The Project Gutenberg EBook of Select Books Published by Mr. T. Fisher
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Title: Select Books Published by Mr. T. Fisher Unwin

Author: T. Fisher Unwin

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Select Books
Mr. T. Fisher Unwin

26, Paternoster Square.


Mr. Unwin has pleasure in sending herewith his Catalogue of Select Books.

Book Buyers are requested to order any Books they may require from their local Bookseller.


Catalogue of Select Books in Belles Lettres, History, Biography, Theology, Travel, Miscellaneous, and Books for Children.

Belles Lettres.

English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (XIVth Century). By J. J. Jusserand. Translated from the French by Lucy A. Toulmin Smith. Illustrated. Demy 8vo., cloth, 21s.

The Author has supervised the translation, and has added fresh matter, so that the volume differs in some degree from “La Vie Nomade.” Many of the illustrations are taken from illuminated manuscripts, and have never been published before.

Old Chelsea. A Summer-Day’s Stroll. By Dr. Benjamin Ellis Martin. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell. Crown 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

The stroll described in these pages may be imagined to be taken during the summer of 1888; all the dates, descriptions, and references herein having been brought down to the present day.

The Twilight of the Gods. “The Purple Head,” “Madame Lucifer,” “The Demon Pope,” “The City of Philosophers,” “The Cup-bearer,” “Ananda the Miracle-Worker,” “The Bell of St. Euschemon,” and other Stories. By Richard Garnett. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

The Coming of the Friars, And other Mediæval Sketches. By the Rev. Augustus Jessopp, D.D., Author of “Arcady: For Better, For Worse,” &c. Crown 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

Contents.—I. The Coming of the Friars.—II. Village Life in Norfolk Six Hundred Years ago.—III. Daily Life in a Mediæval Monastery.—IV. and V. The Black Death in East Anglia.—VI. The Building-up of a University.—VII. The Prophet of Walnut-tree Walk.


Arcady: For Better, For Worse. By Augustus Jessopp, D.D., Author of “One Generation of a Norfolk House.” Portrait. Popular Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

“A volume which is, to our minds, one of the most delightful ever published in English.”—Spectator.

“A capital book, abounding in true wisdom and humour.... Excellent and amusing.”—Melbourne Argus.

The Romance of a Shop. By Amy Levy, Author of “The New School of American Fiction,” &c. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

The Paradox Club. By Edward Garnett. With Portrait of Nina Lindon. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

“Mr. Garnett’s dialogue is often quite as good as his description, and in description he is singularly happy. The mystery of London streets by night is powerfully suggested, and the realistic force of his night-pieces is enhanced by the vague and Schumann-like sentiment that pervades them.”—Saturday Review.

Euphorion: Studies of the Antique and the Mediæval in the Renaissance. By Vernon Lee. Cheap Edition, in one volume. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“It is the fruit, as every page testifies, of singularly wide reading and independent thought, and the style combines with much picturesqueness a certain largeness of volume, that reminds us more of our earlier writers than those of our own time.”—Contemporary Review.

Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy. By Vernon Lee. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“These studies show a wide range of knowledge of the subject, precise investigation, abundant power of illustration, and hearty enthusiasm.... The style of writing is cultivated, neatly adjusted, and markedly clever.”—Saturday Review.

Belcaro: Being Essays on Sundry Æsthetical Questions. By Vernon Lee, Author of “Euphorion,” “Baldwin,” &c. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“This way of conveying ideas is very fascinating, and has an effect of creating activity in the reader’s mind which no other mode can equal. From first to last here is a continuous and delightful stimulation of thought.”—Academy.

Juvenilia: A Second Series of Essays on Sundry Æsthetical Questions. By Vernon Lee. Two vols. Small crown 8vo., cloth, 12s.

“To discuss it properly would require more space than a single number of ‘The Academy’ could afford.—Academy.

“Est agréable à lire et fait penser.”—Revue des deux Mondes.


Baldwin: Dialogues on Views and Aspirations. By Vernon Lee. Demy 8vo., cloth, 12s.

