The Project Gutenberg EBook of Report of Governor's Representatives for California at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Commission, by J. A. Filcher and Frank Wiggins This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: Report of Governor's Representatives for California at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Commission Author: J. A. Filcher Frank Wiggins Release Date: December 13, 2014 [EBook #47657] Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION *** Produced by Charlene Taylor, Bryan Ness and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.)
GOVERNOR J. N. GILLETT, Commissioner.
Governor’s Representatives.
Sacramento, Cal., December 27, 1910.
To Hon. James N. Gillett,
Governor of California, and Ex-Officio Commissioner
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.
Dear Sir:—
As your Representatives, charged with the details of California’s representation at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, held at Seattle, Washington, from June 1st to October 15th, 1909, inclusive, we take pleasure in submitting to you the following report of our work.
It was right that California should aid and participate in a Western Exposition, and it was wise to make the appropriation for the purpose sufficient to insure a creditable representation of the State’s resources. Accordingly, on your recommendation, the Legislature of 1907, set apart from the General Fund the sum of $100,000, and authorized you, as Commissioner for California, through such Representatives as it might be your pleasure to appoint, to supervise the general expenditure of the appropriation in the erection of a suitable building on the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition grounds, and the collection and installation therein of such an exhibit as would do credit to the State, and exemplify in as striking and effective manner as possible the great variety and superior quality of California’s products.
In accordance with the authority thus conferred it was your pleasure to appoint the undersigned to represent you in this work. You acted promptly and gave your Representatives ample time to take advantage of the seasons to secure samples of everything necessary for a complete display of the State’s resources. To this one fact is due largely the greater completeness of the Seattle exhibit than any California had previously made. You also relieved your Representatives of possible embarrassment by allowing them to appoint their own assistants and fix their compensation and term of service. In the exercise of this authority preference was given to those best qualified to perform the work required, and the term of employment depended on efficiency and good behavior. No help was hired that was not absolutely necessary, and no one was kept on the pay-roll a moment longer than his or her services were required. In short, it was our determined purpose from the start to try and secure maximum results at a minimum cost in every department of the work, to the end that the final outcome might be an improvement on any previous effort made by California of a similar character.
We considered this to be necessary, not only in deference to our own reputation, but more particularly for the credit and benefit of the State. You can understand if the display made at Seattle had been less complete or in any way less attractive than the one made at Portland, for instance, the impression created would be that those in charge were becoming careless, or that California was retrograding, a condition that would probably have resulted in as much harm as good, and largely or entirely neutralized the object of the Legislature in making the appropriation.
We felt that we must improve on previous showings made by the State at other Expositions, or resign and ask that the responsibility be placed in other hands, or that the money be allowed to remain in the State Treasury. With a larger appropriation, corresponding with the larger expenditures in freight and numerous other items at Seattle as compared to Portland, the effort for an improved display would not have been difficult; but with the appropriation practically the same, considering the salvage benefit realized for Portland from California’s exhibit the previous year at St. Louis, the planning, the economizing, the denials and the extra personal labor imposed in order to accomplish the desired result can never be fully appreciated, except by those who had immediate charge of the work. Those efforts were made the more difficult by reason of California’s reputation for open handed hospitality, and the ever present consciousness that nothing must be done or left undone that might tend to impair that reputation. You can understand it is no easy task to maintain a show of generous hospitality all day, and then set up at night to figure out how you can do the same thing to-morrow without unduly impairing a limited revenue.
But we did it. We built the best and second largest State Building ever erected at a World’s Fair; we collected and installed the most complete and most attractive exhibit of California’s resources that the State ever made; we maintained stereoptican lectures, gave out verbal information to all inquirers, and distributed attractive literature; we gave frequent receptions and dispensed true California hospitality; we filled the measure of our aim; we did what we believe the State expected us to do, and it is a proud moment now the work is ended and we are able to record the fact that we did it without exceeding the appropriation.
The California building was of the Spanish renaissance style of architecture. The broad steps that led up to the five large arches which opened on to the wide portico or colonnade were eighty feet long, and through any of the five broad doors that fronted the arches visitors entered the main exhibition hall. This hall was one hundred and forty feet square with gallery on all four sides twenty-one feet high and thirty feet wide. Four flights of easy stairs, one at either corner, led to the spacious gallery. Light was diffused from side windows under the gallery and in the gallery high enough from the floor so as not to interfere with the wall for exhibit purposes, and from an iron-framed skylight sixty-four feet square. On either side of the main building and in line with the front there were wings thirty-two feet wide and thirty-five feet long. This gave a total frontage to the building of two hundred and ten feet, or a little more than two-thirds of an average city block. The wings were so arranged as to provide a lecture hall, offices, parlor, reception room, buffet, and living rooms for the Representatives and some of the employees. The structure as a whole presented an imposing appearance and was ideal for the purpose intended. It was designed and built by the State Engineering Department, with an occasional inspection by one of the Representatives. Builders figured on the plans and variously estimated the cost at from $50,000 to $56,000. We had asked for a building to cost not exceeding one-third of the appropriation. For a time we feared the dimensions would have to be reduced, but State Engineer Ellery, after figuring carefully on the job, expressed the opinion that he could erect the structure as planned for an amount pretty close to our figures. He was finally requested to go ahead with the work. He put one of his trusted superintendents in charge, hired his help by the day, and when completed as nearly as desired for exposition purposes, it was found to have cost, including preparation of grounds and finishing of lecture room, just $40,333.84, and it was better finished outside and more substantially constructed than Exposition buildings usually are.
As you are aware it has been deeded to the Washington University, on whose grounds the Exposition was held, and, barring accidents, will remain for many years as the University Museum building.
Center Piece or Fruit Palace
The installation would be tedious to describe, and we will not attempt it further than to say that harmony in color and arrangement was maintained throughout the building, all balancing from an imposing center-piece, or Product Palace, which was covered entirely with natural products of the State, including dried fruits, seeds, cereals, raisins, nuts, etc., so artistically arranged as to give the whole a very attractive appearance. This center-piece or palace was admitted to be not only the most beautiful feature of the California Building, but the most original, elaborate and artistic feature of the entire Exposition. The editor of Illustrated Northwest Farm and Home visited the California[Pg 5] Building during the early part of the Fair, and returning home gave expression to his impressions through the columns of his paper in these words:
“In the California Building there is everything to delight the eye and the entertainers can talk English. The statuary and ornaments in fruits and nuts surpasses anything that the eye of man ever beheld. For instance; the representation of carvings over the finished woods are created of various kinds of fruits; at the entrance to the center-piece within the main building, are two life-size mountain lions made of peaches; a black knight mounted on a black horse, are made of California prunes; an elephant, full size, is made of California walnuts; a life-size cow is created of California almonds; a large black bear has California raisins for a robe; a lemon as large as a hogshead, is composed of California lemons.”
These were some of the fruit features designed to set off the general display and emphasize the products that composed them. But these were only incidental to the strong and imposing exhibit of all of California’s material products. There was a generous display of processed fruits, including all varieties known to the State. The dried fruit department was strong and attractive, embracing three separate features, one of miscellaneous dried fruits, one of raisins and one of prunes. There were separate stands or features of wines, olive oil, pickled olives, mineral water, canned fruit, preserved fruit, vegetables, flowers, oranges, nuts, honey, beans, cereals, seeds, sugar, silk, wool, ostrich feathers, fibers, canned milk, canned fish, etc., etc., besides many suitable show cases containing samples of other products more delicate and less in quantity. There was a strong show of incubators and an attractive feature of borax. Models were shown, and in operation where practicable, of such articles or machinery as could not be accommodated otherwise, as for instance the working model of a complete gold dredge, manufactured especially for this exhibit by the Risdon Iron Works of San Francisco.
The Mining Department of the display on the main floor of the California Building was attractively installed and as complete as the State has ever made, being strong in the minerals in which we are strong, but embracing in all forty-four separate commercial varieties, including a strong showing of mineral oils and structural materials. A beautiful illuminated case of gold specimens and free gold ores from Siskiyou County, and an equally beautiful illuminated case of rough and cut gems from San Diego County, including gem jewelry, constituted very attractive features of the mineral department. The onyx and onyx ware from San Diego made a fine showing, as did also the large display of slate in all forms of utility from El Dorado.
The Forestry Department included all the commercial woods of the State and many that have a prospective value for cabinet purposes. The variety displayed in this feature was so great, the installation so attractive, and the quality of the raw and manufactured samples so superior, that the Jury readily awarded to it a Grand Prize, the highest recognition possible, and this in a State where forestry is a leading industry,[Pg 6] and by a Jury composed largely of Washingtonians. This was a victory to be proud of. All the available space on the walls of the main exhibition hall was covered with enlarged views of California scenes and industries.
On the upper floor, one gallery (the front) was reserved for display pictures, a hotel information bureau and receptions, one for an exhibit of manufacturers’ samples, one for Art, and one for Education.
while largely a new departure, constituted a very interesting and instructive feature. Even many Californians were surprised to learn that all of the articles found there were made in this State. Leather and leather goods, silk and silk fabrics and nautical instruments in this department, each were awarded the highest prize it was possible to obtain.
