Project Gutenberg's Notes and Queries, Number 176, March 12, 1853, by Various

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Title: Notes and Queries, Number 176, March 12, 1853
       A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists,
              Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc

Author: Various

Editor: George Bell

Release Date: May 24, 2013 [EBook #42791]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


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"When found, make a note of."Captain Cuttle.

No. 176. Saturday, March 12. 1853. Price Fourpence.
Stamped Edition 5d.


Notes:— Page
Marlowe's "Lust's Dominion" 253
Dover Castle: a Note to Hasted 254
Dean Swift: Autographs in Books, by George Daniel 255
Shakspeare Elucidations, by Thomas Keightley 255
Imprecatory Epitaphs, by Dr. E. Charlton 256
Derivation of "Lad" and "Lass" 256
Minor Notes:—Iona—Inscriptions in Parochial Registers—Lieutenant—"Prigging Tooth" or "Pugging Tooth"—London—Note from the Cathedral at Seville—Riddles for the Post Office 257
National Portraits: Portrait of the Duke of Gloucester, Son of Charles I., by Albert Way 258
Boston Queries, by Pishey Thompson 258
Welborne Family 259
Descendants of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, by C. Gonville 259
Minor Queries:—English Bishops deprived by Queen Elizabeth, 1559—John Williams of Southwark, Esq.—"A Screw"—Tanner's MSS.—The Westminster Assembly of Divines—The Witch Countess of Morton—Mary, Daughter of King James I. of Scotland—Hibernicis Hibernior—The Cucking-stool, when last used—Grafts and the Parent Tree—Conway Family—Salt—Geological Query—Wandering Jew—Frescheville Family—The Wednesday Club—Oratories—Arms of De Turneham—Poisons—Open Seats or Pews in Churches—Burial of unclaimed Corpse 260
Minor Queries with Answers:—Sir John Powell—"Reynard the Fox"—Campvere, Privileges of—Bishops Inglis and Stanser of Nova Scotia 262
Monument to Barbara Mowbray and Elizabeth Curle at Antwerp 263
Rigby Correspondence 264
Marigmerii—Melinglerii—Berefellarii 264
Photographic Notes and Queries:—Replies to Photographic Questions—Developing Paper Pictures with Pyrogallic Acid—Photography in the Open Air; Improved Camera—New Effect in Collodion Pictures—Powdered Alum: How does it act? 265
Replies to Minor Queries:—Chatterton—Princes' Whipping-boys—"Grub Street Journal"—"Pinch of Snuff"—Race for Canterbury—Chichester Pallant—Scarfs worn by Clergymen—Alicia Lady Lisle—Major-General Lambert—Mistletoe—The Sizain—Venda—Meaning of "Assassin"—Dimidium Scientiæ—Epigrams—Use of Tobacco before the Discovery of America—Oldham, Bishop of Exeter—Tortoiseshell Tom Cat—Irish Rhymes—Consecrated Rings—Brasses since 1688—Derivation of Lowbell—The Negative given to the Demand of the Clergy at Merton—Nugget—Blackguard 267
Notes on Books, &c. 273
Books and Odd Volumes wanted 274
Notices to Correspondents 274
Advertisements 274



The Rev. Mr. Dyce omits the play of Lust's Dominion, or the Lascivious Queen, from the excellent, and (in all other respects) complete edition of Marlowe's Works which he has lately published, considering it to have been "distinctly shown by Mr. Collier" that it could not have been the work of that poet. I must say, however, that the argument for its rejection does not appear to me by any means conclusive. It runs thus: in the first act is presented the death of a certain King Philip of Spain; and this King Philip must be Philip II., because in a tract printed in the Somers' Collection, giving an account of the "last words" of that monarch, are found passages which are plainly copied in the play. Now, Philip II. did not die till 1598, and the tract was not published till 1599, whereas Marlowe's death took place in 1593. Ergo, Marlowe could not have written Lust's Dominion. But we know that it was the constant custom of managers to cause acting plays to be altered and added to from time to time: the curious Diary of Manager Henslowe is full of entries of the payment of sums of twenty shillings or so, to the authors whom he kept, for "adycyons" to the works of others. And surely it is no forced hypothesis to suppose that some literary cobbler employed to touch up Marlowe's work, finding a King Philip in it, should have thought to improve and give it an air of historic truth, by introducing the circumstances furnished by the pamphlet into the death-scene. Apart from these particulars, the king is neither Philip I. nor Philip II., but a mere King Philip of Spain in general, quite superior to historical considerations. The positive evidence in support of Marlowe's authorship is tolerably strong, though not absolutely conclusive. The earliest extant edition of the play bears his name at full length on the title-page. It is true that the date of that edition is 1650, sixty-six years after his death: still the publisher must have had some reasonable ground for attributing the work to him; and in all cases comparatively little value ought to be attached to negative, when opposed by positive evidence. We {254}need look no farther than this very edition of Marlowe for an illustration of the possibility such a combination of circumstances as I have supposed. In the earliest known edition of the play of Dr. Faustus is found an allusion to a certain Dr. Lopez, who did not attain notoriety (by being hanged) till after Marlowe's death; but Mr. Dyce very justly only infers from this that the particular passage is an interpolation. According to the reasoning applied to Lust's Dominion, Faustus also should have been expelled summarily, upon this objection: and yet, in the case of that play, we know that such a conclusion from such premises would have been erroneous. I am unwilling to lay much stress on the internal evidence to be drawn from the language and conduct of the play itself, because I am aware how little reliance can be placed on reasoning drawn from such observations; but no one, I think, will deny that there are many passages which at least might have been written by Marlowe: and, on the whole, I submit that it would have been more satisfactory if Mr. Dyce had included it in this edition.

He has changed his practice since he printed among Middleton's works (and rightly) the play of the Honest Whore, a play generally—I believe, universally—attributed to Dekker alone, on the authority of one single entry in Henslowe's Diary, where the names of the two poets are incidentally coupled together as joint authors of the piece!

I should mention, that I take the dates and book-lore from Mr. Dyce himself.

B. R. I.


Lambard, Camden, and Kilburne all speak of an accumulation of stores in Dover Castle, on the origin of which various traditions and opinions existed in their days.

"The Castell of Douer (sayth Lidgate and Rosse) was firste builded by Julius Cæsar the Romane emperour, in memorie of whome, they of the castell kept, till this day, certeine vessels of olde wine and salte, whiche they affirme to be the remayne of suche prouision as he brought into it, as touching the whiche (if they be natural and not sophisticate), I suppose them more likely to have beene of that store whiche Hubert de Burghe layde in there."—Lambard.

"In this castle likewise antiently was to be seen a tower (called Cæsar's Tower), afterwards the king's lodgings (excellent for workmanship and very high),—a spacious hall (called King Arthur's Hall) with a faire gallery, or entry,—great pipes and cashes (bound with iron hoopes), wherein was liquor (supposed to be wine) which by long lying became as thick as treackle, and would cleave like bird-lime;—salt congealed together as hard as stone, cross bowes, long bowes, and arrowes to the same (to which was fastened brass instead of feathers); and the same were of such bigness as not fit to be used by any men of this or late ages."—Kilburne.

"Camden relates that he was shown these arrows, which he thinks were such as the Romans used to shoot out of their engines, which were like to large crossbows. These last might, though not Cæsar's, belong to the Romans of a later time; and the former might, perhaps, be part of the provisions and stores which King Henry VIII. laid in here, at a time when he passed from hence over sea to France; but for many years past it has not been known what is become of any of these things."—Hasted.

The following extract from an inventory furnished by William de Clynton, Earl of Huntyngdon, Lord Warden, on handing over the castle to Bartholomew de Burghersh, his successor, dated "die Sabati in vigilia sancti Thome Apostoli, anno regni regis Edwardi tercei a conquestu Anglie decimo septimo" (i. e. September 20, 1343), will supply a satisfactory elucidation of what these stores were:

"Item in magna Turri; quinque dolea et j pipam mellis; unde de j doleo deficiunt viij pollices; et de alio deficiunt iij pollices; et de alio deficiunt xvj pollices; et de alio xv pollices; et de quinto xj pollices; et de pipa deficiunt xx pollices. Item, j molendinum manuale et ij molas pro eodem.

"Item, in domo armorum iij springaldas magnas cum toto atilo[1] præter cordas. Item, quinque minores springaldas sine cordis; et iij parvas springaldas[2] modici valoris; L arcus de tempore Regis avi; clvj arcus de tempore Regis nunc; cxxvj arbalistas, de quibus xxxiij arbaliste de cornu ad duos pedes, et ix de cornu ad unum pedem, et iij magne arbaliste ad turnum.[3] Item, xliij baudrys; vijxx et ix garbas sagittarum; lviij sagittas large barbatas; xxv haubergons debiles et putrefactos; xxij basenettos debiles de veteri tour; xj galeas de ferro, de quibus vj cum visers; xx capellas de ferro; xxij basenettos coopertos de coreo, de veteri factura, debiles et putrefactos; xxv paria cirotecarum de platis nullius valoris; xij capellas de nervis de Pampilon depictas; xxx haketons[4] et gambesons[5] nullius valoris; ix picos; ij trubulos; j cenovectorium[6] cum j rota ferro ligata; j cuva; iij instrumenta pro arbalistis tendendis; cxviij lanceas, quarum xviij sine capitibus; j cas cum sagittis saracenorum; ciij targettos, quorum xxiiij nullius valoris; j veterem cistam cum capitibus quarellorum et sagittarum debilem; ij barellos; vj bukettos cum quarellis debilibus non pennatis; j cistam cum quantitate capitum {255}quarellorum et quadam quantitate de cawetrappis in j doleo. Item ml vjc et xxviij garroks[7] de majori forma. Item, iiijxx garroks de eadem forma, sine capitibus. Item, ml vjc & xxiij garroks, de minori forma."

Query, What were the "capellæ de nervis de Pampilon depictæ?" Ducange cites the word, but does not explain it.

L. B. L.

Footnote 1:(return)

Toto atilo; quasi "attelage."

Footnote 2:(return)

Springaldus; "veterum profecto fuit balistæ genus, et, recentis militiæ, tormentum est pulverarium, non ita ponderosum ut majoribus bombardis æquari possit, nec ea levitate ut gestari manibus valeat."—Ducange.

Footnote 3:(return)

Arbaliste ad turnum; arbalists that traversed.

Footnote 4:(return)

Haukets; "sagum militare."—Ducange.

Footnote 5:(return)

Gambeson; "vestimenti genus quod de coactili ad mensuram et tutelam pectoris humani conficitur, de mollibus lanis, ut, hoc inducta primum, lorica vel clibanus, aut his similia, fragilitatem corporis, ponderis asperitate non læderent."—Ducange.

Footnote 6:(return)

Cenovectorium; "a mudcart."—Ducange.

Footnote 7:(return)

"Conjicio garrotos esse spingardarum tela, quibus pennæ æreæ aptabantur utpote grandioribus; carrellis vero pennæ plumatiles tantum." (See Ducange, sub voce Garrotus.)


The biographer and the critic, down to the pamphleteer and the lecturer, have united in painting St. Patrick's immortal Dean in the blackest colours. To their (for the most part) unmerited scandal and reproach thus heaped upon his memory (as little in accordance with truth as with Christian charity), let me, Mr. Editor, oppose the following brief but emphatic testimony on the bright (and I firmly believe the right) side of the question, of the virtuous, the accomplished Addison:

"To Dr. Jonathan Swift, The most Agreeable Companion, The Truest Friend, And the Greatest Genius of his Age, This Book is presented by his most Humble Servant the Authour."

The above inscription, in the autograph of Addison, is on the fly-leaf of his Remarks on several Parts of Italy, &c., 8vo. 1705, the possession of which I hold very dear.

Permit me to add another beautiful example of friendship between two generous rivals in a glorious art.

"My dear Hoppner,

"In return for your elegant volume, let me request you will accept this little work, as a testimony of ardent esteem and friendship.

"While the two books remain they will prove, that in a time of much professional jealousy, there were two painters, at least, who could be emulous, without being envious; who could contend without enmity, and associate without suspicion.

"That this cordiality may long subsist between us, is the sincere desire of, dear Hoppner,

Yours ever faithfully,

Martin Archer Shee.

Cavendish Square, December 7, 1805."

This letter is written on the fly-leaf of Rhymes on Art, or the Remonstrance of a Painter, 2nd edit. 1805, also in my library.

Need I offer an apology for introducing a third inscription?

"To my perfect Friend, Mr. Francis Crane, I erect this Altar of Friendship, And leave it as the Eternall Witnesse of my Love. Ben Jonson."

This is in the beautiful autograph of rare Ben, on the fly-leaf of Sejanus his Fall, 4to. 1605, large paper and unique, and bound in the original vellum. It also contains the autograph of Francis Mundy, brother of the dramatist Anthony Mundy, to whom it once belonged. It is now mine.

George Daniel.



In All's Well that Ends Well (Act II. Sc. 1.) the king, when dismissing the young French noblemen who are going to the wars of Italy, says to them:

"Let higher Italy—

Those 'bated that inherit but the fall

Of the last monarchy—see, that you come

Not to woo honour, but to wed it."

Mr. Collier calls this an "obscure passage," and offers no explanation of it, merely giving a note of Coleridge's, who, after Hanmer, proposes to read bastards for 'bated, saying of the passage itself: "As it stands, I can make little or nothing of it. Why should the king except the then most illustrious states, which, as being republics, were the more truly inheritors of the Roman grandeur?" Johnson, and the other preceding editors, seem to have taken a similar view of the passage.