“The dialogues are written with ... an intellectual courage which shrinks from no logical conclusion.”—Scotsman.

Ottilie: An Eighteenth Century Idyl. By Vernon Lee. Square 8vo., cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

“A graceful little sketch.... Drawn with full insight into the period described.”—Spectator.

The Fleet: Its River, Prison, and Marriages. By John Ashton, Author of “Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne,” &c. With 70 Drawings by the Author from Original Pictures. Demy 8vo., cloth elegant, 21s. Cheaper Edition, 7s. 6d.

Romances of Chivalry: Told and Illustrated in Fac-simile by John Ashton. Forty-six Illustrations. Demy 8vo., cloth elegant, gilt tops, 18s.

“The result (of the reproduction of the wood blocks) is as creditable to his artistic, as the text is to his literary, ability.”—Guardian.

The Dawn of the Nineteenth Century in England: A Social Sketch of the Times. By John Ashton. Cheaper Edition, in one vol. Illustrated. Large crown 8vo., 10s. 6d.

“The book is one continued source of pleasure and interest, and opens up a wide field for speculation and comment, and many of us will look upon it as an important contribution to contemporary history, not easily available to others than close students.”—Antiquary.

Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. By Mariana Monteiro. With Illustrations by Harold Copping. Popular Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, gilt edges, 6s.

“In every respect this comely volume is a notable addition to the shelf devoted to folk-lore ... and the pictures in photogravure nobly interpret the text.”—Critic.

Heroic Tales. Retold from Firdusi the Persian. By Helen Zimmern. With Etchings by L. Alma Tadema. Popular Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 5s.

“Charming from beginning to end.... Miss Zimmern deserves all credit for her courage in attempting the task, and for her marvellous success in carrying it out.”—Saturday Review.


Pilgrim Sorrow. By Carmen Sylva (The Queen of Roumania). Translated by Helen Zimmern. Portrait-etching by Lalauze. Square crown 8vo., cloth extra, 5s.

“A strain of sadness runs through the delicate thought and fancy of the Queen of Roumania. Her popularity as an author is already great in Germany, and this little work will win her a place in many English hearts.”—Standard.

The Poison Tree: A Tale of Hindu Life in Bengal. By B. Chandra Chatterjee. Introduction by Sir Edwin Arnold, M.A., K.C.S.I. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

“This is a work of real genius.... As a picture of the social life of the Hindus it cannot but be regarded as masterly.”—British Quarterly Review.

The Touchstone of Peril: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny. By Dudley Hardress Thomas. Second edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

“‘The Touchstone of Peril’ is the best Anglo-Indian novel that has appeared for some years.”—Times of India.

The Amazon: An Art Novel. By Carl Vosmaer. Preface by Prof. Georg Ebers, and Frontispiece specially drawn by L. Alma Tadema, R.A. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

“It is a work full of deep, suggestive thought.”—Academy.

The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. By Mr. George Herbert. New and fourth edition, with Introductory Essay by J. Henry Shorthouse. Small crown, sheep, 5s. A fac-simile reprint of the Original Edition of 1633.

“This charming reprint has a fresh value added to it by the Introductory Essay of the Author of ‘John Inglesant.’”—Academy.

Songs, Ballads, and A Garden Play. By A. Mary F. Robinson, Author of “An Italian Garden.” With Frontispiece of Dürer’s “Melencolia.” Small crown 8vo., half bound, vellum, 5s.

“The romantic ballads have grace, movement, passion and strength.—Spectator.

“Marked by sweetness of melody and truth of colour.”—Academy.

An Italian Garden: A Book of Songs. By A. Mary F. Robinson. Fcap. 8vo., parchment, 3s. 6d.

“They are most of them exquisite in form.”—Pall Mall Gazette.

“Full of elegance and even tenderness.”—Spectator.


The Sentence: A Drama. By Augusta Webster, Author of “In a Day,” &c. Small crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d.

“The working-out of this tragical theme is nothing less than masterly.”—Pall Mall Gazette.

