The Project Gutenberg EBook A Korean--English Dictionary

by Leon Kuperman

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Title: Korean--English Dictionary

Author: Leon Kuperman

Release Date: February, 2004  [EBook #5739]
[Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule]
[This file was first posted on May 13, 2002]

Edition: 10

Language: English

Character set encoding: EUC-KR
Korean--English Dictionary

Copyright (c) 3 August 2002 Leon Kuperman.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
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A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
Free Documentation License".


                GNU Free Documentation License
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To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
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¤¡ k
¤¢ kk
¤¤ n
¤§ t
¤¨ tt
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¤± m
¤² p
¤³ pp
¤µ s
¤¶ ss
¤¸ u{c
¤º c^h
¤» k^h
¤¼ t^h
¤½ p^h
¤¾ h


¾Æ a
¾Ö ae
¾ß ya
¾ê yae
¾î o
¿¡ e
¿© yo
¿¹ ye
¿À o
¿Í wa
¿Ö wae
¿Ü we
¿ä yo
¿ì u
¿ö wo
¿þ we
ˤ wi
À¯ yu
À¸ u
ÀÇ uy
ÀÌ i

°¡´Ù go; proceed; travel; attend (some place)

°¡°Ô a shop; a store

°¡±î - be close, near

°¡²û sometimes; now and then; occasionally

°¡¸£Ä¡´Ù teach; instruct (in); educate

°¡¹æ a bag; a briefcase; a suitcase; a trunk

°¡º­ --- be light

°¡¼ö ʰ⢠a singer; a vocalist. À¯Çà --- a popular song singer

°¡À» autumn; fall

°¡Á· Ê«ðé a family; a household; members of a family

°¡Àå most; extremely

°¡Áö a branch; Å«°¡Áö a bough; a limb; ÀÜ°¡Áö a twig; a sprig

°¡Áö°¢»ö --- ÊÀßä (of) every kind and description. °¡Áö°¢»öÀÇ various;
diverse; of all kinds (sorts). °¡Áö°¢»öÀÇ»ç¶÷µé
all sorts and conditions of people.

°¥ºñ the ribs

°¥¾Æ ÀÔ´Ù --- change (one's clothes)

°¨»çÇÕ´Ï´Ù thank you

°¨ÀÚ potato(es)

°¨ÀÚ±ø crispy fried potatoes, potato chips

°© pack (cigarettes)

°©ÀÚ±â suddenly

°ª 1.~value; worth °ªÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù be worth; be valuable; be of value; be
worthy 2.~price; cost; charge

°¬´Ù¿À go (and come back)

°®´ÙÁÖ --- bring

°°´Ù --- (be) like; similar; be the same; (be) equal (to)

°°ÀÌ 1.~like. A ´Â B ¿Í ²À °°ÀÌ ¸¸µé¾îÁ³´Ù A is made exactly like B.

°³$^1$ an inlet; an estuary

°³$^2$ a dog; a hound. ¼öij a male dog. ¾Ïij a bitch. µéij a stray dog. °³¸¦ ±â¸£´Ù
keep a dog.
°³°¡ ¢´Ù a dog barks.

°³ ËÁ, ËÍ, Ë¿ a piece; items, units, objects (counter). »ç°ú ¼¼°³ three apples.

°³ ËÏ a lid; a cover

°³¿ù months (time or duration) (counter)

°³ÇÐ ËÒùÊ --- the beginning of school --- ÇÏ´Ù (school) begin

°Å±â there

°ÆÁ¤ anxiety; concern; apprehension; worry; trouble; care; fear. ÇÏ´Ù feel
anxiety; be worried (about)

°Å¸® 1.~a street; a road; a town; a quarter. 2.~distance

ÇÏ´Ù (be) healthy; well; sound

°Ç³ÊÆí the opposite side; the other side. °Ç³ÊÆí¿¡ across; opposite; on the opposite

°Ç¹° involuntarily emitted semen

°Ç¹° ËïÚª a building; a structure

°Ç¹Ý ËõÚï a keyboard. ¾Ç±â keyboard instruments

°È´Ù 1.~roll [turn] up (one's sleeves); tuck up; fold up.
¼Ò¸Å¸¦ °È¾î ¿Ã¸®´Ù tuck [roll] up one's sleeves.
2.~remove; take away; take down; pull down.

°É¸®´Ù 1.~hang (from, on)
2.~be against (a law); trespass (a law); be contrary to.
3.~take (time)

°É¾î°¡´Ù walk, go on foot

°É¾î¿À´Ù walk, come on foot

°ÉÀ½ walking; stepping; a step; pace.
ÇÑ°ÉÀ½ ÇÑ°ÉÀ½ step by step. ºü¸¥ °ÉÀ½À¸·Î at a rapid pace; with a rapid step.
°ÉÀ½À» ÀçÃËÇÏ´Ù [´ÊÃß´Ù] quicken [slacken] one's pace

°ÉÀ½¸¶ Let's walk now!

°Ü¿ï winter; the winter season

°áÈç marriage; wedding; matrimony.
ÇÏ´Ù marry (her, him); get [be] married (to).
°áÈç ½ÅûÀ» ÇÏ´Ù make a proposal of marriage (to); propose to (her)

°æÁ¦ Ìèð­ economy. °æÁ¦ÇÐ economics

°è»ê ͪߩ calculation; computation; reckoning. ÇÏ´Ù calculate;
compute; count. °è»ê¼­ bill, check

°è½Ã´Ù (honorific) be; stay.
Çѱ¹¿¡ ¾ó¸¶³ª °è¼ÌÀ¾´Ï±î? How long have you been in Korea?

°í±â meat; fish

°í´ë just now; just a moment [minute] ago.
±×´Â °í´ë ÀÌ°÷À» ¶°³µ´Ù He left hear just now.