I trust it will not be regarded as presumption when I say, that to me the place offers no difficulty whatever. In the first place, 'bate is not, as Coleridge takes it, to except, but to overcome, put an end to (from abattre); as when we say, "abate a nuisance." In the next, we are to recollect that the citizens of the Italian republics were divided into two parties,—the Guelf, or Papal, and the Ghibelline, or Imperial; and that the French always sided with the former. Florence, therefore, was Guelf at that time, and Siena of course was Ghibelline. The meaning of the king therefore is: By defeating the Ghibelline Sienese, let Italy see, &c. As a Frenchman, he naturally affects a contempt for the German empire, and represents it as possessing (the meaning of inherit at the time) only the limited and tottering dominion which the empire of the west had at the time of its fall. By "higher Italy," by the way, I would understand not Upper Italy, but Tuscany, as more remote from France; for when the war is ended, the French envoy says:

"What will Count Rousillon do then? Will he travel higher, or return again into France?"—Act IV. Sc. 3.

The meaning is plainly: Will he go farther on? to Naples, for example.

I must take this opportunity of retracting what I have said about—

"O thou dissembling cub, what wilt thou be

When time has sow'd a grizzle on thy case?"

Twelfth Night, Act. V. Sc. 1.


Mr. Singer (Vol. vi., p. 584.) by directing attention to the circumstance of cub being a young fox, has proved, at least to me, that case is the proper word,—a proof, among many, of the hazard of tampering with the text when not palpably wrong.

Cub is the young fox, and fox, vixen, cub are like dog, bitch, whelp,—ram, ewe, lamb, &c. The word is peculiar to the English language, nothing at all resembling it being to be found in the Anglo-Saxon, or any of the kindred dialects. Holland, in his Plutarch (quoted by Richardson), when telling the story of the Spartan boy, says "a little cub, or young fox;" and then uses only cub. It was by analogy that the word was used of the young of bears, lions, and whales: and if Shakspeare in one place (Merchant of Venice, Act II. Sc. 1.) says "cubs of the she-bear," he elsewhere (Titus Andronicus, Act IV. Sc. 1.) has "bear-whelps." I further very much doubt if cub was used of boys in our poet's time. The earliest employment of it that I have seen is in Congreve, who uses "unlicked cubs," evidently alluding to young bears: and that is the sense in which cub is still used,—a sense that would not in any case apply to Viola.

Thos. Keightley.


There is a class of epitaphs, or, we should rather say, there are certain instances of monumental indecorum which have not as yet been noticed by the many contributors on these subjects to your pages. I refer to those inscriptions embodying threats, or expressing resentful feelings against the murderers, or supposed murderers, of the deceased individual. Of such epitaphs we have fortunately but few examples in Great Britain; but in Norway, among the Runic monuments of an early and rude age, they are by no means uncommon.

Near the door of the church of Knaresdale, in Northumberland, is the following on a tombstone:

"In Memory of Robert Baxter, of Farhouse,

who died Oct. 4, 1796, aged 56.

"All you that please these lines to read,

It will cause a tender heart to bleed.

I murdered was upon the fell,

And by the man I knew full well;

By bread and butter, which he'd laid,

I, being harmless, was betray'd.

I hope he will rewarded be

That laid the poison there for me."

Robert Baxter is still remembered by persons yet living, and the general belief in the country is, that he was poisoned by a neighbour with whom he had had a violent quarrel. Baxter was well known to be a man of voracious appetite; and it seems that, one morning on going out to the fell (or hill), he found a piece of bread and butter wrapped in white paper. This he incautiously devoured, and died a few hours after in great agony. The suspected individual was, it is said, alive in 1813.

We know not how much of the old Norse blood ran in the veins of Robert Baxter's friend, who composed this epitaph; but this summer, among a people of avowedly Scandinavian descent, I copied the following from a large and handsome tomb in the burying-ground of the famous Cross Kirk, in Northmavine parish, in Shetland:

Donald Robertson,
Born 1st of January, 1785; died 4th of June, 1848,
aged 63 years.

He was a peaceable quiet man, and to all appearance a sincere Christian. His death was very much regretted, which was caused by the stupidity of Laurence Tulloch, of Clotherten, who sold him nitre instead of Epsom salts, by which he was killed in the space of three hours after taking a dose of it."

Among the Norwegian and Swedish Runic inscriptions figured by Gösannson and Sjöborg, we meet with two or three breathing a still more revengeful spirit, but one eminently in accordance with the rude character of the age to which they belong (A.D. 900 ad 1300).

An epitaph on a stone figured by Sjöborg runs as follows:

"Rodvisl and Rodalf they caused this stone to be raised after their three sons, and after [to] Rodfos. Him the Blackmen slew in foreign lands. God help the soul of Rodfos: God destroy them that killed him."

Another stone figured by Gösannson has engraved on it the same revengeful aspiration.

We all remember the Shakspearian inscription, "Cursed be he that moves my bones;" but if Finn Magnussen's interpretation be correct, there is an epitaph in Runic characters at Greniadarstad church, in Iceland, which concludes thus:

"If you willingly remove this monument, may you sink into the ground."

It would be curious to collect examples of these menaces on tombstones, and I hope that other contributors will help to rescue any that exist in this or in other countries from oblivion.

Edward Charlton, M.D.



The derivation of the word lad has not yet been given, so far as I am aware; and the word lass is in the same predicament. Lad is undoubtedly of old usage in England, and in its archaic sense it has reference, not to age, as now, but to service or dependence; being applied, not to signify a youth or a boy, but a servant or inferior. {257}

In Pinkerton's Poems from the Maitland MSS. is one, purporting to be the composition of Thomas of Ercildoune, which begins thus:

"When a man is made a kyng of a capped man."

After this line follow others of the same bearing, until we come to these:

"When rycht aut wronge astente togedere,

When laddes weddeth lovedies," &c.

The prophet is not, in these words, inveighing against ill-assorted alliances between young men and old women; but is alluding to a general bouleversement of society, when mésalliances of noble women to ignoble men will take place.

This sense of the word gives us, I think, some help towards tracing its derivation, and I have no doubt that its real parent is the Anglo-Saxon hlafæta,—a word to be found in one instance only, in a corner of Æthelbyrt's Domas: "Gif man ceorles hlafætan of-slæth vi scyllingum gebete."

By the same softening of sound which made lord and lady out of hlaford and hlæfdige, hlafæta became lad, and hlafætstre became lass. As the lord supplied to his dependents the bread which they ate, so each thus derived from the loaf the appellation of their mutual relation, in the plain phraseology of our ancestors.

Dr. Leo, in his interesting commentary on the Rectitudines singularum personarum (edit. Halle, 1842, p. 144.), says:

"Ganz analog dem Verhältnisse von ealdore und gingra ist das Verhältniss von hlaford (brodherrn), hlæfdige (brodherrin), und hlafæta (brodeszer). Hlaford ist am Ende zum Standestitel (lord) geworden; ursprünglich bezeichnet es jeden Gebieter; die Kinder, die Leibeignen, die abhängigen freien Leute, alles was zum Hausstande und zum Gefolge eines Mannes gehört, werden als dessen hlafætan bezeichnet."

Perhaps some of your readers may favour myself and others by giving the derivation of boy and girl.

H. C. C.

Minor Notes.

Iona.—The ancient name of this celebrated island was I (an island), or I-Columbkille (the island of Columba of the Churches). In all the ancient tombstones still existing in the island, it is called nothing but Hy; and I have no doubt that its modern name of Iona is a corruption, arising from mistaking u for n. In the very ancient copy of Adamnan's Life of St. Columbkille, formerly belonging to the monastery of Reichenau (Augia Dives), and now preserved in the town library of Schaffhausen, which I had an opportunity of examining very carefully last summer, the name is written everywhere, beyond the possibility of doubt, Ioua, which was evidently an attempt to give a power of Latinised declension to the ancient Celtic I. It was pronounced I-wa (i.e. Ee-wa). Who first made the blunder of changing the u into n?

J. H. Todd.

Trin. Coll. Dublin.

Inscriptions in Parochial Registers.—Very quaint and pithy mottoes are sometimes prefixed to parochial registers. I know not whether any communications on this subject are to be found in your pages. The following are examples, and may perhaps elicit from your readers additional information.

Cherry-Hinton, Cambridgeshire:

"Hic puer ætatem, hic Vir sponsalia noscat,

Hic decessorum funera quisque sciat."

Ruyton of the Eleven Towns, Salop:

"No flatt'ry here, where to be born and die,

Of rich and poor is all the history:

Enough, if virtue fill'd the space between,

Prov'd, by the ends of being, to have been."

George S. Master.

Welsh-Hampton, Salop.

Lieutenant.—The vulgar pronunciation of this word, leftenant, probably arose from the old practice of confounding u and v. It is spelt leivtenant in the Colonial Records of New York. The changes may have been lievtenant, levtenant, leftenant.



"Prigging Tooth" or "Pugging Tooth."Mr. Collier, in his new book on Shakspeare, containing early manuscript corrections of the folio of 1632, says at page 191., in enumerating those of the Winter's Tale, that the emendator substitutes (Act IV. Sc. 2.) "prigging tooth" for the "pugging tooth" of the old copies. Now this, I believe, has been the generally received interpretation, but it is quite wrong. Prigging, that is stealing, tooth, would be nonsense; pugging is the correct word, and is most expressive. Antolycus means his molar—his grinding tooth is set on edge.

A pugging-mill (sometimes abbreviated and called pug-mill) is a machine for crushing and tempering lime, consisting of two heavy rollers or wheels in a circular trough; the wheels are hung loose upon the ends of a bar of iron or axle-tree, which is fastened by the centre either to the top or bottom of an upright spindle, moved by a horse or other power, as the case may be, thus causing the wheels in their circuit to revolve from their friction upon the trough, and so to bruise the nuts of lime, which together with the sand and water are fed by a labourer, who removes the mortar when made. The machine is of course variously constructed for the kind of work it has to do: there is a pugging-mill used in the making of bricks that is fitted with projecting knives to cut and knead the clay. {258}

Emendator has doubtless restored the sense to many puzzling passages in Shakspeare, but he certainly is mistaken here in reading prigging for pugging.

H. B. J.


London.—Is the following, which was copied October 11, 1811, from a MS. pasted on Spitalfields Church at that time, worth preserving in the pages of "N. & Q."? Could any of your numerous correspondents furnish me with the author's name?


"Houses, churches, mixt together;

Streets cramm'd full in ev'ry weather;

Prisons, palaces, contiguous;

Sinners sad and saints religious;

Gaudy things enough to tempt ye;

Outsides showy, insides empty;

Baubles, beasts, mechanics, arts,

Coaches, wheelbarrows, and carts;

Warrants, bailiffs, bills unpaid,

Lords of laundresses afraid;

Rogues that nightly prowl and shoot men;

Hangmen, aldermen, and footmen;

Lawyers, poets, priests, physicians,

Noble, simple, all conditions;

Worth beneath a threadbare cover,

Villainy bedaubed all over;

Women, black, fair, red, and gray,

Women that can play and pay;

Handsome, ugly, witty, still,

Some that will not, some that will;

Many a beau without a shilling,

Many a widow not unwilling,

Many a bargain, if you strike it,—

This is London, if you like it."

H. E. P. T.


Note from the Cathedral at Seville.

"El Excmo Sr Dr Don Nicolas Wiseman, Obispo Coadjutor de Birmingham, y Rector del Collegio de Oscott, por decreto de 2 de Enero de 1845, concedió 40 dias de Indulgentia per cada Padre-Nuestro, ó Credo á Nuestri Señor Jesu Cristo, ó un Ave-Maria á su Santissima Madre, ó un Padre-Nuestro en honor del Santo Patriarcha Sr So Domingo, cujas imagenes se veneran en esta Capilla, como por cualquier palabra afetuosa ó jaculatoria con devotion."

S. K. N.

Riddles for the Post Office.—The following ludicrous direction to a letter was copied verbatim from the original and interesting document:

"too dad Tomas
hat the ole oke
I O Bary pade
Sur plees to let ole feather have this sefe."

The letter found the gentleman at "The Old Oak Orchard, Tenbury." I saw another letter, where the writer, after a severe struggle to express "Scotland," succeeded at length to his satisfaction, and wrote it thus, "stockling." A third letter was sent by a woman to a son who had settled in Tennessee, which the old lady had thus expressed with all phonetic simplicity, "10 S C."

Cuthbert Bede.



A cotemporary portrait of this prince, fourth son of Charles I., was in existence. He was represented with a fountain by him, probably in early age. He died, at the age of twenty, in 1660. Where is this painting now to be found, or is any engraving from it known? Granger describes an engraved portrait by Vaughan, representing the infant prince seated on a cushion; and a rare portrait of him by Lovell.

It would be very desirable to compile a descriptive catalogue of painted portraits, those especially preserved in the less accessible private collections in England. Such a manual, especially if illustrated with outline sketches or photographs, in order to render it available at a moderate cost, would be most useful, and supply, in some degree, the deficiency of any extensive public collection of national portraits, such as has been commenced in France, at the palace of Versailles.

Albert Way.


[Recognising as we do most fully the value of the idea thrown out by Mr. Way, that it would be desirable to compile a descriptive Catalogue of Painted Portraits, as the best substitute which we can have for an extensive public collection of such memorials of our Great and Good, we shall always be glad to record in the columns of "N. & Q." any notices of such pictures as may, from time to time, be forwarded to us for that purpose. The suggestion that Photography might be usefully employed in multiplying copies of such portraits, coming as it does from one whose skill as an artist rivals his learning as an antiquary, is the highest testimony which could be given to the value of an art which we have endeavoured to promote, from our conviction that its utility to the antiquary, the historian, and the man of letters, can scarcely be over-rated.]


