The Project Gutenberg EBook of C.A. Coey's School of Motoring, 1424-26
Michigan Ave. Chicago, by C. A. Coey

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Title: C.A. Coey's School of Motoring, 1424-26 Michigan Ave. Chicago

Author: C. A. Coey

Release Date: June 28, 2015 [EBook #49307]

Language: English

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  C. A. COEY'S

  1424-26 MICHIGAN AVE.

  Our School is said to be the
  Greatest and Most Complete


  in the World and the only one



  Lessons Compiled by

  C. A. COEY, President


[Illustration: Two Prominent Auto Racers

BARNEY OLDFIELD to the left racing against C. A. COEY in Mr. Coey's
famous Tornado on the St. Louis fair ground track. Mr. Oldfield won
the race by the smallest margin that a motor car race was ever won, he
being only six inches ahead at the finish.]

To the Prospective Student

If you are about to make your start in life, or not satisfied with your
present line of work, or for the sake of your health are desirous of
securing a change of employment which will take you out into the open
air, it is worth your while to consider the matter of learning to be an
expert automobile operator and to take up that line of work.

The great growth and development of the automobile and its use needs no
comment. The compensation of the chauffeur is good and the demand for
his services so steady, and the standing of the profession is so high
now, that it is more and more attractive to that class of individuals
who are able and willing to combine mechanical skill with intellectual

It is for that class of men this course is intended and it is that
class of men, who, by supplementing their natural mechanical genius
with a little properly directed mental work, can qualify themselves to
secure well paid positions, such as, to the proper persons, are certain
to prove stepping stones to greater advancement.

The great number of chauffeurs who enjoy the esteem and confidence of
their wealthy employers is well known, and we could enumerate hundreds
who have started in business for themselves and who are on the road to
wealth through the assistance of their employer.

The Object of Our School

The object of our School is to prepare young men throughout the country
to become expert chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, salesmen, garage
managers, etc.

Our president, Mr. C. A. Coey, has been in the automobile business for
twelve years, and he is one of the most prominent automobile men in
America today.

During this time he has sold thousands of automobiles, and his
customers can be found in every state in the Union. He found that the
only way he could supply the demands of the automobile dealers and
manufacturers throughout the country, was to open a school of motoring,
and it is for this reason that _C. A. COEY'S SCHOOL OF MOTORING_ was

Mr. Coey commenced as a small farmer boy himself, and he knows that
the country boys are even more ambitious than those in the city, but
they do not have the opportunities like the city boys. And because he
knew that there were plenty of such young men all over the country,
who would be able to fill just such positions, if they could but
prepare themselves, and at the same time to supply the demand from his
customers throughout the country for good honest young men he founded
this School.


A Word About our President

Mr. C. A. Coey

Mr. Coey has been prominently identified with the automobile business
in Chicago from its inception, in fact, he is the pioneer automobile
man of Chicago.

He constructed the first building ever erected in America for an
automobile garage, which is now standing at the corner of Cottage Grove
Avenue and 53rd St., Chicago, Illinois.

[Illustration: The first building erected for an Automobile
Garage--built by C. A. Coey.]

He placed the first taxicabs on the streets of Chicago and now owns the
best in the city.

[Illustration: The first taxicab seen in Chicago--C. A. Coey, owner.]

He is one of the few who made a success of the automobile livery
business, beginning with one car and increasing to fifty. Commencing
with practically nothing, he built up not only the largest automobile
livery business in the country, but also the largest automobile sales
business in America. The companies bearing his name now maintain a
large garage and salesroom.

Mr. Coey is intimately connected with some of the foremost men of this
country and is well known as an automobile manufacturer and dealer
throughout the country, and a _DIPLOMA_ with his name signed to it is
the best thing you can have when looking for any kind of employment in
the automobile industry.

He has secured more good paying positions for his students and friends
than all other auto schools in America combined, because he is so well

[Illustration: At the left--C. A. Coey, next to him--Charles Bonaparte,
grandson of the late Napoleon the Great.]

[Illustration: Ex-Vice-President Fairbanks, C. A. Coey, and Judge

[Illustration: C. A. Coey, at the left, and U. S. Senator "Pitchfork"

[Illustration: William Hoppe, the world's champion billiardist, in the
front seat with C. A. Coey at the wheel.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey at the wheel and Rube Waddell, the famous
ball player, by his side.]

