*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 54198 *** CANTERBURY. A SKETCH BOOK BY WALTER M. KEESEY. A·&·C·BLACK·LIMITED·LONDON·1915 DRAWINGS 1 THE WESTGATE. TITLE PAGE 2 THE APPROACH. 3 SOUTH CHOIR AISLE AND PILGRIM'S STEPS. 4 THE CATHEDRAL CLOSE. 5 THE TOMB OF THE BLACK PRINCE. 6 THE NORTH TRANSEPT AND BAPTISTRY. 7 A CORNER OF THE CLOISTERS. 8 THE CATHEDRAL CLOSE FROM THE EAST. 9 THE CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF THE UNDERCROFT. 10 THE EAST END FROM LADY WOOTEN'S GREEN. 11 THE CRYPT FROM THE FIELDS. 12 THE CATHEDRAL FROM THE FIELDS. 13 MINT YARD. KING'S SCHOOL. 14 THE WESTGATE. EVENING. 15 MERCERY LANE. 16 OLD HOUSES. CORNER OF THE FRIARS. 17 QUEEN ELIZABETH'S CHAMBERS. 18 ST GEORGES' STREET. NEWINGATE 19 ST THOMAS' HOSPITAL FROM GREY FRIARS. 20 BUTTER MARKET. 21 THE MILL OVERLOOKING THE CITY. 22 THE DANE JOHN. 23 BOROUGH CORNER. 24 THE NORMAN STAIRCASE. [Illustration: The Westgate. Title Page] [Illustration: The Approach.] [Illustration: South Choir Aisle And Pilgrim's Steps.] [Illustration: The Cathedral Close.] [Illustration: The Tomb of the Black Prince.] [Illustration: The North Transept and Baptistry.] [Illustration: A Corner of the Cloisters.] [Illustration: The Cathedral Close from the East.] [Illustration: The Chapel of Our Lady of the Undercroft.] [Illustration: The East end from Lady Wooten's Green.] [Illustration: The Crypt from the Fields.] [Illustration: The Cathedral from the Fields.] [Illustration: Mint Yard. King's School.] [Illustration: The Westgate. Evening.] [Illustration: Mercery Lane.] [Illustration: Old Houses. corner of The Friars.] [Illustration: Queen Elizabeth's Chambers.] [Illustration: St Georges' Street. Newingate] [Illustration: St Thomas' Hospital from Grey Friars.] [Illustration: Butter Market.] [Illustration: The Mill overlooking the City.] [Illustration: The Dane John.] [Illustration: Borough Corner.] [Illustration: The Norman Staircase.] End of Project Gutenberg's Canterbury; A Sketch Book, by Walter M. Keesey *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 54198 ***