°í´ë (°í·Á ´ëÇб³) Korea University

°í´ë ͯÓÛ ancient [old] times; antiquity

°í¸§ pus

°í¸¶¿ÍÇÏ´Ù be thankful [grateful] (a person) for; appreciate

°í¸¿´Ù 1.~(I am) thankful; grateful
2.~(be) kind; nice; welcome; gracious

°í¸¿½À´Ï´Ù thank you

°í¸ð Í´Ù½ an aunt; a sister of one's father; a paternal aunt

°í¸ðºÎ Í´Ù½Üý the husband of one's (paternal) aunt; [uncle]

°í¾çÀÌ cat; a puss(y). °í¾çÀÌ »õ³¢ a kitten; a kitty.
¼öÄÚ¾çÀÌ a he-cat; a tomcat; a male cat.
¾ÏÄÚ¾çÀÌ a she-cat; a female cat

°ñÇÁ golf

°ñÇÁ(¸¦)Ä¡ - play golf

-°÷ place

°øºÎ ÍïÜý study; learning. ÇÏ´Ù study; work at [on] (one's studies);
learn. °øºÎ¸¦ Àß ÇÏ´Ù be good at one's studies

°øÃ¥ Íöóü a notebook

°áÁ¤ ̽ïÒ decision; determination; conclusion; settlement.
ÇÏ´Ù decide (upon); conclude; settle

°ú and; (together) with. ¾Æµé°ú ¾Æ¹öÁö son and father

°ú¸ñ ΡÙÍ a subject; school subject; lesson; [Á¶¸ñ] items; [Àü°ú¸ñ] a curriculum;

°ú¾÷ Τåö [Çаú] lessons; school work; [ÀÓ¹«] a task; a duty

°ú½Ç Íýãù a fruit; [ÃÑĪ] fruit; fruitage.
°ú½ÇÀ» Àç¹èÇÏ´Ù grow fruit. °ú½ÇÀ» µû´Ù pick [pluck] fruit

°úÀÏ (edible) fruit. °¡°Ô a fruit shop [stand]. Àå¼ö a fruit
dealer [seller]

±¤È­¹® Kwanghwamun, Kwanghwa Gate

±¦Âú´Ù be OK; be all right; be passable; good; do not mind
±¦Âú¾Æ¿ä you're welcome! or don't mention it!; it makes
no difference, it doesn't matter, it's okay.
(Literally: it's one of ten million
¾Æ´Ï¿À, ±¦Âú¾Æ¿ä not at all, it's all right; no, thanks.
±¦ÂúÀº ¼öÀÔ good income.
¿µ¾î¸¦ ±¦Âú°Ô ÇÏ´Ù speak English fairly well.
ÀÌÁ¦ °¡µµ ±¦Âú´Ù You may go now.

±²ÀåÇÏ- be quite something, be impressive

±²ÀåÈ÷ very, very much

±³¼ö professor

±³½Ç classroom

±³¿Ü suburb(s)

±³Àç teaching materials; textbook

±³È¯ exchange

±³È¯¿ø  switchboard, telephone, exchange operator

±³È¯Çлý exchange student

±³È¸ church (Protestant)

±¸°æ(À») ÇÏ - do viewing or sightsee

±¸°æ(À») °¡ - go viewing/sightseeing

±¸µÎ shoes

±¹ soup

±¹¸³ national (-ly) established

±¹¸³´ëÇб³ a national university

±ºµ¥ places, institutions (counter)

±ºÀÎ soldier, serviceman

±Á hoof

±Ç bound volumes (counter)

±¼ oyster

±¼ cave

±Â exorcism

±Í ear

±× that NOUN

±×³É just, just (as one is), without doing anything

±×·¡µµ even so, nevertheless

±×·¡¼­ and so; and then; therefore

±×·¡¿ä(?) is that so? really? (that's so. really)

±×·¯´Ï±î so, what I mean to say is; so, what you're saying is

±×·¯¸é then, in that case, if so

±×·±µ¥ but; and then; by the way

±×·³ in that case; then

±×·¸°Ô in that way, like that; so

±×·¸Áö¸¸ but

±×¸®°í and also; and then

±×¸² picture

±×Àú²² day before yesterday

±ØÀå theatre; cinema

±Ùó the area near, the vicinity

±Û½ê¿ä I don't really know. Let me think

±Ý³â this year

±Ý¿äÀÏ Friday

±â´Ù¸® - wait

±âºÐ feelings, mood

±âºÐ(ÀÌ) ³ª»Ú - be in a bad mood

±âºÐ(ÀÌ) ÁÁ - be in a good mood

±â¼÷»ç dormitory

±âÂ÷ train

±æ road, way, street

񌒄 caf\'e

±ð - cut (hair), sharpen (pencil), mow (grass)

±ú sesame

±ú²ýÀÌ neatly, cleanly

±ú²ýÇÏ - be clean

²À without fail; be sure to

²É flower(s)

²÷ - quit (smoking, drinking)

³¡ the end; the tip

³¡³ª - it stops, ends, finishes

³¡³» - finishes it

³¢ - wear (gloves, ring)

³¢ - wear (lenses)

±è¹ä kimbap (rice/seaweed/vegetables)

񊎭 kimchi (pickled spicy cabbage)


³ª I

³ª(¤µ)- get/be better

³ª°¡ - attend (church); go out

³ª¶ó country, nation

³ª¹« tree

³ª»Ú´Ù be bad

³ª¿À´Ù come out

³ªÀÌ age

³ªÁß¿¡ in the future, some time later, later

³¯ day

³¯¾¾ weather

³²´ë¹® Great South Gate

³²µ¿»ý younger brother

³²¸Å brother and sister

³²ÀÚ man

³²ÀÚÄ£±¸ boyfriend

³²Æí husband

³· daytime; noon

³»´Ù pay

³»³â next year

³»·Á°¡´Ù go down

³»·Á¿À´Ù come down

³»¸®´Ù descend

³»ÀÏ tomorrow

³Ã¸é cold noodle dish

³Ã¼ö ice water

³ÃÄ¿ÇÇ ice coffee

³Ê¹« too much so, too; very, to an excessive degree

³Ö - put in, insert

³× yes

³ØŸÀÌ tie, necktie

- ³â»ý(ÀÌ¿¡¿ä) is a person born in such-and-such a year

³ë-¤©- play

³ë·¡ song

³ë·¡¹æ nor\ae{bang; Korean karaoke box

³ëÆ® notebook

³í paddy field

³õ- put/place it

´©w- lie down

´©°¡ who? (as subject)

´©±¸ who? (non-subject)

´©³ª (boy's) older sister

´©´Ô (boy's) older sister (honorific)