[Illustration: Packy McFarland, Chicago's star boxer, in one of Mr.
Coey's machines.]

[Illustration: Charles J. Glidden in his rail riding automobile and C.
A. Coey in the rear to the right.]

Mr. Coey has won more twenty-four hour races than any other man living
and holds the world's record for twenty-four hours for a one-man
driver, covering 990 miles without a minute's rest.

[Illustration: Start of the 24 hour race at Chicago--won by C. A. Coey.]

[Illustration: As seen on the back stretch of the 24 hour race--C. A.
Coey passing other contestants.]

[Illustration: The Finish--C. A. Coey at the wheel. The Winner.]

Mr. Coey has also been widely known throughout the country in
connection with ballooning, and he holds the world's speed record,
having covered six hundred and seven miles in ten hours and fifty-five
minutes, ascending at Quincy, Illinois, on the 2nd day of June, 1907,
in the evening and sailing through the clouds all night, through
thunder storms, and making a landing at Clear Lake, South Dakota, at
five A. M. the next day.

[Illustration: C. A. Coey, in balloon costume--ready for a trip to

[Illustration: The next morning on the way to the Railroad Station with
Balloon and Basket.]

[Illustration: The landing he made in a tree top in Illinois.]

On the flight from Chicago on the 4th of July, 1908, at the meeting of
the Aeronautique Club of Chicago, of which Mr. Coey was president, he
crossed the Great Lake, landing in West Monkton, Canada, covering a
distance of five hundred and fifty-six miles, having made the flight in
a single night in his balloon, "Chicago," the largest balloon in the
World. In this trip he sailed over seventy-five miles of water.

[Illustration: The mammoth balloon "Chicago," the largest in the
world--owned by C. A. Coey.]

[Illustration: Barney Oldfield, Jerry Eller and C. A. Coey in Mr.
Coey's racing car.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey's first six cylinder racing car, with which
C. A. Coey gave Barney Oldfield close shaves on several occasions.]

[Illustration: Mr. Coey's mother and sister watching him fly away.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey up in Cloudland.]

[Illustration: Giving the girls who brought him his breakfast a ride.]

[Illustration: How the earth looks from one mile high--taken by C. A.

[Illustration: How the clouds look from above--taken by C. A. Coey.]

[Illustration: Bowling Green, Ky., taken by C. A. Coey at an altitude
of 10,000 feet.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey after coming to earth for breakfast.]

[Illustration: The basket of the Giant Balloon "Chicago" owned by C. A.

[Illustration: The way Mr. Coey sometimes landed--taken in California.]

[Illustration: Barney Oldfield and C. A. Coey going for a balloon ride.
Mr. Oldfield's first and last trip.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey and Frank Gotch, winner of first prize in
Decorated Car parade.]

[Illustration: A few cups won by C. A. Coey.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey's car winner of first prize in Floral

Mr. Coey is President of the following Corporations:

      Capital $250,000.00

      Capital $100,000.00

      Capital $50,000.00

And a member of the following clubs:

  Chicago Automobile Club (_life member_)
  Illinois Athletic Club (_life member_)
  South Shore Country Club
  Chicago Motor Club
  Chicago Auto Trade Association
  Chicago Commercial Association

Our Correspondence Course

For the benefit of those who cannot spare the time to come to our
School, we have compiled a correspondence course, in which we will
guarantee to teach you how to run, repair and demonstrate any
automobile _in ten weeks_.

This course consists of ten lessons all written plainly and in such an
intelligent manner, that anyone who can read and write can master any

They lead you step by step, on and on until you have reached the end,
and then you will be surprised at your own knowledge of an automobile.

We send you one lesson at a time, and as soon as you have answered all
of the questions contained on the last page of the book correctly, we
will send you the next lesson, and so on, until you have received the
ten lessons. Some can master two and three a week--it all depends upon
the person.

We assist backward students by giving more time to them and answering
any questions they wish to ask, as we desire above everything else to
make every student a first class high grade automobile man, an honor to
our School and a help to us and our customers.

