See Thy gen- | ius calls | thee not | to pur- | chase fame
In keen |
Faultily faultless,
Netherlands whose names and
Some kind of apish imitations, counterfeit
Mathematics have for their object the consideration of whatever is capable of being numbered or measured.
Ethics is the sciences of the laws which govern our actions as moral agents.
All parts of knowledge have their origin inmetaphysics , and finally, perhaps, revolve intoit .
Mechanics , like puremathematics , may be geometrical, or may be analytical; that is,it may treat space either by a direct consideration of its properties, or by a symbolical representation.
Icy was the deportment with which Philip received these demonstrations of affection.
Mounting up inicy-pearled car.
Her sweetidea wandered through his thoughts.
Being the rightidea of your father Both in your form and nobleness of mind.
This representation or likeness of the object being transmitted from thence [the senses] to the imagination, and lodged there for the view and observation of the pure intellect, is aptly and properly called itsidea .
Alice had not the slightestidea what latitude was.
Whatsoever the mind perceives in itself, or as the immediate object of perception, thought, or undersanding, that I callidea .
That fellow seems to me to possess but oneidea , and that is a wrong one.
What is now \'bdidea \'b8 for us? How infinite the fall of this word, since the time where Milton sang of the Creator contemplating his newly-created world, - \'bdhow it showed . . . Answering his greatidea ,\'b8 - to its present use, when this person \'bdhas anidea that the train has started,\'b8 and the other \'bdhad noidea that the dinner would be so bad!\'b8
I shortly afterwards set off for that capital, with anidea of undertaking while there the translation of the work.
Thence to behold this new-created world, The addition of his empire, how it showed In prospect from his throne, how good, how fair, Answering his greatidea .
There will always be a wide interval between practical andideal excellence.
Theideal is to be attained by selecting and assembling in one whole the beauties and perfections which are usually seen in different individuals, excluding everything defective or unseemly, so as to form a type or model of the species. Thus, the Apollo Belvedere is theideal of the beauty and proportion of the human frame.
Theideated man . . . as he stood in the intellect of God.
The whole mass of residua which have been accumulated . . . all enter now into the process ofideation .
Certain sensational orideational stimuli.
I can not remember a thing that happened a year ago, without a conviction . . . that I, the sameidentical person who now remember that event, did then exist.
When you say body is solid, I say that you make anidentical proposition, because it is impossible to have the idea of body without that of solidity.
Every precaution is taken toidentify the interests of the people and of the rulers.
Let usidentify , let us incorporate ourselves with the people.
An enlightened self-interest, which, when well understood, they tell us willidentify with an interest more enlarged and public.
Identity is a relation between our cognitions of a thing, not between things themselves.
Ideograms may be defined to be pictures intended to represent either things or thoughts.
You might even have a history without language written or spoken, by means ofideograms and gesture.
Theides of March remember.
I will undertake to convict a man ofidiocy , if he can not see the proof that three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles.
Idiom may be employed loosely and figuratively as a synonym of language or dialect, but in its proper sense it signifies the totality of the general rules of construction which characterize the syntax of a particular language and distinguish it from other tongues.
Byidiom is meant the use of words which is peculiar to a particular language.
He followed their language [the Latin], but did not comply with theidiom of ours.
Some that with care true eloquence shall teach, And to justidioms fix our doubtful speech.
Sometimes we identify the words with the object -- though be courtesy ofidiom rather than in strict propriety of language.
Every good writer has muchidiom .
It is not by means of rules that suchidioms as the following are made current: \'bdI canmake nothing of it.\'b8 \'bdHetreats his subjecthome .\'b8Dryden . \'bdIt is that within us thatmakes for righteousness.\'b8M .Arnold .
All men are so full of their own fancies andidiopathies , that they scarce have the civility to interchange any words with a stranger.
The individual mind . . . takes its tone from theidiosyncrasies of the body.
St. Austin affirmed that the plain places of Scripture are sufficient to all laics, and allidiots or private persons.
Christ was received ofidiots , of the vulgar people, and of the simpler sort, while he was rejected, despised, and persecuted even to death by the high priests, lawyers, scribes, doctors, and rabbis.
Life . . . is a tale Told by anidiot , full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Weenest thou make anidiot of our dame?
Scholars sometimes give terminations andidiotisms , suitable to their native language, unto words newly invented.
Worse than mere ignorance oridiotism .
The running that adventure is the greatistidiotism .
Everyidle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Down theiridle weapons dropped.
Thisidle story became important.
Theidle spear and shield were high uphing.
Why stand ye here all the dayidle ?
And anidlesse all the day Beside a wandering stream.
Do her adore with sacred reverence, As th'idol of her maker's great magnificence.
That they should not worship devils, andidols of gold.
The soldier's god and people'sidol .
Theidols of preconceived opinion.
Jonson was anidolater of the ancients.
[Josiah] put down theidolatrous priests.
His eye surveyed the darkidolatries Of alienated Judah.
Toidolize after the manner of Egypt.
An ecclesiastical benefice . . . ought to be conferred on anidoneous person.
Wordsworth's solemn-thoughtedidyl .
His [Goldsmith's] lovelyidyl of the Vicar's home.
Tisiphone, that oft hast heard my prayer, Assist,if \'d1dipus deserve thy care.
If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
Uncertainif by augury or chance.
She doubtsif two and two make four.
Vulcan is called the powerfulignipotent .
Scared and guided by theignis fatuus of popular superstition.
I was notignoble of descent.
Her royal stock graft withignoble plants.
'T but a base,ignoble mind, That mounts no higher than a bird can soar.
Far from the madding crowd'signoble strife.
Then first with fear surprised and sense of pain, Fledignominious .
One single, obscure,ignominious projector.
Their generals have been received with honor after their defeat; yours withignominy after conquest.
Vice begins in mistake, and ends inignominy .
Ignominy is the infliction of such evil as is made dishonorable, or the deprivation of such good as is made honorable by the Common wealth.
I blush to think upon thisignomy .
Anignoramus in place and power.
Ignorance is the curse of God, Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.
He that doth not know those things which are of use for him to know, is but anignorant man, whatever he may know besides.
Ignorant of guilt, I fear not shame.
Ignorant concealment.
Alas, whatignorant sin have I committed?
His shipping, Poorignorant baubles! -- on our terrible seas, Like eggshells moved.
In such business Action is eloquence, and the eyes of theignorant More learned than the ears.
In the first ages of Christianity, not only the learned and the wise, but theignorant andilliterate , embraced torments and death.
Did I for this take pains to teach Our zealousignorants to preach?
Whom therefoer yeignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
Philosophy would solidly be established, if men would more carefully distinguish those things that they know from those that theyignore .
Ignoring Italy under our feet, And seeing things before, behind.
Neither is itill air only that maketh anill seat, butill ways,ill markets, andill neighbors.
There 's someill planet reigns.
Of his own body he was ill, and gave The clergyill example.
I am in health, I breathe, and see theeill .
That 's anill phrase.
Who can all sense of others'ills escape Is but a brute at best in human shape.
That makes us rather bear thoseills we have Than fly to others that we know not of.
Strong virtue, like strong nature, struggles still, Exerts itself, and then throws off theill .
Howill this taper burns!
Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates and men decay.
I'll by a sign give notice to our friends.
Morally immutable andillapsable .
They sit silent . . . waiting for anillapse of the spirit.
Let not the surpassing eloquence of Taylor dazzle you, nor his scholastic retairy versatility of logicillaqueate your good sense.
Fraudulent deductions or inconsequentillations from a false conception of things.
The marriage should only be dissolved for the future, withoutillegitimating the issue.
Gardiner had performed his promise to the queen of getting herillegitimation taken off.
Ill-favored and lean-fleshed.
Oneillicit . . . transaction always leads to another.
The wild, the irregular, theillimitable , and the luxuriant, have their appropriate force of beauty.
The absoluteness andillimitedness of his commission was generally much spoken of.
A thin crust orillinition of black manganese.
The many blunders andilliteracies of the first publishers of his [Shakespeare's] works.
Soill-tempered I am grown, that I am afraid I shall catch cold, while all the world is afraid to melt away.
The mountain's brow,Illumed with fluid gold.
Theillumination which a bright genius giveth to his work.
Hymns and psalms . . . are framed by meditation beforehand, or by propheticalillumination are inspired.
The devil insnareth the souls of many men, byilluring them with the muck and dung of this world.
To cheat the eye with blearillusions .
Ye softillusions , dear deceits, arise!
Truth fromillusive falsehood to command.
Here, when the moonillustrates all the sky.
To prove him, andillustrate his high worth.
Matter to me of glory, whom their hateIllustrates .
This most gallant,illustrate , and learned gentleman.
Quench the light; thine eyes are guidesillustrious .
Illustrious earls, renowened everywhere.
Even like a stonyimage , cold and numb.
Whose is thisimage and superscription?
This play is theimage of a murder done in Vienna.
And God created man in his ownimage .
Thou shalt not make unto thee any gravenimage , . . . thou shalt not bow down thyself to them.
The face of things a frightfulimage bears.