The Lazy Minstrel. By J. Ashby-Sterry, Author of “Boudoir Ballads.” Fourth and Popular Edition. Frontispiece by E. A. Abbey. Fcap. 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d.

“One of the lightest and brightest writers of vers de société.”—St. James’s Gazette.

The New Purgatory, and other Poems. By Elizabeth Rachel Chapman, Author of “A Comtist Lover,” &c. Square imperial 16mo., cloth, 4s. 6d.

“There is not one of the poems that does not bear the sign manual of genius.”—Inquirer.

Introductory Studies in Greek Art. Delivered in the British Museum by Jane E. Harrison. With Illustrations. Square imperial 16mo., 7s. 6d.

“The best work of its kind in English.”—Oxford Magazine.

Jewish Portraits. By Lady Magnus. With Frontispiece by Harry Furniss. Small crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“We owe much gratitude to the author for a very delightful book.”—Manchester Examiner.

Gladys Fane. By T. Wemyss Reid. Fifth edition. (Unwin’s Novel Series.) Small crown 8vo., 2s.

“The author of the delightful monograph on ‘Charlotte Brontë’ has given us in this volume a story as beautiful as life and as sad as death.”—Standard.

Mrs. Keith’s Crime. By Mrs. W. Kingdon Clifford. (Unwin’s Novel Series.) Second edition. Small crown 8vo., 2s.

Concerning Oliver Knox. By G. Colmore. (Unwin’s Novel Series.) Small crown 8vo., 2s.



The End of the Middle Ages: Essays and Questions in History. By A. Mary F. Robinson (Madame Darmesteter). Demy 8vo., cloth, 10s. 6d.

A Series of Essays on chapters in French and Italian History—“The Claim of the House of Orleans,” “Valentine Visconti,” “The Convent of Helfta,” “The Schism,” “The French in Italy,” “The Attraction of the Abyss,” and other Studies.

The Federalist: A Commentary in the Form of Essays on the United States Constitution. By Alexander Hamilton, and others. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Demy 8vo., Roxburgh binding, 10s. 6d.

“The importance of the Essays can hardly be exaggerated.... They are undoubtedly a great work upon the general subject of political federation; and the education of no student of politics in our own country can be considered complete who has not mastered the treatise of Alexander Hamilton.”—Glasgow Mail.

The Government Year Book: A Record of the Forms and Methods of Government in Great Britain, her Colonies, and Foreign Countries, 1889. Crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

“Mr. Lewis Sergeant has most admirably performed his task.”—Athenæum.

“The book fills a gap which has been frequently noticed by every politician, journalist, and economist.”—Journal des Debats.

The Making of the Great West, 1512-1853. By Samuel Adams Drake. One hundred and forty-five Illustrations. Large crown 8vo, 9s.

The Making of New England, 1580-1643. By Samuel Adams Drake. Illustrated. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“It is clearly and pleasantly written, and copiously illustrated.”—Pall Mall Budget.


The Story of the Nations. Crown 8vo., Illustrated, and furnished with Maps and Indexes, each 5s.

“L’interessante serie l’Histoire des Nations formera ... un cours d’histoire universelle d’une très grande valeur.”—Journal des Debats.

“The remarkable series.”—New York Critic.

“That useful series.”—The Times.

“An admirable series.”—Spectator.

“That excellent series.”—Guardian.

“The series is likely to be found indispensable in every school library.”—Pall Mall Gazette.

“This valuable series.”—Nonconformist.

“Admirable series of historical monographs.”—Echo.

Rome. By Arthur Gilman, M.A., Author of “A History of the American People,” &c. Third edition.

“The author succeeds admirably in reproducing the ‘Grandeur that was Rome.’”—Sydney Morning Herald.

The Jews. In Ancient, Mediæval, and Modern Times. By Prof. J. K. Hosmer. Second edition.

“The book possesses much of the interest, the suggestiveness, and the charm of romance.”—Saturday Review.

Germany. By Rev. S. Baring-Gould, Author of “Curious Myths of the Middle Ages,” &c. Second edition.