I annex a prospectus of a second edition of my Collections for a History of the Borough of Boston and the Hundred of Skirbeck, in the County of Lincoln, which I am now employed upon in preparing for the press. As there may, and most probably will, arise many points upon which I may require assistance, I shall from time to time address (with your leave) inquiries for insertion in your {259}useful miscellany, asking your readers for any information they may be in possession of. At present I should be glad to be informed of the locality of Estoving Hall, the seat of a branch of the Holland family, of whom a long account is given by Blomefield, in his History of Norfolk, and which, he says, was nine miles from Bourn, in Lincolnshire, but respecting which I can learn nothing from gentlemen in that neighbourhood. Drayton, so often alluded to by Stukeley, and referred to by Blomefield in connexion with the Holland family, is also of very uncertain locality. Can any of your readers assist me upon these points, either through your journal, or addressed to me at Stoke Newington? I am also in want of information respecting the Kyme family, so as to connect the Kymes of Boston, and its neighbourhood, with the elder branch of that family, the Kymes of Kyme, which merged into the Umfraville family, by the marriage of the heiress of the Kymes with one of the Umfravilles.

The account of "the buylding of Boston steeple," by H. T. H., at p. 166. of your present volume, is incorrect in many respects. That which I have seen and adopted is as follows. It is said to have been accepted as correct by Dr. Stukeley. I find it at the foot of a folio print, published in 1715, representing—

"The west prospect of Boston steeple and church. The foundation whereof on ye Monday after Palm Sunday, Ano. 1309, in ye 3d year of Edward ye II., was begun by many miners, and continued till midsumer follg, when they was deeper than ye haven by 5 foot, where they found a bed of stone upon a spring of sand, and that upon a bed of clay whose thickness could not be known. Upon the Monday next after the Feast of St. John Baptt. was laid the 1st stone, by Dame Margery Tilney, upon wch she laid £5. sterlg. Sir John Truesdale, then Parson of Boston, gave £5. more, and Richd. Stevenson, a Mercht. of Boston, gave also £5., whch was all ye gifts given at that time."

Pishey Thompson.

Stoke Newington.


In Burke's Extinct Peerage it is stated that John de Lacy, first Earl of Lincoln, died A.D. 1240, leaving one son and two daughters. The latter were removed, in the twenty-seventh year of Hen. III., to Windsor, there to be educated with the daughters of the king. One of these sisters, Lady Maud de Lacy, married Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester; but I can find no mention of either the name or marriage of the other. Am I correct in identifying her with "Dorothy, daughter of the Earl of Lincoln," who married Sir John Welborne (see Harl. MSS. 888. 1092-1153.)? The dates in the Welborne pedigree perfectly correspond with this assumption.

Another question relative to this family is of greater interest, and I should feel sincerely obliged by any answer to it. Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, married Eleanora, daughter of King John, and had by her five children. The fourth son is called Richard in Burke's Royal Families, vol. i. p. xxiii.; and the report is added, that "he remained in England in privacy under the name of Wellsburn." In the Extinct Peerage, the name of the same son is Almaric, of whom it says: "When conveying his sister from France, to be married to Leoline, Prince of Wales, he was taken prisoner with her at sea, and suffered a long imprisonment. He was at last, however, restored to liberty, and his posterity are said to have flourished in England under the name of Wellsburne." Is it not to be presumed that the above Sir John Welborne (living, as he must have done, in the latter half of the thirteenth century, and allying himself with the great family especially protected by Henry III., uncle of the De Montforts) was himself the son of Richard or Almaric de Montfort, and founder of that family of Wellesburne, said to have "flourished in England"? The De Montforts no doubt abandoned their patronymic in consequence of the attainder of Simon, earl of Leicester, and adopted that of Wellesburne from the manor of that name, co. Warwick, in the possession of Henry de Montfort temp. Ric. I.

The only known branch of the Welborns terminated (after ten descents from Sir John) in coheiresses, one of whom married in 1574, and brought the representation into a family which counts among its members your correspondent



In a work published not many years ago, entitled Antigua and the Antiguans, by Mrs. Flannigan, there is the following passage:

"The Hon. Nathaniel Gilbert, Speaker of the House of Assembly in the island of Antigua, and one of the chief proprietors in that island, derived his descent from a family of considerable distinction in the west of England, where one of its members, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, associating himself with his kinsman, Sir Walter Raleigh, became one of the most eminent circumnavigators of the reign of Queen Elizabeth."

Dying, he left a son, Raleigh Gilbert, who along with others obtained from King James I. a large grant of land, in what was then called Plymouth, but which now forms part of the colony of Virginia. To this place he emigrated with Lord Chief Justice Popham in 1606. Afterwards he succeeded to an estate in Devonshire on the death of his elder brother, Sir John Gilbert, President of the Virginian Company.

Can any of your correspondents kindly inform me from what source I can complete the line of {260}descent, by filling up the interval of three or four generations between the above Raleigh Gilbert and the Hon. Nathaniel Gilbert mentioned by Mrs. Flannigan?

The present Sir George Colebrook and Sir William Abdy are connected, more or less remotely, with the last-mentioned Mr. Gilbert.

The English branch of the family is now established at Tredrea in Cornwall. (See Burke.)

Any information whatever upon this subject would be exceedingly valuable to the inquirer.

C. Gonville.

Minor Queries.

English Bishops deprived by Queen Elizabeth, 1559.Mr. Dredge's list (Vol. vi., p. 203.) was very acceptable and interesting; but he has left unanswered several points regarding these bishops. 1. Bishop Scot's death is given as at Louvain, but not the period when it occurred. 2. Bishop Bayne is merely said to have "died at Islington in 1560," month unnoticed. 3. Bishop Goldwell is "said to have died shortly afterwards (1580) at Rome," while I gave my authority as to his being still alive in the year 1584 (Vol. vi., p. 100.). 4. Bishop Pate is said to have also "died at Louvain," but no date is mentioned. 5. Bishop Pole "died in 1568." Is neither the place nor month known? In conclusion, with regard to the "English bishops deprived, 1691," only the years of the deaths of Bishops Frampton and White are stated. I trust Mr. Dredge, if he sees this, will forgive my being so minute and particular in my inquiries on the above points, and kindly recollect that I am far away from all public libraries and sources of information. For the replies he has so readily afforded, I am very grateful indeed.

A. S. A.


John Williams of Southwark, Esq. (elder brother of Morgan Williams, who married a daughter of Walter Cromwell of Putney, from whom descended Oliver Cromwell: Jones's Brecknockshire, vol. ii. p. 111.).—Will you, or either of your readers, oblige me with some account of the male descendants of such John Williams; or of John Williams ("heir to the paternal estate" of such Morgan Williams: Waring's Recollections of Iolo Morganwg, p. 162.) and his male descendants, or any references to such account?


"A Screw."—Why should a broken-down horse be called "a screw?" Is it because he has "a screw loose," or because a force equivalent to the screw-propeller must be applied to make him go? This was discussed at a hunting dinner the other evening, and the guests could arrive at no satisfactory conclusion: neither could they agree as to the definite meaning that should be assigned to "screw," and what description of horse came under that very condemnatory designation. Perhaps "N. & Q." can assist them to a proper meaning.

Cuthbert Bede, B.A.

Tanner's MSS.—In a collection of MSS. relative to Eton College, in Birch and Sloane Collection, British Museum, mention is made of Tanner's MSS., which, at the time these MSS. on Eton were collected (1736), were in the Picture Gallery at Oxford. Are these the MSS. inquired for by your correspondent in Vol. vi., p. 434.?

E. G. B.

The Westminster Assembly of Divines.—On the cover of A Collection of Confessions of Faith, &c., of the Church of Scotland, in my possession, is the following memorandum:

"The minutes of the Westminster Assembly are yet reserved in private hands."—Calamy's Abridgment of Baxter's Life, p. 85.

In Dr. Williams's Library, Redcross Street, there is part of a journal; but Neal, in his History of the Puritans (preface), tells us—

"The records of this Assembly were burnt in the Fire of London."

Strype, preface to Lightfoot's Remains, says:

"A journal of the various debates among the learned men in the Westminster Assembly, was diligently kept by Dr. Lightfoot."

And Strype tells us he had seen it.

I shall be much obliged to any of your readers who can inform me where this journal, or any other, of the proceedings of the Assembly can be procured?

Joseph Stansbury.

The Witch Countess of Morton.—Can any one give me any information about a Countess of Morton who was called "The Witch?" Her picture is at Dalmahoy.

L. M. M. R.

Mary, Daughter of King James I. of Scotland.—This princess is stated to have been married to the Count de Boucquan, son of the Lord of Campoere in Zealand, and she had at least one son, born 1451: any information as to her husband's family, her own death, &c. is requested; for all notitia of our royal princesses are interesting.

A. S. A.


Hibernicis Hibernior.—Whence, and what the proper form of this proverbial expression?

W. T. M.

Hong Kong.

The Cucking-stool, when last used.—Can any of the correspondents of "N. & Q." inform me of the latest period at which this instrument of punishment for scolds is recorded to have been used {261}in England? The most recent instance mentioned by Brand was at Kingston-upon-Thames, in 1745. In Leicester, however (and probably elsewhere), the practice continued to a much later period, as appears by the following entry in our municipal accounts for the year 1768-69:

"Paid Mr. Elliott for a cuckstool by order of Hall, 2l."

I have been informed by an octogenarian inhabitant of this town, that he recollects, when a boy, seeing the cucking-stool placed, as a mark of disgrace, against the residence of a notorious scold; and the fact of this use of it here at so comparatively recent a period has been confirmed by another aged person, so that this practice probably obtained for some years after the punishment by immersion, or exposure upon the cucking-stool, had fallen into desuetude.

Did a similar use of the instrument prevail in other places about the same period?

I may mention that an ancient cucking-stool is still preserved in our town-hall.


Grafts and the Parent Tree.—Is there any ground for a belief that is said to prevail among horticulturists, that the graft perishes when the parent tree decays?

J. P.


Conway Family.—Is it true that Sir William Konias (founder of the Conway family) was Lord High Constable of England under William the Conqueror? The Welsh pedigrees in the British Museum assert as much, and that he married Isabel, daughter of Baldwin, Earl of Blois; but it does not appear that there was a Count of Blois of that name.


Salt.—Dugdale, in his Antiquities of Warwickshire, p. 294., speaking of the town of Leamington, says:

"All that is further observable touching this place is, that nigh to the east end of the church there is a spring of salt water (not above a stone's throw from the river Leame), whereof the inhabitants make much use for seasoning of meat."

Was salt a scarce article in the midland counties in those days?

When and where was the first salt-mine established in England?


Geological Query.—Can any of your geological readers inform me what is the imagined reason that there is no increase of temperature in Scandinavia (as there is everywhere else) in descending into mines?

M—a L.

Wandering Jew.—I am anxious to learn the authority on which this celebrated myth rests. I am aware of the passage in John's Gospel (xxi. 21, 22, 23.), but I cannot think that there is no other foundation for such an extraordinary belief. Perhaps on the continent some legend may exist. My object in inquiring is to discover whether Eugène Sue's Wandering Jew is purely a fictitious character, or whether he had any, and, if any, what authority or tradition on which to found it.

Tee Bee.

Frescheville Family.—In what work may be found the tradition, that the heir of the family of the House of Frescheville never dies in his bed?

F. K.

The Wednesday Club.—Can any of the readers of "N. & Q." refer me to any notice of this club, which existed about a century back in the city of London?

Charles Reed.

Paternoster Row.

Oratories.—In a parish in the county of Essex there is a pretty little brick chapel, or "oratory," as it is called there, with a priest's house attached at the west end, of about the thirteenth century; the length of both chapel and house being thirty feet, and the width fifteen. There is also a field called "Priest's Close," which was probably the endowment.

Can any of your correspondents inform me if there are many such places of worship in England, and, if so, to mention some, and where any accounts of them may be found?

It is quite clear that this oratory had no connexion with the parish church, being a mile distant, and seems more likely to have been erected and endowed for the purpose of having mass celebrated there for the repose of the founder's soul?

M. F. D.

Arms of De Turneham.—Can any of your readers inform me what were the armorial bearings of Sir Stephen de Turneham, who in the year 1192 was employed by Richard I. to escort his queen Berengaria from Acre to Naples? The writer would also be glad to obtain any particulars of the family and history of this brave knight, who seems to have possessed the entire confidence of his sovereign, the redoubtable "Cœur de Lion." Probably he belonged to the same family as Michael de Turneham, the owner of estates at Brockley, near Deptford, and at Begeham (the modern Bayham), on the borders of Sussex, in the reign of Henry II., whose nephew, Sir Robert de Turneham, appears to have been distinguished in the Crusade under Richard I. Might not Stephen and Robert be brothers? Did they leave descendants? And, if so, when did the family become extinct? Was it this Robert de Turneham whose wife was Joanna Fossard, who, about the year 1200, founded the Priory of Grosmont, near Whitby, in Yorkshire? {262}

John Thornholme, of Gowthorpe, near York, to whom arms were granted Sept. 11, 1563, was probably not of the same family? These arms are—On a shield argent, three thorn-trees vert. Crest: On a mount vert, a tower argent. Motto: "Probitas verus honos."

Any particulars as to the early and subsequent history of this last-named family would also be valuable.


Poisons.—What are supposed to have been the poisons used for bouquets, gloves, &c., in the time of Catherine de Medici, and her friend René?

H. A. B.

Open Seats or Pews in Churches.—Mr. Barr (Anglican Church Architecture: Oxford, Parker, 1846) gives measurements, as by experience, found most convenient for many parts of this description of church fitting; but he gives not the length of each sitting, or, in other words, the space, measured along the length of the bench, that should be allowed for each person. Neither does he give the height nor the breadth of the flat board to rest the elbows on when kneeling, or to place the books upon, which he proposes to substitute for the common sloping bookboard. Neither does he appear to have paid any attention to the disposal of the hats with which every male worshipper must, I fear, continue to be encumbered, and which I like not to see impaled on the poppy-heads, nor plied on the font, nor to feel against my knees when I sit down, nor against my feet when I kneel. If any of your correspondents could name a church in the open seats of which these things have been attended to, and well done, I should be much disposed to go and study it as a model for imitation; and if satisfied with it, I should want little persuasion for commencing the destruction of my old manor pew, and the fixing of open seats on its site.