Can we conceiveImage of aught delightful, soft, or great?
Condemn'd whole years in absence to deplore, Andimage charms he must behold no more.
Praxiteles was ennobled for a rareimager .
In those oratories might you see Rich carvings, portraitures, andimagery .
What can thyimagery of sorrow mean?
Theimagery of a melancholic fancy.
I wish there may be in this poem any instance of goodimagery .
Men sunk into the greatest darknessimaginable .
Wilt thou add to all the griefs I sufferImaginary ills and fancied tortures?
Our simple apprehension of corporeal objects, if present, is sense; if absent, isimagination .
Imagination is of three kinds: joined with belief of that which is to come; joined with memory of that which is past; and of things present, or as if they were present.
Theimagination of common language -- the productiveimagination of philosophers -- is nothing but the representative process plus the process to which I would give the name of the \'bdcomparative.\'b8
The power of the mind to decompose its conceptions, and to recombine the elements of them at its pleasure, is called its faculty ofimagination .
The business of conception is to present us with an exact transcript of what we have felt or perceived. But we have moreover a power of modifying our conceptions, by combining the parts of different ones together, so as to form new wholes of our creation. I shall employ the wordimagination to express this power.
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet Are ofimagination all compact . . . The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, And asimagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name.
The same power, which we should callfancy if employed on a production of a light nature, would be dignified with the title ofimagination if shown on a grander scale.
In all the higher departments ofimaginative art, nature still constitues an important element.
Milton had a highlyimaginative , Cowley a very fanciful mind.
In the night,imagining some fear, How easy is a bush supposed a bear!
How long will yeimagine mischief against a man?
My sister is not so defenseless left As youimagine .
Toimbar their crooked titles.
And gave her to his daughters toimbathe In nectared lavers strewed with asphodel.
Cruelty . . . argues not only a depravedness of nature, but also a meanness of courage andimbecility of mind.
Is there anything that moreimbitters the enjoyment of this life than shame?
Imbittered against each other by former contests.
The soul grows clotted by contagion,Imbodies , and imbrutes.
The Father infinite, By whom in blissimbosomed sat the Son.
Physiologyimbrangled with an inapplicable logic.
Wrestling to free itself from the balefulimbroglio .
The mountain mass by scorching skiesimbrowned .
While Darwen stream, will blood of Scotsimbrued .
And mixed with bestial slime, THis essence to incarnate andimbrute .
The soul grows clotted by contagion, Imbodies, andimbrutes , till she quite lose The divine property of her first being.
Thy words with grace divineImbued , bring to their sweetness no satiety.
The characters of man placed in lower stations of life are more usefull, as beingimitable by great numbers.
Despise wealth andimitate a dog.
A place picked out by choice of best alive The Nature's work by art canimitate .
This hand appeared a shining sword to weild, And that sustained animitated shield.
Poesy is an art ofimitation , . . . that is to say, a representing, counterfeiting, or figuring forth.
Both these arts are not only trueimitations of nature, but of the best nature.
This temple, less in form, with equal grace, Wasimitative of the first in Thrace.
Were but my soul as pure From other guilt as that, Heaven did not hold One moreimmaculate .
Thou sheer,immaculate and silver fountain.
Although this corporal rind Thou hastimmanacled .
[Clement] is mainly concerned in enforcing theimmanence of God. Christ is everywhere presented by him as Deity indwelling in the world.
A cognition is animmanent act of mind.
Animmanent power in the life of the world.
Angels are spiritsimmaterial and intellectual.
Immateralized spirits.
When the world has outgrown its intellectualimmaturity .
Immeability of the juices.
Of depthimmeasurable .
Eternity andimmeasurableness belong to thought alone.
You are the mostimmediate to our throne.
Death . . . not yet inflicted, as he feared, By someimmediate stroke.
Theimmediate knowledge of the past is therefore impossible.
God's acceptance of it eitherimmediately by himself, or mediately by the hands of the bishop.
And Jesus . . . touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. Andimmediately his leprosy was cleansed.
O Goodness infinite! Goodnessimmense !
Lost in the wilds of vastimmensity .
Theimmensity of the material system.
What animmensurable space is the firmament.
We took . . . lukewarm water, and in itimmerged a quantity of the leaves of senna.
Their souls areimmerged in matter.
Deepimmersed beneath its whirling wave.
More than a mileimmersed within the wood.
The queenimmersed in such a trance.
It is impossible to have a lively hope in another life, and yet be deeplyimmersed inn the enjoyments of this.
Too deep animmersion in the affairs of life.
Theimmigrations of the Arabians into Europe.
Hairbreadth scapes i' theimminent deadly breach.
Their eyes everimminent upon worldly matters.
Three times to-day You have defended me fromimminent death.
No story I unfold of public woes, Nor bear advices ofimpending foes.
Fierce facesthreatening war.
A chaos ofimmiscible and conflicting particles.
Amongst her tearsimmixing prayers meek.
How pure andimmixed the design is.
So every scope by theimmoderate use Turns to restraint.
Immodest deeds you hinder to be wrought, But we proscribe the leastimmodest thought.
Worshipers, who not onlyimmolate to them [the deities] the lives of men, but . . . the virtue and honor of women.
The root of allimmorality .
Luxury and sloth and then a great drove of heresies andimmoralities broke loose among them.
Unto the King eternal,immortal , invisible.
For my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thingimmortal as itself?
I haveimmortal longings in me.
One of the few,immortal names, That were not born yo die.
This mortal must put onimmortality .
Alexander had no Homer toimmortalize his quilty name.
Immovable , infixed, and frozen round.
Those tender babes Whom envy hathimmured within your walls.
This huge convex of fire, Outrageous to devour,immures us round.
That by twoimmutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation.
Immutable , immortal, infinite, Eternal King.
The tenderimp was weaned.
To mingle in the clamorous fray Of squabblingimps .
Imp out our drooping country's broken wing.
Who lazily imp their wings with other men's plumes. Fuller. Here no frail Muse shallimp her crippled wing.
Help, ye tart satirists, toimp my rage With all the scorpions that should whip this age.
The quarrel, by thatimpact driven.
Time sensibly all thingsimpairs .
In years he seemed, but notimpaired by years.
Then with what life remains,impaled , and left To writhe at leisure round the bloody stake.
Impale him with your weapons round about.
Impenetrable,impaled with circling fire.
Ordered the admission of St. Patrick to the same to be matched andimpaled with the blessed Virgin in the honor thereof.
In this region of merely intellectual notion we are at once encountered by theimparity of the object and the faculty employed upon it.
They . . .impark them [the sheep] within hurdles.
Well may he then to you his caresimpart .
Gentle lady, When I did firstimpart my love to you.
He that hath two coats, let himimpart to him that hath none.
The necessity of thisimpartation .
Jove isimpartial , and to both the same.
A comprehensive andimpartial view.
Impartiality strips the mind of prejudice and passion.
It beckons you to go away with it, As if it someimpartment did desire To you alone.
Secure of death, I should contemn thy dart Though naked, andimpassible depart.
Impassive as the marble in the quarry.
On theimpassive ice the lightings play.
A spirit, and soimpatible of material fire.
I then, . . . Out of my grief and myimpatience , Answered neglectingly.
With hugeimpatience he inly swelt More for great sorrow that he could not pass, Than for the burning torment which he felt.
A violent, sudden, andimpatient necessity.
Fame,impatient of extremes, decays Not more by envy than excess of praise.
Theimpatient man will not give himself time to be informed of the matter that lies before him.
Dryden was poor andimpatient of poverty.
Impaved with rude fidelity Of art mosaic.
These ungracious practices of his sons didimpeach his journey to the Holy Land.
A defluxion on my throatimpeached my utterance.
And dothimpeach the freedom of the state.
Owners of lands in fee simple are notimpeachable for waste.
Willing to march on to Calais, Withoutimpeachment .
The consequence of Coriolanus'impeachment had like to have been fatal to their state.
Dewdrops which the sunImpearls on every leaf and every flower.
With morning dewsimpearled .
The dews of the morningimpearl every thorn.
Infallibility andimpeccability are two of his attributes.
God is infallible,impeccable , and absolutely perfect.
Animpecunious creature.
Whatever hinders orimpedes The action of the nobler will.
Thus far into the bowels of the land Have we marched on withoutimpediment .
The eloquence of Demosthenes was to Philip of Macedon, adifficulty to be met with his best recources, antobstacle to his own ambition, and animpedimen in his political career.
Things soimpediental to success.
The surgeimpelled me on a craggy coast.
Destruction sure o'er all your headsimpends .
Impendent horrors, threatening hideous fall.
Animpending brow.
And nodding Ilion waits th'impending fall.
Highest woodsimpenetrable To star or sunlight.
They will be credulous in all affairs of life, butimpenetrable by a sermon of the gospel.
He will advance from one degree of wickedness andimpenitence to another.
Thou hast helped toimpeople hell.
Thoseimperate acts, wherein we see the empire of the soul.
The suit of kings areimperative .
Almostimperceptible to the touch.
Its operation is slow, and in some cases almostimperceptible .
Their . . . subility andimperceptibleness .
