*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 61203 *** Transcriber’s Note: The Directory is reproduced with its typos intact, save for minor repairs to punctuation. [Illustration] [Illustration] BAUM’S COMPLETE STAMP Dealers Directory, Including a List of _Philatelic Publications_. [Illustration] [Illustration] Dear Sir: Will you be so kind as to notice this work in your paper, and send marked copy to Yours FRATERNALLY, L. F. Baum, Syracuse, N. Y. BAUM’S COMPLETE _STAMP DEALERS_ DIRECTORY, CONTAINING A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL DEALERS IN THE UNITED STATES, TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL ONES OF EUROPE, AND A LIST OF Philatelic Publications. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY BAUM, NORRIS & CO., SYRACUSE, N. Y. SYRACUSE: HITCHCOCK & TUCKER, PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1873. PREFACE. In presenting this little book to our friends, we wish to offer a few words of explanation. Many Directories have been commenced, but none ever published. We have taken great care to procure the addresses of every prominent dealer in the United States, and we think that few have been omitted. Of course, where dealers are constantly starting business, and others retiring, to produce a complete Directory would be impossible, but we have taken every measure to make the work as perfect as possible. L. FRANK BAUM, WM. NORRIS, H. C. BAUM. EXPLANATION. Those names prefixed thus (*) are _known to us_ to be reliable. Those thus (†), deal principally _in counterfeits_. Those thus (‡), are _not_ reliable. NOTE.—Mr. S. A. Taylor,† 81 Washington Street, Boston, is a dealer, but does not want his name included in this work, so we omit him. THE STAMP Dealers’ Directory. *BAUM, NORRIS & CO., Importing Dealers in Foreign Postage Stamps, 132 Lancaster Street, ALBANY, N. Y. _Send Stamp for Packet List, Etc._ Monograms, Private Revenues, Postmarks, etc., always on hand. Choice Stamps bought. United States. *Andrus, D. A. K., Rockford, Illinois. Amweg & Hager, 14 S. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. American Stamp Co., Meriden, Conn. ‡Atwater, Box 193, Rahway, N. J. Blodget, A. N., Box 446, Yonkers, N. Y. Butenop, H. E., 625 Pacific St., San Francisco, Cal. Boynton, H. C., Williamsburgh, N. Y. *Beifeld & Bell, Box 384, Chicago, Ill. Boysen, L., Buffalo, N. Y. *Brown, Wm., P., 53 Nassau Street, N. Y. Boothby, D. N., San Froncisco, Cal. Boswell, C. F., Montpelier, Vt. Burleigh, C., Portland, Maine. Chichester, C., Box 503, San Francisco, Cal. Clough & Stateler, Box 1070, San Francisco, Cal. Curtiss & Shattock, 373 Belden Ave., Chicago, Ill. Calder, J. B., 43 Charlesfield St., Providence, R. I. Clarke, A., Amherst, Mass. Cornell, F. M., 57 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn. Douglas, J. B., Windsor Locks, Conn. Day, H. P., Box 1688, Jacksonville, Ill. Dale, James & Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Dean, J., San Francisco, California. ‡Durbin, L. W., 106 So. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dalton, C. M., Lowell, Mass. Dorr, Marquese & Co., Box 220, Plymouth, Mass. Davenport & Co., Boston Highlands, Mass. Earlandson, J. A., Rockford, Ill. Edwards, A. G., 781 State St., Chicago, Ill. Elwood & Co., Elizabeth, N. J. Frost, E. W., Box 1817, Boston, Mass. Farmer, A. A., Crown Point, Ind. Fuller, H. W. W., Hartford, Conn. Fay, A. W., (Commission Agent) Syracuse, N. Y. Fellows, A. N., Iowa City, Iowa. Franco-American Stamp Co., 190 York St., Jersey City. Flectcher, H. W., 530 Main St., Quincy, Ill. Frederick & Co., 5 Genesee St., Buffalo, N. Y. Fountain, A. & Co., Middletown, Conn. Gleason & Griggs, Oswego, N. Y. Harrison, A. C., Box 426, Elizabeth, N. J. ‡Heyden, Kent K., Omaha, Neb. Hammond & Brown, Aurora, Ill. Hobbs, Chas. A., Exeter, N. H. Hayt, Walter, Newburgh, N. Y. Hanchette, D., Chittenango, N. Y., (Agent.) Harper, A., Box 358, Alexandria, Va. Jagger, D. W., Newburgh, N. Y. Kerr & Abell, San Francisco, Cal. Keystone Stamp Co., Titusville, Pa. Kline, A. C., 824 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kline, J. W., 212 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kurth, Seitz & Co., Box 114, Hoboken, N. J. Klement, E., 12 Fair St., Newark, N. J. King, Chas. & Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Kellogg, Gardiner, Gorham, Maine. Ledyard, G. C. Jr., 