Burial of unclaimed Corpse.—In the parish of Markshall, near Norwich, is a piece of land now belonging to the adjoining village of Keswick. Tradition states that it was once a part of Markshall Heath; but, at the enclosure, the parishioners of Keswick claimed and obtained it, because some years before they had interred the body of a murdered man found there; the expenses of whose funeral the rate-payers of Markshall had inhumanly refused to defray. I think I have somewhere read a similar statement respecting a portion of Battersea Fields. Can either of these cases be authenticated; or is there any law or custom which would assign a portion of a common to a parish which paid for the burial of a corpse found on it?

E. G. R.

Minor Queries with Answers.

Sir John Powell—the judge who tried the seven bishops. Where was he buried? i.e. where is his epitaph (which is given in Heber's Life Of Jeremy Taylor) to be seen?

A. C. R.

[He was buried on September 26, 1696, in the chancel of the church of Langharne, in Carmarthenshire, where there is a tablet to his memory, with a Latin inscription, recording that he was a pupil of Jeremy Taylor. The Judge had a residence in the parish.]

"Reynard the Fox."—There was a book printed in 1706 entitled The secret Memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Prime Minister and Favorite of Queen Elizabeth, written during his Life, and now published from an old Manuscript never printed; by Dr. Drake: printed by Samuel Briscoe, 1706. In his Preface he alludes to the History of Reynard the Fox:

"There is an old English book, written about the time that these memoirs seem to have been, which now passes through the hands of old women and children only, and is taken for a pleasant and delightful tale, but is by wise heads thought to be an enigmatical history of the Earl of Leicester and his family, and which he that compares with these memoirs, will not take to be an idle conjecture, there are so many passages so easily illustrable, by comparing it with these memoirs. The book I mean is the History of Reynard the Fox, in which the author, not daring to write his history plainly, probably for fear of his power, has shadowed his exploits under the feigned adventures and intrigues of brutes, in which not only the violence and rapaciousness, but especially the craft and dissimulation, of the Earl of Leicester is excellently set forth."

I shall feel much obliged to any of your readers who can inform me of the earliest English edition of Reynard the Fox, and whether others besides Dr. Drake have taken the same view of the history.

W. D. Haggard.

Bank of England.

[The earliest edition of Reynard the Fox is that printed by Caxton in 1481. Caxton's Translation was again printed by Pynson, and afterwards by Thomas Gualtier in 1550. Caxton's edition is of extreme rarity; but there is a reprint of it by the Percy Society in 1844: with an introductory Sketch of the literary history of this popular romance, in which our correspondent will find a notice of the principal editions of it which have appeared in the various languages into which it has been translated.]

Campvere, Privileges of.—May I ask the kind assistance of any of your readers on the following subject? Sir W. Davidson, who was political agent or envoy in Holland under King Charles II., is stated to have been "resident for H.M. kingdom of Scotland, and conservator of the Scots privileges of Campvere in the Low Countries," &c.; {263}and under his portrait, engraved by Hagens, he is described, among other titles, as being "conservitor and resident for His Majestie's most ancient kingdome of Scotland in the Seventein Provinces." What were these privileges, and whence was the term campvere derived?

I have seen mention made of a mercantile house at Calais, in the sixteenth century, who had their "campfyer schypp, hyr saylls hallfe blewyw hallfe yewllow:" but this, I think, must refer to the trade in camphor, in the purification of which the Venetians, and afterwards the Dutch, exclusively were occupied.

J. D. S.

[Campvere is another name given by the English to Veere, or Ter Veere, a fortified town of the province of Brabant, and the kingdom of the Netherlands. It was formerly the staple-town for the trade between Scotland and Holland; but its privileges, and much of its commerce, have been removed to Rotterdam.]

Bishops Inglis and Stanser of Nova Scotia.—In addition to the very interesting notice of the former given in Vol. vi., p. 151., I beg to ask where and when he was born? whether an Englishman or American? No reply has yet been given regarding Bishop Stanser's death, or resignation of see.

A. S. A.


[As Sabine has included Bishop Inglis among the American Loyalists, it would appear that he was a native of the United States. His article commences, "Charles Inglis, of New York;" but it does not state that he was a native of that city. Bishop Stanser resigned his see through indisposition in the year 1825, and died at Hampton, Jan. 23, 1829. See "N. & Q.," Vol. vi., p. 425.]



(Vol. v., pp. 415. 517. &c.)

I adopt the above heading in preference to that which your correspondents C. E. D., M. W. B., F. H., and Nhrsl have, I think improperly, selected. The monument, which is to be seen in the church of St. Andrew at Antwerp, is said by them to have been erected by the two ladies Barbara Mowbray and Elizabeth Curle to the memory of their beloved mistress the Queen of Scots; but it will be found to have been rather erected to the memory of those two ladies by Hippolytus Curle, the son of the former, and nephew of the latter, in or subsequent to the year 1620. The notice of it in my Murray's Handbook of 1850 is brief but accurate:

"Against a pillar, facing the right transept, is a portrait of Mary Queen of Scots, attached to a monument erected to the memory of two English ladies named Curle, who served her as ladies in waiting. One of them received her last embrace previous to her execution."

I beg to refer your correspondents to a Memoir by Mons. C. P. Serrure, which appeared in tom. iii. of the Messager des Sciences et des Arts de la Belgique, 1835, pp. 89-96., and was afterwards published at Ghent in a separate form, under the title of Notice sur le Mausolée de Barbe Moubray et Elizabeth Curle, dames d'honneur de la reine Marie Stuart, qui se voit dans l'Eglise paroissiale de Saint André, à Anvers, with an engraving of the monument. As the inscription conveys some biographical particulars of the ladies whose virtues it commemorates, and as this information is asked for by Nhrsl, I have copied it: premising, however, that M. Serrure takes credit to himself for being the first to give it in a correct shape. It is as follows:

"Deo Opt. Max. Sacr.
Nobiliss. Dvar. e Britannia Matronar.
Monvmentvm viator spectas:
Quæ ad Regis Cathol: tvtel. orthodo. religion. cavsa
A patria profvgæ. hic in spe resurrect. qviescvnt.

In primis Barbaræ. Movbrayd. Iohan. Movbray Baronis F.
Qvæ Sereniss. Mariæ Stvartæ Reginæ Scot. a cvbicvlis
Nvptvi data Gvilberto Cvrle, qui ann. amplivs. xx.
A. secretis Reg. fverat vnaq sine qverela ann. xxiiii.
Vixervnt, liberosq. octo svstvler. sex cælo transcriptis
Filii dvo svperstites, in stvdiis liberaliter edvcati.
Iacobvs socie. Iesv sese Madriti aggregavit, in Hisp.
Hippolytvs natv minor in Gallo. Belg. Societ. Iesv
Prov. adscribi Christi militiæ volvit.
Hic moestvs cvm lacrymis optimæ parenti. P. C.
Quæ prid. Kalend. Avgvst. ano. D. M.DCXVI. æt LVII.
Vitam cadvcam cvm æterna commvtavit.

Item Elizab. Cvrlæ amitæ ex eadem nob. Curleor. stirpe
Mariæ qvoq. Reginæ a cvbicvlis, octo aunis vincvlr.
Fidæ sociæ, cvi moriens vltimvm tvlit svavivm.
Perpetvo cælibi, moribvsq. castiss. ac pientissimæ
Hippolytvs Cvrle fratris eivs f. hoc monvm.
Grati animi pietatisq. ergo lib. mer. posvit.
Hæc vltimvm vitæ diem clavsit, ano. Dni 1620.
Ætat. LXmo. die 29 Maij.
Reqviescant in pace. Amen."

The inscription under the queen's portrait is correctly given by M. W. B.; except that, in the sixth line, the word "invidia" occurs after "hæret," and the "et" is omitted.

Touching this same portrait, and the selfish, silly, sight-loving Englishman, M. Serrure writeth as follows:

"Les Anglais, si avides de tout voir quand ils sont en pays étranger, et si curieux de tout ce qui appartient à leur histoire, ne manquent jamais d'aller visiter l'Église de St. André. Leur admiration pour ce monument, sans doute plus intéressant sous le rapport du souvenir qui s'y rattache, que sous celui de l'art, va si loin, que plus d'une fois on a prétendu, non-seulement {264}que le Portrait est un de ceux qui retrace le plus fidèlement les traits de la malheureuse Marie Stuart, mais qu'on a été jusqu'à l'attribuer au pinceau de Van Dyck. Aussi bon nombre d'amateurs d'outre-mer l'ont-ils fait copier dans les derniers temps."

W. M. R. E.


(Vol. vii., p. 203.)

I am a little surprised at the slight knowledge K. K. seems to have of Mr. Rigby—nor do I quite understand his statement: he says he possesses sixty-seven letters of Mr. Rigby to his own grandfather, and that his object is to discover, what he calls, the counterpart of the correspondence: and then he talks of this counter-correspondent, as if he knew no more of him than that he was an M. P., and "seems" to have done so and so. Now this counter-correspondent must have been his grandfather: and it would surely have simplified the inquiry if he had stated at once the name of his grandfather, whose letters he is anxious to recover. Mr. Rigby was one of the busiest politicians of the busy times in which he lived. He did not, as K. K. supposes, reside altogether in England. He was chief secretary to the Duke of Bedford when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from 1757 to 1761; in which period he obtained the lucrative sinecure of Master of the Rolls in Ireland, which he enjoyed for upwards of twenty years; during which he was a prominent figure in English and Irish politics, and was long the leader of the Bedford party in the English House of Commons. His correspondence would be likely to be, with any one he confided in, important; and with any body, very amusing: for, though a deep politician, he was of a gay, frank, jovial, and gossiping disposition. It was he who, when some questions were carried against him in the Irish parliament, and that some of his English friends wrote to ask him whether he would not resign on such an affront, concealed his political feelings under the jolly bon-vivant style of answering: "What care I about their affronts! there is nothing in the world I like half so well as woodcock-shooting and claret-drinking, and here I have both in perfection: why should I resign?" He died in 1788; and was succeeded in his estate at Mirtley, in Essex, by Lieut.-Col. Hale Rigby (who, I think, but am not sure, assumed the name of Rigby for the estate), and who had an only daughter who married the late Lord Rivers; and whose son is now, I presume, the representative of Mr. Rigby—the owner of Mirtley—and probably, if they be in existence, the possessor of the "counter-correspondence" that K. K. inquires after. I have been thus particular in answering, as far as I can, K. K.'s Query, because I believe that any confidential correspondence of Mr. Rigby must be very interesting, and I am glad to suggest where K. K. may look for the "counterpart;" but, whether they be obtained or not, I am inclined to believe that Mr. Rigby's own letters would be worth publication, if, as I have already hinted, his correspondent was really in either his private or political confidence.


A considerable number of this gentleman's letters were addressed to his friend and patron, John, fourth Duke of Bedford, and are among the MSS. at Woburn Abbey. A selection of the most interesting are printed in the Bedford Correspondence, three vols. 8vo.

W. A.

Richard Rigby, Esq., of Mirtley Hall, in Essex, was Paymaster-General of the Land Forces from 1768 to 1782, when he was succeeded by Edmund Burke.

Horace Wm. Beckford, the third Baron Rivers, married, in Feb. 1808, Frances, the only daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Frances Hale Rigby, Esq., of Mirtley Hall.[8] It is therefore probable, that the correspondence and papers referred to by K. K. may be in the possession of the present Lord Rivers.

J. B.

Footnote 8:(return)

See Burke.


(Vol. vii., p. 207.)

P. C. S. S. has ascertained that all the barbarous terms mediævally applied to certain classes of the inferior clergy, and referred to by Mr. Jebb (antè, p. 207.), are explained in the Glossarium of Ducange. They are identical in meaning and derivation, though slightly differing in point of spelling, with "Marigmerii" and "Melinglerii" (cited by Mr. Jebb), "Marellarii," "Meragalarii," and "Malingrerii," and are all to be found in the learned work to which reference is now made. Of the last of these words, Pirri himself (who is quoted by Mr. Jebb) gives the explanation, which is equally applicable to them all. He says (in Archiepisc. Messan., sub an. 1347):

"Malingrerium, olim dictum qui hodie Sacrista est."

Ducange also thus explains the cognate word Marrellarius:

"Ædituus, custos ædis sacræ, vulgo Marguillier," &c.

Mr. Jebb is therefore undoubtedly right in identifying the signification of these terms with that of the French "Marguillier," the Latin phrase for which is Matricularius, so called because those officers were selected from the paupers who were admitted into the Matricula, or hospice adjoining the church or convent:

"Ex Matriculariis pauperibus quidam seligebantur ad viliora Ecclesiarum adjacentium munia, v.g. qui {265}campanas pulsarent, ecclesiarum custodiæ invigilarent [church-wardens in the true sense of the word], eas scoparent ac mundarent. Atque inde Matriculariorum (nostris Marguillier) in ecclesiis parochialibus origo."

Of another singular word, Berefellarii, and of the adoption of Personæ instead of it, the history is very amusing, though, perhaps, scarcely fit for the pages of "N. & Q." It would seem that these inferior servitors of the church were not very cleanly in their person or habits. The English populace, by a not very delicate pun on their name, were wont to call them bewrayed fellows, the meaning of which it is not necessary farther to explain. In a letter of Thomas, Archbishop of York (preserved in Dugdale's Monasticon, tom. III. p. ii. p. 5.), the good prelate says:

"Scilicet Præcentoris, Cancellarii, et Sacristæ, ac Septem Personarum qui olim Berefellarii fuerunt nuncupati.... Sed quia eorum turpe nomen Berefellariorum, patens risui remanebat, dictos Septem de cætero non Berefellarios sed Personas volumus nuncupari."

The glossarist adds, with some naïveté:

"Cur autem ita obscæna hujusmodi iis indita appellatio, dicant Angli ipsi!"