Theimperceptive part of the soul.
Something he leftimperfect in the state.
Why, then, your other senses growimperfect .
He . . . stammered like a child, or an amazed,imperfect person.
Nothingimperfect or deficient left Of all that he created.
Then say not man'simperfect , Heaven in fault; Say rather, man's as perfect as he ought.
Sent to my account With all myimperfections on my head.
The last That wore theimperial diadem of Rome.
Who, as Ulysses says, opinion crowns With animperial voice.
To tame the proud, the fetter'd slave to free, These areimperial arts, and worthy thee.
He sounds hisimperial clarion along the whole line of battle.
Romanimperialism had divided the world.
The late empress having, by ukases of grace, relinquished herimperialities on the private mines, viz., the tenths of the copper, iron, silver and gold.
Therefore, great lords, be, as your titles witness,Imperious .
Thisimperious man will work us all From princes into pages.
His bold, contemptuous, andimperious spirit soon made him conspicuous.
Imperious need, which can not be withstood.
Imperiousness and severity is but an ill way of treating men who have reason of their own to guide them.
An almighty butimpersonal power, called Fate.
Benedictimpersonated his age.
We should avoid the vexation andimpertinence of pedants who affect to talk in a language not to be understood.
There are many subtileimpertinences learned in schools.
O, matter andimpertinency mixed! Reason in madness!
Things that areimpertinent to us.
Howimpertinent that grief was which served no end!
This gulf impassable,impervious .
The minds of these zealots were absolutelyimpervious .
In way ofimpertation procuring the removal or allevation of our crosses.
Went pouring forward withimpetuous speed.
The people, on their holidays,Impetuous , insolent, unquenchable.
Thoseimpieties for the which they are now visited.
The cause of reflection is not theimpinging of light on the solid or impervious parts of bodies.
But, in the present order of things, not to be employed withoutimpinging on God's justice.
When vice prevails, andimpious men bear away, The post of honor is a private station.
I see thou artimplacable .
An object ofimplacable enmity.
O! how I burn withimplacable fire.
Which wrought them painImplacable , and many a dolorous groan.
Minds wellimplanted with solid . . . breeding.
Genius must have talent as its complement andimplement .
Revenge . . . executed andimplemented by the hand of Vanbeest Brown.
The chief mechanical requisites of the barometer areimplemented in such an instrument as the following.
The fable of every poem is . . . simple orimplex . it is called simple when there is no change of fortune in it;implex , when the fortune of the chief actor changes from bad to good, or from good to bad.
The meeting boughs andimplicated leaves.
Three principal causes of firmness are. the grossness, the quiet contact, and theimplication of component parts.
Whatever things, therefore, it was asserted that the king might do, it was a necessaryimplication that there were other things which he could not do.
In his woolly fleece I clingimplicit .
Back again toimplicit faith I fall.
Not to dispute the methods of his providence, but humbly andimplicitly to acquiesce in and adore them.
Mereimplorators of unholy suits.
Imploring all the gods that reign above.
I kneel, and thenimplore her blessing.
Where a mulicious act is proved, a mulicious intention isimplied .
When a man employs a laborer to work for him, . . . the act of hiringimplies an obligation and a promise that he shall pay him a reasonable reward for his services.
Whence might this distaste arise?
If [from] neither your perverse and peevish will. To which I mostimply it.
The most unjust andimpolitic of all things, unequal taxation.
Against the which he hasimponed , as I take it, six French rapiers and poniards.
Every petition . . . doth . . . alwaysimport a multitude of speakers together.
I have a motion muchimports your good.
If I endure it, whatimports it you?
I take theimports from, and not the exports to, these conquests, as the measure of these advantages which we derived from them.
Most serious design, and the greatimport .
Thy ownimportance know, Nor bound thy narrow views to things below.
Uponimportance of so slight and trivial a nature.
The wisest beholder could not say if theimportance were joy or sorrow.
At ourimportance hither is he come.
Thou hast strength as much As serves to execute a mind veryimportant .
Things small as nothing . . . He makesimportant .
He fiercely at him flew, And withimportant outrage him assailed.
And theirimportune fates all satisfied.
Of all other affections it [envy] is the mostimportune and continual.
Their ministers and residents here have perpetuallyimportuned the court with unreasonable demands.
We shall write to you, As time and our concernings shallimportune .
O'ercome with importunity and tears.
Cakes of salt and barley [she] didimpose Within a wicker basket.
What fatesimpose , that men must needs abide.
Death is the penaltyimposed .
Thou on the deepimposest nobler laws.
Theimposers of these oaths might repent.
Made more solemn by theimposition of hands.
Reputation is an idle and most falseimposition .
They confound difficulty withimpossibility .
Impossibilities ! O, no, there's none.
With men this isimpossible ; but with God all things are possible.
Without faith it isimpossible to please him.
\'bdMadam,\'b8 quoth he, \'bdthis were animpossible !\'b8
Even the ship money . . . Johnson could not pronounce to have been an unconstitutionalimpost .
From new legends And fill the world with follies andimpostures .
Strictness fales andimpostrous .
Some were poor byimpotency of nature; as young fatherless children, old decrepit persons, idiots, and cripples.
O,impotence of mind in body strong!
There sat a certain man at Lystra,impotent inhis feet.
O most lame andimpotent conclusion!
Not slow to hear, Norimpotent to save.
Impotent of tongue, her silence broke.
But taken andimpounded as a stray, The king of Scots.
This though,impracticable heart Is governed by a dainty-fingered girl.
Patriotic butloyal men went away disguested afresh with theimpracticable arrogance of a sovereign.
Morality notimpracticably rigid.
Imprecate the vengeance of Heaven on the guilty empire.
In vain we blast the ministers of Fate, And the forlorn physiciansimprecate .
Men cowered like slaves before such horridimprecations .
His perniciousss words,impregned With reason.
Semele doth Bacchus bearImpregned of Jove.
The man's affection remains wholly unconcerned andimpregnable .
The scorching ray Here pierceth not,impregnate with disease.
Myimpresa to your lordship; a swain Flying to a laurel for shelter.
The right of navigation, fishing, and others that may be exercised on the sea, belonging to the right of mere ability, areimprescriptible .
Theimprescriptible laws of the pure reason.
Animprese , as the Italians call it, is a device in picture with his motto or word, borne by noble or learned personages.
His heart, like an agate, with your printimpressed .
Impress the motives of persuasion upon our own hearts till we feel the force of them.
The second five thousand poundsimpressed for the service of the sick and wounded prisoners.
Such fiendly thoughts in his heartimpress .
Theimpresses of the insides of these shells.
This weakimpress of love is as a figure Trenched in ice.
To describe . . . emblazoned shields,Impresses quaint.
Why suchimpress of shipwrights?
The stamp and clearimpression of good sense.
To shelter us fromimpressions of weather, we must spin, we must weave, we must build.
Portentous blaze of comets andimpressions in the air.
A fieryimpression falling from out of Heaven.
His wordsimpression left.
Such terribleimpression made the dream.
I have a father's dearimpression , And wish, before I fall into my grave, That I might see her married.
Which must be read with animpression .
Tenimpressions which his books have had.
He was tooimpressionable ; he had too much of the temperament of genius.
A pretty face and animpressionable disposition.
The great scandal of our naval service --impressment -- died a protracted death.
The clearing of theirimprests for what little of their debts they have received.
And sees his num'rous herdsimprint her sands.
Natureimprints upon whate'er we see, That has a heart and life in it, \'bdBe free.\'b8
Ideas of those two different things distinctlyimprinted on his mind.
Heimprisoned was in chains remediles.
Try toimprison the resistless wind.
His sinews waxen weak and raw Through longimprisonment and hard constraint.
Every confinement of the person is animprisonment , whether it be in a common prison, or in a private house, or even by foreibly detaining one in the public streets.
He . . . sent to Elutherius, then bishop of Rome, animprobable letter, as some of the contents discover.
Persons . . . cast out for notoriousimprobity .
Follow'd his enemy king, and did him service,Improper for a slave.
And to their proper operation still, Ascribe all Good; to theirimproper , Ill.
Not to be adorned with any art but suchimproper ones as nature is said to bestow, as singing and poetry.
He would in like mannerimproper and inclose the sunbeams to comfort the rich and not the poor.
Improperatios and terms of scurrility.
Toimpropriate the thanks to himself.
But every language has likewise itsimproprieties and absurdities.
Many grossimproprieties , however authorized by practice, ought to be discarded.
Man is accommodated with moral principles,improvable by the exercise of his faculties.
I have a fine spread ofimprovable lands.
The essays of weaker heads affordimprovable hints to better.
Neither can any of them make so strong a reason which another can notimprove .
When he rehearsed his preachings and his doing unto the high apostles, they couldimprove nothing.
I love not toimprove the honor of the living by impairing that of the dead.
We shall especially honor God byimproving diligently the talents which God hath committed to us.
A hint that I do not remember to have seen opened andimproved .
The court seldom fails toimprove the oppotunity.
How doth the little busy beeImprove each shining hour.
Those moments were diligently improved.
