; to give admission to; to accept, as an opinion, notion, etc.; to embrace.

Our hearts receive your warnings.


The idea of solidity we receive by our touch.


3. To allow, as a custom, tradition, or the like; to give credence or acceptance to.

Many other things there be which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots.

Mark vii. 4.

4. To give admittance to; to permit to enter, as into one's house, presence, company, and the like; as, to receive a lodger, visitor, ambassador, messenger, etc.

They kindled a fire, and received us every one.

Acts xxviii. 2.

5. To admit; to take in; to hold; to contain; to have capacity for; to be able to take in.

The brazen altar that was before the Lord was too little to receive the burnt offerings.

1 Kings viii. 64.

6. To be affected by something; to suffer; to be subjected to; as, to receive pleasure or pain; to receive a wound or a blow; to receive damage.

Against his will he can receive no harm.


7. To take from a thief, as goods known to be stolen.

8. (Lawn Tennis) To bat back (the ball) when served.

Receiving ship, one on board of which newly recruited sailors are received, and kept till drafted for service.

Syn. -- To accept; take; allow; hold; retain; admit. -- Receive, Accept. To receive describes simply the act of taking. To accept denotes the taking with approval, or for the purposes for which a thing is offered. Thus, we receive a letter when it comes to hand; we receive news when it reaches us; we accept a present when it is offered; we accept an invitation to dine with a friend.

Who, if we knew
What we receive, would either not accept
Life offered, or soon beg to lay it down.


Re*ceive" (r*sv"), v. i. 1. To receive visitors; to be at home to receive calls; as, she receives on Tuesdays.

2. (Lawn Tennis) To return, or bat back, the ball when served; as, it is your turn to receive.

Re*ceiv"ed*ness, n. The state or quality of being received, accepted, or current; as, the receivedness of an opinion. Boyle.

Re*ceiv"er (-r), n. [Cf. F. receveur.] 1. One who takes or receives in any manner.

2. (Law) A person appointed, ordinarily by a court, to receive, and hold in trust, money or other property which is the subject of litigation, pending the suit; a person appointed to take charge of the estate and effects of a corporation, and to do other acts necessary to winding up its affairs, in certain cases. Bouvier.

3. One who takes or buys stolen goods from a thief, knowing them to be stolen. Blackstone.

4. (Chem.) (a) A vessel connected with an alembic, a retort, or the like, for receiving and condensing the product of distillation. (b) A vessel for receiving and containing gases.

5. (Pneumatics) The glass vessel in which the vacuum is produced, and the objects of experiment are put, in experiments with an air pump. Cf. Bell jar, and see Illust. of Air pump.

6. (Steam Engine) (a) A vessel for receiving the exhaust steam from the high-pressure cylinder before it enters the low-pressure cylinder, in a compound engine. (b) A capacious vessel for receiving steam from a distant boiler, and supplying it dry to an engine.

7. That portion of a telephonic apparatus, or similar system, at which the message is received and made audible; -- opposed to transmitter.

Exhausted receiver (Physics), a receiver, as that used with the air pump, from which the air has been withdrawn; a vessel the interior of which is a more or less complete vacuum.

Re*ceiv"er*ship, n. The state or office of a receiver.

Re*cel"e*brate (r*sl"*brt), v. t. To celebrate again, or anew. -- Re*cel`e*bra"tion (-br"shn), n.

Re"cen*cy (r"sen*s), n. [LL. recentia, fr. L. recens. See Recent.] The state or quality of being recent; newness; new state; late origin; lateness in time; freshness; as, the recency of a transaction, of a wound, etc.

Re*cense" (r*sns"), v. t. [L. recensere; pref. re- again + censere to value, estimate: cf. F. recenser.] To review; to revise. [R.] Bentley.

Re*cen"sion (r*sn"shn), n. [L. recensio: cf. F. recension.] 1. The act of reviewing or revising; review; examination; enumeration. Barrow.

2. Specifically, the review of a text (as of an ancient author) by an editor; critical revisal and establishment.

3. The result of such a work; a text established by critical revision; an edited version.

Re*cen"sion*ist, n. One who makes recensions; specifically, a critical editor.

Re"cent (r"sent), a. [L. recens, -entis: cf. F. récent.] 1. Of late origin, existence, or occurrence; lately come; not of remote date, antiquated style, or the like; not already known, familiar, worn out, trite, etc.; fresh; novel; new; modern; as, recent news.

The ancients were of opinion, that a considerable portion of that country [Egypt] was recent, and formed out of the mud discharged into the neighboring sea by the Nile.


2. (Geol.) Of or pertaining to the present or existing epoch; as, recent shells.

Re*cen"ter (r*sn"tr), v. t. [Pref. re- + center.] To center again; to restore to the center. Coleridge.

Re"cent*ly (r"sent*l), adv. Newly; lately; freshly; not long since; as, advices recently received.

Re"cent*ness, n. Quality or state of being recent.

Re*cep"ta*cle (r*sp"t*k'l), n. [F. réceptacle, L. receptaculum, fr. receptare, v. intens. fr. recipere to receive. See Receive.] 1. That which serves, or is used, for receiving and containing something, as a basket, a vase, a bag, a reservoir; a repository.

O sacred receptacle of my joys!


2. (Bot.) (a) The apex of the flower stalk, from which the organs of the flower grow, or into which they are inserted. See Illust. of Flower, and Ovary. (b) The dilated apex of a pedicel which serves as a common support to a head of flowers. (c) An intercellular cavity containing oil or resin or other matters. (d) A special branch which bears the fructification in many cryptogamous plants.

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Rec`ep*tac"u*lar (rs`p*tk"*lr), a. [Cf. F. réceptaculaire.] (Bot.) Pertaining to the receptacle, or growing on it; as, the receptacular chaff or scales in the sunflower.

||Rec`ep*tac"u*lum (-lm), n.; pl. Receptacula (-l). [L.] (Anat.) A receptacle; as, the receptaculum of the chyle.

Rec"ep*ta*ry (rs"p*t*r), a. Generally or popularly admitted or received. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.

Rec"ep*ta*ry, n. That which is received. [Obs.] "Receptaries of philosophy." Sir T. Browne.

Re*cep`ti*bil"i*ty (r*sp`t*bl"*t), n. 1. The quality or state of being receptible; receivableness.

2. A receptible thing. [R.] Glanvill.

Re*cep"ti*ble (r*sp"t*b'l), a. [L. receptibilis.] Such as may be received; receivable.

Re*cep"tion (-shn), n. [F. réception, L. receptio, fr. recipere, receptum. See Receive.] 1. The act of receiving; receipt; admission; as, the reception of food into the stomach; the reception of a letter; the reception of sensation or ideas; reception of evidence.

2. The state of being received.

3. The act or manner of receiving, esp. of receiving visitors; entertainment; hence, an occasion or ceremony of receiving guests; as, a hearty reception; an elaborate reception.

What reception a poem may find.


4. Acceptance, as of an opinion or doctrine.

Philosophers who have quitted the popular doctrines of their countries have fallen into as extravagant opinions as even common reception countenanced.


5. A retaking; a recovery. [Obs.] Bacon.

Re*cep"tive (r*sp"tv), a. [Cf. F. réceptif. See Receive.] Having the quality of receiving; able or inclined to take in, absorb, hold, or contain; receiving or containing; as, a receptive mind.

Imaginary space is receptive of all bodies.


Re*cep"tive*ness, n. The quality of being receptive.

Rec`ep*tiv"i*ty (rs`p*tv"*t or r`sp- ), n. [Cf. F. réceptivité.] 1. The state or quality of being receptive.

2. (Kantian Philos.) The power or capacity of receiving impressions, as those of the external senses.

Re*cep"to*ry (r*sp"t*r; 277), n. [Cf. L. receptorium a place of shelter.] Receptacle. [Obs.] Holland.

Re*cess" (r*ss"), n. [L. recessus, fr. recedere, recessum. See Recede.] 1. A withdrawing or retiring; a moving back; retreat; as, the recess of the tides.

Every degree of ignorance being so far a recess and degradation from rationality.


My recess hath given them confidence that I may be conquered.

Eikon Basilike.

2. The state of being withdrawn; seclusion; privacy.

In the recess of the jury they are to consider the evidence.

Sir M. Hale.

Good verse recess and solitude requires.


3. Remission or suspension of business or procedure; intermission, as of a legislative body, court, or school.

The recess of . . . Parliament lasted six weeks.


4. Part of a room formed by the receding of the wall, as an alcove, niche, etc.

A bed which stood in a deep recess.

W. Irving.

5. A place of retirement, retreat, secrecy, or seclusion.

Departure from this happy place, our sweet
Recess, and only consolation left.


6. Secret or abstruse part; as, the difficulties and recesses of science. I. Watts.

7. (Bot. & Zoöl.) A sinus.

Re*cess", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recessed; p. pr. & vb. n. Recessing.] To make a recess in; as, to recess a wall.

Re*cess", n. [G.] A decree of the imperial diet of the old German empire. Brande & C.

Re*cessed" (r*sst"), a. 1. Having a recess or recesses; as, a recessed arch or wall.

2. Withdrawn; secluded. [R.] "Comfortably recessed from curious impertinents." Miss Edgeworth.

Recessed arch (Arch.), one of a series of arches constructed one within another so as to correspond with splayed jambs of a doorway, or the like.

Re*ces"sion (r*ssh"n), n. [L. recessio, fr. recedere, recessum. See Recede.] The act of receding or withdrawing, as from a place, a claim, or a demand. South.

Mercy may rejoice upon the recessions of justice.

Jer. Taylor.

Re*ces"sion, n. [Pref. re- + cession.] The act of ceding back; restoration; repeated cession; as, the recession of conquered territory to its former sovereign.

Re*ces"sion*al (-al), a. Of or pertaining to recession or withdrawal.

Recessional hymn, a hymn sung in a procession returning from the choir to the robing room.

Re*ces"sive (r*ss"sv), a. Going back; receding.

Re"chab*ite (r"kb*t), n. (Jewish Hist.) One of the descendants of Jonadab, the son of Rechab, all of whom by his injunction abstained from the use of intoxicating drinks and even from planting the vine. Jer. xxxv. 2-19. Also, in modern times, a member of a certain society of abstainers from alcoholic liquors.

Re*change" (r*chnj"), v. t. & i. To change again, or change back.

Re*charge" (r*chärj"), v. t. & i. [Pref. re- + charge: cf. F. recharger.] 1. To charge or accuse in return.

2. To attack again; to attack anew. Dryden.

Re*char"ter (r*chär"tr), n. A second charter; a renewal of a charter. D. Webster.

Re*char"ter, v. t. To charter again or anew; to grant a second or another charter to.

Re*chase" (r*chs"), v. t. [Pref. re- + chase: cf. F. rechasser.] To chase again; to chase or drive back.

Re*cheat" (r*cht"), n. [F. requêté, fr. requêter to hunt anew. See Request.] (Sporting) A strain given on the horn to call back the hounds when they have lost track of the game.

Re*cheat", v. i. To blow the recheat. Drayton.

||Re*cher`ché" (re*shâr`sh"), a. [F.] Sought out with care; choice. Hence: of rare quality, elegance, or attractiveness; peculiar and refined in kind.

Rech"less (rk"ls), a. Reckless. [Obs.] P. Plowman.

Re*choose" (r*chz"), v. t. To choose again.

Re*cid"i*vate (r*sd"*vt), v. i. [LL. recidivare. See Recidivous.] To backslide; to fall again. [Obs.]

Re*cid`i*va"tion (-v"shn), n. [LL. recidivatio.] A falling back; a backsliding. Hammond.

Re*cid"i*vous (r*sd"*vs), a. [L. recidivus, fr. recidere to fall back.] Tending or liable to backslide or relapse to a former condition or habit.

Rec"i*pe (rs"*p), n.; pl. Recipes (- pz). [L., imperative of recipere to take back, take in, receive. See Receive.] A formulary or prescription for making some combination, mixture, or preparation of materials; a receipt; especially, a prescription for medicine.

Re*cip"i*an`gle (r*sp"*`g'l), n. [L. recipere to take + angulus angle.] An instrument with two arms that are pivoted together at one end, and a graduated arc, -- used by military engineers for measuring and laying off angles of fortifications.

{ Re*cip"i*ence (r*sp"*ens), Re*cip"i*en*cy (-en*s), } n. The quality or state of being recipient; a receiving; reception; receptiveness.

Re*cip"i*ent (-ent), n. [L. recipiens, -entis, receiving, p. pr. of recipere to receive: cf. F. récipient. See Receive.] A receiver; the person or thing that receives; one to whom, or that to which, anything is given or communicated; specifically, the receiver of a still.

Re*cip"i*ent, a. Receiving; receptive.

Re*cip"ro*cal (-r*kal), a. [L. reciprocus; of unknown origin.] 1. Recurring in vicissitude; alternate.

2. Done by each to the other; interchanging or interchanged; given and received; due from each to each; mutual; as, reciprocal love; reciprocal duties.

Let our reciprocal vows be remembered.


3. Mutually interchangeable.

These two rules will render a definition reciprocal with the thing defined.

I. Watts.

4. (Gram.) Reflexive; -- applied to pronouns and verbs, but sometimes limited to such pronouns as express mutual action.

5. (Math.) Used to denote different kinds of mutual relation; often with reference to the substitution of reciprocals for given quantities. See the Phrases below.

Reciprocal equation (Math.), one which remains unchanged in form when the reciprocal of the unknown quantity is substituted for that quantity. -- Reciprocal figures (Geom.), two figures of the same kind (as triangles, parallelograms, prisms, etc.), so related that two sides of the one form the extremes of a proportion of which the means are the two corresponding sides of the other; in general, two figures so related that the first corresponds in some special way to the second, and the second corresponds in the same way to the first. -- Reciprocal proportion (Math.), a proportion such that, of four terms taken in order, the first has to the second the same ratio which the fourth has to the third, or the first has to the second the same ratio which the reciprocal of the third has to the reciprocal of the fourth. Thus, 2:5: :20:8 form a reciprocal proportion, because 2:5: :1/20:1/8. -- Reciprocal quantities (Math.), any two quantities which produce unity when multiplied together. -- Reciprocal ratio (Math.), the ratio between the reciprocals of two quantities; as, the reciprocal ratio of 4 to 9 is that of ¼ to . -- Reciprocal terms (Logic), those terms which have the same signification, and, consequently, are convertible, and may be used for each other.

Syn. -- Mutual; alternate. -- Reciprocal, Mutual. The distinctive idea of mutual is, that the parties unite by interchange in the same act; as, a mutual covenant; mutual affection, etc. The distinctive idea of reciprocal is, that one party acts by way of return or response to something previously done by the other party; as, a reciprocal kindness; reciprocal reproaches, etc. Love is reciprocal when the previous affection of one party has drawn forth the attachment of the other. To make it mutual in the strictest sense, the two parties should have fallen in love at the same time; but as the result is the same, the two words are here used interchangeably. The ebbing and flowing of the tide is a case where the action is reciprocal, but not mutual.

Re*cip"ro*cal, n. 1. That which is reciprocal to another thing.

Corruption is a reciprocal to generation.


2. (Arith. & Alg.) The quotient arising from dividing unity by any quantity; thus, ¼ is the reciprocal of 4; 1/(a +b) is the reciprocal of a + b. The reciprocal of a fraction is the fraction inverted, or the denominator divided by the numerator.

Re*cip`ro*cal"i*ty (-kl"*t), n. The quality or condition of being reciprocal; reciprocalness. [R.]

Re*cip"ro*cal*ly (r*sp"r*kal*l), adv. 1. In a reciprocal manner; so that each affects the other, and is equally affected by it; interchangeably; mutually.

These two particles do reciprocally affect each other with the same force.


2. (Math.) In the manner of reciprocals.

Reciprocally proportional (Arith. & Alg.), proportional, as two variable quantities, so that the one shall have a constant ratio to the reciprocal of the other.

Re*cip"ro*cal*ness (r*sp"r*kal*ns), n. The quality or condition of being reciprocal; mutual return; alternateness.

Re*cip"ro*cate (-kt), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reciprocated (- k`td); p. pr. & vb. n. Reciprocating.] [L. reciprocatus, p. p. of reciprocare. See Reciprocal.] To move forward and backward alternately; to recur in vicissitude; to act interchangeably; to alternate.

One brawny smith the puffing bellows plies,
And draws and blows reciprocating air.


Reciprocating engine, a steam, air, or gas engine, etc., in which the piston moves back and forth; -- in distinction from a rotary engine, in which the piston travels continuously in one direction in a circular path. -- Reciprocating motion (Mech.), motion alternately backward and forward, or up and down, as of a piston rod.

Re*cip"ro*cate, v. t. To give and return mutually; to make return for; to give in return; to interchange; to alternate; as, to reciprocate favors. Cowper.

Re*cip`ro*ca"tion (-k"shn), n. [L. reciprocatio: cf. F. réciprocation.] 1. The act of reciprocating; interchange of acts; a mutual giving and returning; as, the reciprocation of kindnesses.

2. Alternate recurrence or action; as, the reciprocation of the sea in the flow and ebb of tides. Sir T. Browne.

Rec`i*proc"i*ty (rs`*prs"*t), n. [Cf. F. réciprocité. See Reciprocal.] 1. Mutual action and reaction.

2. Reciprocal advantages, obligations, or rights; reciprocation.

Reciprocity treaty, or Treaty of reciprocity, a treaty concluded between two countries, conferring equal privileges as regards customs or charges on imports, or in other respects.

Syn. -- Reciprocation; interchange; mutuality.

Re*cip`ro*cor"nous (r*sp`r*kôr"ns), a. [L. reciprocus returning, reciprocal + cornu horn.] (Zoöl.) Having horns turning backward and then forward, like those of a ram. [R.] Ash.

Re*cip"ro*cous (r*sp"r*ks), a. Reciprocal. [Obs.]

Rec"i*prok (rs"*prk), a. [F. réciproque, L. reciprocus.] Reciprocal. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Rec"i*proque (rs"*prk), a. & n. [F. réciproque.] Reciprocal. Bacon.

Re*ci"sion (r*szh"n), n. [L. recisio, fr. recidere, recisum, to cut off; pref. re- re- + caedere to cut.] The act of cutting off. Sherwood.

Re*cit"al (r*st"al), n. [From Recite.] 1. The act of reciting; the repetition of the words of another, or of a document; rehearsal; as, the recital of testimony.

2. A telling in detail and due order of the particulars of anything, as of a law, an adventure, or a series of events; narration. Addison.

3. That which is recited; a story; a narration.

4. (Mus.) A vocal or instrumental performance by one person; -- distinguished from concert; as, a song recital; an organ, piano, or violin recital.

5. (Law) The formal statement, or setting forth, of some matter of fact in any deed or writing in order to explain the reasons on which the transaction is founded; the statement of matter in pleading introductory to some positive allegation. Burn.

Syn. -- Account; rehearsal; recitation; narration; description; explanation; enumeration; detail; narrative. See Account.

Rec`i*ta"tion (rs`*t"shn), n. [L. recitatio: cf. F. récitation. See Recite.] 1. The act of reciting; rehearsal; repetition of words or sentences. Hammond.

2. The delivery before an audience of something committed to memory, especially as an elocutionary exhibition; also, that which is so delivered.

3. (Colleges and Schools) The rehearsal of a lesson by pupils before their instructor.

Rec`i*ta*tive" (rs`*t*tv"), n. [It. recitativo, or F. récitatif. See Recite.] (Mus.) A species of musical recitation in which the words are delivered in a manner resembling that of ordinary declamation; also, a piece of music intended for such recitation; -- opposed to melisma.

Rec`i*ta*tive", a. Of or pertaining to recitation; intended for musical recitation or declamation; in the style or manner of recitative. -- Rec`i*ta*tive"ly, adv.

||Rec`i*ta*ti"vo (-t"v), n. [It.] (Mus.) Recitative.

Re*cite" (r*st"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recited; p. pr. & vb. n. Reciting.] [F. réciter, fr. L. recitare, recitatum; pref. re- re- + citare to call or name, to cite. See Cite.] 1. To repeat, as something already prepared, written down, committed to memory, or the like; to deliver from a written or printed document, or from recollection; to rehearse; as, to recite the words of an author, or of a deed or covenant.

2. To tell over; to go over in particulars; to relate; to narrate; as, to recite past events; to recite the particulars of a voyage.

3. To rehearse, as a lesson to an instructor.

4. (Law) To state in or as a recital. See Recital, 5.

Syn. -- To rehearse; narrate; relate; recount; describe; recapitulate; detail; number; count.

Re*cite", v. i. To repeat, pronounce, or rehearse, as before an audience, something prepared or committed to memory; to rehearse a lesson learned.

Re*cite", n. A recital. [Obs.] Sir W. Temple.

Re*cit"er (-st"r), n. One who recites; also, a book of extracts for recitation.

Reck (rk), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recked (rkt) (obs. imp. Roughte); p. pr. & vb. n. Recking.] [AS. reccan, rcan, to care for; akin to OS. rkian, OHG. ruochan, G. geruhen, Icel. rækja, also to E. reckon, rake an implement. See Rake, and cf. Reckon.] 1. To make account of; to care for; to heed; to regard. [Archaic]

This son of mine not recking danger.

Sir P. Sidney.

And may you better reck the rede
Than ever did the adviser.


2. To concern; -- used impersonally. [Poetic]

What recks it them?


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Reck (rk), v. i. To make account; to take heed; to care; to mind; -- often followed by of. [Archaic]

Then reck I not, when I have lost my life.


I reck not though I end my life to- day.


Of me she recks not, nor my vain desire.

M. Arnold.

Reck"less, a. [AS. recceleás, rceleás.] 1. Inattentive to duty; careless; neglectful; indifferent. Chaucer.

2. Rashly negligent; utterly careless or heedless.

It made the king as reckless as them diligent.

Sir P. Sidney.

Syn. -- Heedless; careless; mindless; thoughtless; negligent; indifferent; regardless; unconcerned; inattentive; remiss; rash.

-- Reck"less*ly, adv. -- Reck"less*ness, n.

Reck"ling (-lng), a. Needing care; weak; feeble; as, a reckling child. H. Taylor. -- n. A weak child or animal. Tennyson.

Reck"on (rk"'n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reckoned (-'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reckoning.] [OE. rekenen, AS. gerecenian to explain; akin to D. rekenen to reckon, G. rechnen, OHG. rehhann (cf. Goth. rahnjan), and to E. reck, rake an implement; the original sense probably being, to bring together, count together. See Reck, v. t.]

1. To count; to enumerate; to number; also, to compute; to calculate.

The priest shall reckon to him the money according to the years that remain.

Lev. xxvii. 18.

I reckoned above two hundred and fifty on the outside of the church.


2. To count as in a number, rank, or series; to estimate by rank or quality; to place by estimation; to account; to esteem; to repute.

He was reckoned among the transgressors.

Luke xxii. 37.

For him I reckon not in high estate.


3. To charge, attribute, or adjudge to one, as having a certain quality or value.

Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.

Rom. iv. 9.

Without her eccentricities being reckoned to her for a crime.


4. To conclude, as by an enumeration and balancing of chances; hence, to think; to suppose; -- followed by an objective clause; as, I reckon he won't try that again. [Prov. Eng. & Colloq. U. S.]

Syn. -- To number; enumerate; compute; calculate; estimate; value; esteem; account; repute. See Calculate, Guess.

Reck"on, v. i. 1. To make an enumeration or computation; to engage in numbering or computing. Shak.

2. To come to an accounting; to make up accounts; to settle; to examine and strike the balance of debt and credit; to adjust relations of desert or penalty.

"Parfay," sayst thou, "sometime he reckon shall."


To reckon for, to answer for; to pay the account for. "If they fail in their bounden duty, they shall reckon for it one day." Bp. Sanderson. -- To reckon on or upon, to count or depend on. -- To reckon with, to settle accounts or claims with; -- used literally or figuratively.

After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

Matt. xxv. 19.

-- To reckon without one's host, to ignore in a calculation or arrangement the person whose assent is essential; hence, to reckon erroneously.

Reck"on*er (-r), n. One who reckons or computes; also, a book of calculations, tables, etc., to assist in reckoning.

Reckoners without their host must reckon twice.


Reck"on*ing, n. 1. The act of one who reckons, counts, or computes; the result of reckoning or counting; calculation. Specifically: (a) An account of time. Sandys. (b) Adjustment of claims and accounts; settlement of obligations, liabilities, etc.

Even reckoning makes lasting friends, and the way to make reckonings even is to make them often.


He quitted London, never to return till the day of a terrible and memorable reckoning had arrived.


2. The charge or account made by a host at an inn.

A coin would have a nobler use than to pay a reckoning.


3. Esteem; account; estimation.

You make no further reckoning of it [beauty] than of an outward fading benefit nature bestowed.

Sir P. Sidney.

4. (Navigation) (a) The calculation of a ship's position, either from astronomical observations, or from the record of the courses steered and distances sailed as shown by compass and log, -- in the latter case called dead reckoning (see under Dead); -- also used for dead reckoning in contradistinction to observation. (b) The position of a ship as determined by calculation.

To be out of her reckoning, to be at a distance from the place indicated by the reckoning; -- said of a ship.

Re*claim" (r*klm"), v. t. To claim back; to demand the return of as a right; to attempt to recover possession of.

A tract of land [Holland] snatched from an element perpetually reclaiming its prior occupancy.

W. Coxe.

Re*claim" (r*klm"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reclaimed (-klmd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reclaiming.] [F. réclamer, L. reclamare, reclamatum, to cry out against; pref. re- re- + clamare to call or cry aloud. See Claim.] 1. To call back, as a hawk to the wrist in falconry, by a certain customary call. Chaucer.

2. To call back from flight or disorderly action; to call to, for the purpose of subduing or quieting.

The headstrong horses hurried Octavius . . . along, and were deaf to his reclaiming them.


3. To reduce from a wild to a tamed state; to bring under discipline; -- said especially of birds trained for the chase, but also of other animals. "An eagle well reclaimed." Dryden.

4. Hence: To reduce to a desired state by discipline, labor, cultivation, or the like; to rescue from being wild, desert, waste, submerged, or the like; as, to reclaim wild land, overflowed land, etc.

5. To call back to rectitude from moral wandering or transgression; to draw back to correct deportment or course of life; to reform.

It is the intention of Providence, in all the various expressions of his goodness, to reclaim mankind.


6. To correct; to reform; -- said of things. [Obs.]

Your error, in time reclaimed, will be venial.

Sir E. Hoby.

7. To exclaim against; to gainsay. [Obs.] Fuller.

Syn. -- To reform; recover; restore; amend; correct.

Re*claim" (r*klm"), v. i. 1. To cry out in opposition or contradiction; to exclaim against anything; to contradict; to take exceptions.

Scripture reclaims, and the whole Catholic church reclaims, and Christian ears would not hear it.


At a later period Grote reclaimed strongly against Mill's setting Whately above Hamilton.


2. To bring anyone back from evil courses; to reform.

They, hardened more by what might most reclaim,
Grieving to see his glory, . . . took envy.


3. To draw back; to give way. [R. & Obs.] Spenser.

Re*claim", n. The act of reclaiming, or the state of being reclaimed; reclamation; recovery. [Obs.]

Re*claim"a*ble (-*b'l), a. That may be reclaimed.

Re*claim"ant (-ant), n. [Cf. F. réclamant, p. pr.] One who reclaims; one who cries out against or contradicts. Waterland.

Re*claim"er (-r), n. One who reclaims.

Re*claim"less, a. That can not be reclaimed.

Rec`la*ma"tion (rk`l*m"shn), n. [F. réclamation, L. reclamatio. See Reclaim.] 1. The act or process of reclaiming.

2. Representation made in opposition; remonstrance.

I would now, on the reclamation both of generosity and of justice, try clemency.


Re*clasp" (r*klsp"), v. i. To clasp or unite again.

Re*clin"ant (r*kln"ant), a. [L. reclinans, p. pr. See Recline.] Bending or leaning backward.

Rec"li*nate (rk"l*nt), a. [L. reclinatus, p. p.] (Bot.) Reclined, as a leaf; bent downward, so that the point, as of a stem or leaf, is lower than the base.

Rec`li*na"tion (rk`l*n"shn), n. [Cf. F. réclinaison.] 1. The act of leaning or reclining, or the state of being reclined.

2. (Dialing) The angle which the plane of the dial makes with a vertical plane which it intersects in a horizontal line. Brande & C.

3. (Surg.) The act or process of removing a cataract, by applying the needle to its anterior surface, and depressing it into the vitreous humor in such a way that the front surface of the cataract becomes the upper one and its back surface the lower one. Dunglison.

Re*cline" (r*kln"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reclined (-klnd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reclining.] [L. reclinare; pref. re- re- + clinare to lean, incline. See Incline, Lean to incline.] To cause or permit to lean, incline, rest, etc.; to place in a recumbent position; as, to recline the head on the hand.

The mother
Reclined her dying head upon his breast.


Re*cline", v. i. 1. To lean or incline; as, to recline against a wall.

2. To assume, or to be in, a recumbent position; as, to recline on a couch.

Re*cline", a. [L. reclinis. See Recline, v. t.] Having a reclining posture; leaning; reclining. [R.]

They sat, recline
On the soft downy bank, damasked with flowers.


Re*clined" (r*klnd"), a. (Bot.) Falling or turned downward; reclinate.

Re*clin"er (r*kln"r), n. One who, or that which, reclines.

Re*clin"ing, a. (Bot.) (a) Bending or curving gradually back from the perpendicular. (b) Recumbent.

Reclining dial, a dial whose plane is inclined to the vertical line through its center. Davies & Peck (Math. Dict.).

Re*close" (r*klz"), v. t. To close again. Pope.

Re*clothe" (r*klth"), v. t. To clothe again.

Re*clude" (r*kld"), v. t. [L. recludere to unclose, open; pref. re- again, back, un- + claudere to shut.] To open; to unclose. [R.] Harvey.

Re*cluse" (r*kls"), a. [F. reclus, L. reclusus, from recludere, reclusum, to unclose, open, in LL., to shut up. See Close.] Shut up; sequestered; retired from the world or from public notice; solitary; living apart; as, a recluse monk or hermit; a recluse life.

In meditation deep, recluse
From human converse.

J. Philips.

Re*cluse", n. [F. reclus, LL. reclusus. See Recluse, a.] 1. A person who lives in seclusion from intercourse with the world, as a hermit or monk; specifically, one of a class of secluded devotees who live in single cells, usually attached to monasteries.

2. The place where a recluse dwells. [Obs.] Foxe.

Re*cluse", v. t. To shut up; to seclude. [Obs.]

Re*cluse"ly, adv. In a recluse or solitary manner.

Re*cluse"ness, n. Quality or state of being recluse.

Re*clu"sion (-kl"zhn), n. [LL. reclusio: cf. F. reclusion.] A state of retirement from the world; seclusion.

Re*clu"sive (-sv), a. Affording retirement from society. "Some reclusive and religious life." Shak.

Re*clu"so*ry (-s*r), n. [LL. reclusorium.] The habitation of a recluse; a hermitage.

Re*coct" (r*kkt"), v. t. [L. recoctus, p. p. of recoquere to cook or boil over again. See Re-, and 4th Cook.] To boil or cook again; hence, to make over; to vamp up; to reconstruct. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

Re*coc"tion (r*kk"shn), n. A second coction or preparation; a vamping up.

Rec`og*ni"tion (rk`g*nsh"n), n. [L. recognitio: cf. F. recognition. See Recognizance.] The act of recognizing, or the state of being recognized; acknowledgment; formal avowal; knowledge confessed or avowed; notice.

The lives of such saints had, at the time of their yearly memorials, solemn recognition in the church of God.


Re*cog"ni*tor (r*kg"n*tr), n. [LL.] (Law) One of a jury impaneled on an assize. Blackstone.

Re*cog"ni*to*ry (-t*r), a. Pertaining to, or connected with, recognition. Lamb.

Rec`og*ni`za*bil"i*ty (rk`g*n`z*bl"*t), n. The quality or condition of being recognizable.

Rec"og*ni`za*ble (rk"g*n`z*b'l or r*kg"n-; 277), a. Capable of being recognized. [Written also recognisable.] -- Rec"og*ni`za*bly, adv.

Re*cog"ni*zance (r*kg"n*zans or r*kn"-), n. [F. reconnaissance, OF. recognoissance, fr. recognoissant, p. pr. of recognoistre to recognize, F. reconnaître, fr. L. recognoscere; pref. re- re- + cognoscere to know. See Cognizance, Know, and cf. Recognize, Reconnoissance.] [Written also recognisance.] 1. (Law) (a) An obligation of record entered into before some court of record or magistrate duly authorized, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear at the same or some other court, to keep the peace, or pay a debt. A recognizance differs from a bond, being witnessed by the record only, and not by the party's seal. (b) The verdict of a jury impaneled upon assize. Cowell.

Among lawyers the g in this and the related words (except recognize) is usually silent.

2. A token; a symbol; a pledge; a badge.

That recognizance and pledge of love
Which I first gave her.


3. Acknowledgment of a person or thing; avowal; profession; recognition.

Re*cog`ni*za"tion (-z"shn), n. Recognition. [R.]

Rec"og*nize (rk"g*nz), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recognized (- nzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Recognizing (- n`zng).] [From Recognizance; see Cognition, and cf. Reconnoiter.] [Written also recognise.] 1. To know again; to perceive the identity of, with a person or thing previously known; to recover or recall knowledge of.

Speak, vassal; recognize thy sovereign queen.


2. To avow knowledge of; to allow that one knows; to consent to admit, hold, or the like; to admit with a formal acknowledgment; as, to recognize an obligation; to recognize a consul.

3. To acknowledge acquaintance with, as by salutation, bowing, or the like.

4. To show appreciation of; as, to recognize services by a testimonial.

5. To review; to reëxamine. [Obs.] South.

6. To reconnoiter. [Obs.] R. Monro.

Syn. -- To acknowledge; avow; confess; own; allow; concede. See Acknowledge.

Rec"og*nize, v. i. (Law) To enter an obligation of record before a proper tribunal; as, A B recognized in the sum of twenty dollars. [Written also recognise.]

In legal usage in the United States the second syllable is often accented.

Re*cog`ni*zee" (r*kg`n*z" or r*kn`*z"), n. (Law) The person in whose favor a recognizance is made. [Written also recognisee.] Blackstone.

Rec"og*ni`zer (rk"g*n`zr), n. One who recognizes; a recognizor. [Written also recogniser.]

Re*cog`ni*zor" (r*kg`n*zôr" or r*kn`*zôr"), n. (Law) One who enters into a recognizance. [Written also recognisor.] Blackstone.

Rec"og*nosce (rk"g*ns), v. t. [L. recognoscere. See Recognizance.] To recognize. [R. & Obs.] Boyle.

Re*coil" (r*koil"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Recoiled (-koild"); p. pr. & vb. n. Recoiling.] [OE. recoilen, F. reculer, fr. L. pref. re- re- + culus the fundament. The English word was perhaps influenced in form by accoil.]

1. To start, roll, bound, spring, or fall back; to take a reverse motion; to be driven or forced backward; to return.

Evil on itself shall back recoil.


The solemnity of her demeanor made it impossible . . . that we should recoil into our ordinary spirits.

De Quincey.

2. To draw back, as from anything repugnant, distressing, alarming, or the like; to shrink. Shak.

3. To turn or go back; to withdraw one's self; to retire. [Obs.] "To your bowers recoil." Spenser.

Re*coil", v. t. To draw or go back. [Obs.] Spenser.

Re*coil", n. 1. A starting or falling back; a rebound; a shrinking; as, the recoil of nature, or of the blood.

2. The state or condition of having recoiled.

The recoil from formalism is skepticism.

F. W. Robertson.

3. Specifically, the reaction or rebounding of a firearm when discharged.

Recoil dynamometer (Gunnery), an instrument for measuring the force of the recoil of a firearm. -- Recoil escapement. See the Note under Escapement.

Re*coil"er (-r), n. One who, or that which, recoils.

Re*coil"ing*ly, adv. In the manner of a recoil.

Re*coil"ment, n. [Cf. F. reculement.] Recoil. [R.]

Re*coin" (r*koin"), v. t. To coin anew or again.

Re*coin"age (-j), n. 1. The act of coining anew.

2. That which is coined anew.

Re`-col*lect" (r`kl*lkt"), v. t. [Pref. re- + collect.] To collect again; to gather what has been scattered; as, to re- collect routed troops.

God will one day raise the dead, re-collecting our scattered dust.


Rec`ol*lect" (rk`l*lkt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recollected; p. pr. & vb. n. Recollecting.] [Pref. re- + collect: cf. L. recolligere, recollectum, to collect. Cf. Recollet.] 1. To recover or recall the knowledge of; to bring back to the mind or memory; to remember.

2. Reflexively, to compose one's self; to recover self-command; as, to recollect one's self after a burst of anger; -- sometimes, formerly, in the perfect participle.

The Tyrian queen . . .
Admired his fortunes, more admired the man;
Then recollected stood.


Rec"ol*lect (rk"l*lkt), n. [See Recollet.] (Eccl.) A friar of the Strict Observance, -- an order of Franciscans. [Written also Recollet.] Addis & Arnold.

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Rec`ol*lec"tion (r?k`?l*l?k"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. récollection.] 1. The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the operation by which objects are recalled to the memory, or ideas revived in the mind; reminiscence; remembrance.

2. The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected; remembrance; memory; as, an event within my recollection.

3. That which is recollected; something called to mind; reminiscence. "One of his earliest recollections." Macaulay.

4. The act or practice of collecting or concentrating the mind; concentration; self-control. [Archaic]

From such an education Charles contracted habits of gravity and recollection.


Syn. -- Reminiscence; remembrance. See Memory.

Rec`ol*lect"ive (-l?k"t?v), a. Having the power of recollecting. J. Foster.

Rec"ol*let (r?k"?l*l?t; F. r?`k?`l?"), n. [F. récollet, fr. L. recollectus, p. p. of recolligere to gather again, to gather up; NL., to collect one's self, esp. for religious contemplation.] (Eccl.) Same as Recollect, n.

Re*col`o*ni*za"tion (r?*k?l`?*n?*z?"sh?n), n. A second or renewed colonization.

Re*col"o*nize (r?*k?l"?*n?z), v. t. To colonize again.

Re*com`bi*na"tion (r?*k?m`b?*n?"sh?n), n. Combination a second or additional time.

Re`com*bine" (r?`k?m*b?n"), v. t. To combine again.

Re*com"fort (r?*k?m"f?rt), v. t. [Pref. re- + comfort: cf. F. réconforter.] To comfort again; to console anew; to give new strength to. Bacon.

Gan her recomfort from so sad affright.


Re*com"fort*less, a. Without comfort. [Obs.]

Re*com"for*ture (-f?r*t?r;135), n. The act of recomforting; restoration of comfort. [Obs.] Shak.

Re`com*mence" (r?`k?m*m?ns"), v. i. 1. To commence or begin again. Howell.

2. To begin anew to be; to act again as. [Archaic.]

He seems desirous enough of recommencing courtier.


Re`com*mence", v. t. [Pref. re- + commence: cf. F. recommencer.] To commence again or anew.

Re`com*mence"ment (-ment), n. A commencement made anew.

Rec`om*mend" (r?k`?m*m?nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recommended; p. pr. & vb. n. Recommending.] [Pref. re- + commend: cf. F. recommander.] 1. To commend to the favorable notice of another; to commit to another's care, confidence, or acceptance, with favoring representations; to put in a favorable light before any one; to bestow commendation on; as, he recommended resting the mind and exercising the body.

Mæcenas recommended Virgil and Horace to Augustus, whose praises . . . have made him precious to posterity.


2. To make acceptable; to attract favor to.

A decent boldness ever meets with friends,
Succeeds, and e'en a stranger recommends.


3. To commit; to give in charge; to commend.

Paul chose Silas and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God.

Acts xv. 40.

Rec`om*mend"a*ble (-?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. recommandable.] Suitable to be recommended; worthy of praise; commendable. Glanvill. -- Rec`om*mend"a*ble*ness, n. -- Rec`om*mend"a*bly, adv.

Rec`om*men*da"tion (r?k`?m*m?n*d?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. recommandation.] 1. The act of recommending.

2. That which recommends, or commends to favor; anything procuring, or tending to procure, a favorable reception, or to secure acceptance and adoption; as, he brought excellent recommendations.

3. The state of being recommended; esteem. [R.]

The burying of the dead . . . hath always been had in an extraordinary recommendation amongst the ancient.

Sir T. North.

Rec`om*mend"a*tive (-m?nd"?*t?v), n. That which recommends; a recommendation. [Obs.]

Rec`om*mend"a*to*ry (-?*t?*r?), a. Serving to recommend; recommending; commendatory. Swift.

Rec`om*mend"er (-?r), n. One who recommends.

Re`com*mis"sion (r?`k?m*m?sh?n), v. t. To commission again; to give a new commission to.

Officers whose time of service had expired were to be recommissioned.


Re`com*mit" (-m?t"), v. t. To commit again; to give back into keeping; specifically, to refer again to a committee; as, to recommit a bill to the same committee.

{ Re`com*mit"ment (-ment), Re`com*mit"tal (-?l), } n. A second or renewed commitment; a renewed reference to a committee.

Re`com*pact" (-p?kt"), v. t. To compact or join anew. "Recompact my scattered body." Donne.

Re*com`pen*sa"tion (r?*k?m`p?n*s?"sh?n), n. [Cf. LL. recompensatio.] 1. Recompense. [Obs.]

2. (Scots Law) Used to denote a case where a set-off pleaded by the defendant is met by a set-off pleaded by the plaintiff.

Rec"om*pense (rk"m*pns), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recompensed (-p?nst); p. pr. & vb. n. Recompensing (-p?n`s?ng).] [F. récompenser, LL. recompensare, fr.L. pref. re- re- + compensare to compensate. See Compensate.] 1. To render an equivalent to, for service, loss, etc.; to requite; to remunerate; to compensate.

He can not recompense me better.


2. To return an equivalent for; to give compensation for; to atone for; to pay for.

God recompenseth the gift.

Robynson (More's Utopia).

To recompense
My rash, but more unfortunate, misdeed.


3. To give in return; to pay back; to pay, as something earned or deserved. [R.]

Recompense to no man evil for evil.

Rom. xii. 17.

Syn. -- To repay; requite; compensate; reward; remunerate.

Rec"om*pense (r?k"?m*p?ns), v. i. To give recompense; to make amends or requital. [Obs.]

Rec"om*pense, n. [Cf. F. récompense.] An equivalent returned for anything done, suffered, or given; compensation; requital; suitable return.

To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense.

Deut. xxii. 35.

And every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward.

Heb. ii. 2.

Syn. -- Repayment; compensation; remuneration; amends; satisfaction; reward; requital.

Rec"om*pense`ment (-p?ns`m?nt), n. Recompense; requital. [Obs.] Fabyan.

Rec"om*pen`ser (-p?n`s?r), n. One who recompenses.

A thankful recompenser of the benefits received.


Rec"om*pen`sive (-s?v), a. Of the nature of recompense; serving to recompense. Sir T. Browne.

Re*com`pi*la"tion (r?*k?m`p?*l?"tion), n. A new compilation.

Re`com*pile" (r`km*pl"), v. t. To compile anew.

Re`com*pile"ment (-ment), n. The act of recompiling; new compilation or digest; as, a recompilement of the laws. Bacon.

Re`com*pose" (-p?z"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recomposed (-p?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Recomposing.] [Pref. re- + compose: cf. F. recomposer.] 1. To compose again; to form anew; to put together again or repeatedly.

The far greater number of the objects presented to our observation can only be decomposed, but not actually recomposed.

Sir W. Hamilton.

2. To restore to composure; to quiet anew; to tranquilize; as, to recompose the mind. Jer. Taylor.

Re`com*pos"er (-p?z"?r), n. One who recomposes.

Re*com`po*si"tion (r?*k?m`p?z?sh?n), n. [Cf. F. recomposition.] The act of recomposing.

Rec"on*ci`la*ble (r?k"?n*s?`l?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. réconciliable.] Capable of being reconciled; as, reconcilable adversaries; an act reconciable with previous acts.

The different accounts of the numbers of ships are reconcilable.


-- Rec"on*ci`la*ble*ness, n. -- Rec"on*ci`la*bly, adv.

Rec"on*cile` (-s?l`), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reconciled (-s?ld`); p. pr. & vb. n. Reconciling.] [F. réconcilier, L. reconciliare; pref. re- re- + conciliare to bring together, to unite. See Conciliate.] 1. To cause to be friendly again; to conciliate anew; to restore to friendship; to bring back to harmony; to cause to be no longer at variance; as, to reconcile persons who have quarreled.

Propitious now and reconciled by prayer.


The church [if defiled] is interdicted till it be reconciled [i.e., restored to sanctity] by the bishop.


We pray you . . . be ye reconciled to God.

2 Cor. v. 20.

2. To bring to acquiescence, content, or quiet submission; as, to reconcile one's self to affictions.

3. To make consistent or congruous; to bring to agreement or suitableness; -- followed by with or to.

The great men among the ancients understood how to reconcile manual labor with affairs of state.


Some figures monstrous and misshaped appear,
Considered singly, or beheld too near;
Which, but proportioned to their light or place,
Due distance reconciles to form and grace.


4. To adjust; to settle; as, to reconcile differences.

Syn. -- To reunite; conciliate; placate; propitiate; pacify; appease.

Rec"on*cile`, v. i. To become reconciled. [Obs.]

Rec"on*cile`ment (-ment), n. Reconciliation. Milton.

Rec"on*ci`ler (-s?`l?r), n. One who reconciles.

Rec`on*cil`i*a"tion (-s?l`?*?"sh?n), n. [F. réconciliation, L. reconciliatio.] 1. The act of reconciling, or the state of being reconciled; reconcilenment; restoration to harmony; renewal of friendship.

Reconciliation and friendship with God really form the basis of all rational and true enjoyment.

S. Miller.

2. Reduction to congruence or consistency; removal of inconsistency; harmony.

A clear and easy reconciliation of those seeming inconsistencies of Scripture.

D. Rogers.

Syn. -- Reconcilement; reunion; pacification; appeasement; propitiation; atonement; expiation.

Rec`on*cil"i*a*to*ry (-s?l"?*?*t?*r?), a. Serving or tending to reconcile. Bp. Hall.

Re*con`den*sa"tion (r?*k?n`d?n*s?"sh?n), n. The act or process of recondensing.

Re`con*dense" (r`kn*dns"), v. t. To condense again.

Rec"on*dite (r?k"?n*d?t or r?*k?n"d?t; 277), a. [L. reconditus, p. p. of recondere to put up again, to lay up, to conceal; pref. re- re- + condere to bring or lay together. See Abscond.] 1. Hidden from the mental or intellectual view; secret; abstruse; as, recondite causes of things.

2. Dealing in things abstruse; profound; searching; as, recondite studies. "Recondite learning." Bp. Horsley.

Re*con"di*to*ry (r?k?n"d?*t?*r?), n. [LL. reconditorium.] A repository; a storehouse. [Obs.] Ash.

Re`con*duct" (r`kn*dkt"), v. t. To conduct back or again. "A guide to reconduct thy steps." Dryden.

Re`con*firm" (-f?rm"), v. t. [Pref. re- + confirm: cf. F. reconfirmer.] To confirm anew. Clarendon.

Re`con*fort" (-f?rt"), v. t. [F. réconforter.] To recomfort; to comfort. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re`con*join" (r?`k?n*join"), v. t. To join or conjoin anew. Boyle.

{ Re*con"nois*sance, Re*con"nais*sance } (r?- k?n"n?s-s?ns), n. [F. See Recognizance.] The act of reconnoitering; preliminary examination or survey. Specifically: (a) (Geol.) An examination or survey of a region in reference to its general geological character. (b) (Engin.) An examination of a region as to its general natural features, preparatory to a more particular survey for the purposes of triangulation, or of determining the location of a public work. (c) (Mil.) An examination of a territory, or of an enemy's position, for the purpose of obtaining information necessary for directing military operations; a preparatory expedition.

Reconnoissance in force (Mil.), a demonstration or attack by a large force of troops for the purpose of discovering the position and strength of an enemy.

{ Rec`on*noi"ter, Rec`on*noi"tre } (r?k`?n*noi"t?r), v. t. [F. reconnoitre, a former spelling of reconnaître. See Recognize.] 1. To examine with the eye to make a preliminary examination or survey of; esp., to survey with a view to military or engineering operations.

2. To recognize. [Obs.] Sir H. Walpole.

Re*con"quer (r?*k?n"k?r), v. t. [Pref. re- + conquer: cf. F. reconquérir.] To conquer again; to recover by conquest; as, to reconquer a revolted province.

Re*con"quest (-kw?st), n. A second conquest.

Re*con"se*crate (-k?n"s?*kr?t), v. t. To consecrate anew or again.

Re*con`se*cra"tion, n. Renewed consecration.

Re`con*sid"er (r?`k?n*s?d"?r), v. t. 1. To consider again; as, to reconsider a subject.

2. (Parliamentary Practice) To take up for renewed consideration, as a motion or a vote which has been previously acted upon.

Re`con*sid`er*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. The act of reconsidering, or the state of being reconsidered; as, the reconsideration of a vote in a legislative body.

Re*con"so*late (r?*k?n"s?*l?t), v. t. To console or comfort again. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton.

Re`con*sol"i*date (r?`k?n*s?l"?*d?t), v. t. To consolidate anew or again.

Re`con*sol`i*da"tion (-d?"sh?n), n. The act or process of reconsolidating; the state of being reconsolidated.

Re`con*struct" (-str?kt"), v. t. To construct again; to rebuild; to remodel; to form again or anew.

Regiments had been dissolved and reconstructed.


Re`con*struc"tion (-str?k"sh?n), n. 1. The act of constructing again; the state of being reconstructed.

2. (U.S. Politics) The act or process of reorganizing the governments of the States which had passed ordinances of secession, and of reëstablishing their constitutional relations to the national government, after the close of the Civil War.

Re`con*struct"ive (-str?k"t?v), a. Reconstructing; tending to reconstruct; as, a reconstructive policy.

Re`con*tin"u*ance (-t?n"?*?ns), n. The act or state of recontinuing.

Re`con*tin"ue (-?), v. t. & i. To continue anew.

Re`con*vene" (r?`k?n*v?n"), v. t. & i. To convene or assemble again; to call or come together again.

Re`con*ven"tion (-v?n"sh?n), n. (Civil Law) A cross demand; an action brought by the defendant against the plaintiff before the same judge. Burrill. Bouvier.

Re`con*ver"sion (-v?r"sh?n), n. A second conversion.

Re`con*vert" (-v?rt"), v. t. To convert again. Milton.

Re*con"vert (r?*k?n"v?rt), n. A person who has been reconverted. Gladstone.

Re`con*vert"i*ble (r?`k?n*v?rt"?*b'l), a. (Chem.) Capable of being reconverted; convertible again to the original form or condition.

Re`con*vey" (-v?"), v. t. 1. To convey back or to the former place; as, to reconvey goods.

2. To transfer back to a former owner; as, to reconvey an estate.

Re`con*vey"ance (-v?"?ns), n. Act of reconveying.

Re*cop"y (r?*k?p"?), v. t. To copy again.

Re*cord" (r?*k?rd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recorded; p. pr. & vb. n. Recording.] [OE. recorden to repeat, remind, F. recorder, fr. L. recordari to remember; pref. re- re- + cor, cordis, the heart or mind. See Cordial, Heart.] 1. To recall to mind; to recollect; to remember; to meditate. [Obs.] "I it you record." Chaucer.

2. To repeat; to recite; to sing or play. [Obs.]

They longed to see the day, to hear the lark
Record her hymns, and chant her carols blest.


3. To preserve the memory of, by committing to writing, to printing, to inscription, or the like; to make note of; to write or enter in a book or on parchment, for the purpose of preserving authentic evidence of; to register; to enroll; as, to record the proceedings of a court; to record historical events.

Those things that are recorded of him . . . are written in the chronicles of the kings.

1 Esd. i. 42.

To record a deed, mortgage, lease, etc., to have a copy of the same entered in the records of the office designated by law, for the information of the public.

Re*cord", v. i. 1. To reflect; to ponder. [Obs.]

Praying all the way, and recording upon the words which he before had read.


2. To sing or repeat a tune. [Obs.] Shak.

Whether the birds or she recorded best.

W. Browne.

Rec"ord (rk"rd), n. [OF. recort, record, remembrance, attestation, record. See Record, v. t.] 1. A writing by which some act or event, or a number of acts or events, is recorded; a register; as, a record of the acts of the Hebrew kings; a record of the variations of temperature during a certain time; a family record.

2. Especially: (a) An official contemporaneous writing by which the acts of some public body, or public officer, are recorded; as, a record of city ordinances; the records of the receiver of taxes. (b) An authentic official copy of a document which has been entered in a book, or deposited in the keeping of some officer designated by law. (c) An official contemporaneous memorandum stating the proceedings of a court of justice; a judicial record. (d) The various legal papers used in a case, together with memoranda of the proceedings of the court; as, it is not permissible to allege facts not in the record.

3. Testimony; witness; attestation.

John bare record, saying.

John i. 32.

4. That which serves to perpetuate a knowledge of acts or events; a monument; a memorial.

5. That which has been, or might be, recorded; the known facts in the course, progress, or duration of anything, as in the life of a public man; as, a politician with a good or a bad record.

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6. That which has been publicly achieved in any kind of competitive sport as recorded in some authoritative manner, as the time made by a winning horse in a race.

Court of record (pron. r&?;*k&?;rd" in Eng.), a court whose acts and judicial proceedings are written on parchment or in books for a perpetual memorial. -- Debt of record, a debt which appears to be due by the evidence of a court of record, as upon a judgment or a cognizance. -- Trial by record, a trial which is had when a matter of record is pleaded, and the opposite party pleads that there is no such record. In this case the trial is by inspection of the record itself, no other evidence being admissible. Blackstone. -- To beat, or break, the record (Sporting), to surpass any performance of like kind as authoritatively recorded; as, to break the record in a walking match.

Re*cord"ance (r?*k?rd"?ns), n. Remembrance. [Obs.]

Rec`or*da"tion (r?k`?r*d?"sh?n), n. [L. recordatio: cf. F. recordation. See Record, v. t.] Remembrance; recollection; also, a record. [Obs.] Shak.

Re*cord"er (r?*k?rd"?r), n. 1. One who records; specifically, a person whose official duty it is to make a record of writings or transactions.

2. The title of the chief judical officer of some cities and boroughs; also, of the chief justice of an East Indian settlement. The Recorder of London is judge of the Lord Mayor's Court, and one of the commissioners of the Central Criminal Court.

3. (Mus.) A kind of wind instrument resembling the flageolet. [Obs.] "Flutes and soft recorders." Milton.

Re*cord"er*ship, n. The office of a recorder.

Re*cord"ing, a. Keeping a record or a register; as, a recording secretary; -- applied to numerous instruments with an automatic appliance which makes a record of their action; as, a recording gauge or telegraph.

Re`cor*por`i*fi*ca"tion (r?`k?r*p?r`?*f?*k?"sh?n), n. The act of investing again with a body; the state of being furnished anew with a body. [R.] Boyle.

Re*couch" (r?*kouch"), v. i. [Pref. re- + couch: cf. F. recoucher.] To retire again to a couch; to lie down again. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton.

Re*count" (r*kount"), v. t. [Pref. re- + count.] To count or reckon again.

Re*count", n. A counting again, as of votes.

Re*count" (r*kount"), v. t. [F. raconter to relate, to recount; pref. re- again + &?; (L. ad.) + conter to relate. See Count, v.] To tell over; to relate in detail; to recite; to tell or narrate the particulars of; to rehearse; to enumerate; as, to recount one's blessings. Dryden.

To all his angels, who, with true applause,
Recount his praises.


Re*count`ment (-ment), n. Recital. [Obs.] Shak.

{ Re*coup", Re*coupe" } (-k??p"), v. t. [F. recouper; pref. re- re- + couper to cut.] 1. (Law) To keep back rightfully (a part), as if by cutting off, so as to diminish a sum due; to take off (a part) from damages; to deduct; as, where a landlord recouped the rent of premises from damages awarded to the plaintiff for eviction.

2. To get an equivalent or compensation for; as, to recoup money lost at the gaming table; to recoup one's losses in the share market.

3. To reimburse; to indemnify; -- often used reflexively and in the passive.

Elizabeth had lost her venture; but if she was bold, she might recoup herself at Philip's cost.


Industry is sometimes recouped for a small price by extensive custom.

Duke of Argyll.

Re*coup"er (r?*k??p"?r), n. One who recoups. Story.

Re*coup"ment (-ment), n. The act of recouping.

Recoupment applies to equities growing out of the very affair from which thw principal demand arises, set-off to cross-demands which may be independent in origin. Abbott.

Re*course" (r?*k?rs"), n. [F. recours, L. recursus a running back, return, fr. recurrere, recursum, to run back. See Recur.] 1. A coursing back, or coursing again, along the line of a previous coursing; renewed course; return; retreat; recurence. [Obs.] "Swift recourse of flushing blood." Spenser.

Unto my first I will have my recourse.


Preventive physic . . . preventeth sickness in the healthy, or the recourse thereof in the valetudinary.

Sir T. Browne.

2. Recurrence in difficulty, perplexity, need, or the like; access or application for aid; resort.

Thus died this great peer, in a time of great recourse unto him and dependence upon him.

Sir H. Wotton.

Our last recourse is therefore to our art.


3. Access; admittance. [Obs.]

Give me recourse to him.


Without recourse (Commerce), words sometimes added to the indorsement of a negotiable instrument to protect the indorser from liability to the indorsee and subsequent holders. It is a restricted indorsement.

Re*course", v. i. 1. To return; to recur. [Obs.]

The flame departing and recoursing.


2. To have recourse; to resort. [Obs.] Bp. Hacket.

Re*course"ful (-f?l), a. Having recurring flow and ebb; moving alternately. [Obs.] Drayton.

Re*cov"er (r?*k?v"?r), v. t. [Pref. re- + cover: cf. F. recouvrir.] To cover again. Sir W. Scott.

Re*cov"er (r?*k?v"?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recovered (-?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Recovering. ] [OE. recoveren, OF. recovrer, F. recouvrer, from L. recuperare; pref. re- re + a word of unknown origin. Cf.Recuperate.]

1. To get or obtain again; to get renewed possession of; to win back; to regain.

David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away.

1. Sam. xxx. 18.

2. To make good by reparation; to make up for; to retrieve; to repair the loss or injury of; as, to recover lost time. "Loss of catel may recovered be." Chaucer.

Even good men have many failings and lapses to lament and recover.


3. To restore from sickness, faintness, or the like; to bring back to life or health; to cure; to heal.

The wine in my bottle will recover him.


4. To overcome; to get the better of, -- as a state of mind or body.

I do hope to recover my late hurt.


When I had recovered a little my first surprise.

De Foe.

5. To rescue; to deliver.

That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him.

2. Tim. ii. 26.

6. To gain by motion or effort; to obtain; to reach; to come to. [Archaic]

The forest is not three leagues off;
If we recover that, we're sure enough.


Except he could recover one of the Cities of Refuge he was to die.


7. (Law) To gain as a compensation; to obtain in return for injury or debt; as, to recover damages in trespass; to recover debt and costs in a suit at law; to obtain title to by judgement in a court of law; as, to recover lands in ejectment or common recovery; to gain by legal process; as, to recover judgement against a defendant.

Recover arms (Mil. Drill), a command whereby the piece is brought from the position of "aim" to that of "ready."

Syn. -- To regain; repossess; resume; retrieve; recruit; heal; cure.

Re*cov"er (r?*k?v"?r), v. i. 1. To regain health after sickness; to grow well; to be restored or cured; hence, to regain a former state or condition after misfortune, alarm, etc.; -- often followed by of or from; as, to recover from a state of poverty; to recover from fright.

Go, inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover of this disease.

2 Kings i. 2.

2. To make one's way; to come; to arrive. [Obs.]

With much ado the Christians recovered to Antioch.


3. (Law) To obtain a judgement; to succeed in a lawsuit; as, the plaintiff has recovered in his suit.

Re*cov"er, n. Recovery. Sir T. Malory.

Re*cov"er*a*ble (-?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. recouvrable.] Capable of being recovered or regained; capable of being brought back to a former condition, as from sickness, misfortune, etc.; obtainable from a debtor or possessor; as, the debt is recoverable; goods lost or sunk in the ocean are not recoverable.

A prodigal course
Is like the sun's; but not, like his, recoverable.


If I am recoverable, why am I thus?


-- Re*cov"er*a*ble*ness, n.

Re cov"er*ance (-ans), n. Recovery. [Obs.]

Re*cov`er*ee" (-"), n. (Law) The person against whom a judgment is obtained in common recovery.

Re*cov"er*er (r?*k?v"?r*?r), n. One who recovers.

Re*cov`er*or" (-?r), n. (Law) The demandant in a common recovery after judgment. Wharton.

Re*cov"er*y (r?*k?v"?r*?), n. 1. The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession.

2. Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc.

3. (Law) The obtaining in a suit at law of a right to something by a verdict and judgment of court.

4. The getting, or gaining, of something not previously had. [Obs.] "Help be past recovery." Tusser.

5. In rowing, the act of regaining the proper position for making a new stroke.

Common recovery (Law), a species of common assurance or mode of conveying lands by matter of record, through the forms of an action at law, formerly in frequent use, but now abolished or obsolete, both in England and America. Burrill. Warren.

Rec"re*ance (r?k"r?*?ns), n. Recreancy.

Rec"re*an*cy (-an*s?), n. The quality or state of being recreant.

Rec"re*ant (-ant), a. [OF., cowardly, fr. recroire, recreire, to forsake, leave, tire, discourage, regard as conquered, LL. recredere se to declare one's self conquered in combat; hence, those are called recrediti or recreanti who are considered infamous; L. pref. re- again, back + credere to believe, to be of opinion; hence, originally, to disavow one's opinion. See Creed.] 1. Crying for mercy, as a combatant in the trial by battle; yielding; cowardly; mean-spirited; craven. "This recreant knight." Spenser.

2. Apostate; false; unfaithful.

Who, for so many benefits received,
Turned recreant to God, ingrate and false.


Rec"re*ant, n. One who yields in combat, and begs for mercy; a mean-spirited, cowardly wretch. Blackstone.

You are all recreants and dastards!


Re`-cre*ate" (r?`kr?*?t"), v. t. [Pref. re- + create.] To create or form anew.

On opening the campaign of 1776, instead of reënforcing, it was necessary to re-create, the army.


Rec"re*ate (rk"r*t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recreated (-`td); p. pr. & vb. n. Recreating.] [L. recreatus, p. p. of recreate to create anew, to refresh; pref. re- re- + creare to create. See Create.] To give fresh life to; to reanimate; to revive; especially, to refresh after wearying toil or anxiety; to relieve; to cheer; to divert; to amuse; to gratify.

Painters, when they work on white grounds, place before them colors mixed with blue and green, to recreate their eyes, white wearying . . . the sight more than any.


St. John, who recreated himself with sporting with a tame partridge.

Jer. Taylor.

These ripe fruits recreate the nostrils with their aromatic scent.

Dr. H. More.

Rec"re*ate, v. i. To take recreation. L. Addison.

Rec"re*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. [F. récréation, L. recreatio.] The act of recreating, or the state of being recreated; refreshment of the strength and spirits after toil; amusement; diversion; sport; pastime.

Re`-cre*a"tion (r?`kr?*?sh?n), n. [See Re-create.] A forming anew; a new creation or formation.

Re`-cre*a"tive (-?`t?v), a. Creating anew; as, re-creative power.

Rec"re*a`tive (r?k"r?*?`t?v), a. [Cf. F. récréatif. See Recreate.] Tending to recreate or refresh; recreating; giving new vigor or animation; reinvigorating; giving relief after labor or pain; amusing; diverting.

Let the music of them be recreative.


--- Rec"re*a`tive*ly, adv. -- Rec"re*a`tive*ness, n.

Rec"re*ment (r?k"r?*ment), n. [L. recrementum; pref. re- re- + cernere, cretum, to separate, sift: cf. F. récrément.] 1. Superfluous matter separated from that which is useful; dross; scoria; as, the recrement of ore.

2. (Med.) (a) Excrement. [Obs.] (a) A substance secreted from the blood and again absorbed by it.

Rec`re*men"tal (-m?n"tal), a. Recrementitious.

Rec`re*men*ti"tial (-m?n*t?sh"al), a. [Cf. F. récrémentitiel.] (Med.) Of the nature of a recrement. See Recrement, 2 (b). "Recrementitial fluids." Dunglison.

Rec`re*men*ti"tious (-t?sh"?s), a. Of or pertaining to recrement; consisting of recrement or dross. Boyle.

Re*crim"i*nate (r?*kr?m"?*n?t), v. i. [Pref. re- + criminate: cf. F. récriminer, LL. recriminare.] To return one charge or accusation with another; to charge back fault or crime upon an accuser.

It is not my business to recriminate, hoping sufficiently to clear myself in this matter.

Bp. Stillingfleet.

Re*crim"i*nate, v. t. To accuse in return. South.

Re*crim`i*na"tion (-n?"sh?n), n. [F. récrimination, LL. recriminatio.] The act of recriminating; an accusation brought by the accused against the accuser; a counter accusation.

Accusations and recriminations passed backward and forward between the contending parties.


Re*crim"i*na*tive (-n?*t?v), a. Recriminatory.

Re*crim"i*na`tor (-n?`t?r), n. One who recriminates.

Re*crim"i*na*to*ry (-n?*t?*r?), a. [Cf. F. récriminatoire.] Having the quality of recrimination; retorting accusation; recriminating.

Re*cross" (r?*kr?s";115), v. t. To cross a second time.

Re*cru"den*cy (r*kr"den*s), n. Recrudescence.

{ Re`cru*des"cence (r?`kr?*d?s"sens), Re`cru*des`cen*cy (-d?s"sen*s?), } n. [Cf. F. recrudescence.]

1. The state or condition of being recrudescent.

A recrudescence of barbarism may condemn it [land] to chronic poverty and waste.

Duke of Argyll.

2. (Med.) Increased severity of a disease after temporary remission. Dunglison.

Re`cru*des"cent (-sent), a. [L. recrudescens, -entis, p. pr. of recrudescere to become raw again; pref. re- re- + crudescere to become hard or raw: cf. F. recrudescent.] 1. Growing raw, sore, or painful again.

2. Breaking out again after temporary abatement or supression; as, a recrudescent epidemic.

Re*cruit" (r?*kr?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recruited; p. pr. & vb. n. Recruiting.] [F. recruter, corrupted (under influence of recrue recruiting, recruit, from recroî/tre, p. p. recrû, to grow again) from an older recluter, properly, to patch, to mend (a garment); pref. re- + OF. clut piece, piece of cloth; cf. Icel. kltr kerchief, E. clout.] 1. To repair by fresh supplies, as anything wasted; to remedy lack or deficiency in; as, food recruits the flesh; fresh air and exercise recruit the spirits.

Her cheeks glow the brighter, recruiting their color.


2. Hence, to restore the wasted vigor of; to renew in strength or health; to reinvigorate.

3. To supply with new men, as an army; to fill up or make up by enlistment; as, he recruited two regiments; the army was recruited for a campaign; also, to muster; to enlist; as, he recruited fifty men. M. Arnold.

Re*cruit", v. i. 1. To gain new supplies of anything wasted; to gain health, flesh, spirits, or the like; to recuperate; as, lean cattle recruit in fresh pastures.

2. To gain new supplies of men for military or other service; to raise or enlist new soldiers; to enlist troops.

Re*cruit", n. 1. A supply of anything wasted or exhausted; a reënforcement.

The state is to have recruits to its strength, and remedies to its distempers.


2. Specifically, a man enlisted for service in the army; a newly enlisted soldier.

Re*cruit"er, n. One who, or that which, recruits.

Re*cruit"ment (-ment), n. The act or process of recruiting; especially, the enlistment of men for an army.

Re*crys`tal*li*za"tion (r*krs`tal*l*z"shn), n. (Chem. & Min.) The process or recrystallizing.

Re*crys"tal*lize (r*krs"tal*lz), v. i. & t. (Chem. & Min.) To crystallize again. Henry.

Rec"tal (r?k"tal), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the rectum; in the region of the rectum.

Rec"tan`gle (r?k"t??`g'l), n. [F., fr. L. rectus right + angulus angle. See Right, and Angle.] (Geom.) A four-sided figure having only right angles; a right-angled parallelogram.

As the area of a rectangle is expressed by the product of its two dimensions, the term rectangle is sometimes used for product; as, the rectangle of a and b, that is, ab.

Rec"tan`gle, a. Rectangular. [R.]

Rec"tan`gled (-g'ld), a. Rectangular. Hutton.

Rec*tan"gu*lar (r?k*t?n"g?*l?r), a. [CF. F. rectangulaire.] Right-angled; having one or more angles of ninety degrees. -- Rec*tan"gu*lar*ly (r&?;k*t&?;n"g&?;*l&?;r*l&?;), adv. -- Rec*tan"gu*lar*ness, n.

Rec*tan`gu*lar"i*ty (-l?r"?*t?), n. The quality or condition of being rectangular, or right- angled.

Rec"ti- (r?k"t?*). [L. rectus straight.] A combining form signifying straight; as, rectilineal, having straight lines; rectinerved.

Rec"ti*fi`a*ble (r?k"t?*f?`?*b'l), a. 1. Capable of being rectified; as, a rectifiable mistake.

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2. (Math.) Admitting, as a curve, of the construction of a straight l&?;&?;e equal in length to any definite portion of the curve.

Rec`ti*fi*ca"tion (r?k`t?*f?*k?1sh?n), n. [Cf. F. rectification.] 1. The act or operation of rectifying; as, the rectification of an error; the rectification of spirits.

After the rectification of his views, he was incapable of compromise with profounder shapes of error.

De Quincey.

2. (Geom.) The determination of a straight line whose length is equal a portion of a curve.

Rectification of a globe (Astron.), its adjustment preparatory to the solution of a proposed problem.

Rec"ti*fi*ca`tor (r?k"t?*f?*k?`t?r), n. (Chem.) That which rectifies or refines; esp., a part of a distilling apparatus in which the more volatile portions are separated from the less volatile by the process of evaporation and condensation; a rectifier.

Rec"ti*fi`er (r?k"t?*f?`?r), n. 1. One who, or that which, rectifies.

2. Specifically: (a) (Naut.) An instrument used for determining and rectifying the variations of the compass on board ship. (b) (Chem.) A rectificator.

Rec"ti*fy (-f?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rectified (-f?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Rectifying (-f?`?ng).] [F. rectifier, LL. rectificare; L. rectus right + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See Right, and -fy.] 1. To make or set right; to correct from a wrong, erroneous, or false state; to amend; as, to rectify errors, mistakes, or abuses; to rectify the will, the judgment, opinions; to rectify disorders.

I meant to rectify my conscience.


This was an error of opinion which a conflicting opinion would have rectified.


2. (Chem.) To refine or purify by repeated distillation or sublimation, by which the fine parts of a substance are separated from the grosser; as, to rectify spirit of wine.

3. (Com.) To produce ( as factitious gin or brandy) by redistilling low wines or ardent spirits (whisky, rum, etc.), flavoring substances, etc., being added.

To rectify a globe, to adjust it in order to prepare for the solution of a proposed problem.

Syn. -- To amend; emend; correct; better; mend; reform; redress; adjust; regulate; improve. See Amend.

{ Rec`ti*lin"e*al (-l?n"?*al), Rec`ti*lin"e*ar (-l?n"?*?r), } a. [Recti- + lineal, linear.] Straight; consisting of a straight line or lines; bounded by straight lines; as, a rectineal angle; a rectilinear figure or course. -- Rec`ti*lin"e*al*ly, adv. -- Rec`ti*lin"e*ar*ly, adv.

Rec`ti*lin`e*ar"i*ty (-?r"?*t?), n. The quality or state of being rectilinear. Coleridge.

Rec`ti*lin"e*ous (-?s), a. Rectilinear. [Obs.] Ray.

Rec"ti*nerved` (r?k"t?*n?rrvd`), a. [Recti- + nerve.] (Bot.) Having the veins or nerves straight; -- said of leaves.

Rec"tion (r?k"sh?n), n. [L. rectio, fr. regere to rule or govern.] (Gram.) See Government, n., 7. Gibbs.

Rec`ti*ros"tral (r?k`t?*r?s"tral), a. [Recti- + rostral.] (Zoöl.) Having a straight beak.

Rec`ti*se"ri*al (-s?"r?*al), a. [Recti- + serial.] (Bot.) Arranged in exactly vertical ranks, as the leaves on stems of many kinds; -- opposed to curviserial.

||Rec*ti"tis (r?k*t?"t?s), n. [NL. See Rectum, and -itis.] (Med.) Proctitis. Dunglison.

Rec"ti*tude (r?k"t?*t?d), n. [L. rectitudo, fr. rectus right, straight: cf. F. rectitude. See Right.] 1. Straightness. [R.] Johnson.

2. Rightness of principle or practice; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws; uprightness of mind; uprightness; integrity; honesty; justice.

3. Right judgment. [R.] Sir G. C. Lewis.

Syn. -- See Justice.

Rec"to- (r?k"t?*). A combining form indicating connection with, or relation to, the rectum; as, recto-vesical.

Rec"to, n. [Abbrev. fr. LL. breve de recto. See Right.] (Law) A writ of right.

Rec"to, n. [Cf. F. recto.] (Print.) The right-hand page; -- opposed to verso.

Rec"tor (r?k"t?r), n. [L., fr. regere, rectum, to lead straight, to rule: cf. F. recteur. See Regiment, Right.]

1. A ruler or governor. [R.]

God is the supreme rector of the world.

Sir M. Hale.

2. (a) (Ch. of Eng.) A clergyman who has the charge and cure of a parish, and has the tithes, etc.; the clergyman of a parish where the tithes are not impropriate. See the Note under Vicar. Blackstone. (b) (Prot. Epis. Ch.) A clergyman in charge of a parish.

3. The head master of a public school. [Scot.]

4. The chief elective officer of some universities, as in France and Scotland; sometimes, the head of a college; as, the Rector of Exeter College, or of Lincoln College, at Oxford.

5. (R.C.CH.) The superior officer or chief of a convent or religious house; and among the Jesuits the superior of a house that is a seminary or college.

Rec"tor*al (-al), a. [CF. F. rectoral.] Pertaining to a rector or governor.

Rec"tor*ate (-?t), n. [LL. rectoratus: cf. F. rectorat.] The office, rank, or station of a rector; rectorship.

Rec"tor*ess, n. 1. A governess; a rectrix. Drayton.

2. The wife of a rector. Thackeray.

Rec*to"ri*al (r?k*t?"r?*al), a. Pertaining to a rector or a rectory; rectoral. Shipley.

Rec"tor*ship (r?k"t?r*sh?p), n. 1. Government; guidance. [Obs.] "The rectorship of judgment." Shak.

2. The office or rank of a rector; rectorate.

Rec"to*ry (-t?*r?), n.; pl. Rectories (-r&?;z). [Cf. OF. rectorie or rectorerie, LL. rectoria.] 1. The province of a rector; a parish church, parsonage, or spiritual living, with all its rights, tithes, and glebes.

2. A rector's mansion; a parsonage house.

Rec`to-u"ter*ine (-?"t?r*?n or *?n), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to both the rectum and the uterus.

Rec`to*vag"i*nal (r?k`t?*v?j"?*nal), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to both the rectum and the vagina.

Rec`to-ves"i*cal (-v?s"?*kal), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to both the rectum and the bladder.

Rec"tress (r?k"tr?s), n. A rectoress. B. Jonson.

||Rec"trix (-tr?ks), n.; pl. Rectrices (-tr&?;"s&?;z). [L., fem. of rector.] 1. A governess; a rectoress.

2. (Zoöl.) One of the quill feathers of the tail of a bird.

Rec"tum (-t?m), n. [NL. (sc. intestinum), fr. L. rectus straight. See Right.] (Anat.) The terminal part of the large intestine; -- so named because supposed by the old anatomists to be straight. See Illust. under Digestive.

||Rec"tus (-t?s), n.; pl. Recti (-t&?;). [NL., fr. L. regere to keep straight.] (Anat.) A straight muscle; as, the recti of the eye.

Rec`u*ba"tion (r?k`?*b?"sh?n), n. [L. recubare to lie upon the back.] Recumbence. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.

Re*cule" (r?*k?l"), v. i. To recoil. [Obs.] Spenser.

{ Re*cule" (r?*k?l"), Re*cule"ment (- ment), } n. [F. reculement.] Recoil. [Obs.]

Re*cumb" (-k?m"), v. i. [L. recumbere; pref. re- back + cumbere (in comp.), akin to cubare to lie down.] To lean; to recline; to repose. [Obs.] J. Allen (1761).

Re*cum"bence (r?*k?m"bens), n. The act of leaning, resting, or reclining; the state of being recumbent.

Re*cum"ben*cy (-ben*s?), n. Recumbence.

Re*cum"bent (-bet), a. [L. recumbens, -entis, p. pr. of recumbere. See Recumb, Incumbent.] Leaning; reclining; lying; as, the recumbent posture of the Romans at their meals. Hence, figuratively; Resting; inactive; idle. -- Re*cum"bent*ly, adv.

Re*cu"per*a*ble (r?*k?"p?r*?*b'l), a. [Cf.F. récup&?;rable. See Recover.] Recoverable. Sir T. Elyot.

Re*cu"per*ate (-?t), v. i. [imp. &. p. p. Recuperated (-?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Recuperating.] [L. recuperatus, p. p. of recuperare. See Recover to get again.] To recover health; to regain strength; to convalesce.

Re*cu"per*ate, v. t. To recover; to regain; as, to recuperate the health or strength.

Re*cu`per*a"tion (-?`sh?n), n.. [L. recuperatio: cf. F. récup&?;ration.] Recovery, as of anything lost, especially of the health or strength.

{ Re*cu"per*a*tive (-?*t?v), Re*cu"per*a*to*ry (- ?*t?*r?), } a. [L. recuperativus, recuperatorius.] Of or pertaining to recuperation; tending to recovery.

Re*cu"per*a`tor (r?*k?"pp?r*?`t?r), n. [Cf. L. recuperator a recoverer.] (Steel Manuf.) Same as Regenerator.

Re*cur" (r?*k?r"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Recurred (-k?rd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Recurring.] [L. recurrere; pref. re- re- + currere to run. See Current.] 1. To come back; to return again or repeatedly; to come again to mind.

When any word has been used to signify an idea, the old idea will recur in the mind when the word is heard.

I. Watts.

2. To occur at a stated interval, or according to some regular rule; as, the fever will recur to- night.

3. To resort; to have recourse; to go for help.

If, to avoid succession in eternal existence, they recur to the "punctum stans" of the schools, they will thereby very little help us to a more positive idea of infinite duration.


Recurring decimal (Math.), a circulating decimal. See under Decimal. -- Recurring series (Math.), an algebraic series in which the coefficients of the several terms can be expressed by means of certain preceding coefficients and constants in one uniform manner.

Re*cure" (r?*k?r"), v. t. [Cf. Recover.] 1. To arrive at; to reach; to attain. [Obs.] Lydgate.

2. To recover; to regain; to repossess. [Obs.]

When their powers, impaired through labor long,
With due repast, they had recured well.


3. To restore, as from weariness, sickness; or the like; to repair.

In western waves his weary wagon did recure.


4. To be a cure for; to remedy. [Obs.]

No medicine
Might avail his sickness to recure.


Re*cure", n. Cure; remedy; recovery. [Obs.]

But whom he hite, without recure he dies.


Re*cure"less, a. Incapable of cure. [Obs.] Bp. Hall.

{ Re*cur"rence (r?*k?r"rens), Re*cur"ren*cy (-ren*s?), } n. [Cf. F. récurrence.] The act of recurring, or state of being recurrent; return; resort; recourse.

I shall insensibly go on from a rare to a frequent recurrence to the dangerous preparations.

I. Taylor.

Re*cur"rent (-rent), a. [L. recurrens, -entis, p. pr. of recurrere: cf.F. récurrent. See Recur.] 1. Returning from time to time; recurring; as, recurrent pains.

2. (Anat.) Running back toward its origin; as, a recurrent nerve or artery.

Recurrent fever. (Med.) See Relapsing fever, under Relapsing. -- Recurrent pulse (Physiol.), the pulse beat which appears (when the radial artery is compressed at the wrist) on the distal side of the point of pressure through the arteries of the palm of the hand. -- Recurrent sensibility (Physiol.), the sensibility manifested by the anterior, or motor, roots of the spinal cord (their stimulation causing pain) owing to the presence of sensory fibers from the corresponding sensory or posterior roots.

Re*cur"sant (r?*k?r"sant), a. [L. recursans, -antis, p. pr. of recursare to run back, v. freq. of recurrere. See Recure.] (Her.) Displayed with the back toward the spectator; -- said especially of an eagle.

Re*cur"sion (-sh?n), n. [L. recursio. See Recur.] The act of recurring; return. [Obs.] Boyle.

Re*cur"vate (r?*k?r"v?t), a. [L. recurvatus, p. p. of recurvare. See Re-, and Curvate.] (Bot.) Recurved.

Re*cur"vate (-v?t), v. t. To bend or curve back; to recurve. Pennant.

Re`cur*va"tion (r?`k?r*v?"sh?n), n. The act of recurving, or the state of being recurved; a bending or flexure backward.

Re*curve" (r?*k?rv"), v. t. To curve in an opposite or unusual direction; to bend back or down.

Re*curved" (r?*k?rvd"), a. Curved in an opposite or uncommon direction; bent back; as, a bird with a recurved bill; flowers with recurved petals.

Re*cur`vi*ros"ter (r?*k?r`v?*r?s"t?r), n. [L. recurvus bent back + rostrum beack; cf. F. récurvirostre.] (Zool.) A bird whose beak bends upward, as the avocet.

Re*cur`vi*ros"tral (-tral), a. [See Recurviroster.] (Zoöl.) Having the beak bent upwards.

Re*cur"vi*ty (r?*k?r"v?*t?), n. Recurvation.

Re*cur"vous (-v?s), a. [L. recurvus; pref. re- re + curvus curved.] Recurved. Derham.

Re*cu"san*cy (r?*k?"zan*s? or r?k"?-), n. The state of being recusant; nonconformity. Coke.

Re*cu"sant (-zat; 277), a.[L. recusans, -antis, p. pr. of recure to refuse, to oject to; pref. re- re + causa a cause, pretext: cf. F. récusant. See Cause, and cf. Ruse.] Obstinate in refusal; specifically, in English history, refusing to acknowledge the supremacy of the king in the churc, or to conform to the established rites of the church; as, a recusant lord.

It stated him to have placed his son in the household of the Countess of Derby, a recusant papist.

Sir W. Scott.

Re*cu"sant, n. 1. One who is obstinate in refusal; one standing out stubbornly against general practice or opinion.

The last rebellious recusants among the European family of nations.

De Quincey.

2. (Eng. Hist.) A person who refuses to acknowledge the supremacy of the king in matters of religion; as, a Roman Catholic recusant, who acknowledges the supremacy of the pope. Brande & C.

3. One who refuses communion with the Church of England; a nonconformist.

All that are recusants of holy rites.


Rec`u*sa"tion (r?k`?*z?"sh?n), n. [L. recusatio: cf. F. récusation.] 1. Refusal. [Obs.]

2. (Old Law) The act of refusing a judge or challenging that he shall not try the cause, on account of his supposed partiality. Blackstone.

Re*cu"sa*tive (r?*k?"z?*t?v), a. Refusing; denying; negative. [R.] Jer. Taylor.

Re*cuse" (r?*k?z"), v. t. [F. récuser, or L. recusare. See Recusant.] (Law) To refuse or reject, as a judge; to challenge that the judge shall not try the cause. [Obs.] Sir K. Digby.

Re*cus"sion (r?*k?sh"?n), n. [L. recutire, recussum, to beat back; pref. re- re- + quatere to shake.] The act of beating or striking back.

Red (rd), obs. . imp. & p. p. of Read. Spenser.

Red, v. t. To put on order; to make tidy; also, to free from entanglement or embarrassement; -- generally with up; as, to red up a house. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

Red, a. [Compar. Redder (-d?r); superl. Reddest.] [OE. red, reed, AS. reád, reód; akin to OS. rd, OFries. rd, D. rood, G. roht, rot, OHG. rt, Dan. & Sw. röd, Icel. rauðr, rjðr, Goth. ráuds, W. rhudd, Armor. ruz, Ir. & Gael. ruadh, L. ruber, rufus, Gr. 'eryqro`s, Skr. rudhira, rohita; cf. L. rutilus. √113. Cf. Erysipelas, Rouge, Rubric, Ruby, Ruddy, Russet, Rust.] Of the color of blood, or of a tint resembling that color; of the hue of that part of the rainbow, or of the solar spectrum, which is furthest from the violet part. "Fresh flowers, white and reede." Chaucer.

Your color, I warrant you, is as red as any rose.


Red is a general term, including many different shades or hues, as scarlet, crimson, vermilion, orange red, and the like.

Red is often used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, red-breasted, red-cheeked, red- faced, red-haired, red-headed, red-skinned, red-tailed, red-topped, red-whiskered, red-coasted.

Red admiral (Zoöl.), a beautiful butterfly (Vanessa Atalanta) common in both Europe and America. The front wings are crossed by a broad orange red band. The larva feeds on nettles. Called also Atalanta butterfly, and nettle butterfly. -- Red ant. (Zoöl.) (a) A very small ant (Myrmica molesta) which often infests houses. (b) A larger reddish ant (Formica sanguinea), native of Europe and America. It is one of the slave-making species. -- Red antimony (Min.), kermesite. See Kermes mineral (b), under Kermes. -- Red ash (Bot.), an American tree (Fraxinus pubescens), smaller than the white ash, and less valuable for timber. Cray. -- Red bass. (Zoöl.) See Redfish (d). - - Red bay (Bot.), a tree (Persea Caroliniensis) having the heartwood red, found in swamps in the Southern United States. -- Red beard (Zoöl.), a bright red sponge (Microciona prolifera), common on oyster shells and stones. [Local, U.S.] -- Red birch (Bot.), a species of birch (Betula nigra) having reddish brown bark, and compact, light- colored wood. Gray. -- Red blindness. (Med.) See Daltonism. -- Red book, a book containing the names of all the persons in the service of the state. [Eng.] -- Red book of the Exchequer, an ancient record in which are registered the names of all that held lands per baroniam in the time of Henry II. Brande & C. -- Red brass, an alloy containing eight parts of copper and three of zinc. -- Red bug. (Zoöl.) (a) A very small mite which in Florida attacks man, and produces great irritation by its bites. (b) A red hemipterous insect of the genus Pyrrhocoris, especially the European species (P. apterus), which is bright scarlet and lives in clusters on tree trunks. (c) See Cotton stainder, under Cotton. -- Red cedar. (Bot.) An evergreen North American tree (Juniperus Virginiana) having a fragrant red-colored heartwood. (b) A tree of India and Australia (Cedrela Toona) having fragrant reddish wood; -- called also toon tree in India. <! p. 1203 !> -- Red chalk. See under Chalk. -- Red copper (Min.), red oxide of copper; cuprite. -- Red coral (Zoöl.), the precious coral (Corallium rubrum). See Illusts. of Coral and Gorgonlacea. -- Red cross. The cross of St. George, the national emblem of the English. (b) The Geneva cross. See Geneva convention, and Geneva cross, under Geneva. -- Red currant. (Bot.) See Currant. -- Red deer. (Zoöl.) (a) The common stag (Cervus elaphus), native of the forests of the temperate parts of Europe and Asia. It is very similar to the American elk, or wapiti. (b) The Virginia deer. See Deer. -- Red duck (Zoöl.), a European reddish brown duck (Fuligula nyroca); -- called also ferruginous duck. -- Red ebony. (Bot.) See Grenadillo. -- Red empress (Zoöl.), a butterfly. See Tortoise shell. -- Red fir (Bot.), a coniferous tree (Pseudotsuga Douglasii) found from British Columbia to Texas, and highly valued for its durable timber. The name is sometimes given to other coniferous trees, as the Norway spruce and the American Abies magnifica and A. nobilis. -- Red fire. (Pyrotech.) See Blue fire, under Fire. -- Red flag. See under Flag. -- Red fox (Zoöl.), the common American fox (Vulpes fulvus), which is usually reddish in color. -- Red grouse (Zoöl.), the Scotch grouse, or ptarmigan. See under Ptarmigan. -- Red gum, or Red gum-tree (Bot.), a name given to eight Australian species of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus amygdalina, resinifera, etc.) which yield a reddish gum resin. See Eucalyptus. -- Red hand (Her.), a left hand appaumé, fingers erect, borne on an escutcheon, being the mark of a baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; -- called also Badge of Ulster. -- Red herring, the common herring dried and smoked. -- Red horse. (Zoöl.) (a) Any large American red fresh-water sucker, especially Moxostoma macrolepidotum and allied species. (b) See the Note under Drumfish. -- Red lead. (Chem) See under Lead, and Minium. -- Red-lead ore. (Min.) Same as Crocoite. -- Red liquor (Dyeing), a solution consisting essentially of aluminium acetate, used as a mordant in the fixation of dyestuffs on vegetable fiber; -- so called because used originally for red dyestuffs. Called also red mordant. -- Red maggot (Zoöl.), the larva of the wheat midge. -- Red manganese. (Min.) Same as Rhodochrosite. -- Red man, one of the American Indians; -- so called from his color. -- Red maple (Bot.), a species of maple (Acer rubrum). See Maple. -- Red mite. (Zoöl.) See Red spider, below. -- Red mulberry (Bot.), an American mulberry of a dark purple color (Morus rubra). -- Red mullet (Zoöl.), the surmullet. See Mullet. -- Red ocher (Min.), a soft earthy variety of hematite, of a reddish color. -- Red perch (Zoöl.), the rosefish. -- Red phosphorus. (Chem.) See under Phosphorus. -- Red pine (Bot.), an American species of pine (Pinus resinosa); -- so named from its reddish bark. -- Red precipitate. See under Precipitate. -- Red Republican (European Politics), originally, one who maintained extreme republican doctrines in France, -- because a red liberty cap was the badge of the party; an extreme radical in social reform. [Cant] -- Red ribbon, the ribbon of the Order of the Bath in England. -- Red sanders. (Bot.) See Sanders. -- Red sandstone. (Geol.) See under Sandstone. -- Red scale (Zoöl.), a scale insect (Aspidiotus aurantii) very injurious to the orange tree in California and Australia. -- Red silver (Min.), an ore of silver, of a ruby-red or reddish black color. It includes proustite, or light red silver, and pyrargyrite, or dark red silver. -- Red snapper (Zoöl.), a large fish (Lutlanus aya or Blackfordii) abundant in the Gulf of Mexico and about the Florida reefs. -- Red snow, snow colored by a mocroscopic unicellular alga (Protococcus nivalis) which produces large patches of scarlet on the snows of arctic or mountainous regions. -- Red softening (Med.) a form of cerebral softening in which the affected parts are red, -- a condition due either to infarction or inflammation. -- Red spider (Zoöl.), a very small web-spinning mite (Tetranychus telarius) which infests, and often destroys, plants of various kinds, especially those cultivated in houses and conservatories. It feeds mostly on the under side of the leaves, and causes them to turn yellow and die. The adult insects are usually pale red. Called also red mite. -- Red squirrel (Zoöl.), the chickaree. -- Red tape, the tape used in public offices for tying up documents, etc.; hence, official formality and delay. -- Red underwing (Zoöl.), any species of noctuid moths belonging to Catacola and allied genera. The numerous species are mostly large and handsomely colored. The under wings are commonly banded with bright red or orange. -- Red water, a disease in cattle, so called from an appearance like blood in the urine.

Red (r?d), n. 1. The color of blood, or of that part of the spectrum farthest from violet, or a tint resembling these. "Celestial rosy red, love's proper hue." Milton.

2. A red pigment.

3. (European Politics) An abbreviation for Red Republican. See under Red, a. [Cant]

4. pl. (Med.) The menses. Dunglison.

English red, a pigment prepared by the Dutch, similar to Indian red. -- Hypericum red, a red resinous dyestuff extracted from Hypericum. -- Indian red. See under Indian, and Almagra.

Re*dact" (r?*d?kt"), v. t. [L. redactus, p. p. of redigere; pref. red-, re- , again, back + agere to put in motion, to drive.] To reduce to form, as literary matter; to digest and put in shape (matter for publication); to edit.

||Ré`dac`teur" (r`dk`tr"), n. [F.] See Redactor.

Re*dac"tion (r?*d?k"sh?n), n. [F. rédaction.] The act of redacting; work produced by redacting; a digest.

Re*dac"tor (-t?r), n. One who redacts; one who prepares matter for publication; an editor. Carlyle.

Re*dan" (r?*d?n"), n. [F., for OF. redent a double notching or jagging, as in the teeth of a saw, fr. L. pref. re- re- + dens, dentis, a tooth. Cf. Redented.] [Written sometimes redent and redens.] 1. (Fort.) A work having two parapets whose faces unite so as to form a salient angle toward the enemy.

2. A step or vertical offset in a wall on uneven ground, to keep the parts level.

Red*ar"gue (r?d*?r"g?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Redargued (-g?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Redarguing.] [L. redarguere; pref. red-, re- re- + arguere to accuse, charge with: cf. F. rédarguer.] To disprove; to refute; toconfute; to reprove; to convict. [Archaic]

How shall I . . . suffer that God should redargue me at doomsday, and the angels reproach my lukewarmness?

Jer. Taylor.

Now this objection to the immediate cognition of external objects has, as far as I know, been redargued in three different ways.

Sir W. Hamilton.

Red`ar*gu"tion (r?d`?r*g?"sh?n), n. [L. redargutio.] The act of redarguing; refutation. [Obs. or R.] Bacon.

Red`ar*gu"to*ry (-t?*r?), a. Pertaining to, or containing, redargution; refutatory. [R.]

Red"back` (r?d"b?k`), n. (Zoöl.) The dunlin. [U. S.]

Red"bel`ly (-b?l`l?), n. (Zoöl.) The char.

Red"bird` (-b?rd`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) The cardinal bird. (b) The summer redbird (Piranga rubra). (c) The scarlet tanager. See Tanager.

Red"breast` (-br?st`), n. 1. (Zoöl.) (a) The European robin. (b) The American robin. See Robin. (c) The knot, or red-breasted snipe; -- called also robin breast, and robin snipe. See Knot.

2. (Zoöl.) The long-eared pondfish. See Pondfish.

Red"bud` (-b?d`), n. (Bot.) A small ornamental leguminous tree of the American species of the genus Cercis. See Judas tree, under Judas.

Red"cap`, n. 1. (Zoöl) The European goldfinch.

2. A specter having long teeth, popularly supposed to haunt old castles in Scotland. [Scot.] Jamieson.

Red"coat` (-kt`), n. One who wears a red coat; specifically, a red-coated British soldier.

Red"de (-de), obs. imp. of Read, or Rede. Chaucer.

Red"den (r?d"d'n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reddened (-d'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reddening.] [From Red, a.] To make red or somewhat red; to give a red color to.

Red"den, v. i. To grow or become red; to blush.

Appius reddens at each word you speak.


He no sooner saw that her eye glistened and her cheek reddened than his obstinacy was at once subbued.

Sir W. SCott.

||Red*den"dum (r?d*d?n"d?m), n. [Neut. of L. reddendus that must be given back or yielded, gerundive of reddere. See Reddition.] (Law) A clause in a deed by which some new thing is reserved out of what had been granted before; the clause by which rent is reserved in a lease. Cruise.

Red"dish (r?d"d?sh), a. Somewhat red; moderately red. -- Red"dish*ness, n.

Red*di"tion (r?d*d?sh"?n), n.[L. redditio, fr. reddere to give back, to return: cf. F. reddition. See Render.]

1. Restoration: restitution: surrender. Howell.

2. Explanation; representation. [R.]

The reddition or application of the comparison.


Red"di**tive (r?d"d?*t?v), a. [L. redditivus.] (Gram.) Answering to an interrogative or inquiry; conveying a reply; as, redditive words.

Red"dle (r?d"d'l), n. [From Red; cf. G. r&?;thel. Cf. Ruddle.] (Min.) Red chalk. See under Chalk.

Red"dour (r?d"d?r), n. [F. raideur, fr. raide stiff.] Rigor; violence. [Obs.] Gower.

Rede (r?d), v. t. [See Read, v. t.] 1. To advise or counsel. [Obs. or Scot.]

I rede that our host here shall begin.


2. To interpret; to explain. [Obs.]

My sweven [dream] rede aright.


Rede, n. [See Read, n.] 1. Advice; counsel; suggestion. [Obs. or Scot.] Burns.

There was none other remedy ne reed.


2. A word or phrase; a motto; a proverb; a wise saw. [Obs.] "This rede is rife." Spenser.

Re*deem" (r?*d?m"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Redeemed. (-d&?;md"); p. pr. & vb. n. Redeeming.] [F. rédimer, L. redimere; pref. red-, re- re- + emere, emptum, to buy, originally, to take, cf. OIr. em (in comp.), Lith. imti. Cf. Assume, Consume, Exempt, Premium, Prompt, Ransom.] 1. To purchase back; to regain possession of by payment of a stipulated price; to repurchase.

If a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold.

Lev. xxv. 29.

2. Hence, specifically: (a) (Law) To recall, as an estate, or to regain, as mortgaged property, by paying what may be due by force of the mortgage. (b) (Com.) To regain by performing the obligation or condition stated; to discharge the obligation mentioned in, as a promissory note, bond, or other evidence of debt; as, to redeem bank notes with coin.

3. To ransom, liberate, or rescue from captivity or bondage, or from any obligation or liability to suffer or to be forfeited, by paying a price or ransom; to ransom; to rescue; to recover; as, to redeem a captive, a pledge, and the like.

Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Ps. xxv. 22.

The Almighty from the grave
Hath me redeemed.


4. (Theol.) Hence, to rescue and deliver from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law.

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us.

Gal. iii. 13.

5. To make good by performing fully; to fulfill; as, to redeem one's promises.

I will redeem all this on Percy's head.


6. To pay the penalty of; to make amends for; to serve as an equivalent or offset for; to atone for; to compensate; as, to redeem an error.

Which of ye will be mortal, to redeem
Man's mortal crime?


It is a chance which does redeem all sorrows.


To redeem the time, to make the best use of it.

Re*deem`a*bil"i*ty (-?*b?l"?*t?), n. Redeemableness.

Re*deem"a*ble (-?*b;l), a. 1. Capable of being redeemed; subject to repurchase; held under conditions permitting redemption; as, a pledge securing the payment of money is redeemable.

2. Subject to an obligation of redemtion; conditioned upon a promise of redemtion; payable; due; as, bonds, promissory notes, etc. , redeemabble in gold, or in current money, or four months after date.

Re*deem"a*ble*ness (r?*d?m"?*b'l*n?s), n. The quality or state of being redeemable; redeemability.

Re*deem"er (r?*d?m"?r), n. 1. One who redeems.

2. Specifically, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

Rede"less (r?d"l?s), a. Without rede or counsel. [Obs.]

Re`de*lib"er*ate (r?`d?*l?b"?r*?t), v. t. & i. To deliberate again; to reconsider.

Re`de*liv"er (r?`d?*l?v"?r), v. t. 1. To deliver or give back; to return. Ay&?;iffe.

2. To deliver or liberate a second time or again.

3. To report; to deliver the answer of. [R.] "Shall I redeliver you e'en so?" Shak.

Re`de*liv"er*ance (-ans), n. A second deliverance.

Re`de*liv"er*y (-?), n. 1. Act of delivering back.

2. A second or new delivery or liberation.

Re`de*mand" (r?`d-m?nd"), v. t. [Pref. re- back, again + demand: cf. F. redemander.] To demand back; to demand again.

Re`de*mand", n. A demanding back; a second or renewed demand.

Re`de*mise" (-m?z"), v. t. To demise back; to convey or transfer back, as an estate.

Re`de*mise", n. (Law) The transfer of an estate back to the person who demised it; reconveyance; as, the demise and redemise of an estate. See under Demise.

Re*dem"on*strate (r?*d?m"?n*str?t or r?`d?*m?n"-str?t), v. t. To demonstrate again, or anew.

Every truth of morals must be redemonstrated in the experience of the individual man before he is capable of utilizing it as a constituent of character or a guide in action.


Re*demp"ti*ble (r?*d?mp"t?*b'l), a. Redeemable.

Re-demp"tion (-sh?n), n. [F. rédemption, L. redemptio. See Redeem, and cf. Ransom.] The act of redeeming, or the state of being redeemed; repurchase; ransom; release; rescue; deliverance; as, the redemption of prisoners taken in war; the redemption of a ship and cargo. Specifically: (a) (Law) The liberation of an estate from a mortgage, or the taking back of property mortgaged, upon performance of the terms or conditions on which it was conveyed; also, the right of redeeming and reëntering upon an estate mortgaged. See Equity of redemption, under Equity. (b) (Com.) Performance of the obligation stated in a note, bill, bond, or other evidence of debt, by making payment to the holder. (c) (Theol.) The procuring of God's favor by the sufferings and death of Christ; the ransom or deliverance of sinners from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law.

In whom we have redemption through his blood.

Eph. i. 7.

Re*demp"tion*a*ry (-?*r?), n. One who is, or may be, redeemed. [R.] Hakluyt.

Re*demp"tion*er (-?r), n. 1. One who redeems himself, as from debt or servitude.

2. Formerly, one who, wishing to emigrate from Europe to America, sold his services for a stipulated time to pay the expenses of his passage.

Re*demp"tion*ist, n. (R.C.Ch.) A monk of an order founded in 1197; -- so called because the order was especially devoted to the redemption of Christians held in captivity by the Mohammedans. Called also Trinitarian.

Re*demp"tive (-t?v), a. Serving or tending to redeem; redeeming; as, the redemptive work of Christ.

Re*demp"tor*ist (-t?r*?st), n. [F. rédemptoriste, fr. L. redemptor redeemer, from redinere. See Redeem.] (R.C.Ch.) One of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, founded in Naples in 1732 by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liquori. It was introduced onto the United States in 1832 at Detroit. The Fathers of the Congregation devote themselves to preaching to the neglected, esp. in missions and retreats, and are forbidden by their rule to engage in the instruction of youth.

Re*demp"to*ry (-t?*r?), a. Paid for ransom; serving to redeem. "Hector's redemptory price." Chapman.

Re*demp"ture (-t?r; 135), n. Redemption. [Obs.]

Re*dent"ed (r?*d?nt"?d), a. [From OF. redent. See Redan.] Formed like the teeth of a saw; indented.

Re`de*pos"it (r?`d?*p?z"?t), v. t. To deposit again.

Re`de*scend" (-s?nd"), v. i. [Pref. re- + descend: cf. F. redescendre.] To descend again. Howell.

Red"eye` (r?d"?`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) The rudd. (b) Same as Redfish (d). (c) The goggle-eye, or fresh-water rock bass. [Local, U.S.]

Red"fin` (-f?n`), n. (Zoöl.) A small North American dace (Minnilus cornutus, or Notropis megalops). The male, in the breeding season, has bright red fins. Called also red dace, and shiner. Applied also to Notropis ardens, of the Mississippi valley.

Red"finch` (-fnch`), n. (Zoöl.) The European linnet.

Red"fish` (rd"fsh`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) The blueback salmon of the North Pacific; -- called also nerka. See Blueback (b). (b) The rosefish. (c) A large California labroid food fish (Trochocopus pulcher); -- called also fathead. (d) The red bass, red drum, or drumfish. See the Note under Drumfish.

Red"-gum` (-g?m`), n. [OE. reed gounde; AS. reád red + gund matter, pus.] 1. (Med.) An eruption of red pimples upon the face, neck, and arms, in early infancy; tooth rash; strophulus. Good.

2. A name of rust on grain. See Rust.

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{ Red"-hand` (r?d"h?nd`), Red"-hand`ed (- h?nd`?d), } a. or adv. Having hands red with blood; in the very act, as if with red or bloody hands; -- said of a person taken in the act of homicide; hence, fresh from the commission of crime; as, he was taken red-hand or red-handed.

Red"head` (-h?d`), n. 1. A person having red hair.

2. (Zoöl.) (a) An American duck (Aythya Americana) highly esteemed as a game bird. It is closely allied to the canvasback, but is smaller and its head brighter red. Called also red-headed duck. American poachard, grayback, and fall duck. See Illust. under Poachard. (b) The red-headed woodpecker. See Woodpecker.

3. (Bot.) A kind of milkweed (Asclepias Curassavica) with red flowers. It is used in medicine.

Red`hi*bi"tion (r?d`h?*b?sh"?n), n. [L. redhibitio a taking back.] (Civil Law) The annulling of a sale, and the return by the buyer of the article sold, on account of some defect.

Red*hib"i*to*ry (r?d*h?b"?*t?*r?), a. [L. redhibitorius.] (Civil Law) Of or pertaining to redhibition; as, a redhibitory action or fault.

Red"hoop` (r?d"h??p`), n. (Zoöl.) The male of the European bullfinch. [Prov. Eng.]

Red"horn` (-h?rn`), n. (Zoöl.) Any species of a tribe of butterflies (Fugacia) including the common yellow species and the cabbage butterflies. The antennæ are usually red.

Red"-hot` (-h?t`), a. Red with heat; heated to redness; as, red-hot iron; red-hot balls. Hence, figuratively, excited; violent; as, a red-hot radical. Shak.

||Re"di*a (r?"d?*?), n.; pl. L. Rediæ (-), E. Redias (-&?;z). [NL.; of uncertain origin.] (Zoöl.) A kind of larva, or nurse, which is prroduced within the sporocyst of certain trematodes by asexual generation. It in turn produces, in the same way, either another generation of rediæ, or else cercariæ within its own body. Called also proscolex, and nurse. See Illustration in Appendix.

Re"di*ent (r?"d?-ent), a. [L. rediens, p. pr. of redire to return; pref. red- + ire to go.] Returning. [R.]

Re`di*gest" (r?`d?*j?st"), v. t. To digest, or reduce to form, a second time. Kent.

Re`di*min"ish (-m?n"?sh), v. t. To diminish again.

Red"in*gote (rd"n*gt), n. [F., corrupted from E. riding coat.] A long plain double-breasted outside coat for women.

Re*din"te*grate (r?*d?n"t?*gr?t), a. [L. redintegratus, p. p. of redintegrare to restore; pref. red-, re-, re- + integrare to make whole, to renew, fr. integer whole. See Integer.] Restored to wholeness or a perfect state; renewed. Bacon.

Re*din"te*grate (-gr?t), v. t. To make whole again; a renew; to restore to integrity or soundness.

The English nation seems obliterated. What could redintegrate us again?


Re*din`te*gra"tion (-gr?"sh?n), n. [L. redintegratio.] 1. Restoration to a whole or sound state; renewal; renovation. Dr. H. More.

2. (Chem.) Restoration of a mixed body or matter to its former nature and state. [Achaic.] Coxe.

3. (Psychology) The law that objects which have been previously combined as part of a single mental state tend to recall or suggest one another; -- adopted by many philosophers to explain the phenomena of the association of ideas.

Re`di*rect" (r?`d?*r?kt"), a. (Law) Applied to the examination of a witness, by the party calling him, after the cross-examination.

Re`dis*burse" (r?`d?s*b?rs"), v. t. To disburse anew; to give, or pay, back. Spenser.

Re`dis*cov"er (-k?v"?r), v. t. To discover again.

Re`dis*pose" (-p?z"), v. t. To dispose anew or again; to readjust; to rearrange. A. Baxter.

Re`dis*seize" (-s?z"), v. t. (Law) To disseize anew, or a second time. [Written also redisseise.]

Re`dis*sei"zin (-s?"z?n), n. (Law) A disseizin by one who once before was adjudged to have dassezed the same person of the same lands, etc.; also, a writ which lay in such a case. Blackstone.

Re`dis*sei"zor (-z?r), n. (Law) One who redisseizes.

Re`dis*solve" (r?`d?z*z?lv"), v. t. To dissolve again.

Re`dis*till" (r?`d?s*t?l"), v. t. To distill again.

Re`dis*train"er (-tr?n"?r), n. One who distrains again.

Re`dis*trib"ute (-tr?b"?t), v. t. To distribute again.

-- Re*dis`tri*bu"tion (-tr&?;*b&?;"sh&?;n), n.

Re*dis"trict (-tr?kt), v. t. To divide into new districts.

Re*di"tion (r?*d?sh"?n), n. [L. reditio, fr. redire. See Redient.] Act of returning; return. [Obs.] Chapman.

Re`di*vide" (r?`d?*v?d"), v. t. To divide anew.

{ Red"leg` (r?d"l?g`), Red`legs` (-l?gz`), } n. (Zoöl.) (a) The redshank. (b) The turnstone.

Red"-let`ter (-l?t`t?r), a. Of or pertaining to a red letter; marked by red letters.

Red-letter day, a day that is fortunate or auspicious; -- so called in allusion to the custom of marking holy days, or saints' days, in the old calendars with red letters.

Red"ly, adv. In a red manner; with redness.

Red"mouth` (-mouth`), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of marine food fishes of the genus Diabasis, or Hæmulon, of the Southern United States, having the inside of the mouth bright red. Called also flannelmouth, and grunt.

Red"ness, n. [AS. reádness. See Red.] The quality or state of being red; red color.

{ Red"o*lence (r?d"?*lens), Red"o*len*cy (-len*s?), } n. The quality of being redolent; sweetness of scent; pleasant odor; fragrance.

Red"o*lent (-lent), a. [L. redolens, -entis, p. pr. of redolere to emit a scent, diffuse an odor; pref. red-, re-, re- + olere to emit a smell. See Odor.] Diffusing odor or fragrance; spreading sweet scent; scented; odorous; smelling; -- usually followed by of. "Honey redolent of spring." Dryden. -- Red"o*lent*ly, adv.

Gales . . . redolent of joy and youth.


Re*dou"ble (r?*d?b"'l), v. t. [Pref. re- + double: cf. F. redoubler. Cf. Reduplicate.] To double again or repeatedly; to increase by continued or repeated additions; to augment greatly; to multiply.

So they
Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe.


Re*dou"ble, v. i. To become greatly or repeatedly increased; to be multiplied; to be greatly augmented; as, the noise redoubles.

Re*doubt" (r?*dout"), n. [F. redoute, fem., It. ridotto, LL. reductus, literally, a retreat, from L. reductus drawn back, retired, p. p. of reducere to lead or draw back; cf. F. réduit, also fr. LL. reductus. See Reduce, and cf. Reduct, Réduit, Ridotto.] (Fort.) (a) A small, and usually a roughly constructed, fort or outwork of varying shape, commonly erected for a temporary purpose, and without flanking defenses, -- used esp. in fortifying tops of hills and passes, and positions in hostile territory. (b) In permanent works, an outwork placed within another outwork. See F and i in Illust. of Ravelin. [Written also redout.]

Re*doubt", v. t. [F. redouter, formerly also spelt redoubter; fr. L. pref. re- re- + dubitare to doubt, in LL., to fear. See Doubt.] To stand in dread of; to regard with fear; to dread. [R.]

Re*doubt"a*ble (-?*b'l), a. [F. redoutable, formerly also spelt redoubtable.] Formidable; dread; terrible to foes; as, a redoubtable hero; hence, valiant; -- often in contempt or burlesque. [Written also redoutable.]

Re*doubt"ed, a. Formidable; dread. "Some redoubted knight." Spenser.

Lord regent, and redoubted Burgandy.


Re*doubt"ing, n. Reverence; honor. [Obs.]

In redoutyng of Mars and of his glory.


Re*dound" (r?*dound"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Redounded; p. pr. & vb. n. Redounding.] [F. redonder, L. redundare; pref. red-, re-, re- + undare to rise in waves or surges, fr. unda a wave. See Undulate, and cf. Redundant.] 1. To roll back, as a wave or flood; to be sent or driven back; to flow back, as a consequence or effect; to conduce; to contribute; to result.

The evil, soon
Driven back, redounded as a flood on those
From whom it sprung.


The honor done to our religion ultimately redounds to God, the author of it.


both . . . will devour great quantities of paper, there will no small use redound from them to that manufacture.


2. To be in excess; to remain over and above; to be redundant; to overflow.

For every dram of honey therein found,
A pound of gall doth over it redound.


Re*dound", n. 1. The coming back, as of consequence or effect; result; return; requital.

We give you welcome; not without redound
Of use and glory to yourselves ye come.


2. Rebound; reverberation. [R.] Codrington.

Red"ow*a (r?d"?*?), n. [F., fr. Bohemian.] A Bohemian dance of two kinds, one in triple time, like a waltz, the other in two-four time, like a polka. The former is most in use.

Red"pole` (r?d"p?l`), n. (Zoöl.) Same as Redpoll.

Red"poll` (-p?l`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of several species of small northern finches of the genus Acanthis (formerly Ægiothus), native of Europe and America. The adults have the crown red or rosy. The male of the most common species (A. linarius) has also the breast and rump rosy. Called also redpoll linnet. See Illust. under Linnet. (b) The common European linnet. (c) The American redpoll warbler (Dendroica palmarum).

Re*draft" (r*drft"), v. t. To draft or draw anew.

Re*draft", n. 1. A second draft or copy.

2. (Com.) A new bill of exchange which the holder of a protected bill draws on the drawer or indorsers, in order to recover the amount of the protested bill with costs and charges.

Re*draw" (r?*dr?"), v. t. [imp. Redrew (-dr?");p. p. Redrawn (-drn"); p. pr. & vb. n. Redrawing.] To draw again; to make a second draft or copy of; to redraft.

Re*draw", v. i. (Com.) To draw a new bill of exchange, as the holder of a protested bill, on the drawer or indorsers.

Re*dress" (r?*dr?s"), v. t. [Pref. re- + dress.] To dress again.

Re*dress" (r?*dr?s"), v. t. [F. redresser to straighten; pref. re- re- + dresser to raise, arrange. See Dress.]

1. To put in order again; to set right; to emend; to revise. [R.]

The common profit could she redress.


In yonder spring of roses intermixed
With myrtle, find what to redress till noon.


Your wish that I should redress a certain paper which you had prepared.

A. Hamilton.

2. To set right, as a wrong; to repair, as an injury; to make amends for; to remedy; to relieve from.

Those wrongs, those bitter injuries, . . .
I doubt not but with honor to redress.


3. To make amends or compensation to; to relieve of anything unjust or oppressive; to bestow relief upon. "'T is thine, O king! the afflicted to redress." Dryden.

Will Gaul or Muscovite redress ye?


Re*dress", n. 1. The act of redressing; a making right; reformation; correction; amendment. [R.]

Reformation of evil laws is commendable, but for us the more necessary is a speedy redress of ourselves.


2. A setting right, as of wrong, injury, or opression; as, the redress of grievances; hence, relief; remedy; reparation; indemnification. Shak.

A few may complain without reason; but there is occasion for redress when the cry is universal.


3. One who, or that which, gives relief; a redresser.

Fair majesty, the refuge and redress
Of those whom fate pursues and wants oppress.


Re*dress"al (r?*dr?s"al), n. Redress.

Re*dress"er (-?r), n. One who redresses.

Re*dress"i*ble (-?*b'l), a. Such as may be redressed.

Re*dress"ive (-?v), a. Tending to redress. Thomson.

Re*dress"less, a. Not having redress; such as can not be redressed; irremediable. Sherwood.

Re*dress"ment (-ment), n. [Cf. F. redressement.] The act of redressing; redress. Jefferson.

Red"-rib`and (r?d"r?b`and), n. (Zoöl.) The European red band fish, or fireflame. See Rend fish.

Red"root` (r?d"r?t`), n. (Bot.) A name of several plants having red roots, as the New Jersey tea (see under Tea), the gromwell, the bloodroot, and the Lachnanthes tinctoria, an endogenous plant found in sandy swamps from Rhode Island to Florida.

Red`sear" (r?d`s?r"), v. i. To be brittle when red-hot; to be red-short. Moxon.

Red"shank` (r?d"sh?nk`), n. 1. (Zoöl.) (a) A common Old World limicoline bird (Totanus calidris), having the legs and feet pale red. The spotted redshank (T. fuscus) is larger, and has orange-red legs. Called also redshanks, redleg, and clee. (b) The fieldfare.

2. A bare-legged person; -- a contemptuous appellation formerly given to the Scotch Highlanders, in allusion to their bare legs. Spenser.

Red"-short` (-sh?rt`), a. (Metal.) Hot-short; brittle when red-hot; -- said of certain kinds of iron. -- Red"-short`ness, n.

Red"skin` (-sk?n`), n. A common appellation for a North American Indian; -- so called from the color of the skin. Cooper.

Red"start` (-st?rt`), n. [Red + start tail.] (Zoöl.) (a) A small, handsome European singing bird (Ruticilla phœnicurus), allied to the nightingale; -- called also redtail, brantail, fireflirt, firetail. The black redstart is P.tithys. The name is also applied to several other species of Ruticilla amnd allied genera, native of India. (b) An American fly-catching warbler (Setophaga ruticilla). The male is black, with large patches of orange-red on the sides, wings, and tail. The female is olive, with yellow patches.

Red"streak` (-str?k`), n. 1. A kind of apple having the skin streaked with red and yellow, -- a favorite English cider apple. Mortimer.

2. Cider pressed from redstreak apples.

Red"tail` (-t?l`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) The red-tailed hawk. (b) The European redstart.

Red"-tailed` (-t?ld`), a. Having a red tail.

Red-tailed hawk (Zoöl.), a large North American hawk (Buteo borealis). When adult its tail is chestnut red. Called also hen hawck, and red-tailed buzzard.

Red"-tape` (-t?p`), a. Pertaining to, or characterized by, official formality. See Red tape, under Red, a.

Red`-tap"ism (r?d`t?p"?z'm), n. Strict adherence to official formalities. J. C. Shairp.

Red`-tap"ist, n. One who is tenacious of a strict adherence to official formalities. Ld. Lytton.

Red"throat` (r?d"thr?t`), n. (Zoöl.) A small Australian singing bird (Phyrrholæmus brunneus). The upper parts are brown, the center of the throat red.

Red"top` (-t?p`), n. (Bot.) A kind of grass (Agrostis vulgaris) highly valued in the United States for pasturage and hay for cattle; -- called also English grass, and in some localities herd's grass. See Illustration in Appendix. The tall redtop is Triodia seslerioides.

Re*dub" (r?*d?b"), v. t. [F. radouber to refit or repair.] To refit; to repair, or make reparation for; hence, to repay or requite. [Obs.]

It shall be good that you redub that negligence.


God shall give power to redub it with some like requital to the French.


Re*duce" (r*ds"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reduced (-dst"),; p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing (- d"sng).] [L. reducere, reductum; pref. red-. re-, re- + ducere to lead. See Duke, and cf. Redoubt, n.] 1. To bring or lead back to any former place or condition. [Obs.]

And to his brother's house reduced his wife.


The sheep must of necessity be scattered, unless the great Shephered of souls oppose, or some of his delegates reduce and direct us.


2. To bring to any inferior state, with respect to rank, size, quantity, quality, value, etc.; to diminish; to lower; to degrade; to impair; as, to reduce a sergeant to the ranks; to reduce a drawing; to reduce expenses; to reduce the intensity of heat. "An ancient but reduced family." Sir W. Scott.

Nothing so excellent but a man may fasten upon something belonging to it, to reduce it.


Having reduced
Their foe to misery beneath their fears.


Hester Prynne was shocked at the condition to which she found the clergyman reduced.


3. To bring to terms; to humble; to conquer; to subdue; to capture; as, to reduce a province or a fort.

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4. To bring to a certain state or condition by grinding, pounding, kneading, rubbing, etc.; as, to reduce a substance to powder, or to a pasty mass; to reduce fruit, wood, or paper rags, to pulp.

It were but right
And equal to reduce me to my dust.


5. To bring into a certain order, arrangement, classification, etc.; to bring under rules or within certain limits of descriptions and terms adapted to use in computation; as, to reduce animals or vegetables to a class or classes; to reduce a series of observations in astronomy; to reduce language to rules.

6. (Arith.) (a) To change, as numbers, from one denomination into another without altering their value, or from one denomination into others of the same value; as, to reduce pounds, shillings, and pence to pence, or to reduce pence to pounds; to reduce days and hours to minutes, or minutes to days and hours. (b) To change the form of a quantity or expression without altering its value; as, to reduce fractions to their lowest terms, to a common denominator, etc.

7. (Chem.) To bring to the metallic state by separating from impurities; hence, in general, to remove oxygen from; to deoxidize; to combine with, or to subject to the action of, hydrogen; as, ferric iron is reduced to ferrous iron; or metals are reduced from their ores; -- opposed to oxidize.

8. (Med.) To restore to its proper place or condition, as a displaced organ or part; as, to reduce a dislocation, a fracture, or a hernia.

Reduced iron (Chem.), metallic iron obtained through deoxidation of an oxide of iron by exposure to a current of hydrogen or other reducing agent. When hydrogen is used the product is called also iron by hydrogen. -- To reduce an equation (Alg.), to bring the unknown quantity by itself on one side, and all the known quantities on the other side, without destroying the equation. -- To reduce an expression (Alg.), to obtain an equivalent expression of simpler form. -- To reduce a square (Mil.), to reform the line or column from the square.

Syn. -- To diminish; lessen; decrease; abate; shorten; curtail; impair; lower; subject; subdue; subjugate; conquer.

Re*duce"ment (r?*d?s"ment), n. Reduction. Milton.

Re*du"cent (r?*d?"sent), a. [L. reducens, p. pr. of reducere.] Tending to reduce. -- n. A reducent agent.

Re*du"cer (-s?r), n. One who, or that which, reduces.

Re*du"ci*ble (-s?*b'll), a. Capable of being reduced.

Re*du"ci*ble*ness, n. Quality of being reducible.

Re*du"cing (r?*d?"s?ng), a & n. from Reduce.

Reducing furnace (Metal.), a furnace for reducing ores. -- Reducing pipe fitting, a pipe fitting, as a coupling, an elbow, a tee, etc., for connecting a large pipe with a smaller one. -- Reducing valve, a device for automatically maintaining a diminished pressure of steam, air, gas, etc., in a pipe, or other receiver, which is fed from a boiler or pipe in which the pressure is higher than is desired in the receiver.

Re*duct" (r?*d?kt"), v. t.. [L. reductus, p. p. of reducere. See Reduce.] To reduce. [Obs.] W. Warde.

Re*duc`ti*bil"i*ty (r?*d?k`t?*b?l"?*t?), n. The quality of being reducible; reducibleness.

Re*duc"tion (r?*d?k"sh?n), n. [F. réduction, L. reductio. See Reduce.] 1. The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as, the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the reduction of a rebellious province.

2. (Arith. & Alq.) The act or process of reducing. See Reduce, v. t., 6. and To reduce an equation, To reduce an expression, under Reduce, v. t.

3. (Astron.) (a) The correction of observations for known errors of instruments, etc. (b) The preparation of the facts and measurements of observations in order to deduce a general result.

4. The process of making a copy of something, as a figure, design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the proper proportions. Fairholt.

5. (Logic) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.

6. (Chem. & Metal.) The act, process, or result of reducing; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the reduction of aldehyde from alcohol.

7. (Med.) The operation of restoring a dislocated or fractured part to its former place.

Reduction ascending (Arith.), the operation of changing numbers of a lower into others of a higher denomination, as cents to dollars. -- Reduction descending (Arith.), the operation of changing numbers of a higher into others of a lower denomination, as dollars to cents.

Syn. -- Diminution; decrease; abatement; curtailment; subjugation; conquest; subjection.

Re*duc"tive (-t?v), a. [Cf. F. réductif.] Tending to reduce; having the power or effect of reducing. -- n. A reductive agent. Sir M. Hale.

Re*duc"tive*ly, adv. By reduction; by consequence.

||Ré`duit" (r?`dw?"), n. [F. See Redoubt, n. ] (Fort.) A central or retired work within any other work.

{ Re*dun"dance (r?*d?n"dans), Re*dun"dan*cy (-dan*s?), } n. [L. redundantia: cf. F. redondance.]

1. The quality or state of being redundant; superfluity; superabundance; excess.

2. That which is redundant or in excess; anything superfluous or superabundant.

Labor . . . throws off redundacies.


3. (Law) Surplusage inserted in a pleading which may be rejected by the court without impairing the validity of what remains.

Re*dun"dant (-dant), a. [L. redundans, -antis, p. pr. of redundare: cf. F. redondant. See Redound.] 1. Exceeding what is natural or necessary; superabundant; exuberant; as, a redundant quantity of bile or food.

Notwithstanding the redundant oil in fishes, they do not increase fat so much as flesh.


2. Using more worrds or images than are necessary or useful; pleonastic.

Where an suthor is redundant, mark those paragraphs to be retrenched.

I. Watts.

Syn. -- Superfluous; superabundant; excessive; exuberant; overflowing; plentiful; copious.

Re*dun"dant*ly (r?*d?n"dant*l?), adv. In a refundant manner.

Re*du"pli*cate (r?*d?"pl?*k?t), a. [Pref. re- + duplicate: cf. L. reduplicatus. Cf. Redouble.] 1. Double; doubled; reduplicative; repeated.

2. (Bot.) Valvate with the margins curved outwardly; -- said of the &?;stivation of certain flowers.

Re*du"pli*cate (-k?t), v. t. [Cf. LL. reduplicare.]

1. To redouble; to multiply; to repeat.

2. (Gram.) To repeat the first letter or letters of (a word). See Reduplication, 3.

Re*du`pli*ca"tion (-k?sh?n), n. [Cf. F. réduplication, L. reduplicatio repetition.] 1. The act of doubling, or the state of being doubled.

2. (Pros.) A figure in which the first word of a verse is the same as the last word of the preceding verse.

3. (Philol.) The doubling of a stem or syllable (more or less modified), with the effect of changing the time expressed, intensifying the meaning, or making the word more imitative; also, the syllable thus added; as, L. tetuli; poposci.

Re*du"pli*ca*tive (-k?*t?v), a. [Cf. F. réduplicatif.] Double; formed by reduplication; reduplicate. I. Watts.

Red"u*vid (r?d"?*v?d), n. [L. reduvia a hangnail.] (Zoöl.) Any hemipterous insect of the genus Redivius, or family Reduvidæ. They live by sucking the blood of other insects, and some species also attack man.

Red"weed` (rd"wd`), n. (Bot.) The red poppy (Papaver Rhœas). Dr. Prior.

Red"wing` (-w?ng`), n. (Zoöl.) A European thrush (Turdus iliacus). Its under wing coverts are orange red. Called also redwinged thrush. (b) A North American passerine bird (Agelarius phœniceus) of the family Icteridæ. The male is black, with a conspicuous patch of bright red, bordered with orange, on each wing. Called also redwinged blackbird, red-winged troupial, marsh blackbird, and swamp blackbird.

Red"withe` (r?d"w?th`), n. (Bot.) A west Indian climbing shrub (Combretum Jacquini) with slender reddish branchlets.

Red"wood` (-wd`), n. (Bot.) (a) A gigantic coniferous tree (Sequoia sempervirens) of California, and its light and durable reddish timber. See Sequoia. (b) An East Indian dyewood, obtained from Pterocarpus santalinus, Cæsalpinia Sappan, and several other trees.

The redwood of Andaman is Pterocarpus dalbergioides; that of some parts of tropical America, several species of Erythoxylum; that of Brazil, the species of Humirium.

Ree (r), n. [Pg. real, pl. reis. See Real the money.] See Rei.

Ree, v. t. [Cf. Prov. G. räden, raden, raiten. Cf. Riddle a sieve.] To riddle; to sift; to separate or throw off. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Mortimer.

Ree"bok` (r?"b?k`), n. [D., literally, roebuck.] (Zoöl.) The peele. [Written also rehboc and rheeboc.]

Re*ëch"o (r*k"), v. t. To echo back; to reverberate again; as, the hills reëcho the roar of cannon.

Re*ëch"o, v. i. To give echoes; to return back, or be reverberated, as an echo; to resound; to be resonant.

And a loud groan reëchoes from the main.


Re*ëch"o, n. The echo of an echo; a repeated or second echo.

Reech"y (rch"), a. [See Reeky.] Smoky; reeky; hence, begrimed with dirt. [Obs.]

Reed (rd), a. Red. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Reed, v. & n. Same as Rede. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Reed, n. The fourth stomach of a ruminant; rennet. [Prov. Eng. or Scot.]

Reed, n. [AS. hreód; akin to D. riet, G. riet, ried, OHG. kriot, riot.] 1. (Bot.) A name given to many tall and coarse grasses or grasslike plants, and their slender, often jointed, stems, such as the various kinds of bamboo, and especially the common reed of Europe and North America (Phragmites communis).

2. A musical instrument made of the hollow joint of some plant; a rustic or pastoral pipe.

Arcadian pipe, the pastoral reed
Of Hermes.


