The Project Gutenberg eBook, The New Century Standard Letter-Writer, by Alfred B. Chambers

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Title: The New Century Standard Letter-Writer

Business, Family and Social Correspondence, Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms, Legal Forms, etc.

Author: Alfred B. Chambers

Release Date: April 3, 2018 [eBook #56911]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8



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Transcriber's Note.

A list of the changes made can be found at the end of the book.






"When about to put your words in ink,
'Twill do no harm to stop and think."



Business, Family and Social Correspondence
Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms
Legal Forms, Etc.

How to Address the President, Members of the Cabinet
and other High Officials

Alfred B. Chambers, PH. D.
Author of "The 20th Century Handy Cyclopedia Britannica."




Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1900,
in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.



Chapter I—Commercial Correspondence 17
A. Introductory Remarks 17
B. Employer and Employe 32
  1. Applying for a situation in a corporation 32
  2. Applying for a position as bookkeeper 32
  3. Applying for a situation in answer to an advertisement 33
  4. Applying for a position in a wholesale house 33
 5. Applying for a position in a retail store 34
 6. A father applying for his son 34
 7. A mother asking a position for her son 35
 8. Applying for a position in a law-office 35
 9. Applying for a position as Clerk 36
 10. Applying for a position as stenographer (lady) 36
 11. Applying for a position as bookkeeper (lady) 37
 12. Advertising for an office-boy 37
 13. Reply to the above 38
 14. Applying for a situation of office-boy 38
 15. Applying for a position as hotel manager 38
 16. Application to act as a firm's agent 39
 17. Applying for a situation as matron in an asylum 40
 18. Indorsing the above application 40
 19. Introducing a young man about to start in business 41
 20. General letter of recommendation to a former employe 41
 21. Recommending a bookkeeper formerly employed 42
 22. Asking permission to use a gentleman as reference 42
 23. Asking information concerning a clerk 43
 24. Asking former employers to act as references 43
 25. Asking for an increase in salary 44
 26. Thanking for an increase in salary 44
 27. Asking for a vacation 45
 28. Apologizing to employers 45
 29. Excusing one's absence 46
 30. Announcing death of husband to his employers 46
 31. A commercial traveler to his employers 46
 32. Another letter from a commercial traveler 47
633. Resignation from a position 48
C. Buying, Selling and Shipping Goods 48
 34. Asking for an order list 48
 35. Ordering bill of goods 49
 36. Ordering goods and enclosing amount 49
 37. Another order enclosing remittance 50
 38. To a business firm inclosing invoice 50
 39. To a private party, inclosing invoice 51
 40. From a farmer to a commission house 51
 41. From a farmer, shipping produce 52
 42. Answer to the above 52
 43. From a farmer to a manufacturing concern 53
 44. From ranch-owners, shipping cattle 53
 45. Answer to the above (with account sales) 53-55
 46. Complaining of delay in delivery of goods 54
 47. Complaining of delay to a freight line agency 56
 48. Answer to No. 46 56
 49. Complaining of goods shipped by express instead of freight 57
 50. Answer to the above 57
D. Credits and Business References 58
 51. A new firm wishing to open an account 58
 52. Answer to the above (favorable) 58
 53. Answer to the above (unfavorable) 59
 54. Asking for references 59
 55. Asking a bank for confidential opinion 60
 56. Answer to the above (favorable) 60
 57. Answer to the above (unfavorable) 60
 58. Asking a lawyer for a confidential opinion 61
 59. Giving bearer a credit, guaranteed by writer 61
 60. Inquiring as to business prospects 62
E. Accounts and Payments 62
 61. Inclosing statement of account 62
 62. Asking settlement of account 63
 63. Asking firmly for settlement of overdue account 63
 64. More pressing dunning letter 63
 65. Inclosing a remittance 64
 66. Inclosing draft for acceptance 64
 67. Asking for time 65
 68. To a retail customer requesting payment 65
7 F. Business Notices 65
 69. Dissolution of partnership 65
 70. Death of a partner 66
 71. Change in the firm name 67
 72. Recommending a successor 67
 73. Notice of assignment 68
Chapter II—Semi-Private Business 69
 74. A gentleman of leisure to his bank 69
 75. A lady to her bank 69
 76. To a landlord concerning repairs 70
 77. Answer to the above 70
 78. To a landlord complaining of neglect 70
 79. Answer to the above 71
 80. Making an offer for a furnished house 71
 81. Asking a real estate firm to list a house 72
 82. Asking for a list of houses for rent 72
 83. Asking information about farms for sale 72
 84. Asking house-decorators for an estimate 73
 85. Asking for time to settle an account 73
 86. Subscribing to a periodical, enclosing amount 74
 87. Claiming lost baggage 74
 88. To a dressmaker, about extravagant charges 74
 89. To a dressmaker, postponing payment of bill 75
 90. To a tailor 75
 91. Applying for a position as teacher 75
 92. Recommending a teacher 76
 93. To a lawyer about a claim 76
 94. To a lawyer, about a bill of costs 77
Chapter III—Private Business 78
 95. Asking a friend to make a purchase 78
 96. Asking a friend to visit furnished houses 78
 97. Asking a friend to engage rooms 79
 98. Requesting the attendance of a lawyer 80
 99. Requesting the attendance of a physician 80
 100. Asking a physician for his bill 80
 101. Concerning an unpaid note endorsed by the writer 80
 102. Requesting a loan from a friend 81
 103. Answer to the above 81
 104. Requesting a loan from a relative 82
 105. Concerning a furnished country house 82
8106. Answer to the above 82
 107. Inquiry about farm-house board 83
 108. Answer to the above 83
 109. Inquiring about placing a sick child on a farm 84
 110. Answer to the above 85
 111. To a music teacher 85
 112. Answer to the above 85
 113. To an artist, about a portrait 86
 114. Asking information about a school 86
 115. Answer to the above 86
Chapter I—Introductory Remarks 88
Chapter II—Between Parents and Children 92
 116. To a son entering business 92
 117. To a father, offering to leave college 92
 118. Answer to the above 93
 119. To a mother, after first day in college 94
 120. Answer to the above 96
 121. A son excusing his extravagance 97
 122. To a daughter on her birthday 98
 123. A son expressing dislike of his occupation 98
 124. A little boy to his papa 99
 125. A little boy to his grandfather 99
 126. A little boy to his uncle 100
 127. A little boy at school to his sister 100
 128. A little girl at school to her mamma 100
 129. A little girl to her absent mother 101
 130. A little girl on a visit, to her mamma 101
 131. A little girl to her grandmamma 101
 132. A little girl to her brother at school 102
Chapter III—To and from Relatives, Guardians, etc. 103
 133. A mother-in-law to her son-in-law 103
 134. A mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law 103
 135. A daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law 104
 136. A daughter-in-law to her father-in-law 105
 137. A sister-in-law to a brother-in-law 105
 138. A brother to a married sister 106
 139. A sister to an elder brother 107
 140. A niece to an aunt 107
9141. Wishing Merry Christmas to a cousin 108
 142. A ward to his guardian 109
 143. Answer to the above 109
Chapter IV—To, from and about Governesses, Chaperons, Companions, Housekeepers, etc. 110
 144. A governess applying for a position 110
 145. Asking information concerning a governess 110
 146. Recommending a governess 111
 147. Answering an ad. for a chaperon 111
 148. Answering an ad. for a companion 112
 149. Replying to an ad. for a housekeeper 113
Chapter V—Servants 114
 150. A housemaid applying for a situation 114
 151. A housemaid accepting a situation 114
 152. A housemaid declining a situation 115
 153. Asking information concerning a maid 115
 154. Answer to the above 115
 155. Asking information concerning a cook 115
 156. Answer to the above 116
 157. Asking information concerning a butler 116
 158. Answer to the above 116
 159. A cook asking a lady to recommend her 117
 160. A nurse to her absent mistress 117
 161. Marriage proposal from a butler to a cook 118
 162. Answer to the above 118
Chapter I—Proposals, Acceptances, Refusals 119
 163. To a young lady about a misunderstanding 119
 164. Answer to the above (kindly) 119
 165. Answer to No. 163 (conciliatory) 120
 166. Answer to No. 163 (chilly) 120
 167. Asking a young lady for privilege of a correspondence 120
 168. Answer to the above 121
 169. Asking permission to address a young lady by her Christian name 121
 170. Answer to the above 122
 171. Asking a lady for an interview 122
10172. Answer to the above 123
 173. To a young lady proposing marriage 123
 174. Answer to the above (favorable) 124
 175. Answer to No. 173 (unfavorable) 124
 176. Proposal to a lady the writer never was introduced to 124
 177. Answer to the above (favorable) 125
 178. Answer to No. 176 (unfavorable) 126
 179. Proposal to a lady unaware of the writer's intentions 126
 180. Answer to the above (favorable) 127
 181. Answer to No. 178 (unfavorable) 127
 182. Proposal to a lady to whom the writer showed marked attentions 128
 183. Answer to the above 128
 184. Proposal by a gentleman of small means 129
 185. Answer to the above (favorable) 130
 186. Answer to No. 184 (unfavorable) 130
 187. Proposal from middle-aged gentleman to young lady 131
 188. Answer to the above (favorable) 132
 189. Answer to No.187 (unfavorable) 132
 190. Proposal from widower to widow 133
 191. Answer to the above 133
 192. Proposal to a wealthy widow 134
 193. Answer to the above (favorable) 134
 194. Answer to 192 (unfavorable) 135
 195. Proposal from widower to young lady 135
 196. Answer to the above (favorable) 136
 197. Answer to No. 195 (unfavorable) 136
 198. Proposal from widower with grown-up daughters 137
 199. Answer to above (favorable) 138
 200. Answer to 198 (unfavorable) 138
 201. Marriage proposal to an heiress 139
 202. Answer to the above (favorable) 139
  203. Answer to No. 201 (unfavorable) 140
Chapter II—To and from Parents, Guardians, Friends, etc., in Reference to Marriage Matters 141
 204. Asking a father for his daughter's hand 141
 205. Answer to the above (favorable) 141
 206. Answer to No. 204 (unfavorable) 142
 207. Another request to a father for his daughter's hand 142
11208. Answer to the above 143
 209. Asking a father's approval of his daughter's engagement to the writer 144
 210. Answer to the above (favorable) 144
 211. Answer to No.209 (unfavorable) 145
 212. A gentleman asking his father's approval of his engagement 145
 213. Answer to the above 145
 214. A young lady asking her guardian to approve her engagement 146
 215. Answer to the above 147
 216. A father asking to be told a gentleman's intentions 147
 217. Answer to the above 148
 218. A father forbidding a gentleman to pay attentions to his daughter 148
 219. Answer to the above 149
 220. A father disapproving of a gentleman's attentions to his daughter 149
 221. A mother announcing her daughter's engagement 150
 222. Answer to the above 150
 223. A young lady announcing her engagement 151
 224. A young lady congratulating a friend just engaged 151
 225. A gentleman announcing his engagement 152
 226. A mother to her son's fiancée 152
 227. Answer to the above 153
 228. Congratulating a gentleman about his engagement 153
 229. A fiancée asking a friend to be bridesmaid 154
Chapter III—Between Engaged People 155
 230. A gentleman on being first accepted 155
 231. A gentleman recently engaged to his fiancée 155
 232. A gentleman offering a present to his fiancée 156
 233. Answer to the above 156
 234. A lady to her fiancé 157
 235. A gentleman to his fiancée 157
 236. Answer to the above 158
 237. Another letter from a gentleman to his fiancée 159
 238. Answer to the above 159
 239. Asking his fiancée to name the day 161
 240. Answer to the above (favorable) 161
 241. Answer to No. 239 (unfavorable) 162
12242. A lady asking her fiancé to consent to a postponement of their wedding-day 162
 243. A gentleman to his fiancée, complaining of her coldness 163
 244. A lady to her fiancé, complaining of his indifference 163
 245. A lady to her fiancé, of whom she is jealous 164
 246. Answer to the above (protesting) 165
 247. Answer to No. 245 (conciliating) 165
 248. A gentleman to his fiancée, acknowledging his jealousy 166
 249. A gentleman to his fiancée, apologizing for his jealousy 166
 250. A lady to her fiancé, apologizing for her jealousy 167
 251. A mother to her daughter's fiancé 167
Chapter IV—Breaking off Engagements 168
 252. A gentleman asking his fiancée to end their engagement 168
 253. A lady to her fiancé, putting an end to their engagement 168
 254. Answer to the above 169
 255. A lady to her fiancé, breaking off their engagement on account of his coldness 169
 256. A lady to her fiancé, breaking off their engagement on account of change in her feelings 170
 257. A gentleman offering his fiancée to release her from her engagement 170
 258. Answer to the above 171
 259. A mother to her daughter's fiancé 172
 260. A father to his daughter's fiancé 172
Chapter I—Introductory Remarks 173
Chapter II—Requesting, or Granting, Introductions, Favors, etc. 178
 261. A gentleman requesting a presentation at a foreign court 178
 262.Answer to the above 178
 263. General letter of introduction 178
 264. A lady asking a letter of introduction 179
 265. Asking a lady to call on a stranger 179
13266. Asking a lady for letters of introduction 180
 267. Introducing a young married couple 180
 268. A father introducing a son to a minister 181
 269. A lady introducing a friend to a schoolmate 182
 270. A gentleman introducing a college chum to his sister 182
 271. Asking a subscription to some charity 183
 272. A young lady asking a girl friend for a photograph 183
 273. Answer to the above 184
 274. Asking a gentleman to be godfather 184
 275. Answer to the above 184
 276. Asking a lady to be godmother 185
 277. Answer to the above 185
 278. To a lady after visiting at her country home 185
 279. Asking a pastor to visit the writer's sick mother 186
 280. Asking a pastor to call at once 186
 281. Asking for information from a minister 187
 282. To a pastor concerning a school treat 187
 283. A gentleman presenting a young lady with flowers 187
 284. A gentleman sending a song to a young lady 188
 285. Answer to the above 188
 286. An elderly gentleman offering a young lady a present 188
 287. Answer to the above 189
 288. A gentleman, offering tickets to an entertainment 189
 289. Answer to the above (acceptance) 189
 290. Answer to No. 288 (regrets) 190
 291. A stranger offering an invalid fruit and flowers 190
 292. Answer to the above 190
 293. Asking an invitation for a friend 191
 294. Answer to the above 191
 295. Another request of an invitation for a friend 191
 296. Another request of an invitation for friends 192
Chapter III—Congratulations, Condolences, etc. 193
 297. A lady, addressing birthday congratulations 193
 298. Condoling with a friend having failed in business 193
 299. Informing a wife of her husband's illness 194
 300. Informing a husband of the illness of his wife 195
 301. Informing a daughter of the illness of her mother 195
 302. Inquiring after a person's health 196
 303. Inquiring indirectly after a person's health 196
 304. Sympathizing with an invalid 197
14305. A daughter announcing her mother's death 197
 306. A lady announcing her husband's death to a brother-in-law 198
 307. Condoling with a lady on her husband's death 198
 308. Answer to the above 198
 309. Condoling with a gentleman on his wife's death 199
 310. Answer to the above 199
 311. Condoling with a lady on her brother's death 200
 312. Answer to the above 200
 313. Condoling with a young lady on her mother's death 201
 314. Condoling with a mother on a child's death 201
 315. Condoling with a lady on a friend's death 202
 316. Answer to the above 203
 317. Inviting a friend to a funeral 203
 318. Offering to attend the funeral of a lady's husband 203
 319. Asking a relative to attend a funeral 204
 320. Offering to attend the funeral of a relative 204
Chapter IV—Invitations and Regrets 205
 321. Inviting a married couple to a formal dinner 205
 322. Answer to the above (acceptance) 205
 323. Answer to No. 321 (regrets) 205
 324. Inviting a married couple to an informal dinner 206
 325. Answer to the above (acceptance) 206
 326. Answer to No. 324 (regrets) 206
 327. Inviting a gentleman to a formal dinner 207
 328. Inviting a gentleman to an informal dinner 207
 329. Answer to the above (acceptance) 207
 330. Answer to No. 328 (regrets) 207
 331. Inviting a lady to a luncheon 208
 332. Answer to the above (acceptance) 208
 333. Answer to No. 331 (regrets) 208
 334. Inviting a gentleman to a luncheon 208
 335. Answer to the above (acceptance) 209
 336. Answer to No. 334 (regrets) 209
 337. Asking a lady to sing at an afternoon tea 209
 338. Answer to the above 210
 339. Inviting a lady to a formal afternoon tea 210
 340. Answer to the above 210
 341. Inviting a lady to an informal afternoon tea 210
 342. Asking a gentleman to recite at an afternoon tea 211
15343. Inviting a lady to a garden-party 211
 344. Answer to the above 211
 345. Inviting a lady to a church sociable 212
 346. Inviting a lady to a picnic 212
 347. Answer to the above 212
 348. Inviting a gentleman to a picnic 213
 349. Answer to the above 213
 350. Invitation to a theater-party 213
 351. Answer to the above 214
 352. A gentleman inviting a young lady to attend a theater 214
 353. Answer to the above 214
 354. Inviting a lady to a small evening party 215
 355. Inviting a lady and her daughter to a dance 215
 356. Answer to the above 215
 357. Inviting a young lady to a dance 216
 358. Answer to the above 216
 359. Inviting a gentleman to a dance 216
 360. Answer to the above 216
 361. Inviting a gentleman to a garden-party 217
 362. Answer to the above 217
 363. A gentleman inviting a young lady to visit a theater 218
 364. Answer to the above 218
 365. A little girl asking a friend to tea 218
 366. Answer to the above 219
 367. Inviting a lady to visit the writer in the city 219
 368. Answer to the above 219
 369. Inviting a lady to visit the writer in the country 220
 370. Answer to the above 220
 371. Inviting a lady to visit the writer at the seashore 220
 372. Answer to the above 221
 373. Postponing a dinner-party on account of a death 221
 374. Postponing a dance 222
 375. Postponing a visit on account of illness in the family 222
 376. A gentleman excusing himself from keeping a dinner engagement 222
 377. A lady excusing herself from keeping a dinner engagement 223
 378. Resigning from membership in a club 223
How to Address in Writing the President of the United States, Members of His Cabinet and Other High Officials 224
The Correct forms of Visiting Cards, Invitations, etc. 227
 Gentlemen's cards 227
 Ladies' cards 229
 Invitation cards 233
 For social functions 233
 For weddings 236
 Leave-taking 240
 Notifications of births and funerals 240
Legal Forms 242
 Bill of sale 242
 Assignment of mortgage 243
 Mortgage 244
 General submission to arbitration 247
 Release Deed 247
 General Release 248
 Warranty deed 249
 Lease (short form) 250
 Agreement for warranty deed 253
 Will 254
Miscellany 256
 Spelling and meaning of foreign words often used in letter-writing 256
 Abbreviations used in commercial correspondence 257
 The use of punctuation-marks 258
Etiquette for all occasions 259
Synonyms 263
The use of capitals 275
Postal rates and regulations 275
 United States 275
 Canada and Mexico 276
 Other countries 276

17 THE




Considering the vast amount of business transacted by correspondence between the parties interested, Letter-Writing seems only second in importance to bookkeeping. Merchants and others living at a distance from the wholesale centers, usually order and remit by letter. It may be that an error has occurred and needs correction. Credit is to be asked, references given, and a multitude of other matters call for adjustment through correspondence. To write every conceivable variety and shade of meaning, expressing the proper thought in the most fitting and appropriate language, is indeed a rare and valuable accomplishment. And when the proper language takes on the graceful and businesslike air of the well-written letter, with its several parts harmoniously arranged, it is a combination of brain and skill which can hardly be overestimated.

This subject, therefore, naturally divides itself into two parts: The Mechanical Structure, and the Literature of a Letter. The former, being the less difficult, will be first considered.

18 The Structure of a Business Letter.

Consists in the arrangement of its several parts, with a view to the most harmonious effect. Whenever typewriting is not used, excellent penmanship is very desirable, but not absolutely essential. The penmanship may indeed be poor, but the arrangement of the several parts of the letter, the neatness, and finish, may be such as to give it an attractive appearance, while, on the other hand, the letter may be clothed in the most elegant penmanship, and yet the construction be such as to stamp its author as a careless and indifferent person, devoid of precision and order.

Not one great thing, but many little things, carefully watched and attentively practiced, make up the structure and dress of a business letter, and give it a businesslike air. The penmanship should be a neat, strong hand, very plain and legible, and devoid of all flourish.

Paper and Envelope.

The paper and envelopes used in business correspondence should be of a good durable quality, and a white color is preferable. Cheap materials are not only unsatisfactory to the writer, but may give the reader an unfavorable impression, which would be an injury far exceeding the cost of the best stationery for a lifetime. Persons form impressions from very little things sometimes.

The size of a letter sheet in business correspondence should be about 8½ x 11 inches. This sheet affords a sufficient space for a communication of ordinary length, to be written on one side only, which is essential in case the letter is copied in a letter press. A sheet of paper, note size (5 x 8), is oftentimes used for brief communications of no special importance, and not designed to be filed for future reference. Among professional men the note paper is extensively used, but with business men the letter size is considered preferable.

The envelope should correspond in size to that of the letter sheet, and should be a trifle longer than one-half the length of the sheet. Thus, in a sheet 8½ x 11 inches, one-half the length of the sheet is 5½ inches, and this requires the length of the envelope to be about 5¾ inches. Its width is usually about 3¼ inches. Avoid the use of fancy colored and fancy shaped paper and envelopes. These may not be objectionable in social correspondence among ladies (see Part IV, chap. I), but the importance of business affairs does not admit of such display.
























20 The Heading.

The nature of the business is usually printed or engraved at the top of the letter page, together with street, number and city, thus leaving only the date to be inserted to complete the heading.

In case the heading of the letter is to be entirely written, it should be placed so as to occupy the right-hand half of the first two lines at the top of the page. If, however, the letter is to be a very brief one, occupying only three or four lines, the heading may then be placed lower down on the sheet, so as to bring the body of the letter about the center of the sheet.

365 Wabash Avenue,
Chicago, May 5, 1900.

Writing from a large city, the heading should contain the street and number. Your correspondent, in directing his answer, will rely on the address given in your letter. Never be guilty of the blunder frequently committed, of placing a part of the heading under the signature.

The second line of the heading should begin a little farther to the right than the first line, as seen above:



Booksellers, Newsdealers and Stationers,

1320 Broadway,

New York, .......... 19.....

Specimen of Printed or Engraved Heading.

If the writer has a box at the post office, and wishes his mail delivered there, he may head his letter as follows:

P. O. Box, 2015,
Philadelphia, August 10, 19—.

21Writing from the principal cities of the United States, it is not necessary to make the name of the State a part of the heading, as that is supposed to be known and understood, but with smaller cities the name of the State also should be given. In writing from an obscure town or village, not only the State should be given, but the county as well.

St. Charles, Kane County, Ill.,
November 15, 19—.

The punctuation of the heading and other parts of the letter is of great importance, and something which can be learned by a little attention on the part of any one in examining the forms here given.


A margin three-quarters of an inch in width should be left on the side of the letter, as shown in the diagram. This is convenient for any mark or memorandum which your correspondent may desire to make concerning anything contained in the letter, but its greater value lies in the open, airy, and cheerful dress which it imparts to the missive. A too narrow margin conveys the idea of stinginess, as if to economize paper, while an irregular or zigzag margin conveys the idea of carelessness or want of precision. On a sheet of note paper, the margin may be only one-half inch in width, thus making it proportionate to the size of the sheet.


On the next line below the heading, that is, the third line from the top of the sheet, and beginning at the left margin, should be placed the Address, which consists of the name of the person to whom the letter is written, together with his titles, if any, and his place of residence or business.

Messrs. Duncan Bros. & Co.
Peoria, Ill.


22Or, if the letter is written to a person living or doing business in a large city, thus:

Mr. James P. Hutchins,
Counselor & Attorney-at-law,
510 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sir:

The names and residence should not be allowed to extend further to the right than about the center of the sheet, thus leaving an open space between this and the heading of your letter. In case the names or place of residence should be so long as to require it, they may be placed thus:

Messrs. Pollard, Taylor, Jones
& Duncan, St. Louis, Mo.


The words Dear Sir or Gentlemen are sometimes placed farther to the left, as in the above example, but most business men in their correspondence place this complimentary address with reference to the words above them, about three-quarters of an inch farther to the right, as shown below:

Arthur P. Dillingham, Esq.,
210 Erie St., Boston.

Dear Sir:

The custom of placing the address beneath the body instead of at the beginning of the letter is not much in vogue in business circles in this country, most business men preferring to place the name and address at the head of the sheet, and then write it as if they were talking to the person himself. When, however, the address is placed below the letter, it should occupy the same position as to the margin, etc., as if placed at the beginning. The custom is borrowed from the English, and its use is confined mostly to government officials, professional men, and social intercourse.

23Body of the Letter.

This constitutes the written message. It should begin on the same line with the words, Dear Sir or Gentlemen, leaving after these words a small space. In case the place of residence or business is not written in the address, then the complimentary address of Dear Sir or Gentlemen will be placed on the next line under the name, or fourth line from the top of the sheet, and the letter will begin on the fifth line from the top, thus:

Mr. Frank L. Robinson,

Dear Sir:—

In answer to your favor——

Sometimes, for the sake of convenience, and the saving of labor, the letter head has printed in the left corner, above the address, a blank form of memorandum, as follows:

Referring to } OR In reply to }
yours of ... your favor of ...

and after this introduction the writer is able speedily to get at the marrow of his letter, without acknowledging the receipt of a former communication.

The body of the letter should be divided into as many paragraphs as there are distinct subjects in the letter, or a new paragraph should be commenced at every change of the subject. The habit which some persons have of tacking one subject to the end of another, and thus making a letter one continuous paragraph of mixed-up information, instructions and requests, is extremely objectionable. It destroys the force of what is said, instead of fixing each thought clearly on the mind of the reader; it leaves him confused, and he reads a second time and tries to get his ideas fixed and systematized, or he throws aside the letter until he has more time in which to study it and get the meaning clear.

If the letter is long and is really concerning only one subject, then it may properly be divided into paragraphs by separating the different divisions of the subject, and giving a paragraph to each. These should be arranged in their logical order. Wherever the letter is to contain numerous paragraphs, to avoid omitting any of the 24 items it is best to jot them down on a slip of paper, then embody them in the letter in their natural order.

The first word of each paragraph should be indented, or moved in from the margin, usually about the width of the margin. Thus, if the margin is three-fourths of an inch in width, the paragraph should begin three-fourths of an inch from the margin. Some writers, however, prefer to commence the first word of the paragraph an inch from the margin, and it is really not so essential what the distance is, provided it be uniform, and all the paragraphs begin alike. A little attention is necessary here. In ordering goods, make each article a separate paragraph.

Complimentary Closing and Signature.

The complimentary closing consists of such words as Yours truly, Respectfully, etc., and should be placed on the next line beneath the last one occupied by the body of the letter, commencing a little to the right of the middle. The signature should be placed underneath the words of respect, and begin still a little farther to the right. Thus the conclusion of the letter will correspond in position and arrangement with the heading.

Yours truly,
Thomas Smyth.

The language of the complimentary closing should be governed by the relation between the parties, and should correspond with the complimentary address. The first letter, even between strangers, now generally commences with Dear Sir and ends with the word Respectfully. After the exchange of a few letters and a sort of business acquaintance may be said to exist between the correspondents, then My Dear Sir, and Yours truly, may properly be introduced. A little more cordial would be such a conclusion as the following:

Yours very truly,
Jones, Smith & Robinson.

The man of business is apt, however, to have one stereotyped beginning and ending to all his letters, and seldom stops to discriminate between strangers and old customers in this respect. 25Often the conclusion may be connected to the closing paragraph with perfect grace and ease thus:

Hoping to receive the goods without delay, I remain,

Melville R. Johnson.

In the signature of a letter, especial care should be exercised. Bear in mind that names of persons are not governed by the rules of spelling, and words which precede or follow proper names will not aid us in deciphering them if they are poorly written.

A Model Business Letter.

210 S. Sixth Street,
Cincinnati, March 11, 19—.

Messrs. Bradley, Tomlinson & Co.,
410 Broadway, New York.


Inclosed please find New York Exchange in settlement of your Invoice of the 1st inst., less Cash discount.

Amount of Invoice $2,523.10
Cash discount, 5% 126.15
Draft inclosed, $2,396.95

The goods have been received, and are very satisfactory in both quality and price. You may expect another order soon.

Yours truly,
Phillips Brothers & Co.

The young person who would learn to write a good business letter should, with pen, ink and suitable paper begin to practice faithfully after the above model. If necessary, write and re-write it a dozen times or more, until your letter resembles it closely. Then take any of the models for business letters given in this book, and, with this specimen in front of you, write a letter which will conform with the foregoing sample in appearance and dress. Write the same matter over again, and improve it in its defects. Criticise each line and word. See that no words or26 letters are omitted, and that the punctuation is according to the models in this volume. Eliminate all ungainly letters, see that each of them rests on the line, and that, withal, your page is clean and regular.

The person who will thus devote a little earnest study and practice may early acquire the valuable accomplishment of writing a pleasing business letter, so far as the mechanical structure goes. For the contents, the model letter will also furnish the necessary practical points.

Typewritten Letters.

It must be stated here that all the above principles, rules and recommendations apply to type-written letters, as well as to their contents as to general arrangement of the text.

It is considered absolutely bad form and almost impertinent, to use a typewriter in social correspondence. The writing machine is reserved exclusively for business or official correspondence.

Addressing the Envelope.

After the letter is finished, and before it is copied on the letter press, the envelope should be addressed. As before stated, the directions on the envelope must conform to the address at the beginning of the letter, hence the necessity for addressing the envelope before the letter is folded.

The first line of the address of the envelope should consist of the name of the person or firm to whom the letter is written, together with any appropriate titles, and should be written across or a little below the middle of the envelope, but never above it,27 beginning near the left edge. The space between this first line and the bottom of the envelope should be about equally divided among the other lines, each of which begins still farther to the right than the one above (see page 26).

Messrs. Bradley, Tomlinson & Co.,

410 Broadway,

New York City.

When writing to a person in a large city the number and street should be a part of the address, and may be placed as in the above form, or in the left-hand lower corner as follows:

Messrs. Laird & Lee,


Chicago, Ill.

263-65 Wabash Ave.

In case the letter is addressed in care of any one, this should be inserted in the lower left corner. In a letter of introduction, the words Introducing Mr. John Smith, or similar words, should be placed in this corner.

Letters addressed to small towns or villages should bear the name of the county, as follows:

Mr. David Lyons,


Porter County,

P. O. Box No. 37. Ala.

28Or the name of the county may be placed in the lower left corner. The post office box number is usually placed in that place.

Folding a Letter.

Having written an excellent letter, and faultlessly addressed the envelope, all may be easily stamped as unbusinesslike, and spoiled, by improperly performing so simple a part as the folding. Remember this excellent rule that, whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

With the letter sheet lying before you, turn the bottom edge up so that it lies along with the top edge, thus making a fold in the middle, which press down with the thumb nail or with a paper folder. Then fold the right edge over so that it falls two-thirds the distance across the sheet, and press down the edge. Next fold the left edge of the sheet over to the right, breaking the fold at the edge of the part folded over just before.

In case a check, note, draft, bill or currency is to be sent by letter, it should be placed on the upper half of the sheet as it lies open, and then the letter should be folded the same as if it were not there. This will fold the paper or document in the letter so that it will be difficult to extract it while being transmitted in the mails, and so that it will not be dropped or lost in opening the letter.

The letter is now folded so that it will be of equal thickness in every part of the envelope. Insert the edge last folded in the envelope first, with the original edges of the sheet at the end of the envelope which the stamp is on; when taken from the envelope the letter will then be proper side up.

The Literature of a Letter.

To be able to compose a letter requires more ability than to give it the proper arrangement and mechanical appearance. A mind well stored with useful knowledge as well as command of language, is necessary in writing a letter on general subjects. The strictly business letter requires a thorough understanding of the facts concerning which the letter is written, and these facts to be set forth in plain and unmistakable language. All display of rhetoric or flourish of words is entirely out of place in the sober, practical letter of business. The proper use of capital letters, punctuation, and correct spelling is essential to the well-written letter, and with a little care and perseverance may be easily acquired.

29Arrangement of Items.

As stated before, each item or subject in a letter should be embraced in a separate paragraph. These should be arranged in the order in which they would naturally come, either in point of time, importance, or as regards policy. Never begin a letter abruptly with a complaint, but rather bring in all unpleasant subjects toward the close. In an answer to a letter of inquiry, take up the questions as they are asked, indicate first what the question is, and then state clearly the answer. The first paragraph should acknowledge the receipt of the communication now to be answered, giving date and indicating its nature and contents, thus:

Your favor of the 10th instant concerning damaged goods received, etc.

The closing paragraph frequently begins with such words as Hoping, Trusting, Awaiting, Thanking, or similar expressions, and is complimentary in its tone and designed as a courtesy.


Business letters should be brief and to the point. The best letter states clearly all the facts in the fewest words. Brevity is not inconsistent with a long letter, as so much may need to be said as to require a long letter, but all repetitions, lengthy statements and multiplication of words should be avoided. Use short sentences, and make every word mean something. Short sentences are more forcible, and more easily understood or remembered, than long drawn-out utterances.


By style we mean the tone, air, or manner of expression. Dignity and strength should characterize the style of the business letter. No ornament of expression or eloquence of language is necessary or appropriate in a correspondence between business men. Come to your meaning at once. State the facts. Let every sentence bristle with points.

The successful business man must possess energy, decision, and force, and these qualities should be conspicuous in his correspondence in30 order to command respect. Never use loose or slang expressions. The business man should be a gentleman. Indulge in no display of superior knowledge or education, but temper each paragraph with respect and deference to others.

Ordering Goods.

In ordering goods of any kind, care should be used to state very explicitly the color, size, quality, and quantity of the articles desired. If manufactured goods, the name of the manufacturer, or his trade mark or brand, should be given. Also state when you desire the goods shipped, and by what route. If by freight or express, state what freight line or express company. Sometimes it is appropriate to write simply, "By cheapest route."

Sending Money by Letter.

Paper currency should seldom be trusted to pass through the mails, as the liability to loss is too great. Better send draft on New York or Chicago; P. O. or express, money order, or funds in a registered letter, and in every case the amount of the remittance should be stated in the letter, and also whether by draft or otherwise sent. The letter may become important evidence in regard to payment at some future time.


In giving instructions to agents, manufacturers and others, let each order occupy a separate paragraph. State in unmistakable language the instructions desired to be conveyed. Whenever necessary or desirable, a diagram or plan should be enclosed in the letter. Cautions and complaints, if any, should be clearly set forth in paragraphs near the close of the letter.

A Dunning Letter.

State when the debt was contracted, the amount, the fact of it having been long past due, the necessity for immediate payment, and any other facts depending on the peculiarities of the case, which it may seem best to make use of, such as promises to pay, which have not been met; the inconvenience as well as injury and distrust caused by such irregularities, etc.

31The Importance of Copying Letters.

No experienced business man ever allows a letter to leave his office before it has been copied in a letter book kept for the purpose. Although this operation is especially important whenever the statements in the letter contain any clause obligating the writer, it is better to have the whole correspondence copied, as no one knows, ahead, the importance that the most apparently insignificant signed statement may have in the future.

Answering Promptly.

Nothing does more good to a young business man starting on his own account, than to answer promptly all letters addressed to him, be they of ever so little importance. Older firms will at once recognize in this single fact of promptness in answering letters the excellent business habits that make men successful. To delay answering, when it is not done for a special purpose, and is simply the result of negligence, may often be of the greatest consequence, and injure the credit as well as the standing of the writer.

Employers and Employes.

The correspondence between employers and employes ought to be characterized by kindness and firmness on the part of the first, and proper respect on the part of the second. Neither harshness nor subserviency are to be desired, as they quickly culminate in disrespect or contempt, or both. Applications for position must be carefully worded, and the letters written with minute attention to detail, as many a start in life has been made and marred by a first letter from would-be employe to employer.

Various Notices

and communications of a general character have to be sent, at times, by business houses going through the different periods of organization, prosperity, adversity, dissolution and liquidation. These announcements are worded in a more or less stereotyped style, and we insert, in this volume, the models for use in such cases.


1. Applying for a Situation in a Corporation.

A——, December 18, 19—.

To the General Manager of the So. Electric Co.,


Dear Sir:—

I am informed that the position of auditor in your company is about to become vacant, and I beg to make an application for the same. My experience in this line of work extends over six years as Assistant Auditor of the M. C. K. R. R. Co.

I enclose my testimonials, and trust they may be found satisfactory. Hoping for a favorable answer,

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Henry G. Taylor.

2. From a Gentleman Applying for a Position of Bookkeeper.

B——, February 14, 19—.


In the "Journal" this morning I notice your advertisement calling for the services of a bookkeeper. I beg leave to offer myself for the place, feeling confident that I am qualified to fill it to your satisfaction.

I am thirty-two years of age, healthy, active, married. I have had five years' experience with my last employers, Simpson & Ryder who have recently liquidated their business, and who will gladly bear witness to my qualifications.

Should my application be regarded favorably, I shall endeavor to justify the confidence you may repose in me.

Yours respectfully,
John Hilton.

33 3. From a Young Man Applying for a Situation in Answer to an Advertisement.

Paste the Advertisement at the head of the sheet, and write as follows:

O——, September 10, 19—.

E. B., Herald Office,

Dear Sir:—

Replying to the above advertisement, I would respectfully offer my services.

I am 19 years of age, have a good education, and had some experience in business, having assisted my father in his grocery store. I am not afraid of work, and never allow myself to be idle when there is anything to do. I can refer you, as to my character, to Mr. William Stuart, manager of the City R. R. Co., who has known me all my life.

Regarding salary, I leave that with you, but feel certain that I could earn ten dollars per week.

Hoping to have the pleasure of an interview,

I remain,
Robert Grant.

4. Applying for a Position in a Wholesale House.

D——, January 10, 19—.

The Lake Steamship Supply Co.,


Permit me to apply for the situation as shipping clerk, which I have heard is now vacant in your establishment. I am 23 years of age, and have worked eighteen months for Messrs. Scotch & Irish, retail provision dealers of this city, to whom I could refer you as to character and ability should you entertain this application. I left them solely on account of their making a reduction in their establishment. Messrs. S. & I. had an extensive country connection, and I have therefore had some experience in their method of doing business. I may mention the wages I received with them were $12 per week.

In hopes of hearing from you favorably,

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Arthur P. Jones.

34 5. Applying for a Situation in a Retail Store.

O——, January 18, 19—.