718 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Lynde, E. A., Bangor, Maine. Lewison, W. V., Worcester, Mass. Langstroth, J. H., Box 2020, Philadelphia, Pa. Lyford, C. A., Boston, Mass. Lincoln, G. W., 168 Third St., Troy, N. Y. †Larved, W. W., Boston, Mass. Linnell, W. E., Box 941, Worcester, Mass. LeDuc, Alex. & Co., 488 Marshal St., Milwaukee. Lohman, Wm., 116 So. Tenth St., St. Louis, Mo. Lawrence & Spafford, E. Minneapolis, Minn. Moses, H. & Co., New Britain, Conn. Metropolitan Stamp Co., Box 230, New York. Marsh, Robt. A., Amherst, Mass. Mason, J. A., 344 Fulton St., Brooklyn, L. I. Marten, A., Box 1089, Rockford, Ill. Morrill, F. K., 854 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Mason & Co., 139 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Moffett & Headley, 143 Fourth St., Brooklyn. Marqueze, J. H., Plymouth, Mass. Nitz, A., 12 Fair St., Newark, N. J. Nutter, J. A., 148 Bergen St., Brooklyn. New York Stamp Co., 10 Amity St., New York. *Pinkham, F. H., New Market, N. H. ‡Petrie, J. A., Elizabeth, N. J. Patterson, J. Jr., Box 342½, Montreal, Quebec. Page & Hart, Box 555, Williamsport, Pa. Pierce & Co., 129 W. Madison St., Chicago. Paradice, C. W., Jacksonville, Ill. Park, M. Jr., 1215 Chamber St., St. Louis, Mo. Patrick, Geo. B., Manlius, N. Y. Reed, Ed. M. & Co., Box 90, Toledo, O. Rogers, Thos. W., Omaha, Feb. Richardson, W. M., 1706, Portland, Maine. Richmond, Geo. H., Northfield, Vt. *Rupert, C., (care “Banner of Light,”) Boston. Smith & Blanchard, Winona, Minn. Smith, H. G. & Bro., Box 750, Winona, Minn. Surbled, E., St. Louis, Mo. Stamp and Coin Co., Rockford, Ill. *Scott, J. W. & Co., 75 Nassau St., New York. *Sherlock, C. R., 45 Burnett St., Syracuse, N. Y. Stein, G. F., Troy, N. Y. Stanley & Co., Elizabeth, N. J. Stockwell, G. A., Port Huron, Mich. Spang & Co., 627 Penn St., Reading, Pa. ‡Terhune, W. L., Portsmouth, N. H. Tredwell & Rogers, Elizabeth, N. J. Trifet, A., 77 Court St., Boston, Mass. Van Sykel, R. D., Titusville, Pa. ‡Wheeler, A. H., Lowell, Mass. Woodward, Wm., Box 276, N. Cambridge, Mass. Western Stamp Co., 29 Twenty-Fifth St., Chicago. White, Francis, Deposit, N. Y. Wilder, Wm. & Co., Boq 1482, New Orleans. Young American Stamp Bo., 6 E. Forty-Ninth St., New York. Foreign Stamps, Revenues, Setts and Albums. _CATALOGUES FREE._ A. E. LEACH, Box 292, Boston, Mass. Foreign Dealers. Ansard, F., Auklaud, New Zealand. Cogswell, A. E., Lackville, N. B. Craig, J. A., Truro, Nova Scotia. D’Iscardo, Senor, New Castle, Spain. Dean, W., 24 Fry’s Bellevue, Bath, England. *‡Foreign Stamp Depot, St. Johns, N. B. Fohl, E. I., Riesa, Saxony. Graves, Sam’l M., Summerside, P. E. I. Kilham & Bingay, Yarmouth, N. S. Kern, Ad., Frankfort-on-Main, Germany. Lindsay, F. S. P., 14 Aikenside Terrace, New Castle on Tyne, Eng. Myers, L., Montreal, Quebec. Reid, Arthur, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Stratton, B., Fredricton, N. B. Thompson, S., Orneskirk, England. Scott, B. Jr., 5 Market St., Oxford, England. Trites, F. B., Amherst, Nova Scotia. Todd, F. B., St. Stephen, N. B. Werninch, H., London, S. E., England. Stanley, Gibbons & Co., 8 Lockyer St., Plymouth, England. Blackley, Wm. J. R., 21 St. Reale Valetta, Malta. Wilson, H. M., 27 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria. Stendel, A., Weingarten, Ravensburg, Wirtemburg. Raymond, F. W., London, Ontario, Canada. Lenoir, C., New Pjerdstrasse, Munich, Bavaria. Papluz, S., 18 Rue des Sablous, Brussels, Belgium. *Smith, A. & Co., 6 Bath St., Bath, Eng. Stow, F. S. P., Queenstown, Cape of Good Hope. Armstrong & Dixie, 2 Mechan St., Cape of Good Hope. Van Thiel & Kaiser, No. 133 Keizorsgraeht, Amsterdam, Holland. Wayte, Ed., Queen St., Aukland, New Zealand. Edward Blunsum, 151 Pitt St., Sidney, New So. Wales. Merriden, H. M., British and Foreign Library, Bologne-sue-mei, France. *W. E. SENNETT, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Postage Stamps, P. O. Box 184, SYRACUSE, N. Y. ☞ Send Stamp for Empire Packet List. ☞ Leading and Reliable Coin Dealers. John W. Hasletine, 512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Kline, 212 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. W. Fay, 33 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. E. Cogan, 458 State St., Brooklyn, L. I. PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS. American. _American Journal of Philately_, 75 Nassau St., New York. $1.00 per year. Monthly. _Canadian Philatelist_, 5 cents per copy. Monthly. Montreal, Canada. *_Curiosity Hunter_, Rockford, Ill. $1.00 per year. Monthly. (Best in the world.) *_The Empire_, (formerly Stamp Collector,) Syracuse, N. Y. Monthly. 