3. An arrow, as made of a reed. Prior.

4. Straw prepared for thatching a roof. [Prov. Eng.]

5. (Mus.) (a) A small piece of cane or wood attached to the mouthpiece of certain instruments, and set in vibration by the breath. In the clarinet it is a single fiat reed; in the oboe and bassoon it is double, forming a compressed tube. (b) One of the thin pieces of metal, the vibration of which produce the tones of a melodeon, accordeon, harmonium, or seraphine; also attached to certain sets or registers of pipes in an organ.

6. (Weaving) A frame having parallel flat stripe of metal or reed, between which the warp threads pass, set in the swinging lathe or batten of a loom for beating up the weft; a sley. See Batten.

7. (Mining) A tube containing the train of powder for igniting the charge in blasting.

8. (Arch.) Same as Reeding.

Egyptian reed (Bot.), the papyrus. -- Free reed (Mus.), a reed whose edges do not overlap the wind passage, -- used in the harmonium, concertina, etc. It is distinguished from the beating or striking reed of the organ and clarinet. -- Meadow reed grass (Bot.), the Glyceria aquatica, a tall grass found in wet places. -- Reed babbler. See Reedbird. -- Reed bunting (Zoöl.) A European sparrow (Emberiza schœniclus) which frequents marshy places; -- called also reed sparrow, ring bunting. (b) Reedling. -- Reed canary grass (Bot.), a tall wild grass (Phalaris arundinacea). -- Reed grass. (Bot.) (a) The common reed. See Reed, 1. (b) A plant of the genus Sparganium; bur reed. See under Bur. -- Reed organ (Mus.), an organ in which the wind acts on a set of free reeds, as the harmonium, melodeon, concertina, etc. -- Reed pipe (Mus.), a pipe of an organ furnished with a reed. -- Reed sparrow. (Zoöl.) See Reed bunting, above. -- Reed stop (Mus.), a set of pipes in an organ furnished with reeds. -- Reed warbler. (Zoöl.) (a) A small European warbler (Acrocephalus streperus); -- called also reed wren. (b) Any one of several species of Indian and Australian warblers of the genera Acrocephalus, Calamoherpe, and Arundinax. They are excellent singers. -- Sea-sand reed (Bot.), a kind of coarse grass (Ammophila arundinacea). See Beach grass, under Beach. -- Wood reed grass (Bot.), a tall, elegant grass (Cinna arundinacea), common in moist woods.

Reed"bird` (r?d"b?rd`), n. (Zoöl.) (a) The bobolink. (b) One of several small Asiatic singing birds of the genera Schœnicola and Eurycercus; -- called also reed babbler. Reed"buck" (-b?k`), n. (Zoöl.) See Rietboc.

Reed"ed, a. 1. Civered with reeds; reedy. Tusser.

2. Formed with channels and ridges like reeds.

Reed"en (r?d"'n), a. Consisting of a reed or reeds.

Through reeden pipes convey the golden flood.


Re*ëd`i*fi*ca"tion (r?*?d`?*f?*k?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. réédification. See Reëdify.] The act reëdifying; the state of being reëdified.

Re*ëd"i*fy (r?*?d"?*ff?), v. t. [Pref. re- + edify: cf. F. réédifier, L. reaedificare.] To edify anew; to build again after destruction. [R.] Milton.

Reed"ing (r?d"?ng), n. [From 4th Reed.] 1. (Arch.) A small convex molding; a reed (see Illust. (i) of Molding); one of several set close together to decorate a surface; also, decoration by means of reedings; -- the reverse of fluting.

Several reedings are often placed together, parallel to each other, either projecting from, or inserted into, the adjining surface. The decoration so produced is then called, in general, reeding.

2. The nurling on the edge of a coin; -- commonly called milling.

Reed"less, a. Destitute of reeds; as, reedless banks.

Reed"ling (-l?ng), n. (Zoöl.) The European bearded titmouse (Panurus biarmicus); -- called also reed bunting, bearded pinnock, and lesser butcher bird.

It is orange brown, marked with black, white, and yellow on the wings. The male has a tuft of black feathers on each side of the face.

Reed"-mace` (-m?s`), n. (Bot.) The cat-tail.

Reed"work` (-w?rk`), n. (Mus.) A collective name for the reed stops of an organ.

Reed"y (-?), a. 1. Abounding with reeds; covered with reeds. "A reedy pool." Thomson .

2. Having the quality of reed in tone, that is, &?;&?;&?;&?;&?; and thin^ as some voices.

Reef (r?f), n. [Akin to D. rif, G. riff, Icel. rif, Dan. rev; cf. Icel. rifa rift, rent, fissure, rifa to rive, bear. Cf. Rift, Rive.] 1. A chain or range of rocks lying at or near the surface of the water. See Coral reefs, under Coral.

2. (Mining.) A large vein of auriferous quartz; -- so called in Australia. Hence, any body of rock yielding valuable ore.

Reef builder (Zoöl.), any stony coral which contributes material to the formation of coral reefs. -- Reef heron (Zoöl.), any heron of the genus Demigretta; as, the blue reef heron (D. jugularis) of Australia.

Reef, n. [Akin to D. reef, G. reff, Sw. ref; cf. Icel. rif reef, rifa to basten together. Cf. Reeve, v. t., River.] (Naut.) That part of a sail which is taken in or let out by means of the reef points, in order to adapt the size of the sail to the force of the wind.

From the head to the first reef-band, in square sails, is termed the first reef; from this to the next is the second reef; and so on. In fore-and-aft sails, which reef on the foot, the first reef is the lowest part. Totten.

Close reef, the last reef that can be put in. -- Reef band. See Reef-band in the Vocabulary. -- Reef knot, the knot which is used in tying reef pointss. See Illust. under Knot. -- Reef line, a small rope formerly used to reef the courses by being passed spirally round the yard and through the holes of the reef. Totten. -- Reef points, pieces of small rope passing through the eyelet holes of a reef-band, and used reefing the sail. -- Reef tackle, a tackle by which the reef cringles, or rings, of a sail are hauled up to the yard for reefing. Totten. -- To take a reef in, to reduce the size of (a sail) by folding or rolling up a reef, and lashing it to the spar.

Reef, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reefed (rft); p. pr. & vb. n. Reefing.] (Naut.) To reduce the extent of (as a sail) by roiling or folding a certain portion of it and making it fast to the yard or spar. Totten.

To reef the paddles, to move the floats of a paddle wheel toward its center so that they will not dip so deeply.

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Reef"-band` (r?f"b?nd`), n. (Naut.) A piece of canvas sewed across a sail to strengthen it in the part where the eyelet holes for reefing are made. Totten.

Reef"er (-?r), n. 1. (Naut.) One who reefs; -- a name often given to midshipmen. Marryat.

2. A close-fitting lacket or short coat of thick cloth.

Reef"ing, n. (Naut.) The process of taking in a reef.

Reefing bowsprit, a bowsprit so rigged that it can easily be run in or shortened by sliding inboard, as in cutters.

Reef"y (-?), a. Full of reefs or rocks.

Reek (rk), n. A rick. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Reek, n. [AS. rc; akin to OFries. rk, LG. & D. rook, G. rauch, OHG. rouh, Dan. rög, Sw. rök, Icel. reykr, and to AS. reócan to reek, smoke, Icel. rjka, G. riechen to smell.] Vapor; steam; smoke; fume.

As hateful to me as the reek of a limekiln.


Reek, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reeked (rkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Reeking.] [As. rcan. See Reek vapor.] To emit vapor, usually that which is warm and moist; to be full of fumes; to steam; to smoke; to exhale.

Few chimneys reeking you shall espy.


I found me laid
In balmy sweat, which with his beams the sun
Soon dried, and on the reeking moisture fed.


The coffee rooms reeked with tobacco.


Reek"y (-?), a. [From 2d Reek; cf. Reechy.] 1. Soiled with smoke or steam; smoky; foul. Shak.

2. Emitting reek. "Reeky fen." Sir W. Scott.

Reel (r?l), n. [Gael. righil.] A lively dance of the Highlanders of Scotland; also, the music to the dance; -- often called Scotch reel.

Virginia reel, the common name throughout the United States for the old English "country dance," or contradance (contredanse). Bartlett.

Reel, n. [AS. kre&?;l: cf. Icel. kr&?;ll a weaver's reed or sley.] 1. A frame with radial arms, or a kind of spool, turning on an axis, on which yarn, threads, lines, or the like, are wound; as, a log reel, used by seamen; an angler's reel; a garden reel.

2. A machine on which yarn is wound and measured into lays and hanks, -- for cotton or linen it is fifty-four inches in circuit; for worsted, thirty inches. McElrath.

3. (Agric.) A device consisting of radial arms with horizontal stats, connected with a harvesting machine, for holding the stalks of grain in position to be cut by the knives.

Reel oven, a baker's oven in which bread pans hang suspended from the arms of a kind of reel revolving on a horizontal axis. Knight.

Reel, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reeled (r?ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Reeling. ] 1. To roll. [Obs.]

And Sisyphus an huge round stone did reel.


2. To wind upon a reel, as yarn or thread.

Reel, v. i. [Cf. Sw. ragla. See 2d Reel.] 1. To incline, in walking, from one side to the other; to stagger.

They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man.

Ps. cvii. 27.

He, with heavy fumes oppressed,
Reeled from the palace, and retired to rest.


The wagons reeling under the yellow sheaves.


2. To have a whirling sensation; to be giddy.

In these lengthened vigils his brain often reeled.


Reel, n. The act or motion of reeling or staggering; as, a drunken reel. Shak.

Re`ë*lect" (r?`?*l?kt"), v. t. To elect again; as, to reëlect the former governor.

Re`ë*lec"tion (-l?k"sh?n), n. Election a second time, or anew; as, the reëlection of a former chief.

Reel"er (r?l"?r), n. 1. One who reels.

2. (Zoöl.) The grasshopper warbler; -- so called from its note. [Prov. Eng.]

Re*ël"i*gi*ble (r*l"*j*b'l), a. Eligible again; capable of reëlection; as, reëligible to the same office. -- Re*ël`i*gi*bil"i*ty (r*l`*j*bl"*t), n.

Reem (r?m), n. [Heb.] (Zoöl.) The Hebrew name of a horned wild animal, probably the Urus.

In King James's Version it is called unicorn; in the Revised Version, wild ox. Job xxxix. 9.

Reem, v. t. [Cf. Ream to make a hole in.] (Naut.) To open (the seams of a vessel's planking) for the purpose of calking them.

Reeming iron (Naut.), an iron chisel for reeming the seams of planks in calking ships.

Re`ëm*bark" (r?`?m*b?rk"), v. t. & i. To put, or go, on board a vessel again; to embark again.

Re*ëm`bar*ka"tion (r?*?m`b?r*k?"sh?n), n. A putting, or going, on board a vessel again.

Re`ëm*bod"y (r?`?m*b?d"?), v. t. To embody again.

Re`ëm*brace" (-br?s"), v. i. To embrace again.

Re`ë*merge" (r?`?*m?rj"), v. i. To emerge again.

Re`ë*mer"gence (-m?r"jens), n. Act of reëmerging.

Re`ën*act" (r?`?n*?kt"), v. t. To enact again.

Re`ën*ac"tion (-?k"sh?n), n. The act of reënacting; the state of being reënacted.

Re`ën*act"ment (-?kt"ment), n. The enacting or passing of a law a second time; the renewal of a law.

Re`ën*cour"age (-k?r"?j;), v. t. To encourage again.

Re`ën*dow" (-dou"), v. t. To endow again.

Re`ën*force" (-f?rs"), v. t. [Pref. re- + enforce: cf. F. renforcer.] To strengthen with new force, assistance, material, or support; as, to reënforce an argument; to reënforce a garment; especially, to strengthen with additional troops, as an army or a fort, or with additional ships, as a fleet. [Written also reinforce.]

Re`ën*force", n. [See Reënforce, v., and cf. Ranforce, Reinforce.] Something which reënforces or strengthens. Specifically: (a) That part of a cannon near the breech which is thicker than the rest of the piece, so as better to resist the force of the exploding powder. See Illust. of Cannon. (b) An additional thickness of canvas, cloth, or the like, around an eyelet, buttonhole, etc.

Re`ën*force"ment (r?`?n*f?rs"ment), n. 1. The act of reënforcing, or the state of being reënforced.

2. That which reënforces; additional force; especially, additional troops or force to augment the strength of any army, or ships to strengthen a navy or fleet.

Re`ën*gage" (-g?j), v. t. & i. To engage a second time or again.

Re`ën*gage"ment (-ment), n. A renewed or repeated engagement.

Re`ën*grave" (-gr?v"), v. t. To engrave anew.

Re`ën*joy" (-joi"), v. i. To enjoy anew. Pope.

Re`ën*joy"ment (-ment), n. Renewed enjoyment.

Re`ën*kin"dle (-k?n"d'l), v. t. To enkindle again.

Re`ën*list" (-l?st"), v. t. & i. To enlist again.

Re`ën*list"ment (-ment), n. A renewed enlistment.

Re`ën*slave" (-sl?v"), v. t. To enslave again.

Re*ën"ter (r?*?n"t?r), v. t. 1. To enter again.

2. (Engraving) To cut deeper, as engraved lines on a plate of metal, when the engraving has not been deep enough, or the plate has become worn in printing.

Re*ën"ter, v. i. To enter anew or again.

Reëntering angle, an angle of a polygon pointing inward, as a, in the cut. -- Reëntering polygon, a polygon having one or more reëntering angles.

Re*ën"ter*ing, n. (Calico Printing.) The process of applying additional colors, by applications of printing blocks, to patterns already partly colored.

Re`ën*throne" (-thr?n"), v. t. To enthrone again; to replace on a throne.

Re`ën*throne"ment (-ment), n. A second enthroning.

Re*ën"trance (r?*?n"trans), n. The act entereing again; re&?;ntry. Hooker.

Re*ën"trant (-trant), a. Reëntering; pointing or directed inwardds; as, a re&?;ntrant angle.

Re*ën"try (-tr?), n. 1. A second or new entry; as, a reëntry into public life.

2. (Law) A resuming or retaking possession of what one has lately foregone; -- applied especially to land; the entry by a lessor upon the premises leased, on failure of the tenant to pay rent or perform the covenants in the lease. Burrill.

Card of reëtry, (Whist), a card that by winning a trick will bring one the lead at an advanced period of the hand.

Re`ë*rect" (r?`?*r?kt"), v. t. To erect again.

Reer"mouse` (r?r"mous`), n. (Zoöl.) See Rearmouse.

Re`ës*tab"lish (r?`?s*t?b"l?sh), v. t. To establish anew; to fix or confirm again; to restore; as, to reëstablish a covenant; to reëstablish health.

Re`ës*tab"lish*er (-?r), n. One who establishes again.

Re`ës*tab"lish*ment (-mnt), n. The act reëstablishing; the state of being reëstablished. Addison.

Re`ës*tate" (-t?t), v. t. To reëstablish. [Obs.] Walis.

Reeve (r?v), n. (Zoöl.) The female of the ruff.

Reeve, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rove (r?v); p. pr. & vb. n. Reeving.] [Cf. D. reven. See Reef, n. & v. t.] (Naut.) To pass, as the end of a pope, through any hole in a block, thimble, cleat, ringbolt, cringle, or the like.

Reeve, n. [OE. reve, AS. ger&?;fa. Cf. Sheriff.] an officer, steward, bailiff, or governor; -- used chiefly in compounds; as, shirereeve, now written sheriff; portreeve, etc. Chaucer. Piers Plowman.

Re`ëx*am"i*na*ble (r?`?gz*?m"?*n?*b'l), a. Admitting of being reëxamined or reconsidered. Story.

Re`ëx*am`i*na"tion (-?*n?"sh?n), n. A repeated examination. See under Examination.

Re`ëx*am"ine (--?n), v. t. To examine anew. Hooker.

Re`ëx*change" (r?`?ks*ch?nj"), v. t. To exchange anew; to reverse (a previous exchange).

Re`ëx*change" n. 1. A renewed exchange; a reversal of an exchange.

2. (Com.) The expense chargeable on a bill of exchange or draft which has been dishonored in a foreign country, and returned to the country in which it was made or indorsed, and then taken up. Bouvier.

The rate of reëxchange is regulated with respect to the drawer, at the course of exchange between the place where the bill of exchange was payable, and the place where it was drawn. Reëxchange can not be cumulated.


Re`ëx*hib"it (r?`?gz*?b"?t or -?ks*h?b"?t), v. t. To exhibit again.

Re`ëx*pel" (r?`?ks*p?l"), v. t. To expel again.

Re`ëx*pe"ri*ence (-p?`r?-ens), n. A renewed or repeated experience.

Re`ëx*port" (-p?rt"), v. t. To export again, as what has been imported.

Re*ëx"port (r?*?ks"p?rt), n. Any commodity reëxported; -- chiefly in the plural.

Re*ëx`por*ta"tion (-p?r*t?"sh?n), n. The act of reëxporting, or of exporting an import. A. Smith.

Re`ëx*pul"sion (r?`?ks*p?l"sh?n), n. Renewed or repeated expulsion. Fuller.

Reezed (rzd), a. Grown rank; rancid; rusty. [Obs.] "Reezed bacon." Marston.

Re*fac"tion (r?*f?k"sh?n), n. [See Refection.] Recompense; atonement; retribution. [Obs.] Howell.

Re*far" (r?*f?r"), v. t. [Cf. F. refaire to do over again.] To go over again; to repeat. [Obs.]

To him therefore this wonder done refar.


Re*fash"ion (r?*f?sh"?n), v. t. To fashion anew; to form or mold into shape a second time. MacKnight.

Re*fash"ion*ment (-ment), n. The act of refashioning, or the state of being refashioned. [R.] Leigh Hunt.

Re*fas"ten (r?*f?s"'n), v. t. To fasten again.

Re*fect" (r?*f?kt), v. t. [L. refectus, p. p. of reficere; pref. re- re- + facere to make.] To restore after hunger or fatigue; to refresh. [Archaic] Sir T. Browne.

Re*fec"tion (r?*f?k"sh?n), n. [L. refectio: cf. F. réfection. See Refect, Fact.] Refreshment after hunger or fatigue; a repast; a lunch.

[His] feeble spirit inly felt refection.


Those Attic nights, and those refections of the gods.


Re*fec"tive (r?*f?k"t?v), a. Refreshing; restoring.

Re*fec"tive, n. That which refreshes.

Re*fec"to*ry (-t*r), n.; pl.; Refectories (-r&?;z). [LL. refectorium: cf. F. réfectoire. See Refection.] A room for refreshment; originally, a dining hall in monasteries or convents.

Sometimes pronounced rf"k*t*r, especially when signifying the eating room in monasteries.

Re*fel" (r?*f?l"), v. t. [L. refellere; pref. re- re- + fallere to deceive.] To refute; to disprove; as, to refel the tricks of a sophister. [Obs.]

How he refelled me, and how I replied.


Re*fer" (r*fr"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Referred (-frd); p. pr. & vb. n. Referring.] [F. référer, L. referre; pref. re- re- + ferre to bear. See Bear to carry.] 1. To carry or send back. [Obs.] Chaucer.

2. Hence: To send or direct away; to send or direct elsewhere, as for treatment, aid, information, decision, etc.; to make over, or pass over, to another; as, to refer a student to an author; to refer a beggar to an officer; to refer a bill to a committee; a court refers a matter of fact to a commissioner for investigation, or refers a question of law to a superior tribunal.

3. To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a motive, reason, or ground of explanation; as, he referred the phenomena to electrical disturbances.

To refer one's self, to have recourse; to betake one's self; to make application; to appeal. [Obs.]

I'll refer me to all things sense.


Re*fer", v. i. 1. To have recourse; to apply; to appeal; to betake one's self; as, to refer to a dictionary.

In suits . . . it is to refer to some friend of trust.


2. To have relation or reference; to relate; to point; as, the figure refers to a footnote.

Of those places that refer to the shutting and opening the abyss, I take notice of that in Job.

Bp. Burnet.

3. To carry the mind or thought; to direct attention; as, the preacher referred to the late election.

4. To direct inquiry for information or a guarantee of any kind, as in respect to one's integrity, capacity, pecuniary ability, and the like; as, I referred to his employer for the truth of his story.

Syn. -- To allude; advert; suggest; appeal. Refer, Allude, Advert. We refer to a thing by specifically and distinctly introducing it into our discourse. We allude to it by introducing it indirectly or indefinitely, as by something collaterally allied to it. We advert to it by turning off somewhat abruptly to consider it more at large. Thus, Macaulay refers to the early condition of England at the opening of his history; he alludes to these statements from time to time; and adverts, in the progress of his work, to various circumstances of peculiar interest, on which for a time he dwells. "But to do good is . . . that that Solomon chiefly refers to in the text." Sharp. "This, I doubt not, was that artificial structure here alluded to." T. Burnet.

Now to the universal whole advert:
The earth regard as of that whole a part.


Ref"er*a*ble (r?f"?r*?*b'l), a. Capable of being referred, or considered in relation to something else; assignable; ascribable. [Written also referrible.]

It is a question among philosophers, whether all the attractions which obtain between bodies are referable to one general cause.

W. Nicholson.

Ref`er*ee" (-&?;), n. One to whom a thing is referred; a person to whom a matter in dispute has been referred, in order that he may settle it.

Syn. -- Judge; arbitrator; umpire. See Judge.

Ref"er*ence (r?f"?r-ens), n. [See Refer.] 1. The act of referring, or the state of being referred; as, reference to a chart for guidance.

2. That which refers to something; a specific direction of the attention; as, a reference in a text- book.

3. Relation; regard; respect.

Something that hath a reference to my state.


4. One who, or that which, is referred to. Specifically; (a) One of whom inquires can be made as to the integrity, capacity, and the like, of another. (b) A work, or a passage in a work, to which one is referred.

5. (Law) (a) The act of submitting a matter in dispute to the judgment of one or more persons for decision. (b) (Equity) The process of sending any matter, for inquiry in a cause, to a master or other officer, in order that he may ascertain facts and report to the court.

6. Appeal. [R.] "Make your full reference." Shak.

Reference Bible, a Bible in which brief explanations, and references to parallel passages, are printed in the margin of the text.

Ref`er*en"da*ry (r?f`?r*?n"d?*r?), n. [LL. referendarius, fr. L. referendus to be referred, gerundive of referre: cf. F. référendaire. See Refer.] 1. One to whose decision a cause is referred; a referee. [Obs.] Bacon.

2. An officer who delivered the royal answer to petitions. "Referendaries, or masters of request." Harmar.

3. Formerly, an officer of state charged with the duty of procuring and dispatching diplomas and decrees.

||Ref`er*en"dum (r?f`?r*?n"d?m), n. [Gerundive fr. L. referre. See Refer.] 1. A diplomatic agent's note asking for instructions from his government concerning a particular matter or point.

2. The right to approve or reject by popular vote a meassure passed upon by a legislature.

Ref`er*en"tial (-shal), a. Containing a reference; pointing to something out of itself; as, notes for referential use. -- Ref`er*en"tial*ly, adv.

Re*fer"ment (r?*f?r"ment), n. The act of referring; reference. Laud.

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Re`-fer*ment" (r&?;`f&?;r*m&?;nt"), v. t. & i. To ferment, or cause to ferment, again. Blackmore.

Re*fer"rer (r?*f?r"r?r), n. One who refers.

Re*fer"ri*ble (-r?*b'l), a. Referable. Hallam.

Re*fig"ure (r?*f?g"?r), v. t. To figure again. Shak.

Re*fill" (r?*f?l"), v. t. & i. To fill, or become full, again.

Re*find" (r?*f?nd), v. t. To find again; to get or experience again. Sandys.

Re*fine" (r?*f?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refined (-find"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refining.] [Pref. re- + fine to make fine: cf. F. raffiner.] 1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar.

I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined.

Zech. xiii. 9.

2. To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant, low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish; as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings.

Love refines
The thoughts, and heart enlarges.


Syn. -- To purify; clarify; polish; ennoble.

Re*fine", v. i. 1. To become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter.

So the pure, limpid stream, when foul with stains,
Works itself clear, and, as it runs, refines.


2. To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence.

Chaucer refined on Boccace, and mended his stories.


But let a lord once own the happy lines,
How the wit brightens! How the style refines!


3. To affect nicety or subtilty in thought or language. "He makes another paragraph about our refining in controversy." Atterbury.

Re*fined" (-f?nd"), a. Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured; delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined sentiments.

Refined wits who honored poesy with their pens.


-- Re*fin"ed*ly (r&?;*f&?;n"&?;d*l&?;), adv. -- Re*fin"ed*ness, n.

Re*fine"ment (r?*f?n"ment), n. [Cf. F. raffinement.] 1. The act of refining, or the state of being refined; as, the refinement or metals; refinement of ideas.

The more bodies are of kin to spirit in subtilty and refinement, the more diffusive are they.


From the civil war to this time, I doubt whether the corruptions in our language have not equaled its refinements.


2. That which is refined, elaborated, or polished to excess; an affected subtilty; as, refinements of logic. "The refinements of irregular cunning." Rogers.

Syn. -- Purification; polish; politeness; gentility; elegance; cultivation; civilization.

Re*fin"er (-f?n"?r), n. One who, or that which, refines.

Re*fin"er*y (-?), n.; pl. Refineries (-&?;z). [Cf. F. raffinerie.] 1. The building and apparatus for refining or purifying, esp. metals and sugar.

2. A furnace in which cast iron is refined by the action of a blast on the molten metal.

Re*fit" (r?*f?t"), v. t. 1. To fit or prepare for use again; to repair; to restore after damage or decay; as, to refit a garment; to refit ships of war. Macaulay.

2. To fit out or supply a second time.

Re*fit", v. i. To obtain repairs or supplies; as, the fleet returned to refit.

Re*fit"ment (-ment), n. The act of refitting, or the state of being refitted.

Re*fix" (r?*f?ks"), v. t. To fix again or anew; to establish anew. Fuller.

Re*flame" (r?*fl?m"), v. i. To kindle again into flame.

Re*flect" (r?*fl?kt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reflected; p. pr. & vb. n. Reflecting.] [L. reflectere, reflexum; pref. re- re- + flectere to bend or turn. See Flexible, and cf. Reflex, v.] 1. To bend back; to give a backwa&?;d turn to; to throw back; especially, to cause to return after striking upon any surface; as, a mirror reflects rays of light; polished metals reflect heat.

Let me mind the reader to reflect his eye on our quotations.


Bodies close together reflect their own color.


2. To give back an image or likeness of; to mirror.

Nature is the glass reflecting God,
As by the sea reflected is the sun.


Re*flect" v. i. 1. To throw back light, heat, or the like; to return rays or beams.

2. To be sent back; to rebound as from a surface; to revert; to return.

Whose virtues will, I hope,
Reflect on Rome, as Titan's rays on earth.


3. To throw or turn back the thoughts upon anything; to contemplate. Specifically: To attend earnestly to what passes within the mind; to attend to the facts or phenomena of consciousness; to use attention or earnest thought; to meditate; especially, to think in relation to moral truth or rules.

We can not be said to reflect upon any external object, except so far as that object has been previously perceived, and its image become part and parcel of our intellectual furniture.

Sir W. Hamilton.

All men are concious of the operations of their own minds, at all times, while they are awake, but there few who reflect upon them, or make them objects of thought.


As I much reflected, much I mourned.


4. To cast reproach; to cause censure or dishonor.

Errors of wives reflect on husbands still.


Neither do I reflect in the least upon the memory of his late majesty.


Syn. -- To consider; think; cogitate; mediate; contemplate; ponder; muse; ruminate.

Re*flect"ed, a. 1. Thrown back after striking a surface; as, reflected light, heat, sound, etc.

2. Hence: Not one's own; received from another; as, his glory was reflected glory.

3. Bent backward or outward; reflexed.

Re*flect"ent (r?*fl?kt"ent), a. [L. reflectens, p. pr. of reflectere. See Reflect.] 1. Bending or flying back; reflected. "The ray descendent, and the ray reflectent flying with so great a speed." Sir K. Digby.

2. Reflecting; as, a reflectent body. Sir K. Digby.

Re*flect"i*ble (-?*b'l), a. Capable of being reflected, or thrown back; reflexible.

Re*flect"ing, a. 1. Throwing back light, heat, etc., as a mirror or other surface.

2. Given to reflection or serious consideration; reflective; contemplative; as, a reflecting mind.

Reflecting circle, an astronomical instrument for measuring angless, like the sextant or Hadley's quadrant, by the reflection of light from two plane mirrors which it carries, and differing from the sextant chiefly in having an entire circle. -- Reflecting galvanometer, a galvanometer in which the deflections of the needle are read by means of a mirror attached to it, which reflects a ray of light or the image of a scale; -- called also mirror galvanometer. -- Reflecting goniometer. See under Goniometer. -- Reflecting telescope. See under Telescope.

Re*flect"ing*ly, adv. With reflection; also, with censure; reproachfully. Swift.

Re*flec"tion (r?*fl?k"sh?n), n. [L. reflexio: cf. F. réflexion. See Riflect.] [Written also reflexion.] 1. The act of reflecting, or turning or sending back, or the state of being reflected. Specifically: (a) The return of rays, beams, sound, or the like, from a surface. See Angle of reflection, below.

The eye sees not itself,
But by reflection, by some other things.


(b) The reverting of the mind to that which has already occupied it; continued consideration; meditation; contemplation; hence, also, that operation or power of the mind by which it is conscious of its own acts or states; the capacity for judging rationally, especially in view of a moral rule or standard.

By reflection, . . . I would be understood to mean, that notice which the mind takes of its own operations, and the manner of them, by reason whereof there come to be ideas of these operations in the understanding.


This delight grows and improves under thought and reflection.


2. Shining; brightness, as of the sun. [Obs.] Shak.

3. That which is produced by reflection. Specifically: (a) An image given back from a reflecting surface; a reflected counterpart.

As the sun water we can bear,
Yet not the sun, but his reflection, there.


(b) A part reflected, or turned back, at an angle; as, the reflection of a membrane. (c) Result of meditation; thought or opinion after attentive consideration or contemplation; especially, thoughts suggested by truth.

Job's reflections on his once flourishing estate did at the same time afflict and encourage him.


4. Censure; reproach cast.

He died; and oh! may no reflection shed
Its poisonous venom on the royal dead.


5. (Physiol.) The transference of an excitement from one nerve fiber to another by means of the nerve cells, as in reflex action. See Reflex action, under Reflex.

Angle of reflection, the angle which anything, as a ray of light, on leaving a reflecting surface, makes with the perpendicular to the surface. -- Angle of total reflection. (Opt.) Same as Critical angle, under Critical.

Syn. -- Meditation; contemplation; rumination; cogitation; consideration; musing; thinking.

Re*flect"ive (r?*fl?kt"?v), a. [Cf. F. réflectif. Cf. Reflexive.] 1. Throwing back images; as, a reflective mirror.

In the reflective stream the sighing bride, viewing her charms.


2. Capable of exercising thought or judgment; as, reflective reason. Prior.

His perceptive and reflective faculties . . . thus acquired a precocious and extraordinary development.


3. Addicted to introspective or meditative habits; as, a reflective person.

4. (Gram.) Reflexive; reciprocal.

-- Re*flect"ive*ly, adv. -- Re*flect"ive*ness, n. "Reflectiveness of manner." J. C. Shairp.

Re*flect"or (-r), n. [Cf. F. réflecteur.] 1. One who, or that which, reflects. Boyle.

2. (Physics) (a) Something having a polished surface for reflecting light or heat, as a mirror, a speculum, etc. (b) A reflecting telescope. (c) A device for reflecting sound.

Re"flex (r?"fl?ks), a. [L. reflexus, p. p. of reflectere: cf. F. réflexe. See Reflect.] 1. Directed back; attended by reflection; retroactive; introspective.

The reflex act of the soul, or the turning of the intellectual eye inward upon its own actions.

Sir M. Hale.

2. Produced in reaction, in resistance, or in return.

3. (Physiol.) Of, pertaining to, or produced by, stimulus or excitation without the necessary intervention of consciousness.

Reflex action (Physiol.), any action performed involuntarily in consequence of an impulse or impression transmitted along afferent nerves to a nerve center, from which it is reflected to an efferent nerve, and so calls into action certain muscles, organs, or cells. -- Reflex nerve (Physiol.), an excito-motory nerve. See Exito- motory.

Re"flex (r?"fl?ks; formerly r?*fl?ks"), n. [L. reflexus a bending back. See Reflect.] 1. Reflection; the light reflected from an illuminated surface to one in shade.

Yon gray is not the morning's eye,
'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow.


On the depths of death there swims
The reflex of a human face.


2. (Physiol.) An involuntary movement produced by reflex action.

Patellar reflex. See Knee jerk, under Knee.

Re*flex" (r?*fl?ks"), v. t. [L. reflexus, p. p. of reflectere. See Reflect.] 1. To reflect. [Obs.] Shak.

2. To bend back; to turn back. J. Gregory.

Re*flexed" (r?*fl?kst"), a. Bent backward or outward.

Re*flex`i*bil"i*ty (r?*fl?ks`?*b?l"?*t?), n. [Cf. F. réflexibilité.] The quality or capability of being reflexible; as, the reflexibility of the rays of light. Sir I. Newton.

Re*flex"i*ble (r?*fl?ks"?*b'l), a. [CF. F. réflexible.] Capable of being reflected, or thrown back.

The light of the sun consists of rays differently refrangible and reflexible.


Re*flex"ion (-fl?k"sh?n), n. See Reflection. Chaucer.

Re*flex"i*ty (r?*fl?ks"?*t?), n. The state or condition of being reflected. [R.]

Re*flex"ive (-?v), a. 1. [Cf. F. réflexif.] Bending or turned backward; reflective; having respect to something past.

Assurance reflexive can not be a divine faith.


2. Implying censure. [Obs.] "What man does not resent an ugly reflexive word?" South.

3. (Gram.) Having for its direct object a pronoun which refers to the agent or subject as its antecedent; -- said of certain verbs; as, the witness perjured himself; I bethought myself. Applied also to pronouns of this class; reciprocal; reflective.

-- Re*flex"ive*ly, adv. -- Re*flex"ive*ness, n.

Re*flex"ly, adv. In a reflex manner; reflectively.

Re"float (r?"fl?t), n. Reflux; ebb. [Obs.] Bacon.

Re`flo*res"cence (r?`fl?*r?s"sens), n. (Bot.) A blossoming anew of a plant after it has apparently ceased blossoming for the season.

Re*flour"ish (r?*fl?r"?sh), v. t. & i. To flourish again.

Re*flow" (r?*fl?"), v. i. To flow back; to ebb.

Re*flow"er (r*flou"r), v. i. & t. To flower, or cause to flower, again. Sylvester.

Re*fluc`tu*a"tion (r?*fl?k`t?*?"sh?n; 135), n. A flowing back; refluence.

{ Ref"lu*ence (r?f"l?-ens), Ref"lu*en*cy (-en*s?), } n. The quality of being refluent; a flowing back.

Ref"lu*ent (-ent), a. [L. refluens, p. pr. of refluere to flow back; pref. re- re- + fluere to flow. See Flurent.] Flowing back; returning; ebbing. Cowper.

And refluent through the pass of fear
The battle's tide was poured.

Sir W. Scott.

Ref"lu*eus (-?s), a. [L. refluus.] Refluent. [Obs.]

Re"flux` (r?"fl?ks`), a. Returning, or flowing back; reflex; as, reflux action.

Re"flux`, n. [F. reflux. See Refluent, Flux.] A flowing back, as the return of a fluid; ebb; reaction; as, the flux and reflux of the tides.

All from me
Shall with a fierce reflux on me redound.


Re*foc"il*late (r?*f?s"?l*l?t), v. t. [L. refocillatus, p. p. of refocillare; pref. re- re- + focillare to revive by warmth.] To refresh; to revive. [Obs.] Aubrey.

Re*foc`il*la"tion (-l?"sh?n), n. Restoration of strength by refreshment. [Obs.] Middleton.

Re*fold" (r?*f?ld"), v. t. To fold again.

Re`fo*ment" (r?`f?*m?nt"), v. t. To foment anew.

Re*for`est*i*za`tion (r?*f?r`?st*?*z?"sh?n), n. The act or process of reforestizing.

Re*for"est*ize (r?*f?r"?st*?z), v. t. To convert again into a forest; to plant again with trees.

Re*forge" (r?*f?rj"), v. t. [Pref. re- + forge: cf. F. reforger.] To forge again or anew; hence, to fashion or fabricate anew; to make over. Udall.

Re*for"ger (r?*f?r"j?r), n. One who reforges.

Re*form" (r?*f?rm"), v. t. [F. réformer, L. reformare; pref. re- re- + formare to form, from forma form. See Form.] To put into a new and improved form or condition; to restore to a former good state, or bring from bad to good; to change from worse to better; to amend; to correct; as, to reform a profligate man; to reform corrupt manners or morals.

The example alone of a vicious prince will corrupt an age; but that of a good one will not reform it.


Syn. -- To amend; correct; emend; rectify; mend; repair; better; improve; restore; reclaim.

Re*form", v. i. To return to a good state; to amend or correct one's own character or habits; as, a man of settled habits of vice will seldom reform.

Re*form", n. [F. réforme.] Amendment of what is defective, vicious, corrupt, or depraved; reformation; as, reform of elections; reform of government.

Civil service reform. See under Civil. -- Reform acts (Eng. Politics), acts of Parliament passed in 1832, 1867, 1884, 1885, extending and equalizing popular representation in Parliament. -- Reform school, a school established by a state or city government, for the confinement, instruction, and reformation of juvenile offenders, and of young persons of idle, vicious, and vagrant habits. [U. S.]

Syn. -- Reformation; amendment; rectification; correction. See Reformation.

Re-form" (r?*f?rm"), v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Re-formed (-f?rmd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Re-forming.] To give a new form to; to form anew; to take form again, or to take a new form; as, to re- form the line after a charge.

Re*form"a*ble (r?*f?rm"?*b'l), a. Capable of being reformed. Foxe.

Ref`or*made" (r?f`?r*m?d"), n. A reformado. [Obs.]

Ref`or*ma"do (-m?"d?), n. [Sp., fr. reformar, L. reformare. SEe Reform, v. t.] 1. A monk of a reformed order. [Obs.] Weever.

2. An officer who, in disgrace, is deprived of his command, but retains his rank, and sometimes his pay. [Obs.]

Re*form"al*ize (r?*f?rm"al*?z), v. i. To affect reformation; to pretend to correctness. [R.]

Ref`or*ma"tion (r?f`?r*m?"sh?n), n. [F. réformation, L. reformatio.] 1. The act of reforming, or the state of being reformed; change from worse to better; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of anything vicious or corrupt; as, the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses.

Satire lashes vice into reformation.


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2. Specifically (Eccl. Hist.), the important religious movement commenced by Luther early in the sixteenth century, which resulted in the formation of the various Protestant churches.

Syn. -- Reform; amendment; correction; rectification. -- Reformation, Reform. Reformation is a more thorough and comprehensive change than reform. It is applied to subjects that are more important, and results in changes which are more lasting. A reformation involves, and is followed by, many particular reforms. "The pagan converts mention this great reformation of those who had been the greatest sinners, with that sudden and surprising change which the Christian religion made in the lives of the most profligate." Addison. "A variety of schemes, founded in visionary and impracticable ideas of reform, were suddenly produced." Pitt.

Re`-for*ma"tion (r?`f?r*m?"sh?n), n. The act of forming anew; a second forming in order; as, the reformation of a column of troops into a hollow square.

Re*form"a*tive (r?*f?rm"?*t?v), a. Forming again; having the quality of renewing form; reformatory. Good.

Re*form"a*to*ry (-t?*r?), a. Tending to produce reformation; reformative.

Re*form"a*to*ry, n.; pl. -ries (-r&?;z). An institution for promoting the reformation of offenders.

Magistrates may send juvenile offenders to reformatories instead of to prisons.

Eng. Cyc.

Re*formed" (r?*f?rmd"), a. 1. Corrected; amended; restored to purity or excellence; said, specifically, of the whole body of Protestant churches originating in the Reformation. Also, in a more restricted sense, of those who separated from Luther on the doctrine of consubstantiation, etc., and carried the Reformation, as they claimed, to a higher point. The Protestant churches founded by them in Switzerland, France, Holland, and part of Germany, were called the Reformed churches.

The town was one of the strongholds of the Reformed faith.


2. Amended in character and life; as, a reformed gambler or drunkard.

3. (Mil.) Retained in service on half or full pay after the disbandment of the company or troop; -- said of an officer. [Eng.]

Re*form"er (r?*f?rm"?r), n. 1. One who effects a reformation or amendment; one who labors for, or urges, reform; as, a reformer of manners, or of abuses.

2. (Eccl.Hist.) One of those who commenced the reformation of religion in the sixteenth century, as Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli, and Calvin.

Re*form"ist, n. [Cf. F. réformiste.] A reformer.

Re*form"ly, adv. In the manner of a reform; for the purpose of reform. [Obs.] Milton.

Re*for`ti*fi*ca"tion (r?*f?r`t?*f?*k?"sh?n), n. A fortifying anew, or a second time. Mitford.

Re*for"ti*fy (r?*f?r"t?*f?), v. t. To fortify anew.

Re*fos"sion (r?*f?sh"?n), n. [L. refodere, refossum, to dig up again. See Fosse.] The act of digging up again. [Obs.] Bp. Hall.

Re*found" (r?*found"), v. t. [Pref. re- + found to cast; cf. F. refondare. Cf. Refund.] 1. To found or cast anew. "Ancient bells refounded." T. Warton.

2. To found or establish again; to re&?;stablish.

Re*found", imp. & p. p. of Refind, v. t.

Re*found"er (-?r), n. One who refounds.

Re*fract" (r?*fr$kt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refracted; p. pr. & vb. n. Refracting.] [L. refractus, p. p. of refringere; pref. re- re- + frangere to break: cf. F. réfracter. SEe FRacture, and cf. Refrain, n.] 1. To bend sharply and abruptly back; to break off.

2. To break the natural course of, as rays of light orr heat, when passing from one transparent medium to another of different density; to cause to deviate from a direct course by an action distinct from reflection; as, a dense medium refrcts the rays of light as they pass into it from a rare medium.

Re*fract"a*ble (-?*b'l), a. Capable of being refracted.

Re*fract"ed, a. 1. (Bot. & Zoöl.) Bent backward angularly, as if half- broken; as, a refracted stem or leaf.

2. Turned from a direct course by refraction; as, refracted rays of light.

Re*fract"ing, a. Serving or tending to refract; as, a refracting medium.

Refracting angle of a prism (Opt.), the angle of a triangular prism included between the two sides through which the refracted beam passes in the decomposition of light. -- Refracting telescope. (Opt.) See under Telescope.

Re*frac"tion (r?*fr?k"sh?n), n. [F. réfraction.] 1. The act of refracting, or the state of being refracted.

2. The change in the direction of ray of light, heat, or the like, when it enters obliquely a medium of a different density from that through which it has previously moved.

Refraction out of the rarer medium into the denser, is made towards the perpendicular.

Sir I. Newton.

3. (Astron.) (a) The change in the direction of a ray of light, and, consequently, in the apparent position of a heavenly body from which it emanates, arising from its passage through the earth's atmosphere; -- hence distinguished as atmospheric refraction, or astronomical refraction. (b) The correction which is to be deducted from the apparent altitude of a heavenly body on account of atmospheric refraction, in order to obtain the true altitude.

Angle of refraction (Opt.), the angle which a refracted ray makes with the perpendicular to the surface separating the two media traversed by the ray. -- Conical refraction (Opt.), the refraction of a ray of light into an infinite number of rays, forming a hollow cone. This occurs when a ray of light is passed through crystals of some substances, under certain circumstances. Conical refraction is of two kinds; external conical refraction, in which the ray issues from the crystal in the form of a cone, the vertex of which is at the point of emergence; and internal conical refraction, in which the ray is changed into the form of a cone on entering the crystal, from which it issues in the form of a hollow cylinder. This singular phenomenon was first discovered by Sir W. R. Hamilton by mathematical reasoning alone, unaided by experiment. -- Differential refraction (Astron.), the change of the apparent place of one object relative to a second object near it, due to refraction; also, the correction required to be made to the observed relative places of the two bodies. -- Double refraction (Opt.), the refraction of light in two directions, which produces two distinct images. The power of double refraction is possessed by all crystals except those of the isometric system. A uniaxial crystal is said to be optically positive (like quartz), or optically negative (like calcite), or to have positive, or negative, double refraction, according as the optic axis is the axis of least or greatest elasticity for light; a biaxial crystal is similarly designated when the same relation holds for the acute bisectrix. -- Index of refraction. See under Index. -- Refraction circle (Opt.), an instrument provided with a graduated circle for the measurement of refraction. -- Refraction of latitude, longitude, declination, right ascension, etc., the change in the apparent latitude, longitude, etc., of a heavenly body, due to the effect of atmospheric refraction. -- Terrestrial refraction, the change in the apparent altitude of a distant point on or near the earth's surface, as the top of a mountain, arising from the passage of light from it to the eye through atmospheric strata of varying density.

Re*fract"ive (r?*fr?kt"?v), a. [Cf. F. réfractif. See Refract.] Serving or having power to refract, or turn from a direct course; pertaining to refraction; as, refractive surfaces; refractive powers.

Refractive index. (Opt.) See Index of refraction, under Index. -- Absolute refractive index (Opt.), the index of refraction of a substances when the ray passes into it from a vacuum. -- Relative refractive index (of two media) (Opt.), the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction for a ray passing out of one of the media into the other.

Re*fract"ive*ness, n. The quality or condition of being refractive.

Re`frac*tom"e*ter (r?`fr?k*t?m"?*t?r), n. [Refraction + -meter.] (Opt.) A contrivance for exhibiting and measuring the refraction of light.

Re*fract"or (r&?;-fr&?;kt"&?;r), n. Anything that refracts; specifically: (Opt.) A refracting telescope, in which the image to be viewed is formed by the refraction of light in passing through a convex lens.

Re*frac"to*ri*ly (r?*fr?k"t?*r?*l?), adv. In a refractory manner; perversely; obstinately.

Re*frac"to*ri*ness, n. The quality or condition of being refractory.

Re*frac"to*ry (-r?), a. [L. refractorius, fr. refringere: cf. F. refractaire. See Refract.] 1. Obstinate in disobedience; contumacious; stubborn; unmanageable; as, a refractory child; a refractory beast.

Raging appetites that are
Most disobedient and refractory.


2. Resisting ordinary treatment; difficult of fusion, reduction, or the like; -- said especially of metals and the like, which do not readily yield to heat, or to the hammer; as, a refractory ore.

Syn. -- Perverse; contumacious; unruly; stubborn; obstinate; unyielding; ungovernable; unmanageable.

Re*frac"to*ry, n. 1. A refractory person. Bp. Hall.

2. Refractoriness. [Obs.] Jer. TAylor.

3. OPottery) A piece of ware covered with a vaporable flux and placed in a kiln, to communicate a glaze to the other articles. Knight.

Re*frac"ture (r?*fr?k"t?r;135), n. (Surg.) A second breaking (as of a badly set bone) by the surgeon.

Re*frac"ture, v. t. (Surg.) To break again, as a bone.

Ref"ra*ga*ble (r?f"r?*g?*b'l), a. [LL. refragabilis, fr. L. refragari to oppose.] Capable of being refuted; refutable. [R.] -- Ref"ra*ga*ble*ness, n. [R.] -- Ref`ra*ga*bil"i*ty (-b&?;l`&?;*t&?;), n. [R.]

Ref"ra*gate (-g?t), v. i. [L. refragatus, p. p. of refragor.] To oppose. [R.] Glanvill.

Re*frain" (r?*fr?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refrained (-fr?nd"); p. pr. & vb/ n. Refraining.] [OE. refreinen, OF. refrener, F. refr&?;ner, fr. L. refrenare; influenced by OF. refraindre to restrain, moderate, fr. LL. refrangere, for L. refringere to break up, break (see Refract). L. refrenare is fr. pref. re- back + frenum bridle; cf. Skr. dh&?; to hold.] 1. To hold back; to restrain; to keep within prescribed bounds; to curb; to govern.

His reson refraineth not his foul delight or talent.


Refrain thy foot from their path.

Prov. i. 15.

2. To abstain from [Obs.]

Who, requiring a remedy for his gout, received no other counsel than to refrain cold drink.

Sir T. Browne.

Re*frain", v. i. To keep one's self from action or interference; to hold aloof; to forbear; to abstain.

Refrain from these men, and let them alone.

Acts v. 38.

They refrained therefrom [eating flesh] some time after.

Sir T. Browne.

Syn. -- To hold back; forbear; abstain; withhold.

Re*frain", n. [F. refrain, fr. OF. refraindre; cf. Pr. refranhs a refrain, refranher to repeat. See Refract,Refrain, v.] The burden of a song; a phrase or verse which recurs at the end of each of the separate stanzas or divisions of a poetic composition.

We hear the wild refrain.


Re*frain"er (r?*fr?n"?r), n. One who refrains.

Re*frain"ment (-ment), n. Act of refraining. [R.]

Re*frame" (r?*fr?m), v. t. To frame again or anew.

Re*fran`gi*bil"i*ty (r?*fr?n`j?*b?l"?*t?), n. [Cf. F. réfrangibilité.] The quality of being refrangible.

Re*fran"gi*ble (-fr?n"j?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. réfrangible. See Refract.] Capable of being refracted, or turned out of a direct course, in passing from one medium to another, as rays of light. -- Re*fran"gi*ble*ness, n.

Ref`re*na"tion (r?f`r?*n?"sh?n), n. [L. refrenatio. See Refrain, v. t.] The act of refraining. [Obs.]

Re*fresh" (r?*fr?sh"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refreshed (-fr?sht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refreshing.] [OE. refreshen, refreschen, OF. refreschir (cf. OF. rafraischir, rafreschir, F. rafra&?;chir); pref. re- re- + fres fresh. F. frais. See Fresh, a.] 1. To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit, animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind. Chaucer.

Foer they have refreshed my spirit and yours.

1 Cor. xvi. 18.

And labor shall refresh itself with hope.


2. To make as if new; to repair; to restore.

The rest refresh the scaly snakes that fol&?;
The shield of Pallas, and renew their gold.


To refresh the memory, to quicken or strengthen it, as by a reference, review, memorandum, or suggestion.

Syn. -- To cool; refrigerate; invigorate; revive; reanimate; renovate; renew; restore; recreate; enliven; cheer.

Re*fresh", n. The act of refreshing. [Obs.] Daniel.

Re*fresh"er (-?r), n. 1. One who, or that which, refreshes.

2. (Law) An extra fee paid to counsel in a case that has been adjourned from one term to another, or that is unusually protracted.

Ten guineas a day is the highest refresher which a counsel can charge.

London Truth.

Re*fresh"ful (-f?l), a. Full of power to refresh; refreshing. -- Re*fresh"ful*ly, adv.

Re*fresh"ing, a. Reviving; reanimating. -- Re*fresh"ing*ly, adv. -- Re*fresh"ing*ness, n.

Re*fresh"ment (-ment), n. [CF. OF. refreschissement, F. rafraîchissement.] 1. The act of refreshing, or the state of being refreshed; restoration of strength, spirit, vigor, or liveliness; relief after suffering; new life or animation after depression.

2. That which refreshes; means of restoration or reanimation; especially, an article of food or drink.

Re*fret" (r?*fr?t"), n. [OF. refret, L. refractus, p. p. See Refrain, n., Refract.] Refrain. [Obs.] Bailey.

Re*freyd" (r?*fr?d"), v. t. [OF. refreidier.] To chill; to cool. [Obs.]

Refreyded by sickness . . . or by cold drinks.


Ref`ri*ca"tion (r?f`r?*k?"sh?n), n. [L. refricare to rub again.] A rubbing up afresh; a brightening. [Obs.]

A continual refrication of the memory.

Bp. Hall.

Re*frig"er*ant (r?*fr?j"?r-ant), a. [L. refrigerans, p. pr. of refrigerare: cf. F. réfrigérant. See Refrigerate.] Cooling; allaying heat or fever. Bacon.

Re*frig"er*ant, n. That which makes to be cool or cold; specifically, a medicine or an application for allaying fever, or the symptoms of fever; -- used also figuratively. Holland. "A refrigerant to passion." Blair.

Re*frig"er*ate (-t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refrigerated (- `td); p. pr. & vb. n. Refrigerating.] [L. refrigeratus, p. p. of refrigerare; pref. re- re- + frigerare to make cool, fr. frigus, frigoris, coolness. See Frigid.] To cause to become cool; to make or keep cold or cool.

Re*frig`er*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. réfrigération, L. refrigeratio.] The act or process of refrigerating or cooling, or the state of being cooled.

Re*frig"er*a*tive (r?*fr?j"?r*?*t?v), a. [Cf. F. réfrigératif.] Cooling; allaying heat. -- n. A refrigerant.

Crazed brains should come under a refrigerative treatment.

I. Taylor.

Re*frig"er*a`tor (-?`t?r), n. That which refrigerates or makes cold; that which keeps cool. Specifically: (a) A box or room for keeping food or other articles cool, usually by means of ice. (b) An apparatus for rapidly cooling heated liquids or vapors, connected with a still, etc.

Refrigerator car (Railroad), a freight car constructed as a refrigerator, for the transportation of fresh meats, fish, etc., in a temperature kept cool by ice.

Re*frig"er*a*to*ry (-?*t?*r?), a. [L. refrigeratorius.] Mitigating heat; cooling.

Re*frig"er*a*to*ry, n.; pl. -ries (-fr&?;z). [CF. F. réfrigératoire.] That which refrigerates or cools. Specifically: (a) In distillation, a vessel filled with cold water, surrounding the worm, the vapor in which is thereby condensed. (b) The chamber, or tank, in which ice is formed, in an ice machine.

||Ref`ri*ge"ri*um (r?f`r?*j?"r?*?m), n. [L.] Cooling refreshment; refrigeration. [Obs.] South.

Re*frin"gen*cy (r?*fr?n"jen*s?), n. The power possessed by a substance to refract a ray; as, different substances have different refringencies. Nichol.

Re*frin"gent (-jent), a. [L. refringens, p. pr. of refringere. See Refract.] Pertaining to, or possessing, refringency; refractive; refracting; as, a refringent prism of spar. Nichol.

Reft (r?ft), imp. & p. p. of Reave. Bereft.

Reft of thy sons, amid thy foes forlorn.


Reft, n. A chink; a rift. See Rift. Rom. of R.

Ref"uge (r?f"?j), n. [F. réfuge, L. refugium, fr. refugere to flee back; pref. re- + figere. SEe Fugitive.]

1. Shelter or protection from danger or distress.

Rocks, dens, and caves! But I in none of these
Find place or refuge.


We might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.

Heb. vi. 18.

2. That which shelters or protects from danger, or from distress or calamity; a stronghold which protects by its strength, or a sanctuary which secures safety by its sacredness; a place inaccessible to an enemy.

The high hills are a refuger the wild goats.

Ps. civ. 18.

The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed.

Ps. ix. 9.

<! p. 1209 !>

3. An expedient to secure protection or defense; a device or contrivance.

Their latest refuge
Was to send him.


Light must be supplied, among gracefulrefuges, by terracing &?;&?;&?; story in danger of darkness.

Sir H. Wotton.

Cities of refuge (Jewish Antiq.), certain cities appointed as places of safe refuge for persons who had committed homicide without design. Of these there were three on each side of Jordan. Josh. xx. -- House of refuge, a charitable institution for giving shelter and protection to the homeless, destitute, or tempted.

Syn. -- Shelter; asylum; retreat; covert.

Ref"uge (r?f"?j), v. t. To shelter; to protect. [Obs.]

Ref`u*gee" (r?f`?*j?"), n. [F. réfugié, fr. se réfugier to take refuge. See Refuge, n.] 1. One who flees to a shelter, or place of safety.

2. Especially, one who, in times of persecution or political commotion, flees to a foreign power or country for safety; as, the French refugees who left France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.

{ Re*ful"gence (r?*f?l"jens), Re*ful"gen*cy (-jen*s?), } n. [L. refulgentia. See Refulgent.] The quality of being refulgent; brilliancy; splender; radiance.

Re*ful"gent (r?*f?l"jent), a. [L. refulgens, p. pr. of refulgere to flash back, to shine bright; pref. re- re- + fulgere to shine. See Fulgent.] Casting a bright light; radiant; brilliant; resplendent; shining; splendid; as, refulgent beams. -- Re*ful"gent*ly, adv.

So conspicuous and refulgent a truth.


Re*fund" (r?*f?nd"), v. t. [Pref. re- + fund.] To fund again or anew; to replace (a fund or loan) by a new fund; as, to refund a railroad loan.

Re*fund" (r?*f?nd"), v. t. [L. refundere; pref. re- re- + fundere to pour: cf. F. refondre, refonder. See Fuse to melt, and cf. Refound to cast again, 1st Refuse.] 1. To pour back. [R. & Obs.]

Were the humors of the eye tinctured with any color, they would refund that color upon the object.


2. To give back; to repay; to restore.

A governor, that had pillaged the people, was . . . sentenced to refund what he had wrongfully taken.


3. To supply again with funds; to reimburse. [Obs.]

Re*fund"er (-?r), n. One who refunds.

Re*fund"ment (-ment), n. The act of refunding; also, that which is refunded. [R.] Lamb.

Re*fur"bish (r?*f?r"b?sh), v. t. To furbish anew.

Re*fur"nish (-n?sh), v. t. To furnish again.

Re*fur"nish*ment (-ment), n. The act of refurnishing, or state of being refurnished.

The refurnishment was in a style richer than before.

L. Wallace.

Re*fus"a*ble (r?*f?z"?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. refusable. See Refuse.] Capable of being refused; admitting of refusal.

Re*fus"al (-al), n. 1. The act of refusing; denial of anything demanded, solicited, or offered for acceptance.

Do they not seek occasion of new quarrels,
On my refusal, to distress me more?


2. The right of taking in preference to others; the choice of taking or refusing; option; as, to give one the refusal of a farm; to have the refusal of an employment.

Re*fuse" (r?*f?z"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refused (-f?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refusing.] [F. refuser, either from (assumed) LL. refusare to refuse, v. freq. of L. refundere to pour back, give back, restore (see Refund to repay), or. fr. L. recusare to decline, refuse cf. Accuse, Ruse), influenced by L. refutare to drive back, repel, refute. Cf. Refute.] 1. To deny, as a request, demand, invitation, or command; to decline to do or grant.

That never yet refused your hest.


2. (Mil.) To throw back, or cause to keep back (as the center, a wing, or a flank), out of the regular aligment when troops ar&?; about to engage the enemy; as, to refuse the right wing while the left wing attacks.

3. To decline to accept; to reject; to deny the request or petition of; as, to refuse a suitor.

The cunning workman never doth refuse
The meanest tool that he may chance to use.


4. To disown. [Obs.] "Refuse thy name." Shak.

Re*fuse", v. i. To deny compliance; not to comply.

Too proud to ask, too humble to refuse.


If ye refuse . . . ye shall be devoured with the sword.

Isa. i. 20.

Re*fuse", n. Refusal. [Obs.] Fairfax.

Ref`use (r?f"?s;277), n. [F. refus refusal, also, that which is refused. See Refuse to deny.] That which is refused or rejected as useless; waste or worthless matter.

Syn. -- Dregs; sediment; scum; recrement; dross.

Ref"use, a. Refused; rejected; hence; left as unworthy of acceptance; of no value; worthless.

Everything that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly.

1. Sam. xv. 9.

Re*fus"er (r?*f?z"?r), n. One who refuses or rejects.

Re*fu"sion (r?*f?"zh?n), n. [Pref. re-+ fusion.]

1. New or repeated melting, as of metals.

2. Restoration. "This doctrine of the refusion of the soul." Bp. Warbuton.

Ref"ut (rf"t), n. [OF. refuite.] Refuge. "Thou haven of refut." [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*fut`a*bil"i*ty (r?*f?t`?*b?l"?*t?), n. The quality of being refutable.

Re*fut"a*ble (r?*f?t"?*b'l;277), a. [Cf. F. réfutable.] Admitting of being refuted or disproved; capable of being proved false or erroneous.

Re*fut"al (r?*f?t"al), n. Act of refuting; refutation.

Ref`u*ta"tion (r?f`?*t?"sh?n), n. [L. refutatio: cf. F. réfutation.] The act or process of refuting or disproving, or the state of being refuted; proof of falsehood or error; the overthrowing of an argument, opinion, testimony, doctrine, or theory, by argument or countervailing proof.

Same of his blunders seem rather to deserve a flogging than a refutation.


Re*fut"a*to*ry (r?*f?t"?*t?*r?), a. [L. refutatorius: cf. F. réfutatoire.] Tending tu refute; refuting.

Re*fute" (r?*F3t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refuted; p. pr. & vb. n. Refuting.] [F. réfuter, L. refuteare to repel, refute. Cf. Confute, Refuse to deny.] To disprove and overthrow by argument, evidence, or countervailing proof; to prove to be false or erroneous; to confute; as, to refute arguments; to refute testimony; to refute opinions or theories; to refute a disputant.

There were so many witnesses in these two miracles that it is impossible to refute such multitudes.


Syn. -- To confute; disprove. See Confute.

Re*fut"er (-f?t"?r), n. One who, or that which, refutes.

Re*gain" (r?*g?n"), v. t. [Pref. re- + gain: cf. F. regagner.] To gain anew; to get again; to recover, as what has escaped or been lost; to reach again.

Syn. -- To recover; reobtain; repossess; retrieve.

Re"gal (r?"gal), a. [L. regalis, fr. rex, regis, a king. See Royal, and cf. Rajah, Realm, Regalia.] Of or pertaining to a king; kingly; royal; as, regal authority, pomp, or sway. "The regal title." Shak.

He made a scorn of his regal oath.


Syn. -- Kingly; royal. See Kingly.

Re"gal, n. [F. régale, It. regale. CF. Rigoll.] (Mus.) A small portable organ, played with one hand, the bellows being worked with the other, -- used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

||Re*ga"le (r?*g?"l?), n. [LL. regale, pl. regalia, fr. L. regalis: cf. F. régale. See Regal.] A prerogative of royalty. [R.] Johnson.

Re*gale" (r?*g?l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regaled (-g?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Regaling.] [F. régaler, Sp. regalar to regale, to caress, to melt, perhaps fr. L. regalare to thaw (cff. Gelatin), or cf. Sp. gala graceful, pleasing address, choicest part of a thing (cf. Gala), or most likely from OF. galer to rejoice, gale pleasure.] To enerta&?;n in a regal or sumptuous manner; to enrtertain with something that delights; to gratify; to refresh; as, to regale the taste, the eye, or the ear.

Re*gale", v. i. To feast; t&?; fare sumtuously.

Re*gale", n. [F. régal. See Regale, v. t.] A sumptuous repast; a banquet. Johnson. Cowper.

Two baked custards were produced as additions to the regale.

E. E. Hale.

Re*gale"ment (-ment), n. The act of regaling; anything which regales; refreshment; entertainment.

Re*gal"er (-g?l"?r), n. One who regales.

Re*ga"li*a (r?*g?"l?*?), n. pl. [LL., from L. regalisregal. See Regal.] 1. That which belongs to royalty. Specifically: (a) The rights and prerogatives of a king. (b) Royal estates and revenues. (c) Ensings, symbols, or paraphernalia of royalty.

2. Hence, decorations or insignia of an office or order, as of Freemasons, Odd Fellows,etc.

3. Sumptuous food; delicacies. [Obs.] Cotton.

Regalia of a church, the privileges granted to it by kings; sometimes, its patrimony. Brande & C.

Re*ga"li*a, n. A kind of cigar of large size and superior quality; also, the size in which such cigars are classed.

Re*ga"li*an (-an), a. Pertaining to regalia; pertaining to the royal insignia or prerogatives. Hallam.

Re"gal*ism (r?"gal*?z'm), n. The doctrine of royal prerogative or supremacy. [R.] Cardinal Manning.

Re*gal"i*ty (r?*g?l"?*t?), n. [LL. regalitas, from L. regalis regal, royal. See Regal, and cf. Royality.]

1. Royalty; sovereignty; sovereign jurisdiction.

[Passion] robs reason of her due regalitie.


He came partly in by the sword, and had high courage in all points of regality.


2. An ensign or badge of royalty. [Obs.]

Re"gal*ly (r?"gal*l?), adv. In a regal or royal manner.

Re*gard" (r?*g?rd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regarded; p. pr. & vb. n. Regarding.] [F. regarder; pref. re- re + garder to guard, heed, keep. See Guard, and cf. Reward.] 1. To keep in view; to behold; to look at; to view; to gaze upon.

Your niece regards me with an eye of favor.


2. Hence, to look or front toward; to face. [Obs.]

It is peninsula which regardeth the mainland.


That exceedingly beatiful seat, on the ass&?;ent of a hill, flanked with wood and regarding the river.


3. To look closely at; to observe attentively; to pay attention to; to notice or remark particularly.

If much you note him,
You offened him; . . . feed, and regard him not.


4. To look upon, as in a certain relation; to hold as an popinion; to consider; as, to regard abstinence from wine as a duty; to regard another as a friend or enemy.

5. To consider and treat; to have a certain feeling toward; as, to regard one with favor or dislike.

His associates seem to have regarded him with kindness.


6. To pay respect to; to treat as something of peculiar value, sanctity, or the like; to care for; to esteem.

He that regardeth thae day, regardeth it into the LOrd.

Rom. xiv. 6.

Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor king.


7. To take into consideration; to take account of, as a fact or condition. "Nether regarding that she is my child, nor fearing me as if II were her father." Shak.

8. To have relation to, as bearing upon; to respect; to relate to; to touch; as, an argument does not regard the question; -- often used impersonally; as, I agree with you as regards this or that.

Syn. -- To consider; observe; remark; heed; mind; respect; esteem; estimate; value. See Attend.

Re*gard" (r?*g?rd"), v. i. To look attentively; to consider; to notice. [Obs.] Shak.

Re*gard", n. [F. regard See Regard, v. t.] 1. A look; aspect directed to another; view; gaze.

But her, with stern regard, he thus repelled.


2. Attention of the mind with a feeling of interest; observation; heed; notice.

Full many a lady
I have eyed with best regard.


3. That view of the mind which springs from perception of value, estimable qualities, or anything that excites admiration; respect; esteem; reverence; affection; as, to have a high regard for a person; -- often in the plural.

He has rendered himself worthy of their most favorable regards.

A. Smith.

Save the long-sought regards of woman, nothing is sweeter than those marks of childish preference.


4. State of being regarded, whether favorably or otherwise; estimation; repute; note; account.

A man of meanest regard amongst them, neither having wealth or power.


5. Consideration; thought; reflection; heed.

Sad pause and deep regard become the sage.


6. Matter for consideration; account; condition. [Obs.] "Reason full of good regard." Shak.

7. Respect; relation; reference.

Persuade them to pursue and persevere in virtue, with regard to themselves; in justice and goodness with regard to their neighbors; and piefy toward God.

I. Watts.

The phrase in regard of was formerly used as equivalent in meaning to on account of, but in modern usage is often improperly substituted for in respect to, or in regard to. G. P. Marsh.

Change was thought necessary in regard of the injury the church did receive by a number of things then in use.


In regard of its security, it had a great advantage over the bandboxes.


8. Object of sight; scene; view; aspect. [R.]

Throw out our eyes for brave Othello,
Even till we make the main and the aërial blue
An indistinct regard.


9. (O.Eng.Law) Supervision; inspection.

At regard of, in consideration of; in comparison with. [Obs.] "Bodily penance is but short and little at regard of the pains of hell." Chaucer. -- Court of regard, a forest court formerly held in England every third year for the lawing, or expeditation, of dogs, to prevent them from running after deer; -- called also survey of dogs. Blackstone.

Syn. -- Respect; consideration; notice; observance; heed; care; concern; estimation; esteem; attachment; reverence.

Re*gard"a*ble (-?*b'l), a. Worthy of regard or notice; to be regarded; observable. [R.] Sir T. Browne.

Re*gard"ant (-ant), a. [F. regardant, fr. regarder. See Regard, v. t.] [Written also regardant.] 1. Looking behind; looking backward watchfully.

[He] turns thither his regardant eye.


2. (Her.) Looking behind or backward; as, a lion regardant.

3. (O.Eng.Law) Annexed to the land or manor; as, a villain regardant.

Re*gard"er (r?*g?rd"?r), n. 1. One who regards.

2. (Eng. Forest law) An officer appointed to supervise the forest. Cowell.

Re*gard"ful (-f?l), a. Heedful; attentive; observant. -- Re*gard"ful*ly, adv.

Let a man be very tender and regardful of every pious motion made by the Spirit of God to his heart.


Syn. -- Mindful; heedful; attentive; observant.

Re*gard"ing, prep. Concerning; respecting.

Re*gard"less, a. 1. Having no regard; heedless; careless; as, regardless of life, consequences, dignity.

Regardless of the bliss wherein he sat.


2. Not regarded; slighted. [R.] Spectator.

Syn. -- Heedless; negligent; careless; indifferent; unconcerned; inattentive; unobservant; neglectful.

-- Re*gard"less*ly, adv. -- Re*gard"less*ness, n.

Re*gath"er (r?*g?th"?r), v. t. To gather again.

Re*gat"ta (r?*g?t"t?), n.; pl. Regattas (-t&?;z). [It. regatta, regata.] Originally, a gondola race in Venice; now, a rowing or sailing race, or a series of such races.

Re"gel (r?"g?l), n. (Astron.) See Rigel.

Re"ge*late (r?"j?*l?t or r?j"?-), v. i. (Physics) To freeze together again; to undergo regelation, as ice.

Re`ge*la"tion (-l?"sh?n), n. [Pref. re- + L. gelatio a freezing.] (Physics) The act or process of freezing anew, or together,as two pieces of ice.

Two pieces of ice at (or even) 32&?; Fahrenheit, with moist surfaces, placed in contact, freeze together to a rigid mass. This is called regelation. Faraday.

Re"gence (r?"jens), n. Rule. [Obs.] Hudibras.

Re"gen*cy (r?*jen*s?), n.; pl. Regencies (-s&?;z). [CF. F. régence, LL. regentia. See Regent, a.] 1. The office of ruler; rule; authority; government.

2. Especially, the office, jurisdiction, or dominion of a regent or vicarious ruler, or of a body of regents; deputed or vicarious government. Sir W. Temple.

3. A body of men intrusted with vicarious government; as, a regency constituted during a king's minority, absence from the kingdom, or other disability.

A council or regency consisting of twelve persons.


Re*gen"er*a*cy (r?*j?n"?r*?*s?), n. [See Regenerate.] The state of being regenerated. Hammond.

Re*gen"er*ate (-?t), a. [L. regeneratus, p. p. of regenerare to regenerate; pref. re- re- + generare to beget. See Generate.] 1. Reproduced.

The earthly author of my blood,
Whose youthful spirit, in me regenerate,
Doth with a twofold vigor lift me up.


2. (Theol.) Born anew; become Christian; renovated in heart; changed from a natural to a spiritual state.

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Re*gen"er*ate (r?*j?n"?r*?t), v. t. 1. To generate or produce anew; to reproduce; to give new life, strength, or vigor to.

Through all the soil a genial fferment spreads.
Regenerates the plauts, and new adorns the meads.


2. (Theol.) To cause to be spiritually born anew; to cause to become a Christian; to convert from sin to holiness; to implant holy affections in the heart of.

3. Hence, to make a radical change for the better in the character or condition of; as, to regenerate society.

Re*gen"er*ate*ness (-?t*n?s), n. The quality or state of being rgenerate.

Re*gen`er*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. [L. regeneratio: cf. F. régéneration.] 1. The act of regenerating, or the state of being regenerated.

2. (Theol.) The entering into a new spiritual life; the act of becoming, or of being made, Christian; that change by which holy affectations and purposes are substituted for the opposite motives in the heart.

He saved us by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Chost.

Tit. iii. 5.

3. (Biol.) The reproduction of a part which has been removed or destroyed; re-formation; -- a process especially characteristic of a many of the lower animals; as, the regeneration of lost feelers, limbs, and claws by spiders and crabs.

4. (Physiol.) (a) The reproduction or renewal of tissues, cells, etc., which have been used up and destroyed by the ordinary processes of life; as, the continual regeneration of the epithelial cells of the body, or the regeneration of the contractile substance of muscle. (b) The union of parts which have been severed, so that they become anatomically perfect; as, the regeneration of a nerve.

Re*gen"er*a*tive (r?*j?n"?r*?*t?v), a. Of or pertaining to regeneration; tending to regenerate; as, regenerative influences. H. Bushnell.

Regenerative furnace (Metal.), a furnace having a regenerator in which gas used for fuel, and air for supporting combustion, are heated; a Siemens furnace.

Re*gen"er*a*tive*ly, adv. So as to regenerate.

Re*gen"er*a`tor (-?`t?r), n. 1. One who, or that which, regenerates.

2. (Mech.) A device used in connection with hot-air engines, gas-burning furnaces, etc., in which the incoming air or gas is heated by being brought into contact with masses of iron, brick, etc., which have been previously heated by the outgoing, or escaping, hot air or gas.

Re*gen"er*a*to*ry (-?*t?*r?), a. Having power to renew; tending to reproduce; regenerating. G. S. Faber.

Re*gen"e*sis (-?*s?s), n. New birth; renewal.

A continued regenesis of dissenting sects.

H. Spenser.

Re"gent (r?"jent), a. [L. regens, -entis, p. pr. of regere to rule: cf. F. régent. See Regiment.] 1. Ruling; governing; regnant. "Some other active regent principle . . . which we call the soul." Sir M. Hale.

2. Exercising vicarious authority. Milton.

Queen regent. See under Queen, n.

Re"gent, n. [F. régent. See Regent, a.] 1. One who rules or reigns; a governor; a ruler. Milton.

2. Especially, one invested with vicarious authority; one who governs a kingdom in the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign.

3. One of a governing board; a trustee or overseer; a superintendent; a curator; as, the regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

4. (Eng.Univ.) A resident master of arts of less than five years' standing, or a doctor of less than twwo. They were formerly privileged to lecture in the schools.

Regent bird (Zoöl.), a beautiful Australian bower bird (Sericulus melinus). The male has the head, neck, and large patches on the wings, bright golden yellow, and the rest of the plumage deep velvety black; -- so called in honor of the Prince of Wales (afterward George IV.), who was Prince Regent in the reign of George III. -- The Regents of the University of the State of New York, the members of a corporate body called the University of New York. They have a certain supervisory power over the incorporated institution for Academic and higher education in the State.

Re"gent*ess, n. A female regent. [R.] Cotgrave.

Re"gent*ship, n. The office of a regent; regency.

Re*ger"mi*nate (r?*j?r"m?*n?t), v. i. [Pref. re- + germinate: cf. L. regerminare.] To germinate again.

Perennial plants regerminate several years successively.

J. Lee.

Re*ger`mi*na"tion (-n?"sh?n), n. [L. regerminatio.] A germinating again or anew.

Re*gest" (r?*j?st"), n. [L. regesta, pl.: cf. OF. regestes, pl. See Register.] A register. [Obs.] Milton.

Re*get" (r?*g?t"), v. t. To get again.

Re"gi*an (r?"j?-an), n. [L. regius regal.] An upholder of kingly authority; a royalist. [Obs.] Fuller.

Reg"i*ble (r?j"?*b'l), a. [L. regibilis, from regere to rule.] Governable; tractable. [Obs.]

Reg"i*ci`dal (r?j"?*s?`dal), a. Pertaining to regicide, or to one committing it; having the nature of, or resembling, regicide. Bp. Warburton.

Reg"i*cide (r?j"?*s?d), n. [F. régicide; L. rex, regis, a king + caedere to kill. Cf. Homicide.] 1. One who kills or who murders a king; specifically (Eng.Hist.), one of the judges who condemned Charles I. to death.

2. The killing or the murder of a king.

Re*gild" (r?*g?ld"), v. t. To gild anew.

||Ré`gime" (r?`zh?m"), n. [F. See Regimen.] 1. Mode or system of rule or management; character of government, or of the prevailing social system.

I dream . . . of the new régime which is to come.

H. Kingsley.

2. (Hydraul.) The condition of a river with respect to the rate of its flow, as measured by the volume of water passing different cross sections in a given time, uniform régime being the condition when the flow is equal and uniform at all the cross sections.

The ancient régime, or Ancien régime [F.], the former political and social system, as distinguished from the modern; especially, the political and social system existing in France before the Revolution of 1789.

Reg"i*men (r?j"?*m?n), n. [L. regimen, -inis, fr. regere to guide, to rule. See Right, and cf. Regal, Régime, Regiment.] 1. Orderly government; system of order; adminisration. Hallam.

2. Any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation; esp. (Med.), a systematic course of diet, etc., pursed with a view to improving or preserving the health, or for the purpose of attaining some particular effect, as a reduction of flesh; -- sometimes used synonymously with hygiene.

3. (Gram.) (a) A syntactical relation between words, as when one depends on another and is regulated by it in respect to case or mood; government. (b) The word or words governed.

Reg"i*ment (-ment), n. [F. régiment a regiment of men, OF. also government, L. regimentum government, fr. regere to guide, rule. See Regimen.] 1. Government; mode of ruling; rule; authority; regimen. [Obs.] Spenser. "Regiment of health." Bacon.

But what are kings, when regiment is gone,
But perfect shadows in a sunshine day?


The law of nature doth now require of necessity some kind of regiment.


2. A region or district governed. [Obs.] Spenser.

3. (Mil.) A body of men, either horse, foot, or artillery, commanded by a colonel, and consisting of a number of companies, usually ten.

In the British army all the artillery are included in one regiment, which (reversing the usual practice) is divided into brigades.

Regiment of the line (Mil.), a regiment organized for general service; -- in distinction from those (as the Life Guards) whose duties are usually special. [Eng.]

Reg"i*ment (-m?nt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regimented; p. pr. & vb. n. Regimenting.] To form into a regiment or into regiments. Washington.

Reg`i*men"tal (-m?n"tal), a. Belonging to, or concerning, a regiment; as, regimental officers, clothing.

Regimental school, in the British army, a school for the instruction of the private soldiers of a regiment, and their children, in the rudimentary branches of education.

Reg`i*men"tal*ly, adv. In or by a regiment or regiments; as, troops classified regimentally.

Reg`i*men"tals (-talz), n. pl. (Mil.) The uniform worn by the officers and soldiers of a regiment; military dress; -- formerly used in the singular in the same sense. Colman.

Re*gim"i*nal (r?*j?m"?*nal), a. Of or relating to regimen; as, regiminal rules.

Re"gion (r?"j?n), n. [F. région, from L. regio a direction, a boundary line, region, fr. regere to guide, direct. See Regimen.] 1. One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided; hence, in general, a portion of space or territory of indefinite extent; country; province; district; tract.

If thence he 'scappe, into whatever world,
Or unknown region.


2. Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything; neighborhood; vicinity; sphere. "Though the fork invade the region of my heart." Shak.

Philip, tetrarch of .. the region of Trachonitis.

Luke iii. 1.

3. The upper air; the sky; the heavens. [Obs.]

Anon the dreadful thunder
Doth rend the region.


4. The inhabitants of a district. Matt. iii. 5.

5. Place; rank; station. [Obs. or R.]

He is of too high a region.


Re"gion*al (-al), a. Of or pertaining to a particular region; sectional.

Re"gi*ous (-j?*?s), a. [L. regius royal, fr. rex, regis, king.] Regal; royal. [Obs.] Harrington.

Reg"is*ter (rj"s*tr), n. [OE. registre, F. registre, LL. registrum,regestum, L. regesta, pl., fr. regerere, regestum, to carry back, to register; pref. re- re- + gerere to carry. See Jest, and cf. Regest.] 1. A written account or entry; an official or formal enumeration, description, or record; a memorial record; a list or roll; a schedule.

As you have one eye upon my follies, . . . turn another into the register of your own.


2. (Com.) (a) A record containing a list and description of the merchant vessels belonging to a port or customs district. (b) A certificate issued by the collector of customs of a port or district to the owner of a vessel, containing the description of a vessel, its name, ownership, and other material facts. It is kept on board the vessel, to be used as an evidence of nationality or as a muniment of title.

3. [Cf. LL. registrarius. Cf. Regisrar.] One who registers or records; a registrar; a recorder; especially, a public officer charged with the duty of recording certain transactions or events; as, a register of deeds.

4. That which registers or records. Specifically: (a) (Mech.) A contrivance for automatically noting the performance of a machine or the rapidity of a process. (b) (Teleg.) The part of a telegraphic apparatus which records automatically the message received. (c) A machine for registering automatically the number of persons passing through a gateway, fares taken, etc.; a telltale.

5. A lid, stopper, or sliding plate, in a furnace, stove, etc., for regulating the admission of air to the fuel; also, an arrangement containing dampers or shutters, as in the floor or wall of a room or passage, or in a chimney, for admitting or excluding heated air, or for regulating ventilation.

6. (Print.) (a) The inner part of the mold in which types are cast. (b) The correspondence of pages, columns, or lines on the opposite or reverse sides of the sheet. (c) The correspondence or adjustment of the several impressions in a design which is printed in parts, as in chromolithographic printing, or in the manufacture of paper hangings. See Register, v. i. 2.

7. (Mus.) (a) The compass of a voice or instrument; a specified portion of the compass of a voice, or a series of vocal tones of a given compass; as, the upper, middle, or lower register; the soprano register; the tenor register.

In respect to the vocal tones, the thick register properly extends below from the F on the lower space of the treble staff. The thin register extends an octave above this. The small register is above the thin. The voice in the thick register is called the chest voice; in the thin, the head voice. Falsetto is a kind off voice, of a thin, shrull quality, made by using the mechanism of the upper thin register for tones below the proper limit on the scale. E. Behnke.

(b) A stop or set of pipes in an organ.

Parish register, A book in which are recorded the births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and burials in a parish.

Syn. -- List; catalogue; roll; record; archives; chronicle; annals. See List.

Reg"is*ter (rj"s*tr), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Registered (- trd); p. pr. & vb. n. Registering.] [Cf. F. regisrer, exregistrer, LL. registrare. See Register, n.] 1. To enter in a register; to record formally and distinctly, as for future use or service.

2. To enroll; to enter in a list.

Such follow him as shall be registered.


Registered letter, a letter, the address of which is, on payment of a special fee, registered in the post office and the transmission and delivery of which are attended to with particular care.

Reg"is*ter, v. i. 1. To enroll one's name in a register.

2. (Print.) To correspond in relative position; as, two pages, columns, etc. , register when the corresponding parts fall in the same line, or when line falls exactly upon line in reverse pages, or (as in chromatic printing) where the various colors of the design are printed consecutively, and perfect adjustment of parts is necessary.

Reg"is*ter*ing, a. Recording; -- applied to instruments; having an apparatus which registers; as, a registering thermometer. See Recording.

Reg"is*ter*ship, n. The office of a register.

Reg"is*trant (-trant), n. [L. registrans, p. pr.] One who registers; esp., one who , by virtue of securing an official registration, obtains a certain right or title of possession, as to a trade-mark.

Reg"is*trar (-tr?r), n. [LL. registrarius, or F. régistraire. See Register.] One who registers; a recorder; a keeper of records; as, a registrar of births, deaths, and marriages. See Register, n., 3.

Reg"is*trar*ship, n. The office of a registrar.

Reg"is*tra*ry (- tr?*r?), n. A registrar. [Obs.]

Reg"is*trate (-tr?t), v. t. To register. [R.]

Reg`is*tra"tion (-tr?"sh?n), n. [LL. registratio, or F. régistration. See Register, v.] 1. The act of registering; registry; enrollment.

2. (Mus.) The art of selecting and combining the stops or registers of an organ.

Reg"is*try (r?j"?s*tr?), n. 1. The act of recording or writing in a register; enrollment; registration.

2. The place where a register is kept.

3. A record; an account; a register. Sir W. Temple.

||Re"gi*us (r?l"?*?s), a. [L. regius, from rex, regis, a king.] Of or pertaining to a king; royal.

Regius professor, an incumbent of a professorship founded by royal bounty, as in an English university.

Re*give" (r?*g?v"), v. t. To give again; to give back.

Re"gle (r?g"'l), v. t. [See Reglement.] To rule; to govern. [Obs.] "To regle their lives." Fuller.

Re"gle*ment (r?g"'l*ment), n. [F. réglement, fr. régler, L. regulare. See Regulate.] Regulation. [Obs.]

The reformation and reglement of usury.


Reg`le*men"ta*ry (-l?*m?n"t?*r?), a. [F. réglementaire, fr. réglement.] Regulative. [R.]

Reg"let (r?g"l?t), n. [F. réglet, dim. of règle a rule, L. regula. See Rule.] 1. (Arch.) A flat, narrow molding, used chiefly to separate the parts or members of compartments or panels from one another, or doubled, turned, and interlaced so as to form knots, frets, or other ornaments. See Illust. (12) of Column.

2. (Print.) A strip of wood or metal of the height of a quadrat, used for regulating the space between pages in a chase, and also for spacing out title-pages and other open matter. It is graded to different sizes, and designated by the name of the type that it matches; as, nonpareil reglet, pica reglet, and the like.

||Reg"ma (r?g"m?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?;, -&?;&?;&?;, fracture, fr. &?;&?;&?;&?;&?;&?; to break.] (Bot.) A kind of dry fruit, consisting of three or more cells, each which at length breaks open at the inner angle.

Reg"ma*carp (-k?rp), n. [Regma + Gr. &?;&?;&?; fruit.] (Bot.) Any dry dehiscent fruit.

Reg"nal (r?g"nal), a. [L. regnum reign.] Of or pertaining to the reign of a monarch; as, regnal years.

Reg"nan*cy (-nan*s?), n. The condition or quality of being regnant; sovereignty; rule. Coleridge.

Reg"nant (-nant), a. [L. regnans, -antis, p. pr. of regnare to reign: cf. F régnant. See Reign.] 1. Exercising regal authority; reigning; as, a queen regnant.

2. Having the chief power; ruling; predominant; prevalent. "A traitor to the vices regnant." Swift.

Reg"na*tive (-n?*t?v), a. Ruling; governing. [Obs.]

Regne (r?n), n. & v. See Reign. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*gorge" (r?*g?rj"), v. t. [F. regorder; re- + gorger to gorge. Cf. Regurgitate.] 1. To vomit up; to eject from the stomach; to throw back. Hayward.

2. To swallow again; to swallow back.

Tides at highest mark regorge the flood.


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Re*grade" (r?*gr?d"), v. i. [L. re- re- + gradi to go. Cf. Regrede. ] To retire; to go back. [Obs.] W. Hales.

Re*graft" (r?*gr?ft"), v. t. To graft again.

Re*grant" (r?*gr?nt"), v. t. To grant back; to grant again or anew. Ayliffe.

Re*grant", n. 1. The act of granting back to a former proprietor.

2. A renewed of a grant; as, the regrant of a monopoly.

Re*grate" (r?*gr?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regrated; p. pr. & vb. n. Regrating.] [F. regratter, literally, to scrape again. See Re-, and Grate, v. t.] 1. (Masonry) To remove the outer surface of, as of an old hewn stone, so as to give it a fresh appearance.

2. To offend; to shock. [Obs.] Derham.

Re*grate", v. t. [F. regratter to regrate provisions; of uncertain origin.] (Eng.Law) To buy in large quantities, as corn, provisions, etc., at a market or fair, with the intention of selling the same again, in or near the same place, at a higher price, -- a practice which was formerly treated as a public offense.

Re*grat"er (-?r), n. [F. regrattier.] One who regrates.

Re*grat"er*y, n. The act or practice of regrating.

Re*gra"ti*a*to*ry (r?*gr?"sh?*?*t?*r?), n. A returning or giving of thanks. [Obs.] Skelton.

Re*grat"or (r?*gr?t"?r), n. One guilty of regrating.

Re*grede" (r?*gr?d"), v. i. [L. regredi to go back. Cf. Regrade, Regress.] To go back; to retrograde, as the apsis of a planet's orbit. [R.] Todhunter.

Re*gre"di*ence (r?*gr?"d?-ens), n. A going back; a retrogression; a return. [R.] Herrick.

Re*greet" (r?*gr?t"), v. t. To greet again; to resalute; to return a salutation to; to greet. Shak.

Re*greet", n. A return or exchange of salutation.

Re"gress (r?"gr?s), n. [L. regressus, fr. regredi, regressus. See Regrede.] 1. The act of passing back; passage back; return; retrogression. "The progress or regress of man". F. Harrison.

2. The power or liberty of passing back. Shak.

Re*gress" (r?*gr?s"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Regressed (-gr?st"); p. pr. & vb. n. Regressing.] To go back; to return to a former place or state. Sir T. Browne.

Re*gres"sion (r?*gr?sh"?n), n. [L. regressio: cf. F. régression.] The act of passing back or returning; retrogression; retrogradation. Sir T. Browne.

Edge of regression (of a surface) (Geom.), the line along which a surface turns back upon itself; -- called also a cuspidal edge. -- Regression point (Geom.), a cusp.

Re*gress"ive (r?*gr?s"?v), a. [Cf. F. régressif.]

1. Passing back; returning.

2. Characterized by retrogression; retrogressive.

Regressive metamorphism. (a) (Biol.) See Retrogression. (b) (Physiol.) See Katabolism.

Re*gress"ive*ly, adv. In a regressive manner.

Re*gret" (r?*gr?t"), n. [F., fr. regretter. See Regret, v.] 1. Pain of mind on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing; grief; sorrow; especially, a mourning on account of the loss of some joy, advantage, or satisfaction. "A passionate regret at sin." Dr. H. More.

What man does not remember with regret the first time he read Robinson Crusoe?


Never any prince expressed a more lively regret for the loss of a servant.


From its peaceful bosom [the grave] spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections.

W. Irving.

2. Dislike; aversion. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.

Syn. -- Grief; concern; sorrow; lamentation; repentance; penitence; self-condemnation. -- Regret, Remorse, Compunction, Contrition, Repentance. Regret does not carry with it the energy of remorse, the sting of compunction, the sacredness of contrition, or the practical character of repentance. We even apply the term regret to circumstance over which we have had no control, as the absence of friends or their loss. When connected with ourselves, it relates rather to unwise acts than to wrong or sinful ones. C. J. Smith.

Re*gret", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regretted (-td); p. pr. & vb. n. Regretting.] [F. regretter, OF. regreter; L. pref. re- re- + a word of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. grtan to weep, Icel. grta. See Greet to lament.] To experience regret on account of; to lose or miss with a sense of regret; to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction on account of (the happening or the loss of something); as, to regret an error; to regret lost opportunities or friends.

Calmly he looked on either life, and here
Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear.


In a few hours they [the Israelites] began to regret their slavery, and to murmur against their leader.


Recruits who regretted the plow from which they had been violently taken.


Re*gret"ful (-f?l), a. Full of regret; indulging in regrets; repining. -- Re*gret"ful*ly, adv.

Re*grow" (r?*gr?"), v. i. & t. To grow again.

The snail had power to regrow them all [horns, tongue, etc.]

A. B. Buckley.

Re*growth" (r?*gr?th"), n. The act of regrowing; a second or new growth. Darwin.

The regrowth of limbs which had been cut off.

A. B. Buckley.

Re*guard"ant (r?*g?rd"ant), a. (Her.) Same as Regardant.

Re*guer"don (r?*g?r"d?n), v. t. [Pref. re- re- + guerdon: cf. OF. reguerdonner.] To reward. [Obs.] Shak.

Reg"u*la*ble (r?g"?*l?*b'l), a. Capable of being regulated. [R.]

Reg"u*lar (-l?r), a. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule, fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. régulier. See Rule.]

1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established customary forms; normal; symmetrical; as, a regular verse in poetry; a regular piece of music; a regular verb; regular practice of law or medicine; a regular building.

2. Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in course, practice, or occurence; not subject to unexplained or irrational variation; returning at stated intervals; steadily pursued; orderlly; methodical; as, the regular succession of day and night; regular habits.

3. Constituted, selected, or conducted in conformity with established usages, rules, or discipline; duly authorized; permanently organized; as, a regular meeting; a regular physican; a regular nomination; regular troops.

4. Belonging to a monastic order or community; as, regular clergy, in distinction dfrom the secular clergy.

5. Thorough; complete; unmitigated; as, a regular humbug. [Colloq.]

6. (Bot. & Zoöl.) Having all the parts of the same kind alike in size and shape; as, a regular flower; a regular sea urchin.

7. (Crystallog.) Same as Isometric.

Regular polygon (Geom.), a plane polygon which is both equilateral and equiangular. -- Regular polyhedron (Geom.), a polyhedron whose faces are equal regular polygons. There are five regular polyhedrons, -- the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, or cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron. -- Regular sales (Stock Exchange), sales of stock deliverable on the day after the transaction. -- Regular troops, troops of a standing or permanent army; -- opposed to militia.

Syn. -- Normal; orderly; methodical. See Normal.

Reg"u*lar (rg"*lr), n. [LL. regularis: cf. F. régulier. See Regular, a.] 1. (R. C. Ch.) A member of any religious order or community who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and who has been solemnly recognized by the church. Bp. Fitzpatrick.

2. (Mil.) A soldier belonging to a permanent or standing army; -- chiefly used in the plural.

||Reg`u*la"ri*a (rg`*l"r*), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) A division of Echini which includes the circular, or regular, sea urchins.

Reg`u*lar"i*ty (-l?r"?*t?), n. [Cf. F. régularité.] The condition or quality of being regular; as, regularity of outline; the regularity of motion.

Reg"u*lar*ize (rg"*lr*z), v. t. To cause to become regular; to regulate. [R.]

Reg"u*lar*ly, adv. In a regular manner; in uniform order; methodically; in due order or time.

Reg"u*lar*ness, n. Regularity. Boyle.

Reg"u*late (-lt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regulated (- l`td); p. pr. & vb. n. Regulating.] [L. regulatus, p. p. of regulare, fr. regula. See Regular.] 1. To adjust by rule, method, or established mode; to direct by rule or restriction; to subject to governing principles or laws.

The laws which regulate the successions of the seasons.


The herdsmen near the frontier adjudicated their own disputes, and regulated their own police.


2. To put in good order; as, to regulate the disordered state of a nation or its finances.

3. To adjust, or maintain, with respect to a desired rate, degree, or condition; as, to regulate the temperature of a room, the pressure of steam, the speed of a machine, etc.

To regulate a watch or clock, to adjust its rate of running so that it will keep approximately standard time.

Syn. -- To adjust; dispose; methodize; arrange; direct; order; rule; govern.

Reg`u*la"tion (-l?"sh?n), n. 1. The act of regulating, or the state of being regulated.

The temper and regulation of our own minds.


2. A rule or order prescribed for management or government; prescription; a regulating principle; a governing direction; precept; law; as, the regulations of a society or a school.

Regulation sword, cap, uniform, etc. (Mil.), a sword, cap, uniform, etc., of the kind or quality prescribed by the official regulations.

Syn. -- Law; rule; method; principle; order; precept. See Law.

Reg"u*la*tive (r?g"?*l?*t?v), a. 1. Tending to regulate; regulating. Whewell.

2. (Metaph.) Necessarily assumed by the mind as fundamental to all other knowledge; furnishing fundamental principles; as, the regulative principles, or principles a priori; the regulative faculty. Sir W. Hamilton.

These terms are borrowed from Kant, and suggest the thought, allowed by Kant, that possibly these principles are only true for the human mind, the operations and belief of which they regulate.

Reg"u*la`tor (-l?`t?r), n. 1. One who, or that which, regulates.

2. (Mach.) A contrivance for regulating and controlling motion, as: (a) The lever or index in a watch, which controls the effective length of the hairspring, and thus regulates the vibrations of the balance. (b) The governor of a steam engine. (c) A valve for controlling the admission of steam to the steam chest, in a locomotive.

3. A clock, or other timepiece, used as a standard of correct time. See Astronomical clock (a), under Clock.

4. A member of a volunteer committee which, in default of the lawful authority, undertakes to preserve order and prevent crimes; also, sometimes, one of a band organized for the comission of violent crimes. [U.S.]

A few stood neutral, or declared in favor of the Regulators.


Reg"u*line (r?g"?*l?n), a. [Cf. F. régulin. See Regulus.] (Chem. & Metal.) Of or pertaining to regulus.

Reg"u*lize (-l?z), v. t. (Old Chem.) To reduce to regulus; to separate, as a metal from extraneous matter; as, to regulize antimony. [Archaic]

Reg"u*lus (-l?s), n.; pl. E. Reguluses (-&?;z), L. Reguli (- l&?;). [L., a petty king, prince, dim. of rex, regis, a king: cf. F. régule. See Regal.] 1. A petty king; a ruler of little power or consequence.

2. (Chem. & Metal.) The button, globule, or mass of metal, in a more or less impure state, which forms in the bottom of the crucible in smelting and reduction of ores.

The name was introduced by the alchemists, and applied by them in the first instance to antimony. It signifies little king; and from the facility with which antimony alloyed with gold, these empirical philosophers had great hopes that this metal, antimony, would lead them to the discovery of the philosopher's stone. Ure.

3. (Astron.) A star of the first magnitude in the constellation Leo; -- called also the Lion's Heart.

Re*gur"gi*tate (r?*g?r"j?*t?t), v. t. [LL. regurgitare, regurgitatum; L. pref. re- re- + gurges, -itis, a gulf. Cf. Regorge.] To throw or pour back, as from a deep or hollow place; to pour or throw back in great quantity.

Re*gur"gi*tate, v. i. To be thrown or poured back; to rush or surge back.

The food may regurgitatem the stomach into the esophagus and mouth.


Re*gur`gi*ta"tion (-t?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. régurgitation.] 1. The act of flowing or pouring back by the orifice of entrance; specifically (Med.), the reversal of the natural direction in which the current or contents flow through a tube or cavity of the body. Quain.

2. The act of swallowing again; reabsorption.

Re`ha*bil"i*tate (r?`h?*b?l"?*t?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rehabilitated (- t?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Rehabilitating.] [Pref. re- re- + habilitate: cf. LL. rehabilitare, F. réhabiliter.] To invest or clothe again with some right, authority, or dignity; to restore to a former capacity; to reinstate; to qualify again; to restore, as a delinquent, to a former right, rank, or privilege lost or forfeited; - - a term of civil and canon law.

Restoring and rehabilitating the party.


Re`ha*bil`i*ta"tion (-t?"sh?n), n. [Cf. LL. rehabilitatio, F. Réhabilitation.] The act of rehabilitating, or the state of being rehabilitated. Bouvier. Walsh.

Re*hash" (r?*h?sh"), v. t. To hash over again; to prepare or use again; as, to rehash old arguments.

Re*hash", n. Something hashed over, or made up from old materials.

Re*hear" (r?*h?r"), v. t. To hear again; to try a second time; as, to rehear a cause in Chancery.

Re*hears"al (r?*h?rs"a), n. The act of rehearsing; recital; narration; repetition; specifically, a private recital, performance, or season of practice, in preparation for a public exhibition or exercise. Chaucer.

In rehearsal of our Lord's Prayer.


Here's marvelous convenient place for our rehearsal.


Dress rehearsal (Theater), a private preparatory performance of a drama, opera, etc., in costume.

Re*hearse" (r?*h?rs"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rehearsed (-h?rst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rehearsing.] [OE. rehercen, rehersen, OF. reherser, rehercier, to harrow over again; pref. re- re- + hercier to harrow, fr. herce a harrow, F. herse. See Hearse.] 1. To repeat, as what has been already said; to tell over again; to recite. Chaucer.

When the words were heard which David spake, they rehearsed them before Saul.

1 Sam. xvii. 31.

2. To narrate; to relate; to tell.

Rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord.

Judg. . v. 11.

3. To recite or repeat in private for experiment and improvement, before a public representation; as, to rehearse a tragedy.

4. To cause to rehearse; to instruct by rehearsal. [R.]

He has been rehearsed by Madame Defarge as to his having seen her.


Syn. -- To recite; recapitulate; recount; detail; describe; tell; relate; narrate.

Re*hearse", v. i. To recite or repeat something for practice. "There will we rehearse." Shak.

Re*hears"er (-?r), n. One who rehearses.

Re*heat" (r?*h?t"), v. t. 1. To heat again.

2. To revive; to cheer; to cherish. [Obs.] Rom. of R.

Re`hi*bi"tion (r?`h?*b?sh"?n), n. [Pref. re- + L. habere to have.] (Law) The returning of a thing purchased to the seller, on the ground of defect or frand.

Re*hib"i*to*ry (r?*h?b"?*t?*r?), a. (Law) Of or relating to rehibition; as, a rehibitory action.

Re*hire" (r?*h?r"), v. t. To hire again.

Re`hy*poth"e*cate (r?`h?*p?th"?*k?t), v. t. (Law) To hypothecate again. -- Re`hy*poth`e*ca"tion, n.

Rei (r?), n.;pl. Reis (r&?;"&?;s or r&?;z). [Pg. real, pl. reis. See Real a coin.] A portuguese money of account, in value about one tenth of a cent. [Spelt also ree.]

||Reichs"rath` (r?ks"r?t), n. [G] The parliament of Austria (exclusive of Hungary, which has its own diet, or parliament). It consists of an Upper and a Lower House, or a House of Lords and a House of Representatives.

||Reichs"stand` (r?ks"st?t`), n. [G.] A free city of the former German empire.

||Reichs"tag` (r?ks"t?g`), n. [G.] The Diet, or House of Representatives, of the German empire, which is composed of members elected for a term of three years by the direct vote of the people. See Bundesrath.

Reif (r?f), n. [AS. re&?;f.] Robbery; spoil. [Obs.]

Rei"gle (r?"g'l), n. [F. règle a rule, fr. L. regula. See Rule.] A hollow cut or channel for quiding anything; as, the reigle of a side post for a flood gate. Carew.

Rei"gle, v. t. To regulate; to govern. [Obs.]

Rei"gle*ment (-ment), n. [See Reglement.] Rule; regulation. [Obs.] Bacon. Jer. Taylor.

Reign (rn), n. [OE. regne, OF. reigne, regne, F. règne, fr. L. regnum, fr. rex, regis, a king, fr. regere to guide, rule. See Regal, Regimen.] 1. Royal authority; supreme power; sovereignty; rule; dominion.

He who like a father held his reign.


Saturn's sons received the threefold reign
Of heaven, of ocean, and deep hell beneath.


2. The territory or sphere which is reigned over; kingdom; empire; realm; dominion. [Obs.] Spenser.

[God] him bereft the regne that he had.


3. The time during which a king, queen, or emperor possesses the supreme authority; as, it happened in the reign of Elizabeth.

<! p. 1212 !>

Reign (r?n), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reigned (r?nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reigning.] [OE. regnen, reinen, OF. regner, F. régner, fr. L. regnare, fr. regnum. See Reign, n.] 1. To possess or exercise sovereign power or authority; to exercise government, as a king or emperor;; to hold supreme power; to rule. Chaucer.

We will not have this man to reign over us.

Luke xix. 14.

Shall Banquo's issue ever
Reign in this kingdom?


2. Hence, to be predominant; to prevail. "Pestilent diseases which commonly reign in summer." Bacon.

3. To have superior or uncontrolled dominion; to rule.

Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body.

Rom. vi. 12.

Syn. -- To rule; govern; direct; control; prevail.

Reign"er (r?n"?r), n. One who reigns. [R.]

Re`il*lume" (r?`?l*l?m"), v. t. To light again; to cause to shine anew; to relume; to reillumine. "Thou must reillume its spark." J. R. Drake.

Re`il*lu"mi*nate (-l?"m?*n?t), v. t. To enlighten again; to reillumine.

Re`il*lu`mi*na"tion (-n?"sh?n), n. The act or process of enlightening again.

Re`il*lu"mine (-l?"m?n), v. t. To illumine again or anew; to reillume.

Reim (r?m), n. [D. riem, akin to G riemen; CF. Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; a towing line.] A strip of oxhide, deprived of hair, and rendered pliable, -- used for twisting into ropes, etc. [South Africa] Simmonds.

Re`im*bark" (r?`?m*b?rk"), v. t. & i. See Reëmbark.

Re`im*bod"y (-b?d"?), v. t. & i. [See Reëmbody.] To imbody again. Boyle.

Re`im*burs"a*ble (r?`?m*b?rs"?*b'l), a. [CF. F. remboursable.] Capable of being repaid; repayable.

A loan has been made of two millions of dollars, reimbursable in ten years.

A. Hamilton.

Re`im*burse" (-b?rs"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reimbursed (-b?rst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reimbursing.] [Pref. re- + imburse: cf. F. rembourser.] 1. To replace in a treasury or purse, as an equivalent for what has been taken, lost, or expended; to refund; to pay back; to restore; as, to reimburse the expenses of a war.

2. To make restoration or payment of an equivalent to (a person); to pay back to; to indemnify; -- often reflexive; as, to reimburse one's self by successful speculation. Paley.

Re`im*burse"ment (-b?rs"ment), n. [Cf. F. rembursement.] The act reimbursing. A. Hamilton.

Re`im*burs"er (-b?rs"?r), n. One who reimburses.

Re`im*plant" (-pl?nt"), v. t. To implant again.

Re`im*port" (-p?rt"), v. t. [Pref. re- + import: cf. F. remporter.] To import again; to import what has been exported; to bring back. Young.

Re*im`por*ta"tion (r?*?m`p?r*t?"sh?n), n. The act of reimporting; also, that which is reimported.

Re*im`por*tune" (-p?r*t?n"), v. t. To importune again.

Re`im*pose" (r?`?m*p?z), v. t. To impose anew.

Re`im*preg"nate (-pr?g"n?t), v. t. To impregnate again or anew. Sir T. Browne.

Re`im*press" (-pr?s"), v. t. To impress anew.

Re`im*pres"sion (-pr?sh"?n), n. A second or repeated impression; a reprint.

Re`im*print" (-pr?nt"), v. t. To imprint again.

Re`im*pris"on (-pr?z'n), v. t. To imprison again.

Re`im*pris"on*ment (-ment), n. The act of reimprisoning, or the state of being reimprisoned.

Rein (r?n), n. [F. rêne, fr. (assumed) LL. retina, fr. L. retinere to hold back. See Retain.] 1. The strap of a bridle, fastened to the curb or snaffle on each side, by which the rider or driver governs the horse.

This knight laid hold upon his reyne.


2. Hence, an instrument or means of curbing, restraining, or governing; government; restraint. "Let their eyes rove without rein." Milton.

To give rein, To give the rein to, to give license to; to leave withouut restrain. -- To take the reins, to take the guidance or government; to assume control.

Rein, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reined (r?nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Reining.] 1. To govern or direct with the reins; as, to rein a horse one way or another.

He mounts and reins his horse.


2. To restrain; to control; to check.

Being once chafed, he can not
Be reined again to temperance.


To rein in or rein up, to check the speed of, or cause to stop, by drawing the reins.

Rein, v. i. To be guided by reins. [R.] Shak.

Re`in*au"gu*rate, v. t. To inaugurate anew.

Re"in*cit" (-s?t"), v. t. To incite again.

Re`in*cor"po*rate, v. t. To incorporate again.

Re`in*crease" (-kr?s"), v. t. To increase again.

Re`in*cur" (-k?r"), v. t. To incur again.

Rein"deer` (r?n"d?r), n. [Icel. hreinn reindeer + E. deer. Icel. hreinn is of Lapp or Finnish origin; cf. Lappish reino pasturage.] [Formerly written also raindeer, and ranedeer.] (Zool.) Any ruminant of the genus Rangifer, of the Deer family, found in the colder parts of both the Eastern and Western hemispheres, and having long irregularly branched antlers, with the brow tines palmate.

The common European species (R. tarandus) is domesticated in Lapland. The woodland reindeer or caribou (R. caribou) is found in Canada and Maine (see Caribou.) The Barren Ground reindeer or caribou (R. Grœnlandicus), of smaller size, is found on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in both hemispheries.

Reindeer moss (Bot.), a gray branching lichen (Cladonia rangiferina) which forms extensive patches on the ground in arctic and even in north temperature regions. It is the principal food of the Lapland reindeer in winter. -- Reindeer period (Geol.), a name sometimes given to a part of the Paleolithic era when the reindeer was common over Central Europe.

Re`in*duce" (r?`?n*d?s"), v. t. To induce again.

Rei*nette" (r?*n?t"), n. [F. See 1st Rennet.] (Bot.) A name given to many different kinds of apples, mostly of French origin.

Re`in*fect" (r?`?n*f?kt), v. t. [Pref. re- + infect: cf. F. réinfecter.] To infect again.

Re`in*fec"tious (-f?k"sh?s), a. Capable of reinfecting.

Re`in*force" (-f?rs"), v. t. See Reënforce, v. t.

Re`in*force", n. See Reënforce, n.

Re`in*force"ment (-ment), n. See Reënforcement.

Re`in*fund" (-f?nd"), v. i. [Pref. re- + L. infundere to pour in.] To flow in anew. [Obs.] Swift.

Re`in*gra"ti*ate (-gr?"sh?*?t), v. t. To ingratiate again or anew. Sir. T. Herbert.

Re`in*hab"it (-h?b"?t), v. t. To inhabit again. Mede.

Rein"less (r?n"l?s), a. Not having, or not governed by, reins; hence, not checked or restrained.

Reins (rnz), n. pl. [F. rein, pl. reins, fr. L. ren, pl. renes.] 1. The kidneys; also, the region of the kidneys; the loins.

2. The inward impulses; the affections and passions; -- so called because formerly supposed to have their seat in the part of the body where the kidneys are.

My reins rejoice, when thy lips speak right things.

Prov. xxiii. 16.

I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts.

Rev. ii. 23.

Reins of a vault (Arch.), the parts between the crown and the spring or abutment, including, and having especial reference to, the loading or filling behind the shell of the vault. The reins are to a vault nearly what the haunches are to an arch, and when a vault gives way by thrusting outward, it is because its reins are not sufficiently filled up.

Re`in*sert" (r?`?n*s?rt"), v. t. To insert again.

Re`in*ser"tion (-s?r"sh?n), n. The act of reinserting.

Re`in*spect" (-sp?kt"), v. t. To inspect again.

Re`in*spec"tion (-sp?k"sh?n), n. The act of reinspecting.

Re`in*spire" (-sp?r"), v. t. To inspire anew. Milton.

Re`in*spir"it (-sp`r"?t), v. t. To give fresh spirit to.

Re`in*stall" (-st?l"), v. t. [Pref. re- + install: cf. F. réinstaller.] To install again. Milton.

Re`in*stall"ment (-ment), n. A renewed installment.

Re`in*state" (-st?t"), v. t. To place again in possession, or in a former state; to restore to a state from which one had been removed; to instate again; as, to reinstate a king in the possession of the kingdom.

For the just we have said already thet some of them were reinstated in their pristine happiness and felicity.


Re`in*state"ment (-ment), n. The act of reinstating; the state of being reinstated; re&?;stablishment.

Re`in*sta"tion (-st?"sh?n), n. Reinstatement. [R.]

Re`in*struct" (-str?kt"), v. t. To instruct anew.

Re`in*sur"ance (-sh?r"ans), n. 1. Insurance a second time or again; renewed insurance.

2. A contract by which an insurer is insured wholly or in part against the risk he has incurred in insuring somebody else. See Reassurance.

Re`in*sure" (-sh?r"), v. t. 1. To insure again after a former insuranse has ceased; to renew insurance on.

2. To insure, as life or property, in favor of one who has taken an insurance risk upon it.

The innsurer may cause the property insured to be reinsured by other persons.


Re`in*sur"er (-sh?r"?r), n. One who gives reinsurance.

Re*in"te*grate (r?*?n"t?*gr?t), v. t. [Pref. re- + integrate. Cf. Redintegrate.] To renew with regard to any state or quality; to restore; to bring again together into a whole, as the parts off anything; to reëstablish; as, to reintegrate a nation. Bacon.

Re*in`te*gra"tion (-gr?"sh?n), n. A renewing, or making whole again. See Redintegration.

Re`in*ter" (r?`?n*t?r"), v. t. To inter again.

Re`in*ter"ro*gate (-t?r"r?*g?t), v. t. To interrogate again; to question repeatedly. Cotgrave.

Re`in*throne" (-thr?n"), v. t. See Reënthrone.

Re`in*thron"ize (-?z), v. t. To enthrone again. [Obs.]

Re*in`tro*duce" (r?*?n`tr?*d?s"), v. t. To introduce again. -- Re*in`tro*duc"tion (- d&?;k"sh&?;n), n.

Re`in*vest" (r?`?n*v?st"), v. t. To invest again or anew.

Re`in*ves"ti*gate (-v?s"t?*g?t), v. t. To investigate again. -- Re`in*ves`ti*ga"tion (- g&?;"sh&?;n), n.

Re`in*vest"ment (-v?st"ment), n. The act of investing anew; a second or repeated investment.

Re`in*vig"or*ate (-v?g"?r*?t), v. t. To invigorate anew.

Re`in*volve" (-v?lv"), v. t. To involve anew.

||Re`is (r?"?s or r?z), n. [Pg., pl. of real, an ancient Portuguese coin.] The word is used as a Portuguese designation of money of account, one hundred reis being about equal in value to eleven cents.

Reis (rs), n. [Ar. raïs head, chief, prince.] A common title in the East for a person in authority, especially the captain of a ship. [Written also rais and ras.]

||Reis` Ef*fen"di (r?s` ?f*f?n"d?). [See 2d Reis, and Effendi.] A title formerly given to one of the chief Turkish officers of state. He was chancellor of the empire, etc.

Reiss"ner's mem"brane (r?s"n?rz m?m"br?n). [Named from E. Reissner, A German anatomist.] (Anat.) The thin membrane which separates the canal of the cochlea from the vestibular scala in the internal ear.

Re*is"su*a*ble (r?*?sh"?*?*b'l), a. Capable of being reissued.

Re*is"sue (r?*?sh"?), v. t. & i. To issue a second time.

Re*is"sue, n. A second or repeated issue.

Reit (r?t), n. Sedge; seaweed. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

||Rei"ter (r?"t?r), n. [G., rider.] A German cavalry soldier of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

Re*it"er*ant (r?-?t"?r-ant), a. [See Reiterate.] Reiterating. [R.] Mrs. Browning.

Re*it"er*ate (-t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reiterated (- `td); p. pr. & vb. n. Reiterating.] [Pref. re- + iterate: cf. F. réitérer, LL. reiterare to question again.] To repeat again and again; to say or do repeatedly; sometimes, to repeat.

That with reiterated crimes he might
Heap on himself damnation.


You never spoke what did become you less
Than this; which to reiterate were sin.


Syn. -- To repeat; recapitulate; rehearse.

Re*it"er*ate (-?t), a. Reiterated; repeated. [R.]

Re*it"er*a`ted*ly (-?`t?d-l?), adv. Repeatedly.

Re*it`er*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. réitération.] The act of reiterating; that which is reiterated.

Re*it"er*a*tive (r?-?t"?r-?-t?v), n. 1. (Gram.) A word expressing repeated or reiterated action.

2. A word formed from another, or used to form another, by repetition; as, dillydally.

Reiv"er (r?v"?r), n. See Reaver. Ruskin.

Re*ject" (r?-j?kt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rejected; p. pr. & vb. n. Rejecting.] [L. rejectus, p. p. of reicere, rejicere; pref. re- re- + jacere to throw: cf. F. rejeter, formerly also spelt rejecter. See Jet a shooting forth.]

1. To cast from one; to throw away; to discard.

Therefore all this exercise of hunting . . . the Utopians have rejected to their butchers.

Robynson (More's Utopia).

Reject me not from among thy children.

Wisdom ix. 4.

2. To refuse to receive or to acknowledge; to decline haughtily or harshly; to repudiate.

That golden scepter which thou didst reject.


Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me.

Hos. iv. 6.

3. To refuse to grant; as, to reject a prayer or request.

Syn. -- To repel; renounce; discard; rebuff; refuse; decline.

Re*ject"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being, or that ought to be, rejected.

||Re*jec`ta*men"ta (r?-j?k`t?-m?n"ta), n. pl. [NL., fr. L. rejectare, v. intens. fr. rejicere. See Reject.] Things thrown out or away; especially, things excreted by a living organism. J. Fleming.

Re`jec*ta"ne*ous (r?`j?k-t?"n?-?s), a. [L. rejectaneus.] Not chosen or received; rejected. [Obs.] "Profane, rejectaneous, and reprobate people." Barrow.

Re*ject"er (r?-j?kt"?r), n. One who rejects.

Re*jec"tion (r?-j?k"sh?n), n. [L. rejectio: cf. F. réjection.] Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.

Re`jec*ti"tious (r?`j?k-t?sh"?s), a. Implying or requiring rejection; rejectable. Cudworth.

Re*ject"ive (r?-j?kt"?v), a. Rejecting, or tending to reject.

Re*ject"ment (-ment), n. Act of rejecting; matter rejected, or thrown away. Eaton.

Re*joice" (r*jois"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rejoiced (-joist"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rejoicing (-joi"s?ng).] [OE. rejoissen, OF. resjouir, resjoir, F. réjouir; pref. re- re- + OF, esjouir, esjoir, F. éjouir, to rejoice; pref. es- (L. ex-) + OF. jouir, joir, F. jouir, from L. gaudere to rejoice. See Joy.] To feel joy; to experience gladness in a high degree; to have pleasurable satisfaction; to be delighted. "O, rejoice beyond a common joy." Shak.

I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy.

Ps. xxxi. 7.

Syn. -- To delight; joy; exult; triumph.

Re*joice", v. t. 1. To enjoy. [Obs.] Bp. Peacock.

2. To give joy to; to make joyful; to gladden.

I me rejoysed of my liberty.


While she, great saint, rejoices heaven.


Were he [Cain] alive, it would rejoice his soul to see what mischief it had made.


Syn. -- To please; cheer; exhilarate; delight.

Re*joice", n. The act of rejoicing. Sir T. Browne.

Re*joice"ment (-ment), n. Rejoicing. [Obs.]

Re*joi"cer (r?-joi"s?r), n. One who rejoices.

Re*joi"cing (-s?ng), n. 1. Joy; gladness; delight.

We should particularly express our rejoicing by love and charity to our neighbors.

R. Nelson.

2. The expression of joy or gladness.

The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous.

Ps. cxviii. 15.

3. That which causes to rejoice; occasion of joy.

Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage forever, for they are the rejoicing of my heart.

Ps. cxix. 111.

Re*joi"cing*ly, adv. With joi or exultation.

Re*join" (r?-join"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rejoined (-joind"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rejoining.] [F. rejoindre; pref. re- re- + joindre to join. See Join, and cf. Rejoinder.] 1. To join again; to unite after separation.

2. To come, or go, again into the presence of; to join the company of again.

Meet and rejoin me, in the pensive grot.


3. To state in reply; -- followed by an object clause.

Re*join", v. i. 1. To answer to a reply.

2. (Law) To answer, as the defendant to the plaintiff's replication.

Re*join"der (-d?r), n. [From F. rejoindre, inf., to join again. See Rejoin.] 1. An answer to a reply; or, in general, an answer or reply.

2. (Law) The defendant's answer to the plaintiff's replication.

Syn. -- Reply; answer; replication. See Reply.

Re*join"der, v. i. To make a rejoinder. [Archaic]

Re*join"dure (-dr), n. Act of joining again. [Obs.] "Beguiles our lips of all rejoindure" (i.e., kisses). Shak.

Re*joint" (r-joint"), v. t. 1. To reunite the joints of; to joint anew. Barrow.

2. Specifically (Arch.), to fill up the joints of, as stones in buildings when the mortar has been dislodged by age and the action of the weather. Gwilt.

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Re*jolt" (r?-j?lt"), n. A reacting jolt or shock; a rebound or recoil. [R.]

These inward rejolts and recoilings of the mind.


Re*jolt", v. t. To jolt or shake again. Locke.

Re*journ" (r?-j?rn"), v. t. [Cf. F. réajourner. See Adjourn.] To adjourn; to put off. [Obs.] Shak.

Re*journ"ment (-ment), n. Adjournment. [Obs.]

Re*judge" (r?-j?j"), v. t. To judge again; to reëxamine; to review; to call to a new trial and decision.

Rejudge his acts, and dignify disgrace.


Re*ju"ve*nate (r?-j?"v?-n?t), v. t. [Pref. re- re- + L. juventis young, youthful.] To render young again.

Re*ju`ve*na"tion (-n?"sh?n), n. Rejuvenescence.

Re*ju`ve*nes"cence (-n?s"sens), n. 1. A renewing of youth; the state of being or growing young again.

2. (Bot.) A method of cell formation in which the entire protoplasm of an old cell escapes by rupture of the cell wall, and then develops a new cell wall. It is seen sometimes in the formation of zoöspores, etc.

Re*ju`ve*nes"cen*cy (-sen-s?), n. Rejuvenescence.

Re*ju`ve*nes"cent (-sent), a. Becoming, or causing to become, rejuvenated; rejuvenating.

Re*ju`ve*nize (r?-j?"v?-n?z), v. t. To rejuvenate.

Re*kin"dle (r?-k?n"d'l), v. t. & i. To kindle again.

Rek"ne (r?k"ne), v. t. To reckon. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*lade" (r*ld"), v. t. To lade or load again.

Re*laid" (r*ld"), imp. & p. p. of Relay.

||Re*lais" (re*l"), n. [F. See Relay, n.] (Fort.) A narrow space between the foot of the rampart and the scarp of the ditch, serving to receive the earth that may crumble off or be washed down, and prevent its falling into the ditch. Wilhelm.

Re*land" (r?-l?nd"), v. t. To land again; to put on land, as that which had been shipped or embarked.

Re*land", v. i. To go on shore after having embarked; to land again.

Re*lapse" (r?-l?ps"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Relapsed (-l?pst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Relapsing.] [L. relapsus, p. p. of relabi to slip back, to relapse; pref. re- re- + labi to fall, slip, slide. See Lapse.] 1. To slip or slide back, in a literal sense; to turn back. [Obs.] Dryden.

2. To slide or turn back into a former state or practice; to fall back from some condition attained; -- generally in a bad sense, as from a state of convalescence or amended condition; as, to relapse into a stupor, into vice, or into barbarism; -- sometimes in a good sense; as, to relapse into slumber after being disturbed.

That task performed, [preachers] relapse into themselves.


3. (Theol.) To fall from Christian faith into paganism, heresy, or unbelief; to backslide.

They enter into the justified state, and so continue all along, unless they relapse.


Re*lapse", n. [For sense 2 cf. F. relaps. See Relapse, v.] 1. A sliding or falling back, especially into a former bad state, either of body or morals; backsliding; the state of having fallen back.

Alas! from what high hope to what relapse
Unlooked for are we fallen!


2. One who has relapsed, or fallen back, into error; a backslider; specifically, one who, after recanting error, returns to it again. [Obs.]

Re*laps"er (-l?ps"?r), n. One who relapses. Bp. Hall.

Re*laps"ing, a. Marked by a relapse; falling back; tending to return to a former worse state.

Relapsing fever (Med.), an acute, epidemic, contagious fever, which prevails also endemically in Ireland, Russia, and some other regions. It is marked by one or two remissions of the fever, by articular and muscular pains, and by the presence, during the paroxism of spiral bacterium (Spirochæte) in the blood. It is not usually fatal. Called also famine fever, and recurring fever.

Re*late" (r?-l?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Related; p. pr. & vb. n. Relating.] [F. relater to recount, LL. relatare, fr. L. relatus, used as p. p. of referre. See Elate, and cf. Refer.] 1. To bring back; to restore. [Obs.]

Abate your zealous haste, till morrow next again
Both light of heaven and strength of men relate.


2. To refer; to ascribe, as to a source. [Obs. or R.]

3. To recount; to narrate; to tell over.

This heavy act with heavy heart relate.


4. To ally by connection or kindred.

To relate one's self, to vent thoughts in words. [R.]

Syn. -- To tell; recite; narrate; recount; rehearse; report; detail; describe.

Re*late", v. i. 1. To stand in some relation; to have bearing or concern; to pertain; to refer; -- with to.

All negative or privative words relate positive ideas.


2. To make reference; to take account. [R.& Obs.]

Reckoning by the years of their own consecration without relating to any imperial account.


Re*lat"ed (-l?t"?d), p. p. & a. 1. Allied by kindred; connected by blood or alliance, particularly by consanguinity; as, persons related in the first or second degree.

2. Standing in relation or connection; as, the electric and magnetic forcec are closely related.

3. Narrated; told.

4. (Mus.) Same as Relative, 4.

Re*lat"ed*ness, n. The state or condition of being related; relationship; affinity. [R.] Emerson.

Re*lat"er (-?r), n. One who relates or narrates.

Re*la"tion (r?-l?"sh?n), n. [F. relation, L. relatio. See Relate.] 1. The act of relating or telling; also, that which is related; recital; account; narration; narrative; as, the relation of historical events.

&?;&?;&?;&?;&?;&?;oet's relation doth well figure them.


2. The state of being related or of referring; what is apprehended as appertaining to a being or quality, by considering it in its bearing upon something else; relative quality or condition; the being such and such with regard or respect to some other thing; connection; as, the relation of experience to knowledge; the relation of master to servant.

Any sort of connection which is perceived or imagined between two or more things, or any comparison which is made by the mind, is a relation.

I. Taylor.

3. Reference; respect; regard.

I have been importuned to make some observations on this art in relation to its agreement with poetry.


4. Connection by consanguinity or affinity; kinship; relationship; as, the relation of parents and children.

Relations dear, and all the charities
Of father, son, and brother, first were known.


5. A person connected by cosanguinity or affinity; a relative; a kinsman or kinswoman.

For me . . . my relation does not care a rush.

Ld. Lytton.

6. (Law) (a) The carrying back, and giving effect or operation to, an act or proceeding frrom some previous date or time, by a sort of fiction, as if it had happened or begun at that time. In such case the act is said to take effect by relation. (b) The act of a relator at whose instance a suit is begun. Wharton. Burrill.

Syn. -- Recital; rehearsal; narration; account; narrative; tale; detail; description; kindred; kinship; consanguinity; affinity; kinsman; kinswoman.

Re*la"tion*al (r?-l?"sh?n-al), a. 1. Having relation or kindred; related.

We might be tempted to take these two nations for relational stems.


2. Indicating or specifying some relation.

Relational words, as prepositions, auxiliaries, etc.

R. Morris.

Re*la"tion*ist, n. A relative; a relation. [Obs.]

Re*la"tion*ship, n. The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance. Mason.

Rel"a*tive (r?l"?-t?v), a. [F. relatif, L. relativus. See Relate.] 1. Having relation or reference; referring; respecting; standing in connection; pertaining; as, arguments not relative to the subject.

I'll have grounds
More relative than this.


2. Arising from relation; resulting from connection with, or reference to, something else; not absolute.

Every thing sustains both an absolute and a relative capacity: an absolute, as it is such a thing, endued with such a nature; and a relative, as it is a part of the universe, and so stands in such a relations to the whole.


3. (Gram.) Indicating or expressing relation; refering to an antecedent; as, a relative pronoun.

4. (Mus.) Characterizing or pertaining to chords and keys, which, by reason of the identify of some of their tones, admit of a natural transition from one to the other. Moore (Encyc. of Music).

Relative clause (Gram.), a clause introduced by a relative pronoun. -- Relative term, a term which implies relation to, as guardian to ward, matter to servant, husband to wife. Cf. Correlative.

Rel"a*tive, n. One who, or that which, relates to, or is considered in its relation to, something else; a relative object or term; one of two object or term; one of two objects directly connected by any relation. Specifically: (a) A person connected by blood or affinity; strictly, one allied by blood; a relation; a kinsman or kinswoman. "Confining our care . . . to ourselves and relatives." Bp. Fell. (b) (Gram.) A relative pronoun; a word which relates to, or represents, another word or phrase, called its antecedent; as, the relatives "who", "which", "that".

Rel"a*tive*ly, adv. In a relative manner; in relation or respect to something else; not absolutely.

Consider the absolute affections of any being as it is in itself, before you consider it relatively.

I. Watts.

Rel"a*tive*ness, n. The state of being relative, or having relation; relativity.

Rel`a*tiv"i*ty (-t?v"?-t?), n. The state of being relative; as, the relativity of a subject. Coleridge.

Re*lat"or (r?-l?t"?r), n. [ L.: cf. F. relateur. See Relate.] 1. One who relates; a relater. "The several relators of this history." Fuller.

2. (Law) A private person at whose relation, or in whose behalf, the attorney-general allows an information in the nature of a quo warranto to be filed.

Re*lat"rix (-r?ks), n. [L.] (Law) A female relator.

Re*lax" (r?-l?ks"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relaxed (-l?kst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Relaxing.] [L. relaxare; pref. re- re- + laxare to loose, to slacken, from laxus loose. See Lax, and cf. Relay, n., Release.] 1. To make lax or loose; to make less close, firm, rigid, tense, or the like; to slacken; to loosen; to open; as, to relax a rope or cord; to relax the muscles or sinews.