´« snow

´« eye

´º½º the news

´º¿å New York

´Ã always

´Ê- be late

´Ê°Ô late (adv)


´Ù all, everything

´Ù²¿±â chicken (as meat)

´Ù´Ï- attend, go on a regular basis

´Ù¸£- be different

´Ù¸¥ NOUN (an)other NOUN(s)

´Ù¸® leg

´Ù¹æ tea room, tabang

´ÙÀ½ after; adjacent, next to

´ÙÄ¡- get hurt, injure oneself

´Û- polish; brush (teeth)

´Ý- close it (´Ý¾Æ¿ä closes it) (´Ý´Â´Ù closes it (plain style))

´Þ 1 months (counter) 2 moon

´Þ¶ó dollar (counter)

´ß chicken (as a bird)

´ß°í±â chicken (as meat)

´ã¹è cigarette(s)

´ë vehicles, machines (counter)

´ë»ç°ü embassy

´ëÇÐ four-year college

´ëÇб³ university

´ì house (honorific)

´õ more

´öºÐ¿¡ thanks to NOUN; thanks to you

´õ w- be hot

µ¥ place

µ¥ÀÌÆ® a date

µ¥ÀÌÆ®(¸¦) ÇÏ- have a date

µµ degree of temperature

µµ¼­°ü library

µµ½Ã city

µµ¿ÍÁÖ- help

µµÂø(À») ÇÏ- arrive

µ¶¸³ independence

µ¶¾î German language

µ¶ÀÏ Germany

µ¶Àϸ» German language

µ¶ÀÏ»ç¶÷ a German

µ· money

µ·(ÀÌ)µå-¤©- costs money

µ¹¾Æ°¡- goes back, returns there

µ¹¾Æ°¡½Ã- die, pass away (honorific)

µ¹¾Æ¿ä-  comes back, returns here

µ¿³× neighborhood

µ¿´ë¹® Greate East Gate

µ¿»ý younger brother or sister

µ¿¾È for the duration of, during, for (a week)

µÅ¿ä it's OK; it'll do; it's acceptable; it works

µÇ- become

µÑ´Ù  both, both of them

µÚ at the back; behind

µå-¤©- costs (money)

µå-¤©- lift; hold

µå¶óÀÌÅ©¸®´× dry cleaning

µå¸®- give (honorific)

µå½Ã- eat, drink (honorific)

µè- listen to; hear; take (courses)

µé¾î°¡- go in, enters

µé¾î¿À- come in, enter; return home

µé¾î¿À¼¼¿ä! come in! (Literally: please inter)

µî back, spine

µû´Ô daughter (hon.)

µþ daughter

¶§ time (when)

¶§¹®¿¡ because of, on account of

¶°³ª- leave, depart

¶Ç moreover, what's more; (yet) again

¶Ç ºÁ¿ä see you later! (polite style) (literally: see
you again)

¶Ç ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù  see you later! (formal)
(Explanation: ¶Ç again, ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù humbly see/meet. Literally:
I will humbly see you again.)

¶È¶ÈÇÏ- be bright, intelligent


¶óµð¿À radio

¶óÀÌŸ lighter

·¯½Ã¾Æ Russia

·¯½Ã¾Æ¸» Russian language

·¯½Ã¾Æ»ç¶÷ Russian person

·±´ø London

·¹½ºÅä¶û restaurant

¸® Korean mile (li) = 1/3 U.S. mile (counter)


¸¶·ç the living room (in an apartment)

¸¶¸® animals, fish, birds (counter)

¸¶½Ã- drink

¸¶À½ one's mind, spiritual center, heart

¸¶Ä¡- finish it

¸¸³ª- meet

¸¸³ª¼­ ¹Ý°©½À´Ï´Ù nice to meet you; nice to see you; (literally: I meet
you, so I am pleased)

¸¸È­ comics, cartoons

¸¹- be much/many

¸¹ÀÌ a lot, much, lots (adverb)

¸» horse

¸» language; words, speech

¸»(À») µé- obey (listen to words)

¸»¾¸ words, speech (humble or honorific equivalent of ¸»)

¸»¾¸ÇÏ- say (huble)

¸»¾¸Çϼ¼¿ä go ahead; please say what you have to say

¸»(À») ÇÏ- speak, talk

¸À taste

¸À ¾ø- taste bad, no taste good

¸À(ÀÌ) ÀÖ- be tasty, delicious

¸Â- be right, correct; hit the mark

¸ÂÀºÆí across/opposite from

¸Å- put on/wear (a tie)

¸Å- tie

¸Åw- be spicy

¸ÅÀÏ every day

¸ÅÇ¥¼Ò ticket counter

¸ÆÁÖ beer

¹¹ what?

¸Ó-¤©- be distant, far

¸Ó¸® head; hair

¸Ó¸®(°¡) ³ª»Ú- be dumb

¸Ó¸®(°¡) ÁÁ- be bright/intelligent

¸Ô- eat

¸ÔÀÌ- (w/ºÒ) starch it

¸ÕÀú first (or all), before anything else

¸Ö¸® far

¸Ö¸®¼­ from a distance

¸Ó¸®ºø comb

¸ç´À¸® daughter-in-law

¸í persons, people (counter)

¸íÇÔ namechard, business card

¸î how many?; some/several

¸î³â»ýÀ̼¼¿ä? what year were you born in?

¸îÇгâÀ̼¼¿ä? what year are you (in school)?

¸ðµÎ all, everyone

¸ð·¹ day after tomorrow

¸ð¸£- not know

¸ð¸£°Ú¾î¿ä I don't understand

¸ðÀÚ hat

¸ñ throat

¸ñ¿äÀÏ Thursday

¸ô¶ó¿ä I don't know

¸ö body

¸ø 1 pond 2 nail

¹«-¤©- bite

¹«°Åw- be heavy

¹«±ÃÈ­ ÙíÏãü£ [½Ä¹°] the national flower of Korea --- the
Rose of Sharon. ¹«±ÃÈ­ µ¿»ê the beautiful land of Korea.
Every year from June to October a profusion of mugunghwa
blossoms graces the entire country. Unlike most flowers, the
mugunghwa is remarkably tenacious and is able to
withstand both blight and insects.