Messrs. Halifax & Stein,


I have been informed that you are in need of an experienced floor-walker in your establishment. Have filled a similar situation with Messrs. Oppenheim, Rothenstein & Co., of this city, for the last three years, and there is no doubt they will furnish excellent references regarding my ability, honesty, etc. I am desirous of obtaining a salary of $15 a week. If this meets your views, and should you consider that I am likely to suit, perhaps you would kindly favor me with a reply appointing the time to call upon you.

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Samuel Strasburger.

6. From a Father Applying for His Son.

P——, June 20, 19—.

Messrs. Smith & Brown,


I am very desirous of placing my son in a retail store, and understand that you have an opening at the present moment for an errand boy. He is 16 years of age, writes a good hand, and is very quick at figures. As he has everything to learn, I should be willing to give his services for three to six months at nominal wages, for the sake of the experience he would acquire. Of course, he boards with us.

Awaiting the favor of your reply,

I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Robert Price.

357. From a Mother Asking for a Position for Her Son.

H——, January 14, 19—.

Dear Mr. Hubbard:—

I venture to take the liberty of asking you to interest yourself in my son. I am very desirous of obtaining a clerkship for him, and thought perhaps if a vacancy occurred in your Bank you would kindly remember him. Although I am aware you must have many applications of this nature, I cannot resist taking the chance of its being in your power to do something for us in this way. He is 18 years of age, and has been educated in Germany, which may be in his favor, as he is considered a good linguist. Still, he expects to begin at the bottom of the ladder; he has no false pride, and plenty of pluck and perseverance. I need not say how grateful I should be if you would consider this request.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Laura B. Miller.

8. From a Young Student Applying for a Position in a Law Office.

N——, February 10, 19—.

Messrs. Bacon & Blackstone,


I beg leave to apply for a position as student in your office, and I enclose testimonials and recommendations. I am a Harvard B.A., and am just finishing my second year's studies at the Union Law School. I feel very desirous of entering the practical side of the profession. I am a quick stenographer and Remington operator. For the first three months, I shall not expect any salary, although my whole time would be yours outside of my law-school work.

Holding myself at your disposal for a personal interview,

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Hugh D. Barnes.

369. From a Young Man Applying for a Position as Clerk.

B——, February 14, 19—.

Messrs. Turner & Co.


I ask permission to apply for a position in your establishment. In June last I graduated from the High School of this city. Since that time I have attended Franklin & Mason's Business College, with a view of preparing myself to enter on a business career. I was eighteen years of age last August, and the time has now come when I must devote myself to the serious work of life. Being anxious to engage with a house where I can learn all the details and become thoroughly conversant with the business, I should be glad to accept any position you may have to offer. I am quite willing to begin at the bottom of the ladder and master each round as I climb. My family live in the city, and we are all well known to Mr. Nathan, who is, I believe, the head of one of your departments. I beg to refer you to him for any information you may desire and am also authorized to give you the names of Messrs. Franklin & Mason, the proprietors of the Business College, Main Street, and that of the Rev. Morgan Dodd, Pastor of the First Methodist-Episcopal Church.

I am, gentlemen,
Yours respectfully,
Henry Johnson.

10. From a Young Lady Stenographer Applying for a Position in an Office.

C——, July 10, 19—.

Messrs. Fair & Fee,
Publishers, City.


I understand that you have a position as stenographer vacant in your office, and beg leave to apply for the same. I am a quick stenographer and operator on any of the standard machines, and have had three years' experience, two of which have been spent with the Edison Co., of this city. I left them on account of sickness in my family, but am allowed to give the Company as reference.

My expectations as to salary are about $8 a week to begin with.37 I hope for some increase after proving myself entirely satisfactory.

Trusting you will kindly consider this application,

I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Lina Muntz.

P. S.—I board with my parents at above address.

11. From a Young Lady Applying for a Position as Bookkeeper.

217 S—— Avenue,
C——, December 11, 19—.

To the Manager of The Cordage Machinery Co.


In answer to your advertisement in the "Herald" of Sunday, the 13th inst., for a young lady to act as bookkeeper, I beg to apply for the situation. I am 18 years of age, and have assisted my father during the last four years in keeping his books; he is a general contractor and builder. I am quick at figures, and a good accountant. I should be very glad to offer my services for a month on trial, that you might judge of my general business ability and activity. I live with my widowed father.

Mrs. Willis, of 190 W—— Street, will answer any questions respecting me. She has known me since I was a baby.

Hoping for a favorable answer,

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Ethel Raymond.

12. Advertisement for Office Boy Wanted.

Wanted—A twelve-year-old boy to do office work; must reside with his parents, and be well recommended. Salary, $4 per week.

Address, in own handwriting, B. D., Box 1310, C—— Post Office.

3813. Reply to Above.

C——, July 1, 19—.

B. D., Box 1310, P. O.


I would respectfully apply for the position of office boy as per your advertisement in to-day's "News." I am 13 years old, reside with my parents at 1314 C—— Avenue, and refer you to Dominick Drysdale & Co., of 96 W—— Street, whose testimonial please find herewith.

Very truly yours,
Peter Simpson.

14. From a Lad Applying for a Position of Office Boy.

C——, March 14, 19—.

D. 99.


Having seen your advertisement yesterday in the "Herald," I make application for the position. I am 14 years old and live at home.

This is a specimen of my writing.

Respectfully yours,
James Dunn.

15. Applying for Position of Hotel Manager.

K——, July 7, 19—.

To the Proprietor of the Grafton House.



Am I in time to apply for the position of Manager of your hotel, which I am informed will shortly become vacant? The fact of my having been steward of the Union Club for the last seven years will, I hope, influence you in my favor; several gentlemen on the House committee have kindly promised to recommend me, and to speak favorably as to my management of the Club and general reliability and honesty.

39Previous to being steward of the above mentioned Club, I was head waiter at the L—— Hotel, C——, for over three years, and the proprietors of that establishment would also give me the highest recommendation.

Perhaps I had better mention that the salary I feel justified in asking is $1500 per annum, with full board for self and wife.

Should you entertain this application, I should be pleased to call upon you at any hour you may appoint, and beg to remain, in the meantime,

Yours respectfully,
Henry Dessauer.

16. From a Gentleman Applying to a Firm to Act as Their Agent.

H——, October 13, 19—.

The Double-Stitch Sewing Machine Co.



There is a fair opening in our city for the sale of your sewing machines, and I should like to act as local agent, if you feel so disposed. My premises are well suited for the purpose, being situated in the business center and best block. I do a large business in hardware specialties, and have great opportunities of introducing anything in the line of sewing machines, bicycles, etc., to the notice of the town people and neighboring farmers.

I have a young man and a wagon constantly on the road, visiting farmhouses. The H—— National Bank will give you satisfactory references concerning my commercial standing. I also trade regularly with the Beelzebub Stove Co. of your city.

When sending me your answer, please also enclose circulars, rates of best discounts, etc., and oblige,

Yours truly,
Stephen Morehead.

4017. Applying for a Situation as Matron in an Asylum.

O——, May 10, 19—.

To the Lady President of the Board of Managers of St. Agnes Orphan Asylum.


I beg to apply for the situation of matron at the St. Agnes Orphan Asylum, advertised as being vacant in one of the morning papers.

I am 43 years of age, and have filled, for the last eight years, the position of superintendent of the dormitories in St. Theresa's Home for girls, in E——. I thoroughly understand the routine of management requisite in an institution of this nature.

I enclose three testimonials as to character and capabilities, and trust that you may be induced to give this application your favorable consideration.

I am, Madam,
Yours obediently,
Margaret O'Brien.

18. Indorsing the Above Application.

E——, May 18, 19—.

To Whom It May Concern:—

Mrs. La Crosse is able to speak in the highest terms of Margaret O'Brien, from a personal knowledge extending over six years. She considers her thoroughly trustworthy and conscientious, and well fitted for the post of matron from the experience she has acquired in a former employment. She is firm, judicious, and kind-hearted, and is very methodical and punctual in the performance of her duties.

Mrs. La Crosse has no doubt that Margaret O'Brien will be a valuable addition to the staff of any establishment such as the one she has been attached to for several years.

4119. From a Gentleman Introducing a Young Man about to Start in Business.

S——, June 4, 19—.

Messrs. Bartholomew & Evans,

Dear Sirs:—

This will introduce to you the bearer, Mr. Sydney P. Jones, of this city, who visits New York for the purpose of engaging in the book and stationery trade.

He is a young man of energy and ability, and withal, a gentleman in every sense.

Any assistance you may render him by way of introduction to your leading merchants or otherwise, in establishing his new enterprise, will be duly appreciated by all concerned.

Yours truly,
Henry Maynard.

20. A General Letter of Recommendation from a Business Firm to a Former Employe.

H——, June 10, 19—.

To Whom It May Concern:—

Mr. John T. Kellogg, who is now leaving our employ, has been in our office for the past two years, during which time he has faithfully attended to his duties, proving himself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable. He is a good penman, correct accountant, and acquainted with correspondence.

We shall at any time cheerfully respond to all applications we may have regarding his character and abilities, and wish him every success.

Yours truly,
The Paper Cutter Mfg. Co.,
Per E. S. Ward, Prest.

4221. From a Business Firm Recommending a Bookkeeper They Have Employed.

C——, August 10, 19—.

Messrs. Burlap & Doyle,



Mr. Edward Baird, the bearer, who is now leaving our employ, has been in our business office five years, and has faithfully discharged all the duties devolving upon him during that time. He has shown himself industrious, intelligent and reliable. He is a good penman, a first-class book-keeper and all around office man.

We will at any time cheerfully respond to any inquiries that may be made respecting his ability or character, and we wish him success in all his undertakings.

Very truly yours,
Marvin & Scott.

22. From a Young Man Asking Permission to Use a Gentleman as Reference.

O——, September 10, 19—.

William Stuart, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

I beg to inform you that in applying for a situation advertised in the "Bee," this morning, I took the liberty of using your name as a reference.

The length of time I have been honored with your acquaintance, and the words of encouragement which you have given me heretofore, lead me to hope you would speak favorably in this instance, adding this to the numerous obligations already conferred upon,

Your obedient servant,
Robert Grant.

4323. From a Business House, Asking Information Concerning a Clerk.

O——, December 11, 19—.

Messrs. Darling & Cross,

Dear Sirs:—

We understand Mr. Harry P. Thurston has been a clerk in your house for the last three years. We are thinking of engaging him should his references prove satisfactory. Will you therefore kindly inform us if you consider him thoroughly trustworthy and reliable? By favoring us with an early answer—which shall remain strictly confidential—you will greatly oblige,

Yours truly,
F. J. Cantrell & Co.

24. From a Clerk, Asking Former Employers to Act as His Reference.

H——, November 10, 19—.

Messrs. Darling & Cross,


I am about to obtain a responsible situation in the publishing house of Messrs. F. J. Cantrell & Co., of our city; they have asked me to furnish two references of commercial standing, and having been employed by you during the last three years, I ventured to give the name of your firm in addition to that of my former employer. May I trust that you will say all you can in my favor?

I beg to remain, Gentlemen,

Yours obediently,
Harry P. Thurston.

4425. Asking for an Increase of Salary.

2017 Monadnock Block,
C——, December 14, 19—.

Mr. Oswald Smith,


Would you be disposed to give me a small increase of salary, beginning January 1st next? At my age and with my experience I feel that I ought to be earning more than I at present receive. Perhaps, when you take into consideration the fact that I have been in your employ over two years, you will not think this an unreasonable request, and be inclined to grant it. I need not say that in any case, while I remain with you, my best energies will continue to be as they have hitherto been, devoted to your interests.

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Henry Latimer.

26. Thanking an Employer for an Increase of Salary.

C——, December 18, 19—.

Mr. Oswald Smith,


Kindly accept my thanks for the increase of salary you have been kind enough to promise me. It shall be my constant endeavor to continue to merit your confidence and good will, and to give you every satisfaction in my power.

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Henry Latimer.

4527. From a Clerk to His Employers, Asking for a Vacation.

P——, July 10, 19—.

The Fireside Publishing Co.


Would you allow me, if convenient, to take my usual vacation at the end of this month instead of in August? I should be most grateful for this concession if it could be made to fall in with your arrangements.

I remain,
Yours obediently,
David Harlan.

28. From a Clerk Apologizing to His Employers.

P——, July 12, 19—.

The Fireside Publishing Co.


I deeply regret the feeling of irritation which induced me to give you notice yesterday: will you permit me to apologize for so doing, and to ask you to allow me to recall it? I venture to make this request in the hope that my long, and I may say faithful, services will plead in my favor. Trusting that this frank statement of regret will meet with a favorable answer,

I remain,
Yours obediently,
David Harlan.

4629. From a Clerk to His Employers, Excusing His Absence on Account of Sickness.

C——, March 5, 19—.

Messrs. Brown Bros. & Co.


Am very sorry I was unable to come to the office this morning owing to a severe attack of illness. I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be several days before I shall be able to resume my duties. I trust that my enforced absence will not occasion you any serious inconvenience.

With renewed regrets, I beg to remain, Gentlemen,

Yours respectfully,
Joseph Levy.

30. From a Widow, Announcing the Death of Her Husband to His Late Employers.

C——, December 20, 19—.

Messrs. Ernst & Upham.


With the deepest sorrow, I have to announce the death of my dear and devoted husband, which occurred last night after only a week's illness. Painful as it is to me to write to you under this terrible blow, I feel it my duty to inform you of it at once, on account of the position he occupied in your house.

I remain, in great grief and trouble,

Yours respectfully,
Hilda Wayne.

31. From a Commercial Traveler to His Employers.

B——, April 4, 19—.

Messrs. Roberts & Elliott.


I enclose a batch of orders secured from the first six cities on my route; I trust they will meet with your approval. I wish that, this being my first trip in your interest,47 the orders were more in number and for larger amounts. I have done my best, however, to head off some of my competitors, and in several cases I have been successful. A few got ahead of me in the matter of time, but I do not think they did much business.

I firmly believe that the goods I offer are unsurpassed in their line, and that the prices and terms ought to call forth an instant and generous response on the part of the trade. But times are dull and business men, just now, seem to be over-cautious.

They seem perfectly satisfied with our goods, prices and terms, but they are, nevertheless, terribly afraid of overstocking themselves. Any number of promises are made to order in a short time—but we all know what these promises amount to. In spite of all, I am impressed with the hopeful spirit that prevails. There is a general feeling that better times are in sight. When confidence is fully restored, I have no doubt we shall have a splendid trade.

Kindly keep me posted on any novelties you may have on hand.

With the repeated assurance of my determination to do all I can in your interest,

I am, Gentlemen,
Yours respectfully,
Isaac Silberstein.

32. Another Letter from a Commercial Traveler to His Employers.

B——, August 3, 19—.

Messrs. Dudley Bros. & Co.,


Enclosed please find a list of ten orders which I have taken from some of our regular customers in this city. I have been able to extend our trade by adding two new firms to our list, and I believe in both instances you will find them good and reliable. I proceed to-morrow to P——, where I propose remaining two days; my address will be, The Continental.

Yours obediently,
Robert Woods.

4833. Resigning a Position.

C——, May 30, 19—.

Messrs. Smith & Robinson,


I hereby take the liberty of handing in my resignation as second bookkeeper in your establishment, to take effect, if convenient to you, from June 15th prox. I have been offered a partnership in the firm of which my prospective father-in-law is the head, and the advantages are such as to preclude my hesitating a moment.

Thanking you for your kindly treatment of me while in your employ,

I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Andrew Thompson.


34. To a Business House, Asking for Their Order List.

A——, May 3, 19—.

Laird & Lee, Publishers,
263-265 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.


I have recently leased a store in this place, which I am fitting up and stocking with a fine selection of Books, News, Stationery, etc.

Please oblige me with your catalogue, order list and best terms.

I am respectfully yours,
Martin Norris.

4935. Ordering a Bill of Goods from a Wholesale House.

O——, April 7, 19—.

Messrs. Clarkson & Co.



Please forward by Fast Freight the following goods:

4 bbls. Granulated Sugar,
200 lbs. Carolina Rice,
7 chests uncolored Japan Tea,
12 sacks Java Coffee (roasted, not ground),
15 bbls. Flour (XXX),
4 boxes of Sapolio,
1 chest English Breakfast Tea.

I will remit the amount of invoice on receipt of shipment.

Yours respectfully,
Francis D. Post.

36. Ordering Goods and Inclosing Amount of Bill.

L——, June 10, 19—.

Messrs. Sullivan Brothers,


Please ship us by Fast Freight as soon as possible the following order for which we enclose draft as per memorandum bill sent us:

Kindly mail receipted bill and oblige.

Yours respectfully,
Silas Marner & Sons.

50 37. Another Order for Goods Inclosing Remittance.

R——, March 5, 19—.

Messrs. Danfield & Marsh,


Please forward at once, by American Express, to my address

1  Lancaster Spread $3.50
12 yds. Gingham, small check (15c) 1.80
3 doz. Napkins ($3) 9.00

For which I inclose P. O. money order.

Hoping to receive the goods without delay, I am,

Miles Standish, Jr.

38. From a Business Firm, Inclosing an Invoice.

C——, November 15, 19—.

Henry Upham, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

Inclosed please find invoice of goods amounting to $271.85, shipped you this day by Graham & Morton S. S. Co., as per your order of the 7th inst.

Hoping that the order may prove satisfactory, and that we may receive further favors.

We remain,
Yours truly,
Dunham Bros. & Co.

51 39. From a Business House to a Private Party, Inclosing Invoice.

C——, April 8, 19—.

Mrs. Phillip D. Stuart,

Dear Madam:—

We have this day shipped to your address, per Adams Express, the goods ordered in your favor of the 10th inst.

Enclosed you will please find invoice of the same, amounting to $33.

Hoping that the shipment may arrive safely and prove satisfactory, and soliciting further orders,

We are,
Very respectfully yours,
Bertram Bros. & Co.

40. From a Farmer to a Commission House That Has Been Recommended to Him.

Riverview Corners, Mich., March 1, 19—.

Messrs. Smith & Smith,
Produce Commission Merchants,


My old friend, Farmer Harry Jones, of St. Joseph, spoke to me, the other day, about your firm, and the satisfactory business relations he has had with you for the past three years. I have decided to place the sale of my produce in your hands. I ship every year about

and a lot of other garden truck.

We are on the Father Marquette R. R., and also about five miles from Lake Michigan. Please let me know your best terms for handling my stuff on the Chicago market, and how promptly you remit after sales are completed.

I may have some peaches, apples and grapes for you, during the 52season, although I ship most of my fruit to Grand Rapids, where I have had a ready market for nearly four years.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain,

Yours truly,
Silas Marner.

41. From a Farmer Sending Produce to a Commission House.

S——, Mich. August 20, 19—.

Messrs. Smith & Smith,


I ship you this day, by S.S. "City of Milwaukee", of the G. & M. Line:

80 bu. Peaches,

which please sell to best advantage for my account, and remit proceeds to

Yours truly,
Henry Jones.

42. Answer to the Above.

C——, August 25, 19—.

Mr. Henry Jones,
S——, Mich.

Dear Sir:—

Your consignment of Peaches per S.S. "City of Milwaukee" (G. & M. Line), announced in your favor of 20th inst., was duly delivered us August 21st. The sales were as follows:

50 bu. @ 50c $25.00
25 bu. @ 45c 11.25
5 bu. @ 40c 2.00
80 bu. Total, $38.25
  Less charges and commission as per Account Sales inclosed 16.75
  Net proceeds $21.40

For which please find our check inclosed on First National Bank of our city.

Hoping to be favored with further consignments,

We remain,
Yours truly,
Smith & Smith.

53 43. From a Farmer to a Manufacturing Concern.

Richmond Center, Ohio, September 10, 19—.

The Windmill Building Co.
C——, Ohio.


Will you please send me your catalogue of Windmills, with lowest discount for cash, or best terms for payments in installments?

How long would it take you to deliver the mill, and have it built on my place under your supervision? I am anxious to have it running in good order before the cold weather sets in. In our part of the country, it gets pretty cold early in October.

Hoping for an early reply,

I remain,
Yours truly,
Simeon Trueblade.

44. From a Firm of Ranch-Owners Shipping Cattle to a Commission House.

Belvidere, Texas, September 10, 19—.

To the Live Stock Commission Co.,


We ship this day, subject to your order, per M. T. & K. R. R.:

76 head of Cattle,

which please dispose of at best available prices, and remit proceeds less usual charges and commission.

We remain,
Yours truly,
Simpson Brothers.

45. Answer to the Above.

Chicago, September 16, 19—.

Messrs. Simpson Bros.,
Belvidere, Texas.


Your shipment of 76 head cattle, referred to in your favor of 10th inst., was delivered us on the 14th inst., in fairly good order, by C. 54 B. & Q. R. R. Co. We sold them to-day in open market at $5, or gross ... $4,260.50.

Deducting usual charges and commission as per our Account Sales attached 323.50
Net proceeds $3,937.00

For which find certified check to your order, drawn upon the Stock Yards National Bank of our city, which please acknowledge.

Holding ourselves at your disposal for further consignments,

We remain,
Yours truly,
The Live Stock Commission Co.,
Per H. Roberts, Prest.

46. Complaining of Delay in the Delivery of Goods.

P——, December 10, 19—.

The Stanley Book Jobbing Co.



We have now been expecting for over two weeks the case of books for which you mailed us invoice on the 20th ult. We fail to understand the reason for such an unwarranted delay in the delivery of these goods, shipped, we understand from your letter, over the "Blue Line," and which ought not to have been more than four days in transit between your city and ours.

As the holiday season has practically begun, we are in great need of these books, and would lose much of our chance of selling them if their delivery were delayed much longer. Kindly trace the case at once, and let us hear from you regarding it as soon as possible.

We remain,
Yours truly,
Stonington & Co.



 Chicago. Ill., September 16, 19....
Exchange Building.
 SOLD ON ACC'T OF Simpson Bros.
Car Nos. No. Stock Weight. Off. Price. Amount.  
12876 76 Cattle. 85210   5.00 4260 50 4260 50
Cash Advances.        
  Freight (including feed on road) 260 50    
  Yardage 19      
  Hay 6      
  Commission 38   323 50
E. & O. E. Net Proceeds,     3937 00
56 47. Complaining to a Freight Line Agency of Unwarrantable Delay in the Delivery of Goods.

L——, December 12, 19—.

To the L—— Manager of the "Blue Line" Agency,

Dear Sir:—

We are in receipt of a letter dated 10th inst. from Messrs. Stonington & Co., Booksellers, of P——, complaining of not having received up to that date a case of books we shipped them over your line on the 20th ult. The case was marked "S. C.," and we hold your receipt for same. The delay in delivery, at this time of year, is causing serious inconvenience to our customers, and we earnestly hope that the case will be traced by telegraph and that you may be able, within the next few hours, to notify us that it has finally reached its destination.

To avoid loss of time, we send you this letter by messenger. Trusting that you will do your best to have this matter straightened out at once,

We remain,
Yours truly,
The Stanley Book Jobbing Co.,
Per P. Dunmore, Secy.

48. Answer to the Above.

L——, December 12, 19—.

The Stanley Book Jobbing Co.,


In answer to your favor of even date, to which we gave our immediate attention, we are happy to say that we just received telegraphic notice that the case of books marked "S. C." was delivered this a.m. to Messrs. Stonington & Co., of P——. The cause of delay was due to the misdirection of a car, which it took us about four days to trace up. Regretting this delay, and hoping that it will not have caused you and your customer any serious inconvenience,

We remain,
Yours truly,
The Blue Line Agency,
Per D. D.

57 49. Complaining of Goods having been Shipped by Express instead of Freight, as Ordered.

D——, January 22, 19—.

Messrs. Johnson & Brothers,


We were much surprised to receive to-day the last bill of goods shipped via the American Express instead of the A. B. D. R. R. Co., as we especially instructed you, in our letter of the 10th inst., to make the shipment by freight and not by express. As a consequence the cost of transportation was $3.10 more than it would have been by freight. Kindly let us hear from you how the mistake was made, and believe us,

Yours truly,
Wilson, Day & Co.

50. Answer to the Above.

C——, January 25, 19—.

Messrs. Wilson, Day & Co.,


Answering your favor of 22d inst., we deeply regret that the mistake was made in the route chosen for the shipment of your last order. By referring to your favor of 10th inst., we find that you had ordered the package sent by freight if it weighed over 25 pounds. To compensate you for extra expense incurred, we credit your account with $3.10, difference between freight and express rates in the invoice herein mentioned.

Hoping that this settlement of the little difficulty will prove perfectly satisfactory, and confidently expecting further orders,

We remain,
Yours very truly,
Johnson Brothers.


51. From a New Business Firm Desirous of Opening an Account.

C——, December 10, 19—.

Messrs. Holmes & Wilson,


Having recently established myself in the retail Hardware business in this city, with fair prospects of success, and being in need of goods from time to time, I would like to open an account with your highly respected house.

My capital is small, but I have the satisfaction of knowing that what little I possess is the fruit of my own industry and saving. I can refer you to the well-known firm of Smith, Day & Co., of your city, as to my character and standing.

Should my reference prove satisfactory, please forward me at once, by Adams Express:

and charge to my account. My habit is to settle on the 20th all bills rendered on or before the 1st of each and every month.

Hoping that my order may receive your usual prompt attention, I am,

Yours respectfully,
William T. Browning.

52. Favorable Answer to the Above.

N——, December 14, 19—.

Mr. William T. Browning,
C——. O——.

Dear Sir:—

We take pleasure in filling this day the order inclosed in your favor of 10th inst, as your reference proved quite satisfactory. You will find that we have given you the best terms customary in our business. Hoping to be frequently favored with your patronage,

We remain,
Yours truly,
Holmes & Wilson.

59 53. Unfavorable Answer to No. 51.

N——, December 14, 19—.

Mr. William T. Browning,

Dear Sir:—

In reply to your favor of 10th inst., we have to say that we must ask you to remit the cash before filling your order.

We trust that you will not consider us unnecessarily harsh; we know nothing of your business methods, and as the profit on our goods is so close, we prefer not to open an account.

Perhaps we may become better acquainted in the future. Awaiting your reply,

We remain,
Respectfully yours,
Holmes & Wilson.

54. From a Wholesale Firm, asking for References.

C——, May 11, 19—.

Messrs. Sullivan & Co.,


We understand that you are desirous of opening an account with our firm. Will you favor us with two references, as we have hitherto had no business transactions with you? In all cases when cash payments do not accompany the orders received from firms personally unknown to us, it is our rule to ask for references.

We remain,
Yours obediently,
Singleton & Price.

60 55. To a Bank, asking a Confidential Opinion concerning a Firm in their City.

C——, May 15, 19—.

The Fifth National Bank of X——.


We are about to engage in rather extensive transactions with the firm of Sullivan & Co., of your city, and as a matter of precaution we venture to ask if you can give us any information, in the strictest confidence, respecting their commercial position, and the estimation in which they are held.

Trusting that, if it is in your power, you will so far oblige us, and holding ourselves ready to reciprocate,

We remain,
Yours obediently,
Singleton & Price.

56. Favorable Answer to the Above.

X——, May 18, 19—.

Messrs. Singleton & Price,

Dear Sirs:—

Replying to your favor of the 15th inst., we beg to say our business relations with Messrs. Sullivan & Co. have been hitherto most satisfactory, and we have a personal esteem for them as men of thorough integrity.

Yours truly,
The Fifth National Bank of X——,
Per H. Fletcher, Cashier.

57. Unfavorable Answer to No. 55.

X——, May 18, 19—.

Messrs. Singleton & Price,

Dear Sirs:—

Replying to yours of 15th inst., we beg to inform you that we have no personal knowledge as to the standing of Messrs. Sullivan & Co., of our city; however, we have made several inquiries respecting them, in reliable quarters, and have not, we regret to say, learned anything in their favor.

We remain,
Yours truly,
The Fifth National Bank of X——,
Per H. Fletcher, Cashier.

61 58. To a Lawyer, concerning the General Standing of a Business Firm in his City.

C——, May 15, 19—.

Hon. Amos Watson,
Late Judge Superior Court,

Dear Sir:—

Messrs. Sullivan & Co., Dry Goods Retail Dealers, of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given your name as a reference. We are desirous to know if their general standing in the community warrants us extending them a line of credits. They claim that, having acted as their attorney and counsel for several years, you are conversant with their resources and commercial habits.

Thanking you in advance for whatever information you will give us, strictly in confidence,

We remain,
Yours very respectfully,
Singleton & Price.

59. Asking a Business House to give Bearer Limited Credit, Guaranteed by Writer.

C——, July 14, 19—.

Messrs. Dryden & Son,
Hardware Jobbery, T——.


Please allow the bearer of this, Mr. Frank Hubbard, who is a friend of mine and a thoroughly reliable man, a credit for such goods as he may select, not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), and if he does not pay for them, I will.

Please notify me of the amount of the purchase and when due, and if the account is not settled promptly, according to agreement, write at once or draw for the amount.

Yours truly,
Walter Dunlap.

62 60. Inquiring as to Business Prospects.

H——, August 15, 19—.

Edward Harrison, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

As I informed you, a year ago, I have been thinking seriously of disposing of my small business here and locating in some large town out on the Pacific Coast, where I can grow up with the country as you are doing.

Will you have the kindness to write me, at your convenience, full information in regard to the prospects of business, rates of rents, cost of living, and any other details, especially in regard to the Book and Stationery trade?

If you will thus kindly give me the facts on which I can base my calculations, and all is favorable, I shall probably visit L—— this fall, and eventually become your neighbor.

Yours very truly,
Phillip Ronalds.


61. To a Business House inclosing a Statement of Account.

C——, March 1, 19—.

Messrs. Bright Brothers,
S——, Mich.


Inclosed please find a statement of your account for the past three months, which we believe you will find correct.

We shall feel obliged if you examine the same at your earliest convenience, and be happy to receive your check for the amount or instructions to draw on you in the ordinary course.

We are, gentlemen,
Yours truly,
Sample, O'neil & Co.

63 62. To a Business Firm asking for Settlement of Account.

C——, January 10, 19—.

Henry Holden & Son,


We beg to call your attention to the fact that your account has not been settled this month according to promise, and further request that you will favor us with a check for the same in the course of this week.

Yours obediently,
The Blake Bros. Co.,
Per H. S. Blake, President.

63. To a Business Firm asking Firmly for Settlement of Overdue Account.

K——, August 13, 19—.

Arnold Bass & Co.,


Allow me to remind you that your account has been standing for several months unsettled.

I should not even now have called your attention to the matter, were it not that, in a few days, I must meet a large bill, and shall rely in part on your account to furnish the means.

I would, therefore, esteem it a great favor if you would remit either the whole, or at least the greater part, of the amount due, in the course of a week or ten days.

Thanking you for past favors,

I remain,
Yours truly,
Henry B. Ward.

64. More Pressing Dunning Letter.

K——, August 25, 19—.

Arnold Bass & Co.,


As you failed to take any notice of my letter of the 13th inst., relating to a settlement of your account, now long overdue, I shall feel obliged, to my sincere regret, to have the 64claim placed into the hands of my attorneys for collection, unless I hear from you satisfactorily before the end of the present month.

Trusting that this neglect has been due only to an oversight on your part, and that our pleasant intercourse in the past may be soon resumed,

I remain,
Yours truly,
Henry B. Ward.

65. To a Business Firm, inclosing a Remittance.

T——, March 10, 19—.

Messrs. Sandford & Merton


The goods ordered of you on the 3d inst. have been received, and are entirely satisfactory in both quality and price.

Enclosed please find Philadelphia exchange for $731.15, the full amount of your bill.

Thanking you for your promptness in filling our order,

We remain,
Yours respectfully,
Doherty Sons & Co.

66. To a Business Firm, inclosing Draft for Acceptance.

S——, June 24, 19—.

Messrs. Cassidy & Day,


Inclosed I hand you draft at sixty (60) days' sight for acceptance for eight hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty-eight cents ($814.28), the balance due, which please accept and return by next mail.

Awaiting further favors,

I remain,
Yours truly,
Arthur Phillipson.

65 67. From a Business Firm to a Creditor, asking for time.

M——, January 12, 19—.

The Blake Bros. Co.,

Dear Sirs:—

May we ask your kind indulgence with regard to our overdue account? Owing to unforseen circumstances, we find it is not in our power to settle it under three months from this date. We think it best to solicit this favor frankly rather than to allow you to expect a payment unfortunately not forthcoming. We need not say how much we regret this delay, which is nevertheless unavoidable.

We remain,
Yours obediently,
Henry Holden & Sons.

68. From a Retail House to a Customer, requesting Payment.

N——, January 10, 19—.

Edward Phillips, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

Allow us to call attention to the fact that your account is now overdue. Will you do us the favor to remit a check for same at your earliest convenience?

Yours obediently,
Solomon, Hyman & Co.


69. From a Business House, giving Notice of the Dissolution of a Partnership.

B——, December 15, 19—.

Phillips & Dunham,


On the 1st of January next the partnership for the past ten years existing between Edward B. Hanley and Horace O'Neil, Grocers, will be dissolved by mutual consent.

We take this opportunity to thank our patrons and friends 66for the liberal support extended to us during our business career.

After the 1st of January the business will be carried on at the old stand, Nos. 6 and 8 River Street, by Horace O'Neil and Julius Stern, under the firm name of O'Neil & Stern. We trust you will favor the new firm with your business.

With renewed thanks, we remain,
Your obedient servants,
Hanley & O'Neil.

70. Announcing the Death of a Partner.

R——, May 10, 19—.

Messrs. Deward & Sons,


It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the recent death of our senior partner, Mr. T. Hurd, which occurred on the 5th inst.

At the same time, we have the satisfaction of stating that this sad event will in no way interfere with the future conduct of our business, as arrangements are being made to supply the place of our deceased partner.

For the present, no alteration will be made in the name of the firm.

The surviving partner, Mr. Augustus Densmore, will conduct the affairs as usual, and we confidently hope that, from the experience you have had of our uniform punctuality and regularity, you will continue to favor us with your orders, resting assured that the same unremitting attention as formerly will be paid to the interests of our customers.

We remain, Gentlemen,
Yours respectfully,
Hurd, Densmore & Co.

67 71. From a Business House giving Notice of a Change in the Firm Name.

P——, June 5, 19—.

Messrs. Phillips & Stern,


We beg to inform you of an alteration to take place in the name and copartnership of this firm, on July 1st. Our Mr. Robert Stephenson will withdraw, and his son, Mr. Anthony Todd Stephenson, will be admitted as a full partner, with his father's share in the capital and profits of the firm. The style of the new concern will be Stephenson & Nephew.

We request a continuance of your favor, and assure you that there will be no relaxation of our efforts to conduct business affairs in the usual conservative manner.

Truly yours,
Stephenson Bros.

72. From a Business House Recommending a Successor in Business.

B——, December 20, 19—.

To the Public:—

It is with some feeling of regret that we announce our retirement from business on the beginning of the new year.

Stock and premises will then be transferred to Messrs. Fairfax Brothers, whom we cheerfully present to your notice, and feel it our duty to recommend them for a continuance of that liberal confidence and patronage which you have bestowed on us during the past twenty years.

Both these young gentlemen have been clerks in this establishment for a long time, and are in every way efficient and capable to continue the business.

We are,
Johnson & Fox.

68 73. Notice of Assignment.

C——, Dec. 20, 19—.

To Our Creditors.


In consequence of the failure of the Tenth National Bank, of our city, we regret to find ourselves unable to continue business without resorting to costly expedients, which, in the interest of our creditors, we are anxious to avoid. To duly protect all concerned, we have decided to make an assignment of all our property, and this decision has already met with the approval of the principal local creditors. We have had the good fortune, in this trouble to secure the services, as assignee, of Mr. Walter Mead, a wealthy and well-known retired merchant of this city, who will without delay prepare a statement of our affairs, and submit it to you at an early date.

With renewed regrets for the unforeseen circumstances that have brought about this painful state of affairs, and earnestly counting on considerate treatment on your part,

We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Dominick & Bronson.

Front Position,
Front View.
Correct Position of Body.


We include under this head the correspondence between people in business and private parties, or vice versa.

74. From a Gentleman of Leisure to his Bank.

B——, August 10, 19—.

Cashier Pilgrim Loan & Trust Co.,

Dear Sir:—

Answering your favor of the 4th inst., I was not aware I had overdrawn my account, as I had ordered my brokers, Samuels & Loeb, to deposit to my credit $375 on the first of the month; but I will at once attend to the matter, and request them by same mail to pay said amount to my account in your bank to-morrow, Thursday, before close of business.

Regretting the incident, and thanking you for honoring my last check,

I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Dundas.

75. From a Lady to her Bank.

C——, May 10, 19—.

Cashier Tenth National Bank,

Dear Sir:—

Kindly place the enclosed check of $2,500 on the National City Bank, N——, to my account; I shall be obliged if you will forward me a check book of fifty checks.

Very truly yours,
Maria Tilden.

70 76. From a Tenant to his Landlord, concerning Repairs.

C——, March 22, 19—.

Albert Davenport, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

Will you kindly send some one at once to examine the roof of this house, as the rain comes through in several places. I am sorry to say the pipes are also out of order, and require immediate attention to prevent further mischief.

I remain,
Yours truly,
Henry Fairfax.

77. Answer to the Above.

C——, March 24, 19—.

Henry Fairfax, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

Your favor of the 22d inst. duly received; I have instructed my agent, Mr. Wilson, to have the necessary repairs done without delay; but, as regards papering and painting the rooms you mentioned in a preceding letter, I think it must be deferred until next year, when I will see what can be done. I must remind you that you were aware of the condition of the house when you took it, and that I made no promise respecting redecorations, as the rent paid by you does not warrant my incurring the outlay.

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Albert Davenport.

78. From a Tenant to his Landlord, Complaining of Neglect.

N——, March 4, 19—.

Peter Stirling, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

About three weeks ago, I called your attention to the state of the plumbing in this house, but no notice has been taken of my letter. Unless you send some one at once to attend71 to this matter, I shall have no alternative but to apply to the Health Department, and whatever they consider necessary I shall have done and charged to you.

Hoping that you will not force me to resort to such extreme measures,

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Arthur Appleton.

79. Answer to the Above.

N——, March 5, 19—.

Arthur Appleton, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

I sincerely regret to hear that the repairs you require have not as yet been attended to. Owing to the late severe frost, it is almost impossible to find enough plumbers for the amount of work required at the present moment; however, I have requested my architect to send some one round to-morrow to ascertain the extent of the damage, and to start work at once. Hoping this will prove satisfactory,

I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Peter Stirling.

80. From a Lady to a Firm of Real Estate Agents, Making an Offer for a Furnished House.

C——, April 5, 19—.

Messrs. Lord & Williams,

Dear Sirs:—

I have been over the house on P—— Avenue you sent me a visiting permit for, and should be glad to know if you think the owner would be disposed to accept $75 per month on consideration of my being willing to take the house for six months, providing the enclosed list of articles which I consider necessary are supplied.