P. C. S. S.

Mr. Jebb, in his Query respecting the exoticæ voces "Marigmerii" and "Melinglerii," seems to be right in his conjecture that they are both of them corruptions of some word answering to the French Marguillier, a churchwarden. The word in question is probably Meragularius. It appears to be a term but rarely used, and to occur but once in Martene, De Antiq. Eccl. Ritibus, tom. i. p. 233., Venice, 1783, in the conclusion of his extract "de ordinario MS. ecclesiæ Cabilonensis;" where the officer in question performs the duty of the Vestararius:

"Diaconus et Subdiaconus inter se plicant vestimenta sua, Meragularius præstat auxilium sacerdoti."

Though elsewhere Martene explains the term by "Ædituus, custos ædis."

With regard to the latter word, the meaning of which Mr. Jebb inquires, Berefellarii, I may suggest that he will find, on reading somewhat further in the archbishop's Statuta for Beverley, a further account of these same Berefellarii; which almost precludes the likelihood of a blunder in the original document, or at least of Beneficiarii being the correct word. For the archbishop, having occasion to mention them again, gives the origin of their institution:

"Quos quidem Berefellarios recolendæ memoriæ Dom. Johannes de Thoresby dudum Eborum Archiepiscopus ad honorem dictæ Ecclesiæ Beverlaci, et majorem decentiam ministrantium in eadem provincia ordinabat."

He then proceeds:

"Sed quia eorum turpe nomen Berefellariorum, patens risui remanebat, dictos Septem de cætero non Berefellarios sed Personas volumus nuncupari."

And accordingly we find them called hereafter in this document by the very indefinite appellation, Septem Personæ.

The word Berefellarii seems obviously to be of Anglo-Saxon origin; as well from the extract I have given above, as from the absence of the term in works on the continental rituals, as Martene for instance. And I would suggest, in default of a better derivation, that the word may have been Latinised from the Anglo-Saxon bere fellan or sellan. The office would then be that of almoner, and the Berefellarii would be the "persons" who doled out victuals to the poor; literally, barley-givers. Such an original would make the term liable to the objection to which the archbishop alluded; and the office does not altogether disagree with what was stated as the object of its institution, viz.:

"Ad honorem ecclesiæ Beverlaci, et majorem decentiam ministrantium in eadem."

H. C. K.

—— Rectory, Hereford.


Replies to Photographic Questions.Sir William Newton is right respecting the active properties of sulphuric acid; it should therefore not be stronger than merely tasting of the acid; but it has appeared to me to possess a superior effect in setting the alkalies free. I believe muriatic acid would have precisely the same effect, or Beaufoy's acetic acid, though it would be rather expensive. Starch would be invaluable both for positives or negatives, if it could be laid on perfectly even; but if pinned up to dry it all runs to one corner, and if laid flat it runs into ridges. Perhaps some artist may be able to favour us with the best mode of treating starch; its non-solubility in cold water makes it an invaluable agent in photography.

The above includes a reply to Mr. J. James' first Query: to his second, the solution may be either brushed or floated, but all solutions require even greater care than doing a water-colour drawing, to lay them perfectly flat. The remaining questions depend for answer simply on the experience of the operator: the formula given was simply for iodizing paper; the bringing out, exposure in the camera, &c., have been so clearly described lately by Dr. Diamond, it would be useless to give further directions at present.

G. H. should dispense with the aceto-nitrate and gallic acid, and bring up with gallic acid and glacial acetic acid only. This makes no dirt whatever, and is quite as effective. The marbling {266}he alludes to proceeds from the sensitive solution not being sufficiently dry when put into the camera. Even if prepared paper is blotted off, which I think a very bad plan, it should have some time allowed it to dry; also the faintness of the image depends either upon not giving time enough, or the aperture he uses for his lens is much too large; or again, he has not found the true chemical focus,—it varies in single meniscus lenses sometimes as much as three-eighths of an inch nearer the eye than the visual:—all these are causes of indistinct images, and require patience to rectify them.

I beg leave to subscribe entirely to Mr. W. Brown's remarks on the subject of Mr. Archer and collodion. I have one of Mr. Horne's handbills, circulated with the first samples of collodion, headed "Archer's prepared collodion" in 1851, and had some of the earliest in the market. That Mr. Archer should fail in trying his own preparation goes for nothing at all, because, at the best of times, and with the most skilful, failures are often numerous and mortifying, in photography above all other arts; therefore, unless some more correct data are given, the merit rests entirely on Mr. Archer.

Weld Taylor.


Developing Paper Pictures with Pyrogallic Acid (Vol. vii., p. 117.).—Your correspondent R. J. F. asks if any of your photographic correspondents have developed their paper negatives with pyrogallic acid. I have long been in the habit of doing so by the following process. Of Mr. Archer's developing solution, viz.,

Pyrogallic acid 3 grs.
Acetic acid 1 drachm.
Distilled water 1 oz.

take twenty grs. (minims): add an equal quantity of distilled water, and five drops (minims) of acetic acid. I pour the mixture upon a glass plate, and put the sensitive surface of any picture upon it; moving, it up and down by one corner, to prevent the paper being stained, and to observe the development of the picture; which, when sufficiently come out, I blot and wash immediately, and fix with hyposulphite of soda or bromide of potassium.

Thomas Wyatt.


Photography in the Open Air; Improved Camera.—In your Number 172, p. 163., there is a Note of mine in reference to the use to which thin sheet India rubber might be applied. I there alluded to the difficulties attending a single "portable camera," in which all the coating, developing, &c. of your plates is to be done; and for those gentlemen who have the means of carrying about with them a second box, I have devised a modification of Archer's camera, which I think, will prove very useful. It is one which I am about to make for myself. This second box is one in which, when travelling, I can pack my camera, frames, glasses, and chemicals. Having arranged your camera, you proceed to arrange the second box, or "laboratory." This laboratory has three short legs, which screw, or fasten by any simple contrivance, to it, so that it may stand a sufficient height from the ground to allow the bath, which fits in like the one in Archer's camera, to hang beneath it, and also that when working you may do so with ease. It is lighted by either yellow glass or India rubber. There are sleeves of India rubber for your arms, and the holes in the sides of the box traverse nearly the whole of the sides, for the purpose of moving your hands freely from one end of the box to the other; there is also an opening for the head. The bottom of the box is divided: about two-thirds of it, and the nearest to you, has a gutta percha tray, with the four sides, three inches high, fitting it quite tight; and in one corner a tube a few inches long, also of gutta percha, fixed to it, and passing through the bottom of the box, to allow the refuse washings to run off. In the middle of this tray a developing stand of gutta percha is fixed to the bottom, on which to lay the glass plates. The other one-third of the bottom of the laboratory is fitted thus:—There is a slit across the box, immediately before the wall of the tray, for the nitrate of silver bath to slip in. Immediately beyond the edge of the bath is a small fillet of wood running across the box parallel with the bath, and so placed that if the bottom of the dark frame to contain the glass plate is rested against it, and the top of the frame rested against the end of the laboratory, the frame will slope at about an angle of forty-five degrees. Let there be a button, or similar contrivance, on the underside of the lid of the box, that the lid of the dark frame may be fastened to it when open. Bottles of collodion, developing fluid, hypo-soda, or solution of salt, &c., may be arranged in various convenient ways within reach. The proceeding then is very easy. Place the bath-frame and bottles in their places; rear the glass plate in the frame; shut the laboratory lid; place your hands in the sleeves and your head in the hood; fix the door of dark frame to the top; coat the plate; place it in the bath with collodion side from you (it will then be in convenient position when you draw it out of bath to place at once in the frame); fasten the frame door; open the box lid; remove to camera; after taking picture, return frame to its place in camera; bring the plate to developing stand; develop; pour solution of salt over; remove from box; finish outside with hyposulphite of soda.

I have been thus explicit to render the matter as plain and intelligible as possible without aid of diagrams. But I shall be happy to give any {267}one any further information, either privately, or through "N. & Q." It seems to me that by this contrivance you simplify the process as much as is almost possible; you keep separate the different processes, and run little or no risk of mixing your chemicals, a misfortune which would spoil several hours' work, as well as entail a considerable loss of materials. The box would be no expensive article; any one possessing a little mechanical skill could construct it for himself, and its use as a packing-case for your apparatus would repay the cost.

I have for some time been using a developing fluid, which appears to have some desirable qualifications for it is simple, inexpensive, and keeps good, as far as I have tried it, for a very long period. I have worked with it when it has been made ten weeks; it slightly changes colour, but it throws down no deposit, and does not ever stain the film; when first made, it is colourless as water. Dr. Diamond has kindly undertaken to test its value, and if he pronounces it worthy of being made known, the readers of "N. & Q." shall shortly have the benefit of it.

J. L. Sisson.

Edingthorpe Rectory, Norfolk.

New Effect in Collodion Pictures.—In the course of some experiments I have been following in reference to a photographic subject, a method by which a new effect in pictures on glass may be obtained has occurred to me. Such productions, when treated as positives, are of course white pictures upon a black ground; and although for beauty of detail they are superior to those belonging to any other process, there is a certain harshness and want of artistic effect: to remedy this, I turned my attention towards obtaining a dark picture upon a light ground, as is the case when glass photographs are printed from; in this I have succeeded, and as the modification affords a pleasing variation, it may be acceptable to the tastes of some of your readers. The principle I proceed upon is to copy, by means of the camera, from a previously-taken picture in a negative state. Suppose, for instance, our subject is an out-door view: I take a collodion picture—which would answer for a positive if backed with black: this, viewed by transmitted light, is of course negative,—an effect which may be produced by placing a piece of white paper behind it from this white-backed plate: I take another collodion picture, which, being reversed in light and shade, is negative by reflected light; but viewed as a transparency is positive, and of course retains that character when backed with white paint, paper, or other substance lighter in colour than the parts formed by the reduced silver. Instead of the first picture being formed by the glass, any of the paper processes may be adopted which will afford negative pictures. Copies of prints may be beautifully produced on this principle by obtaining the first or negative by the ordinary process of printing. As these pictures are to form a contrast with a white ground, they should be as brown in tint as possible; nitric acid, or other whitening agents, being avoided in the developing solutions for both negative and positive. By this process the detail and contrasts can be kept far better than by the operation of printing: for it is exceedingly difficult to obtain a picture which will convey to the prepared surface an amount of light corresponding to the natural lights and shades, and the trouble of making collodion copies is far less than printing. There is certainly the drawback of having the copies upon glass: I think, however, that some white flexible substance may be found, upon which the collodion, albumen, &c., may be spread; but if they be intended for framing, of course they are better on glass. The general effect is that of a sepia drawing. The picture first taken and used as a negative, may be preserved as a positive by removing the white back, and treating it in the usual manner.

Permit me to observe, that much confusion arises from the manner in which the terms positive and negative are often used; a negative glass picture is frequently spoken of as a definite, distinct thing; this is not the case, for all photographic pictures upon glass are both negative and positive, accordingly as they are seen upon a back of lighter or darker shade than the reduced silver—by transmitted or reflected light. A picture intended to be printed from is no more a negative than another, its positive character being merely obscured by longer exposure in the camera. When first removed from the developing solution, glass pictures are negative, because they are seen upon the iodide of silver, which is a light ground. This is a thing of course well known to many of your readers, but beginners are, I know, often puzzled by it.

Wm. Tudor Mabley.


Powdered Alum—How does it act?Sir W. Newton has again kindly informed me of his motive for using the powdered alum, which in "N. & Q." (Vol. vii., p. 141.) he asserts readily removes the hyposulphite of soda. What is the rationale of the chemical action upon the hyposulphite of soda?

W. Adrian Delferier.

40. Sloane Square.

Replies to Minor Queries.

Chatterton (Vol. vii., p. 189.).—J. M. G. informs N. B. that he is possessed of the whole of the late Mr. Hazlewood's collection of volumes, tracts, and cuttings from periodicals, published during the period when the Rowleian and Chattertonian {268}controversy engrossed so much of public criticism and dispute.

He has likewise various other articles relating to Chatterton, both in print and manuscript, collected during many years that he was resident at and connected with Bristol, which then naturally interested him in the subject. But what would be of far greater use to N. B. in ascertaining who was the author of the Rowleian poems, is an essay in manuscript, recently furnished to J. M. G. by a gentleman now resident in Bristol, whose ancestors were acquainted with Chatterton's family, and who has in this document shown, not only great archæological research, but has thrown much new light upon various disputed points both relative to Chatterton's relations and friends, which go far to settle the opinion, that the venerable Rowley, and not the boy Chatterton, was the writer of the poems.

J. M. G. is afraid that this subject is one, the revival of which would fail to interest the public mind, or he might be induced to publish the essay, to which he has reason to believe that its author would give his consent; and should J. M. G. again raise the controversy by sending to "N. & Q." any detached parts, he is apprehensive that the subjects of them would not meet with the attention they formerly would have done.

J. M. G.


Princes' Whipping-boys (Vol. v., pp. 468. 545.).—In your publication are notices respecting two whipping-boys, Edward Browne and William Murray, who both endured punishment for the offences of English princes. I, however, think it not improbable such infliction was perpetrated in other kingdoms, and perhaps in Spain, for the improvement of Philip III. or some such worthy scion of royalty. Le Sage, who was a most incomparable observer of men and manners, has, in his admirable novel of Gil Blas, introduced, with purely natural humour, and in his style so naïf, an instance of such mode of correction. In livre 5ième, chap. i., there is the history of Don Raphaël, who at twelve years of age was selected by the Marquis de Leganez to be the companion of his son of the same age, who "ne paraissait pas né pour les sciences," and scarcely knew a letter of his alphabet. The story goes on with describing various endeavours of his masters to induce him to apply to his studies, but without success: till at last the Précepteur thought of the expedient to give le fouet to young Raphaël whenever the little Leganez deserved it; and this he did without mercy, till Raphaël determined to elope from the roof of the Marquis de Leganez: and in some degree to revenge himself for all the injustice he had suffered, took with him all the argent comptant of the Précepteur, amounting to one hundred and fifty ducats. In concluding, I may observe that there is a very neat edition of Gil Blas lately published in Paris, with illustrated vignettes by Gigoux, one of which represents the Précepteur operating upon the unfortunate Raphaël:

"... horribili sectêre flagello."—Hor.

and young Leganez looking on seemingly unconcerned!