“Mr. Baring-Gould tells his stirring tale with knowledge and perspicuity. He is a thorough master of his subject.”—Globe.

Carthage. By Prof. Alfred J. Church, Author of “Stories from the Classics,” &c. Second edition.

“A masterly outline with vigorous touches in detail here and there.”—Guardian.

Alexander’s Empire. By Prof. J. P. Mahaffy, Author of “Social Life in Greece.” Second edition.

“A wonderful success.”—Spectator.

The Moors in Spain. By Stanley Lane-Poole, Author of “Studies in a Mosque.” Second edition.

“The best, the fullest, the most accurate, and most readable history of the Moors in Spain for general readers.”—St. James’s Gazette.

Ancient Egypt. By Prof. Geo. Rawlinson, Author of “The Five Great Monarchies of the World.” Second edition.

“The story is told of the land, people and rulers, with vivid colouring and consummate literary skill.”—New York Critic.


Hungary. By Prof. Arminius Vambéry, Author of “Travels in Central Asia.” Second edition.

“The volume which he has contributed to ‘The Story of the Nations’ will be generally considered one of the most interesting and picturesque of that useful series.”—Times.

The Saracens: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad. By Arthur Gilman, M.A., Author of “Rome,” &c.

“Le livre de M. Gilman est destiné à être lu avidement par un grand nombre de gens pour lesquels l’étude des nombreux ouvrages déjà parus serait impossible.”—Journal des Debats.

Ireland. By the Hon. Emily Lawless, Author of “Hurrish.” Second edition.

“We owe thanks to Miss Emily for this admirable volume, in some respects the very best of ‘The Story of the Nations’ series as yet published.”—Nonconformist.

Chaldea. By Z. A. Ragozin, Author of “Assyria,” &c.

“One of the most interesting numbers of the series in which it appears.”—Scotsman.

The Goths. By Henry Bradley.

“Seems to us to be as accurate as it is undoubtedly clear, strong, and simple; and it will give to the reader an excellent idea of the varied fortunes of the two great branches of the Gothic nation.”—Thomas Hodgkin in The Academy.

Assyria: From the Rise of the Empire to the Fall of Nineveh. By Zénaïde A. Ragozin, Author of “Chaldea,” &c.

“Madame Ragozin has performed her task in it as admirably as she has done in her earlier volume on ‘Chaldea.’ She has spared no pains in collecting the latest and best information on the subject.”—Extract from Letter from Prof. Sayce.

Turkey. By Stanley Lane-Poole, Author of “The Moors in Spain,” &c.

“All the events of the strange and adventurous history are sketched in vigorous boldness of outline, and with fine force of style.”—Scotsman.

Holland. By Professor Thorold Rogers.

“It was a happy thought to entrust the telling of the story of ‘Holland’ to so great an industrial enthusiast as Prof. Thorold Rogers.”—Literary World.

Mediæval France. By Gustave Masson.

Persia. By S. G. W. Benjamin.

Phœnicia. By Canon Rawlinson.



Life & Times of Girolamo Savonarola. By Pasquale Villari. Translated by Linda Villari. Portraits and Illusts. Two vols. Demy 8vo., cloth, 32s.

This new translation of Villari’s “Savonarola” by Madame Villari contains much additional matter, and is fuller and completer than the last published Italian edition. The biography is illustrated with many portraits of famous men of the times.

Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam): A Critical Review of his Life and Character, with Selections from his Writings. By B. G. Lovejoy, A.M., LL.B. Crown 8vo., half-bound cloth, gilt top, 6s.

“Is, perhaps, the most readable and incisive sketch of Lord Bacon’s career and character that has yet been written.”—Christian Leader.

Anne Gilchrist: Her Life and Writings. Edited by Herbert Harlakenden Gilchrist. Prefatory Notice by William Michael Rossetti. Second edition. Twelve Illustrations. Demy 8vo., cloth, 16s.