The Art Display collected largely by Miss Evelyn Almond Withrow of San Francisco, as a labor of love, her services being gratuitous, as was her time in superintending the installation of the exhibit later, was freely admitted by those informed on such things to be the best and[Pg 7] most complete representation of California art and handicraft ever brought together on any previous occasion either at home or abroad. It comprised nearly three hundred pictures, all the best work of the best artists in the State, besides busts of statuary, samples of modeling and eight large and specially designed show cases filled with beautiful samples of all classes of handiwork known to art.
Our Educational Display was the best and most complete ever made, and was very much the best exhibit of the kind at the Seattle Exposition. It was collected and superintended by Mr. Robert Furlong of San Rafael, an expert in this line of work, and embraced a representative showing of every department of California’s educational system from the kindergarten to the university, not omitting the libraries and private educational institutions. There could be only one criticism to this department and that was its crowded condition, as there was too much material for the space that could be allowed for it. In an exhibit of products, quantity can be reduced without material detriment, but if one sample of an educational exhibit is left out, the work perhaps of some fond son or daughter whose parents may come looking for it, there is likely to be trouble. Nearly all portions of California contributed to this Department, making the display representative in every sense.
The California building, though some distance back from the main entrance, was on high ground and eligibly located as to attractive surroundings and accessibility. The grounds for so large a structure were necessarily extensive, and the work of clearing, leveling, sodding and planting these grounds involved an expenditure much greater than at previous expositions, where the grounds were smaller and required less preparatory work.
Mr. Geo. C. Roeding of Fresno, our Superintendent of Horticulture, giving his talents and time, as did Miss Withrow, for the love of the work and the good he could do the State, collected from different nurseries in California two car loads of fruiting trees, flowering plants, palms and shrubs, and traveled to Seattle to personally superintend the work of converting these grounds into a typical California park, with clusters of palms, geranium beds and orange groves. It gave to the Exposition a semi-tropic feature which visitors greatly enjoyed, and which was highly appreciated by the Exposition management as a rare and valuable acquisition to their already beautiful landscape effects. It might be said, however, that the citrus trees and other tender plants did not thrive well even in the Seattle summer, and though the grounds thus planted, as a side attraction and subject of favorable comment, were perhaps worth all they cost, yet they were not so beautiful as they would have been under more favorable climatic conditions. Mr. Roeding’s work in the department was prompted by love of his art and pride in his State. He contributed liberally from his own nurseries and gave time and technical assistance that money could hardly have bought, and for his unstinted services, not only your Representatives, but all Californians, owe him a debt of lasting gratitude.[Pg 8]
Striving to obtain the best exhibit possible with the means available, your Representatives early solicited the co-operation of all the counties of California, offering in return for their efforts such distinctive representation as the merits of their respective products would warrant, consistent with a general harmonious plan of installation. Some responded very generously, others modestly and some not at all. On the whole, however, the help from counties was very material, particularly the services of their respective representatives in entertaining visitors to the California building and answering the constant flow of questions provoked by an inspection of the exhibits. Those counties that supported one or more representatives at the Exposition and which contributed more or less to the general display were, San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Alameda, San Francisco, Tulare, Sacramento and Siskiyou. Material was contributed by Kern, Fresno, San Joaquin, Monterey, Santa Clara, and here and there a little from others, but none of these latter maintained a representative, while some of those first named had at least two people with us all the time. It can be readily understood that with the regular State employees, reenforced by all the county representatives indicated, selected generally by reason of their especial qualifications for the position, the California force was very strong, and if any one visited the building and left without learning all he or she wanted to know about our State, or any part or industry thereof, it was because they did not make the desire for such information known. The work of the able floor representatives and lecturers was strongly reenforced by a well equipped
A neat booth with spacious counter was provided at a prominent and convenient place in the building and well supplied with attractive literature all the time, free to all comers. In addition to the State book, a large edition of which was compiled and published at the expense of the appropriation, and which, we desire to say here, was as comprehensive a publication on California as was ever gotten out, nearly every progressive county contributed to the supply, thus making it possible to meet the eager demand that always exists for information regarding this State. Altogether from first to last we estimate that more than a car load of literature was handed out from our literature booth or given to visitors by those on the floor, and yet no one was ever asked to take a line who had not previously expressed a desire for it. If you force literature on people much of it is thrown away as soon as they are out of your sight. If put within convenient reach people take what they want and no more, and what they want they keep. No California literature was thrown away.
were a strong reenforcement to the literature. These lectures were given by the different County Representatives in a hall built and equipped by the State especially for the purpose, and which opened off the main exhibition room. The number of lectures varied from nine to twelve a day, each occupying half an hour, twenty-five minutes for the[Pg 10] talk and five minutes to empty and re-fill the hall. They were a popular feature and always well patronized, and their far-reaching and convincing lessons will be realized in benefits to California, and especially to the sections represented, for many years to come. A new departure in Exposition work was the maintenance in the California building of a California
Room and accommodations were gladly given for this feature, which, however, was maintained at the expense of certain contributing hotels that represented practically all important centers of the State. It relieved your Representatives of the duty of supplying information in this particular line of inquiry and insured the work being done better than it could have been otherwise.
were maintained in the California Building by a number of exhibitors to whom we were pleased to give space for the purpose, as experience teaches that one of the most effective ways of impressing the merits of any particular article is to prove its value by sample. Our preserved fruits, our canned mackerel and our borax products were shown and sampled from artistic booths, while beans, wine, olive oil and other products were demonstrated as occasion required but in a more modest way.
Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Filcher who had served so successfully as hostesses at the St. Louis Exposition and at the Portland Exposition, were installed as hostesses of the California Building at Seattle, the compensation to be determined after the close of the Exposition when our financial condition would be better understood, they agreeing in advance to abide by the outcome. This arrangement was an incentive to extra economy on their part, and it may be said they seconded every effort of your Representatives in that direction, and yet they maintained California’s reputation for hospitality admirably, and became favorites in the large Hostesses’ Association of the Exposition, of which Mrs. Wiggins was one of the leading officials.
Mr. Geo. A. Dennison, who had a long prior record with the State Board of Trade, and who served us so efficiently as Secretary at St. Louis and at Portland, was appointed Secretary at Seattle, and remained with us to the close of our work. In this connection it may be said that other State Representatives had as their office force a secretary, a bookkeeper and a stenographer. Mr. Dennison, possessing the qualifications, filled all three of those positions for California, and being an expert in each branch filled them all with marked efficiency.
The splendid exhibit made by California proved one of the principal attractions of the Exposition. It became to be the general remark that[Pg 11] if you did not see the Government exhibit and the California exhibit you did not see the show. As a consequence all who attended the Exposition visited the California building, and as may be supposed, we had a crowd passing through the exhibits all the time the building was open. The average attendance at the Exposition was close to 25,000 a day; allowing that each visitor spent two days on the grounds, and that in one of the two days practically all visited our building, it may be estimated that the number who inspected the California exhibits daily was about 12,000. This we believe is a fair estimate.
We had a separate card register for visitors from this State, and it will surprise you perhaps to learn that the number of Californians who registered with us averaged nearly two hundred a day, or twelve hundred a week. In one day during the height of the season we registered 372 people from our home State. It is not only possible, but very probable, that many come and went without registering; making allowance for these, and figuring those who did register at 1,200 a week, and counting twenty weeks for the Fair (19 weeks and 5 days to be exact), we estimate the number of Californians who attended the Seattle Exposition at 25,000.
If other evidence were wanting to establish the claim that the Seattle exhibit was the best and most complete ever made by California, it would be found in the record of prizes won by this State. In proportion to the number of entries we not only beat all the other States in the number of high awards, but we beat all past records made by California, and this in face of the fact that the juries as a rule set a high standard and were very critical in their examinations. California’s greatest total premiums at any previous Exposition was 518, while at Seattle the total was 800. To win gold medals or higher on half the entries is considered a remarkable record, and yet out of the total of 800 at Seattle, 90 were grand prizes, an award only made in case of extraordinary excellence, 414 were gold medals, 155 silver medals, 108 bronze medals and 33 honorable mentions. A careful analysis by one who understands what is required to win a high award at an International Exposition and what it stands for, will show at once that this is a most extraordinary record, one which we confidently believe has never been equalled by any State or country at any Exposition in the world, and one which is not likely to be equalled except possibly by California itself, for many years to come. It will be noticed from the detailed list of the awards, which follows in this report, that they are well distributed throughout the State, nearly every locality and every industry sharing in the honors, a further evidence of the representative character of the exhibit.