Yours faithfully,
Henrietta Wood.

72 81. From a Lady to a Firm of Real Estate Agents, Asking Them to put a House on Their Lists.

C——, May 12, 19—.

Messrs. Smith & Brown,


I wish you would put my house on your books, as I desire to let it immediately, if possible for two or three years. I enclose particulars of number of rooms, rent required, etc. Hoping to hear from you soon,

I remain,
Yours truly,
Evelyn Innes.

82. From a Lady to a Real Estate Agent Asking for a List of Houses for Rent.

N——, August 14, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

Have you any small residences on your books in the neighborhood of Central Park, at from $125 to $150 per month? If so, will you send me particulars concerning them, with permits to visit? I should like to take a home for one year in that neighborhood if I can find one to suit me.

Yours truly,
Henrietta Moore.

83. To a Real Estate Firm Asking Information About a Farm.

C——, July 20, 19—.

Messrs. Washburne & Smedley,


I am informed that you have charge of large tracts of farming land in your State. My friend, Mr. George Porter, of this city, who is also, I understand, a friend of yours, suggests that you might be able to find me just the thing I want. After fourteen years of exhausting professional work in this place, I find myself thoroughly run down, and my medical adviser insists that the only chance for me is to break loose entirely from my present engagements, and either take an extensive tour of travel, 73or enter on some light and pleasant occupation that would serve to interest me without involving any anxious care. In short, it is suggested that two years on a farm would secure me a new lease of life. I think I have presented my case pretty clearly. Country life, in a locality where I need not be far from home and friends, attracts me more than does the traveling.

Do you know of a small farm that could be worked with comparative ease and which I could rent or purchase? If so, I should be glad to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Very truly yours,
George F. Monsell.

84. From a Gentleman to House Decorators, Asking for an Estimate.

P——, April 15, 19—.

Messrs. Silverton & Co.,


I want to have the outside of my house painted, and I shall be obliged if you will send a responsible person to call on me regarding this matter, and to give an estimate of the cost. I shall also be glad to know if you can undertake to complete the work in the course of next week. A prompt answer will be appreciated,

Yours truly,
Edward Simpson.

85. From a Gentleman to a Firm of House Decorators, Asking for Time to Settle His Account.

N——, February 3, 19—.

Messrs. Gold, Ruby & Co.,


I am really sorry that I am unable to settle the whole of your bill to-day; but I send you a check for $25 on account and will endeavor to let you have the balance, $73.31, on the 21st of next month.

Yours truly,
Stephen Caldwell.

74 86. From a Gentleman to a Firm of Publishers, Enclosing Subscription.

M——, May 10, 19—.

Messrs. Harper & Brothers,
New York.


Enclosed you will find a money order for four dollars ($4), for which please send to my address a copy of "Harpers Magazine" for one year, beginning with the first number of the present volume.

Yours respectfully,
David Strong.

87. To the Baggage Master of a R. R. Depot, Concerning Lost Baggage.

D——, May 10, 19—.

Baggage Master C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.
Union Depot, City.

Dear Sir:—

On arriving here from N—— this evening over your line, by the 7:20 train, I gave my check to the Local Express Co.'s agent, and he has just reported that a large leather portmanteau is missing. I left C—— on Wednesday, by the 6:30 train, and saw my baggage checked for D——, over your road. I hold your check No. 27,131. Kindly trace the missing article by telegraph, and have it forwarded without delay, as I need it badly. It bears my initial letters, C. S., and has also a parchment label marked with my name.

I am, Sir,
Yours faithfully,
Charles B. Smith.

88. From a Lady to a Dressmaker, Complaining of Extravagant Charges.

B——, January 25, 19—.

Mrs. Dudley has received Miss French's account, and is sorry to find that it is considerably higher than she had expected. She will call and see Miss French early next week respecting two or three items which require explanation.

75 89. From a Lady to a Dressmaker Postponing the Settlement of an Account.

N——, January 8, 19—.

Mrs. Selborn is sorry she cannot send Miss Jackson a check by return mail as requested, but hopes to be able to do so in the course of the next ten days. She had not forgotten Miss Jackson's account, and is only sorry that she has been obliged to keep her waiting such a long time for full settlement.

90. From a Gentleman to His Tailor.

D——, December 18, 19—.

Mr. Shears,

Dear Sir:—

The Prince Albert coat you sent me yesterday is a misfit in every way. It is too large across the shoulders, tight under the arms, narrow in the chest; the sleeves also are too short, and the collar is full of wrinkles. Considering that I was measured for it, and that it was subsequently tried on, there is no excuse for its fitting so badly. I have this morning returned it to you, and if the alterations are not made to my satisfaction, I shall of course decline to keep the garment.

Yours faithfully,
Alfred Sandringham.

91. Applying for a Situation as Teacher.

D——, July 25, 19—.

Secretary School Board,

Dear Sir:—

Understanding that a vacancy in the faculty of your school has occurred, I beg leave to offer myself as a candidate for the position.

I am 20 years old, a widower with one child. Am a graduate of O—— State Normal School, and have taught successfully for five years. Please find enclosed a copy of my certificate from the County Superintendent of——.

Would be willing to teach for the first year at a salary of $1,000.

If you can give me any encouragement, I shall be pleased to make personal application.

Yours respectfully,
Harold Strong.

76 92. Recommending a Teacher.

D——, July 24, 19—.

To Whom It May Concern:—

Having learned that Mr. Harold Strong is about to leave this State to engage in the work of teaching in —— State, I am pleased to say, that I have known him for over five years, that his character is above reproach, and that he has shown himself possessed of scholarship, tact, enthusiasm, ability to keep discipline; in short, of all the highest qualities of the successful teacher.

I, therefore, earnestly recommend him to any who desire to employ a competent instructor, feeling confident that he will satisfy all reasonable expectations.

Markham Stone.
County Supt. of Schools.

93. From a Lady to Her Lawyer Concerning a Claim Against Her.

B——, July 6, 19—.

Henry T. Turner, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

This morning, I received the enclosed letter from Messrs. Barnes & Butler, Mr. White's lawyers, asking for compensation for damage done to his bicycle by its coming into collision with my automobile. I will send my driver to you tomorrow morning that he may explain the nature of the accident, and I think you will see that no blame attaches to him. Will you have the goodness, after you have seen him, to write to Messrs. Barnes & Butler to this effect?

Believe me,
Yours very truly,
May Wilkinson.

77 94. From a Lady to a Lawyer Concerning a Bill of Costs.

C——, January 20, 19—.

Robert Hazard, Esq.,

Dear Sir:—

Please find enclosed my check for $126.25, in full discharge of all claims against me up to date, according to your bill, which I enclose and desire you to return to me receipted.

With regard to incurring further costs of any kind, I beg to say that I do not intend doing so; neither do I wish to take up your valuable time in correspondence at my expense.

I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Evelyn Story.

Front Position,
Side View.
Correct Position of Body.


We include under this head, letters on matters of business between parties that do not belong to the world of affairs.

95. Asking a Friend to Make a Purchase for the Writer.

T——, April 21, 19—.

My Dear Miss Clancy:—

Will it impose too much upon your kindness to ask you to attend to a little business for me?

I want to buy a nice wrap, and I have no idea what people are wearing just now. I seldom go to town, as you know, and there are no styles to study in these parts; indeed, we are very primitive as regards dress, and I do not like to trust entirely to fashion plates, for fear of ordering something exaggerated.

Your taste is excellent, and you know so exactly what is most suitable to my figure and height, that I should feel more than satisfied if you would choose a coat for me at about $45, for which I enclose a check.

Have you been buying anything pretty this spring? I know you are a great authority on dress, and I suppose you brought home some exquisite gowns from Paris. Are the hats as large as ever? and what will be the favorite color this season?

We are as usual very quiet down here; but I am going to pay a few visits in the northern part of the State, next month.

Believe me, dear Miss Clancy, with many thanks in advance,

Affectionately yours,
Evelyn T. Innes.

P. S.—I enclose measurements.

96. From a Lady Asking a Friend to Visit Furnished Houses for Rent.

P——, January 10, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Durant:—

We are thinking of coming to visit the city for the rest of the winter, if we can find a small furnished house to suit us. Messrs. Roberts & Higgins, Real Estate Agents, of—— B'way, have sent me several particulars of houses, which they highly recommend.

79 Would you be so very kind as to go over and examine for me two houses for which I have received visiting permits (enclosed), and tell me your opinion of them; whether they are fairly well furnished, and thoroughly clean—I mean as regards bedding, etc.

They ask a very moderate rent—$30 per week—so that I do not expect too much in the way of furniture and carpets, and I shall be satisfied if you could give a satisfactory report as to the general condition of things in either of these houses.

It would be a real favor if you would do this for me, as I am anxious to avoid the journey to town which personal attention to this matter would entail.

Thanking you warmly in advance, and hoping that we shall see a great deal of each other next winter,

Believe me, as ever,
Very truly yours,
Harriet Billings.

97. From a Lady to a Friend, Asking Her to Engage Rooms at the Sea-shore.

C——, June 15, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Johnson:—

We have almost decided to spend two months at Long Branch, and I should much prefer taking furnished apartments to going to a hotel. I thought perhaps you might be able to recommend us some rooms where we should be comfortable. If not, would you mind the trouble of making a few inquiries?

We should like to face the sea if possible, and require a sitting-room and three bed-rooms, with private bath. I suppose the rent would be about $25 per week.

Should you see any rooms likely to suit, would you engage them for us from the 1st of July for eight weeks certain? I fear the place will be very full, and that without your help we should have no little difficulty on our arrival in securing desirable accommodation.

I hope we shall have fine weather during our stay at the sea-shore, and see a great deal of you all.

With our united kind regards, believe me,

Very sincerely your friend,
Ellen Brookes.

80 98. From a Lady to a Lawyer Requesting His Immediate Attendance upon Her Father.

B——, February 14, 19—.

Henry T. Turner, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

My father requests me to ask you to call upon him this afternoon, if convenient, on urgent business; he seems very anxious, and begged me to lose no time in sending the message.

Faithfully yours,
May Wilkinson.

99. From a Lady to a Medical Man, Requesting His Immediate Attendance.

G——, August 10, 19—.

Dear Dr. Stanley:—

My little girl is suffering from a severe sore throat. I shall be glad if you will call and see her this forenoon. I feel very anxious about her, and am afraid I ought to have sent for you yesterday.

Very truly yours,
Evelyn G. Dinsmore.

100. From a Lady to a Medical Man, Asking for His Account.

G——, October 3, 19—.

Mrs. Dinsmore presents her compliments to Dr. Stanley, and wishes to know the amount she is indebted to him for his attendance on her daughter, as she is going to leave G——, in a few days.

101. To a Gentleman Concerning a Note the Writer has Indorsed for Him.

O——, January 9, 19—.

My Dear Robinson:—

I was persuaded to indorse a note for you on the clear understanding that the money would be forthcoming at the time agreed upon, and that I should hear nothing more regarding it. I yesterday received notice from a Mr. Wilson, whom I do not know, 81that the note has been presented at your bank, but payment refused, and I have, of course, been compelled to pay it at once, at great inconvenience to myself. You will have the goodness to attend to this matter immediately, and, allow me to add, you had no right to deceive me in this way.

Yours truly,
Martin Lloyd.

102. Requesting a Loan from a Friend.

N——, December 10, 19—.

My Dear Williams:—

May I ask a favor of you, with the hope that you will be able to grant it? I have a most pressing need for $300. Do you think you could oblige me with that sum for a couple of months, when I shall refund the amount promptly? I feel the greatest reluctance in making this request, and only the extreme urgency of the case induces me to do so, although I feel that, if it is in your power to serve me, you certainly will not hesitate to do so.

Believe me, dear Williams,
Ever yours,
Harry Denison.

103. Answer to the Above.

N——, December 12, 19—.

My Dear Denison:—

I hasten to answer your note of Saturday, which reached my desk this a.m. Nothing would have done me greater pleasure than to come to your assistance to the full amount requested. But I am pretty hard up myself, especially toward the end of the year. Still, I don't feel like leaving an old friend in a hole, and I beg you to accept the loan of the $100 enclosed, to be returned at your convenience.

I trust that all are well at home. Hoping to see you soon, well and hearty,

I remain,
Your sincere friend,
Phillip Williams.

82 104. Asking a Relative for a Temporary Loan.

P——, December 10, 19—.

My Dear Bess:—

I am in great financial trouble at the present moment, being unexpectedly called upon to pay a heavy bill of costs to my lawyers, which they demand in a rather threatening manner. You know that I recently lost an important suit which I found among the assets (?) of my poor Harry. The bill amounts to $357, and they ask for this amount within ten days. I am unable to meet this heavy sum just now, and I write to ask if you would be so very kind as to lend me $125.

You may depend upon my repaying you as soon as my late husband's affairs are straightened out; although, I must say, the resources left me, after all just debts shall have been settled, will be possibly inadequate to meet my many expenses, which renders this, may I say extortionate, demand the harder to submit to; but in the hands of lawyers one feels helpless and powerless. At least this is my experience of the profession.

I do trust you may be able to grant my request. I shall be sincerely grateful to you for any assistance you can give me.

Believe me,
Your affectionate cousin,
Mabel Dwight.

105. From a Lady to Another Concerning a Furnished Country House.

N——, August 15, 19—.

Mrs. Edwards presents her compliments to Mrs. Robbins; she understands from her friend Mrs. Ludlow, that Briar Villa is to be let furnished for next year's season—from May to November—, and she thinks from the description it would be very likely to suit her; perhaps Mrs. Robbins will let Mrs. Edwards know when it will be convenient for her to see it.

106. Answer to the Above.

B——, August 6, 19—.

Mrs. Robbins presents her compliments to Mrs. Edwards, and begs to thank her for her note respecting her house, but she has already received an offer for it, which she is disposed to accept. However, should the matter fall through, she will let Mrs. Edwards know at once.

83 107. From a Young Lady Desirous of Securing Farm-House Board.

S——, May 27, 19—.

Mrs. Silas Marner,
The Uplands Farm, B—— Lake, Minn.

Dear Madam:—

I have had charge for four years of the millinery department in one of the largest dry goods establishments in this city. During that period it has never seemed convenient for me to take a vacation. The time has at last come when I must seek full relaxation; although not an invalid, I am dreadfully run down. The doctor prescribes immediate and thorough rest. He says I do not require medicine, but a month in a quiet home, where I shall have pure air, plain food and no worry. Miss Etheridge, who is a friend of mine, and was a neighbor of yours until she came to S——, says the Uplands Farm is the very place for me, and that you are just the kindly friend I need to make a month of peace and quiet a season of perfect delight. I write, therefore, to ask if you could find room for me in your hospitable home, and on what terms. I promise to give you little trouble, for I am not an invalid, nor am I given to "fine city ways," or full of foolish fancies. I want perfect freedom from care and worry; to sleep, to read, to ramble in the woods and meadows; anything to give my poor, tired mind and body four weeks of unbroken rest. Miss Etheridge will write by this mail, and I shall be glad to hear from you at your earliest convenience, as I should like to begin my vacation about June 17.

I am, dear madam,
Yours truly,
Selma White.

108. Answer to the Above.

The Uplands Farm,

B—— Lake, Minn. May 29, 19—.

My Dear Miss White:—

I was a little surprised to find two letters awaiting me at the post office this morning. I am afraid our mutual friend, Miss Etheridge, has been drawing a little upon her imagination.

84 We are a very plain sort of people at the Uplands Farm, as she knows right well. Still, if simple living, fresh air, and perfect rest is what you require, I think we can accommodate you. B—— Lake is within walking distance, and the whole neighborhood is very beautiful. If $—— for the month's board meets your views, I think I could undertake to entertain you, with the hope of providing what you desire.

Pray give my kind regards to Miss Etheridge.

Yours very truly,
Susan Marner.

109. From a Lady Desirous of Placing a Sick Child at a Farm House.

D——, May 17, 19—.

Mrs. Matthew Jones,
The Hollands Farm, W——.

Dear Madam:—

My little girl, Mary, who is just 11 years old, has been growing much too fast for her health. The doctor says there is nothing at all the matter with her, and that she has a splendid constitution, but thinks a little special attention just now would be of great advantage to her through life, and he, therefore, suggests that she spend the coming summer at a farm house, where she would have the benefit of a simple fare and of living almost entirely in the open air.

Mary is not an invalid, nor even in delicate health. If you could make it convenient to board her for the summer, I should esteem it a great favor. You are not very far from D——, so Mary could occasionally visit her home and some of us could come out and visit her; in that way she would not probably be troubled with homesickness. She is a good, obedient child, and would give you little trouble. I shall be glad to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

I remain, dear madam,
Yours truly,
Agnes Williams.

85 110. Answer to the Above.

The Hollands Farm,
W——, May 20, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Williams:—

Your letter of the 17th to hand. I think I could make room for your daughter during the summer if, as your letter indicates, she would be perfectly content with plain living and the simple comforts of a farmhouse. I find my second daughter, Sophia, is already acquainted with your little girl, having met her on two or three occasions at D—— during the Christmas holidays of last year. This would make it pleasant for both children.

As to details, since you are not more than two or three hours' ride from us, would it not be well if you could make the short journey? Matters could be settled so much easier by an interview than by letters.

I am,
Yours truly,
Alice Jones.

111. From a Lady to a Teacher of Music.

Mrs. Howland would be obliged if Signor Leonti would let her know the terms for a course of twelve lessons at her own residence; perhaps Signor Leonti would make it convenient to call upon her any morning during this week before 1 o'clock, when he would be able to judge of the progress her daughter has already made.

C——, May 7, 19—.

112. Answer to the Above.

Signor Leonti presents his compliments to Mrs. Howland, and begs to say that his terms are $5 per lesson of forty-five minutes, at pupil's home; he makes no reduction for a course of lessons. He will have the honor of calling on Mrs. Howland on Thursday morning at 11.

C——, May 8, 19—.

86 113. To an Artist Concerning a Portrait.

Mrs. Donaldson is very desirous of having a portrait of her husband painted by Monsieur Carolus. Will he therefore kindly appoint the most convenient hour to receive her at his studio, when the price of the portrait, the number of sittings to be given, and other details can be discussed.

N——, March 17, 19—.

114. From a Lady Asking Private Reformation about a School.

N——, June 10, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Beamans:—

Will you allow me to ask you a few questions respecting a school kept by the Misses Primley. I understand your little girl is one of their pupils. Are you thoroughly satisfied with the system of education followed at this school, and are the domestic arrangements with regard to comfort and living all that you could wish? My little girl is rather delicate, and requires care. Do you think she would be happy in the Misses Primley's charge, and is your daughter likely to remain with them beyond this term? I should feel grateful for any confidential particulars you could give me on this to me most important subject, and hope you will kindly excuse my troubling you with these inquiries.

Thanking you in advance
I remain,
Very truly yours,
Edith Carrlyon.

115. Answer to the Above.

N——, June 12, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Carrlyon:—

You ask if my daughter is to remain at S—— beyond this term. I am seriously thinking of having her home at once, as she has not been at all well lately, and I doubt if the confinement of school hours altogether agrees with her. I can hardly express an opinion with respect to the progress she has made in her studies, 87as she has been there so short a time. I believe the living is fairly good, but, as you know, delicate children require especial care and attention. The Misses Primley's school was not personally recommended to me by any friend of mine; it came to my notice simply through an advertisement. I shall be glad to hear that these few lines have been of some service to you.

Believe me, as ever,
Very truly yours,
Carlotta Beamans.

Chicago, Jan. 1, '95.

Dear Readers,

This is a sample of business writing, written easily and rapidly, with the combined movement and a coarse pointed pen.

It is as simple as is consistent with ease and legibility and can be written continuously, for any length of time, without fatigue.

This style is the natural outcome from the study and practice of the standard forms.

Very truly,
C. L. Ricketts.




"Kind messages, that pass from land to land;
Kind letters, that display the heart's deep history,
In which we feel the pressure of a hand—
One touch of fire—all the rest is mystery."
H. W. Longfellow.
"Every day brings a ship,
Every ship brings a word;
Well for those who have no fear,
Looking seaward well assured
That the word the vessel brings
Is the word they wish to hear."
R. W. Emerson.

The nineteenth century is the grandest of all the centuries of time. It has done more for the education, the culture and the comfort of the world than all the ages that have gone before. Schools, seminaries and colleges have increased to an almost fabulous extent. With the increase in numbers there has been also an increase in efficiency and influence to such an extent that our institutions of education have become the glory of our land. In the eventful years of this century science has marched on with majestic strides, revealing to the earnest student the long-kept secrets of nature; while the spirit of invention has been busy through all the years making the path of life easier to walk, and redeeming our common life from much of its hardship and drudgery. The railway, the steamship, the telegraph and the telephone are hard at work bridging over space, and making minutes sufficient for tasks that not long ago required months to perform. The printing press is regarded by common consent as one of the greatest inventions the world has ever seen. It has been 89described not inaptly as the miracle of the fifteenth century. But within the last few years the typewriter has come to claim a share in its honors, and to take its place among the most wonderful contrivances of the age.

It would seem as though letter-writing, which half a century ago was a luxury and a delight, is about to become a lost art, a mere memory of days of happy leisure. Before the advent of Sir Rowland Hill, and the establishment of that wonder of our civilization, the modernized post office, men and women of education occupied their leisure hours in writing long, delightful letters to their friends.

It is interesting to note that much of the most admirable literature of the eighteenth century took the form of letters. The best critics and essayists of that time, such men as Addison, and Steele, and Pope were aptly described as "men of letters." The severest and most caustic political strictures ever written were "The Letters of Junius," though who "Junius" was remains a secret, and will probably remain so to the end of time.

But the world moves on! The days of leisure are passed, and a busier age demands quicker methods. In answer to this demand the writing-machines have appeared. These marvelous labor-saving inventions have already wrought a revolution in our commercial life, and they bid fair to put an end to letter-writing in all branches of commerce and in clerical professions generally. Yet, as long as the world lasts letter writing will hold an important place; indeed, it will always be a part of our best life. Business even will sometimes assume such importance, and involve so many intricate details, that it will seem that nothing short of a long and carefully written letter, in which the individuality of the writer appears in the character of his hand-writing, will fully serve the purpose of the occasion.

There is something formal and official inseparable from a type-written letter. Type-written letters are more or less all alike, they have no individuality, are marked by no personal characteristics; while, on the other hand, no two letters from the pens of different writers are ever alike. A firm may send a dozen type-written letters on some important subject, with little or no result. But if the head of some department, or better still, the head of the firm himself, with his own hand, write a letter, then the matter is sure to receive prompt attention. Indeed, any matter 90of more than ordinary importance is surely well worth the trouble of a written letter.

In more intimate intercourse, the hand-written letter still reigns supreme. The mother does not want a machine-written letter from her son. Type-written letters might be from some other son to some other mother. She wants to see her son's hand-writing, for to her loving eyes, his angular, awkward, and even misspelt, letters are a thousand times more beautiful and symmetrical than any letter any typewriter ever produced. What ardent lover would care to receive a type-written letter? Do not lovers fondly linger, and dote, and dream over the very characters wrought by the hand they love so well? A letter from a lover's hand is a revelation that no machine-written letter can ever be. Besides all this, are there not dottings of i's and crossings of t's, and countless twists, and turns, and underlinings, all full to the brim of mystic meanings that no typewriter on earth could convey?


There are other things, moreover, that it would show very poor taste to commit to the typewriter. Such, for example, as letters of condolence or congratulation. No thoughtful, cultured person would send a letter of condolence to a mother who had lost a child, or a letter of congratulation on a wedding anniversary, written on a machine! It would be as far from good taste as though sent from a printing office in printed form.

Who would have cared to have received type-written letters from the 91 brave boys who were fighting the battles of freedom thirty years ago? What treasures those letters were! Written from the battle-fields, on scraps of paper, with the drum head for a desk. Written in haste while "the foe was suddenly firing"; crumpled, blotted, and sometimes stained with blood. How the mothers and sweethearts kissed the precious missives, and even sturdy fathers were not ashamed of tears! The straggling, imperfect penmanship was beautiful, seen by the eyes of love. While love and tenderness endure, love letters and letters sent home must be written by the hand, for there is often as much impressiveness in the form of a letter as in the accents of the voice. In short, good and careful letter-writing will always form an important element in a liberal education. A gentleman is nowhere so much a gentleman as in his letters.

It would be a good thing for Young America to take to heart the thought that the debts of personal correspondence are very sacred obligations. It is a cheap and easy thing to say that the friendship that cannot last without periodical letters had better die; but if friendship is worth having, if friendship is more than a name, it is surely worth keeping and guarding, when all that is asked to keep the fires upon its altars aflame is an occasional kindly letter. Thoughtlessness in this direction is unkindness, and especially in the matter of letters for the home circle. The "exile from home," in far-away lands, finds a letter from home as cheering and refreshing as a fountain in a dry desert land. And in like manner, the home-circle, and especially the mother's heart, is made strong and glad, and goes comforted for many a day by a kindly letter, however brief, from the absent and the loved.

"Write soon!" Oh, sweet request of truth,
How tenderly its accents come!
We heard it first in early youth,
When mothers watched us leaving home.
And still, amid the trumpet joys,
That weary us with pomp and show,
We turn from all this brassy noise
To hear this minor cadence flow.
We part, but carry on our way
Some loved one's plaintive spirit-tune,
That as we wander, seems to say—
Affection lives on faith—"Write soon!"


116. To a Son Entering Business.

L——, April 27, 19—.

My Dear George:—

The fact that your school days are ended and that you are about to enter on the real business of life, is a matter of deep interest to me, as well as of great importance to yourself. I am not disposed to preach a sermon to you, but a few words of good advice will not come amiss just now. All I want to say to-day I can compress into three very brief sentences. Be truthful. Be honest. Be manly. The man who is truthful in spirit as well as in letter, who is so thoroughly honest that he will neither steal nor take an unfair advantage, who is upright and manly in all his dealings, is the man who, in the long run, wins competence and honor. Let the Golden Rule be a guide for you through life. A sentiment from Shakespeare may fitly close this brief letter:

"To thine own self be true;
And it must follow as the night the day,
Thou can'st not then be false to any man."

God bless and prosper you in all your ways.

Your affectionate,

117. From a Son to his Father Offering to Leave College.

H—— College,

H——, February 2, 19—.

Dear Father:—

You had told me enough of your affairs during my visit at home to prepare me somewhat for the news contained in your last letter. I hope even yet that means may be found by which you can meet your obligations. I shall be proud if I can be of any service to you at this critical time, but whether I can or not, I shall not be satisfied unless I make the effort. I want your 93approval in what I propose. You have, with much sacrifice I know, given me a year and a half of college life. I can never tell how much it has meant to me. Whatever I may be able to do for you now will not repay the debt of gratitude I owe you. The semi-annual examinations are just over, so that now is a very convenient time to break off here. I want to go straight to work. With energy and perseverance I can find something to do. Please write me at once that you consent, and give me any advice that occurs to you. I would suggest that I go to Uncle Henry's in C——, and keep his books evenings for my board, as he proposed last fall. I know of nothing new in his circumstances that would have caused him to change his mind about wanting me. I have written to him, and I look for a reply to-morrow morning. If he is willing to take me, and you think well of the plan, there will be nothing to prevent my going at once. In a city like C——, there must be plenty of employment for a willing, active young man, of fair ability and education, and good principles. What I may be able to earn will perhaps help you a little in your present difficulty; please, dear father, accept this offer from

Your loving grateful son,

118. Answer to the Above.

My Dear Boy:—

The generous spirit of your letter brought the tears to my eyes. I know well how much it will cost you to give up, or even postpone your college course. It will be hard to break off class associations, and leave the work that you find so congenial. I wish I could thank you for your noble offer, and tell you that we could worry through without your help, but I find, that my affairs are in a worse condition than intimated in my last letter. Have not given up hope yet, still cannot conscientiously refuse any means of relief that comes to me. Go, my dear son, to your Uncle Henry's, and God bless you. Am well-nigh crushed by this trouble, but the thought of your manly attitude brings me comfort and support. With God's help we shall pull through.

Your affectionate,

94 119. To a Mother from Her Daughter after First Day in College.

R—— College,

R——, September 20, 19—.

Dear Mother:—

You have probably received by this time the postal card that I wrote you while we were in the midst of unpacking. We have at last emerged from chaos. I wish you could see our room—it is so cosy and inviting.

I have so many things to tell you that I hardly know where to begin. "At the beginning," you will say. Very well. There was a gay crowd of laughing, excited girls at the station when I arrived. Such kissing and little shrieks and hugs! I felt quite left out in the cold. We all piled into the college bus together. It was a drive of two miles to the college buildings, and the scenery along the way was perfectly lovely. After we had arrived I was standing quite forsaken in the great main hall watching people who seemed entirely at home pass back and forth or gather in little knots, when a girl came up to me and said: "You are a new girl, are you not? If you will tell me your name I will show you to your room." Have since found out that the sophomores have charge of looking after the freshmen, and this girl was a sophomore. When she learned my name she went to the office to consult the directory, and came back and took me to room 89, on the third floor. There was a large bunch of daisies in a vase on the table. When I admired it, she said, "That's the way we sophomores have of hazing the freshmen." We had a long conversation, and she told me a great many things about the college and what to expect, and finally she concluded, "Now, don't forget, Miss Clarke, that I found you, and you sort of belong to me. If, at any time, you desire any wise advice, or if you get into any scrape and want to get out cleverly, why, call upon me. My name is Alma Robertson, address No. 56, east corridor, 2d floor. You know you can't do much till you've seen Prexy, so you'd better get your number as soon as you can."

I discovered before long what she meant. There were about ten girls waiting in the outer office of the President. Some one handed me a square of paper marked 53. "No. 17 is closeted now," a girl told me, "and I am No. 18." So I went back to my room to wait—no longer my room, however, but our room, 95for there I found my room mate. She is perfectly lovely. Her name is Elizabeth Gyllane. She is a sophomore, and the friend from her own class whom she expected to room with her had not returned to college. I know Elizabeth was very much disappointed, but she made me feel at once that she was pleased with the arrangement made for her, and she was as sweet as could be to me. She is one of the most tactful and unselfish persons I ever met. She is from Virginia, and speaks with a southern accent. She has no mother. Do you think that is why she likes so much to hear about my own? She says she has a very clear impression of you already, and almost loves you. I never got acquainted with any one so quickly before. She understands exactly what you mean and how you feel, and you don't have to explain things.

Every girl has to take an hour's exercise a day. You can walk or you are allowed to row in the wide flat-bottomed boats, if you can prove to the authorities that one is not strong enough to capsize them.

We have not had regular recitations yet, but our lessons are all assigned for to-morrow. I had no idea I should dread it as I do. All the girls I have met have such a superior, learned air—not at all like the high-school girls. I have a perfect horror of being considered stupid.

Elizabeth and I are going for a row at 3 o'clock this afternoon. She has a great many friends who are always coming to see her and making plans that include her, but she told me this morning that she wanted me to go out with her this afternoon—"just we two alone," she said, "for a nice long time together."

I don't know what I should do without her. Last evening I felt so lonely and homesick. I was thinking of you and papa and the baby, and how long it would be before I should see my beloved ones again. Elizabeth found me in our bedroom on the bed, and she was just splendid. She didn't try to jolly me up, but instead she was very serious, and talked with me about my home. She put her arm about me and said, "Alice, your kind of homesickness is a blessed thing. One may be homesick because one has no home to be homesick for." I wondered if she meant herself, but I didn't say anything, for fear of making her feel badly. But I thought how very selfish I was to be accepting her sympathy when perhaps she needed sympathy more than I did.

96 Please give my dearest love to papa, and ask baby not to forget "Lala."

I am sure I am going to be very happy here, dear mother, although the homesick feeling takes possession of me every once in a while. It seems already as if I had not seen you for half a year.

You must have been very tired after I left home, you had worked so hard helping me get ready. I find I have everything I need, and my clothes look beautifully. I can never thank you enough for all you have done for me, and are doing for me. I know you will say that the best thanks I can offer is to make the most of my opportunities, and I shall try not to disappoint you.

Your affectionate daughter,

120. Answer to the Above.

B——, September 23, 19—.

Dear Mabel:—

Your long, interesting letter was duly received. We are very glad to have a clear idea of your new life, and to know that everything opens up so pleasantly. Elizabeth seems to be a very lovely girl, of fine sensibility and womanly character, and I hope sometime we may all know her. She is evidently trying to make your first few days of college life happy ones, and in order to reciprocate her unselfish thought for you, you must have your eyes open to see her needs and wishes. I have regretted that you had no sister of your own age to share your room with you at home, for experience teaches one many lessons in the art of being an ideal room-mate—for it is an art. Perfect breeding, delicacy of perception that will keep one from ever being intrusive, adaptability in little things, orderly habits, responsiveness, sympathy, unselfishness, loyalty, are the qualities to be cultivated by one who desires to be at all times an entirely agreeable room-mate, and these you have, my child, all in more or less degree, I believe: but you are apt to be thoughtless, and you will need to exercise care and self-control. I believe that the friendships you form at college with your classmates and teachers are as important as the studies you are pursuing. This does not imply that you should ever neglect your lessons for social enjoyment. I am sure you have too much good sense to draw such a conclusion.

97 Your father and I are very anxious that you should derive much culture and good mental training from your college course. As far as you can command your own motives, study for the knowledge and the discipline to be derived, rather than for marks or class standing. The higher one's aim, the more permanent will be the result.

It is hard to become used to your being away, my precious child. The house is lonely without you. But it is for your good, and I am so thankful that we can give you this opportunity that I do not grumble. It is a comfort to us to be able to remember that you have always been a good daughter. We love to recall your pleasant ways, and the many proofs of your earnest purpose to do right.

Write to us freely, and tell us of your successes and your difficulties, for we shall want to know all that concerns you.

Gertrude has been to the house to inquire what we have heard from you. She will be delighted to have you write to her. You must not forget your old friends in making new ones. Aunt Mary, also, will appreciate a nice letter from you.

The baby wanted to write "Bebel," so I gave her paper and pencil, and she insists upon my enclosing her scrawl. Good-bye, my darling. God bless you. Father says: "Tell Mabel I love her."

Your affectionate

121. From a Son to His Father, Excusing His Extravagance.

H——, December 20, 19—.

Dear Father:—

I can never thank you enough for your kind, indulgent letter. I am deeply sorry to have occasioned you so much anxiety, and am most grateful to you for your timely aid. Believe me, in the future I will endeavor to give you no further cause for complaint, and I only regret that I should have allowed myself to be led into such thoughtless extravagance. You may depend upon my following your advice, and proving myself worthy of your generous kindness.

I am, dear father,
Your affectionate son,

98 122. From a Mother to Her Daughter on Her Birthday.

E——, April 25, 19—.

My Darling Edith:—

I have planned that this letter should reach you on the morning of the 27th, which is your sixteenth birthday. Your father, brothers and sisters desire me to speak for them, and to say how sincerely we send you a thousand good wishes on this happy day. If only you could have been at home with us, that we might have had one of those old-time festivals! But, dear daughter, the path of duty demands many sacrifices of us all. You are where it is best for you to be, fitting yourself for the serious but delightful duties that must sooner or later demand your attention.

A little box, which I hope has reached you safely, contains some trifling tokens of affection from each one of us, which I know you will appreciate to the full. The box also contains the materials for a pleasant little entertainment, which, I have no doubt, Mrs. Dash will allow you to give to your school-fellows, as I have written to beg a half holiday for the occasion.

God bless you, my dear Edith, and may every succeeding year find you increasing in all that is wise, in understanding and in beauty of character, is the earnest prayer of

Your affectionate

123. From a Son to His Father, Expressing Dislike of His Present Occupation.

C——, April 15, 19—.

Dear Father:—

I feel that you will be disappointed at what I am about to say, but, after due consideration, hope you will not think I am altogether wrong in frankly stating my dislike for office work. I have now been here nearly six months, and find this employment as little to my taste as when I first began. Have tried my best to form a liking for the work, but am quite sure I shall never get on in this kind of occupation.

Should be very glad to talk the matter over with you; it is not that I am afraid of work; am sure, however, that I shall never make a success in a business which has no attraction for me.

99 I have given it a fair trial, and have put off writing to you on the subject as long as possible; but as there is no chance of my changing my mind, further delay would be useless. I shall hope to hear from you in a day or two, dear father, and with love to all,

Believe me,
Your affectionate son,

124. From a Little Boy at Home to His Papa.

C——, April 13, 19—.

My Dear Papa:—

I hope to see you soon, you have been away a very long time; when are you coming back again? I have tried to be a good boy, and Miss Meriam says I have been most attentive at my lessons. Dear mamma will send this little letter with hers. I love you with all my heart.

Your affectionate little son,

125. From a Little Boy to His Grandfather.

C——, August 5, 19—.

Dear Grandpa:—

I hope you are enjoying good health, as usual. I wish you many happy returns of your birthday, and I send you a little paper knife which I bought with my own money, and I hope you will like it and use it; it cuts beautifully. Carrie is going to send you a present also, but I must not tell you what it is to be; she made it herself.

I am, dear grandpa, with much love,

Your affectionate grandson,
Fred Selden.

100 126. From a Little Boy to His Uncle.

C——, May 4, 19—.

Dear Uncle George:—

I can never thank you enough for the beautiful watch you sent me on my birthday. Mamma says I may wear it, but I must not wind it up until I am older, and she is going to do it every day herself for me. I have learnt to tell the time by it; it is now a quarter past three, and we are going out for a walk in the park; so good-bye, dear Uncle George.

We all send you our best love.

Your affectionate nephew,
Fred Selden.

127. From a Little Boy at School to His Sister.

R——, May 31, 19—.

Dear Daisy:—

School closes on Thursday week. I hope my rabbits are well, and my pony also. How is the garden looking? I will help you all I can in it when I come home. We are going to have a baseball match with the high-school boys, this afternoon; so good-bye. Give my love to all. I hope mamma got my letter.

Your affectionate brother,

128. From a Little Girl at School to Her Mamma.

W——, October 19, 19—.

Dear Mamma:—

Am so sorry that Miss Peabody has had to complain of me, but I do try to learn my very difficult lessons, and when I cannot do so I cry until my head aches. Dear mamma, I wish you would allow me to put German aside until next term, and then perhaps I should get on better with my French lessons.

Please give my love to dear papa, and tell him I would not make him unhappy if I could help it, but I have so much to learn every day, and all the girls in my class are older than I am, and have been much longer at school.

With lots of kisses for you, papa and puss,

Your very affectionate daughter,

101 129. From a Little Girl at Home to Her Absent Mother.

F——, June 11, 19—.

Darling Mother:—

We all miss you very, very much indeed, and hope to hear in your next letter that grandma is almost well, and that you will be able to come home in a day or two. Papa is writing to you by this post. I am going out for a ride with him presently. Nurse says the children are very good and happy. Lulu cried a little last night because she could not say good-night to you, but she soon went to sleep while nurse told her a pretty story about a good little girl who did everything her papa and mamma wished. Good-bye, dear darling mother.

