The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Catalogue of Books for the Young, by Various

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Title: A Catalogue of Books for the Young

Author: Various

Release Date: May 27, 2012 [EBook #39818]

Language: English

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Arranged according to Prices,

From Half-a-Guinea to Sixpence Each


With a List of their Educational Works.


Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh,







Ten Shillings and Sixpence each, cloth elegant.

Child Life in Japan. By the late Mrs. Chaplin Ayrton. With Illustrations drawn and engraved by Japanese artists.


Seven Shillings and Sixpence each, cloth elegant. Illustrated.

Alice's Wonderland Birthday Book. By E. Stanley Leathes and C. E. W. Holmes. A Reprint of the Edition of 1792.

The Looking-Glass for the Mind. With Cuts by Bewick. An Introduction by Charles Welsh.

Our Sketching Tour. By Two of the Artists.

The Young Buglers. By G. A. Henty.


4to cloth, with Illustrations, price 6s. 6d. each.

Grandpapa's Verses and Pictures. By R. H. Moore.



Eleven Volumes. Each containing from 450 to 550 pages, well Illustrated by the Best Artists. Imperial 16mo, cloth elegant, gilt edges.

The Three Midshipmen. With 24 Illustrations by G. Thomas Portch, &c. Eleventh Thousand.

The Three Lieutenants; or, Naval life in the Nineteenth Century.

The Three Commanders; or, Active Service Afloat in Modern Times.

The Three Admirals, and the Adventures of their Young Followers.

Hurricane Hurry; or, The Adventures of a Naval Officer during the American War of Independence.

The Missing Ship; or, Notes from the Log of the Ouzel Galley.

Paddy Finn: The Adventures of an Irish Midshipman Ashore and Afloat.

True Blue; or, The Life and Adventures of a British Seaman of the Old School.

Will Weatherhelm; or, The Yarn of an Old Sailor about his Early Life and Adventures.

Won from the Waves; or, The Story of Maiden May, with Sixteen full-page Illustrations.

Middy and Ensign; or, The Jungle Station: A Tale of the Malay Peninsula. By G. Manville Fenn, with Seventeen Illustrations by H. Petherick.


Six Shillings each, cloth elegant, with Illustrations.

Children in Norway; or Holiday on the Ekeberg.

Flyaway Fairies and Baby Blossoms. By L. Clarkson.

Garden, The: coloured illustrations.

Golden Threads from an Ancient Loom. By Lydia Hands.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth. By Jules Verne.

Mabel in Rhymeland. By Edward Holland, C.C.S. Illustrated by A. Chasemore.

The Bird and Insects' Post Office. By Robert Bloomfield. (Or paper boards, chromo sides, 3s. 6d.)

Little Loving Heart's Poem Book. By M. E. Tupper.


Five Shillings each, cloth elegant. Illustrated by eminent Artists.

Belle's Pink Boots. By Joanna H. Matthews. Gilt edges.

Belton Scholarship (The): a Chapter from the Life of George Denton. By Bernard Heldmann, with Eight full-page Illustrations.

Cruising in Many Waters. By J. W. Dorville, Vice-Admiral.

The Day of Wonders: A Medley of Sense and Nonsense. By M. Sullivan. 30 Illustrations by W. G. Browne. Gilt edges.

Extraordinary Nursery Rhymes; New, yet Old. Translated from the Original Jingle into Comic Verse by One who was once a Child. 60 Illustrations. Small 4to.

Favourite Picture Book (The) and Nursery Companion. Compiled anew by Uncle Charlie. With 450 Illustrations by Absolon, Anelay, Bennett, Browne (Phiz), Sir John Gilbert, T. Landseer, Leech, Prout, Harrison Weir, and others. Medium 4to, cloth elegant (or coloured Illustrations, 10s. 6d.)

This may also be had in Two Vols., cloth, price 3s., or coloured Illustrations, 5s.; also in Four parts, in paper boards, fancy wrapper, price 1s. each, or coloured Illustrations, 2s. each.

From May to Christmas at Thorne Hill. By Mrs. D. P. Sandford, L.P.S.A.

Goody Two Shoes. In a Facsimile Cover of the Original, with introduction by Charles Welsh.

Little People of Asia. By Olive Thorne Miller. Profusely illustrated.

Merry Songs for Little Voices. Words by Mrs. Broderip. Music by Thomas Murby. Fcap. 4to.

The Mystery of Beechey Grange; or, The Missing Host. By the author of "Hair-breadth Escapes, &c." Crown 8vo, Bevelled boards, gilt edges.

Patrańas, or Spanish Stories, Legendary and Traditional. By the Author of "Household Stories."

The Pattern life; or Lessons from the Life of our Lord. By W. Chatterton Dix. Illustrated by P. Priolo.

Rival Crusoes (The). By the late W. H. G. Kingston. (Or, bevelled boards, gilt edges, price 6s.)

Stories from the Old and New Testaments. By the Rev. B. H. Draper. With 48 Engravings.

Trimmer's History of the Robins. With 24 Illustrations by Harrison Weir. Small 4to, gilt edges.

Wee Babies. By Ida Waugh and Amy E. Blanchard.


Five Shilling Series of


Crown 8vo, well printed on good paper, and strongly bound in cloth elegant, bevelled boards, gilt edges. Each volume contains from 300 to 400 pages of solid reading. Fully illustrated by eminent artists.

From Cadet to Captain. A Tale of Military Life. By J. Percy Groves. Illustrated by Stanley Berkeley.

Friends though Divided. A Story of the Cavaliers and Roundheads. By Geo. A. Henty, with Eight full-page Illustrations.

Hair-Breadth Escapes; or, The Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa. By Rev. H. C. Adams.

In Times of Peril: A Tale of India. By Geo. A. Henty, with Sixteen full-page Illustrations.

Mystery of Beechy Grange (The); or, The Missing Host. By the Rev. H. C. Adams, author of "Hair-breadth Escapes," &c.

Who did it? or, Holmwood Priory. A Tale of School Life. By the Rev. H. C. Adams. With Eight full-page Illustrations by A. W. Cooper.


Four Shillings and Sixpence each, cloth elegant, with Illustrations.

Cornertown Chronicles. New Legends of Old Lore written for the Young. By Kathleen Knox.