Horror . . . all his joints relaxed.


Nor served it to relax their serried files.


2. To make less severe or rigorous; to abate the stringency of; to remit in respect to strenuousness, earnestness, or effort; as, to relax discipline; to relax one's attention or endeavors.

The statute of mortmain was at several times relaxed by the legislature.


3. Hence, to relieve from attention or effort; to ease; to recreate; to divert; as, amusement relaxes the mind.

4. To relieve from constipation; to loosen; to open; as, an aperient relaxes the bowels.

Syn. -- To slacken; loosen; loose; remit; abate; mitigate; ease; unbend; divert.

Re*lax", v. i. 1. To become lax, weak, or loose; as, to let one's grasp relax.

His knees relax with toil.


2. To abate in severity; to become less rigorous.

In others she relaxed again,
And governed with a looser rein.


3. To remit attention or effort; to become less diligent; to unbend; as, to relax in study.

Re*lax", n. Relaxation. [Obs.] Feltham.

Re**lax", a. Relaxed; lax; hence, remiss; careless.

Re*lax"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being relaxed.

Re*lax"ant (r?-l?ks"ant), n. [L. relaxans, p. pr. of relaxare.] (Med.) A medicine that relaxes; a laxative.

Re`lax*a"tion (r?`l?ks-?"sh?n;277), n. [L. relaxatio; cf. F. relaxation.] 1. The act or process of relaxing, or the state of being relaxed; as, relaxation of the muscles; relaxation of a law.

2. Remission from attention and effort; indulgence in recreation, diversion, or amusement. "Hours of careless relaxation." Macaulay.

Re*lax"a*tive (r?-l?ks"?-t?v), a. Having the quality of relaxing; laxative. -- n. A relaxant. B. Jonson.

Re*lay" (r?-l?"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relaid (-l?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Relaying.] [Pref. re- + lay, v.] To lay again; to lay a second time; as, to relay a pavement.

Re*lay" (r?-l?"), n. [F. relais (cf. OF. relais relaxation, discontinuance, It. rilascio release, relief, rilasso relay), fr. OF. relaissier to abandon, release, fr. L. relaxare. See Relax.] 1. A supply of anything arranged beforehand for affording relief from time to time, or at successive stages; provision for successive relief. Specifically: (a) A supply of horses placced at stations to be in readiness to relieve others, so that a trveler may proceed without delay. (b) A supply of hunting dogs or horses kept in readiness at certain places to relive the tired dogs or horses, and to continue the pursuit of the game if it comes that way. (c) A number of men who relieve others in carrying on some work.

2. (Elec.) In various forms of telegraphic apparatus, a magnet which receives the circuit current, and is caused by it to bring into into action the power of a local battery for performing the work of making the record; also, a similar device by which the current in one circuit is made to open or close another circuit in which a current is passing.

Relay battery (Elec.), the local battery which is brought into use by the action of the relay magnet, or relay.

Rel"bun (r?l"b?n), n. The roots of the Chilian plant Calceolaria arachnoidea, -- used for dyeing crimson.

Re*leas"a*ble (r?-l?s"?-b'l), a. That may be released.

Re*lease" (r?-l?s"), v. t. [Pref. re + lease to let.] To lease again; to grant a new lease of; to let back.

Re*lease" (r?-l?s"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Released (r?*l?st"); p. pr. & vb. n. Releasing.] [OE. relessen, OF. relassier, to release, to let free. See Relay, n., Relax, and cf. Release to lease again.] 1. To let loose again; to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude; to give liberty to, or to set at liberty; to let go.

Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired.

Mark xv. 6.

2. To relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, as from pain, trouble, obligation, penalty.

3. (Law) To let go, as a legal claim; to discharge or relinquish a right to, as lands or tenements, by conveying to another who has some right or estate in possession, as when the person in remainder releases his right to the tenant in possession; to quit.

4. To loosen; to relax; to remove the obligation of; as, to release an ordinance. [Obs.] Hooker.

A sacred vow that none should aye release.


Syn. -- To free; liberate; loose; discharge; disengage; extricate; let go; quit; acquit.

Re*lease", n. 1. The act of letting loose or freeing, or the state of being let loose or freed; liberation or discharge from restraint of any kind, as from confinement or bondage. "Who boast'st release from hell." Milton.

2. Relief from care, pain, or any burden.

3. Discharge from obligation or responsibility, as from debt, penalty, or claim of any kind; acquittance.

4. (Law) A giving up or relinquishment of some right or claim; a conveyance of a man's right in lands or tenements to another who has some estate in possession; a quitclaim. Blackstone.

5. (Steam Engine) The act of opening the exhaust port to allow the steam to escape.

Lease and release. (Law) See under Lease. -- Out of release, without cessation. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Syn. -- Liberation; freedom; discharge. See Death.

Re*leas`ee" (-?"), n. One to whom a release is given.

Re*lease"ment (r?-l?s"ment), n. The act of releasing, as from confinement or obligation. Milton.

Re*leas"er (-?r), n. One who releases, or sets free.

Re*leas"or (-?r), n. One by whom a release is given.

Rel"e*gate (r?l"?-g?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relegated (-g?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Relegating.] [L. relegatus, p. p. of relegare; pref. re- re- + legare to send with a commission or charge. See Legate.] To remove, usually to an inferior position; to consign; to transfer; specifically, to send into exile; to banish.

It [the Latin language] was relegated into the study of the scholar.


Rel`e*ga"tion (-g?"sh?n), n. [L. relegatio: cf. F. relégation.] The act of relegating, or the state of being relegated; removal; banishment; exile.

Re*lent" (r?-l?nt"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Relented; p. pr. & vb. n. Relenting.] [F. ralentir, fr. L. pref. re- re- + ad to + lentus pliant, flexible, slow. See Lithe.] 1. To become less rigid or hard; to yield; to dissolve; to melt; to deliquesce. [Obs.]

He stirred the coals till relente gan
The wax again the fire.


[Salt of tartar] placed in a cellar will . . . begin to relent.


When opening buds salute the welcome day,
And earth, relenting, feels the genial ray.


2. To become less severe or intense; to become less hard, harsh, cruel, or the like; to soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; to feel compassion.

Can you . . . behold
My sighs and tears, and will not once relent?


Re*lent", v. t. 1. To slacken; to abate. [Obs.]

And oftentimes he would relent his pace.


2. To soften; to dissolve. [Obs.]

3. To mollify ; to cause to be less harsh or severe. [Obs.]

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Re*lent" (r?-l?nt"), n. Stay; stop; delay. [Obs.]

Nor rested till she came without relent
Unto the land of Amazons.


Re*lent"less, a. Unmoved by appeals for sympathy or forgiveness; insensible to the distresses of others; destitute of tenderness; unrelenting; unyielding; unpitying; as, a prey to relentless despotism.

For this the avenging power employs his darts, . . .
Thus will persist, relentless in his ire.


-- Re*lent"less*ly, adv. -- Re*lent"less*ness, n.

Re*lent"ment (-ment), n. The act or process of relenting; the state of having relented. Sir T. Browne.

Re*lesse" (r?-l?s"), v. t. To release. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re`les*see" (r?`l?s-s?"), n. See Releasee.

Re`les*sor" (-s?r"), n. See Releasor.

Re-let" (r?-l?t"), v. t. To let anew, as a house.

{ Rel"e*vance (r?l"?*vans), Rel"e*van*cy (-van*s?), } n. 1. The quality or state of being relevant; pertinency; applicability.

Its answer little meaning, little relevancy bore.


2. (Scots Law) Sufficiency to infer the conclusion.

Rel"e*vant (-vant), a. [F. relevant, p. pr. of relever to raise again, to relieve. See Relieve.] 1. Relieving; lending aid or support. [R.] Pownall.

2. Bearing upon, or properly applying to, the case in hand; pertinent; applicable.

Close and relevant arguments have very little hold on the passions.

Sydney Smith.

3. (Scots Law) Sufficient to support the cause.

Rel"e*vant*ly, adv. In a relevant manner.

Rel`e*va"tion (-v?"sh?n), n. [L. relevatio, fr. relevare. See Relieve.] A raising or lifting up. [Obs.]

Re*li`a*bil"i*ty (r?-l?`?-b?l"?-t?), n. The state or quality of being reliable; reliableness.

Re*li"a*ble (r?-l?"?-b'l), a. Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependance or reliance; trustworthy. "A reliable witness to the truth of the miracles." A. Norton.

The best means, and most reliable pledge, of a higher object.


According to General Livingston's humorous account, his own village of Elizabethtown was not much more reliable, being peopled in those agitated times by "unknown, unrecommended strangers, guilty-looking Tories, and very knavish Whigs."

W. Irving.

Some authors take exception to this word, maintaining that it is unnecessary, and irregular in formation. It is, however, sanctioned by the practice of many careful writers as a most convenient substitute for the phrase to be relied upon, and a useful synonym for trustworthy, which is by preference applied to persons, as reliable is to things, such as an account, statement, or the like. The objection that adjectives derived from neuter verbs do not admit of a passive sense is met by the citation of laughable, worthy of being laughed at, from the neuter verb to laugh; available, fit or able to be availed of, from the neuter verb to avail; dispensable, capable of being dispensed with, from the neuter verb to dispense. Other examples might be added.

-- Re*li"a*ble*ness, n. -- Re*li"a*bly, adv.

Re*li"ance (-ans), n. [From Rely.] 1. The act of relying, or the condition or quality of being reliant; dependence; confidence; trust; repose of mind upon what is deemed sufficient support or authority.

In reliance on promises which proved to be of very little value.


2. Anything on which to rely; dependence; ground of trust; as, the boat was a poor reliance. Richardson.

Re*li"ant (-ant), a. Having, or characterized by, reliance; confident; trusting.

Rel"ic (r?l"?k), n. [F. relique, from L. reliquiae, pl., akin to relinquere to leave behind. See Relinquish.] [Formerly written also relique.] 1. That which remains; that which is left after loss or decay; a remaining portion; a remnant. Chaucer. Wyclif.

The relics of lost innocence.


The fragments, scraps, the bits and greasy relics.


2. The body from which the soul has departed; a corpse; especially, the body, or some part of the body, of a deceased saint or martyr; -- usually in the plural when referring to the whole body.

There are very few treasuries of relics in Italy that have not a tooth or a bone of this saint.


Thy relics, Rowe, to this fair urn we trust,
And sacred place by Dryden's awful dust.


3. Hence, a memorial; anything preserved in remembrance; as, relics of youthful days or friendships.

The pearls were spilt;
Some lost, some stolen, some as relics kept.


Rel"ic*ly, adv. In the manner of relics. [Obs.]

Rel"ict (-?kt), n. [L. relicta, fr. of relictus, p. p. of relinquere to leave behind. See Relinquish.] A woman whose husband is dead; a widow.

Eli dying without issue, Jacob was obliged by law to marry his relict, and so to raise up seed to his brother Eli.


Re*lict"ed (r?-l?kt"?d), a. [L. relictus, p. p.] (Law) Left uncovered, as land by recession of water. Bouvier.

Re*lic"tion (r?-l?k"sh?n), n. [L. relictio a leaving behind.] (Law) A leaving dry; a recession of the sea or other water, leaving dry land; land left uncovered by such recession. Burrill.

Re*lief" (r?-l?f"), n. [OE. relef, F. relief, properly, a lifting up, a standing out. See Relieve, and cf. Basrelief, Rilievi.] 1. The act of relieving, or the state of being relieved; the removal, or partial removal, of any evil, or of anything oppressive or burdensome, by which some ease is obtained; succor; alleviation; comfort; ease; redress.

He sees the dire contagion spread so fast,
That, where it seizes, all relief is vain.


2. Release from a post, or from the performance of duty, by the intervention of others, by discharge, or by relay; as, a relief of a sentry.

For this relief much thanks; 'tis bitter cold.


3. That which removes or lessens evil, pain, discomfort, uneasiness, etc.; that which gives succor, aid, or comfort; also, the person who relieves from performance of duty by taking the place of another; a relay.

4. (Feudal Law) A fine or composition which the heir of a deceased tenant paid to the lord for the privilege of taking up the estate, which, on strict feudal principles, had lapsed or fallen to the lord on the death of the tenant.

5. (Sculp. & Arch.) The projection of a figure above the ground or plane on which it is formed.

Relief is of three kinds, namely, high relief (altorilievo), low relief, (basso-rilievo), and demirelief (mezzo-rilievo). See these terms in the Vocabulary.

6. (Paint.) The appearance of projection given by shading, shadow, etc., to any figure.

7. (Fort.) The height to which works are raised above the bottom of the ditch. Wilhelm.

8. (Physical Geog.) The elevations and surface undulations of a country. Guyot.

Relief valve, a valve arranged for relieving pressure of steam, gas, or liquid; an escape valve.

Syn. -- Alleviation; mitigation; aid; help; succor; assistance; remedy; redress; indemnification.

Re*lief"ful (r?-l?f"f?l), a. Giving relief. [Obs.]

Re*lief"less, a. Destitute of relief; also, remediless.

Re*li"er (r?-l?"?r), n. [From Rely.] One who relies.

Re*liev"a*ble (r?-l?v"?-b'l), a. Capable of being relieved; fitted to recieve relief. Sir M. Hale.

Re*lieve" (r?-l?v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relieved (-l?vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Relieving.] [OE. releven, F. relever to raise again, discharge, relieve, fr. L. relevare to lift up, raise, make light, relieve; pref. re- re- + levare to raise, fr. levis light. See Levity, and cf. Relevant, Relief.] 1. To lift up; to raise again, as one who has fallen; to cause to rise. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

2. To cause to seem to rise; to put in relief; to give prominence or conspicuousness to; to set off by contrast.

Her tall figure relieved against the blue sky; seemed almost of supernatural height.

Sir W. Scott.

3. To raise up something in; to introduce a contrast or variety into; to remove the monotony or sameness of.

The poet must . . . sometimes relieve the subject with a moral reflection.


4. To raise or remove, as anything which depresses, weighs down, or crushes; to render less burdensome or afflicting; to alleviate; to abate; to mitigate; to lessen; as, to relieve pain; to relieve the wants of the poor.

5. To free, wholly or partly, from any burden, trial, evil, distress, or the like; to give ease, comfort, or consolation to; to give aid, help, or succor to; to support, strengthen, or deliver; as, to relieve a besieged town.

Now lend assistance and relieve the poor.


6. To release from a post, station, or duty; to put another in place of, or to take the place of, in the bearing of any burden, or discharge of any duty.

Who hath relieved you?


7. To ease of any imposition, burden, wrong, or oppression, by judicial or legislative interposition, as by the removal of a grievance, by indemnification for losses, or the like; to right.

Syn. -- To alleviate; assuage; succor; assist; aid; help; support; substain; ease; mitigate; lighten; diminish; remove; free; remedy; redress; indemnify.

Re*lieve"ment (-ment), n. The act of relieving, or the state of being relieved; relief; release. [Archaic.]

Re*liev"er (-?r), n. One who, or that which, relieves.

Re*liev"ing, a. Serving or tending to relieve.

Relieving arch (Arch.), a discharging arch. See under Discharge, v. t. -- Relieving tackle. (Naut.) (a) A temporary tackle attached to the tiller of a vessel during gales or an action, in case of accident to the tiller ropes. (b) A strong tackle from a wharf to a careened vessel, to prevent her from going over entirely, and to assist in righting her. Totten. Craig.

Re*lie"vo (r?-l?"v?), n. [It. rilievo.] See Relief, n., 5.

Re*light" (r?-l?t"), v. t. To light or kindle anew.

{ ||Re*li`gi`euse" (re-l?`zh?`?z"), n. f. ||Re*li`gi`eux" (re-l?`zh?`?"), n. m. } [F.] A person bound by monastic vows; a nun; a monk.

Re*li"gion (r*lj"n), n. [F., from L. religio; cf. religens pious, revering the gods, Gr. 'ale`gein to heed, have a care. Cf. Neglect.] 1. The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny, to whom obedience, service, and honor are due; the feeling or expression of human love, fear, or awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether by profession of belief, by observance of rites and ceremonies, or by the conduct of life; a system of faith and worship; a manifestation of piety; as, ethical religions; monotheistic religions; natural religion; revealed religion; the religion of the Jews; the religion of idol worshipers.

An orderly life so far as others are able to observe us is now and then produced by prudential motives or by dint of habit; but without seriousness there can be no religious principle at the bottom, no course of conduct from religious motives; in a word, there can be no religion.


Religion [was] not, as too often now, used as equivalent for godliness; but . . . it expressed the outer form and embodiment which the inward spirit of a true or a false devotion assumed.


Religions, by which are meant the modes of divine worship proper to different tribes, nations, or communities, and based on the belief held in common by the members of them severally. . . . There is no living religion without something like a doctrine. On the other hand, a doctrine, however elaborate, does not constitute a religion.

C. P. Tiele (Encyc. Brit.).

Religion . . . means the conscious relation between man and God, and the expression of that relation in human conduct.

J. Köstlin (Schaff-Herzog Encyc.)

After the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.

Acts xxvi. 5.

The image of a brute, adorned
With gay religions full of pomp and gold.


2. Specifically, conformity in faith and life to the precepts inculcated in the Bible, respecting the conduct of life and duty toward God and man; the Christian faith and practice.

Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.


Religion will attend you . . . as a pleasant and useful companion in every proper place, and every temperate occupation of life.


3. (R. C. Ch.) A monastic or religious order subject to a regulated mode of life; the religious state; as, to enter religion. Trench.

A good man was there of religion.


4. Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as if it were an enjoined rule of conduct. [R.]

Those parts of pleading which in ancient times might perhaps be material, but at this time are become only mere styles and forms, are still continued with much religion.

Sir M. Hale.

Religion, as distinguished from theology, is subjective, designating the feelings and acts of men which relate to God; while theology is objective, and denotes those ideas which man entertains respecting the God whom he worships, especially his systematized views of God. As distinguished from morality, religion denotes the influences and motives to human duty which are found in the character and will of God, while morality describes the duties to man, to which true religion always influences. As distinguished from piety, religion is a high sense of moral obligation and spirit of reverence or worship which affect the heart of man with respect to the Deity, while piety, which first expressed the feelings of a child toward a parent, is used for that filial sentiment of veneration and love which we owe to the Father of all. As distinguished from sanctity, religion is the means by which sanctity is achieved, sanctity denoting primarily that purity of heart and life which results from habitual communion with God, and a sense of his continual presence.

Natural religion, a religion based upon the evidences of a God and his qualities, which is supplied by natural phenomena. See Natural theology, under Natural. -- Religion of humanity, a name sometimes given to a religion founded upon positivism as a philosophical basis. -- Revealed religion, that which is based upon direct communication of God's will to mankind; especially, the Christian religion, based on the revelations recorded in the Old and New Testaments.

Re*li"gion*a*ry (r?-l?j"?n-?-r?), a. Relating to religion; pious; as, religionary professions. [Obs.]

{ Re*li"gion*a*ry, Re*li"gion*er (-?r), } n. A religionist. [R.]

Re*li"gion*ism (-?z'm), n. 1. The practice of, or devotion to, religion.

2. Affectation or pretense of religion.

Re*li"gion*ist, n. One earnestly devoted or attached to a religion; a religious zealot.

The chief actors on one side were, and were to be, the Puritan religionists.


It might be that an Antinomian, a Quaker, or other heterodo&?; religionists, was to be scourged out of the town.


Re*li"gion*ize (-?z), v. t. To bring under the influence of religion. [R.] Mallock.

Re*li"gion*less, a. Destitute of religion.

Re*lig`i*os"i*ty (-l?j`?-?s"?-t?), n. [L. religiositas: cf. F. religiosit&?;.] The quality of being religious; religious feeling or sentiment; religiousness. [R.] M. Arnold.

Re*li"gious (r?-l?j"?s), a. [OF. religius, religious, F. religieux, from L. religiosus. See Religion.] 1. Of or pertaining to religion; concerned with religion; teaching, or setting forth, religion; set apart to religion; as, a religious society; a religious sect; a religious place; religious subjects, books, teachers, houses, wars.

Our law forbids at their religious rites
My presence.


2. Possessing, or conforming to, religion; pious; godly; as, a religious man, life, behavior, etc.

Men whose lives
Religious titled them the sons of God.


3. Scrupulously faithful or exact; strict.

Thus, Indianlike,
Religious in my error, I adore
The sun, that looks upon his worshiper.


4. Belonging to a religious order; bound by vows.

One of them is religious.


Syn. -- Pious; godly; holy; devout; devotional; conscientious; strict; rogod; exact.

Re*li"gious, n. A person bound by monastic vows, or sequestered from secular concern, and devoted to a life of piety and religion; a monk or friar; a nun. Addison.

Re*li"gious*ly, adv. In a religious manner. Drayton.

Re*li"gious*ness, n. The quality of being religious.

Rel"ik (r?l"?k), n. Relic. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*lin"quent (r?-l?n"kwent), a. [L. relinquens, p. pr. of relinqquere. See Relinquish.] Relinquishing. [R.]

Re*lin"quent, n. One who relinquishes. [R.]

Re*lin"quish (-kw?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relinquished (-kw?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Relinquishing.] [OF. relinquir, L. relinquere to leave behind; pref. re- re + linquere to leave. See Loan, and cf. Relic, Relict.]

1. To withdraw from; to leave behind; to desist from; to abandon; to quit; as, to relinquish a pursuit.

We ought to relinquish such rites.


They placed Irish tenants upon the lands relinquished by the English.

Sir J. Davies.

2. To give up; to renounce a claim to; resign; as, to relinquish a debt.

Syn. -- To resign; leave; quit; forsake; abandon; desert; renounce; forb&?;ar; forego. See Resign.

Re*lin"quish*er (-r?r), n. One who relinquishes.

Re*lin"quish*ment (-ment), n. The act of relinquishing.

Rel"i*qua*ry (r?l"?-kw?-r?), n.; pl. -ries (-rz). [LL. reliquiarium, reliquiare: cf. F. reliquaire. See Relic.] A depositary, often a small box or casket, in which relics are kept.

Re*lique" (r?-l?k"), n. [F.] See Relic. Chaucer.

||Re*liq"ui*æ (r?-l?k"w?-?), n. pl. [L. See Relic.]

1. Remains of the dead; organic remains; relics.

2. (Bot.) Same as Induviæ.

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Re*liq"ui*an (r?-l?k"w?-an), a. Of or pertaining to a relic or relics; of the nature of a relic. [R.]

Re*liq"ui*date (r?-l?k"w?-d?t), v. t. To liquidate anew; to adjust a second time.

Re*liq`ui*da"tion (-d"sh?n), n. A second or renewed liquidation; a renewed adjustment. A. Hamilton.

Rel"ish (r?l"?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relished (-&?;sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Relishing.] [Of. relechier to lick or taste anew; pref. re- re-+ lechier to lick, F. l&?;cher. See Lecher, Lick.] 1. To taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of; to partake of with gratification; hence, to enjoy; to be pleased with or gratified by; to experience pleasure from; as, to relish food.

Now I begin to relish thy advice.


He knows how to prize his advantages, and to relish the honors which he enjoys.


2. To give a relish to; to cause to taste agreeably.

A savory bit that served to relish wine.


Rel"ish, v. i. To have a pleasing or appetizing taste; to give gratification; to have a flavor.

Had I been the finder-out of this secret, it would not have relished among my other discredits.


A theory, which, how much soever it may relish of wit and invention, hath no foundation in nature.


Rel"ish, n. 1. A pleasing taste; flavor that gratifies the palate; hence, enjoyable quality; power of pleasing.

Much pleasure we have lost while we abstained
From this delightful fruit, nor known till now
True relish, tasting.


When liberty is gone,
Life grows insipid, and has lost its relish.


2. Savor; quality; characteristic tinge.

It preserve some relish of old writing.


3. A taste for; liking; appetite; fondness.

A relish for whatever was excelent in arts.


I have a relish for moderate praise, because it bids fair to be j&?;dicious.


4. That which is used to impart a flavor; specifically, something taken with food to render it more palatable or to stimulate the appetite; a condiment.

Syn. -- Taste; savor; flavor; appetite; zest; gusto; liking; delight.

Rel"ish, n. (Carp.) The projection or shoulder at the side of, or around, a tenon, on a tenoned piece. Knight.

Rel"ish*a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being relished; agreeable to the taste; gratifying.

Re*live" (r?-l?v"), v. i. To live again; to revive.

Re*live", v. t. To recall to life; to revive. [Obs.]

Re*load" (r?-l?d"), v. t. To load again, as a gun.

Re*loan" (r?-l?n"), n. A second lending of the same thing; a renewal of a loan.

Re*lo"cate (r?-l?"k?t), v. t. To locate again.

Re`lo*ca"tion (r?`l-k?"sh?n), n. 1. A second location.

2. (Roman & Scots Law) Renewal of a lease.

Re*lodge" (r?-l?j"), v. t. To lodge again.

Re*love" (-l?v"), v. t. To love in return. [Obs.] Boyle.

Re*lu"cent (r?-l?"sent), a. [L. relucens, p. pr. relucere. See Lucent.] Reflecting light; shining; glittering; glistening; bright; luminous; splendid.

Gorgeous banners to the sun expand
Their streaming volumes of relucent gold.


Re*luct" (r?-l?kt"), v. i. [L. reluctari, p. p. reluctatus, to struggle; pref. re- re- + luctari to struggle, fr. lucia a wresting.] To strive or struggle against anything; to make resistance; to draw back; to feel or show repugnance or reluctance.

Apt to reluct at the excesses of it [passion].


{ Re*luc"tance (r?-l?k"tans), Re*luc"tan*cy (-tan-s?), } n. [See Reluctant.] The state or quality of being reluctant; repugnance; aversion of mind; unwillingness; -- often followed by an infinitive, or by to and a noun, formerly sometimes by against. "Tempering the severity of his looks with a reluctance to the action." Dryden.

He had some reluctance to obey the summons.

Sir W. Scott.

Bear witness, Heaven, with what reluctancy
Her helpless innocence I doom to die.


Syn. See Dislike.

Re*luc"tant (-tant), a. [L. reluctans, -antis, p. pr. of reluctari. See Reluct.] 1. Striving against; opposed in desire; unwilling; disinclined; loth.

Reluctant, but in vain.


Reluctant now I touched the trembling string.


2. Proceeding from an unwilling mind; granted with reluctance; as, reluctant obedience. Mitford.

Syn. -- Averse; unwilling; loth; disinclined; repugnant; backward; coy. See Averse.

Re*luc"tant*ly, adv. In a reluctant manner.

Re*luc"tate (-t?t), v. i. [See Reluct.] To struggle against anything; to resist; to oppose. [Obs.] "To delude their reluctating consciences." Dr. H. More.

Rel`uc*ta"tion (r?l`?k-t?"sh?n), n. Repugnance; resistance; reluctance. [Obs.] Bacon.

Re*lume" (r?-l?m"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relumed (-l?md"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reluming.] [OF. relumer (cf. F. rallumer), L. reluminare; pref. re- re- + luminare to light. Cf. Reillume.] To rekindle; to light again.

Relumed her ancient light, not kindled new.


I know not where is that Promethean heat
That can thy light relume.


Re*lu"mine (r?-l?"m?n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relumined (-m?nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Relumining.] [See Relume.] 1. To light anew; to rekindle. Shak.

2. To illuminate again.

Re*ly" (r?-l?"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Relied (-l?d"); p. pr. & vb. n. Relying.] [Pref. re- + lie to rest.] To rest with confidence, as when fully satisfied of the veracity, integrity, or ability of persons, or of the certainty of facts or of evidence; to have confidence; to trust; to depend; -- with on, formerly also with in.

Go in thy native innocence; rely
On what thou hast of virtue.


On some fond breast the parting soul relies.


Syn. -- To trust; depend; confide; repose.

Re*made" (r?-m?d"), imp. & p. p. of Remake.

Re*main" (r?-m?n"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Remained (-m?nd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Remaining.] [OF. remaindre, remanoir, L. remanere; pref. re- re- + manere to stay, remain. See Mansion, and cf. Remainder, Remnant.]

1. To stay behind while others withdraw; to be left after others have been removed or destroyed; to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off; to be left as not included or comprised.

Gather up the fragments that remain.

John vi. 12.

Of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.

1 Cor. xv. 6.

That . . . remains to be proved.


2. To continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity; to abide; to stay; to endure; to last.

Remain a widow at thy father's house.

Gen. xxxviii. 11.

Childless thou art; childless remain.


Syn. -- To continue; stay; wait; tarry; rest; sojourn; dwell; abide; last; endure.

Re*main", v. t. To await; to be left to. [Archaic]

The easier conquest now remains thee.


Re*main" n. 1. State of remaining; stay. [Obs.]

Which often, since my here remain in England,
I 've seen him do.


2. That which is left; relic; remainder; -- chiefly in the plural. "The remains of old Rome." Addison.

When this remain of horror has entirely subsided.


3. Specif., in the plural: (a) That which is left of a human being after the life is gone; relics; a dead body.

Old warriors whose adored remains
In weeping vaults her hallowed earth contains!


(b) The posthumous works or productions, esp. literary works, of one who is dead; as, Cecil's Remains.

Re*main"der (r?-m?n"d?r), n. [OF. remaindre, inf. See Remain.] 1. Anything that remains, or is left, after the separation and removal of a part; residue; remnant. "The last remainders of unhappy Troy." Dryden.

If these decoctions be repeated till the water comes off clear, the remainder yields no salt.


2. (Math.) The quantity or sum that is left after subtraction, or after any deduction.

3. (Law) An estate in expectancy, generally in land, which becomes an estate in possession upon the determination of a particular prior estate, created at the same time, and by the same instrument; for example, if land be conveyed to A for life, and on his death to B, A's life interest is a particuar estate, and B's interest is a remainder, or estate in remainder.

Syn. -- Balance; rest; residue; remnant; leavings.

Re*main"der, a. Remaining; left; left over; refuse.

Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit
After a voyage.


Re*main"der-man (- mn), n.; pl. Remainder-men (-mn). (Law) One who has an estate after a particular estate is determined. See Remainder, n., 3. Blackstone.

Re*make" (r?-m?k"), v. t. To make anew.

Re*mand" (r?-m?nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remanded; p. pr. & vb. n. Remanding.] [F. remander to send word again, L. remandare; pref. re- re- + mandare to commit, order, send word. See Mandate.] To recommit; to send back.

Remand it to its former place.


Then were they remanded to the cage again.


Re*mand", n. The act of remanding; the order for recommitment.

Re*mand"ment (-ment), n. A remand.

{ Rem"a*nence (r?m"?*nens), Rem"a*nen*cy (-nen*s?), } n. [Cf. OF. remanence, LL. remanentia, fr. L. remanens. See Remanent, a.] The state of being remanent; continuance; permanence. [R.] Jer. Taylor.

The remanence of the will in the fallen spirit.


Rem"a*nent (-nent), n. [See Remanent, a.] That which remains; a remnant; a residue.

Rem"a*nent, a. [L. remanens, p. pr. of remanere. See Remain, and cf. Remnant.] Remaining; residual.

That little hope that is remanent hath its degree according to the infancy or growth of the habit.

Jer. Taylor.

Remanent magnetism (Physics), magnetism which remains in a body that has little coercive force after the magnetizing force is withdrawn, as soft iron; -- called also residual magnetism.

||Rem"a*net (-n?t), n. [L., it remains.] (Legal Practice) A case for trial which can not be tried during the term; a postponed case. [Eng.]

Re-mark" (r?-m?rk"), v. t. [Pref. re- + mark.] To mark again, or a second time; to mark anew.

Re*mark" (r?-m?rk"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remarked (-m?rkt"); p. pr. & vb. n. Remarking.] [F. remarquer; pref. re- re- + marquer to mark, marque a mark, of German origin, akin to E. mark. See Mark, v.& n.] 1. To mark in a notable manner; to distinquish clearly; to make noticeable or conspicuous; to piont out. [Obs.]

Thou art a man remarked to taste a mischief.


His manacles remark him; there he sits.


2. To take notice of, or to observe, mentally; as, to remark the manner of a speaker.

3. To express in words or writing, as observed or noticed; to state; to say; -- often with a substantive clause; as, he remarked that it was time to go.

Syn. -- To observe; notice; heed; regard; note; say. -- Remark, Observe, Notice. To observe is to keep or hold a thing distinctly before the mind. To remark is simply to mark or take note of whatever may come up. To notice implies still less continuity of attention. When we turn from these mental states to the expression of them in language, we find the same distinction. An observation is properly the result of somewhat prolonged thought; a remark is usually suggested by some passing occurence; a notice is in most cases something cursory and short. This distinction is not always maintained as to remark and observe, which are often used interchangeably. "Observing men may form many judgments by the rules of similitude and proportion." I. Watts. "He can not distinguish difficult and noble speculations from trifling and vulgar remarks." Collier. "The thing to be regarded, in taking notice of a child's miscarriage, is what root it springs from." Locke.

Re*mark" (r?-m?rk"), v. i. To make a remark or remarks; to comment.

Re*mark", n. [Cf. F. remarque.] 1. Act of remarking or attentively noticing; notice or observation.

The cause, though worth the search, may yet elude
Conjecture and remark, however shrewd.


2. The expression, in speech or writing, of something remarked or noticed; the mention of that which is worthy of attention or notice; hence, also, a casual observation, comment, or statement; as, a pertinent remark.

Syn. -- Observation; note; comment; annotation.

Re*mark"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. [F. remarquable.] Worthy of being remarked or noticed; noticeable; conspicuous; hence, uncommon; extraordinary.

'T is remarkable, that they
Talk most who have the least to say.


There is nothing left remarlable
Beneath the visiting moon.


Syn. -- Observable; noticeable; extraordinary; unusual; rare; strange; wonderful; notable; eminent.

-- Re*mark"a*ble*ness, n. -- Re*mark"a*bly, adv.

Re*mark"er (-?r), n. One who remarks.

Re*mar"riage (r?-m?r"r?j), n. A second or repeated marriage.

Re*mar"ry (r?-m?r"rr?), v. t. & i. To marry again.

Re*mast" (r?-m?st"), v. t. To furnish with a new mast or set of masts.

Re*mas"ti*cate (r?-m?s"t?-k?t), v. t. To chew or masticate again; to chew over and over, as the cud.

Re*mas`ti*ca"tion (-k?"sh?n), n. The act of masticating or chewing again or repeatedly.

Rem"berge (r?m"b?rj), n. See Ramberge.

||Rem`blai" (r?n`bl?"), n. [F., fr. remblayer to fill up an excavation, to embank.] (Fort. & Engin.) Earth or materials made into a bank after having been excavated.

Rem"ble (r&?;m"b'l), v. t. [Cf. OF. embler to steal, fr. L. involare to fly into or at, to carry off.] To remove. [Prov. Eng.] Grose. Tennyson.

Reme (r&?;m), n. Realm. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*mean" (r&?;-m&?;n"), v. t. To give meaning to; to explain the meaning of; to interpret. [Obs.] Wyclif.

Re"me*ant (r&?;"m&?;*ant), a. [L. remeans, -antis, p. pr. of remeare to go or come back.] Coming back; returning. [R.] "Like the remeant sun." C. Kingsley.

Re*meas"ure (r?-m?zh"?r; 135), v. t. To measure again; to retrace.

They followed him . . .
The way they came, their steps remeasured right.


Re*mede" (r?-m?d"), n. Remedy. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*me"di*a*ble (r?-m?"d?-?-b'l), a. [L. remediabilis: cf. F. remédiable.] Capable of being remedied or cured.

-- Re*me"di*a*ble*ness, n. - Re*me"di*a*bly, adv.

Re*me"di*al (-al), a. [L. remedialis.] Affording a remedy; intended for a remedy, or for the removal or abatement of an evil; as, remedial treatment.

Statutes are declaratory or remedial.


It is an evil not compensated by any beneficial result; it is not remedial, not conservative.

I. Taylor.

Re*me"di*al*ly, adv. In a remedial manner.

Re*me"di*ate (-?t), a. Remedial. [R.] Shak.

Re*med"i*less (r?-m?d"?-l?s or r?m"?-d?-l?s; 277), a. 1. Not admitting of a remedy; incapable of being restored or corrected; incurable; irreparable; as, a remediless mistake or loss. "Chains remedilesse." Spenser.

Hopeless are all my evils, all remediless.


2. Not answering as a remedy; ineffectual. [Obs.]

Forced to forego the attempt remediless.


Syn. -- Incurable; cureless; irremediable; irrecoverable; irretrievable; irreparable; desperate.

-- Re*med"i*less, adv. [Obs.] Udall. -- Re*med"i*less*ly, adv. -- Re*med"i*less*ness, n.

Rem"e*dy (r?m"?-d?), n.; pl. Remedies (-d&?;z). [L. remedium; pref. re- re- + mederi to heal, to cure: cf. F. remède remedy, remédier to remedy. See Medical.]

1. That which relieves or cures a disease; any medicine or application which puts an end to disease and restores health; -- with for; as, a remedy for the gout.

2. That which corrects or counteracts an evil of any kind; a corrective; a counteractive; reparation; cure; -- followed by for or against, formerly by to.

What may else be remedy or cure
To evils which our own misdeeds have wrought,
He will instruct us.


3. (Law) The legal means to recover a right, or to obtain redress for a wrong.

Civil remedy. See under Civil. -- Remedy of the mint (Coinage), a small allowed deviation from the legal standard of weight and fineness; -- called also tolerance.

Syn. -- Cure; restorative; counteraction; reparation; redress; relief; aid; help; assistance.

Rem"e*dy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remedied (-d?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Remedying.] [L. remediare, remediari: cf. F. rem&?;dier. See Remedy, n.] To apply a remedy to; to relieve; to cure; to heal; to repair; to redress; to correct; to counteract.

I will remedy this gear ere long.


Re*melt" (r?-m?lt"), v. t. To melt again.

Re*mem"ber (r?-m?m"b?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remembered (-b?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Remembering.] [OF. remebrer, L. rememorari; pref. re- re- + memorare to bring to remembrance, from memor mindful. See Memory, and cf. Rememorate.] 1. To have ( a notion or idea) come into the mind again, as previously perceived, known, or felt; to have a renewed apprehension of; to bring to mind again; to think of again; to recollect; as, I remember the fact; he remembers the events of his childhood; I cannot remember dates.

We are said to remember anything, when the idea of it arises in the mind with the consciousness that we have had this idea before.

I. Watts.

2. To be capable of recalling when required; to keep in mind; to be continually aware or thoughtful of; to preserve fresh in the memory; to attend to; to think of with gratitude, affection, respect, or any other emotion.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Ex. xx. 8.

That they may have their wages duly paid 'em,
And something over to remember me by.


Remember what I warn thee; shun to taste.


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3. To put in mind; to remind; -- also used reflexively and impersonally. [Obs.] "Remembering them the trith of what they themselves known." Milton.

My friends remembered me of home.


Remember you of passed heaviness.


And well thou wost [knowest] if it remember thee.


4. To mention. [Obs.] "As in many cases hereafter to be remembered." Ayliffe.

5. To recall to the mind of another, as in the friendly messages, remember me to him, he wishes to be remembered to you, etc.

Re*mem"ber (r?-m?m"b?r), v. i. To execise or have the power of memory; as, some remember better than others. Shak.

Re*mem"ber*a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable or worthy of being remembered. -- Re*mem"ber*a*bly, adv.

The whole vale of Keswick is so rememberable.


Re*mem"ber*er (-?r), n. One who remembers.

Re*mem"brance (-brans), n. [OF. remembrance.]

1. The act of remembering; a holding in mind, or bringing to mind; recollection.

Lest fierce remembrance wake my sudden rage.


Lest the remembrance of his grief should fail.


2. The state of being remembered, or held in mind; memory; recollection.

This, ever grateful, in remembrance bear.


3. Something remembered; a person or thing kept in memory. Shak.

4. That which serves to keep in or bring to mind; a memorial; a token; a memento; a souvenir; a memorandum or note of something to be remembered.

And on his breast a bloody cross he bore,
The dear remembrance of his dying Lord.


Keep this remembrance for thy Julia's sake.


5. Something to be remembered; counsel; admoni&?;&?;on; instruction. [Obs.] Shak.

6. Power of remembering; reach of personal knowledge; period over which one's memory extends.

Thee I have heard relating what was done
Ere my remembrance.


Syn. -- Recollection; reminiscence. See Memory.

Re*mem"bran*cer (-bran-s?r), n. 1. One who, or that which, serves to bring to, or keep in, mind; a memento; a memorial; a reminder.

Premature consiolation is but the remembrancer of sorrow.


Ye that are the lord's remembrancers.

Isa. lxii. 6. (Rev. Ver.).

2. A term applied in England to several officers, having various functions, their duty originally being to bring certain matters to the attention of the proper persons at the proper time. "The remembrancer of the lord treasurer in the exchequer." Bacon.

Re*mem"o*rate (-?-r?t), v. i. [L. rememoratus, p. p. of rememorari. See Remember.] To recall something by means of memory; to remember. [Obs.] Bryskett.

Re*mem`o*ra"tion (-r?"sh?n), n. [F. remémoration, or L. rememoratio.] A recalling by the faculty of memory; remembrance. [Obs. & R.] Bp. Montagu.

Re*mem"o*ra*tive (r?-mEm"?-r?-t?v), a. Tending or serving to remind. [R.]

Rem"e*nant (r?m"?-nant), n. A remnant. [Obs.]

{ Re*mer"cie, Re*mer"cy } (r- mr"s), v. t. [F. remercier; pref. re- re- + OF. mercier to thank, from OF. & F. merci. See Mercy.] To thank. [Obs.]

She him remercied as the patron of her life.


Re*merge" (r?-m?rj"), v. i. To merge again. "Remerging in the general Soul." Tennyson.

{ Re*meve" (r?-mEv"), Re*mewe" (r?-m?") }, v. t. & i. To remove. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rem"i*form (r?m"?*f?rm), a. [L. remus oar + -form.] Shaped like an oar.

||Rem"i*ges (r?m"?*j?z), n. pl.; sing. Remex. (r&?;"m&?;ks). [L. remex, - igis, an oarsman.] (Zoöl.) The quill feathers of the wings of a bird.

Rem"i*grate (r?m"?-gr?t or r?-m?"gr?t; 277), v. i. [L. remigrare. See Re-, and Migrate.] To migrate again; to go back; to return. Boyle.

Rem`i*gra"tion (r?m`?-gr?"sh?n), n. Migration back to the place from which one came. Sir M. Hale.

Re*mind" (r?-m?nd"), v. t. To put (one) in mind of something; to bring to the remembrance of; to bring to the notice or consideration of (a person).

When age itself, which will not be defied, shall begin to arrest, seize, and remind us of our mortality.


Re*mind"er (-?r), n. One who, or that which, reminds; that which serves to awaken remembrance.

Re**mind"ful (f?l), a. Tending or adapted to remind; careful to remind. Southey.

Rem`i*nis"cence (r?m`?-n?s"sens), n. [F. réminiscence, L. reminiscentia.] 1. The act or power of recalling past experience; the state of being reminiscent; remembrance; memory.

The other part of memory, called reminiscence, which is the retrieving of a thing at present forgot, or but confusedly remembered.


I forgive your want of reminiscence, since it is long since I saw you.

Sir W. Scott.

2. That which is remembered, or recalled to mind; a statement or narration of remembered experience; a recollection; as, pleasing or painful reminiscences.

Syn. -- Remembrance; recollection. See Memory.

Rem`i*nis"cen*cy (-sen-s?), n. Reminiscence. [Obs.]

Rem`i*nis"cent (-sent), a. [L. reminiscens, -entis, p. pr. of reminisci to recall to mind, to recollect; pref. re- re + a word akin to mens mind, memini I remember. See Mind.] Recalling to mind, or capable of recalling to mind; having remembrance; reminding one of something.

Some other of existence of which we have been previously conscious, and are now reminiscent.

Sir W. Hamilton.

Rem`i*nis"cent (r?m`?-n?s"sent), n. One who is addicted to indulging, narrating, or recording reminiscences.

Rem`i*nis*cen"tial (-n?s-s?n"shal), a. Of or pertaining to reminiscence, or remembrance. Sir T. Browne.

Rem"i*ped (r?m"?-p?d), a. [L. remus oar + pes, pedis, foot: cf. F. rémipède.] (Zoöl.) Having feet or legs that are used as oars; -- said of certain crustaceans and insects.

Rem"i*ped, n. (Zoöl.) (a) An animal having limbs like oars, especially one of certain crustaceans. (b) One of a group of aquatic beetles having tarsi adapted for swimming. See Water beetle.

Re*mise" (r?-m?z"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remised (-m?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Remising.] [F. remise delivery, surrender, fr. remettre to put back, deliver, L. remittere. See Remit.] To send, give, or grant back; to release a claim to; to resign or surrender by deed; to return. Blackstone.

Re*mise", n. (Law) A giving or granting back; surrender; return; release, as of a claim.

Re*miss" (r?-m?s"), a. [L. remissus, p. p. of remittere to send back, relax. See Remit.] Not energetic or exact in duty or business; not careful or prompt in fulfilling engagements; negligent; careless; tardy; behindhand; lagging; slack; hence, lacking earnestness or activity; languid; slow.

Thou never wast remiss, I bear thee witness.


These nervous, bold; those languid and remiss.


Its motion becomes more languid and remiss.


Syn. -- Slack; dilatory; slothful; negligent; careless; neglectful; inattentive; heedles; thoughtless.

Re*miss", n. The act of being remiss; inefficiency; failure. [Obs.] "Remisses of laws." Puttenham.

Re*miss"ful (-f?l), a. Inclined to remit punishment; lenient; clement. Drayton.

Re*mis`si*bil"i*ty (r?-m?s`s?-b?l"?-t?), n. The state or quality of being remissible. Jer. Taylor.

Re*mis"si*ble (r?-m?s"s?-b'l), a. [L. remissibilis: cf. F. rémissible. See Remit.] Capable of being remitted or forgiven. Feltham.

Re*mis"sion (r?-m?sh"?n), n. [F. rémission, L. remissio. See Remit.] 1. The act of remitting, surrendering, resigning, or giving up.

2. Discharge from that which is due; relinquishment of a claim, right, or obligation; pardon of transgression; release from forfeiture, penalty, debt, etc.

This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

Matt. xxvi. 28.

That ples, therefore, . . .
Will gain thee no remission.


3. Diminution of intensity; abatement; relaxation.

4. (Med.) A temporary and incomplete subsidence of the force or violence of a disease or of pain, as destinguished from intermission, in which the disease completely leaves the patient for a time; abatement.

5. The act of sending back. [R.] Stackhouse.

6. Act of sending in payment, as money; remittance.

Re*mis"sive (r?-m?s"s?v), a. [L. remissivus. See Remit.] Remitting; forgiving; abating. Bp. Hacket.

Re*miss"ly (r?-m?s"l?), adv. In a remiss or negligent manner; carelessly.

Re*miss"ness, n. Quality or state of being remiss.

Re*mis"so*ry (r?-m?s"s?-r?), a. Serving or tending to remit, or to secure remission; remissive. "A sacrifice expiatory or remissory." Latimer.

Re*mit" (r?-m?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remitted; p. pr. & vb. n. Remitting.] [L. remittere, remissum, to send back, to slacken, relax; pref. re- re- + mittere to send. See Mission, and cf. Remise, Remiss.] 1. To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.

In the case the law remits him to his ancient and more certain right.


In grevious and inhuman crimes, offenders should be remitted to their prince.


The prisoner was remitted to the guard.


2. To restore. [Obs.]

The archbishop was . . . remitted to his liberty.


3. (Com.) To transmit or send, esp. to a distance, as money in payment of a demand, account, draft, etc.; as, he remitted the amount by mail.

4. To send off or away; hence: (a) To refer or direct (one) for information, guidance, help, etc. "Remitting them . . . to the works of Galen." Sir T. Elyot. (b) To submit, refer, or leave (something) for judgment or decision. "Whether the counsel be good I remit it to the wise readers." Sir T. Elyot.

5. To relax in intensity; to make less violent; to abate.

So willingly doth God remit his ire.


6. To forgive; to pardon; to remove.

Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them.

John xx. 23.

7. To refrain from exacting or enforcing; as, to remit the performance of an obligation. "The sovereign was undoubtedly competent to remit penalties." Macaulay.

Syn. -- To relax; release; abate; relinguish; forgive; pardon; absolve.

Re*mit", v. i. 1. To abate in force or in violence; to grow less intense; to become moderated; to abate; to relax; as, a fever remits; the severity of the weather remits.

2. To send money, as in payment. Addison.

Re*mit"ment (-ment), n. The act of remitting, or the state of being remitted; remission.

Disavowing the remitment of Claudius.


Re*mit"tal (-tal), n. A remitting; a giving up; surrender; as, the remittal of the first fruits. Swift.

Re*mit"tance (r?-m?t"tans), n. 1. The act of transmitting money, bills, or the like, esp. to a distant place, as in satisfaction of a demand, or in discharge of an obligation.

2. The sum or thing remitted. Addison.

Re*mit`tee" (r?-m?t`t?"), n. (Com.) One to whom a remittance is sent.

Re*mit"tent (r?-m?t"tent), a. [L. remittens, p. pr. : cf. F. rémittent.] Remitting; characterized by remission; having remissions.

Remittent fever (Med.), a fever in which the symptoms temporarily abate at regular intervals, but do not wholly cease. See Malarial fever, under Malarial.

Re*mit"ter (-t?r), n. 1. One who remits. Specifically: (a) One who pardons. (b) One who makes remittance.

2. (Law) The sending or placing back of a person to a title or right he had before; the restitution of one who obtains possession of property under a defective title, to his rights under some valid title by virtue of which he might legally have entered into possession only by suit. Bouvier.

||Re*mit"ti*tur (-t?-t?r), n. [L., (it) is remitted.] (Law) (a) A remission or surrender, -- remittitur damnut being a remission of excess of damages. (b) A sending back, as when a record is remitted by a superior to an inferior court. Wharton.

Re*mit"tor (-t?r), n. (Law) One who makes a remittance; a remitter.

Re*mix" (r?-m?ks"), v. t. To mix again or repeatedly.

Rem"nant (r?m"nant), a. [OF. remanant, p. pr. of remanoir, remaindre. See Remanent, Remain.] Remaining; yet left. [R.] "Because of the remnant dregs of his disease." Fuller.

And quiet dedicate her remnant life
To the just duties of an humble wife.


Rem"nant, n. [OF. remanant. See Remnant, a.]

1. That which remains after a part is removed, destroyed, used up, performed, etc.; residue. Chaucer.

The remnant that are left of the captivity.

Neh. i. 3.

The remnant of my tale is of a length
To tire your patience.


2. A small portion; a slight trace; a fragment; a little bit; a scrap.

Some odd quirks and remnants of wit.


3. (Com.) An unsold end of piece goods, as cloth, ribbons, carpets, etc.

Syn. -- Residue; rest; remains; remainder.

Re*mod"el (r?-m?d"?l), v. t. To model or fashion anew; to change the form of.

The corporation had been remodeled.


Re*mod`i*fi*ca"tion (-?-f?-k?"sh?n), n. The act of remodifying; the state of being remodified.

Re*mod"i*fy (r?-m?d"?-f?), v. t. To modify again or anew; to reshape.

{ ||Ré`mo`lade" (r?`m?`l?d"), ||Ré`mou`lad" (r?`m??`l?d"), } n. [F.] A kind of piquant sauce or salad dressing resembling mayonnaise.

{ Re*mold", Re*mould" } (r*mld"), v. t. To mold or shape anew or again; to reshape.

Re*mol"lient (r?-m?l"yent or -l?-ent), a. [L. remolliens, p. pr. of remollire to mollify: cf. F. rémollient. See Mollient.] Mollifying; softening. [R.]

Re*mon`e*ti*za"tion (r?-m?n`?-t?-z?"sh?n or -m?n`-), n. The act of remonetizing.

Re*mon"e*tize (-t?z), v. t. To restore to use as money; as, to remonetize silver.

Re*mon"strance (-m?n"strans), n. [Cf. OF. remonstrance, F. remonstrance. See Remonstrate.] 1. The act of remonstrating; as: (a) A pointing out; manifestation; proof; demonstration. [Obs.]

You may marvel why I . . . would not rather
Make rash remonstrance of my hidden power
Than let him be so lost.


(b) Earnest presentation of reason in opposition to something; protest; expostulation.

2. (R.C.Ch.) Same as Monstrance.

Re*mon"strant (-strant), a. [LL. remonstranc, -antis, p. pr. of remonstrare: cf. OF. remonstrant, F. remontrant.] Inclined or tending to remonstrate; expostulatory; urging reasons in opposition to something.

Re*mon"strant, n. One who remonstrates; specifically (Eccl. Hist.), one of the Arminians who remonstrated against the attacks of the Calvinists in 1610, but were subsequently condemned by the decisions of the Synod of Dort in 1618. See Arminian.

Re*mon"strant*ly, adv. In a remonstrant manner.

Re*mon"strate (-str?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remonstrated (-str&?;*t&?;d); p. pr. & vb. n. Remonstrating.] [LL. remonstratus, p. p. of remonstrare to remonstrate; L. pref. re- + monstrare to show. See Monster.] To point out; to show clearly; to make plain or manifest; hence, to prove; to demonstrate. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

I will remonstrate to you the third door.

B. Jonson.

Re*mon"strate, v. i. To present and urge reasons in opposition to an act, measure, or any course of proceedings; to expostulate; as, to remonstrate with a person regarding his habits; to remonstrate against proposed taxation.

It is proper business of a divine to state cases of conscience, and to remonstrate against any growing corruptions in practice, and especially in principles.


Syn. -- Expostulate, Remonstrate. These words are commonly interchangeable, the principal difference being that expostulate is now used especially to signify remonstrance by a superior or by one in authority. A son remonstrates against the harshness of a father; a father expostulates with his son on his waywardness. Subjects remonstrate with their rulers; sovereigns expostulate with the parliament or the people.

Re`mon*stra"tion (r?`m?n*str?"sh?n), n. [Cf. OF. remonstration, LL. remonstratio.] The act of remonstrating; remonstrance. [R.] Todd.

Re*mon"stra*tive (r?*m?n"str?*t?v), a. Having the character of a remonstrance; expressing remonstrance.

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Re*mon"stra*tor (r?*m?n"str?*t?r), n. One who remonstrates; a remonsrant. Bp. Burnet.

Re*mon"tant (-tant), a.[F.] (Hort.) Rising again; -- applied to a class of roses which bloom more than once in a season; the hybrid perpetual roses, of which the Jacqueminot is a well-known example.

||Re*mon`toir" (re-m?n"tw?r"; E. r?- m?n"tw?r), n. [F.] (Horology) See under Escapement.

||Rem"o*ra (r?m"?*r?), n. [L.: cf. F. rémora.]

1. Delay; obstacle; hindrance. [Obs.] Milton.

2. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of fishes belonging to Echeneis, Remora, and allied genera. Called also sucking fish.

The anterior dorsal fin is converted into a large sucking disk, having two transverse rows of lamellæ, situated on the top of the head. They adhere firmly to sharks and other large fishes and to vessels by this curious sucker, letting go at will. The pegador, or remora of sharks (Echeneis naucrates), and the swordfish remora (Remora brachyptera), are common American species.

3. (Surg.) An instrument formerly in use, intended to retain parts in their places. Dunglison.

Rem"o*rate (-r?t), v. t. [L. remoratus, p. p. of remorari; pref. re- re- + morari to delay.] To hinder; to delay. [Obs.] Johnson.

Re*mord" (r?-m?rd"), v. t. [L. remordere to bite again, to torment: cf. F. remordre. See Remorse.] To excite to remorse; to rebuke. [Obs.] Skelton.

Re*mord", v. i. To feel remorse. [Obs.] Sir T. Elyot.

Re*mord"en*cy (-en*s?), n. Remorse; compunction; compassion. [Obs.] Killingbeck.

Re*morse" (r?*m?rs"), n. [OE. remors, OF. remors,F. remords, LL. remorsus, fr. L. remordere, remorsum, to bite again or back, to torment; pref. re- re- + mordere to bite. See Morsel.] 1. The anguish, like gnawing pain, excited by a sense of guilt; compunction of conscience for a crime committed, or for the sins of one's past life. "Nero will be tainted with remorse." Shak.

2. Sympathetic sorrow; pity; compassion.

Curse on the unpardoning prince, whom tears can draw
To no remorse.


But evermore it seem'd an easier thing
At once without remorse to strike her dead.


Syn. -- Compunction; regret; anguish; grief; compassion. See Compunction.

Re*morsed" (r?-m?rst"), a. Feeling remorse. [Obs.]

Re*morse"ful (-m?rs"f?l), a. 1. Full of remorse.

The full tide of remorseful passion had abated.

Sir W. Scott.

2. Compassionate; feeling tenderly. [Obs.] Shak.

3. Exciting pity; pitiable. [Obs.] Chapman.

-- Re*morse"ful*ly, adv. -- Re*morse"ful*ness, n.

Re*morse"less, a. Being without remorse; having no pity; hence, destitute of sensibility; cruel; insensible to distress; merciless. "Remorseless adversaries." South. "With remorseless cruelty." Milton.

Syn. -- Unpitying; pitiless; relentless; unrelenting; implacable; merciless; unmerciful; savage; cruel.

-- Re*morse"less*ly, adv. -- Re*morse"less*ness, n.

Re*mote" (r?-m?t"), a. [Compar. Remoter (-?r); superl. Remotest.] [L. remotus, p. p. of removere to remove. See Remove.] 1. Removed to a distance; not near; far away; distant; -- said in respect to time or to place; as, remote ages; remote lands.

Places remote enough are in Bohemia.


Remote from men, with God he passed his days.


2. Hence, removed; not agreeing, according, or being related; -- in various figurative uses. Specifically: (a) Not agreeing; alien; foreign. "All these propositions, how remote soever from reason." Locke. (b) Not nearly related; not close; as, a remote connection or consanguinity. (c) Separate; abstracted. "Wherever the mind places itself by any thought, either amongst, or remote from, all bodies." Locke. (d) Not proximate or acting directly; primary; distant. "From the effect to the remotest cause." Granville. (e) Not obvious or sriking; as, a remote resemblance.

3. (Bot.) Separated by intervals greater than usual.

-- Re*mote"ly, adv. -- Re*mote"ness, n.

Re*mo"tion (r?-m?"sh?n), n. [L. remotio. See Remove.] 1. The act of removing; removal. [Obs.]

This remotion of the duke and her
Is practice only.


2. The state of being remote; remoteness. [R.]

The whitish gleam [of the stars] was the mask conferred by the enormity of their remotion.

De Quincey.

Re*mould" (r?-m?ld"), v. t. See Remold.

Re*mount" (r?-mount"), v. t. & i. To mount again.

Re*mount", n. The opportunity of, or things necessary for, remounting; specifically, a fresh horse, with his equipments; as, to give one a remount.

Re*mov"a*ble (r?-m??v"?-b'l), a. Admitting of being removed. Ayliffe. -- Re*mov`a*bil"i*ty (-&?;-b&?;l"&?;-t&?;), n.

Re*mov"al (-al), n. The act of removing, or the state of being removed.

Re*move" (r?-m??v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Removed (-m??vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Removing.] [OF. removoir, remouvoir, L. removere, remotum; pref. re- re- + movere to move. See Move.] 1. To move away from the position occupied; to cause to change place; to displace; as, to remove a building.

Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark.

Deut. xix. 14.

When we had dined, to prevent the ladies' leaving us, I generally ordered the table to be removed.


2. To cause to leave a person or thing; to cause to cease to be; to take away; hence, to banish; to destroy; to put an end to; to kill; as, to remove a disease. "King Richard thus removed." Shak.

3. To dismiss or discharge from office; as, the President removed many postmasters.

See the Note under Remove, v. i.

Re*move" (r?-m??v"), v. i. To change place in any manner, or to make a change in place; to move or go from one residence, position, or place to another.

Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane,
I can not taint with fear.


The verb remove, in some of its application, is synonymous with move, but not in all. Thus we do not apply remove to a mere change of posture, without a change of place or the seat of a thing. A man moves his head when he turns it, or his finger when he bends it, but he does not remove it. Remove usually or always denotes a change of place in a body, but we never apply it to a regular, continued course or motion. We never say the wind or water, or a ship, removes at a certain rate by the hour; but we say a ship was removed from one place in a harbor to another. Move is a generic term, including the sense of remove, which is more generally applied to a change from one station or permanent position, stand, or seat, to another station.

Re*move", n. 1. The act of removing; a removal.

This place should be at once both school and university, not needing a remove to any other house of scholarship.


And drags at each remove a lengthening chain.


2. The transfer of one's business, or of one's domestic belongings, from one location or dwelling house to another; - - in the United States usually called a move.

It is an English proverb that three removes are as bad as a fire.

J. H. Newman.

3. The state of being removed. Locke.

4. That which is removed, as a dish removed from table to make room for something else.

5. The distance or space through which anything is removed; interval; distance; stage; hence, a step or degree in any scale of gradation; specifically, a division in an English public school; as, the boy went up two removes last year.

A freeholder is but one remove from a legislator.


6. (Far.) The act of resetting a horse's shoe. Swift.

Re*moved" (r?-m??vd"), a. 1. Changed in place.

2. Dismissed from office.

3. Distant in location; remote. "Something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling." Shak.

4. Distant by degrees in relationship; as, a cousin once removed.

-- Re*mov"ed*ness (r&?;-m&?;&?;v"&?;d-n&?;s), n. Shak.

Re*mov"er (-?r), n. One who removes; as, a remover of landmarks. Bacon.

Re*mu"a*ble (r?-m?"?-b'l), a. [F.] That may be removed; removable. [Obs.] Gower.

Re*mue" (r?-m?"), v. t. [F. remuer. See Mew to molt.] To remove. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*mu"gi*ent (r?-m?"j?-ent), a. [L. remugiens, p. pr. of remugire. See Mugient.] Rebellowing. Dr. H. More.

Re**mu"ner*a*ble (r?-m?"n?r-?-b'l), a. [See Remunerate.] Admitting, or worthy, of remuneration. -- Re*mu`ner*a*bil"i*ty (r&?;-m&?;"n&?;r- &?;-b&?;l"i-t&?;), n.

Re*mu"ner*ate (-?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remunerated (-?"t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Remunerating.] [L. remuneratus, p. p. of remunerare, remunerari; pref. re- re- + munerare, munerari, to give, present, from munus, muneris, a gift, present. Cf. Munificent.] To pay an equivalent to for any service, loss, expense, or other sacrifice; to recompense; to requite; as, to remunerate men for labor.

Syn. -- To reward; recompense; compensate; satisfy; requite; repay; pay; reimburse.

Re*mu`ner*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. [L. remuneratio: cf. F. rémunération.] 1. The act of remunerating.

2. That which is given to remunerate; an equivalent given, as for services, loss, or sufferings. Shak.

Syn. -- Reward; recompense; compensation; pay; payment; repayment; satisfaction; requital.

Re*mu"ner*a*tive (r?-m?"n?r-?-t?v), a. [Cf.F. rémun&?;ratif.] Affording remuneration; as, a remunerative payment for services; a remunerative business. -Re*mu"ner*a*tive*ly, adv. -- Re*mu"ner*a*tive*ness, n.

Re*mu"ner*a*to*ry (-t?-r?), a. [Cf. F. rémun&?;ratoire.] Remunerative. Johnson.

Re*mur"mur (r?-m?r"m?r), v. t. & i. [Pref. re- + murmur: cf. F. remurmurare.] To murmur again; to utter back, or reply, in murmurs.

The trembling trees, in every plain and wood,
Her fate remurmur to the silver flood.


Ren (r?n), v. t. & i. See Renne. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ren, n. A run. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ren"a*ble (r?n"?-b'l), a. [OF. resnable.] Reasonable; also, loquacious. [Obs.] "Most renable of tongue." Piers Plowman. -- Ren"a*bly, adv. [Obs.] Chaucer.

||Re*nais`sance" (F. re-n`säNs"; E. r-ns"sans), n. [F., fr. renaître to be born again. Cf. Renascence.] A new birth, or revival. Specifically: (a) The transitional movement in Europe, marked by the revival of classical learning and art in Italy in the 15th century, and the similar revival following in other countries. (b) The style of art which prevailed at this epoch.

The Renaissance was rather the last stage of the Middle Ages, emerging from ecclesiastical and feudal despotism, developing what was original in mediæval ideas by the light of classic arts and letters.

J. A. Symonds (Encyc. Brit.).

Re*nais"sant (r?-n?s"sant), a. Of or pertaining to the Renaissance.

Re"nal (r?"nal), a. [L. renalis, fr. renes the kidneys or reins: cf. F. rénal. See Reins.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the kidneys; in the region of the kidneys.

Renal calculus (Med.), a concretion formed in the excretory passages of the kidney. -- Renal capsules or glands, the suprarenal capsules. See under Capsule. -- Renal casts, Renal colic. (Med.) See under Cast, and Colic.

Re"nal-por`tal (r?"nal-p?r"tal), a. (Anat.) Both renal and portal. See Portal.

Re*name" (r?*n?m"), v. t. To give a new name to.

Ren"ard (r?n"?rd), n. [F. renard the fox, the name of the fox in a celebrated epic poem, and of German origin, G. Reinhard, OHG. Reginhard, properly, strong in counsel; regin counsel (akin to Goth. ragin) + hart hard. See Hard.] A fox; -- so called in fables or familiar tales, and in poetry. [Written also reynard.]

Ren"ard*ine (-?n), a. Of or pertaining to Renard, the fox, or the tales in which Renard is mentioned.

Re*nas"cence (r?-n?s"sens), n. [See Renascent, and cf. Renaissance.] 1. The state of being renascent.

Read the Ph&?;nix, and see how the single image of renascence is varied.


2. Same as Renaissance.

The Renascence . . . which in art, in literature, and in physics, produced such splendid fruits.

M. Arnold.

Re*nas"cen*cy (-sen-s?), n. State of being renascent.

Re*nas"cent (-sent), a. [L. renascens, p. pr. of renasci to be born again; pref. re- re- + nasci to be born. See Nascent.] 1. Springing or rising again into being; being born again, or reproduced.

2. See Renaissant.

Re*nas"ci*ble (-s?-b'l), a. [LL. renascibilis, from L. renasci to be born again.] Capable of being reproduced; ablle to spring again into being.

Re*nate" (r?-n?t"), a. [L. renatus, p. p. of renasci.] Born again; regenerate; renewed. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.

Re*nav"i*gate (r?-n?v"?-g?t), v. t. To navigate again.

Re*nay" (r?-n?"), v. t. [OF. reneier, F. renier, F. renier; L. pref. re- re- + negare to deny. See Renegade.] To deny; to disown. [Obs.]

Ren*con"tre (r?n-k?n"t?r; F. r?N`k?n"tr'), n. [F.] Same as Rencounter, n.

Ren*coun"ter (r?n-koun"t?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rencountered (-t?rd); p. pr. & vb/ n. Rencountering.] [F. rencontrer; pref. re- + OF. encontrer to encounter. See Encounter.] 1. To meet unexpectedly; to encounter.

2. To attack hand to hand. [Obs.] Spenser.

Ren*coun"ter, v. i. To meet unexpectedly; to encounter in a hostile manner; to come in collision; to skirmish.

Ren*coun"ter, n. [F. rencontre, from renconter to meet.] 1. A meeting of two persons or bodies; a collision; especially, a meeting in opposition or contest; a combat, action, or engagement.

The justling chiefs in rude rencounter join.


2. A causal combat or action; a sudden contest or fight without premeditation, as between individuals or small parties.

The confederates should . . . outnumber the enemy in all rencounters and engagements.


Syn. -- Combat; fight; conflict; collision; clash.

Rend (rnd), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rent (r?nt); p. pr. & vb. n. Rending.] [AS. rendan, hrendan; cf. OFries. renda, randa, Fries. renne to cut, rend, Icel. hrinda to push, thrust, AS. hrindan; or cf. Icel. r&?;na to rob, plunder, Ir. rannaim to divide, share, part, W. rhanu, Armor. ranna.] 1. To separate into parts with force or sudden violence; to tear asunder; to split; to burst; as, powder rends a rock in blasting; lightning rends an oak.

The dreadful thunder
Doth rend the region.


2. To part or tear off forcibly; to take away by force.

An empire from its old foundations rent.


I will surely rend the kingdom from thee.

1 Kings xi. 11.

To rap and rend. See under Rap, v. t., to snatch.

Syn. -- To tear; burst; break; rupture; lacerate; fracture; crack; split.

Rend, v. i. To be rent or torn; to become parted; to separate; to split. Jer. Taylor.

Rend"er (-?r), n. [From Rend.] One who rends.

Ren"der (r?n"d?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rendered (-d?rd);p. pr. & vb. n. Rendering.] [F. rendre, LL. rendre, fr. L. reddere; pref. red-, re-, re- + dare to give. See Datetime, and cf. Reddition, Rent.] 1. To return; to pay back; to restore.

Whose smallest minute lost, no riches render may.


2. To inflict, as a retribution; to requite.

I will render vengeance to mine enemies.

Deut. xxxii. 41.

3. To give up; to yield; to surrender.

I 'll make her render up her page to me.


4. Hence, to furnish; to contribute.

Logic renders its daily service to wisdom and virtue.

I. Watts.

5. To furnish; to state; to deliver; as, to render an account; to render judgment.

6. To cause to be, or to become; as, to render a person more safe or more unsafe; to render a fortress secure.

7. To translate from one language into another; as, to render Latin into English.

8. To interpret; to set forth, represent, or exhibit; as, an actor renders his part poorly; a singer renders a passage of music with great effect; a painter renders a scene in a felicitous manner.

He did render him the most unnatural
That lived amongst men.


9. To try out or extract (oil, lard, tallow, etc.) from fatty animal substances; as, to render tallow.

10. To plaster, as a wall of masonry, without the use of lath.

Ren"der, v. i. 1. To give an account; to make explanation or confession. [Obs.]

2. (Naut.) To pass; to run; -- said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc.; as, a rope renders well, that is, passes freely; also, to yield or give way. Totten.

Ren"der, n. 1. A surrender. [Obs.] Shak.

2. A return; a payment of rent.

In those early times the king's household was supported by specific renders of corn and other victuals from the tenants of the demains.


3. An account given; a statement. [Obs.] Shak.

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Ren"der*a*ble (r?n"d?r-?-b'l), a. Capable of being rendered.

Ren"der*er (-?r), n. 1. One who renders.

2. A vessel in which lard or tallow, etc., is rendered.

Ren"der*ing, n. The act of one who renders, or that which is rendered. Specifically: (a) A version; translation; as, the rendering of the Hebrew text. Lowth. (b) In art, the presentation, expression, or interpretation of an idea, theme, or part. (c) The act of laying the first coat of plaster on brickwork or stonework. (d) The coat of plaster thus laid on. Gwilt. (e) The process of trying out or extracting lard, tallow, etc., from animal fat.

Ren"dez*vous (r?n"d?*v or r?n"-; 277), n.; pl. Rendezvouses (r&?;n"d&?;-v`z&?;z). [Rare in the plural.] [F. rendez- vous, properly, render yourselves, repair to a place. See Render.] 1. A place appointed for a meeting, or at which persons customarily meet.

An inn, the free rendezvous of all travelers.

Sir W. Scott.

2. Especially, the appointed place for troops, or for the ships of a fleet, to assemble; also, a place for enlistment.

The king appointed his whole army to be drawn together to a rendezvous at Marlborough.


3. A meeting by appointment. Sprat.

4. Retreat; refuge. [Obs.] Shak.

Ren"dez*vous (rn"d*v or räN"-; 277), v. i. [imp. &. p. p. Rendezvoused (-vd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rendezvousing (-v*ng).] To assemble or meet at a particular place.

Ren"dez*vous, v. t. To bring together at a certain place; to cause to be assembled. Echard.

Rend"i*ble (r?nd"?-b'l), a. [From Rend.] Capable of being rent or torn.

Ren"di*ble (r?n"d?-b'l), a. [See Render.] Capable, or admitting, of being rendered.

Ren*di"tion (r?n-d?sh"?n), n. [LL. rendere to render: cf. L. redditio. See Render, and cf. Reddition.]

1. The act of rendering; especially, the act of surrender, as of fugitives from justice, at the claim of a foreign government; also, surrender in war.

The rest of these brave men that suffered in cold blood after articles of rendition.


2. Translation; rendering; version.

This rendition of the word seems also most naturally to agree with the genuine meaning of some other words in the same verse.


Rend"rock` (r?nd"r?k`), n. A kind of dynamite used in blasting. [U.S.]

Ren"e*gade (r?n"?-g?d), n. [Sp. renegado, LL. renegatus, fr. renegare to deny; L. pref. re- re- + negare to deny. See Negation, and cf. Runagate.] One faithless to principle or party. Specifically: (a) An apostate from Christianity or from any form of religious faith.

James justly regarded these renegades as the most serviceable tools that he could employ.


(b) One who deserts from a military or naval post; a deserter. Arbuthnot. (c) A common vagabond; a worthless or wicked fellow.

Ren`e*ga"do (r?n`?-g?"d?), n. [Sp.] See Renegade.

Ren"e*gat (r?n"?-g?t), n. [See Runegate.] A renegade. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ren`e*ga"tion (r?n`?-ga"sh?n), n. A denial. [R.] "Absolute renegation of Christ." Milman.

Re*nege" (r?-n?j" or r?-n?g"), v. t. [LL. renegare. See Renegade.] To deny; to disown. [Obs.] Shak.

All Europe high (all sorts of rights reneged)
Against the truth and thee unholy leagued.


Re*nege", v. i. 1. To deny. [Obs.] Shak.

2. (Card Playing) To revoke. [R.]

Re*nerve" (r?-n?rv"), v. t. To nerve again; to give new vigor to; to reinvigorate.

Re*new" (r?-n?"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reneved (-n?d"); p. pr. & vb. n. Renewing.] [Pref. re- + new. Cf. Renovate.] 1. To make new again; to restore to freshness, perfection, or vigor; to give new life to; to rejuvenate; to re&?;stablish; to recreate; to rebuild.

In such a night
Medea gathered the enchanted herbs
That did renew old &?;son.


2. Specifically, to substitute for (an old obligation or right) a new one of the same nature; to continue in force; to make again; as, to renew a lease, note, or patent.

3. To begin again; to recommence.

The last great age . . . renews its finished course.


4. To repeat; to go over again.

The birds-their notes renew.


5. (Theol.) To make new spiritually; to regenerate.

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Rom. xii. 2.

Re*new", v. i. To become new, or as new; to grow or begin again.

Re*new`a*bil"i*ty (-?-b?l"?-t?), n. The quality or state of being renewable. [R.]

Re*new"a*ble (r?-n?"?-b'l), a. Capable of being renewed; as, a lease renewable at pleasure. Swift.

Re*new"al (-al), n. The act of renewing, or the state of being renewed; as, the renewal of a treaty.

Re*new"ed*ly, adv. Again; once more. [U.S.]

Re*new"ed*ness, n. The state of being renewed.

Re*new"er (-?r), n. One who, or that which, renews.

Re*neye" (r?-n?"), v. t. [See Renay.] To deny; to reject; to renounce. [Obs.]

For he made every man reneye his law.


Reng (r?ng), n. [See Rank, n.] 1. A rank; a row. [Obs.] "In two renges fair." Chaucer.

2. A rung or round of a ladder. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*nid`i*fi*ca"tion (r?-n?d`?-f?-k?"sh?n), n. (Zoöl.) The act of rebuilding a nest.

Ren"i*form (r?n"?-f?rm; 277), a. [L. renes kidneys + -form: cf. F. réniforme.] Having the form or shape of a kidney; as, a reniform mineral; a reniform leaf.

{ Re*ni"tence (r?-n?"tens), Re*ni"ten*cy (-te-s?), } n. [Cf. F. rénitence.] The state or quality of being renitent; resistance; reluctance. Sterne.

We find a renitency in ourselves to ascribe life and irritability to the cold and motionless fibers of plants.

E. Darwin.

Re*ni"tent (-tent), a. [L. renitens, -entis, p. pr. of renit to strive or struggle against, resist; pref. re- re- + niti to struggle or strive: cf. F. rénitent.] 1. Resisting pressure or the effect of it; acting against impulse by elastic force. "[Muscles] soft and yet renitent." Ray.

2. Persistently opposed.

Ren"ne (r?n"ne), v. t. To plunder; -- only in the phrase "to rape and renne." See under Rap, v. t., to snatch. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ren"ne, v. i. To run. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ren"ner (-n?r), n. A runner. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ren"net (r?n"n?t), n. [F. rainette, reinette, perhaps fr. raine a tree frog, L. rana, because it is spotted like this kind of frog. Cf. Ranunculus.] (Bot.) A name of many different kinds of apples. Cf. Reinette. Mortimer.

Ren"net, n. [AS. rinnan, rennan, to run, cf. gerinnan to curdle, coagulate. √11. See Run, v.] The inner, or mucous, membrane of the fourth stomach of the calf, or other young ruminant; also, an infusion or preparation of it, used for coagulating milk. [Written also runnet.]

Cheese rennet. (Bot.) See under Cheese. -- Rennet ferment (Physiol. Chem.), a ferment, present in rennet and in variable quantity in the gastric juice of most animals, which has the power of curdling milk. The ferment presumably acts by changing the casein of milk from a soluble to an insoluble form. -- Rennet stomach (Anat.), the fourth stomach, or abomasum, of ruminants.

Ren"net*ed, a. Provided or treated with rennet. [R.] "Pressed milk renneted." Chapman.

Ren"net*ing, n. (Bot.) Same as 1st Rennet.

Ren"ning (r?n"n?ng), n. See 2d Rennet. [Obs.]

Asses' milk is holden for to be thickest, and therefore they use it instead of renning, to turn milk.


Re`no*mee" (r`n*m"), n. [F. renommée.] Renown. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*nounce" (r*nouns"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Renounced (-nounst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Renouncing (-noun"s?ng).] [F. renoncer, L. renuntiare to bring back word, announce, revoke, retract, renounce; pref. re- re- + nuntiare to announce, fr. nuncius, a messenger. See Nuncio, and cf. Renunciation.] 1. To declare against; to reject or decline formally; to refuse to own or acknowledge as belonging to one; to disclaim; as, to renounce a title to land or to a throne.

2. To cast off or reject deliberately; to disown; to dismiss; to forswear.

This world I do renounce, and in your sights
Shake patiently my great affliction off.


3. (Card Playing) To disclaim having a card of (the suit led) by playing a card of another suit.

To renounce probate (Law), to decline to act as the executor of a will. Mozley & W.

Syn. -- To cast off; disavow; disown; disclaim; deny; abjure; recant; abandon; forsake; quit; forego; resign; relinquish; give up; abdicate. -- Renounce, Abjure, Recant. -- To renounce is to make an affirmative declaration of abandonment. To abjure is to renounce with, or as with, the solemnity of an oath. To recant is to renounce or abjure some proposition previously affirmed and maintained.

From Thebes my birth I own; . . . since no disgrace
Can force me to renounce the honor of my race.


Either to die the death, or to abjure
Forever the society of man.


Ease would recant
Vows made in pain, as violent and void.


Re*nounce", v. i. 1. To make renunciation. [Obs.]

He of my sons who fails to make it good,
By one rebellious act renounces to my blood.


2. (Law) To decline formally, as an executor or a person entitled to letters of administration, to take out probate or letters.

Dryden died without a will, and his widow having renounced, his son Charles administered on June 10.

W. D. Christie.

Re*nounce", n. (Card Playing) Act of renouncing.

Re*nounce"ment (-ment), n. [Cf. F. renoncement.] The act of disclaiming or rejecting; renunciation. Shak.

Re*noun"cer (r?-noun"s?r), n. One who renounces.

Ren"o*vate (r?n"?-v?t), v. t. [L. renovatus, p. p. of renovare;pref. re- re- + novare to make new, fr. novus new. See New, and &?;&?; Renew.] To make over again; to restore to freshness or vigor; to renew.

All nature feels the reniovating force
Of winter.


Ren`o**va"tion (-v?"sh?n), n. [L. renovatio: cf. F. rénovation.] The act or process of renovating; the state of being renovated or renewed. Thomson.

There is something inexpressibly pleasing in the annual renovation of the world.


Ren"o*va`tor (r?n"?-v?`t?r), n. [L.: cf. F. rénovateur.] One who, or that which, renovates. Foster.

Re*nov"el (r?-n?v"el), v. t. [F. renouveler to renew.] To renew; to renovate. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*nov"el*ance (-ans), n. Renewal. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*nowme" (r?-noum"), n. Renown. [Obs.]

The glory and renowme of the ancectors.

Robynson (More's Utopia).

Re*nowmed" (r?-noumd"), a. Renowned. [Obs.]

Re*nown" (r?-noun"), n. [F. renom. See Noun, and cf. Renown, v.] 1. The state of being much known and talked of; exalted reputation derived from the extensive praise of great achievements or accomplishments; fame; celebrity; -- always in a good sense.

Nor envy we
Thy great renown, nor grudge thy victory.


2. Report of nobleness or exploits; praise.

This famous duke of Milan,
Of whom so often I have heard renown.


Re*nown" (r?-noun"), v. t. [F. renommer to name again, celebrate, make famous; pref. re- re- + nommer to name, L. nominare , fr. nomen a name. See Noun.] To make famous; to give renown to. [Obs.]

For joi to hear me so renown his son.


The bard whom pilfered pastorals renown.


Re*nowned" (r?-nound"), a. Famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities, or for grandeur; eminent; as, a renowned king. "Some renowned metropolis with glistering spires." Milton.

These were the renowned of the congregation.

Num. i. 61.

Syn. -- Famous; famed; distinguished; noted; eminent; celebrated; remarkable; wonderful. See Famous.

Re*nown"ed*ly (r?-noun"?d-l?), adv. With renown.

Re*nown"er (-?r), n. One who gives renown. [R.]

Re*nown"ful (-f?l), a. Having great renown; famous. "Renownful Scipio." Marston.

Re*nown"less, a. Without renown; inglorius.

Rens"se*laer*ite (r?ns"se-l?r-?t), n. (Min.) A soft, compact variety of talc,, being an altered pyroxene. It is often worked in a lathe into inkstands and other articles.

Rent (r?nt), v. i. To rant. [R. & Obs.] Hudibras.

Rent, imp. & p. p. of Rend.

Rent, n. [From Rend.] 1. An opening made by rending; a break or breach made by force; a tear.

See what a rent the envious Casca made.


2. Figuratively, a schism; a rupture of harmony; a separation; as, a rent in the church.

Syn. -- Fissure; breach; disrupture; rupture; tear; dilaceration; break; fracture.

Rent, v. t. To tear. See Rend. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rent, n. [F. rente, LL. renta, fr. L. reddita, fem. sing. or neut. pl. of redditus, p. p. of reddere to give back, pay. See Render.] 1. Income; revenue. See Catel. [Obs.] "Catel had they enough and rent." Chaucer.

[Bacchus] a waster was and all his rent
In wine and bordel he dispent.


So bought an annual rent or two,
And liv'd, just as you see I do.


2. Pay; reward; share; toll. [Obs.]

Death, that taketh of high and low his rent.


3. (Law) A certain periodical profit, whether in money, provisions, chattels, or labor, issuing out of lands and tenements in payment for the use; commonly, a certain pecuniary sum agreed upon between a tenant and his landlord, paid at fixed intervals by the lessee to the lessor, for the use of land or its appendages; as, rent for a farm, a house, a park, etc.

The term rent is also popularly applied to compensation for the use of certain personal chattels, as a piano, a sewing machine, etc.

Black rent. See Blackmail, 3. -- Forehand rent, rent which is paid in advance; foregift. -- Rent arrear, rent in arrears; unpaid rent. Blackstone. -- Rent charge (Law), a rent reserved on a conveyance of land in fee simple, or granted out of lands by deed; -- so called because, by a covenant or clause in the deed of conveyance, the land is charged with a distress for the payment of it. Bouvier. -- Rent roll, a list or account of rents or income; a rental. -- Rent seck (Law), a rent reserved by deed, but without any clause of distress; barren rent. A power of distress was made incident to rent seck by Statute 4 George II. c. 28. -- Rent service (Eng. Law), rent reserved out of land held by fealty or other corporeal service; -- so called from such service being incident to it. -- White rent, a quitrent when paid in silver; -- opposed to black rent.

Rent, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rented; p. pr. & vb. n. Renting.] [F. renter. See Rent, n.] 1. To grant the possession and enjoyment of, for a rent; to lease; as, the owwner of an estate or house rents it.

2. To take and hold under an agreement to pay rent; as, the tennant rents an estate of the owner.

Rent, v. i. To be leased, or let for rent; as, an estate rents for five hundred dollars a year.

Rent"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being rented, or suitable for renting.

Rent"age (-?j), n. [Cf. OF. rentage.] Rent. [Obs.]

Rent"al (-al), n. [LL. rentale, fr. renta. See Rent income.] 1. A schedule, account, or list of rents, with the names of the tenants, etc.; a rent roll.

2. A sum total of rents; as, an estate that yields a rental of ten thousand dollars a year.

||Rente (räNt), n. [F. See Rent income.] In France, interest payable by government on indebtedness; the bonds, shares, stocks, etc., which represent government indebtedness.

Rent"er (r?nt"?r), n. One who rents or leases an estate; -- usually said of a lessee or tenant.

Ren"ter (r?n"t?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rentered (-t?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rentering.] [F. rentraire; L. pref. re- re- + in into, in + trahere to draw.] 1. To sew together so that the seam is scarcely visible; to sew up with skill and nicety; to finedraw.

2. To restore the original design of, by working in new warp; -- said with reference to tapestry.

Ren"ter*er (-?r), n. One who renters.

||Ren`tier" (r?N`ty?"), n. [F. See 5th Rent.] One who has a fixed income, as from lands, stocks, or the like.

Re*nu"mer*ate (r?-n?"m?r-?t), v. t. [L. renumeratus, p. p. of renumerare to count over, count up; pref. re- re- + numerare to count. See Numerate.] To recount.

Re*nun`ci*a"tion (r?-n?n`s?-?"sh?n or -sh?-?"sh?n; 277), n. [Cf. F. renonciation, L. renuntiatio ann announcement. See Renounce.] 1. The act of renouncing.

2. (Law) Formal declination to take out letters of administration, or to assume an office, privilege, or right.

Syn. -- Renouncement; disownment; disavowal; disavowment; disclaimer; rejection; abjuration; recantation; denial; abandonment; relinquishment.

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Re*nun"ci*a*to*ry (r?-n?n"sh?-?-t?-r?), a. [Cf. LL. renuntiatorius.] Pertaining to renunciation; containing or declaring a renunciation; as, renunciatory vows.

Ren*verse" (r?n-vErs"), v. t. [F. renverser; L. pref. re- re- + in in, into + versare, v. intens. fr. vertere to turn.] To reverse. [Obs.]

Whose shield he bears renverst.


{ Ren*verse" (r?n*v?rs"), or ||Ren`ver`sé" (r?n`v?r`s?") }, a. [F. renversé, p. p. ] (Her.) Reversed; set with the head downward; turned contrary to the natural position.

Ren*verse"ment (-ment), n. [F.] A reversing. [Obs.]

Ren*voy" (-voi"), v. t. [F. renvoyer.] To send back. [Obs.] "Not dismissing or renvoying her." Bacon.

Ren*voy", n. [F. renvoi.] A sending back. [Obs.]

Re`ob*tain" (r?`?b-t?n"), v. t. To obtain again.

Re`ob*tain"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. That may be reobtained.

Re*oc"cu*py (r?-?k"k?-p?), v. t. To occupy again.

Re*om"e*ter (r?-?m"?-t$r), n. Same as Rheometer.

Re*o"pen (r?-?"p'n), v. t. & i. To open again.

Re`op*pose" (r?`?p-p?z"), v. t. To oppose again.

Re`or*dain" (r?`?r-d?n"), v. t. [Pref. re- re- + ordain: cf. F. réordonner.] To ordain again, as when the first ordination is considered defective. Bp. Burnet.

Re*or"der (r?-?r"d?r), v. t. To order a second time.

Re*or`di*na"tion, n. A second ordination.

Re*or`gan*i*za"tion (-gan-?-z?"sh?n), n. The act of reorganizing; a reorganized existence; as, reorganization of the troops.

Re*or"gan*ize (r?-?r"gan-?z), v. t. & i. To organize again or anew; as, to reorganize a society or an army.

Re*o"ri*ent (r?-?"r?-ent), a. Rising again. [R.]

The life reorient out of dust.


Re"o*stat (r?"?-st?t), n. (Physics) See Rheostat.

Re"o*trope (-tr?p), n. (Physics) See Rheotrope.

Rep (r?p), n. [Prob. a corruption of rib: cf. F. reps.] A fabric made of silk or wool, or of silk and wool, and having a transversely corded or ribbed surface.

Rep, a. Formed with a surface closely corded, or ribbed transversely; -- applied to textile fabrics of silk or wool; as, rep silk.

Re*pace" (r?-p?s"), v. t. To pace again; to walk over again in a contrary direction.

Re*pac"i*fy (r?-p?s"?-f?), v. t. To pacify again.

Re*pack" (r?-p?k"), v. t. To pack a second time or anew; as, to repack beef; to repack a trunk.

Re*pack"er (-?r), n. One who repacks.

Re*pa"gan*ize (r?-p?"gan-?z), v. t. To paganize anew; to bring back to paganism.

Re*paid" (r?-p?d"), imp. & p. p. of Repay.

Re*paint" (r?-p?nt"), v. t. To paint anew or again; as, to repaint a house; to repaint the ground of a picture.

Re*pair" (r?-p?r"), v. i. [OE. repairen, OF. repairier to return, fr. L. repatriare to return to one's contry, to go home again; pref. re- re- + patria native country, fr. pater father. See Father, and cf. Repatriate.] 1. To return. [Obs.]

I thought . . . that he repaire should again.


2. To go; to betake one's self; to resort; ass, to repair to sanctuary for safety. Chaucer.

Go, mount the winds, and to the shades repair.


Re*pair", n. [OF. repaire retreat, asylum, abode. See Repair to go.] 1. The act of repairing or resorting to a place. [R.] Chaucer.

The king sent a proclamation for their repair to their houses.


2. Place to which one repairs; a haunt; a resort. [R.]

There the fierce winds his tender force assail
And beat him downward to his first repair.


Re*pair", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repaired (-p?rd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repairing.] [F. réparer, L. reparare; pref. re- re- + parare to prepare. See Pare, and cf. Reparation.] 1. To restore to a sound or good state after decay, injury, dilapidation, or partial destruction; to renew; to restore; to mend; as, to repair a house, a road, a shoe, or a ship; to repair a shattered fortune.

Secret refreshings that repair his strength.


Do thou, as thou art wont, repair
My heart with gladness.


2. To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent; to indemnify for; as, to repair a loss or damage.

I 'll repair the misery thou dost bear.


Syn. -- To restore, recover; renew; amend; mend; retrieve; recruit.

Re*pair", n. 1. Restoration to a sound or good state after decay, waste, injury, or partial restruction; supply of loss; reparation; as, materials are collected for the repair of a church or of a city.

Sunk down and sought repair
Of sleep, which instantly fell on me.


2. Condition with respect to soundness, perfectness, etc.; as, a house in good, or bad, repair; the book is out of repair.

Re*pair"a*ble (-?*b'l), a. Reparable. Gauden.

Re*pair"er (-?r), n. One who, or that which, repairs, restores, or makes amends.

Re*pair"ment, n. Act of repairing.

Re*pand" (r?*p?nd), a. [L. repandus bent backward, turned up; pref. re- re- + pandus bent, crooked.] (Bot. & Zool.) Having a slightly undulating margin; -- said of leaves.

Rep`a*ra*bil"i*ty (r?p`?-r?-b?l"?-t?), n. The quality or state of being reparable.

Rep"a*ra*ble (r?p"?-r?-b'l), a. [L. reparabilis: cf. F. réparable.] Capable of being repaired, restored to a sound or good state, or made good; restorable; as, a reparable injury.

Rep"a*ra*bly, adv. In a reparable manner.

Rep`a*ra"tion (-r?"sh?n), n. [F. réparation, L. reparatio. See Repair to mend.] 1. The act of renewing, restoring, etc., or the state of being renewed or repaired; as, the reparation of a bridge or of a highway; -- in this sense, repair is oftener used. Arbuthnot.

2. The act of making amends or giving satisfaction or compensation for a wrong, injury, etc.; also, the thing done or given; amends; satisfaction; indemnity.

I am sensible of the scandal I have given by my loose writings, and make what reparation I am able.


Syn. -- Restoration; repair; restitution; compensation; amends; satisfaction.

Re*par"a*tive (r?-p?r"?-t?v), a. Repairing, or tending to repair. Jer. Taylor.

Re*par"a*tive, n. That which repairs. Sir H. Wotton.

Re*par"el (-?l), n. [Cf. Reapparel.] A change of apparel; a second or different suit. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.

Rep`ar*tee" (r?p`3r-t?"), n. [F. repartie, fr. repartir to reply, depart again; pref. re- re- partir to part, depart. See Part.] A smart, ready, and witty reply.

Cupid was as bad as he;
Hear but the youngster's repartee.


Syn. -- Retort; reply. See Retort.

Rep`ar*tee", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reparteed (-t?d"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reparteeing.] To make smart and witty replies. [R.] Prior.

||Re`par*ti`mi*en"to (r?`p?r-t?`m?-?n"t?), n. [Sp., fr. repartir to divide.] A partition or distribution, especially of slaves; also, an assessment of taxes. W. Irving.

Re`par*to"tion (r?-p?r-t?sh"?n), n. Another, or an additional, separation into parts.

Re*pass" (r?-p?s"), v. t. [Pref. re- + pass: cf. F. repasser. Cf. Repace.] To pass again; to pass or travel over in the opposite direction; to pass a second time; as, to repass a bridge or a river; to repass the sea.

Re*pass", v. i. To pass or go back; to move back; as, troops passing and repassing before our eyes.

Re*pas"sage (r?-p?s"s?j;48), n. The act of repassing; passage back. Hakluyt.

Re*pas"sant (r?-p?s"sant), a. [Cf. F. repassant, p. pr.] (Her.) Counterpassant.

Re*past" (r?-p?st"), n. [OF. repast, F. repas, LL. repastus, fr. L. repascere to feed again; pref. re- re- + pascere, pastum, to pasture, feed. See Pasture.] 1. The act of taking food.

From dance to sweet repast they turn.


2. That which is taken as food; a meal; figuratively, any refreshment. "Sleep . . . thy best repast." Denham.

Go and get me some repast.


Re*past", v. t. & i. To supply food to; to feast; to take food. [Obs.] "Repast them with my blood." Shak.

He then, also, as before, left arbitrary the dieting and repasting of our minds.


Re*past"er (-?r), n. One who takes a repast. [Obs.]

Re*pas"ture (-p?s"t?r;135), n. [See Repast.] Food; entertainment. [Obs.]

Food for his rage, repasture for his den.


Re*pa"tri*ate (r?-p?"tr?-?t), v. t. [L. repatriare. See 1st Repair.] To restore to one's own country.

Re*pa`tri*a"tion (-?"sh?n), n. [Cf. LL. repatriatio return to one's country.] Restoration to one's country.

Re*pay" (r?-p?"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repaid (-p?d"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repaying.] [Pref. re- + pay: cf. F. repayer.] 1. To pay back; to refund; as, to repay money borrowed or advanced.

If you repay me not on such a day,
In such a place, such sum or sums.


2. To make return or requital for; to recompense; -- in a good or bad sense; as, to repay kindness; to repay an injury.

Benefits which can not be repaid . . . are not commonly found to increase affection.


3. To pay anew, or a second time, as a debt.

Syn. -- To refund; restore; return; recompense; compensate; remunerate; satisfy; reimburse; requite.

Re*pay"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being, or proper to be , repaid; due; as, a loan repayable in ten days; services repayable in kind.

Re*pay"ment (-ment), n. 1. The act of repaying; reimbursement. Jer. Taylor.

2. The money or other thing repaid.

Re*peal" (r?-p?l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repealed (-p?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repealing.] [OF. repeler to call back, F. rappeler; pref. re- re- + OF. apeler, F. appeler, to call, L. appellare. See Appeal, and. cf. Repel.] 1. To recall; to summon again, as persons. [Obs.]

The banished Bolingbroke repeals himself,
And with uplifted arms is safe arrived.


2. To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute; to revoke; to rescind or abrogate by authority, as by act of the legislature; as, to repeal a law.

3. To suppress; to repel. [Obs.]

Whence Adam soon repealed
The doubts that in his heart arose.


Syn. -- To abolish; revoke; rescind; recall; annul; abrogate; cancel; reverse. See Abolish.

Re*peal", n. 1. Recall, as from exile. [Obs.]

The tribunes are no soldiers; and their people
Will be as rash in the repeal, as hasty
To expel him thence.


2. Revocation; abrogation; as, the repeal of a statute; the repeal of a law or a usage.

Re*peal`a*bil"i*ty (-?-b?l"?-t?), n. The quality or state of being repealable.

Re*peal"a*ble (r?-p?l"?-b'l), a. Capable of being repealed. -- Re*peal"a*ble*ness, n.

Syn. -- Revocable; abrogable; voidable; reversible.

Re*peal"er (-?r), n. One who repeals; one who seeks a repeal; specifically, an advocate for the repeal of the Articles of Union between Great Britain and Ireland.

Re*peal"ment (-ment), n. Recall, as from banishment. [Obs.]

Re*peat" (-p?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repeated; p. pr. & vb. n. Repeating.] [F. répéter, L. repetere; pref. re- re- + petere to fall upon, attack. See Petition.]

1. To go over again; to attempt, do, make, or utter again; to iterate; to recite; as, to repeat an effort, an order, or a poem. "I will repeat our former communication." Robynson (More's Utopia).

Not well conceived of God; who, though his power
Creation could repeat, yet would be loth
Us to abolish.


2. To make trial of again; to undergo or encounter again. [Obs.] Waller.

3. (Scots Law) To repay or refund (an excess received).

To repeat one's self, to do or say what one has already done or said. -- To repeat signals, to make the same signals again; specifically, to communicate, by repeating them, the signals shown at headquarters.

Syn. -- To reiterate; iterate; renew; recite; relate; rehearse; recapitulate. See Reiterate.

Re*peat" (r?-p?t"), n. 1. The act of repeating; repetition.

2. That which is repeated; as, the repeat of a pattern; that is, the repetition of the engraved figure on a roller by which an impression is produced (as in calico printing, etc.).

3. (Mus.) A mark, or series of dots, placed before and after, or often only at the end of, a passage to be repeated in performance.

Re*peat"ed*ly, adv. More than once; again and again; indefinitely.

Re*peat"er (-?r), n. One who, or that which, repeats. Specifically: (a) A watch with a striking apparatus which, upon pressure of a spring, will indicate the time, usually in hours and quarters. (b) A repeating firearm. (c) (Teleg.) An instrument for resending a telegraphic message automatically at an intermediate point. (d) A person who votes more than once at an election. [U.S.] (e) See Circulating decimal, under Decimal. (f) (Naut.) A pennant used to indicate that a certain flag in a hoist of signal is duplicated. Ham. Nav. Encyc.

Re*peat"ing, a. Doing the same thing over again; accomplishing a given result many times in succession; as, a repeating firearm; a repeating watch.

Repeating circle. See the Note under Circle, n., 3. -- Repeating decimal (Arith.), a circulating decimal. See under Decimal. -- Repeating firearm, a firearm that may be discharged many times in quick succession; especially: (a) A form of firearm so constructed that by the action of the mechanism the charges are successively introduced from a chamber containing them into the breech of the barrel, and fired. (b) A form in which the charges are held in, and discharged from, a revolving chamber at the breech of the barrel. See Revolver, and Magazine gun, under Magazine. -- Repeating instruments (Astron. & Surv.), instruments for observing angles, as a circle, theodolite, etc., so constructed that the angle may be measured several times in succession, and different, but successive and contiguous, portions of the graduated limb, before reading off the aggregate result, which aggregate, divided by the number of measurements, gives the angle, freed in a measure from errors of eccentricity and graduation. -- Repeating watch. See Repeater (a)

Rep"e*da"tion (r?p`?-da"sh?n), n. [L. repedare to step back; pref. re- re- + pes, pedis, foot.] A stepping or going back. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.

Re**pel" (r?-p?l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repelled (-p?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repelling.] [L. repellere, repulsum; pref. re- re- + pellere to drive. See Pulse a beating, and cf. Repulse, Repeal.] 1. To drive back; to force to return; to check the advance of; to repulse as, to repel an enemy or an assailant.

Hippomedon repelled the hostile tide.


They repelled each other strongly, and yet attracted each other strongly.


2. To resist or oppose effectually; as, to repel an assault, an encroachment, or an argument.

[He] gently repelled their entreaties.


Syn. -- Tu repulse; resist; oppose; reject; refuse.

Re*pel", v. i. To act with force in opposition to force impressed; to exercise repulsion.

{ Re*pel"lence (-lens), Re*pel"len*cy (- len-s?), } n. The principle of repulsion; the quality or capacity of repelling; repulsion.

Re*pel"lent (-lent), a. [L. repellens, -entis, p. pr. ] Driving back; able or tending to repel.

Re*pel"lent, n. 1. That which repels.

2. (Med.) A remedy to repel from a tumefied part the fluids which render it tumid. Dunglison.

3. A kind of waterproof cloth. Knight.

Re*pel"ler (-l?r), n. One who, or that which, repels.

Re"pent (r?"p?nt), a. [L. repens, -entis, creeping, p. pr. of repere to creep.] 1. (Bot.) Prostrate and rooting; -- said of stems. Gray.

2. (Zoöl.) Same as Reptant.

Re*pent" (r?-p?nt"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Repented; p. pr. & vb. n. Repenting.] [F. se repentir; L. pref. re- re- + poenitere to make repent, poenitet me it repents me, I repent. See Penitent.] 1. To feel pain, sorrow, or regret, for what one has done or omitted to do.

First she relents
With pity; of that pity then repents.


2. To change the mind, or the course of conduct, on account of regret or dissatisfaction.

Lest, peradventure, the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt.

Ex. xiii. 17.

3. (Theol.) To be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness; to cease to love and practice sin.

Except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish.

Luke xii. 3.

Re*pent", v. t. 1. To feel pain on account of; to remember with sorrow.

I do repent it from my very soul.


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2. To feel regret or sorrow; -- used reflexively.

My father has repented him ere now.


3. To cause to have sorrow or regret; -- used impersonally. [Archaic] "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth." Gen. vi. 6.

Re*pent"ance (r*pnt"ans), n. [F. repentance.] The act of repenting, or the state of being penitent; sorrow for what one has done or omitted to do; especially, contrition for sin. Chaucer.

Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation.

2. Cor. vii. 20.

Repentance is a change of mind, or a conversion from sin to God.


Repentance is the relinquishment of any practice from the conviction that it has offended God. Sorrow, fear, and anxiety are properly not parts, but adjuncts, of repentance; yet they are too closely connected with it to be easily separated.


Syn. -- Contrition; regret; penitence; contriteness; compunction. See Contrition.

Re*pent"ant (-ant), a. [F. repentant.] 1. Penitent; sorry for sin. Chaucer.

Thus they, in lowliest plight, repentant stood.


2. Expressing or showing sorrow for sin; as, repentant tears; repentant ashes. "Repentant sighs and voluntary pains." Pope.

Re*pent"ant, n. One who repents, especially one who repents of sin; a penitent.

Re*pent"ant*ly, adv. In a repentant manner.

Re*pent"er (-r), n. One who repents.

Re*pent"ing*ly, adv. With repentance; penitently.

Re*pent"less, a. Unrepentant. [R.]

Re*peo"ple (r*p"p'l), v. t. [Pref. re- + people: cf. F. repeupler.] To people anew.

Re`per*cep"tion (r?`p?r-s?p"sh?n), n. The act of perceiving again; a repeated perception of the same object.

No external praise can give me such a glow as my own solitary reperception and ratification of what is fine.


Re`per*cuss" (-ks"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repercussed (-k?st");p. pr. & vb. n. Repercussing.] [L. repercusus, p. p. of repercutere to drive back; pref. re- re- + percutere. See Percussion.] To drive or beat back; hence, to reflect; to reverberate.

Perceiving all the subjacent country, . . . to repercuss such a light as I could hardly look against.


Re`per*cus"sion (-k?sh"?n), n. [L. repercussio: cf. F. répercussion.] 1. The act of driving back, or the state of being driven back; reflection; reverberation; as, the repercussion of sound.

Ever echoing back in endless repercussion.


2. (Mus.) Rapid reiteration of the same sound.

3. (Med.) The subsidence of a tumor or eruption by the action of a repellent. Dunglison.

4. (Obstetrics) In a vaginal examination, the act of imparting through the uterine wall with the finger a shock to the fetus, so that it bounds upward, and falls back again against the examining finger.

Re`per*cuss"ive (-k?s"?v), a. [Cf. F. répercussif.]

1. Tending or able to repercuss; having the power of sending back; causing to reverberate.

Ye repercussive rocks! repeat the sound.

W. Pattison.

2. Repellent. [Obs.] "Blood is stanched by astringent and repercussive medicines." Bacon.

3. Driven back; rebounding; reverberated. "Rages loud the repercussive roar." Thomson.

Re`per*cuss"ive, n. A repellent. [Obs.] Bacon.

Rep`er*ti"tious (r?p`?r-t?sh"?s), a. [L. reperticius. See Repertory.] Found; gained by finding. [Obs.]

||Ré`per`toire" (F. r`pâr`twär"; E. rp"r*twär), n. [F. See Repertory.] A list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared to perform.

Rep"er*to*ry (r?p"?r-t?-r?), n. [L. repertorium, fr. reperire to find again; pref. re- re + parire, parere, to bring forth, procure: cf. F. répertoire. Cf. Parent.]

1. A place in which things are disposed in an orderly manner, so that they can be easily found, as the index of a book, a commonplace book, or the like.

2. A treasury; a magazine; a storehouse.

3. Same as Répertoire.

Re`pe*rus"al (r?`p?-r?z"al), n. A second or repeated perusal.

Re`pe*ruse" (-r?z"), v. t. To peruse again. Ld. Lytton.

Rep`e*tend (r?p`?-t?nd"), n. [L. repetendus to be repeated, fr. repetere to repeat.] (Math.) That part of a circulating decimal which recurs continually, ad infinitum: -- sometimes indicated by a dot over the first and last figures; thus, in the circulating decimal .728328328 + (otherwise .7&2dot;8&3dot;), the repetend is 283.

Rep`e*ti"tion (rp`-tsh"n), n. [L. repetitio: cf. F. répétition. See Repeat.] 1. The act of repeating; a doing or saying again; iteration.

I need not be barren of accusations; he hath faults, with surplus to tire in repetition.


2. Recital from memory; rehearsal.

3. (Mus.) The act of repeating, singing, or playing, the same piece or part a second time; reiteration of a note.

4. (Rhet.) Reiteration, or repeating the same word, or the same sense in different words, for the purpose of making a deeper impression on the audience.

5. (Astron. & Surv.) The measurement of an angle by successive observations with a repeating instrument.

Syn. -- Iteration; rehearsal. See Tautology.

{ Rep`e*ti"tion*al (-al). Rep`e*ti"tion*a*ry (-?-r?) }, a. Of the nature of, or containing, repetition. [R.]

Rep`e*ti"tion*er (-?r), n. One who repeats. [Obs.]

Rep`e*ti"tious (-t?sh"?s), a. Repeating; containing repetition. [U.S.] Dr. T. Dwight.

Re*pet"i*tive (r?-p?t"?-t?v), a. Containing repetition; repeating. [R.]

||Rep"e*ti`tor (r?p"?-t?`t?r), n. [Cf. L. repetitor a reclaimer.] (Ger.Univ.) A private instructor.

Re*pine" (r?-p?n"), v. i. [Pref. re- + pine to languish.]

1. To fail; to wane. [Obs.] "Reppening courage yields no foot to foe." Spenser.

2. To continue pining; to feel inward discontent which preys on the spirits; to indulge in envy or complaint; to murmur.

But Lachesis thereat gan to repine.


What if the head, the eye, or ear repined
To serve mere engines to the ruling mind?


Re*pine", n. Vexation; mortification. [Obs.] Shak.

Re*pin"er (r?-p?n"?r), n. One who repines.

Re*pin"ing*ly, adv. With repening or murmuring.

||Rep"kie (r?p"k?), n. [From the native name.] (Zoöl.) Any edible sea urchin. [Alaska]

Re*place" (r?-pl?s"), v. t. [Pref. re- + place: cf. F. replacer.] 1. To place again; to restore to a former place, position, condition, or the like.

The earl . . . was replaced in his government.


2. To refund; to repay; to restore; as, to replace a sum of money borrowed.

3. To supply or substitute an equivalent for; as, to replace a lost document.

With Israel, religion replaced morality.

M. Arnold.

4. To take the place of; to supply the want of; to fulfull the end or office of.

This duty of right intention does not replace or supersede the duty of consideration.


5. To put in a new or different place.

The propriety of the use of replace instead of displace, supersede, take the place of, as in the third and fourth definitions, is often disputed on account of etymological discrepancy; but the use has been sanctioned by the practice of careful writers.

Replaced crystal (Crystallog.), a crystal having one or more planes in the place of its edges or angles.

Re*place`a*bil"i*ty (-?-b?l"?-t?), n. The quality, state, or degree of being replaceable.

Re*place"a*ble (r?-pl?s"?-b'l), a. 1. Capable or admitting of being put back into a place.

2. Admitting of having its place supplied by a like thing or an equivalent; as, the lost book is replaceable.

3. (Chem.) Capable of being replaced (by), or of being exchanged (for); as, the hydrogen of acids is replaceable by metals or by basic radicals.

Re*place"ment (-ment), n. 1. The act of replacing.

2. (Crystallog.) The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes.

Re*plait" (r?-pl?t"), v. t. To plait or fold again; to fold, as one part over another, again and again.

Re*plant" (rE-pl?nt"), v. t. To plant again.

Re*plant"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. That may be planted again.

Re`plan*ta"tion (r?`pl?n-t?"sh?n), n. The act of planting again; a replanting. [R.] Hallywell.

Re*plead" (r?-pl?d"), v. t. & i. To plead again.

Re*plead"er (-?r), n. (Law) A second pleading, or course of pleadings; also, the right of pleading again.

Whenever a repleader is granted, the pleadings must begin de novo.


Re*plen"ish (r?-pl?n"?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Replenished (-?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Replenishing.] [OE. replenissen, OF. replenir; L. pref. re- re- + plenus full. See Full, -ish, and cf. Replete.] 1. To fill again after having been diminished or emptied; to stock anew; hence, to fill completely; to cause to abound.

Multiply and replenish the earth.

Gen. i. 28.

The waters thus
With fish replenished, and the air with fowl.


2. To finish; to complete; to perfect. [Obs.]

We smothered
The most replenished sweet work of nature.


Re*plen"ish, v. i. To recover former fullness. [Obs.]

The humors will not replenish so soon.


Re*plen"ish*er (-?r), n. One who replenishes.

Re*plen"ish*ment (-ment), n. 1. The act of replenishing, or the state of being replenished.

2. That which replenishes; supply. Cowper.

Re*plete" (r?-pl?t"), a. [L. repletus, p. p. of replere to fill again, fill up; pref. re- re- + plere to fill, akin to plenus full: cf. F. replet corpulent. See Plenty, Replenish.] Filled again; completely filled; full; charged; abounding. "His words replete with guile." Milton.

When he of wine was replet at his feast.


In heads replete with thoughts of other men.


Re*plete", v. t. To fill completely, or to satiety. [R.]

Re*plete"ness, n. The state of being replete.

Re*ple"tion (r?-pl?"sh?n), n. [L. repletio a filling up: cf. F. réplétion. See Replete.] 1. The state of being replete; superabundant fullness.

The tree had too much repletion, and was oppressed with its own sap.


Repleccioun [overeating] ne made her never sick.


2. (Med.) Fullness of blood; plethora.

Re*ple"tive (-t?v), a. [Cf. F. réplétif.] Tending to make replete; filling. -- Re*ple"tive*ly, adv.

Re*ple"to*ry (-t?-r?), a. Repletive. [R.]

Re*plev"i*a*ble (r?-pl?v"?-?-b'l), a. [See Replevy.] (Law) Capable of being replevied.

Re*plev"in (-?n), n. [LL. replevina. See Replevy, and cf. Plevin.] 1. (Law) A personal action which lies to recover possession of goods and chattle wrongfully taken or detained. Originally, it was a remedy peculiar to cases for wrongful distress, but it may generally now be brought in all cases of wrongful taking or detention. Bouvier.

2. The writ by which goods and chattels are replevied.

Re*plev"in, v. t. (Law) To replevy.

Re*plev"i*sa*ble (-?-s?-b'l), a. [OF. replevisable.] Repleviable. Sir M. Hale.

Re*plev"y (-?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Replevied (-?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Replevying.] [OF. replevir, LL. replevire. See Pledge, Replevin.] 1. (Law) To take or get back, by a writ for that purpose (goods and chattels wrongfully taken or detained), upon giving security to try the right to them in a suit at law, and, if that should be determined against the plaintiff, to return the property replevied.

2. (Old Eng. Law) To bail. Spenser.

Re*plev"y (r?-pl?v"?), n. Replevin. Mozley & W.

||Rep"li*ca (r?p"l?-k?), n. [It. See Reply, v. & n.]

1. (Fine Arts) A copy of a work of art, as of a picture or statue, made by the maker of the original.

2. (Mus.) Repetition.

Rep"li*cant (r?p"l?-kant), n. One who replies.

Rep"li*cate (-?-k?t), v. t. To reply. [Obs.]

{ Rep"li*cate (l?-k?t), Rep"li*ca`ted (-k?`t?d), } a. [L. replicatus, p. p. of replicare. See Reply.] Folded over or backward; folded back upon itself; as, a replicate leaf or petal; a replicate margin of a shell.

Rep`li*ca"tion (-k?"sh?n), n. [L. replicatio. See Reply.] 1. An answer; a reply. Shak.

Withouten any repplicacioun.


2. (Law Pleadings) The reply of the plaintiff, in matters of fact, to the defendant's plea.

3. Return or repercussion, as of sound; echo.

To hear the replication of your sounds.


4. A repetition; a copy.


Syn. -- Answer; response; reply; rejoinder.

Re*pli"er (r?-pl?"?r), n. One who replies. Bacon.

||Re"plum (r?"pl?m), n. [L., doorcase.] (Bot.) The framework of some pods, as the cress, which remains after the valves drop off. Gray.

Re*ply" (r?-pl?"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Replied (-pl?d"); p. pr. & vb. n. Replying.] [OE. replien, OF. replier, F. répliquer, fr. L. replicare to fold back, make a reply; pref. re- re- + plicare to fold. See Ply, and cf. Replica.] 1. To make a return in words or writing; to respond; to answer.

O man, who art thou that repliest against God?

Rom. ix. 20.

2. (Law) To answer a defendant's plea.

3. Figuratively, to do something in return for something done; as, to reply to a signal; to reply to the fire of a battery.

Syn. -- To answer; respond; rejoin.

Re*ply", v. t. To return for an answer. Milton.

Lords, vouchsafe
To give me hearing what I shall reply.


Re*ply", n.; pl. Replies (-pl&?;z"). [See Reply, v. i., and cf. Replica.] That which is said, written, or done in answer to what is said, written, or done by another; an answer; a response.

Syn. -- Answer; rejoinder; response. -- Reply, Rejoinder, Answer. A reply is a distinct response to a formal question or attack in speech or writing. A rejoinder is a second reply (a reply to a reply) in a protracted discussion or controversy. The word answer is used in two senses, namely (1), in the most general sense of a mere response; as, the answer to a question; or (2), in the sense of a decisive and satisfactory confutation of an adversary's argument, as when we speak of a triumphant answer to the speech or accusations of an opponent. Here the noun corresponds to a frequent use of the verb, as when we say. "This will answer (i.e., fully meet) the end in view;" "It answers the purpose."

Re*ply"er (-?r), n. See Replier. Bacon.

Re*pol"ish (r?-p?l"?sh), v. t. To polish again.

Re*pone" (r?-p?n"), v. t. [L. reponere; pref. re- re- + ponere to place.] To replace. R. Baillie.

Re*pop`u*la"tion (r?*p?p`?*l?"sh?n), n. The act of repeopling; act of furnishing with a population anew.

Re*port" (r?-p?rt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reported; p. pr. & vb. n. Reporting.] [F. reporter to carry back, carry (cf. rapporter; see Rapport), L. reportare to bear or bring back; pref. re- re- + portare to bear or bring. See Port bearing, demeanor.] 1. To refer. [Obs.]

Baldwin, his son, . . . succeeded his father; so like unto him that we report the reader to the character of King Almeric, and will spare the repeating his description.


2. To bring back, as an answer; to announce in return; to relate, as what has been discovered by a person sent to examine, explore, or investigate; as, a messenger reports to his employer what he has seen or ascertained; the committee reported progress.

There is no man that may reporten all.


3. To give an account of; to relate; to tell; to circulate publicly, as a story; as, in the common phrase, it is reported. Shak.

It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel.

Neh. vi. 6.

4. To give an official account or statement of; as, a treasurer reports the receipts and expenditures.

5. To return or repeat, as sound; to echo. [Obs. or R.] "A church with windows only from above, that reporteth the voice thirteen times." Bacon.

6. (Parliamentary Practice) To return or present as the result of an examination or consideration of any matter officially referred; as, the committee reported the bill witth amendments, or reported a new bill, or reported the results of an inquiry.

7. To make minutes of, as a speech, or the doings of a public body; to write down from the lips of a speaker.

8. To write an account of for publication, as in a newspaper; as, to report a public celebration or a horse race.

9. To make a statement of the conduct of, especially in an unfavorable sense; as, to report a servant to his employer.

To be reported, or To be reported of, to be spoken of; to be mentioned, whether favorably or unfavorably. Acts xvi. 2. -- To report one's self, to betake one's self, as to a superior or one to whom service is due, and be in readiness to receive orders or do service.

Syn. -- To relate; narrate; tell; recite; describe.

Re*port" (r?-p?rt"), v. i. 1. To make a report, or response, in respect of a matter inquired of, a duty enjoined, or information expected; as, the committee will report at twelve o'clock.

2. To furnish in writing an account of a speech, the proceedings at a meeting, the particulars of an occurrence, etc., for publication.

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3. To present one's self, as to a superior officer, or to one to whom service is due, and to be in readiness for orders or to do service; also, to give information, as of one's address, condition, etc.; as, the officer reported to the general for duty; to report weekly by letter.

Re*port" (r*prt"), n. [Cf. F. rapport. See Report.v. t.] 1. That which is reported. Specifically: (a) An account or statement of the results of examination or inquiry made by request or direction; relation. "From Thetis sent as spies to make report." Waller. (b) A story or statement circulating by common talk; a rumor; hence, fame; repute; reputation.

It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom.

1 Kings x. 6.

Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and . . . of good report among all the nation of the Jews.

Acts x. 22.

(c) Sound; noise; as, the report of a pistol or cannon. (d) An official statement of facts, verbal or written; especially, a statement in writing of proceedings and facts exhibited by an officer to his superiors; as, the reports of the heads af departments to Congress, of a master in chancery to the court, of committees to a legislative body, and the like. (e) An account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of case argued and determined in a court of law, chancery, etc.; also, in the plural, the volumes containing such reports; as, Coke's Reports. (f) A sketch, or a fully written account, of a speech, debate, or the proceedings of a public meeting, legislative body, etc.

2. Rapport; relation; connection; reference. [Obs.]

The corridors worse, having no report to the wings they join to.


Syn. -- Account; relation; narration; detail; description; recital; narrative; story; rumor; hearsay.

Re*port"a*ble (-*b'l), a. Capable or admitting of being reported.

Re*port"age (-j), n. SAme as Report. [Obs.]

Re*port"er (-r), n. One who reports. Specifically: (a) An officer or person who makes authorized statements of law proceedings and decisions, or of legislative debates. (b) One who reports speeches, the proceedings of public meetings, news, etc., for the newspapers.

Of our tales judge and reportour.


Re*port"ing*ly, adv. By report or common fame.

Re`por*to"ri*al (r`pr*t"r*al), a. Of or pertaining to a reporter or reporters; as, the reportorial staff of a newspaper.

Re*pos"al (r*pz"al), n. [From Repose.] 1. The act or state of reposing; as, the reposal of a trust. Shak.

2. That on which one reposes. [Obs.] Burton.

Re*pos"ance (-ans), n. Reliance. [Obs.] John Hall.

Re*pose" (r*pz"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reposed (-p?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reposing.] [F. reposer; L. pref. re- re- + pausare to pause. See Pause, Pose, v.] 1. To cause to stop or to rest after motion; hence, to deposit; to lay down; to lodge; to reposit. [Obs.]

But these thy fortunes let us straight repose
In this divine cave's bosom.


Pebbles reposed in those cliffs amongst the earth . . . are left behind.


2. To lay at rest; to cause to be calm or quiet; to compose; to rest, -- often reflexive; as, to repose one's self on a couch.

All being settled and reposed, the lord archbishop did present his majesty to the lords and commons.


After the toil of battle to repose
Your wearied virtue.


3. To place, have, or rest; to set; to intrust.

The king reposeth all his confidence in thee.


Re*pose", v. i. 1. To lie at rest; to rest.

Within a thicket I reposed.


2. Figuratively, to remain or abide restfully without anxiety or alarms.

It is upon these that the soul may repose.

I. Taylor.

3. To lie; to be supported; as, trap reposing on sand.

Syn. -- To lie; recline; couch; rest; sleep; settle; lodge; abide.

Re*pose", n. [F. repos. See Repose, v.] 1. A lying at rest; sleep; rest; quiet.

Shake off the golden slumber of repose.


2. Rest of mind; tranquillity; freedom from uneasiness; also, a composed manner or deportment.

3. (Poetic) A rest; a pause.

4. (Fine Arts) That harmony or moderation which affords rest for the eye; -- opposed to the scattering and division of a subject into too many unconnected parts, and also to anything which is overstrained; as, a painting may want repose.

Angle of repose (Physics), the inclination of a plane at which a body placed on the plane would remain at rest, or if in motion would roll or slide down with uniform velocity; the angle at which the various kinds of earth will stand when abandoned to themselves.

Syn. -- Rest; recumbency; reclination; ease; quiet; quietness; tranquillity; peace.

Re*posed" (r*pzd"), a. Composed; calm; tranquil; at rest. Bacon. -- Re*pos"ed*ly (r*pz"d*l), adv. -- Re*pos"ed*ness, n.

Re*pose"ful (r*pz"fl), a. Full of repose; quiet.

Re*pos"er (r*pz"r), n. One who reposes.

Re*pos"it (r*pz"t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reposited; p. pr. & vb. n. Repositing.] [L. repositus, p. p. of reponere to put back; pref. re- re- + ponere to put. See Position.] To cause to rest or stay; to lay away; to lodge, as for safety or preservation; to place; to store.

Others reposit their young in holes.


Re`po*si"tion (r`p*zsh"n), n. [L. repositio.] The act of repositing; a laying up.

Re*pos"i*tor (r*pz"*tr), n. (Surg.) An instrument employed for replacing a displaced organ or part.

Re*pos"i*to*ry (r*pz"*t*r), n. [L. repositorium, repostorium: cf. OF. repositoire.] A place where things are or may be reposited, or laid up, for safety or preservation; a depository. Locke.

Re`pos*sess" (r?"p?z*z?s" or -p?s*s?s"), v. t. To possess again; as, to repossess the land. Pope.

To repossess one's self of (something), to acquire again (something lost).

Re`pos*ses"sion (r?`p?z-z?sh"?n or -p?s s?sh"?n), n. The act or the state of possessing again.

Re*po"sure (r?-p?"sh?r; 135), n. Rest; quiet.

In the reposure of most soft content.


Re*pour" (r?-p?r"), v. t. To pour again.

||Re*pous`sé" (re -p??`s?"), a. [F., p. p. of repousser to thrust back; pref re- + pousser to push. See Push.] (a) Formed in relief, as a pattern on metal. (b) Ornamented with patterns in relief made by pressing or hammering on the reverse side; -- said of thin metal, or of a vessel made of thin metal. -- n. Repoussé work.

Repoussé work, ornamentation of metal in relief by pressing or hammering on the reverse side.

Re*prefe" (r?-pr?f"), n. Reproof. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rep`re*hend" (r?p`r?-h?nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprehended; p. pr. & vb. n. Reprehending.] [L. reprehendere, reprehensum, to hold back, seize, check, blame; pref. re- re- + prehendere to lay hold of. See Prehensile, and cf. Reprisal. ] To reprove or reprimand with a view of restraining, checking, or preventing; to make charge of fault against; to disapprove of; to chide; to blame; to censure. Chaucer.

Aristippus being reprehended of luxury by one that was not rich, for that he gave six crowns for a small fish.


Pardon me for reprehending thee.


In which satire human vices, ignorance, and errors . . . are severely reprehended.


I nor advise nor reprehend the choice.

J. Philips.

Rep`re*hend"er (-?r), n. One who reprehends.

Rep`re*hen"si*ble (-h?n"s?-b'l), a. [L. reprehensibilis: cf. F. répréhensible.] Worthy of reprehension; culpable; censurable; blamable. -- Rep`re*hen"si*ble*ness, n. -- Rep`re*hen"si*bly, adv.

Rep`re*hen"sion (-sh?n), n. [L. reprehensio: cf. F. répréhension.] Reproof; censure; blame; disapproval.

This Basilius took as though his mistress had given him a secret reprehension that he had not showed more gratefulness to Dorus.

Sir P. Sidney.

Syn. -- Censure; reproof; reprimand. See Admonition.

Rep`re*hen"sive (-h?n"s?v), a. [Cf. F. répréhensif.] Containing reprehension; conveying reproof. South.

-- Rep`re*hen"sive*ly, adv.

Rep`re*hen"so*ry (-s?-r?), a. Containing reproof; reprehensive; as, reprehensory complaint. Johnson.

Re`-pre*sent" (r?`pr?-z?nt"), v. t. To present again; as, to re-present the points of an argument.

Rep`re*sent" (r?p`r?-z?nt"), v. t. [F. repr&?;senter, L. repraesentare, repraesentatum; pref. re- re- + preesentare to place before, present. See Present, v. t.] 1. To present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify.

Before him burn
Seven lamps, as in a zodiac representing
The heavenly fires.


2. To portray by pictoral or plastic art; to delineate; as, to represent a landscape in a picture, a horse in bronze, and the like.

3. To portray by mimicry or action of any kind; to act the part or character of; to personate; as, to represent Hamlet.

4. To stand in the place of; to supply the place, perform the duties, exercise the rights, or receive the share, of; to speak and act with authority in behalf of; to act the part of (another); as, an heir represents his ancestor; an attorney represents his client in court; a member of Congress represents his district in Congress.

5. To exhibit to another mind in language; to show; to give one's own impressions and judgement of; to bring before the mind; to set forth; sometimes, to give an account of; to describe.

He represented Rizzio's credit with the queen to be the chief and only obstacle to his success in that demand.


This bank is thought the greatest load on the Genoese, and the managers of it have been represented as a second kind of senate.


6. To serve as a sign or symbol of; as, mathematical symbols represent quantities or relations; words represent ideas or things.

7. To bring a sensation of into the mind or sensorium; to cause to be known, felt, or apprehended; to present.

Among these. Fancy next
Her office holds; of all external things
Which he five watchful senses represent,
She forms imaginations, aery shapes.


8. (Metaph.) To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension (something which was originally apprehended by direct presentation). See Presentative, 3.

The general capability of knowledge necessarily requires that, besides the power of evoking out of unconsciousness one portion of our retained knowledge in preference to another, we posses the faculty of representing in consciousness what is thus evoked . . . This representative Faculty is Imagination or Phantasy.

Sir. W. Hamilton.

Rep`re*sent"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being represented.

Rep`re*sent"ance (-ans), n. Representation; likeness. [Obs.] Donne.

Rep`re*sent"ant (-ant), a. [Cf. F. repr&?;sentant.] Appearing or acting for another; representing.

Rep`re*sent"ant, n. [F. representant.] A representative. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton.

Rep`re*sen*ta"tion (-z?n-t?"sh?n), n. [F. repr&?;sentation, L. representatio.] 1. The act of representing, in any sense of the verb.

2. That which represents. Specifically: (a) A likeness, a picture, or a model; as, a representation of the human face, or figure, and the like. (b) A dramatic performance; as, a theatrical representation; a representation of Hamlet. (c) A description or statement; as, the representation of an historian, of a witness, or an advocate. (d) The body of those who act as representatives of a community or society; as, the representation of a State in Congress. (e) (Insurance Law) Any collateral statement of fact, made orally or in writing, by which an estimate of the risk is affected, or either party is influenced.