The cost of our correspondence course is $15.00. If, after you have
finished our correspondence course, you wish to learn the manufacture
of a motor car, you can come to our factory, and we will give you our
practical course at our regular rates and deduct the amount you have
paid for the correspondence course.

Many who have decided to come to our factory and take our practical
course wait until they have finished the correspondence course, where
in the quiet of their homes they can get the principles fixed in
their minds, and then when they come to our School they are ready for

Description of the Ten Lessons

INTRODUCTION--The method the students should employ in studying our

LESSON ONE--_The Engine_--automobile engines in general; the four cycle
engine, chart and working model of same; parts of an automobile engine,
what they are made of and their uses; the two cycle motor and how it
differs from others.

LESSON TWO--_Cooling systems of Automobiles_--cooling the engine by
water; the pump, showing different types; gravity circulation; fans;
air cooled motors; causes of troubles and remedies for them; the
carburetor, automatic and mechanical, charts of different standard

LESSON THREE--_Ignition_--different systems of; different currents
used; the storage battery; dry cells; spark plugs; adjustment of spark
coils; low and high tension magnetos; different systems of wiring
ignition batteries; troubles and their remedies; charts and devices for
standard ignition systems.

LESSON FOUR--_Transmissions_--different types of, planetary, friction,
sliding gear; bearings used on transmissions, how to adjust them;
shifting levers and quadrants.

LESSON FIVE--_Clutches_--internal and external cone clutch band and
drum clutch, expanding ring clutch, multiple disc clutch; clutch
coupling devices.

LESSON SIX--_Operation_--how to drive a car; hints on saving
transmission wear; things to be remembered when starting a car;
emergency brake and its use; throttle control.

LESSON SEVEN--_Tires_--pneumatic and solid, cause of unnecessary wear;
the puncture and how to repair it; pinching innertubes, rim cutting,
and prevention for same; how to determine the proper size tire for car.

LESSON EIGHT--_Driving_--in the city; rules of the road; car signals.

LESSON NINE--_The care of a car_--how to detect troubles and how to
prevent and remedy same.

LESSON TEN--_Overhauling_--the method used in taking a machine apart
and putting same together; things to do and things not to do.

Ten Weeks Sufficient

There is no reason why one cannot finish our course in the allotted
time of ten weeks, but no charge will be made if more time is required,
as we desire above everything to give you such a course that your
efficiency will make your work a pleasure.

Your work can be done as well thousands of miles away as if you were on
the ground at our School.

If you contemplate purchasing a machine, you could not do better than
to first take our course, when you will be able to judge better on your
own account precisely what style of machine is peculiarly adapted to
your needs and your particular section of the country.

We can be of great service to you in choosing a machine. Some machines
are better adapted to certain localities than others; for instance,
a hilly or sandy country requires a low geared, light weight, high
powered machine, and you can rest assured on getting our unbiased

Our course has been taken by many ladies who own or contemplate owning
a machine, and they are among those who are most emphatic in praising
our method of teaching.

[Illustration: Scene of a bull fight taken by C. A. Coey.]


It is a nice thing to understand a motor, whether you ever intend to
drive one or not.

                           *       *       *

No one should purchase an automobile without first taking our course.

                           *       *       *

The man who buys a motor car without first learning one will live to
regret the day.

                           *       *       *

Astonishing, but nevertheless true, not one-half of the machines
manufactured are fit to be placed on the market. Do you know the reason

                           *       *       *

Never buy a car with the weak point, every other car has it, take our
course and be able to select the right one.

                           *       *       *

Motoring is easy and pleasant, if you are its master, but if you are
not, you had better stay at home.

                           *       *       *

Whether you spend most of your time under the car or on the car,
depends on whether or not you understand it.

                           *       *       *

A thousand things can happen to a motor, any one of which is easily
remedied if you know where to begin.

                           *       *       *

A Diploma is valuable when backed by one who is prominent in the
automobile world, and with a _COEY DIPLOMA_ at your back, you are
independent for life.

Our Practical Course

There is, perhaps, no place in this wide world where the student can
get such thorough training as at our factory. We are the only ones
in this country who have a factory where up-to-date automobiles are
actually built by students.