At the close of the Exposition we took sufficient time to safely pack all material that had to be returned and to label it carefully so as to facilitate its distribution in California. In the meantime we sold some of the edible goods and some on order we turned over to local agents[Pg 12] of the owners. All money received therefor has been remitted to the parties who furnished the articles and receipts received for the same. The furniture, fixtures and other material which belonged to the State and which we deemed it advisable to sell, was disposed of to the best advantage possible, considering the great quantity of this class of goods that were being thrown on the market. From this source we realized the sum of $5,135.16. From rent of soft drink stand in the building we realized the sum of $300.00, and from the sale of building $750.00, making the total salvage exclusive of building $5,435.16, which is fully accounted for in the financial statement which follows in this report. The $750.00 received for the building was turned over to the State Printer on account and never passed through our hands.
There was certain office furniture which it was deemed unwise to sacrifice, and some permanent exhibition material that is worth more to the State for future expositions than any amount that could be realized from it at a forced sale. Consequently this material was returned and the furniture has been turned over to the State Agricultural Society and the exhibition material has been stored in a shed which we built for the purpose on the grounds of the State Agricultural Society. The latter consists of eight mineral show cases, a collection of California ores and mineral specimens, a large assortment of California woods, including burls and rare specimens, a lot of framed and unframed pictures of California scenes and industries, and about 500[Pg 13] glass jars, most of which are filled with seeds, cereals, sugar or processed fruits. The furniture returned at 50 cents on the dollar, the usual selling price at an Exposition of good material, is worth $75.00, the showcases $425.00, exhibit material, estimated at half what it would cost to collect it, $2,000.00, and the glass jars $1,000.00. This totals a heritage to the State from the Seattle Exposition of $3,500.00. This will be available and worth even more than the sum stated whenever the State desires to make another exhibition.
Summing up the benefits of an exhibit is a good deal like a merchant trying to estimate the good derived from a sign over his door. Occasionally a patron may say, “I saw your sign and came in,” and occasionally a party may say, “I saw your exhibit and it prompted me to come to California.” The money dropped from travelers alone who passed through this State going to or returning from the Exposition, has probably recompensed California for its outlay, but this is only the beginning of the harvest. Many people from the eastern and central States who visited the Exposition with a view of ascertaining in which part of the Northwest it would be best to settle, changed their minds after seeing the exhibits made by the different States and came on to California. Besides, thousands of others already settled, after inspecting the exhibits made by this State, openly declared that if they ever moved again they would land in California. The tons of literature on this State carried away by visitors to supplement and strengthen their impressions, both impressions and literature to be disseminated among their neighbors, will have an effect that cannot be estimated, but which must inevitably bear fruit for California for many years to come. Then again, the seeing of our splendid products naturally excites a desire to try them, and the increased demand for our fruits, oil, wines, etc., growing out of such a display, is far-reaching. But more than all this, the greater intercourse, the better acquaintance, the more friendly feeling between the people of the different sections of the country, and particularly of the west, and more particularly between the people of this State and Washington, or Oregon and Washington, if you please, is bound to lead to a better understanding in regard to trade relations and result in commercial benefits that cannot be estimated. That the participation of California was wise there is no doubt, and that the benefits received and to be received will be many fold greater than the cost is as certain as the future. The follow-up letters that have already come to your Representatives from people of the Northwest and other sections who saw and inspected our exhibit, is further proof that an interest in this State has been awakened among them that will not soon die out.
We are under obligations to so many that it would be tedious to enumerate them. The higher officials of the Exposition, President J. E. Chilberg, Director-General I. A. Nadeau and Director of Exhibits H. E. Dosch, showed us every courtesy and manifested a desire to do all they could to facilitate our work; while from the other departments, and even from the subordinates in all departments, a request from[Pg 14] California was promptly considered and always conceded when not inconsistent with the Exposition rules. There were differences at first, as is always the case, but on a better understanding these were adjusted to the satisfaction of all concerned.
The Southern Pacific Company and the Northern Pacific Company carried our freight at a one-way rate, and their respective agents were prompt and accommodating, setting a new mark for railroad efficiency at Expositions. The Southern Pacific Passenger Department also loaned us some very fine pictures of California scenes which were valuable not only as wall decorations but as object lessons on certain features of our State. To the Golden Gate Park officials of San Francisco, and also the officials of the Stockton State Hospital, we are under obligations for liberal contributions of ornamental plants and shrubs for the decoration of the California building and grounds. Mr. R. M. Teague of San Dimas and the Fancher Creek Nursery of Fresno, also contributed liberally of their choicest stock, for which we owe them a debt of gratitude. The same is true of J. Dietrich, Howard & Smith, Elysian Park and Edward H. Rust, all of Los Angeles, and of the Orange County Nursery & Land Co., of Fullerton.
To the counties and other subdivisions of the State that through organized effort and at their own expense collected valuable exhibition material, prepared descriptive literature and sent representatives to[Pg 15] Seattle, thereby strengthening the exhibit and adding to the force of California workers, we are under obligations. To their efforts and to the efficiency of the people they sent much of California’s success at the Seattle Exposition is due, and we want them to know and feel that their efforts and co-operation are fully appreciated.
To producers, manufacturers and packers, to lumbermen and miners, who responded to our request for samples of their output we owe a debt which we tried to pay in part by caring for their goods as they would have cared for them, and by looking out for their interests in the matter of awards as carefully as they could have done had they been there.
In this connection we wish to express our obligation to the Niles-Pease Furniture Company for the generous loan of the finest art mission furniture for our reception room, to Byron Mauzy of San Francisco, the Star Piano Company and Salyer-Baumeister of Los Angeles, for the loan of pianos for the use of our guests, and to the Eilers Piano Company for the free use of a pianola for our lecture room. To Arthur Harris, designer, and to C. L. Wilson, Superintendent of Installation, both experts in their line, is due largely the attractive character of California’s exhibit, admitted to be the most beautiful in arrangement and display, as well as the most comprehensive ever put up by this or any other State, at Seattle or any other Exposition.
We do not hesitate to affirm that California’s participation at the Seattle Exposition was a success from every point of view, and knowing our trust was conscientiously performed, and that our best efforts were exerted in the interest of our State, we dare to hope that you who trusted us are not disappointed, and that the people of California who generously advanced the money for the work are satisfied with the showing made, and that they will reap substantial and lasting benefit as the result of their enterprise and liberality. We want to thank you sincerely for the confidence reposed in us, for your kindly co-operation and advise, and particularly for the generous rein given to us in carrying out a work for which you, in the eyes of the law, were primarily responsible. Our studied efforts were continually directed toward trying to get the greatest results at the least cost, for, though handling a generous appropriation, we never lost sight of the fact that it was the people’s money, and consequently we consented to the expenditure of a dollar only where in our judgement a dollar’s worth or more benefit would accrue to California; neither did we lose sight of the high standard which has characterized your course in the handling of public affairs. We acted on the principle that public office is a public trust, and that public money should be handled with greater care than one would handle his own.
The following pages contain a complete list of the awards made to California exhibitors and a statement of all moneys received and expended, and accompanying this report we hand you the vouchers showing all our transactions and just how the money was expended. We[Pg 16] have settled every honorable claim, we have concluded the work in full, even to the distribution of the awards, and if there is a dollar left to go back into the Treasury it is because that dollar was not needed for the full satisfaction of the duties imposed.
Governor’s Representatives.
October 1, 1907, to December 27, 1910.