¹«¸­ knee

¹«½¼ which?, what kind of?

¹«¾ù what?

¹«¿ª trade

¹«¿ªÈ¸»ç trading company

¹® door, gate

¹®Á¦ problem

¹° water

¹°- ask

¹°°Ç goods

¹°·é of course

¹°·ÐÀÌ¿¡¿ä. of course.

¹¹ what?

¹Ì±¹ America, USA

¹Ì±¹»ç¶÷ person from USA, American

¹Ì¼¼½º Mrs, (before the name)

¹Ì½º Miss (before the name)

¹Ì¾ÈÇÏ- be sorry, feel sorry

¹Ì¾ÈÇÕ´Ï´Ù I'm sorry, excuse me (Literally: I feel uneasy)

¹ÌÈ¥(ÀÌ¿¡¿ä) (is) unmarried

¹Ø at the bottom, below, under(neath)


¹Ù²Ù- exchange, change

¹Ù´Ù ocean, sea

¹Ù·Î just (below, above); straight

¹Ù»Ú- be busy

¹ÙÁö trousers

¹Ú»ç Dr., Ph.D.

¹Û outside

¹Ý half

¹Ý one's class, homeroom

¹ÝÁö (finger)ring

¹ÝÂù side dishes

¹Þ- receive, get

¹ß foot

¹ß°¡¶ô toe

¹ã night; evening

¹ã chestnut

¹ä cooked rice

¹æ room

¹æ±Ý just a moment ago, just now

¹æÇÐ vacation

¹ç field

¹è stomach

¹è(°¡) ºÎ¸£- (stomach) be full, sated

¹è¿ì- learn

¹éÈ­Á¡ department store

¹ö¸®- throw it away

¹ö½º bus

¹ø times (counter)

¹øÈ£ number

¹ú½á already

¹þ- take off (clothes)

º°·Î + negative (not) particularly

º´ bottle (counter)

º¸- look at, see

º¸³»- spend (time); send

º¸Åë usually, normally

º¹µµ corridor, hallway

º¼Ææ ballpoint pen

º½ spring

ºÀÁö paper bag (counter)

ºÎ¸£- sing (a song)

ºÎ¸£- be full (stomach)

ºÎ¸ð(µé) parents

ºÎ¾ý kitchen

ºÎÀÎ your/his wife

ºÎÀÚ rich person

ºÎÃ÷ boots

ºÎÄ¡- post it, mail it

ºÎŹ(À») ÇÏ- make a request, ask a favor/errand

-ºÐ esteemed people (counter)

-ºÐ minutes (counter)

-ºÐ person (honorific)

ºÐÇÊ chalk

ºÒ 1 fire; light; a light 2
U.S. dollars (counter)

ºÒ°í±â pulgogi

ºÒ¾î French language

ºÒÆíÇÏ- be uncomfortable, inconvenient

ºñ rain

ºñºö¹ä pibimpap

ºñ½Î- be expensive

ºñÄ¡ beach

ºñÇà±â airplane

ºôµù building

ºø- comb

ºù¼ö shaved ice, ice slush

ºü¸£- be fast

»¡¸® quickly

Ȥ bread

»§Áý bakery

»µ½º bus

»Ô horn


ȍ- buy

»ç-¤©- live

»ç°ú apple

»ç¶÷ people (counter)

»ç¶÷ person

»ç¶û(À») ÇÏ- love

»ç¸³ private(-ly established)

»ç±é´ëÇб³ a private university

»ç¸ð´Ô 1 your wife; somebody else's wife (elegant/honorific)
2 Madam, Mrs; one's teacher's wife (you can use it separately when speaking
to/about your teacher's wife)

»ç¹«½Ç office

»ç½Ç fact; in fact

»ç½ÇÀº in fact

»ç¾÷ business

ȍˤ son-in-law

»çÀÌ between

»çÀÌ´Ù a Korean soft drink like Seven-up^TM

ȍˌ company president

»çÃÌ cousin

»çÃÌ´©³ª cousin (boy's older female cousin)

»çÃ̵¿»ý cousin (boy or girl's younger cousin ) (either gender)

»çÃ̾ð´Ï cousin (girl's older female cousin)

»çÃÌÇü cousin (boy's older male cousin)

Ȑ mountain

»êº¸(¸¦) ÇÏ- stroll, take a walk

ȓ 1 years of age (counter) 2 flesh

»ïÃÌ uncle (on father's side)

»ïÇгâ(»ý) third-year student

»ó table

»ó·ù upper reaches of a river

»óÀÚ box, case, chest (counter)

»õ new

»õº® dawn

»õ¿ì shrimp

»õ¿ì±ø shrimp chips

»÷µåÀ§Ä¡ sandwich

»ý¸ÆÁÖ draft beer

»ý½Å birthday (honorific)

»ýÀÏ birthday

»ý±â- turn out a certain way

»ýÅ©¸² fresh cream

»þ¾² shirt, dress-shirt

¼­- stand

¼­ from (colloquial, means from the something which is the place)

¼­°­´ë Sogang University

¼­¿ï´ë Seoul National University

¼­Á¡ bookstore

¼±±³»ç missionary

¼±¹° present, gift

¼±»ý teacher

¼±»ý´Ô teacher (honorific); Mr, Mister

¼³°ÐÀÌ dirty dishes

¼³°ÐÀÌ(¸¦) ÇÏ- wash the dishes

¼³»ç diarrhea

¼³ÅÁ sugar

¼³È­ tale, legend

¼º surname

¼º¾¾ (your or his) esteemed surname

¼ºÇÔ surname (honorific)

¼º³É match(es)

¼º´ç church (Catholic)

¼¼Å¹ laundry

¼¼Å¹(À») ÇÏ- do laundry, launder

¼¼Å¹¼Ò laundromat, cleaners

½º¿þŸ sweater, jumper

¼Ò°³(¸¦) ÇÏ- introduce

¼Ò°³(¸¦) ¹Þ- be/get introduced

¼ÒÁÖ Korean rice vodka, soju

¼Ó inside

¼Õ hand

¼Õ°¡¶ô finger

¼Õ³à(µþ) granddaughter

¼Õ´Ô guest; customer

¼ÕÀÚ grandson

¼ÕÁÖ(¾ÆÀÌ) grandchild(ren)