[Illustration: A few of our students getting actual experience.]

[Illustration: Each student works alone--showing the separate

The average practical automobile school, and we might say every last
one of them, instruct their students on old, worn-out, out-of-date
machines, which are ready for the junk pile, and what they learn on
those old relics will do them no good, in fact, they might better have
taken no schooling at all, as such work only tends to confuse and
mislead them. For if a person once learns to do a thing the wrong way,
he usually keeps on doing it and it is hard to get out of the habit.
And that is the reason why our students have been successful in filling
fine, easy, and well paying positions, because they are instructed on
up-to-date machines in an up-to-date manner.

[Illustration: A view of our lecture room.]

[Illustration: A corner in our machine shop.]

In our factory we teach a student the art of automobile building, and
teach him to drive the machine he himself has helped to build.

[Illustration: A few of our students out driving in a car they helped
to build.]

He takes it from the ground up, under the very best trained and skilled
mechanics and instructors in America, and when he has finished he can
command big wages.

[Illustration: One of our cars which students are instructed to

It requires from three to eight weeks to go through our factory, all
depending on the aptness of the student. We try to get our students
through as quickly as possible, but we will not issue a Diploma until
in our estimation he is qualified to fill any position in connection
with an automobile.

[Illustration: A Chauffeur's picnic with C. A. Coey's colored mascot in
the foreground.]

Since you have decided to take up the automobile business, the question
naturally arises, "Where can I learn it the best? and after I have
learned it, which school is in better shape to help me to get a good
paying position?"

Any school will tell you they will assist you, but what does that mean?
It means simply nothing at all because there is nothing behind it.
Assistance will do you no good unless you get the position.

The President of the United States could give you any kind of a
position you could ask for, because he has the influence, so could
the Governor of your state--influence is what counts. You stand a
far better chance of getting a good paying position through our
School--yes, ten to one, better than in any other school in the world.

Anyone with ordinary intelligence can write a book on automobile
instruction--anyone can run an advertisement in the paper and get
replies, and send out glowing literature, and get letters from
prominent automobile men and dealers and manufacturers, but when it
comes to getting you a position that is where they are weak.

[Illustration: A view of Mr. Coey's automobile salesroom, where
students get actual experience selling new cars.]

[Illustration: C. A. Coey in his private office, the finest on
"Automobile Row."]

We could name one auto school owner in the middle West and one in the
East, who were never in the automobile business, and who do not even
now own one. They send out glowing advertisements and secure letters
from auto manufacturers and dealers to help them get started, but if
you can find where a single person has ever secured a position through
these letters or through their influence, excepting a few whom they
have paid themselves in order to get some recommendations, we will send
you our course free.

Do you know that Mr. Coey is the only one of any importance in the
automobile world whatsoever who is connected with an automobile
school? Do you know that he is the only one who is engaged in handling
high grade motor cars? And last but not least, not another person in
the world running an automobile school has any connection with an
automobile factory. So what does it mean?

Just this--that instead of a few ex-chauffeurs or ex-clerks banding
together and calling themselves an auto school, we have as our head
a _real automobile man_, one with vast interests and prominently
connected in many branches of the business, and one who can secure you
a position.

Send your application in today and commence at once.

  Yours for success,

  1424-26 Michigan Avenue.      CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A.

Our Diploma

There is no better recommendation for anyone than a Diploma from _C. A.
COEY'S SCHOOL OF MOTORING_, which stands the country over for _SUCCESS_.

It is one thing to learn the automobile business, but quite another to
get profitable employment. Forty diplomas will not help you unless the
School is backed by someone well-known in the automobile world.

It is not our policy to get your money and then rush you through. We
are interested in you from the time you start until long after you have
finished. We cannot conduct our business throughout the country without
_you_, so _we must train you right_.

The thousands of automobiles which Mr. Coey sold during the past ten
years all need drivers, and our customers and agents in every territory
look to us to keep them supplied.

[Illustration: This is the thing that will insure you a job at any time
and at any place.]

Employment Department

This department is maintained for the exclusive use of our students
_free of charge_. We supply first class help for positions as:



  Auto Salesmen,


  Garage Managers,

  Assemblers for factories,

  And all branches of the automobile business.