True policy, as well as good faith, in my opinion, binds us toimprove the occasion.
We all have, I fear, . . . not a littleimproved the wretched inheritance of our ancestors.
We take care toimprove in our frugality and diligence.
I look upon your city as the best place ofimprovement .
Exercise is the chief source ofimprovement in all our faculties.
I shall make someimprovement of this doctrine.
The parts of Sinon, Camilla, and some few others, areimprovements on the Greek poet.
There is a design of publishing the history of architecture, with its severalimprovements and decays.
Those vices which more particularly receiveimprovement by prosperity.
Allimprovided for dread of death.
Theimprovidence of my neighbor must not make me inhuman.
Improvident soldires! had your watch been good, This sudden mischief never could have fallen.
Charles attempted toimprovise a peace.
His serenity was interrupted, perhaps, by his ownimprudence .
Her majesty took a great dislike at theimprudent behavior of many of the ministers and readers.
Inimpuberal animals the cerebellum is, in proportion to the brain proper, greatly less than in adults.
Clear truths that their own evidence forces us to admit, or common experience makes itimpudence to deny.
Where pride andimpudence (in fashion knit) Usurp the chair of wit.
Audacious withoutimpudency .
More thanimpudent sauciness.
When we behold an angel, not to fear Is to beimpudent .
At once assail With open mouths, andimpudently rail.
The truth hereof I will net rashlypugn , or overboldly affirm.
A perpetualimpugnation and self-conflict.
Their ownimpuissance and weakness.
All spontaneous animal motion is performed by mechanicalimpulse .
These were my naturalimpulses for the undertaking.
Poor men! poor papers! We and they Do someimpulsive force obey.
My heart,impulsive and wayward.
Heaven, though slow to wrath, Is ne/// withimpunity defied.
Theimpunity and also the recompense.
Profaneness,impurity , or scandal, is not wit.
Foulimpurities reigned among the monkish clergy.
Impurpled with celestial roses, smiled.
The silken fleeceimpurpled for the loom.
A prince whose political vices, at least, wereimputable to mental incapacity.
The fault lies at his door, and she is no wiseimputable .
Shylock . Antonio is a good man.Bassanio . Have you heard anyimputation to the contrary?
If I had a suit to Master Shallow, I would humor his men with theimputation of being near their master.
Let us be careful to guard ourselves against these groundlessimputation of our enemies.
Actual righteousness as well asimputative .
Nor you, ye proud,impute to these the fault, If memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise.
One vice of a darker shade wasimputed to him -- envy.
It wasimputed to him forrighteousness .
They meritImputed shall absolve them who renounce Their own, both righteous and unrighteous deeds.
If weimpute this last humiliation as the cause of his death.
The babe lyingin a manger.
Thy sun sets weepingin the lowly west.
Situatedin the forty-first degree of latitude.
Matter for censurein every page.
Wraptin sweet sounds, asin bright veils.
Ninein ten of those who enter the ministry.
When shall we three meet again,In thunder, lightning, orin rain?
Sounds inharmoniousin themselves, and harsh.
He would not plunge his brotherin despair.
She had no jewels to depositin their caskets.
Their vacation . . . fallsin so pat with ours.
All theins and outs of this neighborhood.
He that ears my land spares my team and gives me leave toin the crop.
It is not from aninability to discover what they ought to do, that men err in practice.
The expression is plainlyinaccurate .
The gloomyinactivity of despair.
Theinadequacy and consequent inefficacy of the alleged causes.
Inadvertency , or want of attendance to the sense and intention of our prayers.
The productions of a great genius, with many lapses aninadvertencies , are infinitely preferable to works of an inferior kind of author which are scrupulously exact.
Aninadvertent step may crush the snail That crawls at evening in the public path.
The undistinguishableinane of infinite space.
Grieving, if aughtinanimate e'er grieves.
The deadness andinanimateness of the subject.
Theinanimation of Christ living and breathing within us.
Feeble frominanition , inert from weariness.
Repletion andinanition may both do harm in two contrary extremes.
Theinappellability of the councils.
Music which isinarticulate poesy.
The poor earl, who isinarticulate with palsy.
Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
Novel lays attract our ravished ears; But old, the mindinattention hears.
As if kings did closes remarkable days toinaugurate their favors.
At his regalinauguration , his old father resigned the kingdom to him.
Toinbreed and cherish . . . the seeds of virtue.
Herinburning wrath she gan abate.
Herinburnt , shamefaced thoughts.
Holy Scripture become resplendent; or, as one might say,incandescent throughout.
Is not your father grownincapable of reasonable affairs?
It absolutelyincapacitated them from holding rank, office, function, or property.
Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather The multitudinous seasincarnadine , Making the green one red.
I fear nothing . . . that devil carnate orincarnate can fairly do.
Here shalt thou sitincarnate .
He represents the emperor and his wife as two devilsincarnate , sent into the world for the destruction of mankind.
This essence toincarnate and imbrute, That to the height of deity aspired.
My uncle Toby's wound was nearly well -- 't was just beginning toincarnate .
She is a newincarnation of some of the illustrious dead.
The veryincarnation of selfishness.
Rich plates of gold the folding doorsincase .
You . . .incautious tread On fire with faithless embers overspread.
His rhetorical expressions may easily captivate anyincautious reader.
Several cities . . . drove them out asincendiaries .
Twelve Trojan princes wait on thee, and labor toincense Thy glorious heap of funeral.
The people areincensed him.
A thick ofincense went up.
Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and putincense thereon.
Or heap the shrine of luxury and pride,
Withincense kindled at the Muse's flame.
Competency is the mostincentive to industry.
Partincentive reed
Provide, pernicious with one touch of fire.
The greatest obstacles, the greatest terrors that come in their way, are so far from making them quit the work they had begun, that they rather proveincentives to them to go on in it.
Marked with vivacity ofinception , apathy of progress, and prematureness of decay.
Very questionable and ofuncertain truth.
Theincertitude and instability of this life.
He fails . . . from mereincertitude or irresolution.
Against the castle gate, . . . Which withincessant force and endless hate, They batter'd day and night and entrance did await.
Theincession or local motion of animals.
Ere you reach to thisincestuous love, You must divine and human rights remove.
12 seconds (\'b7\'b7) make 1inch or prime. 12inches or primes (\'b7) make 1 foot.
Beldame, I think we watched you at aninch .
He gets too far into the soldier's grace Andinches out my master.
With slow paces measures back the field, Andinches to the walls.
Neither a substance perfect, nor a substanceinchoate .
The setting on foot some of those arts, in those parts, would be looked on as the firstinchoation of them.
It is now in actual progress, from the rudestinchoation to the most elaborate finishing.
In equalincidences there is a considerable inequality of refractions.
As the ordinary course of common affairs is disposed of by general laws, so likewise men's rarerincident necessities and utilities should be with special equity considered.
All chancesincident to man's frail life.
The studiesincident to his profession.
No person, noincident , in a play but must be of use to carry on the main design.
By some, religious duties . . . appear to be regarded . . . as anincidental business.
I treat either orincidentally of colors.
It is the fire only thatincinerates bodies.
The phenix kind, Of whoseincineration , There riseth a new creation.
I on thy grave this epitaphincise .
And herincisive smile accrediting That treason of false witness in my blush.
The noblestincitation to honest attempts.
Anthiochus, when heincited Prusias to join in war, set before him the greatness of the Romans.
No blown ambition doth our armsincite .
From the long records of a distant age, Deriveincitements to renew thy rage.
Uncomely jests, loud talking and jeering, which, in civil account, are called indecencies andincivilities .
The flattering ivy who did ever seeInclasp the huge trunk of an aged tree.
Theinclemency of the late pope.
Theinclemencies of morning air.
The rudeinclemency of wintry skies.
The guard the wretched from theinclement sky.
Teach us further by what means to shun Theinclement seasons, rain, ice, hail, and snow!
Likely andinclinable to fall.
Whatsoever other sins he may beinclinable to.
The very constitution of a multitude is not soinclinable to save as to destroy.
A mereinclination to a thing is not properly a willing of that thing.
How dost thou find theinclination of the people?
Their heartsinclined to follow Abimelech.
Power finds its balance, giddy motions cease In both the scales, and eachinclines to peace.
Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hear.
Incline my heart unto thy testimonies.
Incline our hearts to keep this law.
With due respect my body Iinclined .
On the firstinclining towards sleep.
Both you of myinclining , and the rest.
Whate'er the ocean pales, or skyinclips .
How many evils haveinclosed me round!
Theinclosed copies of the treaty.
They went to coach and their horseinclose .
Within theinclosure there was a great store of houses.
Breaking ourinclosures every morn.
The wholeincluded race, his purposed prey.
The loss of such a lordincludes all harm.
Come, let us go; we willinclude all jars With triumphs, mirth, and rare solemnity.
Theinclusive verge Of golden metal that must round my brow.
Depend upon it -- he'll remainincog .
'T is folly andincogitancy to argue anything, one way or the other, from the designs of a sort of beings with whom we so little communicate.
Men are careless andincogitant .
'T was long ago Since gods come downincognito .