3. The state of being represented.

Syn. -- Description; show; delineaton; portraiture; likeness; resemblance; exhibition; sight.

Re-pres`en*ta"tion (r?-prez`?n-t?"sh?n), n. [See Re-present.] The act of re- presenting, or the state of being presented again; a new presentation; as, re-presentation of facts previously stated.

Rep`re*sen*ta"tion*a*ry (r?p`r?--z?n-t?"sh?n-?-r?), a. Implying representation; representative. [R.]

Rep`re*sent"a*tive (-z?nt`?-t?v), a. [Cf. F. repr&?;sentatif.] 1. Fitted to represent; exhibiting a similitude.

2. Bearing the character or power of another; acting for another or others; as, a council representative of the people. Swift.

3. Conducted by persons chosen to represent, or act as deputies for, the people; as, a representative government.

4. (Nat.Hist.) (a) Serving or fitted to present the full characters of the type of a group; typical; as, a representative genus in a family. (b) Similar in general appearance, structure, and habits, but living in different regions; -- said of certain species and varieties.

5. (Metaph.) Giving, or existing as, a transcript of what was originally presentative knowledge; as, representative faculties; representative knowledge. See Presentative, 3 and Represent, 8.

Rep`re*sent"a*tive, n. [Cf. LL. repraesentativus.]

1. One who, or that which, represents (anything); that which exhibits a likeness or similitude.

A statute of Rumor, whispering an idiot in the ear, who was the representative of Credulity.


Difficulty must cumber this doctrine which supposes that the perfections of God are the representatives to us of whatever we perceive in the creatures.


2. An agent, deputy, or substitute, who supplies the place of another, or others, being invested with his or their authority.

3. (Law) One who represents, or stands in the place of, another.

The executor or administrator is ordinarily held to be the representative of a deceased person, and is sometimes called the legal representative, or the personal representative. The heir is sometimes called the real representative of his deceased ancestor. The heirs and executors or administrators of a deceased person are sometimes compendiously described as his real and personal representatives. Wharton. Burrill.

4. A member of the lower or popular house in a State legislature, or in the national Congress. [U.S.]

5. (Nat.Hist.) (a) That which presents the full character of the type of a group. (b) A species or variety which, in any region, takes the place of a similar one in another region.

Rep`re*sent"a*tive*ly, adv. In a representative manner; vicariously.

Rep`re*sent"a*tive*ness, n. The quality or state of being representative.

Dr. Burnet observes, that every thought is attended with consciousness and representativeness.


Rep`re*sent"er (-?r), n. 1. One who shows, exhibits, or describes. Sir T. Browne.

2. A representative. [Obs.] Swift.

Rep`re*sent"ment (-ment), n. Representation. [Obs.]

Re*press" (r?-pr?s"), v. t. [Pref. re- + press.] To press again.

Re*press" (r?-pr?s"), v. t. [Pref. re- + press: cf. L. reprimere, repressum. Cf. Reprimand.] 1. To press back or down effectually; to crush down or out; to quell; to subdue; to supress; as, to repress sedition or rebellion; to repress the first risings of discontent.

2. Hence, to check; to restrain; to keep back.

Desire of wine and all delicious drinks, . . .
Thou couldst repress.


Syn. -- To crush; overpower; subdue; suppress; restrain; quell; curb; check.

Re*press", n. The act of repressing. [Obs.]

Re*press"er (-?r), n. One who, or that which, represses.

Re*press"i*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being repressed.

Re*pres"sion (r?-pr?sh"?n), n. [Cf. F. répression.]

1. The act of repressing, or state of being repressed; as, the repression of evil and evil doers.

2. That which represses; check; restraint.

Re*press"ive (r?-pr?s"?v), a. [Cf. F. répressif. LL. repressivus.] Having power, or tending, to repress; as, repressive acts or measures. -- Re*press"ive*ly, adv.

Re*prev"a*ble (r?-pr?v"?-b'l), a. Reprovable. [Obs.]

Re*preve" (r?-pr?v"), v. t. [See Reprieve, v. t.] To reprove. [Obs.] "Repreve him of his vice." Chaucer.

Re*preve", n. Reproof. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*priefe" (r?-pr?f"), n. Repreve. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*priev"al (r?-pr?v"al), n. Reprieve. Overbury.

Re*prieve (r?-pr?v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprieved (-pr?vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reprieving.] [OE. repreven to reject, disallow, OF. reprover to blame, reproach, condemn (pres. il reprueve), F. réprouver to disapprove, fr. L. reprobare to reject, condemn; pref. re- re- + probare to try, prove. See Prove, and cf. Reprove, Reprobate.]

1. To delay the punishment of; to suspend the execution of sentence on; to give a respite to; to respite; as, to reprieve a criminal for thirty days.

He reprieves the sinnner from time to time.


2. To relieve for a time, or temporarily.

Company, thought it may reprieve a man from his melaneholy yet can not secure him from his conscience.


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Re*prieve" (r?-pr?v"), n. 1. A temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence, especially of a sentence of death.

The morning Sir John Hotham was to die, a reprieve was sent to suspend the execution for three days.


2. Interval of ease or relief; respite.

All that I ask is but a short reprieve,
ll I forget to love, and learn to grieve.


Rep"ri*mand (r?p"r?-m?nd), n. [F. réprimande, fr. L. reprimendus, reprimenda, that is to be checked or suppressed, fr. reprimere to check, repress; pref. re- re + premere to press. See Press, and cf. Repress.] Severe or formal reproof; reprehension, private or public.

Goldsmith gave his landlady a sharp reprimand for her treatment of him.


Rep"ri*mand, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprimanded; p. pr. & vb. n. Reprimanding.] [Cf. F. réprimander. See Reprimand, n.] 1. To reprove severely; to reprehend; to chide for a fault; to consure formally.

Germanicus was severely reprimanded by Tiberius for traveling into Egypt without his permission.


2. To reprove publicly and officially, in execution of a sentence; as, the court ordered him to be reprimanded.

Syn. -- To reprove; reprehend; chide; rebuke; censure; blame. See Reprove.

Rep"ri*mand`er (-m?nd`?r), n. One who reprimands.

Re*prim"er (r?-pr?m"?r), n. (Firearms) A machine or implement for applying fresh primers to spent cartridge shells, so that the shells be used again.

Re*print" (r?-pr?nt"), v. t. 1. To print again; to print a second or a new edition of.

2. To renew the impression of.

The whole business of our redemption is . . . to reprint God's image upon the soul.


Re"print` (r?"pr?nt`), n. A second or a new impression or edition of any printed work; specifically, the publication in one country of a work previously published in another.

Re*print"er (r?-pr?nt"?r), n. One who reprints.

Re*pris"al (r?-priz"al), n. [F. repr&?;saille, It. ripresaglia, rappresaglia, LL. reprensaliae, fr. L. reprehendere, reprehensum. See Reprehend, Reprise.] 1. The act of taking from an enemy by way of reteliation or indemnity.

Debatable ground, on which incursions and reprisals continued to take place.


2. Anything taken from an enemy in retaliation.

3. The act of retorting on an enemy by inflicting suffering or death on a prisoner taken from him, in retaliation for an act of inhumanity. Vattel (Trans.)

4. Any act of retaliation. Waterland.

Letters of marque and reprisal. See under Marque.

Re*prise" (r?-pr?z"), n. [F. reprise, fr. reprendre, repris, to take back, L. reprehendere. See Reprehend.]

1. A taking by way of retaliation. [Obs.] Dryden.

2. pl. (Law) Deductions and duties paid yearly out of a manor and lands, as rent charge, rent seck, pensions, annuities, and the like. [Written also reprizes.] Burrill.

3. A ship recaptured from an enemy or from a pirate.

Re*prise", v. t. [Written also reprize.] 1. To take again; to retake. [Obs.] Spenser.

2. To recompense; to pay. [Obs.]

Re*pris"tin*ate (r?-pr?s"t?n-?t), v. t. [Pref. re- + pristine.] To restore to an original state. [R.] Shedd.

Re*pris`ti*na"tion (-t?-n?"sh?n), n. Restoration to an original state; renewal of purity. [R.] R. Browning.

Re*prive" (r?-pr?v"), v. t. [Pref. re- + L. privare to deprive.] To take back or away. [Obs.] Spenser.

Re*prive", v. t. To reprieve. [Obs.] Howell.

Re*prize" (-pr?z"), v. t. See Reprise. [Obs.] Spenser.

Re*priz"es (-pr?z"?z), n. pl. (Law) See Reprise, n., 2.

Re*proach" (r?-pr?ch"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reproached (-pr?cht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reproaching.] [F. reprocher, OF. reprochier, (assumed) LL. reproriare; L. pref. re- again, against, back + prope near; hence, originally, to bring near to, throw in one's teeth. Cf. Approach.] 1. To come back to, or come home to, as a matter of blame; to bring shame or disgrace upon; to disgrace. [Obs.]

I thought your marriage fit; else imputation,
For that he knew you, might reproach your life.


2. To attribute blame to; to allege something disgraceful against; to charge with a fault; to censure severely or contemptuously; to upbraid.

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ.

1 Peter iv. 14.

That this newcomer, Shame,
There sit not, and reproach us as unclean.


Mezentius . . . with his ardor warmed
His fainting friends, reproached their shameful flight.
Repelled the victors.


Syn. -- To upbraid; censure; blame; chide; rebuke; condemn; revile; vilify.

Re*proach", n. [F. reproche. See Reproach, v.]

1. The act of reproaching; censure mingled with contempt; contumelious or opprobrious language toward any person; abusive reflections; as, severe reproach.

No reproaches even, even when pointed and barbed with the sharpest wit, appeared to give him pain.


Give not thine heritage to reproach.

Joel ii. 17.

2. A cause of blame or censure; shame; disgrace.

3. An object of blame, censure, scorn, or derision.

Come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.

Neh. ii. 17.

Syn. -- Disrepute; discredit; dishonor; opprobrium; invective; contumely; reviling; abuse; vilification; scurrility; insolence; insult; scorn; contempt; ignominy; shame; scandal;; disgrace; infamy.

Re*proach"a*blr (-?-b'l), a. [Cf. F. reprochable.]

1. Deserving reproach; censurable.

2. Opprobrius; scurrilous. [Obs.] Sir T. Elyot.

-- Re*proach"a*ble*ness, n. -- Re*proach"a*bly, adv.

Re*proach"er (-?r), n. One who reproaches.

Re*proach"ful (-f?l), a. 1. Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding; opprobrious; abusive.

The reproachful speeches . . .
That he hath breathed in my dishonor here.


2. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a reproachful life.

Syn. -- Opprobrious; contumelious; abusive; offensive; insulting; contemptuous; scornful; insolent; scurrilous; disreputable; discreditable; dishonorable; shameful; disgraceful; scandalous; base; vile; infamous.

-- Re*proach"ful*ly (r&?;-pr&?;ch"f&?;l-l&?;), adv. -- Re*proach"ful*ness, n.

Re*proach"less, a. Being without reproach.

Rep"ro*ba*cy (r?p"r?-b?-c?), n. Reprobation. [R.]

Rep"ro*bance (-bans), n. Reprobation. [Obs.] Shak.

Rep"ro*bate (-b?t), a. [L. reprobatus, p. p. of reprobare to disapprove, condemn. See Reprieve, Reprove.]

1. Not enduring proof or trial; not of standard purity or fineness; disallowed; rejected. [Obs.]

Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.

Jer. vi. 30.

2. Abandoned to punishment; hence, morally abandoned and lost; given up to vice; depraved.

And strength, and art, are easily outdone
By spirits reprobate.


3. Of or pertaining to one who is given up to wickedness; as, reprobate conduct. "Reprobate desire." Shak.

Syn. -- Abandoned; vitiated; depraved; corrupt; wicked; profligate; base; vile. See Abandoned.

Rep"ro*bate, n. One morally abandoned and lost.

I acknowledge myself for a reprobate, a villain, a traitor to the king.

Sir W. Raleigh.

Rep"ro*bate (-b?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprobated (-b?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Reprobating.] 1. To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme dislike; to condemn as unworthy; to disallow; to reject.

Such an answer as this is reprobated and disallowed of in law; I do not believe it, unless the deed appears.


Every scheme, every person, recommended by one of them, was reprobated by the other.


2. To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon.

Syn. -- To condemn; reprehend; censure; disown; abandon; reject.

Rep"ro*bate*ness, n. The state of being reprobate.

Rep"ro*ba`ter (-b?`t?r), n. One who reprobates.

Rep`ro*ba"tion (-b?`sh?n), n. [F. réprobation, or L. reprobatio.] 1. The act of reprobating; the state of being reprobated; strong disapproval or censure.

The profligate pretenses upon which he was perpetually soliciting an increase of his disgraceful stipend are mentioned with becoming reprobation.


Set a brand of reprobation on clipped poetry and false coin.


2. (Theol.) The predestination of a certain number of the human race as reprobates, or objects of condemnation and punishment.

Rep`ro*ba"tion*er (-?r), n. (Theol.) One who believes in reprobation. See Reprobation, 2. South.

Rep"ro*ba*tive (-b?-t?v), a. Of or pertaining to reprobation; expressing reprobation.

Rep"ro*ba`to*ry (-b?`t?-r?), a. Reprobative.

Re`pro*duce" (r?`pr?-d?s"), v. t. To produce again. Especially: (a) To bring forward again; as, to reproduce a witness; to reproduce charges; to reproduce a play. (b) To cause to exist again.

Those colors are unchangeable, and whenever all those rays with those their colors are mixed again they reproduce the same white light as before.

Sir I. Newton.

(c) To produce again, by generation or the like; to cause the existence of (something of the same class, kind, or nature as another thing); to generate or beget, as offspring; as, to reproduce a rose; some animals are reproduced by gemmation. (d) To make an image or other representation of; to portray; to cause to exist in the memory or imagination; to make a copy of; as, to reproduce a person's features in marble, or on canvas; to reproduce a design.

Re`pro*du"cer (-d?"s?r), n. One who, or that which, reproduces. Burke.

Re`pro*duc"tion (-d?k"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. reproduction.] 1. The act or process of reproducing; the state of being reproduced; specifically (Biol.), the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring.

There are two distinct methods of reproduction; viz.: asexual reproduction (agamogenesis) and sexual reproduction (gamogenesis). In both cases the new individual is developed from detached portions of the parent organism. In asexual reproduction (gemmation, fission, etc.), the detached portions of the organism develop into new individuals without the intervention of other living matter. In sexual reproduction, the detached portion, which is always a single cell, called the female germ cell, is acted upon by another portion of living matter, the male germ cell, usually from another organism, and in the fusion of the two (impregnation) a new cell is formed, from the development of which arises a new individual.

2. That which is reproduced.

Re`pro*duc"tive (-t?v), a. [Cf. F. reproductif.] Tending, or pertaining, to reproduction; employed in reproduction. Lyell.

Re`pro*duc"to*ry (-t?-r?), a. Reproductive.

Re*proof" (r?-pr??f"), n. [OE. reproef. See Proof, Reprove.] 1. Refutation; confutation; contradiction. [Obs.]

2. An expression of blame or censure; especially, blame expressed to the face; censure for a fault; chiding; reproach.

Those best can bear reproof who merit praise.


Syn. -- Admonition; reprehension; chiding; reprimand; rebuke; censure; blame. See Admonition.

Re*prov"a*ble (r?-pr??v"?-b'l), a. [Cf. F. réprouvable.] Worthy of reproof or censure. Jer. Taylor.

Syn. -- Blamable; blameworthy; censurable; reprehensible; culpable; rebukable.

--Re*prov"a*ble*ness, n. -- Re*prov"a*bly, adv.

Re prov"al (-al), n. Reproof. Sir P. Sidney.

Re*prove" (r?-pr??v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reproved (-pr??vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reproving.] [F. réprouver, OF. reprover, fr. L. reprobare. See Reprieve, Reprobate, and cf. Reproof.] 1. To convince. [Obs.]

When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.

John xvi. 9.

2. To disprove; to refute. [Obs.]

Reprove my allegation, if you can.


3. To chide to the face as blameworthy; to accuse as guilty; to censure.

What if thy son

Prove disobedient, and, reproved, retort,
"Wherefore didst thou beget me?"


4. To express disapprobation of; as, to reprove faults.

He neither reproved the ordinance of John, neither plainly condemned the fastings of the other men.


Syn. -- To reprehend; chide; rebuke; scold; blame censure. -- Reprove, Rebuke, Reprimand. These words all signufy the expression of disapprobation. To reprove implies greater calmness and self-possession. To rebuke implies a more excited and personal feeling. A reproof may be administered long after the offience is committed, and is usually intended for the reformation of the offender; a rebuke is commonly given at the moment of the wrong, and is administered by way of punishment and condemnation. A reprimand proceeds from a person invested with authority, and is a formal and offiscial act. A child is reproved for his faults, and rebuked for his impudence. A military officer is reprimanded for neglect or violation of duty.

Re*prov"er (r?-pr??v"?r), n. One who, or that which, reproves.

Re*prov"ing*ly, adv. In a reproving manner.

Re*prune" (r*prn"), v. t. To prune again or anew.

Yet soon reprunes her wing to soar anew.


Rep"-sil`ver (r?p"s?l`v?r), n. [See Reap.] Money anciently paid by servile tenants to their lord, in lieu of the customary service of reaping his corn or grain.

Rep"tant (r?p"tant), a. [L. reptans, -antis, p. pr. of reptare, v. intens. from repere to creep. See Reptile.]

1. (Bot.) Same as Repent.

2. (Zoöl.) Creeping; crawling; -- said of reptiles, worms, etc.

||Rep*tan"ti*a (r?p-t?n"sh?-?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) A division of gastropods; the Pectinibranchiata.

Rep*ta"tion (r?p-t?"sh?n), n. [L. reptatio, from reptare: cf. F. reptation.] (Zoöl.) The act of creeping.

Rep"ta*to*ry (r?p"t?-t?-r?), a. (Zoöl.) Creeping.

Rep"tile (r?p"t?l;277), a. [F. reptile, L. reptilis, fr. repere, reptum, to creep; cf. Lith. reploti; perh. akin to L. serpere. Cf. Serpent.] 1. Creeping; moving on the belly, or by means of small and short legs.

2. Hence: Groveling; low; vulgar; as, a reptile race or crew; reptile vices.

There is also a false, reptile prudence, the result not of caution, but of fear.


And dislodge their reptile souls
From the bodies and forms of men.


Rep"tile, n. 1. (Zoöl.) An animal that crawls, or moves on its belly, as snakes,, or by means of small, short legs, as lizards, and the like.

An inadvertent step may crush the snail
That crawls at evening in the public path;
But he that has humanity, forewarned,
Will tread aside, and let the reptile live.


2. (Zoöl.) One of the Reptilia, or one of the Amphibia.

The amphibians were formerly classed with Reptilia, and are still popularly called reptiles, though much more closely allied to the fishes.

3. A groveling or very mean person.

||Rep*til"i*a (r?p-t?l"?-?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) A class of air-breathing oviparous vertebrates, usually covered with scales or bony plates. The heart generally has two auricles and one ventricle. The development of the young is the same as that of birds.

It is nearly related in many respects to Aves, or birds. The principal existing orders are Testidunata or Chelonia (turtles), Crocodilia, Lacertilla (lizards), Ophidia (serpents), and Rhynchocephala; the chief extinct orders are Dinosauria, Theremorpha, Mosasauria, Pterosauria, Plesiosauria, Ichtyosauria.

Rep*til"i*an (-an), a. Belonging to the reptiles.

Reptilian age (Geol.), that part of geological time comprising the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, and distinguished as that era in which the class of reptiles attained its highest expansion; -- called also the Secondary or Mezozoic age.

Rep*til"i*an, n. (Zoöl.) One of the Reptilia; a reptile.

Re*pub"lic (r?-p?b"l?k), n. [F. république, L. respublica commonwealth; res a thing, an affair + publicus, publica, public. See Real, a., and Public.]

1. Common weal. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

2. A state in which the sovereign power resides in the whole body of the people, and is exercised by representatives elected by them; a commonwealth. Cf. Democracy, 2.

In some ancient states called republics the sovereign power was exercised by an hereditary aristocracy or a privileged few, constituting a government now distinctively called an aristocracy. In some there was a division of authority between an aristocracy and the whole body of the people except slaves. No existing republic recognizes an exclusive privilege of any class to govern, or tolerates the institution of slavery.

Republic of letters, The collective body of literary or learned men.

Re*pub"lic*an (-l?-kan), a. [F. républicain.] 1. Of or pertaining to a republic.

The Roman emperors were republican magistrates named by the senate.


2. Consonant with the principles of a republic; as, republican sentiments or opinions; republican manners.

Republican party. (U.S. Politics) (a) An earlier name of the Democratic party when it was opposed to the Federal party. Thomas Jefferson was its great leader. (b) One of the existing great parties. It was organized in 1856 by a combination of voters from other parties for the purpose of opposing the extension of slavery, and in 1860 it elected Abraham Lincoln president.

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Re*pub"lic*an (r?-p?b"l?-kan), n. 1. One who favors or prefers a republican form of government.

2. (U.S.Politics) A member of the Republican party.

3. (Zoöl.) (a) The American cliff swallow. The cliff swallows build their nests side by side, many together. (b) A South African weaver bird (Philetærus socius). These weaver birds build many nests together, under a large rooflike shelter, which they make of straw.

Red republican. See under Red.

Re*pub"lic*an*ism (-?z'm), n. [Cf. F. républicanisme.] 1. A republican form or system of government; the principles or theory of republican government.

2. Attachment to, or political sympathy for, a republican form of government. Burke.

3. The principles and policy of the Republican party, so called [U.S.]

Re*pub"lic*an*ize (-?z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Republicanized (-?zd); p. pr. & vb. n. Republicanizing (-?`z?ng).] [Cf. F. républicaniser.] To change, as a state, into a republic; to republican principles; as, France was republicanized; to republicanize the rising generation. D. Ramsay.

Re*pub"li*cate (r?*p?b"l?*k?t), v. t. [Cf. LL. republicare.] To make public again; to republish. [Obs.]

Re*pub`li*ca"tion (r?-p?b`l?-k?"sh?n), n. A second publication, or a new publication of something before published, as of a former will, of a volume already published, or the like; specifically, the publication in one country of a work first issued in another; a reprint.

If there be many testaments, the last overthrows all the former; but the republication of a former will revokes one of a later date, and establishes the first.


Re*pub"lish (r?-p?b"l?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Republished (-l?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Republishing.] To publish anew; specifically, to publish in one country (a work first published in another); also, to revive (a will) by re&?;xecution or codicil.

Subsecquent to the purchase or contract, the devisor republished his will.


Re*pub"lish*er (-?r), n. One who republishes.

Re*pu"di*a*ble (r?-p?"d?-?-b'l), a. [See Repudilate.] Admitting of repudiation; fit or proper to be put away.

Re*pu"di*ate (-?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repudiated (-?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Repudiating.] [L. repudiatus, p. p. of repudiare to repudiate, reject, fr. repudium separation, divorce; pref. re- re- + pudere to be ashamed.]

1. To cast off; to disavow; to have nothing to do with; to renounce; to reject.

Servitude is to be repudiated with greater care.


2. To divorce, put away, or discard, as a wife, or a woman one has promised to marry.

His separation from Terentis, whom he repudiated not long afterward.


3. To refuse to acknowledge or to pay; to disclaim; as, the State has repudiated its debts.

Re*pu`di*a"tion (-"sh?n), n. [Cf.F. répudiation, L. repudiatio.] The act of repudiating, or the state of being repuddiated; as, the repudiation of a doctrine, a wife, a debt, etc.

Re*pu`di*a"tion, n. One who favors repudiation, especially of a public debt.

Re*pu"di*a`tor (r?-p?"d?-?`t?r), n. [L., a rejecter, contemner.] One who repudiates.

Re*pugn" (r?-p?n"), v. t. [F. répugner, L. repugnare, repugnatum; pref. re- + pugnare to fight. See Pugnacious.] To fight against; to oppose; to resist. [R.]

Stubbornly he did repugn the truth.


Re*pug"na*ble (r?-p?g"n?-b'l), a. Capable of being repugned or resisted. [R.] Sir T. North.

{ Re*pug"nance (-nans), Re*pug"nan*cy (- nan-s?), } n. [F. répugnance, L. repugnantia.] The state or condition of being repugnant; opposition; contrariety; especially, a strong instinctive antagonism; aversion; reluctance; unwillingness, as of mind, passions, principles, qualities, and the like.

That which causes us to lose most of our time is the repugnance which we naturally have to labor.


Let the foes quietly cut their throats,
Without repugnancy.


Syn. -- Aversion; reluctance; unwillingness; dislike; antipathy; hatred; hostility; irreconcilableness; contrariety; inconsistency. See Dislike.

Re*pug"nant (-nant), a. [F. répugnant, or L. repugnans, -antis, p. pr. of repugnare. See Repugn.] Disposed to fight against; hostile; at war with; being at variance; contrary; inconsistent; refractory; disobedient; also, distasteful in a high degree; offensive; -- usually followed by to, rarely and less properly by with; as, all rudeness was repugnant to her nature.

[His sword] repugnant to command.


There is no breach of a divine law but is more or less repugnant unto the will of the Lawgiver, God himself.


Syn. -- Opposite; opposed; adverse; contrary; inconsistent; irreconcilable; hostile; inimical.

Re*pug"nant*ly, adv. In a repugnant manner.

Re*pug"nate (-n?t), v. t. [From L. repugnare. See Repugn.] To oppose; to fight against. [Obs.]

Re*pugn"er (r?-p?n"?r), n. One who repugns.

Re*pul"lu*late (r?-p?l"l?-l?t), v. i. [L. repullulare, repullulatum. See Pullulate.] To bud again.

Though tares repullulate, there is wheat still left in the field.


Re*pul`lu*la"tion (r?-p?l`l?-l?"sh?n), n. The act of budding again; the state of having budded again.

Re*pulse" (r?-p?ls"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Repulsed (-p?lst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Repulsing.] [L. repulsus, p. p. of repellere. See Repel.] 1. To repel; to beat or drive back; as, to repulse an assault; to repulse the enemy.

Complete to have discovered and repulsed
Whatever wiles of foe or seeming friend.


2. To repel by discourtesy, coldness, or denial; to reject; to send away; as, to repulse a suitor or a proffer.

Re*pulse", n. [L. repulsa, fr. repellere, repulsum.]

1. The act of repelling or driving back; also, the state of being repelled or driven back.

By fate repelled, and with repulses tired.


He received in the repulse of Tarquin seven hurts in the body.


2. Figuratively: Refusal; denial; rejection; failure.

Re*pulse"less, a. Not capable of being repulsed.

Re*puls"er (-?r), n. One who repulses, or drives back.

Re*pul"sion (r?-p?l"sh?n), n. [L. repulsio: cf. F. répulsion.] 1. The act of repulsing or repelling, or the state of being repulsed or repelled.

2. A feeling of violent offence or disgust; repugnance.

3. (Physics) The power, either inherent or due to some physical action, by which bodies, or the particles of bodies, are made to recede from each other, or to resist each other's nearer approach; as, molecular repulsion; electrical repulsion.

Re*pul"sive (-s?v), a. [Cf. F. répulsif.] 1. Serving, or able, to repulse; repellent; as, a repulsive force.

Repulsive of his might the weapon stood.


2. Cold; forbidding; offensive; as, repulsive manners.

-- Re*pul"sive*ly, adv. -- Re*pul"sive*ness, n.

Re*pul"so*ry (-s?-r?), a. [L. repulsorius.] Repulsive; driving back.

Re*pur"chase (r?*p?r"ch?s; 48), v. t. To buy back or again; to regain by purchase. Sir M. Hale.

Re*pur"chase, n. The act of repurchasing.

Re*pu"ri*fy (r?-p?"r?-f?), v. t. To purify again.

Rep"u*ta*ble (r?p"?-t?-b'l), a. [From Repute.] Having, or worthy of, good repute; held in esteem; honorable; praiseworthy; as, a reputable man or character; reputable conduct.

In the article of danger, it is as reputable to elude an enemy as defeat one.


Syn. -- Respectable; creditable; estimable.

-- Rep"u ta*ble*ness, n. -- Rep"u*ta*bly, adv.

Rep`u*ta"tion (-t?"sh?n), n. [F. réputation, L. reputatio a reckoning, consideration. See Repute, v. t.]

1. The estimation in which one is held; character in public opinion; the character attributed to a person, thing, or action; repute.

The best evidence of reputation is a man's whole life.


2. (Law) The character imputed to a person in the community in which he lives. It is admissible in evidence when he puts his character in issue, or when such reputation is otherwise part of the issue of a case.

3. Specifically: Good reputation; favorable regard; public esteem; general credit; good name.

I see my reputation is at stake.


The security of his reputation or good name.


4. Account; value. [Obs.] Chaucer.

[/Christ] made himself of no reputation.

Phil. ii. 7.

Syn. -- Credit; repute; regard; estimation; esteem; honor; fame. See the Note under Character.

Re*put"a*tive*ly (r?-p?t"?-t?v-l?), adv. By repute.

Re*pute" (r?-p?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reputed; p. pr. & vb. n. Reputing.] [F. réputer, L. reputare to count over, think over; pref. re- re- + putare to count, think. See Putative.] To hold in thought; to account; to estimate; to hold; to think; to reckon.

Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed vile in your sight?

Job xviii. 3.

The king your father was reputed for
A prince most prudent.


Re*pute", n. 1. Character reputed or attributed; reputation, whether good or bad; established opinion; public estimate.

He who regns
Monarch in heaven, till then as one secure
Sat on his throne, upheld by old repute.


2. Specifically: Good character or reputation; credit or honor derived from common or public opinion; -- opposed to disrepute. "Dead stocks, which have been of repute." F. Beaumont.

Re*put"ed*ly (r?-p?t"?d-l?), adv. In common opinion or estimation; by repute.

Re*pute"less, a. Not having good repute; disreputable; disgraceful; inglorius. [R.] Shak.

Re*quere" (r?--kw?r"), v. t. To require. [Obs.]

Re*quest" (r*kwst"), n. [OE. requeste, OF. requeste, F. requête, LL. requesta, for requisita, fr. L. requirere, requisitum, to seek again, ask for. See Require, and cf. Quest.] 1. The act of asking for anything desired; expression of desire or demand; solicitation; prayer; petition; entreaty.

I will marry her, sir, at your request.


2. That which is asked for or requested. "He gave them their request." Ps. cvi. 15.

I will both hear and grant you your requests.


3. A state of being desired or held in such estimation as to be sought after or asked for; demand.

Knowledge and fame were in as great request as wealth among us now.

Sir W. Temple.

Court of Requests. (a) A local tribunal, sometimes called Court of Consience, founded by act of Parliament to facilitate the recovery of small debts from any inhabitant or trader in the district defined by the act; -- now mostly abolished. (b) A court of equity for the relief of such persons as addressed the sovereign by supplication; -- now abolished. It was inferior to the Court of Chancery. [Eng.] Brande & C.

Syn. -- Asking; solicitation; petition; prayer; supplication; entreaty; suit.

Re*quest" (r?-kw?st"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Requested; p. pr. & vb. n. Requesting.] [Cf. OF. requester, F. requêter.] 1. To ask for (something); to express desire ffor; to solicit; as, to request his presence, or a favor.

2. To address with a request; to ask.

I request you
To give my poor host freedom.


Syn. -- To ask; solicit; entreat; beseech. See Beg.

Re*quest"er (-?r), n. One who requests; a petitioner.

Re*quick"en (r?-kw?k"'n), v. t. To quicken anew; to reanimate; to give new life to. Shak.

Re"qui*em (r?"kw?-?m;277), n. [Acc. of L. requies rest, the first words of the Mass being "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine," give eternal rest to them, O lord; pref. re- re + quies quiet. See Quiet, n., and cf. Requin.] 1. (R. C. Ch.) A mass said or sung for the repose of a departed soul.

We should profane the service of the dead
To sing a requiem and such rest to her
As to peace-parted souls.


2. Any grand musical composition, performed in honor of a deceased person.

3. Rest; quiet; peace. [Obs.]

Else had I an eternal requiem kept,
And in the arms of peace forever slept.


Re*qui"e*to*ry (r?-kw?"?-t?-r?), n. [L. requietorium, fr. requiescere, requietum, to rest. See Re-, and Quiesce.] A sepulcher. [Obs.] Weever.

Re"quin (r?"kw?n), n. [F., fr. reqiem a Mass sung for the dead. See Requiem.] (Zoöl.) The man-eater, or white shark (Carcharodon carcharias); -- so called on account of its causing requiems to be sung.

Re*quir"a*ble (r?-kw?r"?-b'l), a. Capable of being required; proper to be required. Sir M. Hale.

Re*quire" (r?-kw?r"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Required (-kw?rd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Requiring.] [OE. requeren, requiren, OF. requerre, F. requ&?;rir; L. pref. re- re- + quaerere to ask; cf. L. requirere. See Query, and cf. Request, Requisite.] 1. To demand; to insist upon having; to claim as by right and authority; to exact; as, to require the surrender of property.

Shall I say to Cæsar
What you require of him?


By nature did what was by law required.


2. To demand or exact as indispensable; to need.

Just gave what life required, and gave no more.


The two last [biographies] require to be particularly noticed.

J. A. Symonds.

3. To ask as a favor; to request.

I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way.

Ezra viii. 22.

Syn. -- To claim; exact; enjoin; prescribe; direct; order; demand; need.

Re*quire"ment (-ment), n. 1. The act of requiring; demand; requisition.

2. That which is required; an imperative or authoritative command; an essential condition; something needed or necessary; a need.

One of those who believe that they can fill up every requirement contained in the rule of righteousness.

J. M. Mason.

God gave her the child, and gave her too an instinctive knowledge of its nature and requirements.


Re*quir"er (-kw?r"?r), n. One who requires.

Req"ui*site (r?k"w?-z?t), n. That which is required, or is necessary; something indispensable.

God, on his part, has declared the requisites on ours; what we must do to obtain blessings, is the great business of us all to know.


Req"ui*site, a. [L. requisitus, p. p. requirere; pref. re- re- + quaerere to ask. See Require.] Required by the nature of things, or by circumstances; so needful that it can not be dispensed with; necessary; indispensable.

All truth requisite for men to know.


Syn. -- Necessary; needful; indispensable; essential.

-- Req"ui*site*ly, adv. -- Req"ui*site*ness, n.

Req`ui*si"tion (r?k`w?-z?sh"?n), n.[Cf. F. réquisition, L. requisitio a searching.] 1. The act of requiring, as of right; a demand or application made as by authority. Specifically: (a) (International Law) A formal demand made by one state or government upon another for the surrender or extradition of a fugitive from justice. Kent. (b) (Law) A notarial demand of a debt. Wharton. (c) (Mil.) A demand by the invader upon the people of an invaded country for supplies, as of provision, forage, transportation, etc. Farrow. (d) A formal application by one officer to another for things needed in the public service; as, a requisition for clothing, troops, or money.

2. That which is required by authority; especially, a quota of supplies or necessaries.

3. A written or normal call; an invitation; a summons; as, a reqisition for a public meeting. [Eng.]

Req`ui*si"tion, v. t. 1. To make a reqisition on or for; as, to requisition a district for forage; to requisition troops.

2. To present a requisition to; to summon request; as, to requisition a person to be a candidate. [Eng.]

Req`ui*si"tion*ist, n. One who makes or signs a requisition.

Re*quis"i*tive (r?-kw?z"?-t?v), a. Expressing or implying demand. [R.] Harris.

Re*quis"i*tive, n. One who, or that which, makes requisition; a requisitionist. [R.]

Re*quis"i*tor (-t?r), n. One who makes reqisition; esp., one authorized by a requisition to investigate facts.

Re*quis"i*to*ry (-t?-r?), a. Sought for; demanded. [R.] Summary on Du Bartas (1621).

Re*quit"a*ble (-kw?t"?-b'l), a. That may be requited.

Re*quit"al (-al), n. [From Requite.] The act of requiting; also, that which requites; return, good or bad, for anything done; in a good sense, compensation; recompense; as, the requital of services; in a bad sense, retaliation, or punishment; as, the requital of evil deeds.

No merit their aversion can remove,
Nor ill requital can efface their love.


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Syn. -- Compensation; recompense; remuneration; reward; satisfaction; payment; retribution; retaliation; reprisal; punishment.

Re"quite" (r?-kw?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Requited; p. pr. & vb. n. Requiting.] [Pref. re- + quit.] To repay; in a good sense, to recompense; to return (an equivalent) in good; to reward; in a bad sense, to retaliate; to return (evil) for evil; to punish.

He can requite thee; for he knows the charma
That call fame on such gentle acts as these.


Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand.

Ps. x. 14.

Syn. -- To repay; reward; pay; compensate; remunerate; satisfy; recompense; punish; revenge.

Re*quite"ment (-ment), n. Requital [Obs.] E. Hall.

Re*quit"er (-kw?t"?r), n. One who requites.

Rere"brace` (r?r"br?s"), n. [F. arrière-bras.] (Anc. Armor) Armor for the upper part of the arm. Fairholt.

Rere`de*main" (-d?-m?n"), n. [F. arrière back + de of + main hand.] A backward stroke. [Obs.]

Rere"dos (r?r"d?s), n. [From rear + F. dos back, L. dorsum. Cf. Dorsal.] (Arch.) (a) A screen or partition wall behind an altar. (b) The back of a fireplace. (c) The open hearth, upon which fires were lighted, immediately under the louver, in the center of ancient halls. [Also spelt reredosse.] Fairholt.

Rere"fief` (r?r"f?f`), n. [F. arrière-fief. See Rear hinder, and Fief.] (Scots Law) A fief held of a superior feudatory; a fief held by an under tenant. Blackstone.

Re*reign" (r?-r?n"), v. i. To reign again.

Re`-re*it"er*ate (r?`r?-?t"?r-?t), v. t. To reiterate many times. [R.] "My re-reiterated wish." Tennyson.

Rere"mouse` (r?r"mous`), n. (Zoöl.) A rearmouse.

Re`-re*solve" (r?`r?-z?lv"), v. t. & i. To resolve again.

Resolves, and re-resolves, then dies the same.


Rere"ward` (r?r"w?rd`), n. [See Rearward.] The rear guard of an army. [Obs.]

||Res (r?z), n.; pl. Res. [L.] A thing; the particular thing; a matter; a point.

||Res gestæ [L., things done] (Law), the facts which form the environment of a litigated issue. Wharton. -- ||Res judicata [L.] (Law), a thing adjudicated; a matter no longer open to controversy.

Re*sail" (r?-s?l"), v. t. & i. To sail again; also, to sail back, as to a former port.

Re*sale" (r?-s?l" or r?"s?l), n. A sale at second hand, or at retail; also, a second sale. Bacon.

Re*sal"gar (r?-s?l"g?r), n. Realgar. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re`sa*lute" (r?`s?-l?t"), v. t. To salute again.

Re*saw" (r&?;-s&?;"), v. t. To saw again; specifically, to saw a balk, or a timber, which has already been squared, into dimension lumber, as joists, boards, etc.

Res"cat (r?s"k?t), v. t. [Sp. rescattar.] To ransom; to release; to rescue. [Obs.] Howell.

Res"cat, n. [Sp. rescate.] Ransom; release. [Obs.]

Re*scind" (r?-s?nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rescinded; p. pr. & vb. n. Rescinding.] [L. rescindere, rescissum; pref re- re- + scindere to cut, split: cf. F. rescinder. See Shism.] 1. To cut off; to abrogate; to annul.

The blessed Jesus . . . did sacramentally rescind the impure relics of Adam and the contraction of evil customs.

Jer. Taylor.

2. Specifically, to vacate or make void, as an act, by the enacting authority or by superior authority; to repeal; as, to rescind a law, a resolution, or a vote; to rescind a decree or a judgment.

Syn. -- To revoke; repeal; abrogate; annul; recall; reverse; vacate; void.

Re*scind"a*ble (-?-b'l), a. Capable of being rescinded.

Re*scind"ment (-ment), n. The act of rescinding; rescission.

Re*scis"sion (r?-s?zh"?n), n. [L. rescissio: cf. F. rescission. See Rescind.] The act of rescinding, abrogating, annulling, or vacating; as, the rescission of a law, decree, or judgment.

Re*scis"so*ry (r?-s?z"?-r? or r?-s?s"-), a. [L. rescissorius: cf. F. rescisoire.] Tending to rescind; rescinding.

To pass a general act rescissory (as it was called), annulling all the Parliaments that had been held since the year 1633.

Bp. Burnet.

Res"cous (r?s"k?s), n. [OE., fr. OF. rescousse, fr. rescourre, p. p. rescous, to rescue. See Rescue.] 1. Rescue; deliverance. [Obs.] Chaucer.

2. (Law) See Rescue, 2. [Obs.]

Res"cowe (r?s"kou), v. t. To rescue. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*scribe" (r?-skr?b"), v. t. [L. rescribere; pref. re- re- + scribere to write. See Scribe.] 1. To write back; to write in reply. Ayliffe.

2. To write over again. Howell.

Re"script (r?"skr?pt), n. [L. rescriptum: cf. F. rescrit, formerly also spelt rescript. See Rescribe,v. t.]

1. (Rom.Antiq.) The answer of an emperor when formallyconsulted by particular persons on some difficult question; hence, an edict or decree.

In their rescripts and other ordinances, the Roman emperors spoke in the plural number.


2. (R.C.Ch.) The official written answer of the pope upon a question of canon law, or morals.

3. A counterpart. Bouvier.

Re*scrip"tion (r?-skr?p"sh?n), n. [L. rescriptio: cf. F. rescription. See Rescribe.] A writing back; the answering of a letter. Loveday.

Re*scrip"tive (-t?v), a. Pertaining to, or answering the purpose of, a rescript; hence, deciding; settling; determining.

Re*scrip"tive*ly, adv. By rescript. Burke.

Res"cu*a*ble (r?s"k?-?-b'l), a. That may be rescued.

Res"cue (r?s"k?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rescued (-k?d);p. pr. & vb. n. Rescuing.] [OE. rescopuen, OF. rescourre, rescurre, rescorre; L. pref. re- re- + excutere to shake or drive out; ex out + quatere to shake. See Qtash to crush, Rercussion.] To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger, or evil; to liberate from actual restraint; to remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a prisoner from the enemy; to rescue seamen from destruction.

Had I been seized by a hungry lion,
I would have been a breakfast to the best,
Rather than have false Proteus rescue me.


Syn. -- To retake; recapture; free; deliver; liberate; release; save.

Res"cue (r?s"k?), n. [From Rescue, v.; cf. Rescous.]

1. The act of rescuing; deliverance from restraint, violence, or danger; liberation.

Spur to the rescue of the noble Talbot.


2. (Law) (a) The forcible retaking, or taking away, against law, of things lawfully distrained. (b) The forcible liberation of a person from an arrest or imprisonment. (c) The retaking by a party captured of a prize made by the enemy. Bouvier.

The rescue of a prisoner from the court is punished with perpetual imprisonment and forfeiture of goods.


Rescue grass. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Bot.) A tall grass (Ceratochloa unioloides) somewhat resembling chess, cultivated for hay and forage in the Southern States.

Res"cue*less, a. Without rescue or release.

Res"cu*er (-k?-?r), n. One who rescues.

Res`cus*see" (r?s`k?s-s?"), n. (O.Eng. Law) The party in whose favor a rescue is made. Crabb.

Res*cus"sor (r?s-k?s"s?r), n. [LL.] (O.Eng.Law) One who makes an unlawful rescue; a rescuer. Burril.

Rese (r?z), v. i. To shake; to quake; to tremble. [Obs.] "It made all the gates for to rese." Chaucer.

Re-search" (r?-s?rch"), v. t. [Pref. re- + search.] To search again; to examine anew.

Re*search" (r?-s?rch"), n. [Pref. re- + search: cf OF. recerche, F. recherche.] Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as, researches of human wisdom.

The dearest interests of parties have frequently been staked on the results of the researches of antiquaries.


Syn. -- Investigation; examination; inquiry; scrutiny.

Re*search", v. t. [Pref. re- + search: cf. OF. recerchier, F. rechercher.] To search or examine with continued care; to seek diligently.

Re*search"er (-?r), n. One who researches.

Re*search"ful (-f?l), a. Making researches; inquisitive. [R.] Coleridge.

Re*seat" (r?-s?t"), v. t. 1. To seat or set again, as on a chair, throne, etc. Dryden.

2. To put a new seat, or new seats, in; as, to reseat a theater; to reseat a chair or trousers.

Re*sect" (r?-s?kt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resected;p. pr. & vb. n. Resecting.] [L. resectus, p. p. of resecare to cut off; pref. re- re- + secare to cut.] To cut or pare off; to remove by cutting.

Re*sec"tion (r?-s?k"sh?n), n. [L. resectio: cf. F. résection.] 1. The act of cutting or paring off. Cotgrave.

2. (Surg.) The removal of the articular extremity of a bone, or of the ends of the bones in a false articulation.

Re*se"da (r?-s?"d?), n. [L. , a kind of plant.] 1. (Bot.) A genus of plants, the type of which is mignonette.

2. A grayish green color, like that of the flowers of mignonette.

Re*seek" (r?-s?k"), v. t. To seek again. J. Barlow.

Re*seize" (r?-s?z"), v. t. [Pref. re- + seize: cf. F. ressaisir.] 1. To seize again, or a second time.

2. To put in possession again; to reinstate.

And then therein [in his kingdom] reseized was again.


3. (Law) To take possession of, as lands and tenements which have been disseized.

The sheriff is commanded to reseize the land and all the chattels thereon, and keep the same in his custody till the arrival of the justices of assize.


Re*seiz"er (-s?z"?r), n. 1. One who seizes again.

2. (Eng. Law) The taking of lands into the hands of the king where a general livery, or oustre le main, was formerly mis-sued, contrary to the form and order of law.

Re*sei"zure (r&?;-s&?;"zh&?;r; 135), n. A second seizure; the act of seizing again. Bacon.

Re*sell" (r?-s?l"), v. t. To sell again; to sell what has been bought or sold; to retail.

Re*sem"bla*ble (r?-z?m"bl?-b'l), a. [See Resemble.] Admitting of being compared; like. [Obs.] Gower.

Re*sem"blance (-blans), n. [Cf. F. ressemblance. See Resemble.] 1. The quality or state of resembling; likeness; similitude; similarity.

One main end of poetry and painting is to please; they bear a great resemblance to each other.


2. That which resembles, or is similar; a representation; a likeness.

These sensible things, which religion hath allowed, are resemblances formed according to things spiritual.


3. A comparison; a simile. [Obs.] Chaucer.

4. Probability; verisimilitude. [Obs.] Shak.

Syn. -- Likeness; similarity; similitude; semblance; representation; image.

Re*sem"blant (-blant), a. [F., a . and p. pr. fr. ressembler to resemble. See Resemble.] Having or exhibiting resemblance; resembling. [R.] Gower.

Re*sem"ble (r?-z?m"b'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resembled (-b'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Resembling (-bl?ng).] [F. ressembler; pref. re- re- + sembler to seem, resemble, fr. L. similare, simulare, to imitate, fr. similis like, similar. See Similar.] 1. To be like or similar to; to bear the similitude of, either in appearance or qualities; as, these brothers resemble each other.

We will resemble you in that.


2. To liken; to compare; to represent as like. [Obs.]

The other . . .
He did resemble to his lady bright.


3. To counterfeit; to imitate. [Obs.] "They can so well resemble man's speech." Holland.

4. To cause to imitate or be like. [R.] H. Bushnell.

Re*sem"bler (r?-z?m"bl?r), n. One who resembles.

Re*sem"bling*ly (-bl?ng-l?), adv. So as to resemble; with resemblance or likeness.

Re*sem"i*nate (-s?m"?-n?t), v. t. [L. pref. re- again + seminatus, p. p. of seminare to sow.] To produce again by means of seed. [Obs.] Sir. T. Browne.

Re*send" (r?-s?nd"), v. t. 1. To send again; as, to resend a message.

2. To send back; as, to resend a gift. [Obs.] Shak.

3. (Telegraphy) To send on from an intermediate station by means of a repeater.

Re*sent" (r?-z?nt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resented; p. pr. & vb. n. Resenting.] [F. ressentir; L. pref. re- re- + sentire to feel. See Sense.] 1. To be sensible of; to feel; as: (a) In a good sense, to take well; to receive with satisfaction. [Obs.]

Which makes the tragical ends of noble persons more favorably resented by compassionate readers.

Sir T. Browne.

(b) In a bad sense, to take ill; to consider as an injury or affront; to be indignant at.

2. To express or exhibit displeasure or indignation at, as by words or acts.

The good prince King James . . . bore dishonorably what he might have resented safely.


3. To recognize; to perceive, especially as if by smelling; -- associated in meaning with sent, the older spelling of scent to smell. See Resent, v. i. [Obs.]

This bird of prey resented a worse than earthly savor in the soul of Saul.


Our King Henry the Seventh quickly resented his drift.


Re*sent", v. i. 1. To feel resentment. Swift.

2. To give forth an odor; to smell; to savor. [Obs.]

The judicious prelate will prefer a drop of the sincere milk of the word before vessels full of traditionary pottage resenting of the wild gourd of human invention.


Re*sent"er (-?r), n. One who resents. Sir H. Wotton.

Re*sent"ful (-f?l), a. Inclined to resent; easily provoked to anger; irritable. -- Re*sent"ful*ly, adv.

Re*sent"i*ment (-?-ment), n. Resentment. [Obs.]

Re*sent"ing*ly, adv. 1. With deep sense or strong perception. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.

2. With a sense of wrong or affront; with resentment.

Re*sent"ive (-?v), a. Resentful. [R.] Thomson.

Re*sent"ment (-ment), n. [F. ressentiment.] 1. The act of resenting.

2. The state of holding something in the mind as a subject of contemplation, or of being inclined to reflect upon something; a state of consciousness; conviction; feeling; impression. [Obs.]

He retains vivid resentments of the more solid morality.

Dr. H. More.

It is a greater wonder that so many of them die, with so little resentment of their danger.

Jer. Taylor.

3. In a good sense, satisfaction; gratitude. [Obs.]

The Council taking notice of the many good services performed by Mr. John Milton, . . . have thought fit to declare their resentment and good acceptance of the same.

The Council Book (1651).

4. In a bad sense, strong displeasure; anger; hostility provoked by a wrong or injury experienced.

Resentment . . . is a deep, reflective displeasure against the conduct of the offender.


Syn. -- Anger; irritation; vexation; displeasure; grudge; indignation; choler; gall; ire; wrath; rage; fury. -- Resentment, Anger. Anger is the broader term, denoting a keen sense of disapprobation (usually with a desire to punish) for whatever we feel to be wrong, whether directed toward ourselves or others. Resentment is anger exicted by a sense of personal injury. It is, etymologically, that reaction of the mind which we instinctively feel when we think ourselves wronged. Pride and selfishness are apt to aggravate this feeling until it changes into a criminal animosity; and this is now the more common signification of the term. Being founded in a sense of injury, this feeling is hard to be removed; and hence the expressions bitter or implacable resentment. See Anger.

Anger is like
A full-hot horse, who being allowed his way,
Self-mettle tires him.


Can heavently minds such high resentment show,
Or exercise their spite in human woe?


Res"er*ate (r?s"?r-?t), v. t. [L. reseratus, p. p. of reserare to unlock.] To unlock; to open. [Obs.] Boyle.

Re*serv"ance (r?-z?rv"ans), n. Reservation. [R.]

Res`er*va"tion (r?z`?r-v?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. réservation, LL. reservatio. See Reserve.] 1. The act of reserving, or keeping back; concealment, or withholding from disclosure; reserve. A. Smith.

With reservation of an hundred knights.


Make some reservation of your wrongs.


2. Something withheld, either not expressed or disclosed, or not given up or brought forward. Dryden.

3. A tract of the public land reserved for some special use, as for schools, for the use of Indians, etc. [U.S.]

4. The state of being reserved, or kept in store. Shak.

5. (Law) (a) A clause in an instrument by which some new thing is reserved out of the thing granted, and not in esse before. (b) A proviso. Kent.

This term is often used in the same sense with exception, the technical distinction being disregarded.

6. (Eccl.) (a) The portion of the sacramental elements reserved for purposes of devotion and for the communion of the absent and sick. (b) A term of canon law, which signifies that the pope reserves to himself appointment to certain benefices.

Mental reservation, the withholding, or failing to disclose, something that affects a statement, promise, etc., and which, if disclosed, would materially change its import.

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Re*serv"a*tive (r?-z?rv"?-t?v), a. Tending to reserve or keep; keeping; reserving.

Re*serv"a*to*ry (-t?-r?), n. [LL. reservatorium,fr. L. resservare. See Reserve, v. t., and cf. Reservior.] A place in which things are reserved or kept. Woodward.

Re*serve" (r?-z?rv"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reserved. (z&?;rvd");p. pr. & vb. n. Reserving.] [F. réserver, L. reservare, reservatum; pref. re- re- + servare to keep. See Serve.] 1. To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose. "I have reserved to myself nothing." Shak.

2. Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain. Gen. xxvii. 35.

Hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble?

Job xxxviii. 22,23.

Reserve your kind looks and language for private hours.


3. To make an exception of; to except. [R.]

Re*serve", n. [F. réserve.] 1. The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation.

However any one may concur in the general scheme, it is still with certain reserves and deviations.


2. That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use.

The virgins, besides the oil in their lamps, carried likewise a reserve in some other vessel for a continual supply.


3. That which is excepted; exception.

Each has some darling lust, which pleads for a reserve.


4. Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior.

My soul, surprised, and from her sex disjoined,
Left all reserve, and all the sex, behind.


The clergyman's shy and sensitive reserve had balked this scheme.


5. A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose; as, the Connecticut Reserve in Ohio, originally set apart for the school fund of Connecticut; the Clergy Reserves in Canada, for the support of the clergy.

6. (Mil.) A body of troops in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency.

7. (Banking) Funds kept on hand to meet liabilities.

In reserve, in keeping for other or future use; in store; as, he has large quantities of wheat in reserve; he has evidence or arguments in reserve. -- Reserve air. (Physiol.) Same as Supplemental air, under Supplemental.

Syn. -- Reservation; retention; limitation; backwardness; reservedness; coldness; restraint; shyness; coyness; modesty.

Re*served" (-z?rvd"), a. 1. Kept for future or special use, or for an exigency; as, reserved troops; a reserved seat in a theater.

2. Restrained from freedom in words or actions; backward, or cautious, in communicating one's thoughts and feelings; not free or frank.

To all obliging, yet reserved to all.


Nothing reserved or sullen was to see.


-- Re*serv"ed*ly (r&?;-z&?;rv"&?;d-l&?;), adv. -- Re*serv"ed*ness, n.

Res`er*vee" (rz`r*v"), n. One to, or for, whom anything is reserved; - - contrasted with reservor.

Re*serv"er (r*zrv"r), n. One who reserves.

Re*serv"ist, n. A member of a reserve force of soldiers or militia. [Eng.]

Res"er*voir` (rz"r*vwôr`; 277), n. [F. réservoir, fr. LL. reservatorium. See Reservatory.] 1. A place where anything is kept in store; especially, a place where water is collected and kept for use when wanted, as to supply a fountain, a canal, or a city by means of aqueducts, or to drive a mill wheel, or the like.

2. (Bot.) A small intercellular space, often containing resin, essential oil, or some other secreted matter.

Receiving reservoir (Water Works), a principal reservoir into which an aqueduct or rising main delivers water, and from which a distributing reservoir draws its supply.

Re*serv"or (r?-z?rv"?r or r?z`?r-v?r), n. One who reserves; a reserver.

Re*set" (r?-s?t"), v. t. To set again; as, to reset type; to reset copy; to reset a diamond.

Re"set (r?"s?t), n. 1. The act of resetting.

2. (Print.) That which is reset; matter set up again.

Re*set" (r?-s?t"), n. [OF. recete, recepte, a receiving. Cf. Receipt.] (Scots Law) The receiving of stolen goods, or harboring an outlaw. Jamieson.

Re*set", v. t. (Scots Law) To harbor or secrete; to hide, as stolen goods or a criminal.

We shall see if an English hound is to harbor and reset the Southrons here.

Sir. W. Scott.

Re*set"ter (-t?r), n. (Scots Law) One who receives or conceals, as stolen goods or criminal.

Re*set"ter (r?-S?t"t?r), n. One who resets, or sets again.

Re*set"tle (r?-s?t"t'l), v. t. To settle again. Swift.

Re*set"tle, v. i. To settle again, or a second time.

Re*set"tle*ment (-ment), n. Act of settling again, or state of being settled again; as, the resettlement of lees.

The resettlement of my discomposed soul.


Re*shape" (r?-sh?p"), v. t. To shape again.

Re*ship" (r?-sh?p"), v. t. To ship again; to put on board of a vessel a second time; to send on a second voyage; as, to reship bonded merchandise.

Re*ship", v. i. To engage one's self again for service on board of a vessel after having been discharged.

Re*ship"ment (-ment), n. The act of reshipping; also, that which is reshippped.

Re*ship"per (-p?r), n. One who reships.

Res`i*ance (r?z"?-ans), n. [LL. reseantia, &?;&?; OF. reseance.] Residence; abode. [Obs.] Bacon.

Res"i*ant (-ant), a. [OF. reseant, resseant, L. residens. See Resident.] Resident; present in a place. [Obs.]

In which her kingdom's throne is chiefly resiant.


Res"i*ant, n. A resident. [Obs.] Sir T. More.

Re*side" (r?-z?d"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Resided; p. pr. & vb. n. Residing.] [F. résider, L. residere; pref. re- re- + sedere to sit. See Sit. ] 1. To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have a settled abode for a time; to abide continuosly; to have one's domicile of home; to remain for a long time.

At the moated grange, resides this dejected Mariana.


In no fixed place the happy souls reside.


2. To have a seat or fixed position; to inhere; to lie or be as in attribute or element.

In such like acts, the duty and virtue of contentedness doth especially reside.


3. To sink; to settle, as sediment. [Obs.] Boyle.

Syn. -- To dwell; inhabit; sojourn; abide; remain; live; domiciliate; domicile.

Res"i*dence (r?z"?-dens), n. [F. résidence. See Resident.] 1. The act or fact of residing, abiding, or dwelling in a place for some continuance of time; as, the residence of an American in France or Italy for a year.

The confessor had often made considerable residences in Normandy.

Sir M. Hale.

2. The place where one resides; an abode; a dwelling or habitation; esp., a settled or permanent home or domicile. "Near the residence of Posthumus." Shak.

Johnson took up his residence in London.


3. (Eng.Eccl.Law) The residing of an incumbent on his benefice; -- opposed to nonresidence.

4. The place where anything rests permanently.

But when a king sets himself to bandy against the highest court and residence of all his regal power, he then, . . . fights against his own majesty and kingship.


5. Subsidence, as of a sediment. [Obs.] Bacon.

6. That which falls to the bottom of liquors; sediment; also, refuse; residuum. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

Syn. -- Domiciliation; sojourn; stay; abode; home; dwelling; habitation; domicile; mansion.

Res"i*den*cy (-den-s?), n. 1. Residence. [Obsoles.]

2. A political agency at a native court in British India, held by an officer styled the Resident; also, a Dutch commercial colony or province in the East Indies.

Res"i*dent (-dent), a. [F. résident, L. residens, -entis, p. pr. of residere. See Reside.] 1. Dwelling, or having an abode, in a place for a continued length of time; residing on one's own estate; -- opposed to nonresident; as, resident in the city or in the country.

2. Fixed; stable; certain. [Obs.] "Stable and resident like a rock." Jer. TAylor.

One there still resident as day and night.


Res"i*dent, n. 1. One who resides or dwells in a place for some time.

2. A diplomatic representative who resides at a foreign court; -- a term usualy applied to ministers of a rank inferior to that of ambassadors. See the Note under Minister, 4.

Res"i*dent*er (-r), n. A resident. [Obs. or Colloq.]

Res`i*den""tial (-d?n"shal), a. 1. Of or pertaining to a residence or residents; as, residential trade.

2. Residing; residentiary. [R.]

Res`i*den"tia*ry (-d?n"sh?-r?; 277), a. [LL. residentiaris.] Having residence; as, a canon residentary; a residentiary guardian. Dr. H. More.

Res`i*den"tia*ry, n. 1. One who is resident.

The residentiary, or the frequent visitor of the favored spot, . . . will discover that both have been there.


2. An ecclesiastic who keeps a certain residence.

Syn. -- Inhabitant; inhabiter; dweller; sojourner.

Res`i*den"tia*ry*ship, n. The office or condition of a residentiary.

Res"i*dent*ship (r?z"?-dent-sh?p), n. The office or condition of a resident.

Re*sid"er (r?-z?d"?r), n. One who resides in a place.

Re*sid"u*al (r?-z?d"?-al), a. [See Residue.] Pertaining to a residue; remaining after a part is taken.

Residual air (Physiol.), that portion of air contained in the lungs which can not be expelled even by the most violent expiratory effort. It amounts to from 75 to 100 cubic inches. Cf. Supplemental air, under Supplemental. -- Residual error. (Mensuration) See Error, 6 (b). -- Residual figure (Geom.), the figure which remains after a less figure has been taken from a greater one. -- Residual magnetism (Physics), remanent magnetism. See under Remanent. -- Residual product, a by product, as cotton waste from a cotton mill, coke and coal tar from gas works, etc. -- Residual quantity (Alg.), a binomial quantity the two parts of which are connected by the negative sign, as a-b. -- Residual root (Alg.), the root of a residual quantity, as √(a-b).

Re*sid"u*al, n. (Math.) (a) The difference of the results obtained by observation, and by computation from a formula. (b) The difference between the mean of several observations and any one of them.

Re*sid"u*a*ry (-?-r?), a. [See Residue.] Consisting of residue; as, residuary matter; pertaining to the residue, or part remaining; as, the residuary advantage of an estate. Ayliffe.

Residuary clause (Law), that part of the testator's will in which the residue of his estate is disposed of. -- Residuary devise (Law), the person to whom the residue of real estate is devised by a will. - - Residuary legatee (Law), the person to whom the residue of personal estate is bequeathed.

Res"i*due (r?z"?-d?), n. [F. résidu, L. residuum, fr. residuus that is left behind, remaining, fr. residere to remain behind. See Reside, and cf. Residuum.] 1. That which remains after a part is taken, separated, removed, or designated; remnant; remainder.

The residue of them will I deliver to the sword.

Jer. xv. 9.

If church power had then prevailed over its victims, not a residue of English liberty would have been saved.

I. Taylor.

2. (Law) That part of a testeator's estate wwhich is not disposed of in his will by particular and special legacies and devises, and which remains after payment of debts and legacies.

3. (Chem.) That which remains of a molecule after the removal of a portion of its constituents; hence, an atom or group regarded as a portion of a molecule; -- used as nearly equivalent to radical, but in a more general sense.

The term radical is sometimes restricted to groups containing carbon, the term residue being applied to the others.

4. (Theory of Numbers) Any positive or negative number that differs from a given number by a multiple of a given modulus; thus, if 7 is the modulus, and 9 the given number, the numbers -5, 2, 16, 23, etc., are residues.

Syn. -- Rest; remainder; remnant; balance; residuum; remains; leavings; relics.

Re*sid"u*ous (r?-z?d"?-?s), a. [L. residuus.] Remaining; residual. Landor.

Re*sid"u*um (-?m), n. [L. See Residue.] That which is left after any process of separation or purification; that which remains after certain specified deductions are made; residue.

"I think so," is the whole residuum . . . after evaporating the prodigious pretensions of the zealot demagogue.

L. Taylor.

Re*siege" (r?-s?j"), v. t. [Pref. re- + siege a seat.] To seat again; to reinstate. [Obs.] Spenser.

Re-sign" (r?-s?n"), v. t. [Pref. re- + sign.] To affix one's signature to, a second time; to sign again.

Re*sign" (r?-z?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resigned (-z?nd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Resigning.] [F. résigner, L. resignare to unseal, annul, assign, resign; pref. re- re- + signare to seal, stamp. See Sign, and cf. Resignation.]

1. To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to another; to surrender; -- said especially of office or emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; -- said of the wishes or will, or of something valued; -- also often used reflexively.

I here resign my government to thee.


Lament not, Eve, but patiently resign
What justly thou hast lost.


What more reasonable, than that we should in all things resign up ourselves to the will of God?


2. To relinquish; to abandon.

He soon resigned his former suit.


3. To commit to the care of; to consign. [Obs.]

Gentlement of quality have been sent beyong the seas, resigned and concredited to the conduct of such as they call governors.


Syn. -- To abdicate; surrender; submit; leave; relinquish; forego; quit; forsake; abandon; renounce. -- Resign, Relinquish. To resign is to give up, as if breaking a seal and yielding all it had secured; hence, it marks a formal and deliberate surrender. To relinquish is less formal, but always implies abandonment and that the thing given up has been long an object of pursuit, and, usually, that it has been prized and desired. We resign what we once held or considered as our own, as an office, employment, etc. We speak of relinquishing a claim, of relinquishing some advantage we had sought or enjoyed, of relinquishing seme right, privilege, etc. "Men are weary with the toil which they bear, but can not find it in their hearts to relinquish it." Steele. See Abdicate.

Re sign", n. Resignation. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.

Res`ig*na"tion (r?z`?g-n?"sh?n), n. [F. résignation. See Resign.] 1. The act of resigning or giving up, as a claim, possession, office, or the like; surrender; as, the resignation of a crown or comission.

2. The state of being resigned or submissive; quiet or patient submission; unresisting acquiescence; as, resignation to the will and providence of God.

Syn. -- Patience; surrender; relinquisment; forsaking; abandonment; abdication; renunciation; submission; acquiescence; endurance. See Patience.

Re*signed" (r?-z?nd"), a. Submissive; yielding; not disposed to resist or murmur.

A firm, yet cautious mind;
Sincere, thought prudent; constant, yet resigned.


Re*sign"ed*ly (r?-z?n"?d-l?), adv. With submission.

Res`ign*ee" (r?z`?-n?"), n. One to whom anything is resigned, or in whose favor a resignation is made.

Re*sign"er (r?-z?n"?r), n. One who resigns.

Re*sign"ment (-ment), n. The act of resigning.

Re*sile" (r?-z?l"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Resiled (-z?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Resiling.] [L. resilire to leap or spring back; pref. re- re- + salire to leap, spring. See Salient.] To start back; to recoil; to recede from a purpose. J. Ellis.

{ Re*sil"i*ence (r?-z?l"?-ens), Re*sil"i*en*cy (-en-s?), } n. 1. The act of resiling, springing back, or rebounding; as, the resilience of a ball or of sound.

2. (Mech. & Engyn.) The mechanical work required to strain an elastic body, as a deflected beam, stretched spring, etc., to the elastic limit; also, the work performed by the body in recovering from such strain.

Re*sil"i*ent (-ent), a. [L. resiliens, p. pr.] Leaping back; rebounding; recoiling.

Res`i*li"tion (r?z`?-l?sh"?n), n. Resilience. [R.]

Res"in (r?z"?n), n. [F. résine, L. resina; cf. Gr. "rhti`nh Cf. Rosin.] Any one of a class of yellowish brown solid inflammable substances, of vegetable origin, which are nonconductors of electricity, have a vitreous fracture, and are soluble in ether, alcohol, and essential oils, but not in water; specif., pine resin (see Rosin).

Resins exude from trees in combination with essential oils, gums, etc., and in a liquid or semiliquid state. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and are supposed to be formed by the oxidation of the essential oils. Copal, mastic, guaiacum, and colophony or pine resin, are some of them. When mixed with gum, they form the gum resins, like asafetida and gamboge; mixed with essential oils, they form balsams, or oleoresins.

Highgate resin (Min.), a fossil resin resembling copal, occuring in blue clay at Highgate, near London. -- Resin bush (Bot.), a low composite shrub (Euryops speciosissimus) of South Africa, having smooth pinnately parted leaves and abounding in resin.

Res`in*a"ceous (-?"sh?s), a. Having the quality of resin; resinous.

Res"in*ate (r?z"?n-?t), n. (Chem.) Any one of the salts the resinic acids.

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Re*sin"ic (r?-z?n"?k), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, resin; as, the resinic acids.

Res`in*if"er*ous (r?z`?n-?f"?r-?s), a. [Resin + -ferous: cf. F. résinifère.] Yielding resin; as, a resiniferous tree or vessel.

Res"in*i*form (r?z"?n-?-f?rm), a. [Resin + -form: cf. F. résiniforme.] Having the form of resin.

Res`in*o-e*lec"tric (-?-?-l?k"tr?k), a. (Elec.) Containing or exhibiting resinous electricity.

Res"in*oid (r?z"?n-oid), a. Somewhat like resin.

Res"in*ous (-?s), a. [L. resinous: cf. F. résineux. See Resin.] Of or pertaining to resin; of the nature of resin; resembling or obtained from resin.

Resinous electricity (Elec.), electricity which is exited by rubbing bodies of the resinous kind. See Negative electricity, under Negative.

Res"in*ous*ly, adv. By means, or in the manner, of resin.

Res"in*ous*ness, n. The quality of being resinous.

Res"in*y (-?), a. Like resin; resinous.

Res`i*pis"cence (r?s`?-p?s"sens), n. [L. resipiscentia, from resipiscere to recover one's senses: cf. F. résipiscence.] Wisdom derived from severe experience; hence, repentance. [R.] Bp. Montagu.

Re*sist" (r?-z?st"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resisted; p. pr. & vb. n. Resisting.] [F. résister, L. resistere, pref. re- re- + sistere to stand, cause to stand, v. causative of stare to stand. See Stand.] 1. To stand against; to withstand; to obstruct.

That mortal dint,
Save He who reigns above, none can resist.


2. To strive against; to endeavor to counteract, defeat, or frustrate; to act in opposition to; to oppose.

God resisteth the proud.

James iv. 6.

Contrary to his high will
Whom we resist.


3. To counteract, as a force, by inertia or reaction.

4. To be distasteful to. [Obs.] Shak.

Syn. -- To withstand; oppose; hinder; obstruct; counteract; check; thwart; baffle; disappoint.

Re*sist", v. i. To make opposition. Shak.

Re*sist", n. (Calico Printing) A substance used to prevent a color or mordant from fixing on those parts to which it has been applied, either by acting machanically in preventing the color, etc., from reaching the cloth, or chemically in changing the color so as to render it incapable of fixing itself in the fibers.. The pastes prepared for this purpose are called resist pastes. F. C. Calvert.

Re*sist"ance (-ans), n. [F. résistance, LL. resistentia, fr. resistens, - entis, p. pr. See Resist.] 1. The act of resisting; opposition, passive or active.

When King Demetrius saw that . . . no resistance was made against him, he sent away all his forces.

1. Macc. xi. 38.

2. (Physics) The quality of not yielding to force or external pressure; that power of a body which acts in opposition to the impulse or pressure of another, or which prevents the effect of another power; as, the resistance of the air to a body passing through it; the resistance of a target to projectiles.

3. A means or method of resisting; that which resists.

Unfold to us some warlike resistance.


4. (Elec.) A certain hindrance or opposition to the passage of an electrical current or discharge offered by conducting bodies. It bears an inverse relation to the conductivity, -- good conductors having a small resistance, while poor conductors or insulators have a very high resistance. The unit of resistance is the ohm.

Resistance box (Elec.), a rheostat consisting of a box or case containing a number of resistance coils of standard values so arranged that they can be combined in various ways to afford more or less resistance. -- Resistance coil (Elec.), a coil of wire introduced into an electric circuit to increase the resistance. -- Solid of least resistance (Mech.), a solid of such a form as to experience, in moving in a fluid, less resistance than any other solid having the same base, height, and volume.

Re*sist"ant (-ant), a. [F. résistant: cf. L. resistens. See Resist.] Making resistance; resisting. -- n. One who, or that which, resists. Bp. Pearson.

Re*sist"er (-?r), n. One who resists.

Re*sist"ful (-f?l), a. Making much resistance.

Re*sist`i*bil"i*ty (-?-b?l"?-t?), n.. 1. The quality of being resistible; resistibleness.

2. The quality of being resistant; resitstance.

The name "body" being the complex idea of extension and resistibility together in the same subject.


Re*sist"i*ble (r?-z?st"?-b'l), a. [Cf. F. résistible.] Capable of being resisted; as, a resistible force. Sir M. Hale. -- Re*sist"i*ble*ness, n. -- Re*sist"i*bly, adv.

Re*sist"ing, a. Making resistance; opposing; as, a resisting medium. -- Re*sist"ing ly, adv.

Re*sist"ive (-?v), a. Serving to resist. B. Jonsosn.

Re*sist"less, a. 1. Having no power to resist; making no opposition. [Obs. or R.] Spenser.

2. Incapable of being resisted; irresistible.

Masters' commands come with a power resistless
To such as owe them absolute subjection.


-- Re*sist"less*ly, adv. -- Re*sist"less*ness, n.

Res"o*lu*ble (r?z"?-l?-b'l), a.[L. resolubolis: cf. F. résoluble. See Resolve, and cf. Resolvable.] Admitting of being resolved; resolvable; as, bodies resoluble by fire. Boyle. -- Res"o*lu*ble*ness, n.

Res"o*lute (r?z"?-l?t), a. [Cf. F. résolu. The L. resolutus (p. p. of resolvere) means, relaxed, enervated, effeminate. See Resolve, v. t. & i.] 1. Having a decided purpose; determined; resolved; fixed in a determination; hence, bold; firm; steady.

Edward is at hand,
Ready to fight; therefore be resolute.


2. Convinced; satisfied; sure. [Obs.]

3. Resolving, or explaining; as, the Resolute Doctor Durand. [Obs.]

Syn. -- Determined; decided; fixed; steadfast; steady; constant; persevering; firm; bold; unshaken.

Res"o*lute (r?z"?-l?t), n. 1. One who is resolute; hence, a desperado. [Obs.] Shak.

2. Redelivery; repayment. [Obs.] "Yearly resolutes, deductions, and payments." Bp. Burnet.

Res"o*lute*ly, adv. In a resolute manner; with fixed purpose; boldly; firmly; steadily; with perseverance.

Some . . . facts he examines, some he resolutely denies.


Res"o*lute*ness, n. The quality of being resolute.

Res`o*lu"tion (-l?"sh?n), n. [F. résolution. L. resolutio a loosening, solution. See Resolve.] 1. The act, operation, or process of resolving. Specifically: (a) The act of separating a compound into its elements or component parts. (b) The act of analyzing a complex notion, or solving a vexed question or difficult problem.

The unraveling and resolution of the difficulties that are met with in the execution of the design are the end of an action.


2. The state of being relaxed; relaxation. [Obs.]

3. The state of being resolved, settled, or determined; firmness; steadiness; constancy; determination.

Be it with resolution then to fight.


4. That which is resolved or determined; a settled purpose; determination. Specifically: A formal expression of the opinion or will of an official body or a public assembly, adopted by vote; as, a legislative resolution; the resolutions of a public meeting.

5. The state of being resolved or firm in opinion or thought; conviction; assurance. [Obs.]

Little resolution and certainty there is as touching the islands of Mauritania.


6. (Math.) The act or process of solving; solution; as, the resolution of an equation or problem.

7. (Med.) A breaking up, disappearance; or termination, as of a fever, a tumor, or the like.

8. (Mus.) The passing of a dissonant into a consonant chord by the rising or falling of the note which makes the discord.

Joint resolution. See under Joint, a. -- Resolution of a force or motion (Mech.), the separation of a single force or motion into two or more which have different directions, and, taken together, are an equivalent for the single one; -- the opposite of composition of a force. -- Resolution of a nebula (Astron.), the exhibition of it to the eye by a telescope of such power as to show it to be composed of small stars.

Syn. -- Decision; analysis; separation; disentanglement; dissolution; resolvedness; resoluteness; firmness; constancy; perseverance; steadfastness; fortitude; boldness; purpose; resolve. See Decision.

Res`o*lu"tion*er (-?r), n. One who makes a resolution; one who joins with others in a declaration or resolution; specifically, one of a party in the Scottish Church in the 17th century.

He was sequestrated afterwards as a Resolutioner.

Sir W. Scott.

Res`o*lu"tion*ist, n. One who makes a resolution.

Res"o*lu`tive (r?z"?-lu`t?v), a. [Cf.F. résolutif.] Serving to dissolve or relax. [R.] Johnson.

Res"o*lu*to*ry (r?z"?-l?-t?-r?), a. Resolutive. [R.]

Re*solv`a*bil"i*ty (r?-z?lv`?-b?l"?-t?), n. The quality or condition of being resolvable; resolvableness.

Re*solv"a*ble (r?-z?lv"?-b'l), a. [See Resolve, and cf. Resoluble.] Admitting of being resolved; admitting separation into constituent parts, or reduction to first principles; admitting solution or explanation; as, resolvable compounds; resolvable ideas or difficulties.

Re*solv"a*ble*ness, n. The quality of being resolvable; resolvability.

Re*solve" (r?*z?lv"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resolved (-z?lvd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Resolving.] [L. resolvere, resolutum, to untie, loosen, relax, enfeeble; pref. re- re- + solvere to loosen, dissolve: cf. F. résoudare to resolve. See Solve, and cf. Resolve, v. i., Resolute, Resolution.] 1. To separate the component parts of; to reduce to the constituent elements; -- said of compound substances; hence, sometimes, to melt, or dissolve.

O, that this too too solid flesh would melt,
Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew!


Ye immortal souls, who once were men,
And now resolved to elements again.


2. To reduce to simple or intelligible notions; -- said of complex ideas or obscure questions; to make clear or certain; to free from doubt; to disentangle; to unravel; to explain; hence, to clear up, or dispel, as doubt; as, to resolve a riddle. "Resolve my doubt." Shak.

To the resolving whereof we must first know that the Jews were commanded to divorce an unbelieving Gentile.


3. To cause to perceive or understand; to acquaint; to inform; to convince; to assure; to make certain.

Sir, be resolved. I must and will come.

Beau. & Fl.

Resolve me, Reason, which of these is worse,
Want with a full, or with an empty purse?


In health, good air, pleasure, riches, I am resolved it can not be equaled by any region.

Sir W. Raleigh.

We must be resolved how the law can be pure and perspicuous, and yet throw a polluted skirt over these Eleusinian mysteries.


4. To determine or decide in purpose; to make ready in mind; to fix; to settle; as, he was resolved by an unexpected event.

5. To express, as an opinion or determination, by resolution and vote; to declare or decide by a formal vote; -- followed by a clause; as, the house resolved (or, it was resolved by the house) that no money should be apropriated (or, to appropriate no money).

6. To change or convert by resolution or formal vote; -- used only reflexively; as, the house resolved itself into a committee of the whole.

7. (Math.) To solve, as a problem, by enumerating the several things to be done, in order to obtain what is required; to find the answer to, or the result of. Hutton.

8. (Med.) To dispere or scatter; to discuss, as an inflammation or a tumor.

9. (Mus.) To let the tones (as of a discord) follow their several tendencies, resulting in a concord.

10. To relax; to lay at ease. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

To resolve a nebula.(Astron.) See Resolution of a nebula, under Resolution.

Syn. -- To solve; analyze; unravel; disentangle.

Re*solve" (r?-z?lv"), v. i. [The sense "to be convinced, to determine" comes from the idea of loosening, breaking up into parts, analyzing, hence, determining.]

1. To be separated into its component parts or distinct principles; to undergo resolution.

2. To melt; to dissolve; to become fluid.

When the blood stagnates in any part, it first coagulates, then resolves, and turns alkaline.


3. To be settled in opinion; to be convinced. [R.]

Let men resolve of that as they plaease.


4. To form a purpose; to make a decision; especially, to determine after reflection; as, to resolve on a better course of life.

Syn. -- To determine; decide; conclude; purpose.

Re*solve", n. 1. The act of resolving or making clear; resolution; solution. "To give a full resolve of that which is so much controverted." Milton.

2. That which has been resolved on or determined; decisive conclusion; fixed purpose; determination; also, legal or official determination; a legislative declaration; a resolution.

Nor is your firm resolve unknown.


Cæsar's approach has summoned us together,
And Rome attends her fate from our resolves.


Re*solved" (r?-z?lvd"), p. p. & a. Having a fixed purpose; determined; resolute; -- usually placed after its noun; as, a man resolved to be rich.

That makes him a resolved enemy.

Jer. Taylor.

I am resolved she shall not settle here.


Re*solv"ed*ly (r?z?lv"?d-l?), adv. 1. So as to resolve or clear up difficulties; clearly. [Obs.]

Of that, and all the progress, more or less,
Resolvedly more leisure shall express.


2. Resolutely; decidedly; firmly. Grew.

Re*solv"ed*ness, n. Fixedness of purpose; firmness; resolution. Dr. H. More.

Re*solv"ent (-ent), a. Having power to resolve; causing solution; solvent.

Re*solv"ent, n. [L. resolvens, p. pr. of resolvere: cf. F. résolvant. See Resolve.] 1. That which has the power of resolving, or causing solution; a solvent.

2. (Med.) That which has power to disperse inflammatory or other tumors; a discutient; anything which aids the absorption of effused products. Coxe.

3. (Math.) An equation upon whose solution the solution of a given pproblem depends.

Re*solv"er (r?-z?lv"?r), n. 1. That which decomposes, or dissolves. Boyle.

2. That which clears up and removes difficulties, and makes the mind certain or determined. Bp. Burnet.

3. One who resolves, or formal a firm purpose.

Res"o*nance (r?z"?-nans), n. [Cf. F. résonance, L. resonantia an echo.] 1. The act of resounding; the quality or state of being resonant.

2. (Acoustics) A prolongation or increase of any sound, either by reflection, as in a cavern or apartment the walls of which are not distant enough to return a distinct echo, or by the production of vibrations in other bodies, as a sounding-board, or the bodies of musical instruments.

Pulmonary resonance (Med.), the sound heard on percussing over the lungs. -- Vocal resonance (Med.), the sound transmitted to the ear when auscultation is made while the patient is speaking.

Res"o*nan*cy (-nan-s?), n. Resonance.

Res"o*nant (-nant), a. [L. resonans, p. pr. of resonare to resound: cf. F. résonnant. See Resound.] Returning, or capable of returning, sound; fitted to resound; resounding; echoing back.

Through every hour of the golden morning, the streets were resonant with female parties of young and old.

De Quincey.

Res"o*nant*ly, adv. In a resonant manner.

Res"o*na`tor (-n?`t?r), n. (Acoustics) Anything which resounds; specifically, a vessel in the form of a cylinder open at one end, or a hollow ball of brass with two apertures, so contrived as to greatly intensify a musical tone by its resonance. It is used for the study and analysis of complex sounds.

Re*sorb" (r?-s?rb"), v. t. [L. reorbere; pref. re- re- + sorbere to suck or drink in.] To swallow up.

Now lifted by the tide, and now resorbed.


Re*sorb"ent (-ent), a. [L. resorbens, p. pr. of resorbere.] Swallowing up. Wodhull.

Res*or"cin (r?z-?r"s?n), n. [Resin + orcin. So called because in its higher homologue it resembles orcin.] (Chem.) A colorless crystalline substance of the phenol series, obtained by melting certain resins, as galbanum, asafetida, etc., with caustic potash. It is also produced artificially and used in making certain dyestuffs, as phthaleïn, fluoresceïn, and eosin.

Res`or*cyl"ic (r?z`?r-s?l"?k), a. (Chem.) Of, or pertaining to, or producing, resorcin; as, resorcylic acid.

Re*sorp"tion (r?*s?rp"sh?n), n. The act of resorbing; also, the act of absorbing again; reabsorption.

Re*sort" (r?*z?rt"), n. [F. ressort.] Active power or movement; spring. [A Gallicism] [Obs.]

Some . . . know the resorts and falls of business that can not sink into the main of it.


Re*sort", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Resorted; p. pr. & vb. n. Resorting.] [OF. resortir to withdraw, take refuge, F. ressortir to be in the jurisdiction, LL. resortire; pref. re- re- + L. sortiri to draw lots, obtain by lot, from sors lot. See Sort. The meaning is first to reobtain (by lot), then to gain by appeal to a higher court (as a law term), to appeal, go for protection or refuge.] 1. To go; to repair; to betake one's self.

What men name resort to him?


2. To fall back; to revert. [Obs.]

The inheritance of the son never resorted to the mother, or to any of her ancestors.

Sir M. Hale.

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3. To have recourse; to apply; to one's self for help, relief, or advantage.

The king thought it time to resort to other counsels.


Re*sort" (r?*z?rt"), n. [Cf. F. ressort jurisdiction. See Resort, v.] 1. The act of going to, or making application; a betaking one's self; the act of visiting or seeking; recourse; as, a place of popular resort; -- often figuratively; as, to have resort to force.

Join with me to forbid him her resort.


2. A place to which one betakes himself habitually; a place of frequent assembly; a haunt.

Far from all resort of mirth.


3. That to which one resorts or looks for help; resource; refuge.

Last resort, ultimate means of relief; also, final tribunal; that from which there is no appeal.

Re*sort"er (-?r), n. One who resorts; a frequenter.

Re*soun" (r?*z??n"), n. Reason. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*soun", v. i. & t. To resound. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re-sound" (r?*sound"), v. t. & i. [Pref. re- + sound.] To sound again or anew.

Re*sound" (r?*zound"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Resounded; p. pr. & vb. n. Resounding.] [OE. resounen, OF. resoner, F. résonner, from L. resonare; pref. re- re- + sonare to sound, sonus sound. See Sound to make a noise.] 1. To sound loudly; as, his voice resounded far.

2. To be filled with sound; to ring; as, the woods resound with song.

3. To be echoed; to be sent back, as sound. "Common fame . . . resounds back to them again." South.

4. To be mentioned much and loudly. Milton.

5. To echo or reverberate; to be resonant; as, the earth resounded with his praise.

Re*sound", v. t. 1. To throw back, or return, the sound of; to echo; to reverberate.

Albion's cliffs resound the rur&?;&?;ay.


2. To praise or celebrate with the voice, or the sound of instruments; to extol with sounds; to spread the fame of.

The man for wisdom's various arts renowned,
Long exercised in woes, O muse, resound.


Syn. -- To echo; reëcho; reverberate; sound.

Re*sound", n. Return of sound; echo. Beaumont.

Re*source" (r?*s?rs"), n. [F. ressource, fr. OF. ressourdre, resourdre, to spring forth or up again; pref. re- re- + sourdre to spring forth. See Source.] 1. That to which one resorts orr on which one depends for supply or support; means of overcoming a difficulty; resort; expedient.

Threat'nings mixed with prayers, his last resource.


2. pl. Pecuniary means; funds; money, or any property that can be converted into supplies; available means or capabilities of any kind.

Scotland by no means escaped the fate ordained for every country which is connected, but not incorporated, with another country of greater resources.


Syn. -- Expedient; resort; means; contrivance.

Re*source"ful (-f?l), a. Full of resources.

Re*source"less, a. Destitute of resources. Burke.

-- Re*source"less*ness, n. R. Browning.

Re*sow" (r?*s?"), v. t. To sow again. Bacon.

Re*sown" (r?*zoun"), v. To resound. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*speak" (r?*sp?k"), v. t. 1. To speak or utter again.

2. To answer; to echo. [Obs. or Poetic] Shak.

Re*spect" (r?*sp?kt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Respected; p. pr. & vb. n. Respecting.] [L. respectare, v. intens. from respicere, respectum, to look back, respect; pref. re- re- + specere, spicere, to look, to view: cf. F. respecter. See Spy, and cf. Respite.] 1. To take notice of; to regard with special attention; to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for; to heed.

Thou respectest not spilling Edward's blood.


In orchards and gardens, we do not so much respect beauty as variety of ground for fruits, trees, and herbs.


2. To consider worthy of esteem; to regard with honor. "I do respect thee as my soul." Shak.

3. To look toward; to front upon or toward. [Obs.]

Palladius adviseth the front of his house should so respect the &?;&?;uth.

Sir T. Browne.

4. To regard; to consider; to deem. [Obs.]

To whom my father gave this name of Gaspar,
And as his own respected him to death.

B. Jonson.

5. To have regard to; to have reference to; to relate to; as, the treaty particularly respects our commerce.

As respects, as regards; with regard to; as to. Macaulay. -- To respect the person or persons, to favor a person, or persons on corrupt grounds; to show partiality. "Ye shall not respect persons in judgment." Deut. i. 17.

Syn. -- To regard; esteem; honor; revere; venerate.

Re*spect", n. [L. respectus: cf. F. respect. See Respect, v., and cf. Respite.] 1. The act of noticing with attention; the giving particular consideration to; hence, care; caution.

But he it well did ward with wise respect.


2. Esteem; regard; consideration; honor.

Seen without awe, and served without respect.


The same men treat the Lord's Day with as little respect.

R. Nelson.

3. pl. An expression of respect of deference; regards; as, to send one's respects to another.

4. Reputation; repute. [Obs.]

Many of the best respect in Rome.


5. Relation; reference; regard.

They believed but one Supreme Deity, which, with respect to the various benefits men received from him, had several titles.


4. Particular; point regarded; point of view; as, in this respect; in any respect; in all respects.

Everything which is imperfect, as the world must be acknowledged in many respects.


In one respect I'll be thy assistant.


7. Consideration; motive; interest. [Obs.] "Whatever secret respects were likely to move them." Hooker.

To the publik good
Private respects must yield.


In respect, in comparison. [Obs.] Shak. -- In respect of. (a) In comparison with. [Obs.] Shak. (b) As to; in regard to. [Archaic] "Monsters in respect of their bodies." Bp. Wilkins. "In respect of these matters." Jowett. (Thucyd.) -- In, or With, respect to, in relation to; with regard to; as respects. Tillotson. -- To have respect of persons, to regard persons with partiality or undue bias, especially on account of friendship, power, wealth, etc. "It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment." Prov. xxiv. 23.

Syn. -- Deference; attention; regard; consideration; estimation. See Deference.

Re*spect`a*bil"i*ty (r?*sp?kt`?*b?l"?*t?), n. The state or quality of being respectable; the state or quality which deserves or commands respect.

Re*spect"a*ble (-&?;-b'l), a. [F. respectable, LL. respectabilis.] 1. Worthy of respect; fitted to awaken esteem; deserving regard; hence, of good repute; not mean; as, a respectable citizen. "The respectable quarter of Sicca." J. H. Newman.

No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected, without being truly respectable.


2. Moderate in degree of excellence or in number; as, a respectable performance; a respectable audience.

--Re*spect"a*ble*ness,n. -- Re*spect"a*bly, adv.

Re*spect"ant (-ant), a. [F., p. pr. of respecter. See Respect.] (Her.) Placed so as to face one another; -- said of animals.

Re*spect"er (-?r), n. One who respects.

A respecter of persons, one who regards or judges with partiality.

Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.

Acts x. 34.

Re*spect"ful (-f?l), a. Marked or characterized by respect; as, respectful deportment.

With humble joi and with respectful fear.


-- Re*spect"ful*ly, adv. -- Re*spect"ful*ness, n.

Re*spect"ing, prep. With regard or relation to; regarding; concerning; as, respecting his conduct there is but one opinion.

Re*spec"tion (r?*sp?k"sh?n), n. [Cf.LL. respectio.] The act of respecting; respect; regard. [Obs.]

Without difference or respection of persons.


Re*spec"tive (r?*sp?k"t?v), a. [Cf. F. respectif, LL. respectivus. See Respect.] 1. Noticing with attention; hence, careful; wary; considerate. [Obs.]

If you look upon the church of England with a respective eye, you can not . . . refuse this charge.

A&?;p. Sandys.

2. Looking towardl having reference to; relative, not absolute; as, the respective connections of society.

3. Relating to particular persons or things, each to each; particular; own; as, they returned to their respective places of abode.

4. Fitted to awaken respect. [Obs.] Shak.

5. Rendering respect; respectful; regardful. [Obs.]

With respective shame, rose, took us by the hands.


With thy equals familiar, yet respective.

Lord Burleigh.

Re*spec"tive*ly, adv. 1. As relating to each; particularly; as each belongs to each; as each refers to each in order; as, let each man respectively perform his duty.

The impressions from the objects or the senses do mingle respectively every one with its kind.


2. Relatively; not absolutely. [Obs.] Sir W. Raleigh.

3. Partially; with respect to private views. [Obs.]

4. With respect; regardfully. [Obs.] Shak.

Re*spect"less (r?*sp?kt"l?s), a. Having no respect; without regard; regardless.

Rather than again
Endure, respectless, their so moving c&?;ies.


-- Re*spect"less*ness, n. [R.] Shelton.

Re*spec"tu*ous (r?*sp?k"t?*?s;135), a. 1. Respectful; as, a respectuous silence. [Obs.] Boyle.

2. Respectable. [Obs.] Knolles.

Re*spell" (r?*sp?l"), v. t. To spell again.

Re*sperse" (r?*sp?rs"), v. t. [L. respersus, p. p. of respergere; pref. re- re- + spargere to srew, sprinkle.] To sprinkle; to scatter. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

Re*sper"sion (r?*sp?r"sh?n), n. [L. respersio.] The act of sprinkling or scattering. [Obs.]

Re*spir`a*bil"i*ty (r?*sp?r`?*b?l"?*t? or r?s`p?*r?-), n. [Cf. F. respirabilit&?;.] The quality or state of being respirable; respirableness.

Re*spir"a*ble (r?*sp?r"?*b'l or r?s"p?*r?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. respirable.] Suitable for being breathed; adapted for respiration. -- Re*spir"a*ble*ness, n.

Res`pi*ra"tion (r?s`p?*r?"sh?n), n. [L. respiratio: cf. F. respiration. See Respire.] 1. The act of respiring or breathing again, or catching one's breath.

2. Relief from toil or suffering: rest. [Obs.]

Till the day
Appear of respiration to the just
And vengeance to the wicked.


3. Interval; intermission. [Obs.] Bp. Hall.

4. (Physiol.) The act of resping or breathing; the act of taking in and giving out air; the aggregate of those processes bu which oxygen is introduced into the system, and carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid, removed.

Respiration in the higher animals is divided into: (a) Internal respiration, or the interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid between the cells of the body and the bathing them, which in one sense is a process of nutrition. (b) External respiration, or the gaseous interchange taking place in the special respiratory organs, the lungs. This constitutes respiration proper. Gamgee.

In the respiration of plants oxygen is likewise absorbed and carbonic acid exhaled, but in the light this process is obscured by another process which goes on with more vigor, in which the plant inhales and absorbs carbonic acid and exhales free oxygen.

Res`pi*ra"tion*al (r?s`p?*r?"sh?n-al), a. Of or pertaining to respiration; as, respirational difficulties.

Re*spir"a*tive (r?*sp?*r?*t?v), a. Of or pertaining to respiration; as, respirative organs.

Res"pi*ra`tor (r?s"p?*r?`t?r), n. [Cf. F. respirateur.] A divice of gauze or wire, covering the mouth or nose, to prevent the inhalation of noxious substances, as dust or smoke. Being warmed by the breath, it tempers cold air passing through it, and may also be used for the inhalation of medicated vapors.

Re*spir"a*to*ry (r?*sp?r"?*t?*r? or r?s"p?*r?-), a. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to respiration; serving for respiration; as, the respiratory organs; respiratory nerves; the respiratory function; respiratory changes.

Respiratory foods. (Physiol.) See 2d Note under Food, n., 1. -- Respiratory tree (Zoöl.), the branched internal gill of certain holothurians.

Re*spire" (r?*sp?r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Respired (-sp?rd"); p. pr. & vvb. n. Respiring.] [L. respirare, respiratum; pref. re- re- + spirare to breathe: cf. F. respirer. See Spirit.] 1. To take breath again; hence, to take rest or refreshment. Spenser.

Here leave me to respire.


From the mountains where I now respire.


2. (Physiol.) To breathe; to inhale air into the lungs, and exhale it from them, successively, for the purpose of maintaining the vitality of the blood.

Re*spire", v. t. 1. To breathe in and out; to inspire and expire,, as air; to breathe.

A native of the land where I respire
The clear air for a while.


2. To breathe out; to exhale. [R.] B. Jonson.

Res"pite (r?s"p?t), n. [OF. respit, F. répit, from L. respectus respect, regard, delay, in LL., the deferring of a day. See Respect.] 1. A putting off of that which was appointed; a postponement or delay.

I crave but four day's respite.


2. Temporary intermission of labor, or of any process or operation; interval of rest; pause; delay. "Without more respite." Chaucer.

Some pause and respite only I require.


3. (Law) (a) Temporary suspension of the execution of a capital offender; reprieve. (b) The delay of appearance at court granted to a jury beyond the proper term.

Syn. -- Pause; interval; stop; cessation; delay; postponement; stay; reprieve.

Res"pite, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Respited; p. pr. & vb. n. Respiting.] [OF. respiter, LL. respectare. See Respite, n.] To give or grant a respite to. Specifically: (a) To delay or postpone; to put off. (b) To keep back from execution; to reprieve.

Forty days longer we do respite you.


(c) To relieve by a pause or interval of rest. "To respite his day labor with repast." Milton.

Res"pite*less, a. Without respite. Baxter.

{ Re*splen"dence (r?*spl?n"dens), Re*splen"den*cy (-den*s?), } n. [L. resplendentia.] The quality or state of being resplendent; brilliant luster; vivid brightness; splendor.

Son! thou in whom my glory I behold
In full resplendence, heir of all my might.


The resplendency of his own almighty goodness.

Dr. J. Scott.

Re*splen"dent (-dent), a. [L. resplendens, -entis, p. pr. of resplendere to shine brightly; pref. re- re- + splendere to shine. See Splendid.] Shining with brilliant luster; very bright. -- Re*splen"dent*ly, adv.

With royal arras and resplendent gold.


Re*splen"dish*ant (-d?sh*ant), a. Resplendent; brilliant. [R. & Obs.] Fabyan.

Re*splen"dish*ing, a. Resplendent. [Obs.]

Re*split" (r?*spl?t"), v. t. & i. To split again.

Re*spond" (r?*sp?nd"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Responded; p. pr. & vb. n. Responding.] [OF. respondre, F. répondre, fr. L. respondere, responsum; pref. re- re- + spondere to promise. See Sponsor.] 1. To say somethin in return; to answer; to reply; as, to respond to a question or an argument.

2. To show some effect in return to a force; to act in response; to accord; to correspond; to suit.

A new affliction strings a new cord in the heart, which responds to some new note of complaint within the wide scale of human woe.


To every theme responds thy various lay.


3. To render satisfaction; to be answerable; as, the defendant is held to respond in damages. [U.S.]

Syn. -- To answer; reply; rejoin. See Reply.

Re*spond", v. t. 1. To answer; to reply.

2. To suit or accord with; to correspond to. [R.]

For his great deeds respond his speeches great.


Re*spond", n. 1. An answer; a response. [R.]

2. (Eccl.) A short anthem sung at intervals during the reading of a chapter.

3. (Arch.) A half pier or pillar attached to a wall to support an arch. Oxf. Gloss.

{ Re*spond"ence (-?ns), Re*spond"en*cy (- en*s?), } n. The act of responding; the state of being respondent; an answering. A. Chalmers.

The angelical soft trembling voice made
To the instruments divine respondence meet.


Re*spond"ent (-ent), a. [L. respondens, p. pr. of respondere.] Disposed or expected to respond; answering; according; corresponding.

Wealth respondent to payment and contributions.


Re*spond"ent, n. [Cf. F. répondant.] One who responds. It corresponds in general to defendant. Specifically: (a) (Law) One who answers in certain suits or proceedings, generally those which are not according to the course of the common law, as in equity and admiralty causes, in petitions for partition, and the like; -- distinquished from appellant. (b) One who maintains a thesis in reply, and whose province it is to refute objections, or overthrow arguments; -- distinguished from opponent. I. Watts.

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||Re`spon*den"ti*a (r?`sp?n*d?n"sh?*?), n. [NL. See Respondence.] (Commercial Law) A loan upon goods laden on board a ship. It differs from bottomry, which is a loan on the ship itself. Bouvier.

Re*spon"sal (r?*sp?n"sal), a. Answerable. [Obs.]

Re*spon"sal, n. [Cf.LL. resposalis.] 1. One who is answerable or responsible. [Obs.] Barrow.

2. Response. [Obs.] Brevint.

Re*sponse" (r?*sp?ns"), n. [OF. response, respons, F. réponse, from L. responsum, from respondere. See Respond.] 1. The act of responding.

2. An answer or reply. Specifically: (a) Reply to an objection in formal disputation. I. Watts. (b) (Eccl.) The answer of the people or congregation to the priest or clergyman, in the litany and other parts of divine service. (c) (R.C.Ch.) A kind of anthem sung after the lessons of matins and some other parts of the office. (d) (Mus.) A repetition of the given subject in a fugue by another part on the fifth above or fourth below. Busby.

Re*sponse"less, a. Giving no response.

Re*spon`si*bil"i*ty (r?*sp?n`s?*b?l"?*t?), n.; pl. -ties (-t&?;z). [Cf. F. responsabilité.] 1. The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.

2. That for which anyone is responsible or accountable; as, the resonsibilities of power.

3. Ability to answer in payment; means of paying.

Re*spon"si*ble (r?*sp?n"s?*b'l), a. [Cf. F. responsable. See Respond.] 1. Liable to respond; likely to be called upon to answer; accountable; answerable; amenable; as, a guardian is responsible to the court for his conduct in the office.

2. Able to respond or answer for one's conduct and obligations; trustworthy, financially or otherwise; as, to have a responsible man for surety.

3. Involving responsibility; involving a degree of accountability on the part of the person concerned; as, a responsible office.

Syn. -- Accountable; answerable; amenable.

-- Re*spon"si*ble*ness, n. -- Re*spon"si*bly, adv.

Re*spon"sion (-sh?n), n. [L. responsio. See Respond.] 1. The act of answering. [Obs.]

2. (University of Oxford) The first university examination; -- called also little go. See under Little, a.

Re*spon"sive (-s?v), a. [Cf. F. resposif.] 1. That responds; ready or inclined to respond.

2. Suited to something else; correspondent.

The vocal lay responsive to the strings.


3. Responsible. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

-- Re*spon"sive*ly, adv. -- Re*spon"sive*ness, n.

Re`spon*so"ri*al (r?`sp?n*s?"r?-al), a. Responsory; antiphonal. J. H. Newman.

Re*spon"so*ry (r?*sp?n"s?*r?), a. Containing or making answer; answering. Johnson.

Re*spon"so*ry, n.; pl. - ries (-r&?;z). [LL. responsorium.] 1. (Eccl.) (a) The answer of the people to the priest in alternate speaking, in church service. (b) A versicle sung in answer to the priest, or as a refrain.

Which, if should repeat again, would turn my answers into responsories, and beget another liturgy.


2. (Eccl.) An antiphonary; a response book.

Rest (r?st), v. t. [For arrest.] To arrest. [Obs.]

Rest, n. [AS. rest, ræst, rest; akin to D. rust, G. rast. OHG. rasta, Dan. & Sw. rast rest, repose, Icel. röst the distance between two resting places, a mole, Goth. rasta a mile, also to Goth. razn house, Icel. rann, and perhaps to G. ruhe rest, repose, AS. rw, Gr. 'erwh`. Cf. Ransack.] 1. A state of quiet or repose; a cessation from motion or labor; tranquillity; as, rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind. Chaucer.

Sleep give thee all his rest!


2. Hence, freedom from everything which wearies or disturbs; peace; security.

And the land had rest fourscore years.

Judges iii. 30.

3. Sleep; slumber; hence, poetically, death.

How sleep the brave who sink to rest,
By all their country's wishes blest.


4. That on which anything rests or leans for support; as, a rest in a lathe, for supporting the cutting tool or steadying the work.

He made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

1 Kings vi. 6.

5. (Anc. Armor) A projection from the right side of the cuirass, serving to support the lance.

Their visors closed, their lances in the rest.


6. A place where one may rest, either temporarily, as in an inn, or permanently, as, in an abode. "Halfway houses and travelers' rests." J. H. Newman.

In dust our final rest, and native home.


Ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance which the Lord your God giveth you.

Deut. xii. 9.

7. (Pros.) A short pause in reading verse; a cæsura.

8. The striking of a balance at regular intervals in a running account. "An account is said to be taken with annual or semiannual rests." Abbott.

9. A set or game at tennis. [Obs.]

10. (Mus.) Silence in music or in one of its parts; the name of the character that stands for such silence. They are named as notes are, whole, half, quarter,etc.

Rest house, an empty house for the accomodation of travelers; a caravansary. [India] -- To set, or To set up, one's rest, to have a settled determination; -- from an old game of cards, when one so expressed his intention to stand or rest upon his hand. [Obs.] Shak. Bacon.

Syn. -- Cessation; pause; intermission; stop; stay; repose; slumber; quiet; ease; quietness; stillness; tranquillity; peacefulness; peace. -- Rest, Repose. Rest is a ceasing from labor or exertion; repose is a mode of resting which gives relief and refreshment after toil and labor. The words are commonly interchangeable.

Rest (rst), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rested; p. pr. & vb. n. Resting.] [AS. restan. See Rest, n.] 1. To cease from action or motion, especially from action which has caused weariness; to desist from labor or exertion.

God . . . rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

Gen. ii. 2.

Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest.

Ex. xxiii. 12.

2. To be free from whanever wearies or disturbs; to be quiet or still.

There rest, if any rest can harbor there.


3. To lie; to repose; to recline; to lan; as, to rest on a couch.

4. To stand firm; to be fixed; to be supported; as, a column rests on its pedestal.

5. To sleep; to slumber; hence, poetically, to be dead.

Fancy . . . then retries
Into her private cell when Nature rests.


6. To lean in confidence; to trust; to rely; to repose without anxiety; as, to rest on a man's promise.

On him I rested, after long debate,
And not without considering, fixed &?;&?; fate.


7. To be satisfied; to acquiesce.

To rest in Heaven's determination.


To rest with, to be in the power of; to depend upon; as, it rests with him to decide.

Rest, v. t. 1. To lay or place at rest; to quiet.

Your piety has paid
All needful rites, to rest my wandering shade.


2. To place, as on a support; to cause to lean.

Her weary head upon your bosom rest.


Rest, n. [F. reste, fr. rester to remain, L. restare to stay back, remain; pref. re- re- + stare to stand, stay. See Stand, and cf. Arrest, Restive.] (With the definite article.) 1. That which is left, or which remains after the separation of a part, either in fact or in contemplation; remainder; residue.

Religion gives part of its reward in hand, the present comfort of having done our duty, and, for the rest, it offers us the best security that Heaven can give.


2. Those not included in a proposition or description; the remainder; others. "Plato and the rest of the philosophers." Bp. Stillingfleet.

Armed like the rest, the Trojan prince appears.


3. (Com.) A surplus held as a reserved fund by a bank to equalize its dividends, etc.; in the Bank of England, the balance of assets above liabilities. [Eng.]

Syn. -- Remainder; overplus; surplus; remnant; residue; reserve; others.

Rest, v. i. [F. rester. See Rest remainder.] To be left; to remain; to continue to be.

The affairs of men rest still uncertain.


Re*stag"nant (r?*st?g"nant), a. [L. restagnans, p. pr. ] Stagnant; motionless. [Obs.] Boyle.

Re*stag"nate (-n?t), v. i. [L. restagnare to overflow.] To stagnate; to cease to flow. [Obs.] Wiseman.

Re`stag*na"tion (-n?"sh?n), n. [L. restagnatio aninundation.] Stagnation. [Obs.]

Res"tant (r?s"tant), a. [L. restans, p. pr. of restare: cf. F. restant. See Rest remainder.] (Bot.) Persistent.

Re*state" (r?*st?t"), v. t. To state anew. Palfrey.

Res"tau*rant (r?s"t?*r?nt;277), n. [F., fr. restaurer. See Restore.] An eating house.

Res"tau*rate (r?s"t?*r?t), v. t. [L. restauratus, p. p. of restaurare. See Restore.] To restore. [Obs.]

||Re`stau`ra`teur" (r?`st?`r?`t?r"), n. [F.] The keeper of an eathing house or a restaurant.

Res`tau*ra"tion (r?s`t?*r?"sh?n), n. [LL. restauratio: cf. F. restauration.] Restoration. [Obs.] Cower.

Re*stem" (r?*st?m"), v. t. 1. To force back against the current; as, to restem their backward course. Shak.

2. To stem, or move against; as, to restem a current.

Rest"ful (r?st"f?l), a. 1. Being at rest; quiet. Shak.

2. Giving rest; freeing from toil, trouble, etc.

Tired with all these, for restful death I cry.


-- Rest"ful*ly, adv. -- Rest"ful*ness, n.

Rest"-har`row (-h?r`r?), n. (Bot.) A European leguminous plant (Ononis arvensis) with long, tough roots.

Rest"iff, a. Restive. [Obs.]

Rest"iff, n. A restive or stubborn horse. [Obs.]

Rest"iff*ness, n. Restiveness. [Obs.]

Res"ti*form (r?s"t?*f?rm), a.[L. restis rope + -form.] (Anat.) Formed like a rope; -- applied especially to several ropelike bundles or masses of fibers on the dorsal side of the medulla oblongata.

Rest"i*ly (r?st"?*l?), adv. In a resty manner. [Obs.]

Re*stinc"tion (r?*st?nk"sh?n), n.[L. restinctio. See Restinguish.] Act of quenching or extingishing. [Obs.]

Rest"i*ness (r?st`*n?s), n. The quality or state of being resty; sluggishness. [Obs.]

The snake by restiness and lying still all winter.


Rest"ing, a. & n. from Rest, v. t. & i.

Resting spore (Bot.), a spore in certain orders of algæ, which remains quiescent, retaining its vitality, for long periods of time. C. E. Bessey.

Re*stin"guish (r?*st?n"gw?sh), v. t. [L. restinquere, restinctum; pref. re- re- + stinquere to quench.] To quench or extinguish. [Obs.] R. Field.

Res"ti*tute (r?s"t?*t?t), v. t. [L. restitutus, p. p. of restituere; pref. re- re- + statuere to put, place. See Statute.] To restore to a former state. [R.] Dyer.

Res"ti*tute, n. That which is restored or offered in place of something; a substitute. [R.]

Res`ti*tu"tion (r?s`t?*t?"sh?n), n. [F. restitution, L. restitutio. See Restitute, v.] 1. The act of restoring anything to its rightful owner, or of making good, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage, or injury; indemnification.

A restitution of ancient rights unto the crown.


He restitution to the value makes.


2. That which is offered or given in return for what has been lost, injured, or destroved; compensation.

3. (Physics) The act of returning to, or recovering, a former state; as, the restitution of an elastic body.

4. (Med.) The movement of rotetion which usually occurs in childbirth after the head has been delivered, and which causes the latter to point towards the side to which it was directed at the beginning of labor.

Syn. -- Restoration; return; indemnification; reparation; compensation; amends; remuneration.

Res"ti*tu`tor (r?s"t?*t?`t?r), n. [L.: cf. F. restituteur.] One who makes restitution. [R].

Rest"ive (r?st"?v), a. [OF. restif, F. rétif, fr. L. restare to stay back, withstand, resist. See Rest remainder, and cf. Restiff.] . Unwilling to go on; obstinate in refusing to move forward; stubborn; drawing back.

Restive or resty, drawing back, instead of going forward, as some horses do.

E. Philips (1658).

The people remarked with awe and wonder that the beasts which were to drag him [Abraham Holmes] to the gallows became restive, and went back.


2. Inactive; sluggish. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.

3. Impatient under coercion, chastisement, or opposition; refractory.

4. Uneasy; restless; averse to standing still; fidgeting about; -- applied especially to horses. Trench.

-- Rest"ive, adv. -- Rest"ive*ness, n.

Rest"less, a. [AS. restleás.] 1. Never resting; unquiet; uneasy; continually moving; as, a restless child. Chaucer. "Restless revolution day by day." Milton.

2. Not satisfied to be at rest or in peace; averse to repose or quiet; eager for change; discontented; as, restless schemers; restless ambition; restless subjects. "Restless at home , and ever prone to range." Dryden.

3. Deprived of rest or sleep.

Restless he passed the remnants of the night.


4. Passed in unquietness; as, the patient has had a restless night.

5. Not affording rest; as, a restless chair. Cowper.

Restless thrush. (Zoöl.) See Grinder, 3.

Syn. -- Unquiet; uneasy; disturbed; disquieted; sleepless; agitated; unsettled; roving; wandering.

-- Rest"less*ly, adv.- Rest"less*ness, n.

Re*stor"a*ble (r?*st?r"?*b'l), a. Admitting of being restored; capable of being reclaimed; as, restorable land. Swift. -- Re*stor"a*ble*ness, n.

Re*stor"al (-al), n. Restoration. [Obs.] Barrow.

Res`to*ra"tion (r?s`t?*r?"sh?n), n. [OE. restauracion, F. restauration, fr. L. restauratio. See Restore.] 1. The act of restoring or bringing back to a former place, station, or condition; the fact of being restored; renewal; reëstablishment; as, the restoration of friendship between enemies; the restoration of peace after war.

Behold the different climes agree,
Rejoicing in thy restoration.


2. The state of being restored; recovery of health, strength, etc.; as, restoration from sickness.

3. That which is restored or renewed.

The restoration (Eng. Hist.), the return of King Charles II. in 1660, and the reëstablishment of monarchy. -- Universal restoration (Theol.), the final recovery of all men from sin and alienation from God to a state of happiness; universal salvation.

Syn. -- Recovery; replacement; renewal; renovation; redintegration; reinstatement; reëstablishment; return; revival; restitution; reparation.

Res`to*ra"tion*er (-?r), n. A Restorationist.

Res`to*ra"tion*ism (-?z'm), n. The belief or doctrines of the Restorationists.

Res`to*ra"tion*ist, n. One who believes in a temporary future punishment and a final restoration of all to the favor and presence of God; a Universalist.

Re*stor"a*tive (r?*st?r"?*t?v), a. [Cf. F. restoratif.] Of or pertaining to restoration; having power to restore.

Destroys life's enemy,
Hunger, with sweet restorative delight.


Re*stor"a*tive, n. Something which serves to restore; especially, a restorative medicine. Arbuthnot.

Re*stor"a*tive*ly, adv. In a restorative manner.

Res"to*ra`tor (r?s"t?*r?`t?r), n. A restaurateur.

Re*stor"a*to*ry (r?*st?r"?*t?*r?), a. Restorative. [R.]

Re-store" (r?*st?r"), v. t. [Pref. re- + store.] To store again; as, the goods taken out were re-stored.

Re*store" (r?*st?r"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Restored (r?-st?rd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Restoring.] [OE. restoren, OF. restorer, F. restaurer, fr. L. restaurare; pref. re- re- + an unused word; cf. Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; an upright pale or stake, Skr. sth&?;vara fixed, firm. Cf. Restaurant, Store.] To bring back to its former state; to bring back from a state of ruin, decay, disease, or the like; to repair; to renew; to recover. "To restore and to build Jerusalem." Dan. ix. 25.

Our fortune restored after the severest afflictions.


And his hand was restored whole as the other.

Mark iii. 5.

2. To give or bring back, as that which has been lost., or taken away; to bring back to the owner; to replace.

Now therefore restore the man his wife.

Gen. xx. 7.

Loss of Eden, till one greater man
Restore us, and regain the blissful seat.


The father banished virtue shall restore.


3. To renew; to reëstablish; as, to restore harmony among those who are variance.

4. To give in place of, or as satisfaction for.

He shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.

Ex. xxii. 1.

<! p. 1229 !>

5. To make good; to make amends for.

But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restored, and sorrows end.


6. (Fine Arts) (a) To bring back from a state of injury or decay, or from a changed condition; as, to restore a painting, statue, etc. (b) To form a picture or model of, as of something lost or mutilated; as, to restore a ruined building, city, or the like.

Syn. -- To return; replace; refund; repay; reinstate; rebuild; reëstablish; renew; repair; revive; recover; heal; cure.

Re*store" (?), n. Restoration. [Obs.] Spenser.

Re*store"ment (?), n. Restoration. [Obs.]

Re*stor"er (?), n. One who, or that which, restores.

Re*strain" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Restrained (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Restraining.] [OE. restreinen, F. restreindre, fr. L. restringere, restrictum; pref. re- re- + stringere to draw, bind, or press together. See Strain, v. t., and cf. Restrict.] 1. To draw back again; to hold back from acting, proceeding, or advancing, either by physical or moral force, or by any interposing obstacle; to repress or suppress; to keep down; to curb.

Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature
Gives way to in repose!


2. To draw back toghtly, as a rein. [Obs.] Shak.

3. To hinder from unlimited enjoiment; to abridge.

Though they two were committed, at least restrained of their liberty.


4. To limit; to confine; to restrict. Trench.

Not only a metaphysical or natural, but a moral, universality also is to be restrained by a part of the predicate.

I. Watts.

5. To withhold; to forbear.

Thou restrained prayer before God.

Job. xv. 4.

Syn. -- To check; hinder; stop; withhold; repress; curb; suppress; coerce; restrict; limit; confine.

Re*strain"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being restrained; controllable. Sir T. Browne.

Re*strain"ed*ly, adv. With restraint. Hammond.

Re*strain"er (?), n. One who, or that which, restrains.

Re*strain"ment (?), n. The act of restraining.

Re*straint" (?), n. [OF. restraincte, fr. restrainct, F. restreint, p. p. of restraindre, restrendre. See Restrain.] 1. The act or process of restraining, or of holding back or hindering from motion or action, in any manner; hindrance of the will, or of any action, physical or mental.

No man was altogether above the restrains of law, and no man altogether below its protection.


2. The state of being restrained.

3. That which restrains, as a law, a prohibition, or the like; limitation; restriction.

For one restraint, lords of the world besides.


Syn. -- Repression; hindrance; check; stop; curb;&?;oercion; confinement; limitation; restriction.

Re*strength"en (?), v. t. To strengthen again; to fortify anew.

Re*strict" (?), a. [L. restrictus, p. p. of restringere. See Restrain.] Restricted. [Obs.]

Re*strict", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Restricted; p. pr. & vb. n. Restricting.] To restrain within bounds; to limit; to confine; as, to restrict worlds to a particular meaning; to restrict a patient to a certain diet.

Syn. -- To limit; bound; circumscribe; restrain; repress; curb; coerce.

Re*stric"tion (?), n. [F. restriction, L. restrictio.] 1. The act of restricting, or state of being restricted; confinement within limits or bounds.

This is to have the same restriction with all other recreations,that it be made a divertisement.

Giv. of Tonque.

2. That which restricts; limitation; restraint; as, restrictions on trade.

Re*stric"tion*a*ry (?), a. Restrictive. [R.]

Re*strict"ive (?), a. [Cf. F. restrictif.]

1. Serving or tending to restrict; limiting; as, a restrictive particle; restrictive laws of trade.

2. Astringent or styptic in effect. [Obs.] Wiseman.

--Re*strict"ive*ly, adv. -- Re*strict"ive*ness, n.

Re*stringe" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Restringed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Restringing (?).] [L. restringere. See Restrain.] To confine; to contract; to stringe. [Obs.]

Re*strin"gen*cy (?), n. Quality or state of being restringent; astringency. [Obs.] Sir W. Petty.

Re*strin"gent (?), a. [L. restringens, p. pr.: cf. F. restringent.] Restringing; astringent; styptic. [Obs.] -- n. A restringent medicine. [Obs.] Harvey.

Re*strive" (?), v. i. To strive anew.

Rest"y (?), a. Disposed to rest; indisposed toexercton; sluggish; also, restive. [Obs.] Burton.

Where the master is too resty or too rich to say his own prayers.


Re`sub*jec"tion, n. A second subjection.

Re`sub*lime" (?), v. t. To sublime again. Newton. -- Re*sub`li*ma"tion (#), n.

Re`su*da"tion (?), n. [L. resudare to sweat again. See Sudation.] Act of sweating again.

Re*sult" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Resulted; p. pr. & vb. n. Resulting.] [F. résulter, fr. L. resultare, resultarum, to spring or leap back, v. intens. fr. resilire. See Resile.] 1. To leap back; to rebound. [Obs.]

The huge round stone, resulting with a bound.


2. To come out, or have an issue; to terminate; to have consequences; -- followed by in; as, this measure will result in good or in evil.

3. To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor.

Pleasure and peace do naturally result from a holy and good life.


Resulting trust (Law), a trust raised by implication for the benefit of a party granting an estate. The phrase is also applied to a trust raised by implication for the benefit of a party who advances the purchase money of an estate, etc. Bouvier. -- Resulting use (Law), a use which, being limited by the deed, expires or can not vest, and thence returns to him who raised it. Bouvier.

Syn. -- To proceed; spring; rise; arise; ensue; terminate.

Re*sult" (?), n. 1. A flying back; resilience. [Obs.]

Sound is produced between the string and the air by the return or the result of the string.


2. That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect; as, the result of a course of action; the result of a mathematical operation.

If our proposals once again were heard,
We should compel them to a quick result.


3. The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree.

Then of their session ended they bid cry
With trumpet's regal sound the great result.


Syn. -- Effect; consequence; conclusion; inference; issue; event. See Effect.

Re*sult"ance (?), n. The act of resulting; that which results; a result. Donne.

Re*sult"ant (?), a. [L. resultans, p. pr. : cf. F. résultant.] Resulting or issuing from a combination; existing or following as a result or consequence.

Resultant force or motion (Mech.), a force which is the result of two or more forces acting conjointly, or a motion which is the result of two or more motions combined. See Composition of forces, under Composition.

Re*sult"ant, n. That which results. Specifically: (a) (Mech.) A reultant force or motion. (b) (Math.) An eliminant.

The resultant of homogeneous general functions of n variables is that function of their coefficients which, equaled to zero, expresses in the simplest terms the condition of the possibility of their existence.


Re*sult"ate (?), n. [L. resultatus, p. p. ] A result. [Obs.] "The resultate of their counsil." BAcon.

Re*sult"ful (?), a. HAving results or effects.

Re*sult"ive (?), a. Resultant. [Obs.] Fuller.

Re*sult"less, a. Being without result; as, resultless investigations.

Re*sum"a*ble (?), a. Capable of, or admitting of, being resumed. Sir M. HAle.

||Re`su"mé" (?), n. [F. See Resume.] A summing up; a condensed statement; an abridgment or brief recapitulation.

The exellent little résumé thereof in Dr. Landsborough's book.

C. Kingsley.

Re*sume" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resumed (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Resuming.] [L. resumere, resumptum; pref. re- re- + sumere to take: cf. F. résumer. See Assume, Redeem.] 1. To take back.

The sun, like this, from which our sight we have,
Gazed on too long, resumes the light he gave.


Perhaps God will resume the blessing he has bestowed ere he attains the age of manhood.

Sir W. Scott.

2. To enter upon, or take up again.

Reason resumed her place, and Passion fled.


3. To begin again; to recommence, as something which has been interrupted; as, to resume an argument or discourse.

Re*sum"mon (?), v. t. To summon again.

Re*sum"mons (?), n. A second summons.

Re*sump"tion (?), n. [cf. F. résumption, L. resumptio restoration, recovery, fr. resumere. See Resume.] 1. The act of resuming; as, the resumption of a grant, of delegated powers, of an argument, of specie payments, etc.

2. (Eng.Law) The taking again into the king's hands of such lands or tenements as he had granted to any man on false suggestions or other error.

Re*sump"tive (?), a. [cf. L. resumptivus restorative.] Taking back; resuming, or tending toward resumption; as, resumptive measures.

Re*su"pi*nate (?), a. [L. resupinatus, p. p. of resupinare to bend back. See Resupine.] Inverted in position; appearing to be upside down or reversed, as the flowers of the orchis and the leaves of some plants.

Re*su"pi*na`ted (?), a. Resupinate.

Re*su`pi*na"tion (?), n. The state of luing on the back; the state of being resupinate, or reversed.

Our Vitruvius calleth this affection in the eye a resupination of the figure.

Sir H. Wotton.

Re`su*pine" (?), a. [L. resupinus; pref. re- re- + supinus bent backward, supine.] Lying on the back; supine; hence, careless. Sir K. Digby.

He spake, and, downward swayed, fell resupine,
With his huge neck aslant.


Re`sup*ply" (?), v. t. To supply again.

Re*sur"gence (?), n. The act of rising again; resurrection.

Re*sur"gent (?), a. [L. resurgens, -entis, p. pr. of resurgere. See Resurrection.] Rising again, as from the dead. Coleridge.

Re*sur"gent, n. One who rises again, as from the dead. [R.] Sydney Smith.

Res`ur*rect" (?), v. t. [See Resurrection.] 1. To take from the grave; to disinter. [Slang]

2. To reanimate; to restore to life; to bring to view (that which was forgotten or lost). [Slang]

Res`ur*rec"tion (?), n. [F. résurrection, L. resurrectio, fr. resurgere, resurrectum, to rise again; pref. re- re- + surgere to rise. See Source.] 1. A rising again; the resumption of vigor.

2. Especially, the rising again from the dead; the resumption of life by the dead; as, the resurrection of Jesus Christ; the general resurrection of all the dead at the Day of Judgment.

Nor after resurrection shall he stay
Longer on earth.


3. State of being risen from the dead; future state.

In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage.

Matt. xxii. 30.

4. The cause or exemplar of a rising from the dead.

I am the resurrection, and the life.

John xi. 25.

Cross of the resurrection, a slender cross with a pennant floating from the junction of the bars. -- Resurrection plant (Bot.), a name given to several species of Selaginella (as S. convoluta and S. lepidophylla), flowerless plants which, when dry, close up so as to resemble a bird's nest, but revive and expand again when moistened. The name is sometimes also given to the rose of Jericho. See under Rose.

Res`ur*rec"tion*ist (?), n. One who steals bodies from the grave, as for dissection. [Slang]

Res`ur*rec"tion*ize (?), v. t. To raise from the dead. [R.] Southey.

Re`sur*vey" (?), v. t. To survey again or anew; to review. Shak.

Re*sur"vey (?), n. A second or new survey.

Re*sus"ci*ta*ble (?), a. Capable of resuscitation; as, resuscitable plants. Boyle.

Re*sus"ci*tant (?), n. One who, or that which resuscitates. Also used adjectively.

Re*sus"ci*tate (?), a. [L. resuscitatus, p. p. of resuscitare; pref. re- re- + suscitare to raise, rouse. See Suscitate.] Restored to life. [R.] Bp. Gardiner.

Re*sus"ci*tate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resuscitated (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Resuscitating.] To revivify; to revive; especially, to recover or restore from apparent death; as, to resuscitate a drowned person; to resuscitate withered plants.

Re*sus"ci*tate, v. i. To come to life again; to revive.

These projects, however often slain, always resuscitate.

J. S. Mill.

Re*sus`ci*ta"tion (?), n. [L. resuscitatio.] The act of resuscitating, or state of being resuscitated.

The subject of resuscitation by his sorceries.

Sir W. Scott.

Re*sus"ci*ta*tive (?), a. Tending to resuscitate; reviving; revivifying.

Re*sus"ci*ta`tor (?), n. [L.] One who, or that which, resuscitates.

Ret (?), v. t. See Aret. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ret, v. t. [Akin to rot.] To prepare for use, as flax, by separating the fibers from the woody part by process of soaking, macerating, and other treatment. Ure.

Re*ta"ble (?), n. (Eccl.) A shelf behind the altar, for display of lights, vases of wlowers, etc.

Re"tail (?), n. [F. retaille piece cut off, shred, paring, or OF. retail, from retailler. See Retail, v.] The sale of commodities in small quantities or parcels; -- opposed to wholesale; sometimes, the sale of commodities at second hand.

Re"tail, a. Done at retail; engaged in retailing commodities; as a retail trade; a retail grocer.

Re*tail" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retailed (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Retailing.] [Cf. F. retailler to cut again; pref. re- re + tailler to cut. See Retail, n., Tailor, and cf. Detail.] 1. To sell in small quantities, as by the single yard, pound, gallon, etc.; to sell directly to the consumer; as, to retail cloth or groceries.

2. To sell at second hand. [Obs. or R.] Pope.

3. To distribute in small portions or at second hand; to tell again or to many (what has been told or done); to report; as, to retail slander. "To whom I will retail my conquest won." Shak.

He is wit's peddler, and retails his wares
At wakes and wassails.


Re*tail"er (?), n. One who retails anything; as, a retailer of merchandise; a retailer of gossip.

Re*tail"ment (?), n. The act of retailing.

Re*tain" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retained (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retaining.] [F. retainir, L. retinere; pref. re- re- + tenere to hold, keep. See Tenable, and cf. Rein of a bridle, Retention, Retinue.] 1. To continue to hold; to keep in possession; not to lose, part with, or dismiss; to retrain from departure, escape, or the like. "Thy shape invisibleretain." Shak.

Be obedient, and retain
Unalterably firm his love entire.


An executor may retain a debt due to him from the testator.


2. To keep in pay; to employ by a preliminary fee paid; to hire; to engage; as, to retain a counselor.

A Benedictine convent has now retained the most learned father of their order to write in its defense.