[Illustration: One of Mr. Coey's drivers on one of his taxicabs, who
made $105.55 in one week.]

Terms of Tuition

While our course is the most complete and thorough, yet our rates
have been kept as low as possible. As we figure we might better have
students in all walks of life, we have placed the price within reach of
all. It is, however, subject to a raise without notice.

(For rates see our Application Blank)

City Examinations

After you have spent your time in an Auto School then comes the city
examination, which, if you do not pass, you might as well not have
wasted your time. Do you know that over one-half who, after they have
secured their diploma, are not able to pass the examinations for a City
License? Well, it is true. _But not a single one of OUR students has
ever failed to pass the examinations and secure a chauffeur's license._

The City Mechanician of Chicago, Mr. H. L. Hudson, who decides whether
or not you are entitled to a license, commenced with Mr. Coey in the
automobile business in 1900. He was Mr. Coey's private mechanician on
his racing cars. Mr. Hudson is an automobile expert and that is the
reason he holds a fine city position. He recently inspected our School,
and this is what he said:

 "I wish to compliment you on the method you employ in your School of
 Motoring. The many years I spent as mechanician on your private racing
 cars certainly furnished us both information of a definite character,
 which is necessary for a man holding such an important position as
 Automobile School Instructor and Examiner of the Board of Public Motor
 Vehicle Register of the City of Chicago.

 You seem to have the proper system and your vast experience with
 chauffeurs in the ten years past fits you, as no one else is fitted,
 for a competent instructor. I believe you are on the right track and
 wish you success.

  Yours very truly,
  (Signed) H. L. HUDSON,
  City Mechanician."

The following is what the Chicago Examiner has to say about our School.
(This article appeared without our knowledge and shows our standing in
the City of Chicago, which assures you of a square deal.)


 "A motoring school for the purpose of instructing persons in the
 running of automobiles has just been opened by C. A. Coey. This school
 will be of national scope and owing to the fact that Chicago is
 centrally located and the great railroad and mail distributing center,
 it will enable persons desirous of availing themselves of the benefits
 of institutions of this sort, to be in direct communication with
 instructors. Mr. Coey is nationally recognized as one of America's
 pioneer motorists and he realizes, as do the manufacturers, that the
 failure of so many automobiles to perform their proper functions
 and the occurrence of so great a number of accidents are due to the
 inefficiency of persons handling them."

A clipping from the Chicago Journal reads as follows:

 "Charles A. Coey is one of the pioneer automobile men of Chicago. He
 entered the business in 1900 and conducted a motor livery until 1902,
 when he became Chicago agent for the Thomas Flyer. He handled the
 Thomas line from 1902 until 1909, when he gave up the selling end to
 devote all his attention to his taxicab business. Last year he became
 Chicago agent for the American car, which he is handling under a
 ten-year contract. He is president of a company which is manufacturing
 the Coey Flyer in Chicago. Mr. Coey is well-known as an automobile
 racing driver and aeronaut. He won the Chicago Automobile Club's
 twenty-four-hour race at Harlem several years ago. He has made many
 long-distance flights in balloons."

And the Live Stock Magazine has this to say:

 "Perhaps the oldest and most prominent person in the automobile
 business in Chicago is C. A. Coey, the pioneer automobile dealer.
 Mr. Coey started an automobile school in 1901 at 5311 Cottage Grove
 Ave., Chicago, and it was there that the first building ever erected
 for an Automobile Livery was built. While Mr. Coey did not at that
 time advertise his School of Motoring, yet he started on an extensive
 business in this line, and it was said that over one thousand are
 now holding good, steady, well-paying jobs, and drawing salaries up
 to $75 a week. Mr. Coey's system is different from the rest, as he
 believes that a student can learn the foundation principles in the
 quiet of his home, and then after he has mastered the principles he is
 given a practical road course. We recommend this School as a reliable

How to get an Automobile Absolutely Free

As we told you in another part of this book--_WE ARE BUILDING
AUTOMOBILES_--a machine of the highest quality and the very latest
design, the specifications of which can be found on the last page of
this book.