“Here we find a kind, friendly, and humorous, if splenetic Carlyle; a helpful and merry Mrs. Carlyle; and a friendly and unaffected Dante Gabriel Rossetti. These characteristics, so unlike the Carlyle of the too copious memoirs, so unlike the Mrs. Carlyle, the femme incomprise, so unlike the Rossetti of myth, are extremely welcome.”—Daily News (Leader).

Charles Dickens as I knew Him: The Story of the Reading Tours in Great Britain and America (1866-1870). By George Dolby. New and cheaper edition. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d.

“It will be welcome to all lovers of Dickens for Dickens’ own sake.”—Athenæum.

Charles Whitehead: A Critical Monograph. By H. T. Mackenzie Bell. Cheap and Popular edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“Mr. Mackenzie Bell has done a good service in introducing to us a man of true genius, whose works have sunk into mysteriously swift and complete oblivion.”—Contemporary Review.


Ole Bull: A Memoir. By Sara C. Bull. With Ole Bull’s “Violin Notes” and Dr. A. B. Crosby’s “Anatomy of the Violinist.” Portraits. Second edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“A fresh, delightful, and charming book.”—Graphic.

Johannes Brahms: A Biographical Sketch. By Dr. Herman Deiters. Translated, with additions, by Rosa Newmarch. Edited, with a Preface, by J. A. Fuller Maitland. Portrait. Small crown 8vo., cloth, 6s.

“An original and excellent little study of the composer.”—Saturday Review.

The Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. By their Son, John Smith Moffat. Sixth edition. Portraits, Illustrations, and Maps. Crown 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.; Presentation Edition, full gilt elegant, bevelled boards, gilt edges, in box, 10s. 6d.; Popular Edition, crown 8vo., 3s. 6d.

“An inspiring record of calm, brave, wise work, and will find a place of value on the honoured shelf of missionary biography. The biographer has done his work with reverent care, and in a straightforward, unaffected style.”—Contemporary Review.

The German Emperor and Empress: The Late Frederick III. and Victoria. The Story of their Lives. (Being the Sixth and Popular Edition of “Two Royal Lives,” 7s. 6d.) By Dorothea Roberts. Portraits. Crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d.

“A book sure to be popular in domestic circles.”—The Graphic.

Arminius Vambéry: His Life and Adventures. Written by Himself. With Portrait and Fourteen Illustrations. Fifth and Popular Edition. Square Imperial 16mo., cloth extra, 6s.

“The work is written in a most captivating manner.”—Novoe Vremya, Moscow.

Henry Irving: In England and America, 1838-1884. By Frederic Daly. Vignette Portrait by Ad. Lalauze. Second Thousand. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 5s.

“A very interesting account of the career of the great actor.”—British Quarterly Review.


Theology and Philosophy.

The House and Its Builder, with Other Discourses: A Book for the Doubtful. By Dr. Samuel Cox. Small crown 8vo., paper, 2s. 6d.; cloth, 3s.

“Expositions.” By the same Author. First Series. Third Thousand. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“We have said enough to show our high opinion of Dr. Cox’s volume. It is indeed full of suggestion.... A valuable volume.”—The Spectator.

“Expositions.” By the same Author. Second Series. Second Thousand. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“Here, too, we have the clear exegetical insight, the lucid expository style, the chastened but effective eloquence, the high ethical standpoint, which secured for the earlier series a well-nigh unanimous award of commendation.”—Academy.

“Expositions.” By the same Author. Third Series. Second edition. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“When we say that the volume possesses all the intellectual, moral, and spiritual characteristics which have won for its author so distinguished a place among the religious teachers of our time ... what further recommendation can be necessary?”—Nonconformist.

“Expositions.” By the same Author. Fourth Series (completing the Set). Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“The volume is one of the most interesting and valuable that we have received from Dr. Cox. It contains some of the strongest analytical character-sketching he has ever produced.”—Glasgow Mail.


Present-Day Questions in Theology and Religion. By the Rev. J. Guinness Rogers, B.A. Cloth, 3s. 6d.