¼îÇÎ shopping

¼ù°¡¶ô spoon

¼ö°Ç towel

¼ö°í hard work

¼ö°íÇϼ¼¿ä goog-bye! (to someone working)
(Explanation: ¼ö°í hard work, i.e., keep up the good work)

¼ö°íÇϼ̾î¿ä thank you for helping me; well done!
(Explanation: ¼ö°í hard work, i.e., well done)

¼ö°íÇϽʴϴ٠hello! (to someone working)
Explanation: ¼ö°í hard work, i.e., you're doing a great job)

¼ö¾÷ class, lesson

¼ö¿µ(À») ÇÏ- swim

¼ö¿µÀå swimming pool

¼ö¿äÀÏ Wednesday

¼öÀÔÇ° imported goods

½´ÆÛ¸¶ÄÏ supermarket

¼÷Á¦ homework, assignment

¼ú any alcoholic drink

¼úÁý bar, tavern, drinking establishment

½¬- rest

½¬w- be easy

½±°Ô easily

½±½Ã´Ù let's rest

½ºÄ«ÇÁ scarf

½ºÄÉÀÌÆ® skate(s)

½ºÅ° ski(s)

½ºÅ°(¸¦) Ÿ- ski

½ºÆ÷Ã÷ sports

½Ã 1 o'clock (counter) 2 poem

 ½Ã°£ hours (counter);
time --- ½Ã°£ÀÌ ´Ù µÆ½À´Ï´Ù it's time (to begin or stop)
(Explanation: ½Ã°£ time; ½Ã°£ÀÌ time (as subject); ´Ù
all, completely; µÆ½À´Ï´Ù it has become

½Ã°è watch

½Ã°ñ countryside, the country

½Å¶ó Silla (ancient Korean state)

½Ã³» downtown, city center

½É¸® psychology

½Ã´ì esteemed house/home of the parents-in-law (for females)

½ÃºÎ¸ð parents-in-law (for females)

½Ã¾Æ¹ö´Ô father-in-law (woman's) (honorific)

½Ã¾Æ¹öÁö father-in-law (woman's)

½Ã¾î¸Ó´Ï mother-in-law (woman's)

½Ã¾î¸Ó´Ô mother-in-law (woman's) (honorific)

½ÃÀÛ(À») ÇÏ- begin

½ÃÀå market

½Ãû city hall

½ÃÅ°- order

½ÃÇè examination

½Ä±¸ family members

½Ä´ç dining room, restaurant, cafeteria, refectory

½ÄŹ dining table, kitchen table

½Å- wear (footwear)

½Å¹® newspaper

½Å¿ëÄ«µå credit card

½Å¹ß shoes, footwear in general

½Ç·¹ discourtesy

½Ç·Ê discourtesy

½Ç·ÊÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù excuse me (for what I'm about to do).
(Literally: I am about to commit a discourtesy)

½Ç·ÊÇÕ´Ï´Ù excuse me (for what I am doing).
(Literally: I am commiting a discourtesy)

½Ç·ÊÇß½À´Ï´Ù excuse me (for what I did).
(literally: I have committed a discourtesy)

½Ç¸Á disappointment

½ÇÀº in fact

½È- be disliked, distasteful

½È¾îÇÏ- dislike it

½É½ÉÇÏ- be bored

½Í- want to

½Î- cheap, inexpensive

½Ò hulled rice

½ñ¾ÆÁö- pours (rain)

¾²- wear (glasses)

¾²- wear (a hat)

¾²- use it

¾²- write

-¾¾ 1 polite title for name 2 seed


¾Æ-¤©- know it

¾Æ°¡¾¾ young lady; form of address for unmarried women

¾Æ±â baby

¾Æ±î a short while ago, just a moment ago

¾Æ³» my wife

¾Æ´Ï¸é or (sentence-initial), or (between nouns)

¾Æ´Ï¿¡¿ä no; it is not

¾Æ´Ï¿À no

¾Æµå´Ô son (honorific)

¾Æµé son

¾Æ·¡ below, lower, down, downstairs

¾Æ·¡Ãþ downstairs; the floor below

¾Æ¸£¹ÙÀÌÆ® part-time work for students

¾Æ¸£¹ÙÀÌÆ®(¸¦) ÇÏ- do part-time work for students

¾Æ¸¶ maybe, probably, perhaps

¾Æ¸¶µµ maybe, probably (more tentative)

¾Æ¹«°Å³ª anything, anything at all

¾Æ¹ö´Ô father (honorific)

¾Æ¹öÁö father

¾ÆÀÌ child

¾ÆÀ̽ºÅ©¸² ice cream

¾ÆÀú¾¾ mister (any man old enough to be married); form of address

¾ÆÁÖ very

¾ÆÁÖ¸Ó´Ï ma'am (any woman old enough to be married)

¾ÆÁܸ¶ ma'am (casual for ¾ÆÁÖ¸Ó´Ï)

¾ÆÁ÷ (not) yet, still

¾Æħ morning; breakfast

¾ÆÇÁ- hurt, be painful

¾È inside

¾È°æ glasses

¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä? how are you?; hello! (literally: are you peaceful (well)?)

¾È³çÈ÷ in good health

¾È³çÈ÷ °¡¼¼¿ä good-bye! (To one who is leaving. Literally: go in peace
(i.e., health))

¾È³çÈ÷ °è¼¼¿ä good-bye! (To one who is staying. Literally: stay
in peace (i.e., health))

¾È³çÈ÷ ÁÖ¹«¼¼¿ä good night (honorific)

¾ÈµÅ¿ä it's no good; it won't do; it's not acceptable; it doesn't work

¾ÈÁÖ snacks to go with alcohol, food to go with alcoholic drinks

¾É- sits

¾ÉÀ¸¼¼¿ä please take a seat, sit down

¾Ë°Ú¾î¿ä I understand

¾Ë¾Æ µé- understand, catch (something said)

¾Õ in front

¾Ö child

¾Ö±â baby

¾ß±¸ baseball

¾ß±¸ (¸¦) ÇÏ- play baseball

¾à medicine

¾à(À») ¸Ô- take (eat) medicine

¾à¹æ drugstore

¾àÈ¥(À») ÇÏ- get engaged

¾àÈ¥ÀÚ fianc\'e(e)

¾ç´ã¹è foreign cigarettes

¾ç¸» socks

¾çº¹ a suit

¾çÁÖ whiskey; western spirits

¾ê±â talk, chat, story

¾î´À which? what kind of?