"Grub Street Journal" (Vol. vii., p. 108.).—Some particulars relating to this work are given in Drake's Essays on the Rambler, &c., vol. i. p. 66.

F. R. A.

"Pinch of Snuff" (Vol. vi., p. 431).—I have been informed by a gentleman conversant in literary matters, that the author or compiler of this little volume was Benson Earle Hill, formerly an officer in the artillery, but at the time of his death (circa 1842-3) a performer or prompter at one of the theatres in the Strand.

I may here mention another humorous little work, closely allied to the above, and entitled A Paper of Tobacco; treating of the Rise, Progress, Pleasures and Advantages of Smoking: with Anecdotes of distinguished Smokers, Mems. on Pipes and Tobacco-boxes: and a Tritical Essay on Snuff. By Joseph Fume. 2nd ed., with additions. Lond. Chapman and Hall, 1839. 12mo. It contains six spirited and characteristic etchings by "Phiz," besides several woodcuts; and is a very amusing book, well worthy of being enlarged, for which there are ample materials both in prose and rhyme.

F. R. A.

Race for Canterbury (Vol. vii., p. 219.).—J. F. infers that Hoadley was a competitor with Herring and Gibson for the archiepiscopal throne after the death of Bishop Potter, because he is mentioned in some lines under the woodcut broadside in his possession. He may also find him alluded to in the last lines of the other print in his possession:

"Then may he win the prize who none will oppress,

And the palace at Lambeth be Benjamin's mess."

Benjamin being Benjamin Hoadley.

I have two other prints upon this subject, besides the three mentioned by J. F. In one which has the title "For Lambeth," the bishop in the most distant boat has dropt his oars, sits with his arms across, looks very sulky, and exclaims, "Damn my scull."

The other is entitled "Haw'y Haw'y L—b-th Haw'y." Three bishops, as in the others, are rowing towards Lambeth: a fourth, approaching in an opposite direction, is rowing "against tide." In the foreground are two groups. In one, two noblemen are addressing three competing bishops: "Let honour be the reward of virtue, and not interest." One bishop says: "I give it up till {269}next." Another holds a paper, inscribed "10,000l. for it." In the other group, two noblemen are promising to different bishops. Another bishop is fighting his way through boatmen; and two persons are running forward as candidates for an archdeaconry or dean of arches. Underneath are two lines:

"Sculls, sculls to Lambeth! see how hard they pull 'em!

But sure the Temple's nearer much than Fulham."

Temple alluding to Sherlock, Fulham to Gibson.

Underneath this print, some one, perhaps Horace Walpole, mistaking the date and the subject, has written:

"The man whose place they thought to take

Is still alive, and still a Wake."

There is still another print entitled "Lambeth," where three bishops are rowing from Lambeth, with the word "Disappointed" under them. A fourth is rowed towards Lambeth by a waterman, who exclaims "Your're all Bob'd!"

Edw. Hawkins.

Chichester Pallant (Vol. vii., p. 206.).—Chichester, I need not say, is of Roman foundation, and has several marks of its Roman origin; the little stream that runs through it is called the Lavant, evidently from lavando. The Pallant, the chief quarter of the town, and, of old, a separate jurisdiction, was called "Palatinus sive Palenta." "Palantia, Palatinatus," says Ducange, "jurisdictio ejus qui habet jus lites decidendi supremo jure." The Pallant of Chichester is not to be confounded with the Bishop's Palace. It is in a different district, and was, no doubt, from Roman times, a separate palatine jurisdiction.


Scarfs worn by Clergymen (Vol. vii., pp. 143. 215.).—As Mr. Jebb has intervened voluntarily in this question, not merely as an inquirer or reasoner, but as an evidence to facts, I hope I may be allowed to ask him his authority for the distinction "between broad and narrow scarfs." After this assertion as to the fact, he adds his own personal authority of having "in his boyhood heard mention made of that distinction." As I do not know his age, I would beg to ask when and where he heard that mention; and to make my inquiry more clear, I would ask whether he has any (and what) authority for the fact of the distinction beyond having "in his boyhood heard mention of it?" We must get at the facts before we can reason on them.


Alicia Lady Lisle (Vol. vii., p. 236.).—The lady referred to was Alice, or Alicia, daughter and coheir of Sir White Beconsawe: she was beheaded at Winchester, 1685. The jury by whom she was tried had, it is stated, thrice acquitted her; but the judge, that disgrace to human nature, Jefferies, insisted upon a conviction. Her husband was John Lisle the regicide, a severe republican, and one of the Protector's lords. An account of the family will be found in Curious Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell, vol. i. p. 273.

The family of the present Lord Lisle, whose family name is Lysaght, and elevated to the peerage of Ireland in 1758, has nothing to do with that of the republican court.

Respecting the old baronies of Lisle, full accounts will be found in the admirable report of the claim to that barony by Sir Harris Nicolas, one of the counsel for the claimant, Sir John Shelley Sidney: 8vo. Lond. 1829.


Major-General Lambert (Vol. vii., p. 237.).—Major-General Lambert appears, from a meagre memoir of him given in the History of Malham in Yorkshire, by Thomas Hursley: 8vo. 1786, to have descended from a very ancient family in that county. According to the register of Kirkby Malhamdale, he was born at Calton Hall, in that parish, 7th of September, 1619, and lost his father at the age of thirteen. On the 10th of September, 1639, he married Frances, daughter of his neighbour Sir William Lister, of Thornton, in Craven, then in her seventeenth year, and said to have been a most elegant and accomplished lady. Nothing seems to be known as to the precise time or place of the death of Lambert or his wife, beyond the tradition of his having been imprisoned in Cornet Castle, in the island of Guernsey, after the Restoration, and that he remained in confinement thirty years. His marriage is confirmed in the account of Lord Ribblesdale's family in Collins' Peerage, vol. viii. edition Brydges. John Lambert, son and heir of the major-general, married Barbara, daughter of Thomas Lister, of Arnoldsbigging, and had by her three sons, who all died v. p., and one daughter, who was the wife of Sir John Middleton, of Belsay Castle, in Northumberland, and became the heir-general of her family. Pepys speaks of Lady Lambert in 1668.

Perhaps these very imperfect notices may elicit further information,—on which account only can they be worthy of a place in "N. & Q."


Mistletoe (Vol. iii., pp. 192. 396.).—In addition to the trees, on which the mistletoe grows, mentioned by "the late learned Mr. Ray" in the quotation cited by Dr. Wilbraham Falconer, I subjoin others named in Jesse's Country Life, some of which I have had opportunities of verifying viz., horse-chestnut; maple (Acer opalus, A. rubrum, A. campestre); poplar (Populus alba, P. nigra, P. fastigiata); acacia, laburnum, pear; large-leaved sallow (Salix caprea); locust tree (Robinia pseudo-acacia); larch, Scotch fir, spruce fir; service tree (Pyrus domestica); hornbeam {270}(Carpinus ostrya); Loranthus Europæus (itself a parasite); olive, vine, walnut, plum, common laurel, medlar, grey poplar. The localities and authorities are stated.

In answer to your correspondent Ache, I may add, that the opinion of recent botanists is contrary to Sir Thomas Browne's notion with reference to the propagation of the seed; for it is known that the seeds, in germinating, send their radicles into the plant to which they are attached; and grow afterwards as true parasites, selecting certain chemical ingredients in preference to others. The mistletoe has never been known to grow in Ireland; but its frequency in various parts of the world—in France, Italy, Greece, and parts of Asia—has been remarked by travellers. Its use seems to be to provide food for birds during those rare seasons of scarcity, when a very sparing supply of other fruits and seeds can be procured.

Robert Cooke.


The Sizain (Vol. vi., p. 603.; Vol. vii., p. 174.).—I know not whether any one of the sizains you have published may be the original, from which all the others must be considered as imitations or parodies; but they bring to my mind an English example, which I met with many years ago in some book of miscellanies. I do not recollect whether the book in question attributed it to any particular author; who, I presume, must have been some staunch adherent for Protestant ascendancy in the early part of the last century:

"Our three great enemies remember,

The Pope, the Devil, and the Pretender.

All wicked, damnable, and evil,

The Pope, the Pretender, and the Devil.

I wish them all hung on one rope,

The Devil, the Pretender, and the Pope."

Since writing the foregoing, the following has been dictated to me from recollection; which may be referred to about the period of George III.'s last illness:

"You should send, if aught should ail ye,

For Willis, Heberden, or Baillie.

All exceeding skilful men,

Baillie, Willis, Heberden.

Uncertain which most sure to kill is,

Baillie, Heberden, or Willis."

M. H.

Venda (Vol. vii., p. 179.).—This word, in Portuguese, signifies a place where wine and meat are sold by retail in a tavern. It also appears to answer to the Spanish Venta, a road-side inn; something between the French and English inn, and the Eastern caravansaries. In the places which C. E. F. mentions, Venda in Portugal is like Osteria in Italy, of which plenty will be seen on the plains of the Campagna at Rome.

T. K.

Meaning of "Assassin" (Vol. vii., p. 181.).—We owe this word to the Crusaders, no doubt; but Muhammed will find a very interesting account of the word in the Rev. C. Trench's admirable little work On the Study of Words. See also Gibbon's Decline and Fall, chap. lxiv.; to which, if I remember rightly, Mr. Trench also refers.

R. J. S.

If Muhammed would take the trouble of looking into the translation of Von Hammer's Geschichte der Assassinen, or, a more common book, The Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, he would find that there was "a nation of the assassins;" and that his idea of the derivation of the name, which was first indicated by De Sacy, is the received one.

T. K.

Dimidium Scientiæ (Vol. vii., p. 180.).—Mr. B. B. Woodward will find Lord Bacon's sententia, "Prudens interrogatio quasi dimidium scientiæ," in his De Augmentis Scientiarum, lib. v. cap. iii., "Partitio Inventivæ Argumentorum in Promptuariam et Topicam."

Bibliothecar. Chetham.

Epigrams (Vol. vii., p. 175.).—The true version of the epigram on Dr. Toe, which I heard or read about fifty years ago, is as follows:

"'Twixt Footman John and Doctor Toe,

A rivalship befel,

Which should become the fav'rite beau,

And bear away the belle.

"The Footman won the Lady's heart;

And who can wonder? No man:

The whole prevail'd against the part,—

'Twas Foot-man versus Toe-man."

Perhaps the "John" ought to be "Thomas;" for I find, on the same page of my Common-place Book, the following:

"Dear Lady, think it no reproach,

It show'd a generous mind,

To take poor Thomas in the coach,

Who rode before behind.

"Dear Lady, think it no reproach,

It show'd you lov'd the more,

To take poor Thomas in the coach,

Who rode behind before."


Use of Tobacco before the Discovery of America (Vol. iv., p. 208.).—Sandys, in the year 1610, mentions the use of tobacco as a custom recently introduced, at Constantinople, by the English. (See Modern Traveller.) Meyen, however, in his Outlines of the Geography of Plants, as translated for the Ray Society, says:

"The consumption of tobacco in the Chinese empire is of immense extent, and the practice seems to be of great antiquity; for on very old sculptures I have observed the very same tobacco pipes which are still used. {271}Besides, we now know the plant which furnishes the Chinese tobacco: it is even said to grow wild in the East Indies. It is certain that the tobacco plant of Eastern Asia is quite different from the American species."

This is the opinion of a botanist at once distinguished for extensiveness of research and accuracy of detail; although Mr. J. Crawford, in a paper read before the Statistical Society, on the 15th of November, 1852, seems to incline to a contrary notion. It is, however, necessary to remark that his facts tend rather to elucidate the statistics of the plant than its natural character, so that Meyen's opinion must, I think, stand good until it be disproved.


Oldham, Bishop of Exeter (Vol. vii., p. 189.).—Perhaps it may help J. D. in his difficulty touching the difference between the coat of arms borne by Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, and that borne by the Oldham family at Hatherleigh, to be informed of what I believe he will find, upon inquiry, to be the fact, viz. that Laing was the original name of the present family of Oldham at Hatherleigh; and that, consequently, the arms of Laing may possibly still be borne by them.

* *


Bishop Hugh Oldham, B.C.L., was one of the family of Oldenham, of Oldenham, co. Lancaster, which gave for arms, Sable, between three owls arg., a chevron or: in chief, of the third, three roses, gules. Richard Oldham, Bishop of Sodor, was Abbot of Chester in 1452.

Hugh was born in Goulburn Street, Oldham, and educated at Exeter College, Oxford, and at Queen's College, Cambridge: he was Rector of St. Mildred's, Bread Street, Sept. 19, 1485; Swineshead, February 3, 1493; Wareboys, March 31, 1499; Shitlington, August 17, 1500; Vicar of Cheshunt, July 27, 1494; Overton, April 2, 1501; Canon of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 1493; Prebendary of South Aulton in Sarum, September, 1495; of Newington in St. Paul's, March 11, 1496; of South Cave in York, August 26, 1499; Archdeacon of Exeter, February 16, 1503; Chaplain to Margaret, Countess of Richmond, and Master of St. John's, Lichfield, 1495; and St. Leonard's Hospital, Bedford, January 12, 1499.

He was the founder of Manchester High School, and was consecrated between December 29 and January 6, 1504. He was a great benefactor to Corpus Christi College in Oxford; and the intimate friend of Bishop Smyth, co-founder of Brasenose College, with whom he had been brought up in the household of Thomas, Earl of Derby. He died June 25, 1519, and was buried in St. Saviour's Chapel in Exeter Cathedral.