3. To restrain; to prevent. [Obs.] Sir W. Temple.

Retaining wall (Arch. & Engin.), a wall built to keep any movable backing, or a bank of sand or earth, in its place; -- called also retain wall.

Syn. -- To keep; hold; retrain. See Keep.

Re*tain", v. i. 1. To belong; to pertain. [Obs.]

A somewhat languid relish, retaining to bitterness.


2. To keep; to continue; to remain. [Obs.] Donne.

Re*tain"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being retained.

Re*tain"al (?), n. The act of retaining; retention.

Re*tain"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, retains.

2. One who is retained or kept in service; an attendant; an adherent; a hanger-on.

3. Hence, a servant, not a domestic, but occasionally attending and wearing his master's livery. Cowell.

4. (Law) (a) The act of a client by which he engages a lawyer or counselor to manage his cause. (b) The act of withholding what one has in his hands by virtue of some right. (c) A fee paid to engage a lawyer or counselor to maintain a cause, or to prevent his being employed by the opposing party in the case; -- called also retaining fee. Bouvier. Blackstone.

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5. The act of keeping dependents, or the state of being in dependence. Bacon.

Re*tain"ment (?), n. The act of retaining; retention. Dr. H. More.

Re*take" (?), v. t. 1. To take or receive again.

2. To take from a captor; to recapture; as, to retake a ship or prisoners.

Re*tak"er (?), n. One who takes again what has been taken; a recaptor. Kent.

Re*tal"i*ate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retaliated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retaliating.] [L. retaliatus, p. p. of retaliare to retaliate; pref. re- re- + a word akin to talio talion, retaliation. Cf. Talion.] To return the like for; to repay or requite by an act of the same kind; to return evil for (evil). [Now seldom used except in a bad sense.]

One ambassador sent word to the duke's son that his visit should be retaliated.

Sir T. Herbert.

It is unlucky to be obliged to retaliate the injuries of authors, whose works are so soon forgotten that we are in danger of appearing the first aggressors.


Re*tal"i*ate, v. i. To return like for like; specifically, to return evil for evil; as, to retaliate upon an enemy.

Re*tal`i*a"tion (?), n. The act of retaliating, or of returning like for like; retribution; now, specifically, the return of evil for evil; e.g., an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

God . . . takes what is done to others as done to himself, and by promise obloges himself to full retaliation.


Syn. -- Requital; reprisal; retribution; punishment.

Re*tal"i*a*tive (?), a. Same as Retaliatory.

Re*tal"i*a*to*ry (?), a. Tending to, or involving, retaliation; retaliative; as retaliatory measures.

Re*tard" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retarded; p. pr. & vb. n. Retarding.] [L. retardare, retardatum; pref. re- re- + tardare to make slow, to delay, fr. tardus slow: cf. F. retarder. See Tardy.] 1. To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; as, to retard the march of an army; to retard the motion of a ship; -- opposed to accelerate.

2. To put off; to postpone; as, to retard the attacks of old age; to retard a rupture between nations.

Syn. -- To impede; hinder; obstruct; detain; delay; procrastinate; postpone; defer.

Re*tard", v. i. To stay back. [Obs.] Sir. T. Browne.

Re*tard", n. Retardation; delay.

Retard, or Age, of the tide, the interval between the transit of the moon at which a tide originates and the appearance of the tide itself. It is found, in general, that any particular tide is not principally due to the moon's transit immediately proceeding, but to a transit which has occured some time before, and which is said to correspond to it. The retard of the tide is thus distinguished from the lunitidal interval. See under Retardation. Ham. Nav. Encyc.

Re`tar*da"tion (?), n. [L. retardatio: cf. F. retardation.] 1. The act of retarding; hindrance; the act of delaying; as, the retardation of the motion of a ship; -- opposed to acceleration.

The retardations of our fluent motion.

De Quinsey.

2. That which retards; an obstacle; an obstruction.

Hills, sloughs, and other terrestrial retardations.

Sir W. Scott.

3. (Mus.) The keeping back of an approaching consonant chord by prolonging one or more tones of a previous chord into the intermediate chord which follows; -- differing from suspension by resolving upwards instead of downwards.

4. The extent to which anything is retarded; the amount of retarding or delay.

Retardation of the tide. (a) The lunitidal interval, or the hour angle of the moon at the time of high tide any port; the interval between the transit of the moon and the time of high tide next following. (b) The age of the tide; the retard of the tide. See under Retard, n.

Re*tard"a*tive (?), a. [Cf. F. retardatif.] Tending, or serving, to retard.

Re*tard"er (?), n. One who, or that which, retards.

Re*tard"ment (?), n. [Cf. F. retardement.] The act of retarding; retardation. Cowley.

Retch (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Retched (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retching.] [AS. hr&?;can to clear the throat, hawk, fr. hraca throat; akin to G. rachen, and perhaps to E. rack neck.] To make an effort to vomit; to strain, as in vomiting. [Written also reach.]

Beloved Julia, hear me still beseeching!
(Here he grew inarticulate with retching.)


Retch, v. t. & i. [See Reck.] To care for; to heed; to reck. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Retch"less, a. Careless; reckless. [Obs.] Dryden.

--- Retch"less*ly, adv. -- Retch"less*ness, n. [Obs.]

||Re"te (?), n. [L., a net.] (Anat.) A net or network; a plexus; particularly, a network of blood vessels or nerves, or a part resembling a network.

Re*te"cious (?), a. [L. rete a net.] Resembling network; retiform.

Re*tec"tion (?), n. [L. retegere, retectum, to uncover; pref. re- + tegere to cover.] Act of disclosing or uncovering something concealed. [Obs.] Boyle.

Re*tell (?), v. t. To tell again.

Ret"ene (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; pine resin.] (Chem.) A white crystalline hydrocarbon, polymeric with benzene. It is extracted from pine tar, and is also found in certain fossil resins.

Re*tent" (?), n. [L. retentum, fr. retentus, p. p. See Retain.] That which is retained. Hickok.

Re*ten"tion (?), n. [L. retentio: cf. F. rétention. See Retain.] 1. The act of retaining, or the state of being ratined.

2. The power of retaining; retentiveness.

No woman's heart
So big, to hold so much; they lack retention.


3. That which contains something, as a tablet; a &?;&?;&?;&?; of preserving impressions. [R.] Shak.

4. The act of withholding; retraint; reserve. Shak.

5. Place of custody or confinement.

6. (Law) The right of withholding a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right be duly paid; a lien. Erskine. Craig.

Retention cyst (Med.), a cyst produced by obstruction of a duct leading from a secreting organ and the consequent retention of the natural secretions.

Re*ten"tive (?), a. [Cf. F. rétentif.] Having power to retain; as, a retentive memory.

Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron,
Can be retentive to the strength of spirit.


Re*ten"tive, n. That which retains or confines; a restraint. [R.] Bp. Hall.

Re*ten"tive*ly, adv. In a retentive manner.

Re*ten"tive*ness, n. The quality of being retentive.

Re`ten*tiv"i*ty (?), n. The power of retaining; retentive force; as, the retentivity of a magnet.

||Re*ten"tor (?), n. [L., a retainer.] (Zoöl.) A muscle which serves to retain an organ or part in place, esp. when retracted. See Illust. of Phylactolemata.

Re`te*pore (?), n. [L. rete a net + porus pore.] (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of bryozoans of the genus Retepora. They form delicate calcareous corals, usually composed of thin fenestrated fronds.

Re*tex" (?), v. t. [L. retexere, lit., to unweave; pref. re- re + texere to weave. ] To annual, as orders. [Obs.] Bp. Hacket.

Re*tex"ture (?), n. The act of weaving or forming again. Carlyle.

Reth"or (?), n. [Cf. F. rhéteur. See Rhetor.] A rhetorician; a careful writer. [Obs.]

If a rethor couthe fair endite.


Reth"o*ryke (?), n. Rhetoric. [Obs.] Chaucer.

||Re`ti*a"ri*us (?), n. [L., fr. rete a net.] (Rom.Antiq.) A gladiator armed with a net for entangling his adversary and a trident for despatching him.

Re"ti*a*ry (?), n. [See Retiarius.] 1. (Zoöl.) Any spider which spins webs to catch its prey.

2. A retiarius.

Re`ti*a*ry, a. [Cf. LL. retiarius.] 1. Netlike.

This work is in retiary, or hanging textures.

Sir T. Browne.

2. Constructing or using a web, or net, to catch prey; -- said of certain spiders.

3. Armed with a net; hence, skillful to entangle.

Scholastic retiary versatility of logic.


Ret"i*cence (?), n. [L. reticentia: cf. F. réticence.] 1. The quality or state of being reticent, or keeping silence; the state of holding one's tonque; refraining to speak of that which is suggested; uncommunicativeness.

Such fine reserve and noble reticence.


2. (Rhet.) A figure by which a person really speaks of a thing while he makes a show as if he would say nothingon the subject.

Ret"i*cen*cy (?), n. Reticence.

Ret"i*cent (?), a. [L. reticens, p. pr. of reticere to keep silence; re- + tacere to be silent. See Tacit.] Inclined to keep silent; reserved; uncommunicative.

Ret"i*cle (?), n. [See Reticule.] 1. A small net.

2. A reticule. See Reticule, 2. [R.]

Re*tic"u*lar (?), a. [Cf. F. réticulaire. See Reticule.] 1. Having the form of a net, or of network; formed with interstices; retiform; as, reticular cartilage; a reticular leaf.

2. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to a reticulum.

||Re*tic`u*la"ri*a (?), n. pl. [NL. See Reticular.] (Zoöl.) An extensive division of rhizopods in which the pseudopodia are more or less slender and coalesce at certain points, forming irregular meshes. It includes the shelled Foraminifera, together with some groups which lack a true shell.

Re*tic`u*la"ri*an (?), n. (Zoöl). One of the Reticularia.

Re*tic"u*lar*ly, adv. In a reticular manner.

{ Re*tic"u*late (?), Re*tic"u*la`ted (?) }, a. [L. reticulatus. See Reticule.] 1. Resembling network; having the form or appearance of a net; netted; as, a reticulated structure.

2. Having veins, fibers, or lines crossing like the threads or fibers of a network; as, a reticulate leaf; a reticulated surface; a reticulated wing of an insect.

Reticulated glass, ornamental ware made from glass in which one set of white or colored lines seems to meet and interlace with another set in a different plane. -- Reticulated micrometer, a micrometer for an optical instrument, consisting of a reticule in the focus of an eyepiece. -- Reticulated work (Masonry), work constructed with diamond-shaped stones, or square stones placed diagonally.

Re*tic`u*la"tion (?), n. The quality or state of being reticulated, or netlike; that which is reticulated; network; an organization resembling a net.

The particular net you occupy in the great reticulation.


Ret"i*cule (?), n.. [F. réticule, L. reticulum, dim. of rete a net. Cf.Retina, Reticle.] 1. A little bag, originally of network; a woman's workbag, or a little bag to be carried in the hand. De Quincey.

2. A system of wires or lines in the focus of a telescope or other instrument; a reticle.

||Re*tic`u*lo"sa (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) Same as Reticularia.

Re*tic"u*lose` (?), a. Forming a network; characterized by a reticulated sructure.

Reticulose rhizopod (Zoöl.), a rhizopod in which the pseudopodia blend together and form irregular meshes.

||Re*tic"u*lum (?), n.;pl. Reticula (#). [L. dim. of rete a net.] (Anat.) (a) The second stomach of ruminants, in which folds of the mucous membrane form hexagonal cells; -- also called the honeycomb stomach. (b) The neuroglia.

Ret"i*form (?), a. [L. rete a net + -form. cf. F. rétiforme.] Composed of crossing lines and interstices; reticular; netlike; as, the retiform coat of the eye.

Ret"i*na (?), n. [NL., from L. rete a net. Cf. Reticule.] (Anat.) The delicate membrane by which the back part of the globe of the eye is lined, and in which the fibers of the optic nerve terminate. See Eye.

The fibers of the optic nerve and the retinal blood vessels spread out upon the front surface of the retina, while the sensory layer (called Jacob's membrane), containing the rods and cones, is on the back side, next the choroid coat.

||Ret`i*nac"u*lum (?), n.; pl. Retinacula (#). [L., a holdfast, a band. See Retain.] 1. (Anat.) (a) A connecting band; a frænum; as, the retinacula of the ileocæcal and ileocolic valves. (b) One of the annular ligaments which hold the tendons close to the bones at the larger joints, as at the wrist and ankle.

2. (Zoöl) One of the retractor muscles of the proboscis of certain worms.

3. (Bot.) A small gland or process to which bodies are attached; as, the glandular retinacula to which the pollinia of orchids are attached, or the hooks which support the seeds in many acanthaceous plants.

Ret"i*nal (?), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the retina.

Retinal purple (Physiol. Chem.), the visual purple.

Re*tin"a*lite (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; resin + -lite.] (Min.) A translucent variety of serpentine, of a honey yellow or greenish yellow color, having a waxy resinlike luster.

{ Ret`in*as"phalt (?), ||Ret`in*as*phal"tum (?), } n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; resin + &?;&?;&?;&?;&?; asphalt.] (Min.) Retinite.

Ret"i*nerved` (?), a. [L. rete a net + E. nerve.] (Bot.) Having reticulated veins.

||Ret`i*ne"um (?), n.; pl. Retinea (#). [NL. See Retina.] (Zoöl.) That part of the eye of an invertebrate which corresponds in function with the retina of a vertebrate.

Re*tin"ic (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; resin.] (Min. Chem.) Of or pertaining to resin; derived from resin; specifically, designating an acid found in certain fossil resins and hydrocarbons.

Ret"i*nite (?), n. [Gr.&?;&?;&?; resin: cf. F. rétinite.] (Min.) An inflammable mineral resin, usually of a yellowish brown color, found in roundish masses, sometimes with coal.

Ret`i*ni"tis (?), n. [NL., fr. NL. & E. retina + -tis.] (Med.) Inflammation of the retina.

Ret"i*noid (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; resin + -oid.] Resinlike, or resinform; resembling a resin without being such.

Ret"i*nol (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; resin + L. oleum oil.] (Chem.) A hydrocarbon oil obtained by the distillation of resin, -- used in printer's ink.

||Ret`i*noph"o*ra (?), n.; pl. Retiniphoræ (#). [NL., fr. NL. & E. retina + Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; to bear.] (Zoöl.) One of group of two to four united cells which occupy the axial part of the ocelli, or ommatidia, of the eyes of invertebrates, and contain the terminal nerve fibrillæ. See Illust. under Ommatidium.

Ret`i*noph"o*ral (?), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to retinophoræ.

Ret`i*nos"co*py (?), n. [Retina + -scopy.] (Physiol.) The study of the retina of the eye by means of the ophthalmoscope.

Ret"i*nue (?), n. [OE. retinue, OF. retinue, fr. retenir to retain, engage, hire. See Retain.] The body of retainers who follow a prince or other distinguished person; a train of attendants; a suite.

Others of your insolent retinue.


What followers, what retinue canst thou gain?


To have at one's retinue, to keep or employ as a retainer; to retain. [Obs.] Chaucer.

||Re*tin"u*la (?), n.; pl. Retinulæ (#). [NL., dim. of NL. & E. retina.] (Zoöl.) One of the group of pigmented cells which surround the retinophoræ of invertebrates. See Illust. under Ommatidium.

Re*tin"u*late (?), a. (Zoöl.) Having, or characterized by, retinul&?;.

Ret`i*ped (?), n. [L. rete a net + pes, pedis, a foot: cf. F. rétinopède.] (Zoöl.) A bird having small polygonal scales covering the tarsi.

Re*tir"a*cy (?), n. Retirement; -- mostly used in a jocose or burlesque way. [U.S.] Bartlett.

What one of our great men used to call dignified retiracy.

C. A. Bristed.

Ret`i*rade" (?), n. [F.; cf. Sp. retirada retreat. See Retire.] (Fort.) A kind of retrenchment, as in the body of a bastion, which may be disputed inch by inch after the defenses are dismantled. It usually consists of two faces which make a reëntering angle.

Re*tire" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retired (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retiring.] [F. retirer; pref. re- re- + tirer to draw. See Tirade.] 1. To withdraw; to take away; -- sometimes used reflexively.

He . . . retired himself, his wife, and children into a forest.

Sir P. Sidney.

As when the sun is present all the year,
And never doth retire his golden ray.

Sir J. Davies.

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2. To withdraw from circulation, or from the market; to take up and pay; as, to retire bonds; to retire a note.

3. To cause to retire; specifically, to designate as no longer qualified for active service; to place on the retired list; as, to retire a military or naval officer.

Re*tire" (?), v. i. 1. To go back or return; to draw back or away; to keep aloof; to withdraw or retreat, as from observation; to go into privacy; as, to retire to his home; to retire from the world, or from notice.

To Una back he cast him to retire.


The mind contracts herself, and shrinketh in,
And to herself she gladly doth retire.

Sir J. Davies.

2. To retreat from action or danger; to withdraw for safety or pleasure; as, to retire from battle.

Set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die.

2 Sam. xi. 15.

3. To withdraw from a public station, or from business; as, having made a large fortune, he retired.

And from Britannia's public posts retire.


4. To recede; to fall or bend back; as, the shore of the sea retires in bays and gulfs.

5. To go to bed; as, he usually retires early.

Syn. -- To withdraw; leave; depart; secede; recede; retreat; retrocede.

Re*tire", n. 1. The act of retiring, or the state of being retired; also, a place to which one retires. [Obs.]

The battle and the retire of the English succors.


[Eve] discover'd soon the place of her retire.


2. (Mil.) A call sounded on a bugle, announcing to skirmishers that they are to retire, or fall back.

Re*tired" (?), a. 1. Private; secluded; quiet; as, a retired life; a person of retired habits.

A retired part of the peninsula.


2. Withdrawn from active duty or business; as, a retired officer; a retired physician.

Retired flank (Fort.), a flank bent inward toward the rear of the work. -- Retired list (Mil. & Naval), a list of officers, who, by reason of advanced age or other disability, are relieved from active service, but still receive a specified amount of pay from the government.

-- Re*tired"ly, adv. -- Re*tired"ness, n.

Re*tire"ment (?), n. [Cf. F. retirement.] 1. The act of retiring, or the state of being retired; withdrawal; seclusion; as, the retirement of an officer.

O, blest Retirement, friend of life's decline.


Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books.


2. A place of seclusion or privacy; a place to which one withdraws or retreats; a private abode. [Archaic]

This coast full of princely retirements for the sumptousness of their buildings and nobleness of the plantations.


Caprea had been the retirement of Augustus.


Syn. -- Solitude; withdrawment; departure; retreat; seclusion; privacy. See Solitude.

Re*tir"er (?), n. One who retires.

Re*tir"ing, a. 1. Reserved; shy; not forward or obtrusive; as, retiring modesty; retiring manners.

2. Of or pertaining to retirement; causing retirement; suited to, or belonging to, retirement.

Retiring board (Mil.), a board of officers who consider and report upon the alleged incapacity of an officer for active service. -- Retiring pension, a pension granted to a public officer on his retirement from office or service.

Ret"i*stene (?), n. (Chem.) A white crystalline hydrocarbon produced indirectly from retene.

||Ret`i*te"læ (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. rete a net + tela a web.] (Zoöl.) A group of spiders which spin irregular webs; -- called also Retitelariæ.

Re*told" (?), imp. & p. p. of Retell.

Re*tor"sion (?), n. Same as Retortion.

Re*tort" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retorted; p. pr. & vb. n. Retorting.] [L. retortus, p. p. of retorquere; pref. re- re- + torquere to turn twist. See Torsion, and cf. Retort, n., 2.] 1. To bend or curve back; as, a retorted line.

With retorted head, pruned themselves as they floated.


2. To throw back; to reverberate; to reflect.

As when his virtues, shining upon others,
Heat them and they retort that heat again
To the first giver.


3. To return, as an argument, accusation, censure, or incivility; as, to retort the charge of vanity.

And with retorted scorn his back he turned.


Re*tort", v. i. To return an argument or a charge; to make a severe reply. Pope.

Re*tort", n. [See Retort, v. t.] 1. The return of, or reply to, an argument, charge, censure, incivility, taunt, or witticism; a quick and witty or severe response.

This is called the retort courteous.


2. [F. retorte (cf. Sp. retorta), fr. L. retortus, p. p. of retorquere. So named from its bent shape. See Retort, v. t.] (Chem. & the Arts) A vessel in which substances are subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat. It is made of different forms and materials for different uses, as a bulb of glass with a curved beak to enter a receiver for general chemical operations, or a cylinder or semicylinder of cast iron for the manufacture of gas in gas works.

Tubulated retort (Chem.), a retort having a tubulure for the introduction or removal of the substances which are to be acted upon.

Syn. -- Repartee; answer. -- Retort, Repartee. A retort is a short and pointed reply, turning back on an assailant the arguments, censure, or derision he had thrown out. A repartee is usually a good-natured return to some witty or sportive remark.

Re*tort"er (?), n. One who retorts.

Re*tor"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. rétorsion. See Retort, v. t.] 1. Act of retorting or throwing back; reflection or turning back. [Written also retorsion.]

It was, however, necessary to possess some single term expressive of this intellectual retortion.

Sir W. Hamilton.

2. (Law) Retaliation. Wharton.

Re*tort"ive (?), a. Containing retort.

Re*toss" (?), v. t. To toss back or again.

Re*touch" (?), v. t. [Pref. re- + touch: cf. F. retoucher.] 1. To touch again, or rework, in order to improve; to revise; as, to retouch a picture or an essay.

2. (Photog.) To correct or change, as a negative, by handwork.

Re*touch", n. (Fine Arts) A partial reworking,as of a painting, a sculptor's clay model, or the like.

Re*touch"er (?), n. One who retouches.

Re*trace" (?), v. t. [Pref. re- + trace: cf. F. retracer. Cf. Retract.] 1. To trace back, as a line.

Then if the line of Turnus you retrace,
He springs from Inachus of Argive race.


2. To go back, in or over (a previous course); to go over again in a reverse direction; as, to retrace one's steps; to retrace one's proceedings.

3. To trace over again, or renew the outline of, as a drawing; to draw again.

Re*tract" (r*trkt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retracted; p. pr. & vb. n. Retracting.] [F. rétracter, L. retractare, retractatum, to handle again, reconsider, retract, fr. retrahere, retractum, to draw back. See Retreat.] 1. To draw back; to draw up or shorten; as, the cat can retract its claws; to retract a muscle.

2. To withdraw; to recall; to disavow; to recant; to take back; as, to retract an accusation or an assertion.

I would as freely have retracted this charge of idolatry as I ever made it.

Bp. Stillingfleet.

3. To take back,, as a grant or favor previously bestowed; to revoke. [Obs.] Woodward.

Syn. -- To recall; withdraw; rescind; revoke; unsay; disavow; recant; abjure; disown.

Re*tract", v. i. 1. To draw back; to draw up; as, muscles retract after amputation.

2. To take back what has been said; to withdraw a concession or a declaration.

She will, and she will not; she grants, denies,
Consents, retracts, advances, and then files.


Re*tract", n. (Far.) The pricking of a horse's foot in nailing on a shoe.

Re*tract"a*ble (-*b'l), a. [Cf. F. rétractable.] Capable of being retracted; retractile.

Re*tract"ate (?), v. t. [L. retractatus, p. p. of retractare. See Retract.] To retract; to recant. [Obs.]

Re`trac*ta"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. rétractation, L. retractatio a revision, reconsideration. ] The act of retracting what has been said; recantation.

Re*tract"i*ble (?), a. Retractable.

Re*tract"ile (?), a. [Cf. F. - rétractile.] (Physiol.) Capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back or up; as, the claws of a cat are retractile.

Re*trac"tion (r*trk"shn), n. [Cf. F. rétraction, L. retractio a drawing back, hesitation.] 1. The act of retracting, or drawing back; the state of being retracted; as, the retraction of a cat's claws.

2. The act of withdrawing something advanced, stated, claimed, or done; declaration of change of opinion; recantation.

Other men's insatiable desire of revenge hath wholly beguiled both church and state of the benefit of all my either retractions or concessions.

Eikon Basilike.

3. (Physiol.) (a) The act of retracting or shortening; as, the retraction of a severed muscle; the retraction of a sinew. (b) The state or condition of a part when drawn back, or towards the center of the body.

Re*tract"ive (?), a. Serving to retract; of the nature of a retraction. -- Re*tract"ive*ly, adv.

Re*tract"ive, n. That which retracts, or withdraws.

Re*tract"or (-r), n. One who, or that which, retracts. Specifically: (a) In breech-loading firearms, a device for withdrawing a cartridge shell from the barrel. (b) (Surg.) An instrument for holding apart the edges of a wound during amputation. (c) (Surg.) A bandage to protect the soft parts from injury by the saw during amputation. (d) (Anat. & Zoöl.) A muscle serving to draw in any organ or part. See Illust. under Phylactolæmata.

Re*traict" (r*trt"), n. Retreat. [Obs.] Bacon.

Re*trait" (r*trt"), n. [It. ritratto, fr. ritrarre to draw back, draw, fr. L. retrahere. See Retract.] A portrait; a likeness. [Obs.]

Whose fair retrait I in my shield do bear.


Re`trans*form" (?), v. t. To transform anew or back. -- Re`trans*for*ma"tion (#), n.

Re`trans*late" (?), v. t. To translate anew; especially, to translate back into the original language.

||Re*trax"it (?), n. [L., (he) has withdrawn. See Retract.] (O. Eng. Law) The withdrawing, or open renunciation, of a suit in court by the plaintiff, by which he forever lost his right of action. Blackstone.

Re*tread" (?), v. t. & i. To tread again.

Re*treat" (?), n. [F. retraite, fr. retraire to withdraw, L. retrahere; pref. re- re- + trahere to draw. See Trace, and cf. Retract, Retrace.] 1. The act of retiring or withdrawing one's self, especially from what is dangerous or disagreeable.

In a retreat he o&?;truns any lackey.


2. The place to which anyone retires; a place or privacy or safety; a refuge; an asylum.

He built his son a house of pleasure, and spared no cost to make a delicious retreat.


That pleasing shade they sought, a soft retreat
From sudden April showers, a shelter from the heat.


3. (Mil. & Naval.) (a) The retiring of an army or body of men from the face of an enemy, or from any ground occupied to a greater distance from the enemy, or from an advanced position. (b) The withdrawing of a ship or fleet from an enemy for the purpose of avoiding an engagement or escaping after defeat. (c) A signal given in the army or navy, by the beat of a drum or the sounding of trumpet or bugle, at sunset (when the roll is called), or for retiring from action.

A retreat is properly an orderly march, in which circumstance it differs from a flight.

4. (Eccl.) (a) A special season of solitude and silence to engage in religious exercises. (b) A period of several days of withdrawal from society to a religious house for exclusive occupation in the duties of devotion; as, to appoint or observe a retreat.

Syn. -- Retirement; departure; withdrawment; seclusion; solitude; privacy; asylum; shelter; refuge.

Re*treat" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Retreated; p. pr. & vb. n. Retreating.] To make a retreat; to retire from any position or place; to withdraw; as, the defeated army retreated from the field.

The rapid currents drive
Towards the retreating sea their furious tide.


Re*treat"ful (?), a. Furnishing or serving as a retreat. [R.] "Our retreatful flood." Chapman.

Re*treat"ment (?), n. The act of retreating; specifically, the Hegira. [R.] D'Urfey.

Re*trench" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retrenched (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retrenching.] [OF. retrenchier, F. retrancher; pref. re- re- + OF. trenchier, F. trancher, to cut. See Trench.] 1. To cut off; to pare away.

Thy exuberant parts retrench.


2. To lessen; to abridge; to curtail; as, to retrench superfluities or expenses.

But this thy glory shall be soon retrenched.


3. To confine; to limit; to restrict. Addison.

These figures, ought they then to receive a retrenched interpretation?

I. Taylor.

4. (Fort.) To furnish with a retrenchment; as, to retrench bastions.

Syn. -- To lesen; diminish; curtail; abridge.

Re*trench", v. i. To cause or suffer retrenchment; specifically, to cut down living expenses; as, it is more reputable to retrench than to live embarrassed.

Re*trench"ment (?), n. [Cf. F. retrenchment.] 1. The act or process of retrenching; as, the retrenchment of words in a writing.

The retrenchment of my expenses will convince you that &?; mean to replace your fortune as far as I can.


2. (Fort.) A work constructed within another, to prolong the defense of the position when the enemy has gained possession of the outer work; or to protect the defenders till they can retreat or obtain terms for a capitulation.

Syn. -- Lessening; curtailment; diminution; reduction; abridgment.

Re*tri"al (?), n. A secdond trial, experiment, or test; a second judicial trial, as of an accused person.

Re*trib"ute (?), v. t. [L. retributus, p. p. ofretribuere to retribute; pref re- + tribuere to bestow, assign, pay. See Tribute.] To pay back; to give in return, as payment, reward, or punishment; to requite; as, to retribute one for his kindness; to retribute just punishment to a criminal. [Obs. or R.] Locke.

Re*trib"u*ter (?), n. One who makes retribution.

Ret`ri*bu"tion (?), n. [L. retributio: cf. F. rétribution.] 1. The act of retributing; repayment.

In good offices and due retributions, we may not be pinching and niggardly.

Bp. Hall.

2. That which is given in repayment or compensation; return suitable to the merits or deserts of, as an action; commonly, condign punishment for evil or wrong.

All who have their reward on earth, . . .
Naught seeking but the praise of men, here find
Fit retribution, empty as their deeds.


3. Specifically, reward and punishment, as distributed at the general judgment.

It is a strong argument for a state of retribution hereafter, that in this world virtuous persons are very often unfortunate, and vicious persons prosperous.


Syn. -- Repayment; requital; recompense; payment; retaliation.

{ Re*trib"u*tive (?), Re*trib"u*to*ry }, a. [Cf. LL. retributorius worthy of retribution.] Of or pertaining to retribution; of the nature of retribution; involving retribution or repayment; as, retributive justice; retributory comforts.

Re*triev"a*ble (?), a. [From Retrieve.] That may be retrieved or recovered; admitting of retrieval. -- Re*triev"a*ble*ness, n. -- Re*triev"a*bly, adv.

Re*triev"al (?), n. The act retrieving.

Re*trieve" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retrieved (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retrieving.] [OE. retreven, OF. retrover to find again, recover (il retroevee finds again), F. retrouver; pref. re- re- + OF. trover to find, F. trouver. See Trover.] 1. To find again; to recover; to regain; to restore from loss or injury; as, to retrieve one's character; to retrieve independence.

With late repentance now they would retrieve
The bodies they forsook, and wish to live.


2. To recall; to bring back.

To retrieve them from their cold, trivial conceits.


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3. To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair, as a loss or damadge.

Accept my sorrow, and retrieve my fall.


There is much to be done . . . and much to be retrieved.


Syn. -- To recover; regain; recruit; repair; restore.

Re*trieve" (?), v. i. (Sport.) To discover and bring in game that has been killed or wounded; as, a dog naturally inclined to retrieve. Walsh.

Re*trieve", n. 1. A seeking again; a discovery. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

2. The recovery of game once sprung; -- an old sporting term. [Obs.] Nares.

Re*trieve"ment (?), n. Retrieval.

Re*triev"er (?), n. 1. One who retrieves.

2. (Zoöl.) A dor, or a breed of dogs, chiefly employed to retrieve, or to find and recover game birds that have been killed or wounded.

Re*trim" (?), v. t. To trim again.

Ret"ri*ment (?), n. [L. retrimentum.] Refuse; dregs. [R.]

Retro-. [L. retro, adv., backward, back. Cf. Re-.] A prefix or combining form signifying backward, back; as, retroact, to act backward; retrospect, a looking back.

Re`tro*act" (?), v. i. [Pref. retro- + act.] To act backward, or in return; to act in opposition; to be retrospective.

Re`tro*ac"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. rétroaction.] 1. Action returned, or action backward.

2. Operation on something past or preceding.

Re`tro*act"ive (?), a. [Cf. F. rétroactif.] Fitted or designed to retroact; operating by returned action; affecting what is past; retrospective. Beddoes.

Retroactive law or statute (Law), one which operates to make criminal or punishable, or in any way expressly to affect, acts done prior to the passing of the law.

Re`tro*act"ive*ly, adv. In a retroactive manner.

Re"tro*cede (?), v. t. [Pref. retro- + cede: cf. F. rétrocéder.] To cede or grant back; as, to retrocede a territory to a former proprietor.

Re"tro*cede, v. i. [L. retrocedere; retro backward, back + cedere to go. See Cede.] To go back.

Re`tro*ced"ent (?), a. [L. retrocedens, p. pr.] Disposed or likely to retrocede; -- said of diseases which go from one part of the body to another, as the gout.

Re`tro*ces"sion (?), n. [Cf. F. rétrocession. See Retrocede.] 1. The act of retroceding.

2. The state of being retroceded, or granted back.

3. (Med.) Metastasis of an eruption or a tumor from the surface to the interior of the body.

Re"tro*choir (?), n. [Pref. retro- + choir.] (Eccl. Arch.) Any extension of a church behind the high altar, as a chapel; also, in an apsidal church, all the space beyond the line of the back or eastern face of the altar.

Re`tro*cop"u*lant (?), a. [See Retrocopulation.] Copulating backward, or from behind.

Re`tro*cop`u*la"tion (?), n. [Pref. retro- + copulation.] Copulation from behind. Sir T. Browne.

Re`tro*duc"tion (?), n. [L. retroducere, retroductum, to lead or bring back; retro backward + ducere to lead.] A leading or bringing back.

{ Re"tro*flex (?), Re"tro*flexed (?), } a. [Pref. retro- + L. flectere, flexum, to bend, to turn.] Reflexed; bent or turned abruptly backward.

Re`tro*flex"ion (?), n. The act of reflexing; the state of being retroflexed. Cf. Retroversion.

{ Re"tro*fract (?), Re"tro*fract`ed, } a. [Pref. retro- + L. fractus, p. p. of frangere to break.] (Bot.) Refracted; as, a retrofract stem.

Re`tro*gen"er*a*tive (?), a. [Pref. retro- + generative.] Begetting young by retrocopulation.

Re`tro*gra*da"tion (?), n. [F. rétrogradation or L. retrogradatio. See Retrograde.] 1. The act of retrograding, or moving backward.

2. The state of being retrograde; decline.

Re"tro*grade (?), a. [L. retrogradus, from retrogradi, retrogressus, to retrograde; retro back + gradi to step: cf. F. rétrograde. See Grade.] 1. (Astron.) Apparently moving backward, and contrary to the succession of the signs, that is, from east to west, as a planet. Hutton.

And if he be in the west side in that condition, then is he retrograde.


2. Tending or moving backward; having a backward course; contrary; as, a retrograde motion; -- opposed to progressive. "Progressive and not retrograde." Bacon.

It is most retrograde to our desire.


3. Declining from a better to a worse state; as, a retrograde people; retrograde ideas, morals, etc. Bacon.

Re"tro*grade, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Retrograded (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Retrograding.] [L. retrogradare, retrogradi: cf. F. rétrograder.] 1. To go in a retrograde direction; to move, or appear to move, backward, as a planet.

2. Hence, to decline from a better to a worse condition, as in morals or intelligence.

Re"tro*gra`ding*ly (?), adv. By retrograding; so as to retrograde.

Re"tro*gress (?), n. [Cf. L. retrogressus.] Retrogression. [R.] H. Spenser.

Re`tro*gres"sion (?), n. [Cf. F. rétrogression. See Retrograde, and cf. Digression.] 1. The act of retrograding, or going backward; retrogradation.

2. (Biol.) Backward development; a passing from a higher to a lower state of organization or structure, as when an animal, approaching maturity, becomes less highly organized than would be expected from its earlier stages or known relationship. Called also retrograde development, and regressive metamorphism.

Re`tro*gres"sive, a. [Cf. F. rétrogressif.] 1. Tending to retrograde; going or moving backward; declining from a better to a worse state.

2. (Biol.) Passing from a higher to a lower condition; declining from a more perfect state of organization; regressive.

Re`tro*gres"sive*ly, adv. In a retrogressive manner.

Re`tro*min"gen*cy (?), n. The quality or state of being retromingent. Sir T. Browne.

Re`tro*min"gent (?), a. [Pref. retro- + L. mingens, p. pr. of mingere to urinate.] Organized so as to discharge the urine backward. -- n. (Zoöl.) An animal that discharges its urine backward.

Re`tro*pul"sive (?), a. [Pref. retro- + L. pellere, pulsum, to impel.] Driving back; repelling.

Re*trorse" (?), a. [L. retrorsus, retroversus; retro back + vertere, versum, to turn. Cf. Retrovert.] Bent backward or downward. -- Re*trorse"ly, adv.

Re"tro*spect (?), v. i. [L. retrospicere; retro back + specere, spectum, to look. See Spy, and cf. Expect.] To look backward; hence, to affect or concern what is past.

It may be useful to retrospect to an early period.

A. Hamilton.

Re"tro*spect, n. A looking back on things past; view or contemplation of the past. Cowper.

We may introduce a song without retrospect to the old comedy.


Re`tro*spec"tion (?), n. The act, or the faculty, of looking back on things past.

Re`tro*spec"tive (?), a. [Cf. F. rétrospectif.] 1. Looking backward; contemplating things past; -- opposed to prospective; as, a retrospective view.

The sage, with retrospective eye.


2. Having reference to what is past; affecting things past; retroactive; as, a retrospective law.

Inflicting death by a retrospective enactment.


Re`tro*spec"tive*ly, adv. By way of retrospect.

||Re*trous`sé" (?), a. [F., p.p. of retrousser to turn up.] Turned up; -- said of a pug nose.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Re`tro*vac`ci*na"tion (?), n. (Med.) The inoculation of a cow with human vaccine virus.

Re`tro*ver"sion (?), n. [Cf. F. rétroversion. See Retrovert.] A turning or bending backward; also, the state of being turned or bent backward; displacement backwards; as, retroversion of the uterus.

In retroversion the bending is gradual or curved; in retroflexion it is abrupt or angular.

Re"tro*vert (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retroverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Retroverting.] [Pref. retro- + L. vertere, versum, to turn. Cf. Retrorse.] To turn back.

Re"tro*vert*ed, a. In a state of retroversion.

Re*trude" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retruded; p. pr. & vb. n. Retruding.] [L. retrudere; re- + trudere to thrust.] To thrust back. [R.] Dr. H. More.

Re*truse" (?), a. [L. retrusus concealed, p. p. of retrudere.] Abstruse. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.

Re*tru"sion (?), n. The act of retruding, or the state of being retruded.

In virtue of an endless remotion or retrusion of the constituent cause.


Re*try" (?), v. t. To try (esp. judicially) a second time; as, to retry a case; to retry an accused person.

Rette (?), v. t. See Aret. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ret"ter*y (?), n. A place or establishment where flax is retted. See Ret. Ure.

Ret"ting (?), n. 1. The act or process of preparing flax for use by soaking, maceration, and kindred processes; -- also called rotting. See Ret. Ure.

2. A place where flax is retted; a rettery. Ure.

Re*tund" (?), v. t. [L. retundere, retusum; pref. re- re- + tundere to beat.] To blunt; to turn, as an edge; figuratively, to cause to be obtuse or dull; as, to retund confidence. Ray. Cudworth.

Re-turn" (?), v. t. & i. To turn again.

Re*turn" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Returned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Returning.] [OE. returnen, retournen, F. retourner; pref. re- re- + tourner to turn. See Turn.] 1. To turn back; to go or come again to the same place or condition. "Return to your father's house." Chaucer.

On their embattled ranks the waves return.


If they returned out of bondage, it must be into a state of freedom.


Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Gen. iii. 19.

2. To come back, or begin again, after an interval, regular or irregular; to appear again.

With the year
Seasons return; but not me returns
Day or the sweet approach of even or morn.


3. To speak in answer; to reply; to respond.

He said, and thus the queen of heaven returned.


4. To revert; to pass back into possession.

And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David.

1Kings xii. 26.

5. To go back in thought, narration, or argument. "But to return to my story." Fielding.

Re*turn", v. t. 1. To bring, carry, send, or turn, back; as, to return a borrowed book, or a hired horse.

Both fled attonce, ne ever back returned eye.


2. To repay; as, to return borrowed money.

3. To give in requital or recompense; to requite.

The Lord shall return thy wickedness upon thine own head.

1 Kings ii. 44.

4. To give back in reply; as, to return an answer; to return thanks.

5. To retort; to throw back; as, to return the lie.

If you are a malicious reader, you return upon me, that I affect to be thought more impartial than I am.


6. To report, or bring back and make known.

And all the people answered together, . . . and Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord.

Ex. xix. 8.

7. To render, as an account, usually an official account, to a superior; to report officially by a list or statement; as, to return a list of stores, of killed or wounded; to return the result of an election.

8. Hence, to elect according to the official report of the election officers. [Eng.]

9. To bring or send back to a tribunal, or to an office, with a certificate of what has been done; as, to return a writ.

10. To convey into official custody, or to a general depository.

Instead of a ship, he should levy money, and return the same to the treasurer for his majesty's use.


11. (Tennis) To bat (the ball) back over the net.

12. (Card Playing) To lead in response to the lead of one's partner; as, to return a trump; to return a diamond for a club.

To return a lead (Card Playing), to lead the same suit led by one's partner.

Syn. -- To restore; requite; repay; recompense; render; remit; report.

Re*turn" (?), n. 1. The act of returning (intransitive), or coming back to the same place or condition; as, the return of one long absent; the return of health; the return of the seasons, or of an anniversary.

At the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against thee.

1 Kings xx. 22.

His personal return was most required and necessary.


2. The act of returning (transitive), or sending back to the same place or condition; restitution; repayment; requital; retribution; as, the return of anything borrowed, as a book or money; a good return in tennis.

You made my liberty your late request:
Is no return due from a grateful breast?


3. That which is returned. Specifically: (a) A payment; a remittance; a requital.

I do expect return
Of thrice three times the value of this bond.


(b) An answer; as, a return to one's question. (c) An account, or formal report, of an action performed, of a duty discharged, of facts or statistics, and the like; as, election returns; a return of the amount of goods produced or sold; especially, in the plural, a set of tabulated statistics prepared for general information. (d) The profit on, or advantage received from, labor, or an investment, undertaking, adventure, etc.

The fruit from many days of recreation is very little; but from these few hours we spend in prayer, the return is great.

Jer. Taylor.

4. (Arch.) The continuation in a different direction, most often at a right angle, of a building, face of a building, or any member, as a molding or mold; -- applied to the shorter in contradistinction to the longer; thus, a facade of sixty feet east and west has a return of twenty feet north and south.

5. (Law) (a) The rendering back or delivery of writ, precept, or execution, to the proper officer or court. (b) The certificate of an officer stating what he has done in execution of a writ, precept, etc., indorsed on the document. (c) The sending back of a commission with the certificate of the commissioners. (d) A day in bank. See Return day, below. Blackstone.

6. (Mil. & Naval) An official account, report, or statement, rendered to the commander or other superior officer; as, the return of men fit for duty; the return of the number of the sick; the return of provisions, etc.

7. pl. (Fort. & Mining) The turnings and windings of a trench or mine.

Return ball, a ball held by an elastic string so that it returns to the hand from which it is thrown, -- used as a plaything. -- Return bend, a pipe fitting for connecting the contiguous ends of two nearly parallel pipes lying alongside or one above another. -- Return day (Law), the day when the defendant is to appear in court, and the sheriff is to return the writ and his proceedings. -- Return flue, in a steam boiler, a flue which conducts flame or gases of combustion in a direction contrary to their previous movement in another flue. -- Return pipe (Steam Heating), a pipe by which water of condensation from a heater or radiator is conveyed back toward the boiler.

Re*turn"a*ble (?), a. 1. Capable of, or admitting of, being returned.

2. (Law) Legally required to be returned, delivered, given, or rendered; as, a writ or precept returnable at a certain day; a verdict returnable to the court.

Re*turn"er (?), n. One who returns.

Re*turn"less, a. Admitting no return. Chapman.

Re*tuse" (?), a. [L. retusus, p. p. : cf. F. rétus. See Retund.] (Bot. & Zoöl.) Having the end rounded and slightly indented; as, a retuse leaf.

Reule (?), n.& v. Rule. [Obs.]

Reume (?), n. Realm. [Obs.]

Re*un"ion (?), n. [Pref. re- + union: cf. F. réunion.] 1. A second union; union formed anew after separation, secession, or discord; as, a reunion of parts or particles of matter; a reunion of parties or sects.

2. An assembling of persons who have been separated, as of a family, or the members of a disbanded regiment; an assembly so composed.

Re`u*nite" (?), v. t. & i. To unite again; to join after separation or variance. Shak.

<! p. 1233 !>

Re`u*nit"ed*ly (?), adv. In a reunited manner.

Re`u*ni"tion (?), n. A second uniting. [R.]

Re*urge" (?), v. t. To urge again.

Re*vac"ci*nate (?), v. t. To vaccinate a second time or again. -- Re*vac`ci*na"tion(#), n.

Rev`a*les"cence (?), n. The act of growing well; the state of being revalescent.

Would this prove that the patient's revalescence had been independent of the medicines given him?


Rev`a*les"cent (?), a. [L. revalescens, -entis, p. pr. of revalescere; pref. re- re- + valescere, v. incho. fr. valere to be well.] Growing well; recovering strength.

Re*val`u*a"tion (?), n. A second or new valuation.

Re*vamp" (?), v. t. To vamp again; hence, to patch up; to reconstruct.

Reve (?), v. t. To reave. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Reve, n. [See Reeve.] An officer, steward, or governor. [Usually written reeve.] [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

Re*veal" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revealed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Revealing.] [F. révéler, L. revelare, revelatum, to unveil, reveal; pref. re- re- + velare to veil; fr. velum a veil. See Veil.] 1. To make known (that which has been concealed or kept secret); to unveil; to disclose; to show.

Light was the wound, the prince's care unknown,
She might not, would not, yet reveal her own.


2. Specifically, to communicate (that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction or agency).

Syn. -- To communicate; disclose; divulge; unveil; uncover; open; discover; impart; show. See Communicate. -- Reveal, Divulge. To reveal is literally to lift the veil, and thus make known what was previously concealed; to divulge is to scatter abroad among the people, or make publicly known. A mystery or hidden doctrine may be revealed; something long confined to the knowledge of a few is at length divulged. "Time, which reveals all things, is itself not to be discovered." Locke. "A tragic history of facts divulged." Wordsworth.

Re*veal", n. 1. A revealing; a disclosure. [Obs.]

2. (Arch.) The side of an opening for a window, doorway, or the like, between the door frame or window frame and the outer surface of the wall; or, where the opening is not filled with a door, etc., the whole thickness of the wall; the jamb. [Written also revel.]

Re*veal`a*bil"i*ty (?), n. The quality or state of being revealable; revealableness.

Re*veal"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being revealed. -- Re*veal"a*ble*ness, n.

Re*veal"er (?), n. One who, or that which, reveals.

Re*veal"ment (?), n. Act of revealing. [R.]

Re*veg"e*tate (?), v. i. To vegetate anew.

Re*veil"le (?), n. [F. réveil, fr. réveiller to awake; pref. re- re- + pref. es- (L. ex) + veiller to awake, watch, L. vigilare to watch. The English form was prob. taken by mistake from the French imper. réveillez,2d pers. pl. See Vigil.] (Mil.) The beat of drum, or bugle blast, about break of day, to give notice that it is time for the soldiers to rise, and for the sentinels to forbear challenging. "Sound a reveille." Dryden.

For at dawning to assail ye
Here no bugles sound reveille.

Sir W. Scott.

Rev"el (?), n. (Arch.) See Reveal. [R.]

Rev"el, n. [OF. revel rebellion, disorder, feast, sport. See Revel, v. i.] A feast with loose and noisy jollity; riotous festivity or merrymaking; a carousal.

This day in mirth and revel to dispend.


Some men ruin . . . their bodies by incessant revels.


Master of the revels, Revel master. Same as Lord of misrule, under Lord.

Rev"el, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Reveled (?) or Revelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Reveling or Revelling.] [OF. reveler to revolt, rebel, make merry, fr. L. rebellare. See Rebel.] 1. To feast in a riotous manner; to carouse; to act the bacchanalian; to make merry. Shak.

2. To move playfully; to indulge without restraint. "Where joy most revels." Shak.

Re*vel" (?), v. t. [L. revellere; re- + vellere to pluck, pull.] To draw back; to retract. [Obs.] Harvey.

Rev"e*late (?), v. t. [L. revelatus, p. p. of revelare to reveal.] To reveal. [Obs.] Frith. Barnes.

Rev`e*la"tion (?), n. [F. révélation, L. revelatio. See Reveal.] 1. The act of revealing, disclosing, or discovering to others what was before unknown to them.

2. That which is revealed.

3. (Theol.) (a) The act of revealing divine truth. (b) That which is revealed by God to man; esp., the Bible.

By revelation he made known unto me the mystery, as I wrote afore in few words.

Eph. iii. 3.

4. Specifically, the last book of the sacred canon, containing the prophecies of St. John; the Apocalypse.

Rev"e*la`tor (?), n. [L.] One who makes a revelation; a revealer. [R.]

Rev"el*er (?), n. [Written also reveller.] One who revels. "Moonshine revelers." Shak.

Re*vel"lent (?), a. [L. revellens, p. pr. of revellere. See Revel, v. t.] Causing revulsion; revulsive. -- n. (Med.) A revulsive medicine.

Rev"el*ment (?), n. The act of reveling.

Rev"el*ous (?), a. [OF. reveleus.] Fond of festivity; given to merrymaking or reveling. [Obs.]

Companionable and revelous was she.


Rev"el-rout` (?), n. [See Rout.] 1. Tumultuous festivity; revelry. [Obs.] Rowe.

2. A rabble; a riotous assembly; a mob. [Obs.]

Rev"el*ry (?), n. [See Revel, v. i. & n.] The act of engaging in a revel; noisy festivity; reveling.

And pomp and feast and revelry.


Re*ven"di*cate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revendicated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Revendicating.][Cf. F. revendiquer. See Revenge.] To reclaim; to demand the restoration of. [R.] Vattel (Trans.).

Re*ven`di*ca"tion (?), n. [F. revendication.] The act of revendicating. [R.] Vattel (Trans.)

Re*venge" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revenged (?), p. pr. & vb. n. Revenging (&?;).] [OF. revengier, F. revancher; pref. re- re- + OF. vengier to avenge, revenge, F. venger, L. vindicare. See Vindicate, Vengerance, and cf. Revindicate.] 1. To inflict harm in return for, as an injury, insult, etc.; to exact satisfaction for, under a sense of injury; to avenge; -- followed either by the wrong received, or by the person or thing wronged, as the object, or by the reciprocal pronoun as direct object, and a preposition before the wrong done or the wrongdoer.

To revenge the death of our fathers.

Ld. Berners.

The gods are just, and will revenge our cause.


Come, Antony, and young Octavius, come,
Revenge yourselves alone on Cassius.


2. To inflict injury for, in a spiteful, wrong, or malignant spirit; to wreak vengeance for maliciously.

Syn. -- To avenge; vindicate. See Avenge.

Re*venge", v. i. To take vengeance; -- with upon. [Obs.] "A bird that will revenge upon you all." Shak.

Re*venge", n. 1. The act of revenging; vengeance; retaliation; a returning of evil for evil.

Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is even with his enemy; but in passing it over he is superior.


2. The disposition to revenge; a malignant wishing of evil to one who has done us an injury.

Revenge now goes
To lay a complot to betray thy foes.


The indulgence of revenge tends to make men more savage and cruel.


Re*venge"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being revenged; as, revengeable wrong. Warner.

Re*venge"ance (?), n. Vengeance; revenge. [Obs.]

Re*venge"ful (?), a. Full of, or prone to, revenge; vindictive; malicious; revenging; wreaking revenge.

If thy revengeful heart can not forgive.


May my hands . . .
Never brandish more revengeful steel.


Syn. -- Vindictive; vengeful; resentful; malicious.

-- Re*venge"ful*ly, adv. -- Re*venge"ful*ness, n.

Re*venge"less, a. Unrevenged. [Obs.] Marston.

Re*venge"ment (?), n. Revenge. [Obs.]

He 'll breed revengement and a scourge for me.


Re*ven"ger (?), n. One who revenges. Shak.

Re*ven"ging (?), a. Executing revenge; revengeful. -- Re*ven"ging*ly, adv. Shak.

Rev"e*nue (?), n. [F. revenu, OF. revenue, fr. revenir to return, L. revenire; pref. re- re- + venire to come. See Come.] 1. That which returns, or comes back, from an investment; the annual rents, profits, interest, or issues of any species of property, real or personal; income.

Do not anticipate your revenues and live upon air till you know what you are worth.


2. Hence, return; reward; as, a revenue of praise.

3. The annual yield of taxes, excise, customs, duties, rents, etc., which a nation, state, or municipality collects and receives into the treasury for public use.

Revenue cutter, an armed government vessel employed to enforce revenue laws, prevent smuggling, etc.

Re*verb" (?), v. t. To echo. [Obs.] Shak.

Re*ver"ber*ant (?), a. [L. reverberans, p. pr. : cf. F. réverbérant. See Reverberate.] Having the quality of reverberation; reverberating.

Re*ver"ber*ate (?), a. [L. reverberatus, p. p. of reverberare to strike back, repel; pref. re- re- + verberare to lash, whip, beat, fr. verber a lash, whip, rod.] 1. Reverberant. [Obs.] "The reverberate hills." Shak.

2. Driven back, as sound; reflected. [Obs.] Drayton.

Re*ver"ber*ate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reverberated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Reverberating.] 1. To return or send back; to repel or drive back; to echo, as sound; to reflect, as light, as light or heat.

Who, like an arch, reverberates
The voice again.


2. To send or force back; to repel from side to side; as, flame is reverberated in a furnace.

3. Hence, to fuse by reverberated heat. [Obs.] "Reverberated into glass." Sir T. Browne.

Re*ver"ber*ate, v. i. 1. To resound; to echo.

2. To be driven back; to be reflected or repelled, as rays of light; to be echoed, as sound.

Re*ver`ber*a"tion (?), n. [CF. F. réverbération.] The act of reverberating; especially, the act of reflecting light or heat, or reëchoing sound; as, the reverberation of rays from a mirror; the reverberation of rays from a mirror; the reverberation of voices; the reverberation of heat or flame in a furnace.

Re*ver"ber*a*tive (?), a. Of the nature of reverberation; tending to reverberate; reflective.

This reverberative influence is that which we have intended above, as the influence of the mass upon its centers.

I. Taylor.

Re*ver"ber*a`tor (?), n. One who, or that which, produces reverberation.

Re*ver"ber*a*to*ry (?), a. Producing reverberation; acting by reverberation; reverberative.

Reverberatory furnace. See the Note under Furnace.

Re*ver"ber*a*to*ry, n. A reverberatory furnace.

Re*ver"dure (?), v. t. To cover again with verdure. Ld. Berners.

Re*vere" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Revering.] [L. revereri; pref. re- re- + vereri to fear, perh. akin to E. wary: cf. F. révérer.] To regard with reverence, or profound respect and affection, mingled with awe or fear; to venerate; to reverence; to honor in estimation.

Marcus Aurelius, whom he rather revered as his father than treated as his partner in the empire.


Syn. -- To venerate; adore; reverence.

Rev"er*ence (?), n. [F. révérence, L. reverentia. See Reverent.] 1. Profound respect and esteem mingled with fear and affection, as for a holy being or place; the disposition to revere; veneration.

If thou be poor, farewell thy reverence.


Reverence, which is the synthesis of love and fear.


When discords, and quarrels, and factions, are carried openly and audaciously, it is a sign the reverence of government islost.


Formerly, as in Chaucer, reverence denoted "respect" "honor", without awe or fear.

2. The act of revering; a token of respect or veneration; an obeisance.

Make twenty reverences upon receiving . . . about twopence.


And each of them doeth all his diligence
To do unto the feast reverence.


3. That which deserves or exacts manifestations of reverence; reverend character; dignity; state.

I am forced to lay my reverence by.


4. A person entitled to be revered; -- a title applied to priests or other ministers with the pronouns his or your; sometimes poetically to a father. Shak.

Save your reverence, Saving your reverence, an apologetical phrase for an unseemly expression made in the presence of a priest or clergyman. -- Sir reverence, a contracted form of Save your reverence.

Such a one as a man may not speak of, without he say. "Sir reverence."


-- To do reverence, to show reverence or honor; to perform an act of reverence.

Now lies he there,
And none so poor to do him reverence.


Syn. -- Awe; honor; veneration; adoration; dread. -- Awe, Reverence, Dread, Veneration. Reverence is a strong sentiment of respect and esteem, sometimes mingled slightly with fear; as, reverence for the divine law. Awe is a mixed feeling of sublimity and dread in view of something great or terrible, sublime or sacred; as, awe at the divine presence. It does not necessarily imply love. Dread is an anxious fear in view of an impending evil; as, dread of punishment. Veneration is reverence in its strongest manifestations. It is the highest emotion we can exercise toward human beings. Exalted and noble objects produce reverence; terrific and threatening objects awaken dread; a sense of the divine presence fills us with awe; a union of wisdom and virtue in one who is advanced in years inspires us with veneration.

Rev"er*ence, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reverenced (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Reverencing (?).] To regard or treat with reverence; to regard with respect and affection mingled with fear; to venerate.

Let . . . the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Eph. v. 33.

Those that I reverence those I fear, the wise.


Rev"er*en*cer (?), n. One who regards with reverence. "Reverencers of crowned heads." Swift.

Rev"er*end (?), a. [F. révérend, L. reverendus, fr. revereri. See Revere.] Worthy of reverence; entitled to respect mingled with fear and affection; venerable.

A reverend sire among them came.


They must give good example and reverend deportment in the face of their children.

Jer. Taylor.

This word is commonly given as a title of respect to ecclesiastics. A clergyman is styled the reverend; a dean, the very reverend; a bishop, the right reverend; an archbishop, the most reverend.

Rev"er*end*ly, adv. Reverently. [Obs.] Foxe.

Rev"er*ent (?), a. [L. reverens, -entis, p. pr. of revereri. See Revere.] 1. Disposed to revere; impressed with reverence; submissive; humble; respectful; as, reverent disciples. "They . . . prostrate fell before him reverent." Milton.

2. Expressing reverence, veneration, devotion, or submission; as, reverent words; reverent behavior. Joye.

Rev`er*en"tial (?), a. [Cf. F. révérenciel. See Reverence.] Proceeding from, or expressing, reverence; having a reverent quality; reverent; as, reverential fear or awe. "A reverential esteem of things sacred." South.

Rev`er*en"tial*ly, adv. In a reverential manner.

Rev"er*ent*ly, adv. In a reverent manner; in respectful regard.

Re*ver"er (?), n. One who reveres.

{ Rev"er*ie (?), Rev"er*y (?), } n.; pl. Reveries (#). [F. réverie, fr. rêver to dream, rave, be light-headed. Cf. Rave.] 1. A loose or irregular train of thought occurring in musing or mediation; deep musing; daydream. "Rapt in nameless reveries." Tennyson.

When ideas float in our mind without any reflection or regard of the understanding, it is that which the French call revery, our language has scarce a name for it.


2. An extravagant conceit of the fancy; a vision. [R.]

There are infinite reveries and numberless extravagancies pass through both [wise and foolish minds].


Re*ver"sal (?), a. [See Reverse.] Intended to reverse; implying reversal. [Obs.] Bp. Burnet.

Re*ver"sal, n. [From Reverse.] 1. The act of reversing; the causing to move or face in an opposite direction, or to stand or lie in an inverted position; as, the reversal of a rotating wheel; the reversal of objects by a convex lens.

2. A change or overthrowing; as, the reversal of a judgment, which amounts to an official declaration that it is false; the reversal of an attainder, or of an outlawry, by which the sentence is rendered void. Blackstone.

Re*verse" (?), a. [OE. revers, OF. revers, L. reversus, p. p. of revertere. See Revert.] 1. Turned backward; having a contrary or opposite direction; hence; opposite or contrary in kind; as, the reverse order or method. "A vice reverse unto this." Gower.

2. Turned upside down; greatly disturbed. [Obs.]

He found the sea diverse
With many a windy storm reverse.


3. (Bot. & Zoöl.) Reversed; as, a reverse shell.

Reverse bearing (Surv.), the bearing of a back station as observed from the station next in advance. - - Reverse curve (Railways), a curve like the letter S, formed of two curves bending in opposite directions. -- Reverse fire (Mil.), a fire in the rear. -- Reverse operation (Math.), an operation the steps of which are taken in a contrary order to that in which the same or similar steps are taken in another operation considered as direct; an operation in which that is sought which in another operation is given, and that given which in the other is sought; as, finding the length of a pendulum from its time of vibration is the reverse operation to finding the time of vibration from the length.

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Re*verse" (r*vrs"), n. [Cf. F. revers. See Reverse, a.] 1. That which appears or is presented when anything, as a lance, a line, a course of conduct, etc., is reverted or turned contrary to its natural direction.

He did so with the reverse of the lance.

Sir W. Scott.

2. That which is directly opposite or contrary to something else; a contrary; an opposite. Chaucer.

And then mistook reverse of wrong for right.


To make everything the reverse of what they have seen, is quite as easy as to destroy.


3. The act of reversing; complete change; reversal; hence, total change in circumstances or character; especially, a change from better to worse; misfortune; a check or defeat; as, the enemy met with a reverse.

The strange reverse of fate you see;
I pitied you, now you may pity me.


By a reverse of fortune, Stephen becomes rich.


4. The back side; as, the reverse of a drum or trench; the reverse of a medal or coin, that is, the side opposite to the obverse. See Obverse.

5. A thrust in fencing made with a backward turn of the hand; a backhanded stroke. [Obs.] Shak.

6. (Surg.) A turn or fold made in bandaging, by which the direction of the bandage is changed.

Re*verse", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reversed (-vrst");p. pr. & vb. n. Reversing.] [See Reverse, a., and cf. Revert.] 1. To turn back; to cause to face in a contrary direction; to cause to depart.

And that old dame said many an idle verse,
Out of her daughter's heart fond fancies to reverse.


2. To cause to return; to recall. [Obs.]

And to his fresh remembrance did reverse
The ugly view of his deformed crimes.


3. To change totally; to alter to the opposite.

Reverse the doom of death.


She reversed the conduct of the celebrated vicar of Bray.

Sir W. Scott.

4. To turn upside down; to invert.

A pyramid reversed may stand upon his point if balanced by admirable skill.

Sir W. Temple.

5. Hence, to overthrow; to subvert.

These can divide, and these reverse, the state.


Custom . . . reverses even the distinctions of good and evil.


6. (Law) To overthrow by a contrary decision; to make void; to under or annual for error; as, to reverse a judgment, sentence, or decree.

Reverse arms (Mil.), a position of a soldier in which the piece passes between the right elbow and the body at an angle of 45°, and is held as in the illustration. -- To reverse an engine or a machine, to cause it to perform its revolutions or action in the opposite direction.

Syn. -- To overturn; overset; invert; overthrow; subvert; repeal; annul; revoke; undo.

Re*verse", v. i. 1. To return; to revert. [Obs.] Spenser.

2. To become or be reversed.

Re*versed" (?), a. 1. Turned side for side, or end for end; changed to the contrary; specifically (Bot. & Zoöl.), sinistrorse or sinistral; as, a reversed, or sinistral, spiral or shell.

2. (Law) Annulled and the contrary substituted; as, a reversed judgment or decree.

Reversed positive or negative (Photog.), a picture corresponding with the original in light and shade, but reversed as to right and left. Abney.

Re*vers"ed*ly (?), adv. In a reversed way.

Re*verse"less, a. Irreversible. [R.] A. Seward.

Re*verse"ly, adv. In a reverse manner; on the other hand; on the opposite. Bp. Pearson.

Re*vers"er (?), n. One who reverses.

Re*vers`i*bil"i*ty (?), n. The quality of being reversible. Tyndall.

Re*vers"i*ble (?), a. [Cf. F. réversible revertible, reversionary.] 1. Capable of being reversed; as, a chair or seat having a reversible back; a reversible judgment or sentence.

2. Hence, having a pattern or finished surface on both sides, so that either may be used; -- said of fabrics.

Reversible lock, a lock that may be applied to a door opening in either direction, or hinged to either jamb. -- Reversible process. See under Process.

Re*vers"i*bly, adv. In a reversible manner.

Re*vers"ing, a. Serving to effect reversal, as of motion; capable of being reversed.

Reversing engine, a steam engine having a reversing gear by means of which it can be made to run in either direction at will. -- Reversing gear (Mach.), gear for reversing the direction of rotation at will.

Re*ver"sion (r*vr"shn), n. [F. réversion, L. reversio a turning back. See Revert.] 1. The act of returning, or coming back; return. [Obs.]

After his reversion home, [he] was spoiled, also, of all that he brought with him.


2. That which reverts or returns; residue. [Obs.]

The small reversion of this great navy which came home might be looked upon by religious eyes as relics.


3. (Law) The returning of an estate to the grantor or his heirs, by operation of law, after the grant has terminated; hence, the residue of an estate left in the proprietor or owner thereof, to take effect in possession, by operation of law, after the termination of a limited or less estate carved out of it and conveyed by him. Kent.

4. Hence, a right to future possession or enjoyment; succession.

For even reversions are all begged before.


5. (Annuities) A payment which is not to be received, or a benefit which does not begin, until the happening of some event, as the death of a living person. Brande & C.

6. (Biol.) A return towards some ancestral type or character; atavism.

Reversion of series (Alg.), the act of reverting a series. See To revert a series, under Revert, v. t.

Re*ver"sion*a*ry (?), a. (Law) Of or pertaining to a reversion; involving a reversion; to be enjoyed in succession, or after the termination of a particular estate; as, a reversionary interest or right.

Re*ver"sion*a*ry, n. (Law) That which is to be received in reversion.

Re*ver"sion*er (?), n. (Law) One who has a reversion, or who is entitled to lands or tenements, after a particular estate granted is terminated. Blackstone.

Re*ver"sis (?), n. [F.] A certain game at cards.

Re*vert" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Reverting.] [L. revertere, reversum; pref. re- re- + vertere to turn: cf. OF. revertir. See Verse, and cf. Reverse.] 1. To turn back, or to the contrary; to reverse.

Till happy chance revert the cruel scence.


The tumbling stream . . .
Reverted, plays in undulating flow.


2. To throw back; to reflect; to reverberate.

3. (Chem.) To change back. See Revert, v. i.

To revert a series (Alg.), to treat a series, as y = a + bx + cx2 + etc., where one variable y is expressed in powers of a second variable x, so as to find therefrom the second variable x, expressed in a series arranged in powers of y.

Re*vert", v. i. 1. To return; to come back.

So that my arrows
Would have reverted to my bow again.


2. (Law) To return to the proprietor after the termination of a particular estate granted by him.

3. (Biol.) To return, wholly or in part, towards some preëxistent form; to take on the traits or characters of an ancestral type.

4. (Chem.) To change back, as from a soluble to an insoluble state or the reverse; thus, phosphoric acid in certain fertilizers reverts.

Re*vert", n. One who, or that which, reverts.

An active promoter in making the East Saxons converts, or rather reverts, to the faith.


Re*vert"ed, a. Turned back; reversed. Specifically: (Her.) Bent or curved twice, in opposite directions, or in the form of an S.

Re*vert"ent (?), n. (Med.) A remedy which restores the natural order of the inverted irritative motions in the animal system. [Obs.] E. Darwin.

Re*vert"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, reverts.

2. (Law) Reversion. Burrill.

Re*vert"i*ble (?), a. Capable of, or admitting of, reverting or being reverted; as, a revertible estate.

Re*vert"ive (?), a. Reverting, or tending to revert; returning. -- Re*vert"ive*ly, adv.

The tide revertive, unattracted, leaves
A yellow waste of idle sands behind.


Rev"er*y (?), n. Same as Reverie.

Re*vest" (r*vst"), v. t. [OF reverstir, F. revêtir, L. revestire; pref. re- re- + vestire to clothe, fr. vestis a garment. See Vestry, and cf. Revet.] 1. To clothe again; to cover, as with a robe; to robe.

Her, nathless, . . . the enchanter
Did thus revest and decked with due habiliments.


2. To vest again with possession or office; as, to revest a magistrate with authority.

Re*vest", v. i. To take effect or vest again, as a title; to revert to former owner; as, the title or right revests in A after alienation.

Re*ves"ti*a*ry (?), n. [LL. revestiarium: cf. F. revestiaire. See Revest.] The apartment, in a church or temple, where the vestments, etc., are kept; -- now contracted into vestry.

Re*ves"try (?), n. Same as Revestiary. [Obs.]

Re*vest"ture (?), n. Vesture. [Obs.]

Richrevesture of cloth of gold.

E. Hall.

Re*vet" (r*vt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revetted;p. pr. & vb. n. Revetting.] [See Revetment.] (Mil. & Civil Engineering) To face, as an embankment, with masonry, wood, or other material.

Re*vet"ment (?), n. [F. revêtement the lining of a ditch, fr. revêtir to clothe, L. revestire. See Revest, v. t.] (Fort. & Engin.) A facing of wood, stone, or any other material, to sustain an embankment when it receives a slope steeper than the natural slope; also, a retaining wall. [Written also revêtement (&?;).]

Re*vi"brate (?), v. i. To vibrate back or in return. -- Re`vi*bra"tion (#), n.

Re*vict" (?), v. t. [L. revictus, p. p. of revincere to conquer.] To reconquer. [Obs.] Bp. Hall.

Re*vic"tion (?), n. [From L. revivere, revictum, to live again; pref. re- re- + vivere to live.] Return to life. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.

Re*vict"ual (?), v. t. To victual again.

Re*vie" (?), v. t. 1. To vie with, or rival, in return.

2. (Card Playing) To meet a wager on, as on the taking of a trick, with a higher wager. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Re*vie", v. i. 1. To exceed an adversary's wager in card playing. [Obs.]

2. To make a retort; to bandy words. [Obs.]

Re*view" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Review&?;d (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Reveiwing.] [Pref. re- + view. Cf. Review, n. ] 1. To view or see again; to look back on. [R.] "I shall review Sicilia." Shak.

2. To go over and examine critically or deliberately. Specifically: (a) To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition. (b) To go over with critical examination, in order to discover exellences or defects; hence, to write a critical notice of; as, to review a new novel. (c) To make a formal or official examination of the state of, as troops, and the like; as, to review a regiment. (d) (Law) To reëxamine judically; as, a higher court may review the proceedings and judgments of a lower one.

3. To retrace; to go over again.

Shall I the long, laborious scene review?


Re*view", v. i. To look back; to make a review.

Re*view", n. [F. revue, fr. revu, p. p. of revoir to see again, L. revidere; pref. re- re- + videre to see. See View, and cf. Revise.] 1. A second or repeated view; a reëxamination; a retrospective survey; a looking over again; as, a review of one's studies; a review of life.

2. An examination with a view to amendment or improvement; revision; as, an author's review of his works.

3. A critical examination of a publication, with remarks; a criticism; a critique.

4. A periodical containing critical essays upon matters of interest, as new productions in literature, art, etc.

5. An inspection, as of troops under arms or of a naval force, by a high officer, for the purpose of ascertaining the state of discipline, equipments, etc.

6. (Law) The judicial examination of the proceedings of a lower court by a higher.

7. A lesson studied or recited for a second time.

Bill of review (Equity), a bill, in the nature of proceedings in error, filed to procure an examination and alteration or reversal of a final decree which has been duly signed and enrolled. Wharton. -- Commission of review (Eng. Eccl. Law), a commission formerly granted by the crown to revise the sentence of the court of delegates.

Syn. -- Reëxamination; resurvey; retrospect; survey; reconsideration; revisal; revise; revision.

Re*view"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being reviewed.

Re*view"al (?), n. A review. [R.] Southey.

Re*view"er (?), n. One who reviews or reëxamines; an inspector; one who examines publications critically, and publishes his opinion upon their merits; a professional critic of books.

Re*vig"or*ate (?), a. [LL. revigoratus, p. p. of revigorare; L. re- + vigor vigor.] Having new vigor or strength; invigorated anew. [R.] Southey.

Re*vig"or*ate (?), v. t. To give new vigor to. [Obs.]

Re*vile" (?), v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Reviled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Reviling.] [Pref. re- + OF. aviler to make vile, depreciate, F. avilir; à (L. ad.) + vil vile. See Vile.] To address or abuse with opprobrious and contemptuous language; to reproach. "And did not she herself revile me there?" Shak.

Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again.

1 Pet. ii. 23.

Syn. -- To reproach; vilify; upbraid; calumniate.

Re*vile", n. Reproach; reviling. [Obs.]

The gracious Judge, without revile, replied.


Re*vile"ment (?), n. The act of reviling; also, contemptuous language; reproach; abuse. Spenser.

Re*vil"er (?), n. One who reviles. 1. Cor. vi. 10.

Re*vil"ing, n. Reproach; abuse; vilification.

Neither be ye afraid of their revilings.

Isa. li. 7.

Re*vil"ing, a. Uttering reproaches; containing reproaches. -- Re*vil"ing*ly, adv.

Re*vince" (?), v. t. [See Revict.] To overcome; to refute, as error. [Obs.] Foxe.

Re*vin"di*cate (?), v. t. [Pref. re- + vindicate. Cf. Revindicate, Revenge.] To vindicate again; to reclaim; to demand and take back. Mitford.

Rev`i*res"cence (?), n. [L. revirescens, p. pr. of revirescere to grow green again.] A growing green or fresh again; renewal of youth or vigor. [Obs.]

Re*vis"a*ble (?), a. That may be revised.

Re*vis"al (?), n. [From Revise.] The act of revising, or reviewing and reëxamining for correction and improvement; revision; as, the revisal of a manuscript; the revisal of a proof sheet; the revisal of a treaty.

Re*vise" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revised (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Revising.] [F. reviser, fr. L. revidere, revisum, to see again; pref. re- re- + videre, visum, to see. See Review, View.] 1. To look at again for the detection of errors; to reëxamine; to review; to look over with care for correction; as, to revise a writing; to revise a translation.

2. (Print.) To compare (a proof) with a previous proof of the same matter, and mark again such errors as have not been corrected in the type.

3. To review, alter, and amend; as, to revise statutes; to revise an agreement; to revise a dictionary.

The Revised Version of the Bible, a version prepared in accordance with a resolution passed, in 1870, by both houses of the Convocation of the Province of Canterbury, England. Both English and American revisers were employed on the work. It was first published in a complete form in 1885, and is a revised form of the Authorized Version. See Authorized Version, under Authorized.

Re*vise", n. 1. A review; a revision. Boyle.

2. (Print.) A second proof sheet; a proof sheet taken after the first or a subsequent correction.

Re*vis"er (?), n. One who revises.

Re*vi"sion (?), n. [F. révision, L. revisio.] 1. The act of revising; reëxamination for correction; review; as, the revision of a book or writing, or of a proof sheet; a revision of statutes.

2. That which is made by revising.

Syn. -- Reëxamination; revisal; revise; review.

{ Re*vi"sion*al (?), Re*vi"sion*a*ry (?), } a. Of or pertaining to revision; revisory.

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Re*vis"it (?), v. t. 1. To visit again. Milton.

2. To revise. [Obs.] Ld. Berners.

Re*vis`it*a"tion (?), n. The act of revisiting.

Re*vi"so*ry (?), a. Having the power or purpose to revise; revising. Story.

Re*vi"tal*ize (?), v. t. To restore vitality to; to bring back to life. L. S. Beale.

Re*viv"a*ble (?), a. That may be revived.

Re*viv"al (?), n. [From Revive.] The act of reviving, or the state of being revived. Specifically: (a) Renewed attention to something, as to letters or literature. (b) Renewed performance of, or interest in, something, as the drama and literature. (c) Renewed interest in religion, after indifference and decline; a period of religious awakening; special religious interest. (d) Reanimation from a state of langour or depression; -- applied to the health, spirits, and the like. (e) Renewed pursuit, or cultivation, or flourishing state of something, as of commerce, arts, agriculture. (f) Renewed prevalence of something, as a practice or a fashion. (g) (Law) Restoration of force, validity, or effect; renewal; as, the revival of a debt barred by limitation; the revival of a revoked will, etc. (h) Revivification, as of a metal. See Revivification, 2.

Re*viv"al*ism (?), n. The spirit of religious revivals; the methods of revivalists.

Re*viv"al*ist, n. A clergyman or layman who promotes revivals of religion; an advocate for religious revivals; sometimes, specifically, a clergyman, without a particular charge, who goes about to promote revivals. Also used adjectively.

Re*viv`al*is"tic (?), a. Pertaining to revivals.

Re*vive" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Revived (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Reviving.] [F. revivere, L. revivere; pref. re- re- + vivere to live. See Vivid.] 1. To return to life; to recover life or strength; to live anew; to become reanimated or reinvigorated. Shak.

The Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into again, and he revived.

1 Kings xvii. 22.

2. Hence, to recover from a state of oblivion, obscurity, neglect, or depression; as, classical learning revived in the fifteenth century.

3. (Old Chem.) To recover its natural or metallic state, as a metal.

Re*vive", v. t. [Cf. F. reviver. See Revive, v. i.] 1. To restore, or bring again to life; to reanimate.

Those bodies, by reason of whose mortality we died, shall be revived.

Bp. Pearson.

2. To raise from coma, languor, depression, or discouragement; to bring into action after a suspension.

Those gracious words revive my drooping thoughts.


Your coming, friends, revives me.


3. Hence, to recover from a state of neglect or disuse; as, to revive letters or learning.

4. To renew in the mind or memory; to bring to recollection; to recall attention to; to reawaken. "Revive the libels born to die." Swift.

The mind has a power in many cases to revive perceptions which it has once had.


5. (Old Chem.) To restore or reduce to its natural or metallic state; as, to revive a metal after calcination.

Re*vive"ment (?), n. Revival. [R.]

Re*viv"er (?), n. One who, or that which, revives.

Re`vi*vif"i*cate (?), v. t. [Pref. re- + vivificate: cf. L. revivificare, revivificatum. Cf. Revivify.] To revive; to recall or restore to life. [R.]

Re*viv`i*fi*ca"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. révivification.] 1. Renewal of life; restoration of life; the act of recalling, or the state of being recalled, to life.

2. (Old Chem.) The reduction of a metal from a state of combination to its metallic state.

Re*viv"i*fy (?), v. t. [Cf. F. révivifier, L. revivificare. See Vivify.] To cause to revive.

Some association may revivify it enough to make it flash, after a long oblivion, into consciousness.

Sir W. Hamilton.

Re*viv"ing (?), a. & n. Returning or restoring to life or vigor; reanimating. Milton. -- Re*viv"ing*ly, adv.

{ Rev`i*vis"cence (?), Rev`i*vis"cen*cy (?), } n. The act of reviving, or the state of being revived; renewal of life.

In this age we have a sort of reviviscence, not, I fear, of the power, but of a taste for the power, of the early times.


Rev`i*vis"cent (?), a. [L. reviviscens, p. pr. ofreviviscere to revive; pref. re- re- + viviscere, v. incho. fr. vivere to live.] Able or disposed to revive; reviving. E. Darwin.

Re*viv"or (?), n. (Eng. Law) Revival of a suit which is abated by the death or marriage of any of the parties, -- done by a bill of revivor. Blackstone.

Rev`o*ca*bil"i*ty (?), n. The quality of being revocable; as, the revocability of a law.

Rev"o*ca*ble (?), a. [L. revocabilis: cf. F. révocable. See Revoke.] Capable of being revoked; as, a revocable edict or grant; a revocable covenant.

-- Rev"o*ca*ble*ness, n. -- Rev"o*ca*bly, adv.

Rev"o*cate (?), v. t. [L. revocatus, p. p. of revocare. See Revoke.] To recall; to call back. [Obs.]

Rev`o*ca"tion (?), n. [L. revocatio: cf. F. révocation.] 1. The act of calling back, or the state of being recalled; recall.

One that saw the people bent for the revocation of Calvin, gave him notice of their affection.


2. The act by which one, having the right, annuls an act done, a power or authority given, or a license, gift, or benefit conferred; repeal; reversal; as, the revocation of an edict, a power, a will, or a license.

Rev"o**ca*to*ry (?), a. [L. revocatorius: cf. F. révocatoire.] Of or pertaining to revocation; tending to, or involving, a revocation; revoking; recalling.

Re*voice" (?), v. t. To refurnish with a voice; to refit, as an organ pipe, so as to restore its tone.

Re*voke" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revoked (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Revoking.] [F. révoquer, L. revocare; pref. re- re- + vocare to call, fr. vox, vocis, voice. See Voice, and cf. Revocate.] 1. To call or bring back; to recall. [Obs.]

The faint sprite he did revoke again,
To her frail mansion of morality.


2. Hence, to annul, by recalling or taking back; to repeal; to rescind; to cancel; to reverse, as anything granted by a special act; as, , to revoke a will, a license, a grant, a permission, a law, or the like. Shak.

3. To hold back; to repress; to restrain. [Obs.]

[She] still strove their sudden rages to revoke.


4. To draw back; to withdraw. [Obs.] Spenser.

5. To call back to mind; to recollect. [Obs.]

A man, by revoking and recollecting within himself former passages, will be still apt to inculcate these sad memoris to his conscience.


Syn. -- To abolish; recall; repeal; rescind; countermand; annul; abrogate; cancel; reverse. See Abolish.

Re*voke" (?), v. i. (Card Playing) To fail to follow suit when holding a card of the suit led, in violation of the rule of the game; to renege. Hoyle.

Re*voke", n. (Card Playing) The act of revoking.

She [Sarah Battle] never made a revoke.


Re*voke"ment (?), n. Revocation. [R.] Shak.

Re*vok"er (?), n. One who revokes.

Re*vok"ing*ly, adv. By way of revocation.

Re*volt" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Revolted; p. pr. & vb. n. Revolting.] [Cf. F. révoller, It. rivoltare. See Revolt, n.] 1. To turn away; to abandon or reject something; specifically, to turn away, or shrink, with abhorrence.

But this got by casting pearl to hogs,
That bawl for freedom in their senseless mood,
And still revolt when trith would set them free.


HIs clear intelligence revolted from the dominant sophisms of that time.

J. Morley.

2. Hence, to be faithless; to desert one party or leader for another; especially, to renounce allegiance or subjection; to rise against a government; to rebel.

Our discontented counties do revolt.


Plant those that have revolted in the van.


3. To be disgusted, shocked, or grossly offended; hence, to feel nausea; -- with at; as, the stomach revolts at such food; his nature revolts at cruelty.

Re*volt", v. t. 1. To cause to turn back; to roll or drive back; to put to flight. [Obs.] Spenser.

2. To do violence to; to cause to turn away or shrink with abhorrence; to shock; as, to revolt the feelings.

This abominable medley is made rather to revolt young and ingenuous minds.


To derive delight from what inflicts pain on any sentient creatuure revolted his conscience and offended his reason.

J. Morley.

Re*volt", n. [F. révolte, It. rivolta, fr. rivolto, p. p. fr. L. revolvere, revolutum. See Revolve.] 1. The act of revolting; an uprising against legitimate authority; especially, a renunciation of allegiance and subjection to a government; rebellion; as, the revolt of a province of the Roman empire.

Who first seduced them to that foul revolt?


2. A revolter. [Obs.] "Ingrate revolts." Shak.

Syn. -- Insurrection; sedition; rebellion; mutiny. See Insurrection.

Re*volt"er (?), n. One who revolts.

Re*volt"ing, a. Causing abhorrence mixed with disgust; exciting extreme repugnance; loathsome; as, revolting cruelty. -- Re*volt"ing*ly, adv.

Rev"o*lu*ble (?), a. [L. revolubilis that may be rolled back. See Revolve.] Capable of revolving; rotatory; revolving. [Obs.]

Us, then, to whom the thrice three year
Hath filled his revoluble orb since our arrival here,
I blame not.


Rev"o*lute (?), a. [L. revolutus, p. p. of revolvere. See Revolve.] (Bot. & Zoöl.) Rolled backward or downward.

A revolute leaf is coiled downwards, with the lower surface inside the coil. A leaf with revolute margins has the edges rolled under, as in the Andromeda polifilia.

Rev`o*lu"tion (?), n. [F. révolution, L. revolutio. See Revolve.] 1. The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or line; rotation; as, the revolution of a wheel, of a top, of the earth on its axis, etc.

2. Return to a point before occupied, or to a point relatively the same; a rolling back; return; as, revolution in an ellipse or spiral.

That fear
Comes thundering back, with dreadful revolution,
On my defenseless head.


3. The space measured by the regular return of a revolving body; the period made by the regular recurrence of a measure of time, or by a succession of similar events. "The short revolution of a day." Dryden.

4. (Astron.) The motion of any body, as a planet or satellite, in a curved line or orbit, until it returns to the same point again, or to a point relatively the same; -- designated as the annual, anomalistic, nodical, sidereal, or tropical revolution, according as the point of return or completion has a fixed relation to the year, the anomaly, the nodes, the stars, or the tropics; as, the revolution of the earth about the sun; the revolution of the moon about the earth.

The term is sometimes applied in astronomy to the motion of a single body, as a planet, about its own axis, but this motion is usually called rotation.

5. (Geom.) The motion of a point, line, or surface about a point or line as its center or axis, in such a manner that a moving point generates a curve, a moving line a surface (called a surface of revolution), and a moving surface a solid (called a solid of revolution); as, the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of its sides generates a cone; the revolution of a semicircle about the diameter generates a sphere.

6. A total or radical change; as, a revolution in one's circumstances or way of living.

The ability . . . of the great philosopher speedily produced a complete revolution throughout the department.


7. (Politics) A fundamental change in political organization, or in a government or constitution; the overthrow or renunciation of one government, and the substitution of another, by the governed.

The violence of revolutions is generally proportioned to the degree of the maladministration which has produced them.


When used without qualifying terms, the word is often applied specifically, by way of eminence, to: (a) The English Revolution in 1689, when William of Orange and Mary became the reigning sovereigns, in place of James II. (b) The American Revolution, beginning in 1775, by which the English colonies, since known as the United States, secured their independence. (c) The revolution in France in 1789, commonly called the French Revolution, the subsequent revolutions in that country being designated by their dates, as the Revolution of 1830, of 1848, etc.

Rev`o*lu"tion*a*ry (?), a. [Cf. F. révolutionnaire.] Of or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution; as, revolutionary war; revolutionary measures; revolutionary agitators.

Rev`o*lu"tion*a*ry, n. A revolutionist. [R.]

Dumfries was a Tory town, and could not tolerate a revolutionary.

Prof. Wilson.

Rev`o*lu"tion*er (?), n. One who is engaged in effecting a revolution; a revolutionist. Smollett.

Rev`o*lu"tion*ism (?), n. The state of being in revolution; revolutionary doctrines or principles.

Rev`o*lu"tion*ist, n. One engaged in effecting a change of government; a favorer of revolution. Burke.

Rev`o*lu"tion*ize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Revolutioniezed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Revolutionizing(?).] To change completely, as by a revolution; as, to revolutionize a government. Ames.

The gospel . . . has revolutionized his soul.

J. M. Mason.

Re*vol"u*tive (?), a. Inclined to revolve things in the mind; meditative. [Obs.] Feltham.

Re*volv"a*ble (?), a. That may be revolved.

Re*volve" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Revolved(?); p. pr. & vb. n. Revolving.] [L. revolvere, revolutum; pref. re- re- + volvere to roll, turn round. See Voluble, and cf. Revolt, revolution.] 1. To turn or roll round on, or as on, an axis, like a wheel; to rotate, -- which is the more specific word in this sense.

If the earth revolve thus, each house near the equator must move a thousand miles an hour.

I. Watts.

2. To move in a curved path round a center; as, the planets revolve round the sun.

3. To pass in cycles; as, the centuries revolve.

4. To return; to pass. [R.] Ayliffe.

Re*volve", v. t. 1. To cause to turn, as on an axis.

Then in the east her turn she shines,
Revolved on heaven's great axile.


2. Hence, to turn over and over in the mind; to reflect repeatedly upon; to consider all aspects of.

This having heard, straight I again revolved
The law and prophets.


Re*volve"ment (?), n. Act of revolving. [R.]

Re*volv"en*cy (?), n. The act or state of revolving; revolution. [Archaic]

Its own revolvency upholds the world.


Re*volv"er (?), n. One who, or that which, revolves; specifically, a firearm ( commonly a pistol) with several chambers or barrels so arranged as to revolve on an axis, and be discharged in succession by the same lock; a repeater.

Re*volv"ing, a. Making a revolution or revolutions; rotating; -- used also figuratively of time, seasons, etc., depending on the revolution of the earth.

But grief returns with the revolving year.


Revolving seasons, fruitless as they pass.


Revolving firearm. See Revolver. -- Revolving light, a light or lamp in a lighthouse so arranged as to appear and disappear at fixed intervals, either by being turned about an axis so as to show light only at intervals, or by having its light occasionally intercepted by a revolving screen.

Re*vulse" (?), v. t. [L. revulsus, p. p. of revellere.] To pull back with force. [R.] Cowper.

Re*vul"sion (?), n. [F. révulsion, L. revulsio, fr. revellere, revulsum, to pluck or pull away; pref. re- re- + vellere to pull. Cf. Convulse.] 1. A strong pulling or drawing back; withdrawal. "Revulsions and pullbacks." SSir T. Brovne.

2. A sudden reaction; a sudden and complete change; -- applied to the feelings.

A sudden and violent revulsion of feeling, both in the Parliament and the country, followed.


3. (Med.) The act of turning or diverting any disease from one part of the body to another. It resembles derivation, but is usually applied to a more active form of counter irritation.

Re*vul"sive (?), a. [Cf. F. révulsif.] Causing, or tending to, revulsion.

Re*vul"sive, n. That which causes revulsion; specifically (Med.), a revulsive remedy or agent.

Rew (?), n. [See Row a series.] A row. [Obs.] Chaucer. "A rew of sundry colored stones." Chapman.

Re*wake"" (?), v. t. & i. To wake again.

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Re*ward" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rewarded; p. pr. & vb. n. Rewarding.] [OF. rewarder, another form of regarder, of German origin. The original sense is, to look at, regard, hence, to regard as worthy, give a reward to. See Ward, Regard.] To give in return, whether good or evil; -- commonly in a good sense; to requite; to recompense; to repay; to compensate.

After the deed that is done, one doom shall reward,
Mercy or no mercy as truth will accord.

Piers Plowman.

Thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil.

1 Sam. xxiv. 17.

I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.

Deut. xxxii. 41.

God rewards those that have made use of the single talent.


Re*ward" (?), n. [See Reward, v., and cf. Regard, n.] 1. Regard; respect; consideration. [Obs.]

Take reward of thine own value.


2. That which is given in return for good or evil done or received; esp., that which is offered or given in return for some service or attainment, as for excellence in studies, for the return of something lost, etc.; recompense; requital.

Thou returnest
From flight, seditious angel, to receive
Thy merited reward.


Rewards and punishments do always presuppose something willingly done well or ill.


3. Hence, the fruit of one's labor or works.

The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward.

Eccl. ix. 5.

4. (Law) Compensation or remuneration for services; a sum of money paid or taken for doing, or forbearing to do, some act. Burrill.

Syn. -- Recompense; compensation; remuneration; pay; requital; retribution; punishment.

Re*ward"a*ble (?), a. Worthy of reward. -- Re*ward"a*ble*ness, n. -- Re*ward"a*bly, adv.

Re*ward"er (?), n. One who rewards.

Re*ward"ful (?), a. Yielding reward. [R.]

Re*ward"less, a. Having, or affording, no reward.

Rewe (r), v. t. & i. To rue. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rew"el bone` (?). [Perh. from F. rouelle, dim. of roue a wheel, L. rota.] An obsolete phrase of disputed meaning, -- perhaps, smooth or polished bone.

His saddle was of rewel boon.


Rew"et (r"t), n. [See Rouet.] A gunlock. [R.]

Rew"ful (?), a. Rueful. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Re*win" (?), v. t. To win again, or win back.

The Palatinate was not worth the rewinning.


Rewle (?), n. & v. Rule. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rewme (?), n. Realm. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

Re*word" (?), v. t. 1. To repeat in the same words; to reëcho. [Obs.] Shak.

2. To alter the wording of; to restate in other words; as, to reword an idea or a passage.

Re*write" (?), v. t. To write again. Young.

Rewth (?), n. Ruth. [Obs.] Chaucer.

||Rex (?), n.; pl. Reges (#). [L.] A king.

To play rex, to play the king; to domineer. [Obs.]

Reyn (?), n. Rain or rein. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rey"nard (?), n. An appelation applied after the manner of a proper name to the fox. Same as Renard.

Reyse (?), v. t. To raise. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Reyse, v. i. [Cf. G. reisen to travel.] To go on a military expedition. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rha*bar"ba*rate (?), a. [From NL. rhabarbarum, an old name of rhubarb. See Rhubarb.] Impregnated or tinctured with rhubarb. Floyer.

{ Rha*bar"ba*rin (?), or Rha*bar"ba*rine (?) }, n. (Chem.) Chrysophanic acid.

Rhab"dite (?), n. [Gr. "ra`bdos a rod.] 1. (Zoöl.) A minute smooth rodlike or fusiform structure found in the tissues of many Turbellaria.

2. (Zoöl.) One of the hard parts forming the ovipositor of insects.

||Rhab`do*cœ"la (rb`d*s"l), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`bdos a rod + koi^los hollow.] (Zoöl.) A suborder of Turbellaria including those that have a simple cylindrical, or saclike, stomach, without an intestine.

Rhab`do*cœ"lous (-ls), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the Rhabdocœla.

Rhab*doid"al (?), a. See Sagittal.

Rhab"do*lith (?), n. [Gr. "ra`bdos a rod + -lith.] A minute calcareous rodlike structure found both at the surface and the bottom of the ocean; -- supposed by some to be a calcareous alga.

Rhab*dol"o*gy (?), n. Same as Rabdology.

Rhab"dom (rb"dm), n. [Gr. "ra`bdwma a bundle of rods, fr. "ra`bdos a rod.] (Zoöl.) One of numerous minute rodlike structures formed of two or more cells situated behind the retinulæ in the compound eyes of insects, etc. See Illust. under Ommatidium.

Rhab"do*man`cy (?), n. Same as Rabdomancy.

Rhab"do*mere (?), n. [Rhabdom + -mere.] (Zoöl.) One of the several parts composing a rhabdom.

||Rhab*doph"o*ra (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`bdos a rod + &?;&?;&?; to bear.] (Zoöl.) An extinct division of Hydrozoa which includes the graptolities.

||Rhab`do*pleu"ra (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`bdos a rod + &?;&?;&?;&?; the side.] (Zoöl.) A genus of marine Bryozoa in which the tubular cells have a centralchitinous axis and the tentacles are borne on a bilobed lophophore. It is the type of the order Pterobranchia, or Podostomata

Rhab"do*sphere (?), n. [Gr. "ra`bdos a rod + E. sphere.] A minute sphere composed of rhabdoliths.

||Rha`chi*al"gi*a (?), n. [NL.] See Rachialgia.

Rha*chid"i*an (?), a. Of or pertaining to the rhachis; as, the rhachidian teeth of a mollusk.

||Rhach`i*glos"sa (?), n. pl. [NL. See Rhachis, and Glossa.] (Zoöl.) A division of marine gastropods having a retractile proboscis and three longitudinal rows of teeth on the radula. It includes many of the large ornamental shells, as the miters, murices, olives, purpuras, volutes, and whelks. See Illust. in Append.

||Rha*chil"la (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`chis the spine.] (Bot.) A branch of inflorescence; the zigzag axis on which the florets are arranged in the spikelets of grasses.

Rha"chi*o*dont (?), a. [Gr. "ra`chis, -ios, the spine + &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, a tooth.] (Zoöl.) Having gular teeth formed by a peculiar modification of the inferior spines of some of the vertebræ, as certain South African snakes (Dasypeltis) which swallow birds' eggs and use these gular teeth to crush them.

||Rha"chis (?), n.; pl. E. Rhachises (#), L. Rhachides (#). [See Rachis.] [Written also rechis.] 1. (Anat.) The spine.

2. (Bot.) (a) The continued stem or midrib of a pinnately compound leaf, as in a rose leaf or a fern. (b) The principal axis in a raceme, spike, panicle, or corymb.

3. (Zoöl.) (a) The shaft of a feather. The rhachis of the after-shaft, or plumule, is called the hyporhachis. (b) The central cord in the stem of a crinoid. (c) The median part of the radula of a mollusk. (d) A central cord of the ovary of nematodes.

||Rha*chi"tis (?), n. [NL.] See Rachitis.

Rhad`a*man"thine (?), a. Of or pertaining to Rhadamanthus; rigorously just; as, a Rhadamanthine judgment.

Rhad`a*man"thus (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;.] (Greek Mythol.) One of the three judges of the infernal regions; figuratively, a strictly just judge.

Rhæ"ti*an (?), a & n. Rhetain.

Rhæ"tic (?), a. [L. Rhaeticus Rhetian.] (Geol.) Pertaining to, or of the same horizon as, certain Mesozoic strata of the Rhetian Alps. These strata are regarded as closing the Triassic period. See the Chart of Geology.

Rhæ"ti*zite (?), n. [So called from L. Rhaetia, Raetia, the Rhetian Alps, where it is found.] (Min.) A variety of the mineral cyanite.

||Rham`a*dan" (?), n. See Ramadan.

Rham*na"ceous (?), a. (Bot.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of shrubs and trees (Rhamnaceæ, or Rhamneæ) of which the buckthorn (Rhamnus) is the type. It includes also the New Jersey tea, the supple-jack, and one of the plants called lotus (Zizyphus).

||Rham"nus (?), n. [NL., from Gr. "ra`mnos a kind of prickly shrub; cf. L. rhamnos.] (Bot.) A genus of shrubs and small trees; buckthorn. The California Rhamnus Purshianus and the European R. catharticus are used in medicine. The latter is used for hedges.

||Rham`pho*rhyn"chus (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ra`mfos a beak + &?;&?;&?;&?; snout.] (Paleon.) A genus of pterodactyls in which the elongated tail supported a leathery expansion at the tip.

||Rham`pho*the"ca (?), n.; pl. Rhamphothecæ (#). [NL., fr. Gr "ra`mnos a beak + &?;&?; a case.] (Zoöl.) The horny covering of the bill of birds.

Rha"phe (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; seam, fr. &?;&?;&?; to sew. ] (Bot.) The continuation of the seed stalk along the side of an anatropous ovule or seed, forming a ridge or seam. [Written also raphe.] Gray.

||Rhaph"i*des (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, a needle, F. raphides.] (Bot.) Minute transparent, often needle-shaped, crystals found in the tissues of plants. [Written also raphides.]

Rha*pon"ti*cine (&?;), n. [L. rhaponticum rhubarb. See Rhubarb.] (Chem.) Chrysophanic acid.

Rhap"sode (rp"sd), n. [Gr. "rapsw,do`s. See Rhapsody.] (Gr. Antiq.) A rhapsodist. [R.] Grote.

Rhap"so*der (?), n. A rhapsodist. [Obs.]

{ Rhap*sod"ic (?), Rhap*sod"ic (?) }, a. [Gr. "rapsw,diko`s: cf. F. rhapsodique.] Of or pertaining to rhapsody; consisting of rhapsody; hence, confused; unconnected. -- Rhap*sod"ic*al*ly, adv.

Rhap"so*dist (?), n. [From Rhapsody.] 1. Anciently, one who recited or composed a rhapsody; especially, one whose profession was to recite the verses of Hormer and other epic poets.

2. Hence, one who recites or sings poems for a livelihood; one who makes and repeats verses extempore.

The same populace sit for hours listening to rhapsodists who recite Ariosto.


3. One who writes or speaks disconnectedly and with great excitement or affectation of feeling. I. Watts.

Rhap"so*dize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rhapsodized (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rhapsodizing.] To utter as a rhapsody, or in the manner of a rhapsody Sterne.

Rhap"so*dize, v. i. To utter rhapsodies. Jefferson.

Rhap"so*do*man`cy (?), n. [Rhapsody + -mancy.] Divination by means of verses.

Rhap"so*dy (?), n.; pl. Rhapsodies (#). [F. rhapsodie, L. rhapsodia, Gr. "rapsw,di`a, fr. "rapsw,do`s a rhapsodist; "ra`ptein to sew, stitch together, unite + 'w,dh` a song. See Ode.] 1. A recitation or song of a rhapsodist; a portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation, or usually recited, at one time; hence, a division of the Iliad or the Odyssey; -- called also a book.

2. A disconnected series of sentences or statements composed under excitement, and without dependence or natural connection; rambling composition. "A rhapsody of words." Shak. "A rhapsody of tales." Locke.

3. (Mus.) A composition irregular in form, like an improvisation; as, Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsodies."

{ Rhat"a*ny, Rhat"an*hy } (?), n. [Sp. ratania, rataña, Peruv. rataña.] The powerfully astringent root of a half- shrubby Peruvian plant (Krameria triandra). It is used in medicine and to color port wine. [Written also ratany.]

Savanilla rhatany, the root of Krameria Ixina, a native of New Granada.

Rhe"a (?), n. (Bot.) The ramie or grass-cloth plant. See Grass-cloth plant, under Grass.

Rhe"a, n. [L., a proper name.] (Zoöl.) Any one of three species of large South American ostrichlike birds of the genera Rhea and Pterocnemia. Called also the American ostrich.

The common rhea, or nandou (Rhea Americana), ranges from Brazil to Patagonia. Darwin's rhea (Pterocnemia Darwinii), of Patagonia, is smaller, and has the legs feathered below the knee.

||Rhe"æ (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) A suborder of struthious birds including the rheas.

Rhee"boc (?), n. [D. reebok roebuck.] (Zoöl.) The peele. [Written also reebok.]

Rhe"ic (?), a. [NL. Rheum rhubarb, Gr. &?;&?;&?; See Rhubarb.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (commonly called chrysophanic acid) found in rhubarb (Rheum). [Obsoles.]

Rhe"in (?), n. (Chem.) Chrysophanic acid.

Rhein"ber*ry (?), n. [G. rheinbeere.] (Bot.) One of the berries or drupes of the European buckthorn; also, the buckthorn itself.

Rhe*mat"ic (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; of or for a verb, fr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, a sentence. See Rhetoric.] (Gram.) Having a verb for its base; derived from a verb; as, rhematic adjectives. Ftzed. Hall.

Rhe*mat"ic, n. The doctrine of propositions or sentences. Coleridge.

Rhemish (?), a. Of or pertaining to Rheimis, or Reima, in France.

Rhemish Testament, the English version of the New Testament used by Roman Catholics. See Douay Bible.

Rhen"ish (?), a. [L. Rhenus the Rhine. ] Of or pertaining to the river Rhine; as, Rhenish wine. -- n. Rhine wine.

Rhe"o*chord (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + &?;&?;&?; chord.] (Elec.) A metallic wire used for regulating the resistance of a circuit, or varying the strength of an electric current, by inserting a greater or less length of it in the circuit.

Rhe*om"e*ter (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + -meter.] [Written also reometer.] 1. (Physics) An instrument for measuring currents, especially the force or intensity of electrical currents; a galvanometer.

2. (Physiol.) An instrument for measuring the velocity of the blood current in the arteries.

Rhe`o*met"ric (?), a. Of or pertaining to a rheometer or rheometry. Lardner.

Rhe*om"e*try (?), n. 1. The measurement of the force or intensity of currents.

2. (Math.) The calculus; fluxions. [R.]

Rhe"o*mo`tor (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + E. motor.] (Elec.) Any apparatus by which an electrical current is originated. [R.]

Rhe"o*phore (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + &?;&?;&?; to carry.] (Elec.) (a) A connecting wire of an electric or voltaic apparatus, traversed by a current. (b) One of the poles of a voltaic battery; an electrode.

Rhe"o*scope (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + -scope.] (Physics) An instrument for detecting the presence or movement of currents, as of electricity.

Rhe"o*stat (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n + stato`s standing still.] (Elec.) A contrivance for adjusting or regulating the strength of electrical currents, operating usually by the intercalation of resistance which can be varied at will. Wheatstone. -- Rhe`o*stat"ic (#), a.

Rhe"o*tome (-tm), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + te`mnein to cut.] (Elec.) An instrument which periodically or otherwise interrupts an electric current. Wheatstone.

Rhe"o*trope (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + &?;&?;&?; to turn.] (Elec.) An instrument for reversing the direction of an electric current. [Written also reotrope.]

||Rhe"sus (?), n. [L. Rhesus, a proper name, Gr. &?;&?;&?;.] (Zoöl.) A monkey; the bhunder.

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Rhe"ti*an (?), a. [L. Rhaetius, Raetius: cf. F. rhétien.] Pertaining to the ancient Rhæti, or Rhætians, or to Rhætia, their country; as, the Rhetian Alps, now the country of Tyrol and the Grisons.

Rhe"tic (?), a. (Min.) Same as Rhætic.

Rhe"ti*zite (?), n. (Min.) Same as Rhætizite.

Rhe"tor (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;.] A rhetorician. [Obs.] Hammond.

Rhet"o*ric (?), n. [F. rhétorique, L. rhetorica, Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; (sc. &?;&?;&?;), fr. &?;&?;&?; rhetorical, oratorical, fr. &?;&?;&?; orator, rhetorician; perhaps akin to E. word; cf. &?;&?;&?; to say.] 1. The art of composition; especially, elegant composition in prose.

2. Oratory; the art of speaking with propriety, elegance, and force. Locke.

3. Hence, artificial eloquence; fine language or declamation without conviction or earnest feeling.

4. Fig. : The power of persuasion or attraction; that which allures or charms.

Sweet, silent rhetoric of persuading eyes.


Rhe*tor"ic*al (?), a. [L. rhetoricus, Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?;. See Rhetoric.] Of or pertaining to rhetoric; according to, or exhibiting, rhetoric; oratorical; as, the rhetorical art; a rhetorical treatise; a rhetorical flourish.

They permit him to leave their poetical taste ungratified, provided that he gratifies their rhetorical sense.

M. Arnold.

-- Rhe*tor"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Rhe*tor"ic*al*ness, n.

Rhe*tor"i*cate (?), v. i. [L. rhetoricari. See Rhetoric.] To play the orator. [Obs.] South.

Rhe*tor`i*ca"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. rhétorication.] Rhetorical amplification. [Obs.] Waterland.

Rhet`o*ri"cian (?), n. [Cf. F. rhétoricien.] 1. One well versed in the rules and principles of rhetoric.

The understanding is that by which a man becomes a mere logician and a mere rhetorician.

F. W. Robertson.

2. A teacher of rhetoric.

The ancient sophists and rhetoricians, which ever had young auditors, lived till they were an hundred years old.


3. An orator; specifically, an artificial orator without genuine eloquence; a declaimer. Macaulay.

Rhet`o*ri"cian, a. Suitable to a master of rhetoric. "With rhetorician pride." Blackmore.

Rhet"o*rize (rt"*rz), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rhetorized (- rzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rhetorizing (- r`zng).] To play the orator. Colgrave.

Rhet"o*rize, v. t. To represent by a figure of rhetoric, or by personification. Milton.

||Rhe"um (r"m), n. [NL., from L. Rha the river Volga, on the banks of which it grows. See Rhubarb.] (Bot.) A genus of plants. See Rhubarb.

Rheum (rm), n. [OF. reume, rheume, F. rhume a cold,, L. rheuma rheum, from Gr. &?;&?;&?;, fr. "rei^n to flow, akin to E. stream. See Stream, n., and cf. Hemorrhoids.] (Med.) A serous or mucous discharge, especially one from the eves or nose.

I have a rheum in mine eyes too.


Salt rheum. (Med.) See Salt rheum, in the Vocab.

Rheu*mat"ic (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; subject to a discharge or flux: cf. L. rheumaticus, F. rhumatique. See Rheum, Rheumatism.] 1. Derived from, or having the character of, rheum; rheumic. [Obs.]

2. (Med.) Of or pertaining to rheumatism; as, rheumatic pains or affections; affected with rheumatism; as, a rheumatic old man; causing rheumatism; as, a rheumatic day.

That rheumatic diseases do abound.


Rheu*mat"ic, n. One affected with rheumatism.

Rheu"ma*tism (?), n. [L. rheumatismus rheum, Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?;, fr.&?;&?;&?; to have or suffer from a flux, fr. &?;&?;&?; rheum: cf. F. rheumatisme. See 2d Rheum.] (Med.) A general disease characterized by painful, often multiple, local inflammations, usually affecting the joints and muscles, but also extending sometimes to the deeper organs, as the heart.

Inflammatory rheumatism (Med.), acute rheumatism attended with fever, and attacking usually the larger joints, which become swollen, hot, and very painful. -- Rheumatism root. (Bot.) See Twinleaf.

Rheu`ma*tis"mal (?), a. (Med.) Of or pertaining to rheumatism.

Rheu`ma*tis"moid (?), a. [Rheumatism + -oid.] (Med.) Of or resembling rheum or rheumatism.

Rheum"ic (?), a. (Med.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, rheum.

Rheumic diathesis. See Dartrous diathesis, under Dartrous.

||Rheu"mi*des (?), n. pl. [NL. See Rheum.] (Med.) The class of skin disease developed by the dartrous diathesis. See under Dartrous.

Rheum"y (?), a. Of or pertaining to rheum; abounding in, or causing, rheum; affected with rheum.

His head and rheumy eyes distill in showers.


And tempt the rheumy and unpurged air
To add unto his sickness.


Rhig"o*lene (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; cold + L. oleum oil.] (Chem.) A mixture of volatile hydrocarbons intermediate between gsolene and cymogene. It is obtained in the purification of crude petroleum, and is used as a refregerant.

Rhime (?), n. See Rhyme. [Obs.]

Rhi"nal (?), a. [Gr&?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, the nose.] (Anat.) Og or pertaining to the nose or olfactory organs.

||Rhi*nas"ter (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, nose + &?;&?;&?; star.] (Zoöl.) The borele.

Rhine (?), n. [AS. ryne. See Run.] A water course; a ditch. [Written also rean.] [Prov. Eng.] Macaulay.

Rhi`nen*ce*phal"ic (?), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the rhinencephalon.

||Rhi`nen*ceph"a*lon (?), n.; pl. Rhinencephala (#). [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, the nose + &?;&?; the brain.] (Anat.) The division of the brain in front of the prosencephalon, consisting of the two olfactory lobes from which the olfactory nerves arise.

The term is sometimes used for one of the olfactory lobes, the plural being used for the two taken together.

Rhine"stone` (?), n. [Cf. G. rheinkiesel Rhine quartz.] A colorless stone of high luster, made of paste. It is much used as an inexpensive ornament.

||Rhi*ni"tis (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;. &?;&?;&?;, the nose + -itis.] (Med.) Infllammation of the nose; esp., inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nostrils.

Rhi*no (?), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] Gold and silver, or money. [Cant] W. Wagstaffe.

As long as the rhino lasted.


Rhi"no-. A combining form from Greek &?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, the nose, as in rhinolith, rhinology.

{ Rhi`no*ce"ri*al (?), Rhi`no*cer"ic*al (?), } a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the rhinoceros; resembling the rhinoceros, or his horn. Tatler.

Rhi*noc"e*ros (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;; &?;&?;&?;. &?;&?;&?;, the nose + &?;&?;&?; a horn: cf. F. rhinocéros. See Horn.] (Zoöl.) Any pachyderm belonging to the genera Rhinoceros, Atelodus, and several allied genera of the family Rhinocerotidæ, of which several living, and many extinct, species are known. They are large and powerful, and usually have either one or two stout conical median horns on the snout.

The Indian, or white, and the Javan rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros Indicus and R. Sondaicus) have incisor and canine teeth, but only one horn, and the very thick skin forms shieldlike folds. The two or three African species belong to Atelodus, and have two horns, but lack the dermal folds, and the incisor and canine teeth. The two Malay, or East Indian, two- horned species belong to Ceratohinus, in which incisor and canine teeth are present. See Borele, and Keitloa.

Rhinoceros auk (Zoöl.), an auk of the North Pacific (Cerorhina monocrata) which has a deciduous horn on top of the bill. -- Rhinoceros beetle (Zoöl.), a very large beetle of the genus Dynastes, having a horn on the head. -- Rhinoceros bird. (Zoöl.) (a) A large hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros), native of the East Indies. It has a large hollow hornlike process on the bill. Called also rhinoceros hornbill. See Hornbill. (b) An African beefeater (Buphaga Africana). It alights on the back of the rhinoceros in search of parasitic insects.

Rhi*noc"e*rote (?), n. A rhinoceros. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Rhi*noc`e*rot"ic (?), a. Of or pertaining to the rhinoceros. [R.]

{ Rhi"no*lite (?), Rhi"no*lith (?), } n. [Rhino- + -lite, -lith.] (Med.) A concretion formed within the cavities of the nose.

Rhi`no*log"ic*al (?), a. Of or pertaining to rhinology.

Rhi*nol"o*gist (?), n. One skilled in rhinology.

Rhi*nol"o*gy (?), n. [Rhino- + -logy.] The science which treats of the nose, and its diseases.

Rhi*nol"o*phid (?), n. [Rhino- + Gr. &?;&?;&?; crest.] (Zoöl.) Any species of the genus Rhinilophus, or family Rhinolophidæ, having a horseshoe-shaped nasal crest; a horseshoe bat.

Rhi*nol"o*phine (?), a. (Zoöl.) Like or pertaining to the rhinolophids, or horseshoe bats.

Rhi"no*phore (?), n. [Rhino- + Gr. &?;&?;&?; to bear.] (Zoöl.) One of the two tentacle-like organs on the back of the head or neck of a nudibranch or tectibranch mollusk. They are usually retractile, and often transversely furrowed or plicate, and are regarded as olfactory organs. Called also dorsal tentacles. See Illust. under Pygobranchia, and Opisthobranchia.

Rhi`no*plas"tic (?), a. [Rhino- + -plastic: cf. F. rhinoplastique.] (Surg.) Of or pertaining to rhinoplasty; as, a rhinoplastic operation.

Rhi"no*plas`ty (?), n. [Rhino- + -plasty: cf. F. rhinoplastie.] Plastic surgery of the nose to correct deformity or to replace lost tissue. Tissue may be transplanted from the patient's cheek, forehead, arm, etc., or even from another person.

Rhi"no*pome (?), n. [Rhino- + Gr. pw^ma a lid. ] (Zoöl.) Any old-world bat of the genus Rhinopoma. The rhinopomes have a long tail extending beyond the web, and inhabit caves and tombs.

||Rhi`no*scle*ro"ma (?), n. [Rhino- + scleroma.] (Med.) A rare disease of the skin, characterized by the development of very hard, more or less flattened, prominences, appearing first upon the nose and subsequently upon the neighboring parts, esp. the lips, palate, and throat. J. V. Shoemaker.

Rhi"no*scope (?), n. [Rhino- + -scope.] A small mirror for use in rhinoscopy.

Rhi`no*scop"ic (?), a. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to rhinoscopy.

Rhi*nos"co*py (?), n. [Rhino- + -scopy.] (Physiol.) The examination or study of the soft palate, posterior nares, etc., by means of a laryngoscopic mirror introduced into the pharynx.

||Rhi`no*the"ca (?), n.; pl. Rhinothecæ (#). [NL., from gr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, the nose + &?;&?;&?; case.] (Zoöl.) The sheath of the upper mandible of a bird.

||Rhi*pi`do*glos"sa (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; a fan + &?;&?;&?;&?; a tongue.] (Zoöl.) A division of gastropod mollusks having a large number of long, divergent, hooklike, lingual teeth in each transverse row. It includes the scutibranchs. See Illustration in Appendix.

Rhi*pip"ter (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; a fan + &?;&?;&?; wing.] (Zoöl.) One of the Rhipiptera, a group of insects having wings which fold like a fan; a strepsipter.

Rhi*pip"ter*an (?), n. (Zoöl.) Same as Rhipipter.

Rhi*zan"thous (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; root + &?;&?;&?; flower.] (Bot.) Producing flowers from a rootstock, or apparently from a root.

Rhi"zine (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; root.] (Bot.) A rootlike filament or hair growing from the stems of mosses or on lichens; a rhizoid.

Rhi`zo*car"pous (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; root + &?;&?;&?; fruit.] (Bot.) Having perennial rootstocks or bulbs, but annual flowering stems; -- said of all perennial herbs.

||Rhi`zo*ceph"a*la (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; root + &?;&?;&?; head.] (Zoöl.) A division of Pectostraca including saclike parasites of Crustacea. They adhere by rootlike extensions of the head. See Illusration in Appendix.

Rhiz"o*dont (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; root + &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, a tooth.] (Zoöl.) A reptile whose teeth are rooted in sockets, as the crocodile.

Rhiz"o*gan (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; root + -gen: cf. F. rhizogène.] (Bot.) Prodicing roots.

Rhiz"o*gen, n. (Bot.) One of a proposed class of flowering plants growning on the roots of other plants and destitute of green foliage.

Rhi"zoid (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; root + -oid.] (Bot.) A rootlike appendage.

||Rhi*zo"ma (?), n.; pl. Rhizomata (#). [NL.] (Bot.) SAme as Rhizome.

Rhi*zo"ma*tous (?), a. (Bot.) Having the nature or habit of a rhizome or rootstock.

Rhi*zome" (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; the mass of roots (of a tree), a stem, race, fr. &?;&?;&?; to make to root, pass., to take root, fr. &?;&?;&?; a root: cf. F. rhizome.] (Bot.) A rootstock. See Rootstock.

||Rhi*zoph"a*ga (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) A division of marsupials. The wombat is the type.

Rhi*zoph"a*gous (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;; &?;&?;&?; a root + &?;&?;&?; to eat.] Feeding on roots; root- eating.

||Rhi*zoph"o*ra (?), n. [NL. See Rhizophorous.] (Bot.) A genus of trees including the mangrove. See Mangrove.

Rhi*zoph"o*rous (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; a root + &?;&?;&?;&?; to bear.] (Bot.) Bearing roots.

Rhiz"o*pod (?), n. (Zoöl.) One of the Rhizopoda.

The rhizopods belonging to the Radiolaria and Foraminifera have been of great geological importance, especially in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. Chalk is mostly made from the shells of Foraminifera. The nummulites are the principal ingredient of a limestone which is of great extent in Europe and Asia, and is the material of which some of the pyramids of Egypt are made. The shells are abundant in deepsea mud, and are mostly minute, seldom larger than a small grain of sand, except in the case of the nummulities, which are sometimes an inch in diameter.

||Rhi*zop"o*da (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; a root + -poda.] (Zoöl.) An extensive class of Protozoa, including those which have pseudopodia, by means of which they move about and take their food. The principal groups are Lobosa (or Amœbea), Helizoa, Radiolaria, and Foraminifera (or Reticularia). See Protozoa.

Rhi*zop"o*dous (?), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the rhizopods.

||Rhi`zo*stom"a*ta (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; a root + &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;&?;, a mouth.] (Zoöl.) A suborder of Medusæ which includes very large species without marginal tentacles, but having large mouth lobes closely united at the edges. See Illust. in Appendix.

Rhiz"o*stome (?), n. (Zoöl.) One of the Rhizostomata.

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||Rhi`zo*tax"is (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; a root + &?;&?;&?; arrangement.] (Bot.) The arrangement of the roots of plants.

Rhob (rb), n. See 1st Rob.

Rho`dam*mo"ni*um (?), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, rhodium and ammonia; -- said of certain complex compounds.

Rho"da*nate (?), n. (Chem.) A salt of rhodanic acid; a sulphocyanate. [Obsoles.]

Rho*dan"ic (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; the rose.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (commonly called sulphocyanic acid) which frms a red color with ferric salts. [Obsoles.]

Rho`de*o*re"tin (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; the rose + &?;&?;&?; resin.] (Chem.) Same as Convolvuln.

Rho"di*an (?), a. [L. Rhodius: cf. F. rhodien.] Of or pertaining to Rhodes, an island of the Mediterranean. -- n. A native or inhabitant of Rhodes.

Rho"dic (?), a. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to rhodium; containing rhodium.

Rho"di*um (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ro`don the rose. So called from the rose-red color of certain of its solutions. See Rhododendron.] (Chem.) A rare element of the light platinum group. It is found in platinum ores, and obtained free as a white inert metal which it is very difficult to fuse. Symbol Rh. Atomic weight 104.1. Specific gravity 12.

Rho`di*zon"ic (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; to be rose-red.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, a colorless crystalline substance (called rhodizonic acid, and carboxylic acid) obtained from potassium carboxide and from certain quinones. It forms brilliant red, yellow, and purple salts.

Rho`do*chro"site (?), n. [Gr. "ro`don the rose + &?;&?;&?; a coloring.] (Min.) Manganese carbonate, a rose-red mineral sometimes occuring crystallized, but generally massive with rhombohedral cleavage like calcite; -- called also dialogite.

Rho*doc"ri*nite (?), n. [Gr. "ro`don rose + &?;&?;&?; lily.] (Paleon.) A rose encrinite.

Rho`do*den"dron (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. "rodo`dendron, literally, rose tree; "ro`don rose + de`ndron tree. See Rose.] (Bot.) A genus of shrubs or small trees, often having handsome evergreen leaves, and remarkable for the beauty of their flowers; rosebay.

Rhod`o*mon*tade" (?), n. See Rodomontade.

Rhod`o*mon*tad"er (?), n. See Rodomontador.

Rho"don*ite (?), n. [Gr. "ro`don the rose. ] (Min.) Manganese spar, or silicate of manganese, a mineral occuring crystallised and in rose-red masses. It is often used as an ornamental stone.

Rho"do*phane (?), n. [Gr. "ro`don the rose + &?;&?;&?; to show.] (Physiol.) The red pigment contained in the inner segments of the cones of the retina in animals. See Chromophane. W. Kühne.

Rho*dop"sin (?), n. [Gr. "ro`don rose + "w`ps eye.] (Physiol.) The visual purple. See under Visual.

Rho"do*sperm (?), n. [Gr. "ro`don the rose + spe`rma a seed.] (Bot.) Any seaweed with red spores.

As the name of a subclass, Rhodosperms, or Rhodospermeæ, is synonymous with Florideæ (which see.)

Rhomb (?), n. [L. rhombus, Gr. &?;&?;&?; rhomb, a spinning top, magic wheel, fr. &?;&?;&?; to turn or whirl round, perhaps akin to E. wrench: cf. F. rhombe. Cf. Rhombus, Rhumb.] 1. (Geom.) An equilateral parallelogram, or quadrilateral figure whose sides are equal and the opposite sides parallel. The angles may be unequal, two being obtuse and two acute, as in the cut, or the angles may be equal, in which case it is usually called a square.

2. (Geom.) A rhombohedron.

Fresnel's rhomb (Opt.), a rhomb or oblique parallelopiped of crown or St. Gobain glass so cut that a ray of light entering one of its faces at right angles shall emerge at right angles at the opposite face, after undergoing within the rhomb, at other faces, two reflections. It is used to produce a ray circularly polarized from a plane-polarized ray, or the reverse. Nichol.

Rhom"bic (?), a. 1. Shaped like a rhomb.

2. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.

Rhom`bo*ga"noid (?), n. [Rhomb + ganoid.] (Zoöl.) A ganoid fish having rhombic enameled scales; one of the Rhomboganoidei.

||Rhom`bo*ga*noi"de*i (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) Same as Ginglymodi.

Rhom"bo*gene (?), n. [Rhomb + root of Gr. &?;&?;&?; to be born.] (Zoöl.) A dicyemid which produces infusorialike embryos; -- opposed to nematogene. See Dicyemata. [Written also rhombogen.]

Rhom`bo*he"dral (?), a. (Geom. & Crystallog.) Related to the rhombohedron; presenting the form of a rhombohedron, or a form derivable from a rhombohedron; relating to a system of forms including the rhombohedron and scalenohedron.

Rhombohedral iron ore (Min.) See Hematite. -- Rhombohedral system (Crystallog.), a division of the hexagonal system embracing the rhombohedron, scalenohedron, etc.

Rhom`bo*hed"ric (?), a. (Geom. & Crystallog.) Rhombohedral.

Rhom`bo*he"dron (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; rhomb + &?;&?;&?; seat, base.] (Geom. & Crystallog.) A solid contained by six rhomboids; a parallelopiped.

Rhom"boid (rm"boid), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; rhomboidal; &?;&?;&?; rhomb + e'i^dos shape: cf. F. rhomboïde.] (Geom.) An oblique-angled parallelogram like a rhomb, but having only the opposite sides equal, the length and with being different.

Rhom"boid (rm"boid), a. Same as Rhomboidal.

Rhom*boid"al (?), a. [Cf. F. rhomboïdal.] Having, or approaching, the shape of a rhomboid.

Rhom*boid"es (?), n. A rhomboid. [R.] Milton.

Rhom`boid-o"vate (?), a. Between rhomboid and ovate, or oval, in shape.

Rhomb" spar` (?). (Min.) A variety of dolomite.

Rhom"bus (?), n. [L.] Same as Rhomb, 1.

Rhon`chal (?), a. (Med.) Rhonchial.

Rhon"chi*al (?), a. (Med.) Of or pertaining to a rhonchus; produced by rhonchi.

Rhonchial fremitus. [L. fremitus a dull roaring or murmuring.] (Med.) A vibration of the chest wall that may be felt by the hand laid upon its surface. It is caused in the production of rhonchi in the bronchial tubes.

Rhon*chis"o*nant (?), a. [L. rhonchus a snoring + sonans, p. pr. of sonare to sound.] Making a snorting noise; snorting. [R.]

||Rhon"chus (?), n.; pl. Rhonchi (#). [L., a snoring, a croaking.] (Med.) An adventitious whistling or snoring sound heard on auscultation of the chest when the air channels are partially obstructed. By some writers the term rhonchus is used as equivalent to râle in its widest sense. See Râle.

Rho*pal"ic (?), a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; club-shaped; fr. &?;&?;&?; a club: cf. F. rhopalique.] (Pros.) Applied to a line or verse in which each successive word has one more syllable than the preceding.

||Rho*pa"li*um (?), n.; pl. Rhopalia (#). [NL.] (Zoöl.) One of the marginal sensory bodies of medusæ belonging to the Discophora.

||Rhop`a*loc"e*ra (?), n. pl. [NL., from Gr. &?;&?;&?; a club + &?;&?;&?; ahorn.] (Zoöl.) A division of Lepidoptera including all the butterflies. They differ from other Lepidoptera in having club-shaped antennæ.

Rho"ta*cism (?), n. [Gr. "rwtaki`zein to use the letter r (ρ) overmuch: cf. F. rhotacisme.] An oversounding, or a misuse, of the letter r; specifically (Phylol.), the tendency, exhibited in the Indo-European languages, to change s to r, as wese to were.

Rhu"barb (?), n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. &?;&?;&?; (and &?;&?;) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian plant from the Rha. Cf. Barbarous, Rhaponticine.] 1. (Bot.) The name of several large perennial herbs of the genus Rheum and order Polygonaceæ.

2. The large and fleshy leafstalks of Rheum Rhaponticum and other species of the same genus. They are pleasantly acid, and are used in cookery. Called also pieplant.

3. (Med.) The root of several species of Rheum, used much as a cathartic medicine.

Monk's rhubarb. (Bot.) See under Monk. -- Turkey rhubarb (Med.), the roots of Rheum Emodi.

Rhu"barb*y (?), a. Like rhubarb.

Rhumb (?), n. [F. rumb, Sp. rumbo, or Pg. rumbo, rumo, probably fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; a magic wheel, a whirling motion, hence applied to a point of the compass. See Rhomb.] (Navigation) A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle; -- called also rhumb line, and loxodromic curve. See Loxodromic.

To sail on a rhumb, to sail continuously on one course, following a rhumb line.

||Rhus (?), n. [L., sumac, fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?;.] (Bot.) A genus of shrubs and small treets. See Sumac.

Rhus"ma (?), n. [See Rusma.] A mixtire of caustic lime and orpiment, or tersulphide of arsenic, -- used in the depilation of hides. Knight.

Rhyme (?), n. [OE. ryme, rime, AS. rm number; akin to OHG. rm number, succession, series, G. reim rhyme. The modern sense is due to the influence of F. rime, which is of German origin, and originally the same word.] [The Old English spelling rime is becoming again common. See Note under Prime.] 1. An expression of thought in numbers, measure, or verse; a composition in verse; a rhymed tale; poetry; harmony of language. "Railing rhymes." Daniel.

A ryme I learned long ago.


He knew
Himself to sing, and build the lofty rime.


2. (Pros.) Correspondence of sound in the terminating words or syllables of two or more verses, one succeeding another immediately or at no great distance. The words or syllables so used must not begin with the same consonant, or if one begins with a vowel the other must begin with a consonant. The vowel sounds and accents must be the same, as also the sounds of the final consonants if there be any.