State of California | $ 99,500.00 | |
Salvage | 5,435.16 | |
Office Supplies | $ 487.23 | |
Postage | 321.45 | |
Telephone and Telegraph | 248.04 | |
Drayage | 2,173.44 | |
Express and Freight | 5,579.11 | |
Building Maintenance | 3,250.96 | |
Printing | 1,639.30 | |
Furniture and Fixture | 4,294.74 | |
Miscellaneous | 3,361.95 | |
J. A. Filcher, Salary | 3,930.00 | |
J. A. Filcher, Expense | 1,319.99 | |
Frank Wiggins, Salary | 1,625.00 | |
Frank Wiggins, Expense | 705.87 | |
G. A. Dennison, Salary | 3,100.00 | |
G. A. Dennison, Expense | 838.35 | |
Employees’ Salary | 10,264.60 | |
Employees’ Expense | 1,570.66 | |
Rent | 763.03 | |
Exhibit Material | 8,205.03 | |
Installation | 10,829.55 | |
California Building | 40,333.84 | |
Returned to A. B. Nye, State Controller | 93.02 | |
—————— | —————— | |
$104,935.16 | $104,935.16 |
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Brandy 3 star. |
Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | Chateau Cresta Blanca. |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Mesa Blanca Wine. |
The Rosenblatt Company | San Francisco | Apricot Brandy. |
Italian Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Asti Special Wine. |
St. Elmo Cigar Co. | Los Angeles | Cigars. |
F. L. Hogue | Santa Barbara | Beans. |
F. L. Hogue | Santa Barbara | Mustard Seed. |
Lovdal Bros. Co. | Sacramento | Hops. |
San Joaquin Co. | Stockton | Grains and milling products. |
State of California | Sacramento | Assorted cereals. |
Ventura County | Lima beans. | |
John J. Sommans | Pasadena | Cut glass. |
San Francisco Keramic Club | San Francisco | Display hand decorated china. |
Bertha and Ellen Kleinschmidt | Berkeley | Hand decorated china. |
State of California | Sacramento | Gen’l collection woods and burls. |
State of California | Sacramento | Gen’l collection commercial and cabinet woods. |
Cawston Ostrich Farm | Pasadena | Ostrich feathers. |
Carlson-Currier Silk Co. | San Francisco | General display silks. |
Los Angeles Silk Works | Los Angeles | “Yard wide” silk. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Silk and cocoon exhibit. |
Alameda County | Oakland | Processed vegetables. |
California Nursery | Niles | 78 varieties nuts, grown in one nursery. |
San Diego County | San Diego | Processed fruit in glass. |
W. D. Nichols | Oakland | Processed flowers. |
Sacramento Valley | Gen’l display processed fruits and vegetables. | |
Fred L. Hilmer Co. | San Francisco | Eggs. |
Petaluma Incubator Co. | Petaluma | Gen’l display incubators and brooders. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation mineral exhibit. |
State of California | Sacramento | Gen’l installation of State bldg. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation of fruit palace. |
Brawley Cantaloupe Ass’n | Cantaloupes. | |
Los Nietos Ranchito Walnut Growers Ass’n | Rivera | Walnuts. |
C. W. Leffingwell | Whittier | Lemons. |
Los Angeles Chamber of Com | Processed fruit in glass. | |
Tulare County Board of Trade | Fruits through season. | |
Cal. Fruit Growers Exchange | Los Angeles | Oranges. |
E. B. Leach | Lemons. | |
State of California | Sacramento | Fruit and vegetables in glass. |
State of California | Sacramento | Almonds. |
[Pg 18]California Cotton Mills Co. | Oakland | Raw and manufactured cotton. |
Johnston Fruits Co. | Santa Barbara | Lemons. |
Pacific Electric Heating Co. | Los Angeles | Hot point electric iron. |
State of California | Sacramento | Processed fruit and vegetables. |
Holmes Disappearing Bed Co. | Los Angeles | Sanitary conditions. |
San Diego County | San Diego | Gem exhibit. |
Cal. Public School System | General education display. | |
Santa Barbara County | English walnuts. | |
San Diego County | Display of nuts. | |
Raymond Glove Co. | Stockton | Manufactured gloves. |
Wagner Leather Co. | Stockton | Tanned leather. |
Champion Manufacturing Co. | Oakland | Aut-O-Lac leather dressing. |
Walsh-Richardson Co. | Sacramento | Saddles. |
Gertrude Boyle | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
Clara Hill | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
A. Stirling Calder | Los Angeles | Sculpture. |
Rosa G. Taussig | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
Western Art Tile Co. | Los Angeles | Art tile. |
State of California | Sacramento | Beet sugar. |
California Dried Fruit Agency | Fresno | Dried fruits. |
Santa Clara Co. Fruit Exchange | Assorted dried fruits. | |
Fresno Chamber of Commerce | Seeded raisins. | |
Fresno County | Artistic display of raisins. | |
Alpine Evaporated Cream Co. | Hollister | Evaporated milk. |
Roeding Fig Packing Co. | Fresno | Dried figs and preserved figs in glass. |
American Olive Co. | Los Angeles | Ripe olives. |
Ehmann Olive Co. | Oroville | Ripe olives. |
American Olive Co. | Los Angeles | Olive oil. |
Griffin & Skelly Co. | San Francisco | Assorted canned and preserved fruits. |
Cal. Fruit Canners Association | San Francisco | Assorted canned and preserved fruits. |
The J. H. Flickinger Co. | San Jose | Assorted canned fruits. |
Central California Canneries | Sacramento | Assorted canned fruits. |
Ewell & Russell | Santa Cruz | Jellies, preserves & marmalades. |
Bishop & Co. | Los Angeles | Preserved fruits. |
G. H. Waters & Co. | Ramona | Canned fruits. |
Octavia Holden | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
State of California | Sacramento | General collection of gold ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | General display minerals. |
New Pedrara Mexican Onyx Co. | San Diego | Onyx display. |
Siskiyou County | Gold ores, placer and leaf gold and gold specimens. | |
A. Lietz Co. | San Francisco | Surveying and nautical instruments. |
Pacific Coast Borax Co. | Oakland | Borax, raw and refined, and its product for medical and domestic use. |
Hicks-Judd Co. | San Francisco | Display bookbinding & printing. |
State of California | Sacramento | California Public Schools System. |
Los Angeles Pressed Brick Co. | Pressed and glazed brick. | |
State of California | Sacramento | Variety of woods and finish. |
Ehmann Olive Co. | Oroville | Olive oil. |
Siskiyou County | Yreka | Indian basketry & Indian relics. |
State of California | Sacramento | Display of arts and crafts. |
[Pg 19]Chas. Frederick Eaton | Santa Barbara | Arts and crafts. |
Chas. Frank Ingerson | San Francisco | Modeled leather screen. |
G. Kellogg Claxton | San Francisco | Metal art work and jewelry. |
State of California | Sacramento | Collective display oil paintings. |
Goddard Gale | Oakland | Water colors. |
Rose Hooper Plottner | San Francisco | Miniatures. |
El Quito Olive & Vine Farm | Santa Clara | Claret. |
C. Shilling & Co. | San Francisco | Lomas Azules (Chateau Yquem). |
C. Shilling & Co. | San Francisco | Semillon. |
C. Shilling & Co. | San Francisco | Burgundy. |
C. Shilling & Co. | San Francisco | Cabernet Sauvignon. |
C. Shilling & Co. | San Francisco | Sherry. |
C. Shilling & Co. | San Francisco | Cabernet. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Burgundy. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Zinfandel. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Riesling. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | White Tipo. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Chablis. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Haut Sauterne. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Sauterne. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Cabernet. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Claret. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Tipo Red. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Tokay. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Sherry. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Port. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Muscat. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Madeira. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Angelica. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Isco Grape Juice, white. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Isco Grape Juice, red. |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Sparkling wine (Burgundy). |
Italian-Swiss Colony | San Francisco | Grape brandy. |
George Bram | Santa Cruz | Zinfandel. |
George Bram | Santa Cruz | Riesling. |
George Bram | Santa Cruz | Burgundy. |
To-Kalon Vineyard Co. | Oakville | Riesling. |
To-Kalon Vineyard Co. | Oakville | Burgundy. |
To-Kalon Vineyard Co. | Oakville | Zinfandel. |
To-Kalon Vineyard Co. | Oakville | Sauterne. |
To-Kalon Vineyard Co. | Oakville | Chablis. |
H. Jevene | Los Angeles | Sauterne. |
H. Jevene | Los Angeles | Sherry. |
H. Jevene | Los Angeles | Port. |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Cavaliera (Moselle). |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Sauterne. |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Mirando (Burgundy). |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Rubi Bueno (St. Julien). |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Chablis. |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Sparkling wine (Burgundy). |
A. Repsold & Co. | San Francisco | Sparkling wine (Sauterne). |
[Pg 20]Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | Sauterne. |
Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | Haut Sauterne. |
Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | Margaux Souvenir. |
Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | St. Julien. |
Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | Sparkling Cresta Blanca, Saut. |