Your loving daughter,

130. From a Little Girl on a Visit, to Her Mamma at Home.

O——, August 15, 19—.

Dearest Mamma:—

Cousin Flora is writing to you, but I thought you would also like a little letter from me. I am enjoying myself very much, every one is so kind, but I must tell you all I have seen when I come home. I am longing to see you, dear mamma, and with best love to you and dear papa, I remain,

Your affectionate daughter,

131. From a Little Girl to Her Grandmamma.

P——, November 10, 19—.

My Dear Grandma:—

It was so delightfully kind of you to send me such a beautiful doll! Mamma has given me a cradle to put it in at night, and I mean to take it out walking with me every day. Dear mamma says the next time she comes to see you she will bring me with her; I hope it will be soon; don't you?

With best love, dear grandma, believe me, as ever,

Your affectionate granddaughter,

102 132. From a Little Girl to Her Brother at School.

B——, October 10, 19—.

Dear Charlie:—

You can't imagine how much I miss you. I have no one to play with me now. How do you like being at school? are the lessons very difficult? are there any nice boys like you? Do tell me all about it; what you have for dinner, what hour you go to bed, and what games you play at, and how long you are allowed to play.

Papa and mamma send their best love.

Your affectionate sister,

Vertical Handwriting


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z &

Whatever I have tried to do in this life, I have tried to do well, whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted

vertical handwriting


133. From a Mother-in-Law to a Son-in-Law.

D——, November 12, 19—.

My Dear Alfred:—

I was delighted to hear such an excellent account of you all from Alice; although it is some time since I have been to your house, still I must always feel deeply interested in all that concerns you and yours.

Perhaps I was too hasty in concluding that the advice I offered would offend you: I know, it is generally considered that a mother-in-law's interference is never welcome, however reasonable may be her remarks; but, believe me, dear Alfred, what I said was meant in good faith, and I had no intention of censuring or criticising any arrangement of yours. I should have expressed the same opinion to any friend of mine under similar circumstances had I been consulted. The fact of your being my son-in-law induced me to imagine that I might speak frankly to you without fear of giving offence; indeed, I regard you as a son, and you must not be too quick to resent words my motherly affection prompts me to say.

With kindest love to Alice, yourself and my dear little grandchildren,

Believe me,
Yours affectionately,
Emily Shaw.

134. From a Mother-in-Law to a Daughter-in-Law.

P——, December 30, 19—.

My Dear Maud:—

I have to tell you how much I enjoyed my little visit last week, the first I have paid to your pretty new home, and I trust many years of happiness are in store for you and my dear 104son. He tells me that he has in you the most considerate and affectionate of wives: I sincerely rejoice that it is so. I have seen so many unhappy marriages, rendered such through thoughtlessness and extravagance on the part of the wife, that nothing pleases me more than to think my boy is so fortunate in his choice. His limited means call for the most careful domestic management, and not a little self-denial, and it is so easy when first commencing housekeeping to run into more expense than one's income justifies; but this error I am sure you will carefully guard against, always remembering what strict supervision is required in the smallest domestic details.

I have learned this from experience, dear Maud, which I have found to be the best, if not the most pleasant, of teachers.

With kindest love to yourself and my son,

Believe me,
Yours affectionately,
Malvina Wright.

135. From a Daughter-in-Law to a Mother-in-Law.

C——, August 20, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Park:—

Edward and I are most anxious to know if you have returned home yet, and how you have enjoyed your stay in the mountains. We received your last letter dated July 31st, and have been a little surprised at not hearing from you oftener.

I hardly know where to write to you, but suppose this letter will follow you at the Summit House. Edward is pretty well, and is looking forward to his vacation, which has been postponed this year on account of extra work in the office, but we do not regret this, as we have had such very stormy weather the last three weeks.

The children unite with me and Edward in love to dear grandmamma.

Believe me, as ever,
Yours affectionately,
Lilian Dwight.

105 136. From a Daughter-in-Law to a Father-in-Law.

E——, February 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Winthrop:—

We have been delighted to learn from your last letter that you have been quite well in spite of the severe weather we have lately experienced, and that you are in such good spirits. How wise not to let the small worries of life depress you. I wish I had a little of your philosophy; as it is, I take things too much to heart, and am inclined to allow trifles to vex me. You set us all such a good example by your unvaried cheerfulness.

I suppose you were very much interested in Tuesday's meeting, as you are such a keen judge of politics; but will not express my opinion of it, gathered second-hand from my husband, in case it should run counter to yours. This you may call cowardice on my part, but it is really discretion.

With kindest love from Ned, also myself, believe me, dear Mr. Winthrop,

Your affectionate
Hilda Winthrop.

137. From a Sister-in-Law to a Brother-in-Law.

C——, August 10, 19—.

My Dear Julius:—

As you doubtless know, from long personal experience, my husband is a very bad correspondent, and has, I have discovered, allowed your last kind letter to remain unanswered for nearly a month; so I will try and take his place as far as possible, and ask you to accept me as his substitute. Your news was most interesting to us both. You seem to have had a very pleasant holiday; we quite envied you, and I very much wish Horace could have gone along, if only for a week; but he is so hard worked that there seems no chance of his having even a day's holiday until the end of the season. He is, however, am happy to say, quite well. I suppose you will be back about the end of the month; if my 106 advice is worth having, I should say do not make the long and fatiguing return journey too quickly, but take a fair amount of rest on the way; it is a great mistake to travel night and day after weeks of complete repose and quiet, and is calculated to destroy most of the benefit derived from change of climate and surroundings.

With kindest love,

Believe me, dear Julius,
Your affectionate sister,
Eva Dillingham.

138. From a Brother to a Married Sister Asking for Her Husband's Influence.

N——, June 14, 19—.

Dear Polly:—

You have doubtless asked yourself why I did not write to you lately; the fact is, I have been rather out of spirits, besides being very much occupied.

Am beginning to discover there is little chance of promotion where I am now employed, and that it is almost time to look around for something better. Do you think your husband might take any active interest in me, and would you dislike speaking to him on the subject? I do not exactly know the extent of his influence, or indeed if he possesses any, but I thought from the responsible position he holds with Lombard Bros. & Co., he might perhaps know of some opening that would suit me. I have never as yet spoken to him about my own affairs, and if, on your part, you feel any reluctance in mentioning the subject, pray do not hesitate to tell me so.

Jack seems very happy at school, but is looking forward to spending his holidays with you.

I suppose Mabel's marriage will take place in the autumn, from what she says.

With kind love, believe me,
Your affectionate brother,
Ernest Rand.

107 139. From a Sister to an Elder Brother, about a Temporary Loan.

The Misses Sterling's School for Young Ladies,

S——, May 18, 19—.

My Dear Edward:—

I have an important favor to ask, which I trust you will grant, if it can be done without any real inconvenience.

I have just received a very pressing invitation to go with Mrs. Hubbard and her daughters to London and Paris; afterward to make a tour with them in Switzerland. This would be quite a new experience for me, as I have never yet been abroad. I could not, of course, promise to join them until I had consulted with you about it, dear Ned, and ask you whether you would make me a small advance to meet the necessary expenses of the journey, and to purchase the few things I should require before starting.

Would you think $300 too much to spare at the present time? I have a little money left, but not enough to justify my accepting this invitation without some little help. You have always been so kind and considerate toward us all, younger children, that I know you will gladly give me this pleasure if it lies in your power to do so. It seems a long time since I have seen you, or even heard from you, but I know how many your engagements are, and that a letter from one so busy is hardly to be expected, unless there is something especially interesting to be communicated.

With kindest love, believe me, dear Edward,

Your affectionate sister,

140. From a Niece to an Aunt.

A——, July 15, 19—.

Dear Aunt Selma:—

I do earnestly hope you and Uncle Phillip have not thought me neglectful in not writing to you before this, but beyond asking after you both and hoping you are quite well, I felt I had nothing 108to write about. I lead, as you know, such a quiet life, and the days so resemble each other, that I can hardly distinguish them apart. I ought perhaps to be glad of this, as family news when it has to be told is seldom a matter of rejoicing; quite the contrary, it generally forebodes trouble and sorrow—at least I have found it so.

The east winds have been very trying to my mother lately, but I am happy to say she is fairly well and able to go out every day. She sends her love to you, and hopes to have the pleasure of seeing you and my dear uncle before long.

How is your work society getting on? I suppose your Sunday-school picnic will take place next month, as usual. I can imagine how busy Uncle Phillip must be just now in his garden. Are the bees thriving? and how do the new glass hives answer? Has he been making any fresh experiments?

Please give him my best love, and with much to yourself,

Believe me, dear aunt,
Your affectionate niece,
Sophia Moore.

141. To a Cousin, Wishing a Merry Christmas.

F——, December 21, 19—.

Dear Cousin Jane:—

I wish you and dear Aunt Mary a merry Christmas, and many New Years in the happy future.

It is a long time since we have met; circumstances do not bring us together—quite the contrary; and were it not for the annually returning Christmastide, I fear we should almost drop out of each other's recollection. I am therefore glad of the opportunity of inquiring after you and Aunt Mary, and trust that you are both pretty well. I fear she is rather dreading the severe weather which is prophesied to be in store for us, but prophecies are not always fulfilled, and, in any case, I hope she will not have a return of her old complaint, rheumatism.

With kindest love and best wishes,
Your affectionate cousin,
Eunice Cary.

109 142. From a Ward to His Guardian, Asking for an Increased Allowance.

D——, March 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Wilson:—

With great reluctance I come to ask you to make me a further allowance, but the fact is, I find it impossible to meet the necessary expenses that I am compelled to incur, on the sum at present allowed to me. And as I know how much you disapprove of my getting into debt, I thought it best to write to you frankly on the subject, and ask to see what you could do for me. I should be perfectly satisfied with an additional $500 per annum, and trust you will not think this request unreasonable.

I beg to remain,
Very truly yours,
Reginald Roberts.

143. Answer to the Above.

C——, March 15, 19—.

Dear Reginald:—

I dislike extremely to refuse a request of yours, but were I to comply with the last one, just received, I should only encourage you in extravagance. Your poor father considered the sum at present allowed you amply sufficient for your wants, and I do not feel justified in acting contrary to his expressed wishes. However, I have no objection to making you a present of $100 to meet any pressing claim, but must again warn you that it is imperative you should restrict expenses within the limits of your allowance, and this can readily be done by giving a little more attention to details, and by being less thoughtless in your every-day expenditure.

I am, dear Reginald,
Your sincere friend,
Frederick Wilson.


144. From a Governess Applying for a Position.

B——, June 8, 19—.


Mrs. Alfred D. Campbell informed me, this morning, that you were in want of a governess for your two little girls, and she recommended me to apply for the situation at once, thinking that I might perhaps suit you. My experience in teaching has been gained at home; for the last two years I have undertaken the sole tuition of my younger sisters. I may say that I have been well educated, and am quite capable of instructing young ladies up to the age of fourteen. Mrs. Campbell has known my family for many years, and authorizes me to say that, should you wish her to write respecting my qualifications and fitness for the post of governess in your house, she will be happy to do so.

Hoping to hear favorably in reference to the matter,

I remain,
Yours very respectfully,
Gertrude Leland.

145. Asking a Lady Concerning an Applicant for the Position of Governess.

B——, June 28, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Campbell:—

You had the kindness of mentioning to Miss Leland that I was on the lookout for a governess for my little girls. I understand, from a letter I just received from this young lady, that she has not hitherto filled a similar situation, but this I should not consider a drawback if her qualifications were satisfactory. Would you say she was thoroughly well educated? Can she teach French and German to beginners, and has she a good knowledge of music? Is she both amiable and conscientious? She says you have known her family for some years, 111 so no doubt will be able to satisfy me on all these points. As regards the question of salary, I propose giving my governess $500 a year. Will you kindly mention this to her, and if your answer is such as I expect, I shall have no hesitation in engaging her at once. I have had a great many applications for this situation, but I think it such an advantage to obtain a governess personally recommended by a friend; therefore I am so much obliged to you for advising Miss Leland to write to me.

With kind remembrances to you and Mr. Campbell, believe me, as ever,

Very truly yours,
Marcella Tyler Porter.

146. Recommending a Governess.

L——, June 12, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Porter:—

I am happy to be able to speak in the highest terms of Miss Leland, both as regards her capabilities and moral training; she has been carefully brought up and well educated; is amiable and high principled. She speaks German and French fluently, and her knowledge of music is above the average; she has acquired some experience in teaching, through having instructed her younger sisters. I may add, from what I know of Miss Leland you need have no hesitation in engaging her.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Delia Story Campbell.

147. Answering an Advertisement for a Chaperon.

W——, May 4, 19—.

Edward Worthington, Esq.,


Replying to your advertisement for a "Companion and Chaperon to a young lady," I take the liberty of offering myself for the situation.

My late husband was a captain in the U. S. army; I am 35 years of age, and have been a widow three years. I am a good linguist, and can speak French and German fluently; so that 112should your daughter wish to continue her studies or travel abroad, my knowledge of languages might be of use to her. I am considered a clever musician, and have had a good musical education. The salary mentioned in your advertisement would be quite satisfactory to me, and I should consider myself most fortunate were my qualifications to meet with your approval.

With regard to references, Mrs. Black, wife of the Rev. Phillips Black, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, this city, and Mrs. Bruce, 1750 M—— Avenue, N——, would be very glad to answer any questions respecting me. Awaiting your answer,

Believe me,
Yours respectfully,
Honoria De Witt.

148. Answering an Advertisement for a Companion.

S——, July 19, 19—.

Miss Selma White,


Answering your advertisement in the "Item" of Saturday the 7th inst, I beg to offer my services as "Useful Companion to an Elderly Lady." Should not be afraid to undertake the care of an invalid, and to have the management of household affairs, as, in both these particulars, I have had no little experience in my own family. Am 36 years of age, and the daughter of a physician. Owing to circumstances with which I need not trouble you at the present moment, am anxious to obtain a situation of this nature.

I have been accustomed to read aloud and to write letters from dictation, and to entertain elderly people.

Perhaps it is premature to mention references in this letter, but may say that I could thoroughly satisfy you on this point by giving you the names of several ladies of high standing, in this city, who have kindly promised to recommend me.

Hoping to hear from you favorably,

I am, Madam,
Yours respectfully,
Eva B. Clark.

113 149. Replying to an Advertisement for a Housekeeper.

C——, December 12, 19—.

Sylvester Cary, Esq.

Answering your advertisement in this morning's "Tribune" for a housekeeper, I beg to offer my services in that capacity.

Am 35 years of age, and my experience has been gained through having had the entire control of my uncle's house for seven years. The whole of the domestic arrangements were in my hands—the engaging and dismissing of servants, giving all orders, and keeping the household accounts. I also superintended the education of the two younger children, attended to their wardrobes, and had the entire charge of them.

Can offer two unexceptionable references, besides a personal one from the uncle mentioned above, Mr. Frank Robinson, 310 Masonic Temple, city.

Have no doubt that you will receive many applications for the situation vacant in your establishment; still, I hope that this offer of my services may meet with your favorable consideration.

(Miss) Miranda Taylor.



150. From a Housemaid Applying for a Situation.

H——, September 18, 19—.


Mrs. Matthews, of H——, informs me that you are in want of a second maid, and I now apply for the situation. Have been living for the last two years with Mrs. Richard Stevens, 19 Davis Street, E——, who will give me an excellent character. I have left her to take care of my sick mother, who is now quite well again, and does not need me any longer.

Am 23 years of age, and am strong and active. I received $4.50 a week from Mrs. Matthews. Should be very glad to come over and see you, any day you may please to name.

I remain,
Very respectfully yours,
Mary Sullivan.

151. From a Housemaid Accepting a Situation.

H——, September 21, 19—.


Your letter received this morning; I beg to say I shall be very pleased to accept your situation.

Shall be quite ready to come to you on Friday the 24th, and will start by the 7:30 train from H——.

Very respectfully yours,
Mary Sullivan.

115 152. From a Housemaid Excusing Herself for not Taking a Situation.

H——, September 21, 19—.


I trust you will pardon me for declining your situation; I fear that the work would be too heavy for me. Had not sufficiently considered this before engaging to take the place of house maid in your family, but feel that I am not strong enough for all that would be required of me in that capacity.

Very respectfully,
Mary Sullivan.

153. Asking for Information Concerning a Maid.

Will Mrs. White kindly inform Mrs. Grant whether she considers Eliza Smith—who lived with her as housemaid—to be strictly honest, steady, obliging, and in all respects a good servant, also the reason of her leaving Mrs. White's service?

L——, January 19, 19—.

154. Answer to the Above.

Mrs. White begs to say that Eliza Smith is honest and steady, but would require no little training before she could be considered a good servant. She was only in her service a very short time, and Mrs. White parted with her, as she was not equal to the work.

L——, January 20, 19—.

155. Asking for Information Concerning a Cook.

W——, January 10, 19—.

Mrs. Hardwick would be much obliged if Mrs. Beeton would inform her whether Mary Brown thoroughly understands the duties of a family cook, including baking and laundry work; also whether she considers her trustworthy and reliable. Mrs. Hardwick has been told Mary Brown left Mrs. Beeton's service by her own desire, and that she is willing to give her a good character.

116 156. Answer to the Above.

W——, January 12, 19—.

Replying to Mrs. Hardwick's letter, Mrs. Beeton begs to say that she is able to answer all her questions satisfactorily respecting Mary Brown; she is a very good plain cook, and well up in her duties, she can bake good bread, irons nicely, and is most trustworthy in every way. Mrs. Beeton was sorry to part with her, and she left owing to a disagreement with the second maid.

157. Asking for Information Concerning a Butler.

The High Cliff,

N——, June 3, 19—.

Dear Madam:—

Peter Williams has just applied to me for the situation of butler, stating that he lived with you in that capacity. Will you kindly tell me if, while in your service, he was steady, sober, honest, and whether he thoroughly understands his duties? He informs me he is not a married man. May I ask if this is the case as far as you know, and might I further ask the reason of your parting with him?

Thanking you in advance for the trouble,

I remain,
Your obedient servant,
George Saintsbury.

158. Answer to the Above.

Hawthorne Lodge.

Mrs. Stafford regrets to say that she must decline to give Peter Williams a recommendation. She may further add that he was in her service five weeks only.

June 4, 19—.

117 159. From a Cook Asking a Lady to Recommend Her.

D——, December 5, 19—.

Mrs. Raymond.


Will you kindly excuse my troubling you, but may I ask if you would have any objection to saying what you could in my favor to Mrs. Wyndham, who will engage me as cook, if I can obtain a satisfactory reference as to my capacity and character. Thought, as I had formerly lived in your service, I might be allowed to refer to you. Am aware that I cannot ask for a character, having received one on leaving your service; but, unfortunately, when I left my last situation the lady refused to give me one on account of my having lost my temper with her, she having been previously very violent in her language towards me.

I mentioned this circumstance to Mrs. Wyndham, who says she will overlook it if the answer from my former mistress to her inquiries was satisfactory.

Shall be very grateful, madam, if you will grant this request.

I beg to remain,
Yours respectfully,
Mary O'Brien.

160. From a Nurse to Her Mistress Absent from Home.

P——, August 10, 19—.


I am glad to be able to inform you that the dear children are quite well. Miss Nina has almost lost her cough, and Master Robert has a wonderful appetite compared to what he had when you left home. They all send their best love to dear papa and mamma. I am very particular in attending to all your directions. The house is kept as cool as the season permits, and the heat is quite bearable. I never allow the children to be out in the sun, and I give them cold baths morning and evening.

Enclosed please find the list of things wanted for the young ladies which you desire me to send.

I beg to remain,
Very respectfully yours,
Kate Daly.

118 161. Marriage Proposal from a Butler to a Cook.

N——, March 12, 19—.

Dear Miss O'Neil:—

For some time past, I have been anxious to make my feelings known to you, but have not had an opportunity of doing so. I therefore think it best not to delay any longer, but to tell you by letter that I very much wish to make you my wife, if you think you could be happy with me. We have seen each other so often the last two years, I am quite sure I should never like any one but you; and want you to express the same favorable opinion about me, and say that your heart is mine, my dear Mary. If this is so, the sooner we are married the better.

The legacy of $600 received from my late master, added to my own savings of the last ten years, will enable me to take a boarding-house in a good location, and have already seen one which no doubt would answer very well; but I cannot decide upon anything until you accept me as your husband, and if I have not greatly mistaken your sentiments I believe you will.

Believe me ever, my dear Mary,
Your fond lover,
Thomas Black.

162. Answer to the Above.

H——, March 1, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Black:—

I answer your kind and welcome letter at once. You have not mistaken my feelings: I have a great respect and esteem for you joined to a sincere affection, and from what I know of you, I feel sure you would make me a good and kind husband, and therefore have no hesitation in accepting your offer. Am very much flattered by your good opinion of me, and, as your wife, I will do everything in my power to continue to deserve it.

I hardly know what to say about being married at once, as I am very comfortable in my present situation, and putting by a little money every year; but, as you think of taking a boarding-house at once, I had better hear what you have to say before making up my mind either way.

Hoping to see you very soon,

I am, dear Tom, with kind love,
Your truly affectionate
Mary Baker.



163. From a Gentleman to a Young Lady Friend of His about a Misunderstanding.

D——, September 5, 19—.

My Dear Miss Reiley:—

Will you, please, pardon my addressing this note to you? I write not from a dislike of a personal interview, but because it is better to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment for either of us. I scarcely think it is due to over-sensitiveness on my part that you have seemed of late to repel me. Had I not previously been made gratefully happy by your frank cordiality toward me, I should unquestionably accept your present manner as indicative of your wishes in regard to me. But as it is, I don't understand you, and I am sure you don't understand me. If I have offended you in any way, it has been unknowingly, and it would be a privilege to be allowed to explain myself, or apologize if needed. With this in view, will you give me the pleasure of your company for a drive Saturday afternoon at four o'clock? If it is a matter of perfect indifference, I beg of you to make no excuses in consideration of my feelings in declining this invitation.

Your sincere friend,
James Duncan.

164. Answer to the Above (Kindly).

D——, September 7, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Duncan:—

I have not meant to be mysterious. If any inconsistency in my manner toward you has disturbed your mind, it is for me 120to ask your pardon. It has been quite unintentional. I will be much pleased to drive with you, as suggested, Saturday afternoon, when any further explanations that may be necessary can be exchanged.

Faithfully yours,
Marguerite Reiley.

165. Answer to No. 163 (Conciliatory).

D——, September 7, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Duncan:—

It will give me pleasure to drive with you, as suggested, Saturday afternoon. You must not think it is a matter of indifference to me if I have treated you with injustice, and I want to do my part in coming to a satisfactory understanding. Perhaps an exchange of explanations will set everything right.

Yours sincerely,
Marguerite Reiley.

166. Answer to No. 163 (Chilly).

D——, September 7, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Duncan:—

I think that my manner toward my friends and acquaintances usually represents me correctly. Truth to one's self will not always allow absolute uniformity in one's outward action. This, I trust, will sufficiently account for any change you may have noticed in my attitude toward you. I think a further exchange of explanations will not be profitable.

Yours truly,
Marguerite Reiley.

167. From a Gentleman to a Young Lady Asking the Privilege of a Correspondence.

M——, July 7, 19—.

My Dear Miss Lyman:—

To-day, I send you by express a few little articles belonging to you which my sister Eva, after your somewhat hurried departure, found in her room and in the library. I hope they will reach you safely before you notice that they have been forgotten.

121I thank you for inadvertently furnishing me, by your oversight, a plausible excuse for writing. I should esteem it a very great privilege if you would grant me permission to write again without an excuse for doing so, and I should be gratefully happy if I might receive a reply from you once in a while.

The house seems quite deserted since you left. We all miss you—and "all" contains a very emphatic capital "I." Shall send the pictures as soon as I have finished developing them. I believe Eva is writing you all the news.

Yours sincerely,
Phillip Harris.

168. Answer to the Above.

S——, July 10, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Harris:—

Very many thanks for sending me the articles; they arrived safely this morning. Do you think it quite right to encourage my habits of carelessness by thanking me for my thoughtlessness?

I have just written a long letter to Eva, telling her all that has happened at home during my absence, and I will not repeat myself to you.

I shall wait patiently, but very expectantly for the pictures. When they come I will write you my comments upon them.

I should be much pleased to hear from you again as you suggest. Thanking you for all you did to make my visit in M—— a pleasant one, I remain,

Your sincere friend,
Eleanor Lyman.

169. From a Gentleman Asking Permission of a Lady to Address Her by Her Christian Name.

M——, September 8, 19—.

My Dear Eleanor:—

You see I venture to call you by your given name. If in thus expressing myself toward you I take undue liberty, I beg you to reprove me, and I shall humbly return to the more formal address. I think of you so often that I seem to have known you a very long time.

122Am working hard every day and until late in the evening, and I have not yet had time to read the book you speak of. I have drawn it, however, from the library, and I promise myself the pleasure of reading it Sunday afternoon.

I feel almost ready to apologize for the length of my last letter. It seemed as if I couldn't make you understand my friend Gunther's difficulties, without the dull details of the peculiar circumstances. I thank you for the consideration you gave the matter. He is trying your plan.

Am very glad your mother is better.

Your friend as ever,
Phillip Harris.

170. Answer to the Above.

S——, September 15, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Harris:—

I like to be Eleanor to the good friends who help to make this world for me such a delightful place to live in, and you are one of them. Thank you for the old Indian chief's picture. What a fine face he has!

I am to take the children to a picnic at the river side this afternoon, and it is time to begin putting up their luncheon. So this must be one of my short letters.

Your sincere friend,

171. From a Gentleman Asking a Lady for an Interview.

R——, April 14, 19—.

My Dear Miss Brown:—

Permit me to ask the favor of an interview, at as early a date as will be convenient to you, if you will be kind enough to grant me one. I have some things to say of very great importance to myself, and trust they will not be without interest to you. I should not care to write what is so much better said, and shall await your answer with considerable anxiety. With every sentiment of sincere esteem.

Believe me, my dear Miss Brown,
Yours, very sincerely,
Alfred D. Jones.

123172. Answer to the Above.

R——, April 15, 19—.

Dear Mr. Jones:—

Your kind note of the 14th is at hand. I shall be pleased to accede to the request you so courteously present. If Thursday will suit your convenience I shall be at home at five o'clock in the afternoon. Mamma joins me in best regards.

Yours sincerely,
Ada Brown.

173. From a Gentleman to a Young Lady, Proposing Marriage.

M——, November 8, 19—.

My Dear Eleanor:—

I was disappointed yesterday, but this evening your letter came—and what a welcome it received! I cannot tell you how much a part of my life your letters have become, how they have helped to lift me to a purer, clearer atmosphere, how they have made the common things of everyday seem noble and worth while. Should our friendship end here, I could not but be deeply grateful for what you have done for me—done unconsciously by simply being what you are—and all my life I should be a better man for having met you. At the very beginning of our acquaintance you won my heart by your gentle ways and your bright, sweet unselfishness and ready sympathy, and time has only deepened the feeling that was awakened in me by my first meeting with you. It has been hard, harder than you can ever know, my darling, to love as I have loved you and be silent so long. You are the most beautiful, the dearest girl in all the world, and I love you, love you with all my heart and strength and soul, and long to prove it by a life's devotion. Dearest, all that I have or am or ever hope to be is yours, yours now and forever, yours wholly and absolutely. Would I had more to offer you! It is little—only myself. Dear Eleanor, can it not be? May I not devote my life to making you happy and myself more worthy of you? If you are not sure of yourself, only give me a chance and I will make you love me. Let me plead my cause in person. I long to see your own sweet lips and eyes say yes to me.

Yours ever,
Phillip Harris.

124174. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

S——, November 12, 19—.

Dear Phillip:—

Your letter came last evening. It hardly took me by surprise, but made me very happy. I cannot help being glad that you love me, Phillip, and have begun to do some hard thinking to find out what my feeling is toward you. You know it is a long time since we have seen each other. I want so much to see you again, and if you come, as you suggest, shall try not to disappoint you.

Yours sincerely,

175. Answer to No. 173 (Unfavorable).

S——, November 12, 19—.

Dear Phillip:—

Your last letter was a complete surprise to me. I cannot but feel honored by the kind regard of one for whom I harbor no sentiment but respect and admiration, but am quite sure that our friendship, so pleasantly begun, can never ripen into any deeper relation.

I am very sorry to seem unappreciative. While thanking you for the honor you have paid me, I am so clear that my view of the matter is right, that I believe a fuller consideration on your part will convince you also of the same. I must ask your pardon for not having observed earlier the course of your thought toward me, but did not know that you regarded our friendship in so serious a light. Forgive me and believe me,

Your sincere friend,
Eleanor Lyman.

176. Marriage Proposal to a Lady to whom the Writer has never been Introduced.

C——, May 15, 19—.

Dear Madam:—

I know only too well that I am taking a very unusual step in venturing to address you, but let me trust that under the circumstances you will be inclined to excuse it, as unfortunately there appears to be no other course open to me of making myself known. 125 Your beauty has inspired me with a most sincere admiration, and the various occasions on which I have had the pleasure of seeing you have served but to deepen the impression at first created; thus the one hope that animates me in writing, is that you may be induced to return my affection and ultimately become my wife. My position and means would, probably, be found satisfactory to your friends, and I trust you will give me an early opportunity of pleading my suit in person, and of offering every possible explanation to your relatives respecting my prospects in life. In the meantime, I should tell you that I have lately become a junior partner in the well-known firm of Messrs. Andrews Bros. civil engineers and contractors, of this city, and am thoroughly able to maintain a wife in comfort, if not in luxury. Kindly accept my enclosed photograph. Dare I hope that it may silently speak for me?

Believe me, dear madam, with humblest apology for my boldness,

Yours most respectfully,
Sylvester Langdon.

Miss Ethel Dunlap.

177. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

C——, May 16, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

Your letter received this morning surprised me greatly, coming from an entire stranger. I at once showed it to my aunt, with whom I am staying, and she considers it so straightforward, that she sees no objection to your calling on her, especially as she is slightly acquainted with some members of your family. My aunt will be at home about four o'clock, but you must not consider this permission to call as an encouragement of your hopes on my part. It is merely an opportunity afforded by my relative of our becoming acquainted.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Ethel Dunlap.

Sylvester Langdon, Esq.

126178. Answer to No. 176 (Unfavorable).

C——, May 17, 19—.

Miss Ethel Dunlap was naturally very much surprised at the contents of Mr. Langdon's letter. She hastens to inform him that it is out of the question she should entertain his proposals. She need not trouble him with her reasons for this decision, beyond saying that they are quite conclusive, and she very much regrets, for Mr. Langdon's sake, that he should have allowed himself to think of her for a moment. She begs to return his photo, and to add that she trusts the impression she appears to have made upon him will prove but a very transitory one.

179. Marriage Proposal to a Young Lady Unaware of the Writer's Intentions.

B——, May 1, 19—.

My Dear Miss Starr:—

I have met you very frequently at your father's house and elsewhere, and your manner has ever been most kind and friendly towards me. Yet I dare not flatter myself that you are aware of the deep love I entertain for you, a love which now emboldens me to write and to confess how the hope of gaining your affection and of inducing you to become my wife, has been for the last few months uppermost in my mind. Should I be so fortunate as to win your regard, your happiness should be my one thought and care, and you should never regret having entrusted it to my keeping.

I shall await your answer with the greatest impatience. If there is any hope, hasten to put an end to my anxieties, and make me the happiest of men.

If, on the other hand, you require time for consideration, do not be afraid to ask for it. Now that you know how dearly I love you I can afford to leave my cause in your hands, and to wait any length of time you may consider necessary for your final decision.

Believe me, dear Miss Starr, Yours very faithfully,
John Peabody.

127 180. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

B——, May 3, 19—.

Dear Mr. Peabody:—

Hitherto I have looked upon you only as a friend, and I can hardly yet realize that you wish me to regard you in any other light. From what I already know, I have no doubt that you would make any girl very happy whom you loved, but, although I have a great liking and esteem for you, I cannot say that I return your affection as you deserve.

However, as I know how good and kind you are, and how highly both my father and mother think of you, let us hope that in time I may learn to love as much as I esteem. It is perhaps better not to say more at present. Please believe in my deep-felt gratitude for the offer of your life's devotion.

Very sincerely yours,
Lucy Starr.

181. Answer to No. 179 (Unfavorable).

B——, May 3, 19—.

Dear Mr. Peabody:—

Your letter has occasioned me much pain, because I have but one answer to make to it. I wish for your sake it were otherwise, but you must only think of me as a friend.

Great as is the honor you have done me in asking me to become your wife, I must hold out no hope of such a possibility. Kindly accept this answer as final, and do not press me for a reason. I shall always value your friendship very highly, and trust that after a little time we may meet again as friends, and that you will forgive me for the disappointment of to-day, which I cause so unwillingly.

With best wishes for your happiness,

Believe me,
Very sincerely,
Lucy Starr.

128 182. Marriage Proposal from a Gentleman to a Lady to whom he has paid Marked Attentions.

T——, July 21, 19—.

My Dear Miss Jones:—

I earnestly hope not to be mistaken in thinking you are aware of the sentiments I entertain for you; I have made this very plain in the attentions I had the happiness of paying you; but lest any doubt should exist in your mind as to the strength of my attachment, let me tell you how very dear you are to me, and how each time I have seen you the feeling has deepened into more devoted love.

I feel sure that I am not indifferent to you, and that were it otherwise, you are too kindhearted to have misled me into believing this, and therefore do not hesitate to ask for your love. May I write to your father on this subject at once? You see, your consent is taken for granted. Still, my dearest, I shall look with some anxiety for the assurance that I have not misunderstood your feelings, and that you return my affection, so that before long I may have the happiness of claiming you as my wife. How cruel that our being away from each other obliges me to write what it would have been such a delight to speak out in unmistakable words.

Believe me ever yours,
Frank Liscombe.

183. Answer to the Above.

A——, July 23, 19—.

Dear Mr. Liscombe:—

Your letter has made me very happy. For some time, I have believed that you cared for me; how could I think otherwise, from the way in which you constantly devoted yourself to me? Still, I was very glad to receive the confession of your sincere attachment, and will not attempt to conceal how truly I return it, and how earnestly I shall endeavor to prove worthy 129of your devotion. I feel sure, that there is perfect sympathy between us, and that my happiness will be as safe in your hands as yours will be in mine.

My father has been told of your proposal, and wishes me to say, that he will be pleased to hear from you.

Believe me yours,
Always affectionately,
Isabella Jones.

184. Marriage Proposal from a Gentleman of Small Means.

C——, May 19, 19—.

Dear Miss Southgate:—

For several days I have been pondering in my mind whether it would be best to write or speak to you on the subject that is nearest to my heart, or whether it would be wiser for your sake to keep silence altogether; however, I have now decided to plead my cause as best I can.

Do you think you could be happy as the wife of a poor man? would you be content to wait until such time as my income would justify me in marrying? would the knowledge that my heart is all your own induce you to feel a corresponding affection for me? or am I asking too much? Would you be afraid to enter into a long engagement, an engagement of perhaps two years? Although I am not in a position to maintain a wife at the present time, my prospects are encouraging, as my uncle has promised to take me into partnership early next year, which will materially improve my position. In the meantime, the knowledge that I am working for you will brighten every hour of my life, while for your goodness in thus waiting and trusting, no after-devotion on my part can ever repay.

I hope your answer will not be long delayed, as my anxiety will be great, indeed.

Believe me, dear Miss Southgate,

Yours very faithfully,
Arthur Redfield.

130 185. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

O——, May 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Redfield:—

It would not be truthful for me to say that I am surprised at the contents of your letter; on the contrary, I almost knew beforehand what you were anxious to say to me and what I was anxious to hear. You cannot suppose I should be afraid to be a poor man's wife; my love would be little worth having if it were so: no, I do not dread a long engagement, it will give us time to know each other better; my attachment to you is sufficiently strong to bear the strain. I am not afraid that your feelings will undergo a change towards me, or that mine will alter towards you. Indeed, should either of us cease to love the other it would only prove how wise we were to put our affection to the test by waiting.

My mother, I am sorry to say, entertains a prejudice against long engagements; she has no real objection to this particular one, however, as she has a personal liking for you, so I think she will not oppose the realization of our wishes, as she will know that my happiness is so deeply concerned, and together I hope we shall make her believe that she approves of our attachment and of our engagement.

I shall hope to see you to-morrow; dear Mr. Redfield,

Believe me,
Yours lovingly,
Mabel Southgate.

186. Answer to No. 184 (Unfavorable).

O——, May 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Redfield:—

Believe me, I am deeply grieved at the answer I am obliged to give you; but I have no alternative than to write as I am now doing. My father will not for a moment hear of our engagement, and whatever my own feelings may be, you would not, I am sure, wish me to disobey him. He considers a long engagement would be most imprudent on our part; he 131 says you may not be in the same mind two years hence, and that your prospects are too uncertain to render such a step advisable.

All this sounds cold and hard; but, coming from him, it must be said. I dare not hold out a hope that, if we are both free "two years hence," you might expect a very different answer, because this might appear in the light of a secret understanding; still, I do not think that I shall easily forget you, or stop thinking of you, or cease to take a warm interest in all that concerns you. Dear Mr. Redfield, good-bye, forgive me for the disappointment I am compelled to inflict, think of me kindly, and believe me,

Yours very sincerely,
Mable Southgate.

187. Marriage Proposal from a Middle-aged Gentleman to a Young Lady.

B——, January 15, 19—.

Dear Miss Sutter:—

Lately I have had the happiness of meeting you very frequently at the houses of mutual friends, and each occasion has served to strengthen the impression made upon me on first seeing you. I should consider myself the most fortunate of men if I could persuade you to accept me as your future husband. Though well aware of the disparity of age that exists between us, I trust that you will not regard it as a bar to my happiness. I am still, if I say so myself, in the prime of life, and the experience my years give me will better enable me to shield your youth, and be protector and considerate counselor, as well as the most devoted of husbands, if you will give me the right to be so.

Although not a rich man by any means, still I can offer you every possible comfort that easy circumstances permit. As to my position and surroundings, they are well known to you. I trust I have not been premature in disclosing my hopes, and that they may receive favorable consideration at your hands.

Pray believe me, dear Miss Sutter,

Very faithfully yours,
Charles Grant Lewis.

132 188. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

B——, January 17, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lewis:—

I deeply appreciate the honor you have done me in asking for my hand. Although I have always entertained a great esteem and regard for you, I had not, hitherto, thought of you as a lover; but perhaps, in time, may feel the affection which is due from a woman to the one who is to be her husband; only you must be content to wait a little, and not expect too much at first. Allow me to add that my heart is quite disengaged, and that you have no rival to contend with, merely the ideal hero who finds a place in the imagination of most girls. My sister thinks that I am very fortunate to have won your affections, and she hopes that you will soon give her an opportunity of telling you so. I shall remain here for the next three weeks, when mamma is coming up for a few days to take me back home. I have written to her of your letter, and shall doubtless receive an answer soon.