50 cents per year. _Postage Stamp Reporter_, Lowell, Mass. 50 cents per year. Monthly. *_Stamp Collector’s Review_, Box 90, Toledo, O. 25 cents per year. Monthly. *_Stamp Collector’s Chronicle_, St. Johns, N. B. 60 cents per year. Monthly. With Stamp. _Stamp Advertiser_, 718 Michigan Ave., Chicago. *_Western Philatelist_, Box 384, Chicago. 50 cents per year. Monthly. _Stamp Collector’s Monthly_, Meriden, Ct. Monthly. *_Stamp Collector’s Hand-Book_, Keystone Stamp Co., Titusville, Pa. 25 cents per copy, with choice stamp. Foreign. _Stamp Collector’s Magazine_, 6 Bath St., Bath, England. $1.00 per year, with Stamp. _The Philatelist_, 81 Paradise St., Birmingham, England. (Best English.) _The Timbrophilest_, Amsterdam, Holland. _Der Nene Bazar fuer Briefmarken Zammler_, Heidleburg, Baden. Republished in America, as “The New Bazar for Stamp Collectors,” at Greenville, S. C. _Allgemeiner Briefmarken Anzieger_, Hamburg, Germany. _The General Stamp Advertiser_, Amsterdam, Holland. _A. Moschkaus’ Magazin_, Oybin, Saxony. _Dur Philatelische Bérechte_, Rudolfschiem, Vienna, Austria. _Dur Bazar fuer Briefmarken Sammler_, Manheim, Germany. _Nordisk Frimaerkelidende_, published by Carl Lund, Copenhagen, Denmark. Illustrated Stamp Catalogues. Sent Free, for Below Named Prices. “Foreign Stamp Depot,” $ .15 D. A. K. Andrus’, .15 D. W. Jagger’s, .15 Wm. P. Brown’s, .15 Stanley, Gibbons & Co.’s (monthly), 4d Beifeld & Bell, Free for Stamp. L. W. Durbin, (monthly list), ” ” ” Arthur A. Leach, 2, (different) $ .20 J. W. Scott & Co. .15 ☞ For addresses of above Dealers, see Directory. There are a great many other Catalogues just the same as these, but with the names of other dealers printed on the outside. As a general thing, when you have seen one Catalogue, you have seen them all. * * * * * THE YOUNG AMERICA JOB PRINTING PRESS Is acknowledged by all to be superior to all other HAND PRESSES, In its arrangement, strength and durability. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Specimens of Printing, to L. F. BAUM, Agent, Syracuse, N. Y. * * * * * [Illustration: _THE EMPIRE_] A First-Class Monthly Amateur Paper, containing Poetry, Literature, New Stamp Issues, Amateur Items, &c. Terms, 50 Cents per year. Advertisements, 8 Cents per line. Address, BAUM & ALVORD, Publishers, Box 273, Syraouse, N. Y. * * * * * _EMPIRE JOB PRINTING OFFICE_ BAUM & ALVORD, PROPRIETORS, One Hundred Visiting Cards printed and sent Free, for 75 Cents. Other Job Printing proportionately cheap. Box 273, Syracuse, N. Y. * * * * * THE AMATEUR WORLD. A large four-page paper, devoted to the interests of youth; Only 50 Cents per year. Address, FRANK CROPPER, 461 Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky. Send 50 Cents for “AMATEUR JOURNALISTS’ COMPANION.” Every Amateur in the world needs it. * * * * * F. H. PINKHAM, Dealer in Foreign Postage Stamps, And Publisher of THE AMATEUR NEWS, NEW MARKET, N. H. * * * * * D. A. K. ANDRUS, DEALER IN Coins, Stamps, Autographs, AND CURIOSITIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Send 15 cents for large Descriptive Catalogue of Postage Stamps, and 3 cent stamp for Lists of United States and Canada Revenues. A sample copy of the _Curiosity Hunter_, a 24 page monthly, devoted to the interests of Collectors, and containing each month, a list of Ancient and Modern Coins for sale, sent to any address on the receipt of 10 censt. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Address, D. A. K. ANDRUS, Box 733, Rockford, Ill. * * * * * YOUNG AMERICAN STAMP COMPANY, 6 East Forty-Ninth Street, New York, Dealers in Foreign Stamps, ALBUMS, REVENUES, Etc. Send 3 cent Stamp for Lists. * * * * * SEND 15 CENTS FOR MY NEW Priced Catalogue, And 3 cent Stamp for Lists of Packets, etc. J. A. EARLANDSON, Rockford, Ill. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Baum's Complete Stamp Dealers Directory, by L. Frank Baum *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 61203 ***