Wetmore-Bowen Co. | San Francisco | Sparkling Cresta Blanca, Burg. |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Cabinet Riesling. |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Rodensteiner wine. |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Cabinet Gutedel. |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Santa Maria (Burgundy). |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Chateau Gundlach (St. Julien). |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Loma Prieta (Medoc). |
Gundlach-Bundschu Wine Co. | San Francisco | Bacchus Chambertin (Burg’dy). |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Zinfandel. |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Port. |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Blackberry Cordial. |
Sunset Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Tokay. |
Sunset Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Port. |
Sunset Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Madeira. |
Sunset Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Angelica. |
Italian Vineyard Co. | Los Angeles | Port. |
Italian Vineyard Co. | Los Angeles | Sherry. |
Italian Vineyard Co. | Los Angeles | Angelica. |
Italian Vineyard Co. | Los Angeles | Muscat. |
Italian Vineyard Co. | Los Angeles | Claret. |
Lachman & Jacobi | San Francisco | Sherry. |
Lachman & Jacobi | San Francisco | Port. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Zinfandel. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Haut Sauterne. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Cerrito (Sauterne). |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Claret. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Burgundy. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | La Loma (Burgundy). |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Hillcrest. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Port. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Sherry. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Muscat. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Malaga. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Madeira. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Angelica. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Brandy. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | California Wine. |
California Wine Ass’n | San Francisco | Sauterne Type. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Cala-Sauterne. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Cala-Claret. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Cordova Burgundy. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Zinfandel. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Angelica. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Sherry. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Port. |
Theodore Gier | Oakland | Riesling. |
Theodore Gier | Oakland | Sauterne. |
Theodore Gier | Oakland | Burgundy. |
Theodore Gier | Oakland | Zinfandel. |
Theodore Gier | Oakland | Port. |
[Pg 21]Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | Sauterne. |
Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | Sherry. |
Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | Port. |
Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | Cognac. |
Geo. West & Sons | Stockton | Sauterne. |
Geo. West & Sons | Stockton | Claret. |
Edward Germain Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Sherry. |
Edward Germain Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Tokay. |
Edward Germain Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Port. |
Sierra Madre Vintage Co. | Lamanda | Port. |
Buffalo Brewing Co. | Sacramento | Beer. |
S. Martinelli | Watsonville | Apple cider. |
Upper Soda Mineral Springs Co. | Dunsmuir | Mineral water. |
Bartlett Springs Co. | Bartlett Springs | Mineral water. |
Meander Bros | Yreka | Mineral water. |
Aetna Springs Co. | Aetna Springs | Mineral water. |
Shasta Water Co. | Shasta Springs | Mineral water. |
Cooks Springs Min’l Water Co. | Williams | Mineral water. |
Thos. P. Converse & Co. | San Diego | Mineral water. |
Witter Medical Springs Co. | San Francisco | Mineral water. |
G. Russo | Los Angeles | Tortoise shells. |
Mrs. Clarence Berry | Los Angeles | 2 Alaska Moose head chairs. |
Gibbs & Harris | Los Angeles | Leather suitcases. |
Mrs. Clarence Berry | Los Angeles | Beaver robe. |
Clarence J. Berry | Los Angeles | One mounted Moose head. |
Geo. Griffith | Los Angeles | Smudge pots and smudge fuel. |
Chamber of Commerce | Santa Cruz | 5 pieces of redwood tree. |
State of California | Sacramento | Industrial work. |
C. C. Morse & Co. | San Francisco | Assorted flower and garden seeds. |
J. R. Newberry | Los Angeles | Citron. |
I. V. Ralph & Co. | Oakland | Flavoring extracts, spices & coffee. |
Jones Bros. & Co. | Santa Cruz | Vinegar. |
Krieger Vinegar Co. | Santa Cruz | Vinegar. |
Royal Packing Co. | Los Angeles | Canned Chili peppers. |
Pioneer Green Chili Pack’g Co. | Los Angeles | Chili peppers. |
California Fish Co. | Los Angeles | Canned fish. |
Monterey Packing Co. | San Francisco | Canned fish. |
Chamber of Commerce | Los Angeles | Comb honey. |
Chamber of Commerce | Los Angeles | Extracted honey. |
I. W. Myers | Oak Park | Strained honey. |
L. D. Walker | Sacramento | Honey in jars. |
Bert Peters | Sacramento | Honey. |
Casper Hauser | San Diego | Honey. |
Sacramento Valley Sugar Co. | Hamilton | Beet sugar. |
American Sugar Co. | Oxnard | Beet sugar. |
Los Alamitos Sugar Co. | Los Alamitos | Beet sugar. |
Spreckels Sugar Co. | San Francisco | Beet sugar. |
Fairoaks Fruit Co. | Fairoaks | Pickled olives. |
C. M. Clifford | San Diego | Ripe olives. |
Akerman & Tuffley | San Diego | Ripe olives. |
Roeding Olive Co. | Fresno | Olive oil. |
J. C. Kubias | Redlands | Olive oil. |
Sanitary Fruit Co. | Red Bluff | Assorted dried fruits. |
Rosenberg Bros & Co. | San Francisco | Assorted dried fruits. |
J. K. Armsby & Co. | San Francisco | Assorted dried fruits. |
[Pg 22]Castle Bros | San Francisco | Assorted dried fruits. |
Griffin & Skelly Co. | San Francisco | Assorted dried fruits. |
Chamber of Commerce | Los Angeles | Assorted dried fruits. |
Chico Packing Co. | Chico | Assorted dried fruits. |
Santa Clara Co. Fruit Exchange | Prunes. | |
Ewell & Russell | Santa Cruz | Dried apples. |
Fresno Home Packing Co. | Fresno | Raisins. |
Guggenhime & Co. | Fresno | Raisins. |
Griffin & Skelly Co. | Fresno | Raisins. |
J. B. Inderrieden | Fresno | Raisins. |
Willis Pike | Fresno | Raisins. |
Phoenix Packing Co. | Fresno | Seeded raisins. |
Castle Brothers | Fresno | Seeded raisins. |
Rosenberg Bros & Co. | Fresno | Seeded raisins. |
S. Hassli | Lincoln | Zante currants. |
F. F. Stetson & Co. | Los Angeles | Canned fruits. |
Mrs. M. Wagstaff | Orloff | Assorted fruit jams. |
Code-Portwood Canning Co. | Fruitvale | Fruit, jellies, jams in glass & tins. |
H. P. D. Kingsbury | Redlands | Marmalade, jams, etc. |
Cal. Fruit Canners Association | San Francisco | Canned asparagus. |
Central California Canneries | Sacramento | Canned asparagus. |
I. V. Ralph & Co. | Oakland | Olive oil. |
Los Angeles Olive Growers Ass’n | Olive oil. | |
H. Jevene | Los Angeles | Olive oil. |
C. M. Gifford | San Diego | Olive oil. |
Fairoaks Fruit Co. | Fairoaks | Olive oil. |
El Quito Olive & Vine Farm | Santa Clara | Olive oil. |
Akerman & Tuffley | San Diego | Olive oil. |
Birdsall Olive Co. | Auburn | Olive oil. |
J. T. Bears | Tulare | Grapes. |
H. R. Shoemaker | Tulare | Oranges. |
C. E. Berg | Tulare | Grapes. |
Cal. Fruit Growers Exchange | Los Angeles | Grapes. |
Limoneira Company | Santa Paula | Lemons. |
Ventura Co. Walnut Growers Ass’n | Walnuts. | |
Maywood Colony | Corning | Peaches. |
J. A. Davidson | Vegetables. | |
J. M. Eddy | Stockton | Fruit in season. |
Lemon Grove Fruit Growers Ass’n | Oranges. | |
San Diego County | Nuts. | |
W. L. Detrick | Julian | Apples. |
B. F. Miller | Apples. | |
Loveless Fruit Co. | Escondido | Citrus fruits and grapes. |
Sweetwater Fruit Co. | San Diego | Citrus fruit. |
Arlington Heights Fruit Exchange | Arlington H’ts | Lemons. |
E. W. Brewer | Orange | Peanuts. |
J. C. Ostegard | Burbank | Melons. |
J. J. H. Jarchow | San Gabriel | Oranges. |
Rivers Bros | Los Angeles | Grapes. |
Azusa Covina Glendora Fruit Exchange | Glendora | Oranges. |
Chas. Rosquenish | Clearwater | Onions. |
A. P. Griffiths | Azusa | Citrus fruits. |
F. C. Anderson | Newcastle | Fruit in season. |
[Pg 23]State of California | Sacramento | 4 paintings showing the four important industries of the State. |
Pioneer Fruit Co. | Sacramento | Fruit. |
Chamber of Commerce | Watsonville | Apples. |
A. McGee | Orangevale | Grapes. |
California Vineyards Co. | Florin | Grapes. |
J. P. Dargitz | Acampo | Grapes. |
Warren Cozzens | Fairoaks | Citrus fruit. |
Arlington Heights Fruit Exchange | Arlington H’ts | Lemons. |
Byron Mauzy | San Francisco | Pianos. |
Starr Piano Co. | Los Angeles | Pianos. |
Pacific Vinegar & Pickle Works | Oakland | Vinegar, pickles, catsup and relishes. |
Pacific Manifold Book Co. | Emeryville | Blank books for mercantile use. |
W. D. Nichols | Oakland | Installation Alameda Co. exhibit. |
Harper & Emig | Santa Clara | Polished and unpolished beach pebbles from California. |
Fancher Creek Nursery | Fresno | Fig and citrus trees. |
H. Peterson | San Francisco | Model ranch. |
University of California | Berkeley | Assortment of seeds. |
C. S. Riley | Visalia | Spineless cactus. |
R. M. Teague | San Dimas | Citrus fruit trees. |
Ways Pocket Smelter Co. | South Pasadena | Ways pocket smelter. |
Chico Packing Co. | Chico | Assorted dried fruits. |
Los Angeles Pressed Brick Co. | Los Angeles | Pressed brick. |
Mrs. Harvey | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. G. Dorn | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Helen O’Malley | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