These notes are taken from a MS. History of the English Episcopate, which it is my hope to give to the public.

Mackenzie Walcott, M.A.

Tortoiseshell Tom Cat.—I am pretty certain that I once saw in "N. & Q." an inquiry whether there ever was a well-authenticated instance of a tortoiseshell tom cat. The inclosed advertisement, which I have cut from The Times of the 19th January, 1853, will perhaps give some of your readers an opportunity of testing the fact:

"To be sold, a real Tortoiseshell Tom Cat. This natural rarity is fifteen months old and eight lbs. weight. Apply to John Sayer, Mr. Bennison's, bookseller, Market-Drayton, Salop."

L. L. L.

[The inquiry will be found in our 5th Vol., p. 465.]

Irish Rhymes (Vol. vi., and Vol. vii., p. 52.).—Cuthbert Bede, in his notice of the Irish rhymes in Swift's poetry, quoted one couplet in which put rhymes to cut. Is this pronunciation of the word put an Irishism?

A late distinguished divine, who, although he occupied an Irish see, was certainly no Irishman, and who was remarkably particular and, I believe, correct in his diction, always pronounced this word in this manner (as indeed every other word with the same termination is pronounced: as rut, cut, shut, nut, but, &c.).

The bishop to whom I allude pronounced the word thus, long before he ever had any communication with Ireland: and it is strange that, although I have been in Ireland myself, I never heard put pronounced so as to rhyme with cut by any native of that island.


The following extract is a note by Lord Mahon, in vol. i. p. 374. of his edition of Lord Chesterfield's Letters to his Son (Bentley, 1847). I cannot see how the quotation from Boswell bears upon either accent or cadence; it appears to relate entirely to different modes of pronunciation:

"It may be observed, however, that the questions of what are 'false accents and cadences' in our language appear to have been far less settled in Lord Chesterfield's time than at present. Dr. Johnson says: 'When I published the plan for my dictionary, Lord Chesterfield told me that the word great should be pronounced so as to rhyme with state; and Sir William Yonge sent me word, that it should be pronounced so as to rhyme to seat, and that none but an Irishman would pronounce it grait. Now, here were two men of the highest rank,—the one the best speaker in the House of Lords, the other the best speaker in the House of Commons—differing entirely."—Boswell's Life, Notes of March 27, 1772.

C. Forbes.


Consecrated Rings (Vol. vii., p. 88.).—The inquiry opened by Sir W. C. T. is shown to be one of much interest by the able communication of your correspondent Ceyrep. I trust he will excuse me in expressing strong doubts as to {272}Havering, the chapel in Essex, being so called from "having the ring." Nothing is more dangerous to any etymological solution than the being guided by the sound of words, rather than by the probable derivation of the name of the place or thing signified. I am aware that Camden says Havering is called so for the above-stated reason; and other compilers of topography have followed what I venture to suggest is an error. Habban, in Anglo-Saxon, means to have; and Ring is ring—this is not to be denied; but in the general (and let me add excellent) rules for the investigation of names of places affixed to the late Dr. Ingram's Translation of the Saxon Chronicle, I find Aver is from Aver, Br., the mouth of a river, ford, or lake; and Ing, it is well known, is a frequent termination for the names of places—its import in Anglo-Saxon being a meadow. How far "the meadow near the source of the river, or stream" applies to the site of Havering, I will leave to those more competent than myself to decide, but offer the suggestion to the consideration of Ceyrep and others.

C. I. R.

Brasses since 1688 (Vol. vi., pp. 149. 256.).—In connexion with the subject of late brasses, a rubbing which I took from one in Masham Church, Yorkshire, may not be unworthy of a note. It runs thus:

"Christopher Kay,

Buried October the 23d,

Anno Dom. 1689.

[Mrs. Jane Nichollson,

Bu. June the 4th, 1690.]

C onfined . in . a . bed . of . dust

H ere . doth . a . body . lye

R aised . again . it . will . I . trvst

I nto . the . Heavens . high

S in . not . bvt . have . a . care

T o . make . yovr . calling . svre

O mit . those . things . which . trivial . are

P rise . that . we . will . indure

H ange . not . your . mind . on . secular . things

E ach . one . doth . fade . apace

R iches . the . chief . of . we . hath . wings.

[A . Matron . grave . is . here . interr'd

Whose . soul . in . heaven . is . preferr'd

Aftwher . grandson . lost . his . breath

She . soon . svrrender'd . vnto . death.]

K eeping . no . certaine . place

A dict . your . selues . unto . his . conuersation

Y our . purchase . heaven . for . your . habitation."

This, it will be seen, is an acrostic: the lines between brackets are insertions.

Wm. Procter.


Derivation of Lowbell (Vol. vii., p. 181.).—In my younger days I frequently had occasion to draw out (from old established precedent) the form of an appointment, by the lord, of a gamekeeper for a manor, in which the latter was authorised and required to seize and destroy all and all manner of gins, snares, springs, &c., including a dozen or more technical words, one of which was "lowbells." The manors in question were in Dorsetshire and Somersetshire, but I doubt not but that the same form was adopted in other counties in various parts of England. Being strongly impressed with the familiarity of the word on reading H. T. W.'s Note, I was induced to refer to Johnson's Dictionary, where I find my own notion fully borne out as follows:

"Lowbell.—A kind of fowling in the night, in which the birds are wakened by a bell and lured by a flame."

At this moment I have only the abridged edition (3rd edition, 1766) to refer to, and that does not give any reference or authority for the definition in question. I would observe, however, that I believe "loke" is either a Saxon or Scandinavian word, signifying a flame or firebrand, which, coupled with "bell," fully bears out the definition, and I think sufficiently accounts for the term "lowbelling" in H. T. W.'s Note, as the offender might have been greeted with bells and firebrands in lieu of the "tin pots and kettles," or by way of addition to them.

May not this also serve to explain what is considered as a puzzling term in Beaumont and Fletcher? Lowell being nothing more nor less than a snare, may not "Peace, gentle lowbell," mean "Peace, gentle ensnarer?"

M. H.

The Negative given to the Demand of the Clergy at Merton (Vol. vii., p. 17.).—Warburton agrees with Bishop Hurd on this subject, for he observes as follows, in one of his letters (the 84th), that—

"At a parliament under Henry III., 'Rogaverunt omnes Episcopi ut consentirent quod nati ante matrimonium essent legitimi, et omnes Comites et Barones una voce responderunt quod nolunt leges Angliæ mutari.' This famous answer has been quoted a thousand and a thousand times, and yet nobody seems to have understood the management. The bishops, as partizans of the Pope, were for subjecting England to the imperial and papal laws, and therefore began with a circumstance most to the taste of the Barons. The Barons smelt the contrivance; and rejected a proposition most agreeable to them, for fear of the consequences, the introduction of the imperial laws, whose very genius and essence was arbitrary despotic power. Their answer shows it: 'Nolumus leges Angliæ mutari:' they had nothing to object to the reform, but they were afraid for the constitution."

C. I. R.

Nugget (Vol. vi., pp. 171. 281.; Vol. vii., p.143.).—T. K. arrogantly sets aside the etymology of W. S.; and, in lieu of the Persian nugud of the latter, would have us believe that nugget is nothing more than a Yankee corruption of an ingot. I {273}hold with W. S. notwithstanding, and so will all who have had any dealings with the Bengalees: the term nuggut pisa being with them a common one for "hard cash;" and as the Hindostanee language is largely indebted to the Persian, the derivation of W. S. is no doubt correct. To account for its occurrence in Australia, it is only necessary to say that that country has been for some years past a sanatarium for the debilitated Qui Hye's, many of whom have settled there; and becoming interested in the "diggings," have given the significant term of nuggut to what has in reality turned out hard cash, both to them and to certain lucky gentlemen in this city—holders of the script of the "Great Nuggut Vein" of Australia.

J. O.

Blackguard (Vol. vii., p. 77.).—It may, in some degree, support the first portion of the argument so interestingly stated by Sir J. Emerson Tennent respecting the derivation of this term, to record that, in my youth, when at school at the New Academy in Edinburgh, some five or six-and-twenty years ago, I used frequently to be engaged, with my schoolfellows, in regular pitched battles, technically called by us bickers, with the town boys, consisting chiefly of butchers' and bakers' boys, whom we were accustomed to designate as the blackguards, without, I am sure, ever attaching to that word the more opprobrious meaning which it now generally bears; but only indicating by it those of a lower rank in life than ourselves, the gentlemen.

May I venture to add, that whilst the former portion of Sir J. E. Tennent's Note seems to me to be fully satisfactory in proof that the term blackguard is originally derived from the ancient appellation of menials employed in the lowest and most dirty offices of a great household, and that it is thus purely English,—the last two paragraphs, on the other hand, appear to advocate an unnecessary and far-fetched derivation of the word from the French, and which, I humbly conceive, the true sense of the alleged roots, blague, blaguer, blagueur, by no means justifies; it being impossible to admit that these are, in any sort, "corresponding terms" with blackguard.

G. W. R. Gordon.




Long and anxiously has the reading public been looking for Mr. Layard's account of his further discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon. That account has at length appeared in one large octavo volume, under the title of Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert, being the result of a Second Expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum, by Austen H. Layard, M.P., and is enriched with maps, plans, and woodcut illustrations, to the extent of some hundreds. And on examining it we find that the vast amount of new light which Mr. Layard's discoveries in the wide and hitherto untilled field of Assyrian antiquities had already thrown on Sacred History, is increased to a great extent by those further researches, of which the details are now given to the public. With his ready powers of observation, and his talent for graphic description, Mr. Layard's book, as a mere volume of travels over a country of such interest, would well repay perusal: but when we find in addition, as we do in every page and line, fresh and startling illustration of the truth of Holy Writ—when we have put before us such pictures of what Nineveh and Babylon must have been, and find, as we do, men distinguished in every branch of learning lending their assistance to turn Mr. Layard's discoveries to the best account, we feel we cannot be too loud in our praises of Mr. Layard's zeal, energy, and judgment, or too grateful to Mr. Murray for giving us at once the results which those qualities have enabled Mr. Layard to gain for us, in so cheap, complete, yet fully embellished a form.

The blockade of Mainz was not a bad day for the already world-renowned story of Reynard the Fox, since that led Göthe to dress the old fable up again in his musical hexameters, and so give it new popularity. From Göthe's version a very able and spirited English paraphrase is now in the course of publication. We say paraphrase, because the author of Reynard the Fox, after the German version of Göthe, with illustrations by J. Wolf, takes as his motto the very significant but appropriate description which Göthe gave of his own work, "Zwischen Uebersetzung und Umarbeitung schwebend." However, the version is a very pleasant one, and the illustrations are characteristic and in good taste.

An Antiquarian Photographic Club, for the exchange among its members of photographs of objects of antiquarian interest, on the principle of the Antiquarian Etching Club, is in the course of formation.

Books Received.The Family Shakspeare, in which nothing is added to the original Text, but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read in a Family, by T. Bowdler, Vol. V., containing Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Julius Cæsar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Cymbeline.—The new volume of Bohn's Standard Library contains the eighth and concluding volume of the History of the Christian Church, as published by Neander. The publisher holds out a prospect of a translation of the posthumous volume compiled from Neander's Papers by Dr. Schneider, and with it of a general index to the whole work.—The Physical and Metaphysical Works of Lord Bacon, including his Dignity and Advancement of Learning, in Nine Books, and his Novum Organum, or Precepts for the Interpretation of Nature, by Joseph Devey, M.A., forms the new volume of Bohn's Scientific Library.




Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry. Inorganic Part.

Archæologia. Vols. III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., X., XXVII., XXVIII., unbound.

The History of Shenstone, by the Rev. H. Saunders. 4to. London, 1794.

Lubbock's Elementary Treatise on the Tides.

Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London. Vol. I., and Parts I. and II. of Vol. II.

Curtis's Botanical Magazine. 1st and 2nd Series collected.

Todd's Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology. Complete, or any Portion.

Gladstone's (w. E.) Two Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government. 1st Edition. 8vo.

Swift's Works. Dublin: G. Faulkner. 19 Vols. 8vo. 1768. Vol. I.

Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. Original Edition. Vol. I.

The Book of Adam.

The Christian Magazine. Vol. for 1763.

Pro Matrimonio Principis cum defunctæ Uxoris Sorore contracto Responsum Juris Collegii Jurisconsultorum in Academia Rintelensi (circa 1655).

Monner Jurisconsult., de Matrimonio.

Brückner, de Matrimonio.

*** Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requested to send their names.

*** Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES." 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents.

Ω. Φ. The volume referred to is the well-known reprint of the First Edition of Shakspeare.

Tyro. How can we address a letter to this Correspondent?

A. C. W. The yolk of an Egg is the yelk, or yellow of the egg. In Beaumont and Fletcher's Wife for a Month it is so written:

"like to poach'd eggs,

That had the yelk suck'd out."

See Richardson's Dictionary, s. v.

Jarltzberg. The name Radical is only an abbreviated form of Radical Reformer, which was the title originally assumed by the political party now known as Radicals.

C. E. B. (M.D.) Dublin. The Query shall be immediately inserted, if forwarded. The former does not appear to have been received.

Recnac. Douce (Illustrations of Shakspeare, vol. i. p. 301.), speaking of the passage "Sans teeth, sans eyes," &c., shows that the word sans, introduced into our language as early as the time of Chaucer, has sometimes received on the stage a French pronunciation, which in the time of Shakspeare it certainly had not.

H. Henderson (Glasgow). Glass may be cemented for Photographic Baths, &c. with sealing-wax. We think our Correspondent would find Dr. Diamond's Collodion Process far simpler than that which he is following.

Replies to Photographic Querists next week.

Mr. Weld Taylor's Cheap Method of Iodizing Paper in our next Number.