With my sister's kind regards and mine, believe me, dear Mr. Lewis,

Very sincerely yours,
Margaret Sutter.

189. Answer to No. 187 (Unfavorable).

B——, January 17, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lewis:—

While sincerely grateful for the high compliment you pay me in asking me to be your wife, I cannot, to my regret, entertain your proposal. I like you very much indeed as a friend, but am quite sure I should not be happy with one so much older than myself. You would probably think me foolish if not frivolous, and I should very likely fear you more than love you. In a word, I should not be a suitable wife. Please do not think of me in that light, as it would not be for the happiness of either of us.

My sister thinks otherwise, and wished me to return a very different answer; but you are too good and kind for any one to marry you save from motives of affection.

With all good wishes, believe me,

Very sincerely yours,
Margaret Sutter.

133 190. Marriage Proposal from a Widower to a Widow.

S——, July 18, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Lothrop:—

I have been pondering many things—reviewing the past, looking forward to the future, and trying to see the meaning, the purpose, running through the tangled web of life. We don't either of us believe that chance directs our course in this world. It was not, then, chance that brought us together at the anniversaries three years ago. Since that time we have had many opportunities of becoming acquainted; our children have grown to be fast friends; my boy's heart was won to you from the first word you ever spoke to him. Chance has not worked all this; nor is it chance, dear Mrs. Lothrop, that opened my eyes to find in you my ideal of perfect womanhood.

The brief happiness that has been mine is a memory sacredly cherished for its own sake, but the disappointments, the struggles, the sorrows of my life have served only to prepare me to appreciate the nobility, the sweetness and the truth of your nature, and my own need of you. Dear Mrs. Lothrop, I love you with the deep, unchanging love of matured manhood. I long to cherish you, to protect you and your little son from the rude blows of the world.

We cannot either of us forget the past. Those whom we have loved and who have loved us will not rejoice to see us sad and lonely for their sake. Surely we should not wish them, in that brighter world where they have gone, to be sad for us, and shut out other love and friendship.

Your boy will soon need a father, mine wants a mother now; we need each other, and I love you with all the strength of my being. Can you not learn to reciprocate my feelings, and if so may we not hope for God's blessing in joining our earthly fates?

Yours ever,
Henry Waldron.

191. Answer to the Above.

C——, July 22, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Waldron:—

It is true, as you say, that our ways have been strangely brought together. I have even sometimes wondered what the end of it all might 134 be, although I have not dared to cherish any definite thought on the subject. Through our acquaintance, I have learned gradually and unconsciously to trust you and depend upon your judgment in many little matters, and find pleasure and comfort in your society. Your letter has touched a responsive chord, and my heart urges me to yield to your desire. And yet, I know not. Let us see each other, let us talk the matter over together.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Lothrop.

192. Marriage Proposal to a Wealthy Widow.

H——, November 13, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Taylor:—

If I were to state that I have long admired you, that would be simply telling what you already know; but hitherto I have felt a reluctance to express my warm feelings of regard towards you, lest I should be accused of mercenary motives, owing to the difference that exists in our fortunes, you having wealth at your command, while I am in very moderate circumstances. Your manner of late has been so kind—dare I say, encouraging?—that it seems to me that I should be wronging your generous nature, if any false pride on my part were allowed to stand between me and my hopes. Dear Mrs. Taylor, will you accept the devotion of my life, and let it be my one aim to make you happy? If sincere affection can do this, it is yours to command.

I shall see you this evening, but let me have one line if possible before then. In the meantime,

I remain,
Devotedly yours,
Albert S. Ormsby.

193. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

H——, November 14, 19—.

Dear Mr. Ormsby:—

You are certainly not fair to yourself and to me when you write that I could for a moment believe you capable of unworthy motives or that you would feign a love not sincerely felt. I have too high an opinion of you and of your principles to be otherwise than flattered by your preference. After this frank confession 135of regard for me, I will not hesitate to say that I feel well inclined towards you, so well indeed, that I may bid you hope; you must not be too impatient, but give me time to be certain that in marrying you I should be consulting my own happiness as well as yours. Nothing more can be said at present. Believe me,

Yours very sincerely,
Frances Stone Taylor.

194. Answer to No. 192 (Unfavorable).

H——, November 14, 19—.

Dear Mr. Ormsby:—

I have certainly no reason to suspect that your professions of affection for myself are dictated from mercenary motives, and while declining your proposal I render full justice to your high principles; but I have no other feeling for you than that of mere friendship, and if anything in my manner has led you to think otherwise, I can only express my sincere regrets, and assure you that it was quite unintentional on my part.

I remain, dear Mr. Ormsby,
Truly yours,
Frances Stone Taylor.

195. Marriage Proposal from a Widower to a Young Lady.

I——, September 12, 19—.

My Dear Miss Cummings:—

Will you allow me to ask you a very serious question which nearly concerns my happiness, trusting you will be able to grant me a favorable answer? From what I have seen of your amiable disposition and gentleness, I feel sure that you would make me a sweet and loving wife and companion. Will you consent to this, and be the mother of my darling children? They are so young that at present they have hardly realized their loss. They have already learned to love you, and it is in your power to fill up the void that now exists both in my heart and home.

It is now two years since I suffered a loss which was then thought irreparable, but since we became acquainted, I have felt136 that there was yet happiness in store for me, if you would accept my love, none the less sincere because I have loved before, and mourned so deeply. Do not hesitate to tell me frankly whether the interest I have awakened in your heart is a feeling of regard for myself or merely one of compassion for my lonely condition. One word as regards my circumstances. Have a fairly good income, but this is a matter for your father's consideration, and I can satisfy him on this point. Shall I call and receive your answer to-morrow from yourself, or will you write to me? Perhaps the latter would be best.

Believe me, dear Miss Cummings,

Yours very faithfully,
Adrian Sommers.

196. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

S——, September 13, 19—.

Dear Mr. Sommers:—

Yes, it is true that I feel deeply interested in you and in your sweet children. I have felt so sorry for you and for them. Do you really think I could be to you all you say and replace the one you have lost? I should not be afraid to undertake the responsibility of being a mother to your little pets, if certain that it would be for your happiness; mine I am sure would be secured by such a marriage, and I do not hesitate to say that I will be to you everything you wish. So far, I have not spoken to my father about the matter, and would rather leave it to you to do so; he regards you so highly that you may feel sure of a welcome.

Believe me, dear Mr. Sommers,
Yours very sincerely,
Selma Cummings.

197. Answer to No. 195 (Unfavorable).

S——, September 13, 19—.

Dear Mr. Sommers:—

It is a matter of much regret to me that the friendly interest I have taken in you and your dear little children should have led you to imagine that I entertained towards you a warmer feeling than that of friendship; perhaps it would be kinder to tell you at once that my 137 affections are already engaged, although there is no immediate prospect of my marriage, and the engagement is at present only known to the members of my family. My heart being devoted to another, I felt at liberty to manifest an almost sisterly liking for you, in my endeavor to cheer you and lighten your sorrow. I am deeply grieved to have unintentionally misled you into thinking I cared for you in the way you wish.

Now that you know the reason why I cannot return your affection, you will not think I am to blame, and allow me to regard you as one of my greatest friends.

Pray believe me, dear Mr. Sommers, with kindest wishes for your happiness,

Yours very truly,
Selma Cummings.

198. Marriage Proposal to a Young Lady, from a Widower with Grown-up Daughters.

S——, July 10, 19—.

Dear Miss Denslow:—

I truly believe you must have realized, for some time, how much pleasure I take in your society, how greatly I have been attracted by your many charms, and how deeply I admire all your amiable qualities. I am only one of the many who have already told you this, but still venture to hope that I am not altogether indifferent to you. Your friends will perhaps tell you that I am old enough to be your father, and that a man with grown-up daughters ought not to think of making so young a girl his wife, but in spite of my being well over forty, my sympathies and affections are as keen as if I were twenty years younger, and if you will accept me, it shall be the study of my life to make you happy. You would be a sister and companion to my girls, and to myself the most beloved of wives. Will not press you to give me an answer at once; take time to consider if you think it would be for your happiness to link your fate with mine. How grateful I should be if you decide in my favor! Believe me in the meantime,

Very faithfully yours,
Henry B. Lowell.

138 199. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

F——, July 13, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lowell:—

I have thought for some time over the contents of your kind letter, that I might be quite sure I was taking a wise decision. It is not the difference of age between us that has made me a little doubtful as to what would be my welcome in your family; but whether my coming amongst you in this position would not make things unpleasant for you as well as for myself. Your daughters are great friends of mine, it is true, but would they not feel aggrieved at my being the mistress of a house over which they have themselves had sole control? However, I am perhaps too sensitive in this matter, and it should be wrong to sacrifice your happiness and my own to an idea which perhaps is unfounded. Enough has been said for you to understand the feelings with which I regard you, and if, after reading this letter, you still think I could make you happy, I will offer no further objections to your wishes.

Believe me, dear Mr. Lowell,

Very truly yours,
Irma Denslow.

200. Answer to the Above (Unfavorable).

F——, July 12, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lowell:—

Much as I like and esteem you, I nevertheless shrink from the responsibility of the position you offer me. Such a step would be neither for your happiness nor for mine. Your daughters would very naturally regard me as an intruder, and would feel very pained at your marrying a girl as young as themselves. I am quite serious in what I say, and am not at all likely to think differently; let us therefore hope that you will soon view my decision in the same light, that is to say, as the only fitting one under the circumstances.

With all good wishes,
Yours very truly,
Irma Denslow.

139 201. Marriage Proposal to an Heiress.

M——, September 10, 19—.

Dear Miss Simpson:—

Ever since I have had the happiness of visiting you, on a friendly basis, the one wish of my heart has been to become worthy of you, and to succeed in winning your affections. I know that you have many admirers, but none, believe me, more devoted than myself. Of course, I have the disadvantage in the eyes of your friends of being poor and they may endeavor to make you believe that it is the heiress I love; but do not think so badly of me, dear Miss Simpson, as to entertain so cruel a suspicion of one who, if you were penniless, would be proud to prove his devotion to you. It is idle to distress you and myself with such doubts; let me rather assure you of my unchanging love, and of my confidence that, with youth and hope in my favor, I have a bright career opening before me. For the fulfillment of my wishes, I should be content to wait any time that you and your friends might consider expedient, provided you gave me the assurance that you returned my affection, and would lighten my probation by your sympathy and encouragement.

I have but inadequately expressed what was uppermost in my heart, but you will, I am sure, give me credit for all that was left unsaid.

With sincere regards,
Believe me,
Yours very truly,
Harold Cane.

202. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

H——, September 11, 19—.

Dear Mr. Cane:—

Your letter, so tender and straightforward, made me both happy and unhappy; happy in knowing that you love me, and unhappy at the opposition which I fear awaits us both at the hands of my uncle and guardian. It will be very difficult to make him believe in your disinterested affection, and even more so to gain his consent to our engagement; from the few words he said to me on the subject, I know he holds very strong opinions against my marrying any one who has not some means of his own. I need not tell you that his views are not mine in 140 the least; I am only too glad to be rich for your sake, but we must both be brave, and trust in the future. You must not take umbrage at anything my uncle may say to you, and I will endeavor to make amends for any harshness on his part you may have to endure, by showing you how much I value your love.

With kindest wishes, but with rather a sinking heart,

Believe me,
Yours affectionately,
Mary Simpson.

203. Answer to No. 201 (Unfavorable).

H——, September 11, 19—.

Dear Mr. Cane:—

While I am much flattered by the favorable impression I seem to have made upon you, I have never thought of you as a possible husband, although as an agreeable partner at a ball I like you very much. To speak frankly, I am certain never to care for you save as an acquaintance. I am afraid, in spite of your disclaimer to the contrary, that were it not for the accident of my prospective wealth you would not have thought of proposing to me; but be this as it may, it would not influence the answer I have to give you, and it is kindest and best to tell at once, that there is no hope of my changing my feelings toward you.

Thanking you for the honor thus done me,

I remain,
Yours truly,
Mary Simpson.


204. Asking a Father for His Daughter's Hand.

N——, February 19, 19—.

Edward T. Jones, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

I wish to write to you upon a matter in which the happiness of my life is concerned. I have long admired your second daughter, Miss Helen Jones, and trust I am not mistaken in thinking that she is not indifferent to me; indeed, I am confident that, with your permission to do so, I could succeed in winning her affections; but I hesitate to say a word to her on this subject until assured of your sanction to address her. I have even delayed asking for your consent to be accepted as a suitor for your daughter's hand, fearing that you might consider my prospects hardly justify me in taking such a step; but I can wait no longer to declare my sentiments, and to learn what chance there may be for me.

My salary and income together do not amount to more than $1,800 a year, but with what you may be inclined to give your daughter, should her marriage meet with your approval, I have no doubt that with prudence and economy I might be able to make a comfortable home for her.

Hoping you will give this letter your favorable consideration,

Believe me
Respectfully yours,
Henry Lloyd.

205. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

N——, February 21, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Lloyd:—

I must say that I do not altogether approve of early marriages, or think it right that a young man should rely upon other142 than his own resources when he contemplates maintaining a wife. However, as my daughter's happiness is my first consideration, and as I find on questioning her that she is evidently attached to you, I shall not oppose your engagement, and will do what I can to enable you to marry; but, in justice to my other children, cannot promise to do much, and $1500 a year is the utmost allowance I can make her. Shall further expect you both to wait at least six months, which at your time of life ought to be and indeed is no hardship; anyway, this is the decision I have arrived at after mature deliberation.

I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Edward T. Jones.

206. Answer to No. 204 (Unfavorable).

N——, February 20, 19—.

Henry Lloyd, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

The only part of your letter which afforded me any satisfaction is that wherein you say you have not spoken to my daughter regarding your hopes. I may as well inform you that I am not prepared to make her any allowance on her marriage. What she will receive from me at my death is a question for my future consideration. I do not intend her to marry a man who cannot support her without coming to her father for help, and you will distinctly understand that I beg to decline your proposal for her hand.

Yours obediently,
Edward T. Jones.

207. Another Request to a Father for His Daughter's Hand.

R——, May 24, 19—.

Arthur Brown, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

My frequent calls at your hospitable home during the last three months have doubtless prepared you, to some extent at least, for the request I am about to make. It was my good143 fortune to meet your daughter Ada, last Christmas eve, at the house of a mutual friend. Since that time, many opportunities of renewing an acquaintance so pleasantly begun have presented themselves, of which I have been delighted to avail myself.

The result of these happy interviews is that admiration and esteem have ripened into love, and I now ask your kind consent to be a suitor for your daughter's hand. I have not taken this step without some reasonable ground for hoping that such a suit would at least be seriously entertained. But I have been trained to regard the rights of parents with such respect, that it would add largely to my delight in this important step of life if I might count on your hearty consent. You have known my family for years, and on that ground, am proud to feel assured that there will be no difficulty whatever. My business position and prospects are such as to assure all the joys and comforts of a happy home, should your daughter do me the honor to share my lot. This matter I should be glad to explain more in detail if you so desire, and to submit a complete statement of my net assets and future resources.

With sincere thanks to Mrs. Brown and yourself, and to all the members of your household, for the many kindnesses received,

I am, dear sir,
Yours very respectfully,
Alfred D. Jones.

208. Answer to the Above.

R——, May 27, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Jones:—

Your letter has not greatly surprised me. With the spirit of it I am much pleased. Such an important step in life as you contemplate should always be taken thoughtfully, and the hearty consent of the interested families is, in my judgment, greatly to be desired. So far as my daughter Ada is concerned, my one great desire for her is that her life may be as peaceful and happy in the future as it has been in the past. You have my consent to woo, and if wooing you should win, you will win a treasure. I pray God will guide all for the best.

Yours very truly,
Arthur Brown.

144 209. Asking a Father for His Approval of the Writer's Engagement with His Daughter.

C——, June 3, 19—.

Henry Longstreet, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

I have been fortunate enough to gain your daughter's affections, and, having spoken to her on the subject of my hopes yesterday, I hasten to ask for your consent to our engagement, trusting earnestly that you will not withhold it. My constant endeavor will be to make her happy, and to prove myself worthy of her choice. Before saying a word to her, I talked the matter over with my father, and he has promised to do all he can to further my wishes, and says he will allow me $1,000 a year from October next, in addition to the salary I now receive, and which amounts to $3,000. Your daughter fully understands my position, and is quite willing to accept the home I can offer her, subject to your approval.

Believe me,
Respectfully yours,
Edward Keane.

210. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

E——, June 5, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Keane:—

If I feel absolutely certain that my daughter's happiness is concerned in obtaining my consent to her engagement with you, I will offer no opposition to it, and shall be glad to receive you at our house as her accepted lover. I sincerely believe that you will, as you say, make her a good husband. Will endeavor to see your father in a day or two, and explain to him what I can afford to do for my daughter.

Faithfully yours,
Henry Longstreet.

145 211. Answer to No. 209 (Unfavorable).

E——, June 5, 19—.

Edmund Keane, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

It is my firm opinion that you have been premature in speaking to my daughter as you have done, without previously learning my wishes on the subject. I am very much displeased with her for giving you any encouragement, as she fully understood that it would be contrary to my views were she to do so; however, it obliges me to tell you distinctly that I decline to give my consent to any engagement between you, and am not likely to alter this determination.

Yours obediently,
Henry Longstreet.

212. From a Gentleman, asking for His Father's Approval to His Recent Engagement.

L——, August 10, 19—.

My Dear Father:—

I am not sure that you will be fully pleased with the contents of this letter. I write to ask your consent to my marriage with Miss Ethel Blake. I anticipate all your objections, but hope your affection for me will induce you to waive them, and that my dear mother will use all her influence with you in my behalf. Need not tell you how good and amiable and charming Miss Blake is; you have seen enough of her in social circles, in C——, to appreciate her many lovable qualities. She will make the best of wives, and your and my dear mother's consent is all I want to complete my happiness.

Believe me, my dear father,
Your affectionate son,

213. Answer to the Above.

My Dear Lewis:—

B——, August 4, 19—.

In answer to your rather startling communication, must state at once that it is quite out of the question that I should countenance your engagement with Miss Ethel Blake. Have no doubt that she is all you say, and what I have seen of her is quite 146in her favor, but you must be reminded that you are not in a position to maintain a wife; you have your own way to make in the world, and have no right to suppose that I can allow you sufficient income to marry upon. I should be unjust to your brothers and sisters were I to decide otherwise; and I beg you to understand that you have nothing to expect from me if you persist in your imprudence, which can only be regarded as a boyish infatuation. Your mother sends her love, and says she is sure you will not be so rash and foolish as to act contrary to my wishes.

Believe me, my dear boy,
Your true friend and affectionate

214. From a Young Lady to Her Guardian, asking for His Approval of Her Recent Engagement.

C——, January 17, 19—.

Dear Mr. Andrews:—

Since you called last, I have received a proposal of marriage from Mr. Phillip Thompson, with whom you are slightly acquainted. He is very much attached to me, and I have a great esteem and regard for him; so much so, that I have told him I would endeavor to obtain your consent to our engagement, and I trust you will see no reason for withholding it. Mr. Thompson says he would be very pleased to explain his position and prospects fully to you if you allow him the opportunity, and he hopes that you will find both satisfactory. I thoroughly understand the importance of the step I wish to take, but as my future happiness is so deeply concerned in this matter, my earnest wish is that you will return a favorable answer.

With all kind regards, believe me,

Dear Mr. Andrews,
Very sincerely yours,
Gertrude Maywood.

147 215. Answer to the Above.

S——, January 10, 19—.

My Dear Miss Maywood:—

I am going to disappoint you greatly by stating that Mr. Phillip Thompson would not be a desirable husband for you. Am sorry that you should have allowed matters to go as far as they have, as I understand from your letter that you almost accepted him. However, I have your interest too much at heart to give my consent to a marriage which would not ultimately be for your happiness, and you are possessed of too much good sense to act contrary to my opinion. In my responsible position as your guardian, I must advise you to the best of my judgment in what affects your welfare; and, disagreeable as it is to me to oppose your wishes, I feel it my duty to give you my firm opinion on this serious subject.

If you desire it, I will myself communicate with Mr. Thompson.

Believe me, as ever, dear Miss Maywood,
Your sincere friend and guardian,
Alfred B. Andrews.

216. From a Father to a Gentleman who has paid Marked Attentions to His Daughter Requesting to Know His Intentions.

G——, April 17, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

I consider it my duty to ask you frankly what are your intentions towards my daughter. Your manner toward her has evidently awakened a deep interest in her affectionate heart. She has been too well brought up to think of bestowing her love where it was not properly and fully appreciated and returned, and I cannot allow her happiness to be trifled with; therefore hope that you will see the propriety of at once putting an end to a position embarrassing to her as it is painful to me.

Awaiting your answer, believe me,
Yours very truly,
Adolphus Redding.

148 217. Answer to the Above.

G——, April 19, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

I was greatly surprised at the receipt of your letter, and can only hope you are mistaken in supposing your daughter to be interested in me. I flatter myself that she regards me as a friend, and as such have a sincere admiration and esteem for her; but it is my duty to say that I entertain no feeling of love towards her, and that I have only paid her such attentions as are due from a gentleman to a lady in whose society he is frequently thrown. Under these circumstances, I conclude you would wish me to discontinue my visits at your house and I shall do so with much regret. With the kindest remembrance of the hospitality I have there received and with compliments to Mrs. Redding,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Alfred S. Baker.

218. From a Father to a Gentleman, forbidding Him to Pay any further Attentions to His Daughter.

C——, January 10, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

Permit me to say that your attentions to my daughter have become so marked of late, that I wish them discontinued. I do not approve of you as a suitor for her hand, simply on the ground of your pecuniary position; and consider that you have not been acting fairly in endeavoring to gain her affections, not being in a position to make a comfortable home for her. I have my daughter's promise that she will neither write to you nor see you without my consent. Relying upon your honor to respect my wishes, and not to attempt any further communication with her.

I remain,
Yours truly,
Thomas D. Curran.

149 219. Answer to the Above.

C——, January 11, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

I felt much pained surprise when reading your letter, just delivered, as from the encouragement I have received to visit at your house and from the manner in which I have been allowed to devote myself to your daughter in public, at balls and parties and in society generally, I was under the impression that Mrs. Curran and yourself tacitly approved of my attentions to her.

It would have been kinder had you thought proper to signify your disapproval six months ago, as my conduct must have been as patent to you as to every one else. However, as your daughter acquiesces in your views, I have nothing more to add beyond this, that I will respect your wishes, and beg to remain,

Yours faithfully,
Arthur Hatfield.

220. From the Father of a Young Lady to the Father of a Young Gentleman, disapproving of the latter's Attentions to Writer's Daughter.

P——, June 14, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

I am sorry to have to write to you on a somewhat delicate subject; the fact is, your son has been paying my daughter Alice considerably more attention than I think desirable, and a word from you would no doubt put a stop to the matter. He has been on such a friendly footing with my family that I did not apprehend that anything like a serious attachment was likely to spring up between your son and either of my daughters; however, from what I gather, such is the case.

I am sure you will agree with me that a marriage between my daughter Alice and your boy would be most imprudent, if not altogether impossible. I take for granted that he cannot look to you for an allowance upon which to support a wife, while I am certainly not in a position to do anything for my daughter; under these circumstances, perhaps the best thing would be for the young people to discontinue meeting for the present.

150 Were your son of age, I should take a different course with him; as it is, I leave it to you to bring him to reason; should he be so foolish as to persist, I shall make it a point that my daughter understands that she is not to encourage him in his attentions. Counting upon your kind and wise consideration of the matter,

I remain,
Yours faithfully,
Walter Hubbard.

221. From a Mother Announcing her Daughter's Engagement.

T——, May 22, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Winslow:—

I feel certain you will be pleased to hear that darling Mary is engaged to be married to Mr. Sanford; he is the son of a very old friend of ours, and everything we could wish as a son-in-law. It is delightful to see how happy the young people are in each other's society; he is as devoted to her as she is fond of him. Had it not been so, in spite of our liking the young man so much, I doubt if we should have given our consent, as at present his prospects are not very good, and they will have to wait till next year before thinking of being married: thus you see it is not yet a matter for congratulations, but I did not wish you to hear the news from any one but me.

Believe me, dear Mrs. Winslow, with kind regards from my husband and myself,

Very sincerely yours,
Harriet Sanderson.

222. Answer to the Above.

B——, June 1, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Sanderson:—

We are all delighted to hear of your daughter's engagement and sincerely wish her every happiness; please tell her so with my love. It must be a great source of pleasure to you to know that she is going to make so satisfactory a marriage, one of which you and her father so highly approve. I shall hope to151 become acquainted with your future son-in-law at an early opportunity, and you must tell me when the wedding is to take place, as should I not be in town at that time, I might yet embody my good wishes in the form of a suitable souvenir.

With kind remembrances to all,

Sincerely yours,
Margaret Dean Winslow.

223. From a Young Lady to a Girl Friend, Announcing Her Engagement.

T——, May 22, 19—.

My Dearest Girl:—

I know you'll be delighted to hear the good news I have to tell you about myself: I am engaged to be married to Mr. Edward Lloyd, whom I mentioned so often lately in my letters to you. I was not very much surprised at his proposing, as I fancied he liked me, from his constant attentions. You can imagine how happy I am; he is everything one would wish one's lover to be. I am sure you will think he is handsome. I do, of course, and every one says he is very clever. He is five years older than I am, which mamma thinks is an advantage. I hope you will be one of my bridesmaids, dear Madge; we are to be married very soon. He has taken a nice house, and you must be one of our first visitors. Papa and mamma are delighted at my prospects, and think Edward will make me the best of husbands.

With warmest love, believe me,

Your ever affectionate,
Fanny Sanderson.

224. From a Young Lady, Congratulating a Girl Friend on Her Engagement.

H——, June 3, 19—.

My Dear Fanny:—

How pleased I was to hear of your engagement. I want to be among the first to offer you the warmest congratulations. Do tell me a good deal more about your fiancé, and whether it is to be a long engagement. I need not ask if you are very happy, 152as I am sure you would not have accepted any one to whom you were not sincerely attached. You will doubtless have to answer a great many letters from friends and relatives, all desirous of wishing you joy, but still I hope you will find time to write me a few lines soon.

With kindest love,

Yours most affectionately,
Madge Richardson.

225. From a Gentleman Announcing His Engagement.

Canadian Club,
T——, May 22, 19—.

My Dear Fawcett:—

I wonder if you will be surprised to hear that I am going to be married, and that I shall want your services on the occasion as best man, but I will give you due notice when the day is fixed. In the meantime, you may, if you please, congratulate me, as I consider myself to be a very lucky fellow. She is one of the nicest girls in the world—Fanny Sanderson. Didn't you meet her at the last Country Club golf tournament? I get on very well with her people, and my future father-in-law is inclined to be very liberal about money matters. So, you see, it's an all-around delightful affair.

Yours ever,
Edward Lloyd.

226. To a Young Lady, from the Mother of Her Fiancé.

N——, December 20, 19—.

My Dear Marion:—

My son Phillip has suggested that I write you a few lines, and, although we had not the pleasure of meeting each other, yet from all he says I feel sure that he has chosen wisely. He has always been the best of sons to me—so affectionate, tender-hearted, and considerate; and you will understand something of the pride I feel in him, and how dearly I love him, and how anxious I am that the one who is to be his wife should value him at his true worth. It would be a great pleasure to me 153if your parents would allow you to pay me a little visit, as I much wish to make the acquaintance of my future daughter-in-law.

My son has shown me your photograph, so I have some idea as to what you look like. He tells me how charming you are, and that he is certain I shall not be disappointed when we meet. Dear Marion, my boy's happiness is in your keeping, and I trust and pray you may be to him all his fond mother could wish.

With kind love, I remain,

Your affectionate
Susan Deering.

227. Answer to the Above.

P——, December 22, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Deering:—

It was most kind of you to write to me. I cannot help feeling a little shy in answering your letter, but trust we shall not long remain strangers to each other. Phillip has often talked of you, and is so anxious that we should meet; but I am sorry to say mamma cannot spare me just now, otherwise I should have been very pleased to have accepted your kind invitation. I quite appreciate all that you say in praise of your son, and think I love him almost as much as even a mother could wish, and indeed you may trust me to do all in my power to make him happy. Thanking you again for your kind letter, believe me,

Affectionately yours,
Marion White.

228. From a Gentleman Congratulating a Friend on His Coming Marriage.

M——, July 14, 19—.

My Dear Swift:—

I just received your kind invitation to attend your wedding on the 20th of August. I am greatly delighted, but not much surprised to receive this invitation. I have had my suspicions for some time that you were growing weary of a bachelor's lonely miserable life. One by one, you genial fellows are passing over to 154the realm of the married, and very soon I alone shall be left to tell the sad story.

Well, I congratulate you with all my heart. You have had a successful career; you have earned honor and competence in the battle of life, and now you have won the "dearest girl in the world." God bless you, old fellow, and make all your coming days bright and prosperous.

You may depend on my putting in an appearance on the 20th of August. If the train fails, or the tires of my "bike" give out, the walking will no doubt be good.

Ever, dear Swift,
Yours truly,
James T. Lord.

229. From a Fiancée Asking a Young Lady to be Her Bridesmaid.

A——, June 10, 19—.

My Dear Miss Rice:—

My marriage with Mr. Langdon is to take place on the 15th of next month, and I write to say it would give me much pleasure if you would be one of my bridesmaids. I thought of having eight—my two sisters of course, Mr. Langdon's sister and a cousin of his, the two Misses Whetherby, yourself if you will consent, and Miss Mordaunt.

We have not yet decided about the dresses, but I will let you know what we settle upon as soon as I have your answer. We expect Miss Langdon here to-morrow to talk the matter over with us.

With love to yourself and kind regards to Mrs. Rice, believe me,

Very sincerely yours,
Sylvia Marsden.


230. To a Lady on Being First Accepted.

M——, June 10, 19—.

My Dear Eva:—

I cannot tell you with what impatient anxiety I have been awaiting your answer to my letter, and though you were too good to keep me long in suspense, still the interval between writing to you and hearing from you, was passed by me in alternate fear and hope—fear that I had mistaken your feelings, and hope that perhaps you did care for me a little. At present I can hardly realize the happiness of knowing that I may soon call you mine; it is the fulfillment of my most cherished wishes.

Believe me, dearest, it will be my one thought and care to render your life a happy one, and if we both love and trust each other we may, I hope, look forward to a bright future together. I was much gratified by your father's message to me, and I shall hope to run down to R—— on Saturday next as he so kindly proposes. In the meantime, will you not send me a photo of yourself that I may show it to my mother, who is most anxious to know you, having heard from her son how sweet and lovable you are?

I remain, dearest Eva,
Your devoted
Edwin Drummond.

231. To a Lady to Whom the Writer Has Become Recently Engaged.

Hotel Cecil, L——,
July 18, 19—.

My Dearest Maud:—

I am conceited enough to hope that you have become a trifle impatient awaiting news from me. I arrived here last night rather fatigued from a hurried journey and a rough crossing. I shall hope to find a letter from you on my arrival at the Hotel du Palais, Paris. You may be sure I shall not remain away from you 156a day longer than is absolutely necessary to complete the business I have on hand, and you will, I am sure, give me the welcome I deserve for having made such haste to return to you. I picture you sitting under the chestnut trees on the dear old lawn, and, I trust, thinking of me. Excuse a short note to-day, I find it difficult to collect my thoughts. I leave this by the evening mail.

Remember me to all your family; and believe me, dearest Maud,

Yours devotedly,
Max Dingley.

232. From a Gentleman to His Fiancée asking Her to Accept a Present.

O——, May 1, 19—.

My Dearest:—

Will you delight me by accepting the accompanying locket and wear it for my sake? I shall be much pleased to hear that you like it, and only regret that I cannot present it in person, but shall hope to see you ere long. Excuse a short letter to-day, and ever believe me,

Yours affectionately,
Harold Cummings.

233. Answer to the Above.

O——, May 2, 19—.

Dearest Harold:—

Thank you so much for the beautiful locket received this morning; I admire it immensely, and shall indeed be pleased to wear it for the sake of the dear giver. I should so like a good photo of you to put in it. Will you send me one when you next write, or, better still, bring it yourself? You can imagine how greatly I am looking forward to your promised visit; will it not be very soon? it seems so long since we saw each other. I trust, dearest Harold, you are quite well, and are not overworking yourself with too much writing as you told me you had been doing lately. How do you like your new quarters? Tell me everything about yourself. I think you know how interested I am in everything that concerns you.

All are well at home; my aunt thinks of remaining here another three weeks. Until I have the great happiness of seeing you,

Believe me, dearest,
Yours lovingly,

157 234. To a Gentleman to Whom the Writer Has Just Become Engaged.

O——, August 10, 19—.

Dearest Fred:—

You have expressed a most complimentary desire that I should write you a long letter in answer to yours. It is a great happiness to me to do so, and to know that you care to hear of all my thoughts, hopes, and wishes. I have read your letter again and again; the assurance it contains of your affection is very precious indeed. Dear Fred, do you really love me as much as you say you do? I ought not to doubt it, but still it seems so strange and new that I should have the power of winning the heart of one so good and clever as you are. I am very proud that it did happen; my heart is full of thoughts of you, and every hour of the day I look forward to being with you again. I try, oh so earnestly, to fit myself for the position that awaits me as your wife, that you may never regret your choice.

Ever affectionately,

235. From a Gentleman to His Fiancée.

C——, January 10, 19—.

My Own Dearest:—

It is nine o'clock, and I am just home from the office. You see I am working hard. My only thought, all the time is not for myself, but for us. You won't forget it, darling? Do you dream sometimes of the little home we have planned? Can you not see it all? Is it not worth waiting for? Oh, dearest, do not forget that you have drawn my whole heart out of me—that it is all in your keeping, and that you are mine, mine. I live only in you, night and day, waking or sleeping. I love you so that it is pain not to have you, not to hold you.

Yesterday night our friend Max took me around to a reception or party or something of the kind at his fiancée's, Miss Lord. It was a very pretty affair, the ladies were in full dress, and the house was decorated in green and red. Miss Lord was a gracious hostess, and couldn't have done more than she did to make it pleasant for me. I had a delightful evening, and I certainly told her so; but I was thinking only of you all the time—you in your little pink gingham under the apple tree. Do you remember? 158It was May, and the sun was setting, and I kissed you for the first time without being scolded for it. You are not sorry that you didn't scold me? Think hard, dear, and tell me when you write. And do so, very soon. You know how I watch the mails, and how disappointed I am when the longed-for letter isn't there.

Good-night, my beloved, my precious little one.

Yours devotedly,

236. Answer to the Above.

L——, January 13, 19—.

Dearest Edward:—

The snow is twenty inches deep, and we are almost buried. Jim brought me your letter this morning. He was quite exhausted ploughing his way up to the house. "Thought it would pay me, Polly," he said, "to see the love-light in your eyes." Dear, lonely old Jim, so faithful and unselfish! Mother brought him in and gave him a cup of coffee. I don't know why it is, Edward, but sometimes I want to share my happiness with everybody, and then again I like to feel that it is exclusively my own. It is splendid of you, Edward, to be working so hard, and I am proud, and proud that you love me. I have also been working hard since yesterday morning. You could never guess at what. Mother and I have been cataloguing and arranging the books in the school library; you cannot imagine what a task it was. And this evening Mr. Melville is coming around to consult with mother about library methods, and how to manage the circulation of the books. I am going to ask him to mail this letter for me, so must finish it as quickly as possible.

Yes, Edward, I do remember that May sunset from under the apple tree. It is very long ago. We were only children. I didn't know what love was then—how deep and strong. Beloved, I never forget you, never pause in my loving of you.

Your own

159 237. Another Letter from a Gentleman to His Fiancée.

S——, December 14, 19—.

My Darling:—

All day in the store, and then the long evening in my room alone, that is my outward life. And my inward life—it is you, only you, for I think of you all the time.

The rush of business is increasing as the holiday season draws near; such hurrying, scurrying crowds of people, and only one little girl in all the wide world that I want. And my arms ache for her to-night.

Eva, dear, your last letter is worn quite to tatters from being carried in my pocket and pulled out for frequent re-reading. You would laugh if you could see it, and take pity on me and write me a new one.

Tell me, darling, what you are doing. Have you finished reading Romola? Do you like it! Are you keeping up your practicing? Did you have a good time at the sleighing party? Who was there? A regular string of questions, isn't it? You know everything you write interests me, and I like the little details most of all. Your letters are little fragments of you. I kiss them and treasure them most sacredly. O darlingest, dearest girl, I love you and long for you. Tell me, dear, can't you feel me loving you even though you are so far away? And do you love me? I like to have you say so. And how much? But, ah! you are too far away. I can't hold you until you laugh and have to tell.

Every night and every morning I thank God that I have found the dearest, truest girl that ever was, and that she has given me her promise to be mine. Dearest, I think of it every hour. Nothing can ever separate us. Am wholly, wholly yours, and you are mine to love and cherish.

With a heart full of devotion,
Yours ever,
Alfred Hinman.

238. Answer to the Above.

M——, December 16, 19—.

Dear Alfred:—

My walk to the office this morning after papa's mail was well rewarded by your letter. Charlie Darwin was there posting 160eight dozens of his circulars. He is perfectly jubilant over his prospects, and he had to walk home with me to tell all about them. He said he was going along my way, and if I didn't mind, as it was very slippery—Of course I said I didn't, so I put your letter into my pocket and waited for a good time to read it.

It's very funny how you wear my letters out so soon. I wonder why they don't make note paper like the tough paper that is used in little Paul's Baby Goose picture book.

I had a fine time at our Church Fair last night. Mrs. Sullivan changed her mind at the last, and had me serve as Rebecca at the Well, while Maggie presided at the candy booth, just as she had wanted to. Guess how many glasses of lemonade I sold. One hundred and seventeen. Charlie Darwin drank eight. Do you think you could have swallowed as many as that, Alfred?

I am keeping up my practicing pretty well, that is, I practice an hour a day, except the days I write to you. Would you rather have me practice every day? You know, I am keeping up my piano only because you are so anxious to have me, and I want you to be satisfied. People think I am getting on very nicely.

The sleigh ride was grand. All the girls went, and nearly all the boys. Phillip Small could not get permission to go. It was a perfect shame. Every one missed him. We had a fine supper at the Davidsons' old place.