For rhyme with reason may dispense,
And sound has right to govern sense.


3. Verses, usually two, having this correspondence with each other; a couplet; a poem containing rhymes.

4. A word answering in sound to another word.

Female rhyme. See under Female. - - Male rhyme. See under Male. -- Rhyme or reason, sound or sense. -- Rhyme royal (Pros.), a stanza of seven decasyllabic verses, of which the first and third, the second, fourth, and fifth, and the sixth and seventh rhyme.

Rhyme (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rhymed (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Rhyming.] [OE. rimen, rymen, AS. rman to count: cf. F. rimer to rhyme. See Rhyme, n.] 1. To make rhymes, or verses. "Thou shalt no longer ryme." Chaucer.

There marched the bard and blockhead, side by side,
Who rhymed for hire, and patronized for pride.


2. To accord in rhyme or sound.

And, if they rhymed and rattled, all was well.


Rhyme, v. t. 1. To put into rhyme. Sir T. Wilson.

2. To influence by rhyme.

Hearken to a verser, who may chance
Rhyme thee to good.


Rhyme"less, a. Destitute of rhyme. Bp. Hall.

Rhym"er (?), n. One who makes rhymes; a versifier; -- generally in contempt; a poor poet; a poetaster.

This would make them soon perceive what despicaple creatures our common rhymers and playwriters be.


Rhym"er*y (?), n. The art or habit of making rhymes; rhyming; -- in contempt.

Rhyme"ster (?), n. A rhymer; a maker of poor poetry. Bp. Hall. Byron.

Rhym"ic (?), a. Pertaining to rhyme.

Rhym"ist, n. A rhymer; a rhymester. Johnston.

||Rhyn`chob*del"le*a (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ry`gchos snout + &?;&?;&?; a leech.] (Zoöl.) A suborder of leeches including those that have a protractile proboscis, without jaws. Clepsine is the type.

||Rhyn`cho*ceph"a*la (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ry`gchos snout + kefalh` head.] (Zoöl.) An order of reptiles having biconcave vertebræ, immovable quadrate bones, and many other peculiar osteological characters. Hatteria is the only living genus, but numerous fossil genera are known, some of which are among the earliest of reptiles. See Hatteria. Called also Rhynchocephalia.

||Rhyn`cho*cœ"la (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ry`gchos snout + koi`los hollow.] (Zoöl.) Same as Nemertina. -- Rhyn`cho*cœ"lous (#), a.

Rhyn"cho*lite (&?;), n. [Gr. "ry`gchos snout, beak + -lie: cf. F. rhyncholithe.] (Paleon.) A fossil cephalopod beak.

||Rhyn`cho*nel"la (&?;), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ry`gchos snout.] (Zoöl.) A genus of brachiopods of which some species are still living, while many are found fossil.

||Rhyn*choph"o*ra (&?;), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ry`gchos snout + fe`rein to carry.] (Zoöl.) A group of Coleoptera having a snoutlike head; the snout beetles, curculios, or weevils.

Rhyn"cho*phore (?), n. (Zoöl.) One of the Rhynchophora.

||Rhyn*cho"ta (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "ry`gchos snout.] (Zoöl.) Same as Hemiptera. [Written also Rhyncota.]

Rhy"o*lite (?), n. [Gr. "rei^n to flow + -lite.] (Min.) A quartzose trachyte, an igneous rock often showing a fluidal structure. -- Rhy`o*lit"ic, (#), a.

Rhy`pa*rog"ra*phy (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?; painting foul or mean objects; "ryparo`s filthy, dirty + gra`fein to write, paint.] In ancient art, the painting of genre or still-life pictures.

Rhy*sim"e*ter (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; flow + -meter.] An instrument, acting on the principle of Pitot's tube, for measuring the velocity of a fluid current, the speed of a ship, etc.

Rhythm (?), n. [F. rhythme, rythme, L. rhythmus, fr. Gr. &?;&?;&?; measured motion, measure, proportion, fr. "rei^n to flow. See Stream.] 1. In the widest sense, a dividing into short portions by a regular succession of motions, impulses, sounds, accents, etc., producing an agreeable effect, as in music poetry, the dance, or the like.

2. (Mus.) Movement in musical time, with periodical recurrence of accent; the measured beat or pulse which marks the character and expression of the music; symmetry of movement and accent. Moore (Encyc.)

3. A division of lines into short portions by a regular succession of arses and theses, or percussions and remissions of voice on words or syllables.

4. The harmonious flow of vocal sounds.

<! p. 1239 !>

Rhyth"mer (rth"mr or r"-), n. One who writes in rhythm, esp. in poetic rhythm or meter. [R.]

One now scarce counted a rhythmer, formerly admitted for a poet.


{ Rhyth"mic (-mk), Rhyth"mic*al (- m*kal), } a. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;&?;: cf. L. rhythmicus, F. rhythmique.] Pertaining to, or of the nature of, rhythm

Day and night
I worked my rhythmic thought.

Mrs. Browning.

Rhythmical accent. (Mus.) See Accent, n., 6 (c).

Rhyth"mic*al*ly, adv. In a rhythmical manner.

Rhyth"mics (?), n. The department of musical science which treats of the length of sounds.

Rhyth"ming (?), a. Writing rhythm; verse making. "The rhythming monk." Fuller.

Rhythm"less (?), a. Being without rhythm. Coleridge.

Rhyth*mom"e*ter (?), n. [Rhythm + -meter.] An instrument for marking time in musical movements. See Metronome.

||Rhyth"mus (?), n. [L.] Rhythm.

||Rhyt"i*na (?), n. (Zoöl.) See Rytina.

Ri"al (&?;), n. A Spanish coin. See Real. [Obs.]

Ri*al", a. Royal. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ri"al (?), n. [From Royal.] A gold coin formerly current in England, of the value of ten shillings sterling in the reign of Henry VI., and of fifteen shillings in the reign of Elizabeth. [Spelt also ryal.] Brande & C.

||Ri`ant" (?), a. [F. riant, p. pr. of rire to laugh, L. ridere.] Laughing; laughable; exciting gayety; gay; merry; delightful to the view, as a landscape.

In such cases the sublimity must be drawn from the other sources, with a strict caution, howewer, against anything light and riant.


Rib (?), n. [AS. rib, ribb; akin to D. rib, G. rippe, OHG. rippa, rippi, Dan. ribbe, Icel. rif, Russ. rebro.] 1. (Anat.) One of the curved bones attached to the vertebral column and supporting the lateral walls of the thorax.

In man there are twelve ribs on each side, of which the upper seven are directly connected with the sternum by cartilages, and are called sternal, or true, ribs. The remaining five pairs are called asternal, or false, ribs, and of these each of the three upper pairs is attached to the cartilage of the rib above, while the two lower pairs are free at the ventral ends, and are called floating ribs. See Thorax.

2. That which resembles a rib in form or use. Specifically: (a) (Shipbuilding) One of the timbers, or bars of iron or steel, that branch outward and upward from the keel, to support the skin or planking, and give shape and strength to the vessel. (b) (Mach. & Structures) A ridge, fin, or wing, as on a plate, cylinder, beam, etc., to strengthen or stiffen it. (c) One of the rods on which the cover of an umbrella is extended. (d) A prominent line or ridge, as in cloth. (e) A longitudinal strip of metal uniting the barrels of a double-barreled gun.

3. (Bot.) The chief nerve, or one of the chief nerves, of a leaf. (b) Any longitudinal ridge in a plant.

4. (Arch.) (a) In Gothic vaulting, one of the primary members of the vault. These are strong arches, meeting and crossing one another, dividing the whole space into triangles, which are then filled by vaulted construction of lighter material. Hence, an imitation of one of these in wood, plaster, or the like. (b) A projecting mold, or group of moldings, forming with others a pattern, as on a ceiling, ornamental door, or the like.

5. (Mining) (a) Solid coal on the side of a gallery; solid ore in a vein. (b) An elongated pillar of ore or coal left as a support. Raymond.

6. A wife; -- in allusion to Eve, as made out of Adam's rib. [Familiar & Sportive]

How many have we known whose heads have been broken with their own rib.

Bp. Hall.

Chuck rib, a cut of beef immediately in front of the middle rib. See Chuck. -- Fore ribs, a cut of beef immediately in front of the sirloin. -- Middle rib, a cut of beef between the chuck rib and the fore ribs. -- Rib grass. (Bot.) Same as Ribwort.

Rib, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ribbed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ribbing.] 1. To furnish with ribs; to form with rising lines and channels; as, to rib cloth.

2. To inclose, as with ribs, and protect; to shut in.

It [lead] were too gross
To rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave.


To rib land, to leave strips of undisturbed ground between the furrows in plowing.

Rib"ald (?), n./ [OE. ribald, ribaud, F. ribaud, OF. ribald, ribault, LL. ribaldus, of German origin; cf. OHG hrpa prostitute. For the ending -ald cf. E. Herald.] A low, vulgar, brutal, foul-mouthed wretch; a lewd fellow. Spenser. Pope.

Ribald was almost a class name in the feudal system . . . He was his patron's parasite, bulldog, and tool . . . It is not to be wondered at that the word rapidly became a synonym for everything ruffianly and brutal.


Rib"ald, a. Low; base; mean; filthy; obscene.

The busy day,
Waked by the lark, hath roused the ribald crows.


Rib"ald*ish, a. Like a ribald. Bp. Hall.

Rib"ald*rous (?), a. Of a ribald quality. [R.]

Rib"ald*ry (?), n. [OE. ribaldrie, ribaudrie, OF. ribalderie, ribauderie.] The talk of a ribald; low, vulgar language; indecency; obscenity; lewdness; -- now chiefly applied to indecent language, but formerly, as by Chaucer, also to indecent acts or conduct.

The ribaldry of his conversation moved &?;stonishment even in that age.


Rib"an (?), n. See Ribbon. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.

Rib"and (?), n. See Ribbon.

Riband jasper (Min.), a variety of jasper having stripes of different colors, as red and green.

Rib"and, n. (Naut.) See Rib-band. Totten.

Rib"and*ed, a. Ribboned. B. Jonson.

Rib"aud (?), n. A ribald. [Obs.] P. Plowman.

||Ri*bau"de*quin (?), n. [F.] 1. An engine of war used in the Middle Ages, consisting of a protected elevated staging on wheels, and armed in front with pikes. It was (after the 14th century) furnished with small cannon.

2. A huge bow fixed on the wall of a fortified town for casting javelins.

{ Rib"aud*red (?), Rib"aud*rous (?), } a. Filthy; obscene; ribald. [Obs.]

Rib"aud*ry (?), n. Ribaldry. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rib"aud*y (?), n. Ribaldry. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rib"auld (?), n. A ribald. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rib"band (?), n. A ribbon. Pope.

Rib"band` (?), n. [Rib + band.] [Written also riband, and ribbon.] (Shipbuilding) A long, narrow strip of timber bent and bolted longitudinally to the ribs of a vessel, to hold them in position, and give rigidity to the framework.

Rib-band lines, oblique longitudinal sections of the hull of a vessel. Knight.

Ribbed (?), a. 1. Furnished or formed with ribs; as, a ribbed cylinder; ribbed cloth.

2. (Mining) Intercalated with slate; -- said of a seam of coal. Raymond.

Rib"bing (?), n. An assemblage or arrangement of ribs, as the timberwork for the support of an arch or coved ceiling, the veins in the leaves of some plants, ridges in the fabric of cloth, or the like.

Rib"bon (?), n. [OE. riban, OF. riban, F. ruban, probably of German origin; cf. D. ringband collar, necklace, E. ring circle, and band.] [Written also riband, ribband.] 1. A fillet or narrow woven fabric, commonly of silk, used for trimming some part of a woman's attire, for badges, and other decorative purposes.

2. A narrow strip or shred; as, a steel or magnesium ribbon; sails torn to ribbons.

3. (Shipbuilding) Same as Rib- band.

4. pl. Driving reins. [Cant] London Athenæum.

5. (Her.) A bearing similar to the bend, but only one eighth as wide.

6. (Spinning) A silver.

The blue ribbon, and The red ribbon, are phrases often used to designate the British orders of the Garter and of the Bath, respectively, the badges of which are suspended by ribbons of these colors. See Blue ribbon, under Blue.

Ribbon fish. (Zoöl.) (a) Any elongated, compressed, ribbon-shaped marine fish of the family Trachypteridæ, especially the species of the genus Trachypterus, and the oarfish (Regelecus Banksii) of the North Atlantic, which is sometimes over twenty feet long. (b) The hairtail, or bladefish. (c) A small compressed marine fish of the genus Cepola, having a long, slender, tapering tail. The European species (C. rubescens) is light red throughout. Called also band fish. -- Ribbon grass (Bot.), a variety of reed canary grass having the leaves stripped with green and white; -- called also Lady's garters. See Reed grass, under Reed. -- Ribbon seal (Zoöl.), a North Pacific seal (Histriophoca fasciata). The adult male is dark brown, conspicuously banded and striped with yellowish white. -- Ribbon snake (Zoöl.), a common North American snake (Eutainia saurita). It is conspicuously striped with bright yellow and dark brown. -- Ribbon Society, a society in Ireland, founded in the early part of the 19th century in antagonism to the Orangemen. It afterwards became an organization of tennant farmers banded together to prevent eviction by landlords. It took its name from the green ribbon worn by members as a badge. -- Ribborn worm. (Zoöl.) (a) A tapeworm. (b) A nemertean.

Rib"bon, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ribboned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ribboning.] To adorn with, or as with, ribbons; to mark with stripes resembling ribbons.

Rib"bon*ism (?), n. The principles and practices of the Ribbonmen. See Ribbon Society, under Ribbon.

Rib"bon*man (?), n.; pl. -men. A member of the Ribbon Society. See Ribbon Society, under Ribbon.

Rib"bon*wood` (?), n. (Bot.) A malvaceous tree (Hoheria populnea) of New Zealand, the bark of which is used for cordage.

||Ri"bes (?), n.[NL.; cf. Dan. ribs, and Ar. rbs a plant with an acid juice.] (Bot.) A genus of shrubs including gooseberries and currants of many kinds.

Rib"ibe (?), n. [See Rebec.] 1. A sort of stringed instrument; a rebec. [Obs.] Nares.

2. An old woman; -- in contempt. [Obs.] Chaucer.

3. A bawd; a prostitute. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Rib"i*ble (?), n. [See Ribibe.] A small threestringed viol; a rebec. Moore (Encyc. of Music).

All can be play on gittern or ribible.


Rib"less, a. Having no ribs.

Rib"roast` (?), v. t. To beat soundly. [Slang]

Rib"wort` (?), n. (Bot.) A species of plantain (Plantago lanceolata) with long, narrow, ribbed leaves; -- called also rib grass, ripple grass, ribwort plantain.

-ric (?). [AS rce kingdom, dominion. See Rich.] A suffix signifying dominion, jurisdiction; as, bishopric, the district over which a bishop exercises authority.

Rice (?), n. [F. riz (cf. Pr. ris, It. riso), L. oryza, Gr. &?;&?;&?;, &?;&?;&?;, probably from the Persian; cf. OPers. brzi, akin to Skr. vrhi; or perh. akin to E. rye. Cf. Rye.] (Bot.) A well-known cereal grass (Oryza sativa) and its seed. This plant is extensively cultivated in warm climates, and the grain forms a large portion of the food of the inhabitants. In America it grows chiefly on low, moist land, which can be overflowed.

Ant rice. (Bot.) See under Ant. -- French rice. (Bot.) See Amelcorn. -- Indian rice., a tall reedlike water grass (Zizania aquatica), bearing panicles of a long, slender grain, much used for food by North American Indians. It is common in shallow water in the Northern States. Called also water oat, Canadian wild rice, etc. -- Mountain rice, any species of an American genus (Oryzopsis) of grasses, somewhat resembling rice. -- Rice bunting. (Zoöl.) Same as Ricebird. -- Rice hen (Zoöl.), the Florida gallinule. -- Rice mouse (Zoöl.), a large dark-colored field mouse (Calomys palistris) of the Southern United States. - - Rice paper, a kind of thin, delicate paper, brought from China, -- used for painting upon, and for the manufacture of fancy articles. It is made by cutting the pith of a large herb (Fatsia papyrifera, related to the ginseng) into one roll or sheet, which is flattened out under pressure. Called also pith paper. -- Rice troupial (Zoöl.), the bobolink. -- Rice water, a drink for invalids made by boiling a small quantity of rice in water. -- Rice-water discharge (Med.), a liquid, resembling rice water in appearance, which is vomited, and discharged from the bowels, in cholera. -- Rice weevil (Zoöl.), a small beetle (Calandra, or Sitophilus, oryzæ) which destroys rice, wheat, and Indian corn by eating out the interior; -- called also black weevil.

Rice"bird` (?), n. (Zoöl.) (a) The Java sparrow. (b) The bobolink.

Rice"-shell` (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of small white polished marine shells of the genus Olivella.

Rich, (rch), a. [Compar. Richer (&?;); superl. Richest.] [OE. riche, AS. rce rich, powerful; akin to OS. rki, D. rijk, G. reich, OHG. rhhi, Icel. rkr, Sw. rik, Dan. rig, Goth. reiks; from a word meaning, ruler, king, probably borrowed from Celtic, and akin to L. rex, regis, king, regere to guide, rule. √283. See Right, and cf. Derrick, Enrich, Rajah, Riches, Royal.] 1. Having an abundance of material possessions; possessed of a large amount of property; well supplied with land, goods, or money; wealthy; opulent; affluent; -- opposed to poor. "Rich merchants." Chaucer.

The rich [person] hath many friends.

Prov. xiv. 20.

As a thief, bent to unhoard the cash
Of some rich burgher.


2. Hence, in general, well supplied; abounding; abundant; copious; bountiful; as, a rich treasury; a rich entertainment; a rich crop.

If life be short, it shall be glorious;
Each minute shall be rich in some great action.


The gorgeous East with richest hand
Showers on her kings barbaric pearl and gold.


3. Yielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful; as, rich soil or land; a rich mine.

4. Composed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly; as, a rich dress; rich silk or fur; rich presents.

Like to rich and various gems.


5. Abounding in agreeable or nutritive qualities; -- especially applied to articles of food or drink which are high-seasoned or abound in oleaginous ingredients, or are sweet, luscious, and high-flavored; as, a rich dish; rich cream or soup; rich pastry; rich wine or fruit.

Sauces and rich spices are fetched from India.


6. Not faint or delicate; vivid; as, a rich color.

7. Full of sweet and harmonius sounds; as, a rich voice; rich music.

8. Abounding in beauty; gorgeous; as, a rich landscape; rich scenery.

9. Abounding in humor; exciting amusement; entertaining; as, the scene was a rich one; a rich incident or character. [Colloq.] Thackeray.

Rich is sometimes used in the formation of self- explaining compounds; as, rich-fleeced, rich-jeweled, rich-laden, rich-stained.

Syn. -- Wealthy; affluent; opulent; ample; copious; abundant; plentiful; fruitful; costly; sumptuous; precious; generous; luscious.

Rich, v. t. To enrich. [Obs.] Gower.

Rich"es (?), n. pl. [OE. richesse, F. richesse, from riche rich, of German origin. See Rich,a.] 1. That which makes one rich; an abundance of land, goods, money, or other property; wealth; opulence; affluence.

Riches do not consist in having more gold and silver, but in having more in proportion, than our neighbors.


2. That which appears rich, sumptuous, precious, or the like.

The riche of heaven's pavement, trodden gold.


Richesse, the older form of this word, was in the singular number. The form riches, however, is plural in appearance, and has now come to be used as a plural.

Against the richesses of this world shall they have misease of poverty.


In one hour so great riches is come to nought.

Rev. xviii. 17.

And for that riches where is my deserving?


Syn. -- Wealth; opulence; affluence; wealthiness; richness; plenty; abundance.

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Rich"esse (?), n. [F. See Riches.] Wealth; riches. See the Note under Riches. [Obs.]

Some man desireth for to have richesse.


The richesse of all heavenly grace.


Rich"ly (?), adv. In a rich manner.

Rich"ness, n. The quality or state of being rich (in any sense of the adjective).

Rich"weed` (?), n. (Bot.) An herb (Pilea pumila) of the Nettle family, having a smooth, juicy, pellucid stem; -- called also clearweed.

Ric`in*e`la*id"ic (?), a. [Ricinoleic + elaidic.] Pertaining to, or designating, an isomeric modification of ricinoleic acid obtained as a white crystalline solid.

Ric`in*e*la"i*din (?), n. (Chem.) The glycerin salt of ricinelaidic acid, obtained as a white crystalline waxy substance by treating castor oil with nitrous acid.

Ri*cin"ic (?), a. [L. ricinus castor-oil plant.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, castor oil; formerly, designating an acid now called ricinoleic acid.

Ric"i*nine (?), n. [L. ricinus castor-oil plant.] (Chem.) A bitter white crystalline alkaloid extracted from the seeds of the castor-oil plant.

Ric`in*o"le*ate (?), n. (Chem.) A salt of ricinoleic acid; -- formerly called palmate.

Ric`in*o"le*ic (?), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, a fatty acid analogous to oleic acid, obtained from castor oil as an oily substance, C&?;H&?;O&?; with a harsh taste. Formerly written ricinolic.

Ric`in*o"le*in (?), n. [L. ricinus castor-oil plant + oleum oil.] (Chem.) The glycerin salt of ricinoleic acid, occuring as a characteristic constituent of castor oil; -- formerly called palmin.

Ric`i*nol"ic (?), a. (Chem.) Ricinoleic.

||Ric"i*nus (&?;), n. [L., the castor- oil plant.] (Bot.) A genus of plants of the Spurge family, containing but one species (R. communis), the castor-oil plant. The fruit is three-celled, and contains three large seeds from which castor oil iss expressed. See Palma Christi.

Rick (?), n. [OE. reek, rek, AS. hreác a heap; akin to hryce rick, Icel. hraukr.] A stack or pile, as of grain, straw, or hay, in the open air, usually protected from wet with thatching.

Golden clusters of beehive ricks, rising at intervals beyond the hedgerows.

G. Eliot.

Rick, v. t. To heap up in ricks, as hay, etc.

Rick"er (?), n. A stout pole for use in making a rick, or for a spar to a boat.

Rick"et*ish (?), a. Rickety. [Obs.] Fuller.

Rick"ets (?), n. pl. [Of uncertain origin; but cf. AS. wrigian to bend, D. wrikken to shake, E. wriggle.] (Med.) A disease which affects children, and which is characterized by a bulky head, crooked spine and limbs, depressed ribs, enlarged and spongy articular epiphyses, tumid abdomen, and short stature, together with clear and often premature mental faculties. The essential cause of the disease appears to be the nondeposition of earthy salts in the osteoid tissues. Children afflicted with this malady stand and walk unsteadily. Called also rachitis.

Rick"et*y (?), a. 1. Affected with rickets.

2. Feeble in the joints; imperfect; weak; shaky.

Rick"rack` (?), n. A kind of openwork edging made of serpentine braid.

Rick"stand` (?), n. A flooring or framework on which a rick is made.

Ric`o*chet" (?), n. [F.] A rebound or skipping, as of a ball along the ground when a gun is fired at a low angle of elevation, or of a fiat stone thrown along the surface of water.

Ricochet firing (Mil.), the firing of guns or howitzers, usually with small charges, at an elevation of only a few degrees, so as to cause the balls or shells to bound or skip along the ground.

Ric`o*chet" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ricochetted; p. pr. & vb. n. Ricochetting.] To operate upon by ricochet firing. See Ricochet, n. [R.]

Ric`o*chet", v. i. To skip with a rebound or rebounds, as a flat stone on the surface of water, or a cannon ball on the ground. See Ricochet, n.

Ric"tal (?), a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the rictus; as, rictal bristles.

Ric"ture (?), n. [L. ringi, rictus, to open wide the mouth, to gape.] A gaping. [Obs.]

||Ric"tus (?), n. [L., the aperture of the mouth.] The gape of the mouth, as of birds; -- often resricted to the corners of the mouth.

Rid (?), imp. & p. p. of Ride, v. i. [Archaic]

He rid to the end of the village, where he alighted.


Rid, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rid or Ridded; p. pr. & vb. n. Ridding.] [OE. ridden, redden, AS. hreddan to deliver, liberate; akin to D. & LG. redden, G. retten, Dan. redde, Sw. rädda, and perhaps to Skr. &?;rath to loosen.] 1. To save; to rescue; to deliver; -- with out of. [Obs.]

Deliver the poor and needy; rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

Ps. lxxxii. 4.

2. To free; to clear; to disencumber; -- followed by of. "Rid all the sea of pirates." Shak.

In never ridded myself of an overmastering and brooding sense of some great calamity traveling toward me.

De Quincey.

3. To drive away; to remove by effort or violence; to make away with; to destroy. [Obs.]

I will red evil beasts out of the land.

Lev. xxvi. 6.

Death's men, you have rid this sweet young prince!


4. To get over; to dispose of; to dispatch; to finish. [R.] "Willingness rids way." Shak.

Mirth will make us rid ground faster than if thieves were at our tails.

J. Webster.

To be rid of, to be free or delivered from. -- To get rid of, to get deliverance from; to free one's self from.

Rid"a*ble (?), a. Suitable for riding; as, a ridable horse; a ridable road.

Rid"dance (?), n. 1. The act of ridding or freeing; deliverance; a cleaning up or out.

Thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field.

Lev. xxiii. 22.

2. The state of being rid or free; freedom; escape. "Riddance from all adversity." Hooker.

Rid"den (?), p. p. of Ride.

Rid"der (?), n. One who, or that which, rids.

Rid"dle (?), n. [OE. ridil, AS. hridder; akin to G. reiter, L. cribrum, and to Gr. &?;&?;&?; to distinguish, separate, and G. rein clean. See Crisis, Certain.] 1. A sieve with coarse meshes, usually of wire, for separating coarser materials from finer, as chaff from grain, cinders from ashes, or gravel from sand.

2. A board having a row of pins, set zigzag, between which wire is drawn to straighten it.

Rid"dle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Riddled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Riddling (?).] 1. To separate, as grain from the chaff, with a riddle; to pass through a riddle; as, riddle wheat; to riddle coal or gravel.

2. To perforate so as to make like a riddle; to make many holes in; as, a house riddled with shot.

Rid"dle, n. [For riddels, s being misunderstood as the plural ending; OE. ridels, redels. AS. r&?;dels; akin to D. raadsel, G. räthsel; fr. AS. r&?;dan to counsel or advise, also, to guess. √116. Cf. Read.] Something proposed to be solved by guessing or conjecture; a puzzling question; an ambiguous proposition; an enigma; hence, anything ambiguous or puzzling.

To wring from me, and tell to them, my secret,
That solved the riddle which I had proposed.


'T was a strange riddle of a lady.


Rid"dle, v. t. To explain; to solve; to unriddle.

Riddle me this, and guess him if you can.


Rid"dle, v. i. To speak ambiguously or enigmatically. "Lysander riddels very prettily." Shak.

Rid"dler (?), n. One who riddles (grain, sand, etc.).

Rid"dler, n. One who speaks in, or propounds, riddles.

Rid"dling (?), a. Speaking in a riddle or riddles; containing a riddle. "Riddling triplets." Tennyson. -- Rid"dling, adv.

Ride (rd), v. i. [imp. Rode (rd) (Rid [rd], archaic); p. p. Ridden (&?;) (Rid, archaic); p. pr. & vb. n. Riding (&?;).] [AS. rdan; akin to LG. riden, D. rijden, G. reiten, OHG. rtan, Icel. rða, Sw. rida, Dan. ride; cf. L. raeda a carriage, which is from a Celtic word. Cf. Road.] 1. To be carried on the back of an animal, as a horse.

To-morrow, when ye riden by the way.


Let your master ride on before, and do you gallop after him.


2. To be borne in a carriage; as, to ride in a coach, in a car, and the like. See Synonym, below.

The richest inhabitants exhibited their wealth, not by riding in gilden carriages, but by walking the streets with trains of servants.


3. To be borne or in a fluid; to float; to lie.

Men once walked where ships at anchor ride.


4. To be supported in motion; to rest.

Strong as the exletree
On which heaven rides.


On whose foolish honesty
My practices ride easy!


5. To manage a horse, as an equestrian.

He rode, he fenced, he moved with graceful ease.


6. To support a rider, as a horse; to move under the saddle; as, a horse rides easy or hard, slow or fast.

To ride easy (Naut.), to lie at anchor without violent pitching or straining at the cables. -- To ride hard (Naut.), to pitch violently. -- To ride out. (a) To go upon a military expedition. [Obs.] Chaucer. (b) To ride in the open air. [Colloq.] -- To ride to hounds, to ride behind, and near to, the hounds in hunting.

Syn. -- Drive. -- Ride, Drive. Ride originally meant (and is so used throughout the English Bible) to be carried on horseback or in a vehicle of any kind. At present in England, drive is the word applied in most cases to progress in a carriage; as, a drive around the park, etc.; while ride is appropriated to progress on a horse. Johnson seems to sanction this distinction by giving "to travel on horseback" as the leading sense of ride; though he adds "to travel in a vehicle" as a secondary sense. This latter use of the word still occurs to some extent; as, the queen rides to Parliament in her coach of state; to ride in an omnibus.

"Will you ride over or drive?" said Lord Willowby to his quest, after breakfast that morning.

W. Black.

Ride, v. t. 1. To sit on, so as to be carried; as, to ride a horse; to ride a bicycle.

[They] rend up both rocks and hills, and ride the air
In whirlwind.


2. To manage insolently at will; to domineer over.

The nobility could no longer endure to be ridden by bakers, cobblers, and brewers.


3. To convey, as by riding; to make or do by riding.

Tue only men that safe can ride
Mine errands on the Scottish side.

Sir W. Scott.

4. (Surg.) To overlap (each other); -- said of bones or fractured fragments.

To ride a hobby, to have some favorite occupation or subject of talk. -- To ride and tie, to take turn with another in labor and rest; -- from the expedient adopted by two persons with one horse, one of whom rides the animal a certain distance, and then ties him for the use of the other, who is coming up on foot. Fielding. -- To ride down. (a) To ride over; to trample down in riding; to overthrow by riding against; as, to ride down an enemy. (b) (Naut.) To bear down, as on a halyard when hoisting a sail. -- To ride out (Naut.), to keep safe afloat during (a storm) while riding at anchor or when hove to on the open sea; as, to ride out the gale.

Ride, n. 1. The act of riding; an excursion on horseback or in a vehicle.

2. A saddle horse. [Prov. Eng.] Wright.

3. A road or avenue cut in a wood, or through grounds, to be used as a place for riding; a riding.

Ri*deau" (r*d"), n. [F.] A small mound of earth; ground slightly elevated; a small ridge.

Rid"en (rd"'n), obs. imp. pl. & p. p. of Ride. Chaucer.

Ri"dent (r"dent), a. [L. ridens, p. pr. of ridere to laugh.] Laughing. [R.] Thackeray.

Rid"er (rd"r), n. 1. One who, or that which, rides.

2. Formerly, an agent who went out with samples of goods to obtain orders; a commercial traveler. [Eng.]

3. One who breaks or manages a horse. Shak.

4. An addition or amendment to a manuscript or other document, which is attached on a separate piece of paper; in legislative practice, an additional clause annexed to a bill while in course of passage; something extra or burdensome that is imposed.

After the third reading, a foolish man stood up to propose a rider.


This [question] was a rider which Mab found difficult to answer.

A. S. Hardy.

5. (Math.) A problem of more than usual difficulty added to another on an examination paper.

6. [D. rijder.] A Dutch gold coin having the figure of a man on horseback stamped upon it.

His moldy money ! half a dozen riders.

J. Fletcher.

7. (Mining) Rock material in a vein of ore, dividing it.

8. (Shipbuilding) An interior rib occasionally fixed in a ship's hold, reaching from the keelson to the beams of the lower deck, to strengthen her frame. Totten.

9. (Naut.) The second tier of casks in a vessel's hold.

10. A small forked weight which straddles the beam of a balance, along which it can be moved in the manner of the weight on a steelyard.

11. A robber. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Drummond.

Rider's bone (Med.), a bony deposit in the muscles of the upper and inner part of the thigh, due to the pressure and irritation caused by the saddle in riding.

Rid"er*less, a. Having no rider; as, a riderless horse. H. Kingsley.

Ridge (?), n. [OE. rigge the back, AS. hrycg; akin to D. rug, G. rücken, OHG. rucki, hrukki, Icel. hryggr, Sw. rugg, Dan. ryg. √16.] 1. The back, or top of the back; a crest. Hudibras.

2. A range of hills or mountains, or the upper part of such a range; any extended elevation between valleys. "The frozen ridges of the Alps." Shak.

Part rise crystal wall, or ridge direct.


3. A raised line or strip, as of ground thrown up by a plow or left between furrows or ditches, or as on the surface of metal, cloth, or bone, etc.

4. (Arch.) The intersection of two surface forming a salient angle, especially the angle at the top between the opposite slopes or sides of a roof or a vault.

5. (Fort.) The highest portion of the glacis proceeding from the salient angle of the covered way. Stocqueler.

Ridge, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ridged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ridging.] 1. To form a ridge of; to furnish with a ridge or ridges; to make into a ridge or ridges.

Bristles ranged like those that ridge the back
Of chafed wild boars.


2. To form into ridges with the plow, as land.

3. To wrinkle. "With a forehead ridged." Cowper.

Ridge"band` (?), n. The part of a harness which passes over the saddle, and supports the shafts of a cart; -- called also ridgerope, and ridger. Halliwell.

Ridge"bone` (?), n. The backbone. [Obs.]

Blood . . . lying cluttered about the ridgebone.


Ridg"el (?), n. (Zoöl.) Same as Ridgelling.

Ridge"let (?), n. A little ridge.

Ridge"ling (?), n. [Prov. E. riggilt, riggot, ananimal half castrated, a sheep having only one testicle; cf. Prov. G. rigel, rig, a barrow hog, rigler a cock half castrated.] (Zoöl.) A half-castrated male animal.

{ Ridge"piece` (?), Ridge"plate` (?), } n. See Ridgepole.

Ridge"pole` (?), n. (Arch.) The timber forming the ridge of a roof, into which the rafters are secured.

Ridge"rope` (?), n. (Naut.) See Life line (a), under Life.

Ridg"ing*ly (?), adv. So as to form ridges.

Ridg"y (?), a. Having a ridge or ridges; rising in a ridge. "Lifted on a ridgy wave." Pope.

Rid"i*cle (?), n. Ridicule. [Obs.] Foxe.

Rid"i*cule (?), n. [F. ridicule, L. ridiculum a jest, fr. ridiculus. See Ridiculous.] 1. An object of sport or laughter; a laughingstock; a laughing matter.

[Marlborough] was so miserably ignorant, that his deficiencies made him the ridicule of his contemporaries.


To the people . . . but a trifle, to the king but a ridicule.


2. Remarks concerning a subject or a person designed to excite laughter with a degree of contempt; wit of that species which provokes contemptuous laughter; disparagement by making a person an object of laughter; banter; -- a term lighter than derision.

We have in great measure restricted the meaning of ridicule, which would properly extend over whole region of the ridiculous, -- the laughable, -- and we have narrowed it so that in common usage it mostly corresponds to "derision", which does indeed involve personal and offensive feelings.


Safe from the bar, the pulpit, and the throne,
Yet touched and shamed by ridicule alone.


3. Quality of being ridiculous; ridiculousness. [Obs.]

To see the ridicule of this practice.


Syn. -- Derision; banter; raillery; burlesque; mockery; irony; satire; sarcasm; gibe; jeer; sneer. -- Ridicule, Derision, Both words imply disapprobation; but ridicule usually signifies good-natured, fun-loving opposition without manifest malice, while derision is commonly bitter and scornful, and sometimes malignant.

Rid"i*cule, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ridiculed (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Ridiculing.] To laugh at mockingly or disparagingly; to awaken ridicule toward or respecting.

I 've known the young, who ridiculed his rage.


Syn. -- To deride; banter; rally; burlesque; mock; satirize; lampoon. See Deride.

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Rid"i*cule (?), a. [F.] Ridiculous. [Obs.]

This action . . . became so ridicule.


Rid"i*cu`ler (?), n. One who ridicules.

Ri*dic"u*lize (?), v. t. To make ridiculous; to ridicule. [Obs.] Chapman.

Ri*dic`u*los"i*ty (?), n. The quality or state of being ridiculous; ridiculousness; also, something ridiculous. [Archaic] Bailey.

Ri*dic"u*lous (?), a. [L. ridiculosus, ridiculus, fr. ridere to laigh. Cf. Risible.] 1. Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration; as, a ridiculous dress or behavior.

Agricola, discerning that those little targets and unwieldy glaives ill pointed would soon become ridiculous against the thrust and close, commanded three Batavian cohorts . . . to draw up and come to handy strokes.


2. Involving or expressing ridicule. [r.]

[It] provokes me to ridiculous smiling.


Syn. -- Ludicrous; laughable; risible; droll; comical; absurd; preposterous. See Ludicrous.

--- Ri*dic"u*lous*ly, adv. -- Ri*dic"u*lous*ness, n.

Rid"ing (rd"ng), n. [For thriding, Icel. þriðjungr the third part, fr. þriði third, akin to E. third. See Third.] One of the three jurisdictions into which the county of York, in England, is divided; -- formerly under the government of a reeve. They are called the North, the East, and the West, Riding. Blackstone.

Rid"ing, a. 1. Employed to travel; traveling; as, a riding clerk. "One riding apparitor." Ayliffe.

2. Used for riding on; as, a riding horse.

3. Used for riding, or when riding; devoted to riding; as, a riding whip; a riding habit; a riding day.

Riding clerk. (a) A clerk who traveled for a commercial house. [Obs. Eng.] (b) One of the "six clerks" formerly attached to the English Court of Chancery. -- Riding hood. (a) A hood formerly worn by women when riding. (b) A kind of cloak with a hood. -- Riding master, an instructor in horsemanship. -- Riding rhyme (Pros.), the meter of five accents, with couplet rhyme; -- probably so called from the mounted pilgrims described in the Canterbury Tales. Dr. Guest. -- Riding school, a school or place where the art of riding is taught.

Rid"ing, n. 1. The act or state of one who rides.

2. A festival procession. [Obs.]

When there any riding was in Cheap.


3. Same as Ride, n., 3. Sir P. Sidney.

4. A district in charge of an excise officer. [Eng.]

||Ri*dot"to (?), n. [It., fr. LL. reductus a retreat. See Redoubt.] A favorite Italian public entertainment, consisting of music and dancing, -- held generally on fast eves. Brande & C.

There are to be ridottos at guinea tickets.


Ri*dot"to, v. i. To hold ridottos. [R.] J. G. Cooper.

Rie (?), n. See Rye. [Obs.] Holland.

Rie grass. (Bot.) (a) A kind of wild barley (Hordeum pratense). Dr. Prior. (b) Ray grass. Dr. Prior.

Rief (?), n. [See Reave.] Robbery. [Obs. or Scot.]

Riet"boc (?), n. [D. riet reed + bok buck.] (Zoöl.) The reedbuck, a South African antelope (Cervicapra arundinacea); -- so called from its frequenting dry places covered with high grass or reeds. Its color is yellowish brown. Called also inghalla, and rietbok.

Rife (?), a. [AS. rf abundant, or Icel. rfr munificent; akin to OD. riff, rijve, abundant.] 1. Prevailing; prevalent; abounding.

Before the plague of London, inflammations of the lungs were rife and mortal.


Even now the tumult of loud mirth
Was rife, and perfect in may listening ear.


2. Having power; active; nimble. [Obs.]

What! I am rife a little yet.

J. Webster.

-- Rife"ly, adv. -- Rife"ness, n.

Rif"fle (?), n. [CF. G. riffeln, riefeln, to groove. Cf. Rifle a gun.] (Mining) A trough or sluice having cleats, grooves, or steps across the bottom for holding quicksilver and catching particles of gold when auriferous earth is washed; also, one of the cleats, grooves, or steps in such a trough. Also called ripple.

Rif"fler (?), n. [See Riffle.] A curved file used in carving wool and marble.

Riff"raff` (?), n. [OE. rif and raf every particle, OF. rif et raf. CF. Raff, and 1st Rifle.] Sweepings; refuse; the lowest order of society. Beau. & Fl.

Ri"fle (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rifled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rifling (?).] [F. rifler to rifle, sweep away; of uncertain origin. CF. Raff.] 1. To seize and bear away by force; to snatch away; to carry off.

Till time shall rifle every youthful grace.


2. To strip; to rob; to pillage. Piers Plowman.

Stand, sir, and throw us that you have about ye:
If not, we'll make you sit and rifle you.


3. To raffle. [Obs.] J. Webster.

Ri"fle, v. i. 1. To raffle. [Obs.] Chapman.

2. To commit robbery. [R.] Bp. Hall.

Ri"fle, n. [Akin to Dan. rifle, or riffel, the rifle of a gun, a chamfer (cf. riffel, riffelbösse, a rifle gun, rifle to rifle a gun, G. riefeln, riefen, to chamfer, groove), and E. rive. See Rive, and cf. Riffle, Rivel.] 1. A gun, the inside of whose barrel is grooved with spiral channels, thus giving the ball a rotary motion and insuring greater accuracy of fire. As a military firearm it has superseded the musket.

2. pl. (Mil.) A body of soldiers armed with rifles.

3. A strip of wood covered with emery or a similar material, used for sharpening scythes.

Rifle pit (Mil.), a trench for sheltering sharpshooters.

Ri"fle (?), v. t. 1. To grove; to channel; especially, to groove internally with spiral channels; as, to rifle a gun barrel or a cannon.

2. To whet with a rifle. See Rifle, n., 3.

Ri"fle*bird` (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of beautiful birds of Australia and New Guinea, of the genera Ptiloris and Craspidophora, allied to the paradise birds.

The largest and best known species is Ptiloris paradisea of Australia. Its general color is rich velvety brown, glossed with lilac; the under parts are varied with rich olive green, and the head, throat, and two middle tail feathers are brilliant metallic green.

Ri"fle*man (?), n.; pl. Rifleman (&?;). (Mil.) A soldier armed with a rifle.

Ri"fler (?), n. One who rifles; a robber.

Ri"fling (?), n. (a) The act or process of making the grooves in a rifled cannon or gun barrel. (b) The system of grooves in a rifled gun barrel or cannon.

Shunt rifling, rifling for cannon, in which one side of the groove is made deeper than the other, to facilitate loading with shot having projections which enter by the deeper part of the grooves.

Rift (?), obs. p. p. of Rive. Spenser.

Rift, n. [Written also reft.] [Dan. rift, fr. rieve to rend. See Rive.] 1. An opening made by riving or splitting; a cleft; a fissure. Spenser.

2. A shallow place in a stream; a ford.

Rift, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rifted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rifting.] To cleave; to rive; to split; as, to rift an oak or a rock; to rift the clouds. Longfellow.

To dwell these rifted rocks between.


Rift, v. i. 1. To burst open; to split. Shak.

Timber . . . not apt to rif with ordnance.


2. To belch. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

Rift"er (?), n. A rafter. [Obs.] Holland.

Rig (?), n. [See Ridge.] A ridge. [Prov. or Scott.]

Rig, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rigged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rigging (?).] [Norweg. rigga to bind, particularly, to wrap round, rig; cf. AS. wrhan to cover.] 1. To furnish with apparatus or gear; to fit with tackling.

2. To dress; to equip; to clothe, especially in an odd or fanciful manner; -- commonly followed by out.

Jack was rigged out in his gold and silver lace.


To rig a purchase, to adapt apparatus so as to get a purchase for moving a weight, as with a lever, tackle, capstan, etc. -- To rig a ship (Naut.), to fit the shrouds, stays, braces, etc., to their respective masts and yards.

Rig, n. 1. (Naut.) The peculiar fitting in shape, number, and arrangement of sails and masts, by which different types of vessels are distinguished; as, schooner rig, ship rig, etc. See Illustration in Appendix.

2. Dress; esp., odd or fanciful clothing. [Colloq.]

Rig, n. [Cf. Wriggle.] 1. A romp; a wanton; one given to unbecoming conduct. [Obs.] Fuller.

2. A sportive or unbecoming trick; a frolic.

3. A blast of wind. [Prov. Eng.] Wright.

That uncertain season before the rigs of Michaelmas were yet well composed.


To run a rig, to play a trick; to engage in a frolic; to do something strange and unbecoming.

He little dreamt when he set out
Of running such a rig.


Rig, v. i. To play the wanton; to act in an unbecoming manner; to play tricks. "Rigging and rifling all ways." Chapman.

Rig, v. t. To make free with; hence, to steal; to pilfer. [Obs. or Prov.] Tusser.

To rig the market (Stock Exchange), to raise or lower market prices, as by some fraud or trick. [Cant]

Rig`a*doon" (?), n. [F. rigadon, rigaudon.] A gay, lively dance for one couple, -- said to have been borrowed from Provence in France. W. Irving.

Whose dancing dogs in rigadoons excel.


Ri"ga fir` (?), [So called from Riga, a city in Russia.] (Bot.) A species of pine (Pinus sylvestris), and its wood, which affords a valuable timber; -- called also Scotch pine, and red or yellow deal. It grows in all parts of Europe, in the Caucasus, and in Siberia.

Ri*ga"rion (?), n. [L. rigatio, fr. rigare to water.] See Irrigation. [Obs.]

Ri"gel (?), n. [Ar. rijl, properly, foot.] (Astron.) A fixed star of the first magnitude in the left foot of the constellation Orion. [Written also Regel.]

Ri*ges"cent (?), a. [L. rigescens, p. pr. fr. rigescere to grow stiff.] Growing stiff or numb.

Rig"ger (?), n. 1. One who rigs or dresses; one whose occupation is to fit the rigging of a ship.

2. A cylindrical pulley or drum in machinery. [R.]

Rig"ging (?), n. DRess; tackle; especially (Naut.), the ropes, chains, etc., that support the masts and spars of a vessel, and serve as purchases for adjusting the sails, etc. See Illustr. of Ship and Sails.

Running rigging (Naut.), all those ropes used in bracing the yards, making and shortening sail, etc., such as braces, sheets, halyards, clew lines, and the like. -- Standing rigging (Naut.), the shrouds and stays.

Rig"gish (?), a. Like a rig or wanton. [Obs.] "Riggish and unmaidenly." Bp. Hall.

Rig"gle (?), v. i. See Wriggle.

Rig"gle, n. The European lance fish. [Prov. Eng.]

Right (rt), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. rätt, Icel. rëttr, Goth. raíhts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. ju straight, right. √115. Cf. Adroit,Alert, Correct, Dress, Regular, Rector, Recto, Rectum, Regent, Region, Realm, Rich, Royal, Rule.] 1. Straight; direct; not crooked; as, a right line. "Right as any line." Chaucer

2. Upright; erect from a base; having an upright axis; not oblique; as, right ascension; a right pyramid or cone.

3. Conformed to the constitution of man and the will of God, or to justice and equity; not deviating from the true and just; according with truth and duty; just; true.

That which is conformable to the Supreme Rule is absolutely right, and is called right simply without relation to a special end.


2. Fit; suitable; proper; correct; becoming; as, the right man in the right place; the right way from London to Oxford.

5. Characterized by reality or genuineness; real; actual; not spurious. "His right wife." Chaucer.

In this battle, . . . the Britons never more plainly manifested themselves to be right barbarians.


6. According with truth; passing a true judgment; conforming to fact or intent; not mistaken or wrong; not erroneous; correct; as, this is the right faith.

You are right, Justice, and you weigh this well.


If there be no prospect beyond the grave, the inference is . . . right, "Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die."


7. Most favorable or convenient; fortunate.

The lady has been disappointed on the right side.


8. Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action is usually stronger than on the other side; -- opposed to left when used in reference to a part of the body; as, the right side, hand, arm. Also applied to the corresponding side of the lower animals.

Became the sovereign's favorite, his right hand.


In designating the banks of a river, right and left are used always with reference to the position of one who is facing in the direction of the current's flow.

9. Well placed, disposed, or adjusted; orderly; well regulated; correctly done.

10. Designed to be placed or worn outward; as, the right side of a piece of cloth.

At right angles, so as to form a right angle or right angles, as when one line crosses another perpendicularly. -- Right and left, in both or all directions. [Colloq.] -- Right and left coupling (Pipe fitting), a coupling the opposite ends of which are tapped for a right-handed screw and a left-handed screw, respectivelly. -- Right angle. (a) The angle formed by one line meeting another perpendicularly, as the angles ABD, DBC. (b) (Spherics) A spherical angle included between the axes of two great circles whose planes are perpendicular to each other. -- Right ascension. See under Ascension. -- Right Center (Politics), those members belonging to the Center in a legislative assembly who have sympathies with the Right on political questions. See Center, n., 5. -- Right cone, Right cylinder, Right prism, Right pyramid (Geom.), a cone, cylinder, prism, or pyramid, the axis of which is perpendicular to the base. -- Right line. See under Line. -- Right sailing (Naut.), sailing on one of the four cardinal points, so as to alter a ship's latitude or its longitude, but not both. Ham. Nav. Encyc. -- Right sphere (Astron. & Geol.), a sphere in such a position that the equator cuts the horizon at right angles; in spherical projections, that position of the sphere in which the primitive plane coincides with the plane of the equator.

Right is used elliptically for it is right, what you say is right, true.

"Right," cries his lordship.


Syn. -- Straight; direct; perpendicular; upright; lawful; rightful; true; correct; just; equitable; proper; suitable; becoming.

Right, adv. 1. In a right manner.

2. In a right or straight line; directly; hence; straightway; immediately; next; as, he stood right before me; it went right to the mark; he came right out; he followed right after the guide.

Unto Dian's temple goeth she right.


Let thine eyes look right on.

Prov. iv. 25.

Right across its track there lay,
Down in the water, a long reef of gold.


3. Exactly; just. [Obs. or Colloq.]

Came he right now to sing a raven's note?


4. According to the law or will of God; conforming to the standard of truth and justice; righteously; as, to live right; to judge right.

5. According to any rule of art; correctly.

You with strict discipline instructed right.


6. According to fact or truth; actually; truly; really; correctly; exactly; as, to tell a story right. "Right at mine own cost." Chaucer.

Right as it were a steed of Lumbardye.


His wounds so smarted that he slept right naught.


7. In a great degree; very; wholly; unqualifiedly; extremely; highly; as, right humble; right noble; right valiant. "He was not right fat". Chaucer.

For which I should be right sorry.


[I] return those duties back as are right fit.


In this sense now chiefly prefixed to titles; as, right honorable; right reverend.

Right honorable, a title given in England to peers and peeresses, to the eldest sons and all daughters of such peers as have rank above viscounts, and to all privy councilors; also, to certain civic officers, as the lord mayor of London, of York, and of Dublin.

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Right is used in composition with other adverbs, as upright, downright, forthright, etc.

Right along, without cessation; continuously; as, to work right along for several hours. [Colloq. U.S.] -- Right away, or Right off, at once; straightway; without delay. [Colloq. U.S.] "We will . . . shut ourselves up in the office and do the work right off." D. Webster.

Right (?), n. [AS. right. See Right, a.] 1. That which is right or correct. Specifically: (a) The straight course; adherence to duty; obedience to lawful authority, divine or human; freedom from guilt, -- the opposite of moral wrong. (b) A true statement; freedom from error of falsehood; adherence to truth or fact.

Seldom your opinions err;
Your eyes are always in the right.


(c) A just judgment or action; that which is true or proper; justice; uprightness; integrity.

Long love to her has borne the faithful knight,
And well deserved, had fortune done him right.


2. That to which one has a just claim. Specifically: (a) That which one has a natural claim to exact.

There are no rights whatever, without corresponding duties.


(b) That which one has a legal or social claim to do or to exact; legal power; authority; as, a sheriff has a right to arrest a criminal. (c) That which justly belongs to one; that which one has a claim to possess or own; the interest or share which anyone has in a piece of property; title; claim; interest; ownership.

Born free, he sought his right.


Hast thou not right to all created things?


Men have no right to what is not reasonable.


(d) Privilege or immunity granted by authority.

3. The right side; the side opposite to the left.

Led her to the Souldan's right.


4. In some legislative bodies of Europe (as in France), those members collectively who are conservatives or monarchists. See Center, 5.

5. The outward or most finished surface, as of a piece of cloth, a carpet, etc.

At all right, at all points; in all respects. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- Bill of rights, a list of rights; a paper containing a declaration of rights, or the declaration itself. See under Bill. -- By right, By rights, or By good rights, rightly; properly; correctly.

He should himself use it by right.


I should have been a woman by right.


-- Divine right, or Divine right of kings, a name given to the patriarchal theory of government, especially to the doctrine that no misconduct and no dispossession can forfeit the right of a monarch or his heirs to the throne, and to the obedience of the people. -- To rights. (a) In a direct line; straight. [R.] Woodward. (b) At once; directly. [Obs. or Colloq.] Swift. -- To set to rights, To put to rights, to put in good order; to adjust; to regulate, as what is out of order. -- Writ of right (Law), a writ which lay to recover lands in fee simple, unjustly withheld from the true owner. Blackstone.

Right, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Righted; p. pr. & vb. n. Righting.] [AS. rihtan. See Right, a.] 1. To bring or restore to the proper or natural position; to set upright; to make right or straight (that which has been wrong or crooked); to correct.

2. To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; to restore rights to; to assert or regain the rights of; as, to right the oppressed; to right one's self; also, to vindicate.

So just is God, to right the innocent.


All experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.


To right a vessel (Naut.), to restore her to an upright position after careening. -- To right the helm (Naut.), to place it in line with the keel.

Right, v. i. 1. To recover the proper or natural condition or position; to become upright.

2. (Naut.) Hence, to regain an upright position, as a ship or boat, after careening.

Right"-a*bout` (?), n. [Right, adv. + about, adv.] A turning directly about by the right, so as to face in the opposite direction; also, the quarter directly opposite; as, to turn to the right-about.

To send to the right-about, to cause to turn toward the opposite point or quarter; -- hence, of troops, to cause to turn and retreat. [Colloq.] Sir W. Scott.

Right"-an`gled (?), a. Containing a right angle or right angles; as, a right-angled triangle.

Right"en (?), v. t. To do justice to. [Obs.]

Relieve [marginal reading, righten] the opressed.

Isa. i. 17.

Right"eous (?), a. [OE. rightways, rightwise, AS. rightws; riht right + ws wise, having wisdom, prudent. See Right, a., Wise, a.] Doing, or according with, that which is right; yielding to all their due; just; equitable; especially, free from wrong, guilt, or sin; holy; as, a righteous man or act; a righteous retribution.

Fearless in his righteous cause.


Syn. -- Upright; just; godly; holy; uncorrupt; virtuous; honest; equitable; rightful.

Right"eoused (?), a. Made righteous. [Obs.]

Right"eous*ly (?), adv. [AS. rightwslce.] In a righteous manner; as, to judge righteously.

Right"eous*ness, n. [AS. rihtwsnes.] 1. The quality or state of being righteous; holiness; purity; uprightness; rectitude.

Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it chiefly occurs, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law.

2. A righteous act, or righteous quality.

All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.

Isa. lxiv. 6.

3. The act or conduct of one who is righteous.

Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times.

Ps. cvi. 3.

4. (Theol.) The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground of justification.

There are two kinds of Christian righteousness: the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of faith, hope, and charity, and other Christian virtues.


Only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.

Westminster Catechism.

Syn. -- Uprightness; holiness; godliness; equity; justice; rightfulness; integrity; honesty; faithfulness.

Right"er (?), n. One who sets right; one who does justice or redresses wrong. Shelton.

Right"ful (?), a. 1. Righteous; upright; just; good; -- said of persons. [Obs.] Chaucer.

2. Consonant to justice; just; as, a rightful cause.

3. Having the right or just claim according to established laws; being or holding by right; as, the rightful heir to a throne or an estate; a rightful king.

4. Belonging, held, or possessed by right, or by just claim; as, a rightful inheritance; rightful authority.

Syn. -- Just; lawful; true; honest; equitable; proper.

Right"ful*ly, adv. According to right or justice.

Right"ful*ness, n. 1. The quality or state of being rightful; accordance with right and justice.

2. Moral rectitude; righteousness. [Obs.] Wyclif.

We fail of perfect rightfulness.

Sir P. Sidney.

Right"-hand` (?), a. 1. Situated or being on the right; nearer the right hand than the left; as, the right-hand side, room, or road.

2. Chiefly relied on; almost indispensable.

Mr. Alexander Truncheon, who is their right-hand man in the troop.


Right-hand rope, a rope which is laid up and twisted with the sun, that is, in the same direction as plain-laid rope. See Illust. of Cordage.

Right"-hand`ed, a. 1. Using the right hand habitually, or more easily than the left.

2. Having the same direction or course as the movement of the hands of a watch seen in front; -- said of the motion of a revolving object looked at from a given direction.

3. (Zoöl.) Having the whorls rising from left to right; dextral; -- said of spiral shells. See Illust. of Scalaria.

Right-handed screw, a screw, the threads of which, like those of a common wood screw, wind spirally in such a direction that the screw advances away from the observer when turned with a right-handed movement in a fixed nut.

Right"-hand`ed*ness, n. The state or quality of being right-handed; hence, skill; dexterity.

Right"-heart`ed (?), a. Having a right heart or disposition. -- Right"-heart`ed*ness, n.

Right"less, a. Destitute of right. Sylvester.

Right"-lined` (?), a. Formed by right lines; rectilineal; as, a right-lined angle.

Right"ly, adv. [AS. richtlice.] 1. Straightly; directly; in front. [Obs.] Shak.

2. According to justice; according to the divine will or moral rectitude; uprightly; as, duty rightly performed.

3. Properly; fitly; suitably; appropriately.

Eve rightly called, Mother of all mankind.


4. According to truth or fact; correctly; not erroneously; exactly. "I can not rightly say." Shak.

Thou didst not rightly see.


Right"-mind`ed (?), a. Having a right or honest mind. -- Right"-mind`ed*ness, n.

Right"ness, n. [AS. rihtnes.] Straightness; as, the rightness of a line. Bacon.

2. The quality or state of being right; right relation.

The craving for rightness with God.

J. C. Shairp.

Right"-run`ning (?), a. Straight; direct.

Right"ward (?), adv. Toward the right.

Rightward and leftward rise the rocks.


Right" whale` (?). (Zoöl.) (a) The bowhead, Arctic, or Greenland whale (Balæna mysticetus), from whose mouth the best whalebone is obtained. (b) Any other whale that produces valuable whalebone, as the Atlantic, or Biscay, right whale (Balæna cisarctica), and the Pacific right whale (B. Sieboldii); a bone whale.

Pygmy right whale (Zoöl.), a small New Zealand whale (Neobalæna marginata) which is only about sixteen feet long. It produces short, but very elastic and tough, whalebone.

Right"wise` (?), a. Righteous. [Obs.] Wyclif.

Right"wise`, v. t. To make righteous. [Obs.]

Right"wise`ly, adv. Righteously. [Obs.]

Right"wise`ness, n. Righteousness. [Obs.]

In doom and eke in rightwisnesse.


Rig"id (?), a. [L. rigidus, fr. rigere to be stiff or numb: cf. F. rigide. Cf. Rigor. ] 1. Firm; stiff; unyielding; not pliant; not flexible.

Upright beams innumerable
Of rigid spears.


2. Hence, not lax or indulgent; severe; inflexible; strict; as, a rigid father or master; rigid discipline; rigid criticism; a rigid sentence.

The more rigid order of principles in religion and government.


Syn. -- Stiff; unpliant; inflexible; unyielding; strict; exact; severe; austere; stern; rigorous; unmitigated.

Ri*gid"i*ty (?), n. [L. rigiditas: cf. F. rigidité. See Rigid.] 1. The quality or state of being rigid; want of pliability; the quality of resisting change of form; the amount of resistance with which a body opposes change of form; -- opposed to flexibility, ductility, malleability, and softness.

2. Stiffness of appearance or manner; want of ease or elegance. Sir H. Wotton.

3. Severity; rigor. [Obs. orR.] Bp. Burnet.

Syn. -- Stiffness; rigidness; inflexibility.

Rig"id*ly (?), v. In a rigid manner; stiffly.

Rig"id*ness, n. The quality or state of being rigid.

Ri*gid"u*lous (?), a. [Dim. from rigid.] (Bot.) Somewhat rigid or stiff; as, a rigidulous bristle.

Rig"let (?), n. (Print.) See Reglet.

Rig"ma*role (?), n. [For ragman roll. See Ragman's roll.] A succession of confused or nonsensical statements; foolish talk; nonsense. [Colloq.]

Often one's dear friend talks something which one scruples to call rigmarole.

De Quincey.

Rig"ma*role, a. Consisting of rigmarole; frovolous; nonsensical; foolish.

Rig"ol (?), n. [OE. also ringol. Cf. Ring.] A circle; hence, a diadem. [Obs.] Shak.

Rig"oll (?), n. [Corrupted fr. regal.] A musical instrument formerly in use, consisting of several sticks bound together, but separated by beads, and played with a stick with a ball at its end. Moore (Encyc. of Music.).

||Ri"gor (?), n. [L. See Rigor., below.] 1. Rigidity; stiffness.

2. (ed.) A sense of chilliness, with contraction of the skin; a convulsive shuddering or tremor, as in the chill preceding a fever.

||Rigor caloris (&?;) [L., rigor of heat] (Physiol.), a form of rigor mortis induced by heat, as when the muscle of a mammal is heated to about 50°C. -- ||Rigor mortis (&?;) [L. , rigor of death], death stiffening; the rigidity of the muscles that occurs at death and lasts till decomposition sets in. It is due to the formation of myosin by the coagulation of the contents of the individual muscle fibers.

Rig"or (?), n. [OE. rigour, OF. rigour, F. rigueur, from L. rigor, fr. rigere to be stiff. See Rigid.] [Written also rigour.] 1. The becoming stiff or rigid; the state of being rigid; rigidity; stiffness; hardness.

The rest his look
Bound with Gorgonian rigor not to move.


2. (Med.) See 1st Rigor, 2.

3. Severity of climate or season; inclemency; as, the rigor of the storm; the rigors of winter.

4. Stiffness of opinion or temper; rugged sternness; hardness; relentless severity; hard-heartedness; cruelty.

All his rigor is turned to grief and pity.


If I shall be condemn'd
Upon surmises, . . . I tell you
'T is rigor and not law.


5. Exactness without allowance, deviation, or indulgence; strictness; as, the rigor of criticism; to execute a law with rigor; to enforce moral duties with rigor; -- opposed to lenity.

6. Severity of life; austerity; voluntary submission to pain, abstinence, or mortification.

The prince lived in this convent with all the rigor and austerity of a capuchin.


7. Violence; force; fury. [Obs.]

Whose raging rigor neither steel nor brass could stay.


Syn. -- Stiffness; rigidness; inflexibility; severity; austerity; sternness; harshness; strictness; exactness.

Rig"or*ism (?), n. 1. Rigidity in principle or practice; strictness; -- opposed to laxity.

2. Severity, as of style, or the like. Jefferson.

Rig"or*ist, n. [Cf. F. rigoriste.] One who is rigorous; -- sometimes applied to an extreme Jansenist.

Rig"or*ous (?), a. [F. rigoureux, LL. rigorosus. See Rigor.] 1. Manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigor; allowing no abatement or mitigation; scrupulously accurate; exact; strict; severe; relentless; as, a rigorous officer of justice; a rigorous execution of law; a rigorous definition or demonstration.

He shall be thrown down the Tarpeian Rock
With rigorous hands.


We do not connect the scattered phenomena into their rigorous unity.

De Quincey.

2. Severe; intense; inclement; as, a rigorous winter.

3. Violent. [Obs.] "Rigorous uproar." Spenser.

Syn. -- Rigid; inflexible; unyielding; stiff; severe; austere; stern; harsh; strict; exact.

-- Rig"or*ous*ly, adv. -- Rig"or*ous*ness, n.

||Rigs"da`ler (?), n. [Dan. See Rix- dollar.] A Danish coin worth about fifty-four cents. It was the former unit of value in Denmark.

||Rig`-Ve"da (?). See Veda.

||Riks"da`ler (?), n. [Sw. See Rix- dollar.] A Swedish coin worth about twenty-seven cents. It was formerly the unit of value in Sweden.

Rile (rl), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Riled (rld); p. pr. & vb. n. Riling.] [See Roil.] 1. To render turbid or muddy; to stir up; to roil.

2. To stir up in feelings; to make angry; to vex.

In both senses provincial in England and colloquial in the United States.

||Ri*lie"vo (?), n.[It. See Relief.] (Sculp. & Arch.) Same as Relief, n., 5.

Rill (rl), n. [Cf. LG. rille a small channel or brook, a furrow, a chamfer, OE. rigol a small brook, F. rigole a trench or furrow for water, W. rhill a row, rhigol a little ditch. √11.] 1. A very small brook; a streamlet.

2. (Astron.) See Rille.

Rill, v. i. To run a small stream. [R.] Prior.

Rille (rl), n. [G. rille a furrow.] (Astron.) One of certain narrow, crooked valleys seen, by aid of the telescope, on the surface of the moon.

Rill"et (?), n. A little rill. Burton.

Ri"ly (?), a. Roily. [Prov. Eng. & Colloq. U.S.]

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Rim (?), n. [As. rima, reoma, edge; cf. W. rhim, rhimp, a rim, edge, boundary, termination, Armor, rim. Cf. Rind.] 1. The border, edge, or margin of a thing, usually of something circular or curving; as, the rim of a kettle or basin.

2. The lower part of the abdomen. [Obs.] Shak.

Arch rim (Phonetics), the line between the gums and the palate. -- Rim-fire cartridge. (Mil.) See under Cartridge. -- Rim lock. See under Lock.

Rim, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rimmed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rimming.] To furnish with a rim; to border.

||Ri"ma (?), n.; pl. Rimæ (#). [L.] (Anat.) A narrow and elongated aperture; a cleft; a fissure.

||Ri"mau da"han (?). [From the native Oriental name.] (Zoöl.) The clouded tiger cat (Felis marmorata) of Southern Asia and the East Indies.

Rim"base` (?), n. (Mil.) A short cylinder connecting a trunnion with the body of a cannon. See Illust. of Cannon.

Rime (?), n. [L. rima.] A rent or long aperture; a chink; a fissure; a crack. Sir T. Browne.

Rime, n. [AS. hrm; akin to D. rijm, Icel. hrm, Dan. rim, Sw. rim; cf. D. rijp, G. reif, OHG. rfo, hrfo.] White frost; hoarfrost; congealed dew or vapor.

The trees were now covered with rime.

De Quincey.

Rime, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rimed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Riming.] To freeze or congeal into hoarfrost.

Rime, n. [Etymol. uncertain.] A step or round of a ladder; a rung.

Rime, n. Rhyme. See Rhyme. Coleridge. Landor.

This spelling, which is etymologically preferable, is coming into use again.

Rime, v. i. & t. To rhyme. See Rhyme.

Rim"er (?), n. A rhymer; a versifier.

Rim"er, n. A tool for shaping the rimes of a ladder.

Rim"ey (?), v. t. [Cf. OF. rimoier. See Ryime.] To compose in rhyme; to versify. [Obs.]

[Lays] rimeyed in their first Breton tongue.


Rim"mer (?), n. An implement for cutting, trimming, or ornamenting the rim of anything, as the edges of pies, etc.; also, a reamer. Knight.

Ri*mose" (?), a. [L. rimosus, fr. rima a chink: cf. F. rimeux.] 1. Full of rimes, fissures, or chinks.

2. (Nat. Hist.) Having long and nearly parallel clefts or chinks, like those in the bark of trees.

Ri*mose"ly, adv. In a rimose manner.

Ri*mos"i*ty (?), n. State of being rimose.

Rim"ous (?), a. Rimose.

Rim"ple (?), n. [AS. hrimpele, or rimpel. See Rumple.] A fold or wrinkle. See Rumple.

Rim"ple, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Rimpled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rimpling (?).] To rumple; to wrinkle.

Rim"y (?), a. Abounding with rime; frosty.

Rind (rnd), n. [AS. rind bark, crust of bread; akin to OHG. rinta, G. rinde, and probably to E. rand, rim; cf. Skr. ram to end, rest.] The external covering or coat, as of flesh, fruit, trees, etc.; skin; hide; bark; peel; shell.

Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind
With all thy charms, although this corporal rind
Thou hast immanacled.


Sweetest nut hath sourest rind.


Rind, v. t. To remove the rind of; to bark. [R.]

Rin"der*pest (rn"dr*pst), n. [G., fr. rind, pl. rinder, cattle + pest pest, plague.] A highly contagious distemper or murrain, affecting neat cattle, and less commonly sheep and goats; -- called also cattle plague, Russian cattle plague, and steppe murrain.

Rin"dle (rn"d'l), n. [AS. rynele. √11. See Run.] A small water course or gutter. Ash.

Rind"less (rnd"ls), a. Destitute of a rind.

Rind"y (-), a. Having a rind or skin. Ash.

Rine (rn), n. See Rind. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rined (?), a. Having a rind [Obs.] Milton.

||Rin`for*zan"do (?), a. [It., fr. rinforzare to reënforce, strengthen.] (Mus.) Increasing; strengthening; -- a direction indicating a sudden increase of force (abbreviated rf., rfz.) Cf. Forzando, and Sforzando.

Ring (rng), v. t. [imp. Rang (rng) or Rung (rng); p. p. Rung; p. pr. & vb. n. Ringing.] [AS. hringan; akin to Icel. hringja, Sw. ringa, Dan. ringe, OD. ringhen, ringkelen. √19.] 1. To cause to sound, especially by striking, as a metallic body; as, to ring a bell.

2. To make (a sound), as by ringing a bell; to sound.

The shard-borne beetle, with his drowsy hums,
Hath rung night's yawning peal.


3. To repeat often, loudly, or earnestly.

To ring a peal, to ring a set of changes on a chime of bells. -- To ring the changes upon. See under Change. -- To ring in or out, to usher, attend on, or celebrate, by the ringing of bells; as, to ring out the old year and ring in the new. Tennyson. -- To ring the bells backward, to sound the chimes, reversing the common order; -- formerly done as a signal of alarm or danger. Sir W. Scott.

Ring, v. i. 1. To sound, as a bell or other sonorous body, particularly a metallic one.

Now ringen trompes loud and clarion.


Why ring not out the bells?


2. To practice making music with bells. Holder.

3. To sound loud; to resound; to be filled with a ringing or reverberating sound.

With sweeter notes each rising temple rung.


The hall with harp and carol rang.


My ears still ring with noise.


4. To continue to sound or vibrate; to resound.

The assertion is still ringing in our ears.


5. To be filled with report or talk; as, the whole town rings with his fame.

Ring, n. 1. A sound; especially, the sound of vibrating metals; as, the ring of a bell.

2. Any loud sound; the sound of numerous voices; a sound continued, repeated, or reverberated.

The ring of acclamations fresh in his ears.


3. A chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned.

As great and tunable a ring of bells as any in the world.


Ring (?), n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug'. Cf. Harangue, Rank a row,Rink.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or hoop.

2. Specifically, a circular ornament of gold or other precious material worn on the finger, or attached to the ear, the nose, or some other part of the person; as, a wedding ring.

Upon his thumb he had of gold a ring.


The dearest ring in Venice will I give you.


3. A circular area in which races are or run or other sports are performed; an arena.

Place me, O, place me in the dusty ring,
Where youthful charioteers contend for glory.

E. Smith.

4. An inclosed space in which pugilists fight; hence, figuratively, prize fighting. "The road was an institution, the ring was an institution." Thackeray.

5. A circular group of persons.

And hears the Muses in a ring
Aye round about Jove's alter sing.


6. (Geom.) (a) The plane figure included between the circumferences of two concentric circles. (b) The solid generated by the revolution of a circle, or other figure, about an exterior straight line (as an axis) lying in the same plane as the circle or other figure.

7. (Astron. & Navigation) An instrument, formerly used for taking the sun's altitude, consisting of a brass ring suspended by a swivel, with a hole at one side through which a solar ray entering indicated the altitude on the graduated inner surface opposite.

8. (Bot.) An elastic band partly or wholly encircling the spore cases of ferns. See Illust. of Sporangium.

9. A clique; an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish purpose, as to control the market, distribute offices, obtain contracts, etc.

The ruling ring at Constantinople.

E. A. Freeman.

Ring armor, armor composed of rings of metal. See Ring mail, below, and Chain mail, under Chain. -- Ring blackbird (Zoöl.), the ring ousel. -- Ring canal (Zoöl.), the circular water tube which surrounds the esophagus of echinoderms. -- Ring dotterel, or Ringed dotterel. (Zoöl.) See Dotterel, and Illust. of Pressiroster. -- Ring dropper, a sharper who pretends to have found a ring (dropped by himself), and tries to induce another to buy it as valuable, it being worthless. -- Ring fence. See under Fence. -- Ring finger, the third finger of the left hand, or the next the little finger, on which the ring is placed in marriage. -- Ring formula (Chem.), a graphic formula in the shape of a closed ring, as in the case of benzene, pyridine, etc. See Illust. under Benzene. -- Ring mail, a kind of mail made of small steel rings sewed upon a garment of leather or of cloth. -- Ring micrometer. (Astron.) See Circular micrometer, under Micrometer. -- Saturn's rings. See Saturn. -- Ring ousel. (Zoöl.) See Ousel. -- Ring parrot (Zoöl.), any one of several species of Old World parrakeets having a red ring around the neck, especially Palæornis torquatus, common in India, and P. Alexandri of Java. -- Ring plover. (Zoöl.) (a) The ringed dotterel. (b) Any one of several small American plovers having a dark ring around the neck, as the semipalmated plover (Ægialitis semipalmata). -- Ring snake (Zoöl.), a small harmless American snake (Diadophis punctatus) having a white ring around the neck. The back is ash-colored, or sage green, the belly of an orange red. -- Ring stopper. (Naut.) See under Stopper. -- Ring thrush (Zoöl.), the ring ousel. -- The prize ring, the ring in which prize fighters contend; prize fighters, collectively. -- The ring. (a) The body of sporting men who bet on horse races. [Eng.] (b) The prize ring.

Ring, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ringed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ringing.] 1. To surround with a ring, or as with a ring; to encircle. "Ring these fingers." Shak.

2. (Hort.) To make a ring around by cutting away the bark; to girdle; as, to ring branches or roots.

3. To fit with a ring or with rings, as the fingers, or a swine's snout.

Ring, v. i. (Falconry) To rise in the air spirally.

Ring"bill` (?), n. (Zoöl.) The ring-necked scaup duck; -- called also ring-billed blackhead. See Scaup.

Ring"bird` (?), n. (Zoöl.) The reed bunting. It has a collar of white feathers. Called also ring bunting.

Ring"bolt` (?), n. An eyebolt having a ring through the eye.

Ring"bone` (?), n. (Far.) A morbid growth or deposit of bony matter between or on the small pastern and the great pastern bones. J. H. Walsh.

Ring"dove` (?), n. (Zoöl.) A European wild pigeon (Columba palumbus) having a white crescent on each side of the neck, whence the name. Called also wood pigeon, and cushat.

Ringed (?), a. 1. Encircled or marked with, or as with, a ring or rings.

2. Wearning a wedding ring; hence, lawfully wedded. "A ringed wife." Tennyson.

Ringed seal (Zoöl.), a North Pacific seal (Phoca fœtida) having ringlike spots on the body. -- Ringed snake (Zoöl.), a harmless European snake (Tropidonotus natrix) common in England. -- Ringed worm (Zoöl.), an annelid.

Rin"gent (?), a. [L. ringens, -entis, p. pr. of ringi to open wide the mouth: cf. F. ringent.] (Bot.) Having the lips widely separated and gaping like an open mouth; as a ringent bilabiate corolla.

Ring"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, rings; especially, one who rings chimes on bells.

2. (Mining) A crowbar. Simmonds.

Ring"er (?), n. (Horse Racing) A horse that is not entitled to take part in a race, but is fraudulently got into it.

Ring"head` (?), n. (Cloth Manuf.) An instrument used for stretching woolen cloth.

Ring"ing, a & n. from Ring, v.

Ringing engine, a simple form of pile driver in which the monkey is lifted by men pulling on ropes.

Ring"ing*ly, adv. In a ringing manner.

Ring"lead`er (?), n. 1. The leader of a circle of dancers; hence, the leader of a number of persons acting together; the leader of a herd of animals.

A primacy of order, such an one as the ringleader hath in a dance.


2. Opprobriously, a leader of a body of men engaged in the violation of law or in an illegal enterprise, as rioters, mutineers, or the like.

The ringleaders were apprehended, tried, fined, and imprisoned.


Rin"gle*stone` (?), n. (Zoöl.) The ringed dotterel, or ring plover. [Prov. Eng.]

Ring"let (?), n. [Ring + - let.] 1. A small ring; a small circle; specifically, a fairy ring.

You demi-puppets, that
By moonshine do the green sour ringlets make,
Whereof the ewe not bites.


2. A curl; especially, a curl of hair.

[Her golden tresses] in wanton ringlets waved.


Ring"man (?), n.; pl. Ringmen (&?;). The ring finger. [Obs.] Ascham

Ring"mas`ter (?), n. One in charge of the performances (as of horses) within the ring in a circus.

Ring"neck` (?), n. 1. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of small plovers of the genus Ægialitis, having a ring around the neck. The ring is black in summer, but becomes brown or gray in winter. The semipalmated plover (Æ. semipalmata) and the piping plover (Æ. meloda) are common North American species. Called also ring plover, and ring-necked plover.

2. (Zoöl.) The ring-necked duck.

Ring"-necked` (?), a. (Zoöl.) Having a well defined ring of color around the neck.

Ring-necked duck (Zool.), an American scaup duck (Aythya collaris). The head, neck, and breast of the adult male are black, and a narrow, but conspicuous, red ring encircles the neck. This ring is absent in the female. Called also ring-neck, ring-necked blackhead, ringbill, tufted duck, and black jack.

Ring"sail` (?), n. (Naut.) See Ringtail, 2.

Ring"straked` (?), a. Ring- streaked.

Cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted.

Gen. xxx. 39.

Ring"-streaked` (?), a. Having circular streaks or lines on the body; as, ring-streaked goats.

Ring"tail` (?), n. 1. (Zoöl.) A bird having a distinct band of color across the tail, as the hen harrier.

2. (Naut.) A light sail set abaft and beyong the leech of a boom-and-gaff sail; -- called also ringsail.

Ringtail boom (Naut.), a spar which is rigged on a boom for setting a ringtail.

Ring"-tailed` (?), a. (Zoöl.) Having the tail crossed by conspicuous bands of color.

Ring-tailed cat (Zoöl.), the cacomixle. -- Ring-tailed eagle (Zoöl.), a young golden eagle.

Ring"toss` (?), n. A game in which the object is to toss a ring so that it will catch upon an upright stick.

Ring"worm" (?), n. (Med.) A contagious affection of the skin due to the presence of a vegetable parasite, and forming ring-shaped discolored patches covered with vesicles or powdery scales. It occurs either on the body, the face, or the scalp. Different varieties are distinguished as Tinea circinata, Tinea tonsurans, etc., but all are caused by the same parasite (a species of Trichophyton).

Rink (?), n. [Scot. renk, rink, rynk, a course, a race; probably fr. AS. hring a ring. See Ring.] 1. The smooth and level extent of ice marked off for the game of curling.

2. An artificial sheet of ice, generally under cover, used for skating; also, a floor prepared for skating on with roller skates, or a building with such a floor.

Rink"er, n. One who skates at a rink. [Colloq.]

Rink"ing, n. Skating in a rink. [Colloq.]

Rinse (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rinsed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rinsing.] [OE., fr. OF. rincer, rimser, reinser, raïncier, F. rincer; of uncertain origin.] 1. To wash lightly; to cleanse with a second or repeated application of water after washing.

2. To cleancse by the introduction of water; - - applied especially to hollow vessels; as, to rinse a bottle. "Like a glass did break i' the rinsing." Shak.

Rinse, n. The act of rinsing.

Rins"er (?), n. One who, or that which, rinses.

<! p. 1244 !>

Ri"ot (?), n. [OF. riote, of uncertain origin; cf. OD. revot, ravot.] 1. Wanton or unrestrained behavior; uproar; tumult.

His headstrong riot hath no curb.


2. Excessive and exxpensive feasting; wild and loose festivity; revelry.

Venus loveth riot and dispense.


The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed to- day.


3. (Law) The tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by an unlawful assembly of three or more persons in the execution of some private object.

To run riot, to act wantonly or without restraint.

Ri"ot (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rioted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rioting.] [OF. rioter; cf. OD. ravotten.] 1. To engage in riot; to act in an unrestrained or wanton manner; to indulge in excess of luxury, feasting, or the like; to revel; to run riot; to go to excess.

Now he exact of all, wastes in delight,
Riots in pleasure, and neglects the law.


No pulse that riots, and no blood that glows.


2. (Law) To disturb the peace; to raise an uproar or sedition. See Riot, n., 3. Johnson.

Ri"ot, v. t. To spend or pass in riot.

[He] had rioted his life out.


Ri"ot*er (?), n. 1. One who riots; a reveler; a roisterer. Chaucer.

2. (Law) One who engages in a riot. See Riot, n., 3.

Ri"ot*ise (?), n. Excess; tumult; revelry. [Obs.]

His life he led in lawless riotise.


Ri"ot*our (-r), n. A rioter. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ri"ot*ous (?), a. [OF. rioteux.] 1. Involving, or engaging in, riot; wanton; unrestrained; luxurious.

The younger son . . . took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.

Luke xv. 13.

2. Partaking of the nature of an unlawful assembly or its acts; seditious.

-- Ri"ot*ous*ly, adv. -- Ri"ot*ous*ness, n.

Ri"ot*ry (?), n. The act or practice of rioting; riot. "Electioneering riotry." Walpole.

Rip (?), n. [Cf. Icel. hrip a box or basket; perhaps akin to E. corb. Cf. Ripier.] A wicker fish basket.

Rip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ripped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ripping.] [Cf. AS. rpan, also Sw. repa to ripple flax, D. repelen, G. reffen, riffeln, and E. raff, raffle. Cf. Raff, Ripple of flax.] 1. To divide or separate the parts of, by cutting or tearing; to tear or cut open or off; to tear off or out by violence; as, to rip a garment by cutting the stitches; to rip off the skin of a beast; to rip up a floor; -- commonly used with up, open, off.

2. To get by, or as by, cutting or tearing.

He 'll rip the fatal secret from her heart.


3. To tear up for search or disclosure, or for alteration; to search to the bottom; to discover; to disclose; -- usually with up.

They ripped up all that had been done from the beginning of the rebellion.


For brethern to debate and rip up their falling out in the ear of a common enemy . . . is neither wise nor comely.


4. To saw (wood) lengthwise of the grain or fiber.

Ripping chisel (Carp.), a crooked chisel for cleaning out mortises. Knight. -- Ripping iron. (Shipbuilding) Same as Ravehook. -- Ripping saw. (Carp.) See Ripsaw. -- To rip out, to rap out, to utter hastily and violently; as, to rip out an oath. [Colloq.] See To rap out, under Rap, v. t.

Rip, n. 1. A rent made by ripping, esp. by a seam giving way; a tear; a place torn; laceration.

2. [Perh. a corruption of the first syllable of reprobate.] A term applied to a mean, worthless thing or person, as to a scamp, a debauchee, or a prostitute, or a worn-out horse. [Slang.]

3. A body of water made rough by the meeting of opposing tides or currents.

Ri*pa"ri*an (?), a. [L. riparius, fr. ripa a bank. See River, and cf. Arrive.] Of or pertaining to the bank of a river; as, riparian rights.

Ri*pa"ri*ous (?), a. [L. riparius.] Growing along the banks of rivers; riparian.

Ripe (rp), n. [L. ripa.] The bank of a river. [Obs.]

Ripe (rp), a. [Compar. Riper (-r); superl. Ripest.] [AS. rpe; akin to OS. rpi, D. rijp, G. rief, OHG. rft; cf. AS. rp harvest, rpan to reap. Cf. Reap.] 1. Ready for reaping or gathering; having attained perfection; mature; -- said of fruits, seeds, etc.; as, ripe grain.

So mayst thou live, till, like ripe fruit, thou drop
Into thy mother's lap.


2. Advanced to the state of fitness for use; mellow; as, ripe cheese; ripe wine.

3. Having attained its full development; mature; perfected; consummate. "Ripe courage." Chaucer.

He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one.


4. Maturated or suppurated; ready to discharge; -- said of sores, tumors, etc.

5. Ready for action or effect; prepared.

While things were just ripe for a war.


I am not ripe to pass sentence on the gravest public bodies.


6. Like ripened fruit in ruddiness and plumpness.

Those happy smilets,
That played on her ripe lip.


7. Intoxicated. [Obs.] "Reeling ripe." Shak.

Syn. -- Mature; complete; finished. See Mature.

Ripe, v. i. [AS. rpian.] To ripen; to grow ripe. [Obs.]

Ripe, v. t. To mature; to ripen. [Obs.] Shak.

Ripe"ly, adv. Maturely; at the fit time. Shak.

Rip"en (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ripened (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Ripening.] 1. To grow ripe; to become mature, as grain, fruit, flowers, and the like; as, grapes ripen in the sun.

2. To approach or come to perfection.

Rip"en, v. t. 1. To cause to mature; to make ripe; as, the warm days ripened the corn.

2. To mature; to fit or prepare; to bring to perfection; as, to ripen the judgment.

When faith and love, which parted from thee never,
Had ripined thy iust soul to dwell with God.


Ripe"ness (?), n. [AS. rpness.] The state or quality of being ripe; maturity;; completeness; perfection; as, the ripeness of grain; ripeness of manhood; ripeness of judgment.

Time, which made them their fame outlive,
To Cowley scarce did ripeness give.


Ri*pid"o*lite (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?;. &?;&?;&?;. fan + -lite.] (Min.) A translucent mineral of a green color and micaceous structure, belonging to the chlorite group; a hydrous silicate of alumina, magnesia, and iron; -- called also clinochlore.

Ri*pi*e"nist (?), n. (Mus.) A player in the ripieno portion of an orchestra. See Ripieno.

||Ri*pi*e"no (?), a. [It.] (Mus.) Filling up; supplementary; supernumerary; -- a term applied to those instruments which only swell the mass or tutti of an orchestra, but are not obbligato.

{ Rip"ler (?), Rip"per (?), } n. [Cf. Rip a basket, or Riparian.] (O.E. Law) One who brings fish from the seacoast to markets in inland towns. [Obs.]

But what's the action we are for now ?
Robbing a ripper of his fish.

Beau. & Fl.

Ri*post" (?), n. [F. riposte.] 1. In fencing, a return thrust after a parry.

2. A quick and sharp refort; a repartee. J. Morley.

Rip"per (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, rips; a ripping tool.

2. A tool for trimming the edges of roofing slates.

3. Anything huge, extreme, startling, etc. [Slang.]

Rip"ple (?), n. [FRom Rip, v.] An implement, with teeth like those of a comb, for removing the seeds and seed vessels from flax, broom corn, etc.

Rip"ple, v. t. 1. To remove the seeds from (the stalks of flax, etc.), by means of a ripple.

2. Hence, to scratch or tear. Holland.

Rip"ple, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rippled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rippling (?).] [Cf. Rimple, Rumple.] 1. To become fretted or dimpled on the surface, as water when agitated or running over a rough bottom; to be covered with small waves or undulations, as a field of grain.

2. To make a sound as of water running gently over a rough bottom, or the breaking of ripples on the shore.

Rip"ple, v. t. To fret or dimple, as the surface of running water; to cover with small waves or undulations; as, the breeze rippled the lake.

Rip"ple, n. 1. The fretting or dimpling of the surface, as of running water; little curling waves.

2. A little wave or undulation; a sound such as is made by little waves; as, a ripple of laughter.

3. (physics) a small wave on the surface of water or other liquids for which the driving force is not gravity, but surface tension.

4. (Electrical engineering) the residual AC component in the DC current output from a rectifier, expressed as a percentage of the steady component of the current.

Ripple grass. (Bot.) See Ribwort. -- Ripple marks, a system of parallel ridges on sand, produced by wind, by the current of a steam, or by the agitation of wind waves; also (Geol.), a system of parallel ridges on the surface of a sandstone stratum.

Rip"ple-marked` (?), a. Having ripple marks.

Rip"plet (?), n. A small ripple.

Rip"pling*ly (?), adv. In a rippling manner.

Rip"ply (?), a. Having ripples; as, ripply water; hence, resembling the sound of rippling water; as, ripply laughter; a ripply cove. Keats.

Rip"rap` (?), n. [Cf. Rap.] (Masonry) A foundation or sustaining wall of stones thrown together without order, as in deep water or on a soft bottom.

Rip"rap`, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Riprapped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Riprapping.] To form a riprap in or upon.

Rip"saw` (?), [See Rip, v. t., 4.] (Carp.) A handsaw with coarse teeth which have but a slight set, used for cutting wood in the direction of the fiber; -- called also ripping saw.

Rip"tow*el (?), n. [AS. rp. harvest + a word of uncertain etymology.] (Feud. Law) A gratuity given to tenants after they had reaped their lord's corn. [Obs.]

Ris (?), n. [AS. hrs; akin to D. rils, G. reis, OHG. hrs.] A bough or branch; a twig. [Obs.]

As white as is the blossom upon the ris.


Rise (?), v. i. [imp. Rose (?); p. p. Risen (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rising.] [AS. rsan; akin to OS. rsan, D. rijzen, OHG. rsan to rise, fall, Icel. rsa, Goth. urreisan, G. reise journey. CF. Arise, Raise, Rear, v.] 1. To move from a lower position to a higher; to ascend; to mount up. Specifically: -- (a) To go upward by walking, climbing, flying, or any other voluntary motion; as, a bird rises in the air; a fish rises to the bait.

(b) To ascend or float in a fluid, as gases or vapors in air, cork in water, and the like.

(c) To move upward under the influence of a projecting force; as, a bullet rises in the air.

(d) To grow upward; to attain a certain height; as, this elm rises to the height of seventy feet.

(e) To reach a higher level by increase of quantity or bulk; to swell; as, a river rises in its bed; the mercury rises in the thermometer.

(f) To become erect; to assume an upright position; as, to rise from a chair or from a fall.

(g) To leave one's bed; to arise; as, to rise early.

He that would thrive, must rise by five.

Old Proverb.

(h) To tower up; to be heaved up; as, the Alps rise far above the sea.

(i) To slope upward; as, a path, a line, or surface rises in this direction. "A rising ground." Dryden.

(j) To retire; to give up a siege.

He, rising with small honor from Gunza, . . . was gone.


(k) To swell or puff up in the process of fermentation; to become light, as dough, and the like.

2. To have the aspect or the effect of rising. Specifically: --

(a) To appear above the horizont, as the sun, moon, stars, and the like. "He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good." Matt. v. 45.

(b) To become apparent; to emerge into sight; to come forth; to appear; as, an eruption rises on the skin; the land rises to view to one sailing toward the shore.

(c) To become perceptible to other senses than sight; as, a noise rose on the air; odor rises from the flower.

(d) To have a beginning; to proceed; to originate; as, rivers rise in lakes or springs.

A scepter shall rise out of Israel.

Num. xxiv. 17.

Honor and shame from no condition rise.


3. To increase in size, force, or value; to proceed toward a climax. Specifically: --

(a) To increase in power or fury; -- said of wind or a storm, and hence, of passion. "High winde . . . began to rise, high passions -- anger, hate." Milton.

(b) To become of higher value; to increase in price.

Bullion is risen to six shillings . . . the ounce.


(c) To become larger; to swell; -- said of a boil, tumor, and the like.

(d) To increase in intensity; -- said of heat.

(e) To become louder, or higher in pitch, as the voice.

(f) To increase in amount; to enlarge; as, his expenses rose beyond his expectations.

4. In various figurative senses. Specifically: --

(a) To become excited, opposed, or hostile; to go to war; to take up arms; to rebel.

At our heels all hell should rise
With blackest insurrection.


No more shall nation against nation rise.


(b) To attain to a better social position; to be promoted; to excel; to succeed.

Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.


(c) To become more and more dignified or forcible; to increase in interest or power; -- said of style, thought, or discourse; as, to rise in force of expression; to rise in eloquence; a story rises in interest.

(d) To come to mind; to be suggested; to occur.

A thought rose in me, which often perplexes men of contemplative natures.


(e) To come; to offer itself.

There chanced to the prince's hand to rise
An ancient book.


5. To ascend from the grave; to come to life.

But now is Christ risen from the dead.

1. Cor. xv. 20.

6. To terminate an official sitting; to adjourn; as, the committee rose after agreeing to the report.

It was near nine . . . before the House rose.


7. To ascend on a musical scale; to take a higher pith; as, to rise a tone or semitone.

8. (Print.) To be lifted, or to admit of being lifted, from the imposing stone without dropping any of the type; -- said of a form.

Syn. -- To arise; mount; ascend; climb; scale. -- Rise, Appreciate. Some in America use the word appreciate for "rise in value;" as, stocks appreciate, money appreciates, etc. This use is not unknown in England, but it is less common there. It is undesirable, because rise sufficiently expresses the idea, and appreciate has its own distinctive meaning, which ought not to be confused with one so entirely different.

Rise (?), n. 1. The act of rising, or the state of being risen.

2. The distance through which anything rises; as, the rise of the thermometer was ten degrees; the rise of the river was six feet; the rise of an arch or of a step.

3. Land which is somewhat higher than the rest; as, the house stood on a rise of land. [Colloq.]

4. Spring; source; origin; as, the rise of a stream.

All wickednes taketh its rise from the heart.

R. Nelson.

5. Appearance above the horizon; as, the rise of the sun or of a planet. Shak.

6. Increase; advance; augmentation, as of price, value, rank, property, fame, and the like.

The rise or fall that may happen in his constant revenue by a Spanish war.

Sir W. Temple.

7. Increase of sound; a swelling of the voice.

The ordinary rises and falls of the voice.


8. Elevation or ascent of the voice; upward change of key; as, a rise of a tone or semitone.

9. The spring of a fish to seize food (as a fly) near the surface of the water.

Ris"en (?). 1. p. p. & a. from Rise. "Her risen Son and Lord." Keble.

2. Obs. imp. pl. of Rise. Chaucer.

Ris"er (?), n. 1. One who rises; as, an early riser.

2. (Arch.) (a) The upright piece of a step, from tread to tread. Hence: (b) Any small upright face, as of a seat, platform, veranda, or the like.

3. (Mining) A shaft excavated from below upward.

4. (Founding) A feed head. See under Feed, n.

Rish (?), n. A rush (the plant). [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ris`i*bil"i*ty (?), n. [CF. F. risibilité.] The quality of being risible; as, risibility is peculiar to the human species.

A strong and obvious disposition to risibility.

Sir W. Scott.

Ris"i*ble (?), a. [F., fr. L. risibilis, fr. ridere, risum, to laugh. Cf. Ridiculous.] 1. Having the faculty or power of laughing; disposed to laugh.

Laughing is our busines, . . . it has been made the definition of man that he is risible.

Dr. H. More.

2. Exciting laughter; worthy to be laughed at; amusing. "Risible absurdities." Johnson.

I hope you find nothing risible in my complaisance.

Sir W. Scott.

3. Used in, or expressing, laughter; as, risible muscles.

Risible is sometimes used as a noun, in the plural, for the feeling of amusement and for the muscles and other organs used in laughing, collectively; as, unable to control one's risibles.

Syn. -- Ludicrous; laughable; amusing; ridiculous -- Risible, Ludicrous, Ridiculous. Risible differs from ludicrous as species from genus; ludicrous expressing that which is playful and sportive; risible, that which may excite laughter. Risible differs from ridiculous, as the latter implies something contemptuous, and risible does not.

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--Ris"i*ble*ness(#), n. -- Ris"i*bly, adv.

Ris"ing (?), a. 1. Attaining a higher place; taking, or moving in, an upward direction; appearing above the horizon; ascending; as, the rising moon.

2. Increasing in wealth, power, or distinction; as, a rising state; a rising character.

Among the rising theologians of Germany.


3. Growing; advancing to adult years and to the state of active life; as, the rising generation.

Ris"ing, prep. More than; exceeding; upwards of; as, a horse rising six years of age. [Colloq. & Low, U.S.]

Ris"ing, n. 1. The act of one who, or that which, rises (in any sense).

2. That which rises; a tumor; a boil. Lev. xiii. 10.

Rising main (Waterworks), the pipe through which water from an engine is delivered to an elevated reservoir.

Risk (?), n. [F. risque; cf. It. risco, risico, rischio, Pg. risco, Sp. riesgo, and also Sp. risco a steep rock; all probably fr. L. resceare to cut off; pref. re- re- + secare to cut; -- the word having been probably first used among sailors. See Section.] 1. Hazard; danger; peril; exposure to loss, injury, or destruction.

The imminent and constant risk of assassination, a risk which has shaken very strong nerves.


2. (Com.) Hazard of loss; liabillity to loss in property.

To run a risk, to incur hazard; to encounter danger.

Syn. -- Danger; hazard; peril; jeopardy; exposure. See Danger.

Risk, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Risked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Risking.] [CF. F. risquer. See Risk, n.] 1. To expose to risk, hazard, or peril; to venture; as, to risk goods on board of a ship; to risk one's person in battle; to risk one's fame by a publication.

2. To incur the risk or danger of; as, to risk a battle.

Syn. -- To hazard; peril; endanger; jeopard.

Risk"er (?), n. One who risks or hazards. Hudibras.

Risk"ful (?), a. Risky. [R.] Geddes.

Risk"y (?), a. Attended with risk or danger; hazardous. "A risky matter." W. Collins.

Generalization are always risky.


Ri*so"ri*al (?), a.[L. ridere, risum, to laugh.] Pertaining to, or producing, laughter; as, the risorial muscles.

||Ri*sot"to (?), n. [It.] A kind of pottage.

Risse (?), obs. imp. of Rise. B. Jonson.

Ris"soid (?), n. [NL. Rissoa, the typical genus ( fr. A. Risso, an Italian naturalist) + - oid.] (Zoöl.) Any one of very numerous species of small spiral gastropods of the genus Rissoa, or family Rissoidæ, found both in fresh and salt water.

||Ris`sole" (?), n. [F., fr. rissoler to fry meat till it is brown.] (Cookery) A small ball of rich minced meat or fish, covered with pastry and fried.

Rist (?), obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Rise, contracted from riseth. Chaucer.

Rit (?), obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Ride, contracted from rideth. Chaucer.

||Ri`tar*dan"do (?), a. [It.] (Mus.) Retarding; -- a direction for slower time; rallentado.

Rite (?), n. [L. ritus; cf. Skr. rti a stream, a running, way, manner, ri to flow: cf. F. rit, rite. CF. Rivulet.] The act of performing divine or solemn service, as established by law, precept, or custom; a formal act of religion or other solemn duty; a solemn observance; a ceremony; as, the rites of freemasonry.

He looked with indifference on rites, names, and forms of ecclesiastical polity.


Syn. -- Form; ceremony; observance; ordinance.

||Ri`te*nu"to (?), a. [It.] (Mus.) Held back; holding back; ritardando.

{ Rit`or*nelle" (?), ||Ri`tor*nel"lo (?), } n. [It. ritornello, dim. of ritorno return, fr. ritornare to return: cf. F. ritournelle.] (Mus.) (a) A short return or repetition; a concluding symphony to an air, often consisting of the burden of the song. (a) A short intermediate symphony, or instrumental passage, in the course of a vocal piece; an interlude.

||Ri*trat"to (?), n.[It.] A picture. Sterne.

Rit"u*al (?), a.[L. ritualis, fr. ritus a rite: cf. F. rituel.] Of or pertaining to rites or ritual; as, ritual service or sacrifices; the ritual law.

Rit"u*al, n. [Cf. F. rituel.] 1. A prescribed form of performing divine service in a particular church or communion; as, the Jewish ritual.

2. Hence, the code of ceremonies observed by an organization; as, the ritual of the freemasons.

3. A book containing the rites to be observed.

Rit"u*al*ism (?), n. [Cf. F. ritualisme.] 1. A system founded upon a ritual or prescribed form of religious worship; adherence to, or observance of, a ritual.

2. Specifically :(a) The principles and practices of those in the Church of England, who in the development of the Oxford movement, so-called, have insisted upon a return to the use in church services of the symbolic ornaments (altar cloths, encharistic vestments, candles, etc.) that were sanctioned in the second year of Edward VI., and never, as they maintain, forbidden by competennt authority, although generally disused. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. (b) Also, the principles and practices of those in the Protestant Episcopal Church who sympathize with this party in the Church of England.

Rit"u*al*ist (?), n. [CF. F. ritualiste.] One skilled un, or attached to, a ritual; one who advocates or practices ritualism.

Rit`u*al*is"tic (?), a. Pertaining to, or in accordance with, a ritual; adhering to ritualism.

Rit"u*al*ly, adv. By rites, or by a particular rite.

Riv"age (?), n. [F., fr. L. ripa bank, shore.] 1. A bank, shore, or coast. [Archaic] Spenser.

From the green rivage many a fall
Of diamond rillets musical.


2. (O.Eng.Law) A duty paid to the crown for the passage of vessels on certain rivers.

Ri"val (?), n. [F. rival (cf. It. rivale), L. rivales two neigbors having the same brook in common, rivals, fr. rivalis belonging to a brook, fr. rivus a brook. Cf. Rivulet, Rete.] 1. A person having a common right or privilege with another; a partner. [Obs.]

If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus,
The rivals of my watch, bid them make haste.


2. One who is in pursuit of the same object as another; one striving to reach or obtain something which another is attempting to obtain, and which one only can posses; a competitor; as, rivals in love; rivals for a crown.

"Rivals, in the primary sense of the word, are those who dwell on the banks of the same stream. But since, as all experience shows, there is no such fruitful source of coutention as a water right, it would continually happen that these occupants of the opposite banks would be at strife with one another in regard of the periods during which they severally had a right to the use of the stream . . . And thus 'rivals' . . . came to be used of any who were on any grounds in more or less unfriendly competition with one another." Trench.

Syn. -- Competitor; emulator; antagonist.

Ri"val, a. Having the same pretensions or claims; standing in competition for superiority; as, rival lovers; rival claims or pretensions.

The strenuous conflicts and alternate victories of two rival confederacies of statesmen.


Ri"val, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rivaled (?) or Rivalled; p. pr. & vb. n. Rivaling or Rivalling.] 1. To stand in competition with; to strive to gain some object in opposition to; as, to rival one in love.

2. To strive to equal or exel; to emulate.

To rival thunder in its rapid course.


Ri"val, v. i. To be in rivalry. [Obs.] Shak.

Ri"val*ess, n. A female rival. [Obs.] Richardson.

Ri*val"i*ty (?), n. [L. rivalitas: cf. F. rivalité.] 1. Rivalry; competition. [Obs.]

2. Equality, as of right or rank. [Obs.] hak.

Ri"val*ry (?), n.; pl. Rivalries (&?;). The act of rivaling, or the state of being a rival; a competition. "Keen contention and eager rivalries." Jeffrey.

Syn. -- Emulation; competition. See Emulation.

Ri"val*ship, n. Rivalry. [R.] B. Jonson.

Rive (?), v. t. [imp. Rived (?); p. p. Rived or Riven (&?;); p. pr. & vb. n. Riving.] [Icel. rfa, akin to Sw. rifva to pull asunder, burst, tear, Dan. rive to rake, pluck, tear. Cf. Reef of land, Rifle a gun, Rift, Rivel.] To rend asunder by force; to split; to cleave; as, to rive timber for rails or shingles.

I shall ryve him through the sides twain.


The scolding winds have rived the knotty oaks.


Brutus hath rived my heart.


Rive, v. i. To be split or rent asunder.

Freestone rives, splits, and breaks in any direction.


Rive, n. A place torn; a rent; a rift. [Prov. Eng.]

Riv"el (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Riveled (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Riveling.] [AS. gerifled, geriflod, gerifod, wrinkled, geriflian, gerifian, to wrinkle. See Rifle a gun, Rive.] To contract into wrinkles; to shrivel; to shrink; as, riveled fruit; riveled flowers. [Obs.] Pope. "Riveled parchments." Walpole.

Riv"el, n. A wrinkle; a rimple. [Obs.] Holland.

Riv"en (?), p. p. & a. from Rive.

Riv"er (?), n. One who rives or splits.

Riv"er (?), n. [F. rivère a river, LL. riparia river, bank of a river, fr. L. riparius belonging to a bank or shore, fr. ripa a bank or shore; of uncertain origin. Cf. Arrive, Riparian.] 1. A large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream; a stream larger than a rivulet or brook.

Transparent and sparkling rivers, from which it is delightful to drink as they flow.


2. Fig.: A large stream; copious flow; abundance; as, rivers of blood; rivers of oil.

River chub (Zoöl.), the hornyhead and allied species of fresh-water fishes. -- River crab (Zoöl.), any species of fresh-water crabs of the genus Thelphusa, as T. depressa of Southern Europe. -- River dragon, a crocodile; -- applied by Milton to the king of Egypt. -- River driver, a lumberman who drives or conducts logs down rivers. Bartlett. -- River duck (Zoöl.), any species of duck belonging to Anas, Spatula, and allied genera, in which the hind toe is destitute of a membranous lobe, as in the mallard and pintail; -- opposed to sea duck. -- River god, a deity supposed to preside over a river as its tutelary divinity. -- River herring (Zoöl.), an alewife. -- River hog. (Zoöl.) (a) Any species of African wild hogs of the genus Potamochœrus. They frequent wet places along the rivers. (b) The capybara. -- River horse (Zoöl.), the hippopotamus. -- River jack (Zoöl.), an African puff adder (Clotho nasicornis) having a spine on the nose. -- River limpet (Zoöl.), a fresh-water, air-breathing mollusk of the genus Ancylus, having a limpet-shaped shell. -- River pirate (Zoöl.), the pike. -- River snail (Zoöl.), any species of fresh-water gastropods of Paludina, Melontho, and allied genera. See Pond snail, under Pond. -- River tortoise (Zoöl.), any one of numerous fresh-water tortoises inhabiting rivers, especially those of the genus Trionyx and allied genera. See Trionyx.

Riv"er (?), v. i. To hawk by the side of a river; to fly hawks at river fowl. [Obs.] Halliwell.

Riv"ered (?), a. Supplied with rivers; as, a well rivered country.

Riv"er*et (?), n. A rivulet. [Obs.] Drayton.

Riv"er*hood (?), n. The quality or state of being a river. "Useful riverhood." H. Miller.

Riv"er*ling (?), n. A rivulet. [R.] Sylvester.

Riv"er*side` (?), n. The side or bank of a river.

Riv"er*y (?), a. Having rivers; as, a rivery country. Drayton.

Riv"et (?), n. [F., fr. river to rivet; perh. fr. Icel. rifa to fasten together. Cf. Reef part of a sail.] A metallic pin with a head, used for uniting two plates or pieces of material together, by passing it through them and then beating or pressing down the point so that it shall spread out and form a second head; a pin or bolt headed or clinched at both ends.

With busy hammers closing rivets up.


Rivet joint, or Riveted joint, a joint between two or more pieces secured by rivets.

Riv"et, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Riveted; p. pr. & vb. n. Riveting.] 1. To fasten with a rivet, or with rivets; as, to rivet two pieces of iron.

2. To spread out the end or point of, as of a metallic pin, rod, or bolt, by beating or pressing, so as to form a sort of head.

3. Hence, to fasten firmly; to make firm, strong, or immovable; as, to rivet friendship or affection.

Rivet and nail me where I stand, ye powers!


Thus his confidence was riveted and confirmed.

Sir W. Scott.

Riv"et*er (?), n. One who rivets.

Riv"et*ing, n. 1. The act of joining with rivets; the act of spreading out and clinching the end, as of a rivet, by beating or pressing.

2. The whole set of rivets, collectively. Tomlinsin.

Butt riveting, riveting in which the ends or edges of plates form a butt joint, and are fastened together by being riveted to a narrow strip which covers the joint. -- Chain riveting, riveting in which the rivets, in two or more rows along the seam, are set one behind the other. -- Crossed riveting, riveting in which the rivets in one row are set opposite the spaces between the rivets in the next row. -- Double riveting, in lap riveting, two rows of rivets along the seam; in butt riveting, four rows, two on each side of the joint. -- Lap riveting, riveting in which the ends or edges of plates overlap and are riveted together.

Ri*vose" (?), a. [From L. rivus a brook, channel.] Marked with sinuate and irregular furrows.

Riv"u*let (?), n. [Earlier rivolet, It. rivoletto, a dim. fr. rivolo, L. rivulus, dim. of rivus a brook. CF. Rival, Rite.] A small stream or brook; a streamlet.

By fountain or by shady rivulet
He sought them.


Rix*a"tion (?), n. [L. rixari, p. p. rixatus, to brawl, fr. rixa a quarrel.] A brawl or quarrel. [Obs.]

||Rix*a"trix (?), n. [L.] (Old Eng. Law) A scolding or quarrelsome woman; a scold. Burrill.

||Rix"da`ler (?), n. A Dutch silver coin, worth about $1.00.

Rix"-dol`lar (?), n. [Sw. riksdaler, or Dan. rigsdaler, or D. rijksdaalder, or G. reichsthaler, literally, dollar of the empire or realm, fr. words akin to E. rich, and dollar. See Rich, Dollar.] A name given to several different silver coins of Denmark, Holland, Sweden,, NOrway, etc., varying in value from about 30 cents to $1.10; also, a British coin worth about 36 cents, used in Ceylon and at the Cape of Good Hope. See Rigsdaler, Riksdaler, and Rixdaler.

Most of these pieces are now no longer coined, but some remain in circulation.

Riz"zar (?), v. t. [Etymol. uncertain.] To dry in the sun; as, rizzared haddock. [Scot.]

Roach (?), n. (Zoöl.) A cockroach.

Roach, n. [OE. rroche; cf. AS. reohha, D. rog, roch, G. roche, LG. ruche, Dan. rokke ray, Sw. rocka, and E. ray a fish.] 1. (Zoöl.) (a) A European fresh-water fish of the Carp family (Leuciscus rutilus). It is silver-white, with a greenish back. (b) An American chub (Semotilus bullaris); the fallfish. (c) The redfin, or shiner.

2. (Naut.) A convex curve or arch cut in the edge of a sail to prevent chafing, or to secure a better fit.

As sound as a roach [roach perhaps being a corruption of a F. roche a rock], perfectly sound.

Roach, v. t. 1. To cause to arch.

2. To cut off, as a horse's mane, so that the part left shall stand upright.

Roach"-backed` (?), a. Having a back like that of roach; -- said of a horse whose back a convex instead of a concave curve.

Road (?), n. [AS. rd a riding, that on which one rides or travels, a road, fr. rdan to ride. See Ride, and cf. Raid.] 1. A journey, or stage of a journey. [Obs.]

With easy roads he came to Leicester.


2. An inroad; an invasion; a raid. [Obs.] Spenser.

3. A place where one may ride; an open way or public passage for vehicles, persons, and animals; a track for travel, forming a means of communication between one city, town, or place, and another.

The most villainous house in all the London road.


The word is generally applied to highways, and as a generic term it includes highway, street, and lane.

4. [Possibly akin to Icel. reiði the rigging of a ship, E. ready.] A place where ships may ride at anchor at some distance from the shore; a roadstead; -- often in the plural; as, Hampton Roads. Shak.

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Now strike your saile, ye jolly mariners,
For we be come unto a quiet rode [road].


On, or Upon, the road, traveling or passing over a road; coming or going; on the way.

My hat and wig will soon be here,
They are upon the road.


-- Road agent, a highwayman, especially on the stage routes of the unsettled western parts of the United States; -- a humorous euphemism. [Western U.S.]

The highway robber -- road agent he is quaintly called.

The century.

-- Road book, a guidebook in respect to roads and distances. -- Road metal, the broken, stone used in macadamizing roads. -- Road roller, a heavy roller, or combinations of rollers, for making earth, macadam, or concrete roads smooth and compact. -- often driven by steam. -- Road runner (Zoöl.), the chaparral cock. -- Road steamer, a locomotive engine adapted to running on common roads. -- To go on the road, to engage in the business of a commercial traveler. [Colloq.] -- To take the road, to begin or engage in traveling. -- To take to the road, to engage in robbery upon the highways.

Syn. -- Way; highway; street; lane; pathway; route; passage; course. See Way.

Road"bed` (?), n. In railroads, the bed or foundation on which the superstructure (ties, rails, etc.) rests; in common roads, the whole material laid in place and ready for travel.

Road"less, a. Destitute of roads.

Road"mak`er (?), n. One who makes roads.

Road"side`, n. Land adjoining a road or highway; the part of a road or highway that borders the traveled part. Also used ajectively.

Road"stead (?), n. [Road, 4 + stead a place.] An anchorage off shore. Same as Road, 4.

Moored in the neighboring roadstead.


Road"ster (?), n. 1. (Naut.) A clumsy vessel that works its way from one anchorage to another by means of the tides. Ham. Nav. Encyc.

2. A horse that is accustomed to traveling on the high road, or is suitable for use on ordinary roads.

A sound, swift, well-fed hunter and roadster.


3. A bicycle or tricycle adapted for common roads rather than for the racing track.

4. One who drives much; a coach driver. [Eng.]

5. A hunter who keeps to the roads instead of following the hounds across country. [Eng. Slang.]

Road"way` (?), n. A road; especially, the part traveled by carriages. Shak.

Roam (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Roamed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Roaming.] [OE. romen, ramen; cf. AS. r&?;man to raise, rise, D. ramen to hit, plan, aim, OS. r&?;m&?;n to strive after, OHG. rmen. But the word was probably influenced by Rome; cf. OF. romier a pilgrim, originally, a pilgrim going to Rome, It. romeo, Sp. romero. Cf. Ramble.] To go from place to place without any certain purpose or direction; to rove; to wander.

He roameth to the carpenter's house.


Daphne roaming through a thorny wood.


Syn. -- To wander; rove; range; stroll; ramble.

Roam, v. t. To range or wander over.

And now wild beasts came forth the woods to roam.


Roam, n. The act of roaming; a wandering; a ramble; as, he began his roam o'er hill amd dale. Milton.

Roam"er (?), n. One who roams; a wanderer.

Roan (?), a. [F. rouan; cf. Sp. roano, ruano, It. rovano, roano.] 1. Having a bay, chestnut, brown, or black color, with gray or white thickly interspersed; -- said of a horse.

Give my roan a drench.


2. Made of the leather called roan; as, roan binding.

Roan antelope (Zoöl.), a very large South African antelope (Hippotragus equinus). It has long sharp horns and a stiff bright brown mane. Called also mahnya, equine antelope, and bastard gemsbok.

Roan, n. 1. The color of a roan horse; a roan color.

2. A roan horse.

3. A kind of leather used for slippers, bookbinding, etc., made from sheepskin, tanned with sumac and colored to imitate ungrained morocco. DeColange.

Roan tree. (Bot.) See Rowan tree.

Roar (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Roared (?); p. pr. & vvb. n. Roaring.] [OE. roren, raren, AS. rrian; akin to G. röhten, OHG. r&?;r&?;n. √112.] 1. To cry with a full, loud, continued sound. Specifically: (a) To bellow, or utter a deep, loud cry, as a lion or other beast.

Roaring bulls he would him make to tame.


(b) To cry loudly, as in pain, distress, or anger.

Sole on the barren sands, the suffering chief
Roared out for anguish, and indulged his grief.


He scorned to roar under the impressions of a finite anger.


2. To make a loud, confused sound, as winds, waves, passing vehicles, a crowd of persons when shouting together, or the like.

The brazen throat of war had ceased to roar.


How oft I crossed where carts and coaches roar.


3. To be boisterous; to be disorderly.

It was a mad, roaring time, full of extravagance.

Bp. Burnet.

4. To laugh out loudly and continuously; as, the hearers roared at his jokes.

5. To make a loud noise in breathing, as horses having a certain disease. See Roaring, 2.

Roaring boy, a roaring, noisy fellow; -- name given, at the latter end Queen Elizabeth's reign, to the riotous fellows who raised disturbances in the street. "Two roaring boys of Rome, that made all split." Beau. & Fl. -- Roaring forties (Naut.), a sailor's name for the stormy tract of ocean between 40° and 50° north latitude.

Roar, v. t. To cry aloud; to proclaim loudly.

This last action will roar thy infamy.


Roar (?), n. The sound of roaring. Specifically: (a) The deep, loud cry of a wild beast; as, the roar of a lion. (b) The cry of one in pain, distress, anger, or the like. (c) A loud, continuous, and confused sound; as, the roar of a cannon, of the wind, or the waves; the roar of ocean.

Arm! arm! it is, it is the cannon's opening roar!


(d) A boisterous outcry or shouting, as in mirth.

Pit, boxes, and galleries were in a constant roar of laughter.


Roar"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, roars. Specifically: (a) A riotous fellow; a roaring boy.

A lady to turn roarer, and break glasses.


(b) (Far.) A horse subject to roaring. See Roaring, 2.

2. (Zoöl.) The barn owl. [Prov. Eng.]

Roar"ing, n. 1. A loud, deep, prolonged sound, as of a large beast, or of a person in distress, anger, mirth, etc., or of a noisy congregation.

2. (Far.) An affection of the windpipe of a horse, causing a loud, peculiar noise in breathing under exertion; the making of the noise so caused. See Roar, v. i., 5.

Roar"ing*ly, adv. In a roaring manner.

Roast (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roasted; p. pr. & vb. n. Roasting.] [OE. rosten, OF. rostir, F. rôtir; of German origin; cf. OHG. rsten, G. rösten, fr. OHG. rst, rsta, gridiron, G. rost; cf. AS. hyrstan to roast.] 1. To cook by exposure to radiant heat before a fire; as, to roast meat on a spit, or in an oven open toward the fire and having reflecting surfaces within; also, to cook in a close oven.

2. To cook by surrounding with hot embers, ashes, sand, etc.; as, to roast a potato in ashes.

In eggs boiled and roasted there is scarce difference to be discerned.


3. To dry and parch by exposure to heat; as, to roast coffee; to roast chestnuts, or peanuts.

4. Hence, to heat to excess; to heat violently; to burn. "Roasted in wrath and fire." Shak.

5. (Metal.) To dissipate by heat the volatile parts of, as ores.

6. To banter severely. [Colloq.] Atterbury.

Roast, v. i. 1. To cook meat, fish, etc., by heat, as before the fire or in an oven.

He could roast, and seethe, and broil, and fry.


2. To undergo the process of being roasted.

Roast, n. That which is roasted; a piece of meat which has been roasted, or is suitable for being roasted.

A fat swan loved he best of any roost [roast].


To rule the roast, to be at the head of affairs. "The new-made duke that rules the roast." Shak.

Roast, a. [For roasted.] Roasted; as, roast beef.

Roast"er (?), n. 1. One who roasts meat.

2. A contrivance for roasting.

3. A pig, or other article of food fit for roasting.

Roast"ing, a. & n., from Roast, v.

Roasting ear, an ear of Indian corn at that stage of development when it is fit to be eaten roasted. -- Roasting jack, a machine for turning a spit on which meat is roasted.

Rob (?), n. [F.; cf. Sp. rob, It. rob, robbo, Pg. robe, arrobe, Ar. rubb, robb, Per. rub.] The inspissated juice of ripe fruit, obtained by evaporation of the juice over a fire till it acquires the consistence of a sirup. It is sometimes mixed with honey or sugar. [Written also rhob, and rohob.]

Rob, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Robbed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Robbing.] [OF. rober, of German origin; cf. OHG. roub&?;n, G. rauben, and OHG. roub robbing, booty, G. raub. √114. See Reave,and cf. Robe.] 1. To take (something) away from by force; to strip by stealing; to plunder; to pillage; to steal from.

Who would rob a hermit of his weeds,
His few books, or his beads, or maple dish?


He that is robbed, not wanting what is stolen,
Let him not know it, and he's not robbed at all.


To be executed for robbing a church.


2. (Law) To take the property of (any one) from his person, or in his presence, feloniously, and against his will, by violence or by putting him in fear.

3. To deprive of, or withhold from, unjustly or injuriously; to defraud; as, to rob one of his rest, or of his good name; a tree robs the plants near it of sunlight.

I never robbed the soldiers of their pay.


Rob, v. i. To take that which belongs to another, without right or permission, esp. by violence.

I am accursed to rob in that thief's company.


Rob"and (?), n. (Naut.) See Roperand.

Rob"ber (?), n. One who robs; in law, one who feloniously takes goods or money from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear.

Some roving robber calling to his fellows.


Syn. -- Thief; depredator; despoiler; plunderer; pillager; rifler; brigang; freebooter; pirate. See Thief.

Robber crab. (Zoöl.) (a) A purse crab. (b) Any hermit crab. -- Robber fly. (Zoöl.) Same as Hornet fly, under Hornet. -- Robber gull (Zoöl.), a jager gull.

Rob"ber*y (?), n.; pl. Robberies (#). [OF. roberie.] 1. The act or practice of robbing; theft.

Thieves for their robbery have authority
When judges steal themselves.


2. (Law) The crime of robbing. See Rob, v. t., 2.

Robbery, in a strict sense, differs from theft, as it is effected by force or intimidation, whereas theft is committed by stealth, or privately.

Syn. -- Theft; depredation; spoliation; despoliation; despoilment; plunder; pillage; rapine; larceny; freebooting; piracy.

Rob"bin (?), n. (Com.) A kind of package in which pepper and other dry commodities are sometimes exported from the East Indies. The robbin of rice in Malabar weighs about 84 pounds. Simmonds.

Rob"bin, n. (Naut.) See Ropeband.

Robe (?), n. [F., fr. LL. rauba a gown, dress, garment; originally, booty, plunder. See Rob, v. t., and cf. Rubbish.] 1. An outer garment; a dress of a rich, flowing, and elegant style or make; hence, a dress of state, rank, office, or the like.

Through tattered clothes small vices do appear;
Robes and furred gowns hide all.


2. A skin of an animal, especially, a skin of the bison, dressed with the fur on, and used as a wrap. [U.S.]

Master of the robes, an officer of the English royal household (when the sovereign is a king) whose duty is supposed to consist in caring for the royal robes. -- Mistress of the robes, a lady who enjoys the highest rank of the ladies in the service of the English sovereign (when a queen), and is supposed to have the care her robes.

Robe (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Robed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Robing.] To invest with a robe or robes; to dress; to array; as, fields robed with green.

The sage Chaldeans robed in white appeared.


Such was his power over the expression of his countenance, that he could in an instant shake off the sternness of winter, and robe it in the brightest smiles of spring.


||Robe`-de-cham"bre (?), n. [F., lit., a chamber gown.] A dressing gown, or morning gown.

{ Rob"erds*man (?), Rob"erts*man (?), } n.; pl. -men. (&?;) (Old Statutes of Eng.) A bold, stout robber, or night thief; -- said to be so called from Robin Hood.

Rob"ert (?), n. (Bot.) See Herb Robert, under Herb.

Rob"in (?), n. [Properly a pet name for Robert, originally meaning, famebright; F., fron OHG. Roudperht; ruod (in comp.; akin to AS. hr&?;&?; glory, fame, Goth. hr&?;peigs victorius) + beraht bright. See Bright, Hob a clown.] (Zoöl.) (a) A small European singing bird (Erythacus rubecula), having a reddish breast; -- called also robin redbreast, robinet, and ruddock. (b) An American singing bird (Merula migratoria), having the breast chestnut, or dull red. The upper parts are olive-gray, the head and tail blackish. Called also robin redbreast, and migratory thrush. (c) Any one of several species of Australian warblers of the genera Petroica, Melanadrays, and allied genera; as, the scarlet-breasted robin (Petroica mullticolor). (d) Any one of several Asiatic birds; as, the Indian robins. See Indian robin, below.

Beach robin (Zoöl.), the robin snipe, or knot. See Knot. -- Blue-throated robin. (Zoöl.) See Bluethroat. - - Canada robin (Zoöl.), the cedar bird. -- Golden robin (Zoöl.), the Baltimore oriole. -- Ground robin (Zoöl.), the chewink. -- Indian robin (Zoöl.), any one of several species of Asiatic saxoline birds of the genera Thamnobia and Pratincola. They are mostly black, usually with some white on the wings. -- Magrie robin (Zoöl.), an Asiatic singing bird (Corsycus saularis), having the back, head, neck, and breast black glossed with blue, the wings black, and the belly white. -- Ragged robin. (Bot.) See under Ragged. -- Robin accentor (Zoöl.), a small Asiatic singing bird (Accentor rubeculoides), somewhat resembling the European robin. -- Robin redbreast. (Zoöl.) (a) The European robin. (b) The American robin. (c) The American bluebird. -- Robin snipe. (Zoöl.) (a) The red-breasted snipe, or dowitcher. (b) The red-breasted sandpiper, or knot. -- Robin's plantain. (Bot.) See under Plantain. -- Sea robin. (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of several species of American gurnards of the genus Prionotus. They are excellent food fishes. Called also wingfish. The name is also applied to a European gurnard. (b) The red-breasted merganser, or sheldrake. [Local, U.S.] -- Water robin (Zoöl.), a redstart (Ruticulla fuliginosa), native of India.

Rob"i*net (?), n. 1. (Zoöl.) (a) The chaffinch; -- called also roberd. (b) The European robin.

2. A military engine formerly used for throwing darts and stones.

Rob"ing (?), n. The act of putting on a robe.

Robing room, a room where official robes are put on, as by judges, etc.

Rob"in Good"fel`low (?). A celebrated fairy; Puck. See Puck. Shak.

||Ro*bin"i*a (?), n. [NL. So called after Jean Robin, a French herbalist.] (Bot.) A genus of leguminous trees including the common locust of North America (Robinia Pseudocacia).

Rob"o*rant (?), a. [L. roborans, p. pr. See Roborate.] Strengthening. -- n. (Med.) A strengthening medicine; a tonic.

Rob"o*rate (?), v. t. [L. roboratus, p. pr. of roborare to strengthen, fr. robur, roboris, strength.] To give strength or support to; to confirm. [Obs.] Fuller.

Rob`o*ra"tion (?), n. [LL. roboratio.] The act of strengthening. [Obs.] Coles.

{ Ro*bo"re*an (?), Ro*bo"re*ous (?), } a. [L. roboreus.] Made of oak. [Obs.]

Ro*bust" (?), a. [L. robustus oaken, hard, strong, fr. robur strength, a very hard kind of oak; cf. Skr. rabhas violence: cf. F. robuste.] 1. Evincing strength; indicating vigorous health; strong; sinewy; muscular; vigorous; sound; as, a robust body; robust youth; robust health.

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2. Violent; rough; rude.

While romp-loving miss
Is hauled about in gallantry robust.


3. Requiring strength or vigor; as, robust employment. Locke.

Syn. -- Strong; lusty; sinewy; sturdy; muscular; hale; hearty; vigorous; forceful; sound. -- Robust, Strong. Robust means, literally, made of oak, and hence implies great compactness and toughness of muscle, connected with a thick-set frame and great powers of endurance. Strong denotes the power of exerting great physical force. The robust man can bear heat or cold, excess or privation, and toil on through every kind of hardship; the strong man can lift a great weight, can give a heavy blow, and a hard gripe. "Robust, tough sinews bred to toil." Cowper.

Then 'gan the villain wax so fierce and strong,
That nothing may sustain his furious force.


Ro*bus"tious (?), a. [Cf. L. robusteus of oak.] Robust. [Obs. or Humorous] W. Irving.

In Scotland they had handled the bishops in a more robustious manner.


-- Ro*bus"tious*ly, adv. -- Ro*bus"tious*ness, n.

Ro*bust"ly, adv. In a robust manner.

Ro*bust"ness, n. The quality or state of being robust.

Roc (?), n. [Ar. & Per. rokh or rukh. Cf. Rook a castle.] A monstrous bird of Arabian mythology. [Written also rock, and rukh.] Brande & C.

Roc"am*bole (?), n. [F.] [Written also rokambole.] (Bot.) A name of Allium Scorodoprasum and A. Ascalonium, two kinds of garlic, the latter of which is also called shallot.

Roc*cel"lic (?), a. [F. roccellique, fr. roccelle archil, It. & NL. roccella, fr. It. rocca a rock, because archil grows on rock.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, a dibasic acid of the oxalic series found in archil (Roccella tinctoria, etc.), and other lichens, and extracted as a white crystalline substance C17H32O4.

Roc*cel"lin (?), n. A red dyestuff, used as a substitute for cochineal, archil, etc. It consists of the sodium salt of a complex azo derivative of naphtol.

Roche (?), n. [See Rock.] Rock. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Roche" al`um (?). (Chem.) A kind of alum occuring in small fragments; -- so called from Rocca, in Syria, whence alum is said to have been obtained; -- also called rock alum.

Roche"lime` (?), n. [F. roche rock + E. lime.] Lime in the lump after it is burned; quicklime. [Eng.]