¾îµð where?

¾î¶§¿ä? how is it? how about it?

¾î¶»°Ô? how? in what way?

¾î·Áw- be difficult

¾î¸®- be young (a child)

¾î¸Ó´Ï mother

¾î¸Ó´Ô mother (honorific)

¾î¼­ ¿À¼¼¿ä! welcome! (Literally: come (in) right away!)

¾îÁ¦ yesterday

¾ð´Ï older sister (girl's)

¾ðÁ¦ when?

¾ðÁ¦³ª always

¾ðÁ¨°¡ sometime or other, at one time; some time ago

¾ó¸¶ how many? how much?

¾ó¸¶³ª about how much? approximately how much?

¾óÀ½ ice

¾ø- be nonexistent, not exist, not have

¾ø¾î¿ä does not exist, here is not, aren't

¾ûÅ͸® rubbish, junk; something or someone cheap and shabby

¿¡ to (to the place e.g., to go to the place)

¿¡°Ô to (to the living thing e.g., to give something to the living thing)

¿¡°Ô¼­ from (from the living thing)

¿¡¼­ from (place)

¿¤¸®º£ÀÌÅÍ elevator, lift

¿©-¤©- open it

¿©°ü small hotel, inn

¿©±â here

¿©±â Á» ºÁ¿ä say there! excuse me!

¿©µ¿»ý younger sister

¿©·¯ --- several, various

¿©¸§ summer

¿©º¸¼¼¿ä! hello! hey there! excuse me! (hello on the
telephone, or when peering into a dark house. Also means look here!

¿©ÀÚ woman

¿©ÀÚÄ£±¸ girlfriend

¿ª train station

-¿¬/-³â years (counter)

¿¬±¸ research

¿¬±¸(¸¦) ÇÏ- do research

¿¬±¸½Ç (professor's) office

¿¬±Ø play, drama

¿¬±â postponement

¿¬±â performance

¿¬´ë Yonsei University

¿¬¶ô(À») ÇÏ- --- get in touch, make contact

¿¬¼¼ age (honorific)

¿¬ÇÊ pencil

¿­¼è key

¿­½ÉÈ÷ diligently

¿µ±¹ England

¿µ±¹»ç¶÷ English person

¿µ»ç°ü consulate

 ¿ë¼­Çϼ¼¿ä please forgive me

¿µ¾î English language

¿µÈ­ movie, film

¿µÈ­±¸°æ(À») ÇÏ- see a film

¿µÈ­¹è¿ì movie actor

¿· next to, beside

¿¹ yes

¿¹»Ú- pretty, cute

¿¹¾à reservation

¿¹¾à(À») ÇÏ- make a reservation

¿À- come

¿À´Ã today

¿À·»Áö Á꽺 orange juice

¿À¸£- ascend, rise

¿À¸¥ÂÊ on the right

¿À¸¥Æí on the right

¿Àºü older brother (girl's)

¿ÀÀü morning, A.M.

¿À¡¾î squid

¿À¡¾î±ø squid chips

¿ÀÈÄ afternoon, P.M.

¿Á jade

¿Ã¶ó°¡- go up

¿Ã¶ó¿À- come up

¿Ê clothes; garment

¿Í¿ä get, receive;
³ª´Â ÆíÁö°¡ ¾î¸Ó´ÏÇÑÅ×¼­ ¿Í¿ä I get letter(s) from my mother

¿ÍÀÌ»þ¾² shirt, dress shirt

¿ÍÀÎ wine

¿Ö(¿ä?) why?

¿Ö³ÄÇϸé the reason is; because

¿Ü±³°ü diplomat

¿Ü±¹ foreign country

¿Ü±¹»ç¶÷ a foreigner

¿Ü±¹¾î foreign language

¿Ü»ïÃÌ uncle (on mother's side)

¿ÜÇÒ¸Ó´Ï grandmother (on mother's side)

¿ÜÇҾƹöÁö grandfather (on mother's side)

¿ÞÂÊ on the left

¿ÞÆí on the left

¿ä¸® cooking, cuisine

¿ä¸®(¸¦) ÇÏ- cook

¿äÁò nowadays, these days

¿ë¹« business, matter to take care of

¿ë¼­(¸¦) ÇÏ- forgive

¿ì¸® we, our

¿ì»ê umbrella

¿ì¼± first of all, before anything else

¿ìÀ¯ milk

¿ìü±¹ post office

¿îµ¿ sports

¿îµ¿(À») ÇÏ- do sports; exercise

¿îµ¿Àå sports stadium

¿îµ¿È­ sneakers, tennis shoes

-¿ø Korean monetary unit, won

¿ù(´Þ) month names (counter)

¿ù¿äÀÏ Monday

ˤ above, over, on (top); upstairs

À§½ºÅ° whisky

À§Ãþ upstairs, the floor above

ÀºÅð(¸¦) ÇÏ- retire

ÀºÇà bank

ÀºÇà¿ø banker

À½·á¼ö beverage, something to drink

À½½Ä food

À½½ÄÁ¡ restaurant

À½¾Ç music

À½¾Çȸ concert

˂ȍ doctor, physician

ÀÇÀÚ chair

ÀÌ tooth, teeth

ÀÌ this

-ÀÌ- be (the same as, equal to) (copula)

ÀÌ´ë Ewha Women's University

À̵û°¡ in a while, a while later

ÀÌ·¸°Ô in this way, like this

À̸§ (given) name

À̸ð aunt (mother's sister)

À̸ðºÎ uncle (mother's sister's husband)

À̹ø NOUN this NOUN (week, month)

ÀÌ»óÇÏ- be stange, odd

À̾߱â talk, chat, story

À̾߱â(¸¦) ÇÏ- talk, chat

ÀÌÁ¦ now (finally)

ÀÌÇгâ(»ý) second-year student

ÀÌÈ¥(À») ÇÏ- get divorced

-ÀκРportion (of food)