Oh, Alfred, I wish you could come home for Christmas. It will be so lonely and dismal for you, away off by yourself, and it won't seem at all like Christmas here without you. How I long to see you! There is so much to tell. Do you remember last Christmas, dearest? Mamma is trying to send me to bed, so I must stop writing. But I haven't answered all your questions. Oh, Al. dear, are you never satisfied? What do you suppose Charlie said to me this morning? "Daisy, you're all heart—just one big heart." Doesn't that sound like him? And there wasn't anything to lead up to it. I was weighed last Wednesday at the butcher's. Guess how much? 122 pounds. There, mamma is calling. Good night, Al. But I was going to answer your question how much I love you. If Charlie and the scales spoke the truth I think about 122 pounds. But then, Charlie was only joking. He doesn't mean half he says. Do you think so?

Your affectionate

161 239. To a Lady to Whom the Writer is Engaged, Asking Her to Name the Day.

N——, October 30, 19—.

My Darling Alice:—

Don't you think we have been engaged quite long enough to understand each other thoroughly, and do you see any good reason for delaying our marriage? I have not pressed you before on this point, but if you really love me as I think you do, you will consent to make me happy by naming an early day. Why should we not be married immediately after Christmas? this would give you time for any preparations you may have to make, while, as for myself, I should be quite ready to receive my dear little wife next week, if she would only come to me. Dearest Alice, will you consult your mother? I feel sure she will say I am right in asking you not to put off our marriage any longer. Cannot possibly get away from here for the next ten days or so, but do write and tell me it shall be as I wish.

God bless you, darling.

Your affectionate and devoted,
Albert Thurston.

240. Answer to the Above (Favorable).

F——, November 3, 19—.

Dearest Albert:—

Your affectionate letter touched me deeply. You asked me a very momentous question, to name the day of our marriage. Dear Albert, it shall be as you wish; your arguments are so convincing I can only feel that you are right, and say yes to all you propose. My mother also thinks that the 28th of December would not be too soon, and that I can make all my preparations within that time; therefore let it be the 28th. The period of our engagement seems very brief, indeed, but I have such perfect trust in you, and we know each other so thoroughly, that I need not postpone our marriage with the idea of seeing more of you, and can look forward to our passing a very happy life together.

Good-bye, dearest Albert; fondest love

From your own

162 241. Answer to the Above (Unfavorable).

F——, November 2, 19—.

Dearest Albert:—

I only wish I could write as you suggest, but really there are many reasons against our marriage taking place just at present. We have, as you say, been engaged some time, but three months is, after all, a very short period in which to learn the tastes, feelings, and ideas of one who is to be life's dearest companion; besides, we have seen so little of each other, and I cannot help feeling that this period of our life is perhaps the sweetest and pleasantest we may ever experience. Married life will bring cares and responsibilities with it, and I would prolong my present happiness as long as possible. You must not be angry with me for saying this, dear Albert, or for being rather reluctant to exchange happy certainty for the unknown future. My mother will not influence me either way, but allows me to judge for myself. She will be happy to see you here when you can arrange to come to us for a few days, and you and I can then talk the matter over, and perhaps your arguments may prove more convincing than mine, in which case I shall give way.

In the meantime, believe me, as ever,

Your affectionate

242. From a Lady to Her Fiancé, Asking Him to Consent to the Postponement of their Marriage.

N——, November 30, 19—.

My Dear Albert:—

A few weeks ago, when I promised that our marriage should take place in December, I fully intended to keep my word, but on consideration, feel compelled to ask you to let it be postponed for a few months longer. I have no good reason to urge for this delay—perhaps I am over-sensitive and anxious, but still, if you would agree to it I should be very grateful. It strikes me we entered upon our engagement rather hastily, and that I was persuaded against my better judgment to fix next month for our marriage. I think it will be better for both of us that we should endeavor to learn more of each other's tastes, and what each requires of the other. Your line of life is so decided that 163 I wish to be certain it will suit me exactly, or that you would meet me in some degree with little concessions to my individual tastes. I have written to you out of the fullness of my heart, and trust you will not misunderstand me, or think I do not love you. My request is for a little more time, which I am sure you will not refuse me.

Believe me, dear Albert.

Your ever affectionate
Alice White.

243. From a Gentleman to his Fiancée, Complaining of Her Coldness.

S——, February 10, 19—.

Dearest Alva:—

Do you not realize how miserable you make me by the way you have acted recently? You cannot suppose it is very pleasant for me to see you, day after day, encouraging the attentions of other men. At the party last night you appeared to prefer every man in the room to myself as partner. If you acted in this way with the idea of arousing my jealousy, let me tell you it is a very dangerous game to play at; but I imagine nothing so flattering to myself was intended, and that a love of admiration and indifference to my feelings were the motives that actuated you. If this is the case, it would be best for both of us that our engagement should be at an end; if, however, you are able to assure me that you meant nothing by your thoughtless coquetry beyond the amusement of the moment, you shall never again hear a word of reproach from me on the subject, and I will trust you as fully as before.

Believe me, dearest,

Your ever faithful and affectionate
Philip Dorrimer.

244. From a Lady to Her Fiancé, Complaining of His Indifference.

C——, January 15, 19—.

My Dear Paul:—

For some time past I have been trying to make up my mind to put my anxieties into words, but have shrunk from doing so, hoping that perhaps it was all a mistake; now I can no longer delude 164myself into thinking this is the case. I feel you are very much changed, your manner to me at times almost amounting to indifference. Your letters are short and cold, and but few words of affection can be extracted from them. I am beginning to think you no longer care for me; perhaps this is what you wish me to understand. And yet it is hard to believe this of you; it must be that something or some one has estranged you from me, and that an explanation between us will put things on their former footing; anyhow, I give you now the opportunity of telling me everything, and implore you to be frank, as our future happiness depends upon our never allowing any misunderstanding to stand between us.

Believe me, dear Paul,

Your affectionate

245. From a Lady to Her Fiancé of Whom She is Jealous.

W——, May 18, 19—.

My Dear Charles:—

May I hope that you will not think me foolishly exacting if I say that you have pained and hurt me by the attentions you so constantly offer to Mrs. Dunstable? I do not suppose you mean to vex me, and have no doubt it is more her fault than yours, but still I wish you would be a little less empressé in your manner to her. You will think perhaps that I am jealous; it is not quite that, but yet I have a sort of feeling that you ought not to be so nice to her. You will not be angry with me for saying this, dear Charles; it is my great love for you that causes me to attach such importance to every look and word of yours, and to feel reluctant that other women should share them with me. You must not say that this argues a want of trust in you unworthy of us both; indeed, I do trust you, otherwise my self-respect would not allow me to write so frank a letter as this one is. Perhaps I have only to tell you what is in my heart for you to give me no further cause for—shall I say jealousy? although I have tried to leave this unpleasant word out of this letter.

Always, dear Charles,

Your loving

165 246. Answer to the Above (Protesting).

W——, May 19, 19—.

My Dear Laura:—

I do not deserve, in any degree, the reproaches contained in your letter of yesterday, and am surprised at your permitting yourself to indulge in such feelings. Great as my attachment is, I must tell you, once for all, that I detest jealousy in a woman, and should soon cease to care for one who tormented me by repetition of such accusations. If, during our engagement, you are to feel aggrieved at my offering the slightest civility to any lady of my acquaintance, what chance of happiness is there in store for us in married life? I can see nothing but wretchedness ahead if you persist in giving way to this feeling; dismiss it from your mind, it is not worthy of you, and remember that perfect trust is what I expect and desire from the one who is to become my wife. I feel strongly on the subject, as so much alienation and misery are occasioned by unfounded jealousy.

Believe me, my dearest Laura,

Ever yours,
Charles P. Worthington.

247. Answer to No. 245 (Conciliating).

W——, January 12, 19—.

My Dearest Laura:—

How foolish of you to underrate your own attractions so far as to think I could prefer any one to yourself! Do not entertain such a thought for a moment. My heart is wholly yours, and not a thought of mine is bestowed upon any one else. I did not in the least intend to convey anything beyond mere politeness by my attentions to Mrs. Dunstable; but if you think that I have inadvertently given you the least cause for uneasiness, you may depend upon my being very much on my guard in future, so as to avoid the faintest suspicion of a preference for the society of any young lady, save yourself, be she ever so charming.

Believe me, dearest Laura,

Your deeply attached

166 248. From a Gentleman to His Fiancée Acknowledging His Jealousy.

P——, March 10, 19—.

My Dear Ethel:—

Do you really mean to break off your engagement with me? I can only suppose it is so from the way you allow Mr. Small to devote himself to you. It seems every one is aware he is paying you more attention than, under the circumstances, you ought to receive from any man except myself. Either he is ignorant of the engagement between us, or he is dishonorable enough to act thus in spite of it. If you have not sufficient regard for my feelings and for your own position as my promised wife, to put an end at once to any further acquaintance with Mr. Small, you will understand that I resign all pretensions to your hand; but should be sorry to think that you had changed so completely in the last few weeks as to care for me no longer. My sentiments have not altered towards you, in spite of all that has passed; and it rests with you to say whether you prefer that man to myself. I shall of course abide by your decision, and remain,

Yours very truly,
George Lindsay.

249. From a Gentleman to His Fiancée Apologizing for His Unwarranted Jealousy.

C——, August 10, 19—.

My Dearest Girl:—

I feel entirely satisfied, from the explanation you have given me, that my jealousy was unfounded, and I must ask for your forgiveness for having doubted you. Am afraid my accusations must have pained you very much, and I deeply regret writing as I did; but you are so good and gentle, am sure you will receive me into favor on my promising never to offend again in a like manner. You must not be very angry with me for fearing to lose what I prize so dearly, the love of my darling Helen.

Once more, dearest, forgive me, and believe me

Your devoted

167 250. From a Young Lady to Her Fiancé Apologizing for Her Unfounded Jealousy.

R——, September 10, 19—.

My Dearest Howard:—

I have been so wretched, of late, thinking you did not care for me as you used to, that the joy of receiving your letter, and learning that I still hold the first place in your heart, has been almost too much for me, and made me shed such happy tears. It is so hard to doubt one you love, and it seems that I have tormented myself quite unnecessarily all these past weeks; still you must admit there was some excuse for my making myself miserable. What was I to think from your silence, and from all that was said? Dearest Howard, believe me, I will never doubt you again, never, never, and shall always think you are the kindest, dearest, best, and truest of men, and that you are all my own.

Now and always,

Your loving

251. From the Mother of a Young Lady to Her Daughter's Fiancé, Concerning a Quarrel Between the Lovers.

W——, April 12, 19—.

My Dear Mr. Felton:—

I well know how delicate a matter it is for a third person to interfere in lovers' quarrels, but as the happiness of my daughter is at stake, it is my duty as her mother to try and bring about a reconciliation between you. I will not question which of you is at fault; all I wish is to see the smiles return to my child's face, and tranquillity to her heart. She is evidently very unhappy, but tries to conceal it even from me. Dear Mr. Felton, if you really love her, as I am sure you do, you will come to Katherine on receipt of this letter, and you need have no fear of your welcome. Trusting you will not misunderstand the feeling that actuates me in thus writing to you,

Believe me,

Very sincerely yours,
Anna Durand De Witt.


252. From a Gentleman to His Fiancée Asking Her to put an End to Their Engagement.

D——, January 19, 19—.

My Dear Susan:—

I have hesitated long before writing to you on a rather delicate subject, but trust you will not be hurt or offended if I say that our tastes are so opposite, that married life under such circumstances could not fail to result in unhappiness to both of us. Your heart is evidently set on the enjoyment of all the gaieties of life, while my ideas are centered in domestic quiet and repose. I have neither the means nor the inclination to enter into the former, and you would hardly content yourself with the latter. You cannot but acknowledge the truth of my statement, and I have no doubt you will see the necessity of putting an end at once to an engagement that is in every way unsuitable.

Believe me, dear Miss Belden,

Very truly yours,
Frank B. Rice.

253. From a Young Lady to Her Fiancé Putting an end to Their Engagement.

A——, December 5, 19—.

Dear Charles:—

It is only after much serious thinking that I write you this note. Some time you will thank me for it.

Is it not better, in a matter that concerns the happiness of two lives, to undo a mistake at any cost than to wait until too late? We thought once that we truly loved each other, but we have found, during the period of our engagement, that in many grave respects we are not congenial. Our tastes, our aims in life, our ideals are so diverse, that I believe our union could not be perfectly happy. When you review in your mind the occurrences of the past 169months, I am sure you will agree with me. It is not necessary to place the blame. Perhaps there has been no fault but hastiness. Considering everything, I would suggest that our engagement cease by mutual consent, and our friendship continue as far as seems agreeable and natural. We shall have many pleasant memories and some sad ones in common. The latter, in time, will be forgotten.

Yours sincerely,
Florence Ludington.

254. Answer to the Above.

C——, December 7, 19—.

Dear Florence:—

I cannot but think that you regard our little differences too seriously. In fact, I look upon them rather as misunderstandings than differences. But since you suggest it, I consent that we call our engagement broken for the present. I agree to it only because you want to feel perfectly free, and I do so in good faith; you are free. Whatever the end, I shall never blame you; my faith in your sincerity and true nobility stands undiminished. In my own mind I consider our engagement as merely suspended. Doubtless time will show you what mere trifles—nothings, we might say—are dividing us. It was not lightly, my darling, that I gave you my heart.

Yours as ever, with love and devotion,

Charles Davidson.

255. From a Lady to Her Fiancé Breaking off Their Engagement on Account of His Coldness.

T——, July 22, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lawrence:—

You will not feel surprised at the contents of this letter; indeed, you have hardly left me any alternative than to say our engagement is at an end. Perhaps I ought to have arrived at this decision sooner, but was reluctant to give you up until quite sure it was the right thing for me to do. I could not be happy with one whom I did not esteem as well as love, and by your conduct of late you have forfeited my good opinion, 170 and have destroyed my faith in you. Your letters are herewith returned and I beg that you will send mine back; kindly acknowledge also receipt of the presents you have made me at different times.

Believe me,

Yours truly,
Madeline Storrs.

256. From a Lady to Her Fiancé Breaking off Their Engagement on Account of a Change in Her Feelings toward Him.

N——, February 10, 19—.

Dear Harry:—

I want you to believe that I am sincerely grieved at the pain this letter may occasion you, and trust you will not think harshly of me for what I am about to say. I did not rightly understand my own feelings when our engagement took place, and mistook esteem and friendship for love. Much as it costs me to make this confession, it is my clear duty to tell you I can never entertain the affection for you that one has a right to expect from a future wife.

This knowledge has made me very unhappy, but I have now determined to ask to be released from my promise; dear Harry, forgive me; I feel convinced that some day you will be as happy as you deserve, although it is not in my power to make you so.

Believe me, with unwavering friendship,

Yours very sincerely,
Carrie Dunmore.

257. From a Gentleman to His Fiancée Offering to Release Her from Their Engagement.

P——, August 7, 19—.

My Dear Evelyn:—

I exceedingly regret to tell you that my darkest fears have been realized; the business disaster of which I have spoken to you has come, and it is more complete than our worst expectations had led us to believe. We have fought a long, hard fight, and, 171as honorable men, there was nothing else for us to do but to close our doors and put our affairs in the hands of our creditors.

Whether the firm will resume, or what the course of the future will be, is yet undecided. For myself I am not greatly troubled. As long as youth, health and hope remain, I am not afraid of the coming struggle. But there is one direct duty before me in relation to you that must be performed without delay. Under the most promising circumstances, it will be a very long time, perhaps years, before I could offer you the home and comfort on which my heart was set, and concerning which we have had so many and such delightful conversations; and it would not be fair to hold you to your engagement under these altered circumstances. I beg you, therefore, to consider yourself perfectly free to act in this matter as your judgment and heart may dictate. I will not trust myself to say what I feel on this subject further than this, that in offering you perfect freedom I am following the only honorable course due to you and to myself.

Shall be very busy evenings at the office for two or three days, but will call upon you on Friday night and we can talk matters over.

Ever, dear Evelyn,

Yours truly,
Martin Stanley.

258. Answer to the Above.

P——, August 8, 19—.

My Dear Martin:—

Your letter of yesterday was duly received. It made me very sad, and yet proud of you. You are proving so honorable and chivalrous! I am deeply sorry for this business failure. But cheer up. You have, as you say, youth on your side, and you are lacking neither in brains nor in courage. These are treasures that nothing and no one can wrest from you, and with them the future is bound to turn out bright and prosperous. I understand you wish me to act in relation to our engagement as my judgment and heart dictate. This is like you, Martin. Well, come around on Friday and we shall discuss the subject. In the meantime, be assured that no one sympathizes with you in this day of difficulty more than

Your affectionate

172 259. From a Mother to Her Daughter's Fiancé Breaking off the Engagement.

S——, June 14, 19—.

Dear Mr. Martin:—

It is with my daughter's consent that I write you this letter, and my painful duty is to tell you that, as there seems no prospect of your being able to make a home for her, it is cruel and unfair to hold Alva to a promise which has now lasted over two years. You have not fulfilled any of the pledges you voluntarily made, and which induced me to sanction your attentions. I understand that your family are not inclined to do anything for you, and therefore see nothing for my daughter but years of weary waiting, probably to end in ultimate disappointment.

If you have any regard for her welfare, you will, I am sure, release her from her present trying position, and accept my decision for her good without endeavoring to shake her resolution. I must ask you to send me a few lines of acquiescence; and with every wish for your success in life,

Believe me, dear Mr. Martin,

Truly yours,
Althea Ludlow.

260. From a Father to His Daughter's Fiancé Breaking off the Engagement.

C——, October 10, 19—.


Circumstances that have just come to my knowledge compel me, as a matter of duty, to break off the engagement between my daughter and yourself. I have desired her to hold no further communication with you, and I have been sufficiently explicit to convince her how unworthy you are of her affection and esteem. It is unnecessary for me to give you the reasons which have induced me to form this judgment, and I only add that nothing you can say will alter my determination.

Felix Dusenbury.

Edward Renwick, Esq.



The act of writing a social letter is to many people a task of some little difficulty from various points of view. They are at a loss as to the most fitting manner in which to express that which they have to communicate, and one, two, and three sheets of note paper often bear witness to their attempts and failures. Either at the commencement or at the finish, it strikes them that something is not as it should be, or, right in the middle, they come to a deadlock altogether. Others, again, have not the intelligence to discover for themselves that their letter is not up to the regulation standard of notes in general, and have to face criticism and even ridicule. In writing letters, it is curious to observe how closely certain sets of words and expressions are followed by the generality of people; they accept them as models, and adhere to them. But phrases in letter writing change, as everything else changes, and what was strictly polite and proper to write under given circumstances some twenty or thirty years ago is not quite the thing to say to-day.

To commence a letter to a comparative stranger, or to a person with whom the writer is but slightly acquainted, is the first difficulty to overcome. Shall it be a letter or a note, written in the first or in the third person? This is to many a perplexing question, and yet there need be no doubt on this point, as there are safe rules for every one's guidance in such matters. In all communications with strangers, it would be correct to write in the third person. A very slight acquaintance, however, would authorize a letter being written in the first person if it were to be of any length.

174 It is an accomplishment to write a good letter, and one of which few can boast, while to write a bad one is so general a practice that the receipt of a good letter almost amounts to an agreeable surprise. With regard to the composition of a letter, it should always be remembered that if it has a reason for being written, this fact should not be lost sight of or over-weighted with a mass of extraneous matter. It is also idle to devote the first paragraph of a letter to trivial excuses for not having written sooner, when a still longer delay might have been allowed to elapse if it suited the convenience of the writer; still, when a letter requires an immediate answer, it is a matter of politeness to give the reason for the delay, but this should be explained without circumlocution. It is when girls are merging into womanhood and boys into manhood, that want of fluency in letter writing is acutely felt; and this awkwardness often continues in after years. Some are more conscious than others of their deficiencies in this respect, and to write a letter or even a simple note is to them a trouble and a bore; later on they take refuge in the fact that they are bad correspondents, and they use this statement as an excuse for writing very short letters or for not writing at all. Many people confess when obliged to write letters, that they have no idea what to say beyond the preliminary phrase; they are afraid to trust their pen with their thoughts, for fear of getting out of their depth and of not being able to recover themselves without becoming more or less involved and hazy as to grammar. A well-expressed letter creates a pleasant feeling of gratification; it is often read twice, and if not put by amongst other missives, considered worth keeping, it is destroyed with some regret. One charm of a good letter lies, perhaps, in its being personally considerate; another, in its clearly calling to mind the individuality of the writer.

Inquiries after health should be made with discretion, always remembering that some are thin-skinned on this subject, while others like to discuss it at length. A clever writer keeps his affairs very much in the background unless they are at a crisis, when they would of course possess interest of an unusual character; otherwise to relate trivial matters for the sake of having something to say is foolish and egotistical. In these days, people do not accuse themselves of writing stupid, dull, or uninteresting letters, as their friends are only too likely to take their confessions at their own valuation and to endorse the written verdict; 175while the affectation of laying the blame of bad writing on pens, ink, and paper is now considered as a most inadequate and absurd excuse. In answering, it is a proof of a poor imagination to minutely paraphrase each paragraph of the letter under treatment. Questions naturally demand answers, and important facts call for comment; but trivial remarks and observations, perhaps pleasantly put, should not be returned to their author with poor platitudes attached to them.

Letter-writing may be said to be divided into notes and letters. Formerly a note written in the third person invariably commenced with, "Mrs. Jones presents her compliments to Mrs. Brown"; but now the words "presents compliments" have fallen into disfavor; and, whenever any other opening phrase can be readily substituted, it is in better taste to use it. Indeed, it may be taken as a rule that compliments are only presented to a complete stranger, or officially, or professionally speaking; and whenever an acquaintanceship exists, even of the slightest possible character, other expressions are used in preference to the words "presents her compliments." The nature of the note itself would probably determine the most appropriate expression wherewith to commence it.

There are few people careless or ignorant enough to lapse from the third person into the first in the course of a short note; but still it is worth guarding against. Notes are principally confined to the briefest of communications, as the frequent and necessary repetition of the pronouns—she and her, for instance—or the surnames of the writer and recipient of the note becomes tedious; and when it is imperative to write in the third person, it is most desirable to construct each sentence with a due regard to an extravagant use of pronouns, and never at any time to resort to the vulgar expedient of attempting a sort of compromise by making the initial letter of the writer and of the person written to do duty for their respective names and surnames.

It is observable that a cramped style, or a small Italian hand-writing, is no longer in vogue, and, when seen, appears very much out of date. The prevailing mode of writing is bold and free. A frequent use of capitals is also indulged in, which gives a dash of originality and spirit to a letter when not over-done.

It used to be an idea that to underline words in a letter was rather bad style; but now, if a writer wishes to be very emphatic, 176or to call particular attention to any remark, an additional stroke of the pen is not objected to; it is a liberty not to be taken, however, when writing to those with whom one is on ceremony.

Many people experience a certain difficulty in the choice of a conventional term with which to conclude a ceremonious letter, and it must be admitted that there is not much variety at command, "Yours truly," "Yours sincerely," "Yours faithfully," "Yours obediently," with the addition perhaps of the adverb "very," being the principal formulas in use; and it is on the whole immaterial whether "truly" or "sincerely" is employed when writing to friends. The affectionate expressions addressed to still dearer friends and relations are left to one's personal feelings, and yet many devoted husbands make use of the cold, formal words "Yours truly," when writing to their wives, in preference to any more endearing phrase.

In order not to conclude a letter too abruptly, it is usual, before the words "Yours truly," to add one or other of such phrases as these: "Believe me, dear Mrs. Jones," or "I remain, dear Mrs. Jones," or "Believe me, dear Mrs. Jones, with kind regards," and this gives to a letter a certain finish and completeness which would otherwise be wanting.

An error of punctuation in a letter will often cause a sentence or paragraph to be misunderstood, and made to convey the reverse of what was intended.

Question marks should not be omitted from a letter when questions are asked, though many consider it a waste of time to use them. An exclamation point, when required, materially assists the clearer understanding of a passage, which without it might not possess so emphatic a meaning.

Another practice of the past, now happily discarded, is that of crossing letters; only a school girl, nowadays, would cross and recross a sheet of writing paper, and two sheets of paper are used if one sheet will not contain all that is to be said. If half the second sheet of paper is left blank it is not torn off, a whole sheet being more convenient to hold and to fold, and if a few last words are necessary for the completion of a letter they are written on the margin and not across the writing on the face of the pages.

In social correspondence it is, often, considered good form to write on the first and third pages of a sheet of note paper, leaving the second and fourth pages blank, or to write on the fourth and 177first pages, leaving the other two unwritten upon. This is done for the convenience of having the letters written without using a blotting pad. A postscript was formerly supposed to convey the pith or gist of a lady's letter—a poor compliment, it must be confessed, to her intelligence; it is now considered a vulgarism to put P. S. at the bottom of a letter containing the few last words; if something is remembered when the letter is concluded that should have been said, it is added without the two capitals in question.

In addressing envelopes, the address should be written legibly in the center of the envelope, and not run off into the corner, leaving a third of the envelope blank.

Angular Handwriting

This is a sample of Ladies' Angular hand. It is perfectly legible when written correctly, is capable of great rapidity, and should be executed with a stub pen.

It is easy to aquire, easy to write and seems especially adapted to the feminine hand and its requirements.

angular handwriting


261. From a Gentleman to the American Minister at Foreign Court, Requesting a Presentation.

Mr. R. S. Howland begs to solicit the honor of a presentation to His Majesty the King of R——, through the kind offices of the American Minister, Hon. Matthew D. Clay.

Mr. Robert S. Howland was presented at the Court of St. James by Ambassador Foster, on March 23d, 19—.

Hotel de France, B——,

January 3, 19—.

262. Answer to the Above.

American Legation,
B——, January 4, 19—.

Robert S. Howland, Esq.,
Hotel de France.

Dear Sir:—

I am instructed by the United States Minister to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date, requesting the honor of presentation to His Majesty the King, and I beg to inform you in reply, that your name has been entered on the list for presentation at the R—— Court on the next opportunity.

I remain,
Yours obediently,
Philip Livingston,
Secretary to the U. S. Legation.

263. A General Letter of Introduction.

T——, November 14, 19—.

To Whom It May Concern:—

The bearer, Mr. Phillip Allen Taylor, of this city, having retired from a business that has proved eminently successful, is about to enter upon an extensive tour of travel. It has been for 179many years a cherished dream of his to visit, when released from business cares, the chief cities of his native land, and especially to wander through the majestic scenery of the far West. His plan has extended of late, and, unless the fatigues of travel should prove detrimental to his health, he may visit China and Japan, spend a winter in India, and return home by way of Europe. If in the course of these wanderings he should be fortunate enough to meet any of my numerous friends, especially in Florence, Paris, London or Glasgow, I trust this note will serve as a kindly introduction. Mr. Taylor is a whole-souled gentleman, and any kindness shown to him I shall consider a kindness shown to myself.

Your ever faithful friend,
Francis Thurman Boyd.

264. From a Lady Asking for a Letter of Introduction.

N——, December 28, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Leonard:—

I make bold to ask if you would mail me an introduction to Mrs. Johnson Lathrop; I believe she is a great friend of yours, and should much like to know her. She gives charming musical parties, and has a large acquaintance among distinguished artists and literary people.

As you know, we came to this city to reside permanently, and, especially for my daughter's sake, I should like our circle of acquaintances to broaden in the right direction.

Accept my heartfelt thanks in advance, and, with kind regards to yourself and Mr. Leonard,

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Mary Dinsmore.

265. Asking a Lady to call on a Person Who is a Stranger to Her.

S——, September 10, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Graham:—

Some very charming people, friends of ours, Mr. and Mrs. Symonds, have taken a house in C——, No. 10 B—— Square, with a view of residing there permanently, and I should think it very kind if you would call on them. At present they find 180C——, socially speaking, rather dull, as they know hardly any one in the city, and it would make all the difference to them if they had a few pleasant acquaintances among your best people. I thought if you could show them any civility you would perhaps do so. You cannot fail to like Mrs. Symonds; she is a very pleasant woman, and she has written to me to ask if I had any friends in your city I could introduce her to.

With kind regards, believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Elmira White.

266. From a Lady Asking for Letters of Introduction.

A——, November 7, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Lloyd:—

We expect to start for Europe next week, and intend passing the winter abroad. I think you told me you knew a great many people there, and I should be most grateful for one or two letters of introduction to any French or American families, as it would make our stay so much more agreeable if we made some pleasant acquaintances in Europe. Are you thinking of going to the south of France this winter? or do you feel strong enough to stand the Boston climate? I expect we shall find it very cold in Paris; is this your experience? Remember me kindly to Mr. Lloyd, and

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Henrietta Stonebury.

267. From a Lady Introducing a Young Married Couple to a Friend.

M——, December 3, 19—.

My Dear Helen:—

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lane, dear friends of ours, will probably visit S——, on their wedding tour, and I have taken the liberty of asking them to call upon you during their stay in your city. They are very charming young people whom you will be 181delighted to know. I have spoken so often to them of you, and your dear husband and children, that they will scarcely deem themselves strangers. Any kindness you may be able to show to them during their brief visit I shall accept as shown to myself.

We trust you are all well. M—— is not very far from S——, and yet, for all chances of our meeting, it seems as though we might just as well be millions of miles apart. Give my love to all your happy household and believe me,

Dear Helen,
Yours as ever,
Elfrida Dunlap.

268. From a Father Introducing His Son to a Minister.

M——, October 10, 19—.

Rev. Alexander McNaughton,

Reverend and Dear Sir:—

Will you, very kindly pardon the liberty I take in introducing my youngest son, Matthew, to your notice? There is no doubt in my mind that the father's heart within you will understand and appreciate my solicitude on his behalf. Matthew has always been a good and obedient boy, but he is now leaving the quietude and shelter of a country home to face the varied and testing experiences of life in a great city. We have no fear but he will conduct himself in a manner worthy of his home and of his early training; at the same time I feel it my duty to do all in my power to secure for him the best influences and the happiest surroundings; and have, therefore, allowed myself to send him directly to you. He has been urged by me to attend your church, and we shall all be very grateful if you will introduce him to the young people of your congregation. He will probably feel lonely for a little while, but my mind will be much at rest concerning him if I know that he is forming wise and helpful friendships. I shall be very grateful for any kindness shown to my boy as he starts out to fight the battle of life.

With heartfelt thanks in advance, I remain, dear sir,

Very truly yours,
George D. Moore.

182 269. From a Lady Introducing a Friend to an old School Mate.

E——, November 7, 19—.

My Dear Susan:—

Mrs. Henry Pursell—whose charming friendship I very highly prize—is about to remove from our pleasant suburb to your beautiful city. I take this opportunity of commending her and her husband, and their delightful little family, to your kindly sympathy. We have not forgotten how gentle and considerate you always were to the new pupils at dear old B—— Academy. What a comfort you were to the homesick and the heartsick! Mrs. Pursell will be an entire stranger in S——. I therefore bespeak on her behalf a touch of that old-time sympathy and love.

Ever yours faithfully,
Ethel Williams.

270. From a Gentleman Introducing a College Chum to a Sister.

P——, October 20, 19—.

My Dear Mabel:—

Mr. William Perry, the bearer of this note, is one of my old college chums. At college we were regarded as "Damon and Pythias," though which was Damon and which was Pythias I hardly know. Anyway, you will find Mr. Perry as noble a fellow as ever ate three meals a day. Give him a hearty welcome for my sake, and you will soon regard him very highly for his own.

I assure you that in showing kindness to my old classmate you are liable to entertain an angel unawares. Give my regards to that "model husband" of yours, and tell my hopeful nephew that the next time I come to C—— I will bring him either a jackknife or a Bible—perhaps both.

Your loving brother,

183 271. From a Lady Asking for a Subscription to some Charity.

E——, May 23, 19—.

Campbell Astorbilt, Esq.

Dear Sir:—

I know how generous you are in subscribing to any deserving charity, and also know how many are the claims made upon you for assistance; but I will venture to ask for a subscription for our Firemen's Children's Orphan Asylum, which is very much in need of support. Allow me to add, that the institution is a most excellent one, and that we should be very grateful for any donation, however small, as there is a great deal of illness about just now, and the Infirmary is not equal to the demands made upon it. I take the greatest interest in this charity, and am doing all in my power trying to help it on in its beneficent work.

Hoping that this request will not be judged impertinent, and trusting in your kindness of heart,

I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Mary Fenton Fair,
President F. C. O. A.

272. From a Young Lady to a Girl Friend Asking for Her Photograph.

O——, August 7, 19—.

Dear Florence:—

I have just been admiring such a nice photograph of you in Mrs. Dutton's book; she said it had been taken quite recently. May I ask for a copy before you have given them all away? and, in exchange, will send you one of my last new photographs in a few days. Mrs. Dutton is very good-natured, and often asks me to afternoon tea.

Mamma is waiting for me to go out with her, so, with love,

Believe me,
Affectionately yours,
Marietta Dunlap.

184 273. Answer to the Above.

B——, August 12, 19—.

Dear Marietta:—

Am so sorry all my new photographs had been given away before I received your letter, otherwise would have sent you one with pleasure. I intend ordering a few more copies as soon as we return to town, and will not forget to let you have one. Please send me yours. I am so glad you like Mrs. Dutton; she is, as you know, a great friend of mine, but we have not seen each other for some time. Give her my love and with much to yourself,

Believe me,
Yours affectionately,
Florence Brown.

274. Asking a Gentleman to be Godfather.

T——, March 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Graham:—

I cannot tell you how much we should be gratified if you would consent to be godfather to our little son. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson have promised to be the other sponsors, and the christening is to take place on the 23d of April, at St. Mark's Church. We intend having a luncheon party on that day in honor of the event. Should you be too much engaged to be present, my husband would represent you at the church, and perhaps you would be able to look in at the luncheon. We should be much pleased to see you.

With our united kind regards, believe me,

Very truly yours,
Katherine Dred Woods.

275. Answer to the Above.

N——, March 12, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Woods:—

Shall be most happy to act as godfather to your little boy since you and your husband are kind enough to wish it, and I hope he will grow to be as good a fellow as his father. You must not expect me at the church, but will try and drop in in the afternoon.

With kind regards to you both,

Very truly yours,
Donald Graham.

185 276. Asking a Lady to be Godmother.

L——, July 11, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Ronalds:—

It would be a great pleasure to us if you would be godmother to our little girl; we have named her after you, Katherine Mabel. She is a sweet little thing, and I shall be so proud to show her to you. My sister, Mrs. Mabel Phillips, is also to be godmother, and my husband's brother will be godfather. I will let you know what day the christening will take place as soon as it is decided.

With kindest remembrances from my husband and myself,

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Sylvia Lamont.

277. Unfavorable Answer to the Above.

A——, July 12, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Lamont:—

I hope that you will not think me unkind if I ask you to excuse me from undertaking the office of godmother to your little daughter. The truth is, I do not feel justified in incurring what, in my mind, is too great a responsibility. I have always thought that the parents and near relatives of a child are most fitted for the post of sponsors, as, on account of their position they have a better opportunity of fulfilling the promises made in its name than those less near to it could possibly have. Other people, no doubt, think differently, but these are my views, and you will not, I am sure, be offended at my thus frankly expressing them. Shall hope to come and see you soon, and your dear little girl.

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Katharine Ronalds.

278. To a Lady, After a First Visit to Her Country Home.

N——, September 20, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Rice:—

How very much we enjoyed our little visit to you last week, and the charming drives and walks we had! My husband says he does not know when he has spent a pleasanter 186time, he is so fond of the country and country amusements, and I assure you we both thoroughly appreciated your tireless hospitality and kindness. I had heard so much of your place and was quite anxious to see it; it really is one of the prettiest country homes I have ever seen, and how perfect you have made the villa! Everybody calls it a triumph of good taste. We are going into Berkshire in October to pay a few visits, but we shall be in town again early in November, to remain there for the whole of the winter, and I hope, if you think of coming up before Christmas, you will let me know.

Remember us kindly to Mr. Rice, and believe me, with renewed thanks,

Very sincerely yours,
Alma Stirling White.

279. From a Gentleman to His Pastor, asking Him to Visit His Sick Mother.

15 Ellis Avenue,
C——, April 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Tillotson:—

I am grieved to have to inform you that my mother is very seriously ill. She begs me to say it would be a great comfort if you would come and read a little with her, if you could spare the time. In any case, I should be very glad to think she had seen you, as it is her earnest wish to enjoy this privilege.

Faithfully yours,
Arthur Bisbee.

280. From a Gentleman to a Minister, Requesting His Immediate Presence.

O——, December 10, 19—.

Dear Doctor Bellows:—

Will you do me the favor to come to my house immediately for the purpose of baptizing our little boy, who has just been given up by the physicians. We are very anxious to have him baptized, as I fear there is not the faintest hope of his recovery.

Faithfully yours,
Henry Britton.

187 281. To a Minister Respecting an Application for Assistance.

F——, February 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Vane:—

It would be most kind of you to inform me, in strict confidence, if you know anything of a Mrs. Jessica Turner; she has applied to me in writing for assistance, but I make a point, if possible, of ascertaining how far the person applying for help is deserving, as I do not approve of indiscriminate charity, considering it likely to do more harm than good. Perhaps I had better send you her letter, and if you are not personally acquainted with her, would you oblige me by making inquiries among your parishioners?

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Grace Taylor Sanford.

282. From a Lady to Her Pastor, Concerning a School Treat.

Hawthorne Villa,
August 10, 19—.

My Dear Pastor:—

I have been informed by one of my fellow church-members, Mrs. Dudley, that you propose giving a treat to the children of the Sunday school. It shall give me much pleasure to place my grounds and the adjoining field at your disposal for that purpose, and I will be happy to provide a substantial tea for the teachers and the ladies connected with the school. With compliments to yourself and your dear wife,

Believe me,
Yours very truly,
Lucy Haldene.

283. To a Young Lady, Presenting Her with Flowers.

N——, December 12, 19—.

Dear Miss Eustis:—

May I have the great pleasure of offering you the accompanying flowers? I have chosen red roses with long stems, as you intimated, in my presence, that you preferred them to any other.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Ward McVeagh.

188 284. From a Gentleman to a Lady Sending Her a Song.

N——, December 20, 19—.

Dear Miss Eustis:—

It gives me great pleasure to send you a new song heard the other evening, and which, I think, you will like. I fancy it will suit your voice very well, and shall look forward to the pleasure of hearing you sing it.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Ward McVeagh.

285. Answer to the Above.

N——, December 21, 19—.

Dear Mr. McVeagh:—

A thousand thanks for the song you were so kind as to send me; have tried it over and like it immensely. Was it very well sung when you heard it, and shall I be able to do justice to it in your opinion, when I have the pleasure of singing it to you?

Believe me, in the meantime,
Very sincerely yours,
Eleanor Eustice.

286. From an Elderly Gentleman to a Young Lady, Offering Her a Birthday Present.

S——, October 10, 19—.