R. V. Bateman | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
S. V. Culp | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
O’Malley & Taylor | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
A. Haynes | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. J. Peltier | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
A. Hinze | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Emily Hesselmeyer | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Minnie C. Taylor | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. Harry Upton | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. C. P. Pailsback | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Isabella Hampton | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
M. E. Perley | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Los Angeles Keramic Club | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. Elenor Kohler | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mary Leicester Wagner | Santa Barbara | Hand decorated china. |
Elwood Cooper | Santa Barbara | Olive oil. |
Indian Crafts Exhibit | Los Angeles | Indian crafts and blankets. |
Dr. Jarvis Barlow | Los Angeles | Sanatorium cottage. |
Santa Barbara County | English walnut show. | |
Tulare Co. Board of Trade | Gen’l collection processed deciduous, citrus fruits, grapes and vegetables. | |
Johnson, Musier & Co. | Los Angeles | Assortment beans, fresh cured. |
Tulare Co. Board of Trade | Jar Phillips cling peaches; jar matured dates & bartlett pears. | |
Alameda County | Processed fruit. | |
Santa Barbara County | Processed fruit. | |
[Pg 24]W. B. Filcher | Pacific Grove | Processed fish. |
I. L. Ettlinger | Sacramento | Hemp in stalk and fiber. |
Eucalyptus Timber Co. | Los Angeles | Collection eucalyptus woods. |
International Eucalyptus Ass’n | Sacramento | Eucalyptus finished woods. |
Mr. McAbee | Redwood burl table top. | |
Chamber of Commerce | Santa Cruz | Redwood burls. |
Chamber of Commerce | Santa Cruz | Sequoia Semper Virens tree. |
National Wood Pipe Co. | Los Ang. & S. F. | Redwood water and sewer pipe. |
State of California | Sacramento | Collection woods and burls. |
Hughes Manufacturing Co. | Los Angeles | Inlaid eucalyptus wood. |
Cooper Fly Book Co. | San Francisco | Handy fly books. |
Washington Creamery Co. | Yreka | Fresh butter. |
Edgewood Creamery Co. | Yreka | Fresh butter. |
Peerless Hone Co. | Los Angeles | Hones. |
Sacramento Ostrich Farm Co. | Sacramento | Ostrich feathers. |
Smith Bros. | Los Angeles | Fan lawn sprinkler. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation of art exhibit. |
California Fruit Growers Exchange | Los Angeles | Installation of citrus fruits. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation educational exhibit. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation forestry and woods. |
Siskiyou Co. | Yreka | Installation Indian work & relics. |
California Nursery Co. | Niles | Loquats. |
Fancher Creek Nursery | Fresno | Grapes and figs. |
Chas. L. Wilson | Los Angeles | Lemons. |
James Slauson | Los Angeles | Oranges. |
Lemon Cove Ass’n | Lemoncove | Pomelos. |
Capital Paste Co. | Sacramento | Macaroni. |
Citrus Product Co. | San Diego | Citric acid and lemon oil. |
Dento Table Salt Co. | Stockton | Dento salt. |
Bishop & Co. | Los Angeles | Condiments. |
Bishop & Co. | Los Angeles | Crystallized fruits. |
Bishop & Co. | Los Angeles | Peanut butter. |
Cal. Fruit Canners Association | San Francisco | Tomato catsup. |
Walsh-Richardson Co. | Sacramento | Carved leather goods. |
Gibbs & Harris | Los Angeles | Rattan and leather suitcases. |
Zuver Bros. & Davison | Oakland | Manufactured leather gloves. |
Allen C. Rush | Los Angeles | Oil burners. |
Waltz Safe & Lock Co. | San Francisco | Fireproof safe. |
Julius Harkell | San Diego | Showcases. |
International Eucalyptus Ass’n | Sacramento | Manuf’d eucalyptus furniture. |
Pacific Coast Rattan Co. | Oakland | Rattan furniture. |
Pease Brothers | Los Angeles | Mission furniture. |
Arthur Harris | Los Angeles | Combina’n settee & library desk. |
Beach-Robinson Co. | San Francisco | Fine handmade chair. |
Idah Meacham Strobridge | Los Angeles | Bookbinding. |
Douglas Tilden | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
Florence Manor | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
Emilie S. Perry | Los Angeles | Sculpture. |
Frank F. Stone | Los Angeles | Sculpture. |
Pacific Shade Cloth Co. | Oakland | Eureka handmade shade cloth. |
Reese Water Proof Co. | Fruitvale | Waterproof garments. |
Dolge Manufacturing Co. | Dolgeville | Manufactured felt and felt goods. |
Pioneer Hosiery Mills | Los Angeles | Knitted products. |
State of California | Sacramento | Crude petroleum. |
State of California | Sacramento | Quicksilver ores. |
[Pg 25]Woodstone Flooring Co. | Los Angeles | Woodstone. |
Siskiyou County | Ores and minerals, and free milling, including copper and cinnabar. | |
Phoenix Refining & Mfg. Co. | Mineral oils. | |
Eureka Slate Co. | Slatington | Slate roofing and tiling, slate and manufactured articles. |
Risdon Iron Works | San Francisco | Gold dredger. |
F. W. Braun & Co. | Los Angeles | Assayers appliances. |
Champion Manufacturing Co. | Oakland | Washing tablets. |
Try-Me-Meade Brass Polish Co. | San Diego | “Try-Me-Meade” brass polish. |
Smith Bros. Hardware Co. | Oakland | Metal polish. |
Diamond Match Co. | Chico | Assorted matches. |
Los Angeles Soap Co. | Los Angeles | Toilet soap. |
Lemola Soap Co. | Los Angeles | Lemola soap. |
Citrus Soap Co. | San Diego | Citrus washing powder. |
Hills Brothers | San Francisco | Canned butter. |
Patto Creamery Co. | Yreka | Full cream cheese. |
W. D. Nickels | San Diego | El Cajon raisin display. |
John C. Dickson | San Diego | Raisins. |
Chas. Galloway | San Diego | Raisins. |
A. S. Hopkins | Sacramento | Brooms. |
Gladding, McBean & Co. | San Francisco | Colored terra cotta supports. |
Foard A. Carpenter | San Diego | Climatological exhibit. |
Sugar & White Pine Agency | San Francisco | Assorted & manufactured doors in sugar pine. |
Diamond Match Co. | Chico | Assorted veneers. |
State of California | Sacramento | Ornamental tiling. |
Redwood Manufacturers Ass’n | San Francisco | Manufactured doors, commercial redwood, planks and bark. |
Diamond Match Co. | Chico | Finished doors. |
Allen C. Rush | Los Angeles | Oil burner for railway locomotives. |
Vesta Smith | Los Angeles | Arts and crafts. |
Milward Holden | San Francisco | Carved wood. |
Mrs. Elizabeth Burton | Santa Barbara | Arts and crafts. |
R. G. Kiesling | Los Angeles | Carved wood. |
Fred Lueders | Pasadena | Arts and crafts. |
Kathryn Rucker | Los Angeles | Table mat. |
Mrs. A. C. Perkins | San Francisco | Pin cushion top. |
The Campaneros | Santa Rosa | Modeled leather. |
Bertha and Ellen Kleinschmidt | Berkeley | Modeled leather. |
Chas. Frank Ingerson | San Francisco | Modeled leather. |
Van Erp & Robertson | Oakland | Arts and crafts. |
Eulora M. Jennings | Berkeley | Hand wrought jewelry. |
Katharine B. Gorrill | Berkeley | Metal art work and jewelry. |
Henry Busse | Los Angeles | Leather and metal work. |
Arnold Genthe | San Francisco | Art photography. |
State of California | Sacramento | Collection scenic and industrial photographs and bromide enlargements. |
Putnam & Valentine | Los Angeles | Photographs. |
C. C. Pierce & Co. | Los Angeles | Photographs. |
Board of Trade | Pasadena | Photographs. |
San Diego County | San Diego | Photographs. |
Siskiyou Co. | Yreka | Panoramic photographs. |
[Pg 26]Chamber of Commerce | Los Angeles | Scenic album. |
California Hotel Exhibit | San Francisco | Display hotel pictures. |
C. I. Ishiguro | Tri-colored photography. | |
Allen C. Rush | Los Angeles | System burning crude oil. |
E. A. Meacham | Riverside | Security ladders—strength and utility. |
State of California | Sacramento | Lithograph stone. |
Anna Brigman | Berkeley | Art photography. |
C. P. Bailey & Sons | San Jose | Angora goat rugs, gloves, etc. |
Santa Barbara County | Grains. | |
Marysville Wool Scouring Co. | Marysville | Wool in cleaning process. |
Ennis Brown Co. | Sacramento | Beans. |
Pacific Fertilizer Co. | Oakland | Fertilizer, bone meal, chemicals, poultry food. |
Riverside County | Model of irrigated orchard. | |
Sacramento Valley | Japanese rice. | |
Los Angeles Farming & Milling Co. | Los Angeles | Wheat and barley. |
Imperial Chamber of Commerce | Wheat and barley. | |
E. Clemens Horst Co. | San Francisco | Hops. |
Thompson & Barnes | Santa Rosa | Hops. |
F. W. Braun | Los Angeles | Hand fumigating outfit. |
Ventura County | Lima beanstraw. | |
Electric Iron Co. | Shasta County | Pig iron smelted by electricity. |
State of California | Sacramento | Lithia ore. |
Simpson & Poinie | San Diego | Granite. |
San Francisco Public Schools | School art work. | |
California School of Mechanical Arts | San Francisco | Drawing and industrial work. |
California Polytechnic School | San Francisco | Industrial work. |
Cogswell Polytechnical College | San Francisco | Industrial work & photographs. |
University of California | Berkeley | Transparencies showing University building activities, etc. |
Oakland Public High Schools | Oakland | School art and industrial work. |
Oakland Public Elementary Schools | Oakland | School art and industrial work. |
San Rafael High School | San Rafael | Relief map. |
Palo Alto Public Schools | Palo Alto | Display art and industrial work. |
State Normal School | San Jose | Model of Parthenon, students work. |
Stockton Public Elementary Schools | General school exhibit. | |
Stockton Public High Schools | General school exhibit. | |
Fresno Public Schools | School, industrial and art work. | |