Àλï ginseng

ÀλïÁÖ ginseng wine

ÀÎÁ¦ now (finally)

ÀÏ matter, business

ÀÏ days (counter)

ÀÏ(À») ÇÏ- work, do work

ÀϺ» Japan

ÀϺ»¸» Japanese language

ÀϺ»»ç¶÷ person from Japan

ÀϾî Japanese language

ÀϾ- get up; stand up

ÀÏ¿äÀÏ Sunday

ÀÏÂï early (adv)

ÀÏÇгâ(»ý) first-year student

ÀÐ- read

ÀÔ- wear; put on

ÀÔ mouth

ÀÖ- be, exist; stay; have

ÀÖ¾î¿ä it exists, there is/are

Àؾî¹ö¸®- forget


ÀÚ- sleep (ÀÚ¿ä sleeps)

ÀÚ³àºÐ children (honorific)

ÀÚµ¿Â÷ car, automobile

ÀÚ·á materials (written)

ÀÚ¸£- cut


ÀÚÀü°Å bicycle

ÀÚÁ¦ºÐ children (honirific)

ÀÚÁÖ often

ÀÛ- --- be little

ÀÛ³â last year

ÀÛÀº¾Æ¹öÁö uncle (fater's younger brother)

ÀÜ glass (to drink); cupfuls (counter)

Àß well; often

Àߵſä It's going well. It's turning out well.

Àß »ý°å- be handsome/good-looking (usually said of males)

Àß »ý°å¾î¿ä be handsome/good-looking (usually said of males)

Àß ¾È µÅ¿ä it's not going well

Àß ÀÚ¿ä! good night (polite, but not honorific)

ÀßÇÏ- do well, do (it) well

Àá±ñ a short while, a moment

Àá½Ã a short while

Àâ¼ö½Ã- eat (honorific)

ÀâÁö magazine

-Àå flat objects (counter)

Àå(À») º¸- do grocery shopping

Àå°© gloves

À帶 rainy season, seasonal rains

À帶(°¡) Áö- rainy season sets in

Àå¸ð mother-in-law (man's)

ÀåÀÎ father-in-law (man's)

ÀåÀξ father-in-law (man's) (elegant)

ÀåÀÎÀå¸ð parents-in-law (man's)

ÀðÄÏ jacket

Àç¹Ì ¾ø- be not interesting, boring

Àç¹Ì ÀÖ- be interesting

Àç¹ÌÀÖ°Ô interestingly, in such a way that it is interesting

Àï¹Ý tray (flat thing to carry dishes)

Àú yon, that (over there)

Àú±â over there

Àú±â¿ä! hey there! (a bit brusque or even rude)

Àú³á evening; supper

Àú·¸°Ô in that way

Àû- are few

Àü°ø one's major, specialization

Àü°ø(À») ÇÏ- major in something

ÀüºÎ the whole thing, total

ÀüºÎ´Ù everyting, all of it

Àü¿¡ earlier, before

ÀüÈ­ telephone

ÀüÈ­(¸¦) ÇÏ- make a phone call

ÀüÈ­(¸¦) °Å-¤©- make a phone call

ÀüÈ­(¸¦) ¹Þ- answer the phone

ÀüÈ­¹øÈ£ telephone number

ÀüÇô $[$not$]$ at all

Àþ- be young (but past puberty)

Á¡½É lunch

Á¢½Ã plate

Á£°¡¶ô chopsticks

Á¤°¢(¿¡) exactly at (a time)

Á¤°ÅÀå station/stop (train)

Á¤·ùÀå bus stop

Á¤¸»(·Î) truly, really

Á¤¸»ÀÌ¿¡¿ä? really? is it true?

Á¤¹® main gate (of a university)

Á¤¿­Àû(À¸·Î) passionate(ly)

Á¤¿ø garden

Á¤Ä¡ politics

Á¤Ä¡ÇÐ political science

Á¦ÀÏ the most; number one

Á¦Ç° manufactured good(s)

Á¶±Ý a little

Á¶ºÎ¸ð grandparents

Á¶Ä« nephew

Á¶Ä«µþ niece

Á¹¾÷(À») ÇÏ- graduate

Á» a little; please

Á¾ÀÌ paper

ÁÁ- be good; be liked

ÁÁ- be good

to like it (in the sense ``love'') Examples:
³ª´Â ÀÌ°ÍÀÌ ÁÁ¾Æ¿ä I like this;
ä¼Ò¸¦ ÁÁ¾ÆÇϳª¿ä? Do you like vegetables?
³ª´Â Á¤±¸ Ä¡´Â°ÍÀ» ÁÁ¾ÆÇÑ´Ù I like playing tennis

Á˼ÛÇÕ´Ï´Ù I'm sorry, excuse me (literally: I feel uneasy)

ÁÖ a state, a province

ÁÖ- give

ÁÖ°£ week (counter)

ÁÖ·Î mainly, mostly, for the most part

ÁÖ¸³ state (-established), provincial(-ly established)

ÁÖ¸³´ëÇб³ a state university

ÁÖ¸» weekend

ÁÖ¹«½Ã- sleep (honorific)

ÁÖ¹®(À») ÇÏ- order (at restaurant)

ÁÖ¼¼¿ä please give

ÁÖÀÏ week (counter)

ÁÖÁß¿¡ during the week, on week days

Á×- die

Áß°£ middle, midway

Áß°£¿¡ midway, in the middle

Áß±¹ China

Áß±¹¸» Cinese language

Áß±¹»ç¶÷ person from China

Á꽺 juice

Áñ°Åw- be enjoyable, pleasant, fun

ÁÙ°Ì°Ô enjoyably

Áö±Ý now

Áö³­ past, last

Áö³»- get along

ÁöÇÏö subway, underground, metro

ÁøÁö rice, meal (honorific)

Áú¹® question

Áý house, home

Áý»ç¶÷ my wife

Â¥- salt (Â¥¿ä is salty)

°Áî jazz

ÂÊ side, direction


Â÷ car, vehicle

Â÷ tea

Â÷- wear (a watch)

Â÷- cold (ÀÚ¿ä is cold)

Â÷Ç¥ ticket (train, bus)

ÂøÇÏ- be good by nature; be a good boy (girl, dog)

Âü truly, really (exclamation)

ä¼Ò vegetable(s)

Ī¹È window

ã- look for; find

ã- withdraw (money) from; fetch (money)

ä buildings (counter)

Ã¥ book

Ã¥»ó desk

óÀ½ the beginning; first time

óÀ½ ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù pleased to make your acquaintance (formal style)
(Explanation: óÀ¾ beginning, first time, ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù will humbly see/meet.
(literally: I see you for the first time i.e., how do you do?)