The prince royal of Persia came thitherincognito .
Hisincognito was endangered.
The Lettish race, not a primitive stock of the Slavi, but a distinct branch, now becomeincognizable .
Thisincognizance may be explained.
Of the several operations themselves, as acts of volition, we are whollyincognizant .
Incoherences in matter, and suppositions without proofs, put handsomely together, are apt to pass for strong reason.
Crudeincoherencies . . . and nauseous tautologies.
More abundantincomes of light and strength from God.
At mineincome I louted low.
I would then make in and steep Myincome in their blood.
No fields afford So large anincome to the village lord.
Outgoers andincomers .
A fullincoming profit on the product of his labor.
Theincomings and outgoings of the trains.
Manyincomings are subject to great fluctuations.
They are quantitiesincommensurable .
A greatincommodity to the body.
Buried him under a bulk ofincommodities .
Health and understanding areincommunicable .
Thoseincommunicable relations of the divine love.
The Chinese . . . anincommunicative nation.
His usualincommunicativeness .
A merchant ofincomparable wealth.
A new hypothesis . . . which hath theincomparable Sir Isaac Newton for a patron.
Delightsincomparably all those corporeal things.
A strength and obduracy of characterincompatible with his meek and innocent nature.
Incompetent to perform the duties of the place.
Richard III. had a resolution, out of hatred to his brethren, to disable their issues, upon false andincompetent pretexts, the one of attainder, the other of illegitimation.
A most imperfect andincomplete divine.
Self-conceit produces peevishness andincompliance of humor in things lawful and indifferent.
Ambition and faith . . . are . . .incompossible .
The constant, universal sense of all antiquity unanimously confessing anincomprehensibility in many of the articles of the Christian faith.
An infinite andincomprehensible substance.
And all her numbered stars that seem to roll Spacesincomprehensible .
Theincompressibility of water is not absolute.
Theinconceivability of the Infinite.
It isinconceivable to me that a spiritual substance should represent an extended figure.
Theinconceivableness of a quality existing without any subject to possess it.
There is aninconcinnity in admitting these words.
Arguments . . .inconclusive and impertinent.
The fathers make use of this acknowledgment of theincongruity of images to the Deity, from thence to prove theincongruity of the worship of them.
Incongruous denotes that kind of absence of harmony or suitableness of which the taste and experience of men takes cognizance.
Strange, that you should not see theinconsequence of your own reasoning!
Loose andinconsequent conjectures.
It is a very unhappy token of our corruption, that ther/ should be any soinconsiderate among us as to sacrifice morality to politics.
Blindness of mind,inconsideration , precipitation.
Not gross, willful, deliberate, crimes; but rather the effects ofinconsideration .
There is a perfectinconsistency between that which is of debt and that which is of free gift.
If a man would register all his opinions upon love, politics, religion, and learning, what a bundle ofinconsistencies and contradictions would appear at last!
Mutability of temper, andinconsistency with ourselves, is the greatest weakness of human nature.
Compositions of this nature . . . show that wisdom and virtue are far from beinginconsistent with politeness and good humor.
Ah, how unjust to nature, and himself, Is thoughtless, thankless,inconsistent man.
Withinconsolable distress she griev'd, And from her cheek the rose of beauty fied.
For unto knight there was no greater shame, Than lightness andinconstancie in love.
While we, inquiring phantoms of a day,Inconstant as the shadows we survey!
That Satan tempt you not for yourincontinency .
From the rash hand of boldincontinence .
He says he will returnincontinent .
Immediately he sent word to Athens that he wouldincontinently come hither with a host of men.
They plead against theinconvenience , not the unlawfulness, . . . of ceremonies in burial.
A place upon the top of Mount Athos above all clouds of rain, or otherinconvenience .
Man is liable to a great manyinconveniences .
None are soinconvincible as your half-witted people.
Most sweet jests! mostincony vulgar wit!
Moses forbore to speak of angles, and things invisible, andincorporate .
As if our hands, our sides, voices, and minds Had beenincorporate .
A fifteenth part of silverincorporate with gold.
By your leaves, you shall not stay alone, Till holy churchincorporate two in one.
The idolaters, who worshiped their images as golds, supposed some spirit to beincorporated therein.
The Romans did not subdue a country to put the inhabitants to fire and sword, but toincorporate them into their own community.
Painters' colors and ashes do betterincorporate will oil.
He never suffers wrong so long to grow, And toincorporate with right so far As it might come to seem the same in show.
History demonstrates thatincorporative unions are solid and permanent; but that a federal union is weak.
Thusincorporeal spirits to smaller forms Reduced their shapes immense.
Sense and perception must necessarily proceed from someincorporeal substance within us.
The piece, you think, isincorrect .
It shows a will mostincorrect to heaven.
The wit of the last age was yet moreincorrect than their language.
The ingratitude, theincorrigibility , the strange perverseness . . . of mankind.
Your Christian principles . . . which will preserve youincorrupt as individuals.
Breathed into theirincorrupted breasts.
Our bodies shall be changed intoincorruptible and immortal substances.
It is sown in corruption; it is raised inincorruption .
The same preservation, or, rather,incorruption , we have observed in the flesh of turkeys, capons, etc.
To demean themselvesincorruptly .
Acids dissolve or attenuate; alkalies precipitate orincrassate .
Liquors which time hathincrassated into jellies.
An indefiniteincreasableness of some of our ideas.
The watersincreased and bare up the ark.
He mustincrease , but I must decrease.
The heavens forbid But that our loves and comforts shouldincrease , Even as our days do grow!
Fishes are more numerous ofincreasing than beasts or birds, as appears by their numerous spawn.
I willincrease the famine.
Make denialsIncrease your services.
As ifincrease of appetite had grown By what if fed on.
For things of tender kind for pleasure made Shoot up with swiftincrease , and sudden are decay'd.
Take thou no usury of him, orincrease .
Let them not live to taste this land'sincrease .
All theincrease of thy house shall die in the flower of their age.
Seeds, hair, nails, hedges, and herbs will grow soonest if set or cut in theincrease of the moon.
Bright eff/uence of bright essenceincreate .
Why should it be thought a thingincredible with you, that God should raise the dead?
Of every species ofincredulity , religious unbelief is the most irrational.
A fantasticalincredulous fool.
The seminary that furnisheth matter for the formation andincrement of animal and vegetable bodies.
A nation, to be great, ought to be compressed in itsincrement by nations more civilized than itself.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, . . . think on these things.
Between theincresent and decrescent moon.
And by the frost refin'd the whiter snow,Incrusted hard.
The devils who appeared in the female form were generally called succubi; those who appeared like menincubi , though this distinction was not always preserved.
Such as are troubled withincubus , or witch-ridden, as we call it.
Debt and usury is theincubus which weighs most heavily on the agricultural resources of Turkey.
The most obvious and necessary duties of life they have not yet had authority enough to enforce andinculcate upon men's minds.
An innocent andincupable piece of ignorance.
That risk could only exculpate her and notinculpate them -- the probabilities protected them so perfectly.
Germany then, says Tacitus, wasincult and horrid, now full of magnificent cities.
His style is diffuse andincult .
These fines are only to be paid to the bishop during hisincumbency .
Twoincumbent figures, gracefully leaning upon it.
To move theincumbent load they try.
All men, truly zealous, will perform those good works that areincumbent on all Christians.
Theincumbent lieth at the mercy of his patron.
I know not what I shallincur to pass//, Having no warrant.
Lest youincur me much more damage in my fame than you have done me pleasure in preserving my life.
Light is discerned by itself because by itself itincurs into the eye.
A scirrh is not absolutelyincurable .
Rancorous andincurable hostility.
They were laboring under a profound, and, as it might have seemed, an almostincurable ignorance.
Carelessnesses andincurious deportments toward their children.
Sordidincuriousness and slovenly neglect.
The Scythian, whoseincursions wild Have wasted Sogdiana.
Theincursions of the Goths disordered the affairs of the Roman Empire.
Sins of dailyincursion .
Anincurvation of the rays.
Searched into by such skillfulindagators of nature.
Thy fortune hathindebted thee to none.
By owing, owes not, but still pays, at onceIndebted and discharged.
They who, by speech or writing, present to the ear or the eye of modesty any of theindecencies I allude to, are pests of society.
Theindeciduous and unshaven locks of Apollo.
The termindecision . . . implies an idea very nicely different from irresolution; yet it has a tendency to produce it.
Indecision . . . is the natural accomplice of violence.
The campaign had everywhere beenindecisive .
It was useless andindecorous to attempt anything more by mere struggle.
The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neitherindeed can be.
I were a beastindeed to do you wrong.
There is,indeed , no great pleasure in visiting these magazines of war.
Upborne withindefatigable wings.
That the king had a divine and anindefeasible right to the regal power.
Anindefectible treasure in the heavens.
A state ofindefectible virtue and happiness.
Men find that something can be said in favor of what, on the very proposal, they thought utterlyindefensible .
The sword awes theindefensive villager.
Brighter than the sun, andindeficient as the light of heaven.