We desire agents in every county in the United States and to those who
take our course, either the correspondence or the practical course, we
make this offer:

First, as soon as you have commenced to take our course we give you the
right to sell the _COEY FLYER_, and for every one you sell, we will
send you $200.00 in gold, and then after you have sold ten machines, we
will send you one _ABSOLUTELY FREE_, and prepay the freight on same to
any part of the United States, so that it is delivered to you free from
all cost.

We will extend this offer to no one who has not taken a course in our
School of Motoring, for we know that after you have taken this course,
you are capable of operating _ANY MACHINE_ without any trouble, and it
will be an advertisement for our School as well as for our machine.


Second, as soon as you have commenced to take our course, we will send
you a quantity of circulars and a large poster which you can hang in
some conspicuous place, with your name in bold type at the bottom,
showing you as our agent.


The Automobile business has come to stay and there will be many
machines sold in the next few months to people that you already know,
and if you let them know that you are our agent, they will be glad to
buy from you, as they will readily see that you can be of great help to
them when they commence to learn to run their machine, and they can buy
from you as cheaply as if they had come to Chicago and bought direct
from us.

We would suggest that in order to get a Coey Flyer in your locality
at once, that you go to someone whom you know is going to buy a
machine and tell him that if he will allow you to use his automobile
occasionally you will give him your commission, and if he knows that he
can save $200, he will be glad to do it.

[Illustration: Three-quarter view of the Coey Flyer.]

[Illustration: Rear view of the Coey Flyer.]

[Illustration: Front view of the Coey Flyer.]

This is the grandest offer ever made by anyone, and those who take
advantage of it will thank us a thousand times. Just think--a chance to
get rich for only $15.00. Have you ever had such an offer?

Specifications of the Coey Flyer

 _Motor_--Bore, 4-inch; Stroke, 5-inch; Cylinders, 6; T-Head, grouped
 in triplets; Crank Shaft, 2 inch; 3 large bearings.

 _Valves_--Opposite sides.

 _Oiling_--Mechanical pump.

 _Cooling_--Water--force pump.


 _Fan_--Driven by belt.

 _Ignition_--High tension. Bosch.

 _Control_--Hand and Foot.

 _Carbureter_--Schebler Model L.

 _Fuel Feed_--Pressure from exhaust.

 _Clutch_--39 disc--polished saw metal.

 _Transmission_--Three speed forward, one reverse; Selective, on rear

 _Ratio_--Three and one-fifth to one.

 _Rear Axle_--Semi-floating (The Stutz). We use the axle designed for a
 7-passenger car.

 _Starter_--We furnish Presto Self Starter for $25 extra.

 _Depth of Rear Cushion_--20 inches.

 _Width of Rear Cushion_--43 inches.

 _Distance from Back of Front Seat to Rack of Rear Seat_--48 inches.

 _Front Axle_--I-Beam.

 _Wheel Base_--124 inches.

 _Tread_--56 inches.

 _Tires_--36x4 all around.

 _Rims_--Quick demountable; Baker bolted on.

 _Springs_--Front, semi-elliptic, 41 inches long.

 _Springs_--Rear, three-quarter elliptic, 40 inches long.

 _Brakes_--Foot and Emergency; both internal expanding. Diameter of
 drum, 14 inches; width, 41/2 inches.

 _Frame_--Chrome nickel steel, 4-inch Kickup.

 _Equipment_--Top, Front Glass, Curtains, 5 Lamps, Prest-o-lite Tank,
 Tools, Jack, Pump.

 _Weight_--2,730 pounds (with tanks empty).

 _Speed_--2 to 68 on high gear.

 _Colors_--Bottle Green, Golden Brown, Coey White. Other colors no
 extra charge, but a delay of 30 days may be necessary.

Now, in conclusion, Mr. Reader--above all, do not hesitate but start

If not with us, then with some other School, for with them you can
learn something about this mammoth rapid-growing, health-giving

Now is the time to act--send us your application today.

  Yours for success,
  1424-26 Michigan Avenue.       CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A.


                   *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber's Notes:

  Italic text is denoted by _underscores_.
  Obvious printing mistakes have been corrected.
  Page 24, "recommnedations" changed to "recommendations."

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of C.A. Coey's School of Motoring,
1424-26 Michigan Ave. Chicago, by C. A. Coey


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