Favourite Fables in Prose and Verse. With 24 beautiful Illustrations from Drawings by Harrison Weir. Small 4to.

Modern British Plutarch (The), or Lives of Men Distinguished in the recent history of our Country for their Talents, Virtues, and Achievements. By W. C. Taylor, LL.D.

Tales and Legends of Saxony and Lusatia. By W. Westall.

Zipporah, the Jewish Maiden. By M. E. Bewsher.



Twenty-seven Volumes, price Three Shillings and Sixpence each.

Each volume contains from 300 to 450 pages of solid reading, well illustrated by the best Artists. Crown 8vo. Cloth elegant.

Mark Seaworth. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Hurricane Hurry. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Salt Water. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Out on the Pampas, By G. A. Henty.

Peter the Whaler. By W. H. G. Kingston.

The Three Admirals. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Early Start in Life. By E. Marryat Norris.

Fred Markham in Russia. By W. H. G. Kingston.

College Days at Oxford. By Rev. H. C. Adams.

The Young Francs-Tireurs. By G. A. Henty.

The Three Midshipmen. By W. H. G. Kingston.

The Fiery Cross. By Barbara Hutton.

Our Soldiers. By W. H. G. Kingston.

The Three Commanders. By W. H. G. Kingston.

The Three Lieutenants. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Manco, The Peruvian Chief. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Our Sailors. By W. H. G. Kingston.

John Deane. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Travel, War, and Shipwreck. By Colonel Parker Gillmore.

Chums. By Harleigh Severne.

African Wanderers. By Mrs. R. Lee.

Tales of the White Cockade. By Barbara Hutton.

The Missing Ship. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Will Weatherhelm. By W. H. G. Kingston.

True Blue. By W. H. G. Kingston.

The North Pole, and How Charlie Wilson discovered it.

Harty the Wanderer. By Farleigh Owen.



Twenty-five Volumes, price Three Shillings and Sixpence each.

Each volume contains from 300 to 400 pages of solid reading, well illustrated by the best Artists. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant.

Guide, Philosopher, and Friend. By Mrs. Herbert Martin.

Her Title of Honour. By Holme Lee.

Michaelmas Daisy. By Sarah Doudney.

The New Girl. By Mrs. Gellie.

The Oak Staircase. By M. and C. Lee.

For a Dream's Sake. By Mrs. Herbert Martin.

My Mother's Diamonds. By Maria J. Greer.

My Sister's Keeper. By Laura M. Lane.

Shiloh. By W. M. L. Jay.

Holden with the Cords. By W. L. M. Jay.

"Bonnie Lesley." By Mrs. Herbert Martin.

Left Alone. By Francis Carr.

Very Genteel. By the Author of "Mrs. Jerningham's Journal."

Gladys the Reaper. By Anne Beale.

Stephen the Schoolmaster. By Mrs. Gellie (M. E. B.).

Isabel's Difficulties. By M. R. Carey.

Court and Cottage. By Mrs. Emma Marshall.

Rosamond Fane. By M. and C. Lee.

Simplicity and Fascination. By Anne Beale.

Millicent and Her Cousins. By the Hon. A. Bethell.

Aunt Hetty's Will. By M. M. Pollard.

Silver Linings. By Mrs. Bray.

Theodora. By Emilia Marryat Norris.

Alda Graham. By Emilia Marryat Norris.

A Wayside Posy. By Fanny Lablache.


Three Shillings and Sixpence each, cloth elegant, Illustrated.

Aunt Jenny's American Pets. By Catherine C. Hopley, Author of "Snakes: Curiosities and Wonders of Serpent Life," etc.

Bear King (The): A Narrative confided to the Marines by James Greenwood. With Illustrations by Ernest Griset. Small 4to.

Berries and Blossoms: A Verse Book for Young People. By T. Westwood.

Bible Illustrations, or A Description of Manners and Customs peculiar to the East. By the Rev. B. H. Draper.

Bird and Insects' Post Office (The). By Robert Bloomfield, Author of "Rural Tales," etc. Illustrated with Thirty-five Wood Engravings. Crown 4to, paper boards, with Chromo side (or cloth elegant, 6s.).

British History Briefly Told (The), and a description of the Ancient Customs, Sports, and Pastimes of the English.

Brookdale, a Story. By Miss Chamberlain.

Castles and their Heroes. By Barbara Hutton.

Clement's Trial and Victory. By M. E. B. (Mrs. Gellie).

Crosspatch, the Cricket, and the Counterpane. By Mrs. Broderip.

Dot's Diary; or, Banished from Fairyland. By J. P. T. With Frontispiece. By J. Faed, R.S.A.

Elf Island: A Fairy Tale by Captain J. Battersly, R.A., F.R.A.S.

Every-day Life in Our Public Schools. Edited by Chas. Eyre Pascoe.

Facts to Correct Fancies, or Short Narratives of Remarkable Women.

Family Bible Newly Opened (The); with Uncle Goodwin's Account of it. By Jeffreys Taylor. Fcap. 8vo.

Feathers and Fairies. By the Hon. Augusta Bethell.

Flotsam and Jetsam. By H. Wothem.

Four Seasons (The); A Short Account of the Structure of Plants, being Four Lectures written for the Working Men's Institute, Paris. With Illustrations. Imperial 16mo.

Garden (The), or Frederick's Monthly Instruction for the Management and Formation of a Flower Garden. With Illustrations by Sowerby.

Golden Curl, and other Fairy Tales. By F. A. E. A.

Heroes of History and Legend. Translated from the German of A. W. Grube. By J. L. Shadwell.

History of the Robins (The). By Mrs. Trimmer. In Words of One Syllable. Edited by the Rev. Charles Swete, M.A.

In Time of War. A Tale of Paris Life during the Siege and the Rule of the Commune. By Jas. F. Cobb, F.R.G.S.

Infant Amusements, or How to make a Nursery Happy. With Practical Hints on the Moral and Physical Training of Children. By the late W. H. G. Kingston.

Joachim's Spectacles: A Legend of Florenthal. By M. & C. Lee.

Lee (Mrs.) Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Animals.

Lee (Mrs.) Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes.

Lee (Mrs.) Adventures in Australia.