My Dear Miss Stilton:—

With my most hearty wishes for many happy returns of your birthday, please accept a little souvenir which I hope you will like; at your age a birthday is an event to celebrate and to rejoice over; at mine it has a different signification, and reminds me that I am one year nearer the end; in youth, one does not dwell upon this thought, but rather upon what the bright future has in store. May it contain everything for you that your dearest friends could wish.

With love, believe me,
Your affectionate old friend,
James T. Swinburne.

189 287. Answer to the Above.

S——, October 12, 19—.

Dear Mr. Swinburne:—

In my surprise and delight on receiving your lovely present, I hardly know how to thank you enough for it. How kind of you to remember my birthday! Believe in my earnest gratitude for all your good wishes. Among my several nice gifts, there is none I shall value more than yours, dear friend. We are to have a little dance to-night in honor of the event, and I shall have the pleasure of showing these beautiful tokens of friendship to my particular chums.

With renewed thanks, believe me,

Affectionately yours,
Daisy Stilton.

288. From a Gentleman to a Lady, Enclosing Tickets to an Entertainment.

C——, November 27, 19—.

Dear Miss Landon:—

I have secured two tickets for the concert at the A—— Theater on Saturday next, in the hope that you may perhaps like to make use of them, and allow me to be your escort on that occasion. It is to be a very good one, and well worth going to.

Please give my kind regards to Mrs. Landon, and believe me,

Faithfully yours,
Arnold Dwight.

289. Answer to the Above (Acceptance).

C——, November 28, 19—.

Dear Mr. Dwight:—

Thank you so much for your invitation to the next Philharmonic concert. I shall be very pleased to go with you to the A—— Theater, on Saturday next. You will find me ready to start at 7:15 that evening. Again thanking you,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Marietta Landon.

190 290. Answer to No. 288 (Regrets).

C——, November 28, 19—.

Dear Mr. Dwight:—

To my great disappointment, I cannot accept your very kind invitation for next Saturday, on account of a prior engagement entered into over a week ago. Doubtless it would have proved a most enjoyable evening. Hoping that you will not be long before calling upon us, and with renewed thanks and regrets,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Marietta Landon.

291. To an Invalid, from a Stranger, Offering Her Fruit and Flowers.

C——, November 3, 19—.

Mrs. Grancy has the pleasure of sending Miss Weymouth some early California grapes, in the hope that they may be acceptable, as she understands Miss Weymouth is a great invalid; she also sends her a few flowers, and trusts she will have no hesitation in accepting both with all good wishes for her restoration to health.

292. Answer to the Above.

C——, November 4, 19—.

Miss Weymouth is very grateful to Mrs. Grancy for her lovely present. The flowers are indeed beautiful, and the grapes most delicious; she begs to send her best thanks for this thoughtful attention. She fears that there is but a very remote prospect of her being restored to health, but she is just as much obliged to Mrs. Grancy for her good wishes.

191 293. Asking for an Invitation to a Ball for a Friend.

S——, March 24, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Deane:—

If your invitation list is not already filled up, might I ask you if you would give me a card for Miss Joyce, the daughter of a very old friend of mine? She much wishes to come to your ball, and I have promised to ask you this favor. Should you be able to grant it, she would come with me.

I must apologize for trespassing on your kindness in this matter, but you will not hesitate to refuse if your list is already overfull as regards ladies.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Maud Silverton.

294. Unfavorable Answer to the Above.

S——, March 27, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Silverton:—

To my extreme regret, I cannot send the card you request as my ball list is filled up to overflowing; indeed, I have been obliged to leave out many of my own acquaintances who ought, really, to have been included.

Should I have any refusals at the last moment, I will let you know, but fear there is very little chance of it.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Gabrielle Forsyth Deane.

295. From a Lady asking for an Invitation to a Dancing Party for a Gentleman.

B——, May 30, 19—.

Dear Mrs. McLeod:—

Would you do me the pleasure of asking Mr. Edward May to your dance? He just told my husband that he would be 192charmed to attend it if I could get him a card, and as he is very fond of dancing, he might be an acquisition should you be short of gentlemen.

I think you have met his married sister, Mrs. Dinsmore, at my house; she is an intimate friend of mine.

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Gertrude S. Boyd.

296. Asking for an Invitation to Amateur Theatricals for Visiting Friends.

N——, May 18, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Leonard:—

Mr. and Mrs. Read, of S——, who are old friends of mine, are visiting at my house now, and have heard so much of your forthcoming theatricals that if you could spare them an invitation, I know they would greatly appreciate the favor. Thanking you sincerely in advance,

Believe me,
Faithfully yours,
Caroline Dawson.



297. From a Lady Addressing Birthday Congratulations to a Friend.

D——, March 14, 19—.

My Dear Old Friend:—

I have not forgotten that the 16th of March is the anniversary of your birth. I should not like the day to pass without assuring you of my deep and sincere interest in all that concerns you. Our paths lie widely apart, but just such occasions serve as happy opportunities for the interchange of kindly feeling, and the revival of many happy memories. I hope this brief note will reach you on the 16th, also a little token of affectionate regard which I have wrought with my own hand. Pray accept it, not for its own value, but for the sake of the thoughts it represents.

Faithfully yours,
Elvira Jones.

298. Condoling with a Friend about His Failure in Business.

L——, August 17, 19—.

My Esteemed Old Friend:—

We were exceedingly pained to learn from the newspapers of yesterday that, after a long struggle, you have been compelled to yield to the resistless pressure of these hard times. Success in business is often a mere accident and merits little praise, and in like manner, failure in business is often the sad and only return for a long and patient fight against tremendous odds. In these days of merciless competition, the spirit of fair trading seems to be almost buried out of sight. It is no longer a case of "the 194survival of the fittest," so much as of the survival of "the smartest." But we should not let undeserved defeat bring despair. As the poet says:

"Hope springs eternal in the human breast,"

and I most sincerely trust there are brighter days in store for you. We feel sure you can have nothing to blame yourself for in these reverses. Everybody who knows Alfred Baker knows that he is the soul of honor, that he holds integrity by the right hand and by the left.

I exceedingly regret that my letter must be one of words only, and wish it were possible to ask you to draw upon me for some useful, helpful amount. But that is utterly beyond my power. Letters are not of much value in such a crisis as you are now passing through, and yet we could not keep silent.

Pray accept these few words of heartfelt sympathy. Be brave! Be hopeful! Better days will come.

Very truly yours,
Phillip Smith.

299. Informing a Wife of the Illness of Her Husband.

B——, September 10, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Oldfield:—

I have been asked by your husband to write and tell you he has a bad attack of gout and cannot use his right arm; he feels quite helpless, and hopes you will come to him at once. We are taking every care of him, and he has a very good doctor, but of course he would be very glad to have you with him, and although we have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, I hope you will not make any ceremony about staying with us until your husband is quite well again. We shall be very pleased to see you in spite of the unfortunate circumstances which occasion your first visit to us. With best regards from Mr. Densmore and myself,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Sylvia Densmore.

195 300. Informing a Gentleman of the Illness of His Wife.

S——, August 20, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lord:—

I am personally unknown to you, but your wife is a great friend of mine, and on calling upon her, this morning, I found that she was seriously ill. Of course, you ought to know of this at once, and I would have sent a telegram, but the doctor said there was no immediate danger, and that you had better be informed of her illness by letter. The landlady of the boarding house where she is staying seems very attentive and kind, still it would certainly be a great comfort to Mrs. Lord if you could bring her sister down with you. In the meantime, I will do all that is possible for her, and am happy to say she has the best advice our place can furnish.

Believe me,
Yours sincerely,
Lina Stepney Gore.

301. Informing a Married Daughter of the Illness of Her Mother.

T——, November 15, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Lester:—

I am very sorry to have to inform you that your mother has caught a very severe cold; the doctor seems anxious about her, and says it is an attack of bronchitis. She has been in bed for the last three days, but would not let me write before for fear of unnecessarily alarming you; however, to-day, being no better, she has desired me to do so. The doctor is coming again to-morrow, and should there be a change for the worse I will send you a telegram after he has seen her. She is very restless at night, and cannot be persuaded to take any nourishment beyond a little milk. I came here on a visit last week, with the intention of returning home yesterday, but did not like to leave your mother as she was so ill.

With kind remembrances, believe me,

Very truly yours,
Ida Smythe.

196 302. Inquiring after the Health of a Lady's Husband.

R——, April 4, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Leverett:—

I sent over this afternoon to inquire after Mr. Leverett, and was very sorry indeed to hear he is no better, and that you are very anxious about him; but I trust there may be shortly some improvement in his condition. Pray do not think of answering this note; I merely write to assure you of my sympathy, and to say how happy it would make me to be of use to you in any way; I would of course call at once if you cared to see me.

With kindest regards, and very best wishes for your good husband's quick recovery,

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Alva Belden.

303. Indirectly Inquiring after the Health of an Invalid.

C——, June 10, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Keane:—

I heard yesterday for the first time, through some friends who have just returned home from P——, that your sister was seriously ill when they left V——; however, I hope that you have received a better report of her during the last few days, and that there is no further cause for anxiety. When you write will you say everything that is most kind from me, and please tell her I thought it best not to trouble her with a letter until we heard how she was, as we know how trying it is after a severe illness to answer letters of inquiry.

Believe me,
Yours most sincerely,
Ada Young.

197 304. Sympathizing with a Confirmed Invalid.

S——, August 27, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Silverton:—

I was deeply distressed to learn from your niece, Gertrude, of your continued indisposition. Had hoped that by this time you would have been fully restored to health. But the ways of Providence are inscrutable, and all we can do is to bow in submission to the Divine will, assured that these chastenings of affliction are not sent in anger, but are proofs of a loving Father's care. "His paths are in the sea, and His footsteps are in the deep waters." He causeth "all things to work together for good" to those who put their trust in Him. But I need not remind you of these sources of comfort in the day of your trial and sorrow. Your long experience in the Christian life will suggest to you a thousand secret springs of gracious consolation. It is not necessary to assure you how ardently we all desire your speedy return to health. With tender sympathy and many earnest prayers

I am, dear Mrs. Silverton,
Yours affectionately,
Mary Dinsmore.

305. From a Daughter, Announcing the Death of Her Mother.

D——, May 18, 19—.

Dear Aunt Mary:—

You must, doubtless, be prepared for the sad news I have to convey, the death of my dearest, most precious mother. It took place yesterday afternoon at four o'clock. Father is too broken-hearted to write himself. We were all with her, and she was conscious to the last. Will you and uncle be able to attend the funeral on Saturday next? Please excuse this short letter, dear aunt, as I am really too upset to write connected sentences.

Your sorrowful niece,
Lina Black.

198 306. To a Brother-in-Law, Announcing the Death of the Writer's Husband.

F——, May 17, 19—.

Dear Arthur:—

You will have received my telegram telling you that my dear husband was sinking fast. The change for the worse took place quite suddenly last night, and this morning at six o'clock he died. I am too miserable to write more, pray come to me if possible; there is so much to be arranged, and I feel quite unequal to giving the necessary directions for the funeral.

Your unhappy sister,
Julia C. Dudeny.

307. Condoling with a Lady on the Death of Her Husband.

P——, July 28, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Lovering:—

I was deeply grieved to hear of the death of your husband, and write to offer you my sincerest sympathy. At present, I have no doubt, you can hardly realize your loss, and the blank made in your life must be very terrible to bear; you were so much to each other, and appeared to be so truly happy in your married life. By and by I trust the care of your boy will give you an interest in life, but fear you must be too miserable as yet to take comfort even from this.

With kind love, believe me,
Your affectionate friend,
Harriet Singleton.

308. Answer to the Above.

R——, August 12, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Singleton:—

Thank you ever so much for your touching letter; the loss of my dear husband has left me unspeakably desolate, and I can hardly bear to write of my sorrow as yet. I feel too broken-hearted to do anything but sit down and cry helplessly. Of course I ought to rouse myself, but the knowledge that he has gone from 199me forever, and that henceforward I shall be alone, deprived of his loving care, is all that I can realize. By and by my duty toward my child will give me something to live for, but at present I can only mourn, and pray for resignation.

Believe me, dear Mrs. Singleton,
Yours in great grief,
Georgiana Lovering.

309. Condoling with a Gentleman on the Death of His Wife.

C——, July 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Stevens:—

It seems almost cruel to intrude upon you in your great sorrow, but I cannot delay writing how much my husband and myself sympathize with you. We saw the announcement of the death of your dear wife in the "Journal," and were greatly shocked, as we had not even heard of her illness. Pray do not think of answering this letter; I only wanted to say that our hearts are with you, in this severe bereavement, the more sad since your dear little girls are thus deprived at so tender an age of a loving mother's care.

With our united kind regards and deep sympathy,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Ada B. Chamberlain.

310. Answer to the Above.

C——, July 17, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Chamberlain:—

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kind letter of sympathy. My dear wife's death has left me utterly miserable, and her loss to me is irreparable. She was the dearest and best of women, and the void created in my life is, indeed, most terrible to bear. My darling children are scarcely old enough to understand all the misery of the present moment.

Remember me kindly to your husband. I remain,

Sorrowfully yours,
James Stevens.

200 311. Condoling with a Lady on the Death of Her Brother.

P——, April 3, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Heywood:—

I was deeply concerned to read, in the Paris edition of the "N—— Y—— H——," about the death of your brother. Although you have not seen much of him of late years, still of course his loss must have been a great shock to you. I remember him a handsome, most promising young fellow; how sad that he should thus be cut off in the prime of life! Have you heard any particulars beyond the fact of his death? I suppose his poor young wife will return at once to her own people, as he has left two children. I am truly grieved for you all; and with kind regards,

Believe me as ever,
Your affectionate old friend,
Edgar Saunderson.

312. Answer to the Above.

O——, May 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. Saunderson:—

Please accept my most earnest thanks for your kind letter of condolence. My poor brother's unexpected death was indeed a great shock to us. All that we have as yet heard is that he was ill only three days, and that enteric fever was the cause of death; his wife was too overwhelmed with grief to write more fully, but we trust we shall hear from her by next mail. Her father is very anxious that she should come back to us at once with her children. John and I were such great friends up to the time of his marriage, it seems too sad to think that I shall never see him again; we were fond and proud of him too, and his sudden death is inexpressibly terrible to us all.

With kind love believe me, dear Mr. Saunderson,

Yours affectionately,
Mary Lawson Heywood.

201 313. Condoling with a Young Lady on the Death of Her Mother.

P——, October 3, 19—.

My Dear Margaret:—

I was deeply grieved to hear from you of the death of your dear mother, and I can well imagine how greatly you must miss her every hour. You have one consolation, however, that of having been the best of daughters to her, and having given her the most devoted care during her long illness. In such a trial as this, little can be said to comfort you, and time alone will soften your sorrow for the loss of the kindest of mothers. In her death I have lost a dear friend, and indeed all who knew her cannot fail to regret one who was so amiable and unselfish. Have you made any plans as yet, and what does your brother wish you to do?—are you to live with him or with one of your mother's relatives? I shall be much interested to hear what you propose doing, and if you would care to come to us for a quiet visit, do not hesitate to say so. Mr. Standish unites with me in sending you and your brother the expression of our profound sympathy.

Believe me, dear Margaret,
Your affectionate friend,
Helen H. Standish.

314. Condoling with a Friend on the Loss of Her Child.

D——, Nov. 17, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Jackson:—

I never felt so much at a loss to express my feelings. If only I could tell you all that is in my heart! It seems to me that in the presence of your great grief, silence is the only suitable offering. How deeply I sympathize with you no words of mine can tell, and to utter the common words of condolence would serve no end in your case.

"For common is the common place,
And empty chaff well meant."

One only hope can comfort you in these sad hours, the hope that somewhere in the "many mansions" of our "Father's house," the daughter who loved you with all the sweetness of her early 202affection loves you still. The shadows of the valley of death cannot eclipse the light of love.

Time, the great healer, will bring balm to your wounded spirit. I have just been reading the poems of Horatius Bonar, and I recall a stanza of his that expresses better than any words of mine could do the calm, divine hope of a reunion of the loved and lost in that fair land that lies beyond the boundaries of time. It runs thus:

"Where the faded flower shall blossom,
Blossom never more to fade;
Where the shaded sky shall brighten,
Brighten never more to shade,
Where the child shall meet her mother
And the mother meet her child;
And dear families be gathered,
That were scattered on the wild——
Dear ones, we shall meet and rest,
Mid the holy and the blest!"

May the hope of a future reunion be your hope, and comfort, and stay.

I am, my dear Mrs. Wilson,
Ever yours sincerely,
Eva Roberts.

315. Condoling with a Lady on the Death of a Friend.

L——, January 28, 19—.

Dearest Emma:—

I only accidentally heard last night of the death of poor Mrs. Fredericks; she was a great friend of yours, and you must have been very grieved and upset when the sad news reached you. You were so fond of her that no doubt you felt as if you had lost a near relation, and very naturally, as she was beloved and admired by all who knew her. I do so pity the husband, and the little motherless girl.

I hope you are enjoying good health; we have all been suffering from colds lately.

Believe me, dear Emma,
Your sympathetic friend,
Maud Dillingham.

203 316. Answer to the Above.

P——, February 1, 19—.

My Dear Maud:—

Poor Mrs. Fredericks' death has indeed caused a blank amongst her many friends, but none of them will miss her more than I shall, as we were brought up together and were quite like sisters. I cannot tell you how greatly her loss affects me; she was so much to us in every way, such a dear, dear friend. Her husband seems heart-broken, he thinks of going abroad for a few months, and his little daughter is to remain with me during his absence.

Excuse my not writing a longer letter to-day, and believe me, dear Maud,

Your affectionate
Emma Carter.

317. Asking a Friend to Attend a Funeral.

B——, September 1, 19—.

Dear Sir:—

I have been requested by Mrs. Judson to inform you that the funeral of her son, the late Mr. Edgar Judson, is to take place at Grace P. E. Church, on Saturday, the 17th instant, at 12 o'clock, and to say that she would be grateful if you could attend the services.

Believe me,
Yours respectfully,
Henry Foster.

318. To a Lady, Offering to Attend the Funeral of Her Husband.

C——, July 14, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Carson:—

I was deeply shocked to hear of the death of my valued old friend, Mr. Carson, and beg to offer you my sincere sympathy. I much wish to attend the funeral, unless you desire that only relatives should be present. Perhaps you will kindly let me know your decision on the subject, and when and where the ceremony is to take place.

I remain,
Very truly yours,
Henry B. Wilder.

204 319. Asking a Relative to attend a Funeral.

The Grove,
S——, April 13, 19—.

Dear Uncle James:—

By this time you have surely received my telegram containing the sad news of my dear mother's death. My father is quite overcome with grief at the suddenness of the blow that has fallen upon us all, and is therefore unequal to writing himself, but he wishes me to say that the funeral is to take place on Saturday next, the 10th instant, at 2 o'clock, at the North Baptist Church, and he hopes you will attend if possible.

With our united best love, I remain, in deep grief,

Your affectionate nephew,
Herbert Reeves.

320. To a Relative, Offering to attend a Funeral.

D——, May 19, 19—.

Dear Aunt Julia:—

I can hardly find words to tell you how deeply we were shocked and grieved to hear of my dear kind uncle's death. You did not say when the funeral is to take place, but please let me know, as I much wish to attend it and to pay this last mark of respect to one for whom we entertained so deep and sincere an affection.

Believe me, dear aunt, with much love,

Your sorrowful nephew,
James Warner.


[1] For other Letters of Congratulation, see pp. 98, 108, 150, 151, 153.


321. Inviting a Married Couple to a Formal Dinner.

C——, March 5, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Smithson:—

Will you and Mr. Smithson give us the pleasure of your company at dinner on Thursday the 12th instant, at a quarter to eight?

Very sincerely yours,
Ellen Morrow.

322. Answer to the Above (Acceptance).

O——, March 7, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Morrow:—

It will give us much pleasure to accept your kind invitation to dine with you on Thursday, the 12th instant.

Very truly yours,
Gertrude Smithson.

323. Answer to No. 321 (Regrets).

O——, March 7, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Morrow:—

I very much regret that a prior engagement will prevent our having the pleasure of dining with you on Thursday, the 12th instant.

Very truly yours,
Gertrude Smithson.

206 324. Inviting a Married Couple to an Informal Dinner.

N——, December 10, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Sunbury:—

We should be delighted if you and Mr. Sunbury would dine with us on Wednesday the 18th instant, at 7 o'clock. It will be quite a small party, as we have only asked Mr. and Mrs. Spencer and Mr. and Miss Whitcomb. We trust you will be disengaged and able to give us the pleasure of your company.

Very truly yours,
Isabella Norris.

325. Answer to the Above (Acceptance).

N——, December 11, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Norris:—

Mr. Sunbury and I have much pleasure in accepting your kind invitation to dine with you on the 18th instant. I was so sorry to miss seeing you on Sunday; we had gone for a long drive to Y——, and did not return till after five. Hoping to be more fortunate the next time you call,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Caroline Sunbury.

326. Answer to No. 324 (Regrets).

N——, December 11, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Norris:—

We are extremely sorry to be unable to accept your kind invitation to dinner, but we are going up to Washington on the 10th of this month, and shall not return home until after the Holidays, when I hope to come and see you. With many thanks and regrets

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Caroline Sunbury.

207 327. Inviting a Gentleman to a Formal Dinner.

B——, April 3, 19—.

Dear Mr. Dwight:—

It would give us great pleasure if you would dine with us on Saturday next, the 10th instant, at 8 o'clock, if disengaged.

Very truly yours,
Harriet Winthrop Cole.

328. Inviting a Gentleman to an Informal Dinner.

B——, May 8, 19—.

Dear Mr. Dwight:—

Will you give us the pleasure of your company quite informally at dinner on Saturday, the 10th instant, at half-past seven? Please excuse this short notice, as we have only just heard you were in town.

Very truly yours,
Harriet Winthrop Cole.

329. Answer to the Above (Acceptance).

B——, May 9, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Cole:—

It will be a great pleasure for me to dine with you on Saturday next, the 10th. I should have called on you before this, but have been so much occupied since my return to town, that I had not a moment to pay any such civilities, to my great personal regret.

Very truly yours,
Arthur Dwight.

330. Answer to No. 328 (Regrets).

B——, May 9, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Cole:—

I would have been delighted to accept your kind invitation to dine with you on Saturday the 10th, but unfortunately I have promised to be present at a large public dinner on that day.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Arthur Dwight.

208 331. Inviting a Lady to a Luncheon.

P——, May 3, 19—.

My Dear Miss Sanderson:—

If disengaged, will you come to lunch with us on Monday next, at 1 o'clock? We shall be very pleased to see you.

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Bertha Meade.

332. Answer to the Above (Acceptance).

P——, May 4, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Meade:—

Please accept my thanks for your kind invitation to lunch on Saturday next. I have much pleasure in accepting it.

Sincerely yours,
Mabel Sanderson.

333. Answer to No. 331 (Regrets).

P——, May 4, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Meade:—

To my great regret, I shall not be able to come to lunch with you on Monday next, as I have promised to take my nieces to a matinee at the H—— S—— Theater on that day, but shall hope to see you next week, and will take my chance of finding you at home.

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Mabel Sanderson.

334. Inviting a Gentleman to a Luncheon.

P——, May 4, 19—.

Dear Mr. Brackett:—

Will you come and lunch with us on Monday next, 1 o'clock, if not otherwise engaged? You will meet an old friend of yours, so do come if you can.

Very truly yours,
Bertha Meade.

209 335. Answer to the Above (Acceptance).

P——, May 5, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Meade:—

I shall be most happy to lunch with you on Monday next. Your husband seems to have had a bad attack; I was glad to see him out again.

Very truly yours,
Robert D. Brackett.

336. Answer to No. 334 (Regrets).

P——, May 5, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Meade:—

I am sorry I cannot have the pleasure of lunching with you on Monday next, as I shall be particularly engaged all the afternoon with polo practice for Thursday's match, which I hope you will attend. Please give my kind regards to the old friend you mentioned,—I have not an idea who he—or she can be.

Very truly yours,
Robert D. Brackett.

337. Asking a Young Lady to Sing at an Afternoon Tea.

C——, February 28, 19—.

My Dear Miss Evans:—

I enclose a card for an afternoon tea I propose giving on the 10th of next month. We much hope you will be able to come and, should think it so kind if you would entertain us with some of your fine singing; several of my friends have promised their services for the occasion, and I expect we shall have some very good music. Thanking you heartily in advance,

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Katherine Daly.

210 338. Answer to the Above.

C——, March 1, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Daly:—

I shall be delighted to come to your tea on the 10th, and will bring one or two new songs with me which I hope may please you and your friends.

Sincerely yours,
Margaret Evans.

339. Inviting a Lady to a Formal Afternoon Tea.

C——, February 28, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Russell:—

I take great pleasure in sending you a card for an afternoon tea I purpose giving on the 10th of March. I hope you may be able to come, and if you care to bring any friend of yours with you, they will be welcome.

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Katherine Daly.

340. Answer to the Above.

C——, March 1, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Daly:—

Please accept my thanks for your welcome invitation. I hope to be able to come to your tea next Friday, and will bring my friend Miss Burch with me, as you are kind enough to say I may do so.

Sincerely yours,
Alberta Russell.

341. Inviting a Lady to an Informal Afternoon Tea.

M——, January 15, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Salter:—

A few of our friends are coming to afternoon tea on Friday next, and we hope to have a little good music. Perhaps you may be able to look in for half an hour; if so, I should be very pleased to see you.

Believe me,
Yours sincerely,
Selma White.

211 342. Asking a Gentleman to Recite at an Afternoon Tea.

C——, February 20, 19—.

Dear Mr. Starling:—

I enclose a card for a tea at my house, on March 10th, and hope so much you will be able to come. I wonder whether you would recite something during the afternoon? It would be most good-natured if you allowed yourself to be persuaded to do so.

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Katharine Daly.

343. Inviting a Lady to an Informal Garden Party.

T——, August 10, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Duncan:—

I should be delighted if you and friends in your house would drive over on Monday next, the 16th instant, any time between three and seven o'clock, to play tennis. I have only asked our immediate neighbors, but expect some good players amongst them.

Sincerely yours,
Lucy Meredith.

344. Answer to the Above.

The Cedars,
Y——, August 17, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Meredith:—

It will give us great pleasure to drive over on Monday next to join your tennis party, weather permitting; an occasional shower would not prevent our coming, and only a thorough downpour could keep us away.

Sincerely yours,
Elizabeth Duncan.

212 345. Inviting a Lady to a Church Sociable.

G——, August 6, 19—.

My Dear Miss Dinsmore:—

I hope you and your sister will be able to come to our church sociable on Wednesday the 18th instant. It is to be held inside and outside the Brick Church, between seven and eleven o'clock, and we hope it will prove a success. There will also be exhibits of needlework by the school children, and the prizes are to be distributed at eight o'clock.

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Arabella White.

346. Inviting a Lady to a Picnic.

R——, August 4, 19—.

My Dear Miss Selwyn:—

Mamma requests me to say that she will be very pleased if you and your brother will join our Picnic party on Tuesday next, the 10th instant. We expect about fourteen people, and we are to start from our house in two open carriages at eleven o'clock. I trust you will be able to come, and that we shall have a very pleasant day,

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Hattie Wilson.

347. Answer to the Above.

S——, August 5, 19—.

Dear Miss Wilson:—

I am so sorry that we are unable to accept your kind invitation for Tuesday next, as we are asked to an afternoon dance at the Belmont Country Club on that day. My brother desires me to convey his regards and many regrets, in which I join.

Believe me,
Truly yours,
Georgiana Selwyn.

213 348. Inviting a Gentleman to a Picnic.

R——, August 4, 19—.

Dear Mr. Darnley:—

Can I persuade you to join our Picnic, on Tuesday next. It is to be held at Marble Hill, but we are all to assemble here at 11 o'clock, and shall number between fourteen and fifteen, including Miss Perkins and Mrs. Henry Shaw, both of whom you know.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Ida Wilson.

349. Answer to the Above.

R——, August 5, 19—.

Dear Miss Wilson:—

Shall be very glad indeed to join your Picnic Party on Tuesday next, and will be at your house at the hour named in your note.

Very truly yours,
William Darnley.

350. From a Married Lady to Another, Inviting Her to Attend a Theatre Party.

C——, April 8, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Livermore:—

We just had box tickets sent us for Friday evening, to see the New Orleans French Opera Company, which is having such a surprising success at the A——. I hear it is very good. I write to say how pleased we should be if you and Mr. Livermore would join us. We might either meet at the theater or start from here, as most convenient to you.

Very truly yours,
Ellen Moffat.

214 351. Answer to the Above.

C——, April 9, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Moffat:—

Mr. Livermore and myself should have found it a great pleasure to accept your kind invitation to accompany you to the theater Friday evening, but I have unfortunately been confined to the house for some days with a bad cough, and dare not venture out in the night air.

Believe me, with many thanks,
Very truly yours,
Kate Livermore.

352. From a Gentleman Inviting a Young Lady to Attend a Theatre.

N——, November 10, 19—.

Dear Miss Swinton:—

If I remember right you said, last Saturday, that you would like to see the new piece at the H—— S—— Theater. If you allow me, I will endeavor to secure seats for any evening next week on which you may be disengaged, and shall hope to have the pleasure of calling for you.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Harold Sampson Day.

353. Answer to the Above.

N——, November 11, 19—.

Dear Mr. Day:—

I should much enjoy going to the theater one day next week, and it is very kind of you to offer to invite me. I think Monday would be the most convenient night if it suits you equally well.

Believe me in the meantime,
Very sincerely yours,
Adelina Swinton.

215 354. Inviting a Lady to a Small Evening Party.

C——, January 12, 19—.

My Dear Miss Bright:—

Will you come to our house to-morrow at 9 o'clock and spend the evening with us? We mean to have a game of cards and a little music. I am sorry we cannot ask you to dinner, as we are in the midst of our periodical servant trouble; but I thought perhaps you might like to come to us in this informal way.

Very truly yours,
Alva Story.

355. Inviting a Lady and Her Daughter to a Dance.

A——, August 10, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Stanton:—

I propose giving a little dance on the 20th, and I hope you will all be able to attend. It is quite an impromptu affair, but I trust your daughters will enjoy it nevertheless. Dancing will commence at half-past nine.

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Gertrude Manners.

356. Answer to the Above.

A——, August 11, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Manners:—

My daughters would have been delighted to accept the invitation to your dance, had we not decided to leave the seashore for Lenox at the end of this week, which will preclude their having the pleasure of doing so, much to their regret. I am sure your dance will be a great success, and I am only too sorry that none of us can be present.

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Lucile Stanton.

216 357. Inviting a Young Lady to a Dance.

D——, Jan. 8, 19—.

My Dear Miss Lovering:—

It would be very charming, indeed, if you and your brother could come to a little dance on the 20th, which mamma is going to give in honor of my birthday. I hope you will be able to accept this invitation. We shall begin dancing soon after nine o'clock.

Believe me,
Yours affectionately,
Maud Byrnes.

358. Answer to the Above.

D——, January 9, 19—.

Dear Miss Byrnes:—

Thank you very much for your kind invitation, which my brother and I have much pleasure in accepting.

With love, believe me,
Yours affectionately,
Hattie Lovering.

359. Inviting a Gentleman to a Dancing-Party.

C——, February 10, 19—.

Dear Mr. White:—

I take much pleasure in enclosing a card for a dancing-party we intend giving on the 1st of March, as I have just heard that you were at home again. I hope you will be able to come, and if your cousin, Mr. Stevens, is staying at your house shall be very glad if you bring him with you.

Sincerely yours,
Margaret Winslow.

360. Answer to the Above.

C——, February 12, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Winslow:—

I shall certainly come to your dance on the first of next month, when I expect to be back from Florida. My cousin is 217leaving for Europe on the 20th, so I shall not be able to bring him along. With many thanks for your kind invitation and regrets in the name of Mr. Stevens, believe me,

My dear Mrs. Winslow,
Yours obediently,
Harry Winton White.

361. Inviting a Gentleman to a Garden Party.

D——, August 14, 19—.

Dear Mr. Lloyd:—

We are planning a garden party at the Laurels for Thursday evening next, and it would afford us all great pleasure if you could make it convenient to be with us on that occasion. We hope for a goodly company. The Dixons, the Mathers, the Wilsons, the Broadbents, and a host of other friends with whom you are well acquainted, are expected. The reception will be given in honor of Harold's return from his trip to the Rockies. We shall be delighted to have brother home again, and he, no doubt, will be glad to be back among his friends. We hope nothing will prevent your coming. Don't be late. We shall have croquet and tennis, of course. And if the promise of the Almanac holds good, and there should be a full moon that night, the boating will be charming.

Yours, very truly,
Lina Taylor.

362. Answer to the Above.

D——, August 15, 19—.

My Dear Miss Taylor:—

Your kind note of yesterday has just come to hand. I have great pleasure in accepting your invitation to the garden party of Thursday evening next to welcome your pilgrim brother back to his home and friends. I have so many pleasant memories of happy hours spent at the Laurels, that I shall look forward to this occasion with most cheerful anticipations. Moon or no moon, we shall be sure to have a delightful time. You may depend on my early appearance.

Believe me, dear Miss Taylor,
Yours, very truly,
Alfred Lloyd.

218 363. From a Gentleman to a Young Lady Inviting Her to Visit a Theater.

T——, October 7, 19—.

My Dear Miss Samson:—

You will doubtless have noticed by the newspapers that the venerable Joe Jefferson, the great American comedian, is to visit D—— next week and give a round of his inimitable performances. If you have not seen this distinguished actor it would be a great treat to admire one of his world-renowned characters. I should esteem it a favor if you would accompany me any evening next week to the theater to witness one of his wonderful presentations. Monday evening he plays in "Rip Van Winkle," Tuesday evening, Caleb Plummer in "The Cricket on the Hearth," and the balance of the week he appears as Bob Acres in "The Rivals." It would be a pleasure to me to be favored with your company any night that would be most agreeable to you.

Believe me, my dear Miss Samson,
Yours very truly,
Archibald Clay.

364. Answer to the Above.

T——, October 8, 19—.

Dear Mr. Clay:—

Pray accept my sincere thanks for your courteous note. I shall be delighted to avail myself of your kind invitation for next week. I have seen Mr. Jefferson in "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Rivals," but if it would suit your convenience just as well I think I should like to see him as Caleb Plummer in "The Cricket on the Hearth," which, I believe, he plays on Tuesday evening.

With many thanks for your kind invitation,

I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Maggie Samson.

365. From a Little Girl to a Friend, Asking Her to Tea.

T——, December 10, 19—.

Dear Daisy:—

Next Friday is my birthday. Mamma says I may have a little tea party, and I am to write the notes of invitation myself. 219I hope your mother will let you come. We shall have tea at half-past four, and games and dancing after tea. Trusting that you will be able to attend,

I am, your affectionate friend,
Alma Clarke.

366. Answer to the Above.

T——, December 11, 19—.

Dear Alma:—

Mother says I may come to tea with you next Friday, and I shall be very happy to. I wonder if you will have many birthday presents. Mamma is going to send you one which I think you will like.

Your affectionate
Daisy Gordon.

367. Inviting a Lady to Make the Writer a Visit in Town.

58 M—— Avenue,
N—— Y——, May 6, 19—.

Dear Miss Armisted:—

I thought perhaps you would like to come to town for a few days; if so I should be very pleased if you stayed with us from next Monday on, for a week. We will try to go to one or two concerts while you are with us, as I know music is a great treat to you, and my husband will perhaps take us to the theater one night. In any case, we shall go to a Saturday matinee.

Hoping to hear that I may expect you,

I remain, with love,
Affectionately yours,
Martha Williams.

368. Answer to the Above.

Cortlandt, N. Y., May 9, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Williams:—

Many, many thanks for your kind invitation to visit you next week. I am only too pleased to accept it, and hope to arrive at your house on Monday next, by the 5:30 train. I am looking forward most delightfully to my little stay in your lovely home. With renewed thanks,

Believe me,
Affectionately yours,
Eleanor Armisted.

220 369. Asking a Lady to pay the Writer a Country Visit.

S——, July 10, 19—.

Dear Miss Deering:—

I was just thinking, last night, whether you would not feel inclined for a little country air; if so, perhaps you would like to run down to us for a few days. We are only three hours and a half from town. If you are able to come and will let me know what day to expect you, I would tell you the best train to take, and send the pony-carriage to meet you. I need not say that your visit will be a great pleasure to us all.

Hoping that your answer will be just "yes,"

Believe me,
Sincerely yours,
Carolina Madden.

370. Answer to the Above.

N——, July 12, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Madden:—

I should have been delighted to accept your kind invitation to stay with you for a few days, but I have arranged to go down to Newport on Friday next, with my sister-in-law, which will, I am sorry to say, prevent my coming to you just now. Everybody says your part of the country is at its fairest this month, and it should have been so pleasant to have paid you a little visit, could it have been so arranged.

Believe me, with many heartfelt thanks,

Very truly yours,
Ida Deering.

371. Inviting a Lady to pay the Writer a Visit at the Seashore.

O—— W——, August 10, 19—.

Dear Miss Malvern:—

It is now three weeks since we arrived here, and we have enjoyed the change from town very much; the air is so bracing. Would you care to come down and spend a week with us? If so,221 it would give us much pleasure to see you. We shall be here at least a month longer, as far as I know at present. I can offer you a very comfortable room, and we have a fine view of the sea from our windows. Please remember me to your mother, and believe me,

Sincerely yours,
Gertrude Read.

372. Answer to the Above.

P——, August 12, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Read:—

How very kind of you to ask me to come and stay at your lovely place in O—— W——! I should like nothing better than to accept your tempting invitation; but am sorry to say at present I cannot leave home, as I have an invalid aunt requiring all my care. She has come up to town to consult a specialist. However, should you renew your invitation in about ten days' time, I might safely hope to have the pleasure of accepting it. With many thanks for thinking of me,

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Ella Malvern.

373. Postponing a Dinner Party on Account of a Death.

L——, May 25, 19—.

My Dear Mrs. Darlington:—

I am very sorry to say we cannot have the pleasure of seeing you and Mr. Darlington at dinner to-morrow evening, on account of the death of my husband's sister, the sad news of which only reached us this morning.

With many regrets,

Believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Emily Grace.

222 374. Postponing a Dance.

C——, February 14, 19—.

Dear Mr. Darwin:—

Circumstances over which I have absolutely no control oblige me to postpone my dance from the 2d to the 10th of February. I therefore renew my invitation for that date, and trust you will be able to accept it.

Sincerely yours,
Eldrida Dunscombe.

375. Postponing a Friend's Visit on Account of Illness in the Family.

M——, August 10, 19—.

Dear Mrs. West:—

To my deep regret, I have to ask you to postpone your visit to us for the present; but my little girl has been very ill the last two days, and this morning the doctor tells me that she has a slight attack of the measles.