Ro*chelle" (?), n. A seaport town in France.

Rochelle powders. Same as Seidlitz powders. -- Rochelle salt (Chem.), the double tartrate of sodium and potassium, a white crystalline substance. It has a cooling, saline, slightly bitter taste and is employed as a mild purgative. It was discovered by Seignette, an apothecary of Rochelle, and is called also Seignete's salt.

||Roche" mou`ton`née" (?). [F., sheep-shaped rock.] (Geol.) See Sheepback.

Roch"et (?), n. [F., dim. fr. OHG. rocch coat, G. rock.] 1. (Eccl.) A linen garment resembling the surplise, but with narrower sleeves, also without sleeves, worn by bishops, and by some other ecclesiastical dignitaries, in certain religious ceremonies.

They see no difference between an idler with a hat and national cockade, and an idler in a cowl or in a rochet.


2. A frock or outer garment worn in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. [Obs.] Rom. of R.

Roch"et, n. [Probably corrupted fr. F. rouget the red gurnet, from rouge red. CF. Rouge.] (Zoöl.) The red gurnard, or gurnet. See Gurnard.

Roch"ing cask` (?). [Probably from F. roche a rock.] A tank in which alum is crystallized from a solution.

Rock (?), n. See Roc.

Rock, n. [OE. rocke; akin to D. rok, rokken, G. rocken, OHG. roccho, Dan. rok, Icel. rokkr. Cf. Rocket a firework.] A distaff used in spinning; the staff or frame about which flax is arranged, and from which the thread is drawn in spinning. Chapman.

Sad Clotho held the rocke, the whiles the thread
By grisly Lachesis was spun with pain,
That cruel Atropos eftsoon undid.


Rock, n. [OF. roke, F. roche; cf. Armor. roc'h, and AS. rocc.] 1. A large concreted mass of stony material; a large fixed stone or crag. See Stone.

Come one, come all! this rock shall fly
From its firm base as soon as I.

Sir W. Scott.

2. (Geol.) Any natural deposit forming a part of the earth's crust, whether consolidated or not, including sand, earth, clay, etc., when in natural beds.

3. That which resembles a rock in firmness; a defense; a support; a refuge.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress.

2 Sam. xxii. 2.

4. Fig.: Anything which causes a disaster or wreck resembling the wreck of a vessel upon a rock.

5. (Zoöl.) The striped bass. See under Bass.

This word is frequently used in the formation of self- explaining compounds; as, rock-bound, rock-built, rock-ribbed, rock-roofed, and the like.

Rock alum. [Probably so called by confusion with F. roche a rock.] Same as Roche alum. -- Rock barnacle (Zoöl.), a barnacle (Balanus balanoides) very abundant on rocks washed by tides. -- Rock bass. (Zoöl.) (a) The stripped bass. See under Bass. (b) The goggle-eye. (c) The cabrilla. Other species are also locally called rock bass. -- Rock builder (Zoöl.), any species of animal whose remains contribute to the formation of rocks, especially the corals and Foraminifera. -- Rock butter (Min.), native alum mixed with clay and oxide of iron, usually in soft masses of a yellowish white color, occuring in cavities and fissures in argillaceous slate. -- Rock candy, a form of candy consisting of crystals of pure sugar which are very hard, whence the name. -- Rock cavy. (Zoöl.) See Moco. -- Rock cod (Zoöl.) (a) A small, often reddish or brown, variety of the cod found about rocks andledges. (b) A California rockfish. -- Rock cook. (Zoöl.) (a) A European wrasse (Centrolabrus exoletus). (b) A rockling. -- Rock cork (Min.), a variety of asbestus the fibers of which are loosely interlaced. It resembles cork in its texture. -- Rock crab (Zoöl.), any one of several species of large crabs of the genus Cancer, as the two species of the New England coast (C. irroratus and C. borealis). See Illust. under Cancer. -- Rock cress (Bot.), a name of several plants of the cress kind found on rocks, as Arabis petræa, A. lyrata, etc. -- Rock crystal (Min.), limpid quartz. See Quartz, and under Crystal. -- Rock dove (Zoöl.), the rock pigeon; -- called also rock doo. -- Rock drill, an implement for drilling holes in rock; esp., a machine impelled by steam or compressed air, for drilling holes for blasting, etc. -- Rock duck (Zoöl.), the harlequin duck. -- Rock eel. (Zoöl.) See Gunnel. -- Rock goat (Zoöl.), a wild goat, or ibex. -- Rock hopper (Zoöl.), a penguin of the genus Catarractes. See under Penguin. -- Rock kangaroo. (Zoöl.) See Kangaroo, and Petrogale. -- Rock lobster (Zoöl.), any one of several species of large spinose lobsters of the genera Panulirus and Palinurus. They have no large claws. Called also spiny lobster, and sea crayfish. -- Rock meal (Min.), a light powdery variety of calcite occuring as an efflorescence. -- Rock milk. (Min.) See Agaric mineral, under Agaric. -- Rock moss, a kind of lichen; the cudbear. See Cudbear. -- Rock oil. See Petroleum. -- Rock parrakeet (Zoöl.), a small Australian parrakeet (Euphema petrophila), which nests in holes among the rocks of high cliffs. Its general color is yellowish olive green; a frontal band and the outer edge of the wing quills are deep blue, and the central tail feathers bluish green. -- Rock pigeon (Zoöl.), the wild pigeon (Columba livia) Of Europe and Asia, from which the domestic pigeon was derived. See Illust. under Pigeon. -- Rock pipit. (Zoöl.) See the Note under Pipit. -- Rock plover. (Zoöl.) (a) The black-bellied, or whistling, plover. (b) The rock snipe. - - Rock ptarmigan (Zoöl.), an arctic American ptarmigan (Lagopus rupestris), which in winter is white, with the tail and lores black. In summer the males are grayish brown, coarsely vermiculated with black, and have black patches on the back. -- Rock rabbit (Zoöl.), the hyrax. See Cony, and Daman. -- Rock ruby (Min.), a fine reddish variety of garnet. -- Rock salt (Min.), cloride of sodium (common salt) occuring in rocklike masses in mines; mineral salt; salt dug from the earth. In the United States this name is sometimes given to salt in large crystals, formed by evaporation from sea water in large basins or cavities. -- Rock seal (Zoöl.), the harbor seal. See Seal. -- Rock shell (Zoöl.), any species of Murex, Purpura, and allied genera. -- Rock snake (Zoöl.), any one of several large pythons; as, the royal rock snake (Python regia) of Africa, and the rock snake of India (P. molurus). The Australian rock snakes mostly belong to the allied genus Morelia. -- Rock snipe (Zoöl.), the purple sandpiper (Tringa maritima); -- called also rock bird, rock plover, winter snipe. -- Rock soap (Min.), a kind of clay having a smooth, greasy feel, and adhering to the tongue. -- Rock sparrow. (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of several species of Old World sparrows of the genus Petronia, as P. stulla, of Europe. (b) A North American sparrow (Pucæa ruficeps). -- Rock tar, petroleum. -- Rock thrush (Zoöl.), any Old World thrush of the genus Monticola, or Petrocossyphus; as, the European rock thrush (M. saxatilis), and the blue rock thrush of India (M. cyaneus), in which the male is blue throughout. -- Rock tripe (Bot.), a kind of lichen (Umbilicaria Dillenii) growing on rocks in the northen parts of America, and forming broad, flat, coriaceous, dark fuscous or blackish expansions. It has been used as food in cases of extremity. -- Rock trout (Zoöl.), any one of several species of marine food fishes of the genus Hexagrammus, family Chiradæ, native of the North Pacific coasts; -- called also sea trout, boregat, bodieron, and starling. -- Rock warbler (Zoöl.), a small Australian singing bird (Origma rubricata) which frequents rocky ravines and water courses; -- called also cataract bird. -- Rock wren (Zoöl.), any one of several species of wrens of the genus Salpinctes, native of the arid plains of Lower California and Mexico.

Rock (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rocked (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Rocking.] [AS. roccian; akin to Dan. rokke to move, to snake; cf. Icel. rukkja to pull, move, G. rücken to move, push, pull.] 1. To cause to sway backward and forward, as a body resting on a support beneath; as, to rock a cradle or chair; to cause to vibrate; to cause to reel or totter.

A rising earthquake rocked the ground.


2. To move as in a cradle; hence, to put to sleep by rocking; to still; to quiet. "Sleep rock thy brain." Shak.

Rock differs from shake, as denoting a slower, less violent, and more uniform motion, or larger movements. It differs from swing, which expresses a vibratory motion of something suspended.

Rock, v. i. 1. To move or be moved backward and forward; to be violently agitated; to reel; to totter.

The rocking town
Supplants their footsteps.

J. Philips .

2. To roll or saway backward and forward upon a support; as, to rock in a rocking-chair.

Rock"a*way (?), [Probably from Rockaway beach, where it was used.] Formerly, a light, low, four-wheeled carriage, with standing top, open at the sides, but having waterproof curtains which could be let down when occasion required; now, a somewhat similar, but heavier, carriage, inclosed, except in front, and having a door at each side.

{ Rock"e*lay (?), Rock"lay (?) }, n. See Rokelay. [Scot.]

Rock"er, n. 1. One who rocks; specifically, one who rocks a cradle.

It was I, sir, said the rocker, who had the honor, some thirty years since, to attend on your highness in your infancy.


2. One of the curving pieces of wood or metal on which a cradle, chair, etc., rocks.

3. Any implement or machine working with a rocking motion, as a trough mounted on rockers for separating gold dust from gravel, etc., by agitation in water.

4. A play horse on rockers; a rocking- horse.

5. A chair mounted on rockers; a rocking- chair.

6. A skate with a curved blade, somewhat resembling in shape the rocker of a cradle.

7. (Mach.) Same as Rock shaft.

Rocker arm (Mach.), an arm borne by a rock shaft.

Rock"ered (?), a. (Naut.) Shaped like a rocker; curved; as, a rockered keel.

Rock"er*y (?), n. (Gardening) A mound formed of fragments of rock, earth, etc., and set with plants.

Rock"et (?), n. [F. roquette (cf. Sp. ruqueta, It ruchetta), fr. L. eruca.] (Bot.) (a) A cruciferous plant (Eruca sativa) sometimes eaten in Europe as a salad. (b) Damewort. (c) Rocket larkspur. See below.

Dyer's Rocket. (Bot.) See Dyer's broom, under Broom. -- Rocket larkspur (Bot.), an annual plant with showy flowers in long racemes (Delphinium Ajacis). -- Sea rocket (Bot.), either of two fleshy cruciferous plants (Cakile maritima and C. Americana) found on the seashore of Europe and America. -- Yellow rocket (Bot.), a common cruciferous weed with yellow flowers (Barbarea vulgaris).

Rock"et (?), n. [It. rocchetta, fr. rocca a distaff, of German origin. Named from the resemblance in shape to a distaff. See Rock a distaff.] 1. An artificial firework consisting of a cylindrical case of paper or metal filled with a composition of combustible ingredients, as niter, charcoal, and sulphur, and fastened to a guiding stick. The rocket is projected through the air by the force arising from the expansion of the gases liberated by combustion of the composition. Rockets are used as projectiles for various purposes, for signals, and also for pyrotechnic display.

2. A blunt lance head used in the joust.

Congreve rocket, a powerful form of rocket for use in war, invented by Sir William Congreve. It may be used either in the field or for bombardment; in the former case, it is armed with shells or case shot; in the latter, with a combustible material inclosed in a metallic case, which is inextinguishable when kindled, and scatters its fire on every side.

Rock"et, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rocketed; p. pr. & vb. n. Rocketing.] (Sporting) To rise straight up; said of birds; usually in the present participle or as an adjective. [Eng.]

An old cock pheasant came rocketing over me.

H. R. Haggard.

Rock"et*er (?), n. (Sporting) A bird, especially a pheasant, which, being flushed, rises straight in the air like a rocket. [Eng.]

Rock"fish` (?), n. (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of several California scorpænoid food fishes of the genus Sebastichthys, as the red rockfish (S. ruber). They are among the most important of California market fishes. Called also rock cod, and garrupa. (b) The striped bass. See Bass. (c) Any one of several species of Florida and Bermuda groupers of the genus Epinephelus. (d) An American fresh- water darter; the log perch.

The term is locally applied to various other fishes.

Rock"i*ness (?), n. [From Rocky.] The state or quality of being rocky.

Rock"ing, a. Having a swaying, rolling, or back-and-forth movement; used for rocking.

Rocking shaft. (Mach.) See Rock shaft.

Rock"ing-chair` (?), n. A chair mounted on rockers, in which one may rock.

Rock"ing-horse` (?), n. The figure of a horse, mounted upon rockers, for children to ride.

Rock"ing-stone` (?), n. A stone, often of great size and weight, resting upon another stone, and so exactly poised that it can be rocked, or slightly moved, with but little force.

Rock"less, a. Being without rocks. Dryden.

Rock"ling (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any species of small marine fishes of the genera Onos and Rhinonemus (formerly Motella), allied to the cod. They have three or four barbels.

Rock"rose` (?), n. (Bot.) A name given to any species of the genus Helianthemum, low shrubs or herbs with yellow flowers, especially the European H. vulgare and the American frostweed, H. Canadense.

Cretan rockrose, a related shrub (Cistus Creticus), one of the plants yielding the fragrant gum called ladanum.

Rock" shaft` (?). [Cf. Rock, v. i.] (Mach.) A shaft that oscillates on its journals, instead of revolving, -- usually carrying levers by means of which it receives and communicates reciprocating motion, as in the valve gear of some steam engines; -- called also rocker, rocking shaft, and way shaft.

Rock" staff` (?). [Cf. Rock, v. i.] An oscillating bar in a machine, as the lever of the bellows of a forge.

Rock"suck`er (?), n. (Zoöl.) A lamprey.

Rock"weed` (?), n. (Bot.) Any coarse seaweed growing on sea-washed rocks, especially Fucus.

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Rock"wood` (?), n. (Min.) Ligniform asbestus; also, fossil wood.

Rock"work` (?), n. 1. (Arch.) Stonework in which the surface is left broken and rough.

2. (Gardening) A rockery.

Rock"y (?), a. 1. Full of, or abounding in, rocks; consisting of rocks; as, a rocky mountain; a rocky shore.

2. Like a rock; as, the rocky orb of a shield. Milton.

3. Fig.: Not easily impressed or affected; hard; unfeeling; obdurate; as, a rocky bosom. Shak.

Rocky Mountain locust (Zoöl.), the Western locust, or grasshopper. See Grasshopper. - - Rocky Mountain sheep. (Zoöl.) See Bighorn.

Ro"coa (?), n. [Cf. F. rocou, roicou, Pg. & Braz, urucú.] The orange- colored pulp covering the seeds of the tropical plant Bixa Orellana, from which annotto is prepared. See Annoto.

Ro*co"co (?), n. [F.; of uncertain etymology.] A florid style of ornamentation which prevailed in Europe in the latter part of the eighteenth century.

Ro*co"co, a. Of or pertaining to the style called rococo; like rococo; florid; fantastic.

Rod (?), n. [The same word as rood. See Rood.] 1. A straight and slender stick; a wand; hence, any slender bar, as of wood or metal (applied to various purposes). Specifically: (a) An instrument of punishment or correction; figuratively, chastisement.

He that spareth his rod hateth his son.

Prov. xiii. 24.

(b) A kind of sceptor, or badge of office; hence, figuratively, power; authority; tyranny; oppression. "The rod, and bird of peace." Shak. (c) A support for a fishing line; a fish pole. Gay. (d) (Mach. & Structure) A member used in tension, as for sustaining a suspended weight, or in tension and compression, as for transmitting reciprocating motion, etc.; a connecting bar. (e) An instrument for measuring.

2. A measure of length containing sixteen and a half feet; -- called also perch, and pole.

Black rod. See in the Vocabulary. -- Rods and cones (Anat.), the elongated cells or elements of the sensory layer of the retina, some of which are cylindrical, others somewhat conical.

Rod"dy (?), a. Full of rods or twigs.

Rod"dy, a. Ruddy. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rode (?), n. [See Rud.] Redness; complexion. [Obs.] "His rode was red." Chaucer.

Rode, imp. of Ride.

Rode, n. See Rood, the cross. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ro"dent (?), a. [L. rodens, - entis, p. pr. of rodere to gnaw. See Rase, v. t., and cf. Rostrum.] 1. Gnawing; biting; corroding; (Med.) applied to a destructive variety of cancer or ulcer.

2. (Zoöl.) (a) Gnawing. (b) Of or pertaining to the Rodentia.

Ro"dent, n. (Zoöl.) One of the Rodentia.

||Ro*den"ti*a (?), n. pl. [NL. See Rodent, a.] (Zoöl.) An order of mammals having two (rarely four) large incisor teeth in each jaw, distant from the molar teeth. The rats, squirrels, rabbits, marmots, and beavers belong to this order.

The incisor teeth are long, curved, and strongly enameled on the outside, so as to keep a cutting edge. They have a persistent pulp and grow continuously.

||Ro*de"o (?), n. [SP., a going round.] A round-up. See Round-up. [Western U.S.]

Rodge (?), n. (Zoöl.) The gadwall. [Prov. Eng.]

Rod"o*mel (?), n. [Gr. &?;&?;&?; rose + &?;&?;&?; honey.] Juice of roses mixed with honey. Simmonds.

Rod"o*mont (?), n. [F. rodomont, It. rodomonte, fr. Rodomonte, Rodamonte, a boasting hero in the "Orlando Furioso" of Ariosto, and the "Orlando Innamorato" of Bojardo; properly, one who rolls away mountains; Prov. It. rodare to roll away (fr. L. rota a wheel) + It. monte a mountain, L. mons. See Rotary, Mount, n.] A vain or blustering boaster; a braggart; a braggadocio. Sir T. Herbert.

Rod"o*mont, a. Bragging; vainly boasting.

Rod`o*mon*tade" (?), n. [F., fr. It. rodomontana. See Rodomont, n.] Vain boasting; empty bluster or vaunting; rant.

I could show that the rodomontades of Almanzor are neither so irrational nor impossible.


Rod`o*mon*tade", v. i. To boast; to brag; to bluster; to rant.

Rod`o*mon*tad"ist (?), n. One who boasts.

Rod`o*mon*ta"do (?), n. Rodomontade.

Rod`o*mon*ta"dor (?), n. A rodomontadist.

Rods"man (?), n.; pl. Rodsmen (&?;). One who carries and holds a leveling staff, or rod, in a surveying party. G. W. Cable.

Ro"dy (?), a. Ruddy. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Roe (?), n. [OE. ro, AS. rh; akin to D. ree, G. reh, Icel. r, SW. .] (Zoöl.) (a) A roebuck. See Roebuck. (b) The female of any species of deer.

Roe, n. [For roan, OE. rowne, akin to G. rogen, OHG. rogan, Icel. hrogn, Dan. rogn, ravn, Sw. rom; of uncertain origin; cf. Gr. &?;&?;&?; pebble, Skr. &?;arkar gravel.] 1. (Zoöl.) The ova or spawn of fishes and amphibians, especially when still inclosed in the ovarian membranes. Sometimes applied, loosely, to the sperm and the testes of the male.

2. A mottled appearance of light and shade in wood, especially in mahogany.

Roe"buck` (?), n. [1st roe + buck.] (Zoöl.) A small European and Asiatic deer (Capreolus capræa) having erect, cylindrical, branched antlers, forked at the summit. This, the smallest European deer, is very nimble and graceful. It always prefers a mountainous country, or high grounds.

Roed (?), a. (Zoöl.) Filled with roe.

Roe"deer` (?), n. (Zoöl.) The roebuck.

Roe"stone` (?), n. (Min.) Same as Oölite.

Ro*ga"tion (?), n. [L. rogatio, fr. rogare, rogatum, to ask, beg, supplicate: cf. F. rogation. Cf. Abrogate, Arrogant, Probogue.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) The demand, by the consuls or tribunes, of a law to be passed by the people; a proposed law or decree.

2. (Eccl.) Litany; supplication.

He perfecteth the rogations or litanies before in use.


Rogation days (Eccl.), the three days which immediately precede Ascension Day; -- so called as being days on which the people, walking in procession, sang litanies of special supplication. -- Rogation flower (Bot.), a European species of milkwort (Polygala vulgaris); -- so called from its former use for garlands in Rogation week. Dr. Prior. -- Rogation week, the second week before Whitsunday, in which the Rogation days occur.

Rog"a*to*ry (?), a. [See Rogation.] Seeking information; authorized to examine witnesses or ascertain facts; as, a rogatory commission. Woolsey.

Rogue (?), n. [F. rogue proud, haughty, supercilious; cf. Icel. hr&?;kr a rook, croaker (cf. Rook a bird), or Armor. rok, rog, proud, arogant.] 1. (Eng.Law) A vagrant; an idle, sturdy beggar; a vagabond; a tramp.

The phrase rogues and vagabonds is applied to a large class of wandering, disorderly, or dissolute persons. They were formerly punished by being whipped and having the gristle of the right ear bored with a hot iron.

2. A deliberately dishonest person; a knave; a cheat.

The rogue and fool by fits is fair and wise.


3. One who is pleasantly mischievous or frolicsome; hence, often used as a term of endearment.

Ah, you sweet little rogue, you!


4. An elephant that has separated from a herd and roams about alone, in which state it is very savage.

5. (Hort.) A worthless plant occuring among seedlings of some choice variety.

Rogues' gallery, a collection of portraits of rogues or criminals, for the use of the police authorities. -- Rogue's march, derisive music performed in driving away a person under popular indignation or official sentence, as when a soldier is drummed out of a regiment. -- Rogue's yarn, yarn of a different twist and color from the rest, inserted into the cordage of the British navy, to identify it if stolen, or for the purpose of tracing the maker in case of defect. Different makers are required to use yarns of different colors.

Rogue, v. i. To wander; to play the vagabond; to play knavish tricks. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rogue, v. t. 1. To give the name or designation of rogue to; to decry. [Obs.] Cudworth.

2. (Hort.) To destroy (plants that do not come up to a required standard).

Rogu"er*y (?), n. 1. The life of a vargant. [Obs.]

2. The practices of a rogue; knavish tricks; cheating; fraud; dishonest practices.

'Tis no scandal grown,
For debt and roguery to quit the town.


3. Arch tricks; mischievousness.

Rogue"ship (?), n. The quality or state of being a rogue. [Jocose] "Your rogueship." Dryden.

Rogu"ish, a. 1. Vagrant. [Obs.] Spenser.

His roguish madness
Allows itself to anything.


2. Resembling, or characteristic of, a rogue; knavish.

3. Pleasantly mischievous; waggish; arch.

The most bewitching leer with her eyes, the most roguish cast.


-- Rogu"ish*ly, adv. -- Rogu"ish*ness, n.

Rogu"y (?), a. Roguish. [Obs.] L'Estrange.

Ro"hob (?), n. An inspissated juice. See Rob.

Roi"al (?), a. Royal. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Roil (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roiled; p. pr. & vb. n. Roiling.] [Cf. OE. roilen to wander; possibly fr. OF. roeler to roll, equiv. to F. rouler. See Roll, v., and cf. Rile.] 1. To render turbid by stirring up the dregs or sediment of; as, to roil wine, cider, etc. , in casks or bottles; to roil a spring.

2. To disturb, as the temper; to ruffle the temper of; to rouse the passion of resentment in; to perplex.

That his friends should believe it, was what roiled him [Judge Jeffreys] exceedingly.

R. North.

Provincial in England and colloquial in the United States. A commoner, but less approved, form is rile.

Roil, v. i. 1. To wander; to roam. [Obs.]

2. To romp. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

Roil"y (?), a. Turbid; as, roily water.

Roin (?), v. t. See Royne. [Obs.]

Roin, n. [F. rogne. See Roynish.] A scab; a scurf, or scurfy spot. [Obs.]

Roin"ish, a. See Roynish. [Obs.]

Roint (?), interj. See Aroint.

Roist (?), v. i. See Roister.

Roist"er (?), v. i. [Probably fr. F. rustre boor, a clown, clownish, fr. L. rustucus rustic. See Rustic.] To bluster; to swagger; to bully; to be bold, noisy, vaunting, or turbulent.

I have a roisting challenge sent amongst
The dull and factious nobles of the Greeks.


Roist"er (?), n. See Roisterer.

Roist"er*er (?), n. A blustering, turbulent fellow.

If two roisterers met, they cocked their hats in each other faces.


Roist"er*ly, a. Blustering; violent. [R.]

Roist"er*ly, adv. In a roistering manner. [R.]

Rok"am*bole (?), n. See Rocambole.

Roke (?), n. [See Reek.] 1. Mist; smoke; damp [Prov. Eng.] [Written also roak, rook, and rouk.]

2. A vein of ore. [Pov.Eng.] Halliwell.

{ Roke"age (?), Rok"ee (?), } n. [Cf. Nocake.] Parched Indian corn, pounded up and mixed with sugar; -- called also yokeage. [Local, U.S.]

Rok"e*lay (?), n. [Cf. Roquelaure.] A short cloak. [Written also rockelay, rocklay, etc.] [Scot.]

Rok"y (?), a. [See Roke.] Misty; foggy; cloudy. [Prov. Eng.] Ray.

Rôle (?), n. [F. See Roll.] A part, or character, performed by an actor in a drama; hence, a part of function taken or assumed by any one; as, he has now taken the rôle of philanthropist.

Title rôle, the part, or character, which gives the title to a play, as the part of Hamlet in the play of that name.

Roll (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rolled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rolling.] [OF. roeler, roler, F. rouler, LL. rotulare, fr. L. royulus, rotula, a little wheel, dim. of rota wheel; akin to G. rad, and to Skr. ratha car, chariot. Cf. Control, Roll, n., Rotary.] 1. To cause to revolve by turning over and over; to move by turning on an axis; to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a supporting surface; as, to roll a wheel, a ball, or a barrel.

2. To wrap round on itself; to form into a spherical or cylindrical body by causing to turn over and over; as, to roll a sheet of paper; to roll parchment; to roll clay or putty into a ball.

3. To bind or involve by winding, as in a bandage; to inwrap; -- often with up; as, to roll up a parcel.

4. To drive or impel forward with an easy motion, as of rolling; as, a river rolls its waters to the ocean.

The flood of Catholic reaction was rolled over Europe.

J. A. Symonds.

5. To utter copiously, esp. with sounding words; to utter with a deep sound; -- often with forth, or out; as, to roll forth some one's praises; to roll out sentences.

Who roll'd the psalm to wintry skies.


6. To press or level with a roller; to spread or form with a roll, roller, or rollers; as, to roll a field; to roll paste; to roll steel rails, etc.

7. To move, or cause to be moved, upon, or by means of, rollers or small wheels.

8. To beat with rapid, continuous strokes, as a drum; to sound a roll upon.

9. (Geom.) To apply (one line or surface) to another without slipping; to bring all the parts of (one line or surface) into successive contact with another, in suck manner that at every instant the parts that have been in contact are equal.

10. To turn over in one's mind; to revolve.

Full oft in heart he rolleth up and down
The beauty of these florins new and bright.


To roll one's self, to wallow. -- To roll the eye, to direct its axis hither and thither in quick succession. -- To roll one's r's, to utter the letter r with a trill. [Colloq.]

Roll, v. i. 1. To move, as a curved object may, along a surface by rotation without sliding; to revolve upon an axis; to turn over and over; as, a ball or wheel rolls on the earth; a body rolls on an inclined plane.

And her foot, look you, is fixed upon a spherical stone, which rolls, and rolls, and rolls.


2. To move on wheels; as, the carriage rolls along the street. "The rolling chair." Dryden.

3. To be wound or formed into a cylinder or ball; as, the cloth rolls unevenly; the snow rolls well.

4. To fall or tumble; -- with over; as, a stream rolls over a precipice.

5. To perform a periodical revolution; to move onward as with a revolution; as, the rolling year; ages roll away.

6. To turn; to move circularly.

And his red eyeballs roll with living fire.


7. To move, as waves or billows, with alternate swell and depression.

What different sorrows did within thee roll.


8. To incline first to one side, then to the other; to rock; as, there is a great difference in ships about rolling; in a general semse, to be tossed about.

Twice ten tempestuous nights I rolled.


9. To turn over, or from side to side, while lying down; to wallow; as, a horse rolls.

10. To spread under a roller or rolling-pin; as, the paste rolls well.

11. To beat a drum with strokes so rapid that they can scarcely be distinguished by the ear.

12. To make a loud or heavy rumbling noise; as, the thunder rolls.

To roll about, to gad abroad. [Obs.]

Man shall not suffer his wife go roll about.


Roll, n. [F. rôle a roll (in sense 3), fr. L. rotulus &?; little wheel, LL., a roll, dim. of L. rota a wheel. See Roll, v., and cf. Rôle, Rouleau, Roulette.] 1. The act of rolling, or state of being rolled; as, the roll of a ball; the roll of waves.

2. That which rolls; a roller. Specifically: (a) A heavy cylinder used to break clods. Mortimer. (b) One of a set of revolving cylinders, or rollers, between which metal is pressed, formed, or smoothed, as in a rolling mill; as, to pass rails through the rolls.

3. That which is rolled up; as, a roll of fat, of wool, paper, cloth, etc. Specifically: (a) A document written on a piece of parchment, paper, or other materials which may be rolled up; a scroll.

Busy angels spread
The lasting roll, recording what we say.


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(b) Hence, an official or public document; a register; a record; also, a catalogue; a list.

The rolls of Parliament, the entry of the petitions, answers, and transactions in Parliament, are extant.

Sir M. Hale.

The roll and list of that army doth remain.

Sir J. Davies.

(c) A quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form; as, a roll of carpeting; a roll of ribbon. (d) A cylindrical twist of tobacco.

4. A kind of shortened raised biscuit or bread, often rolled or doubled upon itself.

5. (Naut.) The oscillating movement of a vessel from side to side, in sea way, as distinguished from the alternate rise and fall of bow and stern called pitching.

6. A heavy, reverberatory sound; as, the roll of cannon, or of thunder.

7. The uniform beating of a drum with strokes so rapid as scarcely to be distinguished by the ear.

8. Part; office; duty; rôle. [Obs.] L'Estrange.

Long roll (Mil.), a prolonged roll of the drums, as the signal of an attack by the enemy, and for the troops to arrange themselves in line. -- Master of the rolls. See under Master. -- Roll call, the act, or the time, of calling over a list names, as among soldiers. -- Rolls of court, of parliament (or of any public body), the parchments or rolls on which the acts and proceedings of that body are engrossed by the proper officer, and which constitute the records of such public body. -- To call the roll, to call off or recite a list or roll of names of persons belonging to an organization, in order to ascertain who are present or to obtain responses from those present.

Syn. -- List; schedule; catalogue; register; inventory. See List.

Roll"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being rolled.

Roll"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, rolls; especially, a cylinder, sometimes grooved, of wood, stone, metal, etc., used in husbandry and the arts.

2. A bandage; a fillet; properly, a long and broad bandage used in surgery.

3. (Naut.) One of series of long, heavy waves which roll in upon a coast, sometimes in calm weather.

4. A long, belt-formed towel, to be suspended on a rolling cylinder; -- called also roller towel.

5. (Print.) A cylinder coated with a composition made principally of glue and molassess, with which forms of type are inked previously to taking an impression from them. W. Savage.

6. A long cylinder on which something is rolled up; as, the roller of a man.

7. A small wheel, as of a caster, a roller skate, etc.

8. (Zoöl.) ANy insect whose larva rolls up leaves; a leaf roller. see Tortrix.

9. [CF. F. rollier.] (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of Old World picarian birds of the family Coraciadæ. The name alludes to their habit of suddenly turning over or "tumbling" in flight.

Many of the species are brilliantly colored. The common European species (Coracias garrula) has the head, neck, and under parts light blue varied with green, the scapulars chestnut brown, and the tail blue, green, and black. The broad-billed rollers of India and Africa belong to the genus Eurystomus, as the oriental roller (E. orientalis), and the Australian roller, or dollar bird (E. Pacificus). The latter is dark brown on the head and neck, sea green on the back, and bright blue on the throat, base of the tail, and parts of the wings. It has a silvery-white spot on the middle of each wing.

10. (Zoöl.) Any species of small ground snakes of the family Tortricidæ.

Ground roller (Zoöl.), any one of several species of Madagascar rollers belonging to Atelornis and allied genera. They are nocturnal birds, and feed on the ground. -- Roller bolt, the bar in a carriage to which the traces are attached; a whiffletree. [Eng.] -- Roller gin, a cotton gin inn which rolls are used for separating the seeds from the fiber. -- Roller mill. See under Mill. -- Roller skate, a skate which has small wheels in the place of the metallic runner; -- designed for use in skating upon a smooth, hard surface, other than ice.

Roll"ey (-), n. [Probably fr. roll.] A small wagon used for the underground work of a mine. Tomlison.

Rol"lic (rl"lk), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rollicked (-lkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Rollicking.] [Corrupt. fr. frolic, under the influence of roll.] To move or play in a careless, swaggering manner, with a frolicsome air; to frolic; to sport; commonly in the form rollicking. [Colloq.]

He described his friends as rollicking blades.

T. Hook.

Roll"ing (?), a. 1. Rotating on an axis, or moving along a surface by rotation; turning over and over as if on an axis or a pivot; as, a rolling wheel or ball.

2. Moving on wheels or rollers, or as if on wheels or rollers; as, a rolling chair.

3. Having gradual, rounded undulations of surface; as, a rolling country; rolling land. [U.S.]

Rolling bridge. See the Note under Drawbridge. -- Rolling circle of a paddle wheel, the circle described by the point whose velocity equals the velocity of the ship. J. Bourne. -- Rolling fire (Mil.), a discharge of firearms by soldiers in line, in quick succession, and in the order in which they stand. -- Rolling friction, that resistance to motion experienced by one body rolling upon another which arises from the roughness or other quality of the surfaces in contact. -- Rolling mill, a mill furnished with heavy rolls, between which heated metal is passed, to form it into sheets, rails, etc. -- Rolling press. (a) A machine for calendering cloth by pressure between revolving rollers. (b) A printing press with a roller, used in copperplate printing. -- Rolling stock, or Rolling plant, the locomotives and vehicles of a railway. -- Rolling tackle (Naut.), tackle used to steady the yards when the ship rolls heavily. R. H. Dana, Jr.

Roll"ing-pin` (?), n. A cylindrical piece of wood or other material, with which paste or dough may be rolled out and reduced to a proper thickness.

Roll"way` (?), n. A place prepared for rolling logs into a stream.

Roll"y-po`ly (?), n. A kind of pudding made of paste spread with fruit, rolled into a cylindrical form, and boiled or steamed. -- a. Shaped like a rolly-poly; short and stout. [Written also roly- poly.]

Roll"y-pool`y (?), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] A game in which a ball, rolling into a certain place, wins. [Written also rouly-pouly.]

Ro"ly-po`ly (?), n. & a. Rolly- poly.

Rom"age (?), n. & v. See Rummage. [Obs.] Shak.

Ro*ma"ic (?), a. [NGr. &?;&?;&?;&?;: cf. F. romaïque. See Roman.] Of or relating to modern Greece, and especially to its language. -- n. The modern Greek language, now usually called by the Greeks Hellenic or Neo-Hellenic.

The Greeks at the time of the capture of Constantinople were proud of being "Romai^oi, or Romans . . . Hence the term Romaic was the name given to the popular language. . . . The Greek language is now spoken of as the Hellenic language. Encyc. Brit.

Ro"man (?), a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. Romaic, Romance, Romantic.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a Roman aqueduct; Roman art.

2. Of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic religion; professing that religion.

3. (Print.) (a) Upright; erect; -- said of the letters or kind of type ordinarily used, as distinguished from Italic characters. (b) Expressed in letters, not in figures, as I., IV., i., iv., etc.; -- said of numerals, as distinguished from the Arabic numerals, 1, 4, etc.

Roman alum (Chem.), a cubical potassium alum formerly obtained in large quantities from Italian alunite, and highly valued by dyers on account of its freedom from iron. -- Roman balance, a form of balance nearly resembling the modern steelyard. See the Note under Balance, n., 1. -- Roman candle, a kind of firework (generally held in the hand), characterized by the continued emission of shower of sparks, and the ejection, at intervals, of brilliant balls or stars of fire which are thrown upward as they become ignited. -- Roman Catholic, of, pertaining to, or the religion of that church of which the pope is the spiritual head; as, a Roman Catholic priest; the Roman Catholic Church. -- Roman cement, a cement having the property of hardening under water; a species of hydraulic cement. -- Roman law. See under Law. -- Roman nose, a nose somewhat aquiline. -- Roman ocher, a deep, rich orange color, transparent and durable, used by artists. Ure. -- Roman order (Arch.), the composite order. See Composite, a., 2.

Ro"man, n. 1. A native, or permanent resident, of Rome; a citizen of Rome, or one upon whom certain rights and privileges of a Roman citizen were conferred.

2. Roman type, letters, or print, collectively; -- in distinction from Italics.

Ro*mance" (?), n. [OE. romance, romant, romaunt, OF. romanz, romans, romant, roman, F. roman, romance, fr. LL. Romanice in the Roman language, in the vulgar tongue, i. e., in the vulgar language which sprang from Latin, the language of the Romans, and hence applied to fictitious compositions written in this vulgar tongue; fr. L. Romanicus Roman, fr. Romanus. See Roman, and cf. Romanic, Romaunt, Romansch, Romanza.] 1. A species of fictitious writing, originally composed in meter in the Romance dialects, and afterward in prose, such as the tales of the court of Arthur, and of Amadis of Gaul; hence, any fictitious and wonderful tale; a sort of novel, especially one which treats of surprising adventures usually befalling a hero or a heroine; a tale of extravagant adventures, of love, and the like. "Romances that been royal." Chaucer.

Upon these three columns -- chivalry, gallantry, and religion -- repose the fictions of the Middle Ages, especially those known as romances. These, such as we now know them, and such as display the characteristics above mentioned, were originally metrical, and chiefly written by nations of the north of France.


2. An adventure, or series of extraordinary events, resembling those narrated in romances; as, his courtship, or his life, was a romance.

3. A dreamy, imaginative habit of mind; a disposition to ignore what is real; as, a girl full of romance.

4. The languages, or rather the several dialects, which were originally forms of popular or vulgar Latin, and have now developed into Italian. Spanish, French, etc. (called the Romanic languages).

5. (Mus.) A short lyric tale set to music; a song or short instrumental piece in ballad style; a romanza.

Syn. -- Fable; novel; fiction; tale.

Ro*mance", a. Of or pertaining to the language or dialects known as Romance.

Ro*mance", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Romanced (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Romancing (?).] To write or tell romances; to indulge in extravagant stories.

A very brave officer, but apt to romance.


Ro*man"cer (?), n. One who romances.

Ro*man"cist (?), n. A romancer. [R.]

Ro*man"cy (?), a. Romantic. [R.]

Ro`man*esque" (?), a. [F. romanesque; cf. It. romanesco.] 1. (Arch.) Somewhat resembling the Roman; -- applied sometimes to the debased style of the later Roman empire, but esp. to the more developed architecture prevailing from the 8th century to the 12th.

2. Of or pertaining to romance or fable; fanciful.

Romanesque style (Arch.), that which grew up from the attempts of barbarous people to copy Roman architecture and apply it to their own purposes. This term is loosely applied to all the styles of Western Europe, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the appearance of Gothic architecture.

Ro`man*esque", n. Romanesque style.

Ro*man"ic (?), a. [L. Romanicus. See Romance, n.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome or its people.

2. Of or pertaining to any or all of the various languages which, during the Middle Ages, sprung out of the old Roman, or popular form of Latin, as the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Provencal, etc.

3. Related to the Roman people by descent; -- said especially of races and nations speaking any of the Romanic tongues.

Romanic spelling, spelling by means of the letters of the Roman alphabet, as in English; -- contrasted with phonetic spelling.

Ro"man*ish (?), a. Pertaining to Romanism.

Ro"man*ism (?), n. The tenets of the Church of Rome; the Roman Catholic religion.

Ro"man*ist, n. One who adheres to Romanism.

Ro"man*ize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Romanized (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Romanizing (?).] 1. To Latinize; to fill with Latin words or idioms. [R.] Dryden.

2. To convert to the Roman Catholic religion.

Ro"man*ize, v. i. 1. To use Latin words and idioms. "Apishly Romanizing." Milton.

2. To conform to Roman Catholic opinions, customs, or modes of speech.

Ro"man*i`zer (?), n. One who Romanizes.

Ro*mansch" (?), n. [Grisons rumansch, rumonsch, romonsch. See Romance.] The language of the Grisons in Switzerland, a corruption of the Latin. [Written also Romansch, and Rumonsch.]

Ro*mant" (?), n. A romaunt. [Obs.]

Ro*man"tic (?), a. [F. romantique, fr. OF. romant. See Romance.] 1. Of or pertaining to romance; involving or resembling romance; hence, fanciful; marvelous; extravagant; unreal; as, a romantic tale; a romantic notion; a romantic undertaking.

Can anything in nature be imagined more profane and impious, more absurd, and undeed romantic, than such a persuasion?


Zeal for the good of one's country a party of men have represented as chimerical and romantic.


2. Entertaining ideas and expectations suited to a romance; as, a romantic person; a romantic mind.

3. Of or pertaining to the style of the Christian and popular literature of the Middle Ages, as opposed to the classical antique; of the nature of, or appropriate to, that style; as, the romantic school of poets.

4. Characterized by strangeness or variety; suggestive of adventure; suited to romance; wild; picturesque; -- applied to scenery; as, a romantic landscape.

Syn. -- Sentimental; fanciful; fantastic; fictitious; extravagant; wild; chimerical. See Sentimental.

The romantic drama. See under Drama.

Ro*man"tic*al (?), a. Romantic.

Ro*man"tic*al*y, adv. In a romantic manner.

Ro*man"ti*cism (?), n. [CF. It. romanticismo, F. romantisme, romanticisme.] A fondness for romantic characteristics or peculiarities; specifically, in modern literature, an aiming at romantic effects; -- applied to the productions of a school of writers who sought to revive certain medi&?;val forms and methods in opposition to the so-called classical style.

He [Lessing] may be said to have begun the revolt from pseudo-classicism in poetry, and to have been thus unconsciously the founder of romanticism.


Ro*man"ti*cist (?), n. One who advocates romanticism in modern literature. J. R. Seeley.

Ro*man"tic*ly (?), adv. Romantically. [R.] Strype.

Ro*man"tic*ness (?), n. The state or quality of being romantic; widness; fancifulness. Richardson.

Rom"a*ny (?), n. [Gypsy romano, romani, adj., gypsy; cf. rom husband.] 1. A gypsy.

2. The language spoken among themselves by the gypsies. [Written also Rommany.]

||Ro*man"za (?), n. [It.] See Romance, 5.

Ro*maunt" (?), n. [See Romance.] A romantic story in verse; as, the "Romaunt of the Rose."

O, hearken, loving hearts and bold,
Unto my wild romaunt.

Mrs. Browning.

Rom"ble (?), v.& n. Rumble. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rom*bow"line (?), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Naut.) Old, condemned canvas, rope, etc., unfit for use except in chafing gear. [Written also rumbowline.]

{ Ro"me*ine (?), Ro"me*ite (?), } n. [F. roméine. So calledafter the French mineralogist Romé L'Isle.] (Min.) A mineral of a hyacinth or honey-yellow color, occuring in square octahedrons. It is an antimonate of calcium.

Rome"kin (?), n. [CF. Rummer.] A drinking cup. [Written also romkin.] [Obs.] Halliwell.

{ Rome" pen`ny (?), or Rome" scot` (?) }. See Peter pence, under Peter.

Rome"ward (?), adv. Toward Rome, or toward the Roman Catholic Church.

Rome"ward, a. Tending or directed toward Rome, or toward the Roman Catholic Church.

To analyze the crisis in its Anglican rather than in its Romeward aspect.


Rom"ic (?), n. A method of notation for all spoken sounds, proposed by Mr. Sweet; -- so called because it is based on the common Roman-letter alphabet. It is like the palæotype of Mr. Ellis in the general plan, but simpler.

Rom"ish (?), a. Belonging or relating to Rome, or to the Roman Catholic Church; -- frequently used in a disparaging sense; as, the Romish church; the Romish religion, ritual, or ceremonies.

Rom"ist, n. A Roman Catholic. [R.] South.

Romp (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Romped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Romping.] [A variant of ramp. See Ramp to leap, Rampallian.] To play rudely and boisterously; to leap and frisk about in play.

Romp, n. 1. A girl who indulges in boisterous play.

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2. Rude, boisterous play or frolic; rough sport.

While romp-loving miss
Is hauled about in gallantry robust.


Romp"ing (?), a. Inclined to romp; indulging in romps.

A little romping girl from boarding school.

W. Irving.

Romp"ing*ly, adv. In a romping manner.

Romp"ish, a. Given to rude play; inclined to romp.

--- Romp"ish, adv. -- Romp"ish*ness, n.

Rom"pu (?), a. [F. rompu, p. p. of rompre to breeak, L. rumpere. See Rupture.] (Her.) Broken, as an ordinary; cut off, or broken at the top, as a chevron, a bend, or the like.

Ron`ca*dor" (?), n. [Sp., a snorer, fr. roncar to snore. So called in allusion to the grunting noise made by them on being taken from the water. ] (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of California sciænoid food fishes, especially Roncador Stearnsi, which is an excellent market fish, and the red roncador (Corvina, or Johnius, saturna).

Ron"chil (?), n. [Cf. Sp. ronquillo slightly hoarse.] (Zoöl.) An American marine food fish (Bathymaster signatus) of the North Pacific coast, allied to the tilefish. [Written also ronquil.]

Ron"co (?), n. [Sp. ronco hoarse.] (Zoöl.) See Croaker, n., 2. (a). [Texas]

||Ron`dache" (?), n. [F.] (Anc. Armor.) A circular shield carried by foot soldiers.

||Ronde (?), n. [F.] (Print.) A kind of script in which the heavy strokes are nearly upright, giving the characters when taken together a round look.

Ron*deau" (?), n. [F. See Roundel.] [Written also rondo.] 1. A species of lyric poetry so composed as to contain a refrain or repetition which recurs according to a fixed law, and a limited number of rhymes recurring also by rule.

When the rondeau was called the rondel it was mostly written in fourteen octosyllabic lines of two rhymes, as in the rondels of Charles d'Orleans. . . . In the 17th century the approved form of the rondeau was a structure of thirteen verses with a refrain. Encyc. Brit.

2. (Mus.) See Rondo, 1.

Ron"del (?), n. [Cf. Rondeau, Roundel.] 1. (Fort.) A small round tower erected at the foot of a bastion. [Obs.]

2. [F.] (a) Same as Rondeau. (b) Specifically, a particular form of rondeau containing fourteen lines in two rhymes, the refrain being a repetition of the first and second lines as the seventh and eighth, and again as the thirteenth and fourteenth. E. W. Gosse.

||Ron`de*le"ti*a (?), n. [NL. So named after William Rondelet, a French naturalist.] (Bot.) A tropical genus of rubiaceous shrubs which often have brilliant flowers.

Ron"dle (?), n. [Cf. Rondel.] 1. A rondeau. [Obs.] Spenser.

2. A round mass, plate, or disk; especially (Metal.), the crust or scale which forms upon the surface of molten metal in the crucible.

Ron"do (?), n. [It. rondò, fr. F. rondeau. See Rondeau.] 1. (Mus.) A composition, vocal or instrumental, commonly of a lively, cheerful character, in which the first strain recurs after each of the other strains. "The Rondo-form was the earliest and most frequent definite mold for musical construction." Grove.

2. (Poetry) See Rondeau, 1.

Ron"dure (?), n. [Cf. F. rondeur roundness.] 1. A round; a circle. [Obs.] Shak.

2. Roundness; plumpness. [R.]

High-kirtled for the chase, and what was shown
Of maiden rondure, like the rose half-blown.


Rong (?), obs. imp. & p. p. of Ring. Chaucer.

Rong, n. Rung (of a ladder). [Obs.] Chaucer.

||Ron`geur" (?), n. [F., fr. ronger to gnaw.] (Surg.) An instrument for removing small rough portions of bone.

{ Ron"ion, Ron"yon } (?), n. [F. rogne scab, mange.] A mangy or scabby creature.

"Aroint thee, with!" the rump-fed ronyon cries.


Ron"ne (?), obs. imp. pl., and Ron"nen (&?;), obs. p. p. of Renne, to run. Chaucer.

Ront (?), n. [See Runt.] A runt. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rood (rd), n. [AS. rd a cross; akin to OS. rda, D. roede rod, G. ruthe, rute, OHG. ruota. Cf. Rod a measure.] 1. A representation in sculpture or in painting of the cross with Christ hanging on it.

Generally, the Trinity is represented, the Father as an elderly man fully clothed, with a nimbus around his head, and holding the cross on which the Son is represented as crucified, the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove near the Son's head. Figures of the Virgin Mary and of St. John are often placed near the principal figures.

Savior, in thine image seen
Bleeding on that precious rood.


2. A measure of five and a half yards in length; a rod; a perch; a pole. [Prov. Eng.]

3. The fourth part of an acre, or forty square rods.

By the rood, by the cross; -- a phrase formerly used in swearing. "No, by the rood, not so." Shak. -- Rood beam (Arch.), a beam across the chancel of a church, supporting the rood. -- Rood loft (Arch.), a loft or gallery, in a church, on which the rood and its appendages were set up to view. Gwilt. -- Rood screen (Arch.), a screen, between the choir and the body of the church, over which the rood was placed. Fairholt. -- Rood tower (Arch.), a tower at the intersection of the nave and transept of a church; -- when crowned with a spire it was called also rood steeple. Weale. -- Rood tree, the cross. [Obs.] "Died upon the rood tree." Gower.

Roo"de*bok (?), n. [D. rood red + bok buck.] (Zoöl.) The pallah.

Rood"y (?), a. Rank in growth. [Prov. Eng.]

Roof (?), n. [OE. rof, AS. hr&?;f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr&?;f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr&?;st roof, Goth. hr&?;t. Cf. Roost.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see Roofing) and all the materials and construction necessary to carry and maintain the same upon the walls or other uprights. In the case of a building with vaulted ceilings protected by an outer roof, some writers call the vault the roof, and the outer protection the roof mask. It is better, however, to consider the vault as the ceiling only, in cases where it has farther covering.

2. That which resembles, or corresponds to, the covering or the ceiling of a house; as, the roof of a cavern; the roof of the mouth.

The flowery roof
Showered roses, which the morn repaired.


3. (Mining.) The surface or bed of rock immediately overlying a bed of coal or a flat vein.

Bell roof, French roof, etc. (Arch.) See under Bell, French, etc. -- Flat roof. (Arch.) (a) A roof actually horizontal and level, as in some Oriental buildings. (b) A roof nearly horizontal, constructed of such material as allows the water to run off freely from a very slight inclination. -- Roof plate. (Arch.) See Plate, n., 10.

Roof (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roofed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Roofing.] 1. To cover with a roof.

I have not seen the remains of any Roman buildings that have not been roofed with vaults or arches.


2. To inclose in a house; figuratively, to shelter.

Here had we now our country's honor roofed.


Roof"er (?), n. One who puts on roofs.

Roof"ing, n. 1. The act of covering with a roof.

2. The materials of which a roof is composed; materials for a roof. Gwilt.

3. Hence, the roof itself; figuratively, shelter. "Fit roofing gave." Southey.

4. (Mining) The wedging, as of a horse or car, against the top of an underground passage. Raymond.

Roof"less, a. 1. Having no roof; as, a roofless house.

2. Having no house or home; shelterless; homeless.

Roof"let (?), n. A small roof, covering, or shelter.

Roof"tree` (?), n. The beam in the angle of a roof; hence, the roof itself.

Now for me the woods may wither, now for me the rooftree fall.


Roof`y (?), a. Having roofs. [R.] Dryden.

Rook (rk), n. Mist; fog. See Roke. [Obs.]

Rook, v. i. To squat; to ruck. [Obs.] Shak.

Rook, n. [F. roc (cf. Sp. roque), fr. Per. & Ar. rokh, or rukh, the rook or castle at chess, also the bird roc (in this sense perhaps a different word); cf. Hind. rath a war chariot, the castle at chess, Skr. ratha a car, a war car. Cf. Roll.] (Chess) One of the four pieces placed on the corner squares of the board; a castle.

Rook, n. [AS. hrc; akin to OHG. hruoh, ruoh, ruoho, Icel. hrkr, Sw. roka, Dan. raage; cf. Goth. hrukjan to crow.] 1. (Zoöl.) A European bird (Corvus frugilegus) resembling the crow, but smaller. It is black, with purple and violet reflections. The base of the beak and the region around it are covered with a rough, scabrous skin, which in old birds is whitish. It is gregarious in its habits. The name is also applied to related Asiatic species.

The rook . . . should be treated as the farmer's friend.


2. A trickish, rapacious fellow; a cheat; a sharper. Wycherley.

Rook, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Rooked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rooking.] To cheat; to defraud by cheating. "A band of rooking officials." Milton.

Rook"er*y (?), n.; pl. Rookeries (&?;). 1. The breeding place of a colony of rooks; also, the birds themselves. Tennyson.

2. A breeding place of other gregarious birds, as of herons, penguins, etc.

3. The breeding ground of seals, esp. of the fur seals.

4. A dilapidated building with many rooms and occupants; a cluster of dilapidated or mean buildings.

5. A brothel. [Low]

Rook"y (-), a. [See Roky.] Misty; gloomy. [Obs.]

Light thickens, and the crow
Makes wing to the rooky wood.


Some make this Shakespearean word mean "abounding in rooks."

Room (rm), n. [OE. roum, rum, space, AS. rm; akin to OS., OFries. & Icel. rm, D. ruim, G. raum, OHG. rm, Sw. & Dan. rum, Goth. rms, and to AS. rm, adj., spacious, D. ruim, Icel. rmr, Goth. rms; and prob. to L. rus country (cf. Rural), Zend ravah wide, free, open, ravan a plain.] 1. Unobstructed spase; space which may be occupied by or devoted to any object; compass; extent of place, great or small; as, there is not room for a house; the table takes up too much room.

Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.

Luke xiv. 22.

There was no room for them in the inn.

Luke ii. 7.

2. A particular portion of space appropriated for occupancy; a place to sit, stand, or lie; a seat.

If he have but twelve pence in his purse, he will give it for the best room in a playhouse.


When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room.

Luke xiv. 8.

3. Especially, space in a building or ship inclosed or set apart by a partition; an apartment or chamber.

I found the prince in the next room.


4. Place or position in society; office; rank; post; station; also, a place or station once belonging to, or occupied by, another, and vacated. [Obs.]

When he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judea in the room of his father Herod.

Matt. ii. 22.

Neither that I look for a higher room in heaven.


Let Bianca take her sister's room.


5. Possibility of admission; ability to admit; opportunity to act; fit occasion; as, to leave room for hope.

There was no prince in the empire who had room for such an alliance.


Room and space (Shipbuilding), the distance from one side of a rib to the corresponding side of the next rib; space being the distance between two ribs, in the clear, and room the width of a rib. -- To give room, to withdraw; to leave or provide space unoccupied for others to pass or to be seated. -- To make room, to open a space, way, or passage; to remove obstructions; to give room.

Make room, and let him stand before our face.


Syn. -- Space; compass; scope; latitude.

Room (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Roomed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rooming.] To occupy a room or rooms; to lodge; as, they arranged to room together.

Room, a. [AS. rm.] Spacious; roomy. [Obs.]

No roomer harbour in the place.


Room"age (?), n. [From Room. CF. Rummage.] Space; place; room. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton.

Room"er (?), n. A lodger. [Colloq.]

Room"er (?), adv. [See Room, a.] At a greater distance; farther off. [Obs.] Sir J. Harrington.

Room"ful (?), a. Abounding with room or rooms; roomy. "A roomful house." [R.] Donne.

Room"ful, n.; pl. Roomfuls (&?;). As much or many as a room will hold; as, a roomful of men. Swift.

Room"i*ly (?), adv. Spaciously.

Room"i*ness, n. The quality or state of being roomy; spaciousness; as, the roominess of a hall.

Room"less, a. Being without room or rooms. Udall.

Room"mate` (?), n. One of twe or more occupying the same room or rooms; one who shares the occupancy of a room or rooms; a chum.

Room"some (?), a. Roomy. [Obs.] Evelyn.

Roomth (?), n. Room; space. [Obs.] Drayton.

Roomth"y (?), a. Roomy; spacious. [Obs.] Fuller.

Room"y (?), a. Having ample room; spacious; large; as, a roomy mansion; a roomy deck. Dryden.

Roon (?), a. & n. Vermilion red; red. [R.]

Her face was like the lily roon.

J. R. Drake.

Roop (?), n. See Roup. [Prov. Eng.]

{ Roor"back, Roor"bach } (?), n. A defamatory forgery or falsehood published for purposes of political intrigue. [U.S.]

The word originated in the election canvass of 1844, when such a forgery was published, to the detriment of James K. Polk, a candidate for President, purporting to be an extract from the "Travels of Baron Roorbach."

Roo"sa oil` (?). The East Indian name for grass oil. See under Grass.

Roost (?), n. Roast. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Roost (?), v. t. See Roust, v. t.

Roost, n. [AS. hrst; akin to OD. roest roost, roesten to roost, and probably to E. roof. Cf. Roof.] 1. The pole or other support on which fowls rest at night; a perch.

He clapped his wings upon his roost.


2. A collection of fowls roosting together.

At roost, on a perch or roost; hence, retired to rest.

Roost, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Roosted; p. pr. & vb. n. Roosting.] 1. To sit, rest, or sleep, as fowls on a pole, limb of a tree, etc.; to perch. Wordsworth.

2. Fig.; To lodge; to rest; to sleep.

O, let me where thy roof my soul hath hid,
O, let me roost and nestle there.


Roost"cock` (?), n. The male of the domestic fowl; a cock. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

Roost"er (?), n. The male of the domestic fowl; a cock. [U.S.]

Nor, when they [the Skinners and Cow Boys] wrung the neck of a rooster, did they trouble their heads whether he crowed for Congress or King George.

W. Irving.

Root (?), v. i. [AS. wrtan; akin to wrt a snout, trunk, D. wroeten to root, G. rüssel snout, trunk, proboscis, Icel. rta to root, and perhaps to L. rodere to gnaw (E. rodent) or to E. root, n.] 1. To turn up the earth with the snout, as swine.

2. Hence, to seek for favor or advancement by low arts or groveling servility; to fawn servilely.

Root, v. t. To turn up or to dig out with the snout; as, the swine roots the earth.

Root, n. [Icel. rt (for vrt); akin to E. wort, and perhaps to root to turn up the earth. See Wort.] 1. (Bot.) (a) The underground portion of a plant, whether a true root or a tuber, a bulb or rootstock, as in the potato, the onion, or the sweet flag. (b) The descending, and commonly branching, axis of a plant, increasing in length by growth at its extremity only, not divided into joints, leafless and without buds, and having for its offices to fix the plant in the earth, to supply it with moisture and soluble matters, and sometimes to serve as a reservoir of nutriment for future growth. A true root, however, may never reach the ground, but may be attached to a wall, etc., as in the ivy, or may hang loosely in the air, as in some epiphytic orchids.

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2. An edible or esculent root, especially of such plants as produce a single root, as the beet, carrot, etc.; as, the root crop.

3. That which resembles a root in position or function, esp. as a source of nourishment or support; that from which anything proceeds as if by growth or development; as, the root of a tooth, a nail, a cancer, and the like. Specifically: (a) An ancestor or progenitor; and hence, an early race; a stem.

They were the roots out of which sprang two distinct people.


(b) A primitive form of speech; one of the earliest terms employed in language; a word from which other words are formed; a radix, or radical. (c) The cause or occasion by which anything is brought about; the source. "She herself . . . is root of bounty." Chaucer.

The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

1 Tim. vi. 10 (rev. Ver.)

(d) (Math.) That factor of a quantity which when multiplied into itself will produce that quantity; thus, 3 is a root of 9, because 3 multiplied into itself produces 9; 3 is the cube root of 27. (e) (Mus.) The fundamental tone of any chord; the tone from whose harmonics, or overtones, a chord is composed. Busby.

(f) The lowest place, position, or part. "Deep to the roots of hell." Milton. "The roots of the mountains." Southey.

4. (Astrol.) The time which to reckon in making calculations.

When a root is of a birth yknowe [known].


Aërial roots. (Bot.) (a) Small roots emitted from the stem of a plant in the open air, which, attaching themselves to the bark of trees, etc., serve to support the plant. (b) Large roots growing from the stem, etc., which descend and establish themselves in the soil. See Illust. of Mangrove. -- Multiple primary root (Bot.), a name given to the numerous roots emitted from the radicle in many plants, as the squash. -- Primary root (Bot.), the central, first-formed, main root, from which the rootlets are given off. -- Root and branch, every part; wholly; completely; as, to destroy an error root and branch. -- Root-and-branch men, radical reformers; -- a designation applied to the English Independents (1641). See Citation under Radical, n., 2. -- Root barnacle (Zoöl.), one of the Rhizocephala. -- Root hair (Bot.), one of the slender, hairlike fibers found on the surface of fresh roots. They are prolongations of the superficial cells of the root into minute tubes. Gray. -- Root leaf (Bot.), a radical leaf. See Radical, a., 3 (b). -- Root louse (Zoöl.), any plant louse, or aphid, which lives on the roots of plants, as the Phylloxera of the grapevine. See Phylloxera. -- Root of an equation (Alg.), that value which, substituted for the unknown quantity in an equation, satisfies the equation. -- Root of a nail (Anat.), the part of a nail which is covered by the skin. -- Root of a tooth (Anat.), the part of a tooth contained in the socket and consisting of one or more fangs. -- Secondary roots (Bot.), roots emitted from any part of the plant above the radicle. -- To strike root, To take root, to send forth roots; to become fixed in the earth, etc., by a root; hence, in general, to become planted, fixed, or established; to increase and spread; as, an opinion takes root. "The bended twigs take root." Milton.

Root (rt), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rooted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rooting.] 1. To fix the root; to enter the earth, as roots; to take root and begin to grow.

In deep grounds the weeds root deeper.


2. To be firmly fixed; to be established.

If any irregularity chanced to intervene and to cause misappehensions, he gave them not leave to root and fasten by concealment.

Bp. Fell.

Root, v. t. 1. To plant and fix deeply in the earth, or as in the earth; to implant firmly; hence, to make deep or radical; to establish; -- used chiefly in the participle; as, rooted trees or forests; rooted dislike.

2. To tear up by the root; to eradicate; to extirpate; -- with up, out, or away. "I will go root away the noisome weeds." Shak.

The Lord rooted them out of their land . . . and cast them into another land.

Deut. xxix. 28.

Root"cap` (rt"kp`), n. (Bot.) A mass of parenchymatous cells which covers and protects the growing cells at the end of a root; a pileorhiza.

Root"ed, a. Having taken root; firmly implanted; fixed in the heart. "A rooted sorrow." Shak.

-- Root"ed*ly, adv. -- Root"ed*ness, n.

Rooter (?), n. One who, or that which, roots; one that tears up by the roots.

Root"er*y, n. A pile of roots, set with plants, mosses, etc., and used as an ornamental object in gardening.

Root"less, a. Destitute of roots.

Root"let (?), n. A radicle; a little root.

Root"stock` (?), n. (Bot.) A perennial underground stem, producing leafly s&?;ems or flower stems from year to year; a rhizome.

Root"y (?), a. Full of roots; as, rooty ground.

Ro*pal"ic (?), a. See Rhopalic.

Rope (?), n. [AS. rp; akin to D. reep, G. reif ring hoop, Icel. reip rope, Sw. rep, Dan. reb, reeb Goth. skaudaraip latchet.] 1. A large, stout cord, usually one not less than an inch in circumference, made of strands twisted or braided together. It differs from cord, line, and string, only in its size. See Cordage.

2. A row or string consisting of a number of things united, as by braiding, twining, etc.; as, a rope of onions.

3. pl. The small intestines; as, the ropes of birds.

Rope ladder, a ladder made of ropes. -- Rope mat., a mat made of cordage, or strands of old rope. -- Rope of sand, something of no cohession or fiber; a feeble union or tie; something not to be relied upon. -- Rope pump, a pump in which a rapidly running endless rope raises water by the momentum communicated to the water by its adhesion to the rope. -- Rope transmission (Mach.), a method of transmitting power, as between distant places, by means of endless ropes running over grooved pulleys. -- Rope's end, a piece of rope; especially, one used as a lash in inflicting punishment. -- To give one rope, to give one liberty or license; to let one go at will uncheked.

Rope (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Roped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Roping.] To be formed into rope; to draw out or extend into a filament or thread, as by means of any glutinous or adhesive quality.

Let us not hang like ropingicicles
Upon our houses' thatch.


Rope, v. t. 1. To bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord; as, to rope a bale of goods. Hence: --

2. To connect or fasten together, as a party of mountain climbers, with a rope.

3. To partition, separate, or divide off, by means of a rope, so as to include or exclude something; as, to rope in, or rope off, a plot of ground; to rope out a crowd.

4. To lasso (a steer, horse). [Colloq. U.S.]

5. To draw, as with a rope; to entice; to inveigle; to decoy; as, to rope in customers or voters. [Slang, U.S.]

6. To prevent from winning (as a horse), by pulling or curbing. [Racing Slang, Eng.]

Rope"band` (?), n. (Naut.) A small piece of spun yarn or marline, used to fasten the head of the sail to the spar. [Written also roband, and robbin.]

Rope"dan`cer (?), n. One who dances, walks, or performs acrobatic feats, on a rope extended through the air at some height. -- Rope"dan`cing, n.

Rop"er (?), n. 1. A maker of ropes. P. Plowman.

2. One who ropes goods; a packer.

3. One fit to be hanged. [Old Slang] Douce.

Rop"er*y (?), n. 1. A place where ropes are made.

2. Tricks deserving the halter; roguery. [Obs.] "Saucy merchant . . . so full of his ropery." Shak.

Rope's"-end` (?), v. t. To punish with a rope's end.

Rope"walk` (?), a. A long, covered walk, or a low, level building, where ropes are manufactured.

Rope"walk`er (?), n. A ropedancer.

Rope"-yarn` (?), n. the yarn or thread of any stuff of which the strands of a rope are made.

Rop"i*ly (?), adv. In a ropy manner; in a viscous or glutinous manner.

Rop"i*ness, n. Quality of being ropy; viscosity.

Rop"ish, a. Somewhat ropy.

Rop"y (?), a. capable of being drawn into a thread, as a glutinous substance; stringy; viscous; tenacious; glutinous; as ropy sirup; ropy lees.

Roq"ue*laure (?; 277), n. [F.; so called after Duc de Roquelaure, in the reign of Louis XIV.] A cloak reaching about to, or just below, the knees, worn in the 18th century. [Written also roquelo.]

Ro*quet" (?), v. t. [Etymol. uncertain] (Croquet) To hit, as another's ball, with one's own ball.

Ro*quet", v. i. To hit another's ball with one's own.

Ro"ral (?), a. [L. ros, roris, dew.] Of or pertaining to dew; consisting of dew; dewy. [R.] M. Green.

Ro*ra"tion (?), n. [L. roratio, fr. rorare to drop dew, fr. ros dew.] A falling of dew. [R.]

Ro"ric (?), a. [L. ros, roris, dew.] Of or pertaining to dew; resembling dew; dewy.

Roric figures (Physics), figures which appear upon a polished surface, as glass, when objects which have been near to, or in contact with, the surface are removed and the surface breathed upon; -- called also Moser's images.

Ro"rid (?), a. [L. roridus, fr. ros, roris, dew.] Dewy; bedewed. [R.] T. Granger.

Ro*rif"er*ous (?), a. [L. rorifer; ros, roris, dew + ferre to bear: cf. F. rorifère.] generating or producing dew. [R.]

Ro*rif"lu*ent (?), a. [L. ros, roris, dew + fluens, p. pr. of fluere to flow.] Flowing with dew. [R.]

Ror"qual (?), n. [Norw. rorqualus a whale with folds.] (Zoöl.) A very large North Atlantic whalebone whale (Physalus antiquorum, or Balænoptera physalus). It has a dorsal fin, and strong longitudinal folds on the throat and belly. Called also razorback.

It is one of the largest of the whales, somethimes becoming nearly one hundred feet long, but it is more slender than the right whales, and is noted for its swiftness. The name is sometimes applied to other related species of finback whales.

Ro"ru*lent (?), a. [L. rorulentus, from ros, roris, dew.] 1. Full of, or abounding in, dew. [R.]

2. (Zoöl.) Having the surface appearing as if dusty, or covered with fine dew.

Ro"ry (?), a. [L. ros, roris, dew.] Dewy. [R.]

And shook his wings with rory May-dew wet.


Ro*sa"ceous (?), a. [L. rosaceus, fr. rosa rose.] 1. (Bot.) (a) Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Rosaceæ) of which the rose is the type. It includes also the plums and cherries, meadowsweet, brambles, the strawberry, the hawthorn, applies, pears, service trees, and quinces. (b) Like a rose in shape or appearance; as, a rosaceous corolla.

2. Of a pure purpish pink color.

Ro*sac"ic (?), a. [See Rosaceous.] (Old med. Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (called also lithic acid) found in certain red precipitates of urine. See Uric. [Obs.]

Ro*sal"gar (?), n. realgar. [Obs.] chaucer.

||Ro*sa"li*a (?), n. [Cf. F. rosalie.] (Mus.) A form of melody in which a phrase or passage is successively repeated, each time a step or half step higher; a melodic sequence.

Ros*an"i*line (? or ?), n. [Rose + aniline.] (Chem.) A complex nitrogenous base, C20H21N3O, obtained by oxidizing a mixture of aniline and toluidine, as a colorless crystalline substance which forms red salts. These salts are essential components of many of the socalled aniline dyes, as fuchsine, aniline red, etc. By extension, any one of the series of substances derived from, or related to, rosaniline proper.

Ro*sa"ri*an (?), n. A cultivator of roses.

Ro"sa*ry (?), n.; pl. Rosaries (#). [LL. rosarium a string of beads, L. rosarium a place planted with roses, rosa a rose: cf. F. rosaire. See Rose.] 1. A bed of roses, or place where roses grow. "Thick rosaries of scented thorn." Tennyson.

2. (R.C.Ch.) A series of prayers (see Note below) arranged to be recited in order, on beads; also, a string of beads by which the prayers are counted.

His idolized book, and the whole rosary of his prayers.


A rosary consists of fifteen decades. Each decade contains ten Ave Marias marked by small beads, preceded by a Paternoster, marked by a larger bead, and concluded by a Gloria Patri. Five decades make a chaplet, a third part of the rosary. Bp. Fitzpatrick.

3. A chapelet; a garland; a series or collection, as of beautiful thoughts or of literary selections.

Every day propound to yourself a rosary or chaplet of good works to present to God at night.

Jer. Taylor.

4. A coin bearing the figure of a rose, fraudulently circulated in Ireland in the 13th century for a penny.

Rosary shell (Zoöl.), any marine gastropod shell of the genus Monodonta. They are top-shaped, bright-colored and pearly.

Ros"cid (?), a. [L. roscidus, fr. ros, roris, dew.] Containing, or consisting of, dew; dewy. [R.] Bacon.

Ros"coe*lite (?), n. [From an English chemist, H.E. Roscoe + -lite.] (Min.) A green micaceous mineral occurring in minute scales. It is essentially a silicate of aluminia and potash containing vanadium.

Rose (?), imp. of Rise.

Rose, n. [AS. rose, L. rosa, probably akin to Gr. &?;, Armor. vard, OPer. vareda; and perhaps to E. wort: cf. F. rose, from the Latin. Cf. Copperas, Rhododendron.] 1. A flower and shrub of any species of the genus Rosa, of which there are many species, mostly found in the morthern hemispere

Roses are shrubs with pinnate leaves and usually prickly stems. The flowers are large, and in the wild state have five petals of a color varying from deep pink to white, or sometimes yellow. By cultivation and hybridizing the number of petals is greatly increased and the natural perfume enhanced. In this way many distinct classes of roses have been formed, as the Banksia, Baurbon, Boursalt, China, Noisette, hybrid perpetual, etc., with multitudes of varieties in nearly every class.

2. A knot of ribbon formed like a rose; a rose knot; a rosette, esp. one worn on a shoe. Sha.

3. (Arch.) A rose window. See Rose window, below.

4. A perforated nozzle, as of a pipe, spout, etc., for delivering water in fine jets; a rosehead; also, a strainer at the foot of a pump.

5. (Med.) The erysipelas. Dunglison.

6. The card of the mariner's compass; also, a circular card with radiating lines, used in other instruments.

7. The color of a rose; rose-red; pink.

8. A diamond. See Rose diamond, below.

Cabbage rose, China rose, etc. See under Cabbage, China, etc. -- Corn rose (Bot.) See Corn poppy, under Corn. -- Infantile rose (Med.), a variety of roseola. -- Jamaica rose. (Bot.) See under Jamaica. -- Rose acacia (Bot.), a low American leguminous shrub (Robinia hispida) with handsome clusters of rose-colored blossoms. -- Rose aniline. (Chem.) Same as Rosaniline. -- Rose apple (Bot.), the fruit of the tropical myrtaceous tree Eugenia Jambos. It is an edible berry an inch or more in diameter, and is said to have a very strong roselike perfume. -- Rose beetle. (Zoöl.) (a) A small yellowish or buff longlegged beetle (Macrodactylus subspinosus), which eats the leaves of various plants, and is often very injurious to rosebushes, apple trees, grapevines, etc. Called also rose bug, and rose chafer. (b) The European chafer. -- Rose bug. (Zoöl.) same as Rose beetle, Rose chafer. -- Rose burner, a kind of gas-burner producing a rose-shaped flame. -- Rose camphor (Chem.), a solid odorless substance which separates from rose oil. -- Rose campion. (Bot.) See under Campion. -- Rose catarrh (Med.), rose cold. -- Rose chafer. (Zoöl.) (a) A common European beetle (Cetonia aurata) which is often very injurious to rosebushes; -- called also rose beetle, and rose fly. (b) The rose beetle (a). -- Rose cold (Med.), a variety of hay fever, sometimes attributed to the inhalation of the effluvia of roses. See Hay fever, under Hay. -- Rose color, the color of a rose; pink; hence, a beautiful hue or appearance; fancied beauty, attractiveness, or promise. <! p. 1252 !> -- Rose de Pompadour, Rose du Barry, names succesively given to a delicate rose color used on Sèvres porcelain. -- Rose diamond, a diamond, one side of which is flat, and the other cut into twenty-four triangular facets in two ranges which form a convex face pointed at the top. Cf. Brilliant, n. -- Rose ear. See under Ear. -- Rose elder (Bot.), the Guelder-rose. -- Rose engine, a machine, or an appendage to a turning lathe, by which a surface or wood, metal, etc., is engraved with a variety of curved lines. Craig. -- Rose family (Bot.) the Roseceæ. See Rosaceous. -- Rose fever (Med.), rose cold. -- Rose fly (Zoöl.), a rose betle, or rose chafer. -- Rose gall (Zoöl.), any gall found on rosebushes. See Bedeguar. -- Rose knot, a ribbon, or other pliade band plaited so as to resemble a rose; a rosette. -- Rose lake, Rose madder, a rich tint prepared from lac and madder precipitated on an earthy basis. Fairholt. -- Rose mallow. (Bot.) (a) A name of several malvaceous plants of the genus Hibiscus, with large rose-colored flowers. (b) the hollyhock. -- Rose nail, a nail with a convex, faceted head. -- Rose noble, an ancient English gold coin, stamped with the figure of a rose, first struck in the reign of Edward III., and current at 6s. 8d. Sir W. Scott. -- Rose of China. (Bot.) See China rose (b), under China. -- Rose of Jericho (Bot.), a Syrian cruciferous plant (Anastatica Hierochuntica) which rolls up when dry, and expands again when moistened; -- called also resurrection plant. - - Rose of Sharon (Bot.), an ornamental malvaceous shrub (Hibiscus Syriacus). In the Bible the name is used for some flower not yet identified, perhaps a Narcissus, or possibly the great lotus flower. -- Rose oil (Chem.), the yellow essential oil extracted from various species of rose blossoms, and forming the chief part of attar of roses. -- Rose pink, a pigment of a rose color, made by dyeing chalk or whiting with a decoction of Brazil wood and alum; also, the color of the pigment. -- Rose quartz (Min.), a variety of quartz which is rose- red. -- Rose rash. (Med.) Same as Roseola. -- Rose slug (Zoöl.), the small green larva of a black sawfly (Selandria rosæ). These larvæ feed in groups on the parenchyma of the leaves of rosebushes, and are often abundant and very destructive. -- Rose window (Arch.), a circular window filled with ornamental tracery. Called also Catherine wheel, and marigold window. Cf. wheel window, under Wheel. -- Summer rose (Med.), a variety of roseola. See Roseola. -- Under the rose [a translation of L. sub rosa], in secret; privately; in a manner that forbids disclosure; -- the rose being among the ancients the symbol of secrecy, and hung up at entertainments as a token that nothing there said was to be divulged. -- Wars of the Roses (Eng. Hist.), feuds between the Houses of York and Lancaster, the white rose being the badge of the House of York, and the red rose of the House of Lancaster.

Rose (?), v. t. 1. To render rose-colored; to redden; to flush. [Poetic] "A maid yet rosed over with the virgin crimson of modesty." Shak.

2. To perfume, as with roses. [Poetic] Tennyson.

Ro"se*al (?), a. [L. roseus, fr. rosa a rose.] resembling a rose in smell or color. [Obs.] Sir T. Elyot.

Ro"se*ate (?), a. [Cf. L. roseus, rosatus, prepared from roses. See Roseal, Rose.] 1. Full of roses; rosy; as, roseate bowers.

2. resembling a rose in color or fragrance; esp., tinged with rose color; blooming; as, roseate beauty; her roseate lips.

Roseate tern (Zoöl.), an American and European tern (Sterna Dougalli) whose breast is roseate in the breeding season.

Rose"bay` (?), n. (Bot.) (a) the oleander. [Obs.] (b) Any shrub of the genus Rhododendron. [U.S.] (c) An herb (Epilobium spicatum) with showy purple flowers, common in Europe and North America; -- called also great willow herb.

Rose"bud` (?), n. The flower of a rose before it opens, or when but partially open.

Rose"bush` (?), n. The bush or shrub which bears roses.

Rose"-col`ored (?), a. 1. Having the color of a pink rose; rose-pink; of a delicate pink color.

2. Uncommonly beautiful; hence, extravagantly fine or pleasing; alluring; as, rose-colored anticipations.

Rose"-cut` (?), a. Cut flat on the reverse, and with a convex face formed of triangular facets in rows; - - said of diamonds and other precious stones. See Rose diamond, under Rose. Cf. Brilliant, n.

Rose"drop`, n. 1. A lozenge having a rose flavor.

2. A kind of earring. Simmonds.

3. (Med.) A ruddy eruption upon the nose caused by drinking ardent spirits; a grog blossom.

Rose"finch (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of Asiatic finches of the genera Carpodacus, and Propasser, and allied genera, in which the male is more or less colored with rose red.

Rose"fish` (?), n. (Zoöl.) A large marine scorpænoid food fish (Sebastes marinus) found on the northern coasts of Europe and America. called also red perch, hemdurgan, Norway haddok, and also, erroneously, snapper, bream, and bergylt.

When full grown it is usually bright rose-red or orange-red; the young are usually mottled with red and ducky brown.

Rose"head` (?), n. 1. See Rose, n., 4.

2. A many-sided pyramidal head upon a nail; also a nail with such a head.

Ro"se*ine (? or ?), n. See Magenta.

Ro"se*lite (?), n. [From the German mineralogist G. Rose + -lite.] (Min.) A hydrous arsenite of cobalt, occuring in small red crystals, allied to erythrite.

||Ro"sel"la (?), n. [NL., dim. of L. rosa rose.] (Zoöl.) A beautiful Australian parrakeet (Platycercus eximius) often kept as a cage bird. The head and back of the neck are scarlet, the throat is white, the back dark green varied with lighter green, and the breast yellow.

Ro*selle" (?), n. (Bot.) a malvaceous plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) cultivated in the east and West Indies for its fleshy calyxes, which are used for making tarts and jelly and an acid drink.

Rose`mal"oes (?), n. [From the native name; cf. Malay rasamla the name of the tree.] The liquid storax of the East Indian Liquidambar orientalis.

Rose"ma*ry (?), n. [OE. rosmarine, L. rosmarinus; ros dew (cf. Russ. rosa, Lith. rasa, Skr. rasa juice) + marinus marine: cf. F. romarin. In English the word has been changed as if it meant the rose of Mary. See Marine.] A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy.

There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.


Marsh rosemary. (a) A little shrub (Andromeda polifolia) growing in cold swamps and having leaves like those of the rosemary. (b) See under Marsh. -- Rosemary pine, the loblolly pine. See under Loblolly.

Ros"en (?), a. Consisting of roses; rosy. [Obs.]

Ro"sen*mül`ler's or"gan (?). [So named from its first describer, J. C. Rosenmüller, a German anatomist.] (Anat.) The parovarium.

Ro"se*o- (?). (Chem.) A prefix (also used adjectively) signifying rose-red; specifically used to designate certain rose-red compounds (called roseo-cobaltic compounds) of cobalt with ammonia. Cf. Luteo-.

||Ro*se"o*la (?), n. [NL., dim. of L. rosa a rose.] (med.) A rose-colored efflorescence upon the skin, occurring in circumscribed patches of little or no elevation and often alternately fading and reviving; also, an acute specific disease which is characterized by an eruption of this character; -- called also rose rash. -- Ro*se"o*lous (#), a.

Rose"-pink` (?), a. 1. Having a pink color like that of the rose, or like the pigment called rose pink. See Rose pink, under Rose.

2. Disposed to clothe everything with roseate hues; hence, sentimental. "Rose-pink piety." C. Kingsley.

Ros"er (?), n. A rosier; a rosebush. [Obs.]

Rose"-red` (?), a. Red as a rose; specifically (Zoöl.), of a pure purplish red color. Chaucer.

Rose"-ri`al (?), n. [See Rose, and Royal.] A name of several English gold coins struck in different reigns and having having different values; a rose noble.

Rose"root` (?), n. (Bot.) A fleshy-leaved herb (Rhodiola rosea); rosewort; -- so called because the roots have the odor of roses.

Ros"er*y (?), n. A place where roses are cultivated; a nursery of roses. See Rosary, 1.

Ro"set (?), n. [F. rosette. See Rosette.] A red color used by painters. Peacham.

Ro-set"ta stone` (?). A stone found at Rosetta, in Egypt, bearing a trilingual inscription, by aid of which, with other inscriptions, a key was obtained to the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt. Brande & C.

Ro*set"ta wood` (?). An east Indian wood of a reddish orange color, handsomely veined with darker marks. It is occasionally used for cabinetwork. Ure.

Ro*sette (?), n. [F., dim. of rose a rose. Cf. Roset.] 1. An imitation of a rose by means of ribbon or other material, -- used as an ornament or a badge.

2. (Arch.) An ornament in the form of a rose or roundel, -much used in decoration.

3. A red color. See Roset.

4. A rose burner. See under Rose.

5. (Zoöl.) (a) Any structure having a flowerlike form; especially, the group of five broad ambulacra on the upper side of the spatangoid and clypeastroid sea urchins. See Illust. of Spicule, and Sand dollar, under Sand. (b) A flowerlike color marking; as, the rosettes on the leopard.

Rose" wa`ter (?). Water tinctured with roses by distillation.

Rose"-wa`ter, a. Having the odor of rose water; hence, affectedly nice or delicate; sentimental. "Rose-water philanthropy." Carlyle.

Rose"wood (?), n. A valuable cabinet wood of a dark red color, streaked and variegated with black, obtained from several tropical leguminous trees of the genera Dalbergia and Machærium. The finest kind is from Brazil, and is said to be from the Dalbergia nigra.

African rosewood, the wood of the leguminous tree Pterocarpus erinaceus. -- Jamaica rosewood, the wood of two West Indian trees (Amyris balsamifera, and Linocieria ligustrina). -- New South Wales rosewood, the wood of Trichilia glandulosa, a tree related to the margosa.

Rose"worm` (?), n. (Zoöl.) The larva of any one of several species of lepidopterous insects which feed upon the leaves, buds, or blossoms of the rose, especially Cacæcia rosaceana, which rolls up the leaves for a nest, and devours both the leaves and buds.

Rose"wort` (?), n. (Bot.) (a) Roseroot. (b) Any plant nearly related to the rose. Lindley.

Ros`i*cru"cian (?), n. [The name is probably due to a German theologian, Johann Valentin Andreä, who in anonymous pamphlets called himself a knight of the Rose Cross (G. Rosenkreuz), using a seal with a St. Andrew's cross and four roses.)] One who, in the 17th century and the early part of the 18th, claimed to belong to a secret society of philosophers deeply versed in the secrets of nature, -- the alleged society having existed, it was stated, several hundred years.

The Rosicrucians also called brothers of the Rosy Cross, Rosy-cross Knights, Rosy-cross philosophers, etc. Among other pretensions, they claimed to be able to transmute metals, to prolong life, to know what is passing in distant places, and to discover the most hidden things by the application of the Cabala and science of numbers.

Ros`i*cru"cian (?), a. Of or pertaining to the Rosicrucians, or their arts.

Ros"ied (?), a. Decorated with roses, or with the color of roses.

Ro"sier (?), n. [F., fr. L. rosarius of roses. Cf. Rosary.] A rosebush; roses, collectively. [Obs.]

Crowned with a garland of sweet rosier.


Ros"i*ly (?), adv. In a rosy manner. M. Arnold.

Ros"in (?), n. [A variant of resin.] The hard, amber-colored resin left after distilling off the volatile oil of turpentine; colophony.

Rosin oil, an oil obtained from the resin of the pine tree, -- used by painters and for lubricating machinery, etc.

Ros"in, v. t. To rub with rosin, as musicians rub the bow of a violin.

Or with the rosined bow torment the string.


Ros"i*ness (?), n. The quality of being rosy.

Ros"in*weed` (?), n. (Bot.) (a) The compass plant. See under Compass. (b) A name given in California to various composite plants which secrete resins or have a resinous smell.

Ros"in*y (?), a. like rosin, or having its qualities.

Ros"land (?), n. [W. rhos a meadow, a moor + E. land.] heathy land; land full of heather; moorish or watery land. [prov. Eng.]

Ros"ma*rine` (?), n. [OE. See Rosemary.] 1. Dew from the sea; sea dew. [Obs.]

That purer brine
And wholesome dew called rosmarine.

B. Jonson.

2. Rosemary. [Obs.] Spenser. "Biting on anise seed and rosmarine." Bp. Hall.

Ros"ma*rine, n. [Norw. rosmar a walrus; ros a horse (akin to E. horse) + (probably) mar the sea.] A fabulous sea animal which was reported to climb by means of its teeth to the tops of rocks to feed upon the dew.

And greedly rosmarines with visages deforme.


Ro*sol"ic (?), a. [Rose + carbolic.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, a complex red dyestuff (called rosolic acid) which is analogous to rosaniline and aurin. It is produced by oxidizing a mixture of phenol and cresol, as a dark red amorphous mass, C20H16O3, which forms weak salts with bases, and stable ones with acids. Called also methyl aurin, and, formerly, corallin.

Ross (?); 115), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] The rough, scaly matter on the surface of the bark of trees. [Prov. Eng. & Local, U.S.]

Ross, v. t. To divest of the ross, or rough, scaly surface; as, to ross bark. [Local, U.S.]

Ros"sel (?), n. Light land; rosland. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Mortimer.

Ros"sel cur`rent (?). [From Rossel Island, in the Louisiade Archipelago.] (Oceanography) A portion of the southern equatorial current flowing westward from the Fiji Islands to New Guinea.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Ros"sel*ly (?), a. Loose; light. [Obs.] Mortimer.

Rost (?), n. See Roust. [Scot.] Jamieson.

Ros"tel (?), n. [L. rostellum, dim. of rostrum a beak: cf. F. rostelle.] same as Rostellum.

Ros*tel"lar (?), a. Pertaining to a rostellum.

Ros"tel*late (?), a. [NL. rostellatus.] Having a rostellum, or small beak; terminating in a beak.

Ros*tel"li*form (?), a. Having the form of a rostellum, or small beak.

||Ros*tel"lum (?), n.; pl. Rostella (#). [L. See Rostel.] A small beaklike process or extension of some part; a small rostrum; as, the rostellum of the stigma of violets, or of the operculum of many mosses; the rostellum on the head of a tapeworm.

Ros"ter (?), n. [Perhaps a corruption of register; or cf. roll.] (Mil.) A register or roll showing the order in which officers, enlisted men, companies, or regiments are called on to serve.

Ros"tra (?), n. pl. See Rostrum, 2.

Ros"tral (?), a. [L. rostralis, fr. rostrum a beak; cf. F. rostral.] Of or pertaining to the beak or snout of an animal, or the beak of a ship; resembling a rostrum, esp., the rostra at Rome, or their decorations.

[Monuments] adorned with rostral crowns and naval ornaments.


{ Ros"trate (?), Ros"tra*ted (?) }, a. [L. rostratus, fr. rostrum a beak. See Rostrum.] 1. Having a process resembling the beak of a bird; beaked; rostellate.

2. Furnished or adorned with beaks; as, rostrated galleys.

||Ros*trif"e*ra (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. L. rostrum beak + ferre to bear.] (Zoöl.) A division of pectinibranchiate gastropods, having the head prolonged into a snout which is not retractile.

Ros"tri*form (?), a. [L. rostrum a beak + -form: cf. F. rostrifarme.] Having the form of a beak.

||Ros"tru*lum (-tr*lm), n.; pl. Rostrula (#). [NL., dim. of L. rostrum a beak.] A little rostrum, or beak, as of an insect.

Ros"trum (-trm), n.; pl. L. Rostra (#), E. Rostrums (#). [L., beak, ship's beak, fr. rodere, rosum, to gnaw. See Rodent.] 1. The beak or head of a ship.

<! p. 1253 !>

2. pl. (Rostra) (Rom. Antiq.) The Beaks; the stage or platform in the forum where orations, pleadings, funeral harangues, etc., were delivered; -- so called because after the Latin war, it was adorned with the beaks of captured vessels; later, applied also to other platforms erected in Rome for the use of public orators.

3. Hence, a stage for public speaking; the pulpit or platform occupied by an orator or public speaker.

Myself will mount the rostrum in his favor.


4. (Zoöl.) (a) Any beaklike prolongation, esp. of the head of an animal, as the beak of birds. (b) The beak, or sucking mouth parts, of Hemiptera. (c) The snout of a gastropod mollusk. See Illust. of Littorina. (d) The anterior, often spinelike, prolongation of the carapace of a crustacean, as in the lobster and the prawn.

5. (Bot.) Same as Rostellum.

6. (Old Chem.) The pipe to convey the distilling liquor into its receiver in the common alembic. Quincy.

7. (Surg.) A pair of forceps of various kinds, having a beaklike form. [Obs.] Coxe.

Ro"su*late (?), a. [NL. rosulatus, fr. L. rosa a rose.] (Bot.) Arranged in little roselike clusters; -- said of leaves and bracts.

Ros"y (?), a. [Compar. Rosier (?); superl. Rosiest.] Resembling a rose in color, form, or qualities; blooming; red; blushing; also, adorned with roses.

A smile that glowed
Celestial rosy-red, love's proper hue.


While blooming youth and gay delight
Sit thy rosy cheeks confessed.


Rosy is sometimes used in the formation of self&?;xplaining compounde; as, rosy-bosomed, rosy- colored, rosy-crowned, rosy-fingered, rosy- tinted.

Rosy cross. See the Note under Rosicrucian, n.

Rot (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rotted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rotting.] [OE. rotien, AS. rotian; akin to D. rotten, Prov. G. rotten, OHG. rozz&?;n, G. rösten to steep flax, Icel. rotna to rot, Sw. ruttna, Dan. raadne, Icel. rottin rotten. √117. Cf. Ret, Rotten.] 1. To undergo a process common to organic substances by which they lose the cohesion of their parts and pass through certain chemical changes, giving off usually in some stages of the process more or less offensive odors; to become decomposed by a natural process; to putrefy; to decay.

Fixed like a plant on his peculiar spot,
To draw nutrition, propagate, and rot.


2. Figuratively: To perish slowly; to decay; to die; to become corrupt.

Four of the sufferers were left to rot in irons.


Rot, poor bachelor, in your club.


Syn. -- To putrefy; corrupt; decay; spoil.

Rot, v. t. 1. To make putrid; to cause to be wholly or partially decomposed by natural processes; as, to rot vegetable fiber.

2. To expose, as flax, to a process of maceration, etc., for the purpose of separating the fiber; to ret.

Rot, n. 1. Process of rotting; decay; putrefaction.

2. (Bot.) A disease or decay in fruits, leaves, or wood, supposed to be caused by minute fungi. See Bitter rot, Black rot, etc., below.

3. [Cf. G. rotz glanders.] A fatal distemper which attacks sheep and sometimes other animals. It is due to the presence of a parasitic worm in the liver or gall bladder. See 1st Fluke, 2.

His cattle must of rot and murrain die.


Bitter rot (Bot.), a disease of apples, caused by the fungus Glæosporium fructigenum. F. L. Scribner. -- Black rot (Bot.), a disease of grapevines, attacking the leaves and fruit, caused by the fungus Læstadia Bidwellii. F. L. Scribner. -- Dry rot (Bot.) See under Dry. -- Grinder's rot (Med.) See under Grinder. -- Potato rot. (Bot.) See under Potato. -- White rot (Bot.), a disease of grapes, first appearing in whitish pustules on the fruit, caused by the fungus Coniothyrium diplodiella. F. L. Scribner.

||Ro"ta (?), n. [L. rota wheel. The name is said to allude to the design of the floor of the room in which the court used to sit, which was that of a wheel. See Rotary.] 1. An ecclesiastical court of Rome, called also Rota Romana, that takes cognizance of suits by appeal. It consists of twelve members.

2. (Eng. Hist.) A short-lived political club established in 1659 by J.Harrington to inculcate the democratic doctrine of election of the principal officers of the state by ballot, and the annual retirement of a portion of Parliament.

Ro"ta (?), n. (Mus.) A species of zither, played like a guitar, used in the Middle Ages in church music; -- written also rotta.

Ro"ta*cism (?), n. See Rhotacism.

Ro"tal (?), a. Relating to wheels or to rotary motion; rotary. [R.]

Ro"ta*lite (?), n. [L. rota wheel + -lite.] (Paleon.) Any fossil foraminifer of the genus Rotalia, abundant in the chalk formation. See Illust. under Rhizopod.

Ro"ta*ry (?), a. [L. rota a wheel. See Roll, v., and cf. barouche, Rodomontade, Roué, Round, a., Rowel.] Turning, as a wheel on its axis; pertaining to, or resembling, the motion of a wheel on its axis; rotatory; as, rotary motion.

Rotary engine, steam engine in which the continuous rotation of the shaft is produced by the direct action of the steam upon rotating devices which serve as pistons, instead of being derived from a reciprocating motion, as in the ordinary engine; a steam turbine; -- called also rotatory engine. -- Rotary pump, a pump in which the fluid is impelled by rotating devices which take the place of reciprocating buckets or pistons. -- Rotary shears, shears, as for cloth, metal, etc., in which revolving sharp-edged or sharp-cornered wheels do the cutting. -- Rotary valve, a valve acting by continuous or partial rotation, as in the four-way cock.

Ro"ta*scope (?), n. [L. rota a wheel + -scope.] Same as Gyroscope, 1.

Ro"tate (?), a. [L. rotatus, p. p. of rotare to turn round like a wheel, fr. rota wheel. See Rotary, and cf. Roue.] Having the parts spreading out like a wheel; wheel-shaped; as, a rotate spicule or scale; a rotate corolla, i.e., a monopetalous corolla with a flattish border, and no tube or a very short one.

Ro"tate (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rotated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rotating.] 1. To turn, as a wheel, round an axis; to revolve.

2. To perform any act, function, or operation in turn, to hold office in turn; as, to rotate in office.

Ro"tate, v. i. 1. To cause to turn round or revolve, as a wheel around an axle.

2. To cause to succeed in turn; esp., to cause to succeed some one, or to be succeeded by some one, in office. [Colloq.] "Both, after a brief service, were rotated out of office." Harper's Mag.

Ro"ta*ted (?), a. Turned round, as a wheel; also, wheel-shaped; rotate.

Ro*ta"tion (?), n. [L. rotatio: cf. F. rotation.] 1. The act of turning, as a wheel or a solid body on its axis, as distinguished from the progressive motion of a revolving round another body or a distant point; thus, the daily turning of the earth on its axis is a rotation; its annual motion round the sun is a revolution.

2. Any return or succesion in a series.

Moment of rotation. See Moment of inertia, under Moment. -- Rotation in office, the practice of changing public officers at frequent intervals by discharges and substitutions. -- Rotation of crops, the practices of cultivating an orderly succession of different crops on the same land.

Ro*ta"tion (?), a. Pertaining to, or resulting from, rotation; of the nature of, or characterized by, rotation; as, rotational velocity.

Ro"ta*tive (?), a. [Cf. F. rotatif.] turning, as a wheel; rotary; rotational.

This high rotative velocity of the sun must cause an equatorial rise of the solar atmosphere.


Rotative engine, a steam engine in which the reciprocating motion of the piston is transformed into a continuous rotary motion, as by means of a connecting rod, a working beam and crank, or an oscillating cylinder.

Ro*ta"tor (?), n. [L.] 1. (Anat.) that which gives a rotary or rolling motion, as a muscle which partially rotates or turns some part on its axis.

2. (Metal.) A revolving reverberatory furnace.

||Ro`ta*to"ri*a (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) Same as Rotifera.

Ro"ta*to*ry (?), a. [Cf. F. rotatoire. See Rotate, Rotary.] 1. Turning as on an axis; rotary.

2. Going in a circle; following in rotation or succession; as, rotatory assembles. Burke.

3. (Opt.) Producing rotation of the plane of polarization; as, the rotatory power of bodies on light. See the Note under polarization. Nichol.

Ro"ta*to*ry, n. (Zoöl.) A rotifer. [R.] Kirby.

Rotche (?), n. (Zoöl.) A very small arctic sea bird (Mergulus alle, or Alle alle) common on both coasts of the Atlantic in winter; -- called also little auk, dovekie, rotch, rotchie, and sea dove.

Rotch"et (?), n. (Zoöl.) The European red gurnard (Trigla pini).

Rote (?), n. A root. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rote (?), n. [OE. rote, probably of German origin; cf. MHG. rotte, OHG. rota, hrota, LL. chrotta. Cf. Crowd a kind of violin.] (Mus.) A kind of guitar, the notes of which were produced by a small wheel or wheel-like arrangement; an instrument similar to the hurdy-gurdy.

Well could he sing and play on a rote.


extracting mistuned dirges from their harps, crowds, and rotes.

Sir W. Scott.

Rote, n. [Cf. Rut roaring.] The noise produced by the surf of the sea dashing upon the shore. See Rut.

Rote, n. [OF. rote, F. route, road, path. See Route, and cf. Rut a furrow, Routine.] A frequent repetition of forms of speech without attention to the meaning; mere repetition; as, to learn rules by rote. Swift.

till he the first verse could [i. e., knew] all by rote.


Thy love did read by rote, and could not spell.


Rote, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roted; p. pr. & vb. n. Roting.] To learn or repeat by rote. [Obs.] Shak.

Rote, v. i. To go out by rotation or succession; to rotate. [Obs.] Z. Grey.

Ro*tel"la (?), n. [NL., dim. of rota wheel; cf. LL. rotella a little whell.] (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of small, polished, brightcolored gastropods of the genus Rotella, native of tropical seas.

Rot"gut (?), n. 1. Bad small beer. [Slang]

2. Any bad spirituous liquor, especially when adulterated so as to be very deleterious. [Slang]

Roth"er (?), a. [AS. hryðer; cf. D. rund.] (Zoöl.) Bovine. -- n. A bovine beast. [Obs.] Shak.

Rother beasts, cattle of the bovine genus; black cattle. [Obs.] Golding. -- Rother soil, the dung of rother beasts.

Roth"er, n. [OE. See Rudder.] A rudder.

Rother nail, a nail with a very full head, used for fastening the rudder irons of ships; -- so called by shipwrights.

Ro"ti*fer (?; 277), n. [NL. see Rotifera.] (Zoöl.) One of the Rotifera. See Illust. in Appendix.

||Ro*tif"e*ra (?), n.; pl. [NL., from L. rota &?; wheel + ferre to bear.] (Zoöl.) An order of minute worms which usually have one or two groups of vibrating cilia on the head, which, when in motion, often give an appearance of rapidly revolving wheels. The species are very numerous in fresh waters, and are very diversified in form and habits.

Ro"ti*form (?), a. [L. rota wheel + -form.] 1. Wheel-shaped; as, rotiform appendages.

2. (Bot.) Same as Rotate.

Rot"ta (?), n. (Mus.) See Rota.

Rot"ten (?), a. [Icel. rotinn; akin to Sw. rutten, Dan. radden. See Rot.] Having rotted; putrid; decayed; as, a rotten apple; rotten meat. Hence: (a) Offensive to the smell; fetid; disgusting.

You common cry of curs! whose breath I hate
As reek of the rotten fens.


(b) Not firm or trusty; unsound; defective; treacherous; unsafe; as, a rotten plank, bone, stone. "The deepness of the rotten way." Knolles.

Rotten borough. See under Borough. -- Rotten stone (Min.), a soft stone, called also Tripoli (from the country from which it was formerly brought), used in all sorts of finer grinding and polishing in the arts, and for cleaning metallic substances. The name is also given to other friable siliceous stones applied to like uses.

Syn. -- Putrefied; decayed; carious; defective; unsound; corrupt; deceitful; treacherous.

-- Rot"ten*ly, adv. -- Rot"ten*ness, n.

||Rot"u*la (?), n. [L., a little wheel; cf. It. rotula.] (Anat.) The patella, or kneepan.

Rot"u*lar (?), a. [L. rotula, dim. of rota wheel.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the rotula, or kneepan.

Ro*tund" (?), a. [L. rotundus. See Round, and cf. Rotunda.] 1. Round; circular; spherical.

2. Hence, complete; entire.

3. (Bot.) Orbicular, or nearly so. Gray.

Ro*tund", n. A rotunda. [Obs.] Burke.

Ro*tun"da (?), n. [Cf. It. rotonda, F. rotonde; both fr. L. rotundus round. See Rotund, a.] (Arch.) A round building; especially, one that is round both on the outside and inside, like the Pantheon at Rome. Less properly, but very commonly, used for a large round room; as, the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington.

Ro*tund"ate (?), a. Rounded; especially, rounded at the end or ends, or at the corners.

Ro*tund`i*fo"li*ous (?), a. [L. rotundus round + folium a leaf.] (Bot.) Having round leaves.

Ro*tund"i*ty (?), n. [L. rotunditas: cf. F. rotondité.] 1. The state or quality of being rotu&?;; roundness; sphericity; circularity.

Smite flat the thick rotundity o'the world!


2. Hence, completeness; entirety; roundness.

For the more rotundity of the number and grace of the matter, it passeth for a full thousand.


A boldness and rotundity of speech.


Ro*tund"ness, n. Roundness; rotundity.

Ro*tun"do (?), n. See Rotunda.

Ro*tur"er (?), n. A roturier. [Obs.] Howell.

||Ro`tu`rier" (?), n. [F.] A person who is not of noble birth; specif., a freeman who during the prevalence of feudalism held allodial land.

Rot"y (?), v. t. [See Rot.] To make rotten. [Obs.]

Well bet is rotten apple out of hoard,
Than that it roty all the remenant.


||Rou"ble (?), n. A coin. See Ruble.

Rouche (?), n. See Ruche.

||Rou`é" (?), n. [F., properly p. p. of rouer to break upon the wheel, fr. roue a wheel, L. rota. See Rotate, Rotary.] One devoted to a life of sensual pleasure; a debauchee; a rake.

||Rou`et" (?), n. [F.] A small wheel formerly fixed to the pan of firelocks for discharging them. Crabb.

Rouge (?), a. [F., fr. L. rubeus red, akin to rubere to be red, ruber red. See Red.] red. [R.]

||Rouge et noir (&?;) [F., red and black], a game at cards in which persons play against the owner of the bank; -- so called because the table around which the players sit has certain compartments colored red and black, upon which the stakes are deposited. Hoyle.

Rouge, n. [F.] 1. (Chem.) A red amorphous powder consisting of ferric oxide. It is used in polishing glass, metal, or gems, and as a cosmetic, etc. Called also crocus, jeweler's rouge, etc.

2. A cosmetic used for giving a red color to the cheeks or lips. The best is prepared from the dried flowers of the safflower, but it is often made from carmine. Ure.

Rouge, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rouged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rouging .] To paint the face or cheeks with rouge.

Rouge, v. t. To tint with rouge; as, to rouge the face or the cheeks.

Rouge`croix" (? or ?), n. [F., literally, red cross.] (Her.) One of the four pursuivants of the English college of arms.

Rouge" drag`on (?), n. [F., literally, red dragon.] (Her.) One of the four pursuivants of the English college of arms.

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Rough (?), a. [Compar. Rougher (?); superl. Roughest.] [OE. rou&?;, rou, row, rugh, ruh, AS. r&?;h; akin to LG. rug, D. rug, D. ruig, ruw, OHG. r&?;h, G. rauh, rauch; cf. Lith. raukas wrinkle, rukti to wrinkle. √ 18. Cf. Rug, n.] 1. Having inequalities, small ridges, or points, on the surface; not smooth or plain; as, a rough board; a rough stone; rough cloth. Specifically: (a) Not level; having a broken surface; uneven; -- said of a piece of land, or of a road. "Rough, uneven ways." Shak.

(b) Not polished; uncut; -- said of a gem; as, a rough diamond. (c) Tossed in waves; boisterous; high; -- said of a sea or other piece of water.

More unequal than the roughest sea.

T. Burnet.

(d) Marked by coarseness; shaggy; ragged; disordered; -- said of dress, appearance, or the like; as, a rough coat. "A visage rough." Dryden. "Roughsatyrs." Milton.

2. Hence, figuratively, lacking refinement, gentleness, or polish. Specifically: (a) Not courteous or kind; harsh; rude; uncivil; as, a rough temper.

A fiend, a fury, pitiless and rough.


A surly boatman, rough as wayes or winds.


(b) Marked by severity or violence; harsh; hard; as, rough measures or actions.

On the rough edge of battle.


A quicker and rougher remedy.


Kind words prevent a good deal of that perverseness which rough and imperious usage often produces.


(c) Loud and hoarse; offensive to the ear; harsh; grating; -- said of sound, voice, and the like; as, a rough tone; rough numbers. Pope.

(d) Austere; harsh to the taste; as, rough wine. (e) Tempestuous; boisterous; stormy; as, rough weather; a rough day.

He stayeth his rough wind.

Isa. xxvii. 8.

Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.


(f) Hastily or carelessly done; wanting finish; incomplete; as, a rough estimate; a rough draught.

Rough diamond, an uncut diamond; hence, colloquially, a person of intrinsic worth under a rude exterior. -- Rough and ready. (a) Acting with offhand promptness and efficiency. "The rough and ready understanding." Lowell.

(b) Produced offhand. "Some rough and ready theory." Tylor.

Rough, n. 1. Boisterous weather. [Obs.] Fletcher.

2. A rude fellow; a coarse bully; a rowdy.

In the rough, in an unwrought or rude condition; unpolished; as, a diamond or a sketch in the rough.

Contemplating the people in the rough.

Mrs. Browning.

Rough, adv. In a rough manner; rudely; roughly.

Sleeping rough on the trenches, and dying stubbornly in their boats.

Sir W. Scott.

Rough, v. t. 1. To render rough; to roughen.

2. To break in, as a horse, especially for military purposes. Crabb.

3. To cut or make in a hasty, rough manner; -- with out; as, to rough out a carving, a sketch.

Roughing rolls, rolls for reducing, in a rough manner, a bloom of iron to bars. -- To rough it, to endure hard conditions of living; to live without ordinary comforts.

Rough`cast" (?), v. t. 1. To form in its first rudiments, without revision, correction, or polish. Dryden.

2. To mold without nicety or elegance; to form with asperities and inequalities.

3. To plaster with a mixture of lime and shells or pebbles; as, to roughcast a building.

Rough"cast`, n. 1. A rude model; the rudimentary, unfinished form of a thing.

2. A kind of plastering made of lime, with a mixture of shells or pebbles, used for covering buildings. Shak.

Rough"cast`er (?), n. One who roughcasts.

Rough"draw` (?), v. t. To draw or delineate rapidly and by way of a first sketch.

Rough"dry` (?), v. t. in laundry work, to dry without smoothing or ironing.

Rough"en (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roughened (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Roughening.] [From Rough.] To make rough.

Rough"en, v. i. To grow or become rough.

Rough"-foot`ed (?), a. (Zoöl.) Feather-footed; as, a rough-footed dove. [R.] Sherwood.

Rough"-grained (?), a. Having a rough grain or fiber; hence, figuratively, having coarse traits of character; not polished; brisque.

Rough"head` (?), n. (Zoöl.) The redfin.

Rough"hew` (?), v. t. 1. To hew coarsely, without smoothing; as, to roughhew timber.

2. To give the first form or shape to; to form rudely; to shape approximately and rudely; to roughcast.

There's a divinity that shapes our ends,
Roughhew them how we will.


Rough"hew`er (?), n. One who roughhews.

Rough"hewn` (?), a. 1. Hewn coarsely without smoothing; unfinished; not polished.

2. Of coarse manners; rude; uncultivated; rough-grained. "A roughhewn seaman." Bacon.

Rough"ing-in` (?), n. The first coat of plaster laid on brick; also, the process of applying it.

Rough"ings (?), n. pl. Rowen. [Prov. Eng.]

Rough"ish, a. Somewhat rough.

Rough"leg` (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of several species of large hawks of the genus Archibuteo, having the legs feathered to the toes. Called also rough-legged hawk, and rough-legged buzzard.

The best known species is Archibuteo lagopus of Northern Europe, with its darker American variety (Sancti- johannis). The latter is often nearly or quite black. The ferruginous roughleg (Archibuteo ferrugineus) inhabits Western North America.

Rough"-legged` (?), a. (Zoöl.) Having the legs covered with feathers; -- said of a bird.

rough-legged hawk. (Zoöl.) See Roughleg.

Rough"ly, adv. In a rough manner; unevenly; harshly; rudely; severely; austerely.

Rough"ness, n. The quality or state of being rough.

Rough"rid`er (?), n. One who breaks horses; especially (Mil.), a noncommissioned officer in the British cavalry, whose duty is to assist the riding master.

Rough"scuff (?), n. [Rough + scuff.] A rough, coarse fellow; collectively, the lowest class of the people; the rabble; the riffraff. [Colloq. U.S.]

Rough"set`ter (?), n. A mason who builds rough stonework.

Rough"shod (?), a. Shod with shoes armed with points or calks; as, a roughshod horse.

To ride roughshod, to pursue a course regardless of the pain or distress it may cause others.

Rough"strings` (?), n. pl. (Capr.) Pieces of undressed timber put under the steps of a wooden stair for their support.

Rought (?), obs. imp. of Reach.

Rought, obs. imp. of Reck, to care. Chaucer.

Rough"tail` (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any species of small ground snakes of the family Uropeltidæ; -- so called from their rough tails.

Rough"work` (?), v. t. To work over coarsely, without regard to nicety, smoothness, or finish. Moxon.

Rough"wrought` (?), a. Wrought in a rough, unfinished way; worked over coarsely.

Rouk (?), v. i. See 5th Ruck, and Roke. [Obs.]

||Rou`lade" (?), n. [F.] (Mus.) A smoothly running passage of short notes (as semiquavers, or sixteenths) uniformly grouped, sung upon one long syllable, as in Handel's oratorios.

||Rou`leau" (?), n.; pl. F. Rouleaux (F. &?;; E. &?;), E. Rouleaus (#). [F., a roll, dim. fr. fr. rôle, formerly also spelt roulle. See Roll.] A little roll; a roll of coins put up in paper, or something resembling such a roll.

Rou*lette" (?), n. [F., properly, a little wheel or ball. See Rouleau, Roll.] 1. A game of chance, in which a small ball is made to move round rapidly on a circle divided off into numbered red and black spaces, the one on which it stops indicating the result of a variety of wagers permitted by the game.

2. (Fine Arts) (a) A small toothed wheel used by engravers to roll over a plate in order to order to produce rows of dots. (b) A similar wheel used to roughen the surface of a plate, as in making alterations in a mezzotint.

3. (Geom.) the curve traced by any point in the plane of a given curve when the latter rolls, without sliding, over another fixed curve. See Cycloid, and Epycycloid.

Rou"ly-pou`ly (?), n. See Rolly- pooly.

{ Roun, Rown (?) }, v. i. & t. [AS. r&?;nian, fr. r&?;n a rune, secret, mystery; akin to G. raunen to whisper. See Rune.] To whisper. [obs.] Gower.

Another rouned to his fellow low.


Rounce (rouns), n. [Cf. F. ronce bramble, brier, thorn, ranche a round, step, rack, or E. round.] (Print.) The handle by which the bed of a hand press, holding the form of type, etc., is run in under the platen and out again; -- sometimes applied to the whole apparatus by which the form is moved under the platen.

Roun"ce*val (?), a. [F. Ronceval, Roncevaux, a town at the foot of the foot of the Pyrenees, Sp. Roncesvalles.] Large; strong; -- from the gigantic bones shown at Roncesvalles, and alleged to be those of old heroes. [Obs.]

Roun"ce*val, n. A giant; anything large; a kind of pea called also marrowfat. [Obs.]

Roun"cy (?), n. A common hackney horse; a nag. [Obs.]

he rode upon a rouncy as he could.


Round (?), v. i. & t. [From Roun.] To whisper. [obs.] Shak. Holland.

The Bishop of Glasgow rounding in his ear, "Ye are not a wise man," . . . he rounded likewise to the bishop, and said, "Wherefore brought ye me here?"


Round, a. [OF. roond, roont, reond, F. rond, fr. L. rotundus, fr. rota wheel. See Rotary, and cf. Rotund, roundel, Rundlet.] 1. Having every portion of the surface or of the circumference equally distant from the center; spherical; circular; having a form approaching a spherical or a circular shape; orbicular; globular; as, a round ball. "The big, round tears." Shak.

Upon the firm opacous globe
Of this round world.


2. Having the form of a cylinder; cylindrical; as, the barrel of a musket is round.

3. Having a curved outline or form; especially, one like the arc of a circle or an ellipse, or a portion of the surface of a sphere; rotund; bulging; protuberant; not angular or pointed; as, a round arch; round hills. "Their round haunches gored." Shak.

4. Full; complete; not broken; not fractional; approximately in even units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.; -- said of numbers.

Pliny put a round number near the truth, rather than the fraction.


5. Not inconsiderable; large; hence, generous; free; as, a round price.

Three thousand ducats; 'tis a good round sum.


Round was their pace at first, but slackened soon.


6. Uttered or emitted with a full tone; as, a round voice; a round note.

7. (Phonetics) Modified, as a vowel, by contraction of the lip opening, making the opening more or less round in shape; rounded; labialized; labial. See Guide to Pronunciation, § 11.

8. Outspoken; plain and direct; unreserved; unqualified; not mincing; as, a round answer; a round oath. "The round assertion." M. Arnold.

Sir Toby, I must be round with you.


9. Full and smoothly expanded; not defective or abrupt; finished; polished; -- said of style, or of authors with reference to their style. [Obs.]

In his satires Horace is quick, round, and pleasant.


10. Complete and consistent; fair; just; -- applied to conduct.

Round dealing is the honor of man's nature.


At a round rate, rapidly. Dryden. -- In round numbers, approximately in even units, tens, hundreds, etc.; as, a bin holding 99 or 101 bushels may be said to hold in round numbers 100 bushels. -- Round bodies (Geom.), the sphere right cone, and right cylinder. -- Round clam (Zoöl.), the quahog. -- Round dance one which is danced by couples with a whirling or revolving motion, as the waltz, polka, etc. -- Round game, a game, as of cards, in which each plays on his own account. -- Round hand, a style of penmanship in which the letters are formed in nearly an upright position, and each separately distinct; -- distinguished from running hand. -- Round robin. [Perhaps F. round round + ruban ribbon.] (a) A written petition, memorial, remonstrance, protest, etc., the signatures to which are made in a circle so as not to indicate who signed first. "No round robins signed by the whole main deck of the Academy or the Porch." De Quincey. (b) (Zoöl.) The cigar fish. -- Round shot, a solid spherical projectile for ordnance. -- Round Table, the table about which sat King Arthur and his knights. See Knights of the Round Table, under Knight. -- Round tower, one of certain lofty circular stone towers, tapering from the base upward, and usually having a conical cap or roof, which crowns the summit, -- found chiefly in Ireland. They are of great antiquity, and vary in heigh from thirty-five to one hundred and thiry feet. -- Round trot, one in which the horse throws out his feet roundly; a full, brisk, quick trot. Addison. -- Round turn (Naut.), one turn of a rope round a timber, a belaying pin, etc. -- To bring up with a round turn, to stop abruptly. [Colloq.]

Syn. -- Circular; spherical; globular; globase; orbicular; orbed; cylindrical; full; plump; rotund.

Round (?), n. 1. Anything round, as a circle, a globe, a ring. "The golden round" [the crown]. Shak.

In labyrinth of many a round self- rolled.


2. A series of changes or events ending where it began; a series of like events recurring in continuance; a cycle; a periodical revolution; as, the round of the seasons; a round of pleasures.

3. A course of action or conduct performed by a number of persons in turn, or one after another, as if seated in a circle.

Women to cards may be compared: we play
A round or two; which used, we throw away.


The feast was served; the bowl was crowned;
To the king's pleasure went the mirthful round.


4. A series of duties or tasks which must be performed in turn, and then repeated.

the trivial round, the common task.


5. A circular dance.

Come, knit hands, and beat the ground,
In a light fantastic round.


6. That which goes round a whole circle or company; as, a round of applause.

7. Rotation, as in office; succession. Holyday.

8. The step of a ladder; a rundle or rung; also, a crosspiece which joins and braces the legs of a chair.

All the rounds like Jacob's ladder rise.


9. A course ending where it began; a circuit; a beat; especially, one freguently or regulary traversed; also, the act of traversing a circuit; as, a watchman's round; the rounds of the postman.

10. (Mil.) (a) A walk performed by a guard or an officer round the rampart of a garrison, or among sentinels, to see that the sentinels are faithful and all things safe; also, the guard or officer, with his attendants, who performs this duty; -- usually in the plural. (b) A general discharge of firearms by a body of troops in which each soldier fires once. (c) Ammunition for discharging a piece or pieces once; as, twenty rounds of ammunition were given out.

11. (Mus.) A short vocal piece, resembling a catch in which three or four voices follow each other round in a species of canon in the unison.

12. The time during which prize fighters or boxers are in actual contest without an intermission, as prescribed by their rules; a bout.

13. A brewer's vessel in which the fermentation is concluded, the yeast escaping through the bunghole.

14. A vessel filled, as for drinking. [R.]

15. An assembly; a group; a circle; as, a round of politicians. Addison.

16. (Naut.) See Roundtop.

17. Same as Round of beef, below.

Gentlemen of the round. (a) Gentlemen soldiers of low rank who made the rounds. See 10 (a), above. (b) Disbanded soldiers who lived by begging. [Obs.]

Worm-eaten gentlemen of the round, such as have vowed to sit on the skirts of the city, let your provost and his half dozen of halberdiers do what they can.

B. Jonson.

-- Round of beef, the part of the thigh below the aitchbone, or between the rump and the leg. See Illust. of beef. -- Round steak, a beefsteak cut from the round. -- Sculpture in the round, sculpture giving the full form, as of man; statuary, distinguished from relief.

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Round, adv. 1. On all sides; around.

Round he throws his baleful eyes.


2. Circularly; in a circular form or manner; by revolving or reversing one's position; as, to turn one's head round; a wheel turns round.

3. In circumference; as, a ball is ten inches round.

4. From one side or party to another; as to come or turn round, -- that is, to change sides or opinions.

5. By or in a circuit; by a course longer than the direct course; back to the starting point.

6. Through a circle, as of friends or houses.

The invitations were sent round accordingly.

Sir W. Scott.

7. Roundly; fully; vigorously. [Obs.] Chaucer.

All round, over the whole place; in every direction. -- All-round, of general capacity; as, an all-round man. [Colloq.] -- To bring one round. (a) To cause one to change his opinions or line of conduct. (b) To restore one to health. [Colloq.]

Round (?), prep. On every side of, so as to encompass or encircle; around; about; as, the people atood round him; to go round the city; to wind a cable round a windlass.

The serpent Error twines round human hearts.


Round about, an emphatic form for round or about. "Moses . . . set them [The elders] round about the tabernacle." Num. xi. 24. -- To come round, to gain the consent of, or circumvent, (a person) by flattery or deception. [Colloq.]

Round, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rounded; p. pr. & vb. n. Rounding.] 1. To make circular, spherical, or cylindrical; to give a round or convex figure to; as, to round a silver coin; to round the edges of anything.

Worms with many feet, which round themselves into balls, are bred chiefly under logs of timber.


The figures on our modern medals are raised and rounded to a very great perfection.


2. To surround; to encircle; to encompass.

The inclusive verge
Of golden metal that must round my brow.


3. To bring to fullness or completeness; to complete; hence, to bring to a fit conclusion.

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.


4. To go round wholly or in part; to go about (a corner or point); as, to round a corner; to round Cape Horn.

5. To make full, smooth, and flowing; as, to round periods in writing. Swift.

To round in (Naut.) To haul up; usually, to haul the slack of (a rope) through its leading block, or to haul up (a tackle which hangs loose) by its fall. Totten. (b) To collect together (cattle) by riding around them, as on cattle ranches. [Western U.S.]

Round, v. i. 1. To grow round or full; hence, to attain to fullness, completeness, or perfection.

The queen your mother rounds apace.


So rounds he to a separate mind,
From whence clear memory may begin.


2. To go round, as a guard. [Poetic]

They . . . nightly rounding walk.


3. To go or turn round; to wheel about. Tennyson.

To round to (Naut.), to turn the head of a ship toward the wind.

Round"a*bout` (?), a. 1. Circuitous; going round; indirect; as, roundabout speech.

We have taken a terrible roundabout road.


2. Encircling; enveloping; comprehensive. "Large, sound, roundabout sense." Locke.

Round"a*bout`, n. 1. A horizontal wheel or frame, commonly with wooden horses, etc., on which children ride; a merry-go-round. Smart.

2. A dance performed in a circle. Goldsmith.

3. A short, close jacket worn by boys, sailors, etc.

4. A state or scene of constant change, or of recurring labor and vicissitude. Cowper.

Round"a*bout`ness, n. The quality of being roundabout; circuitousness.

Round"-arm` (?), a. (Cricket) Applied to the method delivering the ball in bowling, by swinging the arm horizontally. R. A. Proctor.

Round"-backed` (?), a. Having a round back or shoulders; round-shouldered.

Round"ed, a. (Phonetics) Modified by contraction of the lip opening; labialized; labial. See Guide to Pronunciation, § 11.

Roun"del (?), n. [OF. rondel a roundelay, F. rondel, rondeau, a dim. fr. rond; for sense 2, cf. F. rondelle a round, a round shield. See Round, a., and cf. Rondel, Rondelay.] 1. (Mus.) A rondelay. "Sung all the roundel lustily." Chaucer.

Come, now a roundel and a fairy song.


2. Anything having a round form; a round figure; a circle.

The Spaniards, casting themselves into roundels, . . . made a flying march to Calais.


Specifically: (a) A small circular shield, sometimes not more than a foot in diameter, used by soldiers in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. (b) (Her.) A circular spot; a sharge in the form of a small circle. (c) (Fort.) A bastion of a circular form.

Round"e*lay (?), n. [OF. rondelet, dim. of rondel. See Roundel, Roundeau, and cf. Roundlet, Rundlet.] 1. (Poetry) See Rondeau, and Rondel.

2. (Mus.) (a) A tune in which a simple strain is often repeated; a simple rural strain which is short and lively. Spenser. Tennyson. (b) A dance in a circle.

3. Anything having a round form; a roundel.

Round"er (?), n. 1. One who rounds; one who comes about frequently or regularly.

2. A tool for making an edge or surface round.

3. pl. An English game somewhat resembling baseball; also, another English game resembling the game of fives, but played with a football.

Now we play rounders, and then we played prisoner's base.


Round"fish (?), n. (Zoöl.) (a) Any ordinary market fish, exclusive of flounders, sole, halibut, and other flatfishes. (b) A lake whitefish (Coregonus quadrilateralis), less compressed than the common species. It is very abundant in British America and Alaska.

Round"head` (?), n. (Eng. Hist.) A nickname for a Puritan. See Roundheads, the, in the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction. Toone.

Round"head`ed, a. Having a round head or top.

Round"house` (?), n. 1. A constable's prison; a lockup, watch-house, or station house. [Obs.]

2. (Naut.) (a) A cabin or apartament on the after part of the quarter-deck, having the poop for its roof; -- sometimes called the coach. (b) A privy near the bow of the vessel.

3. A house for locomotive engines, built circularly around a turntable.

Round"ing, a. Round or nearly round; becoming round; roundish.

Round"ing, n. 1. (Naut.) Small rope, or strands of rope, or spun yarn, wound round a rope to keep it from chafing; -- called also service.

2. (Phonetics) Modifying a speech sound by contraction of the lip opening; labializing; labialization. See Guide to Pronunciation, § 11.

Round"ish, a. Somewhat round; as, a roundish seed; a roundish figure. -- Round"ish*ness, n.

Round"let (?), n. A little circle. J. Gregory.

Round"ly, adv. 1. In a round form or manner.

2. Openly; boldly; peremptorily; plumply.

He affirms everything roundly.


3. Briskly; with speed. locke.

Two of the outlaws walked roundly forward.

Sir W. Scott.

4. Completely; vigorously; in earnest. Shak.

5. Without regard to detail; in gross; comprehensively; generally; as, to give numbers roundly.

In speaking roundly of this period.

H. Morley.

Round"ness, n. 1. The quality or state of being round in shape; as, the roundness of the globe, of the orb of the sun, of a ball, of a bowl, a column, etc.

2. Fullness; smoothness of flow; as, the roundness of a period; the roundness of a note; roundness of tone.

3. Openess; plainess; boldness; positiveness; as, the roundness of an assertion.

Syn. -- Circularity; sphericity; globosity; globularity; globularness; orbicularness; cylindricity; fullness; plumpness; rotundity.

Round"ridge` (?), v. t. (Agric.) To form into round ridges by plowing. B. Edwards.

Round"-shoul`dered (?), a. Having the shoulders stooping or projecting; round-backed.

Rounds"man (?), n.; pl. Roundsmen (&?;). A patrolman; also, a policeman who acts as an inspector over the rounds of the patrolmen.

Round"top` (?), n. (Naut.) A top; a platform at a masthead; -- so called because formerly round in shape.

Round"-up` (?), n. The act of collecting or gathering together scattered cattle by riding around them and driving them in. [Western U.S.]

Roun"dure (?; 135), n. [Cf. Rondure.] Roundness; a round or circle. [Obs.] Shak.

Round"worm` (?), n. (Zoöl.) A nematoid worm.

Round"y (?), a. Round. [Obs.] Sir P. Sidney.

Roup (?), v. i. & t. [Cf. AS. hr&?;pan to cry out, G. rufen, Goth. hr&?;pian. Cf. Roop.] To cry or shout; hence, to sell by auction. [Scot.] Jamieson.

Roup, n. 1. An outcry; hence, a sale of gods by auction. [Scot.] Jamieson.

To roup, that is, the sale of his crops, was over.

J. C. Shairp.

2. A disease in poultry. See Pip.

Rous"ant (?), a. (her.) Rising; -- applied to a bird in the attitude of rising; also, sometmes, to a bird in profile with wings addorsed.

Rouse (rouz or rous), v. i. & t. [Perhaps the same word as rouse to start up, "buckle to."] (Naut.) To pull or haul strongly and all together, as upon a rope, without the assistance of mechanical appliances.

Rouse (rouz), n. [Cf. D. roes drunkeness, icel. r&?;ss, Sw. rus, G. rauchen, and also E. rouse, v.t., rush, v.i. Cf. Row a disturbance.] 1. A bumper in honor of a toast or health. [Obs.] Shak.

2. A carousal; a festival; a drinking frolic.

Fill the cup, and fill the can,
Have a rouse before the morn.


Rouse, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roused (rouzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Rousing.] [Probably of Scan. origin; cf. Sw. rusa to rush, Dan. ruse, AS. hreósan to fall, rush. Cf. Rush, v.] 1. To cause to start from a covert or lurking place; as, to rouse a deer or other animal of the chase.