Kern County Public Schools | School photographs, drawings and botanical collections. | |
Los Angeles Public Schools | School, art and industrial work. | |
Los Angeles Polytechnic School | Art and industrial work. | |
Long Beach High School | Art and industrial work. | |
Santa Ana Public Schools | School, art and industrial work. | |
Redlands Public Schools | Drawing and industrial work. | |
State Normal School | San Diego | School, art and industrial work. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation art exhibit. |
William Keith | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
Bruce Porter | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Joseph Greenebaum | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
J. Bond Francisco | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
[Pg 27]Edwin Deakin | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
Chris Jorgenson | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
John M. Gamble | Santa Barbara | Oil paintings. |
R. L. Partington | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
G. Cadanasso | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Jean Mannheim | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Oscar Kunath | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Mme. H. Heynsen-Jahn | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Alexander Harmer | Santa Barbara | Oil paintings. |
Theodore Wores | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Fred Yates | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
H. J. Breuer | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Chas. Rollo Peters | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Henry Raschen | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Niels Hagerup | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Wm. L. Judson | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Emil Carlsen | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Francis E. Duval | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Helen Hyde | San Francisco | Japanese prints. |
Fannie E. Nute | Los Angeles | Miniatures. |
L. Prather Waterbury | Redlands | Miniatures. |
Lillie V. O’Ryan | San Francisco | Miniatures. |
State of California | Sacramento | Topographical map of San Francisco bay. |
State of California | Sacramento | Plan of traveling libraries and photographs. |
Sacramento Public Schools | Display industrial training. | |
State Normal School | Chico | Art and industrial work. |
Berkeley Public Schools | School art work. | |
State Institute for Deaf & Blind | Berkeley | Industrial work. |
Sonoma County Public Schools | Santa Rosa | School, industrial and art work. |
Monterey Public Schools | School, art and industrial work, and elementary science collection. | |
Ventura County Public Schools | School, industrial and art work. | |
Wilmerding School of Industrial Art | School, art and industrial work. | |
State Normal School | Los Angeles | Statistical chart, photographs and catalogues. |
Whittier State School | Industrial work. | |
Pasadena Public Schools | School, art and industrial work. | |
San Diego County | Relief map of San Diego County. | |
San Diego Co. Public Schools | Photographs and elementary science collections. | |
San Bernardino Co. Pub. Schools | School, industrial and art work. | |
F. Thompson | Santa Cruz | Yellow calla lillies. |
Justinian Caire Co. | San Francisco | Assayers’ laboratory supplies. |
Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | Zinfandel. |
Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | El Molino. |
Napa & Sonoma Wine Co. | San Francisco | Johannisburg Riesling. |
[Pg 28]Lachman & Jacobi | San Francisco | Sauterne. |
Lachman & Jacobi | San Francisco | Riesling. |
Lachman & Jacobi | San Francisco | Cabernet. |
H. Jevene | Los Angeles | Riesling. |
California Wine Association | San Francisco | Gutedel. |
California Wine Association | San Francisco | Hock. |
California Winery | Sacramento | Riesling. |
Sunset Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Sauterne. |
Edward Germain Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Sauterne. |
Edward Germain Wine Co. | Los Angeles | Claret. |
C. Schilling & Co. | San Francisco | Sauterne. |
San Diego Brewing Co. | San Diego | Beer. |
Alhambra Natural Water Co. | Martinez | Mineral water. |
Caliente Mineral Water Co. | Agua Caliente | Mineral water. |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Sauterne, Sierra Campo. |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Claret. |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Burgundy, Royal type. |
The Rosenblatt Co. | San Francisco | Grape juice. |
Calwa Products Co. | San Francisco | Unfermented grape juice. |
California Grape Juice Co. | Los Angeles | Unfermented grape juice. |
California Mission Imp. Co. | Cucamonga | Unfermented grape juice. |
Lodi Fruit Products Co. | Lodi | Unfermented grape juice. |
O. J. Steinwand | Fresno | Unfermented grape juice. |
California Wire Cloth Co. | Oakland | Assorted wire cloth. |
T. J. Hammond | Fresno | Dried figs. |
Los Angeles Olive Growers Ass’n | Ripe olives. | |
Pioneer Pickle Works | Sacramento | Pickles. |
Point Lobos Canning Co. | Monterey | Canned abalone. |
Annie S. Hatch | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
Bertha Boye | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
Elizabeth Ferrea | San Francisco | Sculpture. |
Mrs. C. S. Sargent | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
Frances Brewster | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
Belle McMurty | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
M. Meade | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
State of California | Sacramento | Iron ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Obicular diorite. |
State of California | Sacramento | Magnesite ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Manganese ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Building stone, granite, etc. |
State of California | Sacramento | Lubricating oil. |
State of California | Sacramento | Crude and refined borax. |
State of California | Sacramento | Fire clay. |
State of California | Sacramento | Asbestos. |
State of California | Sacramento | Fuller’s earth. |
San Diego County | Minerals. | |
Siskiyou County | Tufa. | |
Sacramento County | Hemp. | |
A. Weed Lumber Co. | Weed | Manufactured doors & shingles. |
California Paint Co. | Oakland | Paints, rubber, graphite, roofing, leads and colors. |
Pacific Plating Co. | Los Angeles | Bungalow hardware. |
Fred Nichols | Oakland | Fire proof art metal doors. |
Bakewell & Brown | San Francisco | Perspectives, residence, bank, exterior and interior. |
Allen C. Rush | Los Angeles | Railway tie. |
[Pg 29]Miss Rutherford | Los Angeles | Carved wood. |
United Studios Inc. | San Francisco | Cement garden pots. |
Mrs. Addie Pell | Pacific Grove | Hammered copper and brass. |
Elizabeth Waggoner | Los Angeles | Metal work. |
O’Hara & Livermore | San Francisco | Leather and water color screens. |
Louis Fleckenstein | Los Angeles | Art photography. |
Lucy R. Lamb | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
M. E. Griffin | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
L. O. Willits | San Francisco | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. B. J. Arthur | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. E. Elliott | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. Harry Andrews | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. H. G. Simpson | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Agnes Peterson | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Mrs. L. S. Guest | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Olive Newcomb | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Bess Edwards | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Margaret Clapp | Los Angeles | Hand decorated china. |
Laura Adams Armer | Berkeley | Art photography. |
Brugierre & Eisen | San Francisco | Art & commercial photography. |
John R. Loftus Co. | Meloland | Raw cotton. |
Knox Mfg. Co. | Pasadena | Gophergo. |
University of California | Berkeley | Seeds and grain in glass. |
State of California | Sacramento | Redwood facade. |
McCloud River Lumber Co. | Display lumber in planks, etc. | |
Siskiyou County | Yreka | Installation gold, gold quartz and mineral ores. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Installation silk and cocoons. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Installation gems and crystals. |
Sugar & White Pine Agency | San Francisco | Yellow pine planks. |
Chamber of Commerce | Santa Cruz | Processed fruits. |
Pruner & Ostrander | Grapes. | |
Vacaville Fruit Co. | Vacaville | Plums. |
Chamber of Commerce | Stockton | Fruits and vegetables. |
T. J. Bryan | Lemoncove | Oranges. |
C. W. Fox | San Diego | Lemons. |
Arthur Jack | Julian | Apples. |
H. F. Wilcox | Julian | Apples. |
Silva-Bergtholdt Co. | Newcastle | Plums. |
A. Martin | Little Rock | Almonds. |
Geo. D. Lee | Compton | Grapes. |
Chamber of Commerce | Los Angeles | Peanuts. |
Frank Johnson | Peaches. | |
W. O. Davies | Florin | Grapes. |
Cutter Bros | Sacramento | Vegetables. |
F. W. Barkhaus | Newcastle | Peaches. |
Penryn Fruit Co. | Penryn | Plums. |
Earl Fruit Co. | Sacramento | Cherries. |
E. J. Camp | Florin | Grapes. |
Salyer-Baumeister Co. | Los Angeles | Pianos. |
Dolge-Posey Co. | Los Angeles | Piano sounding board. |
Segnogram Print | Los Angeles | Display job print work, leaflets, circulars, artistic notices, etc. |
Oscar Maurer | Berkeley | Art photography. |
Wm. Luch | Marysville | Shield for stallions. |
Grace Nicholson | Pasadena | Ethnological collection. |