It were to be wished that . . . men would leave off thatindefinite way of vouching, \'bdthe chymists say this,\'b8 or \'bdthe chymists affirm that.\'b8
The time of this last is leftindefinite .
Though it is not infinite, it may beindefinite ; though it is not boundless in itself, it may be so to human comprehension.
Indefinite and omnipresent God, Inhabiting eternity.
If the world beindefinitely extended, that is, so far as no human intellect can fancy any bound of it.
They are endued withindelible power from above.
Indelibly stamped and impressed.
Theindelicacy of English comedy.
Your papers would be chargeable with worse thanindelicacy ; they would be immoral.
Indemnification is capable of some estimate; dignity has no standard.
No reward with the name of anindemnification .
The states must at last engage to the merchants here that they willindemnify them from all that shall fall out.
Having first obtained a promise ofindemnity for the riot they had committed.
They were told to expect, upon the fall of Walpole, a large and lucrativeindemnity for their pretended wrongs.
Wordsindenizened , and commonly used as English.
Toindent and drive bargains with the Almighty.
The law is the best expositor of the gospel; they are like a pair ofindentures : they answer in every part.
Though age may creep on, andindenture the brow.
Let fortune do her worst, . . . as long as she never makes us lose our honesty and ourindependence .
\'bdGive me,\'b8 I cried (enough for me), \'bdMy bread, andindependency !\'b8
A dry, butindependent crust.
That obligation in general, under which we conceive ourselves bound to obey a law,independent of those resources which the law provides for its own enforcement.
Princesindeposable by the pope.
Tastes are theindexes of the different qualities of plants.
That turns and turns toindicate From what point blows the weather.
The frequent stops they make in the most convenient places are plainindications of their weariness.
That truth id productive of utility, and utilityindicative of truth, may be thus proved.
I am told shall have no Lentindicted this year.
Secular princes did use to indict, or permit theindiction of, synods of bishops.
Our king has all theIndies in his arms.
He . . . is far from suchindifference and equity as ought and must be in judges which he saith I assign.
Indifference can not but be criminal, when it is conversant about objects which are so far from being of an indifferent nature, that they are highest importance.
To give ourselves to a detestableindifferency or neutrality in this cause.
Moral liberty . . . does not, after all, consist in a power ofindifferency , or in a power of choosing without regard to motives.
Dangers are to meindifferent .
Everything in the world isindifferent but sin.
His slightest and mostindifferent acts . . . were odious in the clergyman's sight.
The staterooms are inindifferent order.
Indifferent in his choice to sleep or die.
It was a law of Solon, that any person who, in the civil commotions of the republic, remained neuter, or anindifferent spectator of the contending parties, should be condemned to perpetual banishment.
In choice of committees for ripening business for the counsel, it is betterindifferent persons than to make an indifferency by putting in those that are strong on both sides.
Theindifferentism which equalizes all religions and gives equal rights to truth and error.
That they may truly andindifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of thy true religion, and virtue.
Set honor in one eye and death i' the other, And I will look on bothindifferently .
I hope it mayindifferently entertain your lordship at an unbending hour.
Newindigencies founded upon new desires.
Negroes were all transported from Africa and are notindigenous or proper natives of America.
In America, cotton, beingindigenous , is cheap.
Joy and hope are emotionsindigenous to the human mind.
Indigent faint souls past corporal toil.
Charity consists in relieving theindigent .
In hot reformations . . . the whole is generally crude, harsh, andindigested .
This, like anindigested meteor, appeared and disappeared almost at the same time.
The depressing this finger, . . . in the right handindigitate/ six hundred.
Counts it scorn to draw Comfortindign from any meaner thing.
He stridesindignant , and with haughty cries To single fight the fairy prince defies.
Indignation expresses a strong and elevated disapprobation of mind, which is also inspired by something flagitious in the conduct of another.
When Haman saw Mordecai in the king's gate, that he stood not up, nor moved for him, he was full ofindignation against Mordecai.
Hide thyself . . . until theindignation be overpast.
How might a prince of my great hopes forget So greatindignities you laid upon me?
A person of so great place and worth constrained to endure so foulindignities .
By what bypaths andindirect , crooked ways I met this crown.
Indirect dealing will be discovered one time or other.
To tax itindirectly by taxing their expense.
Your crown and kingdomindirectly held.
Secret andindiscernible ways.
So drunken, and soindiscreet an officer.
Anindiscrete mass of confused matter.
Pastindiscretion is a venial crime.
Theindiscriminate defense of right and wrong.
The law was moral andindispensable .
It made him ratherindisposed than sick.
The king was sufficientlyindisposed towards the persons, or the principles, of Calvin's disciples.
A generalindisposition towards believing.
Rather as anindisposition in health than as any set sickness.
To the which my duties Are with a mostindissoluble tie Forever knit.
On they move,indissolubly firm.
When we come to parts too small four our senses, our ideas of these little bodies become obscure andindistinct .
Their views, indeed, areindistinct and dim.
Theindistinction of many of the same name . . . hath made some doubt.
Anindistinction of all persons, or equality of all orders, is far from being agreeable to the will of God.
In its sides it was bounded distinctly, but on its ends confusedly anindistinctly .
My heart isinditing a good matter.
Could a common grief haveindited such expressions?
Hear how learned Greece her useful rulesindites .
She willindite him so supper.
Wounded I sing, tormented Iindite .
Mind has a being of its own, distinct from that of all other things, and is pure, unmingled,individual substance.
United as oneindividual soul.
An object which is in the strict and primary sense one, and can not be logically divided, is called anindividual .
Thatindividuals die, his will ordains.
The selfishness of the small proprietor has been described by the best writers asindividualism .
They possess separateindividualities .
The peculiarities whichindividualize and distinguish the humor of Addison.
How should that subsist solitarily by itself which hath no substance, butindividually the very same whereby others subsist with it?
[Omniscience], an attributeindividually proper to the Godhead.
The soul, as the primeindividuating principle, and the said reserved portion of matter as an essential and radical part of the individuation, shall . . . make up and restore the same individual person.
Life isindividuated into infinite numbers, that have their distinct sense and pleasure.
By atom, nobody will imagine we intend to express a perfectindivisible , but only the least sort of natural bodies.
The stiffness andindocility of the Pharisees.
A master that . . . took much delight inindoctrinating his young, unexperienced favorite.
The common origin of theIndo-European nations.
I have ease, if it may not rather be calledindolence .
Life spent inindolence , and therefore sad.
As there is a great truth wrapped up in \'bddiligence,\'b8 what a lie, on the other hand, lurks at the root of our present use of the word \'bdindolence \'b8! This is from \'bdin\'b8 and \'bddoleo,\'b8 not to grieve; andindolence is thus a state in which we have no grief or pain; so that the word, as we now employ it, seems to affirm that indulgence in sloth and ease is that which would constitute for us the absence of all pain.
To waste long nights inindolent repose.
Calm and serene youindolently sit.
Elephantsindorsed with towers.
Oraclesindubitably clear and infallibly certain.
To conceal, orindubitate , his exigency.
The poet may be seeninducing his personages in the first Iliad.
He is not obliged by your offer to do it, . . . though he may beinduced , persuaded, prevailed upon, tempted.
Let not the covetous desire of growing richinduce you to ruin your reputation.
Sour thingsinduces a contraction in the nerves.
The independent oratorinducting himself without further ceremony into the pulpit.
The prior, wheninducted into that dignity, took an oath not to alienate any of their lands.
I know not you; nor am I well pleased to make this time, as the affair now stands, theinduction of your acquaintance.
These promises are fair, the parties sure, And ourinduction dull of prosperous hope.
This is but aninduction : I will d/aw The curtains of the tragedy hereafter.
Induction is an inference drawn from all the particulars.
Induction is the process by which we conclude that what is true of certain individuals of a class, is true of the whole class, or that what is true at certain times will be true in similar circumstances at all times.
A brutish vice,Inductive mainly to the sin of Eve.
They may be . . .inductive of credibility.
The baron hadindued a pair of jack boots.
Indu'd with robes of various hue she flies.
Indued with intellectual sense and souls.
Hope in another life implies that weindulge ourselves in the gratifications of this very sparingly.
Persuading us that something must beindulged to public manners.
Yet, yet a moment, one dim ray of lightIndulge , dread Chaos, and eternal Night!
If I were a judge, that wordindulgence should never issue from my lips.
They err, that throughindulgence to others, or fondness to any sin in themselves, substitute for repentance anything less.
If all these graciousindulgences are without any effect on us, we must perish in our own folly.
Theindulgent censure of posterity.
The feeble old,indulgent of their ease.
A certaininduration of character had arisen from long habits of business.
The great ideas ofindustrial development and economic social amelioration.
Industrialism must not confounded with industriousness.
Frugal andindustrious men are commonly friendly to the established government.
Industrious to seek out the truth of all things.
We are more industrious than our forefathers, because in the present times the funds destined for the maintenance ofindustry are much greater in proportion to those which are likely to be employed in the maintenance of idleness, than they were two or three centuries ago.
The Holy Ghost became a dove, not as a symbol, but as a constantlyindwelt form.
The personalindwelling of the Spirit in believers.