Like wild boars late roused out of the brakes.


Rouse the fleet hart, and cheer the opening hound.


2. To wake from sleep or repose; as, to rouse one early or suddenly.

3. To excite to lively thought or action from a state of idleness, languor, stupidity, or indifference; as, to rouse the faculties, passions, or emotions.

To rouse up a people, the most phlegmatic of any in Christendom.


4. To put in motion; to stir up; to agitate.

Blustering winds, which all night long
Had roused the sea.


5. To raise; to make erect. [Obs.] Spenser. Shak.

Rouse, v. i. 1. To get or start up; to rise. [Obs.]

Night's black agents to their preys do rouse.


2. To awake from sleep or repose.

Morpheus rouses from his bed.


3. To be exited to thought or action from a state of indolence or inattention.

Rous"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, rouses.

2. Something very exciting or great. [Colloq.]

3. (Brewing) A stirrer in a copper for boiling wort.

Rous"ing (?), a. 1. Having power to awaken or excite; exciting.

I begin to feel
Some rousing motions in me.


2. Very great; violent; astounding; as, a rousing fire; a rousing lie. [Colloq.]

Rous"ing*ly, adv. In a rousing manner.

Rous*sette" (?), n. [F.; -- so called in allusion to the color. See Russet.] 1. (Zoöl.) A fruit bat, especially the large species (Pieropus vulgaris) inhabiting the islands of the Indian ocean. It measures about a yard across the expanded wings.

2. (Zoöl.) Any small shark of the genus Scyllium; -- called also dogfish. See Dogfish.

Roust (roust), v. t. To rouse; to disturb; as, to roust one out. [Prov. Eng. & Local, U.S.]

Roust, n. [Cf. Icel. röst an estuary.] A strong tide or current, especially in a narrow channel. [Written also rost, and roost.] Jamieson.

Roust"a*bout` (?), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] A laborer, especially a deck hand, on a river steamboat, who moves the cargo, loads and unloads wood, and the like; in an opprobrious sense, a shiftless vagrant who lives by chance jobs. [Western U.S.]

Rout (rout), v. i. [AS. hrtan.] To roar; to bellow; to snort; to snore loudly. [Obs. or Scot.] Chaucer.

Rout, n. A bellowing; a shouting; noise; clamor; uproar; disturbance; tumult. Shak.

This new book the whole world makes such a rout about.


"My child, it is not well," I said,
"Among the graves to shout;
To laugh and play among the dead,
And make this noisy rout."


Rout, v. t. [A variant of root.] To scoop out with a gouge or other tool; to furrow.

To rout out (a) To turn up to view, as if by rooting; to discover; to find. (b) To turn out by force or compulsion; as, to rout people out of bed. [Colloq.]

Rout, v. i. To search or root in the ground, as a swine. Edwards.

Rout, n. [OF. route, LL. rupta, properly, a breaking, fr. L. ruptus, p. p. of rumpere to break. See Rupture, reave, and cf. Rote repetition of forms, Route. In some senses this word has been confused with rout a bellowing, an uproar.] [Formerly spelled also route.] 1. A troop; a throng; a company; an assembly; especially, a traveling company or throng. [Obs.] "A route of ratones [rats]." Piers Plowman. "A great solemn route." Chaucer.

And ever he rode the hinderest of the route.


A rout of people there assembled were.


2. A disorderly and tumultuous crowd; a mob; hence, the rabble; the herd of common people.

the endless routs of wretched thralls.


The ringleader and head of all this rout.


Nor do I name of men the common rout.


3. The state of being disorganized and thrown into confusion; -- said especially of an army defeated, broken in pieces, and put to flight in disorder or panic; also, the act of defeating and breaking up an army; as, the rout of the enemy was complete.

thy army . . .
Dispersed in rout, betook them all to fly.


To these giad conquest, murderous rout to those.


4. (Law) A disturbance of the peace by persons assembled together with intent to do a thing which, if executed, would make them rioters, and actually making a motion toward the executing thereof. Wharton.

5. A fashionable assembly, or large evening party. "At routs and dances." Landor.

To put to rout, to defeat and throw into confusion; to overthrow and put to flight.

Rout, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Routed; p. pr. & vb. n. Routing.] To break the ranks of, as troops, and put them to flight in disorder; to put to rout.

That party . . . that charged the Scots, so totally routed and defeated their whole army, that they fied.


Syn. -- To defeat; discomfit; overpower; overthrow.

Rout, v. i. To assemble in a crowd, whether orderly or disorderly; to collect in company. [obs.] Bacon.

In all that land no Christian[s] durste route.


Route (rt or rout; 277), n. [OE. & F. route, OF. rote, fr. L. rupta (sc. via), fr. ruptus, p. p. of rumpere to break; hence, literally, a broken or beaten way or path. See Rout, and cf. Rut a track.] The course or way which is traveled or passed, or is to be passed; a passing; a course; a road or path; a march.

Wide through the furzy field their route they take.


Rout"er (?), n. (Carp.) (a) A plane made like a spokeshave, for working the inside edges of circular sashes. (b) A plane with a hooked tool protruding far below the sole, for smoothing the bottom of a cavity.

Routhe (?), n. Ruth; sorrow. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rou"ti*na*ry (?), a. Involving, or pertaining to, routine; ordinary; customary. [R.] Emerson.

Rou*tine" (?), n. [F., fr. route a path, way, road. See Route, Roterepetition.] 1. A round of business, amusement, or pleasure, daily or frequently pursued; especially, a course of business or offical duties regularly or frequently returning.

2. Any regular course of action or procedure rigidly adhered to by the mere force of habit.

Rou*tin""ism (?), n. the practice of doing things with undiscriminating, mechanical regularity.

Rou*tin"ist, n. One who habituated to a routine.

Rout"ish (?), a. Uproarious; riotous. [Obs.]

Rout"ous*ly (?), adv. (Law) With that violation of law called a rout. See 5th Rout, 4.

||Roux (?), n. [F. beurre roux brown butter.] (Cookery) A thickening, made of flour, for soups and gravies.

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Rove (rv), v. t. [perhaps fr. or akin to reeve.] 1. To draw through an eye or aperture.

2. To draw out into flakes; to card, as wool. Jamieson.

3. To twist slightly; to bring together, as slivers of wool or cotton, and twist slightly before spinning.

Rove (rv), n. 1. A copper washer upon which the end of a nail is clinched in boat building.

2. A roll or sliver of wool or cotton drawn out and slighty twisted, preparatory to further process; a roving.

Rove, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Roved (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Roving.] [Cf. D. rooven to rob; akin to E. reave. See Reave, Rob.] 1. To practice robbery on the seas; to wander about on the seas in piracy. [Obs.] Hakluyt.

2. Hence, to wander; to ramble; to rauge; to go, move, or pass without certain direction in any manner, by sailing, walking, riding, flying, or otherwise.

For who has power to walk has power to rove.


3. (Archery) To shoot at rovers; hence, to shoot at an angle of elevation, not at point-blank (rovers usually being beyond the point-blank range).

Fair Venus' son, that with thy cruel dart
At that good knight so cunningly didst rove.


Syn. -- To wander; roam; range; ramble stroll.

Rove, v. t. 1. To wander over or through.

Roving the field, I chanced
A goodly tree far distant to behold.


2. To plow into ridges by turning the earth of two furrows together.

Rove, n. The act of wandering; a ramble.

In thy nocturnal rove one moment halt.


Rove beetle (Zoöl.), any one of numerous species of beetles of the family Staphylinidæ, having short elytra beneath which the wings are folded transversely. They are rapid runners, and seldom fly.

Rov"er (?), n. [D. roover a robber. See Rove, v. i.] 1. One who practices robbery on the seas; a pirate.

Yet Pompey the Great deserveth honor more justly for scouring the seas, and taking from the rovers 846 sail of ships.


2. One who wanders about by sea or land; a wanderer; a rambler.

3. Hence, a fickle, inconstant person.

4. (Croquet) A ball which has passed through all the hoops and would go out if it hit the stake but is continued in play; also, the player of such a ball.

5. (Archery) (a) Casual marks at uncertain distances. Encyc. Brit.

(b) A sort of arrow. [Obs.]

All sorts, flights, rovers, and butt shafts.

B. Jonson.

At rovers, at casual marks; hence, at random; as, shooting at rovers. See def. 5 (a) above. Addison.

Bound down on every side with many bands because it shall not run at rovers.

Robynson (More's Utopia).

Rov"ing, n. 1. The operatin of forming the rove, or slightly twisted sliver or roll of wool or cotton, by means of a machine for the purpose, called a roving frame, or roving machine.

2. A roll or sliver of wool or cotton drawn out and slightly twisted; a rove. See 2d Rove, 2.

Roving frame, Roving machine, a machine for drawing and twisting roves and twisting roves and winding them on bobbin for the spinning machine.

Rov"ing, n. The act of one who roves or wanders.

Rov"ing*ly, adv. In a wandering manner.

Rov"ing*ness, n. The state of roving.

Row (?), a. & adv. [See Rough.] Rough; stern; angry. [Obs.] "Lock he never so row." Chaucer.

Row, n. [Abbrev. fr. rouse, n.] A noisy, turbulent quarrel or disturbance; a brawl. [Colloq.] Byron.

Row (?), n. [OE. rowe, rawe, rewe, AS. rw, r&?;w; probably akin to D. rij, G. reihe; cf. Skr. r&?;kh a line, stroke.] A series of persons or things arranged in a continued line; a line; a rank; a file; as, a row of trees; a row of houses or columns.

And there were windows in three rows.

1 Kings vii. 4.

The bright seraphim in burning row.


Row culture (Agric.), the practice of cultivating crops in drills. -- Row of points (Geom.), the points on a line, infinite in number, as the points in which a pencil of rays is intersected by a line.

Row (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rowed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rowing.] [AS. r&?;wan; akin to D. roeijen, MHG. rüejen, Dan. roe, Sw. ro, Icel. r&?;a, L. remus oar, Gr. &?;, Skr. aritra. √8. Cf. Rudder.] 1. To propel with oars, as a boat or vessel, along the surface of water; as, to row a boat.

2. To transport in a boat propelled with oars; as, to row the captain ashore in his barge.

Row, v. i. 1. To use the oar; as, to row well.

2. To be moved by oars; as, the boat rows easily.

Row, n. The act of rowing; excursion in a rowboat.

Row"a*ble (?), a. That may be rowed, or rowed upon. "That long barren fen, once rowable." B. Jonson.

Row"an (?), n. Rowan tree.

Rowan barry, a barry of the rowan tree.

Row"an tree` (?). [Cf. Sw. rönn, Dan. rönne, Icel. reynir, and L. ornus.] (Bot.) A european tree (Pyrus aucuparia) related to the apple, but with pinnate leaves and flat corymbs of small white flowers followed by little bright red berries. Called also roan tree, and mountain ash. The name is also applied to two American trees of similar habit (Pyrus Americana, and P. sambucifolia).

Row"boat` (?), n. A boat designed to be propelled by oars instead of sails.

Row"dy (?), n.; pl. Rowdies (#). [From Rout, or Row a brawl.] One who engages in rows, or noisy quarrels; a ruffianly fellow. M. Arnold.

Row"dy*dow (?), n. Hubbub; uproar. [Vulgar]

Row"dy*dow`dy (?), a. Uproarious. [Vulgar]

Row"dy*ish, a. Resembling a rowdy in temper or conduct; characteristic of a rowdy.

Row"dy*ism (?), n. the conduct of a rowdy.

Rowed (?), a. Formed into a row, or rows; having a row, or rows; as, a twelve-rowed ear of corn.

Row"el (?), n. [OF. roele, rouele, properly, a little wheel, F. rouelle collop, slice, LL. rotella a little wheel, dim. of L. rota a wheel. See Roll, and cf. Rota.] 1. The little wheel of a spur, with sharp points.

With sounding whip, and rowels dyed in blood.


2. A little flat ring or wheel on horses' bits.

The iron rowels into frothy foam he bit.


3. (Far.) A roll of hair, silk, etc., passed through the flesh of horses, answering to a seton in human surgery.

Row"el, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Roweled (?) or Rowelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Roweling or Rowelling.] (Far.) To insert a rowel, or roll of hair or silk, into (as the flesh of a horse). Mortimer.

Row"el bone` (?). See rewel bone. [Obs.]

Row"en (?), n. [Cf. E. rough, OE. row, rowe.] [Called also rowet, rowett, rowings, roughings.] 1. A stubble field left unplowed till late in the autumn, that it may be cropped by cattle.

Turn your cows, that give milk, into your rowens till snow comes.


2. The second growth of grass in a season; aftermath. [Prov. Eng. & Local, U.S.]

Row"er (?), n. One who rows with an oar.

Row"ett (?), n. See Rowen.

Row"lock (? colloq. &?;), n. [For oarlock; AS. rloc, where the second part is skin to G. loch a hole, E. lock a fastening. See Oar, and Lock.] (Naut.) A contrivance or arrangement serving as a fulcrum for an oar in rowing. It consists sometimes of a notch in the gunwale of a boat, sometimes of a pair of pins between which the oar rests on the edge of the gunwale, sometimes of a single pin passing through the oar, or of a metal fork or stirrup pivoted in the gunwale and suporting the oar.

Rown (?), v. i. & t. see Roun. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Row"port (?), n. (Naut.) An opening in the side of small vessels of war, near the surface of the water, to facilitate rowing in calm weather.

Rox"burgh (?; Scot. &?;), n. [From the third duke of Roxburgh (Scotland), a noted book collector who had his books so bound.] A style of bookbinding in which the back is plain leather, the sides paper or cloth, the top gilt-edged, but the front and bottom left uncut.

Roy (roi), n. [F. roi.] A king. [obs.]

Roy, a. Royal. [Obs.] Chapman.

Roy"al (?), a. [OE. roial, riall, real, OF. roial. reial, F. royal, fr. L. regalis, fr. rex, regis, king. See Rich, and cf. regal, real a coin, Rial.] 1. Kingly; pertaining to the crown or the sovereign; suitable for a king or queen; regal; as, royal power or prerogative; royal domains; the royal family; royal state.

2. Noble; generous; magnificent; princely.

How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?


3. Under the patronage of royality; holding a charter granted by the sovereign; as, the Royal Academy of Arts; the Royal Society.

Battle royal. See under Battle. - - Royal bay (Bot.), the classic laurel (Laurus nobilis.) -- Royal eagle. (Zoöl.) See Golden eagle, under Golden. -- Royal fern (Bot.), the handsome fern Osmunda regalis. See Osmund. -- Royal mast (Naut.), the mast next above the topgallant mast and usually the highest on a square-rigged vessel. The royal yard and royal sail are attached to the royal mast. -- Royal metal, an old name for gold. -- Royal palm (Bot.), a magnificent West Indian palm tree (Oreodoxa regia), lately discovered also in Florida. -- Royal pheasant. See Curassow. -- Royal purple, an intense violet color, verging toward blue. -- Royal tern (Zoöl.), a large, crested American tern (Sterna maxima). -- Royal tiger. (Zoöl.) See Tiger. -- Royal touch, the touching of a diseased person by the hand of a king, with the view of restoring to health; -- formerly extensively practiced, particularly for the scrofula, or king's evil.

Syn. -- Kingly; regal; monarchical; imperial; kinglike; princely; august; majestic; superb; splendid; illustrious; noble; magnanimous.

Roy"al, n. 1. Printing and writing papers of particular sizes. See under paper, n.

2. (Naut.) A small sail immediately above the topgallant sail. Totten.

3. (Zoöl.) One of the upper or distal branches of an antler, as the third and fourth tynes of the antlers of a stag.

4. (Gun.) A small mortar.

5. (Mil.) One of the soldiers of the first regiment of foot of the British army, formerly called the Royals, and supposed to be the oldest regular corps in Europe; -- now called the Royal Scots.

6. An old English coin. See Rial.

Roy"al*et (?), n. A petty or powerless king. [R.]

there were at this time two other royalets, as only kings by his leave.


Roy"al*ism (?), n. [Cf. F. royalisme.] the principles or conduct of royalists.

Roy"al*ist, n. [Cf. F. royaliste.] An adherent of a king (as of Charles I. in England, or of the Bourbons in france); one attached to monarchical government.

Where Ca'ndish fought, the Royalists prevailed.


Roy`al*i*za"tion (?), n. The act of making loyal to a king. [R.] Saintsbury.

Roy"al*ize (?), v. t. to make royal. Shak.

Roy"al*ly (?), adv. In a royal or kingly manner; like a king; as becomes a king.

His body shall be royally interred.


Roy"al*ty (?), n.; pl. Royalties (#). [OF. roialté, royaulté, F. royauté. See Royal, and cf. Regality.] 1. The state of being royal; the condition or quality of a royal person; kingship; kingly office; sovereignty.

Royalty by birth was the sweetest way of majesty.


2. The person of a king or sovereign; majesty; as, in the presence of royalty.

For thus his royalty doth speak.


3. An emblem of royalty; -- usually in the plural, meaning regalia. [Obs.]

Wherefore do I assume
These royalties, and not refuse to reign?


4. Kingliness; spirit of regal authority.

In his royalty of nature
Reigns that which would be fear'd.


5. Domain; province; sphere. Sir W. Scott.

6. That which is due to a sovereign, as a seigniorage on gold and silver coined at the mint, metals taken from mines, etc.; the tax exacted in lieu of such share; imperiality.

7. A share of the product or profit (as of a mine, forest, etc.), reserved by the owner for permitting another to use the property.

8. Hence (Com.), a duty paid by a manufacturer to the owner of a patent or a copyright at a certain rate for each article manufactured; or, a percentage paid to the owner of an article by one who hires the use of it.

Royne (roin), v. t. [F. rogner, OF. rooignier, to clip, pare, scare, fr. L. rotundus round See Rotund.] To bite; to gnaw. [Written also roin.] [Obs.] Spenser.

Royn"ish, a. [F. rogneux, from rogne scab, mange, itch.] Mangy; scabby; hence, mean; paltry; troublesome. [Written also roinish.] [Obs.] "The roynish clown." Shak.

{ Roys"ter (?), Roys"ter*er (?) }, n. same as Roister, Roisterer.

Roys"ton crow` (?). [So called from Royston, a town in England.] (Zoöl.) See Hooded crow, under Hooded.

Roy"te*let (?), n. [F. roitelet, dim. of roi king.] A little king. [Archaic] Heylin. Bancroft.

Roy"tish (?), a. [Prob. for riotish, from riot, like Scot. roytous for riotous.] Wild; irregular. [Obs.]

Rub (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rubbed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rubbing.] [Probably of Celtic origin; cf. W. rhwbiaw, gael. rub.] 1. To subject (a body) to the action of something moving over its surface with pressure and friction, especially to the action of something moving back and forth; as, to rub the flesh with the hand; to rub wood with sandpaper.

It shall be expedient, after that body is cleaned, to rub the body with a coarse linen cloth.

Sir T. Elyot.

2. To move over the surface of (a body) with pressure and friction; to graze; to chafe; as, the boat rubs the ground.

3. To cause (a body) to move with pressure and friction along a surface; as, to rub the hand over the body.

Two bones rubbed hard against one another.


4. To spread a substance thinly over; to smear.

The smoothed plank, . . .
New rubbed with balm.


5. To scour; to burnish; to polish; to brighten; to cleanse; -- often with up or over; as, to rub up silver.

The whole business of our redemption is to rub over the defaced copy of the creation.


6. To hinder; to cross; to thwart. [R.]

'T is the duke's pleasure,
Whose disposition, all the world well knows,
Will not be rubbed nor stopped.


To rub down. (a) To clean by rubbing; to comb or curry; as, to down a horse. (b) To reduce or remove by rubbing; as, to rub down the rough points. -- To rub off, to clean anything by rubbing; to separate by friction; as, to rub off rust. -- To rub out, to remove or separate by friction; to erase; to obliterate; as, to rub out a mark or letter; to rub out a stain. -- To rub up. (a) To burnish; to polish; to clean. (b) To excite; to awaken; to rouse to action; as, to rub up the memory.

Rub, v. i. 1. To move along the surface of a body with pressure; to grate; as, a wheel rubs against the gatepost.

2. To fret; to chafe; as, to rub upon a sore.

3. To move or pass with difficulty; as, to rub through woods, as huntsmen; to rub through the world.

To rub along or on, to go on with difficulty; as, they manage, with strict economy, to rub along. [Colloq.]

Rub, n. [Cf. W. rhwb. See Rub, v,t,] 1. The act of rubbing; friction.

2. That which rubs; that which tends to hinder or obstruct motion or progress; hindrance; obstruction, an impediment; especially, a difficulty or obstruction hard to overcome; a pinch.

Every rub is smoothed on our way.


To sleep, perchance to dream; ay, there's the rub.


Upon this rub, the English ambassadors thought fit to demur.


One knows not, certainly, what other rubs might have been ordained for us by a wise Providence.

W. Besant.

3. Inequality of surface, as of the ground in the game of bowls; unevenness. Shak.

4. Something grating to the feelings; sarcasm; joke; as, a hard rub.

5. Imperfection; failing; fault. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.

6. A chance. [Obs.]

Flight shall leave no Greek a rub.


7. A stone, commonly flat, used to sharpen cutting tools; a whetstone; -- called also rubstone.

Rub iron, an iron guard on a wagon body, against which a wheel rubs when cramped too much.

Rub"a-dub (?), n. The sound of a drum when continuously beaten; hence, a clamorous, repeated sound; a clatter.

The rubadub of the abolition presses.

D. Webster.

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||Ru*ba"to (?), a. [It.] Robbed; borrowed.

||Temple rubato. [It.] (Mus.) Borrowed time; -- a term applied to a style of performance in which some tones are held longer than their legitimate time, while others are proportionally curtailed.

Rub"bage (?; 48), n. Rubbish. [Obs.]

Rub"ber (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, rubs. Specifically: (a) An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or cleaning. (b) A coarse file, or the rough part of a file. (c) A whetstone; a rubstone. (d) An eraser, usually made of caoutchouc. (e) The cushion of an electrical machine. (f) One who performs massage, especially in a Turkish bath. (g) Something that chafes or annoys; hence, something that grates on the feelings; a sarcasm; a rub. Thackeray.

2. In some games, as whist, the odd game, as the third or the fifth, when there is a tie between the players; as, to play the rubber; also, a contest determined by the winning of two out of three games; as, to play a rubber of whist. Beaconsfield. "A rubber of cribbage." Dickens.

3. India rubber; caoutchouc.

4. An overshoe made of India rubber. [Colloq.]

Antimony rubber, an elastic durable variety of vulcanized caoutchouc of a red color. It contains antimony sulphide as an important constituent. -- Hard rubber, a kind of vulcanized caoutchouc which nearly resembles horn in texture, rigidity, etc. -- India rubber, caoutchouc. See Caoutchouc. -- Rubber cloth, cloth covered with caoutchouc for excluding water or moisture. -- Rubber dam (Dentistry), a shield of thin sheet rubber clasped around a tooth to exclude saliva from the tooth.

Rub"bidge (?), n. Rubbish. [Obs.] Bp. Hall.

Rub"bing, a. & n. from Rub, v.

Rub"bish (?), n. [OE. robows, robeux, rubble, originally an Old French plural from an assumed dim. of robe, probably in the sense of trash; cf. It. robaccia trash, roba stuff, goods, wares, robe. Thus, etymologically rubbish is the pl. of rubble. See Robe, and cf. Rubble.] Waste or rejected matter; anything worthless; valueless stuff; trash; especially, fragments of building materials or fallen buildings; ruins; débris.

What rubbish and what offal!


he saw the town's one half in rubbish lie.


Rubbish pulley. See Gin block, under Gin.

Rub"bish (?), a. Of or pertaining to rubbish; of the quality of rubbish; trashy. De Quincey.

Rub"ble (?), n. [From an assumed Old French dim. of robe See Rubbish.] 1. Water-worn or rough broken stones; broken bricks, etc., used in coarse masonry, or to fill up between the facing courses of walls.

Inside [the wall] there was rubble or mortar.

Jowett (Thucyd.).

2. Rough stone as it comes from the quarry; also, a quarryman's term for the upper fragmentary and decomposed portion of a mass of stone; brash. Brande & C.

3. (Geol.) A mass or stratum of fragments or rock lying under the alluvium, and derived from the neighboring rock. Lyell.

4. pl. The whole of the bran of wheat before it is sorted into pollard, bran, etc. [Prov. Eng.] Simmonds.

Coursed rubble, rubble masonry in which courses are formed by leveling off the work at certain heights.

Rub"ble*stone` (?), n. See Rubble, 1 and 2.

Rub"ble*work` (?), n. Masonry constructed of unsquared stones that are irregular in size and shape.

Rub"bly (?), a. Relating to, or containing, rubble.

Ru*bed"i*nous (?), a. [L. rubedo redness, fr. rubere to be red.] Reddish. [R.] M. Stuart.

Ru`be*fa"cient (?), a. [L. rubefaciens, p. pr. of rubefacere to make red; rubere to be red + facere to make.] Making red. -- n. (Med.) An external application which produces redness of the skin.

Ru`be*fac"tion (?), n. The act or process of making red.

Ru"be*let (r"b*lt), n. A little ruby. Herrick.

||Ru*bel"la (?), n. [NL., fr. L. rubellus reddish.] (Med.) An acute specific disease with a dusky red cutaneous eruption resembling that of measles, but unattended by catarrhal symptoms; -- called also German measles.

Ru*belle" (?), n. [L. rubellus reddish.] A red color used in enameling. Weale.

Ru"bel*lite (?), n. [L. rubellus reddish, dim. of ruber red.] (Min.) A variety of tourmaline varying in color from a pale rose to a deep ruby, and containing lithium.

||Ru*be"o*la (?), n. [NL., fr. L. ruber red.] (Med.) (a) the measles. (b) Rubella.

Ru`ber*y*thrin"ic (?), a. [L. ruber red + erythrin.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid extracted from madder root. It is a yellow crystalline substance from which alizarin is obtained.

Ru*bes"cence (?), n. The quality or state of being rubescent; a reddening; a flush.

Ru*bes"cent (?), a. [L. rubescens, -entis, p. pr. of rubescere to grow red, v. incho from rubere to be red: cf. F. rubescent. See Ruby.] Growing or becoming red; tending to redness.

Ru`bi*a"ceous (?), a. [L. rubia madder, fr. rubeus red.] (Bot.) Of or pertaining to a very large natural order of plants (Rubiaceæ) named after the madder (Rubia tinctoria), and including about three hundred and seventy genera and over four thousand species. Among them are the coffee tree, the trees yielding peruvian bark and quinine, the madder, the quaker ladies, and the trees bearing the edible fruits called genipap and Sierre Leone peach, besides many plants noted for the beauty or the fragrance of their blossoms.

Ru"bi*a*cin (?), n. [L. rubia madder, fr. rubeus red.] (Chem) A substance found in madder root, and probably identical with ruberythrinic acid.

Ru"bi*an (?), n. [L. rubia madder, fr. rubeus red.] (Chem.) One of several color-producing glycosides found in madder root.

Ru`bi*an"ic (?), a. (Chem.) pertaining to, or derived from, rubian; specifically, designating an acid called also ruberythrinic acid. [Obs.]

Ru" bi*ble (?), n. A ribble. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ru"bi*can (?), a. [F.] Colored a prevailing red, bay, or black, with flecks of white or gray especially on the flanks; -- said of horses. Smart.

Ru"bi*celle (?), n. [Cf. F. rubacelle, rubicelle, fr. L. rubeus red, reddish.] (Min.) A variety of ruby of a yellowish red color, from Brazil.

Ru"bi*con (?), n. (Anc. geog.) A small river which separated Italy from Cisalpine Gaul, the province alloted to Julius Cæsar.

By leading an army across this river, contrary to the prohibition of the civil government at Rome, Cæsar precipitated the civil war which resulted in the death of Pompey and the overthrow of the senate; hence, the phrase to pass or cross the Rubicon signifies to take the decisive step by which one is committed to a hazardous enterprise from which there is no retreat.

Ru"bi*cund (?), a. [L. rubicundus, fr. rubere to be red, akin to ruber red. See Red.] Inclining to redness; ruddy; red. "His rubicund face." Longfellow.

Ru`bi*cun"di*ty (?), n. [LL. rubicunditas.] The quality or state of being rubicund; ruddiness.

To parade your rubicundity and gray hairs.


Ru*bid"ic (?), a. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to rubidium; containing rubidium.

Ru"bi*dine (? or ?), n. (Chem.) A nitrogenous base homologous with pyridine, obtained from coal tar as an oily liquid, C11H17N; also, any one of the group od metameric compounds of which rubidine is the type.

Ru*bid"i*um (?), n. [NL., fr. L. rubidus red, fr. rubere to be red. So called from two dark red spectroscopic lines by means of which it was discovered in the lepidolite from Rozena, Moravia. See Rubicund.] (Chem.) A rare metallic element. It occurs quite widely, but in small quantities, and always combined. It is isolated as a soft yellowish white metal, analogous to potassium in most of its properties. Symbol Rb. Atomic weight, 85.2.

Ru*bif"ic (?), a. [L. ruber red + facere to make.] Making red; as, rubific rays. Grew.

Ru`bi*fi*ca"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. rubification.] The act of making red. Howell.

Ru"bi*form (?), a. [L. ruber red + -form.] Having the nature or quality of red; as, the rubiform rays of the sun. [R.] Sir I. newton.

Ru"bi*fy (?), v. t. [Cf. F. rubéfier. See Rubific.] To redden. [R.] "Waters rubifying." Chaucer.

{ Ru*big"i*nose` (?), Ru*big"i*nous (?) }, a. [L. rubiginosus, fr. rubigo, robigo, rust: cf. F. rubigineux.] (Bot.) Having the appearance or color of iron rust; rusty- looking.

||Ru*bi"go (?), n. [L. rubigo, robigo, rust of metals, rust, blight.] (bot.) same as Rust, n., 2.

Ru"bin (?), n. [Cf. LL. rubinus, It. rubino. See Ruby.] A ruby. [Obs.] Spenser.

Ru"bi*ous (?), a. [L. rubeus, fr. rubere to be red. See Rouge.] Red; ruddy. [Obs.] Shak.

Ru`bi*re"tin (?), n. [Rubian + Gr. &?; resin.] (Chem.) One of the red dye products extracted from madder root, and probably identical with ruberythrinic acid.

Ru"ble (?), n. [Russ. ruble.] The unit of monetary value in Russia. It is divided into 100 copecks, and in the gold coin of the realm (as in the five and ten ruble pieces) is worth about 77 cents. The silver ruble is a coin worth about 60 cents. [Written also rouble.]

Ru"bric (?), n. [OE. rubriche, OF. rubriche, F. rubrique ( cf. it. rubrica), fr. L. rubrica red earth for coloring, red chalk, the title of a law (because written in red), fr. ruber red. See red.] That part of any work in the early manuscripts and typography which was colored red, to distinguish it from other portions. Hence, specifically: (a) A titlepage, or part of it, especially that giving the date and place of printing; also, the initial letters, etc., when printed in red. (b) (Law books) The title of a statute; -- so called as being anciently written in red letters. Bell. (c) (Liturgies) The directions and rules for the conduct of service, formerly written or printed in red; hence, also, an ecclesiastical or episcopal injunction; -- usually in the plural.

All the clergy in England solemnly pledge themselves to observe the rubrics.


(d) Hence, that which is established or settled, as by authority; a thing definitely settled or fixed. Cowper.

Nay, as a duty, it had no place or rubric in human conceptions before Christianity.

De Quincey.

Ru"bric, v. t. To adorn ith red; to redden; to rubricate. [R.] Johnson.

{ Ru"bric (?), Ru"bric*al (?) }, a. 1. Colored in, or marked with, red; placed in rubrics.

What though my name stood rubric on the walls
Or plaistered posts, with claps, in capitals?


2. Of or pertaining to the rubric or rubrics. "Rubrical eccentricities." C. Kingsley.

Ru"bri*cate (?), a. [L. rubricatus p. p. of rubricare to color red. See Rubric, n.] Marked with red. Sp&?;lmman.

Ru"bri*cate (?), v. t. To mark or distinguished with red; to arrange as in a rubric; to establish in a settled and unchangeable form. Foxe.

A system . . . according to which the thoughts of men were to be classed and rubricated forever after.


{ Ru*bri"cian (?), Ru"bri*cist (?) }, n. One skilled in, or tenaciously adhering to, the rubric or rubrics.

Ru*bric"i*ty (?), n. Redness. [R.]

Rub"stone` (?), n. A stone for scouring or rubbing; a whetstone; a rub.

||Ru"bus (?), n. [L.] (Bot.) A genus of rosaceous plants, including the raspberry and blackberry.

Ru"by (?), n.; pl. Rubies (#). [F. rubis (cf. Pr. robi), LL. rubinus, robinus, fr. L. rubeus red, reddish, akin to ruber. See Rouge, red.] 1. (Min.) A precious stone of a carmine red color, sometimes verging to violet, or intermediate between carmine and hyacinth red. It is a red crystallized variety of corundum.

Besides the true or Oriental ruby above defined, there are the balas ruby, or ruby spinel, a red variety of spinel, and the rock ruby, a red variety of garnet.

Of rubies, sapphires, and pearles white.


2. The color of a ruby; carmine red; a red tint.

The natural ruby of your cheeks.


3. That which has the color of the ruby, as red wine. Hence, a red blain or carbuncle.

4. (Print.) See Agate, n., 2. [Eng.]

5. (Zoöl.) Any species of South American humming birds of the genus Clytolæma. The males have a ruby-colored throat or breast.

Ruby of arsenic, Ruby of sulphur (Chem.), a glassy substance of a red color and a variable composition, but always consisting chiefly of the disulphide of arsenic; -- called also ruby sulphur. -- Ruby of zinc (Min.), zinc sulphide; the mineral zinc blende or sphalerite. -- Ruby silver (Min.), red silver. See under Red.

Ru"by, a. Ruby-colored; red; as, ruby lips.

Ru"by, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rubied (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rubying.] To make red; to redden. [R.] Pope.

Ru"by*tail` (?), n. (Zoöl.) A European gold wasp (Chrysis ignita) which has the under side of the abdomen bright red, and the other parts deep bluish green with a metallic luster. The larva is parasitic in the nests of other wasps and of bees.

Ru"by-tailed` (?), a. Having the tail, or lower part of the body, bright red.

Ru"by*throat` (?), n. (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of humming birds belonging to Trochilus, Calypte, Stellula, and allies, in which the male has on the throat a brilliant patch of red feathers having metallic reflections; esp., the common humming bird of the Eastern United States (Trochilus colubris).

Ru"by*wood` (?), n. red sandalwood. See under Sandalwood.

Ru*cer"vine (?), a. [NL. Rucervus, the genus, fr. NL. Rusa a certain genus of deer (Malay r&?;sa deer) + Cervus.] (Zoöl.) Of, like, or pertaining to, a deer of the genus Rucervus, which includes the swamp deer of India.

Ruche (?), n. [F. ruche ruche, beehive, OF. rusche a beehive, which was formerly made of the bark of trees; cf. W. rhisg, rhisgl, bark, gael. rusg bark, rind.] 1. A plaited, quilled, or goffered strip of lace, net, ribbon, or other material, -- used in place of collars or cuffs, and as a trimming for women's dresses and bonnets. [Written also rouche.]

2. A pile of arched tiles, used to catch and retain oyster spawn.

Ruch"ing, n. A ruche, or ruches collectively.

Ruck (?), n. A roc. [Obs. or prov. Eng.] Drayton.

Ruck, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Rucked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rucking.] [Icel hrukkast to wrinkle, hrukka wrinkle, fold.] To draw into wrinkles or unsightly folds; to crease; as, to ruck up a carpet. Smart.

Ruck, n. [Icel. hrukka. Cf. Ruck, v. t.] A wrinkle or crease in a piece of cloth, or in needlework.

Ruck, v. i. [Cf. Dan. ruge to brood, to hatch.] To cower; to huddle together; to squat; to sit, as a hen on eggs. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Gower. South.

The sheep that rouketh in the fold.


Ruck, n. [Cf. Ruck.] 1. A heap; a rick. [Prov Eng. & Scot.]

2. The common sort, whether persons or things; as, the ruck in a horse race. [Colloq.]

The ruck in society as a whole.

Lond. Sat. Rev.

Ruc*ta"tion (?), n. [L. ructatio, fr. ructare to belch: cf. F. ructation.] The act of belching wind.

Ruc"tion (?), n. An uproar; a quarrel; a noisy outbreak. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

Rud (?), n. [AS. rudu, akin to reád red. √113. See Red, and cf. Ruddy.] 1. Redness; blush. [Obs.]

2. Ruddle; red ocher.

3. (Zoöl.) The rudd.

Rud, v. t. To make red. [Obs.] Spenser.

Rudd (?), n. [See Rud, n.] (Zoöl.) A fresh-water European fish of the Carp family (Leuciscus erythrophthalmus). It is about the size and shape of the roach, but it has the dorsal fin farther back, a stouter body, and red irises. Called also redeye, roud, finscale, and shallow. A blue variety is called azurine, or blue roach.

Rud"der (?), n. A riddle or sieve. [Prov. Eng.]

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Rud"der (?), n. [OE. rother, AS. rðer a paddle; akin to D. roer rudder, oar, G. ruder, OHG. roadar, Sw. roder, ror, Dan. roer, ror. √ 8. See Row to propel with an oar, and cf. Rother. ] 1. (Naut.) The mechanical appliance by means of which a vessel is guided or steered when in motion. It is a broad and flat blade made of wood or iron, with a long shank, and is fastened in an upright position, usually by one edge, to the sternpost of the vessel in such a way that it can be turned from side to side in the water by means of a tiller, wheel, or other attachment.

2. Fig.: That which resembles a rudder as a guide or governor; that which guides or governs the course.

For rhyme the rudder is of verses.


Balance rudder (Naut.), a rudder pivoted near the middle instead of at the edge, -- common on sharpies. -- Drop rudder (Naut.), a rudder extending below the keel so as to be more effective in steering. -- Rudder chain (Naut.), one of the loose chains or ropes which fasten the rudder to the quarters to prevent its loss in case it gets unshipped, and for operating it in case the tiller or the wheel is broken. -- Rudder coat (Naut.), a covering of tarred canvas used to prevent water from entering the rudderhole. -- Rudder fish. (Zoöl.) (a) The pilot fish. (b) The amber fish (Seriola zonata), which is bluish having six broad black bands. (c) A plain greenish black American fish (Leirus perciformis); -- called also black rudder fish, logfish, and barrel fish. The name is also applied to other fishes which follow vessels. -- Rudder pendants (Naut.), ropes connected with the rudder chains.

Rud"der*head` (?), n. (Naut.) The upper end of the rudderpost, to which the tiller is attached.

Rud"der*hole (?), n. (Naut.) The hole in the deck through which the rudderpost passes.

Rud"der*less, a. Without a rudder.

Rud"der*post (?), n. (Naut.) The shank of a rudder, having the blade at one end and the attachments for operating it at the other.

Rud"der*stock` (?), n. (Naut.) The main part or blade of the rudder, which is connected by hinges, or the like, with the sternpost of a vessel.

Rud"died (?), a. Made ruddy or red.

Rud"di*ly (?), adv. In a ruddy manner. Byron.

Rud"di*ness, n. The quality or state of being ruddy; as, the ruddiness of the cheeks or the sky.

Rud"dle (?), v. t. To raddle or twist. [Obs.]

Rud"dle, n. A riddle or sieve. [Obs.] Holland.

Rud"dle, n. [See Rud; cf. Reddle.] (Min.) A species of red earth colored by iron sesquioxide; red ocher.

Rud"dle, v. t. To mark with ruddle; to raddle; to rouge. "Their ruddled cheeks." Thackeray.

A fair sheep newly ruddled.

Lady M. W. Montagu.

Rud"dock (?), n. [AS. ruddic; cf. W. rhuddog the redbreast. √113. See Rud, n.] [Written also raddock.] 1. (Zoöl.) The European robin. "The tame ruddock and the coward kite." Chaucer.

2. A piece of gold money; -- probably because the gold of coins was often reddened by copper alloy. Called also red ruddock, and golden ruddock. [Obs.]

Great pieces of gold . . . red ruddocks.


Rud"dy (?), a. [Compar. Ruddier (?); superl. Ruddiest.] [AS. rudig. See Rud, n.] 1. Of a red color; red, or reddish; as, a ruddy sky; a ruddy flame. Milton.

They were more ruddy in body than rubies.

Lam. iv. 7.

2. Of a lively flesh color, or the color of the human skin in high health; as, ruddy cheeks or lips. Dryden.

Ruddy duck (Zoöl.), an American duck (Erismatura rubida) having a broad bill and a wedge-shaped tail composed of stiff, sharp feathers. The adult male is rich brownish red on the back, sides, and neck, black on the top of the head, nape, wings, and tail, and white on the cheeks. The female and young male are dull brown mixed with blackish on the back; grayish below. Called also dunbird, dundiver, ruddy diver, stifftail, spinetail, hardhead, sleepy duck, fool duck, spoonbill, etc. -- Ruddy plover (Zoöl.) the sanderling.

Rud"dy, v. t. To make ruddy. [R.] Sir W. Scott.

Rude (?), a. [Compar. Ruder (?); superl. Rudest.] [F., fr. L. rudis.] 1. Characterized by roughness; umpolished; raw; lacking delicacy or refinement; coarse.

Such gardening tools as art, yet rude, . . . had formed.


2. Hence, specifically: (a) Unformed by taste or skill; not nicely finished; not smoothed or polished; -- said especially of material things; as, rude workmanship. "Rude was the cloth." Chaucer.

Rude and unpolished stones.

Bp. Stillingfleet.

The heaven-born child
All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies.


(b) Of untaught manners; unpolished; of low rank; uncivil; clownish; ignorant; raw; unskillful; -- said of persons, or of conduct, skill, and the like. "Mine ancestors were rude." Chaucer.

He was but rude in the profession of arms.

Sir H. Wotton.

the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.


(c) Violent; tumultuous; boisterous; inclement; harsh; severe; -- said of the weather, of storms, and the like; as, the rude winter.

[Clouds] pushed with winds, rude in their shock.


The rude agitation [of water] breaks it into foam.


(d) Barbarous; fierce; bloody; impetuous; -- said of war, conflict, and the like; as, the rude shock of armies. (e) Not finished or complete; inelegant; lacking chasteness or elegance; not in good taste; unsatisfactory in mode of treatment; -- said of literature, language, style, and the like. "The rude Irish books." Spenser.

Rude am I in my speech.


Unblemished by my rude translation.


Syn. -- Impertinent; rough; uneven; shapeless; unfashioned; rugged; artless; unpolished; uncouth; inelegant; rustic; coarse; vulgar; clownish; raw; unskillful; untaught; illiterate; ignorant; uncivil; impolite; saucy; impudent; insolent; surly; currish; churlish; brutal; uncivilized; barbarous; savage; violent; fierce; tumultuous; turbulent; impetuous; boisterous; harsh; inclement; severe. See Impertiment.

-- Rude"ly (#), adv. -- Rude"ness, n.

Ru"den*ture (?; 135), n. [F., fr. L. rudens a rope.] (Arch.) Cabling. See Cabling. gwilt.

Ru"de*ra*ry (?), a. [L. ruderarius, fr. rudus, ruderis, stones crushed and mixed with lime, old rubbish.] Of or pertaining to rubbish.. [Obs.] Bailey.

Rudes"by (?), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] An uncivil, turbulent fellow. [Obs.] Shak.

Rü"des*heim`er (?), n. A German wine made near Rüdesheim, on the Rhine.

Ru"di*ment (?), n. [L. rudimentum, fr. rudis unwrought, ignorant, rude: cf. F. rudiment. See Rude.] 1. That which is unformed or undeveloped; the principle which lies at the bottom of any development; an unfinished beginning.

but I will bring thee where thou soon shalt quit
Those rudiments, and see before thine eyes
The monarchies of the earth.


the single leaf is the rudiment of beauty in landscape.

I. Taylor.

2. Hence, an element or first principle of any art or science; a beginning of any knowledge; a first step.

This boy is forest-born,
And hath been tutored in the rudiments
of many desperate studies.


There he shall first lay down the rudiments
Of his great warfare.


3. (Biol.) An imperfect organ or part, or one which is never developed.

Ru"di*ment, v. t. To furnish with first principles or rules; to insrtuct in the rudiments. Gayton.

Ru`di*men"tal (?), a. Rudimentary. Addison.

Ru`di*men"ta*ry (?), a. [Cf. F. rudimentaire.] 1. Of or pertaining to rudiments; consisting in first principles; elementary; initial; as, rudimental essays.

2. (Biol.) Very imperfectly developed; in an early stage of development; embryonic.

Rud"ish (?), a. Somewhat rude. Foote.

Ru*dis"tes (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. L. rudis rough.] (Paleon.) An extinct order or suborder of bivalve mollusks characteristic of the Cretaceous period; -- called also Rudista. See Illust. under Hippurite.

Ru"di*ty (?), n. [L. ruditas ignorance, fr. rudis rude, illiterate.] Rudeness; ignorance. [R.]

Rud"mas*day (?), n. [See Rood, Mass, Day.] (R.C.Ch.) Either of the feasts of the Holy Cross, occuring on May 3 and September 14, annually.

Ru*dolph"ine (?), a. Pertaining to, or designating, a set of astronomical tables computed by Kepler, and founded on the observations of Tycho Brahe; -- so named from Rudolph II., emperor of Germany.

Rue (?), n. [F. rue, L. ruta, akin to Gr. &?;; cf. AS. r&?;de.] 1. (Bot.) A perennial suffrutescent plant (Ruta graveolens), having a strong, heavy odor and a bitter taste; herb of grace. It is used in medicine.

Then purged with euphrasy and rue
The visual nerve, for he had much to see.


They [the exorcists] are to try the devil by holy water, incense, sulphur, rue, which from thence, as we suppose, came to be called herb of grace.

Jer. Taylor.

2. Fig.: Bitterness; disappointment; grief; regret.

Goat's rue. See under Goat. -- Rue anemone, a pretty springtime flower (Thalictrum anemonides) common in the United States. -- Wall rue, a little fern (Asplenium Ruta- muraria) common on walls in Europe.

Rue, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rued (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ruing.] [OE. rewen, reouwen, to grive, make sorry, AS. hreówan; akin to OS. hrewan, D. rouwen, OHG. hriuwan, G. reun, Icel. hruggr grieved, hrugð sorrow. √ 18. Cf. Ruth.] 1. To lament; to regret extremely; to grieve for or over. Chaucer.

I wept to see, and rued it from my heart.


Thy will
Chose freely what it now so justly rues.


2. To cause to grieve; to afflict. [Obs.] "God wot, it rueth me." Chaucer.

3. To repent of, and withdraw from, as a bargain; to get released from. [Prov. Eng.]

Rue, v. i. 1. To have compassion. [Obs.]

God so wisly [i. e., truly] on my soul rue.


Which stirred men's hearts to rue upon them.


2. To feel sorrow and regret; to repent.

Work by counsel and thou shalt not rue.


Old year, we'll dearly rue for you.


Rue, n. [AS. hreów. See Rue, v. t.] Sorrow; repetance. [Obs.] Shak.

Rue"ful (?), a. 1. Causing one to rue or lament; woeful; mournful; sorrowful.

2. Expressing sorrow. "Rueful faces." Dryden.

Two rueful figures, with long black cloaks.

Sir W. Scott.

-- Rue"ful*ly, adv. -- Rue"ful*ness, n.

Ru"ell bone` (?). See rewel bone. [Obs.]

Ru*elle" (&?;), n. [F. ruelle a narrow street, a lan&?;, ruelle, fr. rue a street.] A private circle or assembly at a private house; a circle. [Obs.] Dryden.

Ru*fes"cent (?), a. [L. rufescens, p. pr. of rufescere to become reddish, fr. rufus red: cf. F. rufescent.] Reddish; tinged with red.

Ruff (?), n. [F. ronfle; cf. It. ronfa, Pg. rufa, rifa.] (Card Playing) (a) A game similar to whist, and the predecessor of it. Nares.

(b) The act of trumping, especially when one has no card of the suit led.

Ruff, v. i. & t. (Card Playing) To trump.

Ruff, n. [Of uncertain origin: cf. Icel. r&?;finn rough, uncombed, Pr. ruf rude, rough, Sp. rufo frizzed, crisp, curled, G. raufen to pluck, fight, rupfen to pluck, pull, E. rough. √18. Cf. Ruffle to wrinkle.] 1. A muslin or linen collar plaited, crimped, or fluted, worn formerly by both sexes, now only by women and children.

Here to-morrow with his best ruff on.


His gravity is much lessened since the late proclamation came out against ruffs; . . . they were come to that height of excess herein, that twenty shillings were used to be paid for starching of a ruff.


2. Something formed with plaits or flutings, like the collar of this name.

I reared this flower; . . .
Soft on the paper ruff its leaves I spread.


3. An exhibition of pride or haughtiness.

How many princes . . . in the ruff of all their glory, have been taken down from the head of a conquering army to the wheel of the victor's chariot!


4. Wanton or tumultuous procedure or conduct. [Obs.]

To ruffle it out in a riotous ruff.


5. (Mil.) A low, vibrating beat of a drum, not so loud as a roll; a ruffle.

6. (Mach.) A collar on a shaft ot other piece to prevent endwise motion. See Illust. of Collar.

7. (Zoöl.) A set of lengthened or otherwise modified feathers round, or on, the neck of a bird.

8. (Zoöl.) (a) A limicoline bird of Europe and Asia (Pavoncella, or Philommachus, pugnax) allied to the sandpipers. The males during the breeding season have a large ruff of erectile feathers, variable in their colors, on the neck, and yellowish naked tubercles on the face. They are polygamous, and are noted for their pugnacity in the breeding season. The female is called reeve, or rheeve. (b) A variety of the domestic pigeon, having a ruff of its neck.

Ruff, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruffed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ruffing.] 1. To ruffle; to disorder. Spenser.

2. (Mil.) To beat with the ruff or ruffle, as a drum.

3. (Hawking) To hit, as the prey, without fixing it.

{ Ruff, Ruffe } (?), n. [OE. ruffe.] (Zoöl.) A small freshwater European perch (Acerina vulgaris); -- called also pope, blacktail, and stone, or striped, perch.

Ruffed (?), a. Furnished with a ruff.

Ruffed grouse (Zoöl.), a North American grouse (Bonasa umbellus) common in the wooded districts of the Northern United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black feathers on each side of the neck, and is noted for the loud drumming sound he makes during the breeding season. Called also tippet grouse, partridge, birch partridge, pheasant, drummer, and white-flesher. -- ruffed lemur (Zoöl.), a species of lemur (lemur varius) having a conspicuous ruff on the sides of the head. Its color is varied with black and white. Called also ruffed maucaco.

Ruf"fian (? or ?; 277), n. [F. rufien, OF. ruffen, ruffian, pimp. libertine, ake; cf. pr. & Sp. rufian, It. ruffiano; all perhaps of German or Dutch origin; cf. G. raufen to pluck, scuffle, fight, OD. roffen to pander. Cf. Ruffle to grow urbulent.] 1. A pimp; a pander; also, a paramour. [Obs.]

he [her husband] is no sooner abroad than she is instantly at home, reveling with her ruffians.

Bp. Reynolds.

2. A boisterous, cruel, brutal fellow; a desperate fellow ready for murderous or cruel deeds; a cutthroat.

Wilt thou on thy deathbed play the ruffian?


Ruf"fian, a. brutal; cruel; savagely boisterous; murderous; as, ruffian rage.

Ruf"fian, v. i. To play the ruffian; to rage; to raise tumult. [R.] Shak.

Ruf"fian*age (?), n. Ruffians, collectively; a body of ruffians. "The vilest ruffianage." Sir F. Palgrave.

Ruf"fian*ish, a. Having the qualities or manners of a ruffian; ruffianly.

Ruf"fian*like` (?), a. Ruffianly. Fulke.

Ruf"fian*ly, a. Like a ruffian; bold in crimes; characteristic of a ruffian; violent; brutal.

Ruf"fian*ous (?), a. Ruffianly. [Obs.] Chapman.

Ruf"fin (?), a. [See Ruffian.] Disordered. [Obs.]

His ruffin rainment all was stained with blood.


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Ruf"fle (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruffled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ruffling (?).] [From Ruff a plaited collar, a drum beat, a tumult: cf. OD. ruyffelen to wrinkle.] 1. To make into a ruff; to draw or contract into puckers, plaits, or folds; to wrinkle.

2. To furnish with ruffles; as, to ruffle a shirt.

3. To oughen or disturb the surface of; to make uneven by agitation or commotion.

The fantastic revelries . . . that so often ruffled the placid bosom of the Nile.

I. Taylor.

She smoothed the ruffled seas.


4. To erect in a ruff, as feathers.

[the swan] ruffles her pure cold plume.


5. (Mil.) To beat with the ruff or ruffle, as a drum.

6. To discompose; to agitate; to disturb.

These ruffle the tranquillity of the mind.

Sir W. Hamilton.

But, ever after, the small violence done
Rankled in him and ruffled all his heart.


7. To throw into disorder or confusion.

Where best
He might the ruffled foe infest.


8. To throw together in a disorderly manner. [R.]

I ruffled up falen leaves in heap.


To ruffle the feathers of, to exite the resentment of; to irritate.

Ruf"fle (?), v. i. [Perhaps of different origin from ruffle to wrinkle; cf. OD. roffeln, roffen, to pander, LG. raffein, Dan. ruffer a pimp. Cf. Rufflan.] 1. To grow rough, boisterous, or turbulent. [R.]

The night comes on, and the bleak winds
Do sorely ruffle.


2. To become disordered; to play loosely; to flutter.

On his right shoulder his thick mane reclined,
Ruffles at speed, and dances in the wind.


3. To be rough; to jar; to be in contention; hence, to put on airs; to swagger.

They would ruffle with jurors.


Gallants who ruffled in silk and embroidery.

Sir W. Scott.

Ruf"fle, n. [See Ruffle, v. t. & i.] 1. That which is ruffled; specifically, a strip of lace, cambric, or other fine cloth, plaited or gathered on one edge or in the middle, and used as a trimming; a frill.

2. A state of being ruffled or disturbed; disturbance; agitation; commotion; as, to put the mind in a ruffle.

3. (Mil.) A low, vibrating beat of a drum, not so loud as a roll; -- called also ruff. H. L. Scott.

4. (Zoöl.) The connected series of large egg capsules, or oöthecæ, of any one of several species of American marine gastropods of the genus Fulgur. See Oötheca.

Ruffle of a boot, the top turned down, and scalloped or plaited. Halliwell.

Ruf"fle*less, a. Having no ruffle.

Ruf"fle*ment (?), n. The act of ruffling. [R.]

Ruf"fler (?), n. 1. One who ruffles; a swaggerer; a bully; a ruffian.

Assaults, if not murders, done at his own doors by that crew of rufflers.


2. That which ruffles; specifically, a sewing machine attachment for making ruffles.

Ru`fi*gal"lic (?), a. [Rufiopin + gallic.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid which is obtained from gallic acid as a brown or red crystalline substance, and is related to rufiopin and anthracene.

Ru`fi*o"pin (?), n. [L. rufus reddish + opianic.] (Chem.) A yellowish red crystalline substance related to anthracene, and obtained from opianic acid.

Ru"fol (?), n. [L. rufus reddish + -ol.] (Chem.) A phenol derivative of anthracene obtained as a white crystalline substance, which on oxidation produces a red dyestuff related to anthraquinone.

Ru"fous (?), a. [L. rufus.] Reddish; of a yellowish red or brownish red color; tawny.

Ruft (?), n. (Med.) Eructation; belching. [Obs.]

Ruf"ter*hood (?), n. [Cf. Ruff a plaited collar.] (Falconry) A kind of hood for a hawk.

Rug (?), n. [Cf. Sw. rugg entanglend hair, ruggig rugged, shaggy, probably akin to E. rough. See Rough, a.] 1. A kind of coarse, heavy frieze, formerly used for garments.

They spin the choicest rug in Ireland. A friend of mine . . . repaired to Paris Garden clad in one of these Waterford rugs. The mastiffs, . . . deeming he had been a bear, would fain have baited him.


2. A piece of thick, nappy fabric, commonly made of wool, -- used for various purposes, as for covering and ornamenting part of a bare floor, for hanging in a doorway as a potière, for protecting a portion of carpet, for a wrap to protect the legs from cold, etc.

3. A rough, woolly, or shaggy dog.

Rug gown, a gown made of rug, of or coarse, shaggy cloth. B. Johnson.

Rug, v. t. To pull roughly or hastily; to plunder; to spoil; to tear. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott.

||Ru"ga (?), n.; pl. Rugæ (#). [L.] (Nat. Hist.) A wrinkle; a fold; as, the rugæ of the stomach.

Ru"gate (?), a. [L. rugatus, p. p. of rugare to wrinkle, fr. ruga a wrinkle.] Having alternate ridges and depressions; wrinkled. Dana.

Rug"ged (?), a. [See Rug, n.] 1. Full of asperities on the surface; broken into sharp or irregular points, or otherwise uneven; not smooth; rough; as, a rugged mountain; a rugged road.

The rugged bark of some broad elm.


2. Not neat or regular; uneven.

His well-proportioned beard made rough and rugged.


3. Rough with bristles or hair; shaggy. "The rugged Russian bear." Shak.

4. Harsh; hard; crabbed; austere; -- said of temper, character, and the like, or of persons.

Neither melt nor endear him, but leave him as hard, rugged, and unconcerned as ever.


5. Stormy; turbulent; tempestuous; rude. Milton.

6. Rough to the ear; harsh; grating; -- said of sound, style, and the like.

Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line.


7. Sour; surly; frowning; wrinkled; -- said of looks, etc. "Sleek o'er your rugged looks." Shak.

8. Violent; rude; boisterrous; -- said of conduct, manners, etc.

9. Vigorous; robust; hardy; -- said of health, physique, etc. [Colloq. U.S.]

Syn. -- Rough; uneven; wrinkled; cragged; coarse; rude; harsh; hard; crabbed; severe; austere; surly; sour; frowning; violent; boisterous; tumultuous; turbulent; stormy; tempestuous; inclement.

-- Rug"ged*ly (#), adv. -- Rug"ged*ness, n.

Rug"ging (?), n. A coarse kind of woolen cloth, used for wrapping, blanketing, etc.

Rug"-gowned (?), a. Wearing a coarse gown or shaggy garment made of rug. Beau. & Fl.

Rug"gy (?), a. Rugged; rough. [Obs.] "With ruggy, ashy hairs." Chaucer.

Rug"-head`ed (?), a. Having shaggy hair; shock-headed. [Obs.]

Those rough rug-headed kerns.


Rug"in (?), n. A nappy cloth. [Obs.] Wiseman.

Ru"gine (?), n. [F.] (Surg.) An instrument for scraping the periosteum from bones; a raspatory.

Ru"gine, v. t. [F. ruginer to scrape.] To scrape or rasp, as a bone; to scale. [R.] Wiseman.

||Ru*go"sa (?), n. pl. [NL. See Rugose.] (Paleon.) An extinct tribe of fossil corals, including numerous species, many of them of large size. They are characteristic of the Paleozoic formations. The radiating septs, when present, are usually in multiples of four. See Cyathophylloid.

Ru*gose" (?), a. [L. rugosus, r. ruga a wrinkle.] Wrinkled; full of wrinkles; specifically (Bot.), having the veinlets sunken and the spaces between them elevated, as the leaves of the sage and horehound.

Ru*gos"i*ty (?), n. [L. rugositas: cf. F. rugosité.] The quality or state of being rugose.

Ru"gous (?), a. [Cf. F. rugueux.] Wrinkled; rugose.

Ru`gu*lose" (?), a. Somewhat rugose.

Ruhm"korff's coil` (?). [So called from its inventor, Ruhmkorff, a german physicist.] (Elec.) See Induction coil, under Induction.

Ru"in (?), n. [OE. ruine, F. ruine, fr. L. ruina, fr. ruere, rutum, to fall with violence, to rush or tumble down.] 1. The act of falling or tumbling down; fall. [Obs.] "His ruin startled the other steeds." Chapman.

2. Such a change of anything as destroys it, or entirely defeats its object, or unfits it for use; destruction; overthrow; as, the ruin of a ship or an army; the ruin of a constitution or a government; the ruin of health or hopes. "Ruin seize thee, ruthless king!" Gray.

3. That which is fallen down and become worthless from injury or decay; as, his mind is a ruin; especially, in the plural, the remains of a destroyed, dilapidated, or desolate house, fortress, city, or the like.

The Veian and the Gabian towers shall fall,
And one promiscuous ruin cover all;
Nor, after length of years, a stone betray
The place where once the very ruins lay.


The labor of a day will not build up a virtuous habit on the ruins of an old and vicious character.


4. The state of being dcayed, or of having become ruined or worthless; as, to be in ruins; to go to ruin.

5. That which promotes injury, decay, or destruction.

The errors of young men are the ruin of business.


Syn. -- Destruction; downfall; perdition; fall; overthrow; subversion; defeat; bane; pest; mischief.

Ru"in, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruined (?);p. pr. & vb. n. Ruining.] [Cf. F. ruiner, LL. ruinare. See Ruin, n.] To bring to ruin; to cause to fall to pieces and decay; to make to perish; to bring to destruction; to bring to poverty or bankruptcy; to impair seriously; to damage essentially; to overthrow.

this mortal house I'll ruin.


By thee raised, I ruin all my foes.


The eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us.


By the fireside there are old men seated,
Seeling ruined cities in the ashes.


Ru"in, v. i. To fall to ruins; to go to ruin; to become decayed or dilapidated; to perish. [R.]

Though he his house of polished marble build,
Yet shall it ruin like the moth's frail cell.


If we are idle, and disturb the industrious in their business, we shall ruin the faster.


Ru"in*a*ble (?), a. Capable of being ruined.

Ru"in*ate (?), v. t. [LL. ruinatus, p. p. of ruinare to ruin. See Ruin.] 1. To demolish; to subvert; to destroy; to reduce to poverty; to ruin.

I will not ruinate my f&?;ther's house.


Ruinating thereby the health of their bodies.


2. To cause to fall; to cast down.

On the other side they saw that perilous rock
Threatening itself on them to ruinate.


Ru"in*ate, v. i. To fall; to tumble. [Obs.]

Ru"in*ate (?), a. [L. ruinatus, p. p.] Involved in ruin; ruined.

My brother Edward lives in pomp and state,
I in a mansion here all ruinate.

J. Webster.

Ru`in*a"tion (?), n. [LL. ruinatio.] The act of ruining, or the state of being ruined.

Ru"in*er (?), n. One who, or that which, ruins.

Ru"in*i*form (?), a. [Ruin + - form: cf. F. ruiniforme.] Having the appearance of ruins, or of the ruins of houses; -- said of certain minerals.

Ru"in*ous (?), a. [L. ruinosus: cf. F. ruineux. See Ruin.] 1. Causing, or tending to cause, ruin; destructive; baneful; pernicious; as, a ruinous project.

After a night of storm so ruinous.


2. Characterized by ruin; ruined; dilapidated; as, an edifice, bridge, or wall in a ruinous state.

3. Composed of, or consisting in, ruins.

Behold, Damascus . . . shall be a ruinous heap.

Isa. xvii. 1.

Syn. -- Dilapidated; decayed; demolished; pernicious; destructive; baneful; wasteful; mischievous.

-- Ru"in*ous*ly (#), adv. -- Ru"in*ous*ness, n.

Rukh (?), n. [Srr Roc.] 1. The roc.

2. (Zoöl.) A large bird, supposed by some to be the same as the extinct Epiornis of Madagascar. [Obs.]

Rul"a*ble (?), a. That may be ruled; subject to rule; accordant or conformable to rule. Bacon.

Rule (?), n. [OE. reule, riule, OF. riule, reule, F. régle, fr. L. regula a ruler, rule, model, fr. regere, rectum, to lead straight, to direct. See Right, a., and cf. Regular.] 1. That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action; a governing direction for a specific purpose; an authoritative enactment; a regulation; a prescription; a precept; as, the rules of various societies; the rules governing a school; a rule of etiquette or propriety; the rules of cricket.

We profess to have embraced a religion which contains the most exact rules for the government of our lives.


2. Hence: (a) Uniform or established course of things.

'T is against the rule of nature.


(b) Systematic method or practice; as, my ule is to rise at six o'clock. (c) Ordibary course of procedure; usual way; comon state or condition of things; as, it is a rule to which there are many exeptions. (d) Conduct in general; behavior. [Obs.]

This uncivil rule; she shall know of it.


3. The act of ruling; administration of law; government; empire; authority; control.

Obey them that have the rule over you.

Heb. xiii. 17.

His stern rule the groaning land obeyed.


4. (Law) An order regulating the practice of the courts, or an order made between parties to an action or a suit. Wharton.

5. (Math.) A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result; as, a rule for extracting the cube root.

6. (Gram.) A general principle concerning the formation or use of words, or a concise statement thereof; thus, it is a rule in England, that s or es , added to a noun in the singular number, forms the plural of that noun; but "man" forms its plural "men", and is an exception to the rule.

7. (a) A straight strip of wood, metal, or the like, which serves as a guide in drawing a straight line; a ruler. (b) A measuring instrument consisting of a graduated bar of wood, ivory, metal, or the like, which is usually marked so as to show inches and fractions of an inch, and jointed so that it may be folded compactly.

A judicious artist will use his eye, but he will trust only to his rule.


8. (Print.) (a) A thin plate of metal (usually brass) of the same height as the type, and used for printing lines, as between columns on the same page, or in tabular work. (b) A composing rule. See under Conposing.

As a rule, as a general thing; in the main; usually; as, he behaves well, as a rule. -- Board rule, Caliber rule, etc. See under Board, Caliber, etc. -- Rule joint, a knuckle joint having shoulders that abut when the connected pieces come in line with each other, and thus permit folding in one direction only. -- Rule of three (Arith.), that rule which directs, when three terms are given, how to find a fourth, which shall have the same ratio to the third term as the second has to the first; proportion. See Proportion, 5 (b). -- Rule of thumb, any rude process or operation, like that of using the thumb as a rule in measuring; hence, judgment and practical experience as distinguished from scientific knowledge.

Syn. -- regulation; law; precept; maxim; guide; canon; order; method; direction; control; government; sway; empire.

Rule, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ruling.] [Cf. OF. riuler, ruiler, L. regulare. See Rule, n., and cf. Regulate.] 1. To control the will and actions of; to exercise authority or dominion over; to govern; to manage. Chaucer.

A bishop then must be blameless; . . . one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection.

1 Tim. iii. 2, 4.

2. To control or direct by influence, counsel, or persuasion; to guide; -- used chiefly in the passive.

I think she will be ruled
In all respects by me.


3. To establish or settle by, or as by, a rule; to fix by universal or general consent, or by common practice.

That's are ruled case with the schoolmen.


4. (Law) To require or command by rule; to give as a direction or order of court.

5. To mark with lines made with a pen, pencil, etc., guided by a rule or ruler; to print or mark with lines by means of a rule or other contrivance effecting a similar result; as, to rule a sheet of paper of a blank book.

Ruled surface (Geom.), any surface that may be described by a straight line moving according to a given law; -- called also a scroll.

Rule, v. i. 1. To have power or command; to exercise supreme authority; -- often followed by over.

By me princes rule, and nobles.

Prov. viii. 16.

We subdue and rule over all other creatures.


2. (Law) To lay down and settle a rule or order of court; to decide an incidental point; to enter a rule. Burril. Bouvier.

3. (Com.) To keep within a (certain) range for a time; to be in general, or as a rule; as, prices ruled lower yesterday than the day before.

Rule"less, a. Destitute of rule; lawless. Spenser.

Rule"-mon`ger (?), n. A stickler for rules; a slave of rules [R.] Hare.

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Rul"er (rl"r), n. 1. One who rules; one who exercises sway or authority; a governor.

And he made him ruler over all the land.

Gen. xli. 43.

A prince and ruler of the land.


2. A straight or curved strip of wood, metal, etc., with a smooth edge, used for guiding a pen or pencil in drawing lines. Cf. Rule, n., 7 (a).

Parallel ruler. See under Parallel.

Rul"ing, a. 1. Predominant; chief; reigning; controlling; as, a ruling passion; a ruling sovereign.

2. Used in marking or engraving lines; as, a ruling machine or pen.

Syn. -- Predominant; chief; controlling; directing; guiding; governing; prevailing; prevalent.

Rul"ing, n. 1. The act of one who rules; ruled lines.

2. (Law) A decision or rule of a judge or a court, especially an oral decision, as in excluding evidence.

Rul"ing*ly, adv. In a ruling manner; so as to rule.

Rul"li*chies (rl"l*chz), n. pl. [Cf. D. rolletje a little roll.] Chopped meat stuffed into small bags of tripe. They are cut in slices and fried. [Local, New York]

Rul"y (?), a. [From Rule.] Orderly; easily restrained; -- opposed to unruly. [Obs.] Gascoigne.

Rum (?), n. [probably shortened from Prov. E. rumbullion a great tumult, formerly applied in the island of Barbadoes to an intoxicating liquor.] A kind of intoxicating liquor distilled from cane juice, or from the scummings of the boiled juice, or from treacle or molasses, or from the lees of former distillations. Also, sometimes used colloquially as a generic or a collective name for intoxicating liquor.

Rum bud, a grog blossom. [Colloq.] -- Rum shrub, a drink composed of rum, water, sugar, and lime juice or lemon juice, with some flavoring extract.

Rum, a. [Formerly rome, a slang word for good; possibly of Gypsy origin; cf. Gypsy rom a husband, a gypsy.] Old-fashioned; queer; odd; as, a rum idea; a rum fellow. [Slang] Dickens.

Rum, n. A queer or odd person or thing; a country parson. [Slang, Obs.] Swift.

Rum"ble (?), v. i. [OE. romblen, akin to D. rommelen, G. rumpeln, Dan. rumle; cf. Icel. rymja to roar.] 1. To make a low, heavy, continued sound; as, the thunder rumbles at a distance.

In the mean while the skies 'gan rumble sore.


The people cried and rombled up and down.


2. To murmur; to ripple.

To rumble gently down with murmur soft.


Rum"ble, n. 1. A noisy report; rumor. [Obs.]

Delighting ever in rumble that is new.


2. A low, heavy, continuous sound like that made by heavy wagons or the reverberation of thunder; a confused noise; as, the rumble of a railroad train.

Clamor and rumble, and ringing and clatter.


Merged in the rumble of awakening day.

H. James.

3. A seat for servants, behind the body of a carriage.

Kit, well wrapped, . . . was in the rumble behind.


4. A rotating cask or box in which small articles are smoothed or polished by friction against each other.

Rum"ble, v. t. To cause to pass through a rumble, or shaking machine. See Rumble, n., 4.

Rum"bler (?), n. One who, or that which, rumbles.

Rum"bling (?), a. & n. from Rumble, v. i.

Rum"bling*ly, adv. In a rumbling manner.

Rum"bo (?), n. Grog. [Obs.] Sir W. Scott.

Rum*bow"line (?), n. (Naut.) Same as Rombowline.

||Ru"men (?), n. [L. rumen, - inis, the throat.] 1. (Anat.) The first stomach of ruminants; the paunch; the fardingbag. See Illust. below.

2. The cud of a ruminant.

Ru"mi*cin (?), n. (Chem.) A yellow crystalline substance found in the root of yellow dock (Rumex crispus) and identical with chrysophanic acid.

Rumi*nal (?), a. [L. ruminalis.] (Zoöl.) Ruminant; ruminating. [R.]

Ru"mi*nant (?), a. [L. ruminans, -antis, p. pr.: cf. F. ruminant. See Ruminate.] (Zoöl.) Chewing the cud; characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed; of or pertaining to the Ruminantia.

Ru"mi*nant, n. (Zoöl.) A ruminant animal; one of the Ruminantia.

||Ru`mi*nan"ti*a (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) A division of Artiodactyla having four stomachs. This division includes the camels, deer, antelopes, goats, sheep, neat cattle, and allies.

The vegetable food, after the first mastication, enters the first stomach (r). It afterwards passes into the second (n), where it is moistened, and formed into pellets which the animal has the power of bringing back to the mouth to be chewed again, after which it is swallowed into the third stomach (m), whence it passes to the fourth (s), where it is finally digested.

Ru"mi*nant*ly (?), adv. In a ruminant manner; by ruminating, or chewing the cud.

Ru"mi*nate (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ruminated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ruminating.] [L. ruminatus, p. p. of ruminari, ruminare, fr. rumen, -inis, throat, akin to ructare to belch, erugere to belch out, Gr. &?;, AS. roccettan.] 1. To chew the cud; to chew again what has been slightly chewed and swallowed. "Cattle free to ruminate." Wordsworth.

2. Fig.: To think again and again; to muse; to meditate; to ponder; to reflect. Cowper.

Apart from the hope of the gospel, who is there that ruminates on the felicity of heaven?

I. Taylor.

Ru"mi*nate (?), v. t. 1. To chew over again.

2. Fig.: To meditate or ponder over; to muse on.

Mad with desire, she ruminates her sin.


What I know
Is ruminated, plotted, and set down.


{ Ru"mi*nate (?), Ru"mi*na`ted (?) }, a. (Bot.) Having a hard albumen penetrated by irregular channels filled with softer matter, as the nutmeg and the seeds of the North American papaw.

Ru`mi*na"tion (?), n. [L. ruminatio: cf. F. rumination.] 1. The act or process of ruminating, or chewing the cud; the habit of chewing the cud.

Rumination is given to animals to enable them at once to lay up a great store of food, and afterward to chew it.


2. The state of being disposed to ruminate or ponder; deliberate meditation or reflection.

Retiring full of rumination sad.


3. (Physiol.) The regurgitation of food from the stomach after it has been swallowed, -- occasionally observed as a morbid phenomenon in man.

Ru"mi*na*tive (?), a. Inclined to, or engaged in, rumination or meditation.

Ru"mi*na`tor (?), n. [L.] One who ruminates or muses; a meditator.

Rum"kin (?), n. [Cf. Rummer, and see -kin.] A popular or jocular name for a drinking vessel. [Obs.]

Rum"mage (?; 48), n. [For roomage, fr. room; hence originally, a making room, a packing away closely. See Room.] 1. (Naut.) A place or room for the stowage of cargo in a ship; also, the act of stowing cargo; the pulling and moving about of packages incident to close stowage; -- formerly written romage. [Obs.]

2. A searching carefully by looking into every corner, and by turning things over.

He has made such a general rummage and reform in the office of matrimony.


Rummage sale, a clearance sale of unclaimed goods in a public store, or of odds and ends which have accumulated in a shop. Simmonds.

Rum"mage, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rummaged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rummaging (?).] 1. (Naut.) To make room in, as a ship, for the cargo; to move about, as packages, ballast, so as to permit close stowage; to stow closely; to pack; -- formerly written roomage, and romage. [Obs.]

They might bring away a great deal more than they do, if they would take pain in the romaging.


2. To search or examine thoroughly by looking into every corner, and turning over or removing goods or other things; to examine, as a book, carefully, turning over leaf after leaf.

He . . . searcheth his pockets, and taketh his keys, and so rummageth all his closets and trunks.


What schoolboy of us has not rummaged his Greek dictionary in vain for a satisfactory account!

M. Arnold.

Rum"mage, v. i. To search a place narrowly.

I have often rummaged for old books in Little Britain and Duck Lane.


[His house] was haunted with a jolly ghost, that . . .
. . . rummaged like a rat.


Rum"ma*ger (?), n. 1. One who rummages.

2. (Naut.) A person on shipboard whose business was to take charge of stowing the cargo; -- formerly written roomager, and romager. [Obs.]

The master must provide a perfect mariner, called a romager, to range and bestow all merchandise.


Rum"mer (&?;), n. [D. roemer, romer, akin to G. römer, Sw. remmare; perhaps properly, Roman.] A large and tall glass, or drinking cup. [Obs.] J. Philips.

Rum"my (?), a. Of or pertaining to rum; characteristic of rum; as a rummy flavor.

Rum"my, n.; pl. Rummies (&?;). One who drinks rum; an habitually intemperate person. [Low]

Rum"my, a. [See Rum, a.] Strange; odd. [Slang]

Rum"ney (?), n. A sort of Spanish wine. [Obs.]

Ru"mor (?), n. [F. rumeur, L. rumor; cf. rumificare, rumitare to rumor, Skr. ru to cry.] [Written also rumour.] 1. A flying or popular report; the common talk; hence, public fame; notoriety.

This rumor of him went forth throughout all Judea, and throughout all the region round about.

Luke vii. 17.

Great is the rumor of this dreadful knight.


2. A current story passing from one person to another, without any known authority for its truth; -- in this sense often personified.

Rumor next, and Chance,
And Tumult, and Confusion, all embroiled.


3. A prolonged, indistinct noise. [Obs.] Shak.

Ru"mor, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rumored (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rumoring.] To report by rumor; to tell.

'T was rumored
My father 'scaped from out the citadel.


Ru"mor*er (?), n. A teller of news; especially, one who spreads false reports. Shak.

Ru"mor*ous (?), a. [Cf. OF. rumoreux, It. rumoroso, romoroso.] 1. Of or pertaining to a rumor; of the nature of rumors. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton.

2. Famous; notorious. [Obs.] Bale.

3. Murmuring. [Obs. or Poetic] Drayton.

Rump (?), n. [OE. rumpe; akin to D. romp trunk, body, LG. rump, G. rumpf, Dan. rumpe rump, Icel. rumpr, Sw. rumpa rump, tail.] 1. The end of the backbone of an animal, with the parts adjacent; the buttock or buttocks.

2. Among butchers, the piece of beef between the sirloin and the aitchbone piece. See Illust. of Beef.

3. Fig.: The hind or tail end; a fag-end; a remnant.

Rump Parliament, or The Rump (Eng. Hist.), the remnant of the Long Parliament after the expulsion by Cromwell in 1648 of those who opposed his purposes. It was dissolved by Cromwell in 1653, but twice revived for brief sessions, ending finally in 1659.

The Rump abolished the House of Lords, the army abolished the Rump, and by this army of saints Cromwell governed.


-- Rump steak, a beefsteak from the rump. Goldsmith.

Rump"er (?), n. A member or a supporter of the Rump Parliament. I. Disraeli.

Rump"-fed (?), a. A Shakespearean word of uncertain meaning. Perhaps "fattened in the rump, pampered." "The rump-fed ronyon."

Rum"ple (?), v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Rumpled p. pr. & vb. n. Rumpling (&?;).] [Cf. rimple, and D. rimpelen to wrinkle, rompelig rough, uneven, G. rümpfen to wrinkle, MHG. rümphen, OHG. rimpfan, Gr. "ra`mfos the crooked beak of birds of prey, &?; to roam.] To make uneven; to form into irregular inequalities; to wrinkle; to crumple; as, to rumple an apron or a cravat.

They would not give a dog's ear of their most rumpled and ragged Scotch paper for twenty of your fairest assignats.


Rum"ple, n. A fold or plait; a wrinkle. Dryden.

Rum"pled (?), a. Wrinkled; crumpled. Pope.

Rump"less (?), a. Destitute of a rump.

Rum"ply (?), a. Rumpled. Carlyle.

Rum"pus (?), n. A disturbance; noise and confusion; a quarrel. [Colloq.]

Rum"sell`er (?), n. One who sells rum; one who deals in intoxicating liquors; especially, one who sells spirituous beverages at retail.

Run (?), v. i. [imp. Ran (?) or Run; p. p. Run; p. pr. & vb. n. Running.] [OE. rinnen, rennen (imp. ran, p. p. runnen, ronnen). AS. rinnan to flow (imp. ran, p. p. gerunnen), and iernan, irnan, to run (imp. orn, arn, earn, p. p. urnen); akin to D. runnen, rennen, OS. & OHG. rinnan, G. rinnen, rennen, Icel. renna, rinna, Sw. rinna, ränna, Dan. rinde, rende, Goth. rinnan, and perh. to L. oriri to rise, Gr. &?; to stir up, rouse, Skr. &?; (cf. Origin), or perh. to L. rivus brook (cf. Rival). √11. Cf. Ember, a., Rennet.] 1. To move, proceed, advance, pass, go, come, etc., swiftly, smoothly, or with quick action; -- said of things animate or inanimate. Hence, to flow, glide, or roll onward, as a stream, a snake, a wagon, etc.; to move by quicker action than in walking, as a person, a horse, a dog. Specifically: --

2. Of voluntary or personal action: (a) To go swiftly; to pass at a swift pace; to hasten.

"Ha, ha, the fox!" and after him they ran.


(b) To flee, as from fear or danger.

As from a bear a man would run for life.


(c) To steal off; to depart secretly.

My conscience will serve me to run from this jew.


(d) To contend in a race; hence, to enter into a contest; to become a candidate; as, to run for Congress.

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

1 Cor. ix. 24.

(e) To pass from one state or condition to another; to come into a certain condition; -- often with in or into; as, to run into evil practices; to run in debt.

Have I not cause to rave and beat my breast, to rend my heart with grief and run distracted?


(f) To exert continuous activity; to proceed; as, to run through life; to run in a circle. (g) To pass or go quickly in thought or conversation; as, to run from one subject to another.

Virgil, in his first Georgic, has run into a set of precepts foreign to his subject.


(h) To discuss; to continue to think or speak about something; -- with on. (i) To make numerous drafts or demands for payment, as upon a bank; -- with on. (j) To creep, as serpents.

3. Of involuntary motion: (a) To flow, as a liquid; to ascend or descend; to course; as, rivers run to the sea; sap runs up in the spring; her blood ran cold. (b) To proceed along a surface; to extend; to spread.

The fire ran along upon the ground.

Ex. ix. 23.

(c) To become fluid; to melt; to fuse.

As wax dissolves, as ice begins to run.


Sussex iron ores run freely in the fire.


(d) To turn, as a wheel; to revolve on an axis or pivot; as, a wheel runs swiftly round. (e) To travel; to make progress; to be moved by mechanical means; to go; as, the steamboat runs regularly to Albany; the train runs to Chicago. (f) To extend; to reach; as, the road runs from Philadelphia to New York; the memory of man runneth not to the contrary.

She saw with joy the line immortal run,
Each sire impressed, and glaring in his son.


(g) To go back and forth from place to place; to ply; as, the stage runs between the hotel and the station. (h) To make progress; to proceed; to pass.

As fast as our time runs, we should be very glad in most part of our lives that it ran much faster.


(i) To continue in operation; to be kept in action or motion; as, this engine runs night and day; the mill runs six days in the week.

When we desire anything, our minds run wholly on the good circumstances of it; when it is obtained, our minds run wholly on the bad ones.


(j) To have a course or direction; as, a line runs east and west.

Where the generally allowed practice runs counter to it.


Little is the wisdom, where the flight
So runs against all reason.


(k) To be in form thus, as a combination of words.

The king's ordinary style runneth, "Our sovereign lord the king."

Bp. Sanderson.

(l) To be popularly known; to be generally received.

Men gave them their own names, by which they run a great while in Rome.

Sir W. Temple.

Neither was he ignorant what report ran of himself.


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(m) To have growth or development; as, boys and girls run up rapidly.

If the richness of the ground cause turnips to run to leaves.


(n) To tend, as to an effect or consequence; to incline.

A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds.


Temperate climates run into moderate governments.


(o) To spread and blend together; to unite; as, colors run in washing.

In the middle of a rainbow the colors are . . . distinguished, but near the borders they run into one another.

I. Watts.

(p) To have a legal course; to be attached; to continue in force, effect, or operation; to follow; to go in company; as, certain covenants run with the land.

Customs run only upon our goods imported or exported, and that but once for all; whereas interest runs as well upon our ships as goods, and must be yearly paid.

Sir J. Child.

(q) To continue without falling due; to hold good; as, a note has thirty days to run. (r) To discharge pus or other matter; as, an ulcer runs. (s) To be played on the stage a number of successive days or nights; as, the piece ran for six months. (t) (Naut.) To sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing closehauled; -- said of vessels.

4. Specifically, of a horse: To move rapidly in a gait in which each leg acts in turn as a propeller and a supporter, and in which for an instant all the limbs are gathered in the air under the body. Stillman (The Horse in Motion).

5. (Athletics) To move rapidly by springing steps so that there is an instant in each step when neither foot touches the ground; -- so distinguished from walking in athletic competition.

As things run, according to the usual order, conditions, quality, etc.; on the average; without selection or specification. -- To let run (Naut.), to allow to pass or move freely; to slacken or loosen. -- To run after, to pursue or follow; to search for; to endeavor to find or obtain; as, to run after similes. Locke. -- To run away, to flee; to escape; to elope; to run without control or guidance. -- To run away with. (a) To convey away hurriedly; to accompany in escape or elopement. (b) To drag rapidly and with violence; as, a horse runs away with a carriage. -- To run down. (a) To cease to work or operate on account of the exhaustion of the motive power; -- said of clocks, watches, etc. (b) To decline in condition; as, to run down in health. -- To run down a coast, to sail along it. -- To run for an office, to stand as a candidate for an office. -- To run in or into. (a) To enter; to step in. (b) To come in collision with. -- To run in trust, to run in debt; to get credit. [Obs.] -- To run in with. (a) To close; to comply; to agree with. [R.] T. Baker. (b) (Naut.) To make toward; to near; to sail close to; as, to run in with the land. -- To run mad, To run mad after or on. See under Mad. -- To run on. (a) To be continued; as, their accounts had run on for a year or two without a settlement. (b) To talk incessantly. (c) To continue a course. (d) To press with jokes or ridicule; to abuse with sarcasm; to bear hard on. (e) (Print.) To be continued in the same lines, without making a break or beginning a new paragraph. -- To run out. (a) To come to an end; to expire; as, the lease runs out at Michaelmas. (b) To extend; to spread. "Insectile animals . . . run all out into legs." Hammond. (c) To expatiate; as, to run out into beautiful digressions. (d) To be wasted or exhausted; to become poor; to become extinct; as, an estate managed without economy will soon run out.

And had her stock been less, no doubt
She must have long ago run out.


-- To run over. (a) To overflow; as, a cup runs over, or the liquor runs over. (b) To go over, examine, or rehearse cursorily. (c) To ride or drive over; as, to run over a child. -- To run riot, to go to excess. -- To run through. (a) To go through hastily; as to run through a book. (b) To spend wastefully; as, to run through an estate. -- To run to seed, to expend or exhaust vitality in producing seed, as a plant; figuratively and colloquially, to cease growing; to lose vital force, as the body or mind. -- To run up, to rise; to swell; to grow; to increase; as, accounts of goods credited run up very fast.

But these, having been untrimmed for many years, had run up into great bushes, or rather dwarf trees.

Sir W. Scott.

-- To run with. (a) To be drenched with, so that streams flow; as, the streets ran with blood. (b) To flow while charged with some foreign substance. "Its rivers ran with gold." J. H. Newman.

Run (&?;), v. t. 1. To cause to run (in the various senses of Run, v. i.); as, to run a horse; to run a stage; to run a machine; to run a rope through a block.

2. To pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation.

To run the world back to its first original.


I would gladly understand the formation of a soul, and run it up to its "punctum saliens."


3. To cause to enter; to thrust; as, to run a sword into or through the body; to run a nail into the foot.

You run your head into the lion's mouth.

Sir W. Scott.

Having run his fingers through his hair.


4. To drive or force; to cause, or permit, to be driven.

They ran the ship aground.

Acts xxvii. 41.

A talkative person runs himself upon great inconveniences by blabbing out his own or other's secrets.


Others, accustomed to retired speculations, run natural philosophy into metaphysical notions.


5. To fuse; to shape; to mold; to cast; as, to run bullets, and the like.

The purest gold must be run and washed.


6. To cause to be drawn; to mark out; to indicate; to determine; as, to run a line.

7. To cause to pass, or evade, offical restrictions; to smuggle; -- said of contraband or dutiable goods.

Heavy impositions . . . are a strong temptation of running goods.


8. To go through or accomplish by running; as, to run a race; to run a certain career.

9. To cause to stand as a candidate for office; to support for office; as, to run some one for Congress. [Colloq. U.S.]

10. To encounter or incur, as a danger or risk; as, to run the risk of losing one's life. See To run the chances, below. "He runneth two dangers." Bacon.

11. To put at hazard; to venture; to risk.

He would himself be in the Highlands to receive them, and run his fortune with them.


12. To discharge; to emit; to give forth copiously; to be bathed with; as, the pipe or faucet runs hot water.

At the base of Pompey's statua,
Which all the while ran blood, great Cæsar fell.


13. To be charged with, or to contain much of, while flowing; as, the rivers ran blood.

14. To conduct; to manage; to carry on; as, to run a factory or a hotel. [Colloq. U.S.]

15. To tease with sarcasms and ridicule. [Colloq.]

16. To sew, as a seam, by passing the needle through material in a continuous line, generally taking a series of stitches on the needle at the same time.

17. To migrate or move in schools; -- said of fish; esp., to ascend a river in order to spawn.

To run a blockade, to get to, or away from, a blockaded port in safety. -- To run down. (a) (Hunting) To chase till the object pursued is captured or exhausted; as, to run down a stag. (b) (Naut.) To run against and sink, as a vessel. (c) To crush; to overthrow; to overbear. "Religion is run down by the license of these times." Berkeley. (d) To disparage; to traduce. F. W. Newman. -- To run hard. (a) To press in competition; as, to run one hard in a race. (b) To urge or press importunately. (c) To banter severely. - - To run into the ground, to carry to an absurd extreme; to overdo. [Slang, U.S.] -- To run off, to cause to flow away, as a charge of molten metal from a furnace. -- To run on (Print.), to carry on or continue, as the type for a new sentence, without making a break or commencing a new paragraph. -- To run out. (a) To thrust or push out; to extend. (b) To waste; to exhaust; as, to run out an estate. (c) (Baseball) To put out while running between two bases. -- To run the chances, or one's chances, to encounter all the risks of a certain course. -- To run through, to transfix; to pierce, as with a sword. "[He] was run through the body by the man who had asked his advice." Addison. -- To run up. (a) To thrust up, as anything long and slender. (b) To increase; to enlarge by additions, as an account. (c) To erect hastily, as a building.

Run (?), n. 1. The act of running; as, a long run; a good run; a quick run; to go on the run.

2. A small stream; a brook; a creek.

3. That which runs or flows in the course of a certain operation, or during a certain time; as, a run of must in wine making; the first run of sap in a maple orchard.

4. A course; a series; that which continues in a certain course or series; as, a run of good or bad luck.

They who made their arrangements in the first run of misadventure . . . put a seal on their calamities.


5. State of being current; currency; popularity.

It is impossible for detached papers to have a general run, or long continuance, if not diversified with humor.


6. Continued repetition on the stage; -- said of a play; as, to have a run of a hundred successive nights.

A canting, mawkish play . . . had an immense run.


7. A continuing urgent demand; especially, a pressure on a bank or treasury for payment of its notes.

8. A range or extent of ground for feeding stock; as, a sheep run. Howitt.

9. (Naut.) (a) The aftermost part of a vessel's hull where it narrows toward the stern, under the quarter. (b) The distance sailed by a ship; as, a good run; a run of fifty miles. (c) A voyage; as, a run to China.

10. A pleasure excursion; a trip. [Colloq.]

I think of giving her a run in London.


11. (Mining) The horizontal distance to which a drift may be carried, either by license of the proprietor of a mine or by the nature of the formation; also, the direction which a vein of ore or other substance takes.

12. (Mus.) A roulade, or series of running tones.

13. (Mil.) The greatest degree of swiftness in marching. It is executed upon the same principles as the double-quick, but with greater speed.

14. The act of migrating, or ascending a river to spawn; -- said of fish; also, an assemblage or school of fishes which migrate, or ascend a river for the purpose of spawning.

15. In baseball, a complete circuit of the bases made by a player, which enables him to score one; in cricket, a passing from one wicket to the other, by which one point is scored; as, a player made three runs; the side went out with two hundred runs.

The "runs" are made from wicket to wicket, the batsmen interchanging ends at each run.

R. A. Proctor.

16. A pair or set of millstones.

At the long run, now, commonly, In the long run, in or during the whole process or course of things taken together; in the final result; in the end; finally.

[Man] starts the inferior of the brute animals, but he surpasses them in the long run.

J. H. Newman.

-- Home run. (a) A running or returning toward home, or to the point from which the start was made. Cf. Home stretch. (b) (Baseball) See under Home. -- The run, or The common run, etc., ordinary persons; the generality or average of people or things; also, that which ordinarily occurs; ordinary current, course, or kind.

I saw nothing else that is superior to the common run of parks.


Burns never dreamed of looking down on others as beneath him, merely because he was conscious of his own vast superiority to the common run of men.

Prof. Wilson.

His whole appearance was something out of the common run.

W. Irving.

-- To let go by the run (Naut.), to loosen and let run freely, as lines; to let fall without restraint, as a sail.

Run, a. 1. Melted, or made from molten material; cast in a mold; as, run butter; run iron or lead.

2. Smuggled; as, run goods. [Colloq.] Miss Edgeworth.

Run steel, malleable iron castings. See under Malleable. Raymond.

Run"a*gate (?), n. [F. renégat, Prov. renegat. LL. renegatus; confused with E. run and gate a way. See Renegade.] A fugitive; a vagabond; an apostate; a renegade. See Renegade. Bunyan.

Wretched runagates from the jail.

De Quincey.

Who has not been a runagate from duty?


Run"a*way` (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, flees from danger, duty, restraint, etc.; a fugitive.

Thou runaway, thou coward, art thou fled?


2. The act of running away, esp. of a horse or teams; as, there was a runaway yesterday.

Run"a*way`, a. 1. Running away; fleeing from danger, duty, restraint, etc.; as, runaway soldiers; a runaway horse.

2. Accomplished by running away or elopement, or during flight; as, a runaway marriage.

Run*ca"tion (?), n. [L. runcatio, fr. runcare to weed out.] A weeding. [Obs.] Evelyn.

Runch (?), n. (Bot.) The wild radish. Dr. Prior.

Run"ci*nate (?), a. [L. runcinatus, p. p. of runcinare to plane off, fr. runcina a plane.] (Bot.) Pinnately cut with the lobes pointing downwards, as the leaf of the dandelion.

Run"del (?), n. [Cf. Rindle.] A moat with water in it; also, a small stream; a runlet. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

Run"del, n. [Cf. Rundle.] A circle. [Prov. Eng.]

Run"dle (?), n. [E. round. Cf. Rondle.] 1. A round; a step of a ladder; a rung. Duppa.

2. A ball. [Obs.] Holland.

3. Something which rotates about an axis, as a wheel, or the drum of a capstan. "An axis or cylinder having a rundle about it." Bp. Wilkins.

4. (Mach.) One of the pins or trundles of a lantern wheel.

Rund"let (?), n. [Dim. of OF. rondele a little tun, fr. rond round. See Round, and cf. Roundlet, Runlet.] A small barrel of no certain dimensions. It may contain from 3 to 20 gallons, but it usually holds about 14½ gallons. [Written also runlet.]

Rune (rn), n. [AS. rn a rune, a secret, a mystery; akin to Icel. rn, OHG. & Goth. rna a secret, secret colloquy, G. & Dan. rune rune, and probably to Gr. 'ereyna^n to search for. Cf. Roun to whisper.] 1. A letter, or character, belonging to the written language of the ancient Norsemen, or Scandinavians; in a wider sense, applied to the letters of the ancient nations of Northern Europe in general.

The Norsemen had a peculiar alphabet, consisting of sixteen letters, or characters, called runes, the origin of which is lost in the remotest antiquity. The signification of the word rune (mystery) seems to allude to the fact that originally only a few were acquainted with the use of these marks, and that they were mostly applied to secret tricks, witchcrafts and enchantments. But the runes were also used in communication by writing.

2. pl. Old Norse poetry expressed in runes.

Runes were upon his tongue,
As on the warrior's sword.


Rune stone, a stone bearing a runic inscription.

Ru"ner (?), n. A bard, or learned man, among the ancient Goths. Sir W. Temple.

Rung (?), imp. & p. p. of Ring.

Rung, n. [OE. ronge, AS. hrung, a staff, rod, pole; akin to G. runge a short, thick piece of iron or wood, OD. ronghe a prop, support, Icel. röng a rib in a ship, Goth. Hrugga a staff.] 1. (Shipbuilding) A floor timber in a ship.

2. One of the rounds of a ladder.

3. One of the stakes of a cart; a spar; a heavy staff.

4. (Mach.) One of the radial handles projecting from the rim of a steering wheel; also, one of the pins or trundles of a lantern wheel.

Rung"head` (?), n. (Shipbuilding) The upper end of a floor timber in a ship.

Ru"nic (?), a. Of or pertaining to a rune, to runes, or to the Norsemen; as, runic verses; runic letters; runic names; runic rhyme.

Runic staff. See Clog almanac, under Clog. -- Runic wand, a willow wand bearing runes, formerly thought to have been used by the heathen tribes of Northern Europe in magical ceremonies.

Run"let (?), n. [Run + - let.] A little run or stream; a streamlet; a brook.

To trace out to its marshy source every runlet that has cast in its tiny pitcherful with the rest.


Run"let, n. Same as Rundlet. "A stoup of sack, or a runlet of canary." Sir W. Scott.

Run"nel (?), n. [From Run. Cf. Rindle.] A rivulet or small brook.

Bubbling runnels joined the sound.


By the very sides of the way . . . there are slow runnels, in which one can see the minnows swimming.


Run"ner (?), n. [From Run.] 1. One who, or that which, runs; a racer.

2. A detective. [Slang, Eng.] Dickens.

3. A messenger. Swift.

4. A smuggler. [Colloq.] R. North.

5. One employed to solicit patronage, as for a steamboat, hotel, shop, etc. [Cant, U.S.]

6. (Bot.) A slender trailing branch which takes root at the joints or end and there forms new plants, as in the strawberry and the common cinquefoil.

7. The rotating stone of a set of millstones.

8. (Naut.) A rope rove through a block and used to increase the mechanical power of a tackle. Totten.

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9. One of the pieces on which a sled or sleigh slides; also the part or blade of a skate which slides on the ice.

10. (Founding) (a) A horizontal channel in a mold, through which the metal flows to the cavity formed by the pattern; also, the waste metal left in such a channel. (b) A trough or channel for leading molten metal from a furnace to a ladle, mold, or pig bed.

11. The movable piece to which the ribs of an umbrella are attached.

12. (Zoöl.) A food fish (Elagatis pinnulatus) of Florida and the West Indies; -- called also skipjack, shoemaker, and yellowtail. The name alludes to its rapid successive leaps from the water.

13. (Zoöl.) Any cursorial bird.

14. (Mech.) (a) A movable slab or rubber used in grinding or polishing a surface of stone. (b) A tool on which lenses are fastened in a group, for polishing or grinding.

Run"net (?), n. See Rennet.

Run"ning (?), a. 1. Moving or advancing by running. Specifically, of a horse; (a) Having a running gait; not a trotter or pacer. (b) trained and kept for running races; as, a running horse. Law.

2. Successive; one following the other without break or intervention; -- said of periods of time; as, to be away two days running; to sow land two years running.

3. Flowing; easy; cursive; as, a running hand.

4. Continuous; keeping along step by step; as, he stated the facts with a running explanation. "A running conquest." Milton.

What are art and science if not a running commentary on Nature?


5. (Bot.) Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem; as, a running vine.

6. (Med.) Discharging pus; as, a running sore.

Running block (Mech.), a block in an arrangement of pulleys which rises or sinks with the weight which is raised or lowered. -- Running board, a narrow platform extending along the side of a locomotive. -- Running bowsprit (Naut.) Same as Reefing bowsprit. -- Running days (Com.), the consecutive days occupied on a voyage under a charter party, including Sundays and not limited to the working days. Simmonds. -- Running fire, a constant fire of musketry or cannon. -- Running gear, the wheels and axles of a vehicle, and their attachments, in distinction from the body; all the working parts of a locomotive or other machine, in distinction from the framework. - - Running hand, a style of rapid writing in which the letters are usually slanted and the words formed without lifting the pen; -- distinguished from round hand. -- Running part (Naut.), that part of a rope that is hauled upon, -- in distinction from the standing part. -- Running rigging (Naut.), that part of a ship's rigging or ropes which passes through blocks, etc.; -- in distinction from standing rigging. -- Running title (Print.), the title of a book or chapter continued from page to page on the upper margin.

Run"ning, n. The act of one who, or of that which runs; as, the running was slow.

2. That which runs or flows; the quantity of a liquid which flows in a certain time or during a certain operation; as, the first running of a still.

3. The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.

At long running, in the long run. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor.

Run"ning*ly, adv. In a running manner.

Run"nion (?), n. See Ronion.

Ru*nol"o*gy (?), n. [Rune + - logy.] The science of runes. -- Ru*nol"o*gist (#), n.

Run"round` (?), n. A felon or whitlow. [Colloq. U.S.]

Runt (?), n. [Written also rant.] [Scot. runt an old cow, an old, withered woman, a hardened stem or stalk, the trunk of a tree; cf. D. rund a bullock, an ox or cow, G. rind. Cf. Rother, a.] 1. (Zoöl.) Any animal which is unusually small, as compared with others of its kind; -- applied particularly to domestic animals.

2. (Zoöl.) A variety of domestic pigeon, related to the barb and carrier.

3. A dwarf; also, a mean, despicable, boorish person; -- used opprobriously.

Before I buy a bargain of such runts,
I'll buy a college for bears, and live among 'em.

Beau. & Fl.

4. The dead stump of a tree; also, the stem of a plant. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

Neither young poles nor old runts are durable.


Runt"y (?), a. Like a runt; diminutive; mean.

Run"way` (?), n. 1. The channel of a stream.

2. The beaten path made by deer or other animals in passing to and from their feeding grounds.

Ru*pee" (r*p"), n. [Hind. rpiyah, fr. Skr. rpya silver, coined silver or gold, handsome.] A silver coin, and money of account, in the East Indies.

The valuation of the rupee of sixteen annas, the standard coin of India, by the United States Treasury department, varies from time to time with the price of silver. In 1889 it was rated at about thirty-two cents.

Ru"pel*la*ry (?), n. [From L. rupes a rock.] Rocky. [Obs.] "This rupellary nidary." Evelyn.

Ru"pert's drop` (?). A kind of glass drop with a long tail, made by dropping melted glass into water. It is remarkable for bursting into fragments when the surface is scratched or the tail broken; -- so called from Prince Rupert, nephew of Charles I., by whom they were first brought to England. Called also Rupert's ball, and glass tear.

||Ru"pi*a (?), n. [NL., fr. G. &?; filth, dirt.] (Med.) An eruption upon the skin, consisting of vesicles with inflamed base and filled with serous, purulent, or bloody fluid, which dries up, forming a blackish crust.

Ru"pi*al (?), a. Of or pertaining to rupia.

||Ru*pic"o*la (?), n. [NL., fr. L. rupes, gen. rupis, a rock + colere to inhabit.] (Zoöl.) A genus of beautiful South American passerine birds, including the cock of the rock.

The species are remarkable for having an elevated fan-shaped crest of feathers on the head, and for the beautiful color of their plumage, which is mostly some delicate shade of yellow or orange.

Ru*pic"o*line (?), a. (Zoöl.) Rock-inhabiting.

Rup"tion (?), n. [L. ruptio, fr. rumpere, ruptum, to break.] A breaking or bursting open; breach; rupture. "By ruption or apertion." Wiseman.

Rup"tu*a*ry (?; 135), n. [Cf. Roturier.] One not of noble blood; a plebeian; a roturier. [R.]

The exclusion of the French ruptuaries ("roturiers," for history must find a word for this class when it speaks of other nations) from the order of nobility.


Rup"ture (?; 135), n. [L. ruptura, fr. rumpere, ruptum to break: cf. F. rupture. See Reave, and cf. Rout a defeat.] 1. The act of breaking apart, or separating; the state of being broken asunder; as, the rupture of the skin; the rupture of a vessel or fiber; the rupture of a lutestring. Arbuthnot.

Hatch from the egg, that soon,
Bursting with kindly rupture, forth disclosed
Their callow young.


2. Breach of peace or concord between individuals; open hostility or war between nations; interruption of friendly relations; as, the parties came to a rupture.

He knew that policy would disincline Napoleon from a rupture with his family.

E. Everett.

3. (Med.) Hernia. See Hernia.

4. A bursting open, as of a steam boiler, in a less sudden manner than by explosion. See Explosion.

Modulus of rupture. (Engin.) See under Modulus.

Syn. -- Fracture; breach; break; burst; disruption; dissolution. See Fracture.

Rup"ture, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruptured (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rupturing.] 1. To part by violence; to break; to burst; as, to rupture a blood vessel.

2. To produce a hernia in.

Rup"ture, v. i. To suffer a breach or disruption.

Rup"tured (?; 135), a. (Med.) Having a rupture, or hernia.

Rup"ture*wort" (?; 135), n. (Bot.) (a) Same as Burstwort. (b) A West Indian plant (Alternanthera polygonoides) somewhat resembling burstwort.

Ru"ral (?), a. [F., fr. L. ruralis, fr. rus, ruris, the country. Cf. Room space, Rustic.] 1. Of or pertaining to the country, as distinguished from a city or town; living in the country; suitable for, or resembling, the country; rustic; as, rural scenes; a rural prospect.

Here is a rural fellow; . . .
He brings you figs.


2. Of or pertaining to agriculture; as, rural economy.

Rural dean. (Eccl.) See under Dean. -- Rural deanery (Eccl.), the state, office, or residence, of a rural dean.

Syn. -- Rustic. -- Rural, Rustic. Rural refers to the country itself; as, rural scenes, prospects, delights, etc. Rustic refers to the character, condition, taste, etc., of the original inhabitants of the country, who were generally uncultivated and rude; as, rustic manners; a rustic dress; a rustic bridge; rustic architecture, etc.

We turn
To where the silver Thames first rural grows.


Lay bashfulness, that rustic virtue, by;
To manly confidence thy throughts apply.


||Ru*ra"les (r*r"lz), n. pl. [NL.] (Zoöl.) The gossamer-winged butterflies; a family of small butterflies, including the hairstreaks, violets, and theclas.

Ru"ral*ism (?), n. 1. The quality or state of being rural; ruralness.

2. A rural idiom or expression.

Ru"ral*ist, n. One who leads a rural life. Coventry.

Ru*ral"i*ty (?), n.; pl. - ties (#). [Cf. LL. ruralitas.] 1. The quality or state of being rural.

2. A rural place. "Leafy ruralities." Carlyle.

Ru"ral*ize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruralized (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ruralizing (?).] To render rural; to give a rural appearance to.

Ru"ral*ize, v. i. To become rural; to go into the country; to rusticate.

Ru"ral*ly, adv. In a rural manner; as in the country.

Ru"ral*ness, n. The quality or state of being rural.

Ru*ric"o*list (?), n. [L. ruricola; rus, ruris, the country + colere to inhabit.] An inhabitant of the country. [R.] Bailey.

Ru`ri*dec"a*nal (?), a. [L. rus, ruris the country + decanus the chief of ten. See Dean.] Of or pertaining to a rural dean; as, a ruridecanal district; the ruridecanal intellect. [R.]

Ru*rig"e*nous (?), a. [L. rurigena; rus, ruris, the country + genere, gignere, to bring forth, pass., to be born.] Born in the country. [Obs.]

Ruse (?), n. [F., fr. OF. reüser, rehuser, to turn aside, to shuffle, retreat, fr. L. recusare to refuse; pref. re- again + causa cause. See Cause, and cf. Recusant.] An artifice; trick; stratagem; wile; fraud; deceit.

||Ruse de guerre (&?;) [F.], a stratagem of war.

Rush (?), n. [OE. rusche, rische, resche, AS. risce, akin to LG. rusk, risch, D. & G. rusch; all probably fr. L. ruscum butcher's broom; akin to Goth. raus reed, G. rohr.] 1. (Bot.) A name given to many aquatic or marsh-growing endogenous plants with soft, slender stems, as the species of Juncus and Scirpus.

Some species are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats, and the pith is used in some places for wicks to lamps and rushlights.

2. The merest trifle; a straw.

John Bull's friendship is not worth a rush.


Bog rush. See under Bog. -- Club rush, any rush of the genus Scirpus. -- Flowering rush. See under Flowering. -- Nut rush (a) Any plant of the genus Scleria, rushlike plants with hard nutlike fruits. (b) A name for several species of Cyperus having tuberous roots. -- Rush broom, an Australian leguminous plant (Viminaria denudata), having long, slender branches. Also, the Spanish broom. See under Spanish. -- Rush candle, See under Candle. -- Rush grass, any grass of the genus Vilfa, grasses with wiry stems and one-flowered spikelets. -- Rush toad (Zoöl.), the natterjack. -- Scouring rush. (Bot.) Same as Dutch rush, under Dutch. -- Spike rush, any rushlike plant of the genus Eleocharis, in which the flowers grow in dense spikes. -- Sweet rush, a sweet-scented grass of Arabia, etc. (Andropogon schœnanthus), used in Oriental medical practice. -- Wood rush, any plant of the genus Luzula, which differs in some technical characters from Juncus.

Rush (rsh), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rushed (rsht); p. pr. & vb. n. Rushing.] [OE. ruschen; cf. AS. hryscan to make a noise, D. ruischen to rustle, G. rauschen, MHG. rschen to rush, to rustle, LG. rusken, OSw. ruska, Icel. & Sw. ruska to shake, Dan. ruske to shake, and E. rouse.] 1. To move forward with impetuosity, violence, and tumultuous rapidity or haste; as, armies rush to battle; waters rush down a precipice.

Like to an entered tide, they all rush by.


2. To enter into something with undue haste and eagerness, or without due deliberation and preparation; as, to rush business or speculation.

They . . . never think it to be a part of religion to rush into the office of princes and ministers.


Rush, v. t. 1. To push or urge forward with impetuosity or violence; to hurry forward.

2. To recite (a lesson) or pass (an examination) without an error. [College Cant, U.S.]

Rush, n. 1. A moving forward with rapidity and force or eagerness; a violent motion or course; as, a rush of troops; a rush of winds; a rush of water.

A gentleman of his train spurred up his horse, and, with a violent rush, severed him from the duke.

Sir H. Wotton.

2. Great activity with pressure; as, a rush of business. [Colloq.]

3. A perfect recitation. [College Cant, U.S.]

4. (Football) (a) A rusher; as, the center rush, whose place is in the center of the rush line; the end rush. (b) The act of running with the ball.

Bunt rush (Football), a combined rush by main strength. -- Rush line (Football), the line composed of rushers.

Rush"-bear`ing (?), n. A kind of rural festival at the dedication of a church, when the parishioners brought rushes to strew the church. [Eng.] Nares.

Rush"buc`kler (?), n. A bullying and violent person; a braggart; a swashbuckler. [Obs.]

That flock of stout, bragging rushbucklers.

Robynson (More's Utopia).

Rushed (?), a. Abounding or covered with rushes.

Rush"er (?), n. One who rushes. Whitlock.

Rush"er, n. One who strewed rushes on the floor at dances. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Rush"i*ness (?), n. [From Rushy.] The quality or state of abounding with rushes.

Rush"ing*ly, adv. In a rushing manner.

Rush"light` (?), n. A rush candle, or its light; hence, a small, feeble light.

Rush"like` (?), a. Resembling a rush; weak.

Rush"y (?), a. 1. Abounding with rushes.

2. Made of rushes.

My rushy couch and frugal fare.


Ru"sine (?), a. [NL. rusa, the name of the genus, Malay rsa deer.] (Zoöl.) Of, like, or pertaining to, a deer of the genus Rusa, which includes the sambur deer (Rusa Aristotelis) of India.

Rusine antler (Zoöl.), an antler with the brow tyne simple, and the beam forked at the tip.

Rusk (?), n. [Sp. rosca de mar sea rusks, a kind of biscuit, rosca properly meaning, a screw, spiral.] 1. A kind of light, soft bread made with yeast and eggs, often toasted or crisped in an oven; or, a kind of sweetened biscuit.

2. A kind of light, hard cake or bread, as for stores. Smart.

3. Bread or cake which has been made brown and crisp, and afterwards grated, or pulverized in a mortar.

Rus"ma (?), n. [Corrupt. from Turk. khyryzma a paste used as a depilatory, fr. Gr. &?; an unguent; cf. F. rusma.] A depilatory made of orpiment and quicklime, and used by the Turks. See Rhusma.

Russ (?), n. sing. & pl. 1. A Russian, or the Russians. [Rare, except in poetry.]

2. The language of the Russians.

Russ, a. Of or pertaining to the Russians.

Rus"set (?), a. [F. rousset, dim. of roux red, L. russus (for rudtus, rudhtus), akin to E. red. See Red, and cf. Roussette.] 1. Of a reddish brown color, or (by some called) a red gray; of the color composed of blue, red, and yellow in equal strength, but unequal proportions, namely, two parts of red to one each of blue and yellow; also, of a yellowish brown color.

The morn, in russet mantle clad.


Our summer such a russet livery wears.


2. Coarse; homespun; rustic. [R.] Shak.

Rus"set, n. 1. A russet color; a pigment of a russet color.

2. Cloth or clothing of a russet color.

3. A country dress; -- so called because often of a russet color. Dryden.

4. An apple, or a pear, of a russet color; as, the English russet, and the Roxbury russet.

Rus"set*ing, n. See Russet, n., 2 and 4.

Rus"set*y (?), a. Of a russet color; russet.

Rus"sia (?), n. A country of Europe and Asia.

Russia iron, a kind of sheet iron made in Russia, having a lustrous blue-black surface. -- Russia leather, a soft kind of leather, made originally in Russia but now elsewhere, having a peculiar odor from being impregnated with an oil obtained from birch bark. It is much used in bookbinding, on account of its not being subject to mold, and being proof against insects. -- Russia matting, matting manufactured in Russia from the inner bark of the linden (Tilia Europæa).

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Rus"sian (? or ?; 277), a. Of or pertaining to Russia, its inhabitants, or language. -- n. A native or inhabitant of Russia; the language of Russia.

Russian bath. See under Bath.

Rus"sian*ize (?), v. t. To make Russian, or more or less like the Russians; as, to Russianize the Poles.

Rus"si*fi*ca"tion (?), n. [Russia + L. -ficare (in comp.) to make. See -fy.] The act or process of Russifying, or the state of being Russified.

Rus"si*fy (?), v. t. [Cf. F. russifier. See -fy.] To Russianize; as, to Russify conquered tribes.

{ Rus"so*phile (?), Rus*soph"i*list (?) }, n. [Russia + Gr. filei^n to love: cf. F. russophile.] One who, not being a Russian, favors Russian policy and aggrandizement. -- Rus*soph"ilism (#), n. [Chiefly newspaper words.]

{ Rus"so*phobe (?), Rus*soph"o*bist (?) }, [Russia + Gr. fobei^n to fear.] One who dreads Russia or Russian influence. [Words sometimes found in the newspapers.]

Rus`so*pho"bi*a (?), n. Morbid dread of Russia or of Russian influence.

Rust (?), n. [AS. rust; akin to D. roest, G. & Sw. rost, Icel. ryð; -- named from its color, and akin to E. red. √113. See Red.] 1. (Chem.) The reddish yellow coating formed on iron when exposed to moist air, consisting of ferric oxide or hydroxide; hence, by extension, any metallic film of corrosion.

2. (Bot.) A minute mold or fungus forming reddish or rusty spots on the leaves and stems of cereal and other grasses (Trichobasis Rubigo-vera), now usually believed to be a form or condition of the corn mildew (Puccinia graminis). As rust, it has solitary reddish spores; as corn mildew, the spores are double and blackish.

Rust is also applied to many other minute fungi which infest vegetation, such as the species of Ustilago, Uredo, and Lecythea.

3. That which resembles rust in appearance or effects. Specifically: (a) A composition used in making a rust joint. See Rust joint, below. (b) Foul matter arising from degeneration; as, rust on salted meat. (c) Corrosive or injurious accretion or influence.

Sacred truths cleared from all rust and dross of human mixtures.

Eikon Basilike.

Rust is used in the formation of compounds of obvious meaning; as, rust-colored, rust-consumed, rust- eaten, and the like.

Rust joint, a joint made between surfaces of iron by filling the space between them with a wet mixture of cast-iron borings, sal ammoniac, and sulphur, which by oxidation becomes hard, and impervious to steam, water, etc. -- Rust mite (Zoöl.), a minute mite (Phytopius oleivorus) which, by puncturing the rind, causes the rust-colored patches on oranges.

Rust, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rusted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rusting.] [AS. rustian.] 1. To contract rust; to be or become oxidized.

If gold ruste, what shall iron do?


Our armors now may rust.


2. To be affected with the parasitic fungus called rust; also, to acquire a rusty appearance, as plants.

3. Fig.: To degenerate in idleness; to become dull or impaired by inaction.

Must I rust in Egypt? never more
Appear in arms, and be the chief of Greece?


Rust, v. t. 1. To cause to contract rust; to corrode with rust; to affect with rust of any kind.

Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.


2. Fig.: To impair by time and inactivity. Johnson.

Rust"ful (?), a. Full of rust; resembling rust; causing rust; rusty. "Rustful sloth." Quarles.

Rus"tic (?), a. [L. rusticus, fr. rus, ruris, the country: cf. F. rustique. See Rural.] 1. Of or pertaining to the country; rural; as, the rustic gods of antiquity. "Rustic lays." Milton.

And many a holy text around she strews,
That teach the rustic moralist to die.


She had a rustic, woodland air.


2. Rude; awkward; rough; unpolished; as, rustic manners. "A rustic muse." Spenser.

3. Coarse; plain; simple; as, a rustic entertainment; rustic dress.

4. Simple; artless; unadorned; unaffected. Pope.

Rustic moth (Zoöl.), any moth belonging to Agrotis and allied genera. Their larvæ are called cutworms. See Cutworm. -- Rustic work. (a) (Arch.) Cut stone facing which has the joints worked with grooves or channels, the face of each block projecting beyond the joint, so that the joints are very conspicuous. (b) (Arch. & Woodwork) Summer houses, or furniture for summer houses, etc., made of rough limbs of trees fancifully arranged.

Syn. -- Rural; rude; unpolished; inelegant; untaught; awkward; rough; coarse; plain; unadorned; simple; artless; honest. See Rural.

Rus"tic, n. 1. An inhabitant of the country, especially one who is rude, coarse, or dull; a clown.

Hence to your fields, you rustics! hence, away.


2. A rural person having a natural simplicity of character or manners; an artless, unaffected person. [Poetic]

Rus`tic*al (?), a. Rustic. "Rustical society." Thackeray. -- Rus"tic*al*ly, adv. -- Rus"tic*al*ness, n.

Rus"ti*cate (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rusticated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rusticating.] [L. rusticaticus, p. p. of rusticari to rusticate. See Rustic.] To go into or reside in the country; to ruralize. Pope.

Rus"ti*cate, v. t. To require or compel to reside in the country; to banish or send away temporarily; to impose rustication on.

The town is again beginning to be full, and the rusticated beauty sees an end of her banishment.


Rus"ti*ca`ted (?), a. (Arch.) Resembling rustic work. See Rustic work (a), under Rustic.

Rus`ti*ca"tion (?), n. [L. rusticatio.] 1. The act of rusticating, or the state of being rusticated; specifically, the punishment of a student for some offense, by compelling him to leave the institution for a time.

2. (Arch.) Rustic work.

Rus*tic"ity (?), n. [L. rusticitas: cf. F. rusticité.] The quality or state of being rustic; rustic manners; rudeness; simplicity; artlessness.

The sweetness and rusticity of a pastoral can not be so well expressed in any other tongue as in the Greek, when rightly mixed and qualified with the Doric dialect.


The Saxons were refined from their rusticity.

Sir W. Scott.

Rus"tic*ly (?), adv. In a rustic manner; rustically. Chapman.

Rust"i*ly (?), adv. In a rusty state.

Rust"i*ness, n. The quality or state of being rusty.

Rus"tle (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rustled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Rustling (?).] [AS. hristlan to rustle; or cf. Sw. rusta to stir, make a riot, or E. rush, v.] 1. To make a quick succession of small sounds, like the rubbing or moving of silk cloth or dry leaves.

He is coming; I hear his straw rustle.


Prouder than rustling in unpaid-for silk.


2. To stir about energetically; to strive to succeed; to bustle about. [Slang, Western U.S.]

Rus"tle, v. t. To cause to rustle; as, the wind rustles the leaves.

Rus"tle, n. A quick succession or confusion of small sounds, like those made by shaking leaves or straw, by rubbing silk, or the like; a rustling.

When the noise of a torrent, the rustle of a wood, the song of birds, or the play of lambs, had power to fill the attention, and suspend all perception of the course of time.


Rus"tler (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, rustles.

2. A bovine animal that can care for itself in any circumstances; also, an alert, energetic, driving person. [Slang, Western U.S.]

Rust"less (?), a. Free from rust.

Rust"y (?), a. [AS. rustig.] [Compar. Rustier (&?;); superl. Rustiest.] 1. Covered or affected with rust; as, a rusty knife or sword; rusty wheat.

2. Impaired by inaction, disuse, or neglect.

[Hector,] in this dull and long-continued truce,
Is rusty grown.


3. Discolored and rancid; reasty; as, rusty bacon.

4. Surly; morose; crusty; sullen. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] "Rusty words." Piers Plowman.

5. Rust-colored; dark. "Rusty blood." Spenser.

6. Discolored; stained; not cleanly kept; filthy.

The rusty little schooners that bring firewood from the British provinces.


7. (Bot.) Resembling, or covered with a substance resembling, rust; affected with rust; rubiginous.

Rut (?), n. [F. rut, OF. ruit, L. rugitus a roaring, fr. rugire to roar; - - so called from the noise made by deer in rutting time.] 1. (Physiol.) Sexual desire or œstrus of deer, cattle, and various other mammals; heat; also, the period during which the œstrus exists.

2. Roaring, as of waves breaking upon the shore; rote. See Rote.

Rut, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rutted; p. pr. & vb. n. Rutting.] To have a strong sexual impulse at the reproductive period; -- said of deer, cattle, etc.

Rut, v. t. To cover in copulation. Dryden.

Rut, n. [variant of route.] A track worn by a wheel or by habitual passage of anything; a groove in which anything runs. Also used figuratively.

Rut, v. t. To make a rut or ruts in; -- chiefly used as a past participle or a participial adj.; as, a rutted road.

Ru`ta-ba"ga (?), n. (Bot.) A kind of turnip commonly with a large and long or ovoid yellowish root; a Swedish turnip. See Turnip.

Ru*ta"ceous (?), a. [L. rutaceous, from ruta rue. See Rue the plant.] (Bot.) Of or pertaining to plants of a natural order (Rutaceæ) of which the rue is the type, and which includes also the orange, lemon, dittany, and buchu.

Ru"tate (r"tt), n. (Chem.) A salt of rutic acid.

Ruth (rth), n. [From Rue, v.: cf. Icel. hryggð, hrygð.] 1. Sorrow for the misery of another; pity; tenderness. [Poetic] "They weep for ruth." Chaucer. "Have ruth of the poor." Piers Plowman.

To stir up gentle ruth,
Both for her noble blood, and for her tender youth.


2. That which causes pity or compassion; misery; distress; a pitiful sight. [Obs.]

It had been hard this ruth for to see.


With wretched miseries and woeful ruth.


Ru*then"ic (?), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or containing, ruthenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which it has a higher valence as contrasted with ruthenious compounds.

Ru*the"ni*ous (?), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or containing, ruthenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which it has a lower valence as contrasted with ruthenic compounds.

Ru*the"ni*um (?), n. [NL. So named from the Ruthenians, a Little Russian people, as coming from Russia, the metal having been found in the Ural mountains.] (Chem.) A rare element of the light platinum group, found associated with platinum ores, and isolated as a hard, brittle steel-gray metal which is very infusible. Symbol Ru. Atomic weight 103.5. Specific gravity 12.26. See Platinum metals, under Platinum.

Ruth"ful (?), a. Full of ruth; as: (a) Pitiful; tender. (b) Full of sorrow; woeful. (c) Causing sorrow. Shak. -- Ruth"ful*ly, adv.

Ruth"less, a. Having no ruth; cruel; pitiless.

Their rage the hostile bands restrain,
All but the ruthless monarch of the main.


-- Ruth"less*ly, adv. -- Ruth"less*ness, n.

Ru"tic (r"tk), a. [Cf. Rutaceous.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, rue (Ruta); as, rutic acid, now commonly called capric acid.

Ru"ti*lant (&?;), a. [L. rutilans, p. pr. of rutilare to have a reddish glow, fr. rutilus red: cf. F. rutilant.] Having a reddish glow; shining.

Parchments . . . colored with this rutilant mixture.


Ru"ti*late (?), v. i. [L. rutilare, rutilatum.] To shine; to emit rays of light. [Obs.] Ure.

Ru"tile (r"tl), n. [L. rutilus red, inclining to golden yellow.] (Min.) A mineral usually of a reddish brown color, and brilliant metallic adamantine luster, occurring in tetragonal crystals. In composition it is titanium dioxide, like octahedrite and brookite.

Ru*til"i*an (r*tl"*an), n. (Zoöl.) Any species of lamellicorn beetles belonging to Rutila and allied genera, as the spotted grapevine beetle (Pelidnota punctata).

Ru"tin (r"tn), n. (Chem.) A glucoside resembling, but distinct from, quercitrin. Rutin is found in the leaves of the rue (Ruta graveolens) and other plants, and obtained as a bitter yellow crystalline substance which yields quercitin on decomposition.

Rut"ter (rt"tr), n. [D. ruiter a rider. Cf. Ruttier.] A horseman or trooper. [Obs.]

Such a regiment of rutters
Never defied men braver.

Beau. & Fl.

Rut"ter, n. [From Rut.] That which ruts.

Rut"ter*kin (?), n. An old crafty fox or beguiler -- a word of contempt. [Obs.] Cotgrave.

Rut"ti*er (?), n. [F. routier, fr. route a road. See Route.] A chart of a course, esp. at sea. [Obs.]

Rut"tish (?), a. Inclined to rut; lustful; libidinous; salacious. Shak. -- Rut"tish*ness, n.

Rut"tle, n. A rattling sound in the throat arising from difficulty of breathing; a rattle. [Obs.]

Rut"ty (?), a. Ruttish; lustful.

Rut"ty, a. Full of ruts; as, a rutty road.

Rut"ty, a. [See Root.] Rooty. [Obs.] Spenser.

Ru"ty*lene (?), n. (Chem.) A liquid hydrocarbon, C10H18, of the acetylene series. It is produced artificially.

Ry"al (? or ?), a. Royal. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ry"al (?), n. See Rial, an old English coin.

Ry"der (?), n. 1. A clause added to a document; a rider. See Rider. [Obs.]

2. [D. rijder, properly, a rider.] A gold coin of Zealand [Netherlands] equal to 14 florins, about $ 5.60.

Rye (?), n. [OE. rie, reie, AS. ryge; akin to Icel. rugr, Sw. råg, Dan. rug, D. rogge, OHG. rocco, roggo, G. rocken, roggen, Lith. rugei, Russ. roje, and perh. to Gr. 'o`ryza rice. Cf. Rice.] 1. (Bot.) A grain yielded by a hardy cereal grass (Secale cereale), closely allied to wheat; also, the plant itself. Rye constitutes a large portion of the breadstuff used by man.

2. A disease in a hawk. Ainsworth.

Rye grass, Italian rye grass, (Bot.) See under Grass. See also Ray grass, and Darnel. -- Wild rye (Bot.), any plant of the genus Elymus, tall grasses with much the appearance of rye.

Rynd (? or ?), n. [Etymol. uncertain.] A piece of iron crossing the hole in the upper millstone by which the stone is supported on the spindle.

Ry"ot (r"t), n. [Ar. & Hind. ra'iyat, the same word as ra'iyah, a subject, tenant, peasant. See Rayah.] A peasant or cultivator of the soil. [India]

The Indian ryot and the Egyptian fellah work for less pay than any other laborers in the world.

The Nation.

Ry*poph"a*gous (r*pf"*gs), a. [Gr. "ry`pos filth + fagei^n to eat.] (Zoöl.) Eating, or subsisting on, filth.

Rys (rs or rs), n. A branch. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Rysh (rsh), n. Rush, a plant. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ry*sim"e*ter (?), n. See Rhysimeter.

Ryth (rth), n. [Cf. AS. rið brook.] A ford. [Obs.]

||Ryt"i*na (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ryti`s a wrinkle.] (Zoöl.) A genus of large edentulous sirenians, allied to the dugong and manatee, including but one species (R. Stelleri); -- called also Steller's sea cow. [Written also Rhytina.]

It is now extinct, but was formerly abundant at Behring's Island, near Behring's Straits. It was twenty-five feet or more in length, with a thick, blackish, naked skin. The last were killed in 1768 for their oil and flesh.