Gookins of Ireland, and Bitton, Gloucestershire (Vol. vi., p. 239.).—Will J. F. F. allow me the favour of his address, to enable me to transmit to him some papers relating to the Gookins? He will much oblige H. T. Ellacombe.—Clyst St. George, Devon.

Collection of Antiquities, Books, &c., of the late ED. PRICE, Esq., F.S.A.

PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, during the present Month, the Interesting Collection of Antiquities of the late ED. PRICE, Esq., F.S.A., including many valuable Specimens of Roman, Saxon, and other Pottery, Coins, Ancient and Mediæval Metal Work, and other interesting objects, many of which have been engraved in the various Archæological and Pictorial Journals, and have been the subject of frequent reference in "Notes and Queries." Catalogues will be sent on application.


Just published in 8vo., price 1s.

A STATEMENT OF FACTS connected with THE ELECTION of the RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE as Member for the University of Oxford in 1847, and with his re-elections in 1852 and 1853, by SIR STAFFORD H. NORTHCOTE, Bart., a Member of Mr. Gladstone's Committee.

Oxford and London: J. H. PARKER.

In fcp. 8vo. price 1s. 6d.

ECCLESIÆ ANGLICANÆ Religio, Disciplina, Ritusque Sacri: COSINI Episcopi Dunelmensis Opusculum. Accedunt Argumenta quædam breviora de Fide Catholicâ ac Reformatione Anglicanâ. In Appendice, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ Catechismus. Edidit FREDRICUS MEYRICK, M.A., Coll. S. S. Trinitat. apud Oxon. Socius.

Oxonii, apud J. H. PARKER.

Just published, with Etchings, price 1s.


Oxford and London: J. H. PARKER.

A LITERARY CURIOSITY, sent Free by Post on receipt of Three Postage Stamps. A Fac-simile of a very remarkably Curious, Interesting, and Droll Newspaper of Charles II.'s Period.

J. H. FENNELL, 1. Warwick Court, Holborn, London.

Just published, price 1s., free by post, 1s. 6d.

DIRECTIONS for Obtaining Positive and Negative Pictures, by the COLLODION PROCESS, and for Printing the Proofs in various Colours upon Paper, by T. HENNAH.

The AMMONIO-IODIDE OF SILVER in Collodion, for taking Portraits or Views on Glass, cannot be surpassed in quickness or delicacy of detail. CHEMICALS of absolute purity especially prepared for this Art. Every description of APPARATUS with the most recent improvements. Instruction given in the Art.

DELATOUCHE & CO., 147. Oxford Street.

To Members of Learned Societies, Authors, &c.


A. & D. respectfully beg to announce that they devote particular attention to the execution of ANCIENT AND MODERN FACSIMILES, comprising Autograph Letters, Deeds, Charters, Title-pages, Engravings, Woodcuts, &c., which they produce from any description of copies with the utmost accuracy, and without the slightest injury to the originals.

Among the many purposes to which the art of Lithography is most successfully applied, may be specified,—ARCHÆOLOGICAL DRAWINGS, Architecture, Landscapes, Marine Views, Portraits from Life or Copies, Illuminated MSS., Monumental Brasses, Decorations, Stained Glass Windows, Maps, Plans, Diagrams, and every variety of illustrations requisite for Scientific and Artistic Publications.

PHOTOGRAPHIC DRAWINGS lithographed with the greatest care and exactness.

LITHOGRAPHIC OFFICES, 18. Broad Court, Long Acre, London.

TO BOOK BUYERS.—All Readers, Collectors, Librarians, and persons fond of Literature or Literary Information, should not delay sending for a Catalogue (gratis) published nearly every month, of purchases of Books, Old and New, at extraordinary low prices, and in good condition, in every department. English and Foreign, to

THOMAS COLE, 15. Great Turnstile, Lincoln's-inn-Fields, London.

Just published, No. I. price 3d., or stamped 4d., of the



Introductory Remarks.—Inaugural Meeting of the Society.—Proceedings at the First Ordinary Meeting.—Papers read: 1. Sir William J. Newton upon Photography in an Artistic View; 2. Mr. R. Fenton on the Objects of the Photographic Society; 3. Dr. J. Percy on the Waxed-Paper Process.—Review and Correspondence.

No. II. will be published on the last day of this Month.

TAYLOR & FRANCIS, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.

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BENNETT, Watch, Clock, and Instrument Maker to the Royal Observatory, the Board of Ordnance, the Admiralty, and the Queen,



ROSS'S PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE LENSES.—These lenses give correct definition at the centre and margin of the picture, and have their visual and chemical acting foci coincident.

Great Exhibition Jurors' Reports, p. 274.

"Mr. Ross prepares lenses for Portraiture having the greatest intensity yet produced, by procuring the coincidence of the chemical actinic and visual rays. The spherical aberration is also very carefully corrected, both in the central and oblique pencils."

"Mr. Ross has exhibited the best Camera in the Exhibition. It if furnished with a double achromatic object-lens, about three inches aperture. There is no stop, the field is flat, and the image very perfect up to the edge."

Catalogues sent upon Application.

A. ROSS, 2. Featherstone Buildings, High Holborn.

TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.—MR. PHILIP DELAMOTTE begs to announce that he has now made arrangements for printing Calotypes in large or small quantities, either from Paper or Glass Negatives. Gentlemen who are desirous of having good impressions of their works, may see specimens of Mr. Delamotte's Printing at his own residence, 38. Chepstow Place, Bayswater, or at

MR. GEORGE BELL'S, 186. Fleet Street.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—XYLO-IODIDE OF SILVER, prepared solely by R. W. THOMAS, has now obtained an European fame; it supersedes the use of all other preparations of Collodion. Witness the subjoined Testimonial.

"122. Regent Street

"Dear Sir,—In answer to your inquiry of this morning, I have no hesitation in saying that your preparation of Collodion is incomparably better and more sensitive than all the advertised Collodio-Iodides, which, for my professional purposes, are quite useless when compared to yours.

"I remain, dear Sir,

"Yours faithfully,

"N. Henneman.

Aug. 30. 1852.

to Mr. R.W. Thomas."

MR. R. W. THOMAS begs most earnestly to caution photographers against purchasing impure chemicals, which are now too frequently sold at very low prices. It is to this cause nearly always that their labours are unattended with success.

Chemicals of absolute purity, especially prepared for this art, may be obtained from R. W. THOMAS, Chemist and Professor of Photography, 10. Pall Mall.

N.B.—The name of Mr. T.'s preparation, Xylo-Iodide of Silver, is made use of by unprincipled persons. To prevent imposition each bottle is stamped with a red label bearing the maker's signature.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES.—A Selection of the above beautiful Productions may be seen at BLAND & LONG'S, 153. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.

Calotype, Daguerreotype, and Glass Pictures for the Stereoscope.

BLAND & LONG, Opticians, Philosophical and Photographical Instrument Makers, and Operative Chemists, 153. Fleet Street.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—HORNE & CO.'S Iodized Collodion, for obtaining Instantaneous Views, and Portraits in from three to thirty seconds, according to light.

Portraits obtained by the above, for delicacy of detail rival the choicest Daguerreotypes, specimens of which may be seen at their Establishment.

Also every description of Apparatus, Chemicals, &c. &c. used in this beautiful Art.—123. and 121. Newgate Street.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—Collodion (Iodized with the Ammonio-Iodide of Silver).—J. B. HOCKIN & CO., Chemists, 289. Strand, were the first in England who published the application of this agent (see Athenæum, Aug. 14th). Their Collodion (price 9d. per oz.) retains its extraordinary sensitiveness, tenacity, and colour unimpaired for months: it may be exported to any climate, and the Iodizing Compound mixed as required. J. B. HOCKIN & CO. manufacture PURE CHEMICALS and all APPARATUS with the latest Improvements adapted for all the Photographic and Daguerreotype processes. Cameras for Developing in the open Country. GLASS BATHS adapted to any Camera. Lenses from the best Makers. Waxed and Iodized Papers, &c.

Just published, price 1s., free by Post 1s. 4d.,


Sole Agents in the United Kingdom for VOIGHTLANDER & SON'S celebrated Lenses for Portraits and Views.

General Depôt for Turner's, Whatman's, Canson Frères', La Croix, and other Talbotype Papers.

Pure Photographic Chemicals.

Instructions and Specimens in every Branch of the Art.

GEORGE KNIGHT & SONS, Foster Lane, London.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's, and Canson Frères' make. Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.

Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.



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H. E. Bicknell, Esq.
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T. S. Cocks, Jun. Esq., M.P.
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F. Fuller, Esq.
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J. B. White, Esq.
J. Carter Wood, Esq.

Trustees.—W. Whateley, Esq., Q.C.; L. C. Humfrey, Esq., Q.C.; George Drew, Esq.,
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Earl of Norbury
Earl of Stair
Viscount Falkland
Lord Elphinstone
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of Tillichewan
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H. Blair Avarne, Esq.
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D. Q. Henriques, Esq.
J. G. Henriques, Esq.
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F. H. Thomson, Esq.
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Surgeon.—F. H. Tomson, Esq., 48. Berners Street.

The Bonus added to Policies from March, 1834, to December 31, 1847, is as follows:—



Sum added to

at Death.

In 1841.

In 1848.


£   s. d.

£   s. d.

£   s. d.


14 years

683   6  8 

787 10  0 

6470 16  8 

* 1000

  7 years

157 10  0 

1157 10  0 


  1 year

11   5  0 

511   5  0 

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Third Edition, fcap., cloth, price 7s.

POEMS. By THOMAS EDWARDS HAWKINSON, M.A., late of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.

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THE LIFE AND A SELECTION from the LETTERS of the late REV. HENRY VENN, M.A., Author of "The Complete Duty of Man," &c. Edited by the REV. HENRY VENN, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's.

London: T. HATCHARD, 187. Piccadilly.



(The Horticultural Part edited by PROF. LINDLEY)

Of Saturday, March 5, contains Articles on

Beet, sugar, by Mr. Deane

Birds, predatory

Books, noticed

Calendar, horticultural

—— remarks on

Cattle, chest diseases in

Cedar and deodar, by Mr. Glendinning

Chemistry, agricultural, by Johnstone, rev.

Coffee planting

Crops, theory of rotation of, by Mr. Russell

Deodar and cedar of Lebanon

—— in Morayshire, by Mr. Grigor

Drainage, by Mr. Mitchell

Farming, steam

—— Tullian

—— careless

Forest, Delamere, by Mr. Lipscomb

Fruits, changing names of

Fuchsia, culture of, by Mr. Mayle

Fungi, Indian (with engraving)

Horticultural Society's Garden noticed

Hovea Celsi

Hyacinths in glasses

Irrigation, Italian, by Capt. Smith

Land, to fork, by Mr. Mechi

Law, cost of prosecutions

Mangold wurzel crop on a wheat stubble, expenses per acre, by Mr. Mechi

Plants, spring treatment of bedding, by Mr. Lucas

Ploughs and ploughing

Rothamsted and Kilwhiss experiments, by Mr. Russell

Societies, proceedings of the Horticultural—Agricultural, of England

Steam power

Sugar beet, by Mr. Deane

Temperature of January, 1838

Tubs, slate

Ustilago vittata (with engraving)

Weather statistics

Wheat, Lois Weedon system of growing, by Mr. Goodiff

THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE contains, in addition to the above, the Covent Garden, Mark Lane, Smithfield, and Liverpool prices, with returns from the Potato, Hop, Hay, Coal, Timber, Bark, Wool, and Seed Markets, and a complete Newspaper, with a condensed account of all the transactions of the week.

ORDER of any Newsvender. OFFICE for Advertisements, 5. Upper Wellington Street, Covent Garden, London.


"Fac-simile" etchings of a Set of Drawings, showing the Fortifications, round London, as directed to be done by the Parliament in 1642.

No. s. d.
1. Plan of the Fortifications 2 0
2. A Redoubt with two Flanks, near St.
Giles' Pound; a small Fort at East.
End of Tyburn Road; a large Fort,.
with four Half-Bulwarks, across.
the Tyburn Road
2 6
3. A small Bulwark at Oliver's Mount,.
against Tyburn Brook
1 0
4. A large Fort, with four Bulwarks, on.
the Reading Road, beyond Tyburn.
Brook; a small Redoubt and Battery.
on the Hill from St. James's.
2 0
5. A Court of Guard in Chelsea Road 1 0
6. A Battery and Breastwork in Tothill.
1 0
7. A Quadrant Fort, with four high.
Breastworks, at Foxhall
2 6
8. A Fort, with four Half-Bulwarks, in.
St. George's Fields
2 0
9. A large Fort, with four Bulwarks, at.
the end of Blackman Street
3 0
10. A Redoubt, with four Flanks, at the.
end of Kent Street
2 6
11. A Bulwark and a Half on the Hill at.
the end of Gravel Lane (the View.
up the River showing London.
Bridge, is very interesting)
3 6
12. A Hornwork, near the Church, at.
Whitechapel Street
3 0
13. A Redoubt, with two Flanks, at.
Brick Lane
1 0
14. A Redoubt, at the Hackney corner.
of Shoreditch; a Redoubt, at the.
corner of the road to Edmonton, at.
3 0
15. A Battery and Breastwork, on the.
road to Islington
3 0
16. A Battery and Breastwork, at the end.
of St. John Street
3 0
17. A View of London from the North,.
showing the Fortifications from.
Whitechapel to Tothill Fields, also.
the old Walls and Gates of London,.
from the Tower Hill to Ludgate. Size.
40 inches by 8. (A marvellous.
10 0
18. A Battery at Gray's Inn Lane 2 6
19. Two Batteries at Southampton House 2 0
20. Portrait of the Author, Captain Joh.
Eyre, of Col. Cromwell's own Regiment
1 0

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MICROGRAPHIA, or Practical Essays on Microscopes.

London: WHITTAKER & CO., Ave Maria Lane.

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