õ thousand

õ¸¸¿¡¿ä you're welcome! or don't mention it!
(Literally: it's one of ten million (words))

õõÈ÷ slowly

öµµ railway

ù first

û¹ÙÁö jeans

û¼Ò(¸¦) ÇÏ- clean up

ÃÊ´ë(¸¦) ÇÏ- invite someone

ÃÊ´ë(¸¦) ¹Þ- be/get invited

-ÃÊ (a) second (counter)

Ãßw- be cold

Ãã(¹É) Ãß- dances (a dance)

ÃëÇÏ- get tipsy/drunk

-Ãþ floors (of a building) (counter)

Ä¡- strike, hit

Ä¡- play (tennis, golf)

Ä¡¸¶ skirt

Ä£±¸ friend

ģô relative

Ä¥ÆÇ blackboard


ij digs out

ij³ª´Ù Canada

ij³ª´Ù »ç¶÷ a Canadian

Ä·ÆÛ½º campus

Ä¿ÇÇ coffee

ÄÓ·¹ pair (of shois, etc.)

ÄÚ nose

ÄÚ¸Þµð comedy

ÄÚÆ® coat

ÄÜÅÃÆ®·»Áî contact lenses

Äݶó cola

Å©- be large

Å©¸² cream

Å«¾Æ¹öÁö uncle (father's elder brother)


Ÿ- add/put (sugar)

Ÿ- ride in, ride on

Ÿ°í°¡- go (riding)

Ÿ°í¿À- come (riding)

Ÿ¿Ã towel

Å» mask

űرâ ÷¼Ð¿Ðý the national flag of Korea, the Tai-geuk flag
The Korean flag is called T\ae{gukgi. It's design symbolizes
the principles of yin and yang in Oriental philosophy.
The circle in the center of the flag is divided into two equal
parts. The upper red section represents the positive cosmic forces of
yang. Conversely, the lower blue section represents the negative
cosmic forces of yin.

The two forces together embody the concepts of continual
movement and balance and harmony that characterize the sphere
of infinity. The circle is surrounded by four trigrams in each
corner. Each trigram symbolizes one of the four universal elements:
heaven, earth, fire, and water.

ž- be born

Å״Ͻº tennis

Å״Ͻº(¸¦) Ä¡- play tennis

Å×À̺í table

Å×·¹ºñÀü television

Å丶Åä Á꽺 tomato juice

Åä¿äÀÏ Saturday

ÅëÇÏ- get through to, make contact with

ÅëÈ­(¸¦) ÇÏ- get through to, make contact with on phone


ÆÄ-¤©- sell it

ÆÄ¿îµå pounds (sterling) (counter)

ÆÄƼ party

ÆÈ arm

Ææ ballpoint pen

Æí side, direction

ÆíÁö letter

ÆíÇÏ- be comfortable; convenient

ÆíÈ÷ comfortably; conveniently

Ç¥ ticket

Ǫ-¤©- solve it; undo it

Ç® 1 starch, glue 2 grass

Ç®(À») ¸ÔÀÌ- starch it

ÇÁ¶û½º France

ÇÁ¶û½º¸» French language

ÇÁ¶û½º»ç¶÷ person from France

ÇÁ·Î program (TV); pro (sports)

ÇÁ¸®¸¶ nondairy creamer

Ç÷¡Æû platform

ÇÇ- bloom, blossom

ÇÇ°ïÇÏ- be tired

ÇǾƳë piano

ÇǾƳë(¸¦) Ä¡- play piano

ÇÇ¿ì- smoke

ÇÇÀÚ pizza


ÇÏ- do (ÇÕ´Ï´Ù does it (formal style))

ÇÏ°í and

Çб³ school

Çбâ term, semester

-Çгâ(ÀÌ¿¡¿ä) is a student in such-and-such a year or grade (at school)

Çлý student

Çлýȸ°ü student union (building)

ÇÑ about, approximately

Çѱ¹ Korea

Çѱ¹¸» Korean language

Çѱ¹»ç¶÷ a Korean

Çѱ¹¾î Korean language

Çѱ¹ÇÐ Korean Studies

ÇÑÅ× 1 to (to the living thing e.g., to give something
to the living thing) 2 from (from the place) (colloquial)

ÇÑÅ×¼­ from (from the living thing)

ÇÒ¸Ó´Ï grandmother

ÇÒ¸Ó´Ô grandmother (honorific)

ÇҾƹö´Ô grandfather (honorific)

ÇҾƹöÁö grandfather

ÇÔ²² together

ÇÕ¸® rationality, reason

ÇÖµµ±× hot dog

Ç×»ó always

ÇØ years (counter)

Çܹö°Å hamburger

-Çà bound for (a place). e.g.: ´ëÀüÇà ±âÂ÷ a T\ae{jon train, train bound for

Ç㸮 waist, lower back

Çô tongue

Çü older brother

ÇüÁ¦ brothers (for males); brothers and sisters

È£ÁÖ Australia

È£ÁÖ»ç¶÷ an Australian

È£ÅÚ hotel

È¥ÀÚ(¼­) alone, on one's own, by oneself

È«Â÷ black tea, English tea

È«Äá Hong Kong

È«Äá»ç¶÷ person from Hong Kong

È­¿äÀÏ Tuesday

È­Àå½Ç toilet, restroom, bathroom, washroom

ȸ»ç company

ȸ»ç¿ø company employee

ȸȭ conversation

ÈÄ¿¡ after, later

ÈÞÁö tissue paper; toilet tissue, $\mathrm{Kleenex^{TM$

È帮- be cloudy, overcast

È帮- become/get cloudy

Èû strength, energy

Èû(ÀÌ) µå-¤©- be difficult, taxing (strength enters)

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Korean--English Dictionary by Leon Kuperman
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