It is very unfortunate, as we were looking forward to your visit with so much pleasurable anticipation. However, I trust it is only a deferred enjoyment, and that we may see you here before long.

Believe me, dear Mrs. West,
Very sincerely yours,
Emma Conover.

376. From a Gentleman, Excusing Himself from Keeping a Dinner Engagement.

N——, January 20, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Hunt:—

I sincerely trust you will not pay yourself so bad a compliment as to imagine for a moment I am neglecting you when I say that I am prevented, to my great disappointment, from having the pleasure of dining with you this evening. I have caught a severe cold which obliges me to stay in-doors and take care of myself; my doctor even forbids my going to the office for an hour, so you will understand from this how genuine are these regrets. Am ever so sorry to be absent from such a pleasant party.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Barton D. Lowell.

223 377. From a Lady, Excusing Herself from Keeping a Dinner Engagement.

B——, December 11, 19—.

Dear Mrs. Wilde:—

I am very sorry to say we are prevented having the pleasure of dining with you this evening, and must ask you to kindly accept our excuses, late as they are. My husband was telegraphed for this morning, and started by the 9:20 train for town, where I fear he will be detained several days.

Believe me,
Very truly yours,
Maria Whimple.

378. Resigning from Membership in a Club.

D——, November 10, 19—.

To the Secretary of the Benedict Social Club,

Dear Sir:—

On account of enforced absence from the city during the coming month, I hereby hand in my resignation of member of the B. S. C., to take effect immediately.

With best wishes for the prosperity of the organization, wherein I count so many friends,

I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Lawrence Daggett.

224 PART V


[From Documents Furnished by the Departments of State, Justice, War, etc.]

1. The President of the United States is addressed:

The President of the United States,

Mr. President:

and is concluded:

I have the honor to be,
Mr. President,
Your obedient servant.

2. A Governor of a State is addressed:

His Excellency,
The Governor of..................


and is concluded:

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obedient servant.

3. A Cabinet Officer is addressed:

The Honorable,
The Secretary of................


And letters to such officers are concluded like letters to governors.

225 4. An Ambassador of the United States is addressed:

His Excellency,

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America:


5. A Minister of the United States, either:


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America,



..................., Esquire,

Minister, resident and Consul General of the United States of America,


In the three last named instances, all communications are concluded alike, namely:

I am, Sir,
Your obedient servant,

Envelopes directed to Ambassadors or Ministers should contain, besides the address above given, the words "American Embassy" or "American Legation," according to the grade of the officer, together with the name of the city and country where the Embassy or Legation may be located.

Communications to Consuls of the United States are to be addressed the same in all respects as communications to Ministers.

6. General Officers of the Army and Navy in official communications, are addressed by titles only, thus:

The Lieutenant-General commanding the Army.

The Adjutant-General of the Army.

The Major-General commanding the Department of the Lakes.

The Rear-Admiral, commander-in-chief of the Asiatic station.

226 7. Below the rank of Brigadier-General or Rear-Admiral, officers are addressed both by name and rank, as for instance:

Captain John Jones, 18th U. S. Infantry.

Captain S. Morse, commanding U. S. S. Lightning.

8. In the Department of Justice, a Judge is addressed:

Hon. Christian C. Kohlsaat, U. S. District Judge,
Chicago, Ill.,

A District Attorney is addressed:

Henry L. Burnett, Esq.,
U. S. District Attorney, New York, N. Y.

Round Hand Writing.

This beautiful style of writing, to which our modern flowing hand is directly attributable, is not now in common use, but is most appropriately devoted to the engrossing of resolutions of condolence, of thanks and of congratulation for presentation purposes and to the presentation of important public documents.

round handwriting




Gentlemen's Cards.—Plain, cream white, thin cardboard, no ornaments, no fancy writing. Use simple engraved script, printed in black. Size of card, 3 × 1½ inches.

Mr. Edward Hale Davies,

2010 Wheeler Avenue.

Use sparingly titles or "handles" to your name, such as Hon., General, Colonel, Dr. Army titles ought not really to be used when the bearer has not seen real service. If he is, or has been, in the regular army, he should have his visiting card read as follows:


Col. Hugh Dalrymple, U. S. A.,

Calumet Club.

A physician had better use for his "private," not "professional," card the following form:

George D. Smith, M. D.,

1703 Michigan Boulevard.

It is better form still to omit lettering occupations altogether. The abbreviation Rev. is allowable in front of a clergyman's name, even if followed by the letters D.D.

Do not forget, if you are neither an officer, nor a clergyman, nor a medical practitioner, to prefix your name by Mr. Should you, however, desire to write your name on a card to "send up" to the person you are calling on, omit the Mr.

Cards are "due"—that is, must be delivered in person—to the host and hostess—one for each, after having enjoyed their hospitality at some formal function, dinner, ball, musicale, etc. If prevented from calling, a note must accompany the cards and be sent by messenger. Such cards are also "due" after a229 first invitation which you have been obliged to decline. These formal calls must be made within a week after the event.

Cards may be sent "by mail" in acknowledgment of an invitation to a church wedding; or, with the mention "congratulations" written by hand to one whose engagement is announced, or who is the father of a newly born baby. Cards of condolence, with the written words "with deepest sympathy," may be mailed (but, better, left in person) in cases of sorrow or bereavement.

Men rarely exchange cards, nowadays. However, a visitor in your city may be welcomed at his hotel by the cards of acquaintances that may have been half forgotten. Then, if he cares to renew the erstwhile intercourse, he calls or returns the cards. After formal "stag-parties," if a guest is not an intimate friend, it would be good form for him to leave a card at his entertainer's club or residence. In large cities this is done quite generally, as people there are more formal in their social ways. It is well, at all times, for one to remember that "courtesy in little things is a sure sign of good breeding."

Ladies' Cards.—As to color, printing, etc., the rules relating to gentlemen's visiting cards are to be followed. The size of a lady's card is fixed just now by custom at about 3⅛ × 2¼ inches.

If the lady is the oldest married woman in the oldest branch of the family she may omit any Christian name on her card; thus:

Mrs. Stewart,

25 Astor Place.

230 In any other case her card must contain her husband's full name, thus:

Mrs. James Gold Stewart,

25 Astor Place.

During the first year of married life—i. e., during the period when husband and wife, just returned from their honeymoon trip, are calling together upon their friends and society acquaintances, they will use the following card; the day, in the left corner, indicating when they will be at home to their friends:

Mr. and Mrs. James Gold Stewart,

Mondays. 25 Astor Place.

Otherwise, it is usual when the wife returns formal calls, and does so alone, for her to leave with her own card two of her 231husband's, one each for the lady and gentleman of the house she is visiting. If there are young ladies, in the house, who are already "out"—i. e., received in society, she will add one more of her own cards.

Young ladies are not supposed to use cards, at least until they are out of their teens. When they are "out," their names are added on their mother's card.

After the young lady has been "in society" at least two seasons she may have her personal visiting cards, but without address. In that case the elder or eldest daughter of the family uses the family name without Christian name.

Mrs. James Gold Stewart,
The Misses Stewart

25 Astor Place.


Miss Stewart.

232 The younger daughters prefix their Christian name to the family name.

The day of the week when the lady is "at home" to her friends in the afternoon is inserted in the left-hand corner of the card. Sometimes the lady prefers to limit these receptions to certain days, then the card reads:

Mrs. James Gold Stewart,

First and Third
Fridays in January,
February and March.

25 Astor Place.

Mourning Visiting Cards, with a black border of varied breadth, according to nearness of relationship, are very properly used, sizes and styles being otherwise identical. However, it is in bad taste to inscribe a reception day on a mourning card, as one is supposed to decline all calls except from intimate friends. In fact, mourning cards are mostly used to return thanks "by mail" to people sending condolence cards.

Cards of Introduction.—Ordinary visiting cards are used for that purpose, with the addition of some such words written at the bottom:

Introducing Archibald Monroe, Esq.

233 Such cards must be enclosed in an envelope addressed to the person to whom the introduction is made, but left open when delivered to the person one wants to introduce.


Cards for Social Functions.—These are specially engraved for the occasion, a good size being about 4 × 2½ inches; cream white Bristol board, absolutely plain engraving. On the left-hand corner the object of the invitation is stated: Music, for a musicale; Dancing, for a dancing party, etc.

Mrs. James Gold Stewart,
At Home,
Tuesday Evening, February Second.

Music. 25 Astor Place.

234 If the function is given in honor of some distinguished guest, the invitation is generally worded as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. James Gold Stewart
request the pleasure of
company on Tuesday evening,
February Second, at nine o'clock.
Lord Willoughby d'Eresby,
British Ambassador to Washington.

R. S. V. P. 25 Astor Place.

The name of the guest is written with pen on the dotted line. The letters R. S. V. P. stand for the French words, "Repondez, s'il vous plait," meaning in English: "Answer, if you please."

235 Of course, a reply is to be returned at once.

Here is the most usually employed form for an invitation to dinner. The name and date are to be filled by hand. In that way one engraved plate is enough for all dinner parties. Another card, worded the same, with "luncheon" inserted in place of "dinner," and the hour changed to "half-past one," is the "correct thing" for invitations to a luncheon.

Mr. and Mrs. James Gold Stewart
request the pleasure of
company at dinner on ............. seven o'clock.

R. S. V. P. 25 Astor Place.

For such an important function as a "ball"—i. e., a dancing party on a particularly elaborate scale—double sheets of thick, medium size, cream white note, are generally used; the hour must not be earlier than 9:30, and on the lower left corner the words "Dancing at Eleven" are to be inserted. Sometimes the hostess adds: "Fancy dress de rigueur"; meaning that all the guests are expected to appear in fancy costumes.

236 Wedding Cards.—Ought to be issued by the bride's family at least two weeks before the wedding takes place.

If it is to be a church wedding the following invitation on a double sheet of note paper is correct:

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall
request your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Eleanor Augusta
Mr. George Gordon Lewis
Saturday morning, June first
at twelve o'clock
St. Margaret Church.

237 A more formal invitation to a wedding reception is engraved thus and printed on a double sheet note of paper.

Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Stanton
have the honour of announcing
the marriage of their daughter,
Marietta Bland Davidson,
Mr. Edward Taylor White,
on Thursday, January third
nineteen hundred and one.
Church of the Incarnation,
Buffalo, New York.

At Home
after February fifteenth,
Omaha, Nebraska.

238 In the same envelope a select number of friends should receive the following additional invitation on a card:

from half-past twelve
until three o'clock.

1001 Pine Avenue.

Should it be expected that the general public might crowd the church to the point of inconvenience, a small, neat, engraved card may be added to the two others, worded as follows:

Please present this card at
St. Margaret Church,
Saturday, June first,
at twelve o'clock.

239 For a silver or golden wedding an invitation on note paper will be correct if worded as follows, and engraved without any flourishes:

1871. Monogram. 1896.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winthrop Dale,
at home
Tuesday, June twelfth,
from four until six,
and from nine until eleven o'clock.

3051 Elm Street.



It is customary, although not quite as generally done as formerly, to leave or mail visiting cards to all one's mere acquaintances (friends being notified by visit or letter), when about to either change one's habitual residence or undertake a journey of some duration. Ordinary visiting cards are used with the letters P. P. C. written on the left-hand corner. These are the initials of the French phrase, "Pour prendre congé," meaning "To take leave." The custom is commendable. A separate card ought to be sent for each grown-up member of the family.


Sometimes, to announce to acquaintances the arrival of a little stranger, a tiny card is engraved with the baby's name and the date of his birth, thus:

Harold Jay Stewart,

May first. 25 Astor Place.

Or a notification by the parents may be sent, engraved on note paper.

The proper thing, in either case, is to return cards with the word "congratulations" written on the left-hand corner.

241 Invitations to funerals are engraved on heavily black-bordered note paper, and may be worded as follows, although there are no strict rules in the matter:

You are respectfully invited
to attend the funeral of
Mr. Edward Deene Harrison,
to take place from his late residence,
2013 Michigan boulevard,
Monday, June eighteenth,
at three o'clock.

Service at Grace Episcopal church.

Burial at Roseland cemetery.

Roman Catholics generally add, at the bottom, R. I. P. (Latin: "Requiescat in pace"), meaning, "May he rest in peace."




Know all Men by these Presents,

THAT .............. of the .............. in the County of .................. and State of .............. part.. of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of .............. Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to .............. in hand paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these Presents, by .............. of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha... granted, bargained, sold and delivered, and, by these Presents, do grant, bargain, sell and deliver, unto the said part.. of the second part, all the following GOODS, CHATTELS, and PROPERTY, to-wit:




To have and to hold the said Goods, Chattels and Property unto the said part.. of the second part, .............. heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to and for .............. own proper use and behoof, forever.

And the said part.. of the first part do ... vouch .............. to be the true and lawful owner.. of the said Goods, Chattels and Property, and have in .............. full power, good right and lawful authority, to dispose of the said Goods, Chattels and Property, in manner as aforesaid: And ............ do...., for .............. heirs, executors and administrators, covenant and agree to and with the said part.. of the second part to Warrant and Defend 243 the said Goods, Chattels and Property to the said part.. of the second part.............. executors, administrators, and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person and persons whomsoever.

In Witness Whereof, .............. have hereunto set .............. hand and seal.., the .............. day of .............. in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and ..............

Sealed and Delivered in
Presence of




Know all Men by these Presents,

THAT.............. the part ... of the first part, in consideration of the sum of .............. Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to .................. in hand paid by .............. the part ... of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha ... granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and, by these Presents, do ... grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said part ... of the second part, ................... heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain, Indenture of Mortgage, bearing date the ................ day of ............... in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and ........... made by.............. and all .............. right, title, and interest to the premises therein described, as follows, to-wit:.............. which said Mortgage is recorded in the Recorder's Office of the 244 County of ............. in the State of .............. in Book No. .......... of Mortgages, at page ..............

Together with the ............... therein described, and the money due or to grow due thereon, with interest, to waive and to hold the same unto the said part ... of the second part, ................ executors, administrators, or assigns, FOREVER: .............. subject only to the provisos in the said Indenture of Mortgage contained:

And................. do, for ............... heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said part ... of the second part ........................ heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that there is now actually ..................... owing on said ..................... and Mortgage, in principal and interest, .............. Dollars, and that .............. have good right to assign the same:

And ............ do hereby make, constitute, and appoint the said part ... of the second part, ............ true and lawful Attorney, irrevocably,, or otherwise, but at ............ own proper costs and charges, to have, use, and take all lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money and interest, and, in case of payment, to discharge the same as fully as ........... might, or could do, if these Presents were not made.

In Witness Whereof, ............. have hereunto set ......... hand and seal, this .............. day of .............. in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and .......................

Sealed and Delivered in
Presence of




This Indenture, MADE this of ........ in thy year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and .............. BETWEEN .............. of the ............... in the County of ................ and State of ................. party of the first part, and,.............. of the .............. in the County of 245 .............. and State of the second part.

Whereas, The said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part in the sum of .............. Dollars secured to be paid by .............. certain .........................

Now, therefore, this Indenture Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part, for the better securing the payment of the money aforesaid, with interest thereon according to the tenor and effect of the said .............. above mentioned, and also in consideration of the further sum of One Dollar to ....... in hand paid by the said party of the second part, at the delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha ... granted, bargained, sold, remised, released, conveyed, aliened, and confirmed, and by these Presents do ... grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, convey, alien, and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, and to .................... heirs and assigns FOREVER, all the following described lot.., piece.., or parcel.., of land, situate in the County of ............ and State of .................. and known and described as follows, to-wit: .........................

To Have and to Hold the Same, Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining; and also, all the estate, interest, and claim whatsoever, in law as well as in equity, which the said party of the first part ha... in and to the premises 246 hereby conveyed, unto the said party of the second part ......... heirs and assigns, and to their only proper use, benefit, and behoof, forever;

Provided always, and these Presents are upon this EXPRESS CONDITION, that if the said party of the first part ............. heirs, executors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said party of the second part .......... heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the aforesaid sum of money, with interest thereon, at the time and in the manner specified in the above mentioned .................. according to the due intent and meaning thereof, then and in that case these Presents, and everything herein expressed, shall be absolutely null and void.

And the said party of the first part, for..........and ............. heirs, executors, and administrators, do ... hereby covenant and agree with the said party of the second part, that at the time of the delivery hereof, the said party of the first part ........... the lawful owner, of the premises above granted, and seized thereof, in fee simple absolute; that .............. will WARRANT AND DEFEND the above granted premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part ................ heirs and assigns FOREVER, that they are free from all incumbrances whatsoever, and that the said party of the first part will, in due season, pay all taxes and assessments on said premises, until said indebtedness aforesaid shall be fully paid.

And the said party of the first part do ... hereby expressly release and waive all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State ................. in and to said premises.




In Witness Whereof, the said party of the first part...... hereunto set ............. hand.. and seal.. the day and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of





Whereas, differences have for a long time existed, and are now existing and pending, between John Robinson, of C—— County of C——, and State of I——, and James Smith, of the same place, in relation to divers and sundry matters of controversy and dispute; Now, therefore, we, the undersigned, John Robinson and James Smith, aforesaid, do hereby mutually covenant, and to and with each other, that Joseph Jackson, John Black, and William Johnson, of said C——, or any two of them, shall arbitrate, award, and determine of and concerning all and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of actions, suits, controversies, claims, and demands whatsoever, now pending, existing, or held, by and between us, the parties aforesaid; and we do further mutually covenant and agree, to and with each other, that the award to be made by the said arbitrators, or any two of them, shall in all things by us and each of us, be well and faithfully kept and observed; Provided, however, that the award aforesaid be made in writing, under the hands of the said Joseph Jackson, John Black, and William Johnson, or any two of them, and ready to be delivered to the said parties in difference, or to such of them as shall desire the same, on the second day of January, A. D. 19—.

Witness our hands and Seals this seventh day of September, A. D. 19—.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of  


Know all Men by these Presents,

THAT I, .............. of the County of .......... and State of .............. for and in consideration of one dollar, and for other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby remise, convey, release, and quit-claim unto .............. of the County of .................. and State of 248 ................. all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, I may have acquired in, through or by a certain .............. bearing date the ............. day of ............... A. D. 19......, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of ......... County, in the State of ........... in Book ............. of Records, page ....... to the premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: ......................... situated in the .................... of ................... County of ................ and State of ................ together with all the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or appertaining.

Witness my hand.. and seal.. this ...................... day of ................ A. D. 19......




Know all Men by these Presents,

THAT..............of............... in the County of ................ and State of ................. for and in consideration of the sum of............... lawful money of the United States of America, to ............. in hand paid by .............. ha ... remised, released, and forever discharged, and, by these 249 Presents, do ..., for .............. heirs, executors, and administrators, remise, release, and forever discharge the said .............. heirs, executors, and administrators, .............. of and from all manner of actions, cause, and causes of action, suits, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, executions, claims, and demands, whatsoever, in law or in equity, which ............ now have against. .............. ever had, or which ..... heirs, executors, or administrators, hereafter can, shall or may have, for, upon, or by reason of any matter, cause, or thing, whatsoever, from the beginning of the world, to the day of the date of these Presents.




In Witness Whereof, .............. have hereunto set ................ hand.. and seal.. the ............. day of ............ in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and ..............

Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of





This Indenture Witnesseth, THAT the Grantor, ...................... of the ...................... in the County of ..................... and State of ...................... for and in consideration of the sum of .............. Dollars, in hand paid, Convey ... and Warrant ... to .............. 250 of the .................. County of .................. and State of ................ the following described Real Estate, to-wit: situated in the ................ of ................ in the County of .................. in the State of .................... hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of this State.




Dated, this .............. day of .............. A. D. 19......





STATE OF .............. } SS. I,.........................
County of ..............

.................... in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, Do Hereby Certify, That ............... personally known to me to be the same person ...... whose name .............. .. subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that..he.. signed, sealed and delivered the said Instrument as ........... free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead.

Given under my hand and ............... seal, this ......... day of ................ A. D. 19....




This Indenture, MADE this .............. day of.............. 19...... BETWEEN .............. as lessor, and .............. as lessee:

Witnesseth, as follows: That the said lessor hath this day leased to said lessee the premises known as .............. 251 situate in the City of ............... in the State of .............. to be occupied as a .............. only by said lessee, for and during the term commencing on the .............. day of ..............A. D. 19...... and ending the .............. day of ..............A. D. 19...... upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and said lessee hereby accepts said lease upon said conditions, and covenants to perform the same as follows:

1st. The said lessee shall pay to the lessor, at .............. in said City of .............. as rent for said demised premises, for said term, the sum of .............. Dollars , payable as follows: The sum of .............. Dollars upon the delivery hereof, for rent to the.................. day of .............. 19...... and the further sum of ................ Dollars upon the first day of each and every month thereafter during the continuance of the term hereby created, the same being monthly rent at the rate of .............. Dollars per month, payable monthly in advance.

2d. Said lessee agrees to surrender the possession of said premises to said lessor upon the termination of the term above created, or upon the forfeiture of this lease, as hereinafter provided; and further agrees, during the occupancy of said demised premises, to maintain and keep the same in as good condition and repair as the same shall be upon taking possession thereof, natural wear, injury by fire, or other inevitable accident excepted—damage by fire, or other calamity, rendering said premises untenable, shall terminate this lease—there shall be no abatement of said stipulated rent, or of any part thereof, so long as said lessee shall retain possession of said demised premises, or any part thereof.

3d. Said lessee agrees to pay the water tax upon said premises ......................... as the same becomes due and payable, and will take reasonable and necessary precaution against freezing of the water pipes, and that no rubbish of any description be allowed to enter the drainage or waste pipes of said premises, and will pay all damages or 252expense occasioned by such neglect; will clean the catch basin and furnace as occasion may require, and allow no deposit of ashes, or other rubbish, in or upon said premises, or upon any private alley adjacent thereto; no cooking stove or other cooking apparatus shall be placed in any room except the kitchen and laundry. Said lessor shall have reasonable opportunity to inspect said premises, and do any repairing or other work thereon which he shall deem necessary for the preservation of the property.

4th. To allow the party of the first part free access to the premises hereby leased for the purpose of examining or exhibiting the same, or to make any needful repairs or alterations of said premises, which said first party may see fit to make; also to allow to have placed upon said premises, at all times, notice of "For Sale" and "To Rent," and will not interfere with the same.

5th. Said lessee shall not assign this lease, or any portion thereof, nor sub-let said premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of the lessor, endorsed hereon. In case said demised premises shall be vacated during said term, said lessor may take immediate possession thereof for the remainder of the term, and, in his discretion, re-let the same and apply the proceeds upon this lease, the lessee to remain liable for the unpaid balance of the rent.

6th. The neglect or failure of said lessee to keep the foregoing conditions and covenants, or any or either of them, shall constitute a forfeiture of all rights under this lease, and the further occupancy of said demised premises after such forfeiture by said lessee shall be deemed, held, and taken as a forcible detainer thereof by said lessee, and said lessor may, without notice, re-enter and take possession thereof, and with or without force and with or without legal process, evict and dispossess said lessee from said above demised premises.

7th. The foregoing covenants shall be obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of the parties hereto. .........................

In Witness Whereof, The said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals, this day and year first above written.




Articles of agreement, MADE this .............. day of .............. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and .............. Between .............. party of the first part, and ............... party of the second part; Witnesseth, That, if the party of the second part shall first make the payments and perform the covenants hereinafter mentioned on ........... part to be made and performed, the said party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees to convey and assure to the said party of the second part, in fee simple, clear of all incumbrances whatever, by a good and sufficient Warranty Deed, the lot..., piece..., or parcel... of ground, situated in the County of ............... and State of .............. known and described as .............. and the said party of the second part hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the said party of the first part the sum of .............. Dollars, in the manner following: .............. with interest at the rate of ........ per centum per annum, payable .............. annually, on the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid, and to pay all taxes, assessments, or impositions that may be legally levied or imposed upon said land, subsequent to the year .......... And in case of the failure of the said party of the second part to make either of the payments, or any part thereof, or perform any of the covenants on ........ part hereby made and entered into, this contract shall, at the option of the party of the first part, be forfeited and determined, and the party of the second part shall forfeit all payments made by .............. on this contract, and such payments shall be retained by the said party of the first part in full satisfaction and in liquidation of all damages by ........... sustained, and ............. shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises aforesaid. ..............

254 It Is Mutually Agreed, By and between the parties hereto, that the time of payment shall be the essence of this contract, and that all the covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the respective parties.

In Witness Whereof, The parties to these Presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.

Sealed and Delivered
in Presence of





The Last Will and Testament

OF .............. of the .............. of .............. in the County of .............. and State of .............. made and published the .............. day of ........ in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and ..............

In the Name of God, Amen. I, .............. of the .............. of .............. in the County of .............. and State of .............. of the age of .............. years, and being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT in manner following, that is to say:

FIRST—It is my will that all my funeral expenses and all my just debts be fully paid.

SECOND—After the payment of my just debts and funeral expenses, I give and .............. to ..............

255 LASTLY—I hereby nominate and appoint .............. to be Execut..... of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the ........... day of............ in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and ..............


The above Instrument, consisting of ......... pages, was now here subscribed by ..................... the Testat..... in the presence of each of us; and was at the same time declared by ........ to be ....... Last Will and Testament, and we, at ..... request, and in ........presence, and in the presence of each other, subscribe our names as attesting witnesses.







Often used in letter writing.

alter ego, second self.

au revoir, goodby for the present.

amour-propre, conceit, egotism.

au fait, expert, informed.

bouleverser, to upset.

bizarre, odd, fanciful.

bête noire, a bugbear.

contretemps, a "hitch."

coup de grâce, finishing stroke.

couleur de rose, in a favorable light.

congé, dismissal.

carte blanche, free scope.

con amore, with delight.

connoisseur, an expert.

comme il faut, most proper.

coup d'oeil, glance.

conversazione, a literary gathering.

con gusto, with delight.

dramatis personæ, the characters in the play.

dénouement, outcome.

douceur, gratuity, "tip."

dilettante, an expert in art of music.

distingué, distinguished in looks and manners.

de trop, in the way (one too many).

esprit de corps, mutual understanding between people of the same cloth, etc.

entente cordiale, a pleasant understanding.

enfant gâté, a spoiled child.

entre nous, between us and the lamp-post.

embarras de richesses, too much of a good thing.

empressement, eager attentions.

éperdu, bewildered.

esclandre, a sensation.

ennui, weariness, boredom.

en famille, within the family circle.

empressé, most attentive.

fidus Achates, bosom friend.

fait accompli, settled matter.

257 fiasco, a total failure.

furore, enthusiasm at its highest pitch.

fête-champêtre, a garden party.

fiancé, promised husband.

fiancée, promised wife.

flâneur, an idle lounger.

gratis, free of charge.

hors de combat, disabled.

insouciance, heedless unconcern.

matinée, afternoon party or performance.

mauvaise honte, false modesty.

ménage, married couple.

minus, less.

major-domo, house-steward.

nonchalance, cool indifference.

nolens volens, willy-nilly.

outré, exaggerate.

parti, a "catch" (a desirable husband or wife).

prestige, glamour.

piquant, lively.

protégé (m), protégée (f), one under the protection of another.

parvenu, newly enriched.

partie carrée, two couples having a pleasant time.

quid pro quo, tit for tat.

qui-vive, on the alert.

rencontre, a meeting.

régime, system.

sine quâ non, an absolute condition.

sang-froid, self-possession.

savoir-faire, clever ways.

savoir-vivre, tactful manners.

sans cérémonie, informally.

soirée, evening party.

tête montée, much excited disposition.

triste, sad, painful.

verve, dash, liveliness.


@ at.
℀, or acct. account.
Agt. agent.
Amt. amount.
bl. barrel.
B/L bill of lading.
bu. bushel.
C. F. I. cost, freight and insurance.
care of.
Co. Company.
C. O. D. cash on delivery.
Cr. creditor.
258 cts. cents.
cwt. hundred weight.
Dft. draft.
Dr. debtor.
E. E. errors excepted.
E. & O. E. errors and omissions excepted.
F. O. B. free on board.
hhd. hogshead.
hund. hundreds.
Inv. invoice.
inst. present month.
£ pound sterling.
lb. pound weight.
mdse. merchandise.
Messrs. plural of Mr.
mos. months.
No. number.
Nos. numbers.
% per centum.
Obt. or obdt. obedient.
Pay't. payment.
Pd. paid.
Pkge. package.
Pks. pecks.
prox. next month.
pt. pint.
qt. quart.
quar. quarterly.
Recd. received.
ult. last month.
wt. weight.
yds. yards.
yrs. years.


[,] The Comma marks the shortest pauses in reading aloud and the smallest divisions in writing.

[;] The Semicolon divides simple sentences when the comma does not render the meaning of simple sentences clear enough.

[:] The Colon announces something further coming, like a speech, a description.

[.] The Full Stop or Period is used at the end of every complete sentence.

[?] The Interrogation mark is used when a question is asked.

[!] The Exclamation point follows words or sentences that express sudden emotions.

[" "] The Quotation marks indicate that some one is speaking, and are used also to enclose words taken from other writings.

[( )] The Parentheses include some explanatory clause not essential to the sentence.

[ ] The Brackets include a word or sentence to supply some deficiency.

[—] The Dash marks a break in the sentence.


In Public—in the Parlor—in the Dining-room—in Dress and Habits—in One's Speech—in Making Calls.

I.—In Public.

DON'T forget to keep to the right, whether riding or walking.

Don't elbow people, or if you do it unwillingly, excuse yourself.

Don't stare at people or laugh at their peculiarities.

Don't allow a lady you escort to carry a package.

Don't carry your cane or umbrella so as to annoy others.

Don't smoke whenever and wherever it may inconvenience ladies.

Don't give your arm, in the daytime, to a lady who is not your mother, wife or sister, or an elderly or invalid lady.

Don't bow to a lady before she recognizes you herself by a smile or bow.

Don't salute a lady with a gesture of the hand, but by taking off your hat.

Don't apologize when you shake hands with your glove on.

Don't forget to render all necessary services to ladies in need of them.

Don't presume upon a service thus rendered to force your acquaintance.

Don't be in haste to introduce; find out first if it's mutually agreeable.

Don't rush for a seat in a car or theater, against every law of politeness.

Don't occupy more space in a car than you are entitled to.

Don't talk at a theater or concert while the performance is going on.

Don't leave a public performance, except between the acts or when it is over.

Don't take two ladies upon your arms, except for their protection.

II.—In the Parlor.

DON'T wear your overcoat, or overshoes, or take your umbrella, into the parlor.

Don't stare around the room.

Don't ask questions about the price of the furniture.

Don't offer to shake hands with a lady; the offer must come from her.

260 Don't handle, without permission, the bric-a-brac about the room.

Don't be in a hurry to get to a seat.

Don't fail to rise whenever a lady enters the room.

Don't be distant; don't be effusive; be cordial.

Don't stretch yourself anywhere except in your own apartment.

Don't be fidgeting or balancing upon your chair.

Don't introduce ladies to gentlemen, but gentlemen to ladies.

Don't play or sing unless invited by your hostess.

Don't be always touching people when addressing them.

Don't talk in a loud, boisterous voice.

Don't speak to any one across the room.

Don't whisper in company.

Don't boast of the big people you know to people who don't know them.

Don't make fun of any one except in the mildest form; better avoid it altogether.

Don't tell stories of a doubtful character.

Don't interrupt; don't contradict; don't be quarrelsome.

Don't spin long yarns, even when asked to; avoid "chestnuts."

Don't be inattentive when other people are talking.

Don't be noisy, either as a winner or as a loser.

Don't read a book or even a newspaper in company.

Don't keep looking at your watch, as if bored.

Don't pretend to go and then stay; avoid prolonged good-byes.

Don't stay too long anywhere.

III.—In the Dining-Room.

DON'T keep other people waiting; be there in time.

Don't lie back in your chair or place your elbows on the table.

Don't seat yourself until all the ladies are seated.

Don't sit sideways, but straight to the table.

Don't use your napkin as a bib. Let it fall across your lap.

Don't bend your head for each mouthful. Sit erect.

Don't cut your bread. Break it off.

Don't use your knife to carry food to your mouth.

Don't introduce your spoon point first—but sideways—into your mouth.

Don't speak with your mouth full or even half full.

Don't drink a glassful at one gulp.

Don't bring your glass higher than your lips; then incline it gradually.

261 Don't keep your elbows away from your body when eating or drinking.

Don't use anything but your fork to bring or take away any solid food.

Don't wipe your face with your napkin; it is for the lips and beard only.

Don't forget to see that all the ladies are served before you.

Don't neglect the ladies to your right and left.

Don't look worried if any small accident should happen.

Don't use toothpick, even behind your hand.

Don't leave your fork and knife on your plate when sending for a second supply.

Don't pile up all the side-dishes upon your plate when it is to be removed.

Don't come to the table half dressed, half washed, half combed.

Don't overeat. Don't leave the table before the others.

IV.—In Your Dress and Habits.

DON'T let one day pass without a thorough cleansing of your person.

Don't sit to your evening meal before a complete toilet.

Don't use hair dye, hair oil or pomades.

Don't wear evening dress in the daytime.

Don't wear jewelry of a gaudy character, or not genuine.

Don't overdress yourself or walk affectedly.

Don't wear slippers or dressing-gown or smoking-jacket out of your own room.

Don't sink your hands in your trousers' pockets.

Don't whistle in public places, nor inside houses either.

Don't use your fingers or fists to beat a tattoo upon floor, desk or window panes.

Don't bring a smell of spirits or tobacco into the presence of ladies.

Don't chew tobacco; of all habits, it is possibly the nastiest.

Don't drink spirits; or, if you must drink, don't do it during business hours.

Don't examine other people's papers or letters scattered on their desks or tables, even in their presence.

V.—In Your Speech.

DON'T use elegant to mean everything that pleases you.

Don't say genteel for well-bred.

Don't say ain't for isn't.

262 Don't say I done it for I did it.

Don't say he is older than me; say older than I.

Don't say she does not see any; say she does not see at all.

Don't say not as I know; say not that I know.

Don't say he calculates to get off; say he expects to get off.

Don't say he don't; say he doesn't.

Don't say she is some better; say she is somewhat better.

Don't say where are you stopping? Say where are you staying?

Don't say you was; say you were.

Don't say I say, says I, but simply I said.

Don't sign your letters, yours, etc., but yours truly.

Don't say lay for lie; lay expresses action; lie expresses rest.

Don't say them bonnets; say those bonnets.

Don't say party for person.

Don't use slangy words; they are vulgar.

Don't use profane words; they are sinful.

VI.—Etiquette of Calls.

In the matter of making calls it is the correct thing:

For the caller who arrived first to leave first.

To return a first call within a week and in person.

To call promptly and in person after a first invitation.

For the mother or chaperon to invite a gentleman to call.

To call within a week after any entertainment to which one has been invited.

To call upon an acquaintance who has recently returned from a prolonged absence.

To make the first call upon people in a higher social position, if one is asked to do so.

To call, after an engagement has been announced, or a marriage has taken place, in the family.

For the older residents in the city or street to call upon the new-comers to their neighborhood.

After a removal from one part of the city to another, to send out cards with one's new address upon them.

To ascertain what are the prescribed hours for calling in the place where one is living, or making a visit, and to adhere to those hours.

For a gentleman to ask for the lady of the house as well as the young ladies, and to leave cards for her as well as for the head of the family.



1. Every entire sentence should begin with a capital.

2. Proper names, and adjectives derived from these, should begin with capitals.

3. All appellations of the Deity should begin with a capital.

4. Official and honorary titles begin with a capital.

5. Every line of poetry should begin with a capital.

6. Titles of books and the heads of their chapters and divisions are printed in capitals.

7. The pronoun I and the exclamation O are always capitals.

8. The days of the week and the months of the year begin with capitals.

9. Every quotation should begin with a capital letter.

10. Names of religious denominations begin with capitals.

11. In preparing accounts, each item should begin with a capital.

12. Any word of very special importance may begin with a capital.



First-class Matter (Letters, etc.), per ounce, 2 cents.
First-class Matter—Letters and all other written matter (whether sealed or not), excepting manuscript copy accompanying proof-sheets, also all matter sealed, 2 cents an ounce, excepting drop-letters at non-carrier offices, 1 cent an ounce. (Postal Cards 1c each.)


The rates of postage to all foreign countries and colonies belonging to the Postal Union, are as follows:

Letters, per 15 grams (½ ounce), 5 cents. Postal cards, each, 2 cents.
Newspaper and other printed matter, per 2 ounces, 1 cent.
276 Commercial paper (such as legal and insurance papers, deeds, bills of lading, invoices, manuscript for publication, etc.):
Packets not in excess of 10 ounces 5 cents.
Packets in excess of 10 ozs., each 2 ozs., or fraction thereof, 1 cent.
Registration fee on letters or other articles, 8 cents.

Ordinary letters for countries of the Postal Union will be forwarded, whether any postage is prepaid on them or not. All other mailable matter must be prepaid at least partially. Mail matter for Hawaii and Cuba, if addressed to persons in the service of the United States, should be prepaid at domestic rates, and at Postal Union rates if addressed to other persons. Domestic rates apply to Porto Rico, Guam and the Philippine Islands.


The following letter in "babu" English, composed by a Hindoo graduate of Calcutta University is reproduced here for amusement rather than for imitation:

"To Babu Kaly Churan Ghose, Paternal Father of Miss Churan Ghose. Dear Sir:—It is with faltering penmanship that I write to have communication with you about the prospective condition of your damsel offspring. For remote time past secret passion has firing my bosom internally with loving for your daughter.

I have traveled all channels in the magnitude of my extensive jurisdiction cruelly to smother the growing love-knot that is being constructed within my inside, but the timid lamp of my affection, trimmed by Cupid's productive hands still nourishes my love-sickened breast.

Needless would it be for me to numerically extemporize the great conflagration that has generated in my head and heart. During the region of nightness my intellectual cranium has been entangled in thoughtful attitude for my beloved consort. Nocturnal slumberlessness has been the infirmity which has besieged my now degenerate constitution.

My educational abilities have abandoned me, and now I cling to those lovely long tresses for your much coveted daughter like mariner shipwrecked on rock of love.

As to my scholastic calabre, I was recently ejected from Calcutta University. I am now masticating and will make a motion as soon as I can perceive the business of life a little laxative.

I am of lofty and original lineage and independent incomes and hoping that having debated proposition in your pregnant mind you will concordantly corroborate in espousing your female progeny to my tender bosom and thereby acquire me into your family circle as yours faithful son-in-law.

Moti Lall Chatterjee."


Transcriber's Note:

Variable spelling and hyphenation have been retained. Minor punctuation inconsistencies have been silently corrected.


The first line indicates the original, the second the correction.

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The first line indicates the original, the second how it should read:

p. 234



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