Contents.—I. The “Down Grade” Controversy.—II. Congregationalism and its Critics.—III. Modern Thought.—IV. Broad Evangelicals.—V. Progressive Theology.—VI. Jesus the Christ.—VII. Creed and Conduct.—VIII. Evangelical Preaching.—IX. The Church and the World.—X. Congregationalism of To-day.

The Risen Christ: The King of Men. By the late Rev. J. Baldwin Brown, M.A., Author of “The Home Life,” &c. Crown 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“We have again felt in reading these nervous, spiritual, and eloquent sermons, how great a preacher has passed away.”—Nonconformist.

Christian Facts and Forces. By the Rev. Newman Smyth, Author of “The Reality of Faith.” New edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d.

“An able and suggestive series of discourses.”—Nonconformist.

“These sermons abound in noble and beautiful teaching clearly and eloquently expressed.”—Christian.

Inspiration and the Bible: An Inquiry. By Robert Horton, M.A., formerly Fellow of New College, Oxford. Second and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

“The work displays much earnest thought, and a sincere belief in, and love of the Bible.”—Morning Post.

“It will be found to be a good summary, written in no iconoclastic spirit, but with perfect candour and fairness, of some of the more important results of recent Biblical criticism.”—Scotsman.

Faint, yet Pursuing. By the Rev. E. J. Hardy, Author of “How to be Happy though Married.” Sq. imp. 16mo., cloth, 6s. Cheaper Edition, 3s. 6d.

“One of the most practical and readable volumes of sermons ever published. They must have been eminently hearable.”—British Weekly.

The Meditations and Maxims of Koheleth. A Practical Exposition of the Book of Ecclesiastes. By Rev. T. Campbell Finlayson. Crown 8vo., 6s.

“A thoughtful and practical commentary on a book of Holy Scripture which needs much spiritual wisdom for its exposition.... Sound and judicious handling.”—Rock.


The Pharaohs of the Bondage and the Exodus. Lectures by Charles S. Robinson, D.D., LL.D. Second edition. Large crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“Both lectures are conceived in a very earnest spirit, and are developed with much dignity and force. We have the greatest satisfaction in commending it to the attention of Biblical students and Christian ministers.”—Literary World.

A Short Introduction to the History of Ancient Israel. By the Rev. A. W. Oxford, M.A., Vicar of St. Luke’s, Berwick Street, Soho, Editor of “The Berwick Hymnal,” &c. Crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

“We can testify to the great amount of labour it represents.”—Literary World.

The Reality of Religion. By Henry J. Van Dyke, Junr., D.D., of the Brick Church, N.Y. Second edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d.

“An able and eloquent review of the considerations on which the writer rests his belief in Christianity, and an impassioned statement of the strength of this belief.”—Scotsman.

The Reality of Faith. By the Rev. Newman Smyth, D.D., Author of “Old Faiths in New Light.” Fourth and cheaper edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d.

“They are fresh and beautiful expositions of those deep things, those foundation truths, which underlie Christian faith and spiritual life in their varied manifestations.”—Christian Age.

A Layman’s Study of the English Bible Considered in its Literary and Secular Aspects. By Francis Bowen, LL.D. Crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d.

“Most heartily do we recommend this little volume to the careful study, not only of those whose faith is not yet fixed and settled, but of those whose love for it and reliance on it grows with their growing years.”—Nonconformist.

The Parousia. A Critical Inquiry into the New Testament Doctrine of Our Lord’s Second Coming. By the Rev. J. S. Russell, M.A. New and cheaper edition. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“Critical, in the best sense of the word. Unlike many treatises on the subject, this is a sober and reverent investigation, and abounds in a careful and instructive exegesis of every passage bearing upon it.”—Nonconformist.


The Ethic of Freethought: A Selection of Essays and Lectures. By Karl Pearson, M.A., formerly Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo., cloth, 12s.

“Are characterised by much learning, much keen and forcible thinking, and a fearlessness of denunciation and exposition.”—Scotsman.