Lightsome and the Little Golden Lady. Written and Illustrated with Twenty-four Engravings, by C. H. Bennett.

Lily and Her Brothers. A true story. By C. E. L.

Little Margaret's Ride to the Isle of Wight; or, The Wonderful Rocking Horse. By Mrs. Frederick Brown. With Eight Illustrations in chromo-lithography, by Helen S. Tatham. Crown 4to. Cloth (or illuminated paper boards 1/6).

Little May's Friends. By Annie Whittem. (Or gilt edges, 4s.)

Mine (The), or Subterranean Wonders. An Account of the Operations of the Miner and the Products of his Labours.

Mudge and Her Chicks. By a Brother and Sister.

Nimpo's Troubles. By Olive Thorne Miller.

Nursery Times, or Stories about the Little Ones. By an Old Nurse.

Our Old Uncle's Home. By Mother Carey.

Sermons for Children. By A. Decoppet. Translated by Marie Taylor.

Seven Birthdays (The), or The Children of Fortune. By Kathleen Knox.

Stories of Edward and his Little Friends.

Taking Tales. In Plain Language and Large Type. Two vols. May also be had in 4 vols, 1s. 6d. each; and 21 parts, 6d. each.

Talent in Tatters. By Hope Wraythe.

Talks about Plants, or Early Lessons in Botany. By Mrs. Lankester. With Six Coloured Plates, and numerous Wood Engravings.

Talks about Science. By the late Thomas Dunman.

The Triumphs of Steam, or Stories from the Lives of Watt, Arkwright, and Stephenson.

Two Stories of Two. By Stella Austin. Illustrated by Miss S. F. Basevi.

Wild Roses. By Mrs. Broderip.


Three Shillings.

Fruits of Enterprise, exhibited in the Travels of Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia. With Six Engravings by Birket Foster.



Crown 8vo. Cloth elegant, bevelled boards, gilt edges, fully Illustrated.

Bunchy; or, The Children of Scarsbrook Farm. By E. C. Phillips.

African Pets. By F. Clinton Parry.

Bryan and Katie. By Annette Lyster. Illustrated by Harry Furniss.

Cast Adrift: the Story of a Waif. By Mrs. H. H. Martin.

Daring Voyage across the Atlantic. By the Brothers Andrews.

Every Inch a King. By Mrs. J. Worthington Bliss.

Family Feats. By Mrs. R. M. Bray.

A Gem of an Aunt. By Mrs. Gellie (M. E. B.)

Gerty and May. By the Author of "Our White Violet."

Grandfather. By E. C. Phillips, Author of "Bunchy."

Great and Small. By Miss Harriet Poole.

Growing Up. By Jennett Humphreys.

Hilda and Her Doll. By E. C. Phillips.

The House on the Bridge, and other Tales. By C. E. Bowen.

Nora's Trust. By Mrs. Gellie (M. E. B.)

Punch. By E. C. Phillips.

Ten of Them. By Mrs. R. M. Bray.

"Those Unlucky Twins!" By Annette Lyster.

Two Rose Trees. By Mrs. Minnie Douglas.

Ways and Tricks of Animals. By Mary Hooper.

We Four. By Mrs. R. M. Bray.




Boy Slave in Bokhara. By David Ker.

Wild Horseman of the Pampas. By David Ker.

Dolly, Dear! By Mary E. Gellie (M. E. B.)

On the Leads. By Mrs. A. A. Strange Butson.

St. Aubyn's Laddie. By E. C. Phillips.

Boy's Own Toy Maker (The): A Practical Illustrated Guide to the useful employment of Leisure Hours. By E. Landells, 200 Illustrations.

Bunchy Series of Half-Crown Books. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, bevelled boards, gilt edges. Fully illustrated by the best artists.

Choice Extracts from the Standard Authors. By the Editor of "Poetry for the Young." 3 vols. (2s. 6d. each.)

Christmas Pudding for Young Eaters. By L. C. Skey.

Cruise of Ulysses and His Men (The); or, Tales and Adventures from the Odyssey, for Boys and Girls. By C. M. Bell. With Seven Illustrations by P. Priolo. Fcap. 8vo.

Flowers with Roots. Sermons. By Rev. J. Crofts.

Girl's Own Toy Maker (The), and Book of Recreation. By E. and A. Landells. With 200 Illustrations.

Goody Two Shoes. A Reprint of the Original Edition, with Introduction by Chas. Welsh.

Guests of Flowers (The): A Botanical Sketch. By Mrs. Meetkerke. With Prefatory Letter by Dr. Theodore Kerner. Cloth, small 4to.

Guests at Home (The). A Sequel to the above. By the same Author. Small 4to.

Holly Berries. By Amy E. Blanchard. Coloured illustrations by Ida Waugh. 4to boards.

Ice Maiden and other Stories. By Hans Christian Andersen.

Little Child's Fable Book. Arranged Progressively in One, Two, and Three Syllables. 16 Pages Illustrated. Cheap Edition.

Little Gipsy. By Elie Sauvage. Cheaper Edition.

Little Pilgrim (The). Illustrated by Helen Petrie.

Model Yachts, and Model Yacht Sailing: How to Build, Rig and Sail a Self-acting Model Yacht. By Jas. E. Walton, V.M.Y.C. Fcap. 4to, with 58 Woodcuts.

My Own Dolly. By Amy Blanchard and Ida Waugh.

Old Friends in a New Dress. By R. Sharpe.

Sea and Sky. By J. R. Blakiston, M.A. Suitable for young people. Profusely Illustrated, and contains a Coloured Atlas of the Phenomena of Sea and Sky. Cloth, price 2s. 6d.

Science in the Nursery; or, Children's Toys. By T. W. Erle.

Spring Time; or, Words in Season. By Sidney Cox.


Two Shillings and Sixpence plain, Super Royal 16mo, cloth elegant, with Illustrations by Harrison Weir and other eminent artists.

Animals and their Social Powers. By Mary Turner-Andrewes.

A Week by Themselves. By Emilia Marryat Norris.

Funny Fables for Little Folks.

Granny's Story Box. With 20 Engravings.

Jack Frost and Betty Snow; Tales for Wintry Nights and Rainy Days.

Madelon. By Esther Carr.