The cups That cheer but notinebriate .
Theinebriating effect of popular applause.
Thus spake Peter, as a maninebriate and made drunken with the sweetness of this vision, not knowing what he said.
Someinebriates have their paroxysms of inebriety.
Preserve him from theinebriation of prosperity.
Contentment with our lot . . . will diffuseineffable conten/ment over the soul.
The word of God, without the spirit, [is] a dead andineffective letter.
The peony root has been much commended, . . . and yet has been by many foundineffectual .
Hereford . . . had been besieged for abou/ two monthsineffectually by the Scots.
Theineffectualness of some men's devotion.
The authority of Parliament must becomeinefficacious . . . to restrain the growth of disorders.
The seeminginefficacy of censures.
Theinefficacy was soon proved, like that of many similar medicines.
The notoriousinelegance of her figure.
What order so contrived as not to mix Tastes, not well joined,inelegant .
It renders style often obscure, always embarrassed andinelegant .
Nor are thy lips ungraceful, sire of men, Nor tongueineloquent .
Theineluctable conditions of matter.
Most pressing reasons andineludible demonstrations.
The Aristotelian philosophy isinept for new discoveries.
To view attention as a special act of intelligence, and to distinguish it from consciousness, is utterlyinept .
Thatineptitude for society, which is frequently the fault of us scholars.
None of them are made foolishly orineptly .
The feebleness and miserableineptness of infancy.
There is so great aninequality in the length of our legs and arms as makes it impossible for us to walk on all four.
Notwithstanding whichinequality of number, it was resolved in a council of war to fight the Dutch fleet.
Sympathy is rarely strong where there is a greatinequality of condition.
The country is cut into so many hills andinequalities as renders it defensible.
Inequality of air is ever an enemy to health.
The bad seed thus sown wasineradicable .
The absoluteinerrancy odf the Bible.
Theinert and desponding party of the court.
It present becomes extravagant, then imbecile, and at length utterlyinert .
Even the favored isles . . . Can boast but little virtue; and,inert Through plenty, lose in morals what they gain In manners -- victims of luxurious ease.
Doomed to lose four months ininactive obscurity.
Sluggish Idleness, the nurse of sin, Upon a slothful ass he chose to ride.
Men . . . have immense irresolution andinertia .
These vicissitudes of exertion andinertion of the arterial system constitute the paroxysms of remittent fever.
Laziness andinertness of mind.
Toinescate and beguile young women!
The womb ofinessential Naught.
But above all, for thineinestimable love.
Science is tooinestimable for expression by a money standard.
It wasinevitable ; it was necessary; it was planted in the nature of things.
Inevitably thou shalt die.
Howinevitably does immoderate laughter end in a sigh!
Therefore thou artinexcusable , O man, whosoever thou art that judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
Inexcusably obstinate and perverse.
Aninexhaustible store of anecdotes.
Substancesinexisting within the divine mind.
You are more inhuman, moreinexorable , O, ten times more than tigers of Hyrcania.
It is not the rigor but theinexpediency of laws and acts of authority which makes them tyrannical.
If it was not unlawful, yet it was highlyinexpedient to use those ceremonies.
Failings which are incident to youth andinexperience .
Prejudice and self-sufficiency naturally proceed frominexperience of the world, and ignorance of mankind.
They are atinexpiable war with all establishments.
To restinexpiate were much too rude a part.
Their reason is disturbed; their views become vast and perplexed, to othersinexplicable , to themselves uncertain.
In orbs Of circuitinexpressible they stood.
A fortress,inexpugnable by the arts of war.
Lost in the wild,inextricable maze.
The arts of grafting andineying .
Infallibility is the highest perfection of the knowing faculty.
To whom also he showed himself alive, after his passion, by manyinfallible proofs.
Livia isinfamed for the poisoning of her husband.
False errant knight,infamous , and forsworn.
Infamous hills, and sandy perilous wilds.
The piny shade Moreinfamous by cursed Lycaon made.
The sealed fountain of royal bounty which had beeninfamously monopolized and huckstered.
The afflicted queen would not yield, and said she would not . . . submit to suchinfamy .
The babe yet lies in smilinginfancy .
Their love in earlyinfancy began.
Theinfancy and the grandeur of Rome.
And tender cries ofinfants pierce the ear.
This worthy motto, \'bdNo bishop, no king,\'b8 is . . .infanted out of the same fears.
A degree of credulity nextinfantine .
The body isinfarced with . . . watery humors.
The judgment of God will be very visible ininfatuating a people . . . ripe and prepared for destruction.
The people are . . .infatuated with the notion.
Theinfatuations of the sensual and frivolous part of mankind are amazing; but theinfatuations of the learned and sophistical are incomparably more so.
Such is theinfatuation of self-love.
Them that were left alive beinginfected with this disease.
Infected Ston's daughters with like heat.
There was a strict order against coming to those pits, and that was only to preventinfection .
And that which was still worse, they that did thus break out spread theinfection further by their wandering about with the distemper upon them.
The danger was really very great, theinfection being so very violent in London.
It was her chance to light Amidst the grossinfections of those times.
Through all her train the softinfection ran.
Mankind are gay or serious byinfection .
Where theinfectious pestilence.
It [the court] is necessary for the polishing of manners . . . but it isinfectious even to the best morals to live always in it.
Contraband articles are said to be of aninfectious nature.
The laughter was so genuine as to beinfectious .
True love . . . hath aninfective power.
Whatever is the ignorance andinfelicity of the present state, we were made wise and happy.
The baron stood afar off, or knelt in submissive, acknowledged,infelt inferiority.
Full well hath Clifford played the orator,Inferring arguments of mighty force.
Toinfer is nothing but by virtue of one proposition laid down as true, to draw in another as true.
Such opportunities alwaysinfer obligations.
The first part is not the proof of the second, but rather contrariwise, the secondinferreth well the first.
This dothinfer the zeal I had to see him.
A sufficient argument . . . isinferable from these premises.
Though it may chance to be right in the conclusions, it is yet unjust and mistaken in the method ofinference .
Theseinferences , or conclusions, are the effects of reasoning, and the three propositions, taken all together, are called syllogism, or argument.
A thousandinferior and particular propositions.
The body, or, as some love to call it, ourinferior nature.
Whether they are equal orinferior to my other poems, an author is the most improper judge.
A great person gets more by obliging hisinferior than by disdaining him.
A deep sense of our own greatinferiority .
The Elysian fields, theinfernal monarchy.
The instruments or abettors in suchinfernal dealings.
Theinfertility or noxiousness of the soil.
To poison vermin thatinfest his plants.
These, said the genius, are envy, avarice, superstition, love, with the like cares and passions thatinfest human life.
And the cares, thatinfest the day, Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away.
Free from theinfestation of enemies.
Theinfidel writer is a great enemy to society.
There is, indeed, no doubt but that vanity is one of the principal causes ofinfidelity .
The waterinfiltrates through the porous rock.
Calcareousinfiltrations filling the cavities.
Whatever is finite, as finite, will admit of no comparative relation with infinity; for whatever is less thaninfinite is still infinitely distant from infinity; and lower thaninfinite distance the lowest or least can not sink.
Great is our Lord, and of great power; his understanding isinfinite .
O God, howinfinite thou art!
Infinite riches in a little room.
Whichinfinite calamity shall cause To human life.
Not till the weight is heaved from off the air, and the thunders roll down the horizon, will the serene light of God flow upon us, and the blueinfinite embrace us again.
Glittering chains, embroidered richly o'er Withinfinite of pearls and finest gold.
As pleasing to the fancy, as speculations of eternity orinfinitude are to the understanding.
There can not be moreinfinities than one; for one of them would limit the other.
A poor,infirm , weak, and despised old man.
Infirm of purpose!
He who fixes on false principles treads orinfirm ground.
'T is theinfirmity of his age.
Will you be cured of yourinfirmity ?
A friend should bear his friend'sinfirmities .
The house has also itsinfirmities .
The fatal dart a ready passage found, And deep within her heartinfixed the wound.
We should have made retreat By light of theinflamed fleet.
Though more,it seems,Inflamed with lust than rage.
But, Oinflame and fire our hearts.
It willinflame you; it will make you mad.
A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemyinflames his crimes.
When passion's tumults in the bosom rise,Inflate the features, and enrage the eyes.
Inflate themselves with some insane delight.
Inflated and astrut with self-conceit.
The divine breath that blows the nostrils out To ineffableinflatus .
Are they [the rays of the sun] not reflected, refracted, andinflected by one and the same principle ?
Theinflexibility of mechanism.
That graveinflexibility of soul.
The purity andinflexibility of their faith.
\'bdInflexible as steel.\'b8
Amanof upright andinflexible temper . . . can overcome all private fear.
The nature of things isinflexible .
\'bdInflexive endings.\'b8
What heart could wish, what handinflict , this dire disgrace?
The persecution and the pain That maninflicts on infero-ior kinds.
Godis the sole and immadiateinflicter of such strokes.
His severestinflictions are in themselves acts of justice and righteousness.
Inflorescence affords an excellent characteristic mark in distinguishing the species of plants.