Descartes and His School. By Kuno Fischer. Translated from the Third and Revised German Edition by J. P. Gordy, Ph.D. Edited by Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D. Demy 8vo., cloth, 16s.

“A valuable addition to the literature of Philosophy.”—Scotsman.

“No greater service could be done to English and American students than to give them a trustworthy rendering of Kuno Fischer’s brilliant expositions.”—Mind.

Socrates: A Translation of the Apology, Crito, and Parts of the Phædo of Plato. 12mo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

“The translation is clear and elegant.”—Morning Post.

A Day in Athens with Socrates: Translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato. 12mo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

“We can commend these volumes to the English reader, as giving him what he wants—the Socratic ... philosophy at first hand, with a sufficiency of explanatory and illustrative comment.”—Pall Mall Gazette.

Talks with Socrates about Life: Translations from the Gorgias and the Republic of Plato. 12mo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

“A real service is rendered to the general reader who has no Greek, and to whom the two ancient philosophers are only names, by the publication of these three inviting little volumes.... Every young man who is forming a library ought to add them to his collection.”—Christian Leader.

Natural Causation. An Essay in Four Parts. By C. E. Plumptre, Author of “General Sketch of the History of Pantheism,” &c. Demy 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d.

“While many will find in this volume much from which they will dissent, there is in it a great deal that is deserving of careful consideration, and a great deal that is calculated to stimulate thought.”—Scotsman.

Proverbs, Maxims, and Phrases of all Ages. Classified subjectively and arranged alphabetically. By Robert Christy. Two vols. Large crown 8vo., Roxburgh, gilt tops, 21s.



Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. By Theodore Roosevelt, Author of “Hunting Trips of a Ranchman.” Profusely Illustrated. Small 4to., cloth elegant, 21s.

The contents consist of the articles on Ranch Life in the Far West, which have been appearing in The Century Magazine, combined with much additional matter which the author has prepared for the book, rounding it out (especially in the chapters on hunting) and making it complete as a record of the ranchman’s life in the cattle country, and on the hunting trail. The illustrations are the work of a ranchman, and are true to life.

Rides and Studies in the Canary Isles. By Charles Edwardes. With many Illustrations and Maps. Crown 8vo., cloth, 10s. 6d.

Guatemala: The Land of the Quetzal. By William T. Brigham. Twenty-six full-page and Seventy-nine smaller Illustrations. Five Maps. Demy 8vo., cloth, £1 1s.

“A book of laborious research, keen observation, and accurate information concerning a region about which previously scarcely anything was known.”—Leeds Mercury.

A Summer’s Cruise in the Waters of Greece, Turkey, and Russia. By Alfred Colbeck. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo., cloth, 10s. 6d.

The Decline of British Prestige in the East. By Selim Faris, Editor of the Arabic “El-Jawaïb” of Constantinople. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“A perusal of his book must do the English reader good.”—Asiatic Quarterly Review.


Daily Life in India. By the Rev. W. J. Wilkins. Illustrated. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s.

“A very able book.”—Guardian.

Modern Hinduism: An Account of the Religion and Life of the Hindus in Northern India. By Rev. W. J. Wilkins. Demy 8vo., cloth, 16s.

“A solid addition to our literature.”—Westminster Review.

“A valuable contribution to knowledge.”—Scotsman.

“A valuable contribution to the study of a very difficult subject.”—Madras Mail.

Central Asian Questions: Essays on Afghanistan, China, and Central Asia. By Demetrius C. Boulger. With Portrait and Three Maps. Demy 8vo., cloth, 18s.

“A mine of valuable information.”—Times.

“A mine of information on all ‘Central Asian Questions.’”—Allen’s Indian Mail.

“A very valuable contribution to our literature on subjects of vast and increasing interest.”—Collum’s United Service Magazine.

The Balkan Peninsula. By Emile de Laveleye. Translated by Mrs. Thorpe. Edited and Revised for the English Public by the Author. Map. Demy 8vo., cloth, 16s.

“A lucid and impartial view of the situation in the East.”—St. James’s Gazette.

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