[Pg 30]Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | General display gems & crystals. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Case of minerals. |
Eugen Neuhaus | San Francisco | Oil painting. |
Gordon Coutts | Berkeley | Oil painting. |
Benjamin Brown | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Lydia S. Price | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Florine Hyer | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Annie Harmon | San Francisco | Oil painting. |
L. M. Carpenter | Berkeley | Oil painting. |
Elizabeth Borglum | Santa Barbara | Oil painting. |
Caroline Callahan | San Francisco | Oil painting. |
W. F. Jackson | Sacramento | Oil painting. |
Della Vernon | Oakland | Oil painting. |
Martin J. Jackson | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Robert Wagner | Santa Barbara | Oil painting. |
William Cole | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Granville Redmond | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Elizabeth Strong | Berkeley | Oil painting. |
C. A. Fries | San Diego | Oil painting. |
Grace Hudson | Ukiah | Oil painting. |
A. B. Chittenden | San Francisco | Oil painting. |
H. Heynsen-Jahn | Los Angeles | Pastelle. |
A. Romers Shawhan | San Francisco | Pastelle. |
L. P. Latimer | San Francisco | Water color. |
Susan S. Looseley | San Francisco | Water color. |
M. Fancher Pettis | Berkeley | Water color. |
Eugene Torrey | Los Angeles | Water color. |
E. B. Currier | San Francisco | Water color and oils. |
Mary Harland | Los Angeles | Miniatures. |
Alice Ludovici | Pasadena | Miniatures. |
State of California | Sacramento | Nitre. |
State of California | Sacramento | Lead ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Lime and limestone. |
State of California | Sacramento | Copper ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Sulphur ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Gypsum ores. |
State of California | Sacramento | Natural salt. |
Automatic Safety Pulley Block Co. | San Diego | Pulley blocks. |
California Magnesite Co. | Products of magnesite. | |
Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co. | Davenport | Cement and products. |
Siskiyou County | Building stones. | |
Siskiyou County | Marbles. | |
Roeding Olive Co. | Fresno | Ripe olives. |
J. C. Kubias | Redlands | Ripe olives. |
O’Hara & Livermore | San Francisco | Bookbinding. |
Napa County Public Schools | School art work & photographs. | |
Bakersfield Public Schools | School industrial work. | |
Harvard School | Los Angeles | School, art and industrial work. |
[Pg 31]Santa Barbara Co. Public Schools | Photographs of school buildings and school work. | |
Whittier Public High School | School, art and industrial work. | |
Redwood Mfrs. Association | San Francisco | Manufactured doors. |
Meyers & Ward | San Francisco | Perspective of hotel & interior. |
L. C. Mullhardt | San Francisco | Perspective of office building, residence, landscape work. |
Emily Pritchford | Berkeley | Art photography. |
American Leather Co. | Los Angeles | Burned leather articles. |
W. E. Dassonville | San Francisco | Art photography. |
Limoneira Company | Santa Paula | Installation lemon exhibit. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Installation Old Mission olives and olive oil. |
Santa Barbara County | Assorted varieties pickled olives. | |
Williams & Newberry | Porterville | Pomegranates. |
J. C. Naylor | Peaches. | |
J. H. Kite | Manson | Peaches. |
W. B. Jennings | Visalia | Peaches. |
J. E. Lebon | Visalia | Peaches. |
G. H. Reynolds | Orosi | Grapes. |
E. Barnard | Ventura | Beans. |
F. M. Mayes | Orosi | Plums. |
C. Scrivner | Tulare | Peaches. |
Harry Thompson | Tulare | Peaches. |
Lee Gates | Tulare | Apricots. |
F. B. McKevitt | Vacaville | Fruits in season. |
William Quigley | Oak Bar | Fruits in season. |
Thomas Hegler | Walker | Vegetables. |
S. H. Soule | Shasta | Apples. |
J. Cone | Stockton | Fruits in season. |
F. W. Leffler | Lodi | Grapes. |
Mrs. J. Ridley | Lodi | Grapes. |
J. P. Dargitz | Acampo | Prunes. |
Rialto Citrus Fruit Union | Tomatoes. | |
Robert Clifford | Julian | Apples. |
Rex B. Clark | Julian | Apples. |
C. R. Willington | Julian | Apples. |
Chester Gunn | Julian | Apples. |
J. R. Williams | Julian | Apples. |
Schnabel Bros Co. | Newcastle | Plums. |
W. J. Wilson & Son | Newcastle | Plums. |
Tokayano Rancho | Colfax | Grapes. |
J. A. Burns | Toluca | Peaches. |
J. W. Batchelor | Fruitland | Quinces. |
D. H. Baldwin | Mangana | Apples. |
T. W. Backus | Fruitland | Pears. |
A. Gast | Fruitland | Peppers. |
H. Atkinson | Watsonville | Fruits. |
Peters & Evans | Riverside | Apples. |
F. M. Parrish | Oak Glen | Apples. |
I. Ford | Redlands | Apples. |
Oak Glen Ranch | Redlands | Apples. |
F. Radovan | Watsonville | Apples. |
Ed Thompson | Watsonville | Apples. |
J. W. Watters | Watsonville | Apples. |
R. H. Goodrich | Watsonville | Apples. |
[Pg 32]Mr. Goodchild | Apricots. | |
Watsonville Land & Fruit Co. | Apricots. | |
Mrs. A. E. Lewis | Florin | Peaches. |
J. F. Elliott | Courtland | Plums. |
Mr. Strickland | Newcastle | Plums. |
Daleland Rancho | Mecca | Grapes. |
B. G. Johnson | Mecca | Dates. |
J. A. Filcher | Sacramento | Miniature stamp mill. |
Blanche Cummings | San Francisco | Art photographs. |
Peterson Rapid Wrench Co. | San Francisco | Rapid vise. |
John L. Russell | Albion | Tubular level. |
Chas. L. Wilson | Los Angeles | Installation peanut portiers. |
Marian M. Williams | Los Angeles | Water color. |
Helen Coan | Los Angeles | Water color. |
L. Maynard Dixon | San Francisco | Water color. |
Ada F. Lathrop | Santa Monica | Water color. |
Marie A. Ney | Los Angeles | Water color. |
Mary Harland | Los Angeles | Water color. |
O. Hansen | San Francisco | Water color. |
Alice Best | San Francisco | Pastelles. |
N. Danely Brooker | Los Angeles | Colored etchings. |
Caroline Rixford Johnson | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Blanche D. Cole | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
William Coulter | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Helen Maude Raeburn | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Chas. A. Rogers | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Perham Nahl | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
Charles Louis Turner | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
D. L. Kooreman | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
A. W. Best | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Blanche Letcher | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
Carl Jonnevold | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Alice Best | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
Geo. W. Kegg | Berkeley | Oil paintings. |
H. G. Villa | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Helen Coan | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Sarah Bender DeWolfe | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Bertha Stringer Lee | San Francisco | Oil paintings. |
Langdon Smith | Los Angeles | Oil paintings. |
Mary Hinkson | Sacramento | Oil paintings. |
State of California | Sacramento | Mineral paints. |
State of California | Sacramento | Chalk. |
Maud Daggett | Los Angeles | Sculpture. |
Western Creameries Co. | San Francisco | Empty butter cartons. |
Napa Business College | Napa | Photographs and drawings. |
Mills College | Oakland | Photographs. |
Miss Harker’s School for Girls | Palo Alto | Photographs of school buildings and grounds. |
Los Angeles Co. Public Schools | Photographs of school buildings. | |
[Pg 33]Riverside Co. Public Schools | School photographs. | |
Castilleja School | School photographs. | |
J. Walter Dolliver | San Francisco | Model of Santa Rosa courthouse. |
George Peterson | San Francisco | Ceiling decorations. |
John C. Austin | San Francisco | Perspective liberal arts building. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Installation fresh fruit exhibit. |
Jas. A. Jasper | San Diego | Installation onyx and climatic displays. |
State of California | Sacramento | Installation plant and shrub exhibit around building. |
H. C. Parkinson | Berkeley | Cold knob pot covers. |
S. J. Davis | Eureka | Curios and pictures. |
Jennie D. Parker | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Sara White Isaman | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Hanna T. Jenkins | Clairmont | Oil painting. |
Mary Stewart Dunlap | Pasadena | Oil painting. |
Hanson Puthoff | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
J. W. Nicoll | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Kate Cory | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Joseph J. Mora | San Francisco | Oil painting. |
R. Hamilton Mohler | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Ralph Mocine | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
F. P. Brackett | Los Angeles | Oil painting. |
Josephine W. Culbertson | San Francisco | Water color. |
Lillian Drain | Los Angeles | Monotypes. |
H. Hammerstrom | San Francisco | Monotypes and oil paintings. |
C. M. Moore | Los Angeles | Pen and ink sketches. |
E. A. Burbank | San Francisco | Pencil drawings. |
Ried Bros | San Francisco | Architecture. |
End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Report of Governor's Representatives for California at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Commission, by J. A. Filcher and Frank Wiggins *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION *** ***** This file should be named 47657-h.htm or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Bryan Ness and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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