God hath hisinfluence into the very essence of all things.
Astrologers call the evilinfluences of the stars,evil aspects.
Cantsthou bind the sweetinfluences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion ?
She said : /Ah,dearest lord ! what evil star On you hath frown'd,and poured, hisinfluence bad ?\'b8
Suchinfluence hath your excellency.
Theseexperiments succeed after the same manner in vacuo as in the open air,and therefore are notinfluenced by the weight or pressure of the atmosphere.
This standing revelation . . . is sufficient toinfluence their faith and practice, if they attend.
The principle whichinfluenced their obedience has lost its efficacy.
I find no office by name assigned unto Dr.Cox, who was virtuallyinfluent upon all, and most active.
A veryinfluential Gascon prefix.
Theinflux of food into the Celtic region, however, was far from keeping pace with theinflux of consumers.
The generalinflux of Greek into modern languages.
Gilded tombs do wormsinfold .
Infold his limbs in bands.
Noble Banquo, . . . let meinfold thee, And hold thee to my heart.
\'bdTheinforming Word.\'b8
Let others better mold the running mass Of metals, andinform the breathing brass.
Breathinforms this fleeting frame.
Breathes in our soul,informs our mortal part.
For he would learn their business secretly, And theninform his master hastily.
I aminformed thoroughky of the cause.
Tertullus . . .informed the governor against Paul.
It is the bloody business whichinforms Thus to mine eyes.
He might either teach in the same manner,orinform how he had been taught.
These poorinformal women.
It was the last evidence of the kind; theinformant was hanged.
The activeinformations of the intellect.
Larger opportunities ofinformation .
He should get someinformation in the subject he intends to handle.
Nature,informer of the poet's art.
\'bdA mostinfortynate chance.\'b8
I, woeful wretch andinfortuned wight.
[He] link'd their fetlocks with a golden bandInfrangible .
The solitude andinfrequency of the place.
The act whereof is at this dayinfrequent or out of use among all sorts of men.
If the first that did the edictinfringe , Had answered for his deed.
The peace . . . wasinfringed by Appius Claudius.
The punishing of thisinfringement is proper to that jurisdiction against which the contempt is.
Inflamed beyond the mostinfuriate wrath.
Those curls of entangled snakes with which Erinys is said to haveinfuriated Athemas and Ino.
That strong Circean liquor cease toinfuse .
That souls of animalsinfuse themselves Into the trunks of men.
Why should he desire to have qualitiesinfused into his son which himself never possessd?
Infuse his breast with magnanimity.
Infusing him with self and vain conceit.
One scruple of dried leaves isinfused in ten ounces of warm water.
Doctrines beinginfusible into all.
The best crucibles are made of Limoges earth, which seems absolutelyinfusible .
Our language has received innumerable elegancies and improvements from thatinfusion of Hebraisms.
His folly and his wisdom are of his oun growth, not the echo orinfusion of other men.
Sips meekinfusion of a milder herb.
Theinfusive force of Spirit on man.
Which hath in charge theingate of the year.
Thou shalt keep . . . the feast ofingathering .
. . . She yetingeminates The last of sounds, and what she hears relates.
That Sacredingemination , Amen, Amen.
Happiness with an echo oringemination .
Those virtues were rather feigned and affected . . . than true qualitiesingenerate in his judgment.
Those noble habits areingenerated in the soul.
A man . . . very wise andingenious in feats of war.
Thou, king, send out For torturersingenious .
The moreingenious men are, the more apt are they to trouble themselves.
Thus men go wrong with aningenious skill.
A course of learning andingenious studies.
\'bdTooingeniously politic.\'b8
It is naturaloringenite , which comes by some defect of the organs and overmuch brain.
All the means which humaningenuity has contrived.
He gives . . . To artistingenuity and skill.
The stings and remores of naturalingenuity , a principle that men scarcely ever shake off, as long as they carry anything of human nature about them.
If aningenuous detestation of falsehood be but carefully and early instilled, that is the true and genuin method to obviate dishonesty.
Sensible in myself . . . what a burden it is for me, who would beingenuous , to be loaded with courtesies which he hath not the least hope to requite or deserve.
Being required to explane himself, heingeniously confessed.
The wreath is ivy thatingirts our beams.
My next desire is, void of care and strife, To lead a soft, secure,inglorious life.
Some muteinglorious Milton here may rest.
Inglorious shelter in an alien land.
And from the fire he took up his matter And in theingot put it with merry cheer.
Wroughtingots from Besoara's mine.
This fellow wouldingraft a foreign name Upon our stock.
A custom . . .ingrafted into the monarchy of Rome.
Our fieldsingrained with blood.
Cruelty and jealousy seem to beingrained in a man who has these vices at all.
He proved extremely false andingrateful to me.
He gives . . . noingrateful food.
Lysimachus . . .ingratiated himself both with Philip and his pupil.
What difficulty would it [the love of Christ] notingratiate to us?
Ingratitude , thou marble-hearted fiend.
Ingratitude is abhorred both by God and man.
By way of analysis we may proceed from compounds toingredients .
Water is the chiefingredient in all the animal fluids and solids.
Acts where no sin isingredient .
A river large . . . Passed underneathingulfed .
He drowned his stomach and senses with a large draught andingurgitation of wine.
The high and lofty One, thatinhabiteth eternity.
O, who wouldinhabit This bleak world alone?
They say wild beastsinhabit here.
Systems ofinhabitable planets.
The frozen ridges of the Alps Or other groundinhabitable .
Ruins yet resting in the wild moors testify a formerinhabitance .
In this place, they report that they sawinhabitants which were very fair and fat people.
Theinhabitation of the Holy Ghost.
The beginning of nations and of the world'sinhabitation .
What the phrenologists callinhabitiveness .
Martin was walking forth toinhale the fresh breeze of the evening.
Soundsinharmonious in themselves and harsh.
Theinharmoniousness of a verse.
They do butinhere in the subject that supports them.
The sore disease which seemsinherent in civilization.
Matter hathinherently and essentially such an internal energy.
Prince Harry is valiant; for the cold blood he did naturallyinherit of his father he hath . . . manured . . . with good store of fertile sherris.
But the meek shallinherit the earth.
To bury so much gold under a tree, And never after toinherit it.
Thou shalt notinherit our father's house.
By attainder . . . the blood of the person attainted is so corrupted as to be rendered no longerinheritable .
The eldest daughter of the king is also aloneinheritable to the crown on failure of issue male.
When the man dies, let theinheritance Descend unto the daughter.
To aninheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away.
To you th'inheritance belongs by right Of brother's praise; to you eke /longs his love.
Men are not proprietors of what they have, merely for themselves; their children have a title to part of it which comes to be wholly theirs when death has put an end to their parents' use of it; and this we callinheritance .
Borninheritors of the dignity.
Constantinhesion and habitual abode.
Their motions also are excited orinhibited . . . by the objects without them.
All men wereinhibited , by proclamation, at the dissolution, so much as to mention a Parliament.
Burial may not beinhibited or denied to any one.
I would not have you consider these criticisms asinhibitory .
Have you no touch of pity, that the poor Stand starved at yourinhospitable door?
Man'sinhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn.
Weeping they bear the mangled heaps of slain,Inhume the natives in their native plain.
We are at war with a system, which, by its essence, isinimical to all other governments.
Performing suchinimitable feats.
Demagogues . . . bribed to thisiniquitous service.
Till the world from his perfection fell Into all filth and fouliniquity .
Youriniquities have separated between you and your God.
Acts oldIniquity , and in the fit Of miming gets the opinion of a wit.
How are changes of this sort to beinitiated ?
Providence would onlyinitiate mankind into the useful knowledge of her treasures, leaving the rest to employ our industry.
Toinitiate his pupil into any part of learning, an ordinary skill in the governor is enough.
The Athenians believed that he who wasinitiated and instructed in the mysteries would obtain celestial honor after death.
He wasinitiated into half a dozen clubs before he was one and twenty.
To rise in science as in bliss,Initiate in the secrets of the skies.
Silence is the first thing that is taught us at ourinitiation into sacred mysteries.
The undevelopedinitiatives of good things to come.
Someinitiatory treatises in the law.
Twoinitiatory rites of the same general import can not exist together.
C\'91sar also, then hatching tyranny,injected the same scrupulous demurs.
And moundinject on mound.
Aninjudicious biographer who undertook to be his editor and the protector of his memory.
For still they knew,and ought to have still remembered, The highinjunction ,not to taste that fruit.
Necessary as theinjunctions of lawful authority.
When have Iinjured thee? when done thee wrong?
Till theinjurious Roman did extort This tribute from us, we were free.
Without beinginjurious to the memory of our English Pindar.
For he that doethinjury shall receve that he did evil.
Many times we doinjury to a cause by dwelling on trifling arguments.
Riot ascends above their loftiest towers, Andinjury and outrage.
If this people [the Athenians] resembled Nero in their extravagance, much more did they resemble and even exceed him in cruelty andinjustice .
Cunning men can be guilty of a thousandinjustices without being discovered, or at least without being punished.