Odd Stories about Animals: told in Short and Easy Words.

Secret of Wrexford (The). By Esther Carr.

Snowed Up. By Emilia Marryat Norris.

Tales from Catland. Dedicated to the Young Kittens of England.

Talking Bird (The). By M. and E. Kirby.

Tiny Stories for Tiny Readers in Tiny Words.

Trottie's Story Book: True Tales in Short Words and Large Type.

Tuppy, or The Autobiography of a Donkey.

Wandering Blindfold, or A Boy's Troubles. By Mary Albert.



Two Shillings and Sixpence each, fancy boards.

Adventures of the Pig Family, The. By Arthur S. Gibson. Sixteen pages Illustrations, oblong 4to, boards.

The March Hares and their friends. Uniform with the above. By the same author.

The following have Coloured Plates.

English Struwwelpeter (The): or Pretty Stories and Funny Pictures for Little Children. After the celebrated German Work of Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann. Thirtieth Edition. Twenty-four pages of Illustrations (or mounted on linen, 5s.).

The Fools' Paradise. Mirth and Fun for Old and Young.

Funny Picture Book (The); or 25 Funny Little Lessons. A free Translation from the German of "Der Kleine ABC Schütze."

Loves of Tom Tucker and Little Bo-Peep. Written and Illustrated by Thomas Hood.

Spectropia, or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any colour. By J. H. Brown.



A Series of 12 Volumes for Boys and Girls, well illustrated, and bound in cloth, with elegant design printed in gold and colours, gilt edges. The size is Foolscap 8vo, and as each volume contains upwards of 300 pages of interesting tales of all descriptions, they form one of the most attractive and saleable series in the market.

Price Two Shillings, each volume containing Two Tales well Illustrated.

Vol. I. {Sunny Days.
{Wrecked, Not Lost.
"II. {Discontented Children.
{Holidays among Mountains.
"III. {Adrift on the Sea.
{Hofer the Tyrolese.
"IV. {Alice and Beatrice.
{Julia Maitland.
"V. {Among the Brigands.
{Hero of Brittany.
"VI. {Cat and Dog.
{Johnny Miller.
"VII. {Children of the Parsonage.
{Grandmamma's Relics.
"VIII. {Children's Picnic.
{Holiday Tales.
"IX. {Christian Elliott.
{Stolen Cherries.
"X. {Harry at School.
"XI. {Our White Violet.
{Fickle Flora.
"XII. {William Tell.
{Paul Howard's Captivity.

Two Shillings, cloth elegant, Illustrated.

Children's Daily Help. Bevelled boards, gilt edges. (Or cloth plain, 1s. 6d.)

Classics for the Million. By Henry Grey. Cloth boards. (Or paper covers, 1s.)

How to Make Dolls' Furniture and to Furnish a Doll's House. With 70 Illustrations. Small 4to.

Illustrated Paper Model Maker. By E. Landells. In envelope.

Mamma's Bible Stories. First Series. For Her Little Boys and Girls.

Mamma's Bible Stories, Second Series.

Mamma's Bible Stories. Third Series. Illustrated by Stanley Berkeley. The three Volumes can be had in a handsome case. Price 6s.

Only a Cat's Tale. By E. M. B.

Scenes of Animal Life and Character. From Nature and Recollection. In Twenty Plates. By J. B. 4to, fancy boards.

Wonders of Home, in Eleven Stories (The). By Grandfather Grey.

Young Vocalist (The). Cloth boards. (Or paper, 1s.)


Price One Shilling and Sixpence each.

Babies' Museum, The. By Uncle Charlie. Paper boards.

Children's Daily Help. By E. G. (On bevelled boards, gilt edges, 2/-)

Every-Day Things, or Useful Knowledge respecting the principal Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Substances in common Use.

Little Lessons for Little Learners. By Mrs. Barwell.

Little Margaret's Ride to the Isle of Wight; or, The Wonderful Rocking-Horse. By Mrs. F. Brown. Coloured Illustrations.

Our Wild Swan and other Pets. By Helen Webley Parry, Author of "An Epitome of Anglican Church History." With coloured illustrations by Harrison Weir. Price 1s. 6d.

Rivals of the Cornfield. By the author of "Genevieve's Story."

Taking Tales. In Plain Language and large Type. Four vols.

May also be had in Two vols., 3s. 6d. each; and in 21 parts, cloth limp, price 6d. each.

Trimmer's (Mrs.) New Testament Lessons. With 40 Engravings.


Square 16mo. Cloth elegant, fully Illustrated.

Angelo; or, The Pine Forest in the Alps. By Geraldine E. Jewsbury. 5th Thousand.

Aunt Annette's Stories to Ada. By Annette A. Salaman.

Brave Nelly; or, Weak Hands and a Willing Heart. By M. E. B. (Mrs. Gellie). 5th Thousand.

Featherland; or, How the Birds Lived at Greenlawn. By G. M. Fenn. 4th Thousand.

Humble Life: A Tale of Humble Homes. By the Author of "Gerty and May," &c.

Kingston's (W. H. G.) Child of the Wreck: or, The Loss of the Royal George.

Lee's (Mrs. R.) Playing at Settlers; or, The Faggot House.

Lee's (Mrs. R.) Twelve Stories of the Sayings and Doings of Animals.

Little Lisette, the Orphan of Alsace. By M. E. B. (Mrs. Gellie).

Live Toys; or, Anecdotes of our Four-Legged and other Pets. By Emma Davenport.

Long Evenings; or, Stories for my Little Friends. By Emilia Marryat.

Three Wishes (The). By Mrs. Gellie (M. E. B.)




Thirty volumes, well illustrated, small 8vo, clearly printed on good paper, and strongly bound in elegant cloth boards.

Adventures in Fanti-land. By Mrs. R. Lee.

African Cruiser (The). By S. Whitchurch Sadler.

Always Happy; or, Anecdotes of Felix and his Sister.

Aunt Mary's Bran Pie. By the author of "St. Olave's."

A Child's Influence. By Lisa Lockyer.

Battle and Victory. By C. E. Bowen.

Constance and Nellie. By Emma Davenport.

Corner Cottage, and its Inmates. By Frances Osborne.

Distant Homes. By Mrs. J. E. Aylmer.

Father Time's Story Book. By Kathleen Knox.

From Peasant to Prince. By Mrs. Pietzker.

Good in Everything. By Mrs. Barwell.

Granny's Wonderful Chair. By B. F. Browne.

Happy Holidays. By Emma Davenport.

Happy Home. By Lady Lushington.

The Heroic Wife. By W. H. G. Kingston.

Helen in Switzerland. By Lady Lushington.

Holidays Abroad; or, Right at Last. By Emma Davenport.

Lucy's Campaign. By M. & C. Lee.

Lost in the Jungle. By Augusta Marryat.

Louisa Broadhurst. By A. Milner.

My Grandmother's Budget. By Mrs. Broderip.

Our Birthdays. By Emma Davenport.

Our Home in the Marshland. By E. L. F.

Parted. By N. D'Anvers.

Pictures of Girl Life. By C. A. Howell.

School Days in Paris. By M. S. Le Jeune.

Starlight Stories. By Fanny Lablache.

Sunnyland Stories. By the author of "St. Olaves."

Tittle-Tattle: and other stories for Children.




Thirty volumes, well illustrated, small 8vo, clearly printed on good paper, and strongly bound in elegant cloth boards.

Adrift on the Sea. By E. M. Norris.

Alice and Beatrice. By Grandmamma.

Among the Brigands. By C. E. Bowen.

Amy's Wish: A Fairy Tale. By Mr. G. Tyler.

Cat and Dog; or, Puss and the Captain.

Children of the Parsonage. By the author of "Gerty & May."

Children's Picnic (The). By E. Marryat Norris.

Christian Elliott; or, Mrs. Danver's Prize. By L. N. Comyn.

Claudine; or, Humility the Basis of all the Virtues.

Crib and Fly: the Story of Two Terriers.

The Discontented Children. By M. and E. Kirby.

Fickle Flora and her Seaside Friends. By Emma Davenport.

Geoffrey's Great Fault. By E. Marryat Norris.

Grandmamma's Relics. By C. E. Bowen.

Harry at School. A Story for Boys. By E. Marryat Norris.

The Hero of Brittany; or, The Story of Bertrand du Gueselin.

Hofer, the Tyrolese. By the Author of "William Tell."

Holiday Tales. By Florence Wilford.

Holidays among the Mountains. By M. Betham Edwards.

Johnny Miller. By Felix Weiss.

Julia Maitland. By M. and E. Kirby.

Neptune: The Autobiography of a Newfoundland Dog.

New Baby (The). By the author of "Our White Violet."

Our White Violet. By the author of "Gerty and May."

Paul Howard's Captivity. By E. Marryat Norris.

The Stolen Cherries; or, Tell the Truth at Once.

Sunny Days. By the author of "Our White Violet."

What became of Tommy. By E. Marryat Norris.

William Tell, the Patriot of Switzerland. By Florian.

Wrecked, not Lost. By the Hon. Mrs. Dundas.



Fifteen Volumes, Cloth elegant, with coloured frontispiece and title-page, One Shilling each.

1. The Eskdale Herd Boy. By Lady Stoddart.

2. Mrs. Leicester's School. By Charles and Mary Lamb.

3. The History of the Robins. By Mrs. Trimmer.

4. Memoir of Bob, the Spotted Terrier.

5. Keeper's Travels in Search of His Master.

6. The Scottish Orphans. By Lady Stoddart.

7. Never Wrong; or, the Young Disputant; & It was only in Fun.

8. The Life and Perambulations of a Mouse.

9. The Son of a Genius. By Mrs. Hofland.

10. The Daughter of a Genius. By Mrs. Hofland.

11. Ellen, the Teacher. By Mrs. Hofland.

12. Theodore; or The Crusaders. By Mrs. Hofland.

13. Right and Wrong. By the Author of "Always Happy."

14. Harry's Holiday. By Jefferys Taylor.

15. Short Poems and Hymns for Children.


Price One Shilling each.

The Picturesque Primer. Paper Boards.

Fragments of Knowledge for Little Folk. Paper Boards.

Easy Reading for Little Readers. Paper Boards.

The Nursery Companion. Paper Boards.

These Four Volumes contain about 450 pictures; each one being complete in itself, and bound in an attractive paper cover, in boards (also with coloured Illustrations, 2s.)

The Four Volumes bound together form the "Favourite Picture Book," bound in cloth, price 5s., or coloured Illustrations, gilt edges, 10s. 6d.

Australian Babes in the Wood (The): a True Story told in Rhyme for the Young. Price 1s. boards, 1s. 6d. cloth, gilt edges.

Babies' Museum (The): or Rhymes, Jingles, and Ditties for the Nursery. By Uncle Charlie. Fully Illustrated, or paper boards, 1s. 6d.

Classics for the Million. By H. Grey. (Or bound in cloth, price 2s.)

Cowslip (The). Fully Illustrated cloth, 1s. plain; 1s. 6d. coloured.

Daisy (The). Fully Illustrated cloth, 1s. plain; 1s. 6d. coloured.

Dame Partlett's Farm. An Account of the Riches she obtained by Industry, &c. Coloured Illustrations, sewed.

Fairy Gifts: or a Wallet of Wonders. By Kathleen Knox. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Fancy boards.

Fairy Land. By the late Thomas and Jane Hood. Fancy boards.

Female Christian Names, and their Teachings. A Gift Book for Girls. By Mary E. Bromfield. Gilt edges.

Golden Words for Children, from the Book of Life. In English, French, and German. A set of Illuminated Cards in Packet. Or bound in cloth interleaved, price 2s. 6d. gilt edges.

Goody Two Shoes: or The History of Little Margery Meanwell in Rhyme. Fully Illustrated.

Hand Shadows, to be thrown upon the Wall. Novel and amusing figures formed by the hand. By Henry Bursill. Two Series in one. (Or coloured Illustrations, 1s. 6d.)

Nine Lives of a Cat (The): a Tale of Wonder. Written and Illustrated by C. H. Bennett. 24 Coloured Engravings, sewed.

Peter Piper. Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation. Coloured Illustrations, sewed.

Plaiting Pictures. A Novel Pastime by which Children can construct and reconstruct pictures for themselves. Four Series in Fancy Coloured Wrappers. Oblong 4to.

First Series.—Juvenile Party—Zoological Gardens—The Gleaner.
Second Series.—Birds' Pic-nic—Cats' Concert—Three Bears.
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Fourth Series.—Grandfather's Birthday—Gymnasium—Play-room.

Primrose Pilgrimage (The): a Woodland Story. By M. Betham Edwards. Illustrated by Macquoid. Sewed.

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Each Subject may be had separately. 6d. plain; 1s. coloured.

Short and Simple Prayers, with Hymns for the Use of Children. By the Author of "Mamma's Bible Stories." Cloth.

Short Stories for Children about Animals. In Words of One Syllable. Fully Illustrated by Harrison Weir.

Stage in the Drawing Room (The). By Henry J. Dakin.

Ten New Christmas Carols for Children. The Words by Mrs. Hernaman, and the Music by Alfred Redhead, composer of "The Story of the Cross," &c. Price 1-1/2d. each, or Ten Numbers, bound together in a stiff paper cover, price 1s. 6d.

I.—Jesus in the Manger.
II.—The Birthday of Birthdays.
III.—The Welcome Home.
IV.—Carol to Jesus Sleeping.
V.—The Lambs in the Field.
VI.—Round about the Christmas Tree.
VII.—Carol for the Children of Jesus.
VIII.—Christmas Song.
IX.—Old Father Christmas.
X.—We'll the Fire.
The Words only of the above ten Carols may be had sewed price One Penny.

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Upside Down; or, Turnover Traits. By Thomas Hood.

Whittington and his Cat. Coloured Illustrations, sewed.

Young Vocalist (The). A Collection of Twelve Songs, each with an Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. By Mrs. Mounsey Bartholomew. (Or bound in cloth, price 2s.)

Outlines of the Saints. St. Andrew, St. Thomas, St. Stephen, and St. John, and the Holy Innocents. By E. M. P. Sewed, price 6d.


Price 9d. each, elegantly bound in Paper Boards, with Covers in Chromo-lithography.




Especially adapted for School Prizes and Rewards. In one way or another, the books either impart knowledge about Animals, or inculcate the desirableness of treating them with kindness.

Little Nellie's Bird Cage. By Mrs. R. Lee, Author of "The African Wanderers," &c.

The Tiny Menagerie. By Mrs. R. Lee, Author of "The African Wanderers," &c.

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The Mischievous Monkey. By the Author of "Odd Stories."

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The Pet Pony. By the Author of "Trottie's Story Book."

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In 21 Parts, cloth limp, fancy binding, with Chromo on side. Price 6d. each.


Fully illustrated.

N.B.—Each Tale is Illustrated and complete in itself.

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3. Michael Hale and His Family in Canada.

4. John Armstrong, the Soldier.

5. Joseph Rudge, the Australian Shepherd.

6. Life Underground; or, Dick the Colliery Boy.

7. Life on the Coast; or, the Little Fisher Girl.

8. Adventures of Two Orphans in London.

9. Early Days on Board a Man-of-War.

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11. The Tenants of Sunnyside Farm.

12. Holmwood: or, the New Zealand Settler.

13. A Bit of Fun, and what it cost.

14. Sweethearts: A Tale of Village Life.

15. Helpful Sam. By M. A. B.

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17. A Wise Woman. By F. Bayford Harrison.

18. Saturday Night. By F. Bayford Harrison.

19. Second Best. By F. Bayford Harrison.

20. Little Betsy. By Mrs. E. Relton.

21. Louie White's Hop-picking. By Miss Jenner.

N.B.—The first Twelve parts may also be had in 4 volumes, 1s. 6d. each vol., and 2 volumes, 3s. 6d.each vol.



A Series of Twelve elegant little volumes in Cloth extra, with Picture on front, price 6d. each. The 12 vols. in a Box, price 6s. Every page is Illustrated.

They are especially suited for School Prizes and Rewards.

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2. Mamma's Pretty Gift Book.

3. Neddy's Picture Story Book.

4. Stories for Play Time.

5. The Christmas Gift Book.

6. The Prize Picture Book.

7. Little Tommy's Story Book.

8. Bright Picture Pages.

9. My Little Boy's Story Book.

10. What Santa Claus gave me.

11. Tiny Stories for Tiny Boys.

12. Little Boy Blue's Picture Book.



A Series of Twelve elegant little volumes in cloth, with, Picture on front, price 6d. each. The 12 vols. in Box, price 6s. Every page is Illustrated.

They are especially suited for School Prizes and Rewards.

1. Nellie's Picture Stories.

2. Stories and Pictures for little Troublesome.

3. Little Trotabout's Picture Stories.

4. Birdie's Scrap Book.

5. Stories for Little Curly Locks.

6. Bright Pictures for Roguish Eyes.

7. Daisy's Picture Album.

8. Wee-Wee Stories for Wee-Wee Girls.

9. May's Little Story Book.

10. Gipsy's Favourite Companion.

11. My Own Story Book.

12. Pretty Pet's Gift Book.


With original designs by Ida Waugh. Exquisitely printed in bright colours, and issued in attractive and elegant covers. Verses by Amy Blanchard. Price 6d. each.

The following is a List of the Books in the Series.

1. Holly Gatherers.

2. Little May.

3. Horatio Hamilton Harris.

4. Our Boys.

5. The Christmas Carol.

6. Our Pussy Cat.


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The Demonstration Frame, for Class Teaching, on which the formation of almost any Stitch may be exhibited, is used in the best German Schools. Complete, with Special Needle and Cord, price, 5s. 6d. A Stand for the Frame may also be had, price 7s. 6d.


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Recommended by the Educational Department.

They contain full Instructions as to Pin Drill, Position Drill, and Needle Drill, as required by the New Code.

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The following is a List of the Series, which is now Complete:—

Alphabets for Marking6Sheets.
True Marking Stitch1Sheet.
Herring Bone1"
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Stocking Sheet1"
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The Diagrams referred to in the Book, printed on stout paper and enclosed in an envelope. Price 1s.

Drawing Book, Needlework Schedule III., Educational Code for 1882. Cutting-out required in Standards V., VI. and VII., and for Pupil Teachers of the fourth year. Containing also copies of Schedule III. for Girls, the Schedule for Pupil Teachers, and the instruction to Her Majesty's Inspectors. Appendix I., Needlework on the day of Inspection. Price 3d.

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DARNELL, G.Arithmetic made Intelligible to Children. Being a Series of Gradually Advancing Exercises, intended to employ the Reason rather than the Memory of the Pupil; with ample Explanations of every Difficulty, in Language adapted to the comprehension of very young Students. Cloth, 1s. 6d.

This work may be had in Three Parts:—Part I., price 6d.; Part II., price 9d.; Part III., price 6d.
A Key to Parts II. and III., price 1s. (Part I. does not require a Key.)

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All the operations of Arithmetic are presented under Forty Heads, and on opening at any one of the Examination Papers, a Complete Set of Examples appears, carefully graduated.
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The Answers only, price 1s. 6d. cloth.

One Thousand Algebraical Tests: on the same plan. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d.
Answers to the Algebraical Tests, 2s. 6d. cloth.

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An Aid to Arithmetic. By E. Diver, M.D. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, price 6d.

The Essentials of Geometry, Plane and Solid, as taught in Germany and France. For Students preparing for Examination, Cadets in Naval and Military Schools, Technical Classes, &c. By J. R. Morell, formerly one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. With numerous Diagrams. Cloth, 2s.

The "Code" Test Cards in Arithmetic: A Series of Cards for the various Standards, Mental on one side of the Card, and General Arithmetic on the other. The whole Series has been expressly designed to meet the requirements of the New Code for Standards II., III., IV., V., VI., and VII., each Standard distinguished by its own colour. In cloth case, price 1s. each.


A Dictionary of English History, chronologically arranged for Examination Students. By Myra Marbron. Being a synopsis of all the principal events with dates in English History. Cloth.

A useful book to teachers and learners.

Historical Readers. By Oscar Browning, M.A., Senior Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and University Lecturer on History.

Book I.—Stories from English History,144pp.,cloth boards,10d.
" II.—England to 1485160pp."1s.
" III.—England to 1660166pp."1s.
" IV.—England to present date168pp."1s.

Each book contains a map of England and numerous illustrations, and the right number of lessons and of pages to satisfy the requirements of the New Code and of the recent Circular. Plans of important battles are also introduced.

The paper, printing, and binding are alike excellent.

The above series is the work of an eminent historian, who has made it his aim that the books should be readable and should be history, and who has avoided, as far as possible, the multiplication of dates and proper names, which burden the memory without appealing to the intelligence; and they will be found far superior to any set yet published, for instruction, for interest, for accuracy, and for purity of style in composition. They are equally suited for board schools and for voluntary schools; no political or religious views are contemned, none specially approved.

Test Exercises in Arithmetic and in Mental Arithmetic. A Series of Seven Packets of Duplex Cards for the Seven Standards, founded on the latest requirements of the Mundella Code, and in accordance with the revised instructions issued to H.M. Inspectors of Schools. Price 1s. per Packet of Thirty Cards.

Dictation Exercises. A Graduated Collection, chiefly selected from the works of Standard Authors; for use in Schools of all grades, and for Students preparing for Oxford and Cambridge Local, Civil Service, and other Examinations. By the Editor of "Poetry for the Young." Cloth, price 2s. 6d.


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Book I. Vertical and Horizontal Lines of varying lengths in combination.

Book II. Vertical and Horizontal Lines, with Oblique Lines crossing one space at a time.

Book III. Vertical and Horizontal Lines, with Oblique Lines crossing more than one space at a time.

A Kindergarten Drawing Book. Compiled by T. G. Rooper. Cloth, price 1s. 6d. A book for Infants' Mistresses, containing over two hundred exercises in drawing for the blackboard, by means of which the children of from four to seven years of age may be so trained in drawing as to be able to enter readily upon the course prescribed for the Standards.

Infant School Drill. Cloth, price 1s. 6d. Exercises for the healthy development of the body, with suitable tunes and sixty-six explanatory diagrams. Arranged for the use of infants' schools by Winifred Wilson.

Recitations for Infants Schools; Including old-fashioned Nursery Rhymes, and other Pieces suitable for children up to eight years of age, written by authors whose names guarantee merit. Compiled by Wilhelmina Rooper. Cloth boards, price 9d.

These may be purchased of all booksellers; or copies will be sent free by post on receipt of the published price.


Specially compiled to meet the requirements of Circular 228.


Trin. Coll., Camb., Author of "The Teacher,"

Adopted by the School Boards for London, Leeds, Leicester, Derby, &c.

VII. " VII. with an Atlas of Physical Geography(16 Maps) and numerous Illustrations. 220 pp., full bound, cloth boards, price 2s.

Each of these books contains the right number of lessons and of pages to satisfy all the requirements of the Code and of the recent Circular.


"The Readers bear evidence on every page of the author's great experience of School Work, and of his thorough grasp of the conditions under which the elements of geography are taught in the standards."—School Board Chronicle.

"In an examination of these volumes the feature that first strikes the reader is, probably, the amount of information stored within them, and the more one penetrates into them the more this becomes apparent. The author has spared no labour to make his books the means of conveying geographical knowledge. The information is full, sound, and exhibits considerable research. Illustrations are introduced here and there, and the maps are very well done—distinct, not crowded with names, but just sufficient to strike the attention of the pupil."—Schoolmaster.



After over a quarter of a century of public favour, are everywhere acknowledged as the best for simplicity and thoroughness. With these Copy-books the pupil advances in the art of writing with ease and rapidity, while the labour of the teacher is very greatly lightened. They are used in nearly all the best schools in Great Britain and the Colonies, and are adapted to the new Educational Code.


I. It is the production of an experienced Schoolmaster.

II. It gradually advances from the Simple Stroke to a superior Small-hand.

III. The assistance given in the primal lesson is reduced as the learner progresses, until all guidance is safely withdrawn.

IV. The number and variety of the copies secure attention, and prevent the pupils copying their own writing, as in books with single head-lines.

V. The system insures the progress of the learner, and greatly lightens the labours of the teacher.

DARNELL'S UNIVERSAL TWOPENNY COPY-BOOKS, for the Standards. 16 Nos., Fcap 4to.

1 Elementary.
2 Single and Double Letters.
3 Large Text (Short Words).

3 Large Text (Short Words).
4 Large Text (Short Words).
5 Text, Large Text, and Figures.

6 Text, Round, Capitals, & Figures.
7 Text, Round and Small.
8 Text, Round, Small, & Figures.

9 Text, Round, Small, & Figures.
10 Text, Round, Small, & Figures.
11 Round, Small, and Figures.

12 Round, Small, and Figures.
13 Round and Small.
14 Round and Small.

15 Small Hand.
16 Small Hand.

DARNELL'S LARGE POST COPY-BOOKS. 16 Nos., 6d. each. The first ten of which have on every alternate line appropriate and carefully-written copies, in Pencil-coloured Ink, to be first written over and then imitated; the remaining numbers having Black Head-lines for imitation only. The whole gradually advancing from a simple Stroke to a superior Small-hand.

1Elementary (Strokes, &c.)
2Single Letters.
3, 4Large Text (Short Words).
5Text, Large Text, and Figures.
6Round Text, Capitals, & Figures.
7Text, Round & Small.
8, 9, 10Text, Round, Small, & Figures.
11, 12Round, Small, and Figures.
13, 14Round and Small.
15, 16Small-hand.

DARNELL'S FOOLSCAP COPY-BOOKS. 24 Nos., 3d. each, green covers; or on a superior paper, marble covers, 4d. each.

1Elementary (Strokes, &c.)
2Single Letters.
3, 4Large Text (Short Words).
5Text, Large Text and Figures.
6Text, Round and Capitals.
7Round, Small and Figures.
8Text, Round and Small.
9Round, Small, and Figures.
10, 11Round and Small.
12, 13, 15Round, Small, & Figures.
14Round and Small.
16 to 20Small-hand.
21Ornamental Hands.
22 to 24Ladies' Angular Writing.


A Graduated Collection in Four Parts.

Part I.... 128 pp.... 9d.
Part II.... 176 pp.... 1s.
Part III.... 194 pp.... 1s.
Part IV.... 166 pp.... 9d.

Part I. is recommended for the lower Standards; Part II. for the Higher; Part III. as a Reading-Book (under the New Code) for Standards V., VI., and VII.; and Parts III. and IV. (which can be procured in one volume) as Class-Books of Poetry for Candidates and Pupil Teachers.

Poetry for the Young. The above Collection in One Volume. Fully Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 645 pp. handsomely bound, cloth, price 3s. 6d.; or in Roxburgh binding for presentation, price 5s.

May also be had in Two Volumes, price 2s. each.

"We cannot too highly recommend the care, the discrimination, and the sound taste that have presided over the selection of this volume of 'Poetry for the Young.'"—Standard.

"It is the first successful effort to produce a really well graduated book of poetry for the young."—Schoolmistress.



Adopted by the London School Board.

"Poetry for the Young," the most complete collection of high-class Poetry in the English Language, has met with so favourable a reception that we have brought it out in a form and at a price which will place it within the reach of EVERY CHILD IN EVERY SCHOOL.

The choicest Poems in the collection have been selected for the SEPARATE BOOKS for SEPARATE STANDARDS, and the utmost pains have been taken to make the print, paper, and binding as perfect as possible.

The Prices and Sizes of the Books are as follows:—

& VII.,
In order to economise space, the texts only of the Poems have been given; but the teacher, who possesses the complete work, either in one volume or in the four parts, will find everything explained that can possibly need explanation.




(a) Explanatory Notes. (b) Biographical Notes. (c) A Glossary of Rare or Difficult Words.

Primer, Part I.161814Paper 1d. or
Cloth 1-1/2d.
Primer, Part II.484331Cloth 3d.
Primer, Part IIA. being the first 32 pages of Primer II.,Paper 2d. or
Cloth 2-1/2d.
Infant Reader,645532cloth 4d.
Infant Reader, (abridged) being the 1st 48 pgs. of Infant Reader,cloth 3d.
Infant Reader, (enlarged) being the Infant Reader increased by 16 pages,cloth 5d.
Standard I. Reader,965129cl. Limp. 6d.
cl. bds. 8d.
Standard II. Reader,1446134cl. bds. 9d.
Standard III. Reader,1926225"      1/-
Standard IV. Reader,2887426"      1/6
Standard V. Reader,3208622"      1/9
Standard VI. Reader,3847926"      2/0
Standard VII. Reader,3847926"      2/6


In accordance with the wishes of a large number of Teachers, Messrs. Griffith, Farran, & Co. have issued a shorter edition of the "Standard Authors" Readers.

BookI.96pages,80pagesReadingMatter6d. & 8d.

N.B.—No alterations have been made in the Lessons, the changes are confined to the omission of the later pages. The appendices are continued in each book.





THE DISK: a Prophetic Reflection. By E. A. Robinson and G. W. Wall.

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CAPE COD FOLKS. By Sally Pratt McLean.

"For those who seek amusement there is something to make the reader chuckle on every page."—Athenćum.

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A VOICE FROM THE DIM MILLIONS. Edited by M. C. Despard. Frontispiece by Fred. Barnard.

"We heartily commend this little book to our readers."—Church Bells.

"Grimly and yet pathetically told."—Citizen.

"We trust this little book will reach a wide circle of our readers."—Literary World.


AMBULANCE LECTURES: or, What to do in Cases of Accidents or Sudden Illness. By L. A. Weatherley, M.D., Lecturer to the Ambulance Department, Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. With numerous Illustrations. Cloth, thoroughly revised.

"Very good, and expressed in the plainest language."—The Medical Record.

"A safe guide in cases of emergency; will supply a much-felt want."—British Medical Journal.


THE YOUNG WIFE'S OWN BOOK: A Manual of Personal and Family Hygiene, containing everything that the Young Wife and Mother ought to know concerning her own Health, at the most important periods of her life, and that of her Children. By L. A. Weatherley, M.D.

"We recommend it with confidence."—Bazaar.

"A most useful book, with the best possible taste."—City Press.

Transcribers note:

Book titles on page 11 of the original were not bold—they have been rendered as bold in this e-book for consistency.

End of Project Gutenberg's A Catalogue of